< * " - - - . , ! l THE BEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , JANUAKY 28 , IBM * RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintcndno Iron Works u. P. RAILWAY 17TI1 & 1STII STREETS : V MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLERjMILLSv. liil and Orain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE 'Celebrated ' 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , I ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. O a 4 § o Cd " \Vo are prepared \ i'uruish plans and estimates , and will contract foi the erection o Flouring Milla and Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , fremStone to the Roller System. B JlJ pecial attention given 10 furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , and estimates made i'or same. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. Address RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb. PERFECTION , m Heating "and Baking , Tn only attained by lining CHARTER OAr Stoves and Ranges , fflW \ [ GAUZE OVER OQOfil Foi Bale by ' MILTON ROGERS & SONS w OMAHA- ; ; THE LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY unaand 1411 Dodge St. . I Aupftpgo'n8'eJ ' ! } OMAHA. NEB Dr CONNAUGHTON , 403 BIIADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cured. PdtionU Cured at Homo. Write for "TiiE MKUICAI.-MI.SSIONAKY , " for the People , Free. Consultation and Correspondence Gratis. P. O. Box 2 2. Telephone No. 220. HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : "Physician of Real Ability and Marked SUCCOHS. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , writoa : "An Honorable Man , Fine Success , Wonderful Cures , " Hourn. 8 t > > f . UANUFACTTJBKB OF OJ 6TIUOTLY KIR3TLA8a AND TWO WHEEL CARTS. iai on < lU Oll/lrn / ybtrM.tand403B. Uth 8U * t. 1 OM4.HA. NEB. , f ' * - * " | M illustr-lodCo 1 it-ue furtUUwl frw won applicatlou rfc ttfifrv > rmmt' STATE JOTTINGS. LtKCnt.V. The comity coinml'slonors of Lnncii > r . -jurn o\pouse.i for tlia year at ? ' .O,200boilde * f ( > 2GOO Interest on tlio sinking fund , making the total SIM,800. A. lady thing in tlio coat suburbs of Lincoln lost an 8ii diamond getting whllo fooillnp tint chickoni. The muplclon 11 that one of tlio Tlio sudden ilonth of Mrs. Kluhnrrta \ of a Journal travelling innn , Initvoak , the doctors think was caused by tailing a nuiiitity of chloral , n deadly potion , through inlsUko. Wilton Tyson niul l.lzilo Krtwo were tied by tlio county jmltfo last weak. It might liavo been a Freezing diy for Tyson , hut tlio warmth of wedlock would imboml nn Icyclo , A uit for § 10,000 damages for mal-prae- lice In treatment nf a dliloeated shoulder , by t Lancaster comity farmer against a well < nown practicing physician of the city , la nbout to bo initltutod. \ woman with throe smalt children , on her way to Colorado , wai robbed of about 353 on iho train from to Lincoln. The thlof suc ceeded In petting all the money the poor wo- nan had , except about thirty-llvo canK A argo licartod pvsengortooklior tu charge ami > ni\ldcda11 noc&tsarioa. The immml mooting of the Stock Breeders' association of Nebraska will bo held In the onate chamber , at Lincoln , Wedno d ty nnd rimrsdav , February lit and 11 , 1881. On Friday , February 15th , the day following , the Wool Growers' association will hold Its annual mooting nt the same place. NIKHOST. Mr. Hubert WINon , of Ottawa , 111. , has arrived - rived in Fremont for the purpose of running x surv oy , to ascertain the foaslhltty of bring , 'lie the water of the 1'latto or of the upper akes through the tity , for lire nnd other pur- loses , and to nol\o the imoRtion of w.ttor sup ply. ply.The The Herald inclines to the bollef that Fro- nont has no show to serure the G. A , H. re union. Mr. John Bounoll , department coin- man Jer , being a resident of the cipIUl , and employed by thu H. Si M. , com luces it that Lincoln la the favored place , or porno other point to which tha railrond would hiuo a no.ivy haul. . IINIJ * " * Thn now depot was opom'il lost week. Whllo not nil Imposing otrnctnrn in appear IUCQ from the outside , it h ono of the very jest on the road. It Is 30x80 foot in the , ivith wide projecting eaves supported by ic.ivy brackuta. Besides this , tlio company has ppont about ? < l > ,000 dining the jtastfuir months In remodeling and rebuilding the old eating house , and putting down broail , lioavy ink platforms on every olilo of it. The old ilepot will be used for the telegraph otlicu nnd 'rcight Imiiness. 1'I.ATTSMOUTII. Mr . Henry Wntsouslippodon the Mdcwiilk mul liroko her arm , the other duy. There were 102 marriage licenses leaned by tlio county clerk of Cass during 1SSII. Polin has been taken to the pon. Ho was photographed with his family before his de parture. society bo.ux are nmch excited ever the coming leap year party , which the ladies nro preparing. It will bo hold at Watormau'ii opera house , .T. II. Morse , Iho insane man wan nont oant recently in cure of County Cominintioncr Todd , jumped from the cars near Newark , N. J..sustaining injuries from which ho died soon after. Ills rmainsoull bo brought buck nnd buried at Weeping Water beside tho&e of his vvifovhobo death moro than a year ago was the principle cause of his insanity , HASTINGS. Work will noon commence on the branch of the B. & M. from Hastings to Aurora. The expenses of Adams county for the year are figured by the commissioners at § 10,1173. There is n confusion ot time in the city. The citizens continue In the old rut , while the railroad ruus by atandurd timo. It is said that the Nebraska Loan und Trust company has purchased half a block of ground on which to crock a three-story hotel. The Democrat has a sensation in pickle a scauJal which in said to involve four promi nent persons. Out with it , though the ha.iv- OUj < fall. invent.vo cobbler of this city has per fected a revolving jack , so arranged that n man can stand up nnd work on It. Patent applied for. The Democrat gravely utterta that tlio bachlora of th.it town are too staid andraodost to be caught by a single leap ; they cannot "buatlo" that with . stand the comes marriage. THK BTATK IN OKNKOAL. lluinboldt improved 802,400 worth in 1883 , and proposal to double that amount this year. year.The The total amount of cosh in the county treasury of York is § 15,000. This will do for a starter. Norfolk has organized n stock company , with a capital of S 1,500 , to securotho location of the G. A. K. reunion there. The Fullerton roller mills , jnct completed , liavo a capacity of 125 barreln of flour per day. The elevator attached will hold 25.000 bushels of grain. .T , 1' . Latta , the proprietor of the Bart County bank , has taken a partner , Mr. 11. A Tjinplotou. Mr. Tcmplotjn is ono ot tin" heaviest cattle dealers la Nebraska. Mrs. David Goldsmith , of Ashland , experi mented with amiafortla and quicksilver. The compound oxpoded and nearly rninod her eyesight. She didu't know It WAS loidod. ThoU. P , town lot opoculatorj are / skirmishing ishing for a taking name for a naw town which will up planted on the Bentrioo branch of the road , in the northern part of Gugo county. The Central City opera house is about fin ished. The/ / cost of the building and fixtures was 3,500. It will hold § 1,000. The stage has a frontage of 24 feet , and runs 1C feet back. back.A A poor man In Nebraska City has been ar rested for stealing u sack of flour. It Is prob able that ho will 1)0 promptly nentoncod to death , as he hasn't enough money to hlro a lawyer. A Knox comity farmer , who has been ox > poriinontlng wlthKeiitutky blue gram , con cludes that all northern Nebraska will prove to bo ono of the fluent tame grass countries In the world. An Indian named Drrolu win run over and killed by u truiii near Hulo lastweek. . Ilia cargo of firewater shifted nnd ha laid on tlio track to rest and lauded in the happy hunting ground , % The Central City Courier explain * * the ac tion of the governor in commuting the death sentence nf the Grand Island murderer. "It has navflr been exactly clear why Mr , Hart did shoot down an old man in cold blood , and the fear of proceeding on mi uncertainty hot doubtless caused executive clemency in his case. Portions will probably bo announced In our next laauo. " A coal discovery ha.i been rnadn ii'iout ono mile east of lluinboldt , Jtlchardson county. by Jacob and Newton Wulker Tlio procpoct It very flattering , the vein being from thirty Incbi-d to three feet thick , I * of good quality , and not over hulf a mile from the railroad. The land Is owned by Dr. O. L. Gundy , who has given a leato tu the Walker brotheru to thu aamo for 2.r yearn In conslderation of ono cent per buhrl for all coal taken out , Fiddler Creek is the tuneful uamo of a set * tlement In Dakota county , which has gained some notoriety through 1U hoodlum eltmient Their best hold U the neck of a whUky bottle. Ou a recent Sunday they gathered nt the church thoropassed ( around the whisky , mi4 thou started in to clean out the congregation. Icwana wild tima , The movement of Holi-n was lively mid intense , and profanity and pu gilism supplanted prayer for a time.Var > routs uro out for the hoodlunu. The Nlobraru vlgllanted , while rectiperating at Yankton nn their return with Kid Wade , entertained the native * at TiO oontt a head , The show consisted of an exhlkltlon of the K.U din irvelous skill with the revolver. He U Bald to be superior to all the frontier celeb rities In the UBU nf thin weapon. Captain C , O , Dodge , of the capturing uquad. ga > o an ac count of the operations of tbo Nlobrara vigi lance comiiiltteit , which haa necurod forty thieves and returned fully oa many stolen homes. George Krashen , of Dlxon county , was n Inv or whoso ardor go could not dUt-iuce niul a big brother could not cool. Ho loved the daughter of Uavld Peck , but the old man kicked. She is only nixttxiu. Elopement uve- nue was upon , and George took that route to matrimony , with the girl under hi * arm , only stripping for u moment at Ponci tu tiriwli tutldo with u revolver tin iippoxttlou of tliu brother. They crinued ths river and WAI married just as the father reached thn oppo MtoMmro. George Jouniojod on to Dakota , whlla David bottled up Ida wrath and returned homo. The mint efficacious Atlmulants tooicito the appetite are AujjoNtimi IMltci-s , prciiarod l v Doctor J. Cl. 11. Slcgert & Son . Bow.xro o , * counterfeits , A'k your grocer or dmggiit for the . 'ciuiina artlclo A Pastry Thief. Last i yhl nbout l > o'clock a ' coon.1 broke open the door of the restaurant in the roar of Curry's saloon , on Tcntl atroot , nnd inado elF with a pio. Tlio proprietor of the place tjnvo chase anil anccoodcd in cAtching the follow and nnrchcd him to jail. There was no necessity for his stealing iho irio , ns ho had -0 coiits in hii pockoU when arrested. Some people had rather teal than do any thin ) , ' olsc , anyhow. Horsforcl's Acltl Phosphate. Bcwaro of Imitations , Imitationn nnd counterfeits have again apitoarud. Ho sure that the word "lions * KOUitV ia on the wrapper. None are ; unuino without it. IIAGLI'.V In this city. .Innuwy IW , at 8 o'clock a. m. , Patrick Barley , agoil II * yoarx. * Finiorid will take plnca thin morning at U o'clock from the raiidonco , corner Fifteenth nnd Hurt streets. M'GAVIClC-ln this city , January 27 , Lu * clndn , infant daughter of Mr. A. McGi.v * ick , lured 2 years , - niontlH nud 17 dayx. Notice of funeral heroaftor. UAIMIOAD KXOINKIJU'S I3.VPE- KlKtiOK. On a. Ktonny Soptoinhor i\ilu. ; Cormuumtonco Coniinarclil Gntctta. M.utir.rrA , January. On Dcoumbor 22 , 1874 , Thomas W. Uurko was given engine G ; ! , drawing the Lpuisvillo express ivor the Panhandle railroad , now the . 'ittsbr.rg , Cinuinnati , St. Louis and 3olumbu3. His lun wna from Dennison , ) . , to Pittsbur and return , the distance between the points being mnaty-throo in'los. Ono of the bridges ever which ho an .spanned Cross Crook , nnd was known o the railroad men na Bridge -10. Thoao ivho note the woatlior in the Ohio vnlloy will remember the unhcardof llooda which swept the country in the fall of 1878. On tjuptombor 1U , 1878 , Crosa Creole grow ; o n aavatjo river , four hundred foot wido. Its waters nro noted for swiftness , and during ordinary froshota the farmers along its banks are unusually watch- 'ul , lest it steal their possessions so on this particular nnd eventful night ; hey were alarmed ns they never wore bo- 'ore. 'ore.Tho Louisville express , consisting of a mggago car , three coaches and ono sleeper , drawn by cngino (5JJ ( , with Tom Durko nt the throttle , loft the Union depot at Pittaburg nj usual on the night nontioned. As the iron courier plunged through the darkness the rain bent furi ously against the windows of the cab , while the wind shrieked dismally , cauaing .ho fireman to peer antiously ahead. Tlio ; rim engineer betrayed no sign of fear na 10 drew the throttle out ono notch more. The swaying of the rushing train nnd the severity of the storm prevented oven ihoso in the luxurious Pullman from sleeping. Early in the morning , nnd ns .ho train npproached Cross Creek , death "oaped upon the pilot , nnd crouching here nwnitod his victim. Firmly Tom told the throttle as hi * well trained eye bllowed the shining rails revealed by the golden gleam of the headlight. Just as the engine swept on to the western end of Bridge 40 ho saw by the headlight's , 'liro : throe spans of the custom end reel- ng , foaming water , hoard n crash , then nil was dnrknoss. Upon recovering from ho shock ho found himsnlf swimming in ; ho midst of the angry torrent. To gain ho shore ho struck out boldly , but upon reaching it his strength failed him , nnd ho current carried him nut. Once more 10 reached the shore , nnd once more did 10 find himself at the mercy of the flood. Aided , by n cold light from a rift in the clouds , ho eapiod some drift wood , which 10 reached. While clinging to n log a man cnmo with a lantern , and the ongi- iccr bcggod him to reach n polo out. -Jack came the heavy words that no as sistance could bo rendered as ho was too : ar from shore. Becoming desperate , ho determined to remove some of iiis heavy clothing , even nt the peril of his life. Not : ur down the stream there was n dam to go ever which meant instant death. So 10 cautiously caught the sleeve of his coat with his teeth and succeeded in free- ng his left arm , which had been injured in the accident. Being in constant fear o" being swept ever the dnm , it wns with jrcat difficulty that ho succeeded in re moving his heavy coat. Then Bummon- inj all hia strength ho mudo a last dibit to reach the shore ; ho succeeded after being in the water ono and three-quarto hour. Death went down with the loco motive and grasped the poor iiroman , who was not found until four hours after the accident. The ponderous engine was carried fifty feet below the bridge by the swift current , and was buried under twenty-five foot of water. The baggage car hung over in the Hood ; passengers ran pollraoll from the cars out into the fury of the storm. Twenty miles westwart an almost similar accident occurred a < about the same hour a bridge oinf down with a freight engine. So dis astrous was the flood that traillc over the road was totally suspended for u week Tom Burke was off about a month , thoi ; ho was given another engine which ho ran quite two years , when our day con trary to orders ton freight cars were 01 the main line over which ho had right o way. The cars were on a curve , ho was making up time , and while running at the rUe of fifty miles an hour his engine shot lilco a thunderbolt into the cars , splitting seven of them in twain and stripping hi : engine of her entire dress , leaving her panting and trembling with not ono wheo 011 the rails. The collar bono of his fire man was broken and ho wai laid un for a fortnight. IIo was then given Mo. 88 which was his pet for h'vo yearn. lie hal imagined that she became so familiar witl his run that she know bin land-marks especially an old tro marking ono end o a splendid stretch of road whuro time waste to bo made , and the old rod barn at the other end where the throttle went in- slowing up because of a dangerous curve Townspeople and farmers along the roa < grow familiar with the blue-bloused form of Tom Burke. And at midnight many good dames heard tlio' shrieking and rushing of his train , and peering from th windows m w u ihuh of light as they mut torod , "Thoro goes Tom Burke a flyin thro' the night. " Through the storms o winter nud the soft clays of summer fo nine long years ho hold the throttle thinking always of time ; steadfast , h was over a picture of the true typo of a American engineer. In estimating th distnnco lie law traveled , twonty-sovo times arouud the world , the figures wor rnthor below than above the actual din tauco. Tlio shook ho luatained oa the ivi ! night ho wont down wivMi llridgo10 slmt toretl his honlth. lnat J oar ho gradu ally pjrcw worao , until , by the advice o Iho doctors , ho released the throttle c old 88 on the evening of Doctitnhor IP The jwrting was a Imrd blow 'to ' toK mo : Hko thixt of husband and wife . 'u ' rccKoucd. 'Jliero are hundrodn of engine ilrivcra who can truly sympathize with him. him.Tho The villnjjcra and fnrincr.i along the route who know the sturdy figviro and ruddy face of Tom Burke would nol readily recognize him now. His fnco is white and ho is quito fuoblo. Ho grows weary and impatient riding in the can , mil longn for the throtllo. An I bade lim good by , observing the white thread- ik scar ou hin left hand , I hoped II uniliT. goon regain ita strength that ho night once moro sit in tlio cab. VAN WI.NKI.K. TORPID BOWELS , D3SOKDERED LIVER , _ and MALARBA. From tliuso gourcua iirUo tlirao-lourths of itu ( llxonfics or tlio Iniiimn niro. Tliuso pvitiiHoinsiiuhcnto UiolrdxHtonco : T < n f A | > | ictlto , Kowrli O'xllvn , HIcU lleml- nclie. flilliiomi nllor rutliifr , uvemloik to rxortloit of lioilj" 01 lulriit , llructntlnii of fooil , IrrUulillltv nf tciuper , Jo\ plrlto , A foclhiK of IiavlllR tirfilcrtcii .101110 lntJl7ilii cm ) , t'lnttcrlmrnt Iho jflcni-l ot < lliernro tlinryriihlKl > lyool ore a Urine , < : < > rvr.TJ.i ATiov ; , mul iia. limiul the tiso ofnrutnudytbat nrtmllirottv on tlio I.Ivor. jVoaWvorincilloliuiTUTT''J 1'II.r.N Imvo ire oaiiul * Tholr notion on tlio Kidney * and Skin iantioiiroiuittt removing , all ImiHiiltloa tUroniili tlio8Otlii'00" < lnT tnf ? r iif the Britvin , " vroiltiOlnR rrpio. | tltuBOiiml dl c ilon , rrgulnr stools , nolcnr MdUftiidlxvlRorouabrxlv. TWTT'Hi'lI .S ctiusto no nauiua or ( ilpliiK nor iiitcrforu with dnlly work nnil nro u vorfcot ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. rioldoTcrywIii-nj.ttnc. Ompn.41Miim\rHt.N.Y. GHAT llAiit ou WIIISKKUS oiiaiiRoa in- Itnntly toaULossv llbvcK liyiiHlnglo ii | > . pllcntlon of this J > n : . Sola by Uruce or Bunt liy nxprna i on rr-cnlntor # onico , 44 Jlurrny Btroct , NP\T K orK ' & MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS 0ao.ooo fox- . ( KcgiilirMonthlv Drawing ; will tnko iilace In tlio Miwonio lla < l , MaaonloTomplo llull- dliif , In I.niilHvlllo , Ky. Thursday January 3Ut , 1884. A Lnyvful Lottery i. Fair Drawlngn , mrtorcd by the lestehturo of Ky. , nnd twiou duilar. 1 legal by tbo highest court In tnu Rtntu llond \XMI to Henry County In the earn ot $100,000 for the > romi > t rinyiucnt cf all prizes sold. AIIUVOLUTION IN SINQLK NUltllEIl DKAWIKOS WTKvcrv ticket holder hlnown nupirvltor , CAII call ut the number on his ticket and see the oorrennond- ig number on the ia.y placed In the wheel In lib ) irogcnce. These drawlngg will occur on the last Tiurudtvy of o > cry month. Head thu umtrnlflocut January Bobomo. 1 Priro J 80,000 1 I'riio 10,000 1 I'rizo 6,000 2 Prizes , $2,600 each ri.OOO 6 I'rlzcs , l.OUOeach 6,000 20 I'rlzou , COOuoch 10,000 100 I'rlreu , lOOonch , , . 10,000 200 Prizes , H ) each 10,000 600 Prizes , " 0 each 10,000 1000 I'rlzi > s , 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes , BOO fachApproximation l'rlz , 2,700 0 Prizes , 200 " " 1,800 D Pities , 100 cieb " " 900 ,875 Priroa. 8110,400 Wbole Tickets , 53. naif Tickets , 91 27 TlcltotB.800. CB Tlokots , $100. Romlt money or Dank Draft in Letter , or lend bj iprcsa. DONT 8KND 11Y UKQISTnilKD LETTKB It POST OFPIOEOIlDEll , until further notice. OP en of Sfi and upward by oxprooi , oan tie i-cnt at oui iponee. Adc'rima all orders to J. J. DOUOLAS , Loulm lllc , Ky. * cd & Hit-Awlut 3w oin REAL Tim roixolVJiio i IK No. 0. A homo ol nix rooms an north 20tli St A liartjaln nt 6JOOO. No fl.-I/jt with 2houiH > 8 nn north 10th fit. SI.000 cony imiuoiita. No. H. One t-tnry lrjinonoven rooms only 7 block * from 1) , I' , llujiut Clooil valuator J..IOO , io. H. IJouie on I'opjiliiton fucimo routh ( rout , very nlcdy located. ( Jooil view , Kletfant home , ? 2.vOO. io. 10. House anil full lit nil Oth and Hancrolr. Neat pottage , eliade trees vines &c. Uood pronoitr , 81WX ) , H'o. SO. lloiino o [ leicii room * , ( lotlilo. In Jlwl Helen Hub division A tury liome-llko jilaue , ( fo. 21. House ol 0 rnoinu corner of I'lcrco nnd I'a- clllo. Good n BO ? cunvenlunt tu ilonot and vury JiBirtUe rtiJuenco jiroiiertv , in,000. No. 1M. An elegant little homo In Ilt'H aJdltlou , H'rcvt ' rar , bchool , church , hiKbly ru'pcct- nblolocaltt ) , A uncd barvaln. ti&W. Ko. U , A lull lot anil store Inil'd'Dgioutli ' ' of depot A fOoJiUc | lorbunluuiiniid cheajiat $1.600 Ko , 0 L it with nix ipod tciigmout huuecs mar U. I * , depot , A KIKK ! Investment at ( O.CKO 27. llouboof U roomi In larder's addition , barn , vt 111 and i-lstorn to , coeU only 1.0W Can be paid for In monthlyusj menu. 10--HOUHJ lour rooiusun H. lith tt. 81.07 UVctlt. DO.li turh a good ImrKa'n wo duo out aJror- UHK K , It would o toijulck ! No. St. llo * | 'l ' co on Urcen nir line , ? 2WO. No. U'i A cori. r H Itli cuttno la 1'arkcr'n addition nnly l,67C. No. Mi Houie lnK" < xl I rt of I lie olty , St. carl will | IUM the doom In athort tlino. All ths modrrn luiprovctnenU Indudliig snvrtgagvl Louie outl SV'.OCO. No , 01. llounoof B roomnon full lot roitHt. cur turn table ill Ht.lun'1 ( uUIUnn. Tld * U A No 1. 32.000. No. 100 Home of four roomi and corner lot for 61.010. Boldlu mouttily pa-intuta of li , llarvdn. No. ICC. Nine room liomw nrar bunlncw on Uipltol nve. Klrtt < Jaitarr ( ln. IS.100. No. Cl. The boit birt'ciln ofn'l ' un | > iullwl for lo cal Ion aud rirlr , A maiwlon for only tlWW , f-a i'rojxrtv la connUnUy lntria > lni { In raluo 1'i.nuni wUIUnjf to buy , tbould buy nov. "Fortune favodi the bravv. " ' Call and tea ooroijtto ooiujilule U t cf uului | > rored u well u lioiiroftHl | ire | > rti Money to Loan , Houses to Eent , Notary Public , Conveyancing. Comer of IDth and Dodge Streets , ( WILLIAMS- BLOC ; : . Sanford's ' Radical Ouro , Ht.vl < V > 1 J , Watery Dlvliarso- from the Nee and KVM , UlimliH'Noi--n | the llo.vl , Ncrvotu Jloixd ncho And Kcmln.tniitlv relieved , Ci0'l'nlt ! ' K'UCIM ilWodijed , infmintMie nlpnnncd am ) healed , lirwitlnncolcncil , tmell , Kuto and henrlnc riwtnred , und rovajroaihecked. Cousin , llrimphltii. , Dropping Into the Throat Palnj In iho Oliwt , l\i i'cp.ii , VVfttmK of Strcngtl. . ntnl Hculi , Ixim of Sltcn , tto. , cured. Ono bnttlo IS'vllc-J Ouro. ono box OatArrh" ! Sol vcntiuid ono Ir ) StnforxVii Inhaler , In nna rmckntro of nil ilnifTKNtJ , for ft , Ak fur \sroitn1 IlAiilcAt Cl'RK ' , n pure illitlllAtlon of Witch Hutl , Am. 1'lnc C.v. Fir , Mfirljold , Clover llliM ins , ulo. I'OTTIK 1)RVO A\llfllRMICAt.CO. . llmtoil. .Ccllliu' Voltaic r.lectrfariaiitoi Initantly nlTcclittlio Ncnon- > * t in nnd li\tttahci I'n A H-rfoct Klcctrio lottery cnm , .dncd with a I'orom I'liwter foi n / > if . C r iUcnntu U lumlnllalrs | > Mn . „ . „ . ' - ' * . , . vltnlln-i We k mid Worn Otil SUfftRINB IJERyi l-Atls rtrciiKthen. Tired Mm clen , | iro\enU ll v.i , r.nd do n uioio In ono hull th tlina tlmn Any other i > lA.tcr In the win til. Hoi ovnrvwliorn. . .nil U 1 ttunm.r drtnV , , Trr II. r tt m.urr..lu. A k four ( Turrr t > r dtUf l t ( Vr U u lvlu Jbr Ml. J. II. n. KlLtltltTknols. J. W. WOITEBlIABtT , COlfl AOSHT , SI JlltOAl > liiYt A * , r. Tlio ncctiwUy for prompt > nj uitelonl haiualiold rtniedlct ImparntlMi , and ol thcHo llintottcr'f Htomndt Hit ten It tha chief In mirlt anil tlto niont popuUr. IrrcBuKrlly of the iitcnucli and l > on cli nlirl. Uo\crfl , Ihot L'OinpUInt , dcbllttj. rhcumntl m n n minor nihnonti , nrc tliorouchly rnniuior cdhythUlncompim blofAmllyriBtoratlM nnd nicdlclnal t < Mo Kuard.nnditlsjutt lv' ri-irnnlpil nn tin purest and most com- of Its clues. For solo by nit Drugglatii And leiior lly. Ju ) U. U. WIMT'II Nnnvr. AN DIIAIK Tnr.w. HNT , n irunmnt otl upooiUo for Iljulorin , lizzi- ofcj , ( 'oiivuMotix , J'lts , Norvoiui Nournluin , U'iiliiclitiNorTom ProKtmtion cnupcd liy the HBO fnlcoliol or tolncco , WnUi-fiilnopii , Montnl 1)0- roHsiou , Buttoning of lliu llrnin reuniting in uv unity uiul lonilinri ti > mibcry , tlocny nnd ili-utli 'roraiituru Old ABO , Hnrrcimcss , X.OFH < if power n oitlior ( .or , Involnntnry Jjosm-s nnO Hvorrant. irrhrcncaused hyuviuvoiortion nt tliohrnin.nrlf- IJUHO or oror-imhilKi'nco. linch liaxftontuiiiB nno monlh'H trnntmnnt. $1.01) ) a bux,6r iz bnxcc or$5.UOBoutbymiiil ) > ropnidou locoiptaCprlco WIJ tJA A\"TKr. HIX ItOXKM \ > euro any rcso. With rnoh oixlpr rerohml byur or ix noxi'S. uocoinpnnir > d with SBJXI , wowil OIK ! 1 hi ) purclinwr our writl/m KnornntPO to ro und tlio money it tbo trcjitninntdoca jiotcuoc ; a euro. Uuonuitona IHBUPII only liy n. V. GOO 1)11 A-N A eci Omaha Xob. OR , FELIX LEBRUN'S PBEVENTIVE AND OmU3 , rcmoJy being Injvtctcil dlrcotlv to tha rut ce u , iwiulrci nu thinee of met or n&meom ncrcurtM or poleonoiis tccJIanos to ba tnlirn Intern ly > ? lioii 'ucJ ca a iiroxuntlra liy either eci , It I ooDoy. Pilco by mall , ifst * : ; " inliJ , W per I > OT.U. ' - I Wed by all wihail'l-tfa" Mi SOI.B ritoritimoiu ) , jOL F. aooJmin , DnygUt , { Sola Agent , { or Omah' fn KHo wlV 266TH EBITION , PRICE $1,00 , BY MAIL POSTPAID. mm THYSELF , A GKEAT , MBDIOAti ON MANHOOD ! ty , Norvoui and Plmlcnl Debility 'ramaturo Decline In lion , Kitomof Youth , and tin untold inlaorloa rcmiltlii from indlKcrotlone or ox cesses. A book for in cry man , yuunt ; , middle aged and old. It contain * Ito prencrlptlonn fur all a'.utf and chronic dlnoMon cacliimeof which In Invaluable Bo found by the Author , whose expunoncv for X yean U f uch probably never biforo fell tu the In > t uiy phyilclan. 800get \ , bound In bcautlfu "rcncli rnuslln , omboiurdooveni , full giltKUAnuiteed o bo a flner work , In every sense , mechanical , lit erary and professional , than nny other work fold li , hli country for VZ.60 , or the money will bo refunded n uvery luutanou. Price only 91.00 by mall , pott .aid. Illuitratlvo BAinulo Beentj ! . Bund now. Oold nodal awarded the author by the Natiounl Uedlca' Afi oclatlon , to the o Ulcers ot which he refers. This book should bo read by the young for Instnio tlon , and by the allllctod for relief. It will bonetli all linden Linoot. Theru fc ) no member of society to whom this boot will not be uieful , whether youth , parent , guardian nitructoror clergviruin. Argonaut. AddrcM the i'eaboily Uedloal InitltuU ) , or Dr. W II. I'arkvr , No. 4 Ilutflnch Street , Ilouton Uatt. , whi may be ooniulted ou all iUwa o reiiulrlnK Bklll and experience , Ohronlo aiidob tluatedUoaiieiithiit liavt balllcd the iklll of all other T'OD-UCAI olAn' a ipvcialty. Buch treated nuoociii. FIC H L full } without on liuUna " " " " THYSELF I bava a poililTD reoiwJr tat tb abura dUoiM ( EfM JM tbouimnil * f CMU * ol tao wont klntl and of uaa HinJlos tare been cured. JH < IMUIO ttrooft li rojr unit iulll tflcur , llimt I trill nd TWO VOTTLl j fUtlt. to * Jreibir-lib VXI-UAlim TJUUTIfia n tbl. dliut tr " - - Olvo * l > n > . ! ' P " I'C Hi \ l Till Sl.Ouuha * , ' b. RODDiRD & BRfflELQ'S ' , OIlANR ! : SALE > or- 125 Head of Horses , Seventy-live Jacks .ind Jennets. " - ' " - " * AT * Feb , 14 and IStfe , 1884. era'd will embnm 121 licait , IncVtdlnj cholcs I rer-rtitmtitlnM of Trottrtu , Uo.-u'ht-m. Itatncti 'aim , Fa cv SmMIcrn nnd Con Wncd Tlonx * , All ) & Kino .Inckit am ) , li-niNti. CaUtOfTCTS on of pj | . ttlona. IriftoJnn. . 21it J'tb. 4. A regular pMJa t In DB. HENDERSON . , mc-lldnc. Over ilxtttn KANSAS CITY , MO. Authorized by the t t to in * , . Chronic , HertouswidrrIratotSwa ca , A rJim , HirtlcMy , lUieiimAtlei-s Wlet , Worm , Urinary and Skii Di - 89 nIn IWtokn ( nlghtle 9 ii ) Sexual l Debility Oiws nf ntxujj mnnj , 'to. Ciirca iniArantnhl or monay t rlr.nilcd. Cbanrc * w , Tlioii-atuls of CUW3 cured. No Injurloin tn U | . DCS fnmlfliccl CTcnto pfXIrntsnt n dletAnoe. Con. iltitlon ( rco mid roiiflilenllM ctllor write ; ne nj ixi > oilonoo are Important. A HOOK lor Itoth uaf.ru iHtrotwl and clrcnl ra ot other thlnpi rent Ith IT ScontcUraiu. VHXKUVBt.Ult txt txl.w i * jf5ifcjiA yytft y aA feSlffliE ® . A vlottm of Mrly lintirtitlontrv canrln n"rro-i ilebll- r. liromaturolfcny etc. , navlurf trlfd In ln ivtn na\tnrcniMy li i ilMdwrpilb ! B\mpl nctntpf colt wtc , \ < mch Ln wll I 'mi ! ' ( li1. : ! t n lij | 11 ! -unito-i-ni. . . .1.11.1UC' / " < | ciiptn m it. TfevrYorV WITH And your work is clone for till time to time to come. WE .CHALLENGE to produce u moro durable material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. FOR ANY AMOUNT OV OR- filled promptly. Snmples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sionx Falls. Dakotsu iestemCofnice- IRON ANDsL\fiiioomci. C. SPSCHT , PEOP. Ouuha , Nob. MANUFACTURER OF I Galvanized Iron Cornices tTDonner Wlndon-s , Flntab , Tin , Iron and Bbl/r looting , Bncclit'i ) patent llctslllc Skj Hstht , 1'atout djiutrd llatcliet Bar And Bracket Bliolvlnpr. 1 am ic general aitimt for the above line of goodi. Iron ncln ? , Creating , Ualuitradot , Verandas , Irou lUnlr ilunei , Window lillndi , Cellar Guards ; nlao general nt for I'otnmna Hill a tent In l < le Illind. S. H. ATWOOD , Neb Plnttsmouth , - - - - B1HADKR OP TlIOKOtJOIIBHSD AND UIOU OKJLDB HEREFfleO AND JERSEY CATTLE ! AND PUKOO 0 * JXB8KY KKO BWIN1 Ynnnir otook for * ! . Corirmpoiidenfo olleltad. < 'utBwl'nou'me < ' * lclno-1'atente < 10 < > - toberlO. aOua iox No , 1 will cnre any ca oln four days or leas No. will euro the uoiit obnUnato ewe no matter ol bow eng utouduig. Allan's Soluble MedicattdBougies Jo naiueoumloiuii of iub ba ( oopabla , or oil ol un > A ) wood , that un o' . Un to product ) dy pep > I br iBtroying the tuatlngaof the torr > ach. Price II.W old by aU drtifgliU , or moiled oa receipt ol price Vr further panlcuUnivud for olrrular. V , O.Dox DK 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. A UI'OULAUOIUPUATEoUwo medical collag 1\ . ban been vneugod longer In the treatment ol CI1UON10 , NKUVOUS , HUIN AND BLOOD DlaooMt than other phyalclan In tit Louu.au city paper * show uidll old reaUeoti know. Comrultatlon free ovlted. When It la Inoouvenlcnt to vUlt tbo dty treatment , luediclnci con bo loot by mall or cxprc * iverywbcro. Curable caeca guaranteed ; here don l ta It Is f roukly uUUd. Cell oj write. Mervom Prostration. Debility , Mental and Phy la * i. Hurdirfal and other'aflectlomiof ' Throot ing , tlklp Atfootlona , Old Soree md Uloera , Im ; menta ta marrlaKo , Itl.eunntUun , file * . xmtlouUuJxsea from ovcrwor.'tud brain. bUltOlCAt * ; AHKa recoil e ypeclal atU'iiUoit. l > Uuat ( rein InipruJmoc , Exoe e4 , IndulKeueea. tbowbol * itor JT vll told. VI an jr lecclpti ; who ma * roarry.whoiuayBoi I , comBuueno * * mil curs , llallod for ate Uiav * . l > o UlvolyaiidperraoivimUy' - ttof , lu'2 to itffUyi by ft U U. clou * Conlecllon. 6 alei r ninU.KrM Add. '