Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1884, Image 8

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    TA 11 V
THE OA1L5T , . FR1 DAY , JANUARY 2 > 1884.
Friday Morning , Jan 25 ,
The Weather.
For the Missouri valley : Warmer fair
weather , southwesterly winds , rising , fol
lowed by falling barometer in the north
ern portion , falling , followed by rising
in the southern portion.
r II. K. Burkot , the umlortaker , Nraa busily
engaged yottcrday in moving his trtack of goods
from the Millard hotel block to * storeroom
on Sixteenth street.
A loam attached to n milk wngon Indulged
In n llttlo gallop on Howard ntroot yesterday.
They were run Into the fouco .and brought to a
standstill without damage.
A team of horses , without a driver , came
tearing up Ninth street yesterday noon nnd
turned on to Fariuim. They were stopped before -
fore any wjrlous damage was done.
At the ring tournament nt the roller rink
last night , the medal was again won by Cha *
Qratton. Ha made Uio circuit of the hall In
sixteen and thrco-quartow cocande , nnd took
six rln's.
A party of fifteen Jews were upon the
Douv o train yesterday morning. They are from
San Francisco , and are on their way to New
York city to buy their spring goods , all them
being merchants.
There will bo service * nnd H nvrmon
this morning In Trinity Cathedral. It is "Tho
Conversion of St. Paul , " nnd the quarterly
mooting of the chapter. Son ices at 11 a. m.
in the Cathedral. All ore Invitod.
An election of officers of the Second 1'roa
bvtorian church , which was to have been held
Wednesday , was postponed for ono week , ow
Ing to small attendance of members on recount
of tbo weather , and the ubaonco of Rov. W. .T
Harshn , tho'pastor , on account of sickness.
A committee connlgtlng of Ii. Beer , W. J.
Xylo , J. 11. Barry nnd Win. Hubartt , of North
Platte , representing Lincoln county , were in
the city Wednesday inspecting the county jalL
Charles L. Wandt , tf St. Louis , who built the
iron portion of the jail , accompanied them.
The next mooting of the Omaha C , L. S.
C. will , bo hold at the residence of It. D.
Hills , California street , Tuesday evening
next. An Invitation has boon extended to the
circle InCouucil Bluffs to moot with the Omaha
circle on Wednesday evening noxt.
Charles S. Ncal , employed at the U. P.
transfer , and residing at Ninth and Hickory
streets , has covered himself all over with
glory. Wednesday morning his wife presented
him with a bouncing boy baby , and Charley Is
making strenuous efforts to have the corpora
tion limits extended.
In police court yesterday there was not a
eluglo case , nnd Judge Bonoko was not called
upon during the entire day to Issue n single
' warrant This Is a state of afTIrs upon which
the people of this city can congratulate them
selves. Such a thing has not happened before
in years.
The two "quack" doctors who are now in
jail for obtaining money under false pretense ? ,
ay they will bo out in a few days and propose
% to practice here In Omaha. They will fine'
that thoy'havo struck the wrong city to ope
rate In , and should they bo liberated they wll
have to stick other fields , The citizens ol
Omaha have no u o for "quacks" of their tie
Cumlng street meeting , Saturday even
ing , January 26 , 1884 , at Sander's grocery
store , corner of Cumlng and Soandors streets
there will be a meeting of Cumlng and Six
teenth street property holders , and business
men. and all others interested in developing
Cumlngstreet and its continuations west into
the best thoroughfare leading out of urn
Into this city. The Slxtb ward aldermen are
expected to be present.
-Gon. J. C. Cowln , who is now In our city
received a telegram from Now York , yesterday
day , Informing him that he could have the
title deeds to a valuable tract of laud , quite
close to Omaha , for the sum of SO,000 , Hi
answered immediately that ho would take tin
land. Wo understand the general will lay th
ground off in town lots , and offer liberal In
ducements to those who desire cheap homes
Only a low years since the lady who owns th
land offered it forsalo fcr a few thousand do ]
lars and could not llnd a purchaser at tlm
price. [ Lincoln .Tournal , 24.
They Were nl | Late Yestortlny Morn
Occasioned J > y a Storm In
Tlm noon train west ou the Union
Pacific was over nil hour late , occamontK
by the delay ou the trunk lines whicl
was caused by a storm in Illinois.
The Hock Island train was 30 minute
late in arriving at the transfer.
The 0. , B. & Q. , No. 0 , was ! J hour
' late , while No. U vraa 5 hours bohin
The Sioux City & Pacific train rolle
in at the transfer 1 hour and 15 minute
behind time.
The 0. te N. > V. train was unable tc
make her time and did not arrive at th
transfer until 'i hours after she shouli
have done so.
Tbo Wabash was 1 hour late ,
The Chicago , Milwaukee & Bt , Pau
was the only road on which the train ar
rired on time.
, The Union Pacific train waited fo
most of the belated traiiiH.
Never Olvo Up
If you are 8tilferii2 | tvitk low ami dopiussf *
, ) nm ) of appetite , Ku erul debility , din
will l > e Murpriiied to tee tl o rnplel liniimvemcn
that Will follow ; you \vlll Ite limnliwl with nev
life ; strength uiul activity will return ; poll
and Bunery will CCOBO , and henceforth you \\1 |
i joloo lu the In the pruleu of JMoctrio lilttere
txtld t lifty ccntd u bottle by O. K , Good
Aiiny Order * .
Recruit Carl Fi L. Brandt , enlisted at
Port Qnialia , Neb , , is assigned to the
Fourth infantry. %
Recruit John jrardhall , enlisted nt For !
Douglas , Utah , is assigned to company T ,
Sixth infantry.
Tiiu commanding oflicer at Fort Oma
ha , Neb. , will send ten of the military
prJw # r At his pos uojiv awaitiug trans-
Mr to the mlliUry'prisoii at 'ort Leaven-
vor& , Kaaus , to Uiat placejuuder euita-
We guard commanded by a non-coaarais-
* 1 officer. Tie tjuarttTrmaster'a deVil -
Vil ] furniih the uecwsary
* l > orutioii.
How the Cil Snap Affecls the
Poor of this City ,
A * Talk With Mrs. IL B , Puller in
Ilcgrml to the Poor lcoplo of
Omaha and What ID
Done for tliclr Holler.
The recent cold snap has affected nil
classes of humanity in n greater or loss
degree , but more particularly the jpoor
xjoplo. By poor people is meant people
who are in an almost destitute condition ,
and many such there are in this city. The
relief association of thii city are doing an
mmonso work among this class , and it is
really astonishing to visit their roomsand
see how many applications are made for
The way the work is divided up now it
s much easier than of yore. In each
ward there is a committee of ladies ap
pointed to look up needy ones and to
whom needy ones may apply for help.
The case of an applicant for relief is in
vestigated by some member of the ward
committee , and , if found worthy , in so
reported at the association rooms , and
iclp is immediately given.
The manner of obtaining vegetables
whicli was inaugurated last win
ner , is also being prosecuted
; his winter by the relief association , viz :
; hnt of the school children each bringing
a potato or any vegetable they choose
Last winter all the schools brought their
donations at the same timo. This year
only ono school is to bring at a time.
Last week the high school brought their
) uorings and it required two largo wagon
30X03 to contain them all. Not only
were vegetables donated , but groceries ,
and articles of almost every description
were cast into the general supply fund.
This is indeed very gratifying to see
ho children , thus early in life , oxcrcis-
ng the greatest of nil virtues , charity.
A person who is naturally of a charitable
disposition cannot bo very bad at heart ,
and if the children have this principle
nstillod in their minds and hearts , it can
lave but ono result , and that a good ono.
Ono of the most , if not the loading
worker among the poor of this city , is
Mrs. II. B. Fuller , who has boon con
stantly engaged in this work for six years
lost , and can speak the name of almost
jvcry needy person in this city. Know-
ng this , a BKK reporter called upon her
out evening and asked her to tell how
jhoao cold snaps effect the poor.
Mrs. Fuller said that whenever a cold
day comes the applications for fuel are
much moro numerous. She stated that
on Wednesday a woman called upon her
'or fuel , who stated that her husband
was sick in bed and that she was obliged
; p put the little children tobod with their
sick father while she wont to ask for fuel.
On the same day another woman called
and said that she had not a particle of
[ upl , neither had slio a morsel of any
thing to eat , and she had several small
mildron nt homo awaiting her return.
[ n both cases relief was furnished imme-
liatoly. It seems a little bit exaggerated
but these things are fearfully true , and
there are many more women and children
[ n this city who are actually suffering
from cold and hunger.
The ladies of this city are doing a great
work and they should be faithfully sup
ported in it and uphold by the nobler
citizens of this city. There is doubtless
many a man and many a woman in this
city who would willingly give five or ton
dollars for a charitable purpose. The
trouble is that suffering never comes be
fore their eyes ; they are not brought
face to face with poverty and destitution ,
and hence the thought of giving a tow
dollars to the poor does not enter their
heads. If their attention was called to
the matter they would give. To all such
wo would say hand in your contributions
to the relief association rooms , and you
limy rest assured that whatever is placed
in the hands of these noble ladies vrill bo
judiciously and well expended. There nro
many of our citizens who daily HOIK
or take donations to the rooms , and to
all such'tho ladies nro duly thankful.
Mrs. Fuller was asked in regard to the
poor people , ns to whether there are any
' old timers" among the number , She
stated that thu great majority of them
are people who have been receiving help
over since she has boon engaged in the
Bho said also that the great majority
of them are women who have boon deserted
sorted by brutes called husbands , after
having boon instrumental in bringing
into this world several children , and wo
man and children who are cursed by hav
ing for husband and father a habitua
drunkard. '
She said thorp was no doubt that many
unworthy ones nro fed through foodiiif ,
the worthy ones but that it could not bi
Ono thing that the ladies ot the nsso
ciation desire greatly , is that all the
street begging bo stopped and tlm
persons make no contributions to atrob
beggars , but refer thorn to the nssocia
tion rooms , where , if worthy they wil
receive help at onco. Tnoro are a num
bor of chronic beggars in this city , who
really beg from choice , and it is desirec
to break this up.
A Oroat Discovery.
That la dally bringing joy to the homo * in
thounands by Having many of their dear ones
from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption , Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis. Hny 1 over , Losi
of Voice , Tickling in the Throat , Pain in Side
and Chest , or any dUeao of the Throat mid
I.uura , a positho cure. Guaranteed. Trial
Bottles free at 0. F , Goodman's Dnig Store.
Lnjvo blzo 81,00
The Murdered Han Buried In a Brut
al Manner by a Man Who WHS
ut the AVaJco.
From the Springfield Monitor of the
23d Just , we glean the following in re
gard to the burial of the man Bradford ,
who was killed by blow fiom an ax in
the hands of McCarty :
"After the inqueat Monday , the body
was turned over to Kal Jowett for bur
ial , and it is reported that ho put the
eorpso in a loosely ronstiuotod box of
rough pine , with cracks in which a man
could insert his fingers , leaving hts over-
ilioos on , without oven washing the
jlood away , and placed him under
ground at a depth of 15 to 18 inches.
And for thus going through the motions
of a mock burial ho immediately filed a
bill with tbo clerk for $24.00. The BtaU
ito provides for the decent burial of per-
nous in tuch cases , and Mr , Jowott ,
over h .a ; 8 > auould bo taught what consti-
tuter , dcoont interment.
. Ao citizens yesterday ordered the dis-
'jvtermcnt of the eorpso , which was
ilnccd in the hands of I. G. Splk , the
I'apillion undertaker , and , to his credit ,
10 washed and prepared it for burial in a
Becoming and proper manner. "
The same paper has the following to
say of the murdered man's life :
"Almost a mystery seems to shroud
the previous lifo of the murdered man.
Although ho has boon in the employ of
several farmers hereabouts , none seem
io know from whence ho came or where
his friends live , if ho has any. Some
say ho came from Ohio , others nay ho
come from Kansas , and others say ho
came hero from Ashland. During last
ipring ho sold fish in Springfield that ho
: aught along the Plntto rivor. Ho was
juried the same day ho was killed. Ho
was not matriod. "
A Genuine "Mill" in This Citv
Last Friflay ,
Two Ijocnl "Thumper * " Ktifiafro In a
Saloon Row and Adjourn to
the Hlvcr Bottoms to Settle
Their Differences.
It has just begun to bo generally
mown that Omaha has boon the scene
of n genuine prize fight , according to the
most approved rules of the "profesh. "
It is nevertheless n fact that a "mill"
did take place in this city a few days
since , the principals being a couple of
ocal celebrities who consider themselves
aad men with their "dukes. "
The affair took place on Friday morn
ng last and was witnessed by only a
favored fow. The two "thumpers" en
; aged in a saloon row early ih the morn
ing , but were prevented from fighting by
: ho managers of the placo. Ono of
; hem who , by the way , is a painter , was
not satisfied with the outcome of the
quarrel and proposed to retire to some
secluded spot , and there whip his oppo
nent or perish in the attempt. The
challenged party objected , for reasons
best known to himself , and refused to
accompany the wrathy party to the
proposed battle field. Number ono call-
3d him a coward and various names , and
offered to hire a hack to carry them to
the scene of combat if number two would
but consent to go. Number two was
urged so strongly by his friends to fight
that ho finally agreed to do so , and the
party got into a hack and were driven to
the river bottom.
A ring was marked out and the pugi
lists stripped themselves and retired to
their corners. Timo' was called and
they went at it. Number two proved
liimsolf to bo the hotter man from the very
start and battered number ono at every
Notwithstanding that the fight was a
one-sided affair , it was kept up for ten
or n dozen rounds , which consumed in all
about twenty-two minutes timo. Con
siderable claret was spilled , and at the
and of the fight number ono declared
himself as perfectly well satisfied that
liis antagonist was the better man , and
proceeded to dress himself for his home
ward journey.
There was one man in the party , how
ever , who was not satisfied with the out
come of the matinee , and he so expressed
himself in very unsavory terms ; so much
so that both of the principals became en
raged and proposed to "do him up. "
The outside party , who , oy the way ,
was a big negro , did not oven stop to remove -
move his linen duster , which had boon
lined to correspond with the weather ,
but wont at the white "trash in a genu
ine go-aa-you-pleaso style , and in a very
short space of time had thrashed the
ground , not only with the two pugilists ,
but also with several outsiders who had
been foolish enough to offer some sugges
That settled the fight , and it was
another of those unlucky cases whore a
"dark" horse steps in when least ox-
pooled and carries nway the honors.
Huoklcn'B AruIca Salve.
The groatoat medical wonder of tlm world.
Warranted to spoedlly euro BurnH , Cuts , TJJ-
cara. Salt llhoum , 1'over Sores , Cancers , Tilea ,
Chillblalns , Corns. Totter , Chapped hands ,
and all skin eruption , garanteod to euro in
iivery instance , or money refunded. 25 contn
tier box. _ _
Not Content With Being the Best.
Whatever may bo said in regard to the
propensity of the management of great
railway lines t9 provide for the * public
only what is atcually demanded in thu
way of accommodations nnd comfort , can
in no way apply to the management ol
the Ohicvgo , Rock Island & Pacific Rail
way , or as it is moro familiarly known ,
"Tho Great Rock Island Route. " This
line lias for years boon recognized as the
best and most comfortable route between
Chicago and Kansas City and the South
west , and has boon abundantly able on
this account to successfully cope with its
competitors. But not satisfied with this
success audits already elegant equipment ,
its managers have caused to bo turned
out of its shops at Chicago ; a mag.
nificent line of Dining Cars which
go into immediate service on the Kansas
City Lino. These , , cars contain nil the
conveniences of well furnished dining
rooms , are elegant in design and finish ,
and models of the advanced railway art
of the day. Within thorn meals are fur
nished equal to those ofi any first-class
hotel in the land 'at the low rate of
ftvonty-fivo cents. Travelers on this
line now find on its trains all the com.
forts and conveniences of lint-class hotels.
Besides the best of first and second-class
coaches there are Parlor Chair Oars ,
'which are free to all passengers holding
through first-class tickets ) , Pullman Pdl-
ace Sleeping Cars and Dining Cars.
This Company's lines all of whicli are
equally well equipped also extend to
Council Bluffs and the West , and Min
neapolis nnd St. Paul nnd the North west ;
md the deserved praisus bestowed upon
t by returned travelers vrho sneak from
experience , make it noted throughout
ho land. *
Wo bespeak for the owners nnd man *
.gcrji of this magnificent Railway ample
oturus for their generous provisions lor
ho wants of the public , which is , as has
droadv been proved by the patronage ex-
ended to this line , quick to appreciate
md patronize those who provo by their
deeds and generous treatment that they
nro devoted to its comfort and welfare.
f AMj.-Tuesday night , at 10 o'clock , nt hU
.residencenearKlkhoruStatlou , after abort
, IJ-redorlck IJ. Hall , ftgad 27 year * .
The Lcai Year Party at the Paxton
Hold Last Night , .
An Urmual Social Event Beautiful
Tollctmml Happy Knees A Picas.
an ntul Enjoynlilo Time.
Ono oftho most pleasant parties which
lias boongivon in Omaha for n long time
was UiOjloap year party nt the Paxton
liotol Ins ! night.
It waaan occasion which liadlongboon
looked toward to by the young society
people o thin city , and ita culmination
last oveiing was hailed with joy.
Only < no year in lour is it considered
pcrfoctlt proper for the ladies to act as
oscorto b the gentlemen , and it is right
that the ? should fullyimprovo thooppor
tunity tlus afforded and by so doing as
sort thoirrighta.
Nearly all the carriages in the city
wcro ongivod by the fair ones last oven'
ing , and m early as eight o'clock the car
riagcs bopn to roll up in front of the
Paxton , md , ns the door was opened , n
lady woutl stop upon the block and ex
tend her Ininty hand to her male conv
panic n , md with the greatest of ease and
naturalness assist him to alight.
By nitD o'clock the guests had all ar
rived nnc wore gathered in the spacious
parlors , tvhon the dancing commenced.
Hoflmai'a orchestra furnished the music ,
and the members of the orchestra were
never ii bettor shape than they were
last night , and they never furnished bet
tor muric.
Aboit 11 o'clock an olopant lunch was
served in the dining hall. The lunch
was provided by the ladies of the com
pany. Attcr all had partaken , the din
ing hall was cleared , the orchestra was
called from upstairs , and the merry dauco
was concluded in the dining hall.
To Bay that the ladies looked be.iuti
fill would but feebly express it. They
were fairly gorgeous. The toilets were
beautiful , and many of them exquisite
Upon the faces of the fair gallants waa
plainly noticed that Robinso Crusoe look
"I'm monarchof all I survey , " and yet i
did not detract in any way from their
beauty and modesty. The male portion
of the assembly were all arrayed in
faultless style , while upon thmr counton
anccs was clearly discernible that look oi
innocence and humility which i :
soon there but once in four yoars.
Taken all \Q \ all the party of last nigh
was a perfect success in every detail , anc
the society people of Omaha will long re
member it.
J. C. Swau , of BulFalo , N. Y. , is at thi
Bon Morrison and wife , of Choycnne.Wyo.
are at the Metropolitan.
P. C. Ueloy , of Milwaukee , Wig. , is at th
W. P. Thomna , of Blair , is at the Metro
James Lauren , of Wilber , is t the Metro
J. Lansing , of 1'uiriield , IK at the Metropo !
Conrad J. Schmidt , of Beatrice , is at th
Nellie and Mary She.i , of Wavorly , aio u
( .ho Metropolitan.
H. J. Gardner , of Yankton , D. T. , Is at th
M. WallBtciu , of Kansas City , is at th
H. O. Beatty , of Wahoo , is at the Millard
Kov. Goo. W. Walnwright , of Blair , is a
tbo Millard.
J. II. Hunguto , of Blair , is a Millard guest
O. S. Dana and J , C. .Tordon , of Minncai
oils , are at the Metropolitan.
Mrs. L. V. Tilton and child , of Blair , ar
at the Paxton ,
.T. C. Smith , of Crete , is at the Paxton.
Charles E. Baker and J. .1. Hill , of Bea
trice , are at the I'axtou.
J. It. McConnell , of Lincoln , is at the Pax
H. IL Miller , of Nebraska City , is at th
Paxton. '
0. B. Finch , of Kearney , in at
W. H. Underwood , traveling passenKC
agent for the Michigan Central road , id in th
j\lr. nnd Mrs. 1' . A. Schneider have bee
called to Ohio by the serious illnofiH of Mrs
Schneider's mother.
IF. L , Hall , chief of the passenger agents c
the 13. & M. , IH at tlm Millard. Mr. Hall
headquartura are at Kansas City.
Supt. Egbert , of the Colorado division i
the U. 1 * . railwaywh < has been lu the city fo
a day or two , loft for homo yesterday.
1B. . Woodrow left for Valentino yesterday
He will probably rome back without any heel
ou his shoes and few holes shot through h !
back hair
Ueorge Iinholf , for Homo time past tolograi
operator and assistant ticket agent in the 1'ax
ton olllco of the Milwaukee & St. Paul , lef
yestordoy morning for the I'aclflo coast.
Superintendent Dickinson , of the western
division of the Union Pacific road , arrived in
this city yesterday morning , by special cor , Ho
left laatnlght for the west.
W. B Jerome , western passenger agent 01
the New York Central & Hudson lUver rail
road , Is In thu city looking after the Interests
of that lino. He is quartered at the Millard.
0. 8. HiggiiiH | g in Chicago endoavorlnr to
make a trade with the Pullman palace car
company , by which they w ill use a patent car
platform , of which Mr. liijrglmi is one of the
[ mtenteos. It In gaid to be the be-t device
whlcli haa ever boeu Invented.
Supreme Court of Ncbra.slcu.
WEUNIMDAY , January U3 , 1884.
Court mot pursuant to adjournment.
A , L , Paiaons , Esq. , of Lancaster
cuunty , was oumitted to practice.
Kellogg vs. Lavondar. Application for
allowance of writ of error denied.
State , etc. , ux rel. George VB , Lincoln
Motion to strike answer from the file sus
tained ,
The following entitled causes were eub
nutted ;
AVilson vs. Young.
Kx.parto Johnson.
Smytho vs. Kastlor.
Court adjourned to Tuesday morning
next , January 29 , 1884 , at 8UO : o'clock ,
The Miuuiiorclmr Ball.
The masquerade ball of thu Mwnner
chor society was given last evening in
Central hall. Unlike that of previous
ears , it was of n private character , and
consequently thg loud and boistrious olo-
nont which had heretofore prevailed wns
There were about seventy-five couples
i attendanceand all had a glorious good
imo. Prof. Thiolo's orchestra furnished
lie music , and John Wirth supplied the
The first prize was awarded Mrs.
fever , the second prize to F. Lohmcr ,
while Mrs. Kaufman walked away with
ho third prizo.
Some of the costumes worn were very
irotty and attractive. The festivities
voro not concluded until a late hour this
W. n. Carter , the Sheriff of Holt
County , Oi\en a Glowing De
scription nt HIR Ijllc.
A morning paper of yesterday morn-
ng's issue prints nn interview with W.
I. Carter , sheriff of Holt county.
Mr. Carter stated that Snoll is ono of
ho quietest and most peaceable citizens
n Valentine , and that ho has the friond-
ihip and esteem ot nil these who know
urn thoro.
Ho says that ho is there to-day at work
and will bo forthcoming in Omaha nt the
day of trial.
Ho scouts the idea that the shouting
was done purposely , and says that if hu
bought it had been done so , ho would
not have put up a cent to bail Snell out.
Ho thinks the worst feature of the
affair waa Snoll's sudden departurewhich
10 thinks was owing to his dazed condi
tion , and to Snoll's ignorance of the
promiao ho had made to pay the funeral
expenses of the girl as soon as ho was
roloascd from custody.
Mr. Carter is firm in his belief that
Snoll is an honest man , and that ho will
fulfill all the promises ho has made.
That may all bo , but ono thing is posi
tive , Snoll loft the city without oven
going to see the remains of the woman
who had died through his carelessness.
Ho could not have boon in a very badly
dazed condition , after having had three
days in jail in which to collect his souses.
Ho never did show any signs of being al
all flustrated after the shooting.
At any rate had this nil been true , ho
has had plenty of time in which to for
ward the money to defray the expenses
of the girl's funeral , but this ho has nol
done , but has left it to bo born by stran
gers , and if Snoll ever docs appear for
trial , ho will find that these things have
boon laid up against him.
Iloal Estate Tranalcra.
The following deeds were filed for
record in the county clerk's office J.inu
ary 22 , reported for TUB BEE by Ames
real estate agency :
Dexter L. Thomas and wife to Daniel
Muldoon , q c d , lot 7 , in Gise's add. to
Omaha , § 00.
John W. Porcival and wife to % Jane
Thompson , w d , lot 0 , block 17 in E. V.
Smith's add. to Omaha , $700.
Henry Harrison and wife to John M.
Phillips , w d , si of nc | , sec. 35 , 10 , 9 ,
containing 80 acres , $1.
George C. Finney and wife to John E.
Merrick , w d , sw | of so | , sec. 10 , 15 , 10 ,
Charles C. Housel and wife to Jane 0.
Barrett , w d , si of no | and n i so I ol
soc. 1 , 1C , 10 e , $3,200.
Sidney Smith and wife to Georgeraet
to M. Johnson , w d , lots 10 and 20 , block
3 in Hanacon place add to Omaha , § 7,000
James Mclaughlin and wife to George
A. Bryant , w d , lot 2 , block 15 and four
feet off the e side lot 3 block 15 in Wat
Jefiersen W. Bedford and wife et alto
( ieorga L. Miller , w d , lot 8 block 8 , lo
8 block 7 and lot 4 block G , in Hawthorn
add to Omaha , $300.
Jefferson W. Bedford and wife et al
to Lyman Kichardson d , lot ? block 8
lot 7 block 7 in Hawthorn add to Omaha
August Kountx and wife ot al , to
George Krause , w d , lot 14 block 12 , in
Kountzo and Ruths add to Omaha , $500
John M. Eddy and wife to The Omaha
Bolt Railway company , w d , n 22 foot o
s " I of lot 4 , block 8 in Omaha , 1,043.41
"John M. Eddy and wife to The Omahi
Belt Railway company , w d , lot C block
8 in Omaha , § 7,000.
Charles K. Ladd et all to Paul Nelson
q c d , n 44 foot lot 1 , blk 102 in Omaha
Lewis S. Reed and wife to Paul Nol
sonq c dn 44 feet lot 1' blk 1U2Omaha
§ 2.00.
Nancy T. Weidonsall ( widow ) ot al to
David H. Bowman , | w d , the undivided
half of lot 1 , blk 10 , in Shinn's 1st add t
Omaha , S225.
David H , Bowman and wife to Jacol
Weidonsall , w d , the undivided half o
lot l.blk 10 in Shinn's 1st add to Omaha
Plenty of Fresh Butter and Eggs , a
bottom prices , nt Win. Gentleman's.
The recent "cold snap" has created ut
unprecedented demand for the Haydoi
Patent Fire Kindlers , and we have rea
son to believe that it ( the kindler , no
the cold ) has brought peace and comfor
to hundreds of family .circles in this city
Ask your grocer about this.
Ono car load of show-cases , oval an
mansard , all sizes just received at Good
man's. u2-tf.
Absolutely Pure.
Thli powder uover Y r ! , A marvul ot purll
etreuxh aud wbolonomgrieM. More economical ttu
: ho oJlu ry kloui , uU cannot beiold In cou > p tiUo
wlthtbe multitude ol low tut , abort welgtit , alum o
phoipbate powdun. Sold only In rma. IIoval JJ k
Vowdcr Co. , 100 WtU BUcM N w York.
I Infants and Children
Without Morphine op Jfaroottno.
What RVM | our Children row checks ,
What cures their rovers , nmlios thorn sleep ;
'Tin Cmtorln.
When Babies fret , and cry bv turns ,
What cures their colic , kuli thelr'worms ,
i. . Hut Cnnlnr .
fi _ _ _ _
What quickly curoi Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , lutllgrstlon :
rarcwcll Ihon to Morphine Synips ,
Castor Oil and Farcgorlc , and
Centaur Liniment. AnaT > -
Rolnto euro for Rheumatism ,
Sprains , Barns , Galls , &o.f and an
instantanoona Paiu-roliovor.
fsrSpocials will Posltlvelynot bo inserted
unless paid in advance ,
TO LOAN-Monov.
M LOU IIHOS. , 317 S. 13th street 085-28
' TO LOAN The lowest rates of Interest
Bcmia * Loan Agency , 16th & Doutfia 231-tt
TI/TONKY / TOAOAN In sums ot (300. ( and upward.
iVJL 0. F. Davis and Co. , Ucal Eetato aud Loan
Agents , 1GOG Farnam St. R93 tf
"VTfANTKD One or two ( , 'ood country camaswr * .
VVo | > ay ( 'ood sal try and furnish teira. lieu ol
exper eiiic preferred. Give eje and e > perientc.
900 25t Address . K. WEsT & CO. Illiir , Neb.
WANTED Olrl fur ( ceiicral lioiucnork. snmll
family , at No. 1215 north 10th .St. 91-20t
A liov who ran puuilc ( Jcrinan , In the
law office U Walter Hcnnett , llooiu II , Kcd-
Ick'a block. BOJ-20
"VXTANTED Atfood girl at 19th and 1'lerca streets ,
VV Western House , oio block west of Nkll Works.
" 007-205
WANTED A woman ttumullatel ) at the Buck
ejo Meat Market to take chaigo ef the house ,
Corner of Mason and 16th streets , OCS-268
TTITANrKU Girl for general hou-ework , S. U.
V t cor. IVirnam and 20tU street. SKi 24
W "ANTED Two tro\ cling salesmen only those
that are exi > trienccd in the Notion and Gents
Furnishing business and acquainted In Nebraska.
Call on or t ddress , u Ith n ft rcncc * .
Wholesale Notions ,
31-tf 12fl7FaruamSt.
T17 ANTED Female cook at South Omaha House ,
VV Uhamll'aclflc. 044-24S
W 'ANTED Girl to ilo general houscuork at 2016
Hurt Street. 051-tf
WANTED Hen ant giils of a'l kinds In nied ol
employment , to call at our ollico , opposite post-
onice. but * eon 4.30 anil B p. m.
CANXON , JONES & CO , Fn-nzer Illocl. .
T TANTED A girl for gene r l housework. Good
VV wages to a competent girl. Apply at 310 North
23th street , near Chicago. US2 tf
TTtT-ANTED-Secoml girl at 015 S. lath otroet.
W 1)39 ) 25t
WANTED Thoroughly competent bopk-keepcr
and correspondent. Also Balesman familiar with
Commissitm business None but rntn of experience
with best references need apply. Written applica
tions desired. PEYUKi : 1IIIOS.
"TTTANTED A good girl for general hdiu-enor .
Vt Apply IMOliarney street. OA-24 !
"VTirANTED A good blacksmith. One w ho under'
VV stands sharpening ploux. Good nages ant
steady work to a good man. Apply at Lowrv
Markej's. Fremont , Neb. 022 4
WANTED A good girl to do general housework.
Apply at IIornbcrger'8 , 8. VV. corner 10th and
St. Mary's aenue. . 020-25
WANTED Immediately two No. 1 Harness
Makers. D. A. HOPKINS ,
021-51 North Bend , Neb.
WANTED AgenU immediately lne\erj country
for one of the newest and best of fastest sell'ng '
domestic articles known ; reports of s&Ica 1.00 sold In
ono alternoon , 100 In 43 minute' , 80 in SO minutes ,
send for terms , or samp'u w 111 bu Kent t once on re-
ctlpt ot 2Cc. O. II. OKAY , room 216 cast sixth St. ,
KansosCity , Mo. 005 201
W ANTED A good girl for general house work
411 Snnl h li th htrrct , IH2 29
TT7ANTED Girl in small family. Inquire at C
YY J.Cananfc- i ,13th St. tiOi-tf
WANTED A German iHnlng room kitchen girl
Ulsse and Hoppe , 418 S. 13th bt , between
Harney and Howard. 605 tf
WANTED Situation as c.cik In a dry goods 01
groiery ttore , bynynung man of Hue-dish de
Bcerit. Can rcvJ , vviito and spcaK English and Hncda
thoroughly , Over aj tar's experience. Good refer
onccs given. Address "A. A. lioo olllci. 041-411
TtrANTKIJ-Situatloni for tlrst clasi domestics
TV Call at our olllcu from 4-30 to 9p.m. Baturdav
1 to B p. m. CANNON , . JONES & CO ,
l)47-lm Opposite Postotllce.
W "AN1.ED Situation bv a joung man 18 jear
old. ; Address Eugene" thU oltieu OJ7-2S
JD a brick etora building and a stock rl grncia
merchandise valued at ginoK ( > , situated lu one
of the beet ton us In S. W. Iowa , for luvva or Neb ran
ka lands. Trade well established. Addrem "S. I ! , ' net ) olHce. ! K14 SO
\\7/ANTED-A rcHpcctablofairlly would like on
VV or two ihlldrun to board and tale care ol
Pltustnt homo and reasonable price. AUilnsn "M
e. " Bee olttaJ. 01B211
\\fANIED I'artlen wUhlng hcardora and those h
1 > near eh of hoard In private houccu , with or vvitli
out room , to call at our oltlco Irjm 4 3a to 9 p in
CANNON , JONhS & , CO. , Oppoiltu ISottf > ffl ( . .
T ADIES OH YOUNG MEN in city or country ti
I J tak nice , light and pleasant work at their owi
homes : 82 to $5. a day easily and quietly mode ; vvor I
sent by mall , no canvassing ; no stamp for reply
Please address Kellablo Man'f'g Co , I'lillidelphla Pa.
drawer IT. 763-1 mo )
FOR RENT nouseo ana iota.
FOR KKNT FurnlbheJ and unfurnished rooms
1015 Fornam htreet. 853 20
F 1011 Itr.NT A batemiint of threu rooms. Alee
trout itrlor , at 1018 Vodge Btreet , Dig HO
F IOIUlKNT-Uooimut 1810 Eariiam utriet.
FOR IlKNT- Five room home , ne-ar Bt. Jlarj
avenue undSith Btreet. Inquire at 2110 Harm' '
street. 982-271
T7\OU KENT Alarxe front ruoin , well furnldhu
J ? and location control. Apply 1418 Him aril trtut
U'twecn Uthand IMIi. 012-lMJ
rOR'RKNT Nlctlj lurouhAi room at li > 3 ! Farnan
direct. 0 < V-2 $
FOR HUNT Two houica south ol U , I" , depot ,
032 tl J , I'll IPP3 HOB , 1612 8 , 6th K
KENT Nicely furnished front loonu 105 N
| 70R UEKT Two cl ru > t resident * * , < W. i *
JL1 month each. UAIUCKlt & S1AYNE , N. K. our
Karnamand 13th St. 1)37. ) tt
TTvOU UKS1 Tvvo cotta.'mon 17th street , betwei
A'Canitol avuiue ml Diumiort fetreet at # 16,00
each. I0tl | ) a. I.KUMANN.
I TM > 1 ( UKtu'f N ew nine room Jw elll ag v1th ati am
J ? he t , ( , , city and cUtfrn water , bath water
cloiet , hut and cell water , good cellar , barn aiu
eurv coineiik'ncu la a flret-cumcltyrmidcnca.
OOT-23 U r.
JIENT KumUhed room with board , AUo u
few day boarders , UU OavcuporU S31 Sb |
ItKNT Furnlil ed loom for Kencmau.a
t o ( yr Usht huu a kec'iiloj ; JJceuiero bluck
comer KIihth nd How ard bt 003 tl
TTlOIl RENT 5 rcom home on Wcbuter wiat.o
I1 ISthHt. N T. l'cU.r .a , aaj e.tatoifvnt , ICth
and Douglas. t-OJ U
F ° room 035 N. 18th.
RKNT ComforUtle front room , south-cM
FOR Fourteenth and Dmnport , suitable lot
two genllomen. flM tl
> uit itKNl rurniined rooms on the northwn
1i 1 cor. 18th and Capitol avenue , formerly CrelRhton
Ilonia. K9-M
RENT floomi In NebrMka Nation * Bank
FOR . Most deslratlo offices In the city
Supplied with hjclniullo clo'stor and hoatcu U
Itfijm , Am > lvatR.vik. 128 U
17U1IM FOR SATVIl rK ! n for one week , or will
< >
OflE 817 H. 18th BUfct.
-fcc Bargains In Homes and l < ot
1 In nil jtt of the city nd IW additions. HOL-
. UOO Karn m trctt 8 Mf
- - , ehzant rcsldincc lot
FORSALK-Atal-arxaln ROl-LINa' AOKNO\ ,
OJOtf liflFarnam ( Street. ' 5 ,
SAtK CIIllAI1 Special baryaln. Urauttfut
FOR lot , high ami Mghtly. In Ixivvos ailditlon.
| 70RSAl.lJ-Twohoii'a > MI Capitol A < o. , coin u
L' T 0 houflM on C'aus Street , corner
\ ( ) S.VIiE-0 lorado coal. This real Is M frco from
I7\n 1 and M clean as Rock Biirlnff.
034 tf JEf F. W. BEDFORD.
SALK A ranbarzaln.ll t.kcn at once. Ten
FOR nf K""d , ( ( oed house , barn and other 1m-
pnncmuits. Three miles from 1'OBtolllco. $000(0
nlll hu } it. It vUKEll & MAYNK , N. E. cor , Kith
and Farnani.
7\OR \ SAtK-'oinirlot ( , nice new house , S roonw ,
. ' very neat plan , one mlle and a hlJf from post-
ottlce ; . 300 00. DARKER & MAYNK , N. II. corner
1,1th and Karnara. MO 24
FOR BALK Stock farm 2i29 acrosln I'olk Cn , only
fl miles from IL R. Station ; 10Jacn of jaeture
enclosed hj 3ivvIre fences , ISO under cultlvathli , K.
ixcrcsL-iOil hay land. Improvement ) complete. 2
coed ( lMLllliiL'8 , Btablei , Rranary , corn-cr.lis , 1 wind
mlllaic. &o tfrlco eely $5.600. Q. U. DOANK ft
CO. , ICth and Douglas tits. PC2 tf
7011 SALK OR RKNf Farm S miles from cit } . .
Iuqulr of lira. Mojer , over Rotdcr'd Drujntort
ICth and Webster. 872-tt
poll SALE Stock of general rnercnaiulwu and
_ J bulldlnjr , valued at about ? 5,500. Address Box
61 , Firth , Nob. TOt-tt.
FOR SALE Two portable hollers , 10 horse power
Appb ! > riT/PATRICK ,
COS-tf 218 South St ,
FOR BALK A small Moricr , Biliman A.Co. , fire
proof saft , almost new , nt this olllcc. tf
"OOR SALE My two story brick residence , 18th
JU and St. Mary's nu-nue. Largo bam , out-hf > uee ,
water wor s , well arranged. Lot 60x200. 1'ilco
87.600. Host Bargain In Omaha , Call at II. Toft's
reoplc'a Dank. 277-t
SALE 12 lota one block west of Park ave
nue cars. LotsGUxlCO. Will ell the whole tract
for 7,100 , It sold before January 1st , 18S4. Real es
tate owners bid tills bargain , U jou call at People B
Dank. 278-tf
oil 8AI.K Choice business property , three lots
_ T oar. Saunders and Charles Btrtnt. It will pay ycu
to Investigate this Oder. Call at People's Book. '
279-tf -I :
FOR BALK Improved property , which tvlll pay
the buyer 20 per cent on the inv estmcnt. Rente
for $ 1,020 per } ear. All occupied by flrst class ten
ants. Will eoll ( or $10,500 , If sold soon. All or one-
half cash , balance , one to flvo yoars. The above In
vestment is worth Investigation. Call at the People's
Bank. 2M-tf )
JL Ti e subscriber Is taking orders for spring im
portation ol the above. Prices much below those at
auction sales. References to these supplied. John
McCnlloch , 111. Trust and Bar. Bank , Chicago.
203 2mt
F OR SALE A first class second baud top bugg
Call at 1310 Harnov street. 7 tf
rtOR SALE Old newspapers la largo and email
quantities nt this ofnca tf
T OST A note dated Dec. 9 , 1383 , duo on or be-
.Ljforu February 1,1SS1 , for $700 , Bigncd tn Amelia
Knappln favor of Fannie Fringa , and secured by
chattel mortgage on fllo In the olllco of the clerk ot
Douglas countj , Neb. The public ore hereby warned
not topurchiso eamc , as it has not been endorsed
by thepajcc , and If thoeamo is negotiated , { except
by tliejiMce , theendoisement will bo forged. The
Under will plcajo return to Mrs , Kamilo Fr'nits ' ,1515
Dodge btreet. 05C.251
' Worent furnished or imfurnihed rooms
procure b.arders ana furnUh tirst-chss domes-
ties. OlFce- hours , 4.31) ) to B p. tn. Saturda- 1 to 9
p. m. CANNON , JONES & CO .
043-lm Frenzer Block , Opposite 1 * . n.
LOST A gold sleeve button , two birds and nest
on front. "J.V. . M. " cut on ttuli. ' 1'e finder
will be rewarded bi leaving same at this office ,
rrv\l > ENUP On my premises on Dec. 15.18S3 , in
JLwcst Omaha , one Cream Colored 1'nny. Snml
white ipot In foreheadmano and tall a little darker
than the body. JAS. E VANDHHCOOK.
S25-6t lawk }
rrYLKK& COMPANY book-kceperaimuccouutants.
JL Examine and adjust dis arranged books in a sys
tematic and accurate' manner , giv ing correct balances ,
will especially attend to posting up hooka each day
M here the services of a book-keeper are required but
n few hours , making out Invoices , statements , and
any correspondence confidential ! ) , also make collec
tions. Office at 1 * . Bojer and Co. , 1020 Fare am Su
ALLST , SOS Tenth street , between Farnam and Har
ney , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtaining-
mj one glance of tb post and present , and tbo
certain conditions In the future. Boots and shoe *
male Older. Perfect satisfaction iruaranteed.
Tno me of the term " fthoi
Line" In connection with ths
corporate name of a groatroad ,
: conveys an Idea of ust what
I I ft D f * required by the traveling pub-
I I III ! lie a Short Line , Quick Time
D I r and the best ot accommnd * .
" tloris all of whicli are furn
ished by the greatest railway lu America.
And St. Paul.
It owns and operates over 4,600 mlloHof it
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , lowuan
Dakota ; and as U main llnra , brunches arid connec
tions reach all the great centred ol tbo
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answcrti the
description of Short Line , and Best Itouto between
Chicago , Milwaukee , fit. Paul and Minneapolis.
QChlcaguMilwaukee , La Crosse and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllcmlal *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claira and StlllunUr-
Chicago , MlhvauUccVausau und Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Braver Dam and Oshkosb.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wuul.eeha and Oconoiuowcs.
Chicago , Milwaukee , MadUon and Prairieiln Chtea
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonnaaiid Falrlbault.
Chlea o , Bclolt Janesv lUo and Mineral I'olnt.
Chicago , Elgin , Kochford and Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and utxlar Ilapldi ,
Chicago , Counell Itlutfa and Omaha
Chicago , Sioux Citj , hloux Falls anil Yankti/n
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Cliamberlaui
Kock IsUiid , Llulruque , hi. Paul and Mlnneapollt ,
Davenport , Calmnr , 8t. Paul and MlnnuapolM.
Pullman Sleepers aud the Flncet Dining Can In
out employes of the company ,
Qen'l Manager. Grn'l I'au. AgeoU
Oen'1 Hup't
, . , . . , :
< C1 K rn m Street , oppatita 1'txton H.itol ,
Neb ,
Graham Paper Co. ,
S17 aud 21 ! ) North iftin Si , Ht Louln.
CTCath | > ald for Kaxs t (