-T , , n ypun. . . , ? v - if * W-Wjtfy , , < l . % * * * t - < THED , BEE'-MONDAY , JANUARY , 1884. THE LEARNED 313 LARIMER STREET. Why you should try the celebrated Dr. II. methods of curn : I. "Dr. II. Wagi'or ' la a natural phj slchn. " O. S. FowtuR , The Greatest LMng Phrenologist. "Few can oxco j ou as a doctor. " DR. J. SIMMB , The World's Greatest Physiognomist. . "You are wonderfully proQclcut In jour know ) cdgo ot dlsc'xso and ruouldnos. " DR. J. JtATTiinws. 4. "Tho afflicted find ready relief In jour pres ence. " DR. J. Siuus. K. "Dr. II. Wagner Is a regular graduate from Rellcvuo Hospital , Now York cltj ; has had \ cry ox- tcnsho hospital practice , and Is thoroughly posted on all hranchca of his bolo\od eclonro , cs | > eclally on chtoulo diseases. " UlU. BROWNBtt , & KWINQ. 6. "Dr. H. Wagner has Immortalized himself bv hlswoiidcrfulillsco > ery of speclflo remedies for prl Mite and sexual diseases. " \ Irglula City Chronicle. 7. "Thousands of tnxallds " Hock to sea him. San Frinclsco Chronicle. 8. "Tlio Doctor's long oxporlenco is a specialist should render him \cry successful. " Hock } tain News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken , At ono time n discussion of the secret vice w.ia en tirely a oidcil by the profession , and modlcalworks but a fowjcare ago would hardly mention it. To day the phjnld.in ia of a different opinion ; ho h aware that it Is hia ilutj vllragrceablo though II inaybo to handle this unttcr without glo\eaand cpoak plainly about It ; and Intelligent parents and guirdlatis will thank htm for doing so. The results attending this dcstructh o vice w cro or * merly not understood , or not properly estimated ; and no Importance being attached ton subject which by Its nature does not imlto close Investigation , it was willingly Ignored. Tlio habit is generally contracted by the young whllo attending school ; older comiianions throucu their example , maj bi resiHMislblo for it , or it may bo acquired through accident. Tlio excitement once ex perlenccd , the practlco will bo repeated again and again , until at last the habit becomes firm and com plctely cnsHxcs the victim. Mental and nervous at llictlons are usuilly the primary results of self abuse Among the Injurious effects may be mentioned lassi tude , dejection or irrasciliillty of temper and general debility. The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely Joins In the sports of hia companions. If ho bo a joung man ho will bo little found In company with the other ECX , and Is troubled with exceeding and annojlng bashtulncss In their presence. Laschlous dreams , emissions and eruptions on the face , etc. , ore also prominent sj mptoms. If the practlco Is violently persisted In , more serious disturbances take place. Great palpitation of the heart , or epileptic convulsions , are experienced , and the sufferer may fall Into a complete state of Idiocy before fore , finally , death rellci cs him. To all those engaged In this dangerous , practlco , I MouldB. % ) , first ot all , stop It at oncemako e\crj possible effort to do so ; but if J ou fall , If j our nen out 8 } stem Is already too much shattered , and cause quentlj , jour will power broken , take some nerve mistake to suppos" that any one maj , for some time , bo t everj solftt'e gUohlmself up to this fascinating but dangerous cxUteiucnt without suffering from it ! oII con sequences at some future time. The number of joungmcn who are Incapaciatcd to fill the duties enjoined by w cdlock Is alarmingly large , and In most of such cases this unfortunate condition of things can be traced to the practice of self abuse , w hich had been abandoned j ears ago. Indeed , a few months' practice of this habit is sufllcicnt to induce spcrmatorrho3ai | later J earsand I haa many of such coses under treat mentat the present da > . . .Clt Young Men Who may bo Buffering from the effects of j outhtul follies or Indiscretions u 111 do well to a\ all themseh et of this , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of suf crlng humanltj. DR. WAONKR will truarantto to for eit $600 for et cry case of seminal n cakncss or prhate disease of any kind and character which bounder- takes to and falls to euro. Middle Aged Men. Thcro are many at the ago of SO to 80 who ore troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad der , often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn Ing sensation , and a weakening of the sjstcin In > manner the patient cannot account for. On ciamln. Irg the urinary deposits a ropy sediment w Ul often be found , and Romctimea smill particles of albumen will appear , or the color will bo of thin mllklsh hue , again dunging to a dark and torpid appearance. There are man } , many men whodirof thisdlincultylgnorant of the cause , which Is the second stage of seminal weak ness. Dr W. will guarantee a perfect cure In all case * and a healthy restoration ot Uio genitourinary or Bans- Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad \lce , ; s. All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Hear ; Henry Wagner , P. 0. 2383. Denver , Colorado. The Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. H Wagner , Is worth Its weight In gold tojoung men Price gl,2S. Sent by mall to any address. A FEIEND TO ALL. Ono "Who is 'Needed nnd Nobly Fills his Place. Domcrtsmoro fortunUo than she knows In the pouosslon of tlio talcn'a ' and energies of a man who has given his time and thought not merely to the perfection of his skill as a practitioner of his pro fession of medicine , but to the btudv of those pro found things of science iiud uaturu which tend totho more complete understanding of the problem of life and of the laws ot nature and the means of gaining the greatest practical good * to mankind from the In foraatlon thus acquired In the abstract * Such a man Is Or. II. Wagner , who Is located at 343 Larimer street Dr. VVftgncr devoted iruiiy jeara to thoao- < i ntltlon of tlw knowledge uocccBsary to hia profcs slon In a number of the leadluK medical uchools of the most eminent and profound teachers , such names as llr. Qrouj and Dr. I'anooast appearing among his preceptora Nordl Ills studies end hero. They continued in the field of the practicing famllj phUIcian and in the experiences of a man "I exten. she travel. Holia\sited ( oerj ecctlonof the Uni ted States pa ) Ing studious attention to the different characteristics of the t iulou [ ortions of the country , particuhrlj with negard to their effect , climatic and otherwise ) upon Health and the drffe'ent forms of dls eases. With tbo combined ( Hits CM of close study , rx tensive oWnatlun anil almost unlimited practlco , Dr Wagnercauio to Denver thrco jeara agoequlp. I < cd as law hiue tno right to claim to battle the fee of mankind , the dre.Ued enemj , dlwafe. In order to render the greatest Rood to society , Dr. rVagner decl ded to lay asldo thu general branched of practlco and bring all hss r po knowledge and i ner to bear up on the fee which anong the army of Ins'rtloua death agents Is the neatest III" wtdo ex.eflenco | had taught him whik capons toui and which to dltcnrd , and alter CHiiiIio | > liit , ' himself a hia trained JuilgmcntHB80 well ar > lo to aihlso him ho com menced boldly and LonlUently hta attack. In esti mating the results and BUCCCS8 achieved , It U only tiereasary toknow the ilocic rs * p-wltlonand ttandlng tn-ilnj , WbJIo Incatcil In this rlt > , hU ptnctk u ia by no means confined to its limit ! nor thU section of country , mjcorrespomlu.co ami express books tes tify In black uid uhlioto his itosresa on of a field uf puctlcu bounded only by the lines which b und the 0 ngth and breauth of the tountrv , and which hai 1 auol him wbuo.a man of his skill and Intellectual attainments U < wenes to ro , and shoeld tob ouabtii him to reach the hlghcit iphero of ueefulneM to suf ferlng humanity the piano of flnanelal tixlepcn ilence. Dr. Vi'tuncT hia contributed of his protperl tytothesubsUntlxl linprom nt of Denter in the tre tlon of a line Uock on Lariroer street , opposite Ms presmt olllc' , No. 311. It will ha ready for occu jiancy In a low weeks , and ii an ovldenco that the doctor I to bo numbered among tlio pcrnranentar U colld cltlzeni of the iuetro | > ells of elio pliln ! ) [ Den ser Tribune. DR , H. WAGNER & CO. , 343 larimer St. Address Bos 2389 , DENVER , COL. } You Cannot' J > uy It In the 18 > Bav-rooins. What an absurd idea it is to send : i sick man , with nn ailing stomach , a torpid liver , and impoverished blood , to a bar-room to swallow some stimulating stuff , and call it medicine I An enormous amount of mischief is constantly done by men who tints trifle with themselves. Instead ol healing their diseases , they make them worse. Instead of gaining strength they only acquire the dis graceful habit of tippling. It is a point worth noting in con nection with Brown's ' Iron Bilfcrs , that this valuable medicine is not Bold in bar-rooms , and will not be. It is not a drink. It is a remedy. Ibis not made to tickle the palate of old topers. It is made to heal dis ease. It is not made to promote the good-fellowship of a lot of bibulous fellows standing around a bar and asking each other , "What will you take ? " It is a true tonic ; aniron , medicine containing the only prepa ration of iron which can safely and oencficially betaken into the system James Medical Institute Chartered by thcStateofllll- nols Tor the express purpose of glvlnc Immediate rellelln nil chronic , urinary and pri vate diseases Qonorrhoca , QlcetandSyphillsinall their complicated forms , also all diseases of the. Skin and Blood promptly rellcvedand permnnentlycurcd by remc- diestcstcdlnnl'iir//l' iri . . _ frccf tJ'i r < Jr < ? . bemlnal Weakness , NizM Losses by Dreams , Pimples on theFncc.Lost Manhood'i.f/iu / al.Tltrre { ii xriic > 'hn < nti ( i. The appropriate remedy mat once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med. Iclncs sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAMES.No.204WnshinglonSI.Clicagolll. ! WITH And your work is done for all time to time to come. WE CHALLENGE to produce a more durable material for street pavement than the Sioux Falls Granite. FOR ANY AMOUNT OF OR MACADAM ! filled promptly. - Samples sent and estimiites given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls. Dakota. Nebraska Cornice AND MANUFACTURERS Of GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT METAL1O BKYUQIIT , 8ron Fencing ! Creating ) , Balustrades , Verandas. Oflloo and Back lUUInge , Window anil Cellar Guards , Eta COK. 0 AND Ota STIlEir , LINCOLN KEU. WIT. OAIBBIt. Uaniirvr , ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , ! 17 and 21fl North Main fit. , St. WHOLESALE DKALKUS IN HOOK , warriNa" NKWS ; , } PAPERS , { WHAl'l'INO K Vt WJl-EHiOABD BOAKI ) AND ' PRINTERS STOCK firCa li p M for Ilagsaf all kinds. DISEASES OF THE EYE & EAR , / , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Oouliisit ,04Farn iu Btreet , opposite Fatten Hotel , Omaha Neb. OurBW'tnolltm6 ' ' lctuo. Patented Oa. toberJ8.7a On box No. 1 wlllciiro any canoln four dajiorleM No. t will euro the most obotlnate cast ) no matter ol bow Allan's Soluble Medicated Bougies nauseous do s of rubcbs , ooiabU | , oroll of ean- weed , that amo-.ulii to produce d ) i piU by fteitrylnjf tha Cuatlnjtsof the stomach. I'rlc * f 1.60 rojb ! > ' * " oruirlsti , or mailed on receipt of price v 7 .rtlier particulars tend ( or circular , THE IOWA SOLONS. Tic Personol anfl Promise of the Legislature , iTmlKO jroCrnry'H Mlslnko The Slnto rnir A I/cml Mlno. Special Cotrostxndoiico of THE BKK. Dis : MOINEH , January 10. Since the inaugural on Thursday the city has boon decidedly quiet and everybody was vrora out. The crowd on Thursday evening ( at the governor's reception has no\or joon equalled by any thing in this part of the country , and in the terrible jam looplo were turned nnd twisted until completely exhausted nnd they seem very nuch inclined to romiiti quiot. The re ception VIRS really the greatest feature of , ho day , as the largo stnto house waa hewn open to admit everybody and it scorned as though everybody was thcro. tt was given na much to show the build- , ng and its magnirtcont fittings as to show the governor and his party. People seemed so to understand it , for as soon na the house was lighted and the doors thrown open , the ; hrong began to fill every room in thereat ; roat structure nnd on until 11 o'clock a icrfcct strcnm of humanity surged , niul jolted against cnch other , going nnd wining. JsTo ono cared to remain moio Jinn an hour or two and so for that rel- BOH the all cams of people poured in anl | out. Not ono person jn live found tl u jovornor or any of his party. In fa the t ; ho paity wcro not in the building unt 1 about nine o'clock. The governor \\M completely oxhauscd from the oxertio i during the inaugural ceremonies in tli ) xftornoon. It was funny to see the statu officers around inquiring for the govoi- lor. They -naro as much n the dart concerning him us any one. The lianpjj reporters were the only ones who illicit 10 waa holding his reception at the toi : nblo away from the crowd , up to the lour named. The only item of real news which las come to the surface since thoinaugur.il jxcitoment presented itself this morning n the way of a silver or Iqfid mine sensation. It gives promise of n genuine sensation , too. Hon. Wesley Redhead , mo of our oldest and wealthiest citi/ons , ms boon for some time sinking an arto- lion well. Yesterday nftnrnoon , when ! 30 foot below the surface , ho struck n liroo-foot vein of ore , which , to inox- lerionced oyoa , has very much the ap- ) caranco of silver. It is certainly either , hat or load ore ; and in cither event , if .ho vein proves extensive , it is a great ind. Ono gentleman , who has some ox- > oricnco , also claims that there nro streaks of gold running through the1 noccs brought up by the drill. It is ikoly to create considerable excitement. Mr. Redhead is very sanguine of a great ind , and is as excited over the matter as .hough . sure of it. It certainly is very > romising. The legislative mill is fairly opened , and the hoppers will soon begin to groan inder the crowd of billsbehiK poured into ; hom. The avpraRO member from the rural districts , if it bo his first appear ance , considers it the solo object of his mission to got in the greatest possible number of bills in the leastposstblotime. To nobody do the affairs of state need regulating so much as to the new mem ber. The older ho gota in the service the less ho thinks so. It is a Fact that the longer a member serves in either liousn the fewer bills lie presents , and the more ho becomes convinced there is too much legislation. Senator Larraboo , of Fayotte , has served the most continuously of any person in the legislature , and ho is the author of the least number of bills , yet ho is the hardest working member. Ho is always at the head of the ways and means com mittee , and other committees which de- uand labor and the exorcise of sound iudgmenfc and wise consideration. There is enough for the legislature , o do which ought to bo done , but which will not bo done , because the time of the session will bo wasted on useless , unncedcd nnd vision- are measures , forced upon it by imprac ticable and inexperienced members. A three-days observation of the make-up of the body discloses a different element from that of the last session. The senate - ate is stronger in intellectuality and statesmanship. The house is a medley. The professions nnd trade are more num erously distributed. The representations as follows : SENATE. Lawyers 151 Underwriter. , . . . , 1 [ farmers 11 Grain dealer 1 Merchants 5 Unknown 1 [ Jankers 5 Physicians 1 Total 50 Druggists 1 JIOTJSK. Former * 30 Lumber donlor. . . . 1 Uwjora 23 Miller 1 UankerH ( i Streotrnllro'dBiip't 1 Merchants fi 1'urnlturo cloulei. . 1 L'hyBlclans . . . . . . . 1 Tondior 1 Druggist ) 3 Com'rclal triuclei. 1 Heul estate dealorB 3 Kotirccl 1 Editors 1 Uulliler 1 Slergyrneu 1 Manufacturer 1 Hotol-kooper 1 1'ostmastor 1 Uraln dealer 1 Sheriff 1 Total 100 County treasurer * 1 There is but ono preacher in the whole lot. The senate will have to go without prayer , unless the city divines como to their help. There is n lamentable lack of editors. That there will bo no ex travagant legislation is quito evident from the political complexion. The republi cans Imio but two majority in the house , or only ono mor-o than in required to lines u bill. The caucuses hold thus far sltow that the greonbackora mil not afliliato with the < lemoornta. But ono of them Attended the democratic emeus to nom inate a caudidatcfor speaker , though inoro than 100 leading domorrata weru hero , and labored diligently and plied nil sorts of schemes to catch them. The democrats offered to let them immo the candidate and they would support liim , expecting to got aomo republican named who would draw away enough to defeat the regular repub lican candidate. All ihoir schemes utterly - ly failed. When the republican caucus was hold to nominate the speaker 52 re publicans answered tlw roll call , ovorv ono bring there. When the senatorial caucus was held 30 sonatora and 52 rep resentatives were on hand , comprising the entire Hit , and voting solid every time , which waa decidedly discounting to the opposition. The unanimous re- nomination of Senator Allison is a signal rebuke to those who , during the cam paign , sought to defame his charactorand joou name. THE HKXT BTATK FAIIl will bq hold atDos Moines , bet , 0 Friday , August 21) ) , and continuing ono week. It was decided by the society to secure permanent grounds , The time has como when the question of location permanently must bo settled , nnd the capital presents the strongest induce ments possible to sccuro it. No other city in the atnto can compote with it , Hut doubtless there will bo several competitors - potitors forjit , when the time cornea to fix the location. The directors of the society hnvo revised - vised the premium list , nud added now classes to keep pace with the proL'rots made. The priio of $800 to the best herd is continued nnd open to nil breeds. Two clixwos of cattle hnvo been nddcd Rod Polled Angus nnd Galloways. And hero it is portioont to say the Galloways nro increasing rapidly in this stnto. A now premium has boon added for the boat fix o lal calves. A class is nddod for sheep of the Downs variety. In the fine art de partments the professionals will this vow bo separated from the nmntours , which will prevent n vast nmount of grumbling heretofore indulged in. It is the inten tion of _ the directors this year to secure the services of experts from abroad as judges hi cattle , horses , swine nnd sheep departments , _ The wool-growers , nt their conven tion , were not capoc'nlly jubilant over their prospects. They nil declare that ihoop-raising was profitable in Iowa , if it were not for dogs nnd wolves. Howe : o got rid of the dots ; wns the question. Then , too , the tarill'wns against thorn. After a full discussion it decided to mnko m oll'ort to secure legislation for the pro motion of shcop , and to nak congress to restore the tarill'of 1870 onool. . Jtiixu : M'CHAUY'S MISTAKI : . Said an eminently practical mnn , n lorsonnl friend of Judge McCrary , to four correspondent : I think the judge , in resigning , has undo the great mistake of hia life. If salary was the motive for it , ho will save u > more nt the end of n year , with his salary of ? 10,000 n year , limn with his ? G,000 ns judge. On the bench ho uas n the line of promotion. If ho has any > olitical nspirntiuns , nnd ho doubtless ns , ho has cut oil' nil chancp of prpfor- nont , as ho has put himself in opposition to , or beyond nnd antagonistic to , the mblic Bontimcnt nnd sympathy ; for n railroad attorney \ \ ould hardly bo select ed nowadays for an oflico by the pooplo. lo lias made n mistake. A PcTaiiltlnj * Treasurer. The State Leader's MuEcatino special says : It is learned from excellent , oven ) ositi\e , authority , that General Banks , .ho republican treasurer of Muscatino county , was n defaulter to the extent of about 5,000 when it came to turning over his ofiico to his democratic successor .ho other day. An ellbrt is being made , o keep the matter quiet , and the Mus catino papers have not ypt referred to it at all , but it will bo out in n few dnys. Banks had n mortgage on his home , it scorns , and the understanding is that ho took the money to lift it , hoping to bo re-elected last fall , and thus never have lis rnaltoasanco como to light , but the land of fate interfered and ho was do- 'eatod. ' It seems , when ho saw that di > - covcry was certain , ho called his bondsmen - . men together , nnd it was agreed that. ; hey would , make the matter good to , ho county. Banks turning ovpr to the bondsmen everything ho had in the world , including all hia household furni ture and personal effects. It was agreed at that mooting that the matter was to bo kept quiet , and but for the garulousnoss of ono of the bondsmen it doubtless would have boon. But it has gradually leaked put , and id now known to many in this city. It leaves General Banks in bad shape and to bo pitied. Ho has many friends and IP a genial gentleman. It is said that ho tiad engaged to go into the employ of a largo lumber firm of this city as book keeper , but on the evening of the day that hia malfeasance became known a note was sent him , saying his con-ices would not to wanted. This is nil that can bn learned of the afiair , but it may bo relied upon. It is is said ho is also defaulter in the funds of the lown National guard. IOWA NEWS. The list of pensioners in Wright county lumbers 03. The convicts in the Fort Madison peni- .ontiary number 404. The debt of Jackson county Jnnuaryl , 1884 , wns upward of § 75,000. Pattorsonvillo's building improvements for 1883 give the handaomo total of $ C8- 050. , Burlington is investigating the fcasibi- ity of cleaning the streets with horse streot-sweopers. Fish are being taken from the Sioux nt Akron by the wagon load by means of spears nnd grab-hooks , The fruit prospect in the southeastern part of the state is pronounced not in jured to any considerable extent. The proaiptneas of Bubuquo firemen saved that city from n destructive cpnllu- gration on the morning of the 14th inst Lyons is considering the advisability of having the Randall house rearranged oad converted into a stnto normal school. bogus checkman was in Ottumwa last week and played luu gamu success fully on two merchants , ns ho had previously - viously done on business men in Burling ton , Codnr Rapids and fowa City. Ono purchase in Ottumwn was that of n $10 coflln for the burial of his child , getting $8 on n forged chock of8. . On the night of the 10th inst. John Wnhlstrom , of Marathon , lost his house by firo. Mr. W. was &wakened by fae near his bed , and only had time to escape vuth his family from the building before it waa all nbk/.o with firo. Mr. W. nnd family were obliged to take rcfugo nt n neighbor's forty rods uway , nnd w nt in their night garments , tlio thermometer being below noro. Mm. W. froro her foot quito severely. Notliing was eavod from the house not insured. Mr. W. was in the employ oT the railroad , and this , his third nro , left him in deaolato circum- Hlanccs. A benevolent subscription was voluntarily jivou , amounting to yor $100 , bcBulc n largo amount of clothing and bedding , and a novr house will bo erected immediately. . Telephoning Over the fioa , Now York Tlmrn. Experiment * were rnado last night on the largo wire of the Postal Telegraph company between Now York and Mead- ville , ! ' < > > a distance of DO'J milca , with n telephone devised by Prof. Webster Gillett - lott , of Ynsilanti , Mich. Owing to the storm and atmospheric conditions the mairnoto boll was kept jingling by the induction alone , but there was little dilli- culty in carrying on a conversation. What Prof. Gillctt calls a ton point instrument - strument waa used , Each point , Prof. Gillett aays , is like adding another tale- phone in power , The feature of the re ceiver attached to the telephone is the increased magnetic surface prcBcntcil to the diaphragm , Chicago , nt n distance of 1,010 , miles , including n onblo contain * ing twenty-two wires , has boon reached satisfactorily with the ton point instru ment. The plan is to construct nn in strument that will open communication by cable Across the oconn na well ns cov ering long land dlstni.cci. A20-point instrumcntis being made for the purpose of ascertaining the distance it will reach , Prof. Oillolt said last night that the French cable w as 2 , WO miles long from end to end , nnd the resistance wns 2.8 ! ) ohms. The resistance of the \v ire used Inst night was 1J olimi , but ns sntisfnc- tory itMtilts hnd boon obtained from the smaller copper wire , the resistance of which was ( ! ohms , "Wo fool confident that bcf > TO wo got throuqh wo are going to nay 'Hollo ! ' and a good deal more , too , to the people on the other side , " Raid Prol lUllott. "What wo are aiming nt is communication at long distances , " Horrors of Mineral I'olHonlntf. I \\i\s suflerlnp with lllootl 1'olfon , and treat- cd no\ oral inotitlH with Murcurynnd 1'otiwh , only to mnko moorso , The 1'otiuh took nwnr my appetite and ga\u moiljBpopsIn , nnd both KIO mo rhoumntlani , I then took Snr- RApnrillnK , etc. All tlicsu SarsaimrllU mix- tttroi Imo 1'oUsh In them. This made mo etlll wono , n.i It droxn tlio potion further Into my oyntoin. A friend inthtod I nlioulil Uko SnIft'H Specific , nnil it cured mo sound nnd uoll of Uio lllood 1'oison , tlro\o the Murcury iiml 1'ofuth out of my system , and to-day 1 am as well ns I nor wns. Gio. O. WHLLMAN , Jii. , H.ilom , Mann. Mlcrcury Ina prcnturcil more nilncry niut i crlpplm tlnnvnr , postllenco niul fitinlno dimblrioJ. It jou ln\c nnbloml ilhoihos or Kkln liuinor.lt Is jour ilutj to jMiiscIl niul ) Hi tcrlv ( to tnko tlio only \KUftblo ciuo. which liSnllt'a Spicino , 14OU LADIES. 1 hnxobocnsng \ for n month or two In ni ) liomc- hold , S llt'iiSpccltloS ( 8 Hlthojjrtfttor portion of of It ImuiiK Uun cor.Biiinoil dj the Icmnlo | < ortlon of inj f null ) , niul \ \ Itli t-o ImpiJut rt > iilU > . It adcil llko a charm on m\ lfclto nail Ixcn In Imil health for it lout ; time , niul for whom I luuu pall huiulrodi of ilalUru [ or < lnctor anil nicillclnu. It litnn to liullil her up from the llr t iloru. Anutlur tomalo incml ref in ) fair.ll ) took It with rinll | > untltticto- rj risults. It Ismtnliily the host tonlo fur dcllcato ladles that I lm\o o cr mod , niul I Imo trlotl thim nil. I Imxo nniloulit th > t want lit cxcrcclno , cloao funfliunicut In poorhtiillhttil hinmc ) , eowcrKM poison and imhil.il poison often produce * elrkncss nmonp our whcc , iHuuhtCM and bUkrii , mil I bo- llo\u .Swill's Specific Is the rcintily for nil this soil of blooil polsonlni ; . K U JONFS , J. 1' . Uiiltnian , On. Ourtrcatlpo on lllood ami Skin Dfscnicti mailed frco to applicants. THE SWIFT S1TCIFIO CO , Irnu ir 3 , Atlanta ( > a. WOODARD & BRUSFIELD'S ' ( WAND K l : SALE OK 125 Head of Horses , AND Seventy-live Jacks and Jennets. _ _ AT _ ' " "A 1" Feb , 14 and 15th , 1884. /fills sato wlllcmbrace 121 hcail , IncJnllne cholco JL representations of TrifttorB , Hondstors. llnincsj I'alrs , Ta-icj SailillorH itnil Comblneil Horeeif. Also "SFIriu Jacks nml Jeanetts. Catft'ogucs on npplt cations. m&c Jan. 21-jS-rob. 4. The mo of the term " Hhot Llnu" In connection uUuthi corporate nnrao of a great road , com ej B nn Idea ot ust what roqulrcil by the tro\tlln ( ; pub He a Short Line , Quick Timi and the beat of nccninmoda tloin all of which ere luin Uhoii by the greatest railway in America. CHICAGO , tyiL | WATTKEE And St. . Paul. Itownn ami operates oor 4,600 miles of-M Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , lowain Dakota ; and aa ta main lines , branches and oounoc- tlonB reach all the proat business centres of thi Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers tbi doecrlptlon of Short Line , and Best Kouto between Chicago , Milwaukee. St. 1'auUnd Minneapolis. JJOhlcaKO.Milviaukcfl , Iji Crosse and Wlnonx Chicago , illlw aukco , Aberdeen and Kllendala Chicago , tlllwnukce , Eau Cairo anil Stlllwater Chicago , Mllnaukco , Waunau and M crrilL Chicago. Mllnaukee , Heaver Dam and Oshkoeh. Chicago , Mll aakcu , Waukesha and Oconomonoa. Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Pralrledu Cblen Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonim and Fairltiault. Chicago , Uclolt Jancfivillc aud Mineral Point. Chicago , Kit-In , llotkford and Dubuque. Chicago , CiriitonHock Island and Cedar Rapids. Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha Cliicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain , llooli Island , Dubuque , Ht. 1'aul anil MlnncapoUi. Davenport , Cahnar , St. 1'aul and illnntniKiliu. Fullman Sleepers and tha Finest Dining Can In orldaro run on tha main Unit ) ofthoCHICAOl MILWAUKEE ft. ST. PAUL RAILWA and c\cry attontlon Is pal J to pasucugorii by cour ous cinplo ) oa of the company. 8. 0. MKRniLL , A. V. U. OAIU'KNTEIl , Otn'l Manager. Oen'I Pass. Agent , J.T.CLAKK , OEO II. IIEAFFOUD , Oen'I Sup't. BE. WHI TTIER 617 St. Charles St. , St , Louis , Mo. \ HKQULAH QIIADUATKof two rnodlcal collegei \.haabeen engavod longer In the treatment ol C1IHONIC , NKllVOUS , HKIH AND BLOOD Disease * than other ph ) slclari In H t. Louis , as olty papers show and all old residents Lnow. Consultation free Im lto.1. When It Is Inconvenient to vlilt the city treatment , medicines can bo sent by wall or oxprrs everywhere. CuroUocaoos guarantcediwheredou exltta It la frankly sUtod. Call or wrltii. Nervous 1'rootratlon , Doblllty , Mental mid rhyslei. Weakness , MorcurUl and other atfeetlona of Throat ' Ing. Bklp Aaoctluns. Old Borea and Ulcers , Iropedl' II1VIIV9 W 1JUI1 * > SO , Uheuiiiatlsin , film. Hpeelal _ . , - _ at m tentlonto caaeg from oerworkcd brain. SUItUIUAL- OAHKB receive special attention. Diseases arlilng" from Imprudence , Kxoessca. Indiilgenouii. . rooo1)tll. „ „ „ nja hycaCrTTI3D3iI. marryw ho may not ostaico , consequence * and cure. Hailed f or 2So eUmua. wntit-U'viv CONSUMPTION. IliaTo n poultlvo tetaait tut tba bur ilUcu&I \ } III nsatnouv&iMlB uf cauia o ( tntiworkt klod aud-tf lonii fttaii < llDUI > ftvol > tencuna. ) inUxiaeoitrfiDirUnrrriiUu In ll > emrrT , < liitIwllli nit fWO IIOITI Kdl'KKK. to. g th rwltuaVAl.UiULK iICEiTJSBontliKdUwutr uuaKxinosanar.O adlroii. DREXEL. & MAUL , BUCOES80K8TO JOIINO. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS , ot ( lie old stand , HIT JVnam tletei. Orderi telegraph wllcrtad t < omitlyottnided | DE. EMILY PAGELSEN , Of U Ul M UI11UI1. 1013 DOUQE STllBBT. Offie hour 10 to 4i flfl to 730. J. L. MARBLE , Employment Agent , All kinds of help U | > | > Ied promptly. lUIIroad Bcu er aud Grading " 'P ' SUPPLIED FItrB OF CHARGE , 172 N , Mb. btrcct , OMAHA , NED THE CHEAPEST PLACE UST OMAHA TO BUT. . . lllTIUIUtKE One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , 15th and Parnain Stroots. - - - Omalia , 2Teb. Below will bo found a few of tlio BEST and most DESIRABLE BARGAINS : OMAHA CITY PROPERTY. No. ' 211 2 atory brick residence , near St. [ Mary a avenue , at a bargain. No. 221 12 vacant lota , 1 block from street cara , earno diatanco from Hnnscom Park. Wo offer these lots , which are very doslrablo for building purposes , at a low figure for n few dayo only. "No. 220 3 lota on Baundors street , near Olmrlca. These lota will bo sold cheap and nro well located for a block of stores. No. 229 Business property , rents for S2.000 , pays 20 per cent. Best thing- over offered. No. 235 Throe houses and lots , rents for81,2QO per year. No. 241 3 lota in Bartlott's addition , very cheap. No. 253 1C acres in CunninghamWddition. , No. 247 3 lots in Hnnscom place , * No. 94 4 lota on S. 10th street. Eaay terms. Each , ? 300. No. 102 llouao nnd lot. House , 5 rooms and basement. Lot , CO x40 , S. 10th street , near Charles800 down , balance in 2 years. 51,400. \ No. 81 9 lotn , GGxJ32 each , S. 10th at > Muat bo sold altogether. 84,600. \ No. 77 3 houses , 2 brick and 1 frame , to lot 60x132 , S. llth at 1,000 cash , balance long timo. 87,250. fi „ No. 40 One ncro lot and house , 4 rooms , 4 blocks , S. St. Mary avenue street car lino. Very cheap. § 3,700. Liberal terms. No. 11 3 houses nnd lots , 50x140 , S. ICth st. , Not railroad. This is the best bargain Sot an investor over offered in the city. $2,500. No. 90 A good house of 5 rooms , with basement andiothor good Improvements. Lot , 50x150. tfritit nnd ovcrwoon trees fl years old. Nice residence property. Eaay torma. S3,200.\ No. 19 Now house and barn. Lot , 132x148.This ia a very desirable - sirablo residence property , and is offered ot n low\prico. Willjex- cbango for farm property. 81,500. x N < > . 143 2 lota in Block K , Lowo's 1st addition , & 1GO each. No. 103 8 lots in Boyd's addition. $175 oaoh. Easy torma. No. 107 2 lots in Lowo's second addition. Eachv contains 1 aero , with house and barn. Bargain. v No. 1G9 4 aero lota in Lowo's second addition. \ No. 170 1 lot in Kountz' third addition. Now ] hons\0f 3 rooms , barns , etc. $1,800. \ No. 181 1 lot in Kountz1 third addition , 2 hoasou , oto. Sl.taQ. No. 181 2 lots in Block 3 , Kountz1 third addition. Must bo nola together. 82,200. No. 180 3 acres in Okahomn , with good B-room houao and other Improvements. 53,500. 53,500.FARM LANDS. No. 201 40 acres near Fort Omaha. No. 2C2 2 good farm * near Waterloo. 240 aero farm near Oscoola , Neb. , $25 per aero. Will exchange for city property. Easy terms. . . . . No. 12 2,000 arrcaoi improved land in Hitchcock county , Nebraska ranging in price from 83.50 to $10 per aero. No , 17 040 acres of good farm land in Dawaon county. Will exchange change for eity property. $3.50 per aero. No. 22 The best farm in Nebraska , 7 miles from Omaha , contains 150 acres , 2 houses , wells , cisterns , barns and all ether first class im provomonta. Also orchard matured and bearing. Will exchange fo : ' Several valuable and low-priced tracks of land in Madison county. 10 farms within from o 12 miles of railroad , and 23 pieces of im proved lands , near Table Rock , Nebraska , all conveniently near market , and m many instances offered at great bargains. Among ether counties in which wo have special bargains in farm and unimproved lands , are Jefferson , Knor , Clay , Valley , Webster Sarpy , Ilarlan , [ Boone , Filmore , COBS , Sownrd , Morrick and Nuck- oils. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. H. B , IEEY & CO. , Real Estate Agents , Southwest Corner 16th and Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. "BURLINGTON HOUTE" ( Chicago , Burlington & Qulnoy Railroad. ) GOING EAST AUD WEST. Klcpixnl IMy Cotchcfl , Porlor Cars , with Hd Im Inj ; Chain ( floaw f no ) , Kinolcln ? Care , with Ko- volvluj ; Chairs , I'ullman I'.ilaco tilocplnc Caru and the famous U , II , & Q , bluing Cars run dally to and from Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago & Council Huffs , Chicago & 1)03 Molnes , Chicago , 8L Jo- sejih , AtcbUlon & Topcka. Only througli line bo- wi'cu Chicago , Lincoln & Denver. Turoucb cars M'twc'cn Iniiranapolls & Council IllulTgz \ , J'eorta II connections uiado In Union IX'uots. U 13 known aa the creat T1IUOUUIICAU UNK. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH. BolM Trains of Elegant DOT Coachc/ end Pull man 1'alaco Blooplng Cars are rundfiily to on from tt ) Louis , via Hannibal , Quljcy , Keokuk , Ilnxllnfton. Ctxlar Itaplds anil Albiyt , Lea to Bt 1'aul and Minneapolis : Parlor Care Aith llocllnlcf , tlmlrs to and froinBt Louts and1 I'eoriaandtc * and from tit Loula and Ottunrna. Only ocf change of cars between pt.Louis / nnd IK : Moliie-3 , Iowa , jUcoola , Keoriuka , Colorado. UlaunlverwllyiuJmltfcdtototho Flnnot Equipped Railroad In the World for all OlnasUB of Travel- , T. J VO'l'i'KK , 8 < 1 Vko-lVoa't aud doti'l Man&aer PHUICKVA I. r/lWEf.Tj t3 < m. IUM. AcX Chico&e. ) - 3E3C. in TTT UANUFACTUHEIl OF FINE My Jlepoeltory omUnUy filled with ! sel otljtook. Uwt Workmanship guaranteed. Office and Factory S , W. Corner 16th and Capital Aytnue , Q-nzha.