IE DAILY -COUiNCXL BLUFFS , MONDAY , JAGUAR * 28,1884. THE DAILV FjJEE. Saturday toortiing. , Jan , 26 , COUNCIL RLUFFS. 1UTKH : Br C rrlet M cents ret w k By Mai - - 10.00 pet You OFFICE : No. T Poxl , Street. New BroaAwty , MKTOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh pgo. Ohoap railroad tickota at Btsshnoll's. Business nt the transfer is lighter'tkan ' it hai'boon for years. Biry a revolver of Cooper nfc McOco and make it warm o _ 'B. Ihoro nro 107 old caea and1 lib now ones on the docket for this term of court. Twenty inch ice is proMy good Tor Iho winter harvest , hut yesterday'n ' thaw did it no good. , Bettor orchestral woult improve' greatly the entertainments t the now opera houso. The variety show was close l Saturday night. It ought to have boon clowd Bomo time ago. Judge Lyman > hotds court in Green county this week nnd two weeks Ir.tor open ) court horo. Goonjo W. Conpor , who lhaai-tmolod for Stewart Broe. of this city , died at Oakland , Friday-night. There M s -uorvico-ot the Preabylo- rian churcti Jnat evening , the cocgroga- tion uniting in.fl aorvico-at the Methodist church. The Ixsard'df 'trade incota' to-night to make nuothonattompt-ct electing toh There oeght'to'bo enough1 interest in such an event tc-get a quorum this timo. Chria. Jolmaon had- the "distinction of ofy being the only drunk run < in Saturday night. Ho was'released yesterday on the promise to como'iuto court this morning. Ki Gapt. Eayes was yesterday relieved from dety by tho-chief of police. It is understood that the trouble was that Hayes tool" in tho'Varietyehow while mod duty. The Lighte of 'London ' 'drew a packed house sgtin Saturday night and delighted all who attended. Tlio company left last evening for Bos Moinos-whore they ap pear for two niybts. Married , by Rov. VT.iD. Maris , at his residence in liockvillo.ilnd. , January 24 Mr. Mahlon A. Grifllth , of Pottawatta- mio county , Iowa , and Miss Elizabeth Holmes , of Parko .county , Ind. The rcmi annual examination at 3t. Francis academy will commence Monday nnd continue three .days. The patrons of the school are invited to bo present and satisfy themselves as to the work > done by the school. Of ton great chunks-of frozen dirt fall oiFtho wagons usod.for filling streets , in some cases cudnugonr-gi travel , especially at night. One of the hose wagons yes terday evening had a narrow cscapo from being tipped over. Tho. . chunks must go or accidents will follow. P Temploton < fc Lamb kept a ballot box ) open Saturday for votes on the question t of building a now $100,000 court house and $10,000 jail. At the close of the polls , at 0 o'clock , there had boon 173 votes c.ut , of which ithoro were 82 tin favor of the now court house nnd eight against it ; 70 in favor-of the now jailand seven against it. Rov. Mr. Bates , of 'the Presbyterian church , and his people , have boon invited to join in the revival services i in progress at the Broadway Methodist church , and have decided to'nocopt. On | r Account of thcso union services this week the social arranged for by the Presbyte r rian ladies , at Mrs. Tcrwilligor'u , will Ibo It postponed , instead of being hold next Friday uight 113 planned. , As there are a numbstr of cases now pending in the circuit court in which Judge Lytnan , bSforo hie appointment , was concerned as attorney , arrangements have boon inado by which Judge Greg ory , of the Third district , will preside ( the second week of the coming term und hear these cases , while Judge Lyman takes his place iu Olarko county. George " \V. Richmond's immo is mentioned tionod as a probable candidate for city engineer , and ifi being favorably com mented upon by republicans. The alder men , however , if they can got their bill passed nt DCS Moincs , will have the a el ection of city engineer , as well as city marshal nnd city attorney in fact the people will bo relieved from voting almost most entirely , while the council will Ido all this work themselves , and fix their own salaries. The Bavarian baud serenaded Mr Henry Sputman , ono of the proprietors of Kiel's hotel , at ono o'clock u. m. on Saturday , it being the anniversary of his birth. Henry was called up and ro- ( { netted to make a speech. HO respond ed by inviting his friends to como in the ihctolto partake of on oyster supper , which wan promptly prepared , and then went fr.iin room to room awakening the dodgers , inviting thuin to como down and " inilo. " Bather an amusing incident occurrnd at iho Methodist Episcopal church Tues day oveniii } , ' . During the eervlcea it happened that llev. M. U. Payne and Father Drain were standing close to- - K therwhen Ilov. Volmer llod upon atia ot them to lead in prayer , The jutnilarHy ot sound of the names led " i k > think he wan called upon , and kuwliug toward tha eatt and the the w * t , began to pray. They . nyanad rather ofUy , then gradually in- wemingly thinking the other -was iuletmpting him. The congregation , could rinrcoly repress an audible etntUo at tht quito natural mistftko. Hamburg Times. The alarm of ( -yesterday morning was 'caused by the burning of n little house on Eighth rtroot between avenues F. and Q. It ws owned nnd occupied by Mrs. O'Lciry. The fire was well under way befaro the nlarm-wai sounded , but the boys jot thcro iu pretty gooXl shape , and k d an excellent stream on 'from ' n hydrant. Most of the contra of Kho house were tmvcd , and part ! the "building itself , though in a badly wrecked condition. Loss . § 300. The cause of'the tire is unkmirrn. One-of the reasons assigned by some of the police for the fact that o burglars treated is that the - are sti-od-lights are not turning after 12-o'clock. A roil c- commodating burglar would carry a dynn-l mo in his pocket , with a wire running to au i oloctrio light on the end of his nose , ( rothat the police - ould be bettor accow- j nortatcd. Tnestreetlight excuse mcy rl ( for some , but it will too remembered I ' ! jthat Postmaster Armwar'a house -was j I burglarized ' between ? ? and 10 o'cloc4c in the ovoiiiug , Iho Union PAcific depot between - twoon the mo hours , and so on. Were the stroot-'luihta jnit out that oarlyl Wo still 'havo a few choice heating stoves which > wo are closing out at-a great sacrifice. 'Ooopor ' & McGee , 41 Main street. A m ? 'AT ' THE PAST. An Old 'Cilrceus ' Recalls How He [ - Helped Stephen A , DonglastGet His First .omen , . TLo slight form and peculiar step of a little old man , with a silk tile on his head .and a cloak hanging from his ehoul- ilof dcrsvnroifamiliar to the eyes of ninny of our citizens who have soon this personage - . ago on the streets day after day. Uims- unobtrusive , ho quietly at- itto tends to his ownibusinosa , and many to whcm'his'faco ' and form aro'familiar ' lois not'ovoii'know liis name.That man is llev. Mr. Fisk. Ho has hud a moro eventful lifo than ono would suspect from the outward appearance of 'tho man or hio.appurontly hum-drum habits of lifo. 'o.or Avotoran'Of the Mexican war , a former member of the ( Illinois legislature in the earlier years of that atato , later the district isud trict attorney iin .No vr Orleans , educated , both in law and theology , his throe score - years and ten have seen oomo very inter esting chapters. In a casual mooting and chat the other . day , ho opened his lifo to ono of thcso chapter * , and memory turning the pages ; Uncle Gfty ytars , ho read a page or two. " .Know Douglas Stephen A. ? Yes , indeed. I know him when ho wasayoung man. Ho had just opened a law office ngm Jacksonville , III. , and I was studying withmim. All the law books ho had wcro borrowed from Mr. McOonnoll. ssI presume you noticed in the papers a while ago aboutMcCoiinoll , who ( jot to bo a 'very old man , being Jellied in his oilico. That was the same McOonnoll. VVull , { Douglas was struggling along , that time , and wasn't much 'known. Ho was the easiest man to make friends , however , I over saw. IIo could go into a crowd and in live minutes ho would have them all captivated by him. Ono morning as I came into the oflico Doug- Ins stood with a letter iu his hand , and wasgating ; at it intently , thinking about something. IIo broke out finally with : 'I have just got a letter from Yandalia , saying that they arc going tote elect an attorney general day after to- morrow. If I hod a horse und a little money I would go down there and see ' if 1 couldn't got it.1 Yandalia was then the seat of government , and was seventy L * five miles from Jacksonville. I told him , 'Well , there's that old gray horao of mine , and I've got about $ & , and if that will do you uny good your welcome tome the horse and money , ' IIo ihanked mo and accepted the offer. 'Go catch your > horse and I'll go. ' So I pot up the horse and Douglas started. Ho had about twenty miles to go bofoio ho struck the prario , and then there was twenty miles of straight prario. Ha had to ride through thin in the darkncts of night , but he wanted to get into Vandalia as soon as possible. Well , ho not only got there , but ho got ejected. It was the first oflico ho over hold. After that ho kept rising from ono position to another , just like so many steps going up stairs. . " This incident of Douglas early start , naturally brought up the name of Lin , coln , so closely associated with that of Douglas. "Lincoln ! I was a member of the legislature two teams with him. 11 o was from the adjoining county. IIo had nerved ono term already when I took my Heat. I remember the brat time I saw him. I thought ho was the most awk ward , uncouth young follow I over saw. Ho arose in his seat with some document in hia hand , and as ho addressed "Mr. Speaker , " and held the paper aloft in a bony hand attached to u long , ungainly arm , hia whole manner was such that I wondered to myself what in the world that county was thinking of to send such a fellow to the legislature. But as ho wont on talking there was so much clear sunao , such sound judgment displayed , that it became evident why Uioy choio him , and after years with the history of which you are familiar , showed that they were right. " Dry cobs at 010 Main street. Jonea I it A NEW OHUBOH , Trto Ilunlwartla Have nouKlit Prop- urly anil uro to Ilulia , * lov' Mr * "y101" ' of Mlssour , ! Valley , a prominent man in the denomination of 'Dunkanls , has boun working ijuiotly in this city to rally the scattorfld forces of that belief , und got a strong a.icic-ty . or- ganized. Ho has euccoodod well , not only in that but in securing property here , having purchased the two lots nnd dwellings on Bluff otroot , owned by Laapold Kern , just south of Fifth 5 ; nue. Ono of these houses and lots is to bs used as a parsonage. The other lot ii to be cleared off and a church built thereon. The price paid for the property ' was $2,800. HOW IT ( S DONE , Rcprts [ Iowa Cilicsas To How Paid For , Statement. Since the change inado in Council Bluffs fcy which the filling of streets is charged up to adjacent property , instead of boiag paid for out of the general fund there have been many complications anil muoh discussion. Ono of the strong pokta urgnd in support of the plan of taring the cost < sp to private property has bosn that oihor town cities have , under tbo same lave , bcon following this plan , gome have denied this , while olhora have , squally strongly afllrmcd it. In order to enlighten tbo renders of THK BIE : , and give them facts upon which to base argu ments and'opinions , the following qucs tions have boon Bent to the city clerks of several I wa cities having a population of upwards of 10,000 : "Is the filling of streotn in your city chargad up to abutting property , or is it paid for out of the general fund ! " "How long have you been following your present system of assessment in this regard ? " "Havo you had litigation upon this question ! " A number of replies have boon re ceived. They are given below in full nnd TUB BKK will publish some further facts on thin question in some future issue i ; : OTTU.MWA , January 20. In reply would say that the grading of the streets iic 11ii this city has always boon done by the city nnd paid for out of tlio general fund of the city. I moan bv grading , both cutting and filling. This is , to my mind , an answer to oil three of your questions. Very respectfully , W. H. Fr-TZEK , City Clerk. Dr.s MOINKS , January 2 . Yours nt hand. In reply would say that all street improvements , as spoken of are paid out of the general fund. I knmw nothing to the contrary. I am , sir , W. D. CHUIKTY , City Clork. DAVENPOKT , January 20. Would say in reply that all our Ntroot work is done by the city and charged to the road fund. Being clerk for five years never know of tlio assessment plan. Wo have four dif ferent funds , road , general , special and water fund. Years ago when the city was young they assessed property owners for any improvmentdonom front of their > property , but that is done away with now. Youra very respectfully , JOIIK City Clerk. IOWA OITV , January 20. Since the incorporation of our city in 18J53 , the fill ing of the atreots has never bcon charg ed to adjacent property. Only macadam and sidewalks are charged to adjacent property. All grading in done by the the city out of the general fund. There never was any litigation upon the ques tion here. 1 our respectfully , MAY Orro , City Clerk. KEOKWK , January 20 , In answer would say that all grading and filling inn streets in our city is paid out of the gen eral fund. This has always bcon the policy , and I do not think that this man ner of doing it has over been questioned or litigated by our citizens. Youro truly , J.W.JEIAMAINE , City Clerk. MiiifliiALLTOwx , January 20. In re ply Z will say oil filling of streets ) has boon done here by the city and paid out of the general fund or by poll tax labor. The city council contemplate paving this season , and charga all grading dnt ing and filling of streets to the abutting property , as provided by Sections 4G5 ( and ! < ) ( ! , laws ot losva. Wo have had no litigation in charging sidewalks against abutting property , ns provided for by these sections. Youra respectfully , J. G. Tunmsii , City Clerk. Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cutting a specialty , (101 ( S. Main at. , up stairs. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIOG. Sjxjclal ( uimrtleeraoiita , etich 01 Ixjst , found , Tn Loan , For Sale , To I'.cnt , Wants , Board- lnjtitc.tlll l > o Inserted In tlila culuoiu at tlio low rate nf TKN CKXTij I'KIl LINK ( or the Orst Insertion and VIVK CENTS I'KIl LINK lot each subsequent lu- cortlnn. Loava adtortlncniouta atourotllce , No. 7 I'carl Street , near Iroad ) av WANTD. TV'ANTEU noy , with pouj , toJdhcrTim linn. WANTii-K\iorlunood : | dining room ( jl-l Wntrua . ( IS. pur month , Ogdcn Home , Council IlluO * , oua. oua.W AKTKD i\ury : l.oiiym Council IllufTa to take TimlliT. Lcllrtred by carrier nt only twenty . cent < a HIT I ; " Y\7AJs'l'l'-l' A KC-oil lir.iiio , It nlco location , with T Ihrio or ( our roomt. AilJiunhox Vo. 20 , DKK OLD TAI'intS 1'or tulo at BKr. olllcu , at a huiidrud. t' An ( lun'antlyiurnUlirilro > in , location central. Hufcrencxs required. AcUa A.'B. u" 1J10U SALU-Onu Unro sorrel lior/o. w. | | it 1400 1 pound ! . 8 > cam old. A. J. Mandii , S2" > Ilroail- OTOVF.H-I ha\oafuwcuok and heatlcg ; etovr * left ID utir , uhli'h I lll close initat great leductloni. . . A. J Jlamlcl. Go And eftI I hC.K 1IIK GREAT MUSEUM _ op f Xuwuii viblliltloiittXn. 817 Jlroiulvay , tar eeiitlij ] i.inn from U a in tt > 13 p. m. iltlb , ovcjit KriJiy , tniuillofl | > m . wlilcliUforladlMuuly on ulilcli Uay tlio iivtura 111 liuil\i > ii liy a My , dcwrlblni/ nil J | w.tlnir | ait n ( tlio human /roinu miU all llV HUCHOtvlllltlrUII. ADMISSION . . . . . . . . . . S5 Irs , fl , J , iiiM CD , PHYSICIAN & iMlGfcON , 8M Mjdaia Broadway. CouucU BluffH. ' " " * " B. Eice M , D , nAUPPDC ! ( ir * * ' " * * i A a foninVAfl i * 41.a rtyCHRONIC ' DISEASES Offloa riTCoujulutiua ftva ) aj speech is short , but to the point , lie Chicago discounts every day in the ' > 'e ft en AND ARCTICS. _ . Goods WARIl X1TOED as good as ANY in the market. They are inado by the i | NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. W liavo t big line of SPECIALS and on IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all etccs , ready to ship on receipt of orders. TZBZIE " .ESIMIIFIIRIEJ , Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are better than many so-called firs quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on them. 2. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 12 Broadwav , Council Bluffs Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER , Hard and AND WOOD , { 'AND BAUIlEr , IJME , IXUISV1M.E AND PORTTAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTKK , AND HKWKU WPE. No , 039 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOLTEK. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFKH , . . . . IOWA. THTIIM W PATPTi A1TOUNKY AT LAW. HANAOER OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- UUHIN W , JJJCillliy , TC COLLECTION AGENCY. Olllco comer Broadway nncUIalnetroct. JOHN BENO & CO , OENEUAIj MKnCHANDISE. , IS Main street and 17 Pearl street MAX MOHN CIIESTON HOUSE. , Hotel , 217 and 219 Main ( treat. HI ? T P WTTPFP OFFICE , UJ.V U J. i VVXJJ-J.X ) ) Corner Main and Flltlmp-atalra. Residence , 609 Willow avenue. N. JUSTICE OF THE I'EACK , Cmico mor American Express. S. S WAGNER.LIVERY AND FEED , . . Will contract for ( uner&li nt reasonable rates. 2 Fourth street. J , M , ST. JOHW & COGASH BUYERS , Draft liy return null. 146 Broadway. 1 A POP MKUOHANT TAILOK , UZ1.UUJD Stock OpnuueU. Suits made at reasonable ptlccp. No. SOS Main St.l G F. SMITH.CONTIUCTOK AND BUILDEU , , . . Corner 7th anil lirojilway. Plans and epcclflcatlona furnished. JAMES FRANEY MERCHANT TAILOK. , Artlatio Work and reasonable chargeii. 872 Broadway. TTNTFYT Xr 73 ATT ? ATTOIINEYS AT LAW , . . . . JJJ.1NJUJ. 05 Oj3.IVjJ. . Jaiooa Bloak. Practice In state and federal courts. OAiNllAllI ! " I TTl\/l \ Ani1 Komcrj-.M. la'n ' h ° u 6 I > ) . * l'lii.lclan. 21 and 423 _ Broadway. _ _ L. Sovereign , Prop. _ V. J. Mont- T ATJTJnTT JUSTICK op THE PEACE , U. jtiJJ3U JL J-i Notnrv inibllo and General Conveyancer. 415 Broadway. TTniTQ ! V SMITH & NORTON , J-LUUOjJi Broadviayojiposlte New Opera Ilouto. Itcfitted SI , $1.60 per day A" Large Assortment of Hard and Soft Coal STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVE Being loft over , must bo sold nt your own prices. I need IXIIEGD to fill cotitinctB. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. Now Store , Trcsh Ooodi , Low I'rtccB and Tollto Atteudauts. { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OK WATiULOO : , IOWA , Iicontldcrcd thu bolt } ? .r > ( H > In CIMI of duath.nnd Iho expiration of ten jearc. Atsoi- incnls | KUabloaccording tea e , Slrf. OH\s 1'illr.v iliunfcnt will call nud explain the plan UIHIII re- . - jt. lilront jour cou nmnlcutlona to til \ Iu St. Uuunill Il.'nCfa Inno. your DEALT511 IN ALL Tflfl LATEST DESIGNS OF eftILL PAPER Interior Decorations. 18 S. Penrl Street ami 20 N. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS j Wholesale Wo have the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Kid Sock Protectors , In Magnetic insoles , : Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Jl Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , / . Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces , Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As AVO buy above goods of Mnnufn turors in large quantities for Spot Cash ' , wenro ounblea to sell them IOAV enough to suit competition. Onleis promptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , Broadwny , Council 131ulF , lown. * Empkie Hardware Co ' -1 109 and lll'kS. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN S'V/P / Vff , \ - & 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Money Loaned , Abstracts ' Furnished * " ' * : - : : > : Kr No. 4 Pearl Street , 3MCOIvaf-ipc ! KrCOUNCIL BLUFFS. BEOHTELE'S e Tlio only only hotel run on the European plan 'in this city. New building , , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BECI3 TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers * OP COUNCIL BLUFFS. IB E : M : o 33 THEin BUSINESS TO Omaha , Nolo. , January 1st , HAVING SECURED WEST & FIUTCIIER'S OLD STAND , , 113 O3 eft ? ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) ; YTO Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands iu tlio County. GE.OSVENQR & GUNN , MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. STOVE AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. 'Q ' TflflH- o lUULo Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fnncj' Hardware. A large hue of extiaordinary Fine Carvers. 8OT 504 Broadway , and 10 and ili , 12 Main Street , WHY DOWT YOU cirrsjMK OK I'orfcct Kitting , lleat and Chca | > estrjrine [ Linen Collars and Cuffs. No. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. FKOM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE In nil our Boots and Shoes , regardless oE Quality. Don't miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Sireet. DR , THOMAS JEFPERIS , No. K23tJi\tlia\oiiuc , Council Illutfr , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. K ; TIIIUT * TMRH 1DRXT OY CooClb l'cascil conditions dcbcrlliudutliont ) nuu i Innlnir. Ilicru nru liundruds of u Itnct ca to Ilio /act th t tno blind aru restored , the ilcal inado to hear , alio uaralj ls | > nd rlicinnaiism of months find . caw ' Btaiiillnt : ftcn\icntly cured In 20 minutest' time thinuKli iHjcliio nicsmi'rkspirit or Houl force , "Thcko tilings wgro lint dunolnn corner. " Thoonly rJlabloprmonlttl onnd euro for dlph- tlicilit KIIOM-II ( keep it on tmnJ ) . The liost ratnrrh rcuiudy In IIMX Snukll pox prot mtative sujicrior to vaccluatlon. Ihcrycatu of Indigestion ( duaprpsla ) curnl tliuoro'iulreJonotOBlx . CM uli-orj , couiinonly called canctrn rcmoxcd without the UMJ ottlioktnfu. In fact all acute and chroula dltonaes uuixvaiifiilly trcato.1 I liu reeonU of mortality thow that Dr. JcffuMcs li tlio moit successful iTiuticloner of mcOlrlnu In the Mcntirii country. UUgruatoit BUCCDSU lia brrn In cam * that Kin LattUdthe tklll cif otber doctorn , M well fts cuu liijj ile ulr and IliiancUl ruin In many X ? > chirga for consultation liy litter or otherwise. Iiidwoilmnp uhtirc antucm to Ittturd uro required. Item Lln.l uf rcd'rncea yhiii. ttf 1'iruoiiii Jfi'efroin oiiU louaillscafc will lie ro dveil Into hUlimtltuU i < ( Health ( or t.Mtiucnt. JACOIJ H1MS. E. P. CADWELL. . 8IMS& CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Oflico , Main Street. Koonw 1 and hlui.-art & Uo- ' Uahon'n Block. Will practlco lu statt aud iMcr.1 Murti W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Blurts. Real iUt and collection aijenoy. o Odd f ellowi oclc , over&k\lDKiIUuk. , JOSEPH GA&HI3GA1T. HABD WOOD AND Corner Mnln slrott und Kl hth aui.uc , 03 in BJiitfu. rntus and prompt ilolltory WINJEIMpORT. SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS % Oxa.xoor , 3 > X 3 OE . - r Wo t'ua anteu tliu ciino ul the follow lui ; iniuod dl raaMiariii ) | > aj : ItheimiatUin , Bcrifula , Ulcers , - Caiarrli , a I Illood nnd Kin Mwun , Il iwpiu , l. | , ef Complaint , hMnuy and Madder UkriK. . Ooiit. Nui- raUlaandAiithma , Tlicii H | > rlii | ; aiu tlio tatorltu rii ort of the an.1 ltutn.1 , nnd ore thu KKKHr-B LADH-8 Ilh.vr nilKXJ ) , Opod liotul , llury and taming udinu lntlon both winter and . and healthy. tunimer. AcccHrfMo Locality In- WBb'h ! n'ctuiiBnuu ' K\oii , or . , . * y. , at AlUny. Corrm.oimVnu nollcitcd , JIKV. M. it. Slloam SjirliiBK , Cora , I' . © ANALJSJ3. Speclllo flruUty . Hcactlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CatUmlo Add Cos , . so'lu V OuLonato Call luii . . . . . A Carlwinatu Iron . . . . . . . . . . Sulphate Cacliiii Cblorldo Smllum . Bllllca. . , . , . . Alumliu . . . Urnulo and Volatile matter and lokn [ . ' Total olid * per gallon . Wuionr Jk iluuViu. ; TU08. OfNCEK , QM. . run IT. OFFICER & FUSE Y BANKERS. Council Hindi Establishea Uialenln 1856 UOB Sururlti