Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1884, Image 1

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    " ' *
1S" , Ar a''t\ > * > \ , '
United States Depository
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
organised in 1888.
Organized as a National Bank In
BUJU'IAJS AND PKOFlTa . $150,000
HIUIIR Kouimii , President.
Jonx A. CMionrO ! ! , Vice President
& OUBTU8 Koonni , 2(1 Vloo Froaldaat.
A. J. rorrumm.
F. n. DATOi CMhlti
Vf H. MsoqmiR , Assistant Caehlor.
Tr ns cta n genon banking business. Issues time
certificates bcarln Merest. Draws drafts on Ban
Francisco and principal cities In the United States
Also London , Dublin , Edinburgh and the prlncloa
Itloi ot thi continent o { Euro .
Capital , - - $100,000.00
C. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
S. S. CALDWELL , V. Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW. Cashier.
Accounts solicited and kept sub
Joctto sight check.
Certificates of Deposit Issued pay
able In 3,0 and 12 months , bearing
Interest , or on demand without In
Advances made to customers on
approved securities at market rate
of Interest.
The Interests of Customers are
closely guarded and every facility
compatible with principles of
sound banking freely extended.
Draw sight drafts on EnglandIro
land , Scotland , and all parts of Eu
Rnll European Passat Tickets
s Promptly Maae.
Authorized Capital ; - $1,000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000 ,
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000 ,
H. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13th St.
J3u . B. WOOD , Cashier. | LDIUKE DRAKX , A. Caen.
Frank Murphy , Samuel E. Rogers , Ben. B. Wood
Charles O. House ] , All. P. Jones , Luther Drake.
Transact a General Banking Business. All who
i f' hae any Banking business to transact are Invited to
call. No matter how large or small the transaction ,
U will receive our careful attention , and wo promise
always courteous treatment.
Paya particular attention to business for parties
residing outside the city. Exjhango on all the prin
cipal cities of the United States at very lowest rates.
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received on favor
able terms.
Issues Certificate of Deposit bearing 6 per cen
Buys and sells Foreign Exchanp-o , County , Clt ;
o < l Government socurltlna
Campbell & Co. ,
Commission Merchants
105 South Hth Street , between Douglas ftnd Dodge ,
Releroncea First National Bank , Steele , Johnson
& Co. , Omaha ; Bank of Cuss Countj , Hattsmoutb
Physician & Surgeon
Eelsdcnoe , 18th Street , over Helmrod ft Domun
office near Jackson street.
Retorenoe A 80 v ar ' practical nnierienc * .
Homeopathic Physician.
Hours-At Residence , No. 1443 S. 10th Street , till
10 a. m. , and alttr 8p. m. Hours At office , No. 103
and 105S. 16th St. Room 7.from 10 a. m.to8p. m.
N.B. The Tape Worm will bo remeved , wlthoul
iU c.r. n tl * > of from 2 to 8 hours.
1303 Farnam Street , room S.Om&ha , Neb.
Collections solicited Monthly or otherwise ; both In
city and country , and on all lines of Hallroads. Se
curity procured for debts not promptly jiald. Books
kept and balanced weekly and monthly. A general
udltlng business done. Commissions of all kinds
romptlj attenued to. U 8 N. B ok vrt t t '
Ills many friends are IntlUd to call at bl new
meat nurket. 2813 Curolng St. . where the > will Ml.ud
as of jr re , all tie choice cuU la Beef , Mutton and
Pork , at low tut market prlcci.
m. R. RISDON ,
11.C 11
ph7inUA rar no Co.ol jxindoo , Cash
AiMti . | 5BMf > Ot6
Wisn-btstir.N.T. . Capital . . . . . , . ° ° ° .000.0
ThslIercnanU. . of Nevirt , N. J .Capital .00
Olrard Fir. , PUlulelpbla , Capital. . . .09OC
' OC
RoouiW. Ouiau * Nation Vaaic BaiM
TtlephoDO No. 876
Congress Opens the Wwilh a Flood
of Bills and Honoris ,
Van Wyok Drops in with Two
Lively Eosolutionsi
Which Will Expose the Inside of
Union Pacific Jobs.
Belford Proposes to Prevent the
Sale of Subsidy Eoads.
Welter's Plan to Kcscuo tlio Orccloy
WASHIXOTON , February 4. Mr. Van
Wyck ( rop. , Nob. ) introduced a resolu
tion , which was agreed to , providing that
no dividends shall hereafter bo made by
the Union Pacific railroad company but
from the actual not earnings thereof , and
no now stock shall bo issusod or mort
gages or pledges bo made on the property
or not earnings of the com
pany without leave of congress ex
cept for the purpose of fund
ing or securing debts now existing or the
renewal thereof , and any director or
officer who shall pay or declare , or aid in
paying or declaring any dividend or
creating any mortgage or pledge pro
hibited by this net , shall bo punished by
imprisonment not exceeding two years
and a line not exceeding § 5,000.
The chair laid before the senate n reso
lution from the legislature of Ohio , trans
mitted by the governor , favoring a tariff
for revenue , limittcd to the necessities of
the government , economically admin
istered , and so adjusted as to encourage
industries at homo and afford protection
to labor , but not to create or foster mon
Mr. Hoar ( rop. , Mass. ) inquired
whether the governor had given any ex
planation pf the resolutions.
The chair ( Mr. Edmunds ) replied that
it was not a parliamentary question.
That the governor- executive magis
trate of the state of Ohio , had trans
mitted the resolutions in compliance with
a resolution of the legislature of the
state. The joint resolution was laid i
the table.
Petitions of ex-soldiers of the union
army , praying for the enactment of var
ious laws for the benefit of soldiers of the
late war , were presented.
Mr. Logan ( rep. , 111. ) proposed that
the bill for the relief of Fitz John Porter
ter , the petitions and protest bo appro
priately referred.
The following reports from committees
were made :
By Mr. Hoar ( rop. , Mass. ) , favorably
from the committee on judiciary An
original bill to establish a uniform sys
tem of bankruptcy.
By Mr. Blair ( rop. , N. H. ) , favorably ,
from the committee on education and la
bor A bill to establish a bureau of sta
tistics of labor.
By Mr. Groomo ( dom. , Md _ . ) , from the
same committee A bill to fix the hours
of labor in government workshops at
eight ; for keeping statistico as to the
comparison of wages and amount of work
done in workshops of a similar character
not in control of the government , with a
view to ascertaining tno results in work
done on the eight hour plan as compared
with the ordinary plan , and relative to
the cost of the two methods.
Mr. Clough , from the committee on
privileges and elections , reported adversely
vorsely Senator Garland's bill relating to
the credentials of United States senators.
Bills introduced and referred :
By Mr. Cameron ( dom. , Wis. ) To
enable the people of Dakota to form a
By Mr. Logan To provide artiCcia'
limbs for ox-soldiers.
By Mr. Wilson ( rep. , la. ) To prevent
the publication of lottery advertisements
in the territories and district of Colum
Mr. Butler ( dom. , S. 0. ) offered a reso'
lution directing the secretary of the
treasury to transmit to the senate the
testimony tttken last summer relating to
the administration of the supervising
architect's office by Supervising Architeci
Hill. Went over till to-morrow.
Mr. Van Wyok offered the following
Jtcsolvcd , That the secretary of the
interior inform the senate whether thi
Union PaciQs company has issued an ;
now atock or made any mortgage , pledge
lease , running arrangement or othe
traffic contract since March 3 , 1873
Agreed to.
The sonata passed a joint resolution
appropriating § 25,000 for the relief o
the Kansas City , Fort Scott & Gul
railroad company , as compensation fo
services rendered the United States , th
land grants intended to cover such ser
vices not having boon availed of by th
company. .
The senate resumed consideration o
the Mexican land grant titles bills , bu t
without action went into executive session
sion and soon after adjourned.
Confirmations Richard S. Tuthill , at
torney of the northern district of Illi
nois ; postmasters : John Watts , Ames
Iowa ; George Eborhart , Cedar Falls
Iowa ; Daniel O'Cross , Brownsville , Nob.
Morris Dennis , Syracuse , Nob. ; Manloy
B. MoNutt , Red Cloud , Web. ; M
Grimes , Kearney , Nob.
Senator Sherman's banking bill woe
offered to-day in the senate as a substitute
tuto for the McPherson bill.
Nominations Henry D. Lyman , of
Ohiosecond assistant postraastergoneral ;
John R. McFio , of Illinois , register of
of the land oflico at Las Oruces , Now
Mexico ; J. W. Sullivan , postmaster at
Leon , Iowa.
Mr. Hammond ( dem. , Ga. ) who has
been ill since the convening of congress ,
took the oath of ofllco.
The speaker announced the following ,
committee , changes and appointments ,
stating where changes were made they
were at the request of the members con
cerned :
Rivers and harbors Thomas in place
of the chairman.
Missiesippi levees Chairman in place
of Thomas.
Naval affairs G. D. Wise in place of
Foreign affairs Eaton In place of
Education Rockwell in plnco of Milli-
Expenditures of the sUto department
Davis (111. ( ) , in nlaco of Price.
Liquor traffic Price in place of Davis.
District of Columbia Worthington in
place of Rockwell.
Expenditures in the department of
justice Crisp and Millikon.
Mr. Ilouk ( rop. , Tonn. ) offered a roso-
lu'ion directing the commiltoo on educa
tion to inquire into the working and
management of agricultural colleges , in
aid ofwhich lands have boon granted in
the several states and territories , and
recommend measures to secure thn in
dustrial classes the benefits intended by
the act of congress donating those lands.
Under the call of states the following
bills , etc. . woio introduced and re
ferred :
By Mr. Honly ( dom. , Cal ) Calling
on the secretary of the treasury for the
amount of money apportioned to and
assessed upon the states and territories
under the act of congress of August 5 ,
1801.By Mr. Eaton ( dom. , Conn. ) For the
punishment of ollicors of the United
States for the illegal use money or other
things of value in elections.
_ By Mr. Belford ( rop. , Cal. ) Author
izing a preliminary examination and sur
vey ef passes between the atllunntn of
the upper Missouri and Columbia rivers ,
for tno purpose of ascertaining
the practicability of uniting those
rivers by canal or otherwise , nnd
appropriating § 20,000 for the purpose ;
also directing the attorney general to in
stitute proceedings touching mineral and
mill sites where patents liavo been fraud
ulently obtained ; also to prevent the sale
of certain Pacific roads before the United
Status bonds with interest shall bo fully
It t.rovides that in caao any of the Pa
cific subsidy roads fail to pay the inter
est on the first mortgage bonds , the at
torney general shall move the appoint
ment of a receiver who shall manage the
road till the United States bo reim
bursed. It authorizes the United States
treasurer to pay interest on the first
mortgage bonds , if the road fails to have
resources enough under a receive r. In
case holders of first mortagobonds begins
proceedings to foreclose , it is made the
duty of the attorney general to apply for
a receiver , nnd final action in the fore
closure shall not bo had before a deter
mination of such application.
By Mr. Robinson ( dom. La. ) Amend
ing the constitution so ns to provide for
the export of tar or raw or manufactured
cotton for the purpose of encouraging
homo industry.
By Mr. Dorsheimer ( dem. N. Y. )
For the free importation of coal , iron
pro , coke and products from the Domm
ion of Canada.
By Mr. Graves ( dem. Mo. ) The ap
pointment of a Missouri river commis
sion.By Mr. Washburn ( rop. Minn. ) Au
thorizing the construction of a bridge
across the Mississippi above the falls ol
St. Anthony.
By. Mr. White ( rep. Min. ) Granting
pensions to all soldier who served in any
war of the United States and were hoii
orably discharged.
By Mr.O'Noill ( dem. , Mo. ) For con
demnation of land and material needed in
the -work of improvement of the Missis
sippi river ; also to define the duties nnc
jurisdiction of the Mississippi river com
mission ; to authorize the condemnation
of laud and material , and provide penal
ties for acts in hindrance of the improve
ment of the river.
By Mr. Cox ( dem. , N. Y. ) Declaring
Good Friday n legal holiday.
By Mr. Hardy ( dem. , N. Y. ) Exempting -
empting weiss beer and other beer con
taining less than 2 per cent of alcohol
from payment of internal revenue tax.
By Mr. Wollorgbk. ( , la. ) For the re
lief of the Groely expedition.
It recites tno loss of life consequent
on unwise attempts at polar exploration ,
both in original parties and those sent to
their relief , that private enterprise is
best fitted for that clasa of work , and au
thorizes the president to offer a rowan
of § 100,000 to the master , owner nnc
crow of any vessel that will rescue during
1884 and restore ) to any port of till
United States Lieutenant Grooly anc
party , the reward to bo paid in standart
silver dollars.
Mr. Randall ( dom. , Pa. ) , from the
committee on rules , reported a resolu
tion providing that the rules of tin
house of the Forty-sixth congress , ai
amended by this house , be the rules o t
the house for the Forty-eighth congres
until further order. After offering many
amendments , further consideration o
the matter was postponed until Thurs
Mr. Springer ( dom. , 111. ) sent to tin
clerk's desk the memorial of Richan
W. Webb , of Now Mexico , prosontini
charges against Chief Justice Samuel B
Axtoll , of the supreme court of Now
Mexico , and a resolution directing th
committee on judiciary to investigate an
report. Referred.
Mr. Ellis ( dom. , La. ) submitted th
conference report on the bill making a
oppropriation for the relief of cortal
destitute Indians in Montana. Agree
( As agreed upon in conference committee
mittoo , it apropriatos § 100,000 instoa'
of 850,000. )
Presidential Succession.
WASHINOTON , February 3. Repre ) '
sentative Hammond's bill introduced to
day to amend the constitution as to
the offices and duties of president and
vice president of the United States pro
vides for the election of a president d
three vice presidents , each to servo ir
the sarno number of years. The first
vice president shall bo president of the
senate , and the second or third vice :
president shall occupy that position in
case of the removal from oflico of the
president of the United States , in case 10of
the removal of the president tlio oflico to
bo hold by the first vice , second vice , erin
third vice president in order , and when
only ono vice president of the United
States shall exorcise the ofllco of presi
dent , the senate shall elect n president
pro tcmporo , and congress may by law
provide for successors of the third vice
president when removed from the pr esi-
dential chair.
HiLLSBOito , 111 , , February 4. J. M.
Keith , agent in this place of the Adaim
Express company , has boon mysterious ! }
missing for several days. His buaineei
affairs are in good shape. His friondi
are alarmed. Ho has a wife and tw <
I children hero ,
The Socialists Mating M Hot Times
[ in Austria ,
Vienna's ' Military Precautions
Against Disturbances ,
The Queen's ' Speech Summarized
by the Morning Thunderer ,
The Parnollito Policy in the Dom
ing Session ,
Turkey's Navy , O'Nolll's Exploration
and Olhor Matters.
DUUUN , February 4. At the confer
ence of Ptunollitos to-day it was decided
to introduce bills ninonding the acts
which relate to laud nnd laborers. Tlieso
will deal with county , government and
municipal franchise , fisheries , reclama
tion of poor lands , national toachora nnd
registration of voters. It was agreed
that during the debate on the addioss in
reply to the queen's speech the I'urnoll-
ites should call attention to the recent
course of the Irish executive , especially
the wan Ion stoppage of public meetings.
Expressions of regret at the death of
Wendell Phillips were adopted.
Resolutions woio also passed warning
the people of America nnd Australia
against placing reliance on Irish news
telegraphed by English news agencies ,
and expressed profound sorrow nt the
death of Father Walsh , the trnasuror of
the Irish national league of America.
LOMION , February . The tenor of
the queen's speech confirms the general
expectation of the absence of particulars
of interest in a definite statement in
regard to Great Britain's relations with
Franco , Madagascar and the Chinese
questions , and concerning the Australian
tedoral policy.
LONDON , February 4. The Times , in
a forecast of the queen's speechsays the
difficulty with Franco , arising out pf the
ill-treatment of Missionary Shaw in
Madagascar , has been arranged. Diplo
matic relations with Mexico have boon
resumed. Tlio policy of Great Britain
in regard to Egypt has not boon changed.
The progress of peace and prosperity in
Ireland is satisfactory. Tlio enlarge
ment of the franchise will produce bene
ficial elleets.
MOKTIIE vii , February 4 The winter
carnival opened to-day under the bright
est auspices , w ith an immense number of
visitors , chiefly from the United States.
The Marquis and Marchioness of Laus-
downo had an enthusiastic reception.
Thn mayor presented an address of the
municipality. A torch light procession
was a feature this evening. Thpir excel
lencies attended the grand military ball
in Queen's hall.
CONSTANTINOPLE , February 4. The
sultan having asked Sora.skier-tlio com
mander of forces , what transporto and
troops it was possible to send to Soudan ,
Sernskior reported to the council of min-
istoru that nearly nil the ships of the
fleet nro in want of equipment and muni
tions , that no transports are obtainable ,
and that an expedition to Soudan is im
possible without English aid.
OTTAWA , January 4. A petition from
the legislature of British Columbia pray
ing for n restriction of the importation
of Chinese labor , sots forth tlio evil effect
of the influx of that undesirable class ,
and asks that a tax of § 100 per annum bo
imposed on every male Chinaman enter
ing the province. Eighteen thousand
Chinamen are now there , most of whom
are destitute.
VIENNA , February 4. Three batnl-
lions of infantry , two squadrons of cav
alry , and two batteries of artillery are
kept in readiness night'and day for
prompt action in case of socialistic dis
BEHLIN , February 4. Seven largo
meetings of socialists were held Sunday ,
BEULIN , February 4. Mr. Sargent ,
the American ininiator , has handed Hen
Laskor's brother a copy of the resolution !
of condolence adopted by the Amoricai
congress. Ho also presented a copy _ tc
the ministry of foreign attain ) , requesting
that they bo communicated to the rcich
PAUIB , February 4. M. Rouhor'a fti
neral will tuko place Thursday. Al
prominent Bonapartiots will attend. Th
government will allow military honors ,
on account of his membership in the Le
gion of Honor , but will suppress any
party demonstrations.
LONHON , February 4. It is announced
that Explsrer O'Neill , arrived nt Moz
ambique , has traversed 1,400 miles in a
hitherto unexplored country between
Mozambique nnd Lako'Nyassa.
VIK.VNA , February 4. The assassin of
Detective Bloch is identified as a man
named Stellmachol , formerly a corporal
of thn Saxon grenadiers.
An Almrdoned Suit.
KEOKUK , February 4. The suit which
has boon pending several years against
W. N. Sturgia , once a prominent oper
ator on the Chicago board of trade
brought by Francis J. KonnpH & Co. , ol
Chicago , charging Sturgia with removing
100,000 bushois of corn on elevator re
coipti , for which they had loaned oeyd
from nis ICookuk elevator , was dismissed
to-day , complainants failing to appear.
A Civil Hcrvloo Measure.
WASHINGTON , February C. Tlio bill I to
repeal sections of the revised stat -tea re
striding the term of certain ollicors reto
four years , introduced by ReprosontaMv
Willis to-day , is another atop towori
civil service reform. It waa prepared by
the Now York Civil Service lloform daces
aociation , and provides that the otlice
limited to a term of four yea , bo old
at tlio will of the appointing power , c
during good behavior nnd competency.
Tno olliccs n fleeted by _ the bill nro those
of United States district Attorney , chief
justices nnd associate justices of territo
ries , presidential postmasters , rogistoia
of land oftlcos , receivers of public mon-
oya , surveyors general of territories and
collectors of customs.
KlnU'a llcpnrt on HACB.
Ciiuuno , February 3. Members of
the Western Trunk IJno association mot
thin afternoon to consider the Utah pool
complications. Giving to the lateness of
the hour nnd delay in the arrival of Kimball -
ball of the Union Pacific the mooting ,
after n throo-niimito session , adjourned
until morning , no business whatever
being transacted.
In connection with cut freight ratca
east from Chicago , St. Louis , Peoria nnd
other points by central lines of the eastbound -
bound pool n telegram was this afternoon
received in Chicago from Commissioner
Fink , of Now York , wherein ho Bays :
"All roads which take business nt twenty
cents will bu charged with the full tariff
rates of the pool. The same rules will
bo enforced nt other points , nnd an effort
will bo made to maintain rates from nil
points. " A mooting of presidents of the
principal western roads nnd trunk lines
will bo held in .Now York next Thursday.
Fink says : "There can bo but one re
sult from it. namely , that a strict main
tenance will bo ordered. "
Export Tnx on Cotton.
WASUINHTON , February 13. Represen
tative Robinson says in regard to iiis resolution
elution for an export tax on cotton that
n tax of one cent will yield a revenueof
§ 13,000,000.
Captain William A. Kirkland , com
mander of the receiving ship Colorado ,
Now York , has volunteered to command
the proposed Grooley relief expedition ,
and will bo assigned to that duty.
Lieutenant Barber , in charge of HID
remains of the DoLong party , will sail
for Now York Wednesday.
Coal 1'riccH Keiluced.
DBS MOINES , In. , 4. There has boon
nn agreement that nil coal passing
through the city bo sold nt the same price
charged by the coal exchange here , but
prices have boon cut by outside dealers
and" the coal exchange to-day reduced
the shipping price from $2.25 per ton to
$1.70 The minors will commence dig
ging Monday nt 4 cents a bushel They
have boon receiving 4i cents , but accord
ing to agreement reduce the mining
price themselves.
IJehemlou ! ) > a Cable.
DBS MOINES , In. , February 4. Henry
Jones , engineer of the Central Iowa Coal
company at Swan , was caught this morn
ing by a cable which runs on a drum
hoisting coal from the shaft and torn to
pieces , his head being savored from the
body. As no one saw the accident it is
supposed ho was adjusting the cable on
the drum when caught. The body will
bo brought hero for interment.
A Steady Slcopor.
-BUFFALO , February 4. Anthony
Katnm , an inmate ot the alms house ,
died yesterday. Ho claimed two years
ago that the Lord called on him and ho
should sloop until dead. Ho had slept
since , , having to bo fed while in that
state. Half an hour before ho expired
ho rose up in bed , called for paper and
pencil and wrote his name and that of
his brother , B. Kamm , of Hamilton ,
Ono Talccn and tlio Otlicr JJclt.
COLUMIIUS , Ga. , February 4. The
negro JeffRomers , who outraged and
brutally stabbed Mrs. Striflin in the
northern part of Chambers county , Ala
bama , was forcibly taken from the Lafay
ette jail Saturday night and hanged to n
tree. About fifty were engaged in the
lynching. Bill Cutler , another negro in
the same cell , was allowed to make his
escape ,
A Final Judgment.
ST. Louis , February 4. Circuit Judgi
Adams has dismissed the writ of certiorari
rari applied for by ox-Chief of Polic
John W.JCampboll , directing the board
of police'commissioners to reinstate him
in ofllco. The court holds that the action
of the board in reducing Campbell to the
ranks was perfectly legal , ana that thoi :
judgment in the matter is final.
Wendell PlillllpH' Fortitude.
BOSTON , February 4. The funeral o
Wendell Phillips will bo held in Fanoui
hall the latter part of the week. No daj
is yet specified. The autopsy showed tli
terrible nature of the disease which hu <
caused death. His Bufferings must hav
boon most acute , and his fortitude , in th
light of present developments , Bomothinf
Small Pox Ilulnfr.
ST. Louis , February 4. Small pox ha1
broken out in Southton , Mo. , and si
much anxiety prevails that the publi
schools have closed. The number o
deaths is not stated , The same diseas
prevails in the little town of St. Peters
where n dozen or more deaths have oc *
"The Devil Take tlio Hindmost. "
LOUISVILI.B , Fobrunry 4. The sena
torial oituation is unchanged. The re
sult of ono ballot taken in joint assembly
to-day is : Carlisle 22 , Williams 14 ,
Blackburn 9 , remainder scattering. The
caucus held a secret session to-night and
discussed the question of dropping the
hindmost. No decision was roadie
Forfeited War Material.
RICHMOND , Va. , February 4. Can.
non , guns and other munitions of erin
intended for Hayti insurgents , eoi/.od on
, board the schooner E. G. Irwin , have
been forfeited to the United States gov-
Tlio January Flrca ,
NKW YOUK , Fobrunry 4. The record
of January fires shows an aggregate ol
$12,000,000 dostroyod. During1 tlu
montli there were twenty fires , witt ;
loasoa of over 8100,000 , the total of
- those twenty beinK2,250,000.
Dalioltt'a Ba l
FAIWIO , D. T. , February 4 It i
understood from good authority that ho
grand jury ha found indictinonU agams
a largo number of prominent attornevs i Of
the territory for fraud * in land oUto
or cases ,
AWiflcSpafl storm and Its Various
Effects ,
Reports from Within the Bolt
Whore it
Tolographio Oomiuunication Diffi
cult and Interrupted !
The Rise in the Ohio and Its
Threatening Aapoot ,
Xlio Dnngcr * from tliu Iconntl Snow
nt tlio Ilcndwrttcra.
Ciucuno , Fobrunry 4. Sleet and rain
htxs boon falling nil day coating every
thing with ice mid rendering outdoor lo
comotion both dillicult nud dangerous.
Telegraph w ires are covered with ice and
working him ! in every direction , ninny
circuita east , weat north and south being
almost uaolosn. Reports to the Asso
ciated Press received from points north
to St. Paul , west to Omaha , south to
the Ohio river , and cast to Cleveland , al
most without exception , toll of either
rain or sleet. At St. Paul there nro in
dications of snow : at Cairo cloudy , ther
mometer 70 ° above ; between these
points eastward and westward stretches a
bolt in which sleet and rain and heavy
fogs prevail. In all this territory tele
graphic communication is dillicult- The
Associated Press Washington report , in
stead of coming direct to all points , had
to bo relayed at Pittsburg , Cleveland nud
Reports received from northwestern
points nt 10 o'clock indcato no improve
ment in the weather , while nt some
points it is worse , Advices received are
as follows : Davenport and Hook Island ,
rain and Bloat ; Omaha , sleet ; Detroit ,
rain and sleet and cold ; Peoria , raining
very hard ; Hurling ton , sleet ; Kookuk , a
heavy fog and rain ; Cleveland , rain nnd
sleet ; Springfield , rain ; St. Paul , snow
ing hard nearly all over the state.
The Ohio
CINCINNATI , February 4. There is
much anxiety to-night concerning the
condition of the Onio river. It _ ia full
from Pittsbuag to Cairo nud rising to
night from Cincinnati downward , and
also nt the head waters , with the earth
saturated and ice and enow not all gone
from the mountains , Shis rain cannot
fail to came a riso. The river rose nine
inches between 3 o'clock this nftornooi
and 0 to-night. It is raining harder than
over to-night , and the prospect is good
for a continuation all night.
An Emfocz/.ler Captured.
CHICAGO , February 4. Loon Oronson
charged with the embezzlement of $30 ,
000 worth of diamonds from Goldsmitl :
& Kuhn , in Now York , was captured
hero last Wednesday , but the arrest wat
kept quiet by the police. Property
valued at $11,000 has boon recovered
and the detectives have hopes of securing
ing the remainder. The prisoner hat
, ono to Now York in ohargo of tin ofllcer ,
NKW YOUK , February 4. Loon Oren >
son , the diamond salesman who stole 83-
000 worth of diamonds from his employ
era , Goldsmith & Kahn , arrived to-day
from Chicago and confessed. Ho stated
that ho pawned $10,000 worth in the of
lice of Joseph Schwartz , of Kansas City. .
and received § 100 of the $2,000 promts
ed. Ho placed the remaining jewels in
the hands of a friend in Chicago named
Juliuo Edwin , who sold some of them
and sent others to his sisters in South
Bond , Ind. Nearly nil the stolen jewels
wcro recovered.
Speedy iliiHilcu in Ohio ,
RENUVILTJJ , Ohio , February 4. Peter
Clifford , a young brnkoman on the Ohio
Ceutral railroad , awakened late Satur
day night by two men who asked him
to como to the door. IIo went. As sooii
as the door was opened one man put n
pistol to his head and fired. Clifford fell
into the arms of his wife , saying , "Tho
Ilickoya huvo killed mo , " and died in a
few minutes. Up was much esteemed
among his neighbor * and was re
cently married. The Iliokoys who
bear a hard name wore arrested ,
five in number , including J. E. Roddick ,
brother-in-law of Richard. Last night
mobs rtf several hundred surrounded the
jail , took Richard Hickey , and Roddick
to a grove near by , where Ilickey was
hung , refusing to confess or deny the
murder. Roddick was also strung up ,
but the rope broke and lie protested his
innocence nnd begged so piteously that
the crowd spared him for trial.
FlHlierinon'u Imclc.
NKWTOUT , II , I. , February 4.
Schooner C. Noyos , herring laden , sunk
in a collision. The crow was picked up
much frostbitten , after being ton hours
in an open boat.
Killing Not
AUSTIN , Texas , February 4. The
enato indefinitely postponed the bill
justifying the killing , of fence cuttois
caught applying the nippers.
On to oudan.
OAWO , February 4. A French consul
has boon dispatched to Khartoum. Col.
Harrington has arrived at Suakim nud
taken command.
rrobally no form of dlncase Is BO ge nerally dis
tributed mnoiiif our whola population ai Bcrofula
Almost every Individual lias Uil latent poison com *
Ing Ma velni. The terrible sufferings endured bj
these aflilcttd with scrofulous eorea cannot I *
understood \ > j others , and tlio Intensity of theli
tratltudo wliea they nnd a remedy that cure *
them. astonishes a well person. We refer ly per
mm if mission to Mist
Hnnn 8aral > - er ,
nUUU of Warner , N. H. ,
wno was cured by
theeeverilyof whlchconflned lier to tli * touwfor
two jean. Blx months prcrious to taking Hoodi .
r ( It
months li wti reduced
posjlble for her lo 1H wny )
duced to a mere tkeletca. Her cure Is Iwrdly leu
is than ft miracle. " MMO wonderful cures than toll
have been effected by Uu medicine. There U no
doaU that In Hood's 8arsapaiUlavrebavo themon
remarkable medicine that Ins ever lief a proaucod
nd ft positive en tot Beiofula la IU numeroui
turn * . 1'rcpared only fcjf.
* * *
' > . ty
' ' ; ' , vt
. . , V
/ \ * *
. \'i \
. V.X. .
- -I < > <
' . * , s' - .
- * " < v *
Matter of Application of M. Wollsteln It Co/ , for
Liquor License.
Notlco Is hereby ( riven that \\Vlsteln & Coi , o
upon thu 27th day of Jan. A.D.lSSI.fllo their applica
tion to tlio mayor nnd tlty council ot Omaha for li
cense to iicll malt , imlritliou'i and \lnoiis Ifqitors-
622 Boutli Thlrtvci.ih utreet , Second ward. Oniahi ,
Neb. , from thu llth day of Feb. 1834 , to thu Iltli da ;
of April ) 1884.
If tncro bo no objection , remonstrance or proUst.
filed within tuo necks from Jan.27th A. I ) . 188.1 ; thw
ald license w 111 bo granted.
THE OMAHA lir.n 'newspaper will publish thu adore
notice once each ne-vk for two weeks at the cxpuisu
of the iippllcant. The city of Omaha Is not to bo-
charged the row ith. J. J. L. C. JKWKTC.
Jili.2tltw ! City Clurk.
Matter of Application f M. W. I'ratt for Liquor
NotleolshcrebyKlveii that M. W. I'ratt dul upon
the tiDth day of January , A. D. , 1&34 , file hla p-
iillcatlon to the maj or and city council of Omalia , for
licenno to sell malt , uplrltuoiis and vinoiifl ll > iuors at
No. 1508 Doiljo ttrect. 4th ward , Oinaha.Nub. , from
the llth day nt fob. 1884 , tlio llth day ot April ,
If lie no objcrttnn , remonstrance or protest
filed within tvm vv , < from January 27th A. D. ,
1884 , the iiald Haluo will bo granted.
U. W. I'UATT , Applicant.
Tno Omaha Iloonowsparwr will publish the above
notice unco each week for two weeks at the expense
of the apiillcunt. The city of Omaha is uot to bo
clmrL'ed therewith.
Io7.2t-lovv J. J. L. C. JiWETT : , City Clerk.
Matter ol Application of Max 11" lur I.1U3 |
Notice Is hereby given that Max UPS did upon
tliu SOIIi ilny ol January , A. J ) . 1SS4 , file his
application to the major and city council of Omaha
fur HCUIBO to soil malt , i > lrltuoiu and vinous liquors
at corner Oth and Jackson street * , lat , Omaha ,
Neb. , from thu IItli day of tub 1334 to the llth
day ul A | ril , 18tH , If there bo no objection , re-
imitintrnnce or protest \vlthlntvvovvecksfrom
Jan. 26th , A. ( > . 1834 , the laid llrenbo will be
MAX I.ENZ. Applicant.
The OmahaBco now paporwHI publbhtho above
IiKtlro once each week for two weeks nt tin expense
of thu applicant. The city of Omaha Is not to bo
charucd ( herewith.
lU-Zt-lew k J J. L. C. JEWETT , City Cleik.
Matter of Appli cation of James Falconer for
Notlco Is hereby git en that Jas. I' Iconer dleUupoii
the 2oth day of Feb. 1884 , file Ids appllcatlonio thu
major and Ult > touncll of Uie elty ol Omaha. , for llr
Ci-iisuto bell mult , npirltous and \lnoua llqjflro , at.
N. I ; , cor Dou Usund 14tHbtrect , 3d\vard , Omaha ,
Neb. , from the 4tlnlav of Feb. lbS4 , to thu ljUiela ) > r
April. lbS4.
If there be no iibjectlon , remonstrance or protecli
filed lthlnt o vve-uk from Jan. , 20th , A , D , IbSU
the natd license will bo granted.
J. FALCONHIl. Applicant.
Tli * Omaha Dee newspaper will iiubiliatiQ ) abon >
notlco once each week fur two ueeks nt4to-cii'vt.i >
of the apiillcant. The tlty of Omaha a not to Do
chareod ilicrevvlth. J. J L. U. JU'-Wl-rTT ,
17a-2t-leu. | City ClsrJt.
Proposals lor Subsistence Stores.
Ofllcc purcliatlnyanddeaQta , S. 1
Dtaha , Neb , January Wth 1ES V t
' Sealed proposals In duplloato , marked. "Propogala
for subiUtenoe stores , ' ' kildrtssxl to th' uwlerUned
andKubjecttotheumialoLUdlilODS hu rccelvtd
atthkiotUoa uutU It ! o'clocV noonv Kobrusrv 20th
183 * , at which time and plaoat'aey w.l | be opeoedla
[ irusencoot bidden lorturiiVUnc aeAdxllvuiy tlht
subtis oncb ttorehouto , or it. tucVa ath r | ! ACO In tba-
city vf Omaha as may bo illrf.ctuV
85 000 pounds , utw cuui baooa.fljOitclear sUu >
medium vvelKht aud U knves , lacked In crutta ,
strapl > ed ol about S20 'r/undbacon lach , eachiilfioe
of bacon to b covorrjrtivjth cotton elcth , 10 ti JoUv.
ered by Jlsrch 15ltfKM. .
Thi government.XSUM * the rlxht ta ' 3 U ay or
all i > roposa1i.
lllank lirounv end tuU infcrmallounty tUe man *
Mir ol MdJ'AS and , 'units of centric * , and payn
No ) > rocr 0 vlit hd eoi'iUcrul m.l c uuipai < ieet
bytbarUtid | lr. trliCtloM UiMi to hid '
IUlse < ttl.t > . JOHX \ \
. ' J