8 THE DAlIAr BJSE OMAHA , WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 30 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Wednesday Morning , Jan , 30. ' LOOAL BREVITIES , The noon train west yo tonlay on the Union r/xclfio was wollfilled. The slocptngconi both had a number of pawtongom , moat of whom were la lie < . A Aog fight , which sttractod eon tilora\ilo \ attention , oocumxl In front cf Mas Mover' * yestenhy , four largo ronlncH Iwlnff mixed up together In n general mum. The city oxproxstncn are complaining 11 the oitremo dullncM of the no/won. 8omo of thorn say they sro not making moro than n half of their oipcnsci. Ito calm , boys , the spring opening of liuelnosa U not far clfttanl. A oompiny of Uiirtyfivo noldiora rrrived In this city yoatcsday. They came from Fort Jefferson barrack * . 1'lfUon of them will do tr.insfcmxl to Go. I ) , light artillery , and the balance distributed around They were taken out to 1'ort Ornaho. In polica court yratxmlay , thcro worn etx CMOT for disturbance of the pcaoo. Two of them paid n line of $5 each and costs , one waa onmmlttod to jail for three dnyg , two wcro discharged and the COM of the nlxth wan continued. Another mooting of the pronerty holders interested in the Improvement of Leaven- worth street , is to bo hold at Hhrlvor & Bell'H office , Thursday evening at 7:30 : , at which timotho oommtttoo appointed to wait upon the county commlwlonora and dly oounoll will make reports. Oon. 0. O. Howard , Unttod Htatrw army , trill leave for Hurops in March , to bo absent for four montln. TJio oommnndor of the "Flatto" during his absence hn not yet boon designated , but it may b General Gibbon , United S.alex nrmy , tin Bailer colonel on duty In the department , and uavoono , the ponlor colonel on the active lUtof the army. Army & Navy Journal. n. Kato rilundon , an old lady , ap- Xrtarod at the police court yesterday afternoon nntl requested the arrot of her former htu- band , from whom elio had boon divorced for ninoyoars. She wai very omphfttta in her demand , elating that ha was laying aronnd drunk most of his ttrao much to her annoy ance , and when ho did earn A few dollars "divil the clnt would ho whack up. " The judge issued the required document. In October lost lira. R. S. Dundy , wife of Judge Dundy , of the United States d w trlot court at Omaha , whllo on the A. & K. train , lost some diamonds valued at ( GOO. Later , probably In November , they were found by Airs. Kcriott , who auta aa janitor at the A , Jt N. depot in thU clty.whlln pwron ing out n cAr. She took the diamond * to Norton & Son , to ascertain tholr value , and thcso gentleman , who had a description of the diamonds , at once notiQod Judga Dundy. The latter at onso replovinod the dtatnoa < ' 0at , > d the COHO oune up for trial before Justlco Drury , thii morning. Kvorett & Waggoner appeared for the plaintiff , and Gilbert & Walker for th < defendant. Mn. Dttndy , and Mra. K. S Dnndy , jr. , wife of the clerk uf the Unites Statoa district court at Omaha , were here 01 witneww. The CMO WM decided in favor o of the plaintiffs in the replevin case , Atchl eon Patriot. t , Buoklou'a Amloa Salvo. The greatest medical wonder of the world Warranted to ipeodlly cure Burns , Cute. Ul cer * . Halt Ithoum , 1'ovor Sores , Conccre. 1'llos ChUlblaing , CoruB. Totter , Chapped hands and oil pJdn eniption , gornntood to euro it urory instance , or msnoy refunded. 25 co'nb per box. PliUWONAIv. 4 Sir. H. 8. Moodr , traveling agent for 0 , 1" . Goodman , HUH returned from an oxtondet and profitable trip through Southern No broska. Jnraoj , Stewart and wife , of Hntlisou , nro n the 1'Axton. B.-H. Fanner and vrifo , of 1'ort Oolhoun nro at the 1'oxton. H. J. Leo , of Fremont , it at the I'axton. J. J , Stubbs , of Oakland , is registered a the Foxlon. N. 8. Harding , of Nebraska City , is at th I'axton. Dn. J , Jiwlwoa and C. B. IClolnfoltcr , tw prominent phyalcUni or Ohloaga , came In 01 No. 4 yesterday and wont oast. Colonel Tboniburg , a former member a Congress from Tt-naesea and brother of Ma jo Thornburg , trbo waa killed during the Whit * lilver , Col. Ute Indian war In September , Ifl 79 , passed through Omaha eastward bourn to-day , He is now a prominent buslncna raai of Wyoming , and ie on hit way to vitlt east era relative * , J. N. lk > ll and wife , of Aurora , are at thi Mijlard. * Geo. W. Post , of York , Is at the Mlllord , "N. K. Greenloaf , of Tekatnah , U roglntortx attlwMUlard. N.V , NJenian , of Schuyler , Ix booked al the MlUard. MorrU Turner , of Llnooln , ii sojourning at thoMlllard. G. W. lilogo , of Springfield , la at the Met ropolitan. G. J. Neo , of Moberly , la putting tip at the Metropolitan , C , J. O'Connor , of Winnebago Agency , In at the Metropolitan. V. M. Mohjncux , of Wokefield , is at the Metropolitan. Henry Fontonelle , of Decatur , li at the ' Metropolitan , X M. Young , of Blair , U booked at the Metropolitan , J. Y Glltap'e and wife > , , of Arlington , are A , II. Church , of North"riatta " , la registered * t ( be WJllard , ayy .and wifti , Blue YjJley , ara At tUe-M PlUu. . i ' W , A-WIUen , r .up City , U at the Mttro. _ . .ii"i .1 t county , in t the - o > 'W. 1L Dwtw and wife , Norfolk , ara at the JC , K , ( Jowiw , of Gibbon , U at the lllard. | ( J. Cox , of Hampton. U t U e IVxton. , of Linoola county , Is booked W. T , , Coluwbut , J t Mia I'M. * * " < H 3l r awl V , D. H U r ( " ' IM * to MM RAILWAY MATTERS. C , , B , & Q , Officials in ihc Ciiy Yester day on Their Way West , Tool Talk , I/ocal OhnngcN , and Other llnthvny The consummation of iho tripartite eel will make numerous changes in the ocal ticket offices in this cily. Mr. Jamoa Chambers , on old employe I the Union Pacific , has been appointed , ho tripartite ticket ngent in Omaha. Ilia ilico will bo in thoPaxton hotel in the same room now occupied by the 0. , M. fc St. P. road. A now deal will bo made in the ticket dices of the city. Harry Douor will re main nt his old oflico , corner of Four- oenth and Farnam streets , and will rep resent the 0. , B. A Q. road. The B. & 1. ticket oflico , at the oornor of Thir teenth nnd Famam strceta , will bo kept ipen for a month or raoro , when 5t will 10 transferred to the corner of Fourteenth - toonth and Farnam. What will become of all the ticket gents is not yet known , but aa they are ,11 , old and trusty employes of the com- ituies which they rcpreocnt , they will undoubtedly bo retained in the city in icrao capacity. AspecialtratnovorthoB.&M. yesterday morning brought to thia city Mr. 0. B , 'orkina ' , pusidont , Mr. F. J. Potter , general manager , and Mr. W. J. Davenport - port , division pasaongor agent of the 0. , 1. & Q. railroad. They remained in thia city until yo ler- day afternoon , during which time they word at the J ) . & M. headquarters. A BKK reporter called at the head- and waa informed that the visit meal t nothing , and that they wore simply going vor the lines as they do once or twice a oar. oar.At the Union Pacific headquarters , the announcement that the "Q" officials were in the city , created quite a little Hurry of oxcitomontand the various heads wont together in a mysterious manner. The party , accompanied' by 0. W. Hoi- drcgo , nsais ant general manager of the B. & M. , loft for Denver nt 2 o'clock yes- rdiy Afternoon. The GhiCAgo Times of the 28th says that General Managers Potter , Cixbloand Merrill , of the Burlington , Hock Island , and St. Paul , respectively , and Assistant General Manager Kimball , of the Union Pacific , agreed Friday night upon a basis of aottlomont , as far as their Jurisdiction extended , has been proven beyond the possibility of question. The terms now only await ratification by President Per- ki B of the Burlington , General Manager Clark of the Union Pacific , and the direc tors f the St. Paul und Itocl ; Island. It has boon officially announced that the Burlington directors agreed to leave the matter entirely in the hands of Messrs. Perkins and Potter , and the latter isnow in Burlington for the purpose of securing Air. Perkins' assent to the doal. That ho will concur in any arrangement made by Mr. Potter there is practically no ques tion. tion.It It was learned dofinitolyycatordayupon what terms the disturbances have boon settled. Surprising to nearly everybody will bo the announcement that the settlement - mont has been effected upon a basis in volving the pooling of competitive busi ness. It had boonaccepted as positively determined that an agreement of that character was practically an impossibility , but the desire for peace has prompted concessions which were thought to bo en tirely without the palo of possibilities. After the Friday night conference had been nearly concluded , Mr. Kimball , as a last resort , proposed that a compromise bo effected in regard' to what business should bo considered competitive , looking to an adjustment on a pooling basis. The Burlington instated thut only business originating at strictly competi tive pointfl pliould come under that head , while the Union Pacifio had firmly main tained that the term "competitive busi ness" should apply to all business within from twonty-fiyo to fifty milea of strictly competitive points. When the proposi tion for a compromise on this question waa made , Friday night , Mr. Potter gave aa an ultimatum that ho would make con cessions only so far as to include business originating within ono station on oithot side " of junction points , on condition th"at his line east of the river should receive an equitable proportion q Union Pacifio business at Omaha. This ao far as business west of the river waa concerned , was satisfactory to the Union Pacific , and having accepted the propos ! tion ua far as Ms road was concerned , Mr. Kimball referred Mr. Potter to Messrs. Cable and Merrill for a decision as to Omaha business , The latter gentlemen reasserted their right to a portion of the Burlington & Missouri business if the Ohi cage , Burlington & Qainoy should share in the Union Pacifio business at Omaha. Mr. Potter would not recognize their claim , but finally in the interest of peace a compromise was agreed to by which the Burlington was to give the tripartite roads east of the river a certain percent age of the Burling and Missouri river businons between Hastings nnd FJntts- tncuth , the Burlington , in return , to re ceive a certain proportion of the Union Pacifio business. At Omaha this was satisfactory all around , and the percent ages in regard to the latter part of the agreement will bo determined upon within a few daya. A Lawyer' * Ojpiulba of Intermit to AJl xv ? ' U * Y"9 * fl' ft 'owl' ' ' " * attorney of Wlnona , Minn. , writoa : "After ualiifr It for more than three year * , I take great ploanuro in stating that I regard Dr. King' * Now lU- co-very fur OoiuratnpUon , M the best remedy in the world for Coughs and Cold * . It has uover ailed to euro the most severe cold * I have hod , and " Invariably rolluvea the pain la the cho t. Trial IJottlo * for this sure CUM for all Tliroat and Lung DUeaxos may bo had Kreo at 0 If Goodman's Dru # Store Largo site , $1,00 , Street ( sweeper Needed. The present deplorable condition of mr streets , and particularly upon yester day , which will probably bo a fair sample > f , them for the next two mouths to come , itrongly suggest a the necessity of from two to three street swooping machine * . Thcao machines are used in Chicago nud > ther eastern oitioa , M well us in San ? ranci co and cities west , and are used loth Irj cleaning { he streets of duat as well as'of mud. Some of our atroet croMinga to-day .fro almost iinpamble for the pedca- U-uui , aud specially BO for ladies , A Jew buitm * men along Farnam street were wtwprUln ; enough to have thi otxxuugs .approaching their place * ol biuiuew cleaned * t their own expense , but thcso were only A few. While our city fathers nro giving their attentions in other directions to secure- for Omaha metropolitan nirs why not take into con- iSdcrntion the much needed cleaner. A QUEER TORY. An Old Lady Resident of Oinatia Gircs a Bee Reporter a Sketch oi HerlLife , TlioL Mt oriln l ) incl and DniiRhter , nnd the Girl's Subsequent lie * turn * From the Spirit Ijnnd. Seine few days einco wo had the pleas ure of on introduction o an ngod lady ro- iding upon Sixth street , away down ilong the B. it M. railway track , She was not in the best of financial circum- itanccs , nnd her culinary department woo ilmoat abandoned of all odiblei stxvo a in all lump of oloomargorino and a few cquaro crackers. She had her arm in n ihng made out of an old time Bandana handkerchief which , in appearance , iudi- dicatcd that it had come to this country many years tgo as a packet toilet of some of our early pioneers. Wo ques tioned her as to the cause of her injury , and oho informed us that about three weeks ago eho slipped and fell upon an icy pavement in going out to secure n few groceries which were urgently needed - ' od by her , and in falling dislocated the humorous bono just above the elbow. She sconica to bo n good and sincere old lady and wo proffered our aasistanco to obtain for her what she might need in the way of proper food for nourishment. Thia proffer was accepted , but not with out many thanks on the past of the ngod nnd isolated lady. She stated that all she wanted WAS some pork chops and n few loaves of broad. Wo purchased some and delivered them to nor , when wo bade her good day and promised to call again. Thuro was something about the pres ence of that old lady which , while she ooomod nompwhat woird-liko to us , im pressed us with the idea that if wo again called and treated her in the samp kind- ko manner that something of interest not only to ourselves , but to the general public , might bo elicited from her. Yesterday while upon our accustomed rounds for news , and when near the depot - pot , \ro bethought ourselves of this old lady , und having some spare time , care lessly wended our way to her homo. Wo found her rapidly convalescing from the injury received and in joyant spirits. Under thcso circumstances wo had no hesitancy in commencing ati interview with her as follows : ' Well , madam , you have lived here quite n while , I presume ? " "Yes , nirj I was hero when there were only thirteen houses in Omaha. " "And you did not como hero alone , and livu alone thcso many years ? ' ' "No , air. My old man , myself , nnd our daughter came hero from Now Jersey together in an ox tram ot our own. Our daughter was then only a baby. " "Well , madam , where are they now , ploasol" "You see that town across the river ? Well , that is now called Council Bluffs it was then known as Kancsvlllo. There WOB an old man named Joe Johnson over there , in the merchandise business , nnd wo could buy stuff from him a great deal cheaper tlian wo could get it on this , vide of the river , and my husband often wont over in a boat ho made himself to bu things. So ho started across ono evening and ho has never boon Been since. Ho didn't show up at Kanoavillo , and ho lias never shown up on this side. I IJUOBS he never passed unto the other side , and novcr got back onto this bank. " "Probably ho was drowned in the treacherous waters of the Missouri. " "Yes , I have always thought so , for if ho hadn't been , ho would surely have como homo. " "And your daughtoi : I presume she is still living. " "Woll , sirjl can't toll you that. About a week after she missed her father she determined to go in search of him. Shu had an idea that ho might have lost his boat and bo in Kanosvillo for wo had no bridges across the Missouri then and she burrowed a canoe from nu Indian and crossed the river in search of her father. I saw her go over nnd I watched her re turn. I wont down to the river bank , met her , saw her fasten the canoe and turned to go to the house. I glanced hack but she was not in sight , and she has not boon homo since. " 'Well , how do you explain her ah- Bonco ? You have not seen her since ? ' ' "Tho cause of her nbsonno I cannot ac count for. Yes , I have seen her since , and often. For soyou years I hod a man employed a.deteotivoat night who know her woll. She would ooruo up to him when ho waa on duty nt night and run against him , and then off with the utmost of speed to the bend of the river below and theio was lost aight of " "Have you yourself seen her ? " " 0 , yo ; she would oomo into the kitchen when my back waa turned , break nil the dishes in her way , and as soon as I would turn my eyes on her aho wan off like a doer to the river bond below , wliorp she seemed to submerge herself n the nurging waters. " "But do you not think , madam , that you only saw her in imagination ? " "No , sir ; I am perfectly sure , always have been , and am now.1' "But do you not think that thia idea of seeing nor was an idiocyncrasy of thought upon your part ? That through bereavement for the loss of both hus , band and daughter your mind waa tern porarily weak. " "No , air. At times she now comes , but it is olvvajB at night , but raps at u window of the room which aho used to occupy. Bho always cornea when.tho moon is full never when the night is dark. " "But how do you account for such pe ! culiar visits from her ! You say you saw hi-r land safuly and hence know that shu w.ia not drownodfi * "Well , sir , I do not know how to ac count for things as they are. I have i brother yet living in Jersey , who is prot ty well provided for in this world'a goods and thin matter , after years of lavatory has driven me to write him , I douo BO , and ho has promised to como and take me back to Jersey as soon as spring opens , and I pray this may BOO a ocvur , for the people about hero call mo the old witch , and won't oome near mo. Oh | I am al most detracted ; please leave mo alone , < < oed sir , and call at eorno other time- when my brother'oomo * , if you CMI. " And we retraced our stops homeward in dwp thought as to this mystorioua affair , inasmuch as the old woman was quite intelligent , and ooomed to be per feo'ly ' rational. When we think it an opportune time to do BO we will again call aud t from this old lady the bal ance of uar moil peculiar nwraUre. | CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting in the Conicil Cham- < tor Last Night , An Ordinance Authorlrlngtho Spcrry Klcctrlo Iilgtit Company to Krcot nnd IVlrcti A regular mooting of the city council was hold last * evening , nt which there were present Messrs. Anderson , Baker , Dunham , Hascall , Kaufmann , Lceder , McGuckin , Murphy and Woodworth. The journal was road nnd approved. I'KTITIONS AND OOMMDN1CATIONH. From the mayor : Approving various ordinances recently passed. From Omaha National bank : Asking that William J. Crozior bo appointed as special policeman for their promises with out pay. Confirmed. From citizens of Sixth ward : Trans mitting resolution adopted at n mooting of Cuming street property owners Janu ary 20 , requesting that the city engineer bo instructed to prepare a profile of said street , etc. Referred. From Goo. F. Wells : Asking correc tion of certain taxes charged against prop , orty inherited by him , supposed to bo paid , Referred.KEHOLUTIOXrt. KEHOLUTIOXrt. By Lecdor : That the city pound- master bo instructed to adhere to the provisions of the ordinance provided for liis appiontmont nnd specifyIrg his duties. Mr. Hascall naked what the necessity waa for such n resolution. Ho had no knowledge that the ponndmaator had violated his duties. Mr. Locdcr stated that there was no provision for employing assistants and yet had four men scouring the town to pull in nil the milch cowaand other ani mals found running at largo. Mr. Colfmann said the city was large enough to enforce the ordinance in ques tion , and that it was an outrage to allow iU violation. Mr. Dunham said the present pound- master hod pledged himself not to bo too strict in enforcing the ordinance , but to take only such animals as were brought to him. Mr. Anderson thought that the pound- master had men in his employ in looking up stray animals and running them in , and favored the resolution. Mr. Hascall spoke in favor of the or dinance , and said it required a daring man to enforce it. The present incum bent was notified that he would not Hvo thirty days , and insured his life. That fixed his family all right. Now that the work ef paving nnd sewer building was alack , it was a good time to go to work on smaller things. Mr. Anderson thought the intent of the law was only to prevent nuisances , nnd it should not bo too literally euforccd.- Mr. Murphy gave an instance that had jut occurred , whore a man had put his horses in the alloy while ho cleaned the barn , and some boys came along and run the animals in , and although he got to the pound immediately after , ho had to pay the fine. Mr. Hascall showed that the law al lowed milch cows to run about thq streets and alloys from November 1 to March 1. The resolution was adopted. By Mr. Leodor : That a catch basin bo put in on the corner of Tenth nnd Chica go streets. By Kaufmann. : To hrwo locks put on all desks in the council room. Adopted. 1 BEPOHT-3 OF COMMITTEES. On. police : Recommending payment of of n bill due Charles Split. Mr. Dunham said that thia waa a case similar to that of poundmastcr , but it would bo corrected. Adopted. OIIDIXANCEB. An ordinance authorizing the Sperry Electric Light and Motor company to erect and maintain poles and wires along the public streets aud highways of the city , for the purposes of their business under certain restrictions , this .right to bo surrendered when the system of lay ing underground wires is poifooted. _ The ordinance also provides that such poles may bo used by other companion upon payment cf an equitable sum , to bo ngrccd upon by arbitration or to bo determined terminod by the city. Referred. An ordinance authorizing the issue o $8,000 paving bonds , bearing 0 per cen interest , for the part payment of pavin the part of fifteenth street in pavin district No. 7. No. action. An ordinance declaring the Omah. Rendering and Fertilizing works a nuis unco , which should bo abolished and or uoring their immediate removal , was in ti educed. Mr. Anderson was rot in favor of aban doning the works , but thought the pro priotora should be comppllod to coiifluun the noxious gases in their furnaces as * done elsewhere. Mr. Kaufmann said he wanted th parties to kn w that the nuthoritie could compel them to remove at leas three miles fiom the city limits. Rea twico. MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. Baker suggested ihat it would b a flood time to consider the question o submitting to the citizcnn at the spriu election a proposition to vote pavin , bonds for paving during the ciiBuin year. It was thought best to defer this unii I ho committee meeting on Monday even ing next , Adjourned , The Library Concert. The monthly entertainment of the Union Catholio Library association wil be given at Masonic hall to-morrow even lug. Following is the programme : 1. Enroka Overture , M , U , O Wiejrard a. Lecture -"Books" Jndge Savage . Promenade. 3 , SdecUoru frum "BohemalOIrl" . . . . , Arranged by Hoffman „ . 4. fterenado Schubert a Poem-'TAtch Work".V.TT " , Mlu SlaciaCrowley _ Promenade. 6. Overture-Pretty aa a. Picture" ROM I' ? ' ? * ? , ' K La Moth S' Mectlona frmn Mnootto. . , Aud ran 9. Drawing for ( Jjilt 10. March Library Hoffman rostoiUco Change * In Nebraska and Iowa during the weekending ending- January 2C , 1884 , furnished by Wra. Van Vlook , of the postoffioo department - mont : NEDRAJSKA. , Discontinued Myrtle , Centre Oak drove , , Howard M J Grove , Dawson county. Po tma tori Appointed Orowell. Dodge county , Jotfcua J. KioR ] 1 Fort MHaaaitt8Mi MMM > i i - m , w tuwwim--'tr Robinson , Sioux county , Wm. E. Annin ; Ord , Valley county , Chfts. 0. Wolf ; Rescue - cue , Hiuimlors cnunty , John S Williams ; Sett , Furnas county , Mrs. Emma .1. Merrill ) Vordon , Richardson county , T , J. Floyd ; Western , Saline county ; Wm. Bench. IOWA. Kstnblinhed Wichita , Guthrie county , Jcssp Johnson"postmaster. _ Discontinued Swing Spring , Potta- wattamio county. Postmasters appointed Bftglpy , Quth- rio county , Jnmoi B , Wright ; Kaeson , Madison county , Wm. E , Biirry ; Poiro , Wo dbury county , Charles Sykcs ; Valley Voiw , St. Olair county , Leonard Griilin ; Western College , Linn county , Jacob Bock. THOMAS PAiNE , The 147(11 ( Anniversary of His Birth Appropriately Obsemfl liy His Fol lowers in this City , , T Au Eloquent Address Delivered l > y It-cv. Mr. Copeland of the Unl- tnrlnu Clniroh ofOiimba , About ono hundred ami fifty people , many of them ladies , assembled in the auditorium of Masonic temple last even ing to listen to nddresaes , or eulogies , upon the life , character , etc. , of Thomas Paine , the great free-thinker of his day nnd time , and the first to oapouso the cause of free religious thought in his na tive country , and also in America. The exercises were opened by Judge Edmund Bartlett in a few happy and well-timed remarks , in which ho pro nounced n most beautiful eulogy upon the author of the "Ago of Reason. " Hw remarks were received with fitting applause from the audience. Judge Bartlett then in > | troducod the speaker of the evening , the Rov. Mr. Copeland , pastor of the Uni tarian church of this city. As Mr. Copcland nroso from his seat nnd stopped forward on the stage to the table provided for the speaker ho was received with a grand round of applause by the audience. . Mr. Copeland commenced his remarks in a most earnest and eloquent style c f delivery , and which was continued through the entire lecture. It was not ono of these dry alTaim which ore so fre quently produced by speakers on occas . ions of this kind , but waa interspersed with an occasional witticism , which in voked loud laughter from the hearers. Ho commenced his lecture by stating that 147 years ago Thomas P ino was born in Bedford , England , of humble parentage. That ho received such an ed ucation ns the then lower schools of England afforded to children of the poorer classes. At the age ot thirty- seven ho immigrated to America and landed in Philadelphia , and after a few months from the time of his landing the then thirteen colonies held meetings and elected delegates to a convention which wna to frame the Declaration of Inde pendence. Paine was solicited to allow his name to be used as one of these delegates , but positively de clined , and Mr. Copelaud held that Jef ferson and Paine were the compilers of that document , but that the latter waa the inspiring genius ot American in dependence. Ho further claimed that but for the pen of Paine , Washington's sword would have rusted in its scabbard inasmuch as the continental army was at that time disheartened and diooouragod and the brilli&pt , eloquent and patriotic writings of Paine alone kept Washington's army unitedand under discipline ; that it was his hands which broke the bands of tyranny in France when ho was elected a delegate- the national assembly of that empire when he emigrated thereto from thia country ; that no was imprisoned there for his freedom of thought nnd radical expression of the same , and that when in prison there and sentenced to execution upon the guillotine is when ho wrote the book _ known as the "Age of Reason , " which has gained a popularity through out the civilized world second to no work ever published , not oven the Bible. Mr. Copeland took occasion to got a few well directed blows in on the Revs. Curry nud Thomas , of Chicago , who have forjsomo time post been engaged in a newspaper controversy in that city. Those remarks were well received by the audience. Mr. Copeland concluded his remarks with eloquent words beautifully ox pressed. The quartette club of the Turn-verein association at thia juncture filed into the hall by invitation and sang a beautiful anthem in the Gorman language , at the conclusion of which they were loudly en cored by the audience. The club having taken their seats Judge BtirtMt related a spicy little nnocdoto which again brouyht the singers to their foot , and an other line musical troit had. Mr. Sclmartty , conuoted with The Post of this city , was then called uoon , and delivered a eulogy on Paine , in the German Innguigo , which was highly ap preciated by all present , particularly the Germans. The ceremonies were brief and spicy , at the conclusion of which all went away fooling as though the evening was well nnd profitably spent. POWDER Absolutely.Pure. . Tuli puvilti u v r v MM. A tuirvel cf pail itJCDgb ud wholcdtunoBWi. ktoto ocooimicM thi baodlntry kind * , ted MnDOtto told lu B > i > otiUt < rlth IhttaulUtuda of low ' . , ihert ueigtt , thiia t , powdtn. Bo.'d oolj la dux. tor * ! Ifelt for Infants and Children. CntforlaproniofrqDItrcMrion nni overcomes 'Flatulency , Ujuutipa- tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhcon , nud Fovcrishness. It insured lit-nlth und nuturul eleop , wthout morphine. " C&stcrirv IA HO well ndn ) > toj to Children that I recommend It M nunrior to nny proscription Incrtni to inc. " H. A. Ancuni : , U. D. , B3 Portland Avo. , Brooklyn , N. Y. What Riven our Children rosy choofeg , Wlult curvd Ciclr fcvum , mnkra them ctorn Tin iMtorl When babtei f rot and cry by tarns , What cures their colic , kills their worms , What quickly cures OonsttpnUon , Pour Btomock , Colds , Ituligretton Fun-well Dion lo Morphine Syrups , Qistor Oil nud l ircgoric , And UnrlCiiittorlnt .CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for Rkoumiv tlsin , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The most PoworftilnndJL-ono- tratiug Pnin-rclloving nud Hcnling ICumudy known to man * SPECIAL NOTICES. fJTSpoclalstwill Poslttvolynot bo inserted unless paid in advance. TO LOAN-Monov. TO LOAN-Tho lowest nt l ol Interest MONEY Uomie' Lo&a Agency , 16th li Douglu S4-t ( MONEY TO LOAN In tad ! ) ol (300. ( and upward. O. P. Darin and Co. , Itoal EeUto and Loan Agcnto , 1605 IVnmm St. 03 U HELP WAMTKU. WAN KD Oirl for general hooso worfe otnuuth * cast coiner 3j anil Cam. 133 2J1 WANTED ri run Ren Ute work on commission. Call CrelRhton Houcw. J. 1' . FOUUIS. J3..1tt ) T\7ANTUI > Two girls , rook and si-cond girl. Good VVrago91 > , IJ to competent help. Appl > het. 9 nnd 12 a. in. , S. E. comer 20th and CaliforniaSt * . 122-U ! TT7 ANTiiAgtil ( or general hoaeo work at 1205 YT Park avenue , on St. Mary's ave. oir line. Bett Mrs VVUIard Beott. lZi-30 W ANTED Olrl for gen ral housework N. W. cor. Ihtb and Karnam. 13l < t ( WANTED Aftnts to sill cloclta , pictures and bird c je on weekly ruvmeuta. M. F. Martin 10U Cltrk&t. , near corner SuU > . liSSIt WANTED A goedblackfmlth. I want a peed emit a Mho cnn \urkon plows , | ut m tew plume , i hce ho t us , und do all kinds ol 'arm v.ork. I will pile aeteulv job , paye\ory 'atu'day light and /air ivag 4 , None need apply but a sober steady man. Oooigo A. Darks , OloinvocJ Ioa. IZJ-ZH fNTELlOFNT Udlee And Rcntlumen lurnl'hodlipht 1. at d proflt ble vuploynicnt * Addiosa at once \V. H. UEW ITT , Council Biuff low a , 1100 } T17AKTED A pantry girl at 1216 Dougla * St. W ANTED A flrht-clrwj CarrlaRO lilaokiimHh. Addroel Lock llox 176 , Cnxston , Io a. 972 U WAN1ED Six first class coat mikcra ; three first ilos pont makern ; two first-clao ) > est makers. Ilia h'Khiet iiriots aid etcady work Addnes or call on K. I'tdlim , Merchant Tailor , Lo liars , lotvn. U71S1 WANTED Bar ant Klaot \ al kinds in reed ol eirploymeiit , to c 11 at onr offio ) , t.pi oslto poet- oilloc , bct oen 4'30 and 9 p. in. CANNON , JONEU & co , Ficnzer niock. 0161m WANTED Immediately two No. 1 Harncat Jlakcre. D. A. HOPKINS , Oil til North Head , Neb. "VTITANTED A good Ctrl for general hon'B work , VV 4il Soullil-UiHiro t 01229 W ANTED Olrl In omall family. Inquire at C. J. Canab & Co , IStb St. 80j-U WANTED A Gormin dining room kitchen girl. Uwso and IIoppo , 418 8. 13th St , between narnov and Howard. 585 U WANTttD Bynyonng man , is MSI t > nt DooK- keeper , clerk In ofHw 't store. Addre a to J. O. Lock Box 1S8 S Coun.il Bluffs , Io o. 119-SO. "IT/ANIED A pica ant furnished room , vlth rr VV iiear'aay board , suitable for gentleman and wife. Prompt | ay , no child en. Flr t class wfenn- ces can be given. A divet A. W. li. thia olllro. 141 31. BITOATIOKO WAKTBD. W ANTKO Situation by a permAii cbcmlft and I'harmacslst. Address "W. T. " Bee otllcw. 120309 " \\"ANTKU A ntuatiou n a creamery by a ruld- VV die tged raw. An oiperienotd dalnnmnand comoetant t > Vf cp books. Addicts "Dairy" box OJ Nvbrasi a City Ntb 107-20i WANTED Portion for light offlrowo korcopy- uiC ( by a lodv who haa a tjpe-wrltcr , of litr own. Address , * * X" Bee oil co. 116-21 - thoroughly o mpttsnt a d ex WASTED-By wrlcncod buslnef s man , a situation as book , keeper or talesman anu book-kMjici First t lass ref erence * . Addrc-w "D D. " lice ellico. 8/6 Bl TT7-ANTKD-M'u\tlou ' lor flint clMi ilomc9tlo . TV Call at our nfHi from 4-3 toOp.m Baturdaja 1 to 0 p. Ul. CANNON , JONEU & CO. , Opp. 1' . 0. AJ7ANTED By ft n. n of exp rionoo , a tltuatiou VV asoveisicrif clock r train fanu Hai ( am lly and can furnUli three hands ( ou-k Hcferei rex. Nebraska prclcrird. Address J. 1L I ) . Kurt , offlcc , Council Blurt * . 100 81. MISCELLANEOD8 WANT& . T > TUNTEB WANTED-I want n goi-d steady prln- tier. t. V. HILTOI , Ul r Neb. 13J-30. WAN I ED Work ot B-nno kind by a vounguiin of some hu'lutM ovperlonro. ] s not particu lar wht.t. Add tas W. P. K. " HIM ) oiBco. 123 3lt W 'ANIEl > For customer , oroio room rn Ki mm St. Er.LL&aillllVKlC. 1208 WANTED To buy a Kood fecond h nd f t to price and make , U , O. Williams Aurora Neb. 180-tt VT7ANTED A lew r-eouna iu > ustruct in book' VV kerplug , anth reia a demand for competent book kerpura I will kom K few , and wa't ' for holt of i \ until fituatlons r turuUhed. J B aMITH , - 1510 Dbun'lu Ht CUUM WIOPEBTV WANTED-Wo will exchange " a brick utoro bulldlnr and a Btork i f genoj l luercnandlw valued it l'iooO , situated In ono ol the beat to n In 8. W. lowa.fcr Iwa or Nebras ka Itiirii. Tado well utabllshod. Addroeu "a. B , " r u Bin clllev. OOJ-SO OrBJiAIj We rent furnUhod or unfuruUhod rooms O pr.'curu b ardtrt and fuioUh first-claim dotrea tics. Oltca hwrB , .3.i to B p. 111. Biturda- 1 to 0 p. m. CANNON , JONES & CO. , Fic Mr Block. MS-lm 1 WANTED Parttea nUhlncb'irderuand thoea search of board In private roiucs , with 01 Kith. out room , to i all at our office ircm 4.30 to U p m CANNON , JONU & co. , oppo itu B WIIU * . 016-lni LAltlAa OU yOUMJ MEN m city or country to takn nice , light and pleanant work at their rmn huniti : f * to fi. a day cosily and cjulttly made ; w oik sint by null. BO cam Mlnyuo ; stamp for reply. I'leueoddnbu Ileliablo ManTB Co. , 1'hlUdolphla Ta. drawer IT. 7D3-lmo | FOR REHT-Houma ana Lota. HVfrT A ct'frftlui room with gai , fire and FOIl boath to a ir ulluiuui 922 U. ItJth ute lUn F it KKNT Nidly luruUrjeilfr.ntrouint lu6N , 18h lreet 93041 FOR UfcVr KuruWioJ room 1021 Capitol u\e. I.- ' 4 < FOK HK.V r-JMrnUhed rot-rn wlth botrJ. Aho a ( ilay bonnltrt. I jit jxwuapart. BJS J Foil IUNT llonnoMuUnrtiiture lor .leah c. Kiln , will IKJ ptfored in tlio ( 'rnlturc K anpllej for ton. lltuiti r < mt lii 7 rooms , lutlland olottts iJKtilk. A | lily N. W , 001 o r Vtb atid lUrn cv lit 81 l01t 1UNV F roi if about BOO cr tnUilu 4 i" milt * of Now iftocU jii U nndlu mllm Irom > im - hi. Bi ocrti under lullnullou. baiuicu In intux Und , gltc "roui t to it Una ot bft Uua-J ljit bay to Uw cre. Will rmt reatanatl * . Inqulra or TfQBi tiEST rvrdtbtA froot KX.m ( M V. 18th. 1 ? Kl-ll ) UEMV-Two new fcriok cottntcu of flvo rooms IJKIl ' eAch , all madcni improvcmeuu , cor. tlh and llkknrybtrcit i booted"Hi N. 1 . mu 'OH IlKXT A baeotront otthtco rooms. Alfo fc front no Her , at 1018 I/odga strctt , 0-3 SO FOR lli.MT Two I smith of U. P. doi ot , D32-tf J. 1'IIIPPS HOE , 1612 8 Eth t. TJ011 WBNr FurnWod room for froiiticrn&n , nJso JL1 twoforllRht houM Ki-cplop litM.ru ra blank , ooinor FJptith and llowaril Bt 903-U FOIt IinNT 5 r < om house on Webster west ot lath St. H. T. I'cteinoo , real ojtiito event , l&th and 80341 FOR RUNT Oomfortablo front mom , HOUth-es comer Fourteenth aud Dartnport , eultablo for two | 4 ullouicu. 663 U Tj > OlfllKNT jfnrrjUuod rooms on tha uorthwec JP cor. 12th ftnd Capitol aveuuo , formerly Cre.'jhtou Houm. lB9-tf FOR RENT llooms in Nebraska Nattona Dank Building. Most dcslratlo oulces In the city Supplied with hydraulic ole-ator and txwted b atoam. Apply a * Bank. 2I-U ( FOB BALE. w corn or ioTd3xl32. Uouid JC f > rooms , birn fruit an I shade tree * . Very a > * ftrabl location , near street CIM Offered $ VO . bc- low \ Juc. I'rIcol.W : ) . \V.LOUNSDUl'.YlfjU ana Tarnam. IM-t ! FOR RBNT-ruiLishod rooms at 937-305 TJ10R BILE farm 100 ocren adloltlngColumbus Jr Neb. (80 aero * under cultivation , 5 hay 'a ' d , 75 gnbd tillable 'and ' ) only 826. p r acre , n ! o town lots in Columbui. and Grand lHariL Special bargain - gain In Omaha city propeity. G R DOANE&CO. , H. W. carter 16th and Douglas Bt > . 117-1 Tj OR 8ALK Two loU and new liouijo hi Jl1 loose and ScUen's nddlt'on , ore blook north ol CoburnS' . . aod t o hlickswcttif Piuk me. Ap I'M ply at If. Orceronp cml ts. 118-IJ HALK ITie Icidlng buslncts in one of iio FOR inr.et pramU ng and grnolii towns 11 the "Elk- horn Volley. " R n oii for a Hint ; 11 hi filth ot rno of tre proprietors. A ra'e chano , no bonus ftsk'd. iTS & BKEUERS , Ew nr Hoi , Co , Neb. 110-31 FOR HALE Vf-ry do < In > ble lota In Coburu'4 Sub- illii'Ioa and HonarH plire on ruoitlily pa.vin i > t no city tax. BELL & SII1UYEK. pOR SALK Horto bugs } and ho-Tires. For par- L ? tbuhrs icnu'rc ' at lUuian'd Livery stable. OR BALK CHEAP A lot cf fresh IT Ilk cows at F 25th and California bt FHEEMAN & 1'ENNY. Ui-Sll FOR BALl > About S 0 QUtfllan''lmB li-uu , grooery and saloon builccss. Cheap for cash. 9 29J CHAS. JOSEPH. JP1OII SALE OR TBADE-A gord upon of mules , JP hatnesa nnd wagon. Inquire Alex U. Cbarlton , Bros. > ) * > tf FUR MALE Srcdal Bartra'nsin HOIVM nnd 1/ocn In all nnitsof the ciH ind its adultU.n . ROL- LINS' AOENOY. 1100 Kam m 'tteet J1J.--.I F ORSVI.K Atn farealn , elegant reId ncivkt nt At Hanscom Pa k. KOLL1N31 AIDENRT , P40 tf 1600 Farnam Street. OR HALE CHEAP Special bargain. Beautiful F comer lot , high und Bljrhtly , In Lowe's addltioo , KOU INB'AOKNOY ; 16CB Kftixam atro t. FOR HALE -Two hou-ai on Capitol AVJ. , ocnwj Two houses on CASH Btreut , corm-r OW-SO ISIIUIVT. A 11KLL. TOR HALE-Colondo coal. This enil Is as free frou JD soot and as clean an Rock tjpnng. 034 tf JEKK W. BKDtOBD. | T\Oll HALK oil llKNf farm 3 mllea troiu dtv. " JL" Imiulr of Mrs. Meyer , o\er Itotdtr'a Vngttota ' " ' - ' - > - 872 tf FOR SALE Stock of general merchandise and bulldlag , valued at about 8iCOO. Address Box H , t'lrth. Neb 7BI-tt. FOR SALE Two portable boilers , 10 horfo cower Apply at D. FITZPATRICK , 603-tf 21K South If.th M. FOR SALE A small Molor , Bihman i Co , fire proof eafi , almost now , at this office. tf FOR HALE My two story brick residence , Ifrtb and tit. Mary's avenue. Largo bam , out-houso , water uor.8 , well arranged. Lot 60x200. Pi lee Bcr Bargain in Omohx Call at II. Toft's Bank. 277-t l. ! ; 12 leU one block went ot I'ark ar - i nuo oars Lots MxlM. Will sell the vt tole tract for $7,100 , if sold before .Tnnuary 1st , 1884. Real 09- tuto owners bid thia bargain , if you call at Pi cple ( i Bank. 278-tf "TT Oi ; DALE Cho'ce ' business property , three lots JD or. Maunders end Charles Blreot. It will pay yea to Investigate this o3er. Cut at Puople's Bank. 270-tf 'Fj'OR HALE Improved property , which will-pay JU the buyer 20 per cent on the Invoutment. Reotfl for $1,010 per year. All occupied by first cla ten ants. Will sett for $1U00 , U sold soon. All or one- half each , balance , one to lit o years. The above Investment - vestment la worth iavtstigatlon. Cell at the 1'tcple'a Bank. 20-tf pOLLl'JJ CATTLE ANl > C LYDE3DALK HORSES. X T-o eubi-cjluer b taklup ; ordero for spring im portation of the otKn o. Prices much below those at auction files. References to thnss supplied , Johc McCulloch , 111. Trust and Siv. Banlr , CUcago. C032mt TT OH BALE A flnt class second hand top bnnry JT Call at 1S1B Haniev strott 07P F OH BALK Ola nawiMpen in large and quantities at thlt otnoe. U MJSCKLLAHEODB. r OBT II mday , package of money on 10to St. , JU between 13th an < i IVniam and 21it and Bart. Alib raUrewardMl I bo p-ld foi Its ntum to this OfflCD. 1I&-J9 * v. ANCFD Oaor before in Much , i or two for- VV ulttedor unlurn.slied ioom Hith beard foretll a'id wife , comfortable , homil ki Acoominodatl' ns In | rUnVofimbyprtifcrreJ. Addrisi HOOII sitincr- | tlcnUra. ' Weilmittoii , " oui < H. & M. 1L It. Co. Would like also itoMge tor asmi U lot > f furniture. 121-3111 TKItHNOAL-Anaooompll hel widow of propos- JL s > siui { appetioncoandamlilPo disposition , de sires a ultuat.on as irmeriiFjM , An cljeily ecntUman ot n.eans not obj < cilon > blr ; itUrenot-ii gutii ud re quired. Addiosi Mrs. Burbonk , B e othce. H3-B01 lU.WARD.Mllglveabuterwjrdforth return of ivohortei utinjtsl onJau ltth , One bay ( null ! / . and ci e turitl UU ard ( lender. 0 4 tf MuUNT & 0 III r r IN , Uiu.U Neb , f\A > . .N Ul' cu my preniueo uu Dtu. it , Ib83 , In JLuus , Omaha , ono Creaiu Cclonxi Pony. BruU white pot lu furehtadmans ami UU n llttio darker than thu bed ) . JAti li VANLiUlCOOK. 86t Itwkf rrYLEUf COMPANY boo.l ! ( wKrand | ccouBtanta. JL Kumlae and adju < t disarranged books In a vi. tcnu'lo undn-cur t u.aniur. tlvlj.contaba'Mioti ( ' , will especially attend to jtf 5 up looks each day wheio tbo turvice * c/u book Ve > cr are nqulrej but few hours , making out lnrolc 8 , iiateiZoiiU , aid my corriujM'ni vnce confldentUlly , Hio u.aio rx/U < . tioui. Ofllos at 1 * . Boycr and Co. , liK Ktrratu Ew ( ( , - ! mo EDWARD KUEHL , ' , with the aid of KUMdUn plrtu , a one gbne * ol tb put nd pr cnk , andtbe cerUla conditions U the future. Boots And uule order. Perfect aaUataotlon NOTICE , TJpartnership herttolor * exbllnir II. UietKrand V. OenU * l tl > sday by inutual cop ot. Mr. II. Blew * w , o Uoct all iluti , atU | , sy . Jan. 4,1WL V. Ofc-fiBLEH ,