Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1884, Image 1

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Further Details of the Wreck of the
City of Coluinbns ,
Shrieking , Oursing , Praying and
The Dead Terribly Mutilated by
the ftaging Sea.
The Full List of the Dead Num
bers Ninety-Seven (
" \Vns There a FntnlMlsumlcrstitnilliiK
, of Orders ?
NEW BEDFORD , Mass. , January 120.
The tovfli is full of people looking for the
bodies of relatives lost in the wiect of
the stonmor City of Columbus. There
has boon a deplorable lack of system in
regard to the disposal of bodies picked
up along the coaat Stray bodies have
been picked upr byv passing vossola and
carried to widely separated points.
Among them , Edgortown , Woodsidu and
Vineyard Haven. There nro eleven bodies
ies at Vineyard Haven , and a number at
other points unknown , owing to the feet
that no cemmunication with , them exist.
A tug with n sVepapor correspondents and
some of the'relatives missing , started out
to day.tjfvisit the wreck , but a sleet and
anow.- term set in , making the sea lough
and/rodoring / it impossible to got nearer
than nn eighth to a quarter of a mile
froirf tUo Vessel , whoso prow is fifty feet
t6utfof water and the stern slowed around
in "peep water. There appeared to bo
thrlebodics hangingin the mizzen rigging.
Some correspondents landed with great
difhculty at Gay Head light house , where
it was learned that ten person landed
from the wreck , all of whom arc doing
well considering the circumstances.
Their names are : William Spalding , of
Boston , purser ; Henry Collins , of Taun-
ton , second assistant engineer ; John
Hincs , of Boston , fireman ; Thomas But-
lii , of 1'rinco Edwards Island , fireman ;
\\.illiam N. MacDonald , of Boston , -
termnstor ; Thomas O'Leary , seaman ;
Michael Kennedy and Edward O'Brien ,
of St. Johns , Now Foundland , waiters ;
James Brown and J. Tibbetts , passen
gers. J * ' '
While the officers and seamen , stilljn
the clothes in which they came nan'o o , .
were relating experiences to correspondents - '
onts , the visitors , with guides , started If )
various points rflf&hp yicinity whirry *
bodies were placed after being pick drad
along the beach. The first place visited
was a dilapidated and storm beaten
church in ono of the wildest places on
the coast and there found five bodies ,
four men and a woman. As the party en
tered the building and behold tho'oul
stretched forms on the floor , Mr. Bel (
ot Lynn , cried out , "That's my
niece Alice , " and ho kneit befora
prostrate nnd disfigured remains ,
ing convulsively. The remains w\S
ribly mangled and covered with blood
from head to foot. Another body , that
of George Kellogg , was identified by n
relative present. The remaining three
were unidentified , one of them , that of a
passenger who died in the life boat while
on tlio way from the wreck to land. Kel
logg left the vessel in the boat with
Quartermaster McDonald nnd worked
at the oars until he dropped dead from
exhaustion nnd exposure.
The party then proceeded to the bench ,
whore it was reported a number of bodies
wore lying. As ono of the natives lifted
a tarpaulin from the form of tlio first
victim , Rov. Mr. Dunning , of Lawrence ,
recognized it as hia brother-in-law , Henry
Batcholder. The reverend gentleman
was overcome with emotion and wept
hysterically. The party then continued
on the barren waste until they reached a
cabin , guarded by a halfbrecd woman ,
where the remains of Mrs. Belyoa were
found horribly mutilated from contact
with wreckage and rocks. The body of
Mrs. Atkinson was also found , her hands
fnll of hair , which evidently had been
torn from her head in the agony of death.
Tlier wore tivo other bodies in the hut ,
four men and ono woman , unidentified.
The party proceeded along the beach
back to Gay Head light. Along this
stretch were nine corpses , nil moro or
less disfigured , and faces wearing a
haunting look of horror , but none were
identified. Later they were removed to
places of shelter along the coast. The
natives refused to allow the removal of
bodies until the expenses of recovery
were paid. The bodies of Mrs. Bolyen ,
Mrs Atkinson , Kellogg and Bntcheldor
were conveyed in an ox cart and put
nboard the tug.
THE rCJl&Ull'fi STORY.
Purser Spuulding , after describing
how ho and the second steward went
through the cabin arousing passengers
said :
The vessel keeled ever so far on the
port aide that all staterooms on that aide
were submerged. On the weather aide
of the deck were throe or four passen
gers. When the ship righted and settled
it was n terrible scone. Confusion
reigned on dock and men and women ,
some with children in their arms , clambered
erod up to the dock clinging frantically
to every available projection. They
crowded up on each other so fast that
they could not bo counted as they rushed
upon deck , only to bo mot by some
monstrous wave , and swept off into the
sea. Groans , yells and curses con
tended with the fury of the
gale. Women shrieked and mci :
shouted themselves hoarse. Sea nfte
sea swept ever the ship carrying off
everything not made of iron. It was
blowing a hurricane nnd the moon shorn
brilliantly. The land waa plainly visi
bio. J saw eight or ton inon hanging to
the rigging. I wont to the main top
with the steward and a passenger. The
after part of the ship filled and sank
and the vessel righted. The sea at this
time was making a clean sweep over the
ship. I saw a lifo raft with half a dozen
men on it. The firemen cut the
lashings with a razor. Ono of the
port boats was launched and upset.
"I saw other ineffectual attempts to
launch boats , and at ono time I lot my.
elf down thinking to get on board. " The
sea washed the line away and back agnin
and ho clambered into the main top
hero ho staid till taken off by the lifo
oat. A stonmor passed within four
miles , but paid no attention to the sig-
mls. The steward gays the lifo boat
rows of the Massachusetts humane so-
iety are the bravest men he over saw.
'hoy saved 20 men.
The list saved from the wreck of the
City of Columbus foots up twenty-nine ,
'ncluding those at Gnjr Head whosn
amcs have boon ascertained , nnd the
dditional name of Captain S. Vance , of
Sorlh Truro , N * . S. , picked up in an un-
pnscious condition from the overturned
ife-boat by the stonmor Speed well sev-
iral miles from the wreck , Friday. The
orroctcd list of survivors is as follows :
Passengers Horace Wnt'crhouoo.Bath ,
Ic. ; James Brown , Lawrence , Mass. ;
W. Fairbanks , Gorhain Mo. ; Captain
. Vnnco , North Truro , N. S. ; George
iV. Farnsworth , Townsend , Mass. ; II.
iVoidnmn , Lawrence , Mass. ; John L.
Cook , Portland , Mo. ; Captain F. II.
'lammond , Gouldsboro , Mo. ; Eugene
IcCnrthy ( steerage ) , Somerville , Mass. ;
. II. Tibbotts , Somerville , Mass. ; G. T.
iVhitcomb ( steerage ) , Hudson , N. Y.
Crow Captain S. E. Wright , First
Yssiatnnt Engineer H. A. Phillips , Sec-
nid Assistant Engineer Henry Collins ,
'nrsor W. II. Spaulding , Quartermaster
lodorick MacDonald , Steward A. A.
'itinnn , Porter E. T. Briggs , Seamen
ohn Madden , John \Vhito , Edward
jonry , Robert Gallant , Firemen Thomas
VLeary , John Hincs , Thomas Butler ,
Vuitors Edward O'Brien , Michael Kon-
cdy , Faber and Anson.
The passenger list corrected foots up
1 passengers , cabin and steerage ; 40
fliccrs , seamen and waiters. Total
eatli list , ! > 7. There is no possibility
f the figures being altered by thedia-
every of additional survivors.
The assistant engineer , Henry Collins ,
; aya ho was awakened by the shock and
lurried on dock. Ho saw passengers
rashed overboard as fast as they appear-
d. Ho went to the mizzen rigging and
aw passengers drop out of the rigging
rozon stiff. All the women were com-
ilotely helpless and their shrieks were
wful. Some cursed nnd swore , but the
najority prayed for death. The suffer-
ngs of a lifetime crowded into those
Qarternustor MacDonald who was at
.ho wheel'At the time of the accident ,
laid : At about 2 o'clock the captnin told
iiim to set her course southeast by south ,
vhich ho did , ' and , kept her on that
: ourse till she htei : k i < V The' captain in
ais original stntbmiljppjfthivi-tho course
, wns southwest by west.'It ' is possible
thero'was aunisundcrstanding of orders
w n > 4JtB > c.vptain and H rtormaster.
i'lip quartermaster , c6riuUilug ( , said ho
itajd byehp wheel , till Captnin Wright
jaine and-aaid , " 1Uy6r mind that is of
10 use now. " Thgrehptain Bordered him
o get out the boats. Ono was launched
ifid stove in. The second dashed against
tlio ship , which stpvo a hole in it , nndsho
ank to the gunwale , t Theresa Smith ,
ho stewardess , b'oeatno frightened and
jumped into the 'softy ' aiyl wasldrbwned.
jTliero we're loft in tliQ boat , beside him-
'jolf , throe scan ; en and Kellogg , a passon-
jor jsfto worked.nt nu oar till litx led of
iJiJBiltauBfion. tlhd 'others continued ted
d light
uoy shifted ;
hat the steamer wns two miles or moro
ut of her course and fully a quarter of a
milo inside tno buoy. Even if the vessel
" lacked two ship lengths she could not
ave reached her present position from
ho outside of the buoy.
Upon arrival of the correspondent's
ug at New Bedford the bodies were
taken to the undertaker's to bo sent to
Boston to-morrow.
BOSTON , January 20. Captain Wright
was shown the statement of T. W. Fnir-
anks that the pilot of the City of Colum-
) us told him ho lashed the wheel and
, vent to warm himcelf by the smokestack ,
leing absent fifteen or twenty minutes.
? hc captnin said : "At the time of the
lisastor the second officer was in charge
> f the ship. Ho was in the pilot house
nd superintending the steering of the
itoamcr , which was done by the quarter-
naster. The pilot house waa heated by
team nnd wns very warm. There was
o necessity to leave it to get warm. No
person but the officer in * charge could
iliango the course of the steamer and
hero was no attempt made after she
truck to drive her on the rock. "
It seems probable that Capt. Wright ,
, n laying his course for the ocean , departed -
parted from the usual course too soon ,
tcoring in a relatively northwest course ,
which brought him inside the buoy
marking the outside of Dovil's Bridge ,
and consequently full upon the roof. '
The bodies brought to New Bedford
> y the tug Nellie were frozen stiff and
ho arms of each were BtiHoiied in posi
tion , indicating that the victims died
while clinging to the wreckage. One of
the bodies picked up by the Nellie was
that of n well dressed woman , nbout 22
years of ngo. A package of jewelry nnd
a small sum of money were found in her
dress , but nothing to allow who aho was.
Another was that of a woman of 40 ,
dressed only in her night clothes. Tlio
others were of men , ono supposed to be
a Boamon.
In the lap'of the younger woman was
found n pair of baby's shoes. Nearly nil
the bodies'had on lifo preservers and
were floating on their backs. The faces
of five of the victims were badly cut and
disfigured. Captain Hart reports that
when off Gay Head light a boat put off
from Gay Head manned by two menwho
reported ten survivors and all landed
there , ono of whom died , making two
that have died among those proviouly re
ported hrving landed there.
Neatly all the bodies wore found in i
line duo east from Dovil's Back lodge
whore two currents formed an eddy and
kept the bodies floating around within a
radius of a milo and u half Owing to
the heavy aca , great difficulty was ex
perienced in getting the bodies aboard
the tug , and Captain Hart reports seeing
bodies which it was impossible to recover
owing to the gale and thick snow ,
flSH , Y , Philips , first assistant engineer
of the City of Columbus , states that when
the vessel struck , Morrison , chief en
gineer , exclaimed , "Tho vessel's ashore. "
\Yo shut down right off and the ship
backed off ; then we got bells to go ahead
and she drove right onto the reef again.
It did not seem ten minutes before aho
sank. - I had just time to got a life
preserver. Tlio boat was outside the
buoy , but there was a toriific wind blow
Captain T. R. Hammond , "Goldeboro ,
| Maine , a survivor , states that between 7
, iid 8 o'clock on Friday morning the
tuainor Glaticus passed to the westward
if the wreck , but took not the slightest
lotico of the terrible tragedy which was
nauting so ncnr. He says that from his
utlook in the rigging 011 the City of
Columbus ho could have distinctly teen n
nan standing against the house of the
assinir steamer , mid cannot conceive
iow she could overlook the crowd of liu-
nan bounds in the rigging of the wrecked
The mate of the Glaucua , of Now
brk , states that the Columbus , having
akon the southerly course and the Glau-
us the northerly , the latter passed the
rock at a considerable distance , eight
r ton tnilns. At the time the wreck was
ightod by the Glaucua there wore some
orty human beings in the rigging , but
ie mate avers that ho concluded the
rocked steamer \yi\s on n roof , but after
prolonged scrutiny through the glass
> o could discover no evidence of human
elraska's ' Prison School lor Unruly
Boys and Girls ,
A i'cn Sketch of n. Flying VlHlt.
KKAHUP.V , Nob. , January 1 ! ) , 1881.
Idltorinl Correspondence of TIIK ] ) ii : .
How far is it to the State Reform
chool ? About two miles. Please hire
no n carriage with a driver. How soon
0 you want it ? Right away. Very well ,
will go nnd order it for you. Ton
iiinutes later Mr. Holdon , editor of the
ullalo County Press , who had volun-
oered to procure my transportation ,
.rove up with a carriage draw n by n pair
1 spanking bays. It was about 4 p. m.
hou myself and two other grangers
tartod on a trot for the reform
chool. The ground being near-
level all the way and the
oads in good condition wo made good
"jiio. I say , driver , do you know any-
: iing about the reform school ? How do
htfy treat the boys out there ? It's a
retty hard place for the boys. Ono of
liom who ran away the other day said
lioy whip them very hard. It is worse
ow since Collins has gone. Ho was n
plendid man. Everybody in town liked
im. Moshor , the now superintendent ,
n't popular. lie does not run the school
, s Collins used to. Wo kept up a running
onversation until wo reached a bridge
lat crosses the Platte river ditch or
: anal by which the enterprising people
if Kearney expect to secure ample water
lower fpr mills and factories. A few
'ods ' further , on an elevated plateau ,
teed a plain three story brick building
vith stone basement. That's the reform
chool , said the driver , as ho opened the
iarriago door to lot us out. Just ns 1
topped down a couple ot full grown boys
n well worn clothes started on a run
ut of the building toward a qrcnch
rhich was being dug by several other
> oys between the main buildingandbarn.
'reselltly a man walked leisurely up
rom the barn toward our group. Ho
. -as of medium height , n decided bru-
.otto , somewhat loan but wiry , with a
: areworn countenance. This uas Mr.
D , C. Moshor , the new superintendent.
While ho engaged in casual convocation
ith my companions I accosted a boy
ho , I found , hailed from
Omaha. How long have you
been here ? About seven months.
How do they treat you ? Pretty fair.
Do they whip the boys ? Somtimes ,
when they deserve it. What do they
'hip ' them with ! A rawhide. Do they
hip the girls ? I don't know.
Another boy from Omaha came up. I
od him away out of hearing. How long
iavo you Deen hero ? Two years. Howe
, o they treat you I Pretty well since the
iow superintendent has taken charge.
How is that ? Well , they used us pretty
ough when Collins was hero. How did
they punish the boys ? They whipped
hem. Was there nny other punish-
nunt ? , Yes ; they locked them up.
n bread and water. How long ? A day
T two. When Collins was here Craig ,
, is assistant , had one boy locked up on
road and water thirty-six days. That
mst bo very hard. Oh , yes. Have
, ou learned any trade ? No , sir ; they
iiavo no shop to learn in. What do you
'o ? Wo are kept in school or wo work
n the farm.
Upon Mr. Mosher's invitation I in-
pcctod the building. The halls and
ooma are kept clean and the
chool room is perhaps as cheerful
s school rooms usually are.
.for the present the forty two boys and
.hirteon girls are compelled to dine in
ho same room in the basement. One
icliool room servos for all. The sleeping
00111 for boys in the second story is
athor nrry nnd their bedding very thin.
In fact so thin that scmo had to double uj
their mattrassos. When the thovmome-
falls below zero they must aufl'er n great
deal. It ia simply monstrous to compel
the girls to sleep in that story above the
boys. There is no fire-escape , no
water within two and one-half miles.
Not a soul of them could escape if n lire
breaks out in that lire trap during the
night. Mr. Moshior admitted that , but ,
said ho , wo are helpless. His assistant ,
Samuel 0. Mullin who had been employed
several years at the National reform
school at Washington , is what wo call p.
strawberry blo'ndo. From all appear
ances ho ia competent and reliable. Do
you want to see iho accounts kop
by Mr. Collins ? Here is all he
left us and ho handed mo a druggist's
pad with a few names scribbled on. Did
iiokoep'no books ? None that wo car
find. How do you know the record o
the boyal Wo have to send for it to the
diHeront counties where they wore con
victed. How long do these boys and
girl" have to remain hero ? There is nc
time Axed. Our laws are defective
aaid Mr. Moshor , in tliat respect ,
but wo propose to grade these boys and
girls and release them on probation when
their record shows them to bo well dis
posed. If they become bad again wo
will recall them ,
Further inquiry elicited the fact that
Collins had exhausted the whole appro ,
priation for clothing and furniture for
thonext t two years , within
less than five months after the legisla
ture adjourned.
As a consequence no
found , and a number of the boys are
compelled to go barefoot in the severest
winter wo have over had. Before leaving
the institution ! madotui inspection of the
foundations of the now $ r > 0,000 building.
So far as I can judge the material and
work are good. The foundations nro
briok , with Ft. Collins sand-stono
facings. Tins atone is _ bettor
for building purposes than our limestone.
What the Ruporstructuro will bo 1 could
not guess. The plans aront Lincoln , but
if there are to bo no brick cross walls
there is liability of a terrible catastrophe
sooner or later. E. R.
.9 AND 11KAUS.
IBS or ciiit'Ano MUIKKTM.
CIUOAIIO , Janunry 20. The speculative -
tivo markets on 'change ruled steady jcs-
torday. Wheat wont down call nrcund.
During the recent decline the boars mndo
heavy winnings nnd gained immense
courage , while the poor bulls lost both.
Said n speculator yesterday : "Tho
situation is now worse for those on the
long side than it has boon for months ,
owing to big losses. I am sensible of the
fact that wheat looks cheap , but tlio
situation is the only thing to l > o con
sidered. Our receipts will bo governed
only by the ability of warehouse men to
care for thorn. "
Rumors of heavy fniluroa on Wall
street have resulted in n panic to soil.
Everybody seemed to turn bear nil nt
once , nnd did their best to break down
the nlrendy weak market. May whent
dropped steadily under the strain until
it touched the lowest point since the
break began. Corn nnd provisions fol
lowed suit , nnd the bottom seemed likely
to drop out of everything until it became
known that the rumors of failures had
not the slightest foundation in
fnct , but were the invention of
certain big bears , who found legitimate
mentis unavailing. From this on the
different markets bognti to strengthen up
nnd many bears turned around nnd
bought heavily. In provisions Armour
nnd Fowler Bros , swnllowod up nil they
could lay their hands on nnd strong
houses mndo henvy purchases in other
markets , who sold and who bought , how
ever , cuts no figure , ns , just us likely ns
not , when n member of some firm is
soiling nil ho can ho has got a broker on
hand to buy everything that is oflored.
Tlio bulls so far have not lost much
money , but when they commence to lose ,
their enthusiasm will subside. The gov
ernment estimate , just published , indi
cates chat wo have raised , perhaps , tlio
largest crop over produced , nnd this is
emphasized by the largo arrivals of No. 2
now coming in.
On the other hand , many conservative
houses think that wheat has touched bet
tom. A. N. Bliss , who has for months
past been the biggest kind of a bear , has
flopped. " 1 think that henceforth wo
will have n higher range of values
in nbout everything. With present
conditions existing nest summer , wo
shall see wheat between § 1.15 and § 1.20.
If damages or short crops intervene , or
the ncreago proves Biimllor than now re
ported or an unexpected foreign demand
springs up , there is no telling whore the
price may atop. Under certain circum
stances § 1.50 for wheat would bo cheap.
I am just as big a bull on corn as on
wheat. 1 put the price of May corn nt
80c. This is my judgement nnd I have
got lots of other people's money to back
it up with , " and , as an unusually hearty
yell rose from 'the pit. the big bull wad
dled nway to see how much he had made
on his last fifty.
The truth is if it were possible to get
rid of the largo stock of wheat in store
without question prices would bulge nt
once , but not n bushel of wheat his loft
here for foreign countries since Jnnuary
1st , 188. ] , nnd now , notwithstanding
the fnct that the wheat market is large
ly oversold there is little prospect of any
permanent advance. The feeling is firm ,
quiet , encouraging , but little strength is
shown. The bulls , after persistent effort
sometimes succeed in working prices
up a trifle , but the moment the support
is withdrawn the market of its own
weight drops down below the starting
point. Corn , on the other hand , would
undoubtedly advance it not held back by
wheat , nnd confidence in that cereal
seems much shaken.
The cattle market rules nctivo nnd
somewhat irregular. At the opening of
the week the condition of the market for
shipping cattle was rather "shaky. "
Yalues were decidedly weak at 15&25c
lower than at the close of last week. The
quality of the cattle offered wns poor ,
good to choice fat beeves being very
scarce. Rough and half fat cattle , however -
over , were in heavy supply , and such
stock was rather neglected.
At the close of the week , when the
continued huavy supplies is taken into
account , the sustained character of prices
is a surprisa to the trade generally.
Shippers nt first scorned determined to
buy tlio cattle cheaper , but after they
all got to woik the competition wns suf
ficient to chock nny tendency to lower
prices. Common , rough , thinnish lots ,
which unfortunately comprise u pretty
largo propoJtion of the ofierings , showed
some irregularity , but for anything de
cently well fatted it was nn easy matter
to get former prices. From § 1 75
© 4.00 for very common lots , quota
tions ranged upward to SO O O.liO , nt
which a few drovca\ > f smooth , fat , 1-lu'O ,
to 1,400 pound ateora were taken for ex"
port. Few prime boovpa are offered , and
sales at ever § 0.00 did not roach over
4CO head , while ? 5.00pfi,85 got the bulk
City butchers bought several lotsof steers
at Si.COf'u.OO , nnd bulls sold fairly nt
§ 15 25ff > .lfi , The cauners and butchers
bought their quota of cows at § 2
4.00and ono choice cow , weighing 1,51C
pounds , Bold nt § 0,00 , Very few cowi
Bold under $3.00 , Calves were Bold n
§ l,00p7.2r per 100 pounds , and mile ) ;
COWB ranged at § 25 ( 55 per head ,
The stacker supply was somowhn
larger than usual nnd sales were brisk n
$ . ' ) .7Ff"l.10 ! , a few poor ones going n
§ 11,500'If ( iUA. Feeders were also plontic
and ruled cheaper , with sales nt 315 ! ! ( <
4.80 , choice being nominal nt$1.85 ( < if > . 00.
Although receipts of sheep have been
surprisingly liberal , the market does not
lose anything in firmness. It ia active
nnd strong for good ones , and at least
steady , though a little slow for loss do-
airable grades. The several classes of
buyers take hold in a generous way and
few sheep have gone from day to day ,
Sales range $3,7 < ir f > . ( ! 2J for poor choice.
ChlouKo'H Cltl/.oiih' lieimno.
OiiNMtio , January 20. The oflicora ol
the Citizens' League , an association whose
object ia the Bupprossion of the sale of
liquor to minors , have outlined their as
sault on the grand jury by challenging
the right of a number of Baloon-keoport
who are member * to aorvo on the panel ,
This has occasioned a sort of open wai
with the liquor dcnlora of the city , who
have called a mass mooting for Tuesdny
night to defend their confreres. The
Citizens' Lengtio makes the claim that
the grand jury has been mndo uphereto _
fore with the solo view of defeating any
indictment nought to bo obtained ngainat
The CrutokHlmnk Divorce.
llA.NNiim , Mo. , January 20. The
celebrated divorce cnio of Mrs. Mnry L.
Cruickshaiik ngainitt John J , Cruick-
shank , Jr , which has agitated church
nnd social circles for several yoaia past ,
hna been decided by the judge of the cir
cuit court , cr.inting the plaintiff n decree
and giving her $ 'K,000 ) alimony , n valua
ble residencean equal share of the house
hold property nnd the custody of the
daughter. The minor son was placed in
the care of the father. John J. Cruick-
shank , thf defendant in the case , is very
wealthy , being ono of the largest lumber
merchants of the Mississippi valley.
His Snfldcn Departure From Omaha
Explained ,
s Cni-oor In Valentino nnd What
PeopleTlilnk of Him ,
VAI.KNTIXE , Nob. , January 18.
To tlio Klltor ol Tim Urn.
In your issue of January 17 appeared
an article headed , "Sneakod Away , " in
which you accuse William Snoll , whowns
held for the shooting of Jessie Wright , of
acting the sneak and coward , in that im
mediately upon his being released from
custody "ho quietly slipped down to the
dnpot and took the noon train west , " nnd
the impression Is also convoyed that
Snoll is ono of the wild , reckless , loud
kind , too frequently found upon the
frontier , who ia in the habit of shooting
off boot-hooh , hata from heads , etc.
These are not facts , either ns to the man
ner of his leaving Omaha or ns regards
the character of the man.
When ho was arrested for the shooting
of Jessie Wright , William Snoll , being in
n strange city without n friend , so far as
ho know , in it , telegraphed of his mis
fortune to his friends nt Valentino
tine , nnd they immediately sent
a message to Mr. John H.
Smith , n Valentino stockman , who
happened to be in Omaha at the time , to
render Snoll whatever assistance was
necessary to secure his release.
Smith received this communicationlato
Tuesday night , nnd itVKS the first inti
mation ho hud of Snoll'o trouble or the
accident which led to it. He then busied
himself in Snoll's behalf , and effected his
liberty by going on his bond abjut noon
of Wednesday preliminary examination
being waved and bond fixed at § 1,000.
When this was done the Rtockman , who
had several car loads of cattle ready to
bo shipped to Valentino on the noon
train , found that ho had just ton min
utes to roach the depot , and not knowing
thai the deceased had not boon buried ,
but on the contrary supposing that HO
long a time had elapsed since her death
that her burial had taken place , and ac
cordingly hurried his follow townsman to
the depot and aboard the train , and the
two arrived hero Thuisday evening.
Snoll was worn out with the grief and
anxiety of the three proceeding days nnd
excited ever the legal proceedings to
which ho had been bubjoctcd , scarco'y '
know what ho was doing and naturally
obeyed Smith , who was acting ns his di
rector and advisor , like a little child , and
aa ho himself says , "Didn't ' think of the
duty which ho considered ho owed to the
dead girl until it wns too late perform
it. "
Snoll is not a saint , but in Northwest
ern Nebraska where ho 1ms lived for sev
eral years , ho is known as an honest ,
quiet , gentlemanly , good-natured , kindhearted -
hearted man. lie has lived in Valentino
since the town started nnd was never
known to sport , howl , or mnke other
"bad breaks. " Although living in n com
munity whore six shooters nro carried by
a majority of the men , nnd engaged in a
business that made n revolver almost n
necessity , ho was seldom if ever soon
with ono in his possession.
Ho has the friendship and sympathy
of every person in Vuleiitino and itwould
bo hard to make anyone here believe him
morally gul'/y ' , oven though on technical
grounds ho nliould be convicted of man
slaughter. It is not believed that ho
sneaked nwny from Omaha , and as for
forfeiting his bond he will bo in Omaha
at the next term of the Douglas county
district court as sure as ho is alive at that
Readers of TUB Br.i' hero fool that
your article is unjust and injurious to an
unfortunate man who has their heartfelt
pity , and who ia in no respect ao bad as
you have painted him , and they doairo
that the truth which is told nbovo bo
made public ,
Tlio Gni field Memorial Church ,
WAHHINOTO.V , January 20. The now
Christian church in thin city , known m
the Oarflold Memorial church , was dedi
cotod to-day. In November , 1880 , UK
work of raining funds beganand subscrip
tiona wore received from various parts o1
tlio United States , Canada nnd England
In May , 1882 , ground for the now build
ing was broken and the corner atone laic
on the first anniversary of the nssassina
tion of Proaidont Oarfiold. The service
will bo continued and concluded Tncsdaj
evening. The attendance to-day wn
largo , induing Garfield'a colleagues i
congress , President Arthur and Socretar
FrolinghuyBon , who sat in the circle alsl
in the body of the church. 0 over no
Bishop , in hia history of the Christiui
church of Washington , spoke briefly o
General CnrfiehVti connection with it
and said : It ia now little mor
than three years since n few members o
the church mot to inaugurate u work ii
whoso completion to-day wo rejoice. In
Homo of our hopes we have boon disap
pointed. He , whoso election to the
presidency gave such impetus to the
work nnd inspired the congregation to
now hope and courage , is no longer with
us ere the work is Bcarcely begun. He
was called away from his high honors tea
a higher. He has gone , but the work
whose undertaking is so largely duo to
his Christian faithfulness has not failed
of completion. The church which would
have been his rpligiou.s homo , naturally
bocnmo n memorial to his name , nnd here
through coming generations the visitor
to the national cnpitol will pause
to look upon the seat still
with us which hears his name.
LOXKOX , January 20. The Pnll Mall
On/otto , alluding to Oonoral Gordon's
mission in E ypt , nays henceforth Great
Britain has full undivided responsibility
in Soudan. Gordon , in going to Siudan
ns n representative of the British govern
ment , must entail , as n natural corollary ,
the assumption of similar responsibility
for affairs in Egypt proper.
General Gordnn gees to Siiakim direct.
At Suez ho will roach nn agreement with
rcgnrdi the co-oporntion of English
authorities in Egypt. Moussn , ono of
the loading chiefs , whose sons Gordnn
saved from death , will bo summoned to
Sunkim. Gordnn will assemble the
heads of the tribes nt Khartoum nnd an
nounce that he has come in behalf of
England to restore their liberty and put
n stop to the slave Undo. Jlavimj
finished the task in Soudan he will go to
the Congo country nnd denl with the
slave trade nt the fountain head. Ho
Expects to be tivo months in Soudan.
OITVJnnunry 20. In ( ho house of
commons , Blake , loading the opposition ,
in criticising the government's policy as
indicated in the upeech from the throne
said the part Canada had taken in the
London fishery exhibition waa barren of
results nnd the money would have been
spent to bettor advantage in concluding
tlio work of making u fishery treaty with
the United States.
A cuv I'oit iir.i.1' .
C.uuo , Jammry 20. The position of
the troops nnd Europeans nt Khartoum
is most critical. Retreat is cut off ns
the Arabs hold both sides of the river.
Herds of Arabs nro closing nround
Bcorbor , nnd the gonernl ory is , "who
shall help us , wo n o deserted. " The
roboh are camped within two hours
march of Sunkim. Oitnnti Dignn , chief
of the rebels , hna sent n communication
refusing to negotiate with the Egyptians
Ho occupies n position on the Sinknt
route twenty-seven miles from Suakiin.
It is reported that dervishes near here
have summoned the people to join the
fnlso prophet. A gront nrmy is expected
in ton days. The bearing of the people
has changed ominously. Some strong
influence ia nt work.
CAIKO , Jnnuary 20. Reported mur
der of Christiana at Khartoum.
LO.NMHIK , Jnnuary 20. The ironwork
ers' society nt Darlington to-dny received
a telegram from the iron nnd steelwork -
ors' society of Pittsburg , stntint ' ; that
agents were going to England to 'induce
workmen not to go to America. The
society resolved to circulate the telegram
in nil iron districts in the hope that no
British workmen would assist in defeat
ing their Lrotliora in America. * i " * '
CAIIIO , Janunry 20 Khartoum still
remains open to Cairo. The appoint
ment of Chinese , Qordon ia generally
wolcomedr aa > l it'iJraidrD chrrSs the cor
dial sanction of the government.
Settle or Go Out.
CniOAdo , Jnnunry 20. The supreme
court of Illinois has given n decision in
the cusp of A. M. Wright ot nl. against
the Chicago board of trade , which holds
that the courts have no jurisdiction in n
case whorq the arbitration committee of
the board voten to expel members for
failure to pay the differences fixed by the
committee. The litigation grows out ol
nn nllogod "corner" in wheat in July ,
1882 , Certain members of the board
were brought before the arbitration com
mittee nnd denied its authority , nnd
when the committee had fixed the set
tling price for that month nnd notified
those who had failed to Bottle to do so on
pain of expulsion , the latter sued out nn
injunction , which is now dissolved by the
court. Two jiibticcs disHontcd from the
Divorce in Illinois.
Cmi AI.O , Jnnuary 20. Judge Shepard
of the superior court has decided that in
order to secure n divorce under the Illi
nois statutes it is essential that the
complainant should bo n resident of the
state ono year prior to the filing of ap
plication for divorce , and it must bo
proven that b th parties to the suit wore
residents in the county whore application
is made at the time offences charged in
the bill occurred. As suspicion has al
ways boon entertained that n largo num
ber of applications for divorce were
made by eastern people who took up
thor residence hero to that end , and it
is expected the decision may go n long
way toward breaking up the practice.
A I'limu nt u Fire ,
CI.NCWATI , January 20. A boiler ox
plod i > d yesterday in the Cincinnati Cor
rugating company's manufactory. The
building < vus burned , It was also occu
pied by the Cincinnati Wiio Works com
pany nnd Bonlos' twine factory. The
total loss is over § 105,000 ; fully insured.
There were many very narrow escapes
but no ono was aorioualy hurt. Fifteen
girls in the twine rooms , on the second
Jtoor , were pauio stricken , and aovora ?
jumped from the windows , landing safe
ly. Two fainted on the stairway , but
were rescued. A young man , in saving
sonio wraps belonging to the girls , hnd
to jump from a high window , but escaped
Ordwny'H Iiinouonuu.
CiiicAoo , January 20. W. F. Steele ,
of Steele , Dak. , passed through this citv
to-day on the way to Washington wit !
documents intended to show Governoi
Ordwoy'a innocence of the recent brib
cry charges in connection with the loca
tion of the county neat of Potter county
Stoulo will submit the documents to tin
serotary of the interior.
Tlio llrloklujorn ,
CINCINNATI , January CO. The Brick-
lay era1 International union has just closed
a several days'session. It waa voted to
urge the passage of n bill in congress to
prevent the importation of alien labor.
The matter of eight hours for a day's
work was referred to the local unions ,
their votes to V > o sent in by August 1.
Tlio Wouttier.
For the Missouri valley : Fair and
generally warmer weather , westerly wiudi
and falling barometer ,
Mary Rose Matthews' ' Mnrderers
Promptly Haunted ,
The First Woman Lynched in.
Colorado ,
" Kid" Wade Bageod by the Vig-
Tappau's ' Second Confession of
the Mayboo Murder ,
Othur CrlincH nuil Crooks ol Moro or
IJCSM Importance.
DK.NXKU , Janunry 20 , Some three
months ago Mary Rose Matthews , a
bright , winsom little girl of 10 , was
adopted from the Denver Catholic Or-
nhrii' Homo by Mike Guddihio nnd wife ,
living on a ranch ton miles from Ourny.
Last Saturday afternoon little Rose sud
denly died nnd wns buried by the Cuddi-
hiei on n distant part of the ranch. The
little girl was cruelly treated from the
first , the neighbors said , r.nd her mystcr-
ioun death nnd hurried burial aroused
their suspicions , nnd the coroner of Ouray
wns notified , lie found the grave and
oxhumcd the body , when unmistakable
evidences of her cruel death werorovcnled.
The body wns covered with knife wounds ,
ono log wns broken , the skull
crushed nnd limbs frozen. She had , no
doubt , boon driven ut in the winter
storm to die. Cuddihio nnd wife were
immediately arrested nnd jailed. Friday
they were tried nnd found guilty of mur
der. About 1 o'clock n. in. , a band of
masked men wont to the hotel whore
Cuddihio nnd wife were temporarily hold A'J
in custody , overpowered the sherifFa
; uard and took the prisoners nway. They
both cried loudly for mercy , but as they
hnd ever boon deaf to the pleadings of
little Rose for mercy , so the vigilantes
closed their cars to the prisoners. They
were taken outside the town limits ,
whore the woman wni hung to n ridgepole
polo of n vacant cabin , while her hus
band was strung to the limb of a tree on
the opposite side of the road. Their
work ( tone , the vigilantes retired quickly.
The bodies were cut down nnd buried by
the coroner to-dny. John Carroll , Cud-
dihio'n brother-in-law , wna nrrcstcd with
the others , but for want of sulliciont evi
dence wns allowed to go. This is the
lirst instance of a woman being lynched
in Colorado.
MAILSHAI.I. , Tox. , January 10. Easton
and Cormack , ex-agents of the Texas Pn-
cific railway , nt Sherman , who defaulted
to a largo amount , passed west and were
captured at Ocean Springs , Mississippi.
They had everything in readiness to start
to Mexico.
ST. LOUIM , January 20. Edward D.
Easton , who was arrested yesterday at
Ocean Springs , Miss. , is said to have
stolen § 8,000 from the Texas Pacific
railroad when ho left Sherman , Texas ,
for Now Orleans , and that ho nnd 'his
confederates must have realized $75,000
to § 100,000 from bankers and cotton
dealers of Now York , on forged bills of
lading. Morton Cormack , who was
arrested with Eaaton , wns nlso an em
ploye of the railroad company and well
known in Now Orleans. Ho is supposed
to bo the man known ns Anderson , in
the fraudulent transactions of the gang ,
DALI.AK , Texas , January 20. There
will bo 40 cases each against Easton ,
Cormack and Lohnstoin , for complicity
in the Pacific cotton swindle. It is ex
pected that Cormack and Easton will
turn state's evidence , nnd startling de
velopments are looked for.
noon ( WOUND roii Huai'ioiON . f
YANKTON , Dakota , January 20. "Kid"
Wade , the noted desperado , and captain
of a gang of professional horse thieves ,
was brought here last night by Niobrara
valley vigilantes , en route for the scone
of his crimes. They captured him at Lo-
nmrs , Iowa. Ho is n hard character , and
is wanted in Iowa , Dakota , Nebraska
nnd Montana. There is strong suspicion
hero that hn will bo lynched.
JAMAICA , L. I. , January 20. Edmund
Tappnn , charged with the murder of the
Mayboo women has made n supplement
ary confession , in which it in said hn
acknowledges that ho and not hit brother
John , committed the crime , nnd indi
cated where the property stolen from the
Mayboes is hidden.
PiTTMiuno , January 20. When the
testimony was nil in Saturday , the coun
sel in the Nntt case ngrocd t * argue three
hours and n half each , the e.iso to go to
the jury to-morrow afternoon.
Captain Mury Miller.
WAHIIINOTON , January 20. Congreaa-
man Kellogg , of Louisiana , in whoso
atato Mra. Maty Walker made applica
tion for a license ns master of a stoam-
heat , argued her right before the solici
tor of the treasury yoatordny. The aoli-
citor acknowledged that there was no law
to prevent her holding a license , and so
decided. Secretary Folgor will urder
her license issued next week.
RAWUNS , Wyo , , January 20. Leroy
Donovan , convicted for the murder of
William heighten nt Rock Springs in
May , 188U , wad hanged here yesterday.
Donovan wns 23 years old. lie waa also
known ns John Leo , nnd by some he wns
supposed to bo a son of John D. Leo , the
Mormon , of Mountain Medows mnsaacre
notoriety. Ho killed Leighton for hia
money. Donovan was the first white
man executed in Wyoming by process of
Tlio tiUulotim's lirlilo.
, January 20. The
father of Bertha 0. Clear , secretly mar
ried a few daya since to J. B. Garrison ,
the "living nkoleton" has filed a bill in
equity praying that the marriage ba de
clared null and void , aa hia daughter ia a
lunatic and incompetent to oiiin any
contract. _ _
The body of Auxiibi Uuaeubcrger , uuir-
ieil by Itobcit lluchl , was { omul r.tUulnu
creek , N , ! . liiwul t > hut hU victim ami
eluded him a o.umti'r uf A mile a tha CTU k.
T Im ninnler * ! h-u < lU