Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1884, Image 8

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    > &
Wednesday Morning , Fob. 6 ,
A party of soldiers pMsod through thin
city , westward bound , yesterday.
The remains of John 1) . Keating were
taken to Dnbuquo yostordayaftornoon on the
3 ; 10 train.
There ! t a public "night school bald on
Douglas street , o\er Tlrrell & Cook's shoo
store nightly.
A cancer tumor of unusual ( I/o WM re
moved from the body of Walter W. Jefferson
on Saturday lost. The patient In getting along1
very nicely.
A sneak thtof lout night stole from a poor
vromtn nt 210 North Sixteenth ntroot her
whole washing , not even loating the line upon
which it won hanging1.
A. B. Cook was In pollco'courtthts mornIng -
Ing charged with vagrancy. lie was sent over
the hill for fifteen da ; * , during which period
Ii9 will subsist on broad and water.
A. K , Newton , northwestern passenger
agent of the K. C. , IX Scott & Gulf road ,
In in the city , arranging to take a largo party
of oicurslonlsta to the Now Orleans Mardl
Meyer Hollman wan yesterday appolnto
assignee , by County Judge Clmdwtck , of tb
bankrupt stock of froods of I. Kothholz , th
Tenth street clothing merchant , who falloi
no ; oral weeks ago.
There Is an old saying that "a thing o
beauty ii a joy forever. " Wo were shown n
beautiful burial case , elegantly trimmed , Dili
morning , but an for ItH being a Joy fanner ,
wo fall to see It.
The wlfo of Mr. Johnson , whoso team ant
wagon were lost in the Missouri a week Sun
day , Is around soliciting mibjcriptlons to re
place the lois. Her husband is now lylncj
very 111 from the result of the accident ant
- The funeral of Dan Hurley will bo hold
this morning at 0 a. m. nt the residence 818
South avonuo. The remains will then bo
escorted to St. Phllomona's cathedral by the
A. O. II. band and tbonco bo taken to Holy
Sopulchro for Intormont.
The ladles of the Dodge street Presbyte
rian churcb , whojo names commence with L.
and M. , will give a Roclabfo and oyster mippcr
on Thursday evening , at the churclu Good
music will bo given by some of the bast Blngors
in town. Supper will commence nt C o'clock
I * , m.
The Omaha and Loadvlllo extension of
the Union Pacific railway , from Dillon to
Iioadvillo , was finished and opened for busl-
\ ness yostesday , nnd will bo called "Tho High
.J.lno. " It is the shortest route to Loadylllo ,
being 135 miles nliortor than the Denver &
3Uo Giftiido road to tbo same point.
Suit was Instituted yesterday In Justice
Anderson's court by Shrlvor & Boll against
Charity K. Brunnor , ono of the delivery
clerks in the postofllco department to recover
SG2.GO ; . commission on the sale of a lot In
North Olnaha , which the plaintiffs made to
Wllllanmitcholl. Mr. Brunnor refused to
Kocuto a deed to the lot after the sale was
made or to pay hit agents any commission for
the fialo thereof.
JV-A woman who lives near the gas works
" ' " 'mod to have boon robbed of an overcoat
night , and approached Officer Tumbull
and wanted lihn to look It up , ho agreed to
show him wlytf slio auspoctod it was , but In-
alsted tha > ( StfiuM go homo nnd change his
ion's suit before eho would
She said xho mustn't bo noon
tpolfoptnau. Wo did not suppose
r < orHonWdJ contamlnatod by slm-
bilMalkiiig wrVaUtTfcor , but sucli It soonm
ot upon the street
_ Ry morning , nudjlils
pdlngly erect , Ills atop waa quick
j wreathed In smiles. The re-
cauno of all
i pound boy.
. clrcum-
i ho has BUO-
IToJ Hvo bus- !
lS *
The Meeting of the Board of Managers
at the Paxlon
All Arrangements to t > o Completed
The first mooting of the board
of managers of the State Agricul
tural society was hold in rooms 23 and
24 of the Fatten hotel last evening.
There were present S. M. Baker , Silver
Greek ; Ed. Mclntyro , So ward ; L. A.
Kent , Mindcn ; W. B. White , Toka.
mah , and J. Jensen , Geneva ; Messrs.
Ilarttnan , Dinamoro and Furnas , other
members of the society were also pres
ent. Minutes of the previous meeting
were road and approved.
A commmunication had boon received
early in the evening that the Omaha
Driving Park association had refused to
rent their grounds on the terms propos
cd. The condition of affair * was dis
cussed at length. Late in the evening
Mr. James E. Boyd , president of th
Omaha Driving Park association , caino
in and stated his terms , which were tha
the park owners must have 10 per con
of the gross receipts , the 10 per cent o :
the state appropriation to bo excluded
and the fair to bo hold here tor five
years , but if the board of managers
would make him a proposition for ono
joar on the same terms ho
would lot them knovr im
short time whether or not they would
xcopt it.
Mr. Boyd claimed that the state
authorities had accepted his offer for ono
year only , and that iio was not bound by
the action of the state board of agricul
ture in January last. Mr. Boyd stated
that the association could make moro
money without the fair than with it.
The following is a copy of the offer
made by the O. D. P. A. to the State
Agricultural society in January , 1883 ,
which was accepted by the state authori
ties :
OMAHA , January 4 , 1883.
To the Honorable State Board of Agriculture
of Nebraska :
The undersigned , stockholders of tfio
Omaha Driving Park association , respect
fully submit the following proposition for
the use of said association grounds for
state fair purposes for the the years 1883
and 188-1 : First , the proceeds of the
quarter stretch and ampithoatro for the
years 1881 , 1882 , 1883 and 1884 ; second ,
if doomed advisable to enlarge the am
phitheatre , one-half of the expenses to
bo berne by the stato. Extent of en
largement to bo determined by the two
bonds of management.
.T J. BiiowiCi
A motion was then made and carried
that an oll'or of 10 per cent of the gross
proceeds bo offered to the Omaha Driv
ing Park association , the state appropri
ation not included , for the use of the
grounds for this year's statu fair.
Mr. Boyd , who was present , said ho
would do all in his power to obtain the
ronsont of the association and would lot
the board know at 10 o'clock this morn
The board then adjourned until 10 a.
n. to-day.
A Very Iloniarknblo Kccovcry.
Mr. Goo. V. Willing , of Manchester , Mich. ,
vrltos : "My wlfo has boon almost liolnlosu
or five years , so holplost that uho could not
urn over in bed alono. She used two tiottlos
if Uoctrlo Bittern , and Is BO much Improved ,
, hat she Is now able to do her own work. "
Kloctrlo Bittern will do nil that In claimed
'or tliom. Hundreds of testimonials nttost
; holr areat curatlvo nowcra. Only fifty cents
i by t tlo at 0. 1' ' ' . Goodman's.
Clio Qucou or the Cannibal Islands
Passes Through Omaha Incog.
On Thursday last the queen of the
Cannibal Inlands arrived in Omaha , She
took breakfast at the depot eating house ,
nul was there BOOH by a DEE reporter ,
who recognized her at a glance. Upon
ipproaching the lady the reporter was
kindly received , and conversed with her
for some titno in her native tongue , dur
ing which conversation she begged not
to have it mads public that she was really
x rjuqdn , for nlb ) was in such mortal fear
sf | > bing bored | to death by Chicago news
paper reporter The reporter promised
bo grant boj irtquost , partly for her sake
nnd partly from the fact Unit his intimate
isaociationa with Mugs and queens has
ftused him to look upon them in a sort
ul indilToront manner , in fact wo have
"ton "called" upon tttrno queens at ono
| p and. then didn't consider it much ,
f boon roared in the lap 'of royalty ,
( [ royal lady loft for Chicago , and
jro ferreted _ oilt by an ungentle-
.ily IntopiOcoah reporter , Vho gave
( whfflo snap 'away ' , and hence wo do
UwU houqr bound to keep the mat-
' * -ox-ft , lotiget. , J-
. _ niioon was accotnpaniod.riy a
bdlman an attache , qf the co&t of
; Portjoro , and was traveling "incog. "
- Jakua requested her to call
Dr Qliaso,1 while pawing' through
imli& mayor was absent in
L one djd not BOO him.
rara Falls , go from
k , whence aho will
r La Belle , Franco.
- gi Z
tsS > AA . .
.8 Tl.JbM(0 >
U iiover
-Iy frlonda to
; , epenk of It In
in cured by it of
a years , I censure -
sure euro for
- . Gooduiau'H
Bottle. Largo
'uouri'onco. '
unfortunuto man
hospital hut
to have
lotcd by
Ofllcors Lane and Hinchoy upon
a pile of rocks , in a terribly
bruited and battered condition , and
and WAS takonMw thorn in their arms and
carried to the police station. Thppolico-
men who carried him to the station em
phatically deny that they oven ntnick
him. Iio wan soon taken to the hospital ,
and last evening died there. Dr. Lwing
Brown , who attended him , saya ho died
from injuries received , but by whom or
by what moans inflicted ho was unable
to state ,
Carroll waa without friends here , but
had a wife in Chicago who was tele
graphed and asked wnat should bo done
with the remains.
A Man ClaimiDg to be a Doctor Who
is no Doctor ,
lie Makes n Specially orTnpo Worms
nnd Swindles a Number of
Omaha People.
About four or five months ago there
came to this city a man who represented
himself to bo a doctor. lie had long
wavy hair and heavy moustache. II
opened an oflico on Califonia street , between
twoon Eighteenth and Nineteenth
streets , but did not hang out any sign
After remaining there for several
weeks ho suddenly disappeared and was
gene from the city for some little time ,
when ho again turned un , but not in his
tormor style , for upon his second coming
his hair was cut close to his head and his
face was shaved smooth.
Iio 1'avo his name as Dr. O'Doll , and
located at the corner of Sixteenth and
Chicago streets , where , together witli
woman , ho ate , slept and had his oflico.
Iio made a specialty of tape worms , and
ho had two or three old women canvass
ing for him , and wherever a patient could
bo induced to visit him ho made an ex
amination and pronounced the trouble
tape worm. This usually frightened the
patient , which was _ generally a woman ,
and ho i.iirnodiatoly entered into an
agreement with the person to remove
the object of so much trouble.
A gentleman who lives in .North Omaha
told a Km : reporter a few days since that
his wife had teen treated by this man
O'Doll , and ho explained the manner of
his treatment. Iio says that O'Doll told
the lady that she'had a tape worm , and
agreed to remove it for the sum of $15.
This same gentleman assorts that this
O'Doll keeps constantly on hand a worm
about eighteen inches in length , and ho
is positive that this worm is injected and
then is taken from the patient , and that
is as near as any ono who visits him comes
to a tape worm , but it is near enough so
that the quack gets his foes.
Now this swindler has no certificate or
diploma to show that ho has over studied
medicine , and is no more of a doctor than
Iio is a banker , and under the laws of
this state , which provides that every
practicing physician shall register in the
iflico of the county clerk , ho is liable to
irrost. Iio is an impostor of the most
base description and should bo run out
) f town without delay.
Wo are informed that ho was run out
) f Dos Moines and branded as a quack
) f the worst description and his sudden
lonarturo from this city some time since
rvas caused by the appearance of a do-
octivo who was in search of him. There
ire in this city a sufliciont number of
; oed responsible physicians who have
lompliod with all the requirements of
aw and are fully entitled to practice
nodicino , and yet some people \rill bo
unk "suckers enough to patronize
ivory fool quack who may chance to
lomo along. A man who thoroughly un-
lorstands his business in any professionor
minch of trade , does not need to travel
rpm town to town. Just boar this in
K. J. Richards , for Homo time pant engaged
n business In city , loft ycatorday for a ( trip to
H. Louis and Now Orleans. Ho goes for his
loalth and will return in the spring.
Bishop Clarksan , Uoan Mlllapaugh , Itovs.
U. T. Carry , J. J. Paulson , K. Doherty and
3. S. Wlthcrapoon , loft on the noon train to-
lay ti attend the convocation which convene : )
n Grand Island , 1'obruary Rth , Oth , and 7th.
J. J. O , Ball , of Denver , passed through
his city jostorda noon , homeward bound.Ho
ias boon on a trip to Now York. Mr. Ball
vas , fur a number of yours , the unlun ticket
rent at Dotuor , and Is very well known all
hroiiKh the western country.
W. D. Hill , of Beatrice , Is at the Pavton ,
A. P. Spencer , Kansas City , is registered
it the Mlllanl.
W. H. Dickinson , dlvlilon superintendent
> f the U. 1' . , is registered at the Mlllard.
W. B. White , Tokamah , K. M. Greene ,
) 't. Calhoun : K. Molntyre , Seward ; S. M.
3arlow , Sliver Crook ; J. D. Dinimoro , Hut-
on vnd li , A. Kent , Mtndon , are at the Pox-
M. K. Wheeler , Oolmnbus ; Goo. A. Brooks ,
Jarllo Mills , are at the Mlllard.
Hon. Tiaaa Powers , attorney-gsnoral , is In
ho city , on his way to Dakota City from Lin.
: oln , and U stopping at the Mlllard.
Hon. K. K. Valentino will loa\o for Wash-
ugton this morning , accompanied by hU wlfo ,
tlio lion cnllklontly recovered from her recent
llnem to travel.
J. M , Camp , Unooln , Uat the Mlllard ,
Charles Alien and wife , Kearney ; James
Haul , David City , and N , 0. Soars , North
Jond , are guests of the Mlllard.
S. Garbly , Hod Cloud , U at the Motropol.
II , D. Jones , day clerk of the Metropolitan
lotol , la nick of congestion of tha lungs.
Owen Darls , Lincoln , H. W. Brandon ,
recumsob , W. J. Hills , St. Louis , W. P.
Noble , Keokuk , Iowa , W. O. James , War-
taw , 111. , ure guests of tha Metropolitan.
0. D. Mortlu , Dakota City , editor of The
Ajgus , U registered at the Metropolitan.
S. W. Plank , Nebraska City , U at the Met
II. Kttchle , chief of police of St. Joe , Mo. ,
Is lu the city to testify before the court mar
tial now held at Foit Onnha In the trial of
Burk for dwartlou , and Is otopplug at the
Metropolitan ,
" W. V , Larwny , of Glenwood , lownj W. A ,
Loarv , of Davenport , Ioand Charles A.
Croney , of OsUaloosa , Iowa , are guesU at thi
lltioklen'a Arnica Salvo ,
The greatest medical wonder of the world.
WaiTftutud to Hioodlly euro Burns , Cuts , Ul
ran. Halt llheum , 1'over Bores , Cancers. Tiles ,
CnlUbUtnjs Corns. Totter , Chanpod hands ,
and ttl ekln eruption , garanteoa to euro In
tery Iiutaaco , or money refunded. 25 cents
v r bgx.
An Interview With a Texas Cattle
Who Sixya the Business la a Great
SUCCORS In Ills Stntc. and Tlmt
It Will bo Equally HO
In Omaha.
A reporter of the BEK' yesterday mot
at the Paxton hotel two well-known and
prominent Texas cattle drovers , D. II.
Fant and Mr. Ellison , who were here to
make arrangomonta to drive 20,000 cattle -
tlo to Nebraska this year.
"How is the dressed beef business
prospering in Texas , Mr. Fant , " asked
the BKB man.
"It has been a complete success from
the day it started in last March , " aaidh o ,
"and this year it willjbo carried out on n
much larger ecalo. I live at Goliaol ,
twenty miles from Victoria , whore they
have got a slaughtering house of a
capacity of seventy-five head per day
In August last I wont into their freezing
houses and saw beef , killed three weeks
before , just as fresh and sweet as it wa :
the day it was killed. Too arrangements
for killing and froo/.ing are very com
plotp. The beef last year was put into
refrigerator cars and shipped to Now
Orleans , and sold from the cars. This
year it will bo stored in a freezing house
in Now Orleans and retailed from the
house instead of the refrigerator cars.
At Victoria the people prefer this dressed
beef to butchers' freshly killed beef , and
the result is that butchers themselves are
compelled to handle the dressed beef.
This now method will do away with the
butcher business to a great extent. This
has already proved the case in Galvcston.
At Fort Worth they have just opened a
slaughtering house with a capacity of 250
head a day. Sheep can bo handled the
same way as cattle. "
"Isn't this a moro profitable way of
disposing of cattle than driving and ship
ping them alive to market ? "
"A great deal moro profitable. It
used to cost us § 10 to $12 to get a live
steer from Victoria to Now Orleans , and
now wo get the same steer to Now Or
leans in dressed beef , and got the profit
right at homo. Wo save freight , food ,
stockyard fees and men's wages. It is a
big saving. All the cattio men are on
thusiastio over the now deal. "
"Then this business will
prove a suc
cess in Omaha ? "
"Undoubtedly , an immense success
too. You have the capital , the
cattio , and the facilities. The
men engaged in the Omaha enter
prise know what they are about. They
are doing a big thing for themselves , and
for Omaha , and for the cattio men of the
west. "
"Omaha is likely to be some a big cattle
tlo market , then ? "
"Moat certainly , and that , too , at a
very early Jay. Even if the dressed beef
enterprise wore loft out , it is bound to bo
as good a market a Kansas City. Omaha
is bound to bo a big city. I have not
boon hero before in three years , and I
itm surprised at the largo number of sub
stantial improvements. She is growing
wonderfully fast. Her improvements
ire such as make a great city fine ho
tels , an elegant opera housewater works ,
big buildings and all modern conven
iences. "
What Done Before Tlmt Tribu
nal Yesterday.
The second day of the term was gene
through with yesterday and nothing was
lono. Ji'dgea Neville and " \Vakoloy had
liopod that something might bu dono.but
only one case was reached ready ( for
trial , which waa settled before it was
sailed. The motion for a now trial in
the case of Krollo against Honnoko , ar-
; uod al length at the last term of court ,
was decided by Judge Wakoloy yester
day. The motion was sustained and anew
now trial granted. In this action , judgment
mont was rendered at the last term of
court for § 3,000 for plaintiff" , damages
resulting toiiis reputation from slander
ous reports alleged to have been littered
by defendant , Judge Wnkoloy held that
these reports , which it was proved that
defendant had uttered , were of judicial
record , and consequently wore not nlan-
1 < ous.
An information was filed yesterday by
H J. Soldon , upon which a writ of quo
i' . irranto was issued against Lewis Bor
ic , requiring him to appear before the
: ourt and show by what authority ho
mid the oflico oi : justice of the peace for
; uo Second ward in this city. Soldon
lots up ia his petition that ho was duly
ilootod justice for that ward last fall ,
Sir. Bcrka being his opponent , but that
10 was counted out by the judges of oloo-
J. T. Boll was roappointcd official
Monographer for the court by Judge No-
rillo , and Charles A. Potter was made
The grand jury were busy all day in
vestigating the Sinclair caso.
After it is disposed of District Attor-
icy Godwin will take up the shooting
ill'ray at the road houso.
In the afternoon Judge Neville called
00 cases moro on the docket , and ad-
ournod court at 'I o'clock.
The following is the assignment for to-
lay :
3oforo Juilgo Wakoloy
Spaulding vs. O'Brien.
Edwards vs. Board of County Com.
mssioners , t
Houtol vs. Oromor.
Krolish vs. Svttcina.
Before Judge Neville
Lodouor vs. Nye.
Hilloko vs. HUBS.
Same vs. Samo.
Gallagher vs. Dow. N
North vs. Poabody. *
Ilous vs. Wright ot al.
Their 1'rcseuco In the Clly u Intlu-
liltablo Fact.
That this city at the present tiino is
infested by a band of thieves and rob-
bora is an undoubted fact. The crimes
committed within the last two weeks ,
which have come lethe knowledge of the
public , demonstrate clearly the fact that
Omaha has m her midst n class of men of
whom it has just cause to fear , From
ho constitution of the police and detect
ive force generally there must necessarily )
bo a great many crimes which novcr cotno
to the notice of the world. It U reason
able to presume from their nets that these
men in many instances are driven to
commit those crimes from desperation.
Hnoak thieves , who enter houses by
stealth and take away everything upon
which they can lay their hands ; robbers ,
who can "hold up" men on the principal
streets of the city and compel them to
deliver over all their valuables , and men
vrho live without any visible means of
support or legitimate occupation , are in
Omaha by scores , and thould bo sought
out and brought to justice. It is signi
ficant of a bad condition of affairs when
men by couples como to the police station
and ask for food and lodging for the
night. Within the last two weeks
nearly a dozen robberies , thefts ,
and crimes of f'that kind
have boon committed. A rumor wa ;
afloat yesterday afternoon that thori
would bo a grand "round up" last nigh
of every ono of the kinda mentioned
above who was soon on the streets. Upon
inquiry it was learned from the city mar
shal that that ia a standing order to all
police olliccrs , but that the order would
bo enforced last night with no greater
rigor than before. Every man who is not
known by the oflicors to bo a law-abiding
citizens soon on the stroota at unseasona
ble hours of the night , should bo called
upon to give an account of himself , and
upon his failure to do so bo taken to the
police headquarters , a complaint lodged
against him as a suspicious character , bo
tried by the proper tribunal , and if found
guilty the maximum penalty of the law
boiaitcd upon him.
Great Silk Bargain ,
Without unnecessary commendations ,
in fervent , plainest , simplest words ,
wo _ invite your notice to the follow-
inn gporis and prices :
Jt is to your advantage to walk through
our store ( on first and second Hears ) every
day , and BOO the last now things that
are put upon the counters.
There are very few days in the week
that there is not something new dis
played , moro particularly now ,
when there are great bargains to bo had ,
and now goods daily arriving.
Wo offered a special bargain last week ,
and said they'll bo gene before
the close of the day they were offered ,
( they were gene and in leas time ! ) , '
and these were not rcculnr customers
who came late , and didn't believe
wo had them or , they'd bo
here yot. Wo'ro glad most of our cus
tomers do know us better and to all
others wo say when vrp advertise a
bargain instead of discussing the points
and wasting time as some do , would'nt
it bo bettor to test the matter ! By
reading our advertisements carefully and
taking the paper in your hand , como
early and BOO if what wo say' is reliable
and toll results to everybody.
Moral. To you who road and ( rightly )
bcliovo our advertisements in the papers ,
wo have said sufficient , but to them
that read and novcr believe what they see
in the papers they had better bo quick
about believing thia time and they will
never disbelieve another column of store
news written by Grunobaum's.
This week wo make on extraordinary
offering in Black Silks , as per local notice
in Saturday evening papers , and Sunday
morning papers.
Wo have gene through our Black Silk
stock and have picked out amounting in
all to 2800 yards of Black Silk of all
grades , running in price and worth from
Sl.CO to 82.00 a yard , and will oiler
them at
§ 1.25 run YAHII.
This is done to reduce our stock and to
make room for our spring importation ,
which will arrive iu a short time. Wo
cannot say hero what a great bargain this
is for wo havn't the room to explain
this grand silk olt'oring ; it would take at
joast three columns to toll you all about
it , so wo ask you to como and see if this
isn't the best bargain in black silks over
offered at $1.25.
To accommodate the crowds and to
make it convenient for these who will
take advantage of this great bargain , wo
hayo placed'a table beside our silk coun
ter , and by doing this wo will divide the
crowds and also give everybody a chanco.
Wo will not limit the amount to bo
sold , but will sell as many yards as any
customers may want , because wo know
after the mlks will bo soon and spoken
of , ether ladies that can'tmakoit conven
ient for them tc call will have others to
buy for hor.
This bargain will bo taken ad-
rantago of by j ll who know what a good
bargain is , so profit by this and don't delay -
lay your coming but como at once.
Wo shall continue to oiler our 48c cor-
jpt which is worth 7uc. This corset is
iilk ombroidurod in colors groy and
trhito , and is a grand bargain.
With the above wo shall offer another
lot of 1)50 ) corsets at 05c. This is a reg
ular $1.50 corset.
20 do < son U button kid gloves at 7Cc a
pair , worth and regular soiling price ,
25 doz. 4 button Kid gloves at $1.25 ,
lolling all over for $2.00.
18 doz. six button length kid Mous-
motairo gloves , all shades , original price ,
J2 75 , now $1.00.
Grunobaum Bros. ,
1309 I'arnam street.
Another lot. of choice hams just re-
; nivnrl nt finn. Hohnrod's , '
Absolutely Pure.
Talpowil ( Mrtt ikiitt. A rcsrulol purify
( trtnth auJ hfdwmeti * * * More voniiouloal that
tbecalnarf klncli.&ul r. - - - < f | hasclJ lucxiin ] > tutor
with theoiultttuue of ] om „ : , tLott ttclK'ht , iJuiacr
> hflpbat 1-oMiUM H la nnljrla cmItojal Uik
) tg rcvJor Co. , ioe ft JI rt r-it .NUW York ,
for Infants and Children.
Cfistorlapronioto.'i Plgcstton
nnd overcomes Flatulency , Constipation -
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , nnd
Fovcrishncss. It insures licnlth nud
uatural Bleep , without morphine.
" Castorift la go well odnptol to Children that
I recommend U as superior to any prescription
known to me. " IL A. Akcncn , JL D. ,
63 Portland Avo. , BrooUyn , N. Y.
CENTAUR LINIMENT nu absolute euro for Bhounm-
tiain , Sprains , liuriis , Galls , cNbc. The most Power Ail nnd Penetrating -
trating Paiu-rcllovlng and Ucallng IComody luiOAvn to man. V
! JL
r8poclalB will Inserted
unless paid in advance.
TO LOAN-Monev.
TO LOAK-Tlie lowest rates of Interest
Bemls' Loan Agency , 16th & Douglas 234-tf
TV TONKY TO LOAN In sums of 1300. and upward.
1VJL O. F. Davis and Co. , Heal KeUta and Loan
\gonts , 1E05 i'arnnm St. 333-tf
_ _
TTTANTnO Salesman to work In n pcncral dry
V T goods store , ono who haVoxpcrlcnco ID boots and
ihocs and can tarnish i Itv references. Oonl salary
X ] the right party. Address "Salesman , " this office.
VVTANTED A middle ORcd uoman as dish nether ,
T T at Aroado llostaun nt , 1216 Douj las St.
WANTED A good nnd otpcrlonied tinner can
find a steady fob. Apiiljstating uaics expect-
> d. C. F. Eisulej , Norfolk DP. 211M15
\T7ANTB1) Olrl for xencralliousoorkS. . W , cor.
Oth and Chatlca bts. , 8. Omaha. 215-6 ]
WANTED A girl for general house \\ork , 2012
Harney SU 240 }
W ANTKD-GlrlatJIrs.A. N. Forgusln's 1SS6 N.
18th Street. 219-1111
WANTED-T o girls inprhato family. Cook and
second girl. Uood wages to competent help.
Ipply S. E corner 20th and California bts. 220 0 *
\\f ANTED Iho undersigned wants a good steady
T I tinner , a German preferred to doerdidary shop
toik , good \vagis nd a etacdyjob guaranteed. A
nan with family can occupy a email house- back of
tore. P. S. no ono hut n sober Industrious man
itcd apply. Unite at once to John Zlmmcror , blow
.rdNc .
W'ANTED A competent girl. Must bo a good
washer and ironir. Uooiluagcs uillbo paid ,
kpply at N , E. Corner 14th and Jackson. 107-tt
ANTLD A good girl for general housework.
Herman preferred. Call at 1022 Chicago street.
W ANTED A nurse girl , 1018 Harney street.
202 r. . |
W'ANTED Immediately , a good worcan , to do
general housework c > r. Mason and 16th St.
rTI7ANTED Olrl for general housework N. W. cor.
18th and Farnam. 131 tf
WANTED Serront gills of all kinds in need of
emploj merit , to call at our olllce , opposite post-
illlco , between 4:30 : and 0 p. nt.
CANNON , JONES & CO , Frcnzor Block.
WANTED Immediately two No. 1 Harness
Makers. D. A. HOPKINS ,
OU 61 North Bend , Neb.
\TTANTED-ACermandlnIngroom kitchen girl.
VV Hesse and Hoppe , 418 S. 13th St , between
larnoy and Howard. 665 tf
A Younir m n speaks both German and English
txflucntlj , ilflElres a situation as silesrnan orshlp-
> ing clerk In a groc ry or commlstlon house. Ret-
irencos ghcn If desired. Address "B. F. " this olllco.
WANTED Position as book keeper or sale'man
In store or on the road , bj an cxperlcncnd man.
V'illlng to work hard. Good references furnKatd.
Lddrcss "N , " Bee oflico. 211-0 {
IT7"ANTED A place for a boy 18 jears old to work
TT for bU board. Address ' "A. , I. " this cilice.
WANTED Situation by a voung man as assistant
book kceperLOrrcspondcnt [ or some kind ol
illlco work. Upcakssevcrallanguargcsand b st of
cfcronics ghcn. Addnsi' O. U. " this otllco.
VX7"AN1 ED Situations for first ulans domestics.
tT Call at our olllce from 4-3lto Op.m. Saturdays
to 0 p. m. CANNON , JONES & CO. , Opp. 1' . O.
WANTED gentleman corrttpondcnt b > a lady
In good ittinrtitiB. Object nmtrlmonj. Am a
.ldowniol . > ettttcn 21 ami a * . Addicts P. O. box
11 , Atchlaon Kaunas , 213 4 *
lyANTED-Boardfor family of three. 1'iltate fam-
lly iiroforrcd. Address stating terms , "H IV
his otllco. 103 0 $
fTTANTED A lew poreons 10 struct in book-
IT keeping , ns there Is a demand for competent I Mill learn a fen .ami wait for half of
ay until situations are lurnished. J B. SMITH ,
01H 01 1618 Douglas St.
[ X7ANTKO For a customer , titoro'room en F r-
V > namHt. DIILL&ailHIVKU. 1238
LX ANTED P rtlos ulthlni ; boarders and thoae
T t search of board In private liouscs , with or nit
ut room , to rail tt our olllco In uj 4 30 to 011. in
CANNON , JONES & CO. , Opposite Boetofflcc.
r ADIE3 OU YOUNQ MEN m city or country to
LJ takn nice , light and pleasant work at their own
omen : f ! to $5. a day easily and quietly made ; work
ent by mall , no canvifiiln ? ; no btamp for reply ,
'leaaeaddreu ' Itellable JlanTtf Co , I'hlladelphtal'a.
rmerTT. Tfa.lmol
P10U KENT llesldenoe S015 Cass St. Apply to
General Haw kins 201S t'asi. V2I.8
FOK RKNT Furnlihod rooms at 1810 I'amam.
FOH KENT Nicely furnished rooms with or with
out board 1616 Dodge St. 100-01
roOFl 11 ENT A batenunt Kith three rooms lor
JL' light houeo keeping 1013 Dodpe Bt. 101 WJ
F 1011 HENl Nicely furnlolied bed room at flvo
dollars per mouth , 1016 Chicago Ut , 105-01
TJMiii utMtiraliiheU room with or without
XJ board. Klnwt localbn In the city. AUo few
table boarders wanted , N , W , cor. 18th and Karnain.
FOIlltENT Urge new , two ktory dcublo homo ,
Bli Inn's addition Suitable for two ttmllles or
boarding liontc. Inquire llooin 24 , Oraaba National
Bank BtUdlug , U8 tf
FOH UKNr-Kurnlshod loonuwlth board , } Also a
few day boarders , 1814 l > a/eoporj. 832 71
FUKN1SHE1) room hcaUd 2J N , lath.
, _ 075 tt
Foil HENT KurnUlcd room for Rcntleinan , alto
twoforllKl't ' house keeiilag litcmcr * block ,
coiner EijtMli and lluwarl Ht _ Qpa tt
FOlt RENT 5 room house en WtMer tv t of
18tb St. H. T. Petoricn , real estate cgenl , Hth
and Uouga ! . _ _ bo\j tt
FOll KENTCouifortabld front room , louth-cu
corner fouitc uth aud Daveuj > ott , fultable for
two lirntleiaen. B&3 tf
Tj OU ItENT k irulontd rooms on tuo notchwug
X1 oor. ISIh andCapltolaTcnue , formerly OrelgbWo
Houta. _ _ li ( tl
FOK IlKNT Rooms In NebruVa Natlont. BanL
Building. Most dcslntle olflces in the dty
Supplied with hydraulic vla-ator and boated b
tteun. Apply kt Bank. U1S U
F01 HALE A grocery ttoro located In a thickly
ivttl durt tf IOKQ. Right party can male
uoney. Adiren "Grsour" thlf office. 200-7
1 ,1011 EiAI.E-A et ( f thmcr'n tea's nctrly new.
1 kcwliC. llllkr , Springfield , baruy Co. ,
\Vliat d vci our Children rosy chocks ,
"Want cures Uiclr fevers , mokpA them sleep ;
'Tin Cantorlq.
TVlion bablcR fret nnd cry l > y turns ,
What cures tlielr colic , kills their worms ,
lint Cnntorlfi.
"Whnt quickly ciuva Constipation ,
Sour Btomncn , Colds , Indigestion ,
Hut Cnntorlo.
Farewell then to Morphine Syrups ,
Castor OH and 1'nrcgoric , and nnllCnntnrlnt
FOlt SALE A bargain , Houro of 7 rooms , Bill
and Bancroft Ht. gothlc. Well built , barn &c ,
only J 1.800 U said within OOdajs. St AU3 & 1103-
AHD , Wl Hams Block. 203 tf
" | T Oil SALE House of C rooms In Parker's addition
J1' near the $20 000 school house now. A cheap
place on easy terms. 11.700. SEAHS & BOSAUO ,
Williams Block. iiOO-tf
FOR SAtE A splendid house nt 10 rooms In
Bhlnn'saddition. If sold within 3D daj > only
$3.700. SEAHS & OOSARD , corner ICthanu Uoilgo
FOR SALE A Vamll ) horse and n w bugifj. A '
three spring delivery nagon and tno harncsscsat , *
n bargain. G. W. Logan , Dccatui St. , cor. Camp
bell. , 201-6 !
FOR HALE An extra good buggy hone and peed
top buggy. Inquire of J M. Uojd , N. W. Cor.
Oth and Harucy , or nt Iloman's livery stable ,
FOR SALE Let 100x416 , ltliK"od house , Intn
and orchard , near Hvucom Park. AVill be sold
at agicai sailflco. If sold soon. *
IDS 6 PAULSEN & CO. , 1509 Farnam Str
J ORSALEOR KENT- Hood secondhand pianos
J. ' and organs cheap at Pioscott's muslo Store,160l !
Farnam St. IDS 9
IflOR SALE Secind hand Buggies. Call at 1319
1 Harney. 181-tf
FOR SALE A small tobacco and cigar business ,
SIX3 Cumins street 187 OH
"iTVOlTsALE Farm 3 miles Irom city. Inquire of
X1 lira , llojcr , oxer Ilotdcr'8 Drug store , 16th and
Webster. 872-tf
FORSALE Twocountcisanl tlftj feet of good
shelving , chcip , at IMS Dodge St. ICS-tf
F OR SALE Two large Norinanbtalllons. Address rfS
0. D. Blrdsall , Walnut. Iowa. IM-lm *
FOR SALE A giod two story store property In
Wajno , Wajno count } , Neb. Address 0. U. Bird-
sill , Walnut , Iowa. 6 5-1 in {
SALE Three sliou cases , 10 foot long. Inquire
quire of JEDnOLM & E'UCKSON , 1
147-S _ \ _
TpOR SALE House 4 or ft rooms , full lot , bam.ic. ,
JJ 12th street , between Dorcas nml Center. It sold
nt once , Sl.GOO will buy It. Cheap 1 B.UIKEH&
JIAYNE.N. E. cor. 13th and Farnam. 115-tf
FOR ( ALE Full lot on 11th street , near Centre ,
fenced and fruit set tut. Cheap. BARKER &
MAYNE , N. E cor. 13th and Farnim. 140 tl
OR SALE Vlrst cliss corner lot 03x132. House
5 rooms , barn fruit and shade trees. Very de-
BlrabU location , near street an. Offered 3MX ) . below -
low \aluc. Price 91 , 700. J. W. LOUNSBURY , 15th
and I'arnam. 135 tl
FOR SALE Very desirable lots In Coburn's Sub-
dhi'ion and Howard iilico on monthly pigments
no cltj tax. BELL & SHIUVER. 127-3
FOR SALE OR TRADE A good span of mules ,
harness and wagon. Inquire Alex Q. Charltou ,
at McCagua Bros. 030 If
T7IOR SALK-Colorado coal. ITiIs coal Is as free from
JD soot and as clean as Rock Spring.
034 tf JEFF. W. BEDFOWJ ) .
FOR BALK Two portable boilers , 10 horse now a
Apply at 1) . FITZI'ATRICK ,
663-11 _ 21 South 15th St.
FORSALE A small Moolcr , Bahman &Co. , flre
proof Baft , almost new , at this olllco. _ tf
T7AOR SALE My two story brick residence , 19th
J ? and St. Mary's aeuue. . Large barn , out-hou e ,
wa er wor.s , well arranged. Lot 60x200. Pilce
$7.600. Best Bargain In Omaha Cell at M. Tod's
People's Dink. _ 277.4
"ITVOR8ALE 121oU ono block west of 1'ark ate-
JL1 nuo cars. Lots 60x160. Will sell the whole Iran
for $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1884. Heal j i
tate owners bid this bargain , if jou call at People
Bank. _ 278 tt
TJTOR SALE Choice bunmcw property , throe lots
JJ cor. Sanndere and Charles Street. It will pay ycu
to Investigate this oiler. Call at People's Bank.
270-tf _ _ _ _ _ _
IilOR SALE-Improved property , which will pay
the buyer 20 ptr cent on the 1m cstmont. Rents
for 81,920 per year. All occupied by flrat class ten-
antj. Will sell for $10,500 , II sold eoon. All or one.
half catb , balance , one to five jcare. The above In
vestment Is worth Investigation. Call at the People's
"ank. v _ 260 tf
TjpOH SALE Ola newspapers in large and timMl
J quantities it this otflee. tf
lOUND-On Jan , 2Cth. a ladj's brea t | < ln. 'Hie
1 owner can ha\osatno by calllngat the Bee ofllee
and i > aingforthl9alvortlsonieut. " 036
QUFKN agents for this now tubbtrundcrgar
iuu..t for ladles. Adilrcea with 'stamps , Undergarment -
ment Co , 0 south JlaySt. , Chicago. 189-linj.
T AKOKI'stof ' room ? , with orItliout beard , In
JLJ prha'o families furntflied free of charge at ( ur
oltice , opposite postofflco. Cannon , Jones & Co. , 4.30
to 0 P. in. 048-lm
riUT THIS OUT AND PRESERVE-To trade , wild
\J land for Merchandise of anv kind , cr town prop.
erty. Address CLARK It HUBBARU , Ida Grove.
lo a. _ 143 Cl
rriAMJN UP On my premites on Deo. 16 , 1883 , In
JLwest Omaha , ono Cream Colored Pony. Sinai
white rpot In forehead , ni no and tall little darker
than tha bod.v. JA8 E VANllEHCOOK.
ALIST , SOS Tenth etteet , between Farnam and liar-
ney , will , with the ld of guardian spirits , obUlalue
condition ! la the future , boots and ehoot
mile order. Perfect satisfaction laiaranteod.
Patent Dried Fruit Lifter.