. .K . frV > . * - - * } k * T- J . w fc . | | 'iUi" vyij | - V - --v r- THE DAILT ? BEE MONDAY , JANUARV 28,1884. THE LUAKNED a n WhyjouBhonUlrjrlho celebrated Dr. II. > Yagnct'i method ! ol euro : 1. "Dr. II. Wigncr Is a natural phyilchn. " 0. 3. FOWI.XR , The Gtcitcst tJ\liiK I'hrcnologijt. 'Tew C.MI exco you as a doctor. " In. J. SIMMS , The World's Greatest rhjelopnoinlst. . "You are wonderfully iirnnclcnt liijour Know ) edie of dlsoaio and medicines. " DR. J. IIATTHIWS. 4. "Tfco afflicted find ready relief In your | > rcs .ciice. " DR. J. SIMMS. B. "Dr. U. Wanner Is n regular jrraduato Iron , Hellevuo Hospital , Nc-v York city ; hashad\rry extensive tensive boapltal jiractlce , and thoroughly | * led on till branches of hla beloved science , especially on ehrouIodlecosi'S. " Das. BKOWSKM. b KWIKO. 8. "Dr. \Vajjnor hvs Inunortalircd hlm elf In thlsttomlirfuldlsoovcry of > ecillo rcmcdlea for prl to anil noiuil diseases. " Viruinln City Chroilcle. T. "Thousand * of invalids Hock to sco Mm. " SAL Friuclsco Cliroiiiclo. 8. "Tho Doctoi'8 long oxporlcnco as a specialist should reuder him very successful. " llooky Mouu tain .S I- ! Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At one tlmo a dlncusslon of the occrct vlco wnn en tlrdy ttvnldcxj hy the profrnlon , and medical works hut n fcwyuorB ORO would hardly mention It. To-day the phjelclan I ? of a different opinion ; he li iwaro that It Is hla duty liragrcoablo though 11 may ho--to handle this matter without K'O ' cd and Hpoak plainly abnut It ; ami Intelligent parents and guardians M ill thank him fur iloinj ; ao. The results attending this dcstrncth o vice w ere or- merly not understood , or not properly estimated : and -no Importance bcliiRattached tea subject \ililcli h ) 4U nature docs not tinito close ln\uUlKationlt no willingly Itcnorcd. Hie habit Is generally contracted hy the jounp lillo attuiulhiK Bchnul ; older couipatiioni throuufa their example , may In responsible for It , or It may ut Acquired through accident. The excitement once ex * pcrlenccd , the practice will ho repeated again and acaln , until utlast the habit bccomcaflrm and com pletcly ciibia\c9 the \ictim. Mental and ner\ous al flictions are usually the primary risults of self-abuse. Amonit the Injurious effects may ho mentioned lassi tude , dejection or Irrasclbiiity of temper and general debility. The hey seeks fcclusion , and rarely Joint in the sports of his companions. If ho lw a young man no will bo little found In company with the othci HOX , and U troubled with exceeding and annoInn bashlulncss In their presence. laaclvlous dreams , emissions and eruptions on the face , eta , are also prominent BJ mptoms. If the practice \iolontly persisted In , more serious disturbances take place. Great pal ) > lutlon of the heart , or epileptic convulsions , ore experienced , and the BiiD"cr rmay fall Into a complete state of Idiocy be- torn , flnully , death relieves him. ToaUthoseenunircdin this dangerous , practice , ! would nay , first of all , stop it at once ; make o\erj possible effort to do so ; but if you fail , If ) our ncrvout 8\8tcrn Is already too much sliattcrcd , and cense qucntly , jour will-power broken , lake some none tonic to aid j ou In your effort. Haing freed yourself from the habit , I would further counsel ) ou to ( ro through a regular course of treatment , for it la a great mistake to smii n that any one may , for some time , bo to\crysolitt't Kiiehhnsclf up to this fascinatlnv but dangerous excitement without Buffering from its evil conscnucuces at Borne future time. The iminDei of youiiRtnen who are Incapaclatcd to (111 ( thodutlM enjoined by wedlock Is alarmingly lanfe.ond In mosi f uth cases this unfortunate condition of things can bo traced to the practice of self-abuse , w hlch had been abandoned\caraajro. Indeed , afowmonths' practlci of this Imbft is sufficient to induce spcrmatorrhasa 1 later j cars , and I hao many of ouch cages under treat mental the present diy. , . ' „ ' ( ] Young Men When v bo BurTcring from the cUcctsof youthful Jollies or Indiscretions will do well to n % all thomaclvc. of this , the srreatcat hoon oor laid at the altar of euf orlnc humanity. Da. WAONEH will guarantee to for elt 9500 lot every case of seminal weakness or private disease of any kind and character .which ho under takes to and fills to euro. Middle Aged Men. There ftra many at the ago of SO to 60 who art troubled with too frequent evacuations of the mad dcr , often accompanied by n slight umartlng or burn Ing sensation , ami a weakening of the system In > manner the patient cannot account for. On examin ing the urinary deposits a ropy sediment ill often be found , and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear , or the color u ill be of thin mllkiah hue , agraiu chingliig to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many , m my men ho die of this difllcuIty.lRnorant pi the cause , w hich is the second stage of Bcmlnal-w cak ness. l > r. W. w ill funnnteo ft pert cct cure in nil case * and o healthy restoration of the genlto-urlnary or * Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad All communications ohould bo addressed.Dr. lleurj Utnry Wajfncr , P. O. W3. Deincr , Colorado. The Younj ; Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. II Wagner , Is worth its wcljjht In gold tojouiijf men 81,26. Bunt by niall to any address. A FBIEND TO ALL. Ono Who is Needed and Nobly Fills his Placo. DcmcrlHinorofortunito than she KIIOAS in the poises i cm of the talcn 8 and energies ol ft man who has clveuliU time and thought not merely to the perfection of Mi nUIl < w ft practitioner of his pto- JcHsIwi of mcdiUno , but to the study of tliosu pro. found tliliiKi ofwjiui.ii and nature which tend 'otho ' moro complctu unatrstaiidlnt ; of the problem it lifo and of the laws of ni'iire nnU the means of go.lmriff tomanUnd .from Iho III Iho ( 'reatcit practical woods fiimatloii thus aulrua | In the nlntmct Siieh n man Is Dr. II. Wagner , who is located at S13 Mrlmer strcut Dr. Wancrilc\oledm [ ; ny jtars to tluiao- to hlii prof on- < iuiltlonof the knowledge necccsaary blonlnaimmlwroftlie Icadlm ' , inedlc.il h-hools ol the moBt eminent and profound teichorK. uon names ui Dr. Or ' F8 and l > r. I'aiicoaHt apjiearliiK umonghUpreuptora MordI hlahtud es end heru. They coiitluuon in the field of the practicing f.nnlly phWrlauandliitlioexiiorleiiccM olninan ' o\ < " " iivu tra\cl. lie lunUited c\ery ncctlcm of the Uni ted States piling studious attention to the different charactcrUtics of thv % iilou. | ortlonn of the countrr , parllcul.rly with regard to thelf eft. ct , climatlo mill . Ulffoicnt forms of clU- othci l > upon health and tl.o tanca. With the combined powers of rloio fctudy , > tcmlvooh'Cnatlon ml nlmoHt unlimited prucilcc , Dr Wairner came to IHn er three jcars ngoeiUip | pcil as few hu otho right to claim to battle the loc .if mankind , the dro Iilcd enemy , dli-oa e. In order tc render the greatest good to eoticty , Dr. A minor dcci ikd to lay asldo the general branches of practice am ! bring all'hn rpekn.wledgo and p i.r eon bear up on ilio too which anwng tlio army of I ' diath agents U ttao urcatcnt. IIU wi.le oxpetlenw hod taught liloi what weapons to usn and which t ( illseard , und after e-iulppliitf hlmatlf a ; Ills tralnw Judirnieiitwjaiiowcll atilo to adtlso him lie com uiciico I boldly aud contlilently hl attack. In estl mating the results and success achloitd , it U < J 'J ' niroHiurvtokiHiwthoilort r' p > itlin and ttaiidini to-day. While located In this city , hU practice In hj no means confined to Us llmlti nor this foctloii i o countrv , lIlHcorrenpondencuanil e > pri-lio ltiUi ( UfvtniiUckand httetn his ixMteiMoiiuf a Held " inactlco liouuJed only by the line * whUh Ijoutiil tin uiigtliati'lbrciuithof the country , aud which In laVed lilm where a mill ol hU ( Hill and Intcllcctiij nttaliiiiienUiloiervestoio.aniUhuiild to bo cmi.i' ' him lo reach the hlghcit sphere of uwifuliicsi f > u fvriDir Jinmanltf the piano of IliunUai lnilci | .lencZ. Dr. Wagner ha * oonttll u cd of his I"1 W tytothesuUtantlallinprincmein of Deinorlniii ere tlon of afliiB block on Istrlmcr street , ojipomtc hU present olllo , No. 34 1. It llllK | read)1 for ooju juncy Ii. a weeU , an-1 1 on eddcnco tint III Uoitor U to bo iiuiulwrod tmoiig the permanent un kiilldcltUcni of tils metropolis of the \WM \ 1 ' \ it 1'rlbune. DB. H. WAGNER & CO , , w Larimer Sf. Address Box ; 2281 DENVER , COL-I The Doctor's Ullstaice. One of the old mistakes of the profession was to think that there were no other ways of curing dis ease except those which had been handed down from former limes. It is not to be denied that the Doctors have done great things for the world. But when it comes right down to the real curing of disease , it must be admitted that Brown's Iron Bitters has done enough to earn the generous gratitude of this ; yhole present generation , including the irrcc & profession. There are no mystcucs or secrets about the compounding Pf Brown's Iron Bit- tcrs. This preparation of iron is the only preparation winch will not in jure teeth or stomach , tn this it is beyond comparison Joettcr ! nan the other preparations , which arc ml8 chicvous and injurious. You need not fear u mistake in trying Brown's iron Bitters. Yom druggist has it. It gives vigor to theYeeble , and new life to the dys peptic. Children take it , not only with safety , but with great advan tage. . 0 Durharniahletoric. It wan ncutrifl ground during the annlhtlcolwtwwnHlicrman and Johnnon. BoMlcra of both tiriiilcH filled lliclriwiclips with Ilio tobacco nlortHUhcre , cut ] , atlor the surrender , marched home , ward. Soon onion came from Kant , West , Nortaand Southfor "more of that elegant tobacco. " The n , ten men ran nn tinlmon n factory. Now it vraploj-i RXl mcii.ufpn the pink and plrk of the Oolilon licit , anil tlio Durham Hull In the trailcj-mark of thin , tlm lm.it tobacco In thu w orld. IllnckwcU'B Hull Durham Smoklnf ? Tobacco ban the lantcft K.MO of any finokinf tobacco In the world. Why ? BItnply booaueo It is Iho btit. All ilcalcrs line it , TrjUe mark of the Uull. LOOK OUT ! DURHAM BULL Durham Smoking To bacco * M he w as tola , ho wouldn't ha\n ' cornercUbythobull. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlnnger , Bavaria. Cuhnbacher , Bavaria. Pilsner Bohemian Kaiser Bremen. DOMESTIC. Buchvoiser St. Louis Anlmuser St. Louis Best's > . . . Milwaukee Scblitz-Pilsner Milwaukee Krug's Omaha Ale , Porter. Doiieatic and Rhine Wine. 'ED. MAU11ER , 121 i F Chartered by theStateof 111 ! nois for theexprcsspurposc of Glvlr.glmmcdiatc relielln all chronicurinarynnd prl , vate diseases. . Gonorrhcea Gleet andSyphills in all thel complicated forms , also al diseases of tha Skin on < Blood promptly relievedand permanently cured by reme diestcstcdin al''ortijYcnn . Npeclairractlec. Semina Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples 01 iheFace.Lost Manhood , iiimlHvftj/etireil.Tlim lsnocjci > crlmrntltt < l. The nnproprlote remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per. sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMES.No. 204Washlnglon Sl.,0hleigolll IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION lo warranted to wear lonjrer , I .tho form iitatrr , mid p | > o l > ut < 'catlsfucllon ' than any otlicrcorw lit ttm innrkil , or l.rlco poM v.1 IHI lefundcd. Thulndorf.tmenU.t C'hlcoifu't lint phyelcUns , aixor iejiy each Oorvet * I'rlce , Jtent i iili'rn Jeun , Pcetag . 41.MX Atlc linntforthcui > TOpalil. ) our inert HOT1IOCJIIL1) . JUSKI'M A CO. , XuurtLrturcn , JiJ& ( IlauJulpU tit. . C JOHN H. 'if ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Grraham Paper Co. 17 and 210 North Main fit , 8t. I.ouls. WHOLKSAM5 DKALEllS IN } PAPERS , { WUAl'l'INl WIHTINO' JCnV .OPEJ.CABD BOAUD AND PRINTER'S STOCE paid for Higs of all nfoi niiitoii , ttd Nebraska Cornice -AND- llANUFAC'niUEHS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE ! FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFINi I'ATKNT METAI.IO 8KYUOIIT , 3ron Fencing CteiUnit , llilustrodcj , Verandai , OMlcound lla llailliiSJ , Window iin < ) Cellar ( luards , Etc. C011. 0 ANDOtnHTUKiT : , LINCOLN NEIl , U ( IAISKII , Ifmv.-er vco jo OVAHNTIOXVL o > COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. A BAD TUMBLE , \UoyKnJlsTIironRliJx Hatohwny n ( Thomiin it CO.'H WiuulumHo. A boy iimnod Lim Cooly , nged nbout 1 , mot with n serious accident at James 'homna ' & Oo.'a ngricultur.il implement , ouso Saturday. At nbout fi o'clock in 10 morning ho started to got some iudling down stairs , intomlitur , to step upon the olovalor mm gO down on that , 'ho olovntor , however , had boll 1 ° ' ' own , nnd ho stopped through the tin- rotcctcd hole in the floor , fulling from ho second to the first lloor. The boy \y there somctimo in an imconscitui ondition before the nccidunt vns dis- ovorcd. Surgical nid was summoned , ud nu examination showed that thu ) i > y's log had bcuu fractured in tvro ) laces , nnd other injuries had beau BUS- ainod , the cfl'uct of which cftiinut bo ully dotormincd for n few days , but it not thought they will provo fatal , o little follow will bo hud up for some uno , OVen nt the bpst. The numerous uuiguirios remind UB hat our doors and windows should bo nero securely fastened. Copper iV Mo- "Joo hnvo the necessary implements , lall on thorn nt. 41 MB in afreet. TBUNK LINES , IVomnn AVnnts t lie Itutlwn ) s t o l ft > Tor Iiost Trunks mill Contents. Emmiv M. Elliott has commenced an ction in the circuit court ngainst the . , B. & Q. railway company , for the Das of a trunk. She claims that in going rom Rod Oak to Sidney her trunk win- oat by the company , or mis-sent , nno tat it was fifteen days before she got it. 'lien it was only a wreck of its forinoi oatity , and sundry articles \vcro missing , 'ho ' inventory of the articles of clothing , owolry , money , etc. , gone foots up aboui 1)00 ) , and she asks § 150 more for dain- gea by detention , etc. , making n bill gainst the company of § 150. A similar suit has been commenced igainqt the C. & N.V. . railway cosnpanj 'or the loss of another trunk on routt 'rom Denison to Council Blutla. Tliit- , runk and contents inventoried about ? GOO , and the $150 damage claimed foi detention ana want of the contents , rum ; ho bill against the company up to $750 'COME ' Ilcv. A. K. Hat 0,4 Ui-K 'B Ills Cliurch Foil ; to Ilo ! > a From the World. " At the Prcaby tcriun church llov. A. K. Bates is listened to each Sunday by largo congregations , nnd suuma to bo winning liis way rapidly into the graces of the people , although ho has had n hard plact to till , following us ho did a pastor , Kav. Dr. Ololand , who had such a firm hold on the poplo. Yesterday morning ho preached an ex cellent sermon , hia text being "Wherefore como out from among thorn and bo vc separate , naith the Lord , and touch not tlio unclean thing ; and I will receive you , and will bo a father unto you , and yo shall be my sons and daugh ters. " The chief thought of the discourse wa the ncccaaity of Christians being ooparate from the world. In the introductory he called attention to the fact that Paul , seeing the evil practices of tht Corinthian church , boldly warned thorn not to yoke themselves with unbelievers , and na then , BO now , ono of the chief causes of domestic infelicity , divorces , etc. , was that a Christum and an unbeliever were joined in marriage. The only remedy for auch an unhappy condition waa for the impenitent ono to become a Christian. Of this topic he promised to speak more fully at some future date. It was on thu general separation of Christiana from.tho vices , habits , frivoli ties and follies of the world that ho spoke more fully. Ho brought up the old his tory of the children of Israel trying to get out of the land of Egypt , as illustra tive of the effecto of a Christian to break away from the rule of the devil. Pliaroah tried to got MOSCH to stay in that land , and after sonio plagues had been sent , ho proposed that ho would lot the Israel ites worship their God in his land , as they pleased , but Moses refused as the very things which God commanded im to odor in sacrifice were iio things which were worshipped y the Egyptians and the latter r-oiild fitpno them. So the devil was ul- vays trying to persuade men that if they mst worship God they need not "leave ho land" they need not shako off all OS' Delates , or old habits , but simply wor iiip God. When Pharaoh found that the Israel : cs were hound to go , then ho proposed liat MostM should go only n little wayi ust over tlio border. So the devil triei o persuade the would-bo Christian tha : ho must change his habits , ho need on y change them u littlo. Jlo could fitnj ear by. The devil wanted him nuui iwiiyli , so liu could recapture him easily Many Christians , too , lived just over tin > ordur , BO they could slip easily back ji ho world to spend u pleasant evening ii in , and then return to their hope o loavun. Paraoh's third proposition to Mosc ras to lot the mon go , but they shouli eave their children and families bohim horn. Ko the devil , when h inds a man is determined t enter a Christian life , tries t ccop the children. Ho says they nr too young. The boy must BOW hi wild oats. The girl must enjoy the frh oltios of lifo for a timo. They will com along nil right by and by , The Christia father or mother should not ccoao i their exertions to save all of their housi hold. Noah wus commanded by God t take hia whole family into the ark , but Noah had said , ' Well , the boys have little farming yet to finish , " or "tho git want to upend the evening at u neighbor and let them go until to-morrow , " ovc the children's relation to the pious nu would not have saved them , Pharaoh finally proposed to Moses th if the people must go , they should lea their flocka nnd lionh behind , Tl devil wants , too , to keep pltristiana ho coiist'cratim , ' their businosi and mom b > God , IIu SB elmrp enough to kuc Miathehasa utinni ; hold on man , ii 1 iai u hold on hu pocket-book , Li Mosea the Christian should tnko Hocks nnd herds , take family , tnko everything , and IIKIVO out of the realm of darkuoss ; clear over the border , so far that ho could not bo tempted back or recaptured , 1'robnbly KnlnJ , A farmer named P. J. Foley , who lives about two miles vroit of Persia , on the line of tlio Chicago , Milwaukee St. 1'AuI , mot with nu accident Friday which will probably result in his death. Ho was walking nlong the track , nnd , being - ing deaf , did not hear the approaching train , which wan two hours behind the usual time , The engineer blow the wliistlo and the train came nunrly to n atop before striking iho man. Tlio cowcatcher - catcher struck nnd throw him oft'on tlip left ftido nf the trncfc , breaking ono arm and one leg , nnd causing other iujurioi > w.Mch niako his recovery yory improbable bablo , Private lessons ou china jjivon l > y S. D. Itohso. Studio No , PJ N. Mnin atrcct. Unvltt Dunklo , of Weston , spout .Sundny In C , ( ! , Saudfonl , of Avocn , wna lire Sntur- dny. dny.O. O. } ' . Hnnil , of Atlantic , Hpont Sunday nt the Ogdon. J , 1C , Murphy , of l.ogau , wns n Siuitln ) ito at the 1'nctlic. 11. ( ! . Myo , of Logan , took ono of Uccli- tal'a Sundny dliinorA , Tha Shctmmlonh Koportar hns the follow ing to any conccrniiiff thu former gonornt ngont of * the Chicago , Burlington k Qulncy , nt thla pointlVo loam that A. U. West will not bo returned M reported , to the ( i n oncy lioro , but ulll bo nsalgtiod to now ilutio-i on tlio Bur lington Hues \vcut of tlio Missouri rlvor. A. U. War r ell still holds lita place aa ngont lioro , and ns yet hrm rocol\od no marching orders , 515 ! A fStory of Western Jjlfo. b'roui tlic Snn J'Vmidico liiillotin. I. niK nusc wiuiniAH IK uK.Nrnuvn.LK. "Sakos nlivo , Mrs. Miller , you don't toll inu Jim Wnrnor'a girl como cloai from the oaat to ControTillo ? " "Yps , poor dear , that olio haa , mid I'm thinkin' the worat of her trnvolin' nni'i lone yot. I was a sottiii' just where yon are HOW , Mrs. Jones , when I hear the rttago oomo a rattlin' up.nnd n'most afore I could turn round , Judge Wilkinn comes loading her in and tells mo how alio'd como n long way across the plaint to marry her lever ; and may lie you don't believe mo , Mrs. Jones , hut mj > heart Imd Jiko to died in mo wnon I socj the a\voot child a sinilin' nt mo through ti r tears , nnd found that her lever was Wild Jim. So , I saya to the judge : Til take care of her until Jim Warner couics for her , nnd I'm only hopin' it'll bo a long time off. ' Then the judge tolls mo how ho knowcd I'd bo Rood to her , as if anyone could help lovin" the pretty , timid dear , and ho speaks cheery like to the girl , uayin' as sho'd find a friend in mo , "being the first vroman as overstepped stopped foot in Oontrovillo , nnd n better ono never would , ' nnd with that he makes mo a bow. nnd tolls her as ho'd aond Jini round , and goes away Icavin' her sobbin' in the corner , but moat of nil from joy I was thinkin' . "Alter ho'd gene she dries np her toaraand tolls mo in her mvcot voice how iho'd been six months on her way from Illinois , where her folks lived , and how , whim she got to Sacramento she found that Jim had como hero to Oontrovillo , .uid then she ijives n little laugh and says : 'You aeo , Mrd. Miller , I'm almost an Evangolino. ' 'And who may she bo ? " I aska , never hoarin' of anybody by that name aforo. Then she tolls mo how aha ivas a girl as had lost her lever and fol lowed him about the world until they both grnwcd old , and at last , when he was a dyin" aho found him. 'Small pity , ' saya I to myself , 'if ho'd n happened to boon such a worthless scamp as Jim War- norl1 But aho tolls the story BO pitiful likp , and whim she'd ondtjd oho Bays with u nigh : 'Poor Evangolinoi $ ve found my lover , nnd neither of us nro so very old. ' 'Humph ! ' says I ngain , 'it' ray opinion you'd boon a heap better off if you noyor had found him. ' She , never miatrustin' , looks up with n kinder why fitco and asks mo did I know him ; and I tolls her I'd soon him , but didn't know half the men in Controvillo yet ; for , Mrs. Jones , I couldn't toll that poor girl ns had cotno ever iv howlin' wilderness , a ilyin' in the face of death and Injuns nnd what not to marry her lever , that Jim Warner was the wildest rake in Controvillo , always brawlin1 in some bar-room and ngamblin' and : i carryiu * on a high rate , and more'n half Huapoctod of the murder of big j'.ill Jenkins , as. good a man as over shoulder ed n shovel ; and then that vixen of a YubaKato ! ' "And what's your namo. misa ? ' 1 uske her after a while , and flho onawora , liftin' ' up her hond as proud as a queen , 'My nnuio is Nan Ucnhnm ; but it won't be Benlmm long , nnd Jim calls mo Nannie. Then wo both fell a talkin' , and all of i sadden I hoar n knock at the door anc when I opens it there stands Jim War ner n Binilin' and when the yirl BCO hin aho jca turiifi white nnd jumps up cryin' ' 0 Jiml1 ' 0 Niuinio ! ' ho Buys , nd thoj falls a liiasin' and n bobbin and 1 comci nwny nnd leaves them to themselves , bu couldn't for the Hfo of mo help < thinkin' of that there Ytibn Koto In u little while Mio comus to tint mo , uayln' as Jim had nskud her tc put on her hat and walk about the place and aho blushes sliyliko and telly mo a they were going to bo married nex evoniti' , mid I'm expcctin * her back over1 minute now. " "Sakcsalivol" reiterated Mrs , Jones It was not long before all Controvilli know that Jim Wnrnor'a girl hud comi across the plains to marry him , nnd man ; and various were the expressions of ayni pivthy for her , mingled with a comidora jlo amount of excitement at the prospoc ot u wedding. "Tho clmp tlwt runs the goapol millu thorci i gcin * to jmo 'cm , " aaid Lam' Jalo ; oi ho &tood at the bar of thoGoldo Nugget that night , "Pity Jim Warner , Inst man in Hi ivorld to bo tied to a woman , " common od another. They had been diseasing for the lai hour the topic of every conversation i Centrovillo. "What do yor think of that , Kato' ' aiid the llrat speaker , turning to a ham sotiio fiirl , who at before the lire , id ! aliullliiiK u dock of cards. "Think of what ? " she abaontly i quired. "Why , of Jim'a weddin' , of course ham tyur been a-liutcnin' ? " "Jo.nM.vlcm Tck ° V ! fMi hollovo it ? Why , I seed ' ' . .i my own cyc i aaWdown the creek her and Jim was a * this afternoon mora. ' . ' , tlmM X0t liottcd kittens , and .V , ° 1 / " ? , , " ! ? ht ° ° ! linln l B" ° ' botlor looking than you , v Undo Tommy1 ? . , . . . . , "Wall , yes , " responded lu. " , ' 5 ! iml , who wan somewhat of n clmi . .lorni the rnmp ; unclp to everybody in go. , ' " ' but no ono in particular. "She. . " beauty nnd no miatnkiu' it , but I BAJ , Idvto. there's ono thini ; you'd bo clear ho.\l ( of heron " "What ? " Itormnnnor evinced sonic curiosity and she leaned forward to listen , "Why , you'll double discount heron n tlijlitl" A roflr of laughter /rom the crowd granted this sally. Yubn Kntoanid nothing , bit looked away with something of dTsdain on her dark fnco. The uirl was probilbly about 11) ) or 20 years oldj but viewed thus bj the light of the file nnd tin- uncertain llnring of candles she looked much > omigcr. _ Perhaps the IUBSB of short curia in which she were her hair added somewhat to her youthful look , She had drifted into the camp , as such womou do , no ono knowing or caring from whence 10 came , and if she had left them on the inorroM not more than throe or four would over nak whither she had gone. Tired , perhaps , of n conversation that wearied while it displeased her , she rose to leave , but 03 slii ) turned the knob oi the door it was c/punod from without and Jim Warner entered. Ho Mm ted back he found himself / * < ) to fnco with Kato , nnd withn simple "Good o veiling. " strove to pass her. "I wnut to speak to you a mlnuto , Jim , " she said. "Very well , " ho replied , briefly , nnd they went out into the night , together. She did not aponk for u minute , nnd finally , with an apparent ofl'ort , she be gan : "Is it true , the atonies that the boys are tolling mo about your wedding , Jim ? " "Yes , it's true ; what of it ? " Ho was visibly embarrassed and quite ntn lees lor words. " "Nothing , Jim ; but don't you think you might have told mo ? I never oven know yon had a girl. " "No ; it's not vrry likely I'd bo talking about'hor to you. " She smv the intended cut and Hushed darkly. "Any way , " ho went on , " 1 couldn't toll you what I didn't ' know myself. 1 didn't expect hor. " "I've only ono question to nak you , Jim , 'tis this : 'Do you love her ? " Ho was silent n minute ; should ho toll her "no" and pacify her ? Lilt HOIIIO better tor instinct moved him , nnd ho answered her in n voice so completely changed that she hardly know it : "Yea , 1'vo always loved her ; I cannot remember a time when' ' I've not. Is there anything more , Knto ? " "Nothing but this , " she made answer , "a died for you if if you had trust ed mo ; ao it ro , I . " She stopped short , nnd when oho spoke again it was in a gentler way : l'Tf you ever need n friend , if I can oyor servo you , como to mo ; but unless 1 can , never speak to mo again , " and without n farewell word she loft him and walked swiftly away. * It was in the spring of ' 52 nnd May nt that. The very air scorned filled with n delicious intoxicating quality. Wild ( lowers were blooming in the long gross of the valleys , nnd the robin and lark aang all day in the sunshine. The fair outline of the hilla looked down with n protecting air _ upon the scattered cabins of the camp ) nnd the creek rushed noisily along the little vale ; n crystal mirror for the swaying pines nnd the moving sky above it , while the glad earth , green in her joyousness , told not of the ntorios of gold in her bosom ; but the busy sound of the minor's pick , and the plash of hit rocker at the brooksido , did. The first fever flush of excitement had died away somewhat , but there was gold'for all. It was at the close of such n day a : this when Jim Wninor stood in the little church with his fair young sweetheart at his side , and it was the first wedding that Controvillo had ever seen. Long before fore the sunset hour the church that had been finished b < : t a week was filled with the rough minors and the few women of the camp. They were men of pur pose and of will , these pionocrs with their Hunt \rays nnd rou' her speech , used to hardship nnd exposure ; but over the heart of the hardest there a solomi awe and a dim feeling of impending ovi stole at the sight of the beautiful girl who hud braved every danger to marry her lever , and in place of n steadfast arm to loan upon had found but n broken reed , tossed in the tompcat of every vice nnd pasdon. They would hardly have ex pressed it thus ; whispers here and there "wore : "Jim Warner's usual luck. AB pretty as a picture , but a heap too good for him. " "Jest the ago our Nanco would have been , " nnd the boarded minor nudged hii wife , "but her trouble's ever , and thai ono has hers nil to como. " In fact the universal sentiment ii Centrovillo was that Nan Bonham had done badly. But Nan herself had n such forobodinL's , She could not looli back to n time , no matter how far away , when she and Jim had not boon l-ivors , They wont to the aaino school , hand in hand , as toddling children ; they grow up to fair womanhood and manhood nnd were sweethearts always. It seemed the moat natural thing iti the world that she should belong to Jim and Jim to her , and the only thought in her heart was n thanksgiving that they were about to be gin n new and blessed life together in thin golden land of the far west. The last rays of the sun were tipping the pines with n gleaming light ; the radiance of departing day Jay ever .tho hillH , and the long shadows of evening fell across the purple ravines , when Jim Wagner took his sweet girl wife by the hand and stopped from the rude church door into the world. A world of beauty it was ; and this ho vaguely thought. Ah I that it had always remained BO. [ Ob la Continued. ] CAUTION. Hwtlt' 8polflc \ entlrtly A fird Me preparation , and should nut l > u ix > nf iun < U < d svlth the mious u\f \ Btltutcs hnlUtloiii , iiob-iiacrut humUv * , "Succui Alteran , "ttoito. : , wlilch aru now helm' maiiulac 10 urixl byarlmi * pmoiK , None otthenu urn tali 10t. a ln ; < U ) article which iiiitir * In n ttiv c < nii | > o ltloii oi j H. H. ThurotioulroiioHwift' * Bpoclllo and then t.Bt liottilni ; in tlicMvurlJ lllo It. > ) „ | , rutent dU'.ntci Bt and disappointment , ha > uro and get thu genuine. in Bwlft'uBiKxJIlii It a oonipltto autlduto ro Illcoi Tulut. Illoud roiion , tUUrml Tainan and Ukln HII inV inoiir. J , IIICKHOS HMIIII , M , I ) , , Atlanta , Oi. V Ilmu had remarkatdo tnccuM with tUlft'a 8pc 1- clflolti ihu treatment of Wood anil Hkm UUutiec 1iy and In IVii'alu DUiam 1 took it wjbolf for Cat iy luw.lt * with h . . . . > , U. U lltMiv , M. 1) . , Atlanta , Ga , I ui.i'18wilt' ' Mi5''lflo < > inv little daughter , wli ue Illood l'o\toa \ which hid n lstcd all BO'U of tntmuit. Thu HneeUlo rtl uvu her rinaiiunlly , ft"d I h H xus It fn inypraotlce. Ourtmitlw on Illotd and SLIn lUea o > malic frcctoiwUcant , . mfsmnwfoma Drawer Si Atlanta , Oa , THE CHEAPEST PLAGE IN" OMAHA TO BTOK UlRE One of the OBt and largest Stocks in the United States to select from , NO STAIRS TO TOELEGANT ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOK , t' iljpooltory onitintty filled with ootJilooh ! Ucvk WorkmtnitilpRnnrtnteei ! . Office and Factory S. W. Co nnr16th and Capitol Avanua. Qmnha "BURLINGTON "ROUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & . Qulncy Railroad. ) GOING EAST AND WEST. GOING NORTH AMD SOUTH. Elcsant D.iy Conches , Parlor dm. with Reolin Solid Trains of Klcjjant Da ? Coaches and Puly InK Ulmlr * ( AoaU free ) , Smoklnc Cnra , with Ho- man 1'nlaco SlecplnR Cars nro nin dully to am" vnlvlnc Clmlrs.l'iilliimn Voiica Sleeping Cars and from Bt Louis , via Hannibal , Qulncr , Kcokuk Uirt fninous O. II. & Q. Ulnlnc I'nrs run dally to and IHirllnclon. Cednr Ilnplilsand Albert Lea to 81' ' from Chicago & Kixnsai Clly , Chicago K Council IMul and Minneapolis ; Parlor Cars with Itocllnli ? ' lilusrn , Chicago & "M Molnos. C'htcoco , St. Jo- Chnlrn to and from St. > IxUls nnj 1'eoriaandr M pli. AtchUun A Tnpolta , Onlr throiiKU line foe- and from BtLoula nnct Ottumwa. Only o I tn pen Chleneo , Lincoln & Denver. Tnrounn cam chanjo of cars between Bt Loula nnd B : , bclwoen Indianapolis & Uouncll UluITa via JVorla. Moines. Iowa , Lincoln , rleoraska , aodDcnvct All connections inailo In Union irepow. U U | CoJorndo. Ininw-n no the croat THHOUQIIOAU LINK. I It is universally admit fed lo bo the Flonr.t Equipped Railroad In the World for fill Clnssse of Travel- , T. 'J Wyn.'GU.8d VIcH-lTos'tandOon' ! Maniwor. fKUCBVATi LS1WBM. OiM.Kww. AE'fc. Chlcwn.l M. HELLMAN & GO , . 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 13TH OMAHA , NEBRASK ' Situated in Wcefc Oniuha only two blocks from the proposed line o the Cubic Cure , with the Belt llnilwav Crossing ono corner , and only three quarters of a rnilo from the present Street-car Line , at the prices we are asking for lota. OFKKI13 SUCH INDUCEMENTH TO 11UYERS KIT1IEU FOR RESIDENCES OR SPECULATION. Lots in Thornburg Place nre bound to double in value during the cominc summur. Now is tlio time to g t the nicest lots ever placed on- the Omaha inurkot. Prices -SI 50. to $ 450. on monthly payments. W have a fewnico lots lett in § 3-5. to § 400. each Busy terms 5 0 elegant lots in f < M i fraa just southof theU. P. Depot , $175. to S300. monthly installments. Beautiful 2i ucrp lots at 32 50. each. 25 beautiful lot * in Prospnct Plnco § 200 to § 5JIO. each. * 1 5. down , and 5 pur cent a month. 15 lots in Lowes addition $176. to SUOO. long time. 8 lots in Boyd' addition , $17racli. . 12 lota in Patrick's addition , SJfiO. to § 500. ( > Jots in Phiiuviow , tlr finest ones in this addition , § 175. to 6500. Lots in Barkers Sub-division and the following addition * : Isaac & Selden's , Itedick'H , Mill > ml and Caldwell'H.'VVeHt Omiiha , Kirkwood , Oma ha View ; Hawthorne , Pike phico , Credit , FrouciT , College pluce , Done-k- ens , Park place , Parkers , Capitol Hill , llarfman'fi. Phiiuviow , &c &c. Several choice aero tracts in Wises addition , llawes addition , South- Umalmanu Wrst Onioha. | A choice 5 iicre piece in Tuttles Subdivision ; { acres in Olciilmnm. 5 acres on Cuming street , it one aero pieces on Sherman Avcnuo , near the fair grounds , nlsosnm ? ven > cholco business lots on Dodge , Farnum , iiarncy , Jac.ksou and other streets. Wo have the finest market garden pieces to bo had around Onmhu. Pour , five nnd ten acre tracts on Kith street , north o the fuir grounds , # 100. to $1000 rucli on monthly payments. A few nice acre corners iu west Omaha , at less than hnlf the price asked for adjourning land. Two lots , containing 1 acres each , in Barker's allotment , south 10th street ? 800 nnd § 1,000. Eay tprin . If acres , soutli 1 3lh street , 3,000. Will divide. FOR SALE Leading hotel in lively Nebraska town , .also general store in good town , will take HOIIIO land or Qamlm property in part pay ment. ment.HOUSES AHD LOTS' tLff * J ) KJrJUiftJ JStA JLi % Aff AJk\J - K * In all parts of the city , Wo have BOIIIO great bargains in residence property. AND LAHDS In all parts of the State. Farms m Nobra ka , Iow nnd K you wnnt anything in the Real Estate line call aud see ns. Wo will show you Around , ttnd try to suit you. Houses , Stores , and Jlooius for rent. . 33. Comer ISfcH