Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1884, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE DA1L5T &JEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1881 ,
Monday Morning ) Jan , 28
The waiting rooms nt ( ho Union r dfio
nlopot are bcinR ItaUoralnod and cleaned. It
will add matorifUy to their appearance.
A. poor woman with n family of ftvo chil
dren , complained in police court Saturday of
cruelty nnd neglect on the part of her 1ms-
band , for whom n warrant was Issued by Judge
15. K. I-ano , superintendent of the lirldgo
division of tholl. 1' . , who has just recovered
rom * long and-uemus Illnos ? , Is about again
nd doing welL
JoUn SI. Donnelly , secretary of the Omaha -
ha Block Yard company and Ofralalla Cattle
nnd Laud company , has opened an office over
the Omaha savings' bank.
The annual bxll of the A. O. H. Cornel
i * JJanJ will tclto'j'lrvco at Crounno'H hall , Fob *
ruary 21st , Washington' * birthday ore. A
grand time is expected.
A robbery Is reported as having occurred
on Friday night , at the rosldonco of Mr. rut
An overcoat and $100 In conk are
the property fleloctod and carried oil.
Ixm Warden , a younff man well known In
Omaha , where ho roaidod for a number of
yearn , was recently murriod at Cleveland ,
Ohio. Hid friends wish him pence and pros
The bright warm sun of yesterday afternoon -
noon brought one the street loaf era inaigo \
nuinbore , who stood upon the corners and
utired lit the ladies as Ihoy crossed the muddy
The Kular mooting of the Irish Liberal
leajuo will bo hold nt their hall on Douglas
street this evening. A good attendance In
desired , na bunluciM of Imporlanro Is to ho
Nolan , who attaiutod such notoriety n
jrook ago by liia unsavory bouduct in North
Omaha , IM not boon soon since , nnd it lit
thought that ho la enjoying the bree/.oi of lake
Michigan. ,
The habeas corpus suit In the MoOarty
CMO baa not yet boon begun and nooins likely
not to be. It is understood that the judge
will grant no more orrow except for error In
the proceedings of the court ,
Capt. Jtawlcs with his battery of the
Fifth artillery from Fort Omaha , were out for
cxcrclbo Friday and passed through the
city. Tha martial appcaranui of the man and
the fine condition of the horses and guns elic
ited great admiration.
{ Iho county commiaiioucru on Thursday
last ( ulopteii a resolution by which the core of
the poor and everything connected therewith
is transfonod from Mr. Corliss to Mr. L. M.
Pierce , superintendent of the poor farm.
Another game of polo wa ) played at the
roller rink Saturday evening. As usual , the
"reds" again walked away with the laurolx , if
there bo any laureln to bo gained in tumbling
around and thumping each other's shins with
Ilaverly's "Silver King" party finished a
very successful tngagomont ut the opcru
house Saturday night. Good hounoi wcro had
nt each entertainment. The pnrly go to
Council Bluffs this morning , where they nro
to play a two nights' engagement.
II. A. Baohinan , who lost n hand n few
weeks since , is Improving quite rapidly. His
brother Charley , who has been visiting him
for a time , loft for his homo at Bholton , Neb.
Saturday. Ho took with him his brothnr'a
arm , which will bo buried by tlio family.
Burglars entered tbo ? roccry store located
nt the corner of Seventh and 1'ierco ntrootH ,
Friday nght.They ! helped themselves to cigar * ,
candy , sordino * , and various other articles.
Detective Knight is now upon their track and
thinks he has n trail by which the guilty par
ties may bo apprehended.
To-day is the day sot apart by the Lin
com school teachcra to visit the public schools
of Nebraska's metropolis. Among Iho vinic-
ore will bo State Superintendent Jouos , Conn.
ty Superintendent 1'owors , Superintendent
Hartley , of the Lincoln schools , accompanied
by about thirty Lincoln teachers.
The pollca force changed ever yesterday ;
the men who havoboou doing the nijht work
for a month past are now doing day work ,
and vice verxa. City Dotoctlvo Knight has
resigned hU position and has gone back ou
Jib regular bout ag&lu. Olllcor O'Boylo HUC-
ceods him as detective. "Handy" couldn't
stand the work of A "never sleep" man.
Tlio young people of the First CoiigrOKa.
tionsl church have In store for their many
friends a noval entertainment for next Friday
ctonlng , Fobnury 1 , > Jz : A "PIrik and
Blue" tea party. All these wishing to see tea
eorvad in the dainllest nmnuor are cordially
invltod to look In upon the young folks Friday
evening , Kacli person upon entering the
room will bo gtvon a charming little Japanese
Houvonlr iu exchange for his ticket.
J. II. Bell nnd bride returned to the City
from their wedding tour Saturday mornhjg
d are with the brldo'i ) parents , Bev , and
Airs. J W. Stewart , of South Omaha. They
will remain In the city n few days and then
proceed to Aurora , Mr. Bell's homo and place
of business. They Iiava had a very pleasant
visit among friends east , and are as happy as
Rood health and joyous hearts can make a
young couple of congenial spirits ,
On Friday a telegram from Outton
\ > eig , Iowa , announced the death of Mr , Saf <
folder , father of the MLue Soifelder , one ol
v whom Is employed In Woodbridgo Bros.
music store , and the other in the ontablish
mentof L. 11. William * . Thin In indeed sad
newn , and doubly to froin the fact that they
Lad but recently purchased property here
hoping that the change might bo bonoficlal to
their father's health , Tha yonnr htdicilmie
the tlncero sympathy of their many friendi In
the hour of their bereavement.
The city pouudmaster , Dan. O , Hereby ,
correct * lux BBC statement iu regard to his
action In taking up and disposing of Mr ,
Marcy'd cow , on follows ) The cow was
taken up on tha hay market , at Twenty-sec
end and Cuinlnff itreeU , and after being kent
tbo required time , and advertised , it WM sold
to Mr , Be * ! for $17.60 , and Mr. Mwcy
bought It back for 821. The chtrgoa on the
cow for keeping and fees amounted to $5.75.
liefore the sale Mr. Marcy could Live got his
eow back by paying the charges. That the
cow wan ttdvwtmd la the olllolal hand or an of
the city , WM no fault of the ix > unduuuterbut
* f the tlty oouncll , The pouiidmiuter has
( Hrwi Mr , Mircy mi order ou the city for
* U.6j UM tutlattce of the amount received
frwu tbe&leof the cow , nud Mr , Mercy will
Jii < lu U wo t that amount of taonoy. The
jH w4 ift tftrolwi !
duty , wdi noting mm w | M. and that it U
i'ttic to' ' Uk up ctnty ow tkaa to Jiav
W Ur w r Iwt m w r.
Another Accident on the Treacherous
Missouri Ricr ,
A Team ami WftKon Go Under the
tco Near tlio Old Vowrtor House
on Saturday Afternoon.
Thtro have already been several oorious
nccidqnta upon the Missouri river this
winter , ciuaod by the ice giving away ,
The latest occurred on Saturday after
noon near the old powder house , nne
resulted in the loss of ft wagon and team ,
, ho driver narrowly escaping.
A man by the name of Johnson was
engaged in hauling ice upon the ri\or ,
and thinking to make a short out to the
landing , turned his team across a spot
from which ice had hut recently boon
taken , and which had not become suf
ficiently strong to boar the weight
imposed upon it , nnd it gave
way , participating the team am
wagon , loaded with ice , into the water.
M r. Johnson , who waa seated upon the
wagon nt the time , saved himself by
jumping. The team nnd wagon flontei
under the ieo and disappeared.
The team waa valued at $ . ' 150 , and th
loss is a severe ono to Mr. Johnson , who
depended upon thorn principally for hii
Too much caution can not bo uaod a
this time in driving upon the river
There have been so many gangs of men
at work cutting ice , leaving so man ;
places which have not aa yet bocpm
strong enough to drive upon. It is risk
to drive upon any place without first examining
amining the ice and satisfying yournol
that all in safe.
SorvlccH Hold'at tlio Opera JIouso in
Bloniory or Ir. O. F. Stalling ,
As had boon previously announced
services were hold in Iloyd'a opera houa
last night , in memory of Rov. G. F
Stalling , deceased.
There was a largo congregation proa
ont to do honor to the memory of tin
departed pastor. The opera luuso waa
trimmed in black , as waa alao the chair in
which ho waa wont to ait and the pulpi
From -which ho preached.
The serviced throughout were of u mom
fitting character , and many were the
loving tributes paid to him whom all
loved and rcspoctcd.
Following is the
Anthem "I Hoard a Volco from
Hoavon" Choir
Scripture foutoncei llov. 8.1 ! . liavnltz
Chant "Tho ttoanoct andMowora" . . . .Choir
Scripture reading. Rev , < T.W. Stow.irt.Omnhn
Hymn " .Tenus , Wliilo Our Hearts Are
J'ray or Hoy. A. ! > ' , Shorrlll , Omaha
Hymn "O Shepherd of the Shoop"
AddreflU Rov. H. B. Birntt/ , Western Secre
tary Lutheran Jllsnlona.
Short address Kov. St. H. Grossman , Lin
coin , Neb.
Short ftddron..Kov. C. Huber , Clear
Crook , Nob.
/mn "Asleep in Josui" ,
Addrc 80H.Itov , M. B , Mollok , Waverly ,
Nob. , Rov. A. I' Shorrill , Omaha.
Resolution * of respoct..Omaha Ministers
Resolutions of respect Lutlieran Chuicl
Selection Choir
Bor.odlotlon Kov. J. W. Btowart
Never Give Up.
If you are nufforinif with low and depressed
.jilrltrt , loan of appetite , general debility , die
ordered blood , weak constitution , headache , er
any dlaeiuio of a bilious nature , by all means
procure a bottle of Jlloctrlo Hitters. Yoi
will bo HurprlKod to spp the rapid improvoinon
that will follow ; you will bo inspired with new
life ; strength and activity will return ; pair
ud nuiory will ceoao , and henceforth you wil
rejoice in the In the pralno of Kiectrio IMttera
Bold t fifty cents a bottle by O. 1' . flood
Grand Success of tlio Tenth Anmia
Uallof the Tiiritvoroin dooloty
Saturday Nlghr ,
The tenth annual ball of the Turnverein
voroin society of Omaha was celebrate
at their spacious and elegant hall , on
Elarnoy atreot , nnd wan a grand HUCCUS
in every particular.
About ono hundred and twoutycouplei
participated in the festivities of the occa
sion , and a jollier and happiur crowd o
people was never before scon gathered together
gothor iu the city of Omaha , and as th
awoot strains of Thtolo'o orchestra lloatoc
upon the air , it was a brilliant and vnorr
scene to watch the dancers as they flo.xtoc
by as if on ango ? wings.
The Turners are noted for being roya.
entertainers , and upon this occasion they
lost none of their old-timo notoriety , bu
rather added now laurels.
Mr. Philip Andres , president of the
Turners , on behalf of the society presented
entod Mr. J. I. Fruohof with a boauti
f ul gold watch chain in token of the ca
loom in which ho is hold , having filled
the ofllco of treasurer for ton years.
Frank Lange and Robert Rosonwig were
each presented with gold medals , they
having been the moat regular in attendance
anco at the meetings.
The flinging section of the Turners
rendered some delightful music , thus on
hancing the pleasure of the evening.
Tlio committee was E. Meyer , II
Stacker. 0. Parisiou , 1. Aishol and 11.
Stein , all of whom deserve great crodl
for the success of the occasion.
JKuolUen's Arnica Salvo ,
The greatest medical wonder of tba world
Wunrantod to speedily euro Uurni , Outa , Ul
fTtMMttlft ! Ilh5um , Fever Sores , Cancer * . Pllos
OhUlblalra , jOorns. Tetter , Chapped hands
and all eklij eruption , garanteed to cure Iu
-rery Instance , or money refunded , 25 cents
An Investigation.
Denver Tribune , January 29 ,
On Thursday , Albert Abel , wholesale
dealer in notions ou Larimier street , near
Oiiarpiot'a hotel , made a bill of aalo to
Max Meyer , of Omaha , of his homestead -
stead , real estate and business property ,
The consideration both parties refused to
meal , although both elated that Abel
owed $10,000 oMoyor. Yesterday nu
attachment WM obtained on thn property
for 12,500 by Rhouo , Wows , fc Co. , of (
Cincinnati. This urousod suspicions ,
and the afiatn of Abel were investigated It
by Dun * Commercial
agency. Jt WM
earned by the agency Meyer is a
elativo of Abel , nnd 'that Abel had
mated about two yoara ftgo. Abel's af.
airs are in A bad wait is said that
lis debts amount V , $40,000 , nnd that
ho enlo of the pr operty to Meyer is a
'radulent trans ? ction to save Abel. It
s a clear case of failure at any rate , nnd
, ho affair v ( ill bo sifted to the bottom.
Mr. AVA claims that the transaction was
tagitirnato and straight , nnd that any invocation -
vocation made will reflect to his credit.
A Why Woman Snaps a Note From a
Clerk's ' Hanils
In tlio OlIlCR ot tlio Nebraska and
Iowa InHuranco Company nnd in
Subsequently Arrested.
During the noon hour Saturday the of
Dice of the Nebraska & Iowa Insurance
company witnessed quite a lively scono.
An old Irish lady by the name ol
Kelly , who resides a few miles from
town , went into the insurance ollico and
stated that uho desired to pay a note
which thu company hold against her.
The note was produced by ono of the
two clerks who were in the oflico nt the
time , nnd the oM lady took hold of ono
end while the clerk hold the other end
of the piece of paper.
Tlio note called for $13T , while the old
lady declared that she had only signed a
8100 note. During the argument which
followed the old lady snatched the note
and put it in her pocket and rofuaod tc
give it up. .She could not bo persuaded
to disgorge , and Oflicor Sigwart wan
called in. At the same time n friend o
the woman came in nnd adviaod her to
give up the paper , which she finally did
although very reluctantly.
Upon the direct HIO told a atory whicl
was to the oirect that an agent of the
Iowa and Nebraska Insurance coinpan ;
had coino to her house in the country
and that she had signed a note for $100
which had since been raised to $135. Shi
waa very loud in her denunciations o
the company , and declared that sin
would bring suit against thorn.
V. B. Knight has resigned hi * position wit !
the tolophonn company , and In now genera
ngont of and partner of the 1'almor Wire
company , of Now York city.
W. N. Crane , of Chicago , general western
manager of the Kqiiltablo Lifo Assurance so
ciety , of New York , Is In the city , Introduc
ing to bin friends Mr. Dallas St. Clalr , who
bos just boon appointed general agent for Ne
braska , with hcad'martars ' In Omaha.
Itov. Snuuiol Barnttz , who conducted the memorial services at the Lutheran church
[ ant night , Is the western secretary o.f the general
oral synod of the church for tin United
Stat&s. Ills homo Is lit DM MoineH , and In
addition to his church work ho Is quite prominent
inont as editor and correspondent of several
religious publications.
Oov. Grant , of Colorado , is In Iho city , ant
In registered at tha Millard.
Miss Klla Mtntioth , type writer fur K.
Dim it Co. for the past four years , loaves
Omaha iu a few days on u visit to her sister in
D. lton , Ua.
0. .T. O'Connor , of Winuobago Agency , In
at the Metropolitan ,
O. P.llnrd , of Now York , Is at the Metro-
polltau ,
Alfred St. Jacques , of Ottawa , Canada , Is
at tbo Metropolitan.
K. D. Wolkor , of Lyons , U a Metroi < olltan
J. T , Doulon , ot LyunH , Is at the Metropoli
tan ,
T > L A. Ilarllgan , of L'lattsmouth , is at thi
Whlto 1'rlce , of Las Vegas , Neb. , In at the
8. Barker , of Plattamouth , la at thu Metro
poll tan ,
M. JX Htiyer , of Denver , Is at the Metro
II. V. . Young , ut Minneapolis , U at the
A party of Omaha pooplolaft yesterday for
Chicago to attend the grand opera perfor
nmncos In that city this week. Among the
party were Ilonry W , Yates , wife and
daughter , Hon. Frank Murphy , Hon. John I ,
Rodtck , Charles R. Rodlck and Al. Patrick.
Charley W. Towusond , of Loulsvlllo , Ky.
representing Taylor & Williams , is at the
Millard. Charley la ono of the best known , us
well as ono of the moat popular men on the
road. Whan ho irotH to Omaha ho generally
combines business with pleasure , and rumuliu
a week with bis many friend * who nro always
glad to she him.
J , K. Lucas , ot Central City , I * a guest at
the 1'axtou ,
H. T. Oady and H. N , She wall , of Nebraska
City , Is at the Paxton.
W. 0. Carpenter and wife , of Ogden , Utah ,
nro at the Paxton.
L. If , Ityilor , of Greenwood , is at the Paxton -
ton ,
0. J ! . Wenoott , of PJattsmonth , In at tha
Millard ,
U. T. Hartley , of Lincoln , in at the Mil-
lsr.1. .
J , 8. Cory , of OrleniiK , Is at the Millard.
I ) . 15. Appol aud mother , of Denver , ara at
the Millard.
A Urciit Discovery.
That Is ilnlly bringing joy to tha homes of
tuouxauus by saving many of thnlr door ones
from M surly grave. Truly Is Dr. King's
Now DUcmory for Consumption. Coughs ,
ColtU , Asthma. Bioncliltls. liny J iver , LoJ
of Voice , Tickling in the Throat , Pain iu BlUe
and Ghent , or any disease of thn Throat and
Lungs , ft pooltlvo euro. ( JuiminUxHL Trial
Bottied fieo at 0. lf. Goodman's Drug Store
Loivo slio 81.00
Cruelty to AunlinaU.
Up OB St. Mary's avenue hill may daily
bo aeon a case of exceeding great cruelty
to a poor dumb'beast. The street car
company are working as n holpur on the
hill an old grey horse , whoso right for.
ward nnklo and foot are BO diseased that
ho can hardly boar hia weight upon his
For a long time ho was worked upon
the line in a lame condition , until he bo-
parao so deformed that ho could not
longer bo used in that capacity when ho
wai put upon the hill.
The lauie limb iivo3 ; him such pain that
tie hat to bo whipped quite eovoroly be-
ore ho will put it'to the ground. The
itroot car company are not BO poor that
u nocoMiuy for them to drive auoh
the 106th AnnlYeriary ot the
Birth of Their Martyr Patron ,
It Will TakolMnco In Ilojd's Opera
, Tuesday , ? InrolI tli.
When a year ngu the members of the
Kmmot Monutnont association broke
from their old-timo custom of colo-
brnling the annivonary of the birth of
Kobcrt Emmet in their meeting hall , and
engaged Bojd'a opera houao for the event ,
It i was n > stop that reflected credit upon
the t organization. From n frco entertain
in a small hall , to a paid celebration
on a grand and befitting ocalo was a do
cttled. move in advance. But they sue
ccodod in gathering an audience largo in
number , and ono that upoko nothing but
words of the highest praise of a success
ful and meritorious affair.
This year they are determined to oven
outdo the last. An active and energetic
committee has boon at work for n number
of wocks past , and from what Tin : Hr.v
can loam of the programme , nearly
complete , it will ho a celebration
that will ho on honor to the Irish people
plo of Omaha. Boyd's has boon en
gaged for the night , and the
bast local talent'aro tendering their as
sistance. Col. Michael Boland , formerly
of Louisville , Ky. , but now located in
Denver , will honor the memory of Em
met in an oration ; the Glee club will ren
der two numbers : the trial scene from
the drama or Robert Emmet will bo pre
sented with every detail adhered to ; the
national party of Ireland , her nationa
musio and her national oratory will bo
presented by these capable of doing her
Col. Boland , the gentleman who wil !
deliver the oration , is known throughou
America as one of the most thoroughly
brilliant of Irishmen. As an orator ho
truly represents the national spirit BO ra
pidly gaining ground , and his clouo con
flection vrtth national affairs and the higl
positions of honor and trust conform
upon him by his countrymenqualify him
to ably honor the memory of Emmet
whoso young life wont out upon the altai
of Irian nationality.
The Emmets will certainly meet with n
good reception at the opera house 01
Tuesday , March 4th. When the pro
gramme is fully arranged , THK BKB wil'
publish it , and bespeaks for the afihii
a grand success.
The COJ-H and Girls Indulge In It Free
ly Upon tlio Habbatli.
Yesterday morning the boya and girls
were delighted to see the snow coming
down , slowly but steadily , until abou
two inches of the beautiful stuff had covered
ored the earth. Then , notwithstanding
the fact that it wsa the Sabbath day.hun
drods of the youngsters , and not a few
who were not BO young , shouldered their
hand sleds and started for the hills. Al
day long the coasting was kept up am
small sleighs and largo ones , loaded with
dozoix or moro boys and girls sped
swiftly down the white covered inclines ,
while their youthful voices rang out upon
the mild winter nir as if to entirely abolish
ish the. old and time honored Puritan
custom of strictly keeping the Sabbath.
Property owners upon the streets
where the children wore cuisting shov
eled the snow oil' the sidewalks , while
the children aa quickly shoveled it on in
order to make good sliding places , and il
is a wonder that pedestriaas are no !
killed or injured by the swiftly Hying
sleighs upon the sidowalks. Children
should not bo allowed to coast upon the
A number of people wcro also ondeiv :
oring to make use of the snow for sleigh
riding purposes , but it was such aa to bu
poorly answer the purposes. What it dii
do , principally , was to make the side
walks and crossings wet and slushy and
very disagreeable to pedestrians.
Servant Girl Steals HOP Blaster' ;
Watob und Olialn to Wear to u
Mr. Harris , who keeps a second ham
tore nt the corner of Tenth and Farna n
streetlaat night misaod his gold watcl
and chain , and was considerably worrict
about its Insi aa it was a valuable our.
For some time past ho has had in his
employ a servant girl who has boon considered
sidorod perfectly honest , but ns she and
the watch vroro both gene , Mr. Harris
thought ho would look her up and maybe
she might have taken the watch for snfo
looping. Ho started out und found her at
a Bohemian dance , and around her nock
was a watch chain ami attached to that
jhain was the watch for which Harm
Ho gently removed the watch and
hain from her neck nnd took his depart-
are , leaving the girl to enjoy honolf nt
: ho dnncu without her borrowed orna-
The watch and chain wore valued
Dy Mr. Harris at $100. Ho did not have
the girl arrested.
1/nntNltfta's Firr.
At 0:30 : last night an alarm of fire was
turned in from box 21 , corner of Ninth
and Jones streets , and the department
wcro noon on tliQir way to the lire. It
was an insignificant blaze , being in the
basement of the old bank building , which
was moved from where the Nebraska
National bank on Faniam now stands to
the corner of Tenth nud Jones street.
The stove bosamo too hot and sot llro to
the lloor. The blozo was extinguished
without difliculty nnd $20 will pay the
A. AVIlo Jiculor.
Last night news WM brought to the
oily that a man was beating his wife iu a
most brutal manner out at the corner
cf Twenty-ninth and Dodge streets.
Officers WalL-or and Sigwart went out
to the place and found the follow , whoso
lame is Charley Ellsay , nsloop upon the
bed , and his wife and children had fled
Yam the bruUs called husband and
The otlloors arrostid the man nnd
aUr edwith him for town. Hero the
rulb of thiit old ajing , "that a man
who will Btrlke hia wife will never etrike [
anyone olto , " waa verified , for the big
calf , who had driven his family into the
trcet , begged and cried nil the way to
His wife declares she will never
ivo with him again , nnd that whenever
10 lias boon drinking ho comeojioma and
jcats her and the children.
Tlio Woman's Aid Association Kt-
l rCHs XlmnlcH for the help Already
Kceclvcd ami Ask more ,
Tlic Woman's Christian Aid association
wish to express their thnnkn for the lib.
oral amount of supplies received from
the High school. Wo are now ready and
ask for a like donation from the North
school. If there are any citizono * who
wish to aid tlio poor wo should bo happy
to have them do so through the associa
tion , as the funds for tho" relief depart
ment nro nearly exhausted. Money or
provisions , copocially rico , oatmeal and
cornmcal , will bo very _ gratefully re
ceived. Fluaso do not give to the street
bcggarn , as wo need and ask your assist
ance to help us atop all street begging.
Send the applicants for relief to our
rooms , corner tf Sixteenth nnd Faruam
streets , nnd they will receive immediate
attention , nnd the worthy will bo helped ,
llus. Eu.HN'A R. HAMN , See. ,
202 South 24th St.
V. 0.11. A. Social.
The regular monthly entertainment of
the Union Catholic Library association
will bo given next Wednesday evening at
Masonic hall. This month Judge Savage
has consented to deliver a lecture on
books , " and certainly there are few in
the city who are so well qualified to han
dle this subject as ho. The Musical
Union orchestra , under the loadorshipof _
Prof. Hoffman , will render a very choice
programme including the "Library
March , " arranged by Holl'man. A dele
gation of editors will manage the
drawing for the "crony quilt , "
of which every one has heard so much ,
and the lucky number will bo announced
to the audience. The seats will bo ar
ranged in anticipation of the prommiado ,
and the social will bo made of the fea
tures of the entertainment.
The society has received permission
from its npiritunl director , the Right
Reverend ] Bishop O'Connor , to make
arrangement for a lecture , with Monsig-
nour Chapel , the distinguished English
prelato. The date has not boon definite
ly agreed upon. This will bo an event
of moro than ordinary interest , nnd it is
probable that the opera house will bo secured -
cured for the occasion.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
issued Last week by .Tudgo Chadwick , to
persons who had a hankering for each
other :
Howard Rauck nnd Emily Dahlsarom
Louronz Meinger and Miunio Liosen-
berg. .
John Tannahill and Elsie .T. Thomp
Millard Cox and Cora L. Dow.
H. B. Lorain and Minerva McKinney.
Benjamin F. Roger and Myrtle Bad
George M. Stephens and Ellen Stin-
son.Bornhardt Meyers and Rachael Wal-
I'ostolltcc Changes
In Nebraska and Iowa during the week
ending' January 10,1884 , furnished by
Wm. Van Vleck , of the postoftice depart
ment :
Established Thompson , Wheeler
county , John Thompson postmaster.
Postmaster appointed. Staplohunt ,
Sovrard county , Linus H. Naah.
Ejtabliahed Fierce , Decatur county ,
William E. Fierce , postmaster ; Morky ,
Davis county , Peter P. Jarvis , postmas
ter ; Mortimer , Ilinggold county , Francis
W. Loomis , postmaster ; Mnnn , Cedar
county , Livorton T. Mann , postmaster ,
Discontinued Braye , Jefferson county ;
Discord , Woodbury county ; Yankees ,
Clay county.
Postmasters appointed Bard , Louisa
county , Samuel Ludlow ; Gladstone ,
Tama county , E. P. Ames ; Grooncastle
Jasper county , J. W. Anderson , La
Hoyt , Henry county , Joljn A. Sheridan ,
Union county , George Uankin.
Absolutely Pure.
Tbli powder never Trll. A marvel of purlt
itrongh end wholenomeocsa. Mora economical thi
tha odlnaiy ktudi , and cannel be old In competltlo
wltbtbemuUltude of low * ' , ibort weight , alum n
phoiphttepawdoiB. Bold oulyln cinn. lloral i ) k
Dg fcwdfr Co. . KB Wall Stnwt New York.
jMTSpeclalBlwlll Posltlvelynot bo Inserted
unless paid iu advance ,
TO LOAN-Monev ,
LOUIUIOS.,3178. ISUmtrett. 935-M
MONKYTOLOAN-Tholowoat raU of InUrost
BcmU * Loan Agvurj , lulli & DouU Z31-U
' . IX ) LOAN" " In nimi ut 1300. and upward.
MONl'.V Darli and Co. , lloal KaUto and Loan
Agenti , IM6 Facoaru Bt. 8D3-U
tWA NTED-A paatry girl at IS Bouglaa St.
flooa cliambcrmald Immediately , ot (
WANTED Uou * , N. W , coiorrllth and Par.
tiport. WU
UTANTKU A fir t-fl M Cnrriago Blaokuulth.
Yl Addict * LocV 11 ITS , CnMtoo , low * . VJt U (
for Infants and Children.
CftRtorianroinotosDltrostton What Uca our Children rcvsr chock * ,
and ' ' ' WUit cures tliclr fuverj , inakcfl them netn
overcomes i''lutulL'iiiy , Uoustipu- Tin Civitorli
Uon , Sour Stomach , Diarrlioca , op.'i
FovcrishncRg. It insures \Vlii > n > iablp < < fn > t niut CIT liy turns ,
liosvlth and What cures llu-lr colii Kllb their v-onna ,
natural sleep , without morphine. Hut Cii'lorliv.
' ' _ s Wliat nulcUr currn Constipation ,
" Hour btoumclj , Colds , ImUgtttlon ,
Cartorla Is no will mlnptM to Chlldrrn thnt lliit r
I recommend Itassupcrlor tonnr nn-wrlptlon
known to mo. " * ir. A. AUCUKB , JI. 1)1 , Farewell then lo ' Morphlno Syrups ,
Cnslor Oil aucl I'MvRoric , nnd
83 l-ortUnd Avo. , IlrooUyn , N. Y. nndHall Cnntnrlnt
CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for Itliouuio-
llsiu , Sprnin.s , Burns , Gullif , &c. Tlio inosL l iworftilandPono-
tratiiif ? Pniu-rcliovhig and ircallnt ? Itcnuidy Icnowu to man.
\\7ANrED-A tcoily man to do a little of
f T th'nif ' cotitiu t' il ullh the comnilwlou bUjtneM.
Apply liy Ittter , iulurt l'ur > li , Zll 3. Ittli St.
WANTKU Six flr t'Clasj coat makers ; three first
class p nt makers ; two first clanj vctt tnakcrn.
The hiRhwt prices and steady otk Aildrcca or
callcn K. rtnhm , MerchantTaHnrMars , lo a.
"IT/'ANTED A tmutt boy t YOrk In ( froccry f tore.
V V Call at Chicago Cash Store Xo. 220Cuniln '
St. OSJ-231
D Girl to do homo work , must ilfop
liomo iilKhtu , II IS Cans St. 031-2e *
AIsTCH Olrl ( or irtncral housework , small
fnmily , t No. ] 216 north 10th St. t)3-2flt )
" \X7ANTEI > A bov who inn uppik ( lerman , In the
V > law olllco it Walter llcnnett , Hooin 1 , Ktd-
lek' block. 003-28
"VtrANTEII AKII ! lrl at Idth and Pieroo iitKvts ,
Vi Wustorn Housu , O' block wostot N.IIVork .
C 007. 65
7 AVTHl ) Female cook ut South Omaha Houte ,
Ithand Pacific. 9H-S45
Seriant ( Tills o ( u'l kinds in nt-ed of
employment , to rill at our oflleg , oppusltu.pobt-
ofllco , between 4:50anaO : p. m.
CANNON , JONi:3 & CO , Frtnz r lllock.
0)0-1 ) in
WANTED Immediately Uo No. 1 Harncos
Makert. . A. IIOl'KIKS ,
021-6 ! North Bend , Nob.
TXfANTEU-Airents Immediately In otery country
T I for one of the r.cxeec and beat of fostvBt Killing
domestic urtlclts known ; reports of e&lcs ! .00 sold In
ono aiterncon , 100 In 411 rulnuta ? , 8O In SO minutes ,
tend for tcras , or tamp'u will bo Bunt at once on ro-
ctlpt of l5c. ! O. II. OltAY , room 210 cast ninth St. ,
Kansas City , Mo. 005-20 !
W ANTED A Kood ( flrl for ( jeneral house work ,
411 South It th Street 01220
T\7 iNTBD Olrl In Email family. Inquire ut C.
W J. Canan i Co , 13th St.
WANTED A German ( lining room kitchen girl.
Hi * e and Iloppe , 418 B. 13th St , betnccn
Harncv anil Howard. fiC5 tf
goods preferred ) , from $3,000 to 81U.OOO , will
pile In ich iige good cluar farm property and eomo
cash if uccestary.
Addrctrt Uandolph. ciro nun office' . BSi M
- a thoroughly ojnipet nt ftsd ix-
WANTED-By man , a hltuation ad bunk-
kcepcr'or salisnmnand book-keeper. First i'1-vsn rof-
ertnccs. Address "U D. " Bed eUloo. 078-311
\A/AP < il.U-Mi'iutui H tor tlrut clan * ttomeailcu.
VV Call nt our ntllcu from 4'UOto 9 p. m. Saturdays
1 to 9 p. m. CANNO.S , JONES & CO. , Dpi' . I' . 0.
WANTED Situation by a jcun/ man 1H yars
old. AddrcBS "Eugene" this ollico. 027-28
V17ANTED By a man of experionoe , a situation
W as overseer ( f block or fruln farm. Has fam
lly and con turn hi i three hands ( tons ) . IleferenceH.
Nebraska rcfcrrwJ. Address J. iL 1) . HKK otllcc ,
Oouncll IllufT' . 100-81.
WANTED A few person * to instruct in book
keeping , an there in a demand for eoniiwteiit
book keepers I Hill learn a few , and wa't ' for half of
pay until situations are lurnlshcd. J II. SMITH ,
ti078-30J 1618 DougkH St.
a brick etoro building and a eto k < f grneiul
mcrchandteo valued nt $10,000 , situated In one
ot the bit towns In 8. W. Iowator Isua or Ncb a-
kalande. Trade ell oetabllshul. Address " 8. II , "
care Ieo ! office. 1W4-SO
Sl'EOIAI. Wurtiit furnishedorunfurnished roonw
prccuro b artlers and furnlah Urst-claiu domes-
tics. OfBce bourn , 4n to 0 p. m. Saturdai I to8
p. m. CANNON , JONES A ,'rcnzer Block.
\SrANTED-Parttcrt M ishlnjf boarders and these In
VI tcirch of board in prhate lionseH. with or with
out room , to rail at our ofilce Ir m 4.tU to 0 p. m
CANNON , JONES & CO. , Opposite UottJtllcc.
T ADIESORVOUNOMEN in city or country to
. .Ltalin nice , light and pleuant work at their own
bomi's : 92 to $5. n day eas-ily mid frulctly made ; n ork
sent by mall , no camatwlug ; no etamp for reply.
I'leoHO address Reliable Mnn'fg Co. , Philadelphia Pa.
dmnerlT. 763-Uuol
F03 IlENT HOUBCB and Lota.
TJVIP. 11ENT A bnnUiiomijly fiunlahed pnrlor , biy
JD wlndo , eolith exposure , bath room convenlun-
ccs , 1720 Cjpltol aunuo. U881WI
RENT FurnlJiod front room DCS N. IStli.
( IlENT Nicely furnished fronb roonu
1 Howard St
T7OR ( KENT Fitrnlshod room .022 Capitol uve.
JL1 104 2 }
FOIUlbNT T o new Lrlok cottngi.'a of tlvu roonid
each , all moilirn impro > tmoni8 , cor. Oth anil
Hickory etrtwt , 127.1
IOU KENT A Sr t cUni room with board at 1513
Howard Ht. U63 V3 |
FUUNIHHKD room heated 21 N. 10th. I
976 U
FOll UKNT Nicely ( urnltliod roonu. Apply 723
& IStli .Street , or address "J. K. D. " Onuiia
FOB HUNT I'leasant furnished room suitable for '
ono or tHoguutlcuicnlOlUCallfornmUc.
T7IOH RKNT Fumlali a aud unlurulthwl roonu.
± ? 1B1G furoam Street. 9M VB
FOH IlKNT A baiemojit of thrill roouu. AlfO &
front | rlor , at IBIS tiodge street , 0.8 0
F'OH UKNT-Hoouu t 1015 Eaniaru utrttct.
FOIl UEST I'lvo room house , near St. Mary'a
ft\eiiueiuiJ J5th ttrset. Innuire at S110 Ilarncy
FOU'UENT Nletly furnwhixl room at 1805 Karnjra
btrcei. Of ) U
FOll HKNT 'I'uo limisi K soutli of 17. I * , doiot ,
U32 tf J. I'lliri'd ItOE , ISli U. 6tht. .
FOll lll'.HT-Nlc < .ly furuUtted front toomj 1C6 K.
IMhktreet. 020-k |
FOll UKNT Tvro elet'cmt ritldoncee , $10. iM > r
month each. UAIIUEK 4. MAYMK , N. K. cor.
Barnaul aud 13tli St. 037-tl
oil UKNT New nine room dwelling with etcam
heat KM , city and cltUrn water , bath water
clout , hot and ooU wtttr , good cellar , barn and
oyury oontoalcuuu in u Drst-cli ) city midcnoa.
Foil imNr-Kurnltilied teem witli board , AI.o a
few day boudcru , 181 < IM/eaporU 832 ib )
FOll HKNr PurnljI.cil room for gentleman , also
twofurllKht houio Keeping. iWmori block ,
cxjrnurKJi'htliaiid llownnlrit
HAOIl IlENT 6 room home on Welwter west of
J.1 18th fit. b. T. 1'otciKOD , rwU eeUito e ent. 16tli
and Uoula | . b 3-U
FOR HKhTConilortnUo front room , twutliCM
corner FotuUeuth and PaYcuport , nulubla ( or
wo ieutlemen. 063 tf
FOll IlENT-Koomi la Nitrt t Kation * Bank
BuUdliiir. Mont dtwlratk offloo * la the dty
SoppUeU with bydrauUa tlator and buted b
tcuo. Apply at Baak. Oi3-U
FOll IlENT r urnkbcxl rooms on the northwe *
oor. ISIh and Catiltolarenuo , formerly Cnsl httaj
House. 1S3-U
ITtOit'MALE-Atiout SiBU outstfthdinfB from
X1 and wiloon ImitoeM. Clieiri [ or cash.
irOIl SALE OS foci front on Sherman mi' . , run.
J1 nine in 17th street , cheap. $1.100 ctnh.
1'AULSBN & Co. , 1M9 Farunm Ht. t09-LS
Foil SALE A full lot near 13tn and t'irrco Ht. ,
with hoiisu and barn , well Imnrtnol. Call and
oxamlm , lll bo Bold cheap at 1'AULSKS k CO. , 109
Karnani St. HX10-U8
IJ > OI18ALE Fnrmof 320acrtit ; iof the ury lust
1 farina of Doujjla- . , highly tmprovol , about 12
miles from city. Call for partlcu'ara ut I'AULsKN
& Co. , 1609 1'an.ani Street. lOl-'JH
FOU SALE lHx41B ( ) feet ou Crclirhton nieuuo.
uitli 0 room lumii' , stable , hucgy shed , etc. : KOOU
orchard , small fruit and grapn vims , fil.ttX ) If told
lthlDlOda)9atl > AUUSU } & CD'S , 1B09 Famain
itreU 095-IS
FOR RU.K Kull lot on Delaware , mar Campbell
Btrttt. with hlv room cattaiie , well , turn. A l > arE -
E ln. ? 1,650. IVAUI.SKN& CO. , 151D I'arnura Si ,
FOR SALE Kulllot wlthaiiURnincint luuisc ot
lOrooms , within ( ourinmates ol the vourthouxe ,
65000 only. II sold 1'AULSEN & CO'H.
l.,09 Farnam ttrett. 097-2S
FOR SAtE Tlireu eplendid hnn o In Kot'8 iuld-
tl n. 3 squares from court House Call for price
at PAULSKN i : C J'S , 1C09 Farnau St. -
FOU HAI.E Preah milk cow with calf , 512 : iti ! St.
between Howard and Jnckbon. ! )72o ) }
FOR HAI.E OR TRADE-A good span ol mukp ,
hariiL-sa and vagon. Inijulru Alex 0. CharHnn ,
at McCa us IroB. ! , 93041
17VMIM FOR SALIl'nrKtin for one week , or uill
C cicMnge for city proiu riy ,
HAU.OU imos. ,
OC-2fl ( H17 S. ISth Street.
J7ORSALE Hroclal Hiuya'iin ' in Howes and Lutu
J1 In all putts ol the city r nd its ada.ltk.ns. 110L-
L1NS1 AGENCY. ItOO Faniam treet P4Hf
FOll SALE Atnlnrgalu , elegant residence lot
tuar HaiiHCOin 1'a.h. ROLUNS1 AGHN01 %
PlOtf IDOOrarnatn Stuict.
FOR SALE CHEAI'-Special bargain. Beautiful
corner lot , hl h ocd Bightly.Un Lowe's addition.
050 tl 1SCO rnrnambtrect.
FORSALE-T ohou a on Capitol A\e. , corno
Two housem on Cas9 Street , corner
949 SO
FOP. HALE-Colorado coal. Tills coal Is aa irto trout
coot and an ( Jean at Rock tiprlnp.
934 tf JEFF. W. BEDFORD.
FOR SALE A rare ba'galo , If taken at once. Ten
acres of giound , good house , barn nnd otbtr 1m-
prouinenta. Three nill-s from 1'iKlofllcc. $900.00
will buy It. BAIlKEil iUAYNE , K. E. cor , 13th
and Farnam. V3&-28
"TT'OIl ' SALK Stotk farm 20 ocresln 1'olk Co , onlr
X ? 6 miles from 1 , R. Station ; lOSacre-i nf i upturn
mclrtecdbyll wlrcfcncri * , 180 under tultl\ati u , W
litres good hay land. lmuro > encnt < conijilete. v !
juod dwellings , ntablcf ) , granary , coni-cr In , * wtjil-
inllls &c. tc. Price oaly Si.tW C. R. LiaANK &
CO. , 16th ai djouglas Ma. _ Bag-tt
irtOll SALE Oil RKNT-Fartn 3 mile * from city.
_ 1 ? IniUirof | lire. Mcer , > cr llotder'il Drugstore
10th and AVebetor. 872-tf
IpOK HALE Stock ol general merchaiiJiRo and
1 building , valued at about JoEDO. Addrite Cox
61 , Firth , Jfcb. 7flt tL
FOR SALE T o portable boilers , 10 horse power
flftS-tt _ SIB South 15th ft.
FOR SALE A small Hosier , Bihman tCo. , flro
proof aJt. ttlmoet new , at thb offlce. tf
F 01l SALE My two story brick residence , 19th
and St. Mary'u avenue. Large bam , out-houae ,
water wor.B , well arranged. Lot COJ'JOO. Pilot )
$7.00. Bust Bargain In Omaha. Cell at M. Tolt't
I'eople'B Bink. 277-t
FOR SALE 12 lota ono block west of Park ate-
nue cars. Lota 60x150. Will sell the whole triwt
for $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1884. Real es
tate owners bid this bargain , If jou call at I'eoplee
Bank , 278-tf
FOll SALE Choice business property , three loti
C"r. Blunders and Chnrlea Klre.Tt. It Kill | > ay ycu
to Investigate this offer. Cull at I'ooiilo's li&ck.
270-tf |
IpOR BALK Improved property , which will pay
' the buj er 20 per cent ou the Investment. icnt
for 81,920 per year. All occupied by first clotd tcn-
anta. Will Hell for $10WO , if Hold soon. All or one-
hall coth , balance , omito Iho jecirs. Thuabove Investment -
vestment Iu worth invttt'gatlon. Call at Iho l'eojlc'a
Eanli. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2l < " 'tl
Tr o subscriber ID taking ordua for spring Im
portation of the ahuio. I'rl'-fu rnuchbolow thwo ut
aurtion sales. Ilolcreiicet1 to those nupplled. John
UuCulloch , 11L Tnutand Kav. fc.nk , Chicago.
F IOU BALK A Crrt cl\ * second h&ud ( up biv
Call at 1819 Ilamav Hrrret 9Tt
TpOU CALK Old neimup n in Ir.rue mil
J7 ycantitlea at this oiioe : tf
7NTKMOKNT ContlcimnKlveii w.irkonMliry and
\ commlHeluii byV. . I ! . Ho ltt , H.V. . oomcr I0h
nnd Karnam. WJ-U 5
iiliol nlilow o ( nniioi-
B. RIIIH upiwtiruiiuuod ruulut.'o illBpotitlon , dc.
klresa situation uiiui > Antldmlj'K'-ntk'inaii
o [ incanii not ol Jectlcnablc ; leftrtnet-s glt ina ro-
qulrtd. Adilrcai Mr * . liuibank , lloo oltice. Its V ) |
T OST lght Iwforo Io t(2 ( < th Inrtgotor ucar tlio
JUV.r. dt-pot. Mr. A-'AmicriKm , or Albion , lioono
comity , .Vli.lo t a dgar civo containing < . > ei ]
bank ciod.aonVahoo nd Albion bunks , ono cold
llnjr , ono promissory note ( or iiOOiuid other \aiim-
bio receipts , llio Under wil. Mndh lce the Mime
ut ihe Swedish ok tore,2tf3 N. idth utrcut , un < l rt-
it.lvo suitable rtuard.
Ul-'GHTOnKWANIKO-Inant to' buy drot'
btora In k Rood lite town. Connly s.t nro. \i
ferrcd. Btato umom.t ol .tock carried. Wins
Average dally co h wUos ; population and number of
ton * Addiiw Eu ,
1SOX47 , IdillroMluwtt
_ t _ Cg-W
Cfc. r UEWAKU. Will Ki e bovBr HJrd for th
> Vni return of tvohorm.ii t > tra\ed on .Ian 10th
Onu bay inull tita. and ono oml ull
q A > EN Ul'-Cn my nriiniiM on l .
' re. 15. 1M3. in
Xucws Ouithk , onu c'rcaru Colonu J-ony. Hm
whlto | Kitiii Jorebead.iivaiiBuud tall a little darker
TYLKH& COMl'AJfY txok.k ptriuidaccouDUjita.
Kxanilne and adjmt UU arrariied books InTnV :
tenuilc audatcuratuimn r . /U,7/ . . " " '
a low houni , making out Invotcie - , are r.nurej
uny coei > iwndMioo confidentially oluo '
tiooi. Odle. ut i : Boyi , ftud Co , lo
nj cue glaaoooftb p t tnd
oottala condition. In the f
mala ord.r. I'erf oct wt
Ti ca-jwrtnemhlp htrctoloro
II. Jlle-wr and V. Gcimlur hu tut