te8l' AIOX THE DA1LST BEE-OMAHA , MONDAY , JANUARY 21 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. Monday Morning , Jam 21 , LOOALBBEVITIES , Tlirco smpldous characters and n dUor tlcrly soldier , were run into the city jMl Sat urday night The UsmornUln , Social club will holclthcli last party of the softson on Thursday , Jnntt nry 31st , nt Masonic hull. Chief Butler has yut n gong in the wnto works cnRlno house , and the \\litstlo there L blown now nt each fire nlnnn , blaster Qoorgo Minor nnd Miss Mnmli Morse won the masters' nnd tnlnsos' priros o skatoa nt the roller rink Saturday nftornoon. An nlnrm from box 3 called the fire do partroout out to Twentieth street nnd. Ht Glory's avenue yesterday morning. A lious beloniting to Wolshaw's & McK\vn ! wan par tially destroyed by fire. The Danish congregation , corner o Ittghtconth street nnd St. M arj'g avenue , wl ! hold ft two-day's social on the 25th and 201 'of ' this month , the proceeds of which will b devoted to the church fund. 1'artitlons nro being put up at the Bout end of the city ball , which is tuod both M district court room and as n city council chair bcr , to form jury roouu. Tlio lobby will fee that It is aggrieved. John Miller , of The Ilopublican ofQco , IM increased the population of Omnha by boin instrumental in bringing into existence twelve pound boy , which was born Friday over ing. As it Ii tlio first. John is deserved ! proud. proud.A A colored man , of the gang known n tramps , was before Judge Bonoko Satin day to answer to the charge of vagrancy. ' II was found Rullty nnd was sent up to the coun tyjall for ton days , during which time h will dlno on broad and water. Mamlmll Gutiiric , while sending out i policeman Saturday to find n sealskin that had been stolen , found another BO < XUC , evidently stolen seine time ago , nui will take stops to restjro it to the ou nor ! properly is proven. Suit has boon begun in the district com by CHloa A. Diwirnnd lloitry A. 1'ierco agaliu Catherine Dubois , Thtlip Dubois , Willlai Dubois and Alice Dubols , to forccloao n mor gaga on the half of northeast quarter of BOI tion 23 , township 10 , rangq 10 oast. Tlio tenth grand festival of tha Omal Turner society will take plnco on Saturda ; January 2Gth , iu the now and olcgant hall c Harnoy strest The turners nro making groi Iiroparntions , and itisoxpoctod that there wl bo a % ory largo gathering ou this occasion. Superintendent McCabe , of the St. Pnu & Omnhi railway , who returned on Thursdt night from a trip over the line , wont as far i Ilartington , the terminus of tlio new Ccdi county branch. Hortington , an infant ton of ten \\eoltB1 existence , has already about 12 buildings and It growing. Where the loser of an overcoat lias chance to detect and proeccuto a thief it it 111 interest as neil as that of the publio to do fie Ilcfti3.il to follow ti { . a thief of this kind in i leading hotnl BOinonooks ngo has allouodi thief , the pnmo ono no doubt , to steal tlirei moro overcoats fiom tlio houso. Grand Oyster Supper at IlascalTs park , Monday evening Jam/dry 21st , 1884. Pro. cecils to to applied to a fund for tlio erection I- ' of pastoral reiidonra at St. Patrick's church , H OinaUa. A splendid time guiran ood. A , O. U. Band have volunteered tholr services. A good programme , good music , efficient committees. Marietta JolilT , a j ° l'"B woman about cightoan yours of age , * ho bos boon confined iu the iiiB-no ward of tlio county jail for 'tt we weeks past , was mt to lier homo at Harlani Iowa , Saturday in charge of Deputy Grebe She had becri'lting among the most degraded of the fallM women and is supposed to have lost her wind from exposure. Her father is i fanner. 3trs. Dr. Green , who fools called upon tc lecture upon the "Teachings nnd Practices ol tlis JesuitK , " nnd who is endeavoring to reclaim claim her daughter , for whoso education BUI expanded five thousand dollars , was bom Ir optiugfiold , III. , In 1883 , nnd is related to thi family of Hamptons , of South Carolina ; ii flccoud cousin to General Wudo Hampton , ani cousin to the late Colonel John O , Burchwh < wai at onetime secretary of thoUnltodStatoi aonato. aonato.Mr. Mr. U. A. O'JJrion , 1' . M. MoDonagl and W. A. Kauudcra , raided Plattsmoutl AVcdncaday evening to partlclpatolnthoopcn ing of tha Catholic fair. Unfortunately fo the managers' of tlio fair thu tuwouhccmont c their coming had a disastrous effect on th lacuipts. Two editors in a day was tooinuc for tlio tcwuepoople , but the crudest cut of a ! \\aiTnakiBgnnIrshman out of Saundora an ' O baptiaing-hlm Mr. McGoro. Thu roller rink was again thronged Satm day evening , the attraction being the thlr snatch of the series of polo games. Saturda Slight's game was ono of tha most severe cot tobta over noon. This time the "Blues' ' wet thu successful contestants. The first tw pimos were won by the "Hods" and til "Bluea" went In with the firm dotormlnatlo ot winning the third. Tha Interest in tl game was very great and the rough tumbli and hard knocks were greatly enjoyed by tl audience. Hiss 'Fannie Arnold , assisted by noon Omaha musicians , la announced to glvo n coi cert in Browwlllo some time next montl Hie * Arnold U the organltt and leader gf tl choir of Bt , Phiiomuna'a cathedral , and dti ing tlio past year she baa been very tuccossfi iu training the choir and rendering oomo i ( M mogtdifiicult inuiloof theCatholiochurd Jho It not only n thorough teacher of UIUB Imbutd w 1th the ennobilug spirit of her pr ( ostloti. but a lady whoso cheerful dltposltlc Ltm niaoo her hosts of friends iu tliUclty. TI Jovera of music and song in Broivnvlllo crest / rest awurol that MUs Arnold and her anU anU will gtig them nu outertainment i > prtl i of unttlnted natronago. Sneak thivea entered the hall of Mr Clark'u buardinji ; hpuio on Capitol oionu . ; Thurailay evenlnr , when the loardera wci at dupiwr , and carried away an overcoat h .longing to Mr. P , E. Uoblnwn , of the U. 1 g < m ral ticket olfip , and olio took aluu yfltbtheiu a sealskin aacque belouglnt } t Mw , llobliiBQn. The police we vorkiugu tii caw , but/ound MO clew , to the thlevca ute to la t ulcht. , It la aild those pllfeTcra hav til "tnter-statt , ( wol" on thl bu lneai. A tolaa clothing .uonttu a common centei vrl e the ' 'wmAiMtouef'1 of the pool IK M to ditpow of the tooty without fear of detei tlwi , and th ItuuLnt putcbMcw of , 8cou < re * Ht bothfrred by the \ ictltt SOCiALiStiCALLY SPEAKING. The Past Wee * Has Boon One of Coi stable Life , Although Ho Par ticularly Bright Eycnts Hayc Transpired , riensrintj Parties , Social QntlicrlnR anil thoMovoinonta of 1'cnplo About TownlGoncrftlly. What a slutting scene is presented tone ono Bitting quietly by and watching tl constant play of the social world. Week months nnd years roll hy bringing wit .horn , in some instnucca , weddings , wluc remove bright and popular stars froi the circle whore they have been knowi At another time Death calls for the liv iicat and loveliest and death will in bo disobeyed. Misfortune befalls nnoUii and the wealth which has procured i prominent a position in society's kinj dotn is ROIO. The world known him r more forever and the unhappy victim < fortune's caprice ninka into oblivion. Y < how slightly the many changes , that ai constantly taking place , oflfoct the circh in which they appear. The aamo ronn of pleasure and gayety , the same oxciti mont and enjoyment prevails and tli places of the absent ones are so filled < overflowing that they are soon forgottoi except by the most intimate friendi And the world goes round and time flies on and wo aio all happy in our ow peculiar way. The past week has not been markci by any particularly dazzling event in th social history of Omaha , though thor liavo boon many pleasant and onjoyabl entertainments of various kinds. Pet [ taps this slight lull is duo to the chang in the weather. Indeed the few days c January thaw which wo have enjoyed thi week were overpowering m the extreme producing a feeling of lassitude and own much like that commonly known' by th vulgar name of "spring fever. " Bi another change has boon aiTucio'd in tli condition of the atmosphere , the groun is white with snow , the sleigh bolla ai again jingling merrily , and winter , thi jolly old follow , who boars an many si crots" "but nothing ho tolls , " and \ \ lifer for so many years has played his profit upen the unwary but who will olwaj bo just as jolly , no matter how' old- has once moro laid the tips of his ic fingers upon our world , and' the slmr frosty air sends the quick blood lenpin through the veins , bringing the flush c health to the cheek , invigorating th whole system with life and animation Is there a healthy man , woman or child who cannot truly say with the pool "Winter is jolly. " A change like thi in the weather always has a direct oflec upon moro or Icba of the human race , am in this way upon society at largo , and m doubt the coming week will bo so filloi with uocial gatherings of various descriptions tions , that a score of reporters will b needed to look after them all. There i ono existing , unavoidable condition tha should make this season's social event of moro than unusal interest nnd excite mont. This is leap year. And wo hav lot the least doubt but that many happ ; ittlo affairs and some of moro impor anco which have , perhaps , boon wait tig for many months for this particula imo , will bo celebrated with aiuch pleasure uro , and right glad wo shall bo to recon horn. Indeed several "leap year do ngs , " which are a little out of the ordi nary line , have already come under ou observation , nnd in good time you sha ] lear all about them. As wo have be ere stated , the EVENTS OP TUB VAST WBKIC mvo boon quite nmmorous. nnd nil hav mssed off very pleasantly. The firs ook place Sunday evening and wus thi presentation at the GKKMAN THHATKE if the powerful nnd thrilling drams 'Crime and Retribution , or the Powe if Conscience. " The house was filled t ts utmost capacity nnd the play was os iollontly well done. The company ha 'or ' some time been presenting nothin > ut light farces and burlesques and th change wai received with much ploasur > y all. Air. Fochtcl as Mathis , Mi rtolchin , as Caspar nnd Mrs. Puls-Ah as Annette , were particularly good. KNIQHTS OV PYTHIAS , Planet Lodge , No. 4 , gave a very pleat ant ball and supper Monday evening fo the benefit of a sick member. Thor were about sovonty-fivo couples in at tendance , Hoffman a orchestra furnish cd the music , which was first-class , and after a few hours of dancing , all war prepared to thoroughly enjoy the sumpt uous supper which was served nbou midnight. All present expressed them solycs well pleased with the evening' ' entertainment and are hoping that thi will not bo the last of such parties. KKYH-VAN OHMAN. Mr , George Keys , train agent on th U. P. raihvuy.between Omaha and Coin cil Bluffs , and Miss Annie Van Orma were marrjod last Monday evening , at tli residence of the bride's parents , by llo\ F. S. Blanoy. The mony friends of oac unite heartily in wishing thoiumuchha ] pinoas in their future oneness. A mooting of.Pioneer Oouncil No. llf of the KOYAl AHUANOM society Was held Tuesday evening for tli purpose of being instructed in the wor of 1884. Among those present froi abroad w 311. II. Wilbor , of Nebrask City , Arthur Gibson , and G. W. D. Re ; nolds , of Fremont , and Hon. H. E. \ \ Campbell , of Boston , Mass. Mr. Camj boll is' ono of the most prominent men < this organisation , nnd devotes his tini exclusively to the work of the urdoi After the business of the evening ha boon attsndod to , the gentlemen ropairo to Campbell's restaurant , on Dougln street where an elegant banquet Imdboo prepared in honor of the occasion. Thor the company remained until a late hou unjoyinu the good things and witty iuv interesting speeches made by ditforon members. A WimiDAY I'AllTi * was given Tuesday evening at the rcsi donco of Mr , John Logan , in honor o hat gentleman's sixty-sixth birthday. I was a complete and most 'pleasant sui nriso to the old man. Ilia friends loft large arm chair behind as a token of thei regard. TUB CJLKK CLUU. The concert given by the Glco Clul Tuesday evening , January 10th , was most entertaining and successful one Each Individual member of the choru via , apparently , in good voice and th nicety of accent and pronunciation wa beautiful in the extreme. Tha gontU men certainly appreciate the value ot al tending closely to their loader , and who this is the case , nnd the leader is as goo as in the present instance , the effect carnet not help being pleasing to both singoi and audience. The club sang oven bol tor than ever before and the harmony wn excellent. The trio , the quartette , th song and chorus , and the solo , by Mi Franco , were all \roll rendered and th most that can bo said is that the audlonc was thoroughly pleased. So much hr already boon said of Miss Hope Glenn w can only repeat that her voice is a beaut ful , rich contralto , such as is rarol heard. Her power and flexibility ai wonderful and her appearance is moi pleasing. Should she over sing again i Omaha her many admirers would m miss the chance of hearing her , Till : HKATINO 11INK. The managers of this pleasant nti popular place of resort nro constantly o toring some now inducement , to make r ovonini/ there pass pleasantly. C Wednesday evening the Moonlight Ser nnding club satin some of _ their attain old , negro melodies very nicely making pleasant diverson in the evening's onto tninmont. The tournament Thursdi night was quita exciting at very interesting. The mod made by Max Meyer it Bro. , is beautiful ono nnd is now in the possosit of Mr. Will Gratton ho having won Thursday night. To-night n game of po will bo ployed. TUB MBTllOrOT.ITAX. On Tuesday evening the third party the Metropolitan club was hold in M sonic hall. This was an informal soci hop nnd though not a dressy party a voi pleasant ono. Their next party will 1 a dress ball. WOODKN Mr. and Mm. Max Meyer celebrate their wooden wedding ou Tuesday ovoi ing , January 15th and on that occasic ga\o a commemorative party. A good number were present and all express < themselves pleased with the ontortai merit , and were loud in their praise their enter ainors. Tlio reception given last Tuesday eve ing by MUS. LEWIS UEKI ) , nt her residence on Davenport at Twenty-Second strooU , was largely a tended and proved a very enjoyable D afair. THE CHATAUQUA CHICLE hold a literary sociable nt the rcsidoni of Mrs. Dewey on Tuesday evening. Tl circle is composed of about fifty your people -who find the course of study , i which they are engaged very bonofici mentally , nnd a source of much ploaaui in the production of social intercourse. There was a very pleasant little I'llIVATE I'AKTY in the basement of thq , Opera Hout Wednesday ovoning. About twonty-fiv couples took part in the dance. Anothc quiet but pleasant little party vas a somblod at the residence of Slit. WOODAllll 417Fif thstreot , South Omaha , on Wcdne day evening , nnd with dancing and a fin supper the company was morrlly onto : tainod until a late hour. The first annual ball of the llOILEll MAKKKS AND HELPERS , of Ou.iha was given nt Masonic lia Wednesday evening. Irvine's orchcsti furnished the music and about ninot couples were present to keep time wit flying feet to the entrancing strain : Every thing passedoffplcaaantly.forwhic the various committees are largely r < sponsiblo , 11UTH UEUECOA LOEGE NO. 1 RUVO tlio second of their series of hoj Thursday night nt Masonic hall. Ovt ono hundred couples were present , and was indeed a novel sight. Old men wit white hair and young lftnso m short cur dancing in the same circlo. It is oxcccc ingly ploaaant to find a man or a womn once in a while , who has not forgotte they were once young. This party prove n most delightful affair , and it is hope will soon bo repeated. Irvine's orchcsti furnished the music. THE HOlir CIIlOLi : OI.UII hold one of their delightful parties i Moaonic last night. A particular fci turo of the evening was the introductio of a now nnd very pretty round danci This club has become quite noted for il pleasant entertainments , THE OEUMAN. The Omaha Gorman club gave ono c their unique parties at the Millard Fr , day ovoning. The attendance this tim wus much larger than on the prccoodin occaesion owing to the fact that many c the patrons who were then absent froi town are now at homo. Tlio affair lot night was an elegant one as to dress , delightful ono as to enjoyment and most decided success in every particula ! A bountiful supper was served in the 01 dinary. The lenders were E. S. Hail 0. L. Douol , Ch.is , Beach and Warroi Rogers. The music was furnished b Ilofi'man. MATIUMONIAL. A few weddings have occurred withi : the past week which , thou h not solemnized izod in Omaha , are of considerable into : est to her citizens. Ono of these occur red at Plattemouth on the 15th. Th contracting parties being Miss Lizzi Schildknocht , ofJPlattsmouth , nnd Fran F. Doris , an employe of L , B. William & Co , of this city. The ceremony wn performed by Ilov. T. M. Estorbrook a the residence of Dr. W. H. Schtldknochl Although a quiet pflir many were th kindly wishes proffered them and tin young people of PJattsmouth are sincor in their regrets at losing so popular young lady from their midst. The hut py couple will make their homo i Omaha. KILEY-WHITNEV cards have been received in this city ar nouncing the wedding of Mr. James I Itiloy , o ? Omaha and Miss Kathorhiu 51 Whitney , of PJatUburg , N. Y. , whic teen place there on the 10th inst. Mi Itiloy is a man of much energy and abil ity , \v\o is well known in Omaha , ani his many friends with him much joy ii his now snhoro. Mr. Riley and his brid arrived in < his city to-day , n d wee warmly welcomed by many friends. COMING EVENTS. Tlio coming week promises to be on of pleasant excitement , and many invita tions are out. A highly enjoyable ailai will be the I'itlVATB MAMJUEUAPE given Tuesday night by 0. 0. Field , be uijj his sixth annual party. THE OMAHA JUKNNEUOHOll club will give a private masquerade part ; next Thursday night , which will also b' of an enjoyable character ; as their partie always aro. ' IIUUN8 EAKqUET. The Burns club will give a ball am banquet on the 25th , l 0l.oungQ ' 8 which promises to b < ono of the mos pleasant parties of the oason , TELEQUAVUE i 1ULL The Telegraphers ar still using over , \ means to perfect the arrangements fo their ball to bo given the 28th , ii Crounso hall , and in this they will n doubt prove successful , A Btnrtllnft Discovery. Mr. Wm. .Tolmnon , of Huron. Dak. , writ * tlmt his wife had boon troubled with iwnit llroncliltl.i for many yoara , and that all rcm < dies tried gnvo no permanent rollof , until h procured n bottle of Dr , Kwifs Now Dlncov cry for Consumption. Coiiglis , nnd Colcli which had a magical cfTect , nnd produced permanent euro. It la guaranteed to euro n DltOMOH of Throat , Lungs , or Bronchi ! Tubes. Trial bottles Free at C. F. Goodman's Dru Store. Largo fllzo 81.00. THOMAS NOLAN , lie % vnH Found " \VIicro Flo Ilnd N Hlght , and Nnrrtnvly EB- capcd Dontli. On Saturday it was reported about th city thgt Thomas Nolan , a sewer contra * tor , had boon making love to the wi : of 0. 0. Cary ( colored ) , n cook in 0. J Ilixgins1 restaurant , and that Mr. Cat had caught Nolan locked up in h ( Gary's ) house on Friday night with Mr Cary. Nolan skipped , with Gary in cloi pursuit , revolver in hand. Mr. Nolan is n good-looking young f o low , and took the opportunity afforded t Mr. Gary's absence attending a led ( mooting , which only takes place once week , to attempt to ingratiate himso into the good favors of 1m wifo. On Friday night , which happened I bo ledge night , Mr. Cary is said to ha\ started down town and about the SUIT time his rival called upon the wife ; their residence but before reaching tli secret conclave , Mr. Gary changed h mind in regard to attending it an turned about and wont homo , arrivin there quito a considerable time before Ii was expected. On arriving nt his mot nion ho found the front door locked an on ordering his wife to open the door : is said that ho saw Nolan making his 01 capo at the roar door. 1'fo made a div for the intruder who hastily made h ; exit and soon reached the street. H was chased by the irate husband as fo as Cuming street and in the meantim emptied two chambers of his revolver i the fleeing party. In the chase Cary gained upon th fleeing lothario nnd let off a couple mor loads from his revolver. Nolan began't ' think , no doubt , that ho was doomed t death , and drew off his overcoat an threw it down , hoping in this way t chock the speed of the irate hus band. This had the desired offec and Gary shouldered the coat am marched away homo. On Saturday C r filed a complaint against Nolan for die tuibing the peace , and the case wil probably bo tried to-day. Gary's wife is said to bo a very nic looking cplorod woman , who dresses ii unexceptional style , and has recontl ; made numerous trips to Chicago an ! elsewhere , showing that the family ar not in any reduced condition of circum stances. Mr. Nolan is cordially invitci to call and claim his coat , but it h ssatei that on order will bo of no Value am that only personal application will socur the gannopt. North Omaha has beoi noted for its sensation for the past fo\ years , but it is said that none of then have stirred up the comnmnity as dii that of last evening. Buckloii'g Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world Warranted to speedily euro Burns , Cuts. TJ1 cow. bait llheum , l ovcr Sores , Cancers , Pile * Chillblains , Corns , Totter , Chanjrod handf and all gkm eruption , garantcod to euro i : uvoty instance , or money refunded. 25 cent per bo"\v BJEUSONAlj. A. B Williams , of Swj js nt the Metre C. W. Waterman , of New York , Wnt th Metropolitan."v - J. J. Lichty , of Lincoln , ia at the Metre polltan. * S. C. Hulling , of Sioux City , Ix at th Metropolitan. M. W. Iltiiea , of Boston , b n MetropoliU guest. C. W. Graham nnd uife , of Don\cr , uiea the Metropolitan , C. S. Smiley , of Lincoln , la at tha Millard Addlson Ltmry , of Kearney , la at the Mil ard. Hugh D. Bowkcr Is at tha Millard. M. 0. Miller , of Mllford , Main. , la at th \otroKlitan. \ | II. 0. Smith , of New York , ia at the iFet roiilltan | , . ' . W. Johnson , of Chicago , b at the Metro Kill tin. J. Daniels and wife , of Lincoln , are at th 1'axton. Will KobeiUon nnd family , of Madison , m at the Millard. Chas. V , Dainrow and wife , of Lincoln , ar at the MP'inl. 0. D. Lowell , of Sllverton , U at the MH ard. Cliarloa Grother , of Weeping Water , U the Millard. J. D. Seaman , of Kearney , U ut tha l\ii .on , > T. I , Underwood , of Lincoln , 1 a IVxto : JUOit. G. W. Bollantlno , of Lincoln , b at thoPai Ion. Ion.Col. Col. Ira Wilson , of St. Joe , U at the Pax Ion , II. I" . Vim Ilou o mid wife , of Cheyonnc ro at the I'axton. Con ( inner , of North riatto , in at th I'axton , Will Young and 1'rauk Stelllng returnei 'rom Ohio yesterday , whither they accom panlod the remains of tha late Itev , G , I1 Htolling , D. 1) . Jimea Hansau , general manager of thi Union depot at St. Joseph , Missouri , Ia Inth ! city and Is registered ut the Millard. Hearts. Following is a list of the marriogo Ii conaos issued during the past week ; Henry Johnson and Bdsa Boveo. Philip L. Hall nnd Lena B. Link. Samuel Orowley and Mary Martin. Martin droffand Elizabeth Orudol. William A. Golden and Emma Dodson , James Manning and Fanny Lidol. Joseph Slizowski and MonisU Qotko. W. II. 0. Stephenson and Maria Col- jresli. Alfred T. Smith and Mrs , Nellie Maw. son. son.Hans Fischer and Anna Kramback. Duncan Finlayson and Hello Muer , GeorisoU. McNutt and Jennie M. Uoaldnson. James Hightam and Jennie Lininger , FRISKYJEILOWS , Two Drninmcrs , Filled with fcLipr , Attempt to Rnn the Millard Hotel , And Are Pitched Jlcnil First Into the Ditch by Ono of the Proprie tors nnd the Clerk. On Saturday , llalph Wolfe , of Chicago , and II. L. Ilannaman , of Now York , registered at the Millard hotrl and wore assigned rooms. They are both traveling salesmen , and yesterday , contrary to the rules of the profession , they got gloriously drunk , After the supper hour had passed lasl evening they rounded into the office ol the hotel and asked for suppor. The } were informed that supper was over , This riled them up greatly. The ) jumped nnd plunged around the office , and Wolfe throw high his hat in the nil and declared himself a gentleman , and used much loud and profane language. They not only abused the clerks , pro' priotpr and the house itself , but fell to abusing the guests also. They made such a racket that people who wore rooming on the fifth floor of the house w ro disturbed , nnd descended to the oflco to see what all the racket wni about. iOno of the proprietors tried to quiet nid pacify them but ho was unsuccessful , They paid their bills , but still continued id storm and rage , and began to talk ( About this time ono of the proprietors sd/.cd ono of thorn by the collar , while tto light weight clerk collared the other , aid they fired them bodily into the street aid set their baggage out upon the side walk. i This cooled off their hot blood quite effectually , and , after picking themselves up from the ditch , they gathered together their gtipsacks and hunted another hotel. They have probably made up their minds , ere this , that there is ono hotel , at least , in Omaha that they cannot run , and , if they travel on that plan , they will find several more just such houses right here in this city. An Erul to Bono Scraping. Edward Shepherd , of Hnrrisburg. 111. , says : "Having retch ed BO much benefit from Elec tric Bitters , I fool It my duty to lot suffering humanity know it. Hnvo luul n running sore on my leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I would have to ha\o the bono scraped or leg amputated. I mod , Instead , three bottles of Lloctric Eitters and so\en _ boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Saho , and my leg la now sound and well. well.Llectria Bitters nro sold at fifty cents a bottles tles , and Bucklcn'a Arnica Salvo at 25c. per box by C. I * . Goodman. _ BUENS' BANQUET , Tno Annual Celebration of the Birth of Scotia's Biml. The Burns club will celebwto the 125th anniversary of the birth of Burns , at Crounse's hall , on the 25th inst. It being the quarter centennial an extra ; oed time is expected. Mr. Callan will servo supper and Ir vine's orchestra will bo in attendance. There will bo dancing to the heart's con- bent. The following is the PHOOltASIME , 1st . - , . . , . Welcome hy the President Jd. . Toast of the evening Tlio memory of Burn * . Band. . "There was a lad was bom In Kylm" Kcsponso. . - . - . , . , ,1 .lion. J. 0. Cowm. Song -A Mon'a n Mon fo ; a' That . . , . , Mr. .T , Smith Band. . "Yo- Banks and Br.a-es ofT/onnio Boon. " Song-"H il to the Chief" . . . .Ida I. . Gibson. 3d . . . . Toast Scotland-America Band. . . God Save the Queen ; Star Span gled Banner. Reapoino . JkL A , O. Troup oong. . . r . . Mr. jvv , > T0rthrup Band."ShoulO. Auld Acriuaintauea bo Forgot. " Song . j..Mrs. C. Choonoy Jaml . - . . Hoy's Wife Song"No , Sir , No ! " . Miss Mopgio-MeUlrum th. . . Toast The PUSH Band . "My Ija\o She's but a Lassie Yet. " Uosiwnso . Ilov. M. 13. Copcland Song- . Mrs. Thomas 1'nlbonor Band. . . , . , "Hoy , the Bonnie Brenut Knots. " Jong . Mr. Jaiii y 1'alccner > th . Toast The Lassies. Song Green Grows the Bashes , Ot. _ Mr. .T. C. Mooilio , with band nnd chorus , OriloiH. llecruit Wirt Phillips , enlisted at Fort Dmaha , is assigned to the Fourth infan try. Private Jamas M. Slavey , ro-onlistod at Fort D. A. llussell , Wyo. , IB aa igned to company A , Ninth infantry. Private Gustavo Paulus , re ojilisted at Fort Omaha , ia assigned to the Seventh infantry , and will be sent to tie station of his regimen * on the first favorable op portunity. Leave of a'oeonco for ono month , with permission to- apply to headquarters di vision of the Missouri , for an extension of ono month , is granted Captain Jamoa [ I. Lord , assistant quastormaster , U. S. A. louring the absence of © aptain Lord , First Lieutenant John J. O'Brien , Fourth infantry , will perform the dutiea of depot qnartormastej- Cheyenne , Wyo. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tata powder neier rarion. A loirvcl ol purlt tr CKh aurt Hholeaonieneti. More coonomlo * ! thi ho odlniry limdi , and cannot be told in compttltlo Mltbthe multttud ol low tvtt , thort weight , aluia o ihoiphate powden , SoU only Iu cant , Uovtl liak IK ; 1'ondm Co. , ICO Wall 8tt t N w York. for Infants and Children. CnsforlaproiiiotcsPIgostlon and overcomes Flatulency , ( Jonstipa- tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , nnd Foverishncss. It insures health nnd imlural sleep , without inorphiuo. L ' " C/Ktorln l no well adapted to Children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to mo. " II. A. AKCIIKH , Jl. 1) . , 83 Portland Arc. , BrooUyn , N. Y. What glrei our Children ro v What curca t'.ielr ( overs , makpi them elc 'Tin Crutorla. Wicn bihlp fret nnd cry by turns , AVlnt cures their colle , kills their worms , HiitC'intorln. 'VVliat quickly curM Constipation , SourStomadi , Cold- ! , Indigestion , Hut CantorlB , Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and Paregoric , andHnllCa'tnrinl HnllCa'tnrinl CENTAUR LINiMENT nu absolute euro for Itlioumu- tisin , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &c. The most Poworflil nncl Penetrating - trating Pniii-rcllovlng and Healing Remedy Icnown to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. jriTSpoclals will Fosltlvolynot bo Inserted unless paid in advance , TO LOAN-Monov. r'ONEY ' TO LOAN-Tlie lowojt rates of Interest M Bcmls' Loan Ageno ) , 16th & Douglas 231-tf TO LOAN In sums oliSOO. and unwurd. MONEY Davis and Co. , Kc-.il Estate and Ix n Agents , 1605 Farnam St. 303-tl HELP WAMl'IiU. Laly partner wanted to cntirlnto a resiicctn AO bio bu liioj * that has been alroaay otablUhcd In mah > , tlio outgronth o ( which la likely to tnd In matrimony. Reputation must bo uuablemlshctl which Isl eld to bo nbove wealth In tliocjcsil thu d rtlcr. "C. Y. " lice olllce. 8SO t ( A.NTED A gill ( or dining room and chamber W work , 1'lantcra House 10th and Dudge. SS8195 T\7ANTED 20 teams , 60 men , wages ? 3.CO ptrday TT for tiamil. to for men apply J. C. Murphy , Florcnco Cut on. 8SS221 - { or gcniral housovtorl. , small WANTKD-Glrl ! ! ) north 10th SL ID2.21J TTTANTKD Smart girl for general houwiwork : V T good KCS 812 south ISthSt , 4th house south Lementtorth. SM19 TT7ANTED Agents to sell looking glasses , clocks it &c. on wceklj payments. Liberal commission. H. F. Martin 1014 tlark St. marcor 20th. 85IV19 A pool Insurance solicitor to work In WANTED r the old rcllth'o nortlmestcin mutual Llto Invurnnco Co. A literal contract will ho gl\c > \ to the right man. For pnrticuhrs address John Steel General Agent , Omaha. ECO Ul Girl In smalt family. Inquire at C. j. Canan k Co , 13th St. SOj tf t ANTKD A girl for general housenork at soutlt > west cor. 2lat and Webster Sta. 807-lDtlH ANTED A goo'l girl for general house work. W Apply at hi2 South 18th St. S77 11) ) 1T7ANTED A German dining room kitchen girl. V > Hcsso and Hoppe , 418 b. 13th bt , between lirney and HonariU 505 tf SITUATIONS W AN7Bn. _ Situation bj joung man who Is ac quainted nith harduare liutinfcs and is a tin- ntr. lleforcnco gUen. Address "D. " Lotk Bov 2 , Coirectionvillo Ii. S85 Ifll VlfANTED A situation by a bfenrgrarlier , as TT amanucn Is , Gonlipecd no troutloln read nu notes from letter di-tntion. Ctocd rclcrencLj , insuir through agcucj 217 N. Itth St. , Onialn. 897.22J TXT'ASTKl * Mtuatipn bj flretc'a a German cook n T > hotel or prl\ ate famllj. Itcforcn'csgl en Ad- lies ) U B.BEB oIHco. . 837 21. L ( WANTED Situation liv an experienced grocer ) clerk , who speaks English , Dauhhtnd German. \ddiosH "C. L."Qranbocks groodr corner Oth and 'ierco St. 857-IOJ WANTED Situation by a danisa girl to do gen eral honscuork In a good Amot lean family. Address 565. llth btrcctbctw ecu Dodge and Capitol A > enua. an cxjiorlenooJ farn > er and stock breeder , a tltuatlon as farm manager and an- perlntondent ol a stock and grain farm. Twenty 'oars' experience in the feeding of cattta and bhccp or market , tcyjit her \iith theerowlug and fto Ing if roots Adclrrts " 0 " Bee 4 ll | < x. . 820 IQi } ANTED A few more boarders at 1403 Caes w strccb. 8SD-2JI To Invest Ugh ) or ten hundred dollars with BoerItes as book-keeper , or In some oth- r clerical capocit ) . WoulJ loan the money to cm- ilojcr. Addrssi "C. " Bca olllco. 81929 } \TTANTKD Partner In land biH > ine s. * 500 lll TT buy aralt Interest in a well cstab'l'hcd ' , llncly irhert fcod andipa lng re l estate and loin business n ton n having two railroads , In ncuihoni Kcbraska "Ino countn nd ticellent tlmnio for an cnvrgeile md responBlble roan ol experience A-tclrcts "Real Edtate/Bce otice. 818-211 TT7ANTKD To trade a fine alngle 'torso and" TT anlenditlicarrlaire or buggy team fur rcil estate. BAincuil 4,11AYNE , N. E. corner 13th slid Farnam. 760f f ADIES OR VOUNG MEN m city ct country to Lj taknnloo , light and pleoaint work at their OVMI iomes2 : t < > 90i a day easily and quitter mulegwoik "cut by null , no camamli.jr ; no stamp for replj. 'lease mldrcMliTllableMan'1'g Co , Philadelphia Pa. um er 'PT. . 753 Imo I FOR RKNT--Housoa ana Lota. HUNT rurtlshu'l room at-l &lLcaiconorth FOU llth and 15th. t-9D.22 ] HICNT \erydef.iablojfuriil8hcd rooms FOB board suitable for two or moro gontlcmtn. 8S3 < : ; PhCKopi > OBlte P. O. ItENT Fho room house aujth 18th utroeti FOIl . . JuriNO'MULU. 803.10 } FOIl HENT'-Cottago oa 17th St. star DavenporU , t > LKIlliAN. 870 til UK.STf 6 room homo , on Webster west cj FGIt St. b , T. 1'eterBin , Mai tsUto cgcnt , lUh md Uou laa , 803 U F OIt UENT-Furntshcd raiins , . 181B Dodge ttaott. F ° R REXT FnrnUhol roam 1817 Chicago tt SbOtl T A nicely fornlnKed front parln to let 1 ? with i > r ltboutboar419l3DodgeBtreet. 3-IS-22t FOR RENT Anew hoiu8 > e rooms , bay Ulndow , DouWouoor , cor , l ciOo anil 13th street. 3l7-23i TTlOn KENT Twenty Uovues. Inquire McCague X * Bros , opposite Vu t onto ) , _ S4li-tl IPOK UKNI Fuinlthed loom with beard , Al.oa J ? lew day boardcia , 1814 Davenport. 83M9I TTiOK UENV FumlbhfU front room COS N. 18th. J 701.251 _ _ T7\OK UKNr Au ele ftntly furnUhcil lco\ room , I ? nouth expoouru , all modern convuuiunces , Unesl location In Onmlu. N , W. Cor. 18th and Farnaa ttreeU. _ 737.U Tj Oll KENT Comiortalle trent room , south-fc corner Fourteenth and Uatenpoit , uultiblefoi TTtOK KENT Furnished rooru on the uorthwesl JP oor. 13th and CapItoUveuu * , formerly Crol htou House. _ _ 183-U IlENT Itooms In NobratLi Nation * Banli FOR . Most dctluble otQccs In the city Supplied with lijdraullo tlmator uid heated b Btcam. Apjily at Dank. 621) tf I ' tldo 16th Ht , bet , Lta > eiiKortb and Mason. In quire at Q. A. Uudquibt 12CO 1'arnani. _ tflj 23 TTIOR8ALE A flret rim lot onShirman a\a , ncai JL1 ropplrttn'8 Jlnnilon. A great bargain o ( suld Inoneutxk A. 8AUNDEII8 i CO. , opKalto tbe Puiton. fcU3 2J " | 7 > OU SALK-A real rutato mortitgo o ( 550. at a Jj aaarg.ln. Address "d. JIortgiBe , " B o ottlc * . E6V.il _ T710R SALE OH UENl-F rm 3 mlle from Uti- . ' X1 lnqulr < oMn.Mejer , overUocdcr't Drugrtore 10th and Webster , 872-tt TTtOIt SALK-NlcorciIilence and full lot 8. E. tor. i1 Z3d nd nworth40COoriv Block Irom St. r. bt 1-231 _ rUTTLE rX > n HALK-ZM ) bead , different grids O and age * . 1I111AM i MANULL 110YEK , 84Jt ( beutrd , Neb. [ 71011 SALE General utore , with bilck build InvIn L' atlourUhlnx Kebrikkatonn , at < re dolnp a GUI- new ol lU'.OOo per soar UAHKEll & JUYNK , N , I corner ISth and } Vru ni. jjj.tf OIlSALE Stock of general merchandise and Ii 1 building , \aluedat about $5 , < X ) . Address Box 61 , Firth , Nob. 7flt-t ( . SALE Two portable bolters 10 horse vowcr FOR at 1) . FIT2PATIUCK , 003 tl 218 South 15th St. SALE Leading hotel In a , lively Nebraska FO1 . For particulars addriws or call at the odlco of nAUICr.lt &MAYNE , N. E. corner Fnrnatn ana 13th Sts. 7B7-tt SALE A small Mot-lcr , Bthman \ Co. , fire FOH safe , almost new , at this olllce. tf rOK SALE Farm 10 acres , now haute , barn nnd JL outVulldlngt , ehado and fruit trees , small fruits In abundance ; excellent location , i miles from post- office , J mile from school. Just the thing for "ttuck" f.innor dalrj. Price SZ.fcOO. Will raise tn 30 dijs. G. IU Doano & Co , Heal Estate Agents , 15th and Douglas strrcts. 071-tf " 11011 * SALE My two storj brick residence , 19th JC and St. Mary'saTcnuo , Largo bam , out-houte , water wor 8 , well arranged. Lot dOx200. 1'ilco S7.50a Best Bargain in Omaha. Cell at M. Tott'n I'ooplo's liank. 277.1 SALE 12 lots ono block went ot Park ave nue cars. Lots 0x150. Will sell the whole tract for $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1881. Real cs- tnto owntra bid this bargain , tf jou cull at reopk a Hank. 278-tf FOR SALE Choice business proj > crty , three lots cor. Blunders and Charles Streot. It will pay ycu to im estlgato this olfcr. Call at People's Bank. 27fl-tf | TflOR SALE Improved property , which will pay J ? the bU3 or 20 per cent on the Investment. lUnto for $1,020 per } ear. All occupied by first class ten * ante. Will sell for $10,500 , If sold soon. Ailerons- half each , balance , one to ( ho jcar . The abo\e In- \ cstmcut Is worth Investigation. Call at the Peopled Bank. gso-tf T30LLED CATTLE ANU CLYDESDALE HOUSES. JL Ti o Bub'ctiber Is taking orders for spring Im- partatlon ot the nlxno. Prices much below those ai auction silos. References to those nupplled. Jehu McCulloch , 111. Trnstand Sav. Bank , Chicago. 203 2rat OR SALE A tlret daes second hand top Call at 1819 Ilamay street. o.7tf OU 3ALF Old novrsuapon in large on J Email F nuantltli-a at thl nrt\.g tr HIBCBLLAHEOOB. " STH U'Ll > I rom Omaha * alr Rrounils ono bay E horse small size , ono sorrel rath'r tall ard slim- her An } Inlormitlon In ruaid to the tame nill be literally rewarded. JIount& Orilhn 001-CSJ STRAYED Small ba\ horse abcut nine 3 cars old ; no shoes on fctt , Ubeial re\vnrd for return to Ii. C. Wakelej , 900 21J A smalt spotted cow with onlv ono STRAYED horn. Please return sanieto K. 1'auUcn. Jnnoi bfcbolwecn 7th nnd 8th. S8M9 { rr\o SXCIIANOK Two Kood Ijts In good location JL for good noise and bugey. "W. II. M. Bee olllcu. _ 881-10J A bignift Cdl pin A gteek cross 'ct with LOST pearls aril turqiiou. Th Iia" e , F. A. Wood ' 84 cnnri\od on hick. The finder will bo rowarocd bj ictnraingtame to thoUwofllcecf J. \\ebster. . 801-tl _ _ _ _ _ IF an j one has takitn np a dark In } niare nbout 14) ) h nashigh , plca o leave hsr ft J N.V corner 17 tli nnd CdHB rriioilfy same ; lace t rco. _ 891 tt P On my pranmcs on Dec. 15 , 1833 , In JLwMt Omaha , one Cream Colored 1'onj. Small whltatpot In forehead , mane and tail a little darker than the bod\ . JAS E VANDEUCOOK. 325 6t le\\k { _ rpYLKKJc COMPANY hook-keetierandaccouDtants. JL Fiiauilne and adjust dls anunged books in a aye- tcmatlonndaccurntatiianner. gl ingcorrectbaUuccj , A ill t. pcciali > attund to porting npbjoks each dar A her * the ncn ices of book-supper are required but j. few hours , making out Inioisrs , statements , and' ' ny corrtsiionoenoo roiifidentlaTr , also make collec tions. OHIte at l > . Boyer and Co. , 1020 Farram Si , . 64R-lmo BDWABD KUEHL , 1IADISTER OK PALMYSTEU7 AND CONDIT10W. \LlbT. 80S Tenth street , botwooa Farnam and liar- aey , will , with thn aid of guardian eplrlts , obtaining , in ) ono glance of tb past and present , and tha : ertaln conditions In the future. Boots and shooa : na ! n n-dnr. Perfect satlnfacilon guaranteed. 1 To these ouffcrlnir from the lolTocUof youthful errora , . - ' fnatoal weakness , early do- tlnanhooll , > olcwllllnend you particulars of u Jimplo and cprtnln means or lf euro , free of chargo. > iilyoUroddro6 to t. ( . 1'um.HL , Jloocus , CONN. QflANHOOD PoslHvolynnil permanently ro- B1M- . - storoil ia 2 to 10 days bynDellt ouCnlecllrit 8wvicfl M"nP t'ree. Add. . lii in I. . i , > r uiviil d in Ktnutitlvi. lllll llJJtltuin 111. tllft col'l- t'ntioii * vtt-iuin ft > I1-O TKMJ'l y , -7iKMt ; tlti UiKiiiKli Hie mini in , . IH > UIIB ihroi to lic.\ltliy ? , ' ! " " ' , . ! ' " ' > t I'onio.iiti' ' OMAHA /'J Stove Repair Works , 10 South HthRfc. Make , v specialty J ( urnlshlng outings and ropolr- ng eiovoa l alt description. wocJ stoves , changed bura ooal , grata , flreback , damp n , &o. - Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. it.'J AS USEFUL NO DEALER IM GROCERY Groceries STOKE OAK Arroitl ) AS JL PAID or TO 110 COUNTEU SCALES. Without it. WBE.IOVEO