i FEBRUARY 2 , 1884. Palo , Poor , Puny , and Pallid. Considering all the ills thatnttarts little children , it is a wonder that any of the poor little youngsters live to grow up. There arc children who arc truly objects of pity. They seem almost bloodless. Their checks arc thin and pinched ; their eyes arc hollow ; and their skin is tightly drawn over their foreheads There is nothing hearty about them. They do not enjoy their lives. They arc suflermg from the debility that leads to marasmus. Poor things I Do a good deed for the pale , poor , puny , pallid child. Hand its mother a bottle of roam's fron flitters. Here is life even for the most deli cate , the most debilitated ; for the child almost given up for dead. Iron in the blood is what the child needs , to bring it up. The little digestive apparatus will recover. The pale checks will fill out. The weary groan of the child will be exchanged for tlie merry prattle of infantile glad ness. Your druggist will tell you what wonders Brotafs Iron Bitters has done for very sick children , ll Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. * . Erlnugcr , . Bavarjn. Culmbacher , Bavaria , Pilsner Bohemian. Kaiser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Budweisor St. Louis Anhausor St. Louis. Best's . . . . Milwaukee. Schlitz-Pilsner. . . . . . . .Milwaukee. Krug's „ Omaha. Alo. Porter. Doaicntic and Rhine Wine. ED. MAURER , Farnnin. Patent Dried Fruit Lifter , AS USEFUL NO DEALER XK A w GROCERY Groceries STORE CAN AVroiCD A3 A PAin Off TO 1)11 COUNTER SCALES. Without U H.C.CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOR , OKAUA. NEII. O The Emperor Loul Napoleon amokod only the flnMt cigars the world ooulil pro duce , fiof. Hertford aaya tlio Kmperor'i Osae yrtto mada apoclallr tot him in Ha. vanafrom leaf tobacco mown In the doldon Btlt ol North Carolina , thU beta * the nneat loaf - . IlladnroU'a ero-wn. Bull Durham Smoking Tobaooo la tnadB from tha Bamo leaf uied In the Emperor1 ! dirara , I * abso lutely pun and la tnmuoatlonably the bat tobacco OTcr oderod. Tbackoray'i irlftod daughter , Anne , In her aketchof Alfred Tennyaon.ln llarptr'i UonMy , tell of her visit to the great poet Bho found him imokliw BlockwolTa Hull Durham Tobacco , nent him by lion. James Ruiiaen Lowell , American Minister to the Court of Bt. James. Inthesodariof adultoratlonltbacom < fort to Emokora to Jbiou that tlio Dull Dur. luun brand U absolutely pure , and mode from the but tobacco the world produce * . DlarJcwcir * Bull Durban ! Bmoklnff To. boooo la the 6ul and purait made. All doalon bare It None genulao without the trado-mark of the Dull. fasMcal Institute Chartered by thcSUteorilli- nola for theexprcupurpoae of glvlnglmmedlato rcllelln all chronicurinnry and prl- ; vate dlaeaau , Qonorrlioea , Qlcet andSyptiilli In nil their complicated forms , nluo alt dlaeaaea of the okln nnd Blood promptly relieved and permanentlycured by reme * diei.testedln ntfortyVcart Hffctall'rattiee. Bemlnal Weakncn , : ht LOJBCB by Dreamt , Plmplea on sonal or by letter , eacredly confldentlal. Med. fclnea sent by Malli- Expreai. No murks on package to Indicate < entente or nender. Address DR. JAMES.No. 204WaTnIn0ton St.ChIcagolll. HENNSNQS II " IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION CORSET \f mmntedito wrar loncr , u. lUuo Torn ) ncaUr , and lfv | twite ) Pratufaction than wiy other Oonwil til the m rket , or price paid will } > nfundni. Tli lndonumwt < l C'UloJKo' but phnldoni , nooonl Ifli-c , ftr.t Haloca' - Je n , aHwUgt P9TMU1 , i.r i > lc yourinbrchantfof tbfrw. fttoi'UfiTiJi lLb JOHHi'ii A cii * i Kanufulunn , Sil ) & ! ( U JUuUulpIiCt.iiUcatC. | fM Ua t- JOHN tt 1C 1CSOALV SOALV COl * 1IMI HtUUX BCiU.VIU.ilUX.tlO. Ton Kmt , Mraiii MOK lurluUrO , - ? ' # . .SOALft. . ! h TOOLS , & 0. iw t > vi" . HIVE' run unr Vuwu u * < | b. A n vU d I H ufToola. A1U il ThltHELT or Itccinitrv , ft tor Itiiudr iDJ < Mly ( or of the mturratlinvnwu. * % 11 > nll no uiUUko about - * Inctnuiwnt , thi * ron * IIOUI fctioam of Kl.rjO- IXITO In the Choir. She naton the stop of tlio organ loft , .Tint nftor the nocoml livran ; And through nftvo nnd choir to the cool grfti The Bound rrmo faint nnd dim , AH they nettled thomselvei In the church below For the normon that followed next , And I seated myself at the alto's aldo An tlio parson took his text. I mnrkcd the lander flush of her cheek , And the oleum ' ) f her Roldon hair , The siiowy 'kerchief ' 'round her neck , And her throat nil whlto and bare ; A throat f > o whlto that Indeed it might An ftnchorlto otillce ; And I fnlntly honrd the nainon's word As ho preached nbout I'nrudleo , Mv arm utolo gentle Around her waht Until our fingers mot ; And n flutterng ) blush made the tender fluM Of her cheek trrow deeper yet Snowy nud fair tha hand beneath , And brown the palm above , And the brown-closed softly over the whlto As the parson imko of lore. . Ah , who is wl o. when deep blui eyes Meet hU and look coyly down ? Who would but drink , nor care to think Of envy's Jealous frown ! 'Twns but to bond till I felt her breath Grow warm on my breath , and then My llpi just hoftly touched her own An the parson mid Amen. -Puck. HuNEY FOURTH K IjADI15S. bangles ttlll hold thMr own. SoAlikln nnoiuos are made Rinallor thnn for merly , but the wonrorft fool junt n big in them OH over. Smnlsh | glrcllpH of embroidered \olvot nro uzceodingly atyllsh. , 1'oacoclc Rrcon with metallic blito ( n n foflli lonablo French combination. Jot licltH nnd bolts of Jot mingled with ail1 vor nnd nteol bondo nro in favor. A Somerville , Main. , young Indy in naid to POBBCSJ n mania for otartlng iirca. Hho will got over that when filio lit nmrriod. They call them "aunnoUhoadod" girl * now. It is inaro oathotio thnn to ifoak | < if rich , flow * ing auburn locks.-Hartford [ 1'ont. Bacholora nhould nncortnln without further dolny if n man who rojocti n , leap-year tire [ win ! can bo Rued for broach of nrimtlso , Is in aaid that gray satin and gray velvet with steel will bo as fashlunnblo , or rooro so , iu the npring an it haa been during the winter. Knots of duck nnd woodcock foathora , thrco or Revon in the bunch , mnko pretty trimmingn ' > r the slmplo felt-walklug hat.1 of yonng ladles. Dog collars ( n now dcnlftns i\ro \ imported , made of laiwaiva gold , heavily chased , and set with dlamonilfl , ouiornldt , poarts , ofials nnd rublcR. I'njlilonnblo oversklrU are now cut with > omo squareness , and often have n plain back jreadth , gathered alightly , and formed into 0110 potif , A Now Hampshire married woman ban a nanin for cnlloctlng buttons. When they [ otscnrco nnd hurd to find aho just clips a few > ff her husband's shirts. Tliroo fonmlo dentists have opened oUlccs in Chicago. The number of mnlo pntionta they nay got will depend upon tha nttrnctivouoss if the fair tooth-yankon. "ifo love , " ho nald , "I cannot afford to take roil ulelghing , but I'll do tha next best thing. 2oinc down to the atoro any day nnd I'll let you BOO mo shoot a rat. " Pnr trims everything , this winter , from the rown ( if the hat to the top of the walking joot. It also trims the Inside of a pocket wok until it look * like a frc < dily-inowod lawn. White toilets of nil kinds npponr to bo nioro .linn aver the rage in the fashionable world .hU winter ; cream , snowdrop , and ivory being [ orierally preferred to the very trying bluisii ir ticarl whlto ahndos. Palo , nlmond colored InccB satin brocade , almond colored bonnets , blockings , dinner rol/oti , and other entire costumed tnado up in conjunction with dark brown plush or velvet , , n a in o I'ronch fancy in dress and garniture. In ronponsa to her mother's qucitton , the jrido of thrco months replied that her hus- > and had prored all her fancy had painted ilm. She had fancied thut oho could down dm at the first tug lennd her fancy hod proved correct , [ Chicago Telegram. A London paper nays that English girls nro waarinir patent leather boots with yellow kid tops. Wo would like to make that paper sick by tolling it what awful iiico things our Amor- luun girls are wearing , but the fact is wo don't know.-l'hllndolphta [ Call. Anodolybollo of Columbus , who has for a long time been in the habit of hiring * > mos- dougor boy to carry her satchel when out shop ping or walking , now carries n nluo-pound jioodlo from ono and of tha town to the othnr without a word of complaint. It is tha fashion. | i If compelled to niio canned fruit that is nut tut up nt homo , nook to render it palatable bus : Open the can and drain off all tlio liq uor. Put the fruit In n proper dl h. To tlio liquor add buUiciont sugar to maka it Ilka Hyrup ; lot it "conio to a boll" but do not lot it boil ; then pour it over the fruit. "Pearl aleovoa1' nio worn with many hand BOIUU evening dreseii of white brucada or satin. Theao alcoves are formed of n close network of | junrl beads over whlto cheulllo. They are about four inches deep , and are edged with a fringe of pearls which droops over the arm. Hoop car-rlngs , bnuglo bracelets , and dog collars compoood of pearls are usually added. A York ntnto womnn mnkos it a rule that if her husband is not at homo by 10 o'clock she locks the door and ho has to ot in the hoiwo by climbing a ladder up to a Mo window nnd nay to his wlfo , who is then In bed , ' 'I'lonno ' let me in. " Ho Bay * he la BO mod to cliinbinir a ladder that ho la thluklnir of joining tha hook nnd ladder company. [ Kentucky titato Journal. IIo vy English koreoys nnd domestic Middlesex - dlesex cloths nro much employed for tha toll- nrmado costumes this winter , while tricoti , Kergos , tireods , vlpognus , and plnlds comprtsa the general variety. Kew serges exhibit [ ilaids of two or many colors , and there ire abo.tho old favorite Madras plaids , which come In improved colorings ana soft-bodied woolens , It U ple-uiant just now to sea a women how a mun how BIIOW should be shoveled. She [ luta n shawl about the aiza of a napkin on liei head , takes a lltt'o ' C'o-uhovel. opens the door , closes her eyes , throws about three ahovelfula oil the stoop , rushes back into th kitchen , stamps the snow oil her feet , and de clares th&t men never know how to do any thing anyhow , and that if it were not for the women everything would go to the dogs. A handrotno Spanish opera cloak from Worth's is mudo cf eilvor and whlto brocade , lined throughout with plush , ami adorned out- Bide with pink ostrich-feather trimmlog. An other wrap , sent over for A iirospectlvo brldo , U made of whlto and gold brocntollo , and lined with pnlo gold nattn. The lining on each front is hand-painted , with Scottish bluebells nnd lilies of the valley , The tilm- miug outsldo consists nf waves uf rich white lace intermixed * lth pendants of pearl , and silk chftiilllo , Thii trimming is put on very wida and full , and elves n rich and beautiful Huith to th costly garment The last Trench extravagance In hosiery ls tinted lace stocking In colors cf palo rose , mauve , cameo , black , litrht blue , and palo al mond. Thrao Htocklnga are In copy * f tha mo t delieato and Intricate patterns of point , duclie so , and other rich laccn , ( and nro to be worn o > ern second pair of spun-nllk Lose , tinted a delicate nosh color. With these dainty stockings are tn be worn very low-cut Ilomau sandals ma lo of satin exactly match ing tha shade of the lace clocking. Them sandals hava but one strap , which U fastened by a jewelled elide or buckle. 8INGULA1UTIEB. A whlto patridffo was recently captured near IfortGalnea , Qa , lllsj Theedocla Gray , of Parian , Conn. , aged DO , who lias bean toothless many years , Is now culling nn upper front tooth , Ann Dunn , who died in London a few day * iwo t the ago of 3D. weighed over 600 pounds. Bho lupoiurcd 3 foot ti inches around the ahouldera. Cats county , Indiana , IxiaiiU of a ( rfrl whoan heart U located on the right Hide. The wed leal sodsty of the county U wrestling with tlv problem , Mw. Louise Lyinan , o ( Oabot , Masi. , made a clothes line from thi combings of her hair Bho began tk industry lu 182i > , and UUMO 100 feet of the cord , which the family used for years M cotliw lines , A Miuin.ichuBotti baby h twelve teen , ton fineem nnd two thumbi , Tliroo of iU older brothora nnd ( inters have eight extra fingers nnd toes among them , lown ia n great * tate for longevity , or oUo great liars. Dei Molncs fond * out n report that n woman 100 years and 7 montln old Is In remarkable good health , nnd lias granddaugh ters who are grandmothers , Tlio wild boy recently captured in tha Santa ltd * * mountains and taken to Tnncauhlntz , Mexico , can not ba tamed , nnd enti only now vegetables nnd floth. Tha other day ho seized n 3 year old child , chocked It to death , nnd then devoured It ! loft nrm and part of its face , Jlov. .T. 0. Wood pouched for four years a largo lump of dry Nllo mud , n hole In ono of Itsaldci showing that a mudfish WM within it , The other day ho carefully cut the hunt open , nnd found the inhabitant In good condi < lion , doubled up , with itt tail over ltd head , juit n < t when Itwtnt to Bleep moro than 20 years ago. Thrca hpi ! > opotamnt camodownaa far n * the second cataract in the high Nile of 1882 , which Is nn unusual thing , nnd ono of the thrco has remained there over slnco. He feeds hlmsolf nt tlio expanse of the bean fields of the inhabitants , who , in Bpito of their indignation , linvo not yet contrived to put him out of the way , nnd rubs himself rogulnrly ngntnut the telegraph poles whloh skirt the riser at that point. Tha dovll fish is said to bo rapidly multi ( lying in the waters of the San Iranclnco ! ny. Ono of the fearful creatures was ex hibited in thn San Vrnnciico market a ftw days ego , nnd attracted many visitors. Tha Huh wns nbout nine foot In length and pre sented n very repulMvo eight. Notwithstand ing the latter fact , onn of the tentacles was sold to nn Italian for food before the monster had been on exhibition over on hour. The BOUS of Italy prize the tentacles mont highly , the ordinary mode of eating them being to fry them or Doil tltem in oil. A Cruel Itcpnrtco. Iloiton Globe. Tlio game wont on. 'twas fair to eoo , Lawn tennis called , nnd ho and aho Did nctlvcly engage therein , And 'twas a toss-up which would win , Tloth wore young , aha was fair I'early teeth nnd nut-brown hair- Talked too much though , pcoplo said ; His noao was largo , likewise his bond I At last to him there came a bill , Which ho returned , and then did call Aloud : "Ha ! ha ! I'vo won the bet , That surely makes it game nnd not , " "Tis true , nlosl" she said , and then Looked cross , and muttered "horrid men.1 Then , pouting , Bald this timn aloud "Of course you won ; don't feel so proud , " Flo was elated , though , 'twas plain ; Success , mayhap , had turned his brain ; And standing tncra In graceful pose , Balanced his racket on his nose. Jnily ho criods "Can you do this ? " 'I'\o not the kind of 11010 , " anocrod mias , Then auiwcrcd ho 'two * most a sin 'Suppose you try it on your chin ! " Ot ] ? . DAVIH. IMl'iEtlKS. Whitney , a spiritualist has boon arrested md fined in Unngor , Mo. , as a fraud. It takes ninety-eight policemen to keep or- lor on the tUrooklyn bridge. Talmago and loochor both go over to Now York to tha heaters u > > w. Widow Van Cott says , "No Chrlstinn can ilford to use tobocco. " Tobacco in awfully ilirh , that's n fact. Wo hope Mrs. Van Cult will UBO her Influence to have the tax reduced. -Philadelphia [ Call. Talmogo's congregation has 4M moro mem- icni than Beochor'a. This speaks as badly for > ho morals of Brooklyn as would be the case if Jlooclicr's congrpgatlon had 414 moro members than Talmaga's. Mr , Ileber Newton expresses the opinion hat the story of Joseph and h is brethren is inly an ancient drama , The tradition that Joseph was put into a pit by his brethren bo- causa there was no room for him in the family circle , would Bcom to boar out Mr , Newton s opinion. [ BostonTran8cript. | Tlio Presbyterians in Mifllintown , Pa. , are n tribulation. At a church mooting on Sntur- lay evening lost a score or moro of the mem- iers were arraigned for dancing , nnd an in- d'ecroot ' youth wont so far as to accuse the > Mtor of engaging in social games of cards. An effort ia being mndo in New York to linvo church bolls silenced. A man who at tends n dogfight or shooting match on Satur- luy night and does not get into bed until two o'clock Sunday morning , naturally dislikes to invo Ids slumbers disturbed by the clanging ) f u church boll a few hours later. [ Norris- x > wn Herald , The Presbyterian Ministerial association at Philadelphia has opened n war on Moody aud ifankoy'd hymn books. One minister declared that most of the hymna wore miserably written - ton , and that ho did not bellovo in teaching children fiftv-ratopootry , and another thought Moody nnd Snnkoy livmns wore enough to turn the stomach of n spiritual man. Speaking to a roomful of people , nt a relig ious mooting in Bridgeport , Conn. , last week , the female cxhortor cried oiitJ"Thero yon ait , night after night , Ilka blocks of stone. Wo have been talking aud praying for you day in and out , vet yon hang back nml seek not the merry Boat. Wo can t go on tills way. Why don't you hurry up nnd got converted ? What a the matter , anyhow haa the dovlljgot you ullt" [ Bridgeport Nowa. "Oh , mamma ! I hoard papa Bay his prayers last night" "Why , when did you hoar him , child ! " "Don't " you remember ? "Certainv ! not ; you must bo mistaken. " "Oh , no , I ixln't rlthor. I hoard him say em just after hoTouud out I put nome red iHjpiier in hla pipe. Ho prayed uwful hard , MUSICAL ; AND The oldest opera houdo iu the United States a lu Suyannuh. ' Sftltlnl , the Italian tragedian , makes a tour of America next year. Thomas W. Keouo appear * this week In ew York for the first t line as a trnglo star. A daughter of Senator Voorhoos Is pursuing lor nni'icnl studios abroadand will not return joforo next summer. Twonty-threo now operas were produced at , ho various theaters of Italy during the past year. They all died young. Kdouard Uemenyl , the violinist , la in Ha vana , where ho has become the especial feature n tlio KoIroM of high society. MiiploBou's now tenor , Andrea Anton , is aald to bo remarkably handsomer , and a tine actor , as well as gifted ulnger , Mr. Wilson Barrett Is coining over from London to mnko a professional tour of Amer ica with the play of "Clnudlau. " Kdwin Booth'fl repertoire for next week In clude * "Hamlet" "Tha Fool's lteveiio. ( [ " "Macbeth , " and 5'The Puibbers. " On the termination ol his season with Law rence Barrett , Otis Skliiuor will join Mra. Laugtry's company as loading man. At Brussels the great musical event of the koason has been the production , on January 7th , of "Sigurd1 .the now opera by Kruoat Itoycr , The London critic * praise highly tin noting of Miss Ada CaveniMih , In the recent ravlial of "The Now Magdalen , " at tha Nov.Uy Theatre. Mta Aunlo ItiwRoll luus been re-engaged by the Madltou Smiaro Theatre for the next two Team , during which tlmo aha will play "Hazel Klrko" in the traveling company. Slnco Minnie 11 auk throw n tiOQ-pomid BUTT ant girl out uf her room and toro un two or three lengths of carpet with her tooth , the U sold to ba playing to very fair builmu. Mine. Modjeska ia rebeandnif a new play , wliich haa boon written for her by her leading man , Mr. Maurlca Barymoxo , H la c&llod Nudjerda , nnd will bo played tint m Balti more. more.Waoner' * "Walknra" has rflcoutly been l > or. formed for tha fir t time at Curlwuhn , Darin- tadt , and Btriwbunf. meeting In ftwh pUw with freat [ iuccesH. "UVlitan and laolda" wa outliualMtlcilly rocolvod < m ltn Hint perform * anco at Bremen on tha LHlth ult , Mr. Myron W , Whitney , the dUtlmfuUr biuso , tiM algnltiod hU acceptance of Uia olTur to in lu the St. J-ouli May uu lc l ( tMtlval. Franz KfruiroorUbM6o , and Uorr DeKont- 638 ! sky , the celebrated pianist , ti.tro been oskct to partlclpato. The Viennese nro so well ploosed nith thel npcrntlo mnnaffoment that In n few weeks ? UO,000 were aubsrrlbod for this yo r. The recent Wagner cyclus yielded 80,000 florins , of wlilch 10 ] > or cent ( fl.'OO ) were , as nsual , for- wardeil t < i Wngnor's widow. This year Huliln- uteln's "Nero" and Uorlloz'n "Uonvouuto Cel lini" will bo among the novoUio * . This wcnk tlio two great Italian opera com' ' panics are holding forth In Chicago. Mnplo- non Is demanding $ G for his boit seats ; $3 is Mkcd for the lint row In the orchestra circle ; those wh9 wish to occupy the first row In the balcony mint pay S3 , while the other rows do- in and ? " . General admission is placed nt SJ1.W ) . In the family circle ? l Hocures n ro- nerved seat , nnd the gallery may hoar the di vine diva for the outlay of 40 coiite. * Ijcnp Ycnr'fi Victim. Hrcathos there n girl with soul no dead Who over to herself hath Bald I'll never wed ? Whoia changing heart Imth of ttimcs turned From love to flirting tlmt hath burned In her weak head ? If such there bo , now shed n tear For her. No "marriage bolls" you'll hour With ringing cheer , In rnpturo o'er her change of Ufa To blessedness in being a wlfo , This fond lo.ip yonr. Walter Ooldscluntdt , oldest son of Jenny 1,1 nd , Is shortly to bo maniod , "Aunt Mllly , " of Nashville , 109 years old , wns married tlio other day to a mnn forty years her junior. llov. I.ovl J. Coppin , colored , of Phlliulol Shin , recently married , has been sued by a tisky maiden for broach of promise. Miss Wilkinson , of ( ioorgia , ogod 60 years , was married the other day to John South , aged 88 , Ono hour nftor the ceremony the brldo was stricken with paralysis. Miss Joslo M. Broderlck sues Ira M. Stnr cos , at Portland , Oregon , for 825,000 for breach of promise. She is young , pretty , and a poetess , out Ira wanted another. A lady aged 40 years , who lives in Worth county , Georgia , has had an eventful Ufa. She recently murrlod her tilth husband. Her first husband wan killed in the wnr , her nocoml wita killed in n dlfl'icnUy , her third wai di vorced , nud the fourth died a natural death. H. T , Kailn arrived in Calves ton on the 21st ult. , nnd wns taken ill in the Gerardin house. Ho telegraphed to his divorced wife , from whom ho hnd been potnratod seven yoursand the reached his bedside on the 30th , and was re-married to him. Two days later he died. 1'iiaADEM'HlA , January 19. The father of Bortlm F. Clear , secretly married a few days since to J. B. Garrrlson , the "livingskoloton , " ins filed a bill In equity , praying that the narriago may bo declared null and void , as tils daughter was a lunatic , nnd incompetent to outer into nny contract. Miss Lonn Goetigg , of Baltimore , aged nine teen , a belle in n suburban village , was to lave been married Thursday , but was , instead , : arrlod to the grave. Six young ladle * attired n deep black wore bearers of tlio casket. They were the same whom the diseased had selected as her bridesmaids. Joseph Gilmore Chandler , son of Secretary Chandler and grandson of the latoGov. Gilmore - more , of New Hampshire , was married n few days ago to Mies Ada Cook-n sister of Judge Dook of Providonco. The young couple wi 1 mnko their future homo iu Dakota , where Mr. I/handler holds a government position. The experience at Castle Garden of Jacob Koonipf nnd Kutiieriiio Midler , if widely dis seminated abroadshould wonderfully increase emigration from the old world. These young ipople wen lovers In their distant homo and : ame hither to get married. No sooner had .hey reached the Battery than they applied to in official to get married. No enouer had the official heard their request than he eald he had a place in Massachusetts for a husband and vffo. So , within n few bours after landing , .hoy wore married nnd engaged to load n life of luxury on n dairy farm. The latest excitement in the social world of Denver is the reported marriagu of Mra. Au- ; uatua Tabor No. 1 , to nn adventurer namad Artmnn. Mrs. Tabor loft the tity ono day ast week to join her on of St. Louis , nnd to accompany him on his bridal tour to Cuba. Artmnn , knowing that aho was going , circu- uted the story that he was to marry her an lour before her departure. Ho disappeared ibout the tame time , but friends of Mrs. Tuber declare that she had defiled the fellow admission to her house , und knows nothing of ; ho storlea ho has put in circulation. Artman claims to have boon a great traveler , and is luubtlfls a Munchauson as well ui a dead b at. Lost year Milwaukee had : 24,316 children iu and 21,613 out of the schools. Teachers of French in .England have organ ized n society for mutual protection nnu ad vancement Six liulioi have graduated with honor from the London Collfgo of Chemistry aud propoua setting up as druggist * . Th ladies of a prominent Now York city , are circulating a petition to the IcKitdaturo requesting thut body to enact n law that will compel the teaching of hygiene and physiology in the public schools of the stats. , A census of a 1'liiladolphia boarding school of forty-eight girls showed that ono could make broitd , ono knew how to fry oysters , three- knew how to broil becfitoak , forty-eight could embroider , anil forty-scroll dance. The Harvard Union n few days ago debated the following : "Resolved , Thut the require ment of Greek for admission to Harvard College - lego should ba abolished. " A ballot taken after tlio debate resulted : , ayes fifteen , noes Lwouty-ouo. A war against the Gorman language in the pabllo schools has boon bcruu in Iowa , and : a weeping rofoiui Is called for. Accordingly , petitions are being circulated asking the pres ent legislature to pass a bill providing for the exclusiva UBO of the Knqlith lacgungo in the schools supported by taxation. Whether this Is tuigtrostod as a retaliatory stroke , resulting from German prohibition of western pork is not stated. A curious thing in tha Texas school system ia the "community" organization. There are no dletriits and no geographical subdivisions at all , but as many pontons as choosomuy unite for school purposes by registration , and than . " " and are recogniiod na a. "community" { iveu u share uf the public money. There- no local taxation and no regulation as to tha alca of the communitlrti. As a matter of fact thxy vary greatly , and overlap each other et > as to maka endless icactlcal inconvenience. A ruiui once inclmlod in a community cannot leave it except by permission of a court. Lecturing In Boston upon "Education In Russia , " Dr. Th6odoro Votter aaid that the Russians' reputation as linguists is duo to their peculiar instruction In childhood. The Infant has a French nurse for a solo attendant until It Is six years of age. By that time It lu learned to speak the French language. Then the German governess cornea In , and in the child's constant companion. Later the KuglUh tongue Is acquired in tliu aamo way. At tweho the girls continue tholi studios at linmo and unbuilt to mamma's match-making. The boys go away to the gymnasia. The course there embraces seven years , anil fits the youth fora professional course at the uui vorsity. Meziofantl's hitherto unique position among linguists , say * The Moscow Gazette , Is threatened by a young Uusalau otiicor , who , at tha ago of 1'fi yean , haa mustered the French , Uermon , Knglisb. Banish , SwedUb , Italian , Polish , Finnish , Serbian , Czech , Jap- aiieae. Chinese , and Malay languages. Be sides these ho is acquainted with three tllffor- ent Japanese , one South African , nnd two ChlueaH dialects , and is nt present occupied with the ttudy of Hebrew. M. Pakovltth has. with tha exception of French , English and German , acquired the knowledge of those laufm Keithout any help , after bis ovm uietnod. Meizofanti lived till he was 75 , and before ho died ho apoko 53 tongues. At a recent school board examination In Lnglaml loino extraordinary nvwei * wore Kiveii to the oxaiulnuiH by thu children. One innocent was k Ued to give a biography of the patriarch Ahrahtra and replied ! "Abraham r was tbu father of Lot , and had two wives. Ono was called Ithnmle and the other Huciir ; lie kent on at homo and turned the other into th ) ueatrt , whore aho booauio n pillow ol . ' > y flay and a pillow of fire by night" Another juvenile said : "Moiw wn an Kgyp- iliiva , UQ lived In an trie wade of bullnuuCJi , nnd ho kept n golden calf nml worsblppce bnlr.cn tnnkeA and ct nothing but kmtles nni manna fnr furry years. He was cot by th hair of the h d while titling under thobougl of a tree , nnd ho was killed by his son Abe loin R ho wns hanging from ths bough. Hli end vrn * poane. " Another , mtc tlonod In nat ural history , replied ! "Tho hog hfti five toei on his four feet and four toes on his hind feet the cow has no loci and cannot bark. " PKPIM3HMINT DUOPS. Beer In Knnsai is "eea foam. " Indiana loads the country in its crop of of fica seekers nnd rabbits. It ii claimed that a jackass will llvo longer In tlio south than In the North. WOBCO no chanoo for an argument hero. The greatest oleomargarine fraud yet perpetrated petratod la labeling tno buckets with r picture of n ferocious-looking billy goat to Indicate dicato genuine butter. It is much frated that the present craze for whits I'V-f'i ' ' ' * among circus men u ill loai tn a good iiuny white lies on the part of the advertising agonta next , summer. "You just take n bottle of my medicine , said n tmack doctor to n consumptive , "one yon'll tiov or cough ngain. " "Is it ai fatal ns that ) " gasped the consumptive. [ Boston Globo. "Did you put it in with tacks or putty ? ' skcd a merchant traveler for n 1'ittsbiirj glass houro , as ho gazed , in nn absent-mlndei : wny , at tha hotel clork'a diamond. [ Merchant Traveler. A Now York chemist Bays ha wants noth ing moro than thrco palls of wntor nnd twenty cents worth of drugs to mnko si : gallons ol just such champagnoai fooU pay n dollar a pint for. "What shall wo do with our daughters ! ' asks Mrs. Livorrmiro In a recently published book. Give it up. Why didn't you take "oin to some seaside raiort nnd risk your chances ? [ Burlington Free 1'ross. A young man who hai been ntudylng music in Boston has mysteriously disappeared. Hla neighbors have always boon regarded ni law- abiding people , but nt the Rama time if a detective should search their houses ho might possibly find a bootjack with blood on it. A Cheyenne man is BO full of electricity that lie lights the CM by merely snapping his fin- ; ors. A Philadelphia man can start a con- Inpratlon by simply touching any inflammn- ilo material with his nose ; but this phonomo- n oh is not ascribed to electricity. [ Philadel phia Call. A Chicago man advertises : "When you suf- 'or a sort of weak feeling , with n gnawing iu , ho stamnch , nnd n dcsiro for something you ; now not what , do not swallow the yiio noa- , nnns that nro represented to euro everything , jut coma nt once to my place and gat a good dish of oysters , cooked in any stylo. " In playing ft game of sevon-un with n young ady from St. Paul , a wicked Bismarker told icr that every time she hold thn jack of rumps it w a a euro sign that her lover was hinking of her. Then the impenitent fiend vatchcd her face at each deal , and every time ho blushed and looked pleased * led out and caught her jack. [ Bismarck Tribune. A professional prize uVhtor says "blame if 10 wouldn't shako tha prize ring If ho could tot n decent job , at which he could make n iving. " Well , n Kochester man la paying $500 apiece for now comets , and a Boston mbliahor offers 93,000 in prizes for the best hort stories for boys and girls. And there are other avenues to an honest living standing wide open. [ Norristown.Herald. A peculiar nnd grotesque outfit attracted n good deal of attention on ono of the streets of Cansas City last week. It consisted ai- ply of a store box on runners , harnessed ton raw- Mined horse. In the box , which was far from arpo , wci o n woman , a baby and a boy , all inning and happy , and as it slid along the dirt md BIIOW with n hideous , grating noise , they > eat the horse with a board , and all went mor- y as a marriage boll. "Have you any champagne on ice ? . " ' The inestion was asked by n well-dressed , sad- eyed man , an ho strolled leisurely into the mnrmateutical oatablisment presided over by ) jn Hill. "Wo kavo , " answered Daniel , in us most dignified manner. "Muinm's extra dry ? " "Yea , sir. " "On ice ? " "Yes , sir. " 'Well please give mo a small [ liecoof. the ice ! " fhen Dan commenced looking around for the omoti squeezer and the customer took the tooth pick and walked thoughtfully away. 011 City Blizzard. KELlGlOUS. California has 000 churches. There are 10,823 Quakers in Indiana. Cincinnati has a colored Mormon society. A Swedish Baptist church bos been organ ized in Brooklyn , N. Y. The Second Church , of Holyoke , Mass. , haa contracted for a new organ , to cost 310,000 The Lutherans have in this- country ! $ synods , 3,600 ministers , 0,302 churches , aud U018 , communicants. The Gorman Evangelical church numbers n tha United States 650 churches , 430 mluio- , ers and 80,000 communicants. The trustees of the St. John's Presbyterian Churci , St. John's , N. B. , have decided to illuminate tko edifice with tlio olectrio light. Mr. Moody , the evangelist began his mis sion at Stratford-lo-Bow , England , Sunday. Six thousand people were piesout , notwith standing a grout storm. Tim First Baptist church , nf Chicago , re port ] n total membership of 860. During , the past year 140 members were received by Letter - tor and tifty-ono on coufesiion of faith , The eighth annual retreat of the Proteatont Eplacopn , ! clergy of the diooese of ChicagO'Vvill begin February twenty nnd continue for two days. It will be conducted by the Jiov. A. G. A. Hull , of Boston. The Reformed German church has indorsed during the past ten years from four uynoda to seven ; from thirty-five classes to iity-ono ( ; From 109,507 communicant members to 1C9- 530 , whllo tha organized churches uuuibur 1,400. The United Presbyterian Synod of New York consists of nlno Presbyteries , with which nro connected 00 minister * and Ol con gregations. Five uf these Presbyterieu- in New York , throe in Now England , and ono iu Philadelphia. There are four ecclesiastical organizations in South Carolina which are under thagonerul name of MothoJUt Church. The Protemtuut MothodltU have only : one or two congrega tions ; the A. M. E. Church has A colored ministry and memobrshlp ; tha M. K. Church South ia composed almost entirely of white communicants , and the M. E. ( on Northern Methodist ) Church.la composed in that state very largely of colored pooplo. The Wesleyan Methodist Calendar for 1884 jas just been published. Tha figures show , lmt the body is in n highly prosperous condi tion. In ( treat Britain the iluircn , members are407,0n5 , iu Ireland aud Iriali mUslons the church members are 21,384 , ami in foreign missions the church members , are 70,7-15. The murch ta well represented in South Africa , In franco and different parts of the continent and Australia , and In Canada. At the leavo-takiog of the Pope , at Home , from the bishops nf the United States , the former , iu ir.emorial uf the occasion , offered AS a gift to tha epi < cop te of America iu genera ) , a full long'Ji portrait of himself , handsomely Framed , from the brush of the celebrated artist Braun , of Germany. There are to be two councils in Baltimore. Md. , the first in the spring , ami the second , a great Plenary Coun cil , iu th fall , when a guuoral episcopal da- llveranctt to American Outhollos will be issued. Serious differences have arisen among the Jews U this country in regard to their ancient faith , which seems In danger of being super * aedeci by modern notion * . ThU state of things Is attributed largely to llev , Dr , Wise , of Ciu. clnuati , who is ono of the oldest' and wont uUtaly known rabbis of the country. He uolds. that CbrUtlaiis may be recolvcJ into Judaism by a sltaplo acknowledgments ! the binding character of the Ten Commandments ; that there ia no Biblical prohibition against Jews liitermivrrylu' < with Christiana , or with Mahometans fur that matter ; that tha rules attondlnf the preparation of nultcal foo4 foi Jews can bo abandoned at pleasure , aud thai as God haa not created any unclean nnlmal , Jew * may eat anything they please. Tbene eif.roaslons have given rise to Seated oontrov e y in H. brew circles. Sowing Wild OnlH. How many wnnto their time and resources In foolish experiments , with nasty worthlesi medicine that can never do them a whit o good. If jou are sick and waut help 0ot reputable remedy of established merit. Th" uurative virtues of lrnl < xk Jllautt iStttrrt havi never bean questioned , For an enfeebled cir culation or a weak atouuch they aio splendid Hag the LargestDStook in Omaha andigMakes the Lo-wost Prices. Purchasers should nvnil themselves of the opportunity now offered to buy nt Low Prices by taking advantage of the great inducement set out by p pimfrnipi/ / PASSENGEE ELEVATOR , & oHIVtnlllli 1206 , 1208 nd 1210 ParnamSi To All Floors. OMAHA. NEB. PERFECTION ; IN Heating and Baking' In only attained by wsinR CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges , fflffl IRE GAUZE OVER OOQBl Foi sale by ' MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA- Anheuser-Busch CELEBRATED and Bottled Beer Thia Excellent Beer apeaka fee itself. ORDERS FROM ANY PAKT OF Tfltf STATE OR' THE ENTIRE WEST , Promptly Shipped. ALL DUE GOODS ARE MADE TO TEE STANDARD Cw-US. S SF F . is.QL.i ? Solo A pent for Omaha an'J'-'o ' West. Oor. flth Street wxd Capitol 4 . . "BURLINGTON ROUTE" : ( Chicago , Burlington & Quincy ( railroad. ) GOING.EAST AND WEST. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH. Elepant Dny Conches , Parlor Cars , with Roelin Solid .Tralni of Elegant Day Coachet and Pml 1 nr Chairs ( -vats fine ) , Smoidne Cars , with lie- man Palace Sleeping Cars am rim dally to and * solving Chalrn. I'nlliuan Palice Sleeping Cars and from. . Sc Louis , via Huaaibal , Quincy , KcokulcJ the famous C. B. & Qi Dining Uars run daily to and Burlington , Cedar Rapid ? anil Albert Lea to Gt ' from Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago & Council Paul ami. Minneapolis : Parlor Cars with RecllnlfK Bluffs , Chlcuso & Dea Moines. Chicago , 6t. Jo- ftAirs ) to and fromSt Louis anil PeoriaandC scph , Atclihon & Topcka. Only through line between - and from St. Louis ana OUumwa. Only or. tween Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Throush cars chanzs of cars between 6t Louis ana L'C I between Iniliannpolls & Council lilulta via Poorla Moines , lowe , Linocia , ricoraso , ondDonvC. All connections raudo in Union 1/epoM. It IS Colorado. known as tno jrreat THROUGH CAB UNE. It is univctai'lv admit taj U > be the Rnnct Equjppod Railroad In the World tar ail Clnasaa of Travel. . P. J , rOTTEIt. adVicB-rrna'tandOeii'l ' Jlarcwor. ffKl < GPV < lt JW.lVJlCI.Tj HIH.J-TWS. Ag't. CtticaUi M. HELL11AN & CO , . 7507 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 MR , 1STh OMAHA. ' Icsritos the attention of . the public to hit Large and Well Selected Sbosk OF Embracing all Hie Late Patterns in ever ) thing 10 the Carpet Line. IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND AT LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY OV 33. DDESJf . -f rXlLjiE. ? , t 1313 Farnam Street , - . . Omaha , . . IMM. ' T gf f.t - . '