. . .M. - . - - 1 * * THE DAILY BEE-COQNC1L BLUFFS , MONDAY , JANUARY 21 , 1884. THE DAILV BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Jaiii 21 , rf IUTES : By Carrier M rents per week By Mil . - $10.00 per Year OFFICE : No. 7 Foarl street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Cheap railroad tickets at Bushnoll's. Justice Abbott has dismissed the Sio- bold assault case. Rov. A..Ambroso preached from the Baptist pulpit yesterday. It cost Mat O'Brton $7.00 to interview Judge Aylosworth Saturday. A plair. drunk. W. Culp , for being drunk , is to appear in the superior court this morning or for feit 810. The young men are planning for a re turn leap year party to offset some of these qivon by the young ladies. Andrew Hill , arrested for unmercifully beating a team of horses , was fined $5.00 nnd costs by Justice Schurz yesterday. J. M. Matthews , county superintend ent of schools , has appointed his wife as deputy , and the ofllco is to bo at thoit residence. Old man Gibson , whoso frcquou ) drunks have caused his family no much trouble , was sobering off in the cooloi yesterday. Some floot-footod ntocds belonging tc William Wood , of Beatrice , Nob. , are ex pected soon to bo put in training at the driving park. Several pairs of skates have bqon taken from the reception room of the ice-skat ing rink , sneak thieves having doubtless been the plunderers. These who are now running billiart and pool tables without the needful H conacs are now to bo brought to the fronl and dealt with according to the law. Mrs. Kennedy , widow of the late Richard Kennedy , desires through Tin BEE , to express her thanks to these wht \\rero \ so kind during his fatal illnoss. The fmo residence of Mr. Jonathai : Uhl , in Shenandoah , burned to the ground last Wednesday. It was insurot for § 1,500 and the contents for § 500. The Emerson Ohroniclo predicts a drj summer. The "wholesale liquor houao' of the place linn been sold under the con stable's hammer for § 7 , and the stool scattered among the several purchasers r Among the latest donations to tin \i \ Homo of the Friendless are : J. D. Ed munson ? 5 , Henry Eisoman § 5 , J. H , Burroughs § 5 , Mayor Bowman 85- - Some eight or ton donations of clothing have also boon received. Mrs. I. T. Ware , the principal of the Bloomer school building , has been taker ill with what threatens to prove diph- 'thcri.t , nd lionco there will bo no school in her room to-day , no substitute having been secured/ W. H. Strickland , business managoi of Shook & Collin's Lights O'London. was iii the city Saturday arranging foi the appearance of the company hero noxi Friday and Saturday cvoninga. Tin show lias a fine reputation and will drav packed houses. Adjourned mooting of the YoungMon'i Christian association at their rooms , No 12 Main street , this evening , at 7:30. : I ia hoped as many members will bopreson A3 possible , as arrangements are to bi nuado for a roROption to bo given the nov general secretary , Harry Ourtia. W. K. Cooper has commenced a sui ngaintt Mills county for § 20,000 as dam ages sustained by his wife by the break ing of a bridge in Anglorson lownshi ] while passing over it two years ago las Fourth of July , Mrs. Cooper having booi u helpless invalid over ninco. Jim Snoddorly and Mickey Hanks , ar rested on the charge of cracking the safi of the Crescent City postoflico , ante to have a hearing before Judge Ayloa worth to-dav. It is predicted that the ; will bo discharged , unless moro ovidonc is obtained against them than what i now in the hands of the prosecution. At a citizens mooting hold at Noel Friday last , a committee was appointo to consider what action-mould bo taken i regard to the question ot a now coui house and jail. This committee is t meet at the Pacific house to-morro1 morning at ton o clock , and all person interested in the recon t action of th l > pard of supervisors are invited to met with thorn. W. H. Mullano , late of the Noola R < porter , has now settled at Persia , a liv little town about thirty miles from tli Bluffs. Ho now sends forth the fin number of his new paper , "Tho Porsl Post , " an attwtivo and newsy sort t sheet which bears evidence in its co umna that its editor has onthusiasticall devoted himself to booming Persia. Th wideawake merchants of that place wil ! therefore , BOO it to their advantage t heartily support the enterprise. There is such a thing s a man Loin too polite at the wrong time. A polisho young gontlomah , arrested for disturbin the peace , was finally lot off by Judg AyJ sworth , Jn his rush of gratoft feelings the young man gushed oul "Thank you. your honor , I am ver much obliged , and I hope I shall have a opportunity \ reciprocate some day , The hope is probably a vain ouo , as thor taems M little promise of the young ma being & judge as there is that hi loner will over bo arrested for disturbing 10 peace. The firm of S. W. Ferguson it Co , nco their establishment hero , have been otng a rushing business in placing G per cut loans , Now the firm has been trongthonod , and its working capacity ncroascd by the addition of two now members , J. N. Oatorlitul and J. II. Vhoolor. Mr. Ostcrlind is a young inn , who has had much experience , and who has a wide acquaintance among busi- loss men. Ho was formerly located at Creston , and has since boon * in the bank- ng business in Center City , Nob. Mr. Vhoolcr needs no introduction to the iubllc , his long connection with the Og- , on houao having made his name and ace familiar. His extended acquain- anccshlp and well-known activity make lini a valuable addition to the firm. Another showing was given by the water works company Saturday after noon. It was an informal test at the argo building of David Bradley & Co. loso'Vas * attached to the adjacent hy- Irant and a solid stream of over an inch n diameter thrown about twenty-five cot above the building , which is itself evenly feet in height. This was with imply the reservoir pressure , the fire irosauro not being put on. Mr , Loomis , vhon asked by TUB Bin ; if ho was satis fied with the test , remarked that ho waa lot the ono that was trying the watoi .nd . modestly declined to speak for the city officials , but from other remarks he tvas evidently pleased. Ho pronouncoc , ho stream an excellent ono , and as af orditig bettor fire protection than thai part of the city had had. The strcan did not spray as it did on the provioui cat and seemed in all respects mucl nero satisfactory. THE OHOIR SINGERS , They Closed tliclr EngnKfinont Here HftvltitflVon Ijlttlo Favor With the I'uhllc Financial and Other Troubles. The Chicago Church Choir company gave their closing entertainment Satur day ovoning. It was a matter of regro that such a company should have booi secured to open the opera house hero and the entertainment they gave on tin opening night was a sad disappointmonl .o the people , but the press of the city , with the exception of Tnu BEE , assuroc : ho public that the next evening's enter lAinmont would bo far superior , and r small audience gathered on the soconi night. The company did appear to hot .or advantage , but still there was noth of marked merit , and Saturday after noon aud evening they gave two inert entertainments. The audiences won small , the house chilly , and there wai little comfort or ploaaing features to tin occasions , beyond the satisfaction whicl Boino had for the first time of satisfyinj their curiosity by seeing the interior o Lho now opera house , in which so mucl interest is taken and pride felt. Mis Bocbo , vrho has been the principal at traction of the company , now sever lior connection with them and return to Chicago. She has indoct talent , but she was placed at a great dis advantage hero by being so poorly sup ported. The company expected to leave yesterday day morning for DCS Moincs , but semi inancial ombaraBsmonts are reported a , ho reason of their detention. It appear , hat some of the best members of thi ompany became dissatisfied with tin management and left bpforo the compan ; reached hero , and this weakened tli troupe so that their entertainments won not so satisfactory as before. Afto reaching hero , it is naid , tno receipt were drawn upon to moot some Omahi claims which wore loft unsettled , and si they were drained of their moans , leaving ing the company a liltlo short , and moa of yesterday was spent in trying to got t settlement of hotel bills so as to got the ! baggage away from the hotel. It is als stated that several of the members o the company had become so diBSatisfioi that they intended to leave the organize tiou hero , in any ovont. A. B. AV est Iina now gone to Shonandonh t tnlto hla old railway position thoro. Mr. aud MrH. llobort Hawthorn , of Atclil BOH , Kan , , nroisltliig their Undo .Toll Hawthorn , of this city. Flaloy Uurko.of Orange Grove , spent Sun day uith his relations anil old friomls hero. V. I. Phillips , of Missouri Valley , was I the city Saturday. A. Mayor , of Now York , U at the Pacific W. H. Bonostool , ono of the promtnon grain men and millers of Jauosvlllo , WIs spent Sunday in this city. Win. II. Hamilton , of Now York , fa at tli Ogilon , A. Oolkor , a merchant ot Arcadia , has booi unending a tow Jays In the city , stopping i liochtoloV , hla wlfo accompanying him. Mr. J. P. Hulott , clilof clerk at iho U. 1 hotel , nt the transfer , hai returned from hi southern trip. ' A. B , Avery , O. 0. Xlnn and 0. 0. Ma ; hon , a trio of Wulnutiru , were at liechtelo yesterday. Charles II. Miller , of Loavonworth , a mi llncryman , was at Dechtolo'd yesterday. J. H. Kiel , of Llniler & Kiel , Sioux Fall Dakota , who has boon upending a few ilaj yltlttng old friends hoio , left last night f ( homo , They Nocil Help. There are many cases of worthy poi sons needing help , but ono sutlcring fan ; ily is reported as especially dosorvin and needy. The family name ia Oahikc vilz , and the residence at No , 101 Porii avoimo. They nro Polanders , and at rived in this city two or three years ago The husband , who ia an industrious man lias boon iying sick in hla bed , and need ing skillful medical attendance and care ful nursing in order to uavo his life Thus deprived of an incoiuM ut the vor time of year when needs are the greatest with sicknoas and its consequent oxtr nooda , the family is in great distress Affairs are made worse by the fact tha the woman soon expects to bo a mother The good people of Council Blulla , a well aa the authorities , should do some thing at ouco in this matter , and if tin facts are as represented to TUB BE prompt relief should bo given in BOIII a form. THE WALL PAPER POOL , Vlmt n Council IJlnfTs Dealer Has to Buy About It , "I see THE BF.B had , the other day , uito an article on the wall paper ineflu , " remarked ono of Council Muffs heaviest dealers in that line , "Well , what about it ? " "Why , there's just this much about it. Some of the things that wore said wore right , but there wcro some other hings that were all wrong. The firticlo made out that there was n big > eel , and competition was choked ff , etc. " "Well , isn't there ouch a pool ? " "Yea , there is a pool. That's all right , > ut then it can't control everything. There are a number of manufacturers and obbcrs whodon't belong to the pool at all , md the pool cannot control them , They can sell at whatever prices they choose nd the pool can't help iUolf. Some irms who were in the pool last year are out of it this year , and some who were out last year are in this year. If a firm Junks they can do bettor by giving into .ho pool they do BO ; if not , they keep out. out."Well , what is the real truth abouttnis pool , as you understand it ? " "yVoll , there is a pool , and there are Ixod prices on all pool paper. There is what is known as the maximum price. Anybody can buy at that , whether they belong to the pool or not. The other is bho minimum price that is for these who buy GOO rolls , say , of ouo kind of paper. Anyone can buy at the minimum price , If ho takes a quantity largo enough. It don't make any difioronco whether the dealer belongs to the pool or not. If ho buys the required quantity ho gets the mininum prico. " "What advantage is there , then , for a jobber to belong to the pool ? " "Just this ad vantage : If ho putsl,000 cash into the pool , ho is entitled to a discount of ton per cent on the regular pool prices. If ho puts in § 2,000 ho got fifteen per cent discount , and that is the lowest that anybody can got. " "But if they belong to the pool they cannot buy outside goods , can they ? " "Yes , at least they do , and no fuss is made about it. Some papers , hand made , for instance , are not considered by the pool at all. If a member of the pool wants to buy any outside goods ho could do so , but what's the object ? By getting the per cent off pool prices , ho gets his pool goods cheaper than ho can got outside goods. Besides that the pool restrictions are off from July to September , and you can buy or sell at whatever prices you want to. " "Did you notice that a Chicago paper man on being recently interviewed said there was imposition being practiced 011 the public in regard to paper-hanging , that people had to pay double what they ought because the h.ingers have a union ? " "Yes , that may bo BO in Chicago , but hero and in Omaha there is no such trouble. There is no union that I know of. I pay my men by the week , nnd I know that on lots of jobs at the prices charged hero , there is no money made on the hanging. " "You think then that the pool does not do away with competition ? " "Why , no ; It can't do away with ii altogether , for outside factories start up every year , and they can sell at what they please , and dealers can buy whore they please. There are a good many reasons for classing the pool as a monop ply , and all that. That is all right , bu it isn't strong enough a monopoly yet tc control the trade and rule the market It simply controls the goods which arc made by members of the pool. There ic competition , and plenty of it. " How Children Hnd "Fun. " On a summer day , they went to play , Douiithe road to Deacon Jones 'mature ; Dick climbed the tree , Via looked HO gay ; The hours were spent in tun and laughter. That nlglit thjso joung or en yelled with pain , Yea , thu funny Dick nnd Victoria ; The grilles were of the green ninila kind , Ilut quickly cured by CASTOUIA. Private lessons on china given by S D. Rehso. Studio No. 12 N. Main stroot. stroot.COFFEE COFFEE FOE FIEEMEN , The Crcstou Department tictfl nn Ex ample fur Council HIuilVi. The chiefs of the fire department a Crcston have hit upon a pretty gooc idea. In fighting fires in cold weather the flro lads , whoso duties are arduous under any circumstances , but particu larly in cold weather , are naturally tempted to fill up with stimulants to help them through. Realizing this , an arrangement - rangomont 1ms been made by which a largo cofl'oo bailer is attached to the steamers , so that when the boys start oul the colfoo begins cooking , and is kept hoi during the progress of the fire , BO thai the boys can have hot coffee as often as they cheese until the blaze is over. Whai little expense there is to the scheme is berne by the city. Although the Coun cil BluiTs department is a very temperate ono , still hot cofl'oo would not bo amiss hero. Now that the water works are to bo used in putting out blazes , the steam ers will not bo called out no often , but il would bo little trouble or expense for the hose carts to bo provided with some sim ple collbo boiler , and these could bo usot when occasion required long or hard ser vice. Perhaps it would bo a still bettor Scheme to provide a cofl'oo urn for the policemen. In some respects they scorn to noon coffee moro than do the fireman , judging from the way snino of the force gulp down stimulants. How would it defer for the Woman's Christian Temperance union , or spmo of the prohibitory clubs to turn their attention for a moment to sonio such plan as thu , a little moro prao tical , at least , than many on which they spend much time , thought and treasures Sot up the coileo and try it. " Ti3 a fiot ol features , n complexion Tlio tlncturo of a akin thitt I mlmlro , " Turning 1'o/zonl'a complexion powder , Fairest charms vuu will ncuuito Mrs. A. Bryan , drosamakor. Cutting a specialty , C04 8. Main at. , up stairs. Bonsntiou lu Musical Circles. riTTHiiuuo , Pa. , Jan. 7. 1881. J. Mueller , Esq. , Council BluOs , Iowa. Dear Sir : Wo mail you eomo of our list of customers aud little book of Ilardman Pianos. If you get up anything of the sort please mail us copies. We are handling tko Ilardman as our btsl J'lnnos and put it squarely in com petition with the Steinway , Ohickoring , Kuabo 1'mnos , and with the greatest sue- RUBBERS ! Onr speech ia short , but to the point. Best Chicago discounts every day in tlio year on Rubber Boots , , Shoes , AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY in the market. They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO , Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and 3XT11A WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. TIBIIEi Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are better than many so-called firs quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on thorn. Z. T. LINDSEY < & CO. , 412 Broadwav , Council Bluffs Iowa. MAYNE & PALMER , DKAT.KIIS IN Hard and Soft Goal , BULK AND BAimEI , LIME , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR AND BEWKR PIPE. No , D39 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOILER. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . - IOWA. , OOXTTXTOIXJ TnTTW W T3ATD"n ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF roTTAWATTAMiE COUN- UUH1N VV. D-tLLIUJ , TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Ollice corner Broadway and Jl ln street. JOHN BENO & 00 GENEllAI , MERCHANDISE. , , 18 Main street and 17 Pearl street. CHE3TON HOUSE. 4t MAX MOHN , Hotel , 217 and 219 Main street. DR. J. F. WHITE. Corner Main and Filth up-atalra. OFFICE Kosldenco , , 609 Willow avenue. JU&TlUi : OF THE PEACE , N. SOHTJRZ , Oaico i ur American Kxprcaa. W A ft MPT ? LIVKHY AND FEED , SO YV-Q.UlN.Dib ) will contract tor funeralu nt reasonable ratca. 22 Fourth street. J , M. ST , JOHN & OO..OASH BUYERS , IS Draft by return null. 140 Itroadnav. MEIICIIANT TAILOR , JACOB KOCH. Stock Cotni.icto. Sultn made at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main St. ) CONTUACTOU AND BUILDER , G , F , SMITH , Corner 7th and llroailway. Pinna and specifications furnished. HEUCHANT TAItOH. JAMES FRANEY. Artlatlo Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway ATTORNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & FART , James Block. Practice In etato and federal courts. C ! A "OTTT1 A T ? 1TT1WT Andbatn house , 421 and423Broad ay. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J.MonV ibiM 11 Alt 1 U iVl gomerr. M. P. Physician. TTlWTW T A "DTJOTT1 JUSTICE OK THE PEACE , JjJJYVll'l U. Jn.JjDUXJ.t Notarr Publloand General Conve > ancer. 41SBroadway. rrnTTQP SMITH & NORTON , HU U OIjj Broadway opposite New Opera House. Refitted $1 , $1.60 per daj A'Large Assortment of Hard and Soft Coal ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Being loft ever , must bo sold at your own prices. I need iixiimiD E , .G-S i to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538. Broadway. Now Store , Freeh Goods , Low Prices an j 1'ollto Attendants. First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , AS AN ECONOMICAL INSURANCE , THE EQUITABLE MUTUAL LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION OF WATEHLOO , IOWA , ] ' rtuelderecl the bolt 22.500 In case of deathand j | 000 endowment nt the expiration ol ten jrarn. ASSO S. iinitd pnjablo according to uttr. MM. Olive Filley the agent lll call anil explain the plan upon your ' < Hii.it. Direct } our cornmuulcatlona to iii Vine St. Council Utull * I a. cuss. Within a month wo have traded Ilardman Pianos for throe Stoiuways.ono Ohickoring and two Knabes , and our Ilardman grand is now used by nearly all bur resident playoru at their concerts. It has taken a good deal of work to over come the prejudice in favor of the old standards , but wo have done it hero , and if a number of Ilardman agents in the larger cities would handle the piano on the same basis it would soon occupy a first position thoa they would sell easier and wo would got prices nearer their value. Hope you are having a good sale for them. Yours , MKLLOH , HOH.NI : & HKIHUUKH. Heat Estate Transfers. The following doooj vroro filed for re cord in the recorder's office , January 10 , reported for the BEE by P. J. Mo- Mahon , real cstato agent : Shoritl'toShugart Implement company , part nwi se | , 12 , 7510. . 838.03. II. S. Gallagher to Win. Farrell , lot 8 , block 2 , Woston. § 700. Blair Town Lot and Land company to John Evans , jr. , ni no ] , 11 , 74 , UO. § 800. John Dohany to W. Siedontopf. Lot 17 , block 50 , Railroad addition.14. . Win. FaiToll to H. S. Gallagher. Lot 10 , block 2 , Weston. $700. Sheriff to Ainsworth & Waterman , part of 1) ) , 77 , 09. 8321.37. I. Affleck et al , to James P. Smith , w i no ] and el nwj , 12 , 74 , 41. § 3,600. 0. 11. I. & P , railroad company to Ellen Johnson , uwi noj , 32 , 7" , 43. Julia A. Flowers to Oeorgo M. Smith , oj sw [ , 24. 74 , 30. § 21. James Moore to Clarissa A. Soltor , part so ] so | , 24 , 74 , 30. § 000. Total sales , § 7,825.30. lor seven years Allen's Brain Tooil hair ttood the stronKoat tentnatoltainerltaln curing rerviwue a , Nervous Debility nnd restoring lo t IIOWOM to the Generative System , ami. In no luitauco ha * It ever falledi test It. 81 ; 0 for 85. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special adtrertlsementii , Etich as Loet , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board- lag , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate of TON CENTS Pffll LINK Jor the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PEK LINE for each subsequent In- Bcrtlon. Lcn\o adiertlwmonta at our office , No. 7 Pearl B > r ot , near DroaJwav WANTS. , alttt pouj , to diSior TUB IBB. WANTED Experienced dining ruini girl Waves. (16. per niouUi , Ogdcn Houtc , Council Dlufls own. _ Evvry bouyiu Council Dlutlsto take WANTUD Delivered by carrier at only twenty cents a week. "VT7ANTKD An act t email In Nebraska to lee ) TV after the bualnen of ono ot tlio best mutm liencflclarv Ufa ii U' neo comiianU'S now Incorjior ated. Ilufcrcnnct r < xulri | l. Liberal pay for tlio right man. Aiidre > s J , W , UEK otll.o Council / \M ) I'Al'EUS-For sale at btx olllte. at 2S.cuiU W a hlnulrt-il , _ . - . . . . . n , neil stocked , J. ' good flxturus good location , two pool tablet. duties Lelbolcl. 4Mlltoady. . T0 SALE The whole or a iiall Interest In a gen. JL1 eral merchandlso stole , doing good business , flood and lulllcltnt reasons lor telling. Address J. \V. B. , lUn olllfe , Cnunell Blags , Iowa. " * * OK HUNT A large , i.audsomo ! ) furnbhrd room at 6 9 Kiri > t a > rnue , two bloiksfrom IVstoQUe. T * oMnely turitlshcd rooms , single or en suite , 30ih. Uth street , cor. 3rd , avenue. UO3U-TO Unit. CalUnaW. rersuson , DUSK 88 1'earl tt. SALE One Urjro sorrel Hor/e , w. Ight UOO FOR . 8 J oar * old. A. J. Jlsndvl , 335 Broad- way. I Imoafewcnok and buatlugst > r Ml STOVES which I willcloie. outatgreat reductions. A.J UaudeL Mrs H J Hilton n D , , , , , , , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , 223 Mlddlo Broadway. Council Bluffs , R. Eice M , D. or other tumors removed without ( he kollo or dra Ing of blood. DISEASES olWudsaspeoUlty , „ „ „ , inef thirty jtars practical exp tleaco. Office no. 6 r arl street , Count.ll lilultn Empkie Hardware Coin fl in ( I ware 109 and 111S. [ Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HATS , CAPS BUCK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. k $ w Sold. * Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished : E . j. TVEoiTviryv y : > Tvr Ho. 4 Pearl Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. A BECHTELE'S uropean Hot The only only hotel run on the European plan in this city. Now building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BECE TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos , 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Dealers Liquor . , OP COUNCIL BLUFFS , IB IE IMI O "V IE3 THEIIl BUSINESS TO Omaha , Neb. , January 1st , 1884 , UAV1NO SECURED WEST & FIUTCHER'S OLD STAND , ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOU im ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in the County. GBOSVENQR & GUNN , MANUFACTURERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. : s TOOLS Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of exti aordinary Fine Carvers. 504 Broadway , and 10 and , 12 Main Street , WHY DON'T YOU OETSDME OF Perfect Fitting , Best and Cheapest.Jil'ino Mucn Collars and Cuds. STo. 715 Fourth Street Council Bluffs , Iowa. FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE In all our Boots aud Shoes , regardless of Quality. Dnn'fc miss this chance. S. A. PIERCE , 100 Main Street. DR. THOMAS JEFFEEIS , No. 123 Sixth avenue , Council BluHs , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. TmOTY-W K i KAES' E\I > XIK.NCE ; THIRTY TVARS A RES IDENT or Coc.vciti BLVIX& . . Diagnosis ( dlscaned condltlocs de cril > oil ) without questioning. There are hundreds oi witnesses to the ( act that 1110 blind arn mtored , the deal made to hear , alia paral ) sis and rheumatism ot months and > cars standing frequently cured In 20 minutes' tlmo thtouKh iMclilo mesmeric , sjilrlt or soul force , "Thuso things were not done In a comer , " Ttioonly reliable iiretcntatlvoaui ! cure for diph theria known ( keep U on hand ) . The best catarrh remedy In use. hmall jox prevcntatm superior to tacclnatlon. Kterycaso ol Indigestion ( despipsbi ) cured- time required one to six tk . Old ulcers , commonly called cuiccrs removed without the use olthu kmff. In ( act all acute and chronlo dUe sca successfully treated. Ilia records ol mortality show that Dr. JcHeilts la the moit successful iirwtlcloner ol mo Heine In the western country. His ( jreateU success hns been In cuscs that has bullied the skill uf ulber due-tors , m well aj causing despair andllnuictol ruin in many coses. TKIUIS 11EASONABLE. No charge for consultation by letter or otherwise. Inclosertawp where aninurs to letters are required. lies' kind of rctcrnces ghen. Sir 1'ersons free from contagious disease will bo re ceived Into hlslnstltutauf Health for tieatuicnt. JACOB SIMS. r , l > . CADWELL. SIMS A , CADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Ualn Street , Hooms 1 aud Hhugtit & Ito- Mahou't Block. Will practice lu mate aud wlrrtl oourUW. W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Beat estate and collection ijcncy , n Old Fellows ock , over SivlDj * lliuk. , Jir.Sf- JOSEPH AND -COAL Corner Muln slreUand Eighth aienuc. Coun Bluffs. nt rates and prompt delivery WINTEBRESORT. _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. . . * ' -fcjt % > X" UNT jc d v We uua-antea the cuie ot the following namud di seases , or no pay : Hheumatlsm , Scrofula. Ulcers Catarrh , a 1 nfpod and.kindlaeaica , Dv.pcnslalU " Complaint , Kidney and llladdcr IJUcsses. flout , No" ralgla uud Asthma , TOesj Springs are the fa\orito resort of the tired and rtebllltatad , and are the FKK11LE LAUIrH 11EHT FRIKND. Oood hotel , livery aud bathing accumodatlon both Wlnlcl * ua BU""ni ! ' ' , I-ocallty highly plcturesrio 't.b ° ' ? "SA slb ! 9 [ . W S' * . UMy.\t solicited , Blloam Springs , Cora , P. O.Gentry&Co.BCMo. . . . ANALYSIS. ? -PeacHo n"y l'W3 l.eactlon . Neutral Carbonic Acid (7as M In. Mr Ballon Carbonate Calcium Si-fr' ! nnini " - ' " * Carbonate Iron V"Tfii - Sulphate Magnesia , , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .Jfta Suljibato Calcium . . VUG ChlorldoSodlum , . , , , " 7 flo fiilllca , . . ! . . ! . . " if- Alumina 0' ( Organic and Volatile matter and loss . , . . j'rtu Total solids p r fallwi . .87 171 WuiainJj MUIKILI , , Chcmlsti TUOB. orncut , u. u , OFFICER & PUSEY BACKERS. Council Bluffi . . Estab/ishca - - 1856 dX"r"n °