4 ' , ' , ! ' G THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS , SATURDAY , JANUARY 19,1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , Jam 19 , I.sunscntiTiort IIATKS : By Carrier SO cents p r wcok By MM 910.00 per Year OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Hear Broadway. MINOR MENTION , Additional local on seventh page. Cheap railroad tickets at Bushnoll's. The police headquarters have a now clock now. Spiritual sociable this evening , music and dancing. j Christ Faul reports the loss of a spring wagon by thieves. i' "Comancho Bill" is now at large , the suspicions which caused hia arrest not leading to any tangible proof. The Malvern Methodists are having a successful revival , 20 persons having al ready boon added to the church. Mr. Peter Russull , with n gang of men , were yesterday putting up n telegraph wire from Omaha to connect with Rock Island wire No. 0. Tire queer larceny cases were in Vaughan'a court yesterday , ono man charged with stealing a pin , the other with stealing a whole houso. I. N. Empire has received $1,71 ! ' from the insurance companies , on account of his recant loss by lire. Iio purposes to repair and start up business again. The county auditor is sending out the needed blank books for the assessors to commence work with. In this city Ac cessor Stone will start out on his rounds next Monday. Walnut is hopeful over the promised improvement to bo made in the tovrn in the spring , noticeable among which will bo a $3,000 opera house and a $25,000 Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Abbott kindly remembered - momborod Tin : BEU oflico with cake and [ cigars , on the occasion of the marriage of their daughter Miss Myra to Mr. Craig- milo. The newly wedded onoa started I on their eastern trip yesterday morning. "Tho angel rolled the stone away. " Spiritual circle to-morrow ( Sundayaftor ) noon and evening , in Spiritual hall , at 2 and 7:30 : o'clock p. m. Entrance on Main and Pearl streets , first stairway south of postoflico , in Shugart & Beno's block. Dos Moines is the next point at which the Chicago Church Choir company ante to appear. It is to bo hoped that they will have bettor success there financial ! ; ' and otherwise. There is great room fo : improvement certainly in rendering thoi : repertoire. * t J. II. Nolligan , a young railway clerk was arrested yesterday tor disturbing th peace. It appeared that some drunken fellow abused him with his tongue unti forbearance ceased to bo a virtue an than Nolligan thumped him. Ho was accordingly discharged. Ezra Motts was called before Justio Vaughan yesterday on complaint of 0 , H. Mason , who charged him with steal ing a house 12 by 1G foot. Ho was dis charged , the evidence showing that then was a contract between thorn , undo sr : which Motts claimed the houso. t / B. Grab ] , who lias a tin shop on Uppo : Broadway , is reported also as ono of til | 0 victims of the recent forger's career. Tli fellow ployed the name trick there as i the other stores , making some simple purchases , and then presenting a chock iu payment and getting about $15 in cur- rpncy back. A young man named Charles Lincli was given a night's lodging atMr. Coorgo Tucker's place , in Anderson , Mills coun ty , and shortly after ho disappeared in the morning a watch and razor were mis sing. The young man was overtaken on his way to Council Bluffs , and made to give up the plunder , which ho had secret ed ia his boots. , The supervisors have instructed County Attorney Wyiutor to commence suit against Carroll county to recover the amount of fines recorded from parties convicted in the court of Carroll county after taking a change of venue from this county. The case is not an indication of any unfriendliness between the coun ties , but a teat cose to settle certain points of law about which thcro has been much difference of opinion. The monkey wrench man is reported as in the city again. Ho is a character . who winter before lust spent in bother > ing the police and was frequently ar rested for potty offenies , and always booked as "tho monkey wrench man. " He gained this title by his habit of bor rowing a monkey wrench or other tool > , but generally a wrench , and then pawn ing it for drinks. The last time ho lias arrested for being dtunk a fine railway lantern was in hia possession , which ho had not had time to pawn. The liveliest sight on Broadway yester day was caused by the running away pf g team attached to a dirt wagon. A boy named Partridge was driving , and as the loaded wagon waa coming down Glen avenue , by the old city building , achunk of dirt fell oil' , striking thu heels of the Itoraos. Th y turned into Broadway on the run , turning BO quickly as to caiuo ina wheel to give way ; dumping the boy of ! and covering him pretty well with dirt. The horses continued their dash , until they struck Shearer's niUk wagon , near Main street , smashing that some , and tbjNj they brpught up the rest of the "wicked dirt wagon against the lamp- jpost t Officer & Pusey'0 corner. THE PEOPLE TO VOTE , Tbc Official Putting of the Question as to a New Court Honsc a&d & Jail , How tlio Itnllotfl wilt llcnil. The county board of suporvisorn con cluded its session yesterday and adjourn ed. Ono of the most important matters of this session , in fact the moat import ant , was tlio now court house anl now jail project. The board has had some difficulty in perfecting the plan , nndono of the perplexities was in regard to grounds. Between the present court house and the vacant county lota stands the Episcopal church , and it was the do Biro that if the people should vote in favor of the improvements , that this piece of property could bo purchased by the county , nnd thus plenty of ground had for putting up the now buildings. It was not known what the Episcopal church folks would ask for the lot ; and whether they would sell or not , and some definite information was desired as to this before the plans were carried fur thor. That church has made an ofler now to sell the ground for 5,000 in case the county wants it , and at this figure the property will doubtless br > bought , if the proposition is carried nt the proposed election. As there are many misunderstandings as to some of the details of the action of < : gives boljw the reso ' Uon * adopted U full , so that the voters ) n..j jia.i. . . . . .u.vu to sco for themselves just what they are to bo called upon to decide by ballot. WHKUIUH , It is a matter of vital in terest end importance to the individual citizens of this county , and to this county as n municipality , that the public records should bo safely preserved and so guarded and protected from accidents by lira or from theft , so that the citizens may fool secure and free from anxiety on this subject ; and WHEKBAH , The present court house ol this county , whore said public records are kept , and the vaults in which the same are placed , are doomed by thia board not to bo fire-proof and as secure as they should bo , and it is the mature judgment of this board , after a thorougl investigation into the security of salt vaults , that in case of fire said records are in a very unsafe condition and in great and imminent peril of total des traction ; and WHKHEAS , The present court house is insufficient and inadequate for the need and demands of a largo and rapidly growing county , both with respect to tin arrangement , plan and accommodation of the court and jury rooms , as also th various county offices necessarily contained tainod therein. Therefore , bo it Jtcfiolvcd , By tlio board of supervisor of Pottawattamio county , Iowa , that tin following proposition shall bo submittci to the legal voters of Pottawattami * county , Iowa , at a special election to b hold for that purpose on the 20th day o February , 1884 : 1. Shall the board of supervisors Pottamio county , Iowa , order the con struction of a court house at the count seat at a cost of $100,000 , and borroi inonov thorofor by'tho issuance and negotiation . gotiation of county bonds to the amount , said bonds to bo for 31,000 oac ! 11 , and payable as follows : $40,000 in years , $40,000 in 8 years , and $40,000 i : i ) years , and $10,000 in 10 years afto date , said bonds to draw M per cent interest torest per annum , payable somi-annually said bonds not to bo negotiated at los than their face value , and shall the boar of supervisors , when they make the firs levy of taxes after the issuance * of sai d bonds , and every year thereafter , for th to term of six years , levy a tax of not toc coodiug ono mill on the dollar for th c10 purpose of paying the interest o > 10n said bonds , and shall said boari 1 , at the expiration of six yoai IB from the first levy to bo made as nfon 3- said levy a tax from year to year of BU fid 3f ficiont amount to pay the principal an id interest of said bonds as they same bi 0- coma duo ? ' _ ' . Shall the board of supervisors < of Pottawattamio county , Iowa , order tli 10 county jail at the county sent of sai id county , at a cost of $40,000 , and borrow money therefor by the issuance and nego tiation of county bonds , said bonds to bo for the sum of $1,000 , each payable six years after date with interest at the rate of 5J per cent per. annum , payable semiannual - annual ! } ! nald bonds not to bo negotiated ! for IOJB than facial value , and shall said board levy n tax of .j- .jof a mill on the dollar , when the iirst levy of taxes is made after the issuance of said bo > ds , and every year thereafter for the period of five years , for the purpose of paying intoroit on said bonds ; and shall said board , after the period of five years from the time of making said first levy , make a levy sufficient to pay the entire amount of piincipal and interest duo on said bonds ? All notes in favor of the first of the two foregoing propositions shall bo en titled "lor the issuance of court house bonds and levy of tax to pay tlio same "ji , , or "against the court house bonds and levy ot tax to pay the samo. " All votes in favor of the second of the two fore going propositions shall bo entitled "for the issuance of county jail bonds and the levy of tax to pay the same , " or "against the county jail bonds and the levy of , a tax to pay the samo. " And the county auditor is hereby directed to cause prop ! * or notice of the submission of said propo . sition to bo duly published as by law for such cased made and provided. ' Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cutting a specialty , G04 S. Main at. , up stairs , June a Sample , To the Kdltor of Tun BEK. Allow ino to congratulate you upon being the first and only paper to give ' a full and accurate account of the two great and important ovenU of yesterday , viz. , tes of city waterworks and open / ing of Dohanoy's now opera house , in The Nonpareil's meagre descrip tion of the ono and total failure of com ment on thu other , the contrasted dis. pluy of ontorprito cannot fail to have its eiiuct upon tlioau having tlio best inter cut of our city in viow. A DEB Saturday evening as Richard Green , in company with several others , were re turning ffom n dance in the country , they were thrown from the buggy by its tipping over while turning a corner , Mr , Oreen falling upon a barb wire fence , ra- celvinjj a most painful cut over the right eye. The gash extended from the center of the forehead to below the light torn- plo , cutting almost into the eye , and tearing a piece of flesh out just above the cheek bone. It was indeed a terrible wound. Aftxsr coming to the city Dr. Darnell was called and dressed the cut. The accident happened near Marno. As the buggy overturned , the team , a span of mules , "lit out , " which resulted in breaking n two-seated buggy nil to pieces. This was a very unfortunate oc currence all around. Walnut Bureau. Attend Casady , Orcutt & French's great sale , to make room for spring stock. Prices way down. 1'KUSONAU Mm. Kollogir , of Counul Muffs , 1 here v ItliiR her nlntor , Mrs. Kiigono Finger , nml will probably remain during the winter. Hnrlan Tribune. Mr. < T , II. Crrlg IcnvcH thin afternoon to \lslt rolntUos. Mr. O. D. Hooves , the veil-known ngricul tural Implement man , IB ngaln at the 1'aclfic. Mr. A. .T , Mandol was In Omnha yesterday. H. J. GlasH , of Chicago , is stopping nt the Ogdon. II. 12. W. Campbell , of Boston , woo among the comers to the Ogden yesterday. II. Clarkaon , of Topeka , was nt the Ogclen yesterday. 1'rof. Walter V. Harding , of Omaha , was In the city yesterday. JmnosA. Swopo , of Glonwood , Iowa , dined nt the Ogden yesterday , and then wont across the river. John fierce , of Sioux City , was nt lloch tola's yostonlay. Mr. Phillip * , of Chlllicotho , Mo.won nttho Pacific ycntordny. W. F. Clo\oinnd and dnughter , of Shelby , were In the city yestordny , and nt the Pn cific. cific.O. O. E. Moranof Lincolnwaa n Pacific house giiost yesterday. Col. E. Krotchmcr , of Cobnrg , WOB in the city yestordny. Prot. Storey U off on another trip to Dos Moincs to look after the electric light there. Private lessons on china given by S D. Rohso. Studio No. 12 N. Main atroot. atroot.FAVOEED FAVOEED BY FEIENDS , The marriage of Mr. James H. Crag milo to Miss Myra Abbott , dnughtor o Colonel and Mrs. E. J. Abbott , not only called forth many hearty verbal express ions of congratulations and well wishes but the newly wedded ones were the recipients cipionts of a largo number of beautifu gifta. Among which were : Decorated dinner set , E. J. Abbott. Silver castor , Mrs. Abbott. Cups and saucers , Miss Nellie Abbott Silver castor , Mrs. L. Hammer. Silver butter dish , Nettie Hammer. Sot silver tea spoons , J. B. Spangl and -wife , of Chotopa , Kansas. Plush odor case , L. W. Bell , Soutl Bend , Ind. Decorated tea sot , employes baggag department of the Union Pacilic. Silver berry spoon , J. W. Phillips. Sot silver spoons , W. F. Sapp an wifo. Silver butter dish , George Frum Shelby , Iowa. Fruit basket and plates , A. W. Luni Marble top center table , John Lint and H. C. Barnes. Napkins , table cloth and spread , D Mack and T. Bowman. Silver knives and forks , Mr. and Mrs G. Smith. Lamp mat and toilet mats , Mi Ella D. Spangle , Chetopa , Kansas. Vases , Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman. Pickle dishes , Mrs. Berry. Lamp-mat , Miss Tracy Berry , Silver butter dish , Mr. and Mrs. Rose cratis. Fruit stand , Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bick Bed spread , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ilico Towels , Miss Kate Brown. Table cloth , Mr. and Mrs. McMillon Silver fruit knives , Misses Ellio an Ella DuLong. Flower holder , Miss Carrie Daniels. Ottoman , Misses Celia and Mary Ba sett. Tidies , Mrs , J. 0 , Kimboll , of Omaha Nob. Nob.Silver Silver and glass fruit dish , Thoodor Lund. Sofa tidy , Miss Cora Marble. Six fruit plates , Mr. and Mrs. W. II Marble. Silver teaspoons , Mr. and Mrs.Charlo OarghanBon. Silver butterdish , Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Olmmborlin , Omaha , Nob. Berry dish , Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Myers , Logan , la. Silver knives , Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Nichols. Berry dish , Miss Clara Miller. Tidy , Mrs. D. Gray. Cream spoon , Mr. and Mrs. E. Schiok- otanz. DO/.OH napkins , Mis. E. P. Silver spoon holder , Miss Annie Pot- orson. Dozen napkins , Mrs. J. Hammer. Table cloth , Mr. and Mrs. White. Hanging lamp , Mr and Mrs. J. D. Nicholson. Bottle of perfumery , J. 0. Dollaven. Silver spoons , D. Maltby. Dozen napkins , Mrs. J. Purcupilo , Lorain , Ohio. The Homo Laundry makes a specialty of first-class work and guarantees satis faction. Olllco 107 South Main street. A trial solicited. BEOKEN PROMISES , When Will thu Union Pnoldo Kiar Keep Faith With Council Bhtffu ? The warning was duly given by TUB BEK before the passage of the ordinance giving Union avenue to the Union Pacific - cific , that there was little or nothing to bo expected from the railway company in nreturn for the ยง 40,000 gift. The out- coino is oven more than was expected The Union Pacific agreed to lay a double track and run its dummy trains every half hour. It has laid a single track and pretends to run a train once an hour. It was to run its "ferry" cars to Broadway. It has not done so , and now as before , leaves hero to go clear to the transfer , while the only direct road there , and only graded road leading directly there , has been given over to the railway. It promised to have suitable accommoda tions for patsongors. It has an unfin ished and dreary building , with a few benches in it , and evou this shelter Wholesale We Imve the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , Sock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces. Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As we buy above goods of Manufacturers in large quantities for Spot Cash , WP nre enabled to sell them low enough to suit competition. Ordeis promptly attended to. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Town MAYNE & PALMER , DKAuma IN Hard and Soft Goal , BULK AND BA1UIEI , IJilK , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIB AND BEWKU PIPE. Ho , 839 Broadway , . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. SMITH & TOILER. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. , OOTJ3XTOIXJ TnTTTvT W "PATRTl ATTonNEY AT LAW. MANAOEK OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- JUJ11N VV. Dh I.IVJU , TV. COLLECTION AGENCY. Office comer Broadway and Main street. THTTAT T3PT\rn X * fn GENERAL MERCHANDISE. UUJjLLN Drill U 05 UU , , 18 Main utrect and 17 Poatl stree TV/r / A V" 11/1 flTTTJ CRESTON HOUSE. 1V1 n A. IVlUXllMi Hotel , 217 and 210 Main street. TIT ? T p WTTTTP OFFICE , UIV t ) . J i VVm.XJj ) Corner Main and Fifth up-Btalre. Residence , 803 Willow avenue. "NT QHWITT1 ? JUSTICE OF mn PEACE , J.'l OVJ D. U JLlnLI. Office ( nor American Express. SO W A ma pt ) LIVERY AND FEED , . O VV XJVTLN Jjfl ) Will contract tor lunerala at reasonable ratea. 22 Fourth street. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO-CASH BUYERS. Pratt by return mall. 148 Broadway. 1 A POT ) TTnnTT MERCHANT TAILOR , O iiUUJj JXUUHt Stock Complete. Suits made nt reasonable prices. No. 805 Main St I P1 "P Q MfTTTT CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , CT. J. QI'IXJ.J1. Corner 7th and Broadway. Plans and gpedflcotlona hirolahed. T A MPQ PP A TVTPV MERCHANT TAILOR. UjfcLLViJjC ) XJV-Q.iNJ-l.lt ArtUtlo Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. TTflA / L1 XT QOTCT FURNITURE STOVES. UU VV Jl OS OU1N and HoiisehoM Supplies. 8o3 Broadway. TTMTYP XT TTATJT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , J-lliN JJ JL W HJa.Di.Lt James Block. Practice In state and federal courta. Q ! TVTTT1 AT iTfM Ani11)atn honso , < 21 . . . . . A ? ) and423Broadway. L. SovereignProp. P. J.Mont- AIM 11 All I U LVl O Komery , M. D. Plnelclan. PTYWTHNT T AT3T3HTT1 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , JJ-UVVliN U. JJ.D.DU 111 Notary Public and General Conveyancer. 416 Broadway. TJPTTPTJP TTnTTQP SMITH & NORTON , IlJIlVJuIlIJ HUUOIJ , Broadn ay opposite New Opera Uouso. Refitted 81 , Jl.BO pet day A'Large Assortment of Hard and Soft Goal STOVES ! STOVES ! STOVES ! Being loft over , must bo sold at your own prices. I need IMIISZIEID IR G-S I to nil contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. . GALLAGHER. OESiFfc. ESS. New Store , Freeh Goods , Low Prices and Polite Attendant. { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } is not open to the public. Often passengers , oven ladies and children , aru obliged to stand upon the platform in storm and cold for a half or three- quarters of an hour , while the locked door prevents their access to the fire in doors. Such are only samples of the way the Union Pacific has kept its prom ises. An OXOUBO has been made by the nldormanio godfathers of the scheme , that the company had until the first of January to lay its double track and got other conveniences , but oven that time has past , and now the excuse is given that there is too much frost. The fact is the Union Pacific will only make good its promises when forced to , and the present city authorities are not in very good shape to force the company. The com pany promised little enough in return for $40,000 worth of property , and even that little has not boon kept. OAUGHT IN OEESOENT OITY , Jim Snodilorly nntl Micky Hank Ai < roitoil fur DurRlarizlnK the I'ONtntlloo , The Eonaational safe-blowing and robbery - bory of the Orescent postofllco ia followed by the report that four fellows have been arrested for committing the crime , and that among them are the well-known Jim Snoddorly and Micky Hand , of this city. Both have rather bad records hero , and yet Snodderly has boon charged with many more crimes than ho has ever boon convicted of. Itia claimed that they got a boy hero to take them to Orescent Oily a day or two before the burglary , and this fact and the circum. atanco of their being out in the woods , and having a mysterious bag , auppoaea to contain burglars' tools , led to their ar rest Snoddorly and Hank claim that they went out trapping , and that the bag con tained a lot of traps , which they vroro netting in the woods , and that they , of course , know nothing about the burglary , A Sere Throat or > Cough , If Buffered to progress , often reeulta In lucurable throat or lunr trouble.ownV UrvnthM 2VocA " inutaiit rellei. Frank Stoner was brought before Jus tice Vaughn yesterday , on a charge of stealing a Masonic pin from R. P. Mack Ho was found guilty and was eont to jail for four days , being unable to pay the $15 fine imposed. Ho was also charged with assaulting Mack. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , such u Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Board * , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate ot TEN CENTS PEll LINE for the Bret Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent In. eertion. Leave adtcrtlsemenU at our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Broadway . WANTS. W ANTED Boy , with ponj , toiMUorTiiH linn. 'VS/'ANTED Experienced dining room gl'l Wace IT 115. per moult , Ogdeu lloiuo , Councjl Bluffs hiery tody in Council BluRato take WAN1KD Uellnrcd by carrier at only twenty cent * week. TT7ANTED An act > e man In Nebraska to look TT fBf ( the business cf one of the best mutu. heneflo'arv ' life usu anpe conipan'es ' now lniorpor atiut. lUfvrennes required. Literal pay for the right man. AiidretaJ. W. UtKOfll.e Council Uluffn IOKO. OLD I'APEHS For vale at BKE olllce , at 2icuiU a hundred , TpOB SALE CHEAP Agooleiloon , will blocked J ? good tlxturm good location , two pool tablet. Chatlea Lelbold. 40ailroadHa > . FOn SALE The wliclo era vialf Interest In a gen eral incrchandUo ftoic , doing good buslncsD ( lood and sutllcleut reasons fnr belling. Aodr s \V. ti , DEB otltcc , Cnuiull flufTs , Iowa. TfJlOHHENl A Urge , latiUsonicj furnished room JL' t flifl Klr > t a > cnuv , tw o bio -k from IWortli e. KENT Two flnel ) furnUhed roonu , fclnglu or en suite , 301 H. Oth ttreet , cor. 3rd , avumc. To Kent. Cell n S , W , Kcr u on DKSKUODJI Mrs , HJ , , HiltOD.M. . D , PHYSICIAN & SUKfrEON , 923 Middle Broadway. Council Bluffs. R , Rice M. D. n 1 lT/1TnO or other tumon removed without the uAUubilUi kn o or diawlngoj blood. CHRONIC DISEASES Over thirty ) can practical experience. Office Ji o. 6'1'earl Direct , Council liluOii fjTCoiuultatlon tnv Empkie Hardware Co 109 and lll'.S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN II ATS , CAPS BUGK GLOVES , 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. HOUSES , LOTS AMD LANDS JEJold. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished * " No. 4 Pearl Street , ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. BEOHTELE'S uropean The only only hotel run on the European plan "in this city. Now building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BECB TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IB E IMI O "V El 3D THEIR BUSINESS TO Omaha , Neb. , January 1st , HAVING SECURED WEST & FRITCHER'S OLD STAND , St. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOAN 1 REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in the County. DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PAPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING SY < AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of extiaordiuary Fine Carvers. DeVOL & WRIGHT,504 Bf2ateCdet10and WHY DON'T YOU OKTSJJIE OF FITOH BROTHER'S CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Fitting , Beet and Clieapc8t.JL.Fino Linen Collars and Cuffs. No. 715 Fourth. Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE In allourBocts and Shoes , regardless of. Quality. Don't miss this chance. S A. PIEilCE. lOOMnin Surer. ] DR. THOMAS JEFFERIS , No. 623 Sixth avenue , Council DluffB , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. -run VJAKS" KXprHigsci1 ; mir.Tr TURD A HKS- or Covvcik Hurra. Dlagnoela ( diseased conditions describe * ! ) without quetii lonlng. There are hundreds ot witnctuos to the ( act that the blind are restored , the deaf made to hear , alior > aral\sl8 and rheumatism of months and jeare standing frequently curtd In 2U minutes' time through pnycliio mesmeric , spirit or soul force , "These things were not done In a corner. " The only reliable proven tail ve and cure for dlph. therla known ( keep It on band ) . The best catarrh remedy In use. Small pox pretenUttve superior to \accmatlon. Ktcrycase of Indigestion ( deep. pels ) cured time required one to s > ! x weeks. Old ulcers , commonly called can ecru remo\ed without the use of the knife. In fact all acute and chronla dLieises oucccnefully treated. 1 he records of mortality show ( hat Dr. Jefferlea U the moat successful i raUlcioner ol me Mrlnu In the western country. III ) greatest succtus has bern In cases that has battled the eklll of otner doctors , as u ell as causing despair and financial ruin In many cases. TKUM3 UEAbONABI.K. No charge for consultation by letter or otherwise. Inclose rtaiuii where answers to letters are required. liest kind of rcfernces given. jtiT Tenons free from contagious disease will be re iei cd into hit Institute of Health for ticatment. JACOB Sllia E. P. CADWELL. 8IMS& . CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Office , Main Htreet , Iloomn 1 and tihugart & Ho- Uahou'i Block. Will practice ia State and edrnl aourti W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace , Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real e UU and collection agency , a Odd Fellowi oak , orer Byingi Bulk. , Jinfif- JOSEPH GAOrHEGAN. AND -COAL Corner llain street and I\lghth aumif , Coun Bluffs. trLnwest ratea and prompt delivery WINTERRESORT. _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. Ouii-o oar KTo 3tr , xr. Wo irua antco the cure of the following named dls- seases , or no liay : lllieumatlsm , Scrcfula , Ulcers , Catarrh , a I nlood and klndiseaiea , Drr | > epaia , Liver Complaint , Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Oout , Neu ralgia and Asthma , Theai Springs are the favorite resort of the tired anj debllitatjul , and are the FEEBLE LADItS BhSl FUIEND , Good hotel , lltery and bathing accomodatlon both winter and summer. Locality highly picturesque and healthy. Accessible by Wabiah railway , at E\ona , or 0. , B. & Q , at Albany. CorrosiKmdenca solicited , UUV. M. U. THOMPSON. Manager. 8 Uoam Springs , Oora.'P. 0.Gentry Co. , Mo. ANALYSIS. Specific Gravity , 10023 Reaction . .Neutral Carbonic Acid Gas , , . . , , . , . , Sfl In. per gallon Carbonate Calcium 35,021 Grains Carbonate Iron , , .741 ' Sulphate Magutsla , , ,3fb8 Sulphate Cald im IU8 ChlorldeSodlum , . , 7,260 Sllllca 1,668 .Alumina . . , .0,018 Organloand Volatile matter and loss , , , 1,4(9 Total eclidt per gallon , . . , . . . . . . . . . 87,174 Wiuour A. MKKHIU. , ChemUUi THOU. orricaB , u. u. rc T , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Dlufli . . U. Establishea - - 1856 Dealer * In Foreign a d Jtbittlc Ixtiitc aid Ilome becuntita