Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    " * " * fl
The fiebra&fv national Sank
Surplus Fund. KOT. 1.188S IG.DOfO
U.W. TATE3 , PretldMit , for rr. r. Jttn l't
Ihi Flnt National Bank ot Orua. .
A. K. TOUZALm , VIce President , ol Boiton.
T. V. MOUSE , 0 < W. V. Mono ft Co.
UNI OOUJNS , . 0. II ft J. 8. Oolllal.
K. WOOLWOnm , Co tuoloiimd Attorney tt Uw
U a UKKD , of Dyron Roe < l at Co.
Ihl * Bnk opened for business Apill J7 , 1631.
ha directors and Jtockholdera are nmonff the lead
Kbujlncfla o ( Omaha , and Hi buslneM Id conducted
with ctpodal reference to the besl tad locreattng In
r * is ot Ita mercantile patrons.
Collection * r * ilvo prompt attention knd eharjw
towt obtainable here nr elw here.
I nterrnt allowed on time deposit * npon Terabit
* lamia and open aoconnU ot bants and banker * .
Foreign Kaohange , Government U odi , and ( Coantr
nd Cltr ReeiuItU * bought and oeM
Ccmnoii Bluffs Loan and
Trust Company.
Ftrrt Mortgape Loonn Nosrotlated. Commercial
'apcr and all Uood Securities dealt In. 89 Pearl
itre t , and (00 First avenue , Council Bluffs.
NEW YOQK , January SO.
Money KAgjr nt li@2 per cant
Prima Paper 4@r > i per cont.
Kxchanflt , B1U Steady ; 4.83Js demand ,
Govornmonta Firm.
Stocks The stock market opened utronff
and higher this morning. The demand dur
ing the first hour's business was brink , mid
every active stock on the lint recorded higher
figure * ) . Trading wna on a \ cry largo ncalo.
A sharp rise caused nome sollitij to realize
profits , and a decline of fromi to 1J per cent
took pUco. ' From midday until 2:30 : specula
tion was irregular and firm. In the last half
hour n vigorous buying movement net in.
Near the a reaction of from J to 1 per
cent took place , but final Bales wore at n frac
tional recoTcry. Compared with last nUht'a
closing , pricen nro from i to li per cent high
er for Western Union , Louis\ ills A Nashville ,
iMiHtour ! Pacific , Denror , Kansas Jk TOKOS ,
Northern Pacific preferred , Pucifio Mall ,
Omaha , Texas Pacific , and AVabaah , and
from } to H per cent lower for Central Paci
fic , Quincy. Northwestern preferred , St. Paul ,
Northern Pacific common and Union Pacific.
3't . 100
tt'a Coupons . 1M
Pacific 6 a of > 9o 129
Amoriuau Kipresa . S'5 '
JUnrL , Cedar Kapidi & Northern . 75
! l Control PucUio . 60J
Chicago & Alton . 1384
do do pfd . 1-ifi
Chi. , HurL It Quincy . 122
Krio . 20 j |
do pfil . 09
ITort Wayne & Chicago . 132J
Hannibal & St. Joseph . 88 J
do do do pfd . * 88J
Illinois Central . ' . . ISUj
Ind. , I'loom. A ; Western . 17
Kansas & Texna . 203
Lake Shore & Michigan So . 'JSj
Michigan Central . 02
Minneapolis & St. Louis . 1GJ
do do do pfd . 3-U
Missouri Pacific . K9I
Northern Pacific .
do do pfd .
Northwestern . ' .
tlo pfd . :
Now York Central . :
Onto & Mississippi .
do do pfd .
Peorin , Decatur t Kvansville .
liock Inland . ' .
St , Pnnl , t Milwflultoo .
du do do pfd . ' .
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba .
St. Paul k Omaha .
do do pfd .
Texas Pacific .
Union Pacific .
\Vibaih , Stlu& Pacific .
do do do pfd .
Western Union Teletrraph . . . . .
CHICAGO riionucE.
CHICAOO , January 30. Flour Dull and
unchanged ; winter wheat Hour 51 75@5 CO ;
for good to chdico foft r prinjf wheat , 4 00@
SO : Minnesota bakers' , 4 COOS 25.
Wheat 1'cfTtdor wheat fairly active and
fluctuations within a Email ranpo ; opened n
thado iirmor. advanced -Jc , later declined gc ,
then rallied 4o ngaln , and finally closed 3a
higher than yesterday : January , 01 iu ; Febru
ary. lgc ; March , 'J2JC ; May , OSJc ; June ,
I OOJ ; Bpring wheat quiut at 91i@91io ; winter
wheat , quiet at 93ic@l 00.
Corn Somewhat unsettled early in the day ,
advanced Jo , then declined 8@5c , rallied and
closed i@3c higher than vcdlorday ; cash , fil-j
fiKHlJc ; January filjc ; Febrour , 52(3 ( > C2Jc ;
March , fi2\c \ ; May , 57J@57c ; Juno , OSc ; re
jected , -IHi ic.
Data Market dull and gtnady , but ttllghtly
higher than yesierdav ; cash , 3JU ; January
and Fobnmry , 32 0 ; April , 3.'g@32Jc ; Juno ,
Uyo Market quiet- 58e.
Parley Market firm atC2c.
Timothy Kisy ; prime grades , 1 29@1 30 ;
hlph grades. 1 32i
Flax Bood-Quiot afl 49.
Mown Pork Market actlvo and fluctuated
considerable ; opened Btr6njer ( and 10@12io
higher , further improved 20@22ic , later Bottled
tled back 10@lfio , rallied again fi@10c , and
closed Bteady : cash , 10 10@li ( 15 ; January ,
1 12i@lfi 15 ; February , 1I505@10 07Jj March ,
1C in@lti 17i ; May , fiH2i@lM5. ( .
f. n ) Sto dy and firm : advanced ! i@10c.
toward the close ruled quiet , and ( settled bauV
! ! \5c ; cash and January , ! l 05 ; Fcbmary.
9 03@ ! ) 07A ; March , i ) 17JS-9 20 ; May , 0 40 ®
! > 42.fnno \ , 9 r30@9 B2J.
Hulk Meata Steady ; Bhoulders , fi 75 ; long
clear , 815 ; hort ribs , 8 55 ; short clear , 8 80.
Mutter Demand light and prices un-
rthangod ; chnlco creamery , 33@Ulc ; fancy
dairies , ' 'jfrf > 27c ; rolls , cammon , 11@1C.
Choeia Steady ; choice full cream choddort ,
13\c \ ; cholco full crnam flats , 13Jc ; good part
iikirn chechlam and flats , 89c.
IC'rpi Slow ; fresh , 33@35c.
Hide * ) Weaker but not qnotably lower
green salt cured bull nud damaged , flc
green Halt "alf and dry eultod , lie.
Tallow No. 1 country , 7o ; cake , 7.Jc.
Wlukkv At 1 10.
CAU , HOAIID VCejrular wheat Jo higher
for .January ; § 0 higher for February , Marcl
mid May ; } o higher for Juno and May ; closec
ut ' , SJc. Uoliw , 1,250,000 bushela.
Corn o higher for January and Juno ; Jo
higher for February } Jo hlghar for March : go
higher for May ; May cloitd ftt 6840. Saloj
OatsJc higher for May ; closed t 37c
Nalw , G 15.000 bushels ,
1'ork 2io higher ; May closed nt 1045 ®
1C 17J. HaloH , ISJDftbarrels. .
Lard Sic higher for February nira April
nthcn unchanged. Sales , 250 tlerco ! ) .
far. LOU'IS rnonucK.
ST. Locts , January 30. Flour Marke
\Vhoat-Lower and unsettled : ? o. 2 red
SI 2V1 014 for cash ; 1 02J@l 02Z for Feb
ruary ; ? 1 011 OJJ for Marcli ; 1 00i.l ( 07
for May ; 1 OtU for Juno ; No. 3 red , V
< ,
"Corn A h de better ; 4C\47o \ for cash
MKoiiOJo for Fubruary ; 48o for March ; Mi ®
tOro'for May ,
Oatfl A fraction higher : 3233c for ca h
; a for February ; u3Jo for Marchj 3&o fo
lye ! Dull at We Hd.
lUrloy Dull at WcSSOc.
Butter -Finn : creamery , SO@SOc ; dairy , Cd
Kpgs-Firm : S3c ,
> T 340dduiet } at $1 VJ
Hftjr I/owcrj prairie , 9 00@ll 00. UmoUir ,
00@12 00.
Bran Kirm at "ftc.
Com Meal rirm nt 2 45.
Whlky-Stoydy nt 1 ir > .
ProvUfoniiFirm. .
Pork-Jobbing U 310 00.
J. rt Firm ; SO 00 naked.
vJujsixo BoAtm Wheat-Firmer ; 1 03 for
'obruary ; 1 01J ( or March : I 071 for May.
Corn Higher ! 47@47lo for February ; 430
or March ; ( > lS51Jofor ( May.
OaU-lllglior ; SOjc for lay.
PEOIIIA , January 30. Corn Acttru ; now
nixed , -lflJHi7cj ( ; now , rejected , 431Hie.
Oatfl Kalor ; Xo. 2 white , iK fjASTij'c.
Whl ky Steady at 1 1C.
KANSAS CITT. .Tnminry 5U Wh at Mar.
ot tpjiot81o ; biillfor cash anil February ;
7i'o bill for May.
Corn Market steady ; -jOo for cash ; 40j@
! ) So for "February ; 44JobiJ for May.
Uats-lllKhor at ! 2 ! > c.
BALTIUOUB , .Tanunry 30. Wheat Wentorn
aMor aud closing dull ; No. - winter rod cash ,
anuary anil Kebro'ary , 1 07JSJ1 ( 07ft
Com Western * easier aud dull ; mixed ,
anh , fiSjWr.OJc.
Oats Jiasy and ijuiet ; .wostcrn whlto , 4' ' @
3c : mixed , 40 ® lie.
llyo Dull nnd lower at03@GCc.
rK'Sfl-Xnmiiial at 13@4. > c.
Butter Steady ; woatcrn packed , 10@25c ;
renincrj' 25@3fio.
WhUky-ateady at 1 18118J.
LiVKRPOOt , January 30. Wheat Quiet
nd firm ; ulntor , 8o@Sn 3d ; Hpring , 8n@
vi Tid ,
Corn Quiet and stonily ; now , tiatd ; old ,
i G d.
NKW YOIIK. January 30. Wheat Cash 1 ®
c lowi-r ; options opened i@o { LlRlicr , doclln-
1 2@8u , closlnsr barely flteady ; uneradod red ,
( ijl ! 15 ; Xo. 3 ted , 08J ( 100 ; No. 2 red ,
07 111 j.
Corn Cash , sightly lower ; ungraded , lOJ ©
2c ; NO. 2 , r.u@r.igc. ;
Oats A fthado better ; mixed \TO8torn , 39 ©
2c : white. 42@-18c ,
Western fresh , quiet [ and finn'nt 47
IVrt Quiet and stronger ; now mess , 15 50
Lord Strong ; prime steam , 9 37J@9 40.
IJutter- Dull and weak at 10@39.
MILWAHKEE , January 30. Wheat Higher ;
S'o. 2 , 91 fie ; February , 91 J ; March , 92jc ; May ,
Corn Scarce and firm at fi'Jc.
Oats Scarce and firm ; No. 2 , 32c.
llyo Weaker ; No. 2 , 60c.
Barley Strong and buoyant ; No. 2 , 59Jc.
TOI.KDO , January 30. Wheat Dull nnd
rm ; No. 2 rod , cosh , 97c@l 03.
Corn Quiet nnd firm ; No. 2 cash and
anuary , f 3c bid.
Oats Demand light ; No. 2 cash and
anuary , SOJo.
NKW ORLRANB , January 30. Corn Good
omand but lower ; mixed nnd white , 6S@
OatH Dull and lower nt I3@45c.
Corn Meal 2 90@2 1C. .
Pork Good demand and higher ; now ,
Lard Steady ; tierce , refined , 900 ; keg ,
Bulk Meats Higher nnd scarce.
Whisky Firm nnd unchanged ; western
cctified. 1031 20.
CINCINNATI , January 30. Wheat Finn ;
. 2 red , 1 03@1 01.
Lard Stroiif and higher ; prime Htearn ,
Bulk Meats Stong and higher.
Whisky Active and firm at 114.
CHICAGO , January 30. The Drove 'Jour
nal reports this afternoon as follows : "
] Io s Market Btrong and lOc higher ;
oiign packing , 5fiO@010 ; packing and chip-
) ine , 0 10@l > 00 ; light , 5 NKJgC 10 ; skips , 4 00
5 25.
Cattle Market stronger and lOc higher all
around ; exports , GfiO@700 ; good to choice
hipping , T > W@r ) -10 ; common to medium ,
> 00@5 C5 ; inferior to fair cows , 2 40@4 00 ;
medium to good , 4 00@4 C5 ; BtockerH , 3 7C
@ 4 25 ; feeders , 4 fiO@n 25.
Sheep Market weak : common 10@lDolow-
ir ; inferior to fair , 2 7fi4 00 per cwt ; me
dium to good , 4 00@.r 00 ; choice to extra ,
" J0@G ! 00.
ST. LOUIH , January 30. Cnttlo Steady ;
oxportH , G 25@G 75 ; oed to cholco. 5 ? r.(2 (
G 25 ; common to medium , 4 75@i ! 50 ; gtoct
CM , 4 00 © 110 ; graBi Texans , 4 00@4 2fl ;
corn fed Tnxann , 5 00@.r 50.
Sheep Firm with good demand ; common
ituff 2 75@3 CO ; fair to medium , 4 00@4 CO ;
rood to % cry choice , 4 755 7fi.
Hogs Market unsettled aud lower ; light ,
G 70@5 90 ; packing , G 00G 35 ; butchers * to
extra , G 2n@G 75.
KANSAS CITV , January 30. The Daily In
licator report :
Cattle Bo t steadycommon ; weak and slow ;
natives , C 00@ ( > 10 ; ntockors nnd foudvrx , 4 00
@ 475 ; cow , 325 ® 100.
HOITS Market steady ; heavy grades strong
Sheep Steady for irood ut 4 15@5 30.
J.murtiy 3D. KoceipU and ship
ments of flour and grain for the post 24 hours
lave been ua follows :
Receipts Slilp'bi.
Flour , bbhi 31,000 7,000
Wheat , bushels 41,000 22,000
Corn , bushels 4.15,000 97,000
Date , bushola 110,000 01,000
Rye , bushels 12,000 2,000
Barley , bushola 43,000 35,000
Yonic , January 30. Receipts and
hi pmontsof flour and grain fur the past 24 hours
lava been as follows ;
lUcolpta Bhlp'ta.
Wheat , bushola H.OOO 128,000
Corn , bushels 60.0'0 92,000
Oatx , bushel ) 1,100 ,1,100
ClllO.WO , Juuuary 30. Rocolpts nnd ship-
nonU of llvo stock for the pant 24 hour * bavo
jocn M folio we i
Rocolnts. Bhlp'ta
Cattle 4,500 . . . .
Hogii , 18,000
Shew 4,500 . . . .
IfANIAS Cirr , January 30. I ocelptll and
shipments of live Block for the past 21 hours
liavo been ua follows ;
Rocolpta. SliIp'U
Cattle 230
Hogs 8,000
Sheep 1,200 ,
BT , Louia , January 30 , Receipts .and ship-
monta of live utock tor the post 21 hours ha\o
been as follows ;
Receipts. Bhlp'ta.
Cattle 2,100 700
II. js 1,000 1,00
Sheep , fi,700 300
Wednesday Kveniug , January 30 , |
The following pricoa are charged retailer
by jobber * , wholesalers and commission mer
chants , with the exception of trralti , which I
qaotod at the priced furnished by the elevator
and other local buyers ;
WHEAT Own No. 2 , 73\o \ ; No , 8 , 62c.
BABLKT Cash No , 2,4x ( %
RTE Cosh No. 3,43c.
COKN No. 2 , 38c.
Oiw-No. 2. l4c. !
IJYO ! Block.
XAT BTIZEB Qolot t 4 005 00 ,
FAT Cowa-S
Hoos-B 00@R 3V
SHKBI3 0 W3 7\
I'lonr rxml XflllNtutt * .
WIKTEH Wii Ar Bout quality , patent.Jftt
QOALITT 2 7 < "n43 25.
WllKAr Best quality , patent ,
25@3 50.
SECOND QCAltTT 2 503 35.
UlUX WMJ per cwt.
CiiorrEU FJJI > Per 100 Ibs. B3o.
Conx MKAL 100 ® ! 10 per cwt.
Si lir-KMKO C5@76o per CM t
Goncrnl 1'roducc.
Bums Vancy creamery. 83@3V : ; cold
orngo creamery , 2527c ; choice dairy , 20
i21c ; best country , nolld picked , 12n)16c ( ) ;
p t country , roll , lG@18c ; infeilor grades.
) © Hc. Itocolpts are small aud tbo demand
oed ,
Bnas-Market firm ; sold to-day at2830c ;
roeolpw light. .
MEAIH Hants , . , , , ; brcaVfast bacon , lie ;
ioar sldo b.toon , short , lOJc ; clear nldn Imcon ,
oug , lOJc ; dry sjlt ohort , 9 c ; dry Rait long ,
Jc ; shoulder * , 8Jc ; dried beef , 14Jc ; lard , ro-
ne.l , lojc.
ArrLKS Fancy Jonatlians , $4 50@5 00 ;
auuy Bon Davis , $3 ( VX3M 00 ; fancy Jonot ,
3 00@3 CO ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , $3 25@3 7C ,
Demand good.
CIIEKHB Now York State full cream , late
outomber make , 14c ; New York StaU full
a-oam , 10 hoop lots , 13Jo ; do full cream , 60
looploLi , 13 o ; Wisconsinfull cream , Inbox ,
4o ; Young Amenc-is , strictly full cream , 14c ;
ill cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lots , lUc-
ill cream tlats , 12Jc : full cream flats , lllc ;
ancy brick cheese , 100 Ib CMOS , 15Jc ; Llm-
urgor 13Jc ; gonulno old Sulss , 19c.
PoTATOKa KocclpU small and prices
jod. Consignment * of ttrictly choice ,
rgo sired , straight potatoou are selling
rom 45 to 4So ; niKed cars 40 to 42o and
30.1 demand ; ponchblows , COc.
SWKVT POTATOKS Cholco yellow , none ,
ONIU.VS No demand ; market overstocked ,
BEANH Hand picked natives , $2 25@2 W ;
and picked mediums , 51 75@2 00. He-
olpts largo.
GAME Pralrio chickens. ] > or doz. , $3 00 to
25 ; snlpo. 81 60 to 1 75 ; ducks , Mnllard , iwr
oz , 2 00@2 60 ; mtxod , 51 60 to 2 00. Bo
ireful that your garno oomcs to market In
Ice condition ,
FitKaii OtsTKiia Selects , 40c ; standards ,
5c ; mediums , 25c. ,
PonLTivr Lho chickens , per do * , 175 ®
00 ; fnil drotseil chickenspor Ib , 100)12c ) ; tur-
eys , per Ib. , 1517c ; duclcs , 1012 ; geese ,
@ 13c.
liKMONH Extra fancy bar lemons , $ G 00 ;
ivncy M CHslna lemons , per box , $5 25 ; 6 box
> ts , Messina lemons , ? VOO ; 10 box loti do. ,
1 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , 54 60 ; do 5 bor
ts , 84 25.
Valencia * , 8 00 ; Mosslnnx , 4 25.
Boll and ouglos , $12 00 ; boll
\nd cherry , S9 60@10 50. Above qiiotatlouti
or choice.
DATES Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@9c ;
uartor crates , lOc.
FIOH 25 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12ic ; 10 Ib.px \ ,
, yor , per Ib. , ICc ; miiaH'ovals per Ib. , IRc.
COCOANUTS llxtrn fine , per 100 , 8 00.
CIDKII Pure sweet cider , 22 gal keg , $000 ;
1. & P. clarified , 1C gal keg , 84 75 ; M. ft P.
clarified , 32 gal keg , $8 00. ,
PIOBFEKT , Tnn'E , ETC. Plgn foot , 15 Ib
jts , SI 15 : plga 40 Ib qr bbl. § 2 25 : pigs feet ,
0 Ib half bbl , 8-1 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kita , 8115 ;
rlpo , 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl ,
> 100 ; pigs tongues , 16 Ib kita , $260 ; pigs
onguos , 40 Ib qr bbl. 86 00. Lamon * tonjruea ,
C Ib kits , $2 Gh ; 40 Ib qr bbl , $0 25.
MINOR MEAT Atmoro'a , 181b buckets
buckets 25c ) Oc ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) ,
Ic. ; lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barrels , 8Jc.
AaaoBTKD JELLY 2-11) otonojars : 12 in case ,
ier doz , ? 2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , 81 U5 ;
chooner , jMsr dozen , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4
'oz. in ciwe , ? 1 40 ; 2-lb tin canj , 2 doz in case ,
BULK JKLLIHS Currant , 30-lb wood palls ,
or Ib , 7'c ; strawberry , 80-lb wood palls per
j , 7c ; raspberry , 80-lb wootl paila norlb ,
i'c ; bhickberry. 80-lb wood pails per Ib , 7Jc ;
ab apple , 30-lb wood rails pnr Ih. 7 0 ,
APPLK HUTTEU 35-lb wondan w la , per Ib ,
c ; 5-lb wooden pallu , G in o > ° n per case ,
PKAOH BtrrrKK 2a-lb wooden pailiperlb ,
1100 ; 5-lb wooden paiu , G in case , per case ,
PnK3KnvE8 ( In 20-lb wooden palls ) Rosn-
icrry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; peach ,
4c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c ; plum , 14c ;
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G in case , per
case , 8-i 75 ; asserted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz In
ase. per case , 8G 50
NEBRASKA COMB HONET 2-lb frames , 24-lb
asoa , per Ib , 18c.
HAY Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk ,
00@G 50 per ton.
Grocers Iilat.
CANNED GOODS Oyster * ( atandordpor ) caoo ,
1 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 H > , per cose. 2 00 ©
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , par case , 2 90 ; Bartlett
> eara , per taoo , 2 40 ; wnortloborrics , per case ,
310 ; pgg plurn ; , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green
ragofi , 2 It , per case , 2 90 ; pine applou , 2 Ib
> er CASO. 4 80@5 CO.
ROPK Sisal inch and larger , lOc , 9 Inch ,
04c ; i Inch , lie.
UANDLK4 Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15e ; 8s , 15c ;
boxna 40 Ibs , 10 oz. , Grt , 15o.
MATCIIEU Per caddlo , S5c ; round , cases ,
2 65 ; equaro cases , 1 70.
BUOAIW Powdered , 9Jc ; enit loaf , 9.Jc ;
granulated , 8Jo ; oonfectlonorH1 A , 8.c ; Stand-
turd extra O , 73c ; extra O , 7ic ; medium yol-
ow , 7c ; darl : yellow , Cc ,
i Ordin.irygrado3,12@12ic ; fair 13
z13ic } ; good , 14c ; prime , 15015Jc ; choice.
( ! @ 17c ; fancygreon andyelowlG ] < @lGioold ;
government Java , 20@2Co ; Lovering's roasted.
Ko ; Arbucklo's roabtcd , 181c ; McI-aughlinV
XXXX ruaAtod , 18Jc ; inltatlon Java , 1CJ
@ 18 o
KICK Louisiana prune to choice , 7c ; fair
Jc ; Patma , Gjc.
FIHII No. 1 mackerel , half brig. , 8 00 ; No.
mackerel , .cits. 115 ; family mackerel , half
iris. , 600 ; family mackerel , kita , 95c ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 105.
STHUT Standard Com. , 32o , buls ; Standard
lo , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
vn 1 50
SODA In Ib papers , 3 30 par case ; Ueg per Ib ,
PIOKLJH Medium , In barrels , 7 00 ; do
n half barrels , 4 00 ; small , in barrels , 8 00 ; do
n half barrels , 4 50 ; gherkins ! in barrels , U 00 ,
do In half barrels/ / .
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 46@55c ; cholco GO
< 375c ; good Imperial , 40@43o ; choice , CO@C6c ;
Young Hyson , good , 30@f > 0c ; cholco ,
> 5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 35c ; Japan ,
cholco , C0@7f > o ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , goo < l , 85@10c :
choice , 8riSl'15c. (
WOODKNWAIIB Two hoop palls , 185
throe hooj ) palls. 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer
neer washlxarda. 185 ; Double Crown 290
Wellbuckotfl. 8 85.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imnflrlal , 3 45 ; Klrk'a
satinet , S GO ; Kirk's Etandiird , 3 75 ; Kirk's
whlto Kmslan , 525 ; Klrk'a eutoca , 216
Klrk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakoa , ) 40o ; Kirk'
mwcnolia. doz.
POTAHII Pennsylvania cans , 4 cose , In CARO
3 35 ; Babbltt.a ball 2 doz. In coxa , 1 90 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. In cute , 1 50.
CANl > r French mixed , In 30 Ib. palls , 18o ;
American mixed. In 30 Ib imlln. 14c ; Brilliant
mixed. Ill 30 Ib pulls , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 80
Ib pAils , 13c ; Competition mixed , In 80 Ib
pails , llijc ; KxcuUlor ntlck , 30 Ib nalbi , 12c ;
double refined , 30 Ib palls , 13c ; Cryuial rclxrd
30 Ib palls , Iflc ; Old 'ilmo. mixed , 80 Ib palls ,
14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 ib palls , 13c ; 1'llrt
mixed , 30 Ib pails , lljc ; Kllrt , utlck , 80 Ib
palls , llic ; Tip Ton , stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c.
VIHIWAIV New VorK apple ICe ; OIUo ap
ple. ISc.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Asliton , hi
nocks , 3 60 ; bbU dairy ( fi , fa , 8 30.
HTABCII Pearl , 41c ; Silver Glr M,9c ; Com
Starch , Oo ; Krcelslor Oloss , 71o ; Corn , 8c.
Sriots Pepper , 17c ; olLipice , 16c ; cloven
Cc ; cussla ICc.
Lvry American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Woutern , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; UwU'.lya
4 f.5 ; Jowell lye , 2 76
Dry Cooda.
nongo A , 0)c ; Great FolUK , 80 ; Hoonier , Ole ;
Honest Width 8c ; Indian Head A , 80 ; Indian
Standard A Be ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7Jc >
Lawrence LL , CAc ; Mystic River , 7lc ; Poiiuot
A , 8Jo ; Utica 0 , r. , c ; WacltUBett 11 , 7Jc ; do
A , 8Jo do K 48,124c ,
FINB BUOWN CoitONS Allcndale 4-4. 74o ,
Alligator 3-4 , Sc : Argvle 4-4 , 7Joi AtUttio
LL , 6Jcj Badger Btate X 4-4 , Mo ; liennltigton
0 4-4 , OJc : Buckeye B 4-4 , C > c ; Indian Orchard
AA 0-8 , BJoj LfcoonU O BO ( > Jo ; Lohlgb K 4-i ,
OJo ; Peppcroll N SO , 7o ; do O S3 , 7Jc ) do I.
So. 7fc ; do F. 39 , Sjo ; Toes * 0 4-4 , 7Io ,
WauwutU 4-4.13c.
BLIACIIEII COTTOKIH-Androncofrpln L 4-4 ,
Die ; Dlftckttone AA Imperial 8o ; do do hilt
iWchtMl 44. PC ; Cabot 4-4 , BJo Fidelity 4-4
'Jc ; Fruit of the Ixxim , 9Jc ; do cambrlo 4-4
lah do Wntor Twist , lOJc ; Great Falls Q , 9o
Indian Head shrunk 4-4. 12oj Lonndalc , 10o
0 cambric 37 , 12Je ; Now York Mills , 12J c
Poquot A , lOc ; i'cpporol , N G Twills , 124o
Pocahontan 4-4 , We : Pocossot 6-4 , 8J ; Utlca
lie : Wamsntta OX.K , 12jo
DCCKS ( Colored ) Albany K. brown , Re : do
0 , drab. llcdoXXtripesandpaId ; ] ,121.2c ;
do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaid * ,
12 l > 2c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick
brown , 8 l-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l 2cj ilo extra -
tra heavy , 20c ; Fall lllvtr brown , extra heavy ,
11 l-2c ; Indiana A brown , 18c ; Ncixiiuot A
brown , 16o
TICKINQH Amoikoftg A 0 A 32,10c ; do XX
blua 32. 18 l-2o ; Arrowanna , U l-2o ; Clnro
mont BB , I 2c ; Conoatoga , extra , 17 l-2o
Hamilton 1) , 11 l-2c ; Ixiwiston A30,16c'tns ;
nohaha 4-t , 20c ; Omega , super extra 4-4 , ! & > j
Pearl lllvor 32 , 1C f-4c ; Putnam XX blue
stripe , 12c : Shetuckot S , 10 l-2oj do S3 , 12c ;
YoomanV blue 29 , Po
DKNIMR Amotkotur , Wno andbrownlRl > 2c ;
Andover DD blue , 15 l-'c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 l-2c : Concord OOO , blue and
brown , 12 l-2c ; do AAA , do do 131-2 ; do
XX to do do , 14 l2o ; Haymaker' * blue and
brown. 9 l-2o ; Mystic lllvor DD striix ) , lG1.2cj
Pearl lllvor , blue and brown , IGc ; Uncasvlllo ,
blue and brown. 14 l-'c.
24 Inch double , .
Manhattan frloto finish , 6Jc ; Newport doi.Mo ;
do glazed , 6Jo ; Puquot do , Cc ; Lockwooii kid
finish , Cc.
ConsKT JEANB Atnory. Androscoggln
sattoon , 8Jc ; Clarendon Gjc : Conontogga sat-
teens , 7ic ; Hallnwoll , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7Jc ;
NarrnganBOtt , impro\od , 8Jc ; Popporill sat-
teen , Oic ; Ilock | > ort , Cc.
PHINTS Allons , Cc ; American , CJc ; Amhlo ,
Gjc ; Berwick , 4 'c ; Cochooo , GJ ; Cono.iUxra , CJc ;
Dankirk , Cc ; Dunnoll , Ci@7c ; icddystono , Gjc ;
Gloucester , CJc ; Harmony , 5 c ; Knickerbocker ,
Gjc ; Morrlmoc D , 7o ; Mystic , 6jc ; Spraguos ,
Gc ; Southbridgo , Cc ; do Gingham * , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , 5i'c ; Oriental , Sic.
GiNoiiAMB AmoRkeag. J > lc ; Argyle , 8c ;
Atlantic , 8c ; Cmnbcrlnuil , Tjc ; Highland , 7Ao ;
Kenllwnrth , 9Jc ; Pluukstt , 9c ; Sussex , 8c.
COTTONAI > ES Abbonlllo , 13Jc ; Agate , 20c ;
American , lie ; Artlslan , 20c ; Cairo 1) and T
13Jc ; Clarion D and T , 17ic ; Docan Co.
stripCA D and T , IGc ; Keystone ISJc ; Nan"
tuckot , 19c : Nonpareil , ICc ; Oconn D and T ,
13Jc ; lloynl , IGJc : SUMOX , 12c ; Tioga , Wachu-
sett shirting checks , 124c ; do Nankin 12Jcs
York , plain Nankin , 12Jc : do chocks , itripos
end fancy , 12ic : do 8 oz , 20c.
SHKBTINOB Andfwooggln 10-4 , 27Jo ; do
9-1 , 2So : do 3-4 , S'.v : Continental O 42 , He ;
Fruit of the Ixxjm 10-4 ; 274c ; Now York m 11s
98. 3Tx : ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58 , 22Jcj Pembroke
10-4 , 25c ; Pomiot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do 74,19c : do 49 ,
ICc ; Popiwaoll 90 , 29c : do 67 , 21c ; do T , 18c ;
Utlca 96 , 3Gc ; do 68 , 224o ; do 48,17o ,
* ImmDcr.
Wo quote lumber , lath and shlngloa' on oars
at Omaha at the following prices :
JOIST AND SCANTLING 1C ft. and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 60.
TIHDERH 1C feet and under , 22 00.
TIMIIEU AND JOIST 18 ft , 2J 60 ; 20 ft , 23 60 ;
22 ft , 20 60 ; 24 ft , 26 60.
FKNCINO No. 1 , 4 and G in. , 24 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETING No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
LIME Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bushel1 35c ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa- planter , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. 60c ; Tarred felt , 100 ibs , 3 60 ; straw
board , 3 60.
I'alntfl.OHs and "V nrnlghcB.
OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water whlto , 17c ; lln
seed , raw , ; pr gallnn,65c ; Unseed , boiled , per
gallon , SScLard , winter str'd , per gallon , SOc :
No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , OOc ; castor , XXX , i ir poj.
Ion , 1 60 : No. 3 , 1 30 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00
sperm W.B. , per gallon , ICO ; fish , W. B. ,
urn-gallon , C5c ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90a ;
No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal'
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 2Cc ; spenn , signal , per Billon ,
) c ; turp ntlno , per gallon , 48c ; napthu 74 ° ,
! i gallon. IGc. .
PAINTS IN OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P.-
c ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , GJcMonioilloa ;
rreon 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o ; French zinc , green
lal , 12c ; French zinc , rod seal , He ; French
inc , In varnish oust , 20cFionch zinc. In oil
last , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ;
aw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown.
Sc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
very black , IGo ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
luo , SOc ; nltramarlno blue , 18c ; chrome green
t. M. & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L
I. & D. , IGc ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian rod ,
Be ; Venetian red. 9c ; Tuscan red , 22c ; Ameri
can Vermllhon , I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yellow
j. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ocfiro , 9c ;
oldou ochre , ICc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining
olora. light oak , dork oak , walnut , ch < M.tnut
and ash 15a.
Whlto lead , 8c ; French zinc , lOo ; Paris
whiting , 4\c ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting
com'l lie ; lampblack , GormanUnm , 14c ;
ampblaclc , ordinary , lOu ; Pnuwlau blue , C5c ;
iltramarine , 18o ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber ,
nirnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ;
innna , ru'r , 4c ; Paris green , geuulno. 25c ;
? irfa green , common , 20ccltromo ; green , N.Y. ,
20c ; chrome green , 1C , 12c ; vormilllon , Kng. ,
Oo ; vormilllon , Amorluan , 18c ; Indian rod ,
Oc ; rose pink , Me ; Venetian red , Cokum KB ,
'c ; Venetian rod , American , IJc ; red lead ,
jO ; chroma yellow , genuine , 20c ; chroma yol-
K. I''cochro rochollo.Scochre French
ow , , ; , ; , ,
9o ; ocliro , American , 2c ; Wlntor'H mineral ,
Jc ; lohlgli brown. 2 o ; Spanish brown , 2Jc
"rliico's mineral , . { c ,
VAIINIHIIEN ISorrols , per gallon : Fund
uro , oxtr.i , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach ,
xtra , 81 40 ; concli , No. 1 , $1 20Damar ; ,
xtra , ? 1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; oHphidtum , extra , 85c ;
hallac , S3 60 ; hard oil finish , $1 50.
PLDO ToBACOO'-Cllmax , 50o ; Bullion BOc ;
lornohhoo , 60c ; Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 45o ; Her-
oy's , 48c ; Black , 38@40c.
FINE Cur Common , 20@30c ; good , 45@
Oc ; Koso Leaf , 70c ; Premium , G6o ; Diamonc
"lro\vn , 65c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
SMOKINO O. S.,21cMooritchaum ; , 28cDnr ) <
mm , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 67c ; Durban *
! oz. , 65c ; 8oJ of North Carolina , 8 oz , ' , 65c
3oal of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 67o ; Seal ol
North Carolina , 2 oz. , OOc ; O. Kfl Durham , 4
or , 28c ; O. K DuiV SOc ; Uncle
Ned , i'a 25c ; To- ' ' " "
uolo , 38o to < 2c ; hemlock * . .c 8a to S5c
uuui D kin , 80o to 1 00 ; runner G5o to 80o
tern o calf , 85c to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 23 <
to 2Cc ; oak uptwr , 21o ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50
calf kid , 32@3/i / : ( Jrelson kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak
tip , BOo to 1 IK ) ; oak calf , 1 20 to 130 ; French
kip , 110 lo 1 55 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; run
nets , 5 60 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 60 ; top.
pinge , 9 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , SOc to 35b ;
jobblo 0. D. Morocco , 35c ; siinon , 2 60 to 8 00.
HAIINKHH No. 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2 do ,
89o : No. 1 Ohio oak , Me ; No. 2 do , 85o > No.
1 Milwaukee. 37o ; No 2 da Sic
Heavy Hnrtlwnro LUt.
Iron , r.itos , 2 50 ; plow steal special cost , 7o.
crucible , 8c ; special or Gorman , Gc : cost too ;
do , 16@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25@i3 00 ; hub *
I > cr set , 125 ; felloes cawed dry , 140 ; tongues ,
each , 70@H5c ; dies onch , 75c ; Hquoro nutu per
tb , 7@lloi wonhurs or Ib , 8lBc ; rlvots , jrar
Ib , lie ; cell chair , per Hi , 0@12oj malleable , So
Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Co ; harrow tooth
4c ; spring tool , 78o ; Burden's horsolioos , 6 00
Burden's tnulodhous G 00 ,
BAUDUO Willis In car lota , 4 Jo porJlOO.
NAlLB-Hatwi , 10 to CO , 8 00.
SHOT Shot , 1 W > ; buck ah t , 2 10 ; oriental
powder , kegs , 0 40 ; do , , half kegs , 848 ; do , ,
quarter kcgtt , 1 88 ; blojtlug , kego , 8 36 ; ftuo ,
l > cr 100 foot 60c.
LEAD Bar , 1 05 ,
COAL CumlxirlMid blacksmith. 10 00 ; Mor-
risnm BloHnbuiK , 10 Oil ; WhIUibreast lump ,
6 00 ; Whltcbroatit nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 00 ;
Iowa nut , 6 00 ; llock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
cite , U 25@11 CO ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton
BUKET PjtLltt 25c@l 00.
Merino unwashed , light ,
1316c ; medium unwasl
washed , choice , 82c ; fair , i. . ,
28c ; burry , black nnd catted wool , 2Go 'ou '
ALCOHOL 188 proof , 2 26 per wine gullor
extra California spirits , 183 proof , 12-5 poi
rroof gallon ) triple refined sptrita , 187 nroof ,
23r proof gallon ; ro-d ! tUpd ] whlskio
1 00@1 60 ; fine blended , 1 N2 60 ; Kentucky -
tucky bourl > ons , 200@700 ; Kentucky Mid
I'amuylviuiU ryes , 2 00@7 00.
BRANDIES Imported , 6001GOO ; domostlo
GINS Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; domwllo , 1 40
© 300.
RUMS Imported , 4 60 < 36 ! 00 ; NewKurlund ,
2 00@4 00 ; domMtlc , 1 r.0@3 60.
PitAClI AN It Arris BIIANDT 1 764 00.
ClIAUrAONRH ImH ] > rted ixtr CAHO. 2300 ®
34 00 ; American.i > or case , 12 001G 00.
DKtfl'Kll MA.UKKT.
Ccnsn MRATH AND iiAnn In tierce * lOc ,
in iintl * lie. Hams. 14Jc ; breakfast bnoou
1315Jc ; smoked Rides , UjrglOc ; salt sldca ,
8J@l c ,
CJur.KN FnciT AND PnonuoK Potatowi , 65 ®
G5o jKir 100 pounds ; onions , ixsr 100 pounds ,
$1 60@2 00 ; turnliwwr 100 ft ) , GO@SOc ; Col-
orndo cnhbago , now , per 100 , 85cl 00 ;
Iho clilckcns , old , per doz , $4 OOffi )
425 ; ( prairie chtckons > cr doz , 9.1 76400 ;
CKKI. froMi , iwr doz , 32@Vte : ; butter , fair ( | iial-
Ity creamery , p r Ib , 3S@42 : creamery ,
good , per Hi , 2S@3lc ; Knnsoi and Nebraska
dairy , per lb,3745ocooking : , 1215cchrcse ; ,
full cream , per Ib , ICfiHTc ; npplos i > or Mil ,
oastcrn , 85 00@C 60 ; grapes , per Ib ,
TtollOc ; California pears IX > T Ib , 710c ;
Mpflsina lemons , ( ffoitrn per ] 9 ox , 87 00
® 8 00 ; orange * . 1812 OOG 13 00RColorado ;
wheat , per 100lb , 813W)138 ( ) ; Iluur , fair
quality , $10 OOG'lllV W per barrel flour.
Graham , per 100 fib $2 00@2 M : Hour ,
rye , iwr 100 Ib , $2 602 70 ; flour , buckwheat ,
per bbl , $10 0010 60 ; cornHmoal per
100 Ibs , $1 G5@l 85 ; corn , per 100 Ibs , 81 80 ®
1 35 ; corn chop , par lOOlbi. $1 50 ® 1 33 ; now
oats , j ) r 100 lb . $1 35@1 4R : oats , Nebraska ,
mixed , tier 100 Ib , $1 3S@l 35 ; wheat , per 100
lb , 81 35@1 45 ; barley , per 100 Ibs , 81 60 ®
© 1 75 ; mixed chop , per | 100w \ \ , 81 33 ®
1 40 ; bran , per ton , 817 00@19 00 ; hay ,
per ton , $12 00@1G 00 ; baled second bottom ,
810001200 ; baled upland , 814 00@17 00 ;
straw , per ton , $8 00U 00.
Railway Time Table ,
U. P. R U. , XCA1N LINK.
" U1VB.
Kxirom.t2os | : p m AtUntlo KxpniM7iS : ft rr
Woitorn Kx < > f n 8.00 pin WntcrnKsproM. SSOp : m
O. IsUnJl'oM . . . , : MI > m O. laluid rao. ll40 ; a in
Lincoln Kx 11:80 : pm Lincoln Kx.,18t5p : in
Lwe Om h : 7:10 : , 8:00.9:00 : : , 10K , 11:00 : a : m.,1 J in ;
10 , 1.00 , 8.00 , 1:00. : B.OO , fl.OO. 10:10 : p. m. On Hun-
Jaji : 7:10,0:0 : : lloon. : m : 2.00 , 4:00,6.00 : , 10:10 : i > .
m. Arrive at transfer ilopot XO niliuite latcr ; Ilroftd *
w&jr depot , Council lilullii , 30 minute * later.
I < oftTc Council lllulla , Hronl nj- depot , 8.00 , 0:00 : ,
10:00 : , lloo : IL in. ; t'2in.l:00. ; : 2X0,3:00.4:00,6:00,0:40 : : : : ,
10:40 : On Hun Jaji800 ; , 10.00 R. m.l ; ! mS.-00 ; ,
6:00 , 0:40 : , 10:40 : p. in. Arrive Tranilor ile | < ot , 10 niln-
utcs Inter.
Ixvxvo Council Illuffi Tronufcr ilcpot : 8:5S : , PM ; ,
10:26 : , nS6 ; ; ml5 ; : , S.5,3fl : , 4:25 : , CIS , fliSJ ,
7:06 : , 10:56 : p. in. Arrive Omaha XO mlnntcn later.
Put No. I. . , .7C5 : am I Paw. No. 9. , . 7S : ara
" No. 10 . t:45pm : | " No. IB. . . .11:45 : am
" No. 1 . S:60pml : " No 8.ilioa : : iu
1" No. 8 . 8Mamj : " Nn. & | . . . ,7:1R : pm
" N . 0 . 8MB am I " No. 1. . . . 7 35 pm
" No. 60. . . .0:60 : m |
c. . M. & s . P. R. R.-U. p1 nrcror. "
\tlantloKx' . . . .S:60pm : IVadHoKic . 9:5C : n m
Uallfc Ex . 7:60 u in lltnll&Kx1 . 7:60 : pm
( Sumltyi Eiceptml. )
TABAS1I , BT. LOUI8 A : I'AUlKlO-t' . P. PKl'OT.
} m&h . 7:60 : am I Omahn . 11:20 : a in
" . 8:60 : pro | " . 6tOpm :
0. , 11 & Q It , 1U-U P. DKl'OT.
1&I1 * . 7:60 : nm I r.xpresa . 0:46 : am
lUpreaa . 3:50 : pm | Mall * . 7:10 : pin
0. , K. I & V. U. II U. P. DHPOT.
Rxprcn . 7Matu : I Mat ! . 0:46 : a m
iiall . 8:60 : pui | Uxproui . 7:10 pm
C. ti N. W. R. R.-U. V TJKl'OT.
llall * . 7:60 : a m I Kxnraw . SUE a m
Kxprtn . 8:50 : pra | Mall' . 7:10 : pm
B. C. fc P. R. R.-U. P.
Uall * . 0:1 : 6 a ill I Exnrosa . 9.45 ivm
Kxpreu . fl.OO p m | Mall * . 7:10 : pm
Rxpreno . . .7:00 : a in | Kxprivu . 4:45 : pm
O. , HT. PAUL , M. ft O. It R.-IJEPOT N. 1&T1I I3T
Ho. . .7 0 mil I No. 1 . 1:80 : pm
"o. 4 * . . . . . .lOOpmNo : | n * . 11:45 : a m
tioavo Omaha for Valentine via tit. Paul Line
fo lilalt . 7:30 : am
jrlrelrom Valentine. . 6:30 : pm
11. ft M. IN NKHRASKA. °
Jonror Rxprnsa. . .8:15 : a m I Atlantic . BUU ) p m
' 'acute Kiirc | < a'.0:36 : p m , | Denver KxproM'OUO a m
K. 0. , BT , JOE & O. B. R R. B. t DEPOT.
Uall . 8 : Dara I Ksproea . O.-OOam
prcia . 7KpmllUll . S:60pra :
Sunday * exccpted. '
Opening and Closing of Matin.
a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.
&N.W.,0.R. . &P..O. II.
& Q. , Ht , Paul Hi Sioux Clty.ll:00 D:00 : 6w : 8:16 :
.M.&S.P.S. a&P. Inloua 0.00
' Kiprcud 12:80 : 8is :
local 0:00 : 6u :
. C. , Ht. Joi & 0 0:00 : 6:00. : 6:40 : 0:60 :
luxnurl PadHo 7:80 : 6io :
, , Kt.P. M. 60 6:00 : 7:20 :
nlon Pacific , Morlaml H.DO 11:34 :
fnlon PaclHc , Icn\er Kx. . . . 4:00 : 7:80
JtKepuhllcan Volloy. . . 1CO : 11:39 :
&M. Kxpro'vi ' 7:00 : 7:40 :
&Jf. for Plattainoutli. H.
Utnd , Aiihlitml oicl : Lincoln. 11:00 :
OBloe open UunilayB train 1 :00 : in. to 1:00 : p. rn.
( ! . K. COOTANT Poatm * t-
Graham Paper Co. ,
217 anil 210 North Main St. , St. touts.
: BWS , ; r"Civ ® , WRAPPING
paid for K K ol all
I bavo tocured the ngency of
Wm. T. WoocL & Co. ,
To lell their tools. They nro maklnir the belt Jo
eels , and are the oldvut firm In the United State *
lea Company wlnhln ) ; to buy toola will rcoelvr
attuntlou by addrcKalni ;
1 Sherman ATODUO , Omaha N
Oradiiato of McGlll Unhertlty , Mont eat , anU d
'loyal 0 > 'll xo of Phj IcUn , J < ondon. Kiitf. I toof
J/onilon and I'Vllnlmr li vunural hoapltalu , of London
'Ihroat llunpltal and Dulilln Hospital for women.
OHloo o.o | lte P. O. Uth ( trout. UculJcnco 2321
St. Mary' * avenue , lloun 9 to II a. m. , 1 to a and 7
t < > 8 p. in , OKlr/Toleiihono 1C
1309 J-'urnum Htrcot , room a,0nvalm , Nob.
Colltctioim nollcltwl Monthly or otlicrwl- ; both In
city and rouutr ) , and on all Imu * of llallrondi. Bu.
curlly inociirfd fur ilvbta not j > romitly | ( aid. llook
kept and Ijii'auccd Mivklv und inontbly. A uuneral
( utlltlng butlni'HH doiiu. Coinmlxxloni of all Kl d <
uttcnued to. U , H. N , Ihnk and bent cl
QSVtCK : llooin 10 , Ouuba NoWonal Dank Valid
t > if. TtlephouoNo. 876
Oniulia Kortl Estate in a safe investment for both local ami foreign cnj > -
ital , anil there is no property , in or nround the city , butwhah will bring
purchasers good rolurns in the near future. Wo have property for Bale
in all parts of the city , and also
3P3E&Q JE * Jftd JE&T
Surrounding the city , nil of winch we gladly show to parties who feel
Wo nre often naked which is the best part of the city for an invest
ment ? "We always ndvs ! patrons to buy what is called
Inside Property ! | I
By this is meant property not more than one and n half miles from the
Postoflicc , and the nearer the center the better the investment. While
outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will advance -
vance much or in proportion. The now addition to the city known as
is located one inilu from the postollice , wcat. only nine blocks froui lhi
High School , and these lots nro being sold at less than hull' tins price
asked for lolw sumo distance in any other direction , and
J j
AH these lots will , in ft short time , be advanced to correspond t opricea of w
lots surrounding Hawthorne. . r4 * ;
The contract has been let for grading Davenport street tbrongh this
addition. Work hife been commenced and v.ill ba finished onrly in the
summer. Purchasers oHols in Hawthorne will not have to bear any
expense for the grading. This is n decided advantage. Prices for regular
lar size lots *
S35O TO $575 ,
We haTC also Koine double lota in this addition at from 8iOO-to ( SG50.
This part of the : ity is being built up with the best class of residences.
Near business , near High School and desirable in every particular.
> f
Wo have a few lots left iu this"addition , which we will sell at lower 1
iriccBtlwu can be had insurrouuding additions. The lots are beautiful-
y located nnd larger than than thoao in adjoining additions , nnd will be
lold on terms to Hiiit purchasers.
Dili UI
In Douglas County nnd nil parts of the State.
( V line tract of land three and one-half miles from Omalm ut * 10
acrw. Also a tract i'wur.inilos from the bity ah $80 iier acre.
Lots in this addition will be sold on motnhly payments ; 10 frer cent
cash and 5 per cent , per month. '
HI .A. 7W" T 'HI '
0 nil the lots wo have for snlo , wo think this is the most desirable
either for a home or for investment , as it is near business nicely located
and at present IfriccB i Iho cheapest property fin the market , and first
buyers have choice oO lot .
2131 South 14th 'Stroet.y between Farnam and , Douglas