1 ' ' - 'II- * * * 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. OMATTA NTCTC. TTTUPRDAY MOftNINft. JANTTARV .11. 1884. NO. 192. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Tim Filz John Porter Case to lie Closed in the House. Phelps , of Now Jersey , to Throw in a Bombshell. 1 Funeral of the Late Eoprosonta- J tive Maokoy , Secretary Frelinghuysen 011 Amer ican Meats , A Contested election Case 1 lls- . missed A State Dinner , Kto. FX105I WASHINGTON" . AMEIUUAX MKATB AltKUAI ) . WASHINOTOK , January 30. Secretary Frolinghuyson has addressed to the presi dent a communication which ho trans mitted to the house of representatives in $ response to resolutions asking for the papers relating tto the oxolusion of American hog products from foreign countries. Ho submits to the president copies ot all pertinent matter found of record in the department of state , and gives in detail the history of the exclu sion of American moats from France , ( icnnany , and other European countries. In March , 1881 , the secretary says , the # department of state prosecuted an exam " * ination of the various phases of the pork iiulushy in the weatorn states , which re sulted in establishing the fact of the entire - 4 tire healthfulness of pork products. , The facts thus elicited war ranted the department in representing to foreign , governments that the prejudi cial judgment against the swine exports of this country was ox parto and un founded , When it was ascertained that normally was about to issue an order for total exclusion , the president directed tlio imperial government , to bo informed of his intention to appoint a commission to examine the whole subject , and invited it to send experts hither to act with the commission. The invitationwas declined. The president has since appointed the commission then contemplated. It is composed of a representative of the Now York chamber of commerce , Prof. Charles F. Chandler , a representative of the Chic.1go board of trade , E. W. Blatchford , and two members appointed by the commissioner of agriculture , F. D. Curtis , of Now York , and Prof , p. "E. Salmon , the whole under the chair manship of the commissioner of agricul ture. in point of scientific competence and elevated impartiality the formation of the commission peculiarly fits it for the execution of its responsible task. To it should belong in a great measure the ahaping of tlio policy of this government towards tliq pork question in its domestic or foreign aspects. In view , therefore , of the prominent part which the results reached by the pork commission mu&t necessarily play in the further treatment of the question by the executive or by congress , the secretary feels it incumbent upon him to advise that the president recommend that congress abstain from any immediate legislative action until the report of the commission , soon to bo pre sented , is before it. The secretary further says the ques tion to bo carefully , frankly and honestly met , is vrhether the prepared meat pro ducts for export from this country are injurious to the public health. "Wo be lieve they are not , and have so repre sented. Should it appear that the meat products of this country are , as wo believe - liovo them to bo. not deleterious but promoters of health , it is bcliovod those friendly nations which put forth the do- croea prohibiting the importation of our meats would annul those decrocm. If. howover.'iu face of the clear proof elicited both at homo and abroad , that our products are free from disease or communicable germs of diseabo , proof of which , might bo established to a demon stration by actual inspection , as well as supported by knowledge of the jrocau- tionu which surround the raising and packing industries hero , any nations with which wo are on terms of intimacy and amity should by legislation discriminate against the trade of this country rather than protect the health of their people , it would thunhave been the province of the executive to call the attention of such nations to the provisions of the treaties with confidence that thoat treaties would bo respected. It seems very plain that our policy in any event should bo to prove our meat products are wholesome. This , the absence of trichinosis in this country , and particularly in our army , nd navy , where our moats are constantly used , goes far to demonstrate. Meas ures , however , might bo taken to ascor- Uin with abnoluto certainty , by such means as a commission of scientists would devise , that our moats are or can bo ren dered innoxious. THE OAfcB Or rORTER. AVAHIIIHOTON , January 30. The Fitz John Porter debate will be closed Friday or Saturday. Last Saturday General Slocum said during the debate that he had in his possession original letters from General Garfield , saying ho was in favor of a commission , and that they will bo produced by a republican member. It is learned that this republican is Phelps , of New Jeisoy , in whoso congressional dis trict Goncr.il Porter resides , and it is understood Porter's friends placed these letters iu his hands together with other now evidence of a notable character , con tradicting some otmortions made during the present debate. General Slocum , on moving the previous question , will yield to Pholptt , who will close the dobato. Y'a METIIOPH. Representative White , of Kentucky , testified before the house committee on expenditures in the department of justice - tico to-day with reference to his charges against Governor Murray , of Utah , when United States marshal of Kentucky. He said the government had been wronged out of thousands of dollars through un necessary , frivolous and fictitious prose cutions of citizens , some of whom were take j from remote parts of the state all , tlio wuy to Louisville before commie nioners , who heard their cases on pre liminary examination apparently for no other reason than to make tlio costs , and thus embittering citizens against the gwvonimont. A BTATE DINNER. The president gave the first state din- nor of the season at the white house this evening. The cast room was decorated with ferns and tropical plants , the marino band was stationed in the further end of the room and the president received his guests , ossiitod by Mra. McElroy. The guests included Secretaries Frolhiehuy- son , Lincoln , Teller and Chandler , Post master General Gresham , Attorney Gen eral Browstcr , Speaker Carlisle. General Sheridan , Senators Vance , Harrison , Conger and Bishop Simpson and their wives , Admiral Porter , Senators Sawyer , Sowoll aui Aldrich , Mr. and Mra. Frank HiseooV , Sirs. H. G. White , Mrs. E. V. Kinsley , Miss Lucy Frolinghuyson and Miss Grosliam. Secretary Folgor was not in the city. AN BLKCT1ON CASK UNDKI ) . _ TLo house committee on elections has dismissed consideration of the contested election case of Janin vs. Hart , of Louisiana , on the ground that the evi dence of the former was not introduced in the time prescribed by law. iitocKiNO KKIFKK'H MKTIIOH. Representative Dockcry expects to in- troduco'a bill at an early day to prohibit the discharge , without cause , of employes of the house during the vacation of con gress. Nominations : Richard S. Tuthill. Chicago cage , United States attorney for the northern district of Illinois ; Jas. A. Connolly nelly , Illinois , United States attorney for the southern district of Illinois. Postmasters John Watts , Amos , la. ; Geo. E. Eberhart , Cedar Falls , lowu. FOKTY.fUGHTn CoNGHUSS. 4KXATK. WASHI.VOTOX , January 30. A petition was presented , signed by 400 citizens of the District of Columbia , and other peti tions , signed by a large number of citi zens of the territories of Washington , Dakota and Idaho , all praying for the enactment of a law prohibiting the man ufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors in the District of Columbia and these terri tories. Mr. Hale ( rep. , Mo. ) called up the re port of the committee of conference of both houses rolrting to the Greoly relief expedition. Tlio report recommends that the senate rcccdo from its amendment requiring that only porsons'who volunteer for ser vice shall bo detailed for the expedition. Mr. Sherman ( rep. 0. ) said if ho had known the bill authorized the secretary of the navy to order any man outside of the line of his duty and thus to take his lifo in his hands , ho would not have voted for it. it.Mr. Mr. Saulsbury ( rep. Del. ) opposed the bill. If the secretary of the uavy wanted to punish any oiiicer such an assignment would afford the opportunity. Ho re membered Liout. Herndon , who explored the Amazon , was assigned to duty on a vessel against whoso * sea worthiness ho unavailingly protested , and last his lifo in consequence of that assignment. Mr. Halo dissented from these views. Ho hoped the bpirit of the navy would bo tested in this matter nnd that the senate would recede from its amendment. The hour of ono o'clock having arrived the senate proceeded in a body to the house to attend the funeral of Rt/prosont- ativo Mackcy. On their return the senate ate adjourned. HOUSE. Mr , llogers ( dom. , N. Y. ) , from the committee on postoilices and post roads , reported a resolution calling on the post- ma.it.or general for all reports made by special agents of the postoflico depart ment to the postmaster general during 1831 , having reference to the star route investigation and not heretofore pub- lisnod. Adopted. The following reports wore submitted from committees : By Mr. Hatch ( dom. , Mo. ) , from the committee on agriculture To establish a bureau of animal industry and prevent the spread of contagious diseases of do mestic animals. Placed on the calen dar. dar.By By Mr. Lyman ( ind. , Mass. ) , from the committee' on military affairs For the retirement of H. J. Hunt with the rank of major general. Placed on the private calendar. By Mr. Money ( dom. , Misa. ) from the committee on postoilices and postroads To regulate rates of postage on second- class matter at letter carrier ofliccs. Placed on the housecalendar. [ It makes the rate uniform at two cents per pound. ] By Mr. Vaneo ( dora. , N. 0. ) from the committee un patents To make fraudu lent vending of patented articles a mis- demeanor. Placed on the calendar. By Mr. Pusoy , ( rep. , la. ) from the committee on public buildings Appro priating $100,000 for the completion of the public building at Council Bluffs , Iowa. Referred to the committee of the wholo. By Mr. Hordoinan ( dom. , Ga. ) from the committee on territories Town- shond's bill providing that no territory shall apply for admission as a state until it contains a population equal to that re quired in a congressional district. Placed oa the cfileitdur. The hour of 1 o'clock arrived , and pub lic business was suspended pending the funeral of Representative Mackey , * f South Carolina. The senate fil in and occupied the scats assigned them , members of the house remaining standing M a mark of reaped. The funeral procession reached the capital at 1:45 : p. m. , preceded by the pall-bearers and the joint committee of arrangements , followed by many sorrow ing relatives and friends. Tlio casket was berne into the chamber and placed in front of the speaker's desk. Selec tions of scripture were read by Rov. Dr. K. D , Huntley , and an appropriate address - dross wes delivered by Rov. Dr. Rush Shippon , of the Unitarian church , After the benediction by Rov. Howe , chaplain of the house , the funeral procession loft the chamber , when , the members of the senate having retired , the houeo ad journed. A Money Bin tier. NEW YOHK , January 30. It is announced - nouncod that the West Shore company has concluded arrangeraentu for money for its immediate wants. A AVreckeil Train. CUD in RAPIDS , January ! ! 0 , A Chicago cage Northwestern tiain was wrecked near hero to-day. Three train man were I injured. The engine and twulro curs I were badly damaged. No Kxtra HPHHHID. HAUUIHBURO , Pa. , January JX ) . The governor will not call on extra so-uion of tiio legislature. FROM FOREIGN LANDS.d The Story from KharXoff Withont Foundation , Kuniorod Defeat of the French Before Baoninh. Three Hundred Thousand Trees Blown Down , A Steamer and Ton Men Swal lowed Up by the Sea , The Movoinciitn In Egypt tJnulftiul's llofurm Measures. GENEUAIj FOKEIGN NEWS. NOTHINO IN IT. LONDON- , January 29. The Central News agency's sensational dispatch from KhardolF alleging the discovery ol a plot for poisoning the czar and frr a gen eral uprising of the peasantry in Little Russia and assorting that Special Officer Sabiololf sent by Colonel Sudoikim to Kharkotl' to investigate ninilisin had been ' assassinated , is flatly denied by a St. Pototsburg dispatch to Router's tele- grain company , The telegram say * nothing has happened at KharkofT beyond - yond tlio discovery cf a secret printing CHAMUKULAI.V , January 30 _ . The presi dent of the board of trade in a speech at Birmingham said _ England was not going to allow a war with El Mahdi to inter fere for a single moment with the pro jected reforms and improved condition which England is making every effort to dovelopo in Egypt and by which it is hoped that security may bo given to Egyptian liberties and the people educa ted for independence and self-govern ment , ti 11CS.SIAN ACIIUUIAXISM. ST. PuTEnunuiu } , January 00. In spite of many arrests the agragarian agi tation continues in Pskow and Vitebsk. So intense is the irritation of the peas ants the province governor 1ms tele graphed to St. Petersburg asking that the troops specially sent to Vitebsk bo withdrawn , as a collision is feared. Ap peals addressed to the educated classes have appeared in White Ilusaia , urging them to join in the struggle against abso lutism. IN KOY1T. CATUO , January . " 0. Baker Pasha with 1,000 troops landed at Trinkitat Monday and an additional body of 2,000 men landed Tuesday , completing the force for the relief of Tokar. There are nearly 20,000 rebels between Trinkitat and Tokar. The rebels are _ massing seven miles distant. Small bodies of the enemy approached within 4,000 yards of camp and were shelled by the British gunboats. General Gordon has arrrivcd at Assouan. MVALI.OWKD 11Y THK SKA. LONDON , January 30. The steamer Rhywabons , bound from Holyheak to Cardiff , struck on a group of rocks near Cardiff last night. 1 ho mate , five men , dud a boy escaped in a small boat. Half an houc after leaving th.3 steamer they saw her lights disappear. The captain and ten men remained on board the steamer and wore probably lost. LAND LVW REFOUV. LONDON , January 30. John Bright addressed a large mooting at the Liberal club , Birmingham , and said that after the franchise measure , the most pressing question for parliament would be reform of the land laws. He condemnedHonry Goorgo's land propositions as the wildest over imported by an American inventor. VIITV I'ER CENT LOS ? . OTTAWA , January 30. The annual re port of the minister of public works shows that the government management of the telegraph in Canada is not a finan cial success. The lines cost nearly $800,000 ; expenditure last year $55,000 ; receipts , § 27,000 , showing a loss of over CO per cent. THK KUENCH PAKIS , January 30. A report was current } in the lobbies of the Chamber to-day , that tlio French forces under Admiral Courbot recently stormed Bac- ninh , and had been repulsed. Ferry will bo questioned in the chamber of dcpu- tion to-morrow. HTORM TWIHTKD , LONDON , January 30. Within a ra dius of ten miles of Ayr 200,000 trees were blown down in the recent storm and a 100,000 on the estate of the Mar quis of Ailaa. A NIHILIST TOISONKD. LONDON , January 30. The nihilists have poisoned DcgaroiT , alias Jablpnsky , chief murderer of Gonaral Sudekin , be cause of his many double dealings. HARD I'KKH.SKU. KHARTOUM , January 30 , A soldier getting through Rufay roportu Sala ( Bay hard pressed , and that ho requires mim and ammunition All Fur Gould. NKW YouK.January 30. GoneralEck- ert informs The Commercial Advertiser , that tlfo mileage of the Western Union's loaned lines exceeds tbo entire Baltimore & Ohio telegraph system. F. K. Trow- bridge says , in The Mail and Express : "The Western Union company looks upon the purchase of the National line by the Baltimore & Ohio company with favor , because the Western Union , not wishing the line , was glad to find U falling into the hands of its friends. " Trowbririgo also says Gould hat taken hold of tlio Northern Pacific , not only to sustain the market , but also to control that enter prise and extend hia influence with the Pacific roads. The Illinois Industrial K.\jioslllon. CIIIUAOO , January 30. The Inter- utatp Industrial exposition of Chicago Living Bottled ita difficulty ( concerning rental ) with the city , on terms entirely satisfactory to all concerned through its secretary , announces that the twelfth thn consecutive annual exposition will open September 3d , and cloao October 18 , 188-1. Applications for space are coining in already far in advance of any former year. This announcement dinpyla all doubts as to the buildings being torn | down , as at ono time threatened , and is also a guarantee that it will _ certainly bo selected as the place of holding the next republican national convention in Juno noxt. HASH ItAtiK The "Western Iion uoor Hull Vlujcr ? . DAVKNI-OUT , Iowa , January _ 00. The western league- ball players was organ ized in Rook Island to-day. There were delegates < present from Kantns City , Omaha and ( Juincy , and communications were received from Achison , St. Joe , Chillicotho and Kookuk. Secretary S. S. Moore , of the northwestern oaguo , was irtl attendance. It was decided to call the organization , The Western League of Ball Players , and to adopt the constituion of the northwest ern ' league substituting the word "western'1 where "northwestern" appears. The initiation fee was placed ulnl ft.ul $10 , one-half to bo paid down. It was also decided that the homo club wai to pay the expenses of the umpire and the visiting club was to receive -10 per cent of the cato receipts and a guarantee of $00. The association adjourned to moot at Kansas City or St. Joseph in March , subject to call of the president. J. K. Fleming , of Rock Island , is president , and C. E. Ovorrockor of Quincy is sec retary. * * Tlio Illinois G. A. U. DKUVTUU , 111. , January 30. Between 800 and 1,000 veterans are in the city at tending the eighth annual encampment of the G. A. II , Commander Harper this morning called the encampment to order and was prc'outcd with a gnvol made from wood fruin the residence of Abraham Lincoln at Springfield , the gift of Comrade Swoot/.er , of Bloominqton. All largo.citios and towns in the state are represented. This afternoon a general discussion of department management occurred , after which General Boath ' addressed the encampment predicting that next year there would bo 20,000 in the ranks instead of 15,000. Comrade Harper suggested a man's auxj iliary rohof corps and the establishment of a soldiers' homo. Ogloabio and Ham ilton , rival candidates for the republican nomination for governor , spoke to-night. Their presence excites much interest. Each has a largo following. A sharp contest has developed for deputy com i inandcr between Major McLauRhloy , of Joliotj and Col. Dickinson , of Danville. Again. ' PiTTSituuti , January 30.Tho long strike of window glass workers h at an end , and after seven months' idleness the men will return to work ns soon as the ' furnaces are heated. While both sides have made great concessions , the terms at which work is resumed largely favors the workmen , who will bo paid last year's wages until April 1 , when a sliding scale will go into effect , wages thereafter to bo governed by the card rate on glass. The scale will bo subject to changes over } ' four weeks , and the agreement will last until July 1 , nnd if found to work satisfactorily will proba bly bo adopted the ensuing year. A number of factories have already started their fires , and by the resumption 2,000 men will bo furnished employment in this city. iiifj Notes in CHIC A tin , January 30 , The joint op- poaranco of Patti and Gerster in "Lcs Huguenots" at McVickor's theater tonight - night , under Maplcson'ti management , served to bring out an extremely fashion able audience , limited only by the capacity of the houso. Every seat was sold before the doors were oponcd , and standing room was exhausted long before all thoao in waiting secured tickota of ad mission. Both prim a donno were re ceived most cordially , and burdened with costly floral tributes , Signor Nico- lini also mot with much favor. ( loorgo to Uo Hanged. DES MOINES , January 30. The supreme premo court this morning aflirmod the judgment of the district court of Polk county , convicting Fountain W. Ooorgo of murder in the iirat degree. Ho was sentenced to bo hung the luat of August , but the cane was carried to the supreme court , and it now remains for the gov ernor under the statutes to fix the day of execution. Ganndiv I'nolllo Kates. January 30. In view of the fact that the Canadian Pacific made an emigrant rate of SO.70 from the ooaboard to Winnipeg , a mooting of roads interested - osted in travel to Manitoba was ho4 ! to day , and without reaching a final conclu sion made a temporary rate cf ? 27 from Montreal to Winnipeg , and 923.90 from Toronto to Winnipeg. Jeo and Stone , ST. LODIH , January 30 The Sco in the harbor moved three times thia even ing and aid considuablo damage to crafta. A morning passenger train west on the Missouri Pacific encountered 11 boulder near Herman. The engine wasdorailud , the fireman had his legs broken and was otherwise injured , and the engineer wan badly hurt. Twenty Ynurs tilrcn , GAI.VKSTOX , January 30 , A Gonzales . special Bays : Philip Davison , on trial for in son , was to-day sentenced tntwenty years in the penitentiary on the solo testimony l timony of an old farmer , who aworo that | when hu arrived at night ho found the out houses and fences on iiro , heard the man curse him , and recognizm ! the v oico as that of the defendant. In KOIa Jdfor. AUSTI.V , Tex , , January 00. Barker brothorH , to-day found guilty of robbing f astago between Lnmpasas and Sontoiful , lant fall , will bo sentenced to the peni- touliary for lifo. AuHtrallau Crops. SAK FiiANCiaCo , January 30. Auntra- lian advices Indicate fine crops. It rais estimated that 8ouh Australia will have 18,000,000 bushels of wheat. All Aliln/o , VALPARAISO , January 30.- -A. building near the Grand theater in Santiago is buniing , and the thoatio is in imminent danger , ANMAJ-OIJH , Md , , January 30. More ha/ing ii reported ul the military acad emy , MISCELLANEOUS NEWS , The Iowa Legislature Continues to Elect Allison , Mr. Vanderbilt Booms American Stocks Abroad. The Proposed Punishment for Texas Fouoo Outtors. Suspension of Anotlior Loavillo Bauk , The Iowa DKH MOINKS , January 30. The liouso did very little to day except tn discuss thn question of ndjounuuont , to giro tlio vjsiting coinmittoos an opportunity to visit the state institutions mid report. Several local bills were introduced. House file No. 14 , praying for the repeal of the vine and boor clause , was reported back with a recommendation that it pass. In the senate the principal matter of interest was the engrossment of the bill increasing the salaries of district and circuit judges from S--00 to 1,000. A lengthy and earnest debate ensued on the amendment ollbrod by Donnan to strike out $3,000 and insert 82,500. The vote on the amendment was : YoasS.'t , naya I5J ! , and the chair voted nay , ao the amondmnnt was lost und the bill ordered engrossed. The house resolution to talco a rocoas on Friday for one week was con curred in. Adjourned. The two houses of the legislature mot in joint convention to-day for the pur pose of completing the election of United States Senator. The result was the same as announced a week ago , the former convention being merely a safe-guard against a chance allegation of illegality in ; , Allison's election. The result was as follows : William 11. Allison ? 5 , Honlon J. Hall 02 , L. G. Kinno 1 , D. M. Clark 1. Mr. Allison wns declared elected for six years from the -Ith of March 1885. Tlio TOXIIH Fence Ija\v. Ausn.v , Tox. , January 30. The house passed the bill providing for 'ho punish ment of fence cutting by from ono to five years in the penitentiary , but n person owning or residing upon land enclosed by another who rofusesjingrcss and egress may lawfully open a passage through the enclosure ; also n bill providing that the illegal inclosing of lands of another or of the public shall be punishable by a line of 50 cents to $ L per month for cadi aero. Both enactments take effect im mediately upon passage , but have yet to go to the senate. Confidence In Vaiulcrljllt. NKW YOHK , January 30. Private ca bles report a bettor feeling abroad in re gard to American railway securities , and some bankers have received orders fo.i bonds , which demand is usually the prelude - ludo to buying stocks. Tlio Vanderbilt interview yesterday was telegraphed to London , nnd this no doubt , says The Mail nnd Express , has a reassuring ollbct. Another Lcailvlllo' Bunlc SuspondH. DK.NVKH , January 30. Atter a heavy run the Merchants' and Mechanics , bank of Loadvillo suspended this afternoon , and was immediately attached for $37- 000. Moro attachments will follow. No estimate of the liabilities or what the bank will probably pay is at present obtainable. Tlio ColiimiMiK Wroclf. UOSTOK , January 30. A largo quan tity of the personal oflbcts belonging to passengers on the wrecked City of Col umbus has boon brought to thia city for identification. Reports from the wreck state that the steamer is gradually sink ing into the water , and but littlu of her is now visible. to Saloon. ST. Louis , Mo. , January 30. Anton Linsonmirk was arrested hero last night ( charged with forging a largo number of p postofllco orderH , amounting to several I thousand marks , while ho was postmaster at Kroutzingor , duchy of Baden , several months ago. lie was tending bar in a saloon when arrested. Down mi Knihaiikinonr. Mass. , January 30. This morning an accident on the Now Haven & Northampton railway happened just below Sonthwick. Throe cam wore thrown down an embankment and Con ductor Thomas , Express Messenger Ityan and several passengers injured. The conductor was seriously injured , and Ilyuii had his leg broken in three places. A. StrniiRO Fatal DlHuauo. DILI.A.H , Tox. , January 30. A atrango fatal disease has appeared among cattle in the western part of the county. A largo number have died , and cattle men have hold u meeting with n view to a movement to chock its ravages. on Jjnlior. Pirrsuuiu ) , January 30. The committee - too on labor organizations leave for Washington to-morrow to urge the pas sago of the bill restricting the importa- lion of foreign labor under contract. DM Not ConfesH. JAMAICA , Long Island , January 30 , Tlio reported confession of Charles A. Rugg , charged with assault on Soah ! Sprague , that ho committed thu Towim * end assault and Mayboe murders , is de nied by the district attorney. Tlio Kentucky LOUIBVILLK , January 30. The contest in the senatorial caucus to-night was ex ' citing. A great dual of fillibustoring was indulged in , with no definite result. Worlcliiu for nn Ojionlni ; , _ . .rciiiM ! < , Dak. , January 30. tote gatioiiB Iroin river towns are going lo Washington to work for the opening up of the 8lour reservation , Tronblcu. Br. Louis , January 30. The I'onu Iron and Metal company has assigned. The assota are stated to bo worth § 52,000 above the incumbrancos. Another JtullWttjHiuuHli. . PJUNCKTOK , N. V , , January oO. Au engineer and conductor wore seriously ) hurt in a frofaht collision on the Penn sylvania road near hero to-day. The trains were badly dainngo.d i POINTS. Favorable Action on Itomity tuul I'ultllu Imnit HlllH Uotrcr'M AV.4siit.vumv , January ! IO , Another bounty land hillhasbooninlroducodincon- grow. The measure provides tliat 80 acres e given these who served not loss than fourteen days , 120 acres to these who served not less than ono year , 1GO acres tc these who served not loss than two years : , to bo selected by soldiers on proof of honorable discharge. Members of the . house committee on public lands say n lull will bo reported declaring forfeited all land along that portion of the North ern Pacific not completed within the tinio specified 1 in the grant of the tract. Senator Garland has reported from the committee of judiciary , n substitute for the bill introduced by Senator Plumb , to declare subject to taxation certain lands granted in aid of the consiructiun of the Pacific railroads , and provides for limiting taxation of lands to such as has bcon oleotcd and surveyed , and in case of failure of the companies to pay the cost of surveying , selecting , etc. , directs the attorney general to bring suit against the company to secure payment. AV. B. Shaw , an old and well known correspondent referred lo by o > ? Bpeakor ITcifor , says Koifor must bo in dcsporato straits when ho has to resurrect a story fully investigated by congress , and laid aside ai not worthy of consideration. Ho says Kcifor is nind because ho presided at the mooting of journalists which adopted a resolution not complimentary to Koifor. Fremont GotN tlio.ilnmilnn. Special Dispatch to THE BKK. , NKII. , January 30 , The G. A. It oncainpinont in session hero voted to-day for the location of the nos tire-un ion. Fremont gets it by a largo majority. AVorkti Burned. PITTMUJHO , January 30. A Chronicle special from Rochester , Pa. , says : Short ly before 12 o'clock lost night flames were discovered , issuing from the boiler house of the PhoonixGlass WorksPhillipsburg , opposite hero on the Ohio river. The fire was under good headway when first discovered and the means ut hand for _ extinguishing being limited but little could bo done toward chocking the pro gress of the flames , which aeon uprcad throughout the entire works , destroying thorn in short tinio. Loss about $125,000 , on which there ' is insurance of § 7-1,000. Tlio works , which covered a largo area , were among the largest in the country. The most unfortunate circumstance con nected with the destruction of the works is that five hundred hands are thrown out of employment in the middle of the winter. The origin of the fire is not posi tively known , bntBomoinflammablo mate rial was left in too close proximity with the engine and catching fire communicat ed to the wood work of the engine house , which , being dry , burned like tinder. Creamery Cnuvnntloii , ST. LOUIH , January 30. The Mississip pi Valley dairy and creamery association mot this morning at It o'clock , Norman J. Colonmn presiding , About fifty delegate are in attendance. The chair appointed committee of arrangement. After informal mal remarks , a recess won taken until this afternoon. After rcuoss C. AV. Barstow , first vice- president of the Morchanta' Exchange , delivered an address of welcome , to which Presidonl Colcmati responded. Several papers were then road on dairy subjects. A lilu/.o ut Home , RO.MK , January 30. This morning a three story building between Stanwix hall hotel and Scarle Bank block , James street , burnod. Mrs. Samuel Alexander andchildron were rescued by a policeman. Ton minutes after thu lire broke out an explosion oi'ourrcd , knocking out the whole front wall of the building above the first story. Joseph Alexander , brother of Samuel , wau killed , and DaVid Patter- sou , a clerk , injured. The Bank block and hotel were saved by the firemen. Hiuldon OhunjjcH ol Woutlicr are pro. ductlvo of Throat IMscm-on , CoimliH , Colds , ate. There In no were effectual relief in these to bo found than In the UHQ of HitoKCiHAtiTuocHiiH. ] 'rlco lifl cts. Fire lu a Tenoinent. foHK , January 30. A fire in the five story apartment house , No (502 ( , Sixth avenue , about midnight , created a panio among the occupants , a doion of whom , occupying the upper floor , escaped to thereof roof m their night clothes and jumping to a roof six foot below. Mrs. Michael and granddaughter are probably fatally burnod. Threu other tonaiits were burned on the face and hands , riuy IL U , DuUKlaiw a Bon1 rapnlulinCoiijthd ropifur lourthll rcn ; theyarti harmless pleasing to th j tinni and "ill euro their coliK I ) ; H. and tnuoMnrk un mcry ilmn Now York In a VOR. Nisw YoitK , January 30. A heavy fog to-day Horiously interrupted travel and traffic , and makes telegraphing1 slow work. On the elevated railroad a heavi ly laden train ran into another , discharg ing putHongors aj ; wstation. The engine was wrecked and the putjsungora well shaken up , but nobody was noriously liurt. i Inidgot will provWo for the army of oixuputlou of (1,000 ( mem In 1'frypt. HOOD'S | ARSflPAR LlA M i iM iMM M ? MMVMMHHMMiHMBMMiMMHIBMHM IiarAitfullypreramlcztmrtoC Ilia but rrmodlcs of t VI k'l'tKUi ) kingdom known to medical td- cnco an Alu.r.itl\eilllot > d Purlflen , Dluntlci and Tonlen , ruch M SnrjayJrllLi , Ytllow Dock , Dandelion , Junior llcrrlci , JlamlraUe , Wild Cherry llnrk end oilier idocUxl rooti , barLi and hcrta. A like mijUJiitf < lw , can \a \ lalrljr j onlyb/lureiulu , ( lortoun record llood'ifiarvijurUli luu entered for lUtlf upon thu hcarU ul tUouuind * or i > i la In h'eir KnkUndwholu\ | onullycr IndlrctUjr Utnre- Uevodof tfrrlblo ( uri'ilnt ' , LlcU all other reauxUM tilled to rcatU , ( Wfmre. 0.1.1100,1 , i , ro.i flcnt * n by f iprew two bottle * Hiwdu Kir * . Uook Jlutili * for dutrllmt ou. Your iireuu , , workiil wu'l"r in , th , cow ol iiiy'wftu. who J-as bVeii troubled with lck huadaiJu ) and blllouimfiw ( or Team , hhomdy twjkpne-lulf tijMitoouiultttttuose , indfvvinotlen o\nlfor | ilraycjrf in now. Bha founiHliv- < within B v k ulli'r uklnult she liU very iiiudi boiu-r , u ul S now enUrrirrearom lljpw s iiiudiISfeSfSffSffi ISfeSfSffSffi oiun truly , HOlli-u u. KU , nunasiat * IMU. l.MIOOI > is CO. AjpoUwjjjrtM , , t cU , Mas * A Bto nrr. , Q KCIKCTRIC } What docs It mean ? A. Selected and fJectrlzol. < j. What about Dr. Thomrw1 Eclectrlo Oil t A. ricanoi the ( < cope. ) ( j. How ? A. Cures Iliclr achw , cures neuralftlijhoumatUrn , UraencM , bniln Rraldi , bll , npTali , strains anJ | Mtn ; doe * all tlilt and more. p. . What ? A. An A remedy for coughs and cold * It would ba dlltlcult to find anything ciual | to DrThomas' Kclee * trio Oil. tt will curt thirut and caUrrh almost ln > variably , Q. ( luanxnteed , U U A. Jhri ry bottle , or money rclunJoL ( j. Hood 1 It's what they cll patent though ; that sounds bad. | \ . Kerer mind thu sound TIIV IT t * O , . I'll do It. Whnt'a tbo expense ) A. lllty ceiiti for iniall , ono dollar for latK . ' ( ( heap enough. Who Bolls Ir. Thomas' Kcltc- trio DIM A. l > ni7Kl tsercrynhera. | llr. Tliomas' Kacctrlo Ollbaiproted to bo a llif lilt. It In oU more and ( 'lvus Ixtlcr and more Ren- ent sitlnfiriloa than any other competition medi cine manufactured. TOSTKlt , MII.DU11N & CO. , I'rop's , lluffalo , N. Y. Imported Beer IN tJDTTLES. Erlnngor , Bavaria. Culmbiichor , Bavaria. Pilsner Bohemian. Ivaisor Bremen. DOMESTIC. Bmlwoisor St. Louis Auhausor St. Louis. Bust's > . . . . Milwaukee. Schlitz-Pilsuer..Milwaukee. Krug'fl Omaha , Ale , Porter. Domestic and Ehine Wine. ED. MATJllER , Farnaiu. OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 109 Sonth 14th St. llako a iprcktty ot furnishing outlnga and repair ing ntcucn uf ull description , wood otovcs , changed to bum conl , grates , flroback. Jumper * , &c. constantly on hand. U'ry ono ol our etovu pipe thchu ) nnd cIotbiMdrjrr. m&i tolior 10 0. Ono box No. 1 will euro ixny casein ( our days or lota No. a will euro the moat oustliiato caao no matter ot bow long ( landing. A/fan's Soluble Medicated Bougies No natucoumloica ofiiihcba , copabta , or oil of tan * dulnnod , that ore n . .Aln to prouuco dynpcpsla by doHtroylni ; the cuatlngaof the stomach , frlco 81.Do Hold by nil drurelsta , or mnttod cii rcoolpt ol price For further particular ! ) ( and for cl rnilar. r. o.uox VI $ ao.ooo , rewlnk will toke plo iBTn In * > > ° Uaionlo Hat l , Masonic Temple liuil- Ull Idlnir , In Lnuiivlllc , Ky. Thursday January 3ht , 1884. A Lawful Lottery & Fair Drawings. chartered by tno Icdalature ol Kj. . and twice uouar- cd lesal by the hlglici t court lu tne State Bond given to Henry County In the sum ol (100,000 ( or tbo prompt payment ol all prlzoi told. A REVOLUTION IN HINQLK NUMBER DRAWINGS jWEverv ticket holder hlaown supervisor , can call out the number on hln ticket and BOO the correspond- IntS number on tbo tiff plaobd In the wheel In hla presence. Those drawing * will occur on thelatt Thursday ot every month. Road the magnificent ' January Octiomo. 1 rrlzo , 8f,000 1 Prize , 10,000 1 VrU'J 6,000 2 Prizes , $2 00 each 5,000 & Trice * , 1,000 ouch 6,000 SO I'rlMJ , KM each 10,000 100 l'riz > , inouach 10,000 fiQuach 10,000 fil'O 1 20 each 10,000 looo : 10 each 10,000 o I'rizua , 300 each Approximation PrlcJS , 2,700 0 I'rUon , JflO " " 1,800 D 1'Mriw , HX ) oacli " " 00 1,8761'lUw. 110 , < 00 WHole Tlokotr , e Half Tickets , 91. 37TlctOta.5UU. 80 TloBOta , 8100. * Remit money or Bonk Ifraft In Letter , or end by cxurosn. DONT SEN D BV REGISTERED tETTKa OR POST OFFICE ORDER , until further notice. Or. don of $5 and upward by express , can be > ent at our expense. Addrvu all order ! to J. J. DOUGLAS. LoulsIllo. . Ky. w ud & BaUVw 1st 8w em UMPHHEYS ron Tm : CURE OP AL& DISEASES off nSKS.OATTLK.miKRnt D008 , 11008 , nnd I'OUIVIUV , roil TWENTY YEARS IIumplirc pnllilc Vrlrrlnarv Bpi-rllU-M lia e b Vnrmtert , Hlorll rirrrdrri. ' 'fefV O'urlinrii , llorno lii llronJ , Mnnurorlurcrj. C'onl Aline Vuinponlpn. Trnv'B ' Illpiiudromn line ) Alrnnvcrlri. nnd ethers Imuaflui ; t tk. Vltbiivripctiuccpfi. . . . . _ - . , lluinphruv ' . . Vtt rrn ry M niii l. WO pp , ' t tn a by mnll on reccl pt uf prior. Ml cent * fftri'amplilcu rnt Irro on application IITMI'IIIIKYH IIOMKOl'ATIUC ) MBU. .CO. 109 1'ultou blrecl , Aow VurU. NERVOUS DEBILITY - Vital WcftUncas nnd I tratlon from over work or ' mdiuii/ EnDATlllP -Ulhomnsti.u < TC | . * ( ulrenudrknown. l"rI ) * u > irv ir v/alitil / laritevlalof i for t irit po t-frue on ra DR. WHITr SRi 617 St. Charles St. , St' Louis , Mo. A REGULAR ORADUATEof two medical collejfe Jhai been encatred lonxor In the treatment ot CHIIONIO , NEUVOUH , HKIN AND BLOOD Dlwata * than other ph ) ilUan lu Ht. Ixiuti , M dty | iapen ahoir and all old residents know , Consultation free invited , When It U uicom enlent to > Ult tb city treatment , luedlducu can be lent by mall ever ) where. Durable case * guaranteed ; whore dou exists It in frankly stated. Call pj wrlto. NervumProBtraUon , Doblllty , Marital md Pay lc Wnakueaj , Mercurial and other lulottloo 'oi Throa > Ing , 8klp Altoctlom , Old SoroJ and Uloore. Impedl- inoiilu to marriage , Hheuiimtlun , I'llen. Mpuctal V tcntlon tocAea from 6 > er orkt > tl brain. BUUU10AL- UAHK3 pix.Ul ait utl u. DUtaoea rWnif froiu Imprudmegl Excai ot , linlulyvnoe * .