0m itCii'i i . ffl V * . 9. 'TtTt-Tjf.-i DAILY BEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , JANUARY 28 , 1884. The Nebraska National Bank OF OMAIIA , NEB. Op Capital 83 ! Fund , Nov. l , 1683 ( DIUKCTOIIS. nW. VATK3PfesUenti for uiiuiy y ( he first National Bank ot Onuhf ( A , E. TOUZAUX VlM Pisaldcnl o ( W. V. MOHHK , of W V UOtl ? OUN S. COLLINS , ol 0. tt jot.t.t X3 It. WOOI.WOUT1I , COU. . 8 KKKD , of Byron IU _ Tills Bank oi nod foi bancl | , , April S7 , 1881 TltK D1KKWOUS AND urOCKHOLDKKS an monR the leading tUfu09 | , , ta < _ a Of Omaha , and It burincM la coml- Bth | C9pccitti reference lo tat beit and Inerc rfin ) . | , , tcrcsti ol Its mcrcantl'o patrons COLLECT 40Ng tcocva prompt attention awl ch rgos lo /cgt obtainable hero or elsewhere. . 'N7Kr ' .KST allowed on tlmo deposits upon favor. "if.1.8 .rna and upon accounta ol fmnkn and bankers . .rQ .tElQN EXCUANOK , Oovcruuiont Hands and ° ° J Jtv anil Cltv Kooiirttlon bcmiht and old. Counoii Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. First Mortifaso Uians Nc otlateJ. CommerclM Paper and all Hood Sccurltloi dealt In. 80 Pearl ttrcct , and COO Klrst nonuc , Council DlutN. FIHAHGE AND GOIVIMERGE. FINANCIAL NEW YonK , Tanunry 20. Money Kasy at i@'J i > er cent ; closing oflcioil at 1J per cent. Prime Paper l'8)5j ) per cont. Exchange li'lls ' - l.bTiJf'doniand , 1.87 ? . Govornmouta Lower for 4 . Stocks The stock market uponed quint. In the first sales the prices declined JS ? per cont. for the general list , and 1 per cent , for Northern 1'acltio preferred and Oregon Tram- continental. If uforo the first call the dcullno wai recovered , uud at noon the market was strong. After midday a sharp raid was tnado on the Canadian Pacific , , the price being forced down from i"jj to > i' { . Tim decline In othcractivo shares wan iiuimiwrtant. In the afternoon the market gradna'ly ' hardened until the last hunr. when great ] activity prevailed - vailed , and largo blocks of all leading stocks changed hands at rapidly advanving prices. The change In the temper of speculation took tin bears completely by surprise , and the market was considerable higher befoio they were able to buy many stoclca to cover. The advance from the lowest point of the day ranged from J to 3J per cent. The heavy buying movement in the afternoon was duo to dispatches stating that rcproacntath os of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , St. Paul , Union Pacific and Kock Island , at a private tonferonoo nt Chicago last night , had prac tically Bottled all questions of dispute , also that the passenger and freight war on Utah biihiiiess had been terminated , vd that rate ? would ba restored Monday. Kvcry sloikon the list uhowa an advance as compared with the closing quotations yesteiday. Oregon Navigation went up 5J per cent , Northern Pacific preferred , I',1 ; Union Pacific , 13 : Mis souri Pacific and Kansas & Texas , 14 , and Chicago , Burlington & Quincy and St. Paul , li per ciut. UOUPONS 3s A 4 J'a Coupons 114 * * ' ' ' ' * " ' ' ' ' ' ' Pacific 6 s oV.V.V.V.C' . . . . . / . . . BTOOKa AND BONDS. Aiuoricau Kxpress Burl. , Cedar Itapids & Northern 70 Central Pacific ti ; Chicago & Alton 137V do do pfd 1.10 Chi. , Burl. & O ilucy 1211 Erin 2SJJ do pfd ( i < > y-irt Wayne & CWoago 131 $ Hannibal & St. Joseph. 38' , do do do pfd. 885 Illinois Central ISO Ind. , IJloom. & Western HJ ! KUU. .IH & Texas lUg Ltko Shorn & Michigan So ! ) l > 3 Michigan Central U1& Mlaneaixilid k St. Louia 15 do do do pfd Ml wourl Pacific N irtheru Pacific do do pfd X ) rth\vo itoru d pfd New Vork Contra ! OeJo & Mississippi do do pfd Peorta , Decatur & Evatuvillo Kocl : fslaiid St. L'aul .t Milwaukee do do do pfd St. Prtiil Minn. & Manitoba St. Puul& Omaha do do pfd Texas Pacific Union Pacific V abash , St. L. & Pacific do do do pfd Wnetern Union Telegraph Abkud. ANII 1'KUVISIONM. nionooK. CHICAOO , January 2(5. ( Flour Markotijuio1 and uogloctod for winter wheat Hour ; good tn choice , 4 7.ri@5 ( iO ; Mift epring whaat , 400 ® M : Minnesota bakers' , 4 CO , 25. Wheat Regular svhent , less acti\o , fe l ing n little imnettlod and nervous , uitli a nharc of yeetorday'a advance lost Market oponoi nlcady , fitiutuated , doclincd l@Jc. then ralliei j/c / , agiiii hocamo weak ind doclincd Jc , clos inif In lower than yesterday. January closoi at liieai.c \ : Kobnmry , 5llg@'JlIc ; March .UjrrfO.'gc : " May , HSJigUSiJc ; JUUB , 1 OOJ wintir wheat , ijiiict at O'dS'JJc ; spring \\hoa < inietat ilj@011c. ) Com Market less active ; moderate husi 58c ; rejected , . Oats Market oajy , rather dull , and rangci at iSUc lower. Cauli , IlHo ; Juimary ant J-Vliriiary , CL'-jo ; Mnrch , : W2S2fc ( ) ; M ayGi'c : ( Jiyo Maiket linn nt 57Ac. Hurley Market quint at"iiO@G2c. Timothy Market higher ; guiJoiranged a Klax Seod-Markot Ic lower at 1 M. MCHS 1'ork Maikot moderately ai-tixo V osuler ; dncliued "OfftliOc ; closed tamo. Ca h 15 r.0(2)l.r ( ) Ki ; Kabrnary. 15 OaAffiWO. " . ; April IB $15 87i : May , 1(1 ( 00@1(1 ( 024. I. * n < Market inactive ; easy ; declined f-Ci We , mid clwed quiet. Cash. 8 ! > > j'i8 05 Vebruary. 1I5C4B 7i ; April , ! J 1C'J l"i May , 'J U74f4i9 'M : Juno , 9 S719 40 , ISullc Meats KliDiildorH , 7 00 ; long clear K 25 ; short ribs , U Xi ; uhurt clear. 8 ( M. Uuttcr Market uuchaiiRcd ; all arrivals o choice creamery taken at 3.(8J3Gc ( ; dairv at 2 ( % 28o ; clmloo rolls , in good demand ; common Cheese Prices unchanged ; good deman for cboico full cream ; ttpck t-iuull and htl firm. firm.Kggur Receipts llRut ; frouh , hold nt ! ! ! ! ! 5c ; Mime Hen \ nt II 'feMc. Hides Tull priros obtained ; ( crceu sal cnirud light udvamcd Ju to 8c | ; heavy , 81 prtvon salt cureil bull and dainiujiul , do ; grod drv pilt "itlf. Uc ; dry wait calf , lie. T'-'low No. I c-mntry , 7\o \ ; cake , 71i ! . VfbJ.ky-AtllG. BT. WUIH i'llODVCE. Sr. Txiuis , .Tannarv 2i. ( Wheat Marke nominally imtliauged ; No. 2 rod , 1 03 forrasl ] 03i for Kehiuary ; 1 07 for May ; No. 3 rod i'7o. ' i'7o.Corn Lower : 4GJo ; for cakli ; 4GJSJ4UJo ( fo J'ebrnary ; * 12c for May. OnU-JUslor ; 321 32io ; for for February ; 38i'o fur May , Jtyefitfu. . Iluttcr Uncliaiu'ed. /l y-Stoady : twWo , 1000@1100 ; Ay , 10BO@U > . i\ran-78W80o. Corn Meal 2 4j , NEW NRW OHLKANS , January 20. Corn Quiet nd firms tntxod , file ; whlto , tile ; yellow , 02c. OaUDull mid ouster at 4Sc. Corn Meal Scarce and firm at 3 00. J.ard Firmer ; tlorco , refined , ! l 00 ; krg , Pork Firm and scarce ; now , higher at lluik Moats In fair demand. Wliifky Firm and unchanged ; westoui octlliod , 105C ni > 0. MlLWACRKli , .Trtimarv 20 Whnnt Market insottlod ; No. 2. 'Jljjc February , Oljc ; March , "c ; May , 9S o. Corn-Jntet and lower ; No. 2 , r.2@52.Jc. Oats-Firmor : Nu U , 32\'c. llyo-No. ' fi71c. Dull ; Mo. 2 , cash , TOLEDO. ToLKno , .Tannery 2(5. ( Wheat-Quiet ; No. " red , ca h , nnd February , OSic } March , 1 Olj May , I < 5. Corn -Steady No. 2 cash. file. Oats Firm ; No. 2 ca < h , HSo bid. CINCINNATI. OINTISNATI , January 2(5. ( Wheat Firmer ntlOL'@lti3. Corn Kasier ; No. 2 mixed , olc. Oats IrrognUr at 3 l@37c. llyo Finn at lU@03c. I'ork Hosier and n it ipio'.ably ewer nt 5 G0 ( < r15 75. hard-Dull nt 8 85. ImlkMuats-Qwiot. Whisky-Firm at 111. NEW TOnit. NKW YoitK , January 2(5. ( Whoat-Cash 4@ c higher ; options opened fl@fio lower ; ro- oveiud the dccllun , closing firm ; 1111 * radn.1 . rod , 03c@l 09 ; No. 3 rod , US@U'J ; \n. 2 red , 1 07al ( ) 00 ] . Corn Cash < | iiiot and firm ; options opened @lc lower , recovered the decline , closing rm ; unetrndod , 5'Ji@G3c ; Nn. I ! , (51t5G2J. ( ( Oats Steady ; mixed western , 3UJ ; white , 2J@43c. S Western fresh , strong nnd higher at I'.ttk. Active and firm ; now uios ? , 15 00 ® 15 70. fard Firm ; prime steam , 0 27 * . Butter Quiet and unchanged at 10@10c. BALTIMORE. BALTIMORE , January 2(5. ( Wheat Western higher and dull ; No. 'J winter red cash , 1 071 OTA. Corn Western steady but dull ; mixed cash , 591@COc. Oats KIrmer and moro active ; western whito,42f i)43i ) ; mlxod,40@41c. Uyu Quiet atG8@70c. Kgi a VrC'Oi , higher at 38e. KANSAS CITV. KANSAS CITY. .Tanunrv 20. Wheat Mar ket steady at 80\c \ bid for cash ; 8'-82i foi February ; . SJc bid for May. Corn Market steady ; 4djo for cash ; 40Jc for February ; 45\c \ for May. Oats Dull and nominal at 20c bid. LlVElirOOL. LIVERPOOL. January 20 Wlioat In mod1 crate demand winter , 8s@8s .Id ; spring , 8s@ 8s 4d. Corn Firmer ; now , 5s 2id ; old , 5s 5d. ' I'KOllIA PR011UCK. PEORIA , January 20. Corn Strong anO active ; new mixed , 4Ci'47c ; new rejected , 4t Oats Finn and higher ; No. 2 white , 3uJj ( ? JCc. Whisky-Steady at SI 1C. STOCK. CllICAOO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO , . .Tanuarj20. . The Drovers1 Jour lal reports this ufternoon ax follows : Hogs Market dull atlO@15c lower ; pack ng , 5GO@G03 ; packing and ehippinK , (50 ( ! @G 05 ; light , 5 5U@li 10 ; skips , 4 OOO5 40. Cattle All below best exposts 10@15u low er ; export , ( i 30@G 80 ; good to choice shippini Btecrs , 5 50@ ( ) 10 ; common to medium , 4 til © 5 40 ; inferior to fair cows , 2 50@ 100 ; median to good , 4 00@4 CO ; stackers , 3 ( > U@4 30 ; feed crs , 4 40@5 20. Sheep Market steady ; inferior to fair , 3 5i @ -l 40 per cwt ; medium to good , 4 f 0@5 20 choice to extra , 5 iX@G ) 00 ; Texas sheep , 2 ft @ 425 ST. LOUIS LIVE MOCK. ST. Louis , January 2i. ( Cattle Suppl ; very small , only retail trailo done. Busmcs ihe past week has been very satitfactory am prices well mointained ; n heavy run expcctoi ! ie\t week. KANSAS CITV I.IVK STO6K. KAXSAS CITV , January 2G. The Daily In dicator reports : Cattle Weak and lower ; natives. 5 2. > @G 0. feeders , 4 2 > ( aA 75 ; cows , 3 2."t@4 15. Hogs Market opened steady , closing ; shade lower at 5 ( ! 0@ii 25. Shaen-Good , steady at 4 00(5H ( 50. THAPK10. FLOUU AND UHA1N. CHICAGO , January 2(5. ( ItecoIpU and ohip mente of flour and grain for the past 24 houn aavn been as follows : llocolpts. Slilp't Flour , hbls . 12,0011 12,00 Wheat , biishelH . 18,000 13,00 Corn , bushels . 1(50,000 ( 81,00 Oats , bushels . 71,000 81,00 Kyo , bushels . 9,000 3,00 Barley , biuhels . 24,000 3 ' , OOI MEW YORK , Januxry 2i. ( Receipts am fchipnientsof Knur and i aiu for the pasct2 i hour bavo buon as follow * : Jlowjipts Shlp'fc Wheat , biwhels . 11,0011 41,00 Coni.busholu . Gl.oro 11,00 Oats , bushels . 2-OOi , ) 3 LiVK arocK. OiHOAQO , January 2i. ( Recslpt-i and ship montb of live stock ( or the past 21 hours huv been as follows ; Kecelpt . Shlp't Cattle . 2,500 HO B . 11,000 Sheep . 1,100 KANSAS CITT , January 2G. ituceipta an ipiuoiitrt of Hvo stock for the past 21 honi bavo bceti as follows : JXecefpta. Shlp'ti Cattle . liOO Hogx . 2,700 Sheet . l.GOO . 8r. LOUIH , , r.inuary 2IJ. Itecelpta and shit liionts of live stock for the past 21 hours hav been as follows : Ilocoiiiti , Ship'b Cattle . 400 J,40 Sheep . 500 HC ' OAIA11A MAUUKTS. \7liulcHaIo 1'rlcce , OrnoE ot < TUB OMAHA BEF. > Saturday Kvonlug , January 2(5. ( f The following prices are charged rntallei by jobborn , whaloualers nnd commlsslou mei chaiiU , with the exception of Krain , which . ' quoted at the prices f nrnishod by the olavutoi and other local buyers : Urnui. WiiKiT Cash No. 2. 7Uc ; N , 3 , 62a. BAULKT Oiah No. 2,4Gc. HTK Cash No. 3 , 43c. Coutf No. 2 , 3S ( ) . OATH No. 2 , 2lc. JJlvo Block. ' J'AT BTKKRS Quiet at 4 00@fi 00. FAT Cows 3 ! i5J 3 85. Hoaa-5 00@5 3 , ' . . BIIKEP 3 ( WC43 75. CALVK8 6 tO'fiJG frf ) . Flour nnil Mllletnits. WINTEB WHEAT llcst quality , pntent/i 835305. SECOND QOAUTT 2 7W$3 25. KPIIIHO WHEAT Bout quality , paten 3 25@3 CO. | Bitoosjn QOAiinr 2 60@3 35. I UBAN B5c j ) r cwt. S Oitorj-ED FCEI > Per 100 ttit. 66c. i SCIIEKNINO85@75o per cwt Gnnrral I'rotlncc. BUTTER Fancy creamery , 33@3oc5 coin torngo creamery , S.Vu''o ; clioico dairy , .20 @ 2 c ; best country , sollu packed , ll ! < s > 15cj host country , roll , lG@18o ; Infcilor grade * . I0@14c. llocclpts are small nnd the demand Kfl'oa-Markot firm ; dales to-day nt25@27cj rccolpts light. MKAIH Hams , . . , . , ; breakfast bacon , lOJc ; clear side bacon , short , lOJc : clear Mdn bvcon , long , lOJc ; dry salt Miort , ! i ! dry salt long , IJc ; shouhlon , 8c ; dried beef , 1 lie ; l.ud , ro- Arri.iM Fancy Jonathans , 81 60 ( < ? J > 00 ; fancy lion Davis , S3 110 ® ! 00 : fancy .lonot , 53 00@i : 50 ; fancy WlllowUlg , ? 3W@3 ! 75. Demand good , CHEESE Now York State full cream , late SoDtombor innlco , 14c ; Now York State full croun , 10 hoop loti , 13Jc ; do full cream , M uniplots , 13.c } ; Wlaixmsin , full croalil , ill Ixix , Uc ; Young Americas , strictly full cream , lie ; 'till criutn , 12e ; full cream 10 hoop lots , lllc- 'nil cream Hats , 12Jc ; full cream Hats , lljc ; 'anoy brick chooio , 100 Ib cases , lojc ; IIm- burger 13Jc ; genuine old Swins , We. POTATOES Receipts Binall and pices food. Conslgnmcnta of strictly cliiilro , argo sized , straight potatoes are soiling Vom 45 to 48c ; tuivod cars 40 to 12o ami igbt demand ; poachhlows , 50& HWEKT POTATOES Choice yellow , Bono. ONIu.vrt No demand ; market overstocked. BRANS Hand picked natives , $225 ( ; j50 ; land picked mediums , $175@2 00. lie- coipti large. GAUK Prairie chtckons. per doz , , 53 00 to 3 25 ; snlpo. 81 50 to 1 70 ; ducks , Mallard , per lor. , 2 00@2 CO ; mixed , SI 50 to 2 00. Bo careful that your game comes to market in lien condition , FHKHH OYSTERS Selects , 40c ; standards , ! 5c : mediums , 2oc. CULKHY Ific. PoDL'tnr L'.vo chickens , per dnz , 1 75 ® 100 ; full dressedchckoimper ! Hi , 10@l'Jc ; tur- coys , per Ib. , 10@17c ; ducks , 101'J ; goose , ll@13c. LEMONS IMra fancy bar lemons , 80 00 ; ancy Mosnina lemons , per box , $5 25 ; 5 box ots , Medina lemons , ? f > 00 ; 10 box lots do. , SI 75 ; Malaga lomoiuj , fancy , $4 50 ; do 5 box ots , $ i 25. OIIANOKS Valenclas , 8 00 ; Mosslnas , 4 25. BANANAS None. CRANBERRIES. Bell and ouglos , $12 00 ; boll and cherry , 89 50@10 50. Above quotations or choico. DATES Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@9c ; quaitor crates , lOc. Flos 25 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box , aycr , i > er Ib. , ICc ; smaH" vals per Ib. , ISc. COCOANDTS Extra fine , per 100 , 8 00. ClDEn Pure sweet cider , 22 gal keg , 80 00 ; M. & P. clarified , If. rtal keg , 54 75 ; M. & P. clarified , 32 gal keg , ; J.S 00. PiosFEKT , TniPE. KTC. Pigs foot , 15 Ib kits , 8115 : jiigs 40 Ib qr bbl , S2 25 ; pigs feet , 80 Ib half bbl , $4 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits , $115 ; tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , $2 25 ; tripo. SO Ib half bbl , 54 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib Idts , 82 50 ; pigs nngues , 40 Ib qr bbl. 80 00. Lambs' tonpuos , 15 Ib kits. 82 05 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , ? 0 25. MINOR MEAT Atmoro'a , 181b buckets buckets 25c ) Uc ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) , Oc. : lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barrels , SJc. AsaoRTKii JKLLT 2-lb stone jars : 12 in caao , [ > or doz , 82 25 ; tumbler , per doz , $1 95 ; schooner , per dozen , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4 doz. in case , SI 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz In case , 84 50. BULK JELLIES Cnnant , 80-lb wood nails , per Ib , 7i ! s ; strawberry , 30-lU wood pails per Ib , 7Vc ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 7j'c ; blackberry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 7Jc ; crab apple , 30-lb wood rail" pnr Ib. 7Jc. APPLE BUTTEH 35lbcondnn n Is , per Ib , 8c ; 5-lb wooden palls , 6 in cu n per cane , § 350 PKACJI BurrKR 2s-lb wooden pails per Ib , $1100 ; 5-lb wooden pail * , G in case , per case , S425. PnKSKnvES ( In 20-lb wooden pails ) R n. berry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; peacn , 14c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 14c ; plum , 14c ; assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G in case , par case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 ( for. in case , per case , SO 50 NEBIIASKA COMB HONET 2-lb frames , 24-lb cases , per Ib , ISc. HAV Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; in bulk , 6 00@G 50 per ton. Grocers Liar. CANNED GOODS Oystore ( ijtandardpor ) caao , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 M ) , per case , 2 00 ® 210 ; raspberries , 2 Iti , per case , 2 80 ; Bartlett pears , par case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per case , 310 ; egg plurs , 2 Ib , per case , 2 UO ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 91) ; pine apples , 2 tl per caso. 4 80@5 50. ROPE Sisal i inch and larger , lOc , g iucli , 10 > o ; J inch , lie. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , IGs , 15c ; 8s , 15c boxes 40 Ibs , 10 01 , , 63 , 15c. MATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , cases , 2 55 ; square cases , 1 70. SUGARS Powdered , 9ic ; cut loaf , 9c granulated , SjV ; confectioners' A , 8Jc ; Stand ord extra C , 7Jc | ; extra C , 7ic ; medium yol' ' low , 7c ; dark yellow , Gjfc. COFJEIM Ordinary grades , 12@121o ; falrll @ 13ic ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15 c ; choice lG@17c ; fancy green andyolIowlfi@lGicolc ; government Java , 20@26c ; Lovoring's roasted 18c ; Arbnckle'g roasted , 18 c ; Mcl anglilin'i rousted , 18ic ; mi tat Ion Java , 1C ) KICK Louisiana pnmo to choice , 7c ; fair CJc ; Patina , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , S 00 ; No 1 mackerel , < clts , 11C ; family mackarel , hal brls. , G 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 9.ic ; No. ] white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kite 1 05. Svnnr Standard Com. , 82c , bnls ; Standarc do , 41j gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 galloi kers 1 50 SODAIn Ib pa ] > ors , 3 30 per case ; keg per Ib Sic. PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 7 00 ; dc in half barrels , 4 00 ; small. In barrels , 8 00 ; dc in half barrels , 4 50 ; gherkins. , in barrels , U 00 do in half barrels. 5 00. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; choice C ( @ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 6005c Young IJyson , good , 3tl@50c ; choice G5c@l 00 ; .Tiipan , natural loaf , H5c ; Japan choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , good , : i540c ; Oolong choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , go < jd , 85@10c choice , S5@15c. WOOIIENWAUE Two hoop pails , 185 thrco hoop iiaila. 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer noor washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 2 00 \VclIbuckotn. 3 8r . SOAI-s JCirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; KlrW eatinot , 3 GO ; Klrk'n standard , 3 75 ; Kirk' white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk's outoca , 215 Klrk'u Prairie Queeu , (100 ( cake)40c.Kirk' ) ; magnolia. d 7. 1'OTAHll I'ennsylvanla cans , 4 ca. 8 , in case 3 35 ; BabbUttH ball 2 doz. in case , 190 ; Audio ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 50. CANIIV French mixed , In . ' ! 0 Ib. palls , 18c American mixed , in 30 Hi jmlls , 1 Ic ; Brillian mixed , in 30 Ib lulls , 13c ; Nobby mixed , in 3 Ib iialls , Kie ; Comiratitlon uiixml , in 30 11 jmilH , IL'Jc ; Kxcelslor stick , 30 Ib pails , 12c double ro lined , 30 Ib pails , 13c ; Crystal mixed 80 Hi pails , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 80 Ib palln 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib palls , 13c ; Flirt mixed. 30 Ib pallo , llic ; Kllrt , itlck , 80 1 pulls , 11 Jc ; Tin Top , fctick , 30 Ib palls , 12c. VINEQAH New Yorkupplo 16cj Ohio a\ plo. 13c- HALT Dray loads , par hid , 180 ; Ashton , I Backs , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 00. Cs , 3 'M. STAKCH Pearl , 4ii ; Silver Glees , 9o ; Cor Starch , lie ; JJxcolalor Gloss. 7Jo ; Com , 80. BPICES Pepper , 17c ; allupico , 15c ; clove 5c ; cassia 15c. IiYE American , 3 40 ; Gronnwich , 3 4 ( Wootorn , 2 75 ; North Stur , i ! 00 ; Lowls' Jy < 4 CC ; Jewell lye , 2 75 Dry Cooda. liiiow.v COTTONS Atlantic A , 8 0 ; Appli ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot VF , 8J ( Buckeye Ll , 4-4 , 7c ; Cubot W , 7ic ; Cliltti nango A , G c : Great Falls E,8ic ; Iloosior , ( ii HonoHt Width 80 ; Indian Head A , 8c ; India Stnndard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , 7Ji Lawrencu l < L\c ( ! \ ; Myutic lllvor , 7Jc ; Potiuf A , 8c ; Utlcu 0 , 5\c ; Wachusett B , 7Jc ; d A , Bio do K 48 , l'4c. FINB Bnow.v CorrONfl-Allendulo 4-4 , 7Ji Alligator 3-4 , So : Argyla 4-4 , 7)fc ) ; Atlar.ti LL , GJcj Badger Btata X 4-1 , GJc ; Bonninjto 9 i' , ' ! i % 1)uTckoy8 ) S 4-4. Gic ; Indian Orcliar AA 9-8,81c ; Lat-jjnla O 311 , BJc ; Txihlah K 4- 91cj Pcpporoll N SO , 7o ; do O 32 , 74c ; do 8(5. ( 7Jc ; do ] JS' , HJo ; Pocai 04-1 , Wmrwutta 4-1.13c. u uiw : o i i-i. i'c ; oauoiM , 90 Ifldollty 4- Jics Fniit of the Loom , 9ic ; do cambrio 4- 12J : do Water Twist , lOJc ; Great Fall * O , Jl Indian Head shrunk 4-4. 12o : Lon dale. 1(1 ( o cambrio 37 , 12Ac ; New York Mills , 124 PwmotA.lOojPtpporol.N O Tivilli , 12J Pocaliontafl 4-1 , We : PocaBset 0-4 , fi J Utlc Jlc ; WnuuutU O X X , 12Jo UOCKB ( Colorodr Albany K. brown , 8c ; d V' irbJ y ll ° xx xtrines and plaids , 12 1-2. . do XXA. browu nnj drab , ntrlj > es and plaid 21-2cj Arlington fancy , 19c ; HruMwlck irown , 8 l-2 ; Chariot fanry , 12 l-2cj do ox. ra heavy , SOc ; Fall Ktvor brown , extra heavy , I l-2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Noponsct A irn\vn , 15o TIOKINOH Amofkeag A 3 A 82.10c ; do XX iluo 82. 18 l-2c ; Arrowanna , 9 l-2c ; Clare mont BB , 12o ; Conestoga , extra , 17 l-2o lamllton 1) , 11 l-2c ; Ixiwiston A30,15c ; Vtn. nohalm 4-4 , 20c ; Oinoen , gmior oxtrn I-1 , 21 , j 'oarl Uivor 82 , 10 f.4c ; Putnam XX blue tripe , 12c : Shctiickot S , 101-2c ; do S3 , 12c ; fooin in's blun 29 , Oo. DKSIHB Amo kor\ : , blue and brown , 1C l-2c ; Amlnvor 1)1) blue , 15 l-2c ; Arlington X bltio Scotch , 18 l-2cs Concord OOO , blue nud > rown , 12 l-2c ; do AuVA , do do 18 1-2 ; do XX to do do , 14 l-2c ; Hnymakor'n blue and iniwn. l-2c ; Mj-alio lUvorDI ) stripe , 101.2cj 'earl lllvcr , blue and brown , 16c { UncaiTlllo , iluo and brown. 14 l-2c. OAMnnics Banmiil BJc ; Eddystono lining , Unch double face , SJcjOarnor A glnzod , BJc ; ' lanhattan glo\o finish , SJc ; NowjMirt do.,5Jc : ilo gl.izod , Cjc ; 1'eqnot do , 6c ; Lockwooa kid finish , Gc. COKSET JBAKS Amory. Androscoggin sattoon , 8Jc ; Clarendon lijc ? Conostogga sat- teens , TIC ; JIallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7Jc ; Narrngatiaolt , improved , Sic ; Popporill eat- teen , l' ' c ; Kockport , Gc. PniNTa Aliens , Go : American , GJc ; Arnldo , Gjc ; Bonvlck , 4Jc ; Cochuoo , GJ jConostoga , GJc ; Danklrk , ( ic ; Dunnoll , GJ@7c ; Kddystono , Gjc ; Gloucester , OJc : Harmony , 5\c \ ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mcrrimac D , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Sprniruoa , Gc ; Southhrldgo , Gc ; do Ginghams , 7c ; Marl * bore , 5fc ; Oriental , 8Jc , GINGHAMS Amokor.ff. 0o ; Argyle , 8cj Atlantic , 8c ; Cumberland , 7io ; Highland , 71o ; Konllworth , 9Jc ; Plunkrtt , OJc ; SURJOT , 8c. COTTOXADES Abborvlllo , ISJc ; Agate , SOc ; American , lie ; ArtWan , 20c ; Cairo D nnd T 13 c ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Decnn Co. stripes D and T , IGc : Keystone 13Jc ; Nan * tuckut , IPc : Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D and T , cud fancy , 12ic ; do 8 oz , 20c , SHEETINOH Androscoggin 10-4 , 274c ; do 9-4 , 23c : do 3-4 , 32c : Continental O 42. lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 ; 27ic ; Now York m 11s 98. 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 68 , 22Jc ; Pcmbroko 10-4 , 25c ; Poouot 10-4 , 28Jc : do 71 , 19c ; do 49 , IGc ; Peppoaoll , 2 ! > c ; do 07 , 21c ; do 17 , ISc ; Uticft 90 , 3Gc ; do 58 , 224c ; do 48,17o. ImmDcr. WHOLESALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and shinnies' on oars nt Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINO 1C ft. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 16 foot and under , 22 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 GO ; 22 ft , 26 50 ; 24 ft , 26 CO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd G In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHKETIKQ No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 : No. 2,18 00. Lliis Per barrel , 125 ; hulk per bushel' 35c ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair nor bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 its , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 50. Pnlnts.OllB ami \ arnlslios. OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; Iln seed , raw , ; pr gallon,55c ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , SSoLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 80o : No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , XXX , per gal lon , 1 50 : No. 3 , 1 30 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 > onn W.B. , per gallon , 1GO ; fish , W. B. , orgallon , G5c : noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; Vo. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; ummor , ICc ; golden machine , No. 1 , per pal- on , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; spenn , signal , per gallon , Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; uaptlia 74 ° , ci gallon , IGc. PAINTS m OIL Whlto load , Omaha P. P. * c ; white load , St. Louis , pure , GJc ; Marseilles recn 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green jal , 12c : French zinc , rod seal , lie ; French inc , In varnish osst , 20c : French zinc , in oil asst , IGc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; aw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke brown. 3c ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and vary black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian luo , 30u ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chrome green j. M. & D. . IGc : blind and shutter green , L * f. & D. , IGc ; Paris peon , ISc ; Indian rod , 5c ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Ameri- in "Vennilhon , 1. & P. , 18c ; chromo yellow i. M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; ( olden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; graining olors. light oak , dark oak , walnut , ohp > taut and ash ICc. llrv I'nlnt * . Whlto load , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gildori" , Ifc : whiting wm'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , 14c ; ampblack , ordinnry , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; iltramarino , ISc ; vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , mrut , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , n.-v , 4c ; Paris green , genuine. 25c ; ? aris green , common , 20c ; chrome preen , N.Y. , Oc ; chromo green. K. , 12c ; vormlllion , Eng. , 'Oc ; vermillion , American , ISc ; Indian red , .Oc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cokusoss , ' . { c } Venetian red , American , l c ; rod lead , 'Jo ; chromo yellow , genuine , SOc ; chromo yol- ow , K. , 12c : ochre , rochello.Sc ; ochre , French , ! ? c ; ocluxj , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , 24c ; lohigh brown , 2Jc ; Spanish brown , 21c ; .rinco'a mineral , 3c. VARNIBHKS Barrels , per gallon : FurnI .uro , extra , 8110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; coach. No. 1 , 81 20Damar ; , extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , extra , 85c ; > hellac , $3 50 ; hard nil finish , 8150. Tobaccos PLCO TOBACCO--Climax , 50c : Bullion Me ; lloweshoo , BOc : Star. COc ; lluddy , 45c ; Her- ey's , 48c : Black , 3S@40c. FINE Cur Common , 20@30c ; good , 45l ( GOc ; Koso Loaf , 70c ; Proniium , G5c ; Diamond "Irown , 65c ; Swoct Sixteen , 47c. SMOIUNQ O. S. , 21cMeontchaum ; , 2ScDur- ; lam , 8 oz. , C5c ; Durham , 4 oz. , G7c ; Durhair 2 oz. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , B oz. , 55c 5eal of North Carolina. 4 oz. . 57c ; Seal ol North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOc ; O. KJ | Durham , ) 07. , 2Sc ; 0. 1C DitiV 'Me ; Uncle Nod , i's 25c ; To' ' " , * f S3o. Leather. dole , 38c to )2c ; hemlock n. > c 8c to 35c nuui o kip , SOc to 1 00 ; runner G5o to SOc iiem o calf , 85c to 120 ; hemlock upper , 23 < to 2Gc ; oak upper , 2ic ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 calf Idd , 82@35 : Gj-elson kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oal kip , 80c to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Freud kip , 110 to 155 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus SOc ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 85e ; No I Milwaukee 37o : No 2 do 34o IllllCH. Dull , and weak ; preen butchorn , n@Ulo ; greei sttUod 74 (5)7Jc ( ) ; dry iut , 12@13c ; dry salt lOffillc ; damaged bidM , two-thirds price , fcl PJCLTH i5c@l 00. Wool. Merino unwashed , light. 14@lGc ; heavy l15c ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c washed , choiro , 32c ; fair , aOc ; tub and washed 28c ; bnrry , blank and cottod wool , 2@Go 'oa Honvy Hardware Iilst. Iron , rate * , 2 CO ; plow stool special cast , 7 < cnicible , So ; special or German , Gc cast to < do , 15@20 ; wanou pkm , sot , 2 25oi3 00 ; hut : per tot , 1 25 ; fellooa suwod dry , 1 40 ; tonguoi each , 70@8.rc ; ta\on \ each , 7Co ; wjuaro nuts pc Ib , 7@llc ; woshort or Iti , 8@18c ; rivets , pt Ib , lie ; coil chair , \ > nr Ib , G(5)12c ( ) ; malleable , 8 Iron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow t et 4c ; spring teol , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoos , C 0 Burden's muleshoos G 00 , BAKBED WIIIE In jcar lots , 4Jo perillX NAILH Kates , 10 to GO , 3 HO. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 : orlonti powder , hogs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do quarter kbga , 1 88j blasting , kega , 3 35 : ( IUM IwrlOOfeot COc , LEAD Bar , 1G5. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mo rls run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Whltobroast lum | 5 00 ; Wldtobrea t nut , C 00 ; lowu lump , 5 0 IOWA nut , 5 00 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 : Anthn cite , 11 25@11 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , Vw toi ALOOHOb 188 proof , 2 25 per wlno guile OJttra California splritti , 188 proof , 125 i proof gallon ; triple rufinod 8i > lrits , 187 ere < i 1 23 per proof foilloir ro-dlstlllod whfxkie 100@,160 ; fine blended , 1 50@2 60 ; Kei tucky bourboiiH , 200@700 ; Kentucky an Ponnsylvunia ryes , 2 00@7 00. BIUNDIEH luiiwted. 000@1000 ; doinoet ! 140@100. ' OIN Imported , 4 60@C 00 ; domoBtlc , 1 I @ 3 00. IlUMH Iinported , 4 50 ( 0 00 ; NowHnKlam 2 00@4 00 ; dorawtlc , 1 50@3 50. I'UOH AND AWLE BllANDY 1 7C@4 00. CirAurAQNta Imported per cose , 2800 ( 3t 00 ; American , per awe , 12 1 @ 16 00 , DENVER MA11KI7T. Ccnnn MEATS AND J AIID In tlorcon lOo In pallx lie. Hums , lljc ; Jiroal < fA. t bacon , 13fllCJc ( ) ; smoked eldon , Ol lOo ; salt sides , 8J@Cc. ' Uiir.KN FKUIT AND PRODUCE Potatoes , C5@ Crio per 100 ixitimh ; onions , per 100 pounds. ? l fH2 ) 00 ; turn < i , Jier 100 Ib , CO@SOc ; Colorado - orado eabbago , now , per 100 , 8 , " > cC9lOO ; ll o clilckoni , old , per dor , SI 00(5 ( $ 4 23 ; fpraitio clilekoin per do83 75 ® 100 ; rggi . froih , per doz , 32@ic $ butter , fair iu.il | * Ity creamery , finest jicr 11) , 38@ 12 ; creamery , good , peril ) , 28iiSlo ( ) ; ICnnsM and Nebraska dairy , per Ib , ! ) " 0,4jo ; cooking , ISC lTir ; cheese , fall cream , per Ib , lli@lc ; appli-j per bbl , eattorn , fr."i OOwO 50 ; grape' , per Ib , Cnllfornii ) M'csaina lemons , orlrn , per bet , 8700 @ 8 00 ; oranges , 812 00 ® 13 00 ; Colorado A-hoftt , | > cr 100 Ib , 8130@1 38 ; flour , fair quality , 810 00H)10 ( ) 50 per barrel ; Hour , Graham , per 100 Ib , 82 00@2 60 ; flour , rye , PAT 100 Ib , 82 50@2 70 ; flour , buckwheat , per l.W , 810 00@10 CO ; corn meal , per 100 Ibs , 81 03 ® 1 85 ; com , per 100 Ibs , 81 30 ® 1 35 ; corn chop , per 100 Ibs , 81 80@1 33 ; now oats , per 100 Ib * . SI 35I 45 ; oats , Nebraska , mixed , per 100 Hi. 81 33@l Mhoat ; , per 100 Ibs , 81 35@1 45 ; barley , iicr 100 Hw , SI 50 ® fnl ) 75 } mixed chop , per 100 Ibs , SI 33@ 1 40 ; broil , per ton. 817 ( X19 00 ; hay , per ton. 812 00@10 00 ; haled second bottom , 81000@1200 ; baled upland , S1400@1700 ; straw , per ton , 88 00@'J 00. Railway Time Table. LOOAt TIUINS BIUDGte DIVISION u. r. it a , HAW LINK. MUVtt. AR11VH. foctfa Kiprtw. 12:05 : pm AtUntlo KtprctuTAS K rr WiUtorti E\T > rnw 8:00 : Jl 111 Wc torn Kirrooi. 8:20 : j > m ( I. I lftnJ 1'aps , . , .4:30i : m G. lelnml I'asi. 11:40 : a m Unooln Kx 12:30 : pm Lincoln Kr ix:66jun : DUMHV TRAlNS-DHlDOB DIVISION. LOAVO Omalm : 7:10,8:00,0:00,10:00,11:00 : : : : : a : in.,12m ; 1:00 : , z-oo , 8'00,4lW , 5:00 : , 6.00,10:10 : p. m. On Sun days : 7:10,0:0loo : : : n. m ; 2:00,4oo : : , 6:00 : , tolo : p. in. Arrh o nt transfer depot 20 tnlnutct later ; Broad * May < U'KtCouncil | UlulTi ) , 30 minutes Inter. I/oavo Council llludu , Ilromlu ay depot , 8:00 : , 0:00 : , 10W , lloo : ft.m. ; lSm.lon ; : , 2:00.8.00,4:00,5:00,8:40 : : : : , lOMOli.m On Bumlaja : S:00.10:000. : : to. ; 12 m8:00 : , 6:00 : , B:40,10:40 : : p. 111. Arrh oTrauifcr depot , to min utes later. Lca\o Council Hindu Transfer depot : 8SB : , 02B ; , 10:23,11:25 : : a. in.12 ; ml:25 ; : , 2:25,35 : : , 4SB : , 6:26 : , 0:26 : , 7C5,10:55 : : p. in. Arrho Omalm 20 minutes later. LIAVI OUAIIA. t-RAVn COUNCIL KLQrra. POM No. S. . . .735am Pus. No. 9. , . 76 urn " No. 10 BUBpm " No. 15..11:45am : " No. 4 8:60pm : " No S..ii : 0am , ' " No. 8 8:60am : " No. 61..7:15 : it in " Nt.fl fll5am : " No. 1. . . . 7 SO pro " No. 60.0:50iim : | 0. , U. ft St. P. 1U H. O. V BKPOT. I.K4VK. AKIIWX. Ul&nttaKx * . . . . 8:60 : pm iractfloEx , . , . . .BW : atu a ll& Kx 7:60am : iMallbKi * 7:50pm : ( Similaja r.\cciiteil. ) VAHASn , ST. IXJUIa & PAlllno V. V. DKrOT. Jnikhi 7Wam I Omaha 11:20 : am 11 8:60 : pra | " f.:20pm : 0. , B iQ H.B U P. DKl'OT. Mail * 7:60am I Exprcoa 8:46am : KiprcBS 8:60 : pm | Mall' 7:10 pm o. , a i ft P. n. n u. p. DEPOT. Kinross T:60am | Hall 0:45 am Hall 8:60pm : | Kiprcba 7:10 : pm C. & N. W. U. U. U. 1BKl'OT. . Hell1 7:60am : I Uinrcus 0:45am : Exprrra 8:00pm : | MM1" 7:10pm : a C. ft P. R. R. U. P. DKPai. Uall * 0:16am : I Hxiircwj P.46 am KxprcBS B:00pm : | Mall' 7:10pm : iiisaouui PAciFia-u. p. DEPOT Kinross , . .7:00a : m I Kxprcm 0:46 : pm C. , ST. PAUL , M. & O. H. K. DEPOT N. 16TI1 8T No. 2 * 7SOftmNo. : | I * . . ! 6:80pm : No. 1 * . „ . . . .l:00pmNo : \ 8 * 11:45am : UOUX CtTV ft PACIFIC Dil'OT N. ICth Street. > nvo Omaha tor Valentino via St. Paul Una lo Blair 7:30am : rrlvo from Valentino. 5:30 : pm II. ft M. IN NEBRASKA. cnvcr Express..8:15 : am I Atlantic 0:30p : m oclflc Exprcca.8 6 p m. | lcuvorKiioa59:10 : a m K. 0. , ST JOB & C. B. R R. B. 4DEPOT. . Tall S:25am : I Exprcaa 0:00am : Hirtsa 7:20 om IMall flM > p m SUDlla > 8CXCCptCl. Oponlns ana Cloning of Hallu. aooTf , oriN. cwa . a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. &N.w.aR. .ar.c. B. ft O. , St Paul ft Sioux City.11:00 0:00 : 6:40 : 8:16 : 3..M.&S.P.H 0.&P. In Iowa 0:00 : C:40 : ( Valiuh Kxpriua . 12:30 : 8:16 : IVabnsh local 8:09 : 5:40 : K. 0. , Ht-.loa&U. 0.00 0:00 : , 6:40 : 8:60 : Missouri Pacific 7:80 : 6:40 : i.SUP. M. &O 6:00 : 7:20 : Inlon Ptclllc , oturlniul 8:00 : 11:36 : fnlon Pacific , Dciurr Ex. . . 4:00 7:30 : | . ft Republican Valley. . . 1:30 : 11:35 : l.ftM. Express 7:00 7:10 ! . ft M. for Plattsmouth , S. BcnO , Ashland mill Lincoln.11:00 : Office open Buurtaya trom 12:00 : m. to 1:00 : p. m. O. K. COUTANT Portmaor" SCALE Ca 1STUX UAOOM MHI.f , tW. U lll.tio. . < T III rt'XI. ( ll-.llll IIOX lllflllUptV 240 "AHMCR'S ! SCALE , 80. The "I.fi . ilmtcMv i , " ' ( i > . to VV Ib. KI HMOllirUitl/f.l. ItHorr.l I'ltHI. l.lhl tUbU. POEaJES , TOOLS , &o. nrfiT luniK iur.1. MIU iK.iifout , ic III. AIIVil.mil "I'll" , virfx . \ Oilier Article * ' OMAHA Stove Repair Works , 109 South 14th St. Make a specialty of furnlahlni ; nnetliiKa anil repair 'UK' stoic * of nil description , wncxl stoves , cliariKCil t < lurn conl , K'rotca , flrobock , Uamix.ru , &c. cniiBtintl ) ' ni hand. Try ono of our Btoro plpa cliche * r.m InthoH drjcr. _ nefc.i DISEASES OF THE vn iv nji npn \ S" * SYE & I J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Ooixliestxxd ,04 , Karn m Street , oppoeltu roxton Hotel , Ointhc Noli. The uio ot the term " Htioi IJnc" In connection with th corporate iiamo of a Krcatrokil conve ) H on Idea of ut u hut ruiiuircd liy the trmtllnir pub lie n Hhort Line , ( julck Tim and the best of acuuqmodi tioim all ol wlilcli ( .to luru luhoU by the frente t railway In America. CHICAGO , And St. Paul. It owns anil opcrato over 4WO milcaol-n Northern IlllnoU , Wlsconaln , lllnnosota , lowaai Dal.ota ; and as U main linen , l-randim and cotiiin tloni roach all the urcnt bunlncsa ciiutruu of Ib Northwest and far Went , It naturally arnnorn tl description of Khort Una , and lie t Iloiito b tw D Chicago , Milwaukee , Ht. Paul and Minneapolis ! jrilcaiuMil ; ) milii u , IA I'roaao and Wlniina. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllendala Chicago , Mlluaukvu , I'-iu Cluire anil Stlllwator * Chlta u , ililwaukev , Wauiuuuiid Uvrrlll. ClilcoKO. Milwaukee , lleo\cr Dam and O.hkosli. Chlcau' " , llllwukee , Waukeiha and Oconomowoa Chicago , Milwaukee , lladlion and rralrltidu ( Jhlei Chicago , MlluauVce , Ouatonna and Falrthault. Chicago , Uelolt Janesti'la ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , Klifln , llockford and Dubuquo. ChicAL-o , Clinton , llock Idand mid Cedar Ilapldt. ChlcaKO , Council UliirtH and Omaha. Clitcaeo , Hl'iux City , Kloux ValU and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , MlUhull and Chamberlain , llock Ibland , UubU'iuo , Bt. 1'aul and Mlnneaiiolll Da\cniort | , Calmar , tit. 1'aul and Uiuucapolla. Pullman Slocpen and the Fine t Ulnlns ( Un lo world ru run n the i.uliiliiii-aoltlicCH MILWAUKEE & ST. PAULftA unU e\ cry t-ttuntTou In paid to paueugrra by oils euipfoyp * of 8. ri. MEHRILL , A. V. H. OAUI'KNTKR , Oen'l Jlanagcr , Clin'l l'aw > . Agi-n J.iT.OLAUK , ( OEO H. 11EAFFOUD , am inn I .or , . via iu nuiiilniiiil l > y THE .MAHB ! ' ' . I'1,1 ' ' : ' 130UUS. Nu" 'hdnjrp'nx. , "l Kvrt mm elilllynd l' > i > 'I. " ' trnrmly mu * ful In tue i"i" " < on - M/i'risf / ON'n'fc MEDYCO , < CwlJ ! h"sUNewVort To tliosn nufterlnK from tl eu"i < iUui > uutliful vrrot . . Cltly it mfmrmmmmm * - H'nitl.M WHttkUCOH. oy. lost intnlmod , tin. , I will in J > " lurtloulurn ul jnun'o "f tlf turn , lrveo ( tlikiK J11UI. 0 Biiiltutaln imam : " JUWMB itoOUVH , INVESTMENTS Omnlm Rcnl Estate is n safe investment for both locnl nnd foreign cap ital , nntl there is no property , in or nrouud the city , butwhut.vill bring purchnsers gooil returns in the near future. Wo have property for Bnlo l in all parts of the city , and also Surrounding the city , all of which we gladly nhow to partias who feel interested. We are often asked which is the best part of the city for an invest ment ? We always advise patrons to buy what is called Inside Property ! By tins ia meant property not more than one nnd almlf miles from the Poatoflico , nnd the nearer the center Hie better the investment. While outside property will steadily advance in price , inside property will adv - v mice much er in proportion. The n w addition to the city known OH HAWTH ia located ono mile from the postofliccvost. . onlj * nine blocks froiu the High School , uud these lots are being sold nt less than half the price asked for lob snine distance in any other direction , and As these lots will , in ti short time , be advanced to correspond t oprices of lots surrounding Hawthorne. . The contract has been let for grading Davenport street through this addition. Work has been commenced and TV ill ba finished early iu the summer. Purchasers of lots in Hawthorne will not have to .bear any xpense for the grading. This is a decided advantage. Prices for regu- nr size lots lotsS35O TO S5V5 , We lme also borne double lots in this'uidition at from 8(500 to S650. Thisparbof thesity is being built xip with the best class of residences. Near business , near High School and desirable in every particular KIRKWOOD. We have a few lots left in this addition , which we will soil at lower irices than can be had in surrounding addition ? . Thu lofs are beautiful ly located and larger than than those in adjoining additions , and will h sold on terms to suit purchasers. IN ALL 1ABTS ? OF THE CITY. T\/T T In 'Douglas County and all parts of the State. TJ IB TJ 3R.IDB A. KT 2 , A line tract of land three and one-half miles from Omalm at § 10 per acio. Also a tract feur miles from the bity nt $30 per acre. Lets in this addition will be sold on motuhly payments ; 10 per ( nnt cash nnd 5 per cent , per month. n .A. w" T IB : o 0 all the lots wo have -for sale , we think this is the most desirable either for a home or for investment , as it is near business nicely located nnd ut prcEont urices is the cheapest property rin the market' , and first buyers Imvo choice of lot8. 213pouth 14th Street , betweengFarnam and Douglas