Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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1310 and 1X20 Manny Htrcol nn.t 403 S. 13th BlMC . > TJVT A . TT A
Illnttrited Catalogue furnished Iteo upon application I V0fc a.r i nt
1409 anil 1411 Dodge St. { Ca flPs. . ! 'od } OMAHA , NEB
Snriiig I agn
K7 Ejpwrttorjonetintly flllad with fttsdlootjrtock. Best Worknmnsblp gnunvnteod.
Office uno Factory S , W. Cower 16th and Capitol Avenue ( /iia/o [
403 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh ,
Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. Patients
Cured at Homo. AVrito for "Tun MEDICAL-MISSIOVAHY , " for the People , Free.
4V ? Consultation and Correspondence Gratis. P. 0. Box U02. Telephone No. 220.
C.OW. Z Vt'ARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician of
Heal Ability and M.irkod Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
Trrite1 * : "Ati i uurablu jlan , i''ino ' Succojia , "Wonderful Cures. " Hours. 8 tn 5.
Proprietors. Superiutendno
iza " g ? % B ]
* a\ \
Ii ! ! and Grain Elevator Machinery
Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth. '
® % <
r \ :
" \Ve are prepared to j-'iirmsli plans nnd estimates , and will contract foi
Hio erection o Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Milla , f remStone to the Holler System.
C lpecial ; attention givoit ID furnishing Power Plants -for any pur
pose , and oatinintcs made lor sume. General machinery repairs attended
Mercfeanfc Tailor !
" * ico-l Fat nam 3t. , Next Dcxir to WabaoU Ticket Office.
S H \ jjioruoiw n i i > jlr lli j of liU flne ttoek ol WPOLKN8. A fp cl ltr tn
fin cull's \POVKIIOOA1H. . Aluoalull llnoullli' lntweultlrni 6ndTro twrlnini. Uzariii D
VJ U'aniKlo la the atottttUwiujd wltli tlio bill UumuUiff
. <
Cans tthonaiaUsw , Lum
bago.LawoBnck , Sprains and
JSrn/sA < r , Asthma ,
Coughs , Colds , Sere Throat ,
Diphthorin , Sums , Frost
Sites , Tooth , Ear , nnd Headache -
ache , andnUpains nndachos.
Tl.e lot Intrrntl and cXrrnit temrdf In the
world. liverylKittlecuirantecj. Sold 1 y innllclne
dolen emy lietf. DlrKtloni In tljtil Uncut t.
IMcejacemi > mli/x > .
FOSTEH , MILDURN A CO. , Prop'rt ,
DUl'l'AU ) , M.Y..U.S.A.
The Northwestern Electric Ii
Co tu puny Put In the Incnti-
ilexucitt SjHtoni.
The now incandescent electric light
wore put in operation at a few places ii
this city last night , and attracted consul
orable attention. The lamp used is tin
m , which consists of a platinum car
bun , encased in n hermetically soalct
glass bulb , about the sire of n geese egg ,
This is fastened on the end of a gildcii
bracket , the whole , when in use , havini ;
considerable resemblance to an ordinary
wall gas jot. The light is turned on ant
oil' exactly the same as gas , and can bt
regulated in the same manner. The ad'
vantage voted by observers last nigh !
was the clear , brilliant light , and entire
absence of , only n slightly warm
feeling being discernible on the ball when
burning at full head.
Air. Ulark , ono of the gentlemen in
terested in the operation ot both the
Maxim and Western lights , says his com.
pany is about locating another largo sta
tion near the Paxton which , when estab
lished , will enable thorn to uxtond thpil
circuits in all directions. The capacity
of the present station is tested to its ut
most to meet the demands now made or
it , and it will bo impossible to furnisli
the Maxim burners to all who de
sire them until other arrangement !
are made. The lights starlet
last night were in McNamara & Duncan * !
and Henry Hornborger's , fully two thousand
sand feet from the dynamo , the uaua
working distance being ono thousand
feet. Notwithstanding this the huiij
burned steady and strong , and gave entire
tire satisfaction. To-day they will bo in
troduced in the First National and Nebraska <
braska National banks and such otlici
places as can bo reached with the wircf
now up.
It io now undisputed that Wei Do Mcj-
cr's Catarrh Cure is the only treatment
that will absolutnly cure Catarrh fresh or
chronic , "Very elficacious , Satnl. Gould ,
Weeping Water , Neb. " Ono box cured mo ,
Mrs. Mary Konjon , Biamark , Dakota. " "It
restored me to the pulpit , llov. Geo. 15 , Itois ,
Coble\iIleN. V. " "Ono box radically cured
ma , Rev. C. H. Taylor , 340 Noble street ,
Brooklyn. " "A perfect cure after 30 years
Buffering , f. D. McDonald , 710 Broadway , N.
V , , ike. , A.C. Thousand * ) of teiitimonialx are
received from all parts of the world. Dellv-
orod , $1.00. Dr. Wei Do Meyer's IlltiHtra-
tcd 1'i-catleo , " uish statements by the cured
mailed free. D. 13. Dewey & Co. , 182 I'nltou
street , N. Y. _ tiioa-thur&.Hat-m&e-3m
The rtnlt and Blue Tea Party.
The young pooploof the Congregational
church gave their pink and blue tea party
.ast evening in the basement parlors ol
; ho church building. The evening's pro
ceeds go to the benefit of the church , and
the managers of the entertainment nro to
bo congratulated upon its entire success.
The rooms wore gaily and neatly orna
mented and festooned in pink nnd blue
colors. Excellent tea and cake were
served ta the attendants , \vho were nearly -
ly all young poopplo. All present
seemed to enjoy the informality of the
entertainment , which was occasionally
interspersed with vocal and instrumental
music. The parlors were well filled , and
the church undoubtedly will receive ink
its coffers no small nuni by the offoits ol
its young people last evening , ,
No moro conclusive proof of the absolute
fairnoM of the Monthly Drawings of The
Louisiana Stnto Lottery Company , can b <
given than the following certificate signed lij
Generals Deauregard nnd Karly : "Wo dt
hereby cer L&Uiat wo supon Iso the arrange
ments for all the Monthly nnd Somi-Annual
Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottorj
Company , nnd in pernon manngo and contro
thn Drawing * tlipjnaolvcH. mid that thoaami
are conducted with hnnostv. fiitt-ncss , and it
peed faUh toward all purlieu , nr 1 , r j author
ire the Company to mo this tr II' into , \ > ltl
fao-HimlloH of nur ni natur ' . ! rtd , in It
advertisement' "
Army Ortlcrn.
Ilocruits Alfred J. Eastmnu and Alvit
A. M. Eltor , enlisted /it Fort Omaha
Nob. , are assigned to the 4th Infantry.
Under decision of the Surgeon Genera
that "tho custom of taking boarders a
Post Honritals is not approved" tin
practice wil ) bo discontinued in thin department
partmont , and board will bo furnishec
only to paticnta and attendant's and ai
provided in paragraph 231 , Army llogu
Knilnont Medical Testimony.
11) EAHT 32n STUKBT , \
NKW YOIIK , March 15 , 1883. /
in my practice with reinarkablo success
and found them peculiarly officaciou
when applied to the back for Weal
Spine and Nervous Exhaustion ; thoj
afford ivlmost instant relief in Coughs
Colds and LJvor Complaint. I cordiallj
recommend them as the best and safes
Plaster over made , nnd would cau
tion the public against the numerou :
other Bo-called Porous Plasters that an
sought to bo palmed off on a creduloui
public ; they are worthless andoftontimei
ItOIiEUT S. NK WTON.M. D. , L. II. 0.8
Late Chef do Cliniquo Hospital fo
Diseases of the Throat and Chest , Medical
cal Olllcer to the London Hospital
Clinical Asbistant Itoyal London Ophthal
mlo Hospital , Assistant to the Hospita
for DiseastB of the Skin , London. Con
suiting Physician and Burgeon.
'When you want the most carefully prc
pwcd anil best Pln nr made , ask you
dmjigut for ALU-O ( K'S Porous Platter.
Stilt Getting to the Vront-aNow liu
provcinonts , Kntorprtaoa , Klc.
lux. ,
KKIIIIASKA Cm- , February 1 , On
otTonding molnra can now ho "oxtraotoi
without pain" ( to the dentist ) by foil
( Itmtal artisU , two now ones , Drs. A. .1
Thomas , of Ohio , nnd J. U. Knziby , o
Pennsylvania , having rncontly settled ii
our city and opened dontnl olllccs.
A Loan and Trust company is bcinj
formed in our city. It will bo composed
of mon nith an abundance of capital nnd
who nro eminently nblo to w < trk up am
conduct a largo business. They havi
secured the Uarnum llouso and wil
remodel it into n principal ollico for tin
oompnny on the ground tloor nnd bust
noes oflices in the second and third sto
A curioiH sight to the iminnthtod isjtlu
numbers of kloads of wood to bo aeon 01
our streets any day when thu "big nmil
dy" is frozen over. From forty to sixtj
loads of this salable commodity may bt
soon at nearly all times.
J. B. Npiklo , of Weeping Water , hiu
removed his law oflico to this city , nnd
has opened up for business in thu Otoc
County National bank building.
The health of our community at prcs <
out is like buckwheat cakes and nmpk
syrup good but very little sioknoss ,
and that mainly of a light form of diphtheria >
thoria among thu children , can bo found
in the city.
Thu Morton , the now hotel which was
mentioned in my last letter , is already
being cramped for room , and at a meet
ing of the stock-h ldprs of the samp , hold
last tvook , it was decided to add 25 more
rooms to the building at once.
The now wing to the court house is
uovr completed and nonio of the otlicora
liavo already moved in. This addition
jives our county ollices plenty of room ,
Imaiuoa being n decided improvement in
the appearance of the cdifico.
Miss Lulu , daughter of Hobt. llawko ,
our merchant piince , is to bo married
Wednesday evening to Mr. Will S. Hoc
lor of this city. The wedding ceremony
will bo performed in the M. E. church ,
; o bo followed by a reception at the Mor
mon house.
Mr. Ed. Sheldon is fitting upn * largo
building on lower Main street with re-
soptacles for ice preparatory to opening a
arpjo butter and egg house , in the
Itovival meetings are in progress in thu
M. E. churches ot the city nud some in
terest is being manifested.
An indisputable evidence thatNobraska
City is not dead is the fact that not a. sin
gle business of the city is advertised for
sale in pur city papers , while in the Lin
coln dailies can bo found any number of
business and some of the largest too
oH'oring to sell put very cheap for cash
and some offering to trade for land ? or
anything elso.
Humors of a now railroad are in the
xir , but until something n little more do-
inito is known , "Silonco is golden" you
know. MOUK ANON ,
Gating Cancer ,
John NII\CB , < x young wan living near thin
place , has boon nllllctcd for five yoaru with
ms of the most nnery looking eating cancers
; hflt I over saw. Ilia note 1ms boon cat on a way
and the cancer was fowling Itself on his cheek ,
mouth nnd throat , and all thought it , was only
a question of time when life itself would plvo
way. I advised Swift'a Specific , and its ellect
wan u-ondurful. After the first botllu ho could
tltoml to hia business , and after five bottles
10 is nearly or quite well. The poison lias
> oan forced from his system , and ho is a now
Si. P. Oiioiiinr , M. D. , Oglothorpo , I'a.
The Karly Ijilo and Clitralrlo Career
of Fort Callioun Contrasted
" \Vitli To-Dny.
1-ViiT OALHOUN , NEIL , February 1.
L'his little city , the oldest in Washington
county , has long enjoyed a well earned
ame for its agricultural , horticultural ,
liutorical , and ' political influence. For
fruit this county stands fur ahead thus
'ar of any other portion of northern Ne
braska. Air. Hiram Gregg , so well
aiov.ii throughout the state , has an
orchard of over 20 acres , with several
acres of small fruits , and is also largely
interested in fish culture and the pro
duction of honey HOiuotiines , keeping
over 200 a warms of beea at ono time.
Messrs. Fralnn & Pohrvor , who grow
very near 2,000 bushels of apples last
year , have been planting apple trees "for
/cars and hope soon to add several
thousand baskets moro tor-tho-product.
Hon. D. Orounae , H. Cro chrnau and
others have also fma orchaids. )
In history this place probably ranks
first in the stato. A little north of the
town , Lewis and Clark built and enjoy
ed their council fires in 1804. In 18 [ > . ) ,
the old fort wan established , and in 1820
\ duel was fought and two valiant uoldiort
laid down their lives after the most ap.
proved southern fashion. Many valu
able relics of the old fort fltill remain ,
the most valuable , perhaps , being the re
mains of a fine grove of black locusts , IHJ
doubt the oldest artificial grove in the
The present city , although founded
many years ago , and oncu celebrated foi
its flouring mills , has for aomotimo had r
reputation of being something after the
fashion of a sleepy Now England village ,
but lately it hai taken on frcsl
vigor. Mr. Dedleif Rix has jusl
completed are f urniuhud a fiuo now hoto
and publio'hall at a eost of somotliinii
like 81,000. W. P. Miller has added ai :
addition to his former residence , costing
§ 1,500 , FonnerBros. , poatmastora , BKJ
agents , and general merchants , are male
ing things rush at a lively rate.
J. B. Kouny , BO well known an the
proprietor of Kouny'a hall in Omaha , ii
the wide awake mayor of thin burg.
Henry Rix is grain dealer , lumbei
merchant , contractor and builder , liasar
ontensivo hardware store , and has jus *
purchased an engine for the purpose o
putting up an elevator. Corn is not onlj
king but fs plenty here , largo amount
coming to/inarkot upon every line da1
ind thiui the good work goen on.
on.Pnox ,
North Oinalm
The citi sns nnd tax payer * of Neil !
Oinalm are respectfully requested to 1
tend a meeting to bo hold at thooi
lumber yard ollico , corner 18th an
Nicholas Htroots , this , ( Saturday ) ivor
ing , ut eijht ( o'clock , for the pui
poao of considering and discussing tli
following matters of interest to Nort
Omnlui , viz :
The extension of the North Oxuali
sewer , nnd Uio opening of Seventeen !
street to Clark street.
The opening of Nicholna street t
Sriuiidors street.
The grading of I.ard street.
TJio curt ing nnd guttering of Shormai
The paving of Sixteenth from laird t
Nicholas streets.
The practicability of teaching as lug
as the eighth grndo in ono of tlio schoi
buildingi of JSorth Oinalin.
Tlio councilmoii of the fifth and cixt
wnrds nnd nil inonibors of tlio Hoard o
Education nro espceinlly invited to b
[ > rcsont nt such mooting ,
A Itni list Mlnliitcr'0 K\p % ricni'o.
"I am n IhptUt mlnlslor , and baton *
thought of being i clersynion 1 Rrndimtod Ii
medicine , Imt lolt A hicnitivo practice for u ;
'rc cnt iirofcfflon , forty joar/i ago. I wrier
or many j cart n milTorcr from quinsy. Thomai
1-clKtiC Oil cured mo. 1 wan nlm troubloi
ith hoarxoncs , nnd 7'AuMni * Jtltttrit Oi
lwixydrolioMMlme Mywifonml child hai
iphthorin , and TAoniii * ' J f/V ( < nc Oil curot
thoni , nnd if taken in time itlll euro BOXGI
times out of ton. I nm confident It Is cun
for the most ohittinto cold , or couch , and I
any ono will Uko a small tcwipooii nnd a hall
fill it with ( 'i/ , and then plnco the cud ot thf
dlKHin in ono nontiil nnd draw the Oifoutol
the spoon into the hoail , by Knutllng as hardni
they can , until the Oil fnlU ever Into tlit
throat , nnd pructlco it twice n week , I don't
carohowolTcnsho their head may b , It will
clean it out nnd euro their catarrh. 3'or do1-
no s and uarache , U has done wonders to my
corttln knowledge. It Is the only medicine
dnhbud patent medlclno that I ha\oo\or felt
like rccommondli g , nnd I am > ory anxious to
BOO it in mv IIOIIRO for any connfiloration. I
am now sulTorlng with a pntn llko rheumatism
in mv right limb , and nothing rollout uio llko
JAomnV Jclcctric Oil. " Dr. U. F. Crane ,
Corry , I'a.
DIKI ) .
FOSTKlt-Iu tlilnpclty , Fohruary 1.1881 ,
lohii Kostor , ngod fi" yoara.
Vuncral will take place February 2nd , at 2
o'clock p. m. , from the comer of Sinonth nud
Jonas strootn.
Dotii ) ; u uruni * n-n jot Gootl.
Mm. ! . Uorry , of IVrUnnd , Mo. , wrlto
Hl'.NllY'S OAUHOL10 SAIA'U Is doing a
great deal of good , Homo of my friomln
hao boon great bcnotittod by Its IIHO. I think
think it In the boat naho I have oottned. .
Beware of co\mtorfot9.
I'AUKini'S VAINTANACKA cures pain
hi linn nud 1'or use externally , nnd
Dis. iioaiiu's VKGV.TAIU.I : WOKM
SY11U1 * limtantly destroys WotniH and removes -
moves the Bocrntioiu which cause them.
MKNT IB nil infallinblo euro for Uhanaiatlum ,
Sprains , LamonoiH and Di oaaa of thn Scalp ,
and of promoting the grow th of the Hair.
Donton'n llnlinm cures Colds , Coughs ,
Rheumatism , Kidney trouhlo.t , etc. Cuu be
uiod externally ntt n pliiatiir.
The 1'onlniular oar couipitny nro now for
warding an inToice of 1,000 freight cats or
dered by the Union Pacific company , forueu
on the Oregon Short Line , Denver , South
Park k Fncillc , nnd the main line of the
Union 1'nclfio , A number of thorn wore
shipped weet ycntorday.
There is a cistora-wator famine in
Iowa Oity ,
Iowa's share hi the tobatico tax robalo
bill will bo 8122,410.
Ground will bo broken March 1 for n
now Catholic church in Clinton.
Fnirfiold has contracted with a Now
York man for a system of waterworks to
cost § 58,000.
The Gaslight company in Clinton has
resolved on a icduction in the price of
gas from § 3. DO to $3.
The curtains in tha legislative halls of
the now capitol building , just put up ,
cost about $200 a window.
Col. Crossloy Trill outer upon hio
[ luties as warden of Fort Madison peni
tentiary on the first day of April.
Gas in Burlington street lamps will bo
burned all night without extra charge ,
though the contract only calls for light
till midnight.
lu case the legislature creates the ollico
af state entomologist , the Muscatino
Journal -wants to see it filled by Miss
Alice Beatty.
A crook professing to bo a chimney
sweep is working Iowa cities. Ho helps
himnolf to the valuables in the houses
where ho is employed.
Laura Rowland , a Dubuquq girl of in
voarn , is missing , and her parents are in
great distress in consequence. "She loft
homo on the IDtli inst , , having a pail in
her hand as if going after water.
Fred \V. Rose , the Cedar Rapids man
arretttcd the other day for being privy to
till ) defalcation of ox-Troasureo Cowan ,
of liar din county , was lelcasod Monday ,
ttioro being no evidence against him.
S. P. Leland has obtained judgment
against thu Chicago , Milwaukee A : St
Paul railroad company for $10,000 , for
the destruction of his household goods
and library by the burning of the depot
at Charles City , Iowa , about two years
The trustees of the Agricultural college
have appointed Mrs. Emma P. Effing ,
president of the Chatauqua college ol
cookery , to succeed Mrs. Mary B , Welsh
as professor of cookery. By special ar
rangement with the trustees , aha wil !
spend July and August with her clasBOi
at Ohautauqua.
A contemporary aslu : "How ehall womci
carry their puruca to frustrate the till eves ? '
Why , carry them nmpty. Nothing frustrate *
n thief moro than to snatch n woman' * puree ,
after following her half a mile , and then find
tbat it contains nothing but a receipt foi
spiced peaches nud a faded photograph of hei
grandmother. '
G ! entle
'ho Trant glossy. Inxnriant
ind wavy tresses of nbnnuant ,
l/bcaatiiul 11 air must nso
decant , cheap article always
makes Uio lluir Kro\r freely
and fast , beeps it from falling
ont , arrests and cures gray-
cess , removes dandrulF and
i'jclilug ' , makes the llalr
fiffong , giving It a curling
tendency and kncplng it In
auy desired position , lieuu-
Cifnl , lioultly Jlalr la the sure
result of using Kntuuiroo.
rrmntm i , February t , The tiroi
rofichod the highest stngo this rnorninjf t
1 o'clock , wlioii the niftrks registered 2
feet. Portions of the low lands at A
Icghany City and the south side arojumh
water , Imt nc sorions damage rcaulto
to property. Tlio waters are now receding
coding and as the \ \ cathor is freezing
no moro trouble is anticipated , The ic
ij neatly all out of the Monongahola , tin
Allrgliany being rapidly cleared. Gorge
are being rapidly cleared. The gorgoi
in the Youghioiujhony are still firm ant
not likely to comn out till another rise
an the river is falling at the houlxvators
Atsovoral pointa on the Youghioughenj
the bottom lands were inundated and tin
families living on them compelled to ro
lira to the second tloor of houses or wade
out , waist deep , through the icy waters ,
At Freeport , on the Allegheny , the ice
piled . ' 10 foot high. For u time it wu
'eated the town would bo Hooded , but
. \\o \ \ gorge slatted shortly before mid-
light , the water obtaining an out-
ot , soon foil to its proper level.
The Allegheny ice reached here this
norniiif * . Since then it has boon atoiuli-
y passing out. Several llaU moored near
no bridge \ \ uro sot adrift atul about 4
o'clock collided with it and sank the
rading boats , Monitor and Lilly , tied up
at the foot of Second street. Tlio boats
voro valued at 8i)00 : ) ouch. The llaU
ontinucd on their way down the river
and have not. boon heard from since.
Coixl Oil
Many people dislike exceedingly to
tse uonUiil on account of the disagreeable
odor which comes from it , Mucli of this
nay boa\oided , however in lamps by
> ropcr care and knowing how to rcgulato
ho light , hi the first place , lamps need
0 have attention ovnry day. When this
dud of light is used some ono person
ihould bo deputized to look after the
amps and clean and lill thorn every
nurning. This is not only nccnasary for
ho comfort of the family , but eafoty do-
uands it. Explosions never take place
1 hen a lamp is full ; the gas which causes
he explosion collects when the oil has
mrnod low. It is never ndvisoablo to try
.o oconomi/o in oil by turning n lamp
own low , it will almost invariably smoke
nd fill the loom with n disagreeable odor ,
f it m necessary to leave n lamp burning
11 night , it is better to leave n good light
athor than take the chances of having it
moke , unless it can bo set in a chimney
r some place where the smoke will bo
arriod away by ventilation. Sometimes ,
micas the Innipn has plenty of oil in it
ho oil will bo consumed and thou the
aturatod wick will burn , filling thejroom
p suffocatingly full of smoke that it is
iuble to bo very injurious to stooping in-
natoa , unless it is discovered. Often a
Indent lam.i . will not burn , and thu
) W"er is puzzled to know the cause. Bo-
ow the cylinder which holds the wick
here is a little cup-liko part which screws
on and is intended to catch any surplus
oil which may run down. Through this ,
Iso , the air passes up inside of the cylin-
lor. If this becomes filled u ith oil the
i < r is shut off , and combustion , of course ,
a greatly if not entirely diminished. In
> rdor to prevent the oil from tricklinc
nto this cup , the wick should bo iurnCC
lowu below the cdgo of the burner wlior
the lamp is not in use , otherwise thi
saturated wick will drop oil on tlio outei
vart of the burner t ° ijrcator or less
degree , And this w 111 gi-adtjally run dowi
nto the cup below. It is bettor , also ,
tot to raise the roaorvoir after it lias beoi
illcd. There is no softer , ploasanlci
ight to ° ad or sow by than n utudont'i
amp , b t like many other things i
nust bo kept in order to havoitworl
A yomit ? lady In Stoubonslllo U looked uuoi
> y lior set ns a terrible pioco. While t'uij
crunm nnd climb on clulre , bodn and burf mi
t the night of it mound , HIO ) K'VCS ' clmao tint
atulic * tha little terror , Mho liuu a nutcli-Btlcl
n which there nro tw anty-thrca nntrlipfl , eacl
lotth roprenontlng a niouso aaiif > ht by her owi :
Miss llonrluttt VndorH will on February 11
, alco MlsH Kate Claxtou'H company , nUu the
conorv , coetuinos. iirnpurtlcH , prlnttni ; , etc. ,
or "Tho Sea of Ice , " "Tho Two Orphan * , '
to the northwent , where nho will nroduco thosi
ilivyfl. Bho will r j ia Mlfl.s Claxtou in Bt
MU\ \ after ono H uu , h.
During Lawrence Dairott'H lotto run ol
li'rancosoft da Itlinln ! " nt the Now York Stai
'hontro , Mr. James Balloy , the circus muna <
or , wan ninoriK the ntullonco on tlirco ( Hirer
itit ocontfloiis. Duriiif ; hiu third vUlt , imint
itg tn Luuls James , iw Uojpo 1'upu , the jcbter
loromarkodi " 'Ihero If a man worth 300 i
vcelc In the ring , "
BaUImoro was nstonltjhod Thureday tn find
inbllcutton of the marriage of Blrn , Kati
Oilpps to William 0 , Kvana , of Wa hingtwi
aa It wai known thut nho WIXH a married worn
n. lint It turned out that Air. Grimm him
jlf , lincl , In fit of jealous rnpo nt the atton
Ion dliown his \vifo by ] C\uiiH , taiibud tin
mlilicntlon of the nmrrlngo.
Blood Purifiers and Skin
Beautifiers , ,
A Positive Cure for Jjvcry I rm oj
Skltl and Jtlood JDlmancit , from
J'hnjilcs to Scrofula.
DlflKIOUHINO 1IIJSIOIIH , Uchliii ; and Ilurnlnn
Torturoi , I'uli.lul KrnjitluiiH , Halt Itliouin ui
Cczom * , I'eoiU l , Sjild Hold , Inlantllo or Illttl
lunioM , andvtori ( arm ( if Jtiiilnir , Hcaly , I'lmjily ,
Bcrolulout , Iidiur led C'diitftjlom , and'Coi > j > or C. lor
od Dlicatca ot tlio lllood , Hkin * i U Hoalp , ultli Iiom
ot llalr , nro potltluly ( .urrd by Cutlcura Hemidlca ,
Outlcura llosohcnt , the newtloodiiurlllor.cluuuwi
he lilood and pvrBiilratlon ui linjiiirlilua itiiu | ioli > m <
OIIH elciiieiit , ami thus rumovua thu raimo , uhllc
utlcuia , the great blilii Ouru , limtantly tllaja Itrh
MKOiid Iiillammatluii , cle rn the hkfn olid Scalj ,
io i la tru Ukcra ind Sortw , ai.d Itca oiusthu Ilatr
Cut'eura ' Boait , un cxiiil | lte Hkln lluiutlflur and
Tolltit IteqnUltv , projuri'J troiu Ciitlcuru , In Indli.
wiiublo In trcatlm ; akin DUouvn , l)4by ) Humors ,
ikln UliuiUho.1 , and IU > u l > , Cliai'od ) | , j Oily Hkln ,
Uutlcura Kttincdiei re alinolntely pure , aiultliu uulj
real lllood I'unfloni and Hkin lleiuiltlom. / .
OKI. Houghton , IJo , lau vcr,28Htatu utrcet , Io )
un. rtiiort | a cue ot Halt Uiiouiu undir lilt elmer
ration ( or toil juars. which uovvrul the patlcut'i
iody and llinlM , and to which all known muthodi ol
; rcatiuint had been apjillud without lionetlt , whlcli
wucompluttl } cured toltly liy Uio Cutlcura JUmu
ilk , loa > lng a clciiu and hu > Uliy nklii.
V. II. Drake , Eon. , Detroit Mich. , bultuwl untold
, orturc ( com a bkln DUouio , wlildi appuarml un hli
land * , head aid lac v , u d nearly Ustru > od lite ri .
ftltcrtlio mokt eaiciulilCKtotlntt and A onnauUatlor
ol phjulrliuu failed to rcllcit ) Iilui , lie uncil tlm CM
tltumlli-medle * , nJ was cu'ud ' , and haa ,
o to dat .
Ctiu. Kayru Hlniil , Jerwy City Helghti , N. J. , i
lad of IKearn , Who , lotelxutyearn , was one niaxi
of HcaUnnJ Humors and upon whan all known
rorotdlei and HUM wen tried In talu , anoouijilttu
ly cured t > y Cutlrui
Bold hy all drtuuUtu. Cutlcura. 60 centi ; lleaol
vtnt , JIjHoap.ZScenU1 I'ontK jltvu AND
ViLUo. , Ilobtim , llawi.
Htnd ( or ' 'How to Cure Nkln Olieuc 'n
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
tot Ptrntru HUiwt , oupoblti ) pMtoa Uvtul , OmaUi
llniniiliii ; C > V < T.
Hew mitny proplo hnmp orer In their work , and
liAwtow nmlnrtUnd that ItUawcaknran t > / tlio kid.
noji that Imliircn ttili htmipltiK orcr or lamenrM In
tholiorkl A mnllclno that will cure dlntMs of the
klclncja will Mrnoit l aj euro lame l.vck , ncl Cur *
dock lllood Dltteri will do that. Hundreds ol proplo
hnvo written us , In nnqualintd praltc , nf Durdoclc
lllood Ililtero a * a remedy for lame tack.
l cured nuiiillyhy ameittdno that will slrcnKthcn
ho appetlto , aid dlRcstlon , Kctp the liter actlva ami
ho liow el open. Burdotk lllood Hitters are a | rtiar >
ant > od onro for nick headaclio.
" OoiTi-rlii ItnMF7ty. "
Tlilh ono o ( the \cry conimonott mmplitlnt * .
Diotiii\nd9 ol pcuplo ( rnint Imt do not know nhat
alU thorn They are neither tick nor well , yet they
lifter all the ( line To ouch pveploOBtrongly rrc-
inuncnd llurdock Dlood lllttcrt , ono or two hottlca
ol uhlch will l > cgcl a Rood appetite , sound itcep , and
Id thoKoncral debility mltcrorot Ms ntrroutnctiand
fpntitcnt utatool mind. Therola ccrlnlnly notli-
MR quit ciimt | to Burdock lllood Illttcrn for thlt
Mlk !
llnrdock Itlood Itlttcm \ \ \ \ \ not euro cnninmptton ,
nil t > y kciplnu Uio tilooil Rtrong and ( roe from Im-
mrltlcs they lll sU\ ot oommnpttmi. A jieraon
\ng \ tlm medicine , meanwhile hating rccanl to tlio
ommou I AW of health , need net cr dlo nlth consump-
Ion. Soldhy oil DripRlitJi. FOSTEn.MILBUnM
St CO , . Prop's Duffalo , H. Y.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
Louisiana State Lottery Company
" IPt doertJ > y ttrt fa that uampeniit tfn or
iinoenitnti for all thr Monthly and 5 -.4nmuil
) ramii [ } > nf tA Louitiana State Lottem Company ,
id inpcnon manage and control Dratnnpt
hcimtlvet , and Mat theiatnt art conducted trttk
tmutu./atrntti.and in gcod faith toward all tar.
taiui ire otUAoriifl tAxximjianj/ mo tkitrcr-
MMttcithfaoiritntlfi < \f our riynaturtt ottaduif ,
i tti atlcirtitcmmti. "
Inoorporifad In 186 * { or S5 yean by the lejtlsl , nt
( or educational and charitable purposes with A cap *
Ital 0(81,000,000 to vhlch a reserve fund ot art I
KWKX ) his sluco br n added.
Ily an o\er holml ic popular vote Its ( ranoblti
was made a part ol the prctont state constitution
adopted December 2d , A. I ) . 1879.
The only Lottery over voted on and en
dorsed by the people of any Stato.
It narr scales or postpones
Its grand single number drawings take
place monthly.
A Hplomlul opportunity to win n Fortune ,
Second Grand Drawing Olnss 13 , ntNowOr-
loium , Tuaiilny , February 12 , 1881 105th
Monthly ilrnuliiR. -t
CAPITAL PRIZE , § 75,000.
100,000 Tickets nt iNvo Dollars Each. Frnc-
tlon , in rifths in proportion.
i do d.o , , , . , , , ooa
l do do in.i. 10,000
4 MUZE3 OP 0000 14OOC
5 do 2000 10,000
10 do 1000 10,000
20 do 500 10,000
100 do SCO 20,000
330 do 100 80.000
100 da fO. . . , , . . . . . , , . . . i. 5 000
1000 do 26. . . ; . . . J 25.0W
APrnoxutAnoK PHIUIA.
D ApproUicatlon prizes ot 9760 8,789 *
0 do do t 500 4MO
0 da do * 160 2,250
1937 Prlr.en , amounting to. . . . , . . . , . JWB.BOO
Application lor rates to olabs should DO raido only
at the offlco ol the Company In New Orleans.
For further Information wrlto clearly gltln ; fall
tddrem. Mnko P. O. Money Orders pajnbla and
nldrcss lloilatcrcd Letters to
\ NOW Orleans , L .
I'oetal Notes nnd or'.hmry letters by Mall or El-
ftaat ( all iurns of f 3 and upwards by Kxprcsa at oaf
cxpcnso ) to '
or H. A DAUrUIN , NmvOrlcumCfj.
HOT Uovonth St , Wwhlagton , IX 0.
B. Frank Moore ,
27 La Salle Street , Chicago.
KB * Manager ot Chicago Office. To whom apply tor
Information and tickets , IMih Monthly
Drning ,
Feb. 12.
Tuesday. . .
First Cadta PrUo ' $75000. TlcUUSSjaold n , .
FUtua at SI ouch , htio lull tclCilrt | > * > " , , , . . .
box No. 1 will onro Any case In ( pur days or long No.
2 vjU ) euro thu most obstinate cote uo matter o ( haw
! alandlnc.
Allan's Soluble MedicattdBougies
No imusooui ilotJb of lubebs , copabla , or oil of san
dal wood , tnat are n-iln to prouuoo dyspopela by
dt'Stroylnif tliocnatlngsof the tpm th. I'rloo $1.60
iold ! by all ( JruKitlatB , or mailed en receipt ot price
For further particulars send ( or circular.
1 * . O.Dox l.DXS.
SI Paul and
Chicago. . , , Minneapolis
The"m > w extension ot thin line from WakeBeld up
through Goncoid and Coleridge
Iloichvi tllo bent i iirtlon of the Btato. Sp cl
cursion ra'H ( or 1'iul ivakcrx over tlili line to
Wayne , Noifolk nnd Haitlugton , end la lll&lr toall
jirlncljial jio'i.U ' on the
Trilos over tht 0. , Ut P. U. & O. Hillway tn Onr-
Initton , Bloux kltj.l'onca , JUttlngton , Wayne and
Norfolk ,
For t'lcmont , Oakdiilo , Koll b , and thtough to Val-
AiTPot rates mil all liiformitlan call on
K 11. WJ11TNKY , Onmral AKwt ,
Htrauic'a LulMlcif. Oat. 10th and Vamara bt ! . ,
Onuha , Nub.
jt-rTTIcketii can tie nocurcJ at ilciiot , QIIKI MHs
and Wel Ur Htrt'tts. ,
Western Cornice-Works ,
lllllXiugUuiat. . OaJx , Neb.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
tfDotmti Windows , Flniab , Tin , Iron anil ( JbW
RooflDg , Bpedit's patent llcUlUo Hkyllght , I > s44
odjusttj lUtchet liir uid Biaeket Sbolvler. I a
lie genual atfent lor tha uove line ol KOOOM , YI
encloif , Croaungi , BAluatrwl&t , VcmuJ , Iron Uk
klunni , Window Dltndj , Collar tiuardi : Uo g * fsj
nt forl'ocnwu * HU1 M 'mU Wlad ,