Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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The ftebrasfc national Bank
i - - swo.oo
, NOT. 1,1883 > i6oOo
it. W. YATES , President , for rnun j-cfttt C s
tlu First N'atlonul Dank ot Oc.tL * .
A. P. TOUZAL1N , Vloo Prcslilent , o ! Boston.
V , V. ItOUSK , ot W. V. Mono & Co ,
HNS. COLMKS , 0 , II & J. a Collins.
It WOOMVOntH.Co nwlorund Attorney ML * w
L. 0. RRKD , ot CjTOn Reed & Co.
This Bank opened lor huslnon April S7 , 183S ,
ha directors and dtookhoMors o among the lend
Kbmlnois ol Omaha , and Ita buslnesi la oonductod
with espootal rcterenoo to the best and Increasing In
rests ot Its mercantile patrons ,
Collections rooclvo prompt attention and ohargot
lowest obtainable hero or oliewhcre.
Interest allowed on tlmo depOElta npou TOrabli
terms and upon accounts ot banks and bankers.
Foreign Exchange , Oovornmout I ) nds , and ( Connl ?
nd Cltv Securities bought and gold
Council Bluffs Loan and
Trust Company.
First MortgAge Lonna Negotiated. Commercial
rnpcr nfid all Uood Securities Oo&lt In. 39 1'catl
street , and 60S First avenue , Council Blufh.
NEW YOBS , February 2.
Money Easy nt 1J@2 per cont.
Prlmo Paper 1@5J per cont.
Exchanga BUls Firm ; 4.8"i ; demand ,
Governments Finn.
Stocks Not since October last liruo sMes nt
the stock exchange reached the total attained
to-day , 685,807 shares having changed liaiuh.
From the opening until the clcso of business
the tendency oi prices was upward ; the reac
tions which occurred nt intorvala having
brought in buyers , caused rapid rocovnrles.
The bulls wore in full control. The smaller
bears have generally covered , and nro now enlisted -
listed on the bull eldo , lfut the largo boars are
still heavily short , as borrowing rates for
stocks plainly indicate to-day. Oregon Navi
gation commanded J per cent per diem for
use , and others as high ns J per cent. The
activity nnd excitement surpassed anything
that has been witnessed on the stock pxclmngo
for a long tlmo. The dealings iu some of the
loading shares were on nn enormous scale ,
Union Pacific loading with 129,000 shares an
unusually largo total for any stock. Advances
ranged from i to 3 per cent , niid extended
throughout the entire list. The great feat
ures of the market were Union Pacific , West
ern Union , Missouri Pacific , St. Paul , Lake
Shore , nnd the low-priced southwest shares.
The rue was. started under the leadership of
the Union Pacific , which advanced from 79 ?
to 82. Western Union followed closely , and
rose from 70 } to 77J on a business of over DO ,
000 shares. The movement in this stock to
day developed the fact that the recent attacks
on it from the officials of opposition compa
nies ha < ; created a very heavy short interest ,
which has yet to bo covered. Missouri Pa-
clfioalso advanced sharply , selling up from
01 i to 92g , and closed at the highest point of
the day. The dealings in St , Paul were largo
at steadily advancing prices , rising from 00)i )
co 1)2. ) Several prominent bears wcro twisted
on this stock to-day. Northern Pacific were
; itivo and higher , common advancing from
22Jto233/ and preferred from -17i to 49J.
NortVwostern rose to 120 $ , Uurlington to
124J , Omaha to 33J , aud ditto preferred to 93.
Late In the afternoon there was a reaction of
from } to 1 per cent , owing to sales to realize
by the smaller class of traders , but closed
film. As compared with last night's closing ,
prices are from J to 2J per cent higher. The
sales to-day represent nearly four hundred
million dollars. The granger stocks \\ero
favoraely affected by the report that at the
meeting in Chicago on Monday a proposition
will be submitted by Clark , of the Union Pa
cific , which it was understood that the Bur
lington would in nil probability accept.
The Mail and Express says : "The great
strength of the market is duo not only to
the wealth and brains of the street now eolid-
ly arranged on the bull side , but also to the
many slcns of improvement outside of Wall
street. "
3's ' 100
4 J'a Coupons. . . .
Pacific 6 BoT'W. ' 129
American Express
Burl , Cedar Rnpidi & Northern
Central Pacific
Chic. go & Alton
do do pfd
Ch ! . , Burl. & , Quincy
do pfd
Port Wayne & Chicago
Hannibal & St. Jozoph
do .do do pfd
, Illinois Central
Ind , , Bloom. & Western
Kansas & Texas
Lake Shore & Michigan So
Michigan Central
Minneapolis & St , Loui.i
do do do , pfd
Missouri Pacific
N ) f fhorn Pacific
do do pfd
N jrthwestoru
do pfd
Nuw York Central
Onto fc Mississippi
do do pfd. , . .
Peoria , Dccatur & ) 'vaimille. . . . . . . .
Rock Island
St. Paul & Milwaukee
do do do pfd
St. Paul Minn , & Manitoba
St. Paul& Omaha
ilo do pfd
Taxaa Pacific
Union Pacific i. . . .
\ \ abah , St. L. it. Pacific
do do do pfd , . ,
Western Union Telegraph
* Asked ,
CiHCAao , February L' . Flour Dull ani
unchanged ! winter wheat Hour S17fi@5GU
for good to choIiM soft sprint ; wheat , 4 00 ( §
4 CO : Minnesota bakers' , 4 nO@5'J5.
Wheat Regular active and feeling strong
during the fjreuter part of the day ; opened
eaeior but ilecllnod Jo , later ruled strong , ad1
vancing j@l& ! under a good demaud ; eauec
off and closed | o higher than yesterday nt 'Jlj
fBOlJj ; cash , Oljc ; February. Oi'Jo ; March ,
! 3 c ) April , OSi'ci M'ny , 1 OOJ ; uno , 1 02
smiae wheat , 'Jljf OlJc : No , U spring , 76 ®
sbo ; No , 2 winter , 08c@l } 10.
Corn ActlTB ; opened weak and decllnec
gc ; tallied go and closed jo under yesterday
MSo cash mid February ; & 3@G3/o Mar-n
r.3Jc April ; 6SJo Hay ; C8go June ; rejected
Oats Market quiet but firm ; 32o cosh ; 32 :
® 32go Fcbnuu-y ; 3232Jo March ; 33e April
: W3o May.
Jyo ! Alarkot fcteady at f > 8c.
Barley Market dull atCl@014c.
Flax Heed-Quiet at 1 40 for extra.
Timothy Pine grades , 187(31 ( 40 ; prime
1 3-@l S3 ; common to fair , 125@130.
1'ork Market utrung and lulvaucod 30@40c
10 0510 70 cash ; in 70 February ; 10 70 ( <
1072Ji March ; 1(1821@1085 ( April ; 1005ft
10 07j May.
T.trd Active , firm and 10@20o hlifhoi
J ' . ' ( Xao 25cah ; 0 StlQD 23 February ; 0 824ft
! )33 ) March ; 0-J5 < 29474 April ; 055@U57
Hulk Me t Firm ; houldere , 090 ; short
rlb . 8 75@8 80 : long clour , 8 SO.
WhUlcy-1 1(5. (
ntitter Unchanged ; tholco creamery , S3
C33c , for bwt brands lffi,2o morn : fancy dal-
rips , 2 : > @ 27c ; rolls , common , ll@10c.
Kggs Firmer at M@3Co.
Cneosft Finn nnd unchanged : exporters
buying choice full cream Cheddars nt 14c ;
choice flats , lie ; good part skim cheddars nnd
flat * . 8@9c.
Hides biisincw nt former prices ; grocm salt
cured bull and iiMnnxod , tic ; gro u alt ralf
nnd dry suited , lie.
Tallow No. 1 country , OJ@7c ; cake , 7jc.
NKwYonK , February 2. Wheat CMI !
Jo higher and firm ; options o ) > onod i
lower , advanced i@c , closing firm : un
graded rod. 03(3)1 ( ) 16 ; No. 4 red , SSJc ; No , 3
ted. OSc ; No. a rod. 1 09@1 09J.
Corn Ciuh , i@Jo higher ; options opened
\o \ lower , Advanced 4@8ccl ° BlnB Hun ; uu-
grndoa.CUc ; No. 2 , G0i@tiljc.
Oats Firm ; mixed western , 39i@llc ;
white , 4247o.
Etrfrs Western fresh , quiet nnd firm.
Pork Qulot nnd stronger ; now mess , 10 00 ,
Lard Firm ; prime steam , 9 50.
Buttor-Dull nnd weak ,
BALTIMORE , Fobniary 2. Wheat Western ,
firmer , dosing dull ; No. 2 winter rod caoh
nnd February , 1 07(5)1 ( ) 07 | .
Corn Western , [ firmer , closing dull ; mtxod
cash , 53c bid.
Oats Firm ; western white , 42@43c ; mlxod ,
Kyo Quiet nt07ar > 9c.
Eggs I/iwcr nt 35@3Gc ,
Butter Pull ; western packed , 10@2ixj ;
creamery , t3@2'ic. !
Whlsky-Stoady nt 1 181 18J.
LiVKnroOL. Fobrunry 2. Wheat Weaker ;
inter , 8t@S * Od ; spring , 8s@8s 4d.
Corn Inactive ; now , Cs2d ; old 5a ( id.
KANSAS OITT , Fobriiarv 2. Whont Mar
ket steady : S2Jo bid for cash ; 8IJo bid for
March ; 88JO bid for May.
Corn Steady ; 40Jc for cash ; 40J@41o for
'obruiry ' : 45@45Jo for Mny.
Oats Higher nt 29c.
UINCINKATI , February 2 , Wheat Firm ;
'o , 2 red , 1 l)3@l ) 04.
Corn Kaslor ; No. 2 mixed , Gljc.
Oats Firm : No. 2 mixed , 3CJ@37c.
Rye Steady and firm ; No. 2 , C3c.
Pork Strong and higher ; now , 1050 ®
G75. '
Lard Strong ; prime steam , ! ) 00 bid ; 9 10
Bulk Moats Strong nnd higher.
Whisky-Steady at 1 14.
NEW OBLEANB , February 2. Oats Firmer
, nd quiet nt 43 ® d'c.
Pork Demand fair and higher ; now , 17 25.
Bulk Moats Fair demand.
Corn Fair demand ; mixed and whlto , 60
3 > 57c.
Corn Meal Firm and in moderate demand ,
1 2 90.
Lard Steady ; tierce , refined , 900 ; keg ,
Whisky Steady nnd unchanged ; western
ectlfiod , 105@120.
TOLEDO , February 2. Wheat Quiet and
teady ; No. 2 red cash , 97Jc@l 04 ,
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , cash mid February ,
c.Onts Dull ; No. 2 cash , SCc.
MILWACKKH , February 2. Wheat Qulot
, nd steady ; No. 2 , 91ic ; February ,
larch , 9c , ; May , 98.c. }
Corn Scarca aud firm ; No. 2 , 52Jc.
Onts Scarce nnd firm ; No. 2 , 32ic.
Kyo Firmer ; 59c.
Barley Higher nnd in fair demand ; No. 2 ,
CHICAGO , February 2. The Drovers' Jour-
nl reports this afternoon as follows :
Hogs Steady ; strong ; rough packing , 575 ©
40 ; packing and shipping , G 2j@C 75 ; light ,
50@G 20 ; Hklps,4 00(2 ( > 5 25.
Cattle Steady and unchanged ; exports ,
iT5072r > ; good to choice Bhipping , 575 ®
i 40 ; common to medium , 5 00@5 GO ; inferior
Lo fair cows , 2 50@4 00 : medium to good , 4 00
© 4 SO ; stockers , 3 504 50 ; feeders , 4 50 ®
Sheep Steady and strong ; inferior to fair ,
150@4 00 per cwt ; medium to good , 400 ®
3 00 ; choice to extra , 5 25@7 00 ; Texnns , 2 50
@ 450.
ST. Louis , Fobniary 2 , Cattle Supply
Sheep Firm and in good demand ; best
grades common stuff , 2 75@2 ! 50 ; fair to me
dium , 4 00@4 50 ; good to fancy , 4 75G 00 ,
KANSAS CITY , February 2. The Daily In
dicator reports :
Cattle Steady nt 4 75@G 20 ; stockers mid
'coders , 425@1 80 ; cows , 32j@125.
Hogs Strong at 5 85li 30.
Sheep-Quiot ; natives at 3 70@4 50.
CHICAGO , February 2 , Receipts and ship
ments of flour nnd grain for the past 2i hours
have boon as follows :
Rocclnta. Ship'h.
Flour , bbls 13,000 12,000
Wheat , bushels P3.000 11,000
Corn , bushels 229,000 107,000
Oati- , bushels 110.000 71,000
Rye.bushela 7,000 1,000
Barley , bushels 30,000 11,000
1SKW YOHK , February 2. Rocolpta nud
.hipmentsot . Huur MIgr.Uu \ for the past 21 hours
have been : u fold AYS ;
Rocolpta Rhip'ts.
Wheat , bushels 13,000 119,000
Corn , bushels 43.0CO 73,000
Oats , bushels 18,000 140
CHICAGO , February 2. Rocalpts and ship-
mentis of live stock for the pant 24 huura bare
been as follows :
Receipt * . Bhlp'ta.
Cattle 2,000 ,
Hoga 7,000
Sheep GOO . . . .
KANSAS Cur , February 2. Receipts nnd
shipments of live stock for the pant 2i hours
have been ns follows :
Rocoipta. Bhlp'ta ,
Cattle 500 . . . .
Hog * 2,000
Sheep . . . , 750 . , . .
Sr , LOOIH , February 2. Rocolpta nnd shipment -
mont ? of live stock for the post 21 hours have
been ns followa ;
Rocolpta , Bhlp'ti '
Cattle 450 1,00 (
Hogs , . . , . . . . .
Sheep 000 l.CKX
Wholesale 1'rluoH ,
Orrica or TJIK OMAHA Bea.
Saturday Evening , ] ' "ebruary 2 , |
The following prices are charged retailor.
by Jobbers , wholesaler * and commission mor
chanto , with the exception of trraln , which I
quoted nt the prices furnished by the olevntori
and other local buyers ;
WIIZAT Cash No. 2. 738 < i ; Vo , 3 , C2c.
BAKLW Cash No. 2. 48@J9c ,
UTK Cash No , 3 , 43Jc.
COHN No. 2 , 38 jo ,
OATS-No , 2 , 28i ,
Itlvo Btoolc ,
I'AT HTIKBS Qulot at 4 005 00.
WAT CQWH 3 25(3)3 ( ) 75.
HOQ3-5 256 ( 50 ,
BHKKP S 25' } S 75.
CALVES 5 C0@8 25.
\ Flour and Mlllotrjfln.
WINTER WHUAT Best quality , patent.'o
rj j HECOSU QUALITY 2 K > @ 8 25.
I UUAN 65o per cwt.
OnoiTRn FRED Per TOO Ibs. SSo ,
Contf MEAI1 00@110 IKW owtj
SciiEKNlN'o65@76o ixircwt
Gonornl I'roilucc.
llcrntR Fancy creamery. S33fic } cold
etordijo crenmory , 2527c ; cnolcfl dntry , 20
@ 21c ; boat country , solid tmckoil , 12d ( > lBoj
best country , roll , lG18cj inferior prude * .
10@l4c. llocclpts nro small rvml tlio domaml
MEATS lining , 13o ; bronkfust bncon , lie ; oldo bncon , ohort , lOJo ; clear ftldn bncon ,
long , lO cj dry salt uliort , 5 > Jc ; dry unit IOUK ,
OJci Miimliicr * , 7cj diiod bocf , ISc ; laid , ro-
tinc.l , 9o.
Unas Mixrkot firm ; sales to-day nt28@30cj
rccolitts light.
Arri.Ks Fnncy iTonntlinns , 81 f > 0@5 OOj
fruity lion Davis , $3 C > 0H)4 ( ) 00 ! fancy Jonet ,
S3 00@3 BO ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , $3 25@3 75.
Demand Rood ,
CHEK8K Now York Stnto ( nil cream , Into
Sottombor tnnko , 14c ; Now York Statfl full
cronm , 10 hoot ) lots , liljo ; do full cream , 60
hoop lota , ISJcj WlBCoinlti , full cream , Inbox ,
lie ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , 1-ic ;
full cream , l"o : full cream 10 hoop lots , IHo-
full cream flats , 12Jo : fulltcromu lints , ll o ;
fancy brick choose , 100 Ib casoa , IDic ; Urn-
burger 13Jcj genuine old Swiss , lUc ,
roTATOKS Kocolpts small nnd prices
good , Consignments of strictly choice ,
largo slzod , straight ] > oUtoo3 are soiling
from 45 to 48c ; in'tod cars 40 to 42o ami
Hglit demand ; poncliblows , BOc.
SWEPT VoTATOk-a Cholco yellow , none ,
ONIONS No demand ; market ovorstocltod.
DEANS Hand i > ! ckod natives , $2 25@2 50 ;
Imiul picked modlmns , SI 76@t ! 00 , Ho-
colpta largo.
UANK Pralrio chlcljons , per doz. , 83 00 to
3 25 ; snlpo. SI DO to 1 7C ; ilnclm , Mnllard , per
doz , 2 00@2 CO ; mixed , 8160 to 2 00. llo
careful that your game comes to market In
nlco condition ,
FIIKSH OvsTKns Selects , 40c ; standards ,
S5cj modlums , 25&
PODLTIIY Live chickens , per doz , 1 75@
200 ; fulldroRoodchlckonsporlb,10@12c ; tur
keys , per IK , 15@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; goose ,
LEMONS Extra fancy bar lemons , 50 00 ;
fancy Mosshm lemons , per box , S5 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemons , S5 00 ; 10 box loin do. ,
84 75 ; Malagft lemons , fancy , $1 50 ; do 5 box
lots , SI 25.
OUANOKS Valenclas , 8 00 ; Mosslnns , 4 25.
OnANDKimiKS Boll and ouglos , $12 00 ; boll
and cherry , $9 50@10 50 , Above quotations
for choice ,
DATES Hlack Arabian , per IK , 8@9c ;
quarter crates , lOc.
Fias 25 Ib. koga , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box ,
nyor , per Ib. , Ific ; small'wvals par Ib. , 18 < x
COCOANUTS Kxtra fine , per 100 , 8 00.
Cinicn Pure sweet cider , 22 gal keg , 5000 ;
M. ft P , clarifio < l , 1C gal keg , 84 75 ; M. & P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00.
Pins FEIT , TIUPE , Era Pigs foct , 15 Ib
kits , SI 15 ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl. § 2 25 : pigs feet ,
80 Ib half bbl , SI 00 ; tripe , 18 Ib kits , SI 15 ;
tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , S2 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl ,
84 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , $2 60 ; pigs
tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl. $6 00. Lambs' tongues ,
1511) kits , S2 05 ; 40 ib qr bbl , ? 0 25.
MINCE MEAT Atmoro's , ISlb buckets
( buckets 25o ) 9o ; 371b bucketa ( bucket 40c ) ,
Uc. ; lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barrels , SJc.
ABSOHTEIJ.JELLY 2-lb stone jars : 12 In case ,
per doz , $2 25 ; tumblor. per doz , SI 95 ;
schooner , per dozen , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4
doz. in'coso , 8140 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doin case ,
HULK JELLIES Currant , SO-lb wood pails ,
per Ib , "Jc ; strawberry , SO-lb wpod pails per
Ib , 7/c / ; njjjiberry , SO-lb wood pails nor Ib ,
7fc ; blackberry. 80-lb wood pails per Ib , 7c ;
crub ajiplo , 30-lb wood rnils UHT Hi. 7\'c.
APVLK 15U1TEU 35-lb wo'i'loii i ) Is , per Ib ,
8c ; H-lb wooden pails , C in cu < " < per cane ,
S3 f 0
PEACH BUTTEK 2o-lb wooden palls per Ib ,
Sll 00 ; G-lb woodou paild , ti iu case , per caoo ,
§ 425.
PliKScnvKS ( lu 20-lb wooden paila ) Kii
berry , lou ; etrawberry , quince , 14c ; pencil ,
14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c ; plum , lln ;
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , C in case , per , 84 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in
case , per case , Si ( 50
NKBHASKA Conn HONEY 2-lb frames , 2Mb
cases , per Ib , ISc.
HAT Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; in bulk ,
600@70Dper ton.
Grocers Lint.
OANNEII Goous Oysters ftitandardjpor case ,
3 70o 99 ; fctruwbemos , 2 tb , per case. 2 00@
' 210 ; raspborriea , 2 Ib , per , 2 90 ; IJartlett
'pears , per ca e , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per caao ,
310 ; egg pluu s , 2 It ) , per case , 2 90 ; preen
gngea , " Ib , per case , U 90 ; pina applet , 1 ! Ib
per case. 4 80@5 50.
HOPE Sisal i inch nnct larger , lOc , 8 inch ,
Jc ; J inch , lie.
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , ICs , 15c ; Sa , 15o ;
boxes 40 Ibs , 10 ot. , Ci , 15c.
MAVOHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , CMOS ,
2 55 ; squpj-o cases , 1 70.
SDOAKS Powdered , 9Jc ; cut loaf , 9 c ;
grannlatod , 8 , ' < ! ; confectioners' A , 8Jc ; Stand-
ixrd extra C , 7Jic ; extra C , 7.ic ; medium yel
low , 7c ; dark yellow , CJc.
Ordinary grades , 12@12Jc ; fair 13
18e ; Arbucklo's roa : ted , ISJc ; McLaughllnV
X roasted , IBJc ; mitation Java , IfiJ
KIOE LouiBiaua prime to choice , 7c ; fair
CJc ; Patina , Gc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 CO ; No.
1 mackerel , ita , 1 15 ; family mackerel , half
brls. , 0 00 ; family mackcrol , kits , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brla. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 05.
Svnur Standard Com. , 82c , hols ; Standard
do , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
Jwa 150
SODA In Ib papers , 3 30 per cano ; kpg per lh ,
PICKLES ] \rodium \ , In barrels , 7 00 ; do
In half barrels , 4 00 ; amallj in barrels , 8 00 ; do
in half barrels , 4 50 : gherkina- barrels , 9 00 ;
do in half barrels. BOO.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice CO
< 5)75c ) ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@C5c ;
Young Ilyson , good , 8C50e ; choice ,
C5ci ) l 00 ; tTapan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan ,
choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchonc , ( jood , 35@40c ;
choice , 3.5 1 15c.
WOODENWAIIE Two hoop palls , 185 ;
three hoop pails. 2 10 , Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Plo-
noor washboards. 185 ; Double Crowu 290 ;
Wollbuckots , 3 85.
SoArH Kirk's Savon Impoilal , 3 45 ; Kirk's
natinot , 3 CO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Jlusalnu , 525 ; Kirk'n outoca , 215 ;
lUrk'g Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; ICirk'a
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In ewe ,
3 35 ; Babbitt , ! ) ball 2 doz. incase , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. in cano , 1 TO ,
CANDY French mixed , in 30 Ib , pails , 18cj
American mixed , in 30 Ib palls , Me ; Brilliant
mixed , in 30 Ib nails , 13c ; Nobby mixed , In 30
Ib palls , 13c ; Competition mixed , in 30 11
polls , 12Jc ; KxcoUlor ntick , 30 Ib pails , 12c ;
double relined , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Crystid inUod
30 Ib palls , ICc ; Old Time , mixed , SO Ib nails ,
14e ; Tip Top , ndxod , 30 Ib pallu , 13c ; hlrt
mixed , RO Ib palls , lljc ; Kllrt , stick , 30 11 :
palls , 11 Jo ; Tip Top , etick , SO Ib palls , 12o.
VINEUAB Now xo/Kapplo 16c ; Ohio up1
pie. Vic ,
HiliT Dray loads , per bhl , 1 PO ; Auhton , h
aacka , 3 60 ; bbls dairy CO , Kg , 8 30.
STAUOH Pearl , 4io ; Bllvor C31osn , Do ; Con
Starch , 'Jo ; Excelnlcr GIo < , 7Je ) Corn , oc.
StiCErt Popper , 17cj allsplca. IDc ; cloven
Cc ; caxslrk 16e.
LYE American. 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40
Wootern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; J owU1 lya
4 CS ; Jowoll lya , 2 7C.
Bnowjj ConoNH Atlantic A. 8c ; Apple
ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , PC ; Boot FK. H
Standard A 80 ; Indian Orchard , d. w , ,
av/ronca LIC4c ; Mygtlo Iliver , 7ic ; Poquo
, 8c ; Utica 0. 60 ; Wochunstt 13 7Sc ' : d (
, 8jo do 15 48 , 12ic.
FINE BKOWN COTTONS Allondalo 4-4 , 7jc
COTTONB Androscogrfn L 4-4
12 } ; do Water Tvd t , i&Jo ; Great 1'iTlVQ.'l )
Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ; Ijonadalo , 10
o cambHo 37,12Jc ; Now York Mills , 124
Pequot A , lOc ; 1'ej.porel , N G Twills , 12 |
Pocaliontai 4-4 , OJo : Pocassot C-4 , SJ ( Utlcft
lie : WwnMitttt O X X. 12&0
DOCKS ( Colored ) Albany K. brown , 8c ; do
0 , drab , lie ; do XXutrlpos and plaids , 121-2c ;
do XXX brown nwl drnb , strlixvi nnd plftld * ,
12 l-2cj Arlington fancy , 19c ; Bnuwwlck
brown , 8 1.2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l > 2ci do extra -
tra heavy , HOc ; Fall Klvor brown , nxtra heavy ,
11 l-2c ; Indiana A bro\vn , 18oj Noix > nsot A
brown , IBo
TicKiNos-Amoskoag A 3 A 32,19c ; do XX
blue S2. 18 l-2c ; Arrowannn , 0 l-2c ; Clare
mont lin , 12o ; Coiiostoga , extra , 17 l-2o
Hwntltoii 1) , 11 l-2c : Lowlston A30 , ISc : A'Uij
nohnha 4-4 , 20cj Omoca , gmwr extra 4'A ( , ;
Pearl Klvor 83 , 10 We ; Putnam XX blue
stripe , 12c : Shotuckot S , 10 l-2cj do S3 , 12c ;
Yooman'g blue 29 , Uc.
DEXI.MS Ainoakoaj ; , blue ftndbrownlGl-2o ;
Aiulovor DD blue , 15 l-2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 l-2c : Concoril OOO , blue and
brown , 12 l-2c : do AAA , do do 131-2 ; do
XX to do do , II l-2o ; Haymaker's blue and
brown. 0 l-2c ; Mystic HlvorDDstrlpo , 101-2c ;
Pearl Ittror , blue and brown , ICc ; Uncasvlllo ,
blue nnd brown. It l2o.
OAMnmos Banianl file ; Eddystono lining ,
24 Inch double face , 81cGanior ; A glared , 6Jc ;
Manhattan glove finlsli , 5tcICowiortlo.5ip ; ) !
do glnzod , 6Jc ; Poquot do , 5o ; Lockwood kid
finish , Co.
COIISET JEANS Ainory. Androscoggin
sattooii. 8c ; Clarendon CJc ! Conoatogga * at-
teens , 7Jc ; Hnllowoll , 8c ; Indian Orohanl , 7ic ;
Narragausott , improved , SJo ; Popixirill Bat-
teen , Ojc ; Iockx { | > rt , Co.
PniNTS Aliens , Co : Atnoncan , CJo ; Arnldo ,
CJc ; Berwick , 4Jc ; Cochooo , CJ iConostoga , GJc ;
Danklrk , Gc ; Dunnoll , OJ@7c ; Eddystono , CJc ;
Gloucester , OjcsHannony , 5\c \ ; Knickerbocker ,
OJc ; Morrlmao D , 7o ; lystlo , 6Je ; Spramios ,
Cc ; Southbrldgo , Cc ; do Glughan.s , 7o ; Marl-
borp , 5Jc ; Oriental , SJo.
" * *
80 ;
JiC !
CoTTONAnEs" Abborvlllo , l"3io ; Acato , 20c ;
American , lie ; Artlslan , 20o ; Cairo D and T
ISJc ; Clarion D and T , 171o ; Docan Co.
Btrlpos D and T , lOoi Keystone ISJc ; Nan"
York , plain Nankin , 12Jc ; do chocks , Btripoa
vnd fancy , 121c : do 8 oz , I0o. !
SiiKKTiNoa AndroBcopgtn 10-1 , 27jo ; do
0-J , 23c ; do 3-4 , 32o : Continental O42. llo ;
Fruit of the Loom 10-4 ; 27JoNow ; York in IU
98. 35o ; do 78 , 80o ; do B8 , 22Jo ; Pembroke
10-4 2Sc 1'o.iuot 10-4 do 19o do 40
- , ; - , 28io ; 74 , ; ,
ICe ; Pepponoll 00 , 20c ; do 07 , 21c ; do 17 , 18o ;
Utlcn 00 , SCc ; do B8 , 22ic ; do 48,17c.
1m in Her.
Wo quota lumber , lath and Bhlngloa' ; on oars
at Omaha nt the following pricoa :
JOIST AND SCA.-.TUHO 16 ft , and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 BO ,
TIMIIEIUI 10 foot and nndor , 22 00.
TniBKii AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 60 ; 20 ft , 23 BO ;
22 ft , 20 BO ; 24 ft , 20 BO.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHKETINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
LINK Per barrel , 12Bbulk ; per bushel' 8T c ;
comout , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa piaster , bbl , 2 CO ; hair
per 1m. BOe ; Tarred felt , 100 Ibs , 3 50 ; straw
board , 3 60.
Pnlnts.Olls nnd \ nrtilslion.
OILB 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 1BO °
headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 176 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 1BO ° water whlto , 17c ; lin
seed , raw , ; pr gallon,6rio ; llnaood , boiled , per
gallon , BSoLard. winter str'd , per gallon , bOo :
No. 1 , 70oNo. 2. OOc ; castor. XXX , per gal
lon , 1 BO ; No. 3 , 130 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00
spprni W.B. , per gallon , ICO ; fish. W. B. ,
srgallon , Otic : nuatsf not extra , per gallon , OOs ;
_ o. 1 , 7Bo ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30cj
Bummer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal
lon , 35o ; No. 2 , 2Bc ; sperm , signal , per gallon ,
80e ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; naptha 71 ° ,
per gallon , IGc.
PAIKTB IN OIL Whlto lead , Omahn P. P. "
Oe ; white load , St. Loula , pure , GJc ; Marseilles
green 1 to 5 lb cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
seal , 12c ; French zinc , red aoal , lie ; Ficnuh
zinc , in varniah rwut , 20c : Fionch zinc , in oil
nsst , Ifio ; raw anil burnt muber , 1 lb cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown ,
13c ; rafinod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
ivory black , ICe ; drop black , ICc ; Prussian
blue , 80u ; ultramnrino blue , ISc ; chroma green
L. M. & J3. . ICc ; blind and shutter green , li
M. fz D. , ICic ; Paris peon , ISc ; Indian red ,
15c ; Venetian red , Bo ; Tuscan red , 22c ; Ameri
can Vermilhon. I. & P. , ISc ; clirome yellow
L. M. , O. D. O. , Ilk ; yellow ochre , Oc ;
golden ochre , IGo , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chftaiut
nnd ash 1 Cc.
Orv PiitntB.
White lead , 8e ; French zinc , lOc ; Parij
whiting , 'Jic ; whiting gilders , lc ; whiting
com'l lie ; lampblack , Oormantown , 14c ;
lampblack , ordinary , lOe ; Prussian blue , B5c ;
idtramarlno , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , Sc ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , rnw , 'Jo ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
sienna , ru-r , 4o ; Paris groan , genuine. 23c ;
Paris croon , common , 20c ; cliromo green , N.Y. ,
20c ; cliromo greon. K. , 12c ; vormllllon , Hug. ,
70o ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian rod ,
lOc ; rose piulc , lie ; Venetian rod , Cokusoas ,
2Vc ; Venetian rod , American , l c : rod load ,
7io ; clnomo yellow , genuine , IJOc ; cliromo yel
low , K. , 12cochro , roclioUo,3ooclireFruuch ; ,
2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Wintor'u mineral ,
2ic ; lehigh brown , 2c ; Spanish brown , SJc ;
Princo'B mineral , 3u.
VAUNlSlini Uurrols. per gallon : Furnl
turo , extra , § 110 ; furniture , No. 1 , SI ; coach ,
extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 91 20 ; Dnmnr ,
extra , SI 75.Tapau ; , 70casphaltnmextra ; , SOc ;
shellac , $3 50 ; luird oil finish , 81 GO.
Tobaccos !
PLUO TonAOOO Climax , BOc : Bullion 50p ;
Ilorsoalioe , BOc ; Star. COe ; lluddy , 4Bc ; Ilcr-
uov'a , 48c ; Black , 38@40c.
FINE COT Common , 20@30c ; good , 4I ! @
COo ; Iloso Loaf , 70c ; Premium , C5e ; Diamond
Crown , B5c ; Sweet Hlxtecu , 47c
SMOKING 0. S. , 21o'Mooriicliaum12SeDur ; *
ham , 8 or. . , 65c ; Durham , 4 oz , . B7c ; JJmhatr
2 oz , , B5e ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , BDc
Seal of North Carolina , 4 o , , B7c ; of
North Carolina , 2 oz. , COc ; 0. Kf ) Durham , 4
oz. , 2So ; 0. ' 1C DmT 80c ; Undo
MniT . , i'u "IcTrf y ' ' T , 23(1 ( ,
Ijcatlicr ,
dele , 3So to i2c ; hemlock h .c ,8o to 35c ;
o kip , 80o to 1 00 ; runner C5o to SOc ;
nem o calf , 8Dc to 120 ; hemlock upper , 23o
to 2Go ; oak upper , 21o ; alllzator , 4 00 to B BO ;
calf lId , 32@i)5 ) ; Grolson kid , 2 BO to 2 75 ; oals
kip , 60c to 1 00 ; oak calf , 120 to 180 ; French
kip , 110 to 1B5 ; French calf , 1 2B to 2 00 ; rus-
oota , B 60 to 7 BO ; linings , 0 00 to 10 BO ; top.
pingfl , 9 00 to 10 BO ; B. U Morocco , 30o to 3Bo ;
peliblo O , D. Morocco , 3jc ! ; ulmon.2 BO to 3 00 ,
IlAl'.KEBH No. 1 atir oak , 42c ; No 2 do ,
30c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 88c ; No. 2 do , SDc ; No.
I ftlllwftukoo 37c ; No 2 do &lo
Hoavv Hardware JJIst.
Iron , ratoe , 2 BO ; plow stool special cant , Jo ,
crucible , 8c ; Bpocialor German , fie ; cant too ]
do , 1B@20 ; wagon apokea , sot , 2 2fi3 ( 00 ; hubf
per not , 1 25 ; fplloov sawed dry , 140 ; tongues ,
each , 70@8rxs ; wloB oich , 7Bej Biuaro HUM poi
lb , 7(54110 ; washers or lb. 8 ( < 3l8c ; rlvot , pe ;
lb , llo ; coil chair , per lb , 0@12c ; malleable , Be
Iron wodgoa , Go ; croAvJiari ) , Oe ; harrow tootl
4c ; spring teel , 7@8c ; Burdon'a horsohoon , D 0 (
Bunlon'H nuilisdiocs 0 00.
lUuiiEl ) Wir.E In .car Iota , 4Jo porflOO
NAILH KatoH , 10 to GO , 3 00.
SHOT Shot , 1 8B ; buck shot , 210 ; orlonta
powder , kcgd , C10 ; do , , lialf kcgfl , 3 48 ; do ,
quarter kega , 188 ; blasting , koga , 3 CD ; futo
per 100 feet COo.
TjEAl ) Bar , 1 65.
COAlCutnborhind blaclumlth , 10 00 ; Mot
riuruh Blosnburg , 1000 ; Whltebreast lump
B 00 ; Whltabroasi nut , B 00 ; Iowa lump , B OU
Iowa nut , B 00 ; llook Bprlrig , 7 00 ; Anthra
clto , 11 25(9311 ( W' Cwion City , 7 00 , per ton
HIllOK ,
Dull , and weak ; preen butchers , G@G4c ; KTOO :
' ' ' "
salted 74 ® 7Sc ; dry Hint , 12@J3T ; dry "salt
" Ifellc ; damaged l hides , two-third ) prtco ,
Merino unwanhed , light. MlGc ; heuvj
13@15o ; medium uuwauhed , lixht , 18@20 (
v/iuhod , choice , 32cs ; fair , iiOo ; tub and washot
2bo ; burrj' , black and cottod wool , 2@lSo 'oa
AtcoiiOL 188proof , 225 per wlno gallo
extra California npiriti ) , 188 proof , 125 pi
proof gallon ; triple refined uphlta , 187 oreo
123 iwr jroof Kallon ; ro-dlstlllccl whfsWa
100g ( > 150 ; fiuo blended , 150@2BO : Kei
tucky Iwurboni , 200 ( 700 ; Koutucky nn
Penusylvunia ryes , 2 QQ@fl 00.
BnANniEa Impotted , 0 00@10 00 ; domostl
GiNS-Iinportcd , 4 G0@0 00 } domostlo , 1 <
HUMS Imported 4 C0@0
, 00 ; NowEnclam '
CitAXrAONES fmportod per cMot 2300 ©
8-100 ; American , ' per CASO , 1 ,
Ocnxn MEATS ANH IJAUD Intlorcos lOc ,
In mils llo , Hams. 14Jc ; broakfant bacon
18o)151c ) ; Binokod tides , l > l@10c ; salt olden ,
URGRX FBCIT ANH PnoncoE Polatow ,
C."io t > er 100 pounds ) onions , per 100 ) xmmli < ,
§ 1 W2 ) 00 ; turnlM | , per 100 ft ) , C0@80ci Col.
orado cabbage , now , per 100 , 85c@l 00 ;
llvn cldckong , old , l > or doz , $1 OOtf )
4 25 ; fprairio chlckoni i > or dor , $3 75JOO ;
oggi , fresh , per doz , 32@35o : butter , fair qlial.
full cream , per lb. ! Cl7o ; apploa i > or bbl ,
( vxstorn , $5 00G 50 ; ( rrnpon. per lb ,
710o ( ! ; California tx > ars jwr It ) , 710c ;
AlooMua lemons , { "extra per ] Q ox , 9700
@ 8 00 ; orangoo , 1912 00@13 OOjplColorailo
wheat , i > or 100 gib , 813 @ 1 Sty flour , fair
, 810 OOCAlrt CO per barrel flour.
Uraham , per 100 fib $2 002 50i Hour ,
rye , imr 100 lb , S2 Wrtl2 ) 70 ; flour , buckwheat ,
per Lbl , $10 00ffill ( ' ) 50 ; cornnmcnl per
100 Iba , $1 ( V > @ 1 85' ; corn , per 100 llw , SI 30 ®
1 33 ; corn chop , per lOOllw. SI 80@1 33 ; now
oats , liar 100 Ibi. $1 3rt ( > l 45 ; eaU , Nebraska .
mlxod , per 100 lb , 91 SS1 33 1 wheat , per 100
Ibs , 51 3r145barloy ; , per 100 Ibs , SI 50 ®
@ 1 76 ; mixed chop , porltOO Hw , 81 33 ®
1 40 ; bran , per ton , Sl7 00@10 00 ; hay ,
nor ton S12 00@1C 00 ; baled Bocond bottom ,
910001200 ; baled upland , 814 0017 00 ;
straw , per ton. RS 00(31) ) 00.
Chicago. . SI , Paul , Minneapolis and
The now extension ot this line ( ruin WakcDoU up
through Ooncoul anil ColcrhlRO
HeaclicsthiilwstDortlnnol the Btnto , Special ex
cursion mini ( or Unit lookers o\rr thin line to
Wnj no , Norfolk niul llnttlnK'ton , nnd \ la lllalr to nil
principal iioli.ts on the
Tr ln over tilt C. , 8t. 1' . M. & O. llftllwuy to Cnv-
Ineton , Kloux Uty , i'oncx , lUitliiKtotiVnyno nnd
Norfolk ,
< ; fvt 3f31nli
Tor Ficmont , Oixkilnlc , Kellffh , nuil tlirougli to Val
,1jrKor rnto3 niul nil Information r.Ml on
K , 11. W1I1TNKV , aciioral ARont ,
Btrnuj 'a lulillo ! ! ( ' , , Cor. 10th anil Fnnmm Bt * . ,
Uniitlm , Nul ) .
ttirTlckots PAH tie eoournl nt ilonot , roincr 14th
nnd Webster Strreti.
And your work is done for all time
lo tinio to come.
to produce a more durable material
for street pavement than the
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls , Dakota
ty , Nervom and I'hyeical Poblllty
Premature Pccllno In Man , Kiroraol Youth , and tli
untold inlBcrlcH resulting from Indiscretions or ox
eesHoa. A boob for evoiy man , j ounif , middle at'oil
anil old. It contains. 125 proscriptions for all acut
and chronic dlaumen cachouo nl which In | nvitlu bi !
Bo found by the Author , whoao cxperlenco fur 2
yeara It such ujiroliaMy nuvor brforo loll ta the lo
ol any phyfltlan SOU paifes , bound In beautlti
French nitullii. i m Mitaafa overs , full glltjisuirrintoci j
toboaflnerworW n every eenno , intchwilcal , HI
wary and profcsslonul , than Any other work sold li
this country lor # 2.60. or the inonoy will t > rofundd
In in cry Inetanco , 1'floaonly tl.OO by mill , | KW <
paid. Illustrative Sitmilo 6 conta. Bend now , deli
modal awurded the author by the National Ucdlcs
Asaoolatlon , to the oHlcors ol which he rolcriL
This book should bo read by the young lor Instruc
lion , and by the aflllctod for rcllcl , , H will bonoB
all London Lancet , , , . . .
Tlioro U no member of society to whom thlu boo !
will not bo UKful , whtthir youth , parent , tuirdiau
Inolructororclerifvuiaii , Argonaut.
Address the I'eabody Medical Instltuto , or Dr , W
H. I'atkur , No. 4 UulHncb Htrcot , lloaton Maw. , wh <
may bo oonsultcd on all dlncjuws requiring rtlll aiv
exrllenoe , Cbronlo andobkliimtedlicancnthat luv
baillod the 6U11 of all other P > oajpCHI. | / \ | n
a upwlalty. Such treated CHI. lull
without an InoUno allure
S tm"i " < 'niiti-1 i > i" V'lo
' ' " iiu-i-Jii-iil jluinutfiinnl
'j' , , V'
* Z.'Lr * i . ' '
t 'ea rf tin1 KWiwrallvt'or Am
7/A'f'llrrVtrli 'itirri'U iiuiiil 'ul. ' U.u
Xv'/i'7't XrF-w 1 tl'l" InrtUH'wiit. ' Hi" i-nii
U s' % < iCAUf.T//T ! : if L" . " ' . " " ' . * ' . ' > " > MA
' .
T'lM n Y - : !
[ /A . '
. ,
or tl" I'llli" 1:1. : ,
| t. Ifl tv IK1 lit/I' / '
' lint ' . , . .
11 Hull { 'u Ki'Jl.y
l , . Itii i IM < > , . n.lj
, ' * tt i d '
nid ut lii nil li i M '
id I
if irln , liin
40d catuln titriroat AMI
' alu a T
d , iaiun of i tl
Oimilw Kcal Eatato is n safe investment for both local nnd foreign cap
ital , niul there is no property , in or around the city , but what will bring
purchasers good returns in the near future. Wo have property for sal o
in all parts of the city , and lilso
Surrounding tlio city , all of winch wo gladly show to pnrtias who feel
Wo are often asked which is the best part oi ! the city for an invest
ment ? Wo always advise patrons to buy what is called
By this is meant property not more than one nnd a half miles from the
Postoilice , and the nearer the center the bettor the investment.Vhilo
outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will ad
vance much or in proportion. The now addition to the city known as
ia located one mile from the postolllcc , west , only nind blocks from the vJ
High School , and those lots are being sold at less than half the price 4
asked for lots same distance in any other direction , and '
s Sf
As tlicso lota will , in a short time , bo advanced to correspond t oprices of
lots surrounding IltrwUiorne. .
The contract has boon let for grading Davenport street through this
addition. "Work has boon commenced and v , ill bo finished early in the
summer. Purchasers o lots in If awthornewill not have to bear any
expense for the grading. This is a decided advantage. Prices for regu
lar size lots , . .
$350 TO S575 , , A
i- ?
We hayo also some double lots in this addition at from 8000 4 , to 3650.
This part of- the sity is being built up with the best class ol : residences.
Near business , near High School and desirable in every particular ,
Wo have a few lots loft in this addition , which we will sell at lower
prices than can bo had in surrouudinu ; additions. The lots are beautiful
ly located and larger than than these in adjoining additions , and will bo
sold on terms to suit'purchasers.
s i
In Douglas County nnd all parts of the State
TJ 33 TJ
A fiuo trnct of land Ihwo and one-half miles from Omih.i atJ:0 , _ per
aero. Also a tract four miles from the bity at SDO psi' uore.
Lots' in this addition will be sold on motnhly paymontajjllO ] per . "cent
cash and 5Tpor cent , pjjr month.
HI .A. "A77" T SI O
Of all the lota wo hiivo for sale , we think this i the moat desirable
either for a homo or for investment , w it is near business" nicely located
and at present uncos is the cheapest property in the market , and first
buyers have choice o lots. '
213 South 14th 3treeb3batw enFaniam andnD. . . " ' a