Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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    f f BLB DAILY "BEE OM.
The Nebraska National Bank
raid up captui 300,000
lorplns Fond ; NOT. 1,18il ( 16,800
H , W. TATK3 , resident , tor muif y tr Cubler ol
hi first N llon l Dank ot Om h .
A. R. TODZAUN , VIM ( President , o ! Dotton.
W. V. IfORSK , of W. V. WORSE & Co.
II. trOOtWOIVra , Ooun nor Jk Attorney l ' "
S KKKD , ot Byron Uood & Co.
This B nk opened tor btutncm April 17,1831
mong the leading buMncM men ot Omah , tnd It
btmlncsa Is conducted with wpocl&l reference to th
belt and Increasing Interestaollta mercantile pktroiu.
COLLFXJTION3 rccelv * prompt Attention and
charges lowest obtainable here or elsewhere.
INTKRKST allowed on time deposits upon tavor >
ibto term * and upon ftooounU ot banka and bankeri
FOREIGN KXCUANQK , QOTcrnracnt Uendl and
Counlv and CltT Securities bought and Bold.
Council Bluffs Loan and
Trust Company.
First Slortffstro Loam NfflotUlwl Commercial
Taper ami all ( Icxxl Becurltlra dMlt In. 39 I'eaif
rtroct , and 60d first avenue , Council IUulT > .
\ Nnw YOUK , January 17.
Money Kaay at lj2i par cent ; doting of
fered nt 1J percent.
1'rlmo rapor C@6 per cont.
KxchangaB Ua Steady nt 1,81 ; ilemnnd ,
1.S i.
Governments Strong.
Stocks Tlio stock mnrkctopouixl wenk and
l5 per cent lower , but subsequently milled
i@l per cent , and the market won ipiite firm
for half nn hour. About 11:30 : Wont Shore
broke 1 $ per cent , nnd Western Union broke
from 733 to 71J per cent on cnormoui transac-
Uons , Subsequently Wabash was nttaukod ,
and common broke from 171 to 14 per cent ,
and preferred from I88 ! to 27 per cent. The
general market was unsettled. During the
last hour there was n Hharp and actlvo buying
movement In the entire list by IcadlpK' opera
tors , which carried prices up 1J@ . ' < per cent
from the lowest point of the day. After the
L-IOMO of business the Trunk Line difliculty
was settled. Delaware , Lackawanna & Western -
ern Kailrond company is to enter the eastern
pool and the allotment of percentage is to bo
nettled by arbitration. Northern Pacific se
curities advanced after the election of Harris
.is prtHulont. Illinois Central wa3 n feature
of the market , and rose to 13G per cent on the
declaration of an extra cash dividend of 2 per
cunt. In final dealings there was a general
advance. The market closed strong , and com
pared with last night the closing prices uro
} @li per cent higher , except Wabasb , which
la i per cent lower.
* * < ) * * 100
4 'a Coupons . 1142
' Bt 12 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I'acilic 6 'a of " 93 .
American Express .
TSurl. , Cedar Kapida & Northern. . . . 70
Central Pacific . 05
Chicago & Alton . IKS }
do do pfd 14. ,
Chi. , Burl. &Quincy. . . . 120
Vrln , 'Tit
do pfd . li'A
Vort Wayne & Chicago . 132V
Hannibal & St. Joseph . 38 }
do do do pfd. . . . . * 88T
Illinois Central . 135 ?
lad. | I'.ooui. & Western . Ifijj
Kans.vt fc Texas . L'O ?
3 jake Shore & Midilpau So . 9.r > i
Michigan Central . . . 9
Minneapolis fc St. Louis . in
do do do pfd . ! ! 2
.Mlsoouri Pacific . 87
Korthern Pacific . 241
do do pfd . Glj
Northwestern . . lUli
do pfd . 142i
New York Central . 112 |
Ooio & Mississippi . 22i
do do pfd . 'Jl
Peoria , Decatur & Evansville . 13i
"Rock Island . 1151
St. Paul k. Milwaukee . 88J
do do do pfd . Ill
St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba . 05
St. Fault Omaha . 0
do do pfd . 91
Texas Pacific . 173
Union Pacific . 7U
Wabauli , St L. & Pacific . 1iig
do do do pfd . 281
Western Union Telegraph . 72 ?
* Axkod.
CHILAGO , January 17. Auothor s-oxero
break iu wheat ocourrod during the middle
eswion to-day , which proved staggering to the
"bull" interest , oupplomonting as it does , the
repeated and heavy dropd of the past week.
At the closing on 'chungd yesterday the ten
dency was fltronger , and May had run up cloce
to 9'Jc , aud the "bulls" appeared confident
that the tide had turned in their direction.
Without premonition aud no known influence ,
Mttyvhcat dropped rapidly this morninx
until at 11:30 it hail touched HGJc , the lowest
] > oint yet at which sale. ? have been mads.
Mnet HtrenuouB efforts could not revive any
particular htreugth into the market. At
noun May option had crept up to POiJc and
allowed porno atcodinoss. February wheat
sold as Ugh as 91ic , but fell off to DJc , and
xhortly after the noon hour waa qtiotablo nt
I'JlCJ.OOc. Corn weakened In sympathy with
.wheat aud May Hold down to .r > 7c , orljc undur
the clewing pries yoattrday. February gold
down to O''lc , and showed little strength.
Oats fell off i@Jc , May selling down to 'tCfc ,
1'obrtiary 32ic. Pork declined 32ic , May
xolling at % U 00 , and lord declined 27Jc , May
xelliug atSSOO.
At l'J:30 : May wheat had fallen off to lfc ,
while other markeU allowed a shade more
CiiiCAfio , January 17. Flour Market dull
and unchanged ; medium to choice enrlnp
wheat Hoard , 4 00@ < t 75 ; fair to tine winter
wheat Mourn , 4 C0@i5 2S ; Mlnnoaota bakore1
good to choice , 4 7G@D 00.
Wheat Regular wheat , unsettled and do
pressed. Market opened lower , and dt-clinoc
JJo balow yesterday's closing figuroa on th ' (
regular boaid , but closed within fjc of .the In
Mo prices reached. January closed at 89c
February at UOJc , March nt HI Ac , May at ! ' 7j
ftffl"\c. \ Winter wheat dull at S'JJc ) ( ; sprluf
lower and quiet at 8'JJ@89Jc.
Corn Active , but lower. Market opsnw
V fo below yeatcrday'0 call board prlcng , and do
cltued nearly 2o below yesterday' * regula
board'u closing figurai , and finally cloved a
Igo lower for January , Uu lower for I'obru
aryand May : caih closed at rilZ@r 2c ; 1'olj
ruary , fl3fc4C3ic ; Mnroh , r.2Jc ; May , -'b
C74c. '
OaU ( iulot aud lower. Miurket ilecllnm
and ranged J@lo cash , and No. U sold at V
lower. Cash closed at 821o , Felmtiiry lit a2lc
April at ailc , May at 30icl
Hyo Market dull ; cash Jo lower ; elided : i
Wo.Uarloy Market neglected at f/Jc.
Timothy Prime Kradei , I W@l ) 31 ; cliolc
very hijjli grades , 1 H6@l 37 ; common , 1 25i (
Vlax Heed Market Inactive nt 1 17.
Mew Poik Market Bteady ; trading malnl
for February and M4y delivery. oi > ened lOf
1'Jl lower , further receded 20@SOo , rallied 1
fwJ''Oo and cloned culet | C'aah , 14 W @ 14 (
Febraary , 14 07ir 14 GO ; April , II 87J
U HO ; May. 15 03 ® 15 171.
Lard Afarket antUo but'niled weak , priw
rocodoil 20@SOc on the whole range , rallied
ftirain 3(5ilOo ( , and closed fairly t ad7. Cash ,
8 024-5)8 ) C5 ; Fobniary , S 07J ? April , 8 l 0@
8li"May ! , 8 ! 0@8 l > 2' . .
Itulk Mo.ilsShouldorfi , 0 : :0 : ; long clear ,
7 00 ; thort ribs , 7 70 ; riiort clear. 7 ! .
Itntter In good ddiuand ; full prlcoi
roll * , common ,
Choose -Choice grndps hold firm ; cholco
full crenm chcclilnvn , lS@iiJc : ; cholcn full
cream flats , 13@lUc ! ; good irl i pklin died.
tlam aud Unto , Sp.'A- .
KKPI Demand lltnitod Vitwh , 5" ? "t' > c.
Hid -Market firm ; ywH nalw : pri-on
salt cmod bull and dnmngod , l' o : grcou salt
wired , light and heavy , S < c : K > > I dry milt
calf , lie ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. I country , 7c ] ;
cake. 7Jc.
Wiilskv At 1 Ifl.
OAU. ilOAiin. Wheat Itogularo high.
or for February and Marcho ; lower for
May ; latter closed at 07cj saloi , 1,820,000
Coin Jo higher for 1'nbniary ; others iin-
cliaiiged ; May closed nt M c ; sales , -120,000
OaU Jo higher for February nnd May ;
othcn unchanged ; M ay closed at30 o ; Hales ,
3ir > ,000 bunhels.
Pork 'JJo higher forFebniiry , and 5c higher
or for May ; the latter closed nt 15 10 ; nates ,
r,000 bbls.
Lard 2..o hlglior for Fobrimry and March ;
others unchanged ; May cloiod nt ' .100 ; nalos ,
7,000 tiorcoj.
XBW YOMK , .lamiary 17. Wheat Caih.
lii'Jc ( | lower ; options opened unsettled and
1 jfe'JVc lower , but later were stronger , closing
atj@jc. abi\o Inside prices ; ungraded red ,
8'5c@l ' 12 ; No. 4 rod , 84o ; lO. 3 rod , 'JOJ ®
WJc ; No. I ! red , 1 01@l as.
Corn -Cash , li@2jc lower : options It@i2c
lower , chiiing Htoady with a recovery of i@
Be : ungraded. ll@G2c ! ; No. 2 , C0@fi2c.
Oata iu lower , closing barely xtcady ;
mixed \\wtern , ! i9@42c ; white , 42 ® 5c.
litresVestern froih , higher nnd firm at
: < ! r32c.
Pork Dull and lower ; new mew , 1 1 25 ®
14 ) .
Liirdl.owor ; priinesteam , 9 00 ® 9 07 .
UAI.TUIOHE , January 17. Wheat Weatorn
louernnd inactive ; Ito. - winter red , cash ,
iul January , 101ml ( 0. " ) .
Corn Wcstoni , lower aud dull ; mixed cash ,
Oats Afarkot firm and dull ; woatorn white ,
4-t4Ccj mixed , I2@43c.
Ityo Market steady at 72@7'c.
Uuttor Western packed , dull at 10@22c ;
creamery , finn nt SOCf ! )5c. )
Eggs Market quiet and oailor ; fro h , 30
Whisky Quiet nt 1 18 ( 1 184-
IiIVEiu-not , January 17. Wheat Market
very innctUo ; winter , 8s 2d@8s 10 ; Hpring ,
Corn Steady and dull ; now , "s 3d ; old ,
01 BJd.
KANSAS Cur. January 10. Wheat Mar
ket lower at 8080i { for cash ; Sc ! for l-'cbru-
ary : 87'aS8o < for May.
Corn Lower at 39c | for cash ; 39io bid for
February : 44J cfor Alay.
Oats lnll and norrinal ; 30c asked.
ST. uui3 ) 1'iiont'cy.
ST. Louis , January 17. Wheat-- Lower
and alow except for May options which were
actho1 ; No. 2 red , 99Jc@l 00 cash , 100J bid
for January ; 1012 for February ; 102ft for
March ; 105J@1 0 , " . | for May ; No. 3 rod , % c.
Corn Lower anil dull , except for May ; 4GJ
@ 4Gi5c for cash ; 40S@4C''c for January ; 481c
for March ; 51@51Jc for May.
Oats Lower andolow ; il'Al for cash ; 32l@
33o for January ; 32Jc for February ; 3Co tor
llyo Lower at TM'.O.
liarloy IJiill at50"80c.
1'laxseed Nominal.
Hay Unchanged ; prairie , 10 OOfa ! . " > 00.
ISran Unchanged at 7ic. !
Corn Meal Firm at 2 S5.
Whisky SI 15.
Provisions Krm but slow except for bacon
which was active.
Pork 14 05 for old , 15 00 for now.
Lard Nominaally lower.
kjAtt , liOAltn | Wheat Kasier ; 99Jc bid for
January ; 1 05 for February ; 1 05- , ' for May.
Corn Steady ; 4Gl@407c bid for January ;
17o for Febiuary ; 51Jc for May.
Oata Qniat ; JSG e for May. No other nulcs.
NKW ORLEANS , January 17. Corn Quiet ;
white , higher at G2c.
Oats Fair demand and lower at 49c.
Corn Meal Higher and scarce at - 09.
Pork Steady and in fair demand ; new
15 C2J.
Lard Steady ; tierce , refined , 8 75 ; keg ,
9 2.- .
2.UulkMoata In good demand : inl irreg
. Whinlcy Steady and unchanged ; wettein
rectified , 1 05 ® ! 20.
Mir.WACKCE , January 17. Wheat Market
WeakerlNo. ; 2 , 88Jc : January , 88Jc ; February -
ary , 89Jc : March , UOJc ; May , IHiSc.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , 51c ; rejected 47@18c.
Oald Quiet and steady ; No. 2 , 32Jc.
Jlyo Lower ; No. 2 , 5tic-
Uarloy Market dull ; No. 2 , 52c.
CINCINNATI , January 17. Wheat Market
heavy at 1 01.
Corn Scarce aud firm ; No. i ! mKod , f > 2c.
Oats Stronger at 37@37ic.
Rye Kahier at G3c.
Parley Fair demand at Clc.
' Pork Quiet at 11 OOC H5 00.
Lard 1 fcavy at 8 GO.
Bulk Menbi Firm.
Whisky Firm at lit.
TOLEDO , January 17. Wheat Market
demand light and firm ; No. 2 rod , cusb , Mi
c@l 02.
Corn Quiet and steady , at 52c ; cash and
January , 523.
Oats Market steady ; [ cash nnd January ,
ClflUAQO , January 17. Hecelpt ) and ship
ments of flour and grain for the paat 21 hourv
bare been ua follows :
Receipt * . Shlp'tn.
Flour , bbis 18,000 211,000
Wheat , bushels fm.OOO 12,000
Corn , bushela 1 Ull.OOO 140,000
Outs , buHhels 110,000 88,000
Rye , buaholH 8 ,000 3,000
Barley , bushels -12,000 2ii,000
NEW YOKK , January 17. Keceipta and
Bhlpmcntgofflourand gram for the payt24houra
have been uu follow * :
Receipt * Slilp't * .
Wheat , Iraakehi ( i7,0X ! ) 50,000
Corn , buahelH 81.0CO 1,100
Oat , buahelfl 14,000 125
CHICAGO , .rniiunry 17 , Recolpbi and ship-
inents of live stock for the paat2i hours have
been as followa :
RocntpU. Bhlp'to ,
Cattle 7,300
: Hop ) 27,000
Sheep 1,000
* KANSAS CITY , January 17. JlecelpU and
ahlpmenta of live stock for the pant 21 houri
have boon ua follow * ;
Itocolpbi. Ship'ta
Cattle. . , 1 5
Hogs. , . . , ( > ,000
Sheep 1,100
ST. LODIH , January 17. Receipts aud shipments
monts of Hvo stock for the pant 21 bourn havi
bean ui follow * :
Receipt * . Shlp'ts
Cattle l.MXI 4,00i
HOK 0,700 JI.OOi
Sheep 2,300 1,80
CHICAUO , January 17. The Uroicr'Jon :
nnl roportu IhU ufturnoon iu followa :
Ilogt Karly ealos utroui ; and prices cJosei
lower ; packltiff , li 30o)5 ( ) 05 ; iiacliioL' an 1 shir
plnfr. 5 70&0 40 ; light , 5 10&5 75 ; sklp , 4 C
@ 5 00. ,
Catlle Strong ; exports , C 00@7 00 ; good t
15 chulce vhlnplnp , 6-15 < aiiOO ; common to me
; diuin20@530j Inferior to fair COWB , 2 500
4 00 ; medium to good , 3 tKl ) 00 ; btocken
8 00 ® I UO ; foedew , 310 ® J ( X ) .
Market iteady ; value * uuchtngei
Inferior to fair , 3 00@l 00 per cut ; medium
la peed , 1 00 ® I 7. % ; choice to oxtrn , " > 00Jn
C 7" > .
ST. Ioi H , January 17.Cuttle ( ! < > d to
fair cattle wanted At firm price. * , but the
offering Is light ; poor ntuff dull : ntporU , l > 00
fi 40 ; gKMl to rhiilct1 , 540ii 0 00 : common to
fair , 4 tWctiZ 25 ; gowl butcher stoorn , I 50&X52 : > ;
cows fttuniclfor * 3 50@ I 2S.
Sheep Host grades firmer and higher ; good
Uiixtr.i. IX530 ( ) ( ; common to fair , 25lfi' (
350.Hogs AcU\e , dtronc sind higher : light ,
ft * > 0 % A Ifi ; packing , . "i l0d ! < " . ' .HI ; liutvhrra to
etttfi 7" > t , l 20.
CirInnunry 17.- The Dully In.
dlcator reports :
Cattle-Steadier ; natiNO" . I ( Vigil 00 :
slockers nnd fced r , 3 7" > @I 50 ; row < , 3
100.Hogi Straily : clo-md we.ik nt 5 2.'fe'i ( Oi ) .
Shooit Market quiet , nml unchanged ; n.v
lives , I 00. '
\VliolcHnto I'ricon.
Omen or THE ONTAIIA Ru. )
Thursday Evening , January 17. I
The following prices nre charged retailers
by Jobbers , wholesalers nud commission mer
chants , with the exception of srnln , which Is
quoted at Iho prices furnUhod by the olevalorH
and other local buyers :
WHEAT Cash No. 2. 7llc ; Nn. S , f' ' : .
BAIU.ET Cosh No. 2 , lOo.
RTE CashNo. 3,40c.
CORN No. 2,30c. ,
OATS No. 2. 2ic.
I.lvo Stock.
FAT STKEHS Quiet at 4 00@5 00.
FAT Cowa-3 00@3 50.
Hoos-4 7"5 ' 2/ . .
SHEEP 3 00@3 7fl.
CALVES Fair ( lunllty 4 50@500 ; ; good.butch-
rs1 slock , 050.
Klour AiulgMlllHtttflB.
WINTER quality , pat nlat
SPIUNQ WHEAT Boat quality , patent ,
3 25@3 CO.
BHAN 55c per ewt.
Cuoprr.i ) FEED 1'er 100 lb . 85c ,
CouN MEAL 1 00(3)110 ( ) t > er owt 2
SOUEKNINO C5@75c t > or cw
Gcncm ! I'roiluun.
BUTTKII Fancy creamery. 3Ti@35c ; cold
storage creamery , 25@27c ; choice dairy , 20
@ 21c ; best country , solid pricked , 12@15c ;
boat country , roll , ! C@lSc ; inferior grades.
10@1 ic. Receipts nre Kiuall , nnd the demand
KOCH Market Blocked ; sales to-day iit20@
@ 22c ; demand light.
MEATS Hams , 13Jc ; bieakfoHt bacon , lOjc ;
clear side bacon , short , 9ic ; clear flldn bacon ,
long , lic ; dry sail hhoit , 8Jc ; dry salt long ,
8c ; shoulders , 7c ; drio < l hoof , 12\c ; lard , refined -
fined , 10 jc.
Arrrjw Fancy Jonathans , SI 50@i5 00 ;
fancy Bon Davis , SI OOlff 1 00 ; fancy Jenot ,
S3 00@3 50 ; faucy WillowU ig , S32.Vg3 75.
Demand good.
CHEESE Now York State full cream , late
September make , lie ; Now York State full
cream , 10 hoop lota , 13Jc ; do full cream , 50
hoop lots , 13c ; Wisconsin , full cream , Inbox ,
14c ; Young Americas , Htriclly full cream , 14c ;
full cream , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lolo , llAc-
full cream flats , 121c ; full cream flala , lllc ;
fancy brick choejo , 100 Ib C.VSCH , 15ic ; Limburger -
burger 13ic ; gouuino old Swiss , 1'Jc.
I'OTATOKS Recoipti email nnd prices
good. Consignments of ntiictly choice ,
Forge sized , straight potatoes are felling
from 40 to 4.'c ; rn > Mid cars 35 to XSc and
light demand ; poachblows , 50c.
SWEKV VoTATOiw Choice yellow , none.
UNIONS No demand ; market overstocked.
jBKANS Hand picked native * , $223@250 ;
hand picked mediums , § 1 75@2 00. Receipt -
coipt larpo.
GAME I'rairio chickens , per doz. , ? 3 00 to
S 25 ; quail. ? 1 25 to 1 50 ; snipe , ? 1 50 to I 75 ;
ducks , Mallard , per do2 00@2 50 ; mixed ,
SI 50 to 2 00. l > ei careful that your
game comps to market in nice condition.
FKESH OVHTKUS Selects , 40c ; standards ,
35c ; mediums , 2fic.
1'oni.Tiiy Live chickens , per doz , 175@
200 ; full dressed chickens , porlbS@10c ; tur
keys , per Ib. , 15@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; goose ,
LEMONS Extra fancy bar lemons , SG 00 ;
fancy Messina lemons , per bor , 5 25 ; 5 box
lots , Messina lemons' , $5 00 ; 10 box lotu do. ,
84 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , § 1 50 ; do 5 box
lots , S 25.
ORINGKH Valencias , 8 00 ; Mwinni' 25.
CRANBERRIES Boll nnd bugle * ; $1000 ®
12 00 ; bell and cherry , 8'J 50felO 50. Above
( [ notations for choice.
DATES Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@9c ;
quarter crates , lOc.
Fioa 25 Ib. kegs , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. bor ,
oyer , per Ib. , ICc ; smallj valn per Ib. , 18c.
COCOANCTH Kxtra , fine , per 100 , 8 00.
CIDEU 1'nro sweet cider , 22 gal keg , ? (5 ( 00 ;
M. & r. clarified , 10 gal keg , 34 75 ; M. & 1' .
clarified. 32 gal keg , § 8 00.
I'IGH 1'crr , i'mri : , KTC. Pigs feet , 15 Ib
kits , 8115 ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 25 : pigs feet ,
80 Ib half bbl , SI 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib hit * , SI 15 ;
tripe , -10 Ib qr bbl , 82 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl ,
$1 00 ; pifr * tongues , 15 Ib klt , $2 50 ; pigs
tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , fC 00. Lumba' tonfues.
15 Ib kits , § 2 C5 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , § ( i 25.
MINCE MEAT Atmoro's , 181b buckets
( buckets 25c ) Oc ; 371b bucket * ( bucket 40c ) ,
, ' ; lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barroln , SJc.
ABHOiirun.lKU.Y 2-lb Btonojnrs ; 12 in case ,
pot doz , ? 2 25 ; tumbler , per doz , $1 05 ;
schooner , per do/on , 310 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4
doz. in CUM , SI 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz ill cose ,
§ 450.
Bnr.K .TKtMEf ) Currant , 30-lb wood nails ,
per Ib , 8Jc ; Btraivberry , SO-lb wood pails per
Ib , 8Jc ; raspberry , HO-lb wood palls per Ib ,
Sje ; blackberry. HO-lb w < , r > d pails per Ib , 8Jcj
crab apple , ! JO-ll ) wood I n-ils onr Ib , 8\c. \
Arptc HOTTER 35-ll > wooden n la , per Ib ,
8c ; 5-lb wooden palls , G iu ckxi tier cano ,
I'KAOII BrJTTEn 2rt.ll ) wooden jiailn per Hi ,
$11 00 ; 5-lb wooden pulLi , G In CILSO , per case ,
$ -1 25.
PIUCSEHVKI ( In 20-lb wooiloii palls ) R sp.
berry , 15c ; Btrawborry , quince , 14c ; poach ,
14c ; cherry , 14e ; tomatoes , lie ; plum , lie ;
assorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G in case , per
case , $4 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin uans , 2 doz In
cafe , per case , $ G 50
' 2-lb fnuiics , 2Mb
cases , per Ib , 18c.
HAT Baled , 8 00@10 00 per tou ; In bulk ,
G 00@G 50 per tou.
CANNED GOODS Oysters ( Standardp ) r case ,
3 70@3 90 ; utrawborrles , 2 U > , per case , 2 00 ©
2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 ! K ) ; Bartlett
peani , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , tier case ,
3 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 00 ; green
gages , 2 It ) , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 tb
per caae , 4 B0@5 50.
ROPE SUal 4 inch and larger , lOc , 3 Inch ,
JOJc ; i Inch , lie.
CANDLra Uoxca , 40 llw , ! ( ! , 15c ; So , 15ci
bozna 10 Ibs , in ( u. , Cn , 15o ,
MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round , CJMOB ,
2 55 ; MJUUTO canes , 1 70 ,
SCUAKH Powdered , 9Jcj cut loaf , 91c
granulated , 8\'c \ ; confoctlimor ' A , 8oStaml | |
ard extra C , 7Hc ; extra 0 , 7\c \ ; medium yol
low , 7c ; dark yellow , < i''c. '
COFKEES Ordinary pradea , 12@12Jcj fair K
@ 13ic ; g6od , lie ; prime , HV&llilc ; cholcs
10@17c ; fancy green andyellowlG@lGlcoI ; (
government Java , 20@20c ; Leveriii'ii ( roasted
18c : Arbuckle'u roaitod , l ] c ; McLaughlln'i
XXXX roasted. 181c ; mltation Java , 10i
(3jl8o (
RICE I/nildlaim prime to choice. 7c ; fair
Cjo ; Patma , Oi'c.
Finn No. 1 mackerel , half brU. , 8 00 ; No
I mackerel , rflU. 1 15 ; family mockerol , hal
brls. , 0 00 ; family mackerel , klta , 05c ; No. :
white U h , half brla. , 7 00 ; No. 1 klta , 1 05.
SriiOP-Standard Com. , 82c , boli ; Staudar (
do , 4i gallon kogg 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 golloi
Hoiu- Ib papers , 3 80 per case ; keg j > er Ib
PlcKUS-Medlum , in barrel * , 7 00 ; l
In half barrels , 4 00 ; muall , | n barrela , 8 00 ; d <
In half barrelB , 4 50 ; gherkltu lu barreb , 9 00
do In lialf barreU. 5 00. '
T Aa-Gunpowder , good , 4B@B5c | dioloe ft
g7Cc ; goodImperial [ , 40@43o ; dioloe , C0@65c
Young Hygou , good , 8G@50o ; choloe
G5c@l 00 ; Japan , n tur I leaf , 36oj Jupun
choice , G0 7Pc ; Oolong , ( rood , 35@40c ; Oolong ,
cholco , 40@ > .V > c ! Smichone , eoo < l , 35@tOo
choice , S.KS'45c. '
WooiiRjiWAJin Two hoop pMU , 18. ;
thrco hoop imild. 2 10. Tnlw , No. 1 , U 00 ; Pioneer
neer wAKhljoanlK , 185 ; Double Crown 290 ;
Wolllmckotx , 3 8S.
HeArs KlrkV Savon Imi > orlM , 3 45 ; Kirk's
satinet , 3 00 ; Klrk'x otnndard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
whlta Russian , 52T. ; Kirk's outoca , 2 Ifi ;
ICIrk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( chkos , ) 40c ; Klrk'g
miurnolln , doz.
POTASH -PomisylvMiia cano , 4 cn o , in case ,
3 35) ) llabbllt.R ball 2 tlo . In 0.10,1 00Anchor ;
ball , 2 doz. in cwo , 1 50.
CANDY French mlvcd , In 30 Hi. palls , ipc ;
Amnrlcnn mfxod. In 30 Ib jmlls , 14c ; Brilliant
mixed. In 30 Hi palls , 13c : Nohliy inixotl , In SO
Ib nail * , 13c ; Coint > etlUon mixed , in 30 Ib
iml ! , 12jc ; Kxcelcior ntlck , 'M Ib pMU. U'c ;
double relined , 30 Ib tmlld , 13c : CrjTtal mixed
30 Ib palls. 15c ; Old , ndxnd , 30 Ib pntls ,
He ; Tip Top , mlxoil , M ib j.alls , 13c ; Flirt
mixed , 30 Ib iialln , lljc ; Flirt , stick , 30 Hi
palls , llic ; Tip Tim , ntlck , 30 Ib pnlln , 12c.
VlNEOAH ow York apple lOc ; Ohio up-
( ilo , ISc.
SALT Dray loado , per bbl , 1PO ; Anhtou , In
eockfl , 3 50 ; bbla dairy IK ) , t * , 3 30.
STAUCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Slhor Gloss , PC : Com
SUrth , PC ; 1'tcelstor tJloM. 7jc ; Corn , 8c.
SPICES Pepper , 17c ; nllnploo , 15c ; clo\c
5c : cns Ia 15c.
LYR American. 3 40 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ;
Wcwtorn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lowls'.lyo
4 05 ; Jewell lye , 2 75
Dry Goodn.
Bnows COTTONS Atlantio A , 8 c ; Apple'
ton XX , 7o ; Atlanta A , So ; Boot FF , 8jc ,
Buckeye LL , 4-1 , 7c ; Cabot W , 74c ; Cliltto.
nango A , Clc : G real FalUK.Sic ; lloosler , OJc ;
llonoat Width 8c ; Indian Head A , 8c ; Indian
Standard A 8c ; Indian Orchard , d. w. , "j'cj
Lawrence LL , Cic ; Mj-Btio River , 7ic ; Pwiuot
A , 89c ; Utlc.i C , 5\c \ ; Wnchuiott 1) , 7Jc ; do
A,8Jo doK48,12c. }
FINB BUOWN COTTONS Allondalo 4-4. 7i < 5 ,
Alligator 3-J , 3c : Argj-lo 4-4 , 7Jci Atlataio
LL , Gc ; Badger State X 4-1 , ( ijc ; Boniilngton
C 4-4 , lic ; Buckeye S 4-4 , Gic ; Indian Orchard
AAl-8,8io ) ; Laomla O 89,8Jc ; LohlghK4- .
9Jc ; Popporoll N W ) . 7c ; do O 32 , 7jc ; do R
30 , 7i'o ' ; do K 39 , Sjc ; Poca0 4-1 , 7Jo ;
BLEACIIEII CoiroKa Androncogglu L 4-4.
OJc ; Blackstone AA Imtxirial 8Vo ; do do Liilf
bloachod4-l , 9c ; Cabot 4-4 , 8J'o Fidelity 4-1
OJc ; Fruit of the Loom , 9c ; do cambric !
12J ; do Water Twist , lOjc ; Great Falls Q. 9o
Indian Head Khnmk 4-1. 12c : LoiiBdalo , 10o
o c.imbrio 37 , 12Jc ; Now York Mills , 12 $ o
Poquot A , lOo ; Popporol , N ( S Twills , 12Jc
Pocahontiw 1-1 , 9Jc ; Fucaasot C-l , bj ; Utlca
lie ; WnniHutln O X X , 12Jo
DUCKS ( ColorcdJ Albany K. brown , 8c ; do
C , drab , lie ; do XX fctripcs and plaids , 121-L'o ;
do XXX brown nud drati , stripoa aud plaids ,
12 l-2c ; Arlington fancy , 19c : Bninswlck
brown , S l-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l-2c ; do ex
tra hea\v , 20o ; Full Itivrr brown , extra heavy ,
11 l-2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Nop iihot A
brown , 15c
TICKINGS Amosko.ig AC A32,19o ; do XX
blue 32. 18 l-2c ; Arrownmia , 9 l-2c : Clare
monk BB , 1 2o ; Conmtoga , extra , 17 l-2o
Hamilton D , 11 l-2c ; Lowlston A30 , 15cn ; ! ;
noli.Mi.i4-l , 20c ; Omogn , super extra 4-1 , 2i > ;
Pearl River 32 , 10 l-4c ; Putnam XX blue
trli > o , U'c ; Shetuckot S , 10 l-2c ; do SS , 12c ;
Yoomau'H blue 29 , 9&
DKNISIS Amoskeiw , ' , bhui nndbrownlGl-2c ;
Ando or DD blue , 15 l-2c ; Arlington X blue
Scotch , 18 l-2c ; Concord OOO , blue nnd
brown , 12 l-2c : do AAA , do do 13 1-2 ; do
XX to dn do , 14 l-2c ; Haymakor's blue nnd
brown. ! ) l-2c ; Mystic RhorDDstripo , lGI-2c ;
Pearl River , blue and brown , IGc ; Uucosvillo ,
blue and brown. 11 l-2c.
CASiiiiuca Baniard 5Jc ; Kddyntono lining ,
21im > h double face , 8JcGarner ; A glazed , 5Jc ;
Manhattan gloiolinixh , fijc ; Newport do.r Jc ;
do glazed , 6Jc ; Pocpiot do , 5c ; I ockwoou kid
liniHh , fie.
COIISET JEANS Amory , Androccoggln
natteeu , 840 : Clarendon ( ijc : Conerftogpa sat-
loeu-s , 74c ; llallowell , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7Jc ;
Narrngansolt , improved , 8Jc ; Pepporill sat-
teen , 9ic ; Rockpnrt , Go.
Gloucester , GJcjlIannony , 5JcKiiickorbookor ; ,
Cic ; Merrimao i ) , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Spniguon ,
Oc ; Sonthbridge , Ik ; ; do GinghamH , 7c ; Marlboro
bore , 5Jc ; Oriental , 8Jc.
( Ii.sT.iUMH Amobko.ig. 9i c ; Argyle , Re ;
Atlantic , 8c ; Cunibcrhind , 7Jc ; Higliland , 7io ;
Konilwoitli , OJc ; Plunkstt , UJc ; Sussex , 8c.
CorroNADns AbbervIUo , ISJc ; Agate , 20c ;
American , lie ; Artislnn , 20c ; Cairo D and T
13Jc ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Docan Co.
stripes D and T , ICc ; Keystone 13Jc ; Nan"
tucket , 19c ; Nonpareil , IGo ; Ocean D nnd T ,
13Jc ; Royal , ICJc : Suit-ox , 12c ; Tioga , Wnchu-
hott xhirtin chocks , l-.c ' ; do Naukin 12Jcs
York , plain Naukin , l-\c \ ; do checkx , Htripcn
vnd fancy , 12Jc ; do 8 oz , 20c.
SHEETINQS AmlroBcoRgin 10-4 , 27Jc ; do
9-4 , 23c ; do 3-4 , 32c : Continental 0 42. lie ;
Fnilt of the Loom 10-4 ; 2 4cNow ; York m lln
98. 35c ; do 78 , 30c : do 58 , 22Jc ; Pembroke
10-4 , 25c ; Poquot 10-1 , 28Jc ; do 71,19cdo 49 ,
l o : Poppoaell 90 , 2'Jc ; do (57 ( , 21c ; do 7 , 18o ;
Utica 9G , 3Gc ; do 58 , 22Jo ; do 48 , 17c.
Wo quote lumber , lath and ehlngloBjou aura
at Omaha at the following prices :
JOIST AND SCANTLINO 10 ft. and under
22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50.
TIMDEUS 1C feet nnd nndor , 22 00.
TIUBRU AND Joisr 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ;
22 ft , 2(550 ( ; 21ft , 20 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G hi. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
SHEETINO No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ;
No. 2,18 00.
LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel' S5a ;
cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , ,100 llw , 3 50 ; straw
lioard , 3 50.
I'iilntH.OIlH anil V ariilshox.
OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , l.'tc ; 150 °
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 18c ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lin
uood , raw , ; pr gallon,55u ; linseed , boiled , per
gallon , 58uLard , winter tttr'd , per gallon , 80c :
No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , GOc ; cantor , XXX , per gal
Ion , 1 50 ; No. 3 , 130 ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00
Hperm W.B. , per gallon , ICO ; fiili. W. 13. ,
pergallon , 05c ; ncaufootoxtra , tier gallon , ! )0c ) ;
No. 1 , 75c ; luliricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ;
Hummer , 15c ; golden machine , No. 1 , pur gal
lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; storm , Kignol , ] iur gallon ,
SOc ; turH | > ntino , per gallon , 4Kc ; naptha 74 ° ,
per gallon , IGc.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P.
zlno , In varnltili oust , 20c : French zinc. Iu nil
nsnt , Ific ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Hi cans , lOc ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke brown ,
life ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and
Ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; IVuxulan
bine , SOc ; ultrnmiirlue blue , 18c ; chromo green
Jj. M. & D. . IGc ; blind and shutter green , I <
M. & 1) . , ICcj 1'oris green , 18o ; Indian rod
15c ; Venetian red , Oo ; Tuscan roil , 22c ; Ainorl.
can Vcrmillion. t. & I1. , 18c ; chromo yellow
L. M. , O. & 1 > . O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , lie
golden oclire , ICe , patent dryer , 8c ; gralniiifi
colors , light oak , dark luk , walnut , chftiml
and ash 15c.
Dry PmiifH.
Whlto lo.vl , 80 ; French zinc , 10o ; 1'arl
whiting , L'ic ; whiling ( rlhloni , IJc ; whltlu )
coin'l Ho ; lampblack , ( iormmitnwn , lie
lampblack , ordiimry , lOc ; I'mshlan blue , 55c
ultramarine , 18c ; vamlyko , brown , 8c ; umber
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; Rienna , burnt , 4c
sienna , ru'f , 4c ; 1'iirls green , genuine , ti.rx
1'oris prooii , 00111111011 200 ; chromo green , N.Y.
20c ; clinimo groon. K. , 12oormillltm ; , Kug.
70c ; vormtlaon , American , 18c ; Indian ruil
; lOc ; roue pink , lie ; Venetian rod , " '
2Jcj Venetian rod , Ainericuii. ijo : rod load
7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chriuno yel
low , K. , 12cochre , rovhello , lieochre ; , Frontl
2c ; ochru , American , 2e ; Wlnter'a niliioni
2ic ; lehlh | ; brown. 21o ; Bpaulah brown , 2J <
lrrlnce'n mineral , 8c.
VAUNIHIIEH Barreln. per gallon : Fiirn
ture , extra , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 : coacl
extra , SI 40 : coach , Nn. 1 , ? 1 20 ; ] ) ama
extra , $1 75 ; Jajian , 70ciuphaltuin ; ) , oxlnt , 85 <
ehellau , $3 50 ; hard oil finish , $150.
Tobacco *
. Ttuo ToiiACCO'-Clhriax , TOo ; Bullion 50 )
lioKiwhuo , 50c : Star , 50c ; Ruddy , 45c ; lie
ney's , 48c ; Black , 38&JOc. -
FiNK COT Common , 20@30e ; good , 45 (
GOc ; ROBU Leaf , 70c : Pietnlum , 05c ; Diamoi ;
Crown , 65c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c.
, 3.So to I2c ) hemlock vt .80 to 8 !
nom o kip , SOc to 1 00 ; rnnnw CGo to SOc
; ncm i CAlt , 85c to 120 ; homlocV pi > er , 23c
to 2Gcj oak upper. 24o ; alligator , 4 00 to o 50 :
ralf kid , 32 35 : ( irolxen kid , 2 50 to 2 75) ) onk
kip , 80o t < i 1 ( XI ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French
kip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ni .
Dull , nnd wrnk ; green butchers , CfflGIc ; grocu
suited 7J ® 7c ; dry Hint , 12 > 13c ; dry salt ,
10(3)llc ( ) ; damaged hide * , two-third * prfco.
TALUIW < id > , ( io.
SliKtp FJH.TB 25c@l 00.
Merino unwashed , light. 14@lCc ; heavy ,
13@15c ; iiiodhuu unwashed , light , 18ii > 20c ;
washoil , cholro , 82c ; fair , SOc ; tutinnd washed ,
280 ; hurry , blank nnd celled wool , 2@Co 'CM
Henry llnrilwnro Iilnt.
Iron , rules , 2 M ; plow stool iqxjclal cait , 7c.
crucible , 80 ; special or Gorman , Gc : CAst too ;
ilo , 15(0120 ( : wagon op'tkrs , ot , 2 25rf3 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; felloes sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues ,
each , 70@8. > c ; Mies each , 75c : nquaro nuts i > or
Hi , 7@llc : waihcra crlli.8@18c ; rhets , i > or
Ib , lie ; cell chair , < > cr H > , G@12c ; malleable , So
Iron wedges , Go : crowbars , Gc : harrow tooth
4c ; Kiirlng tool , 7@8c ; Burden's horsohoes , 5 00
Bunion s mulomioo * l ! 00.
ItAHliKit Wmn-n tear lota , 4Jo porllOO.
NAILS- Raton , 10 to GO , 3 IK ) .
Siior-Shot , 1 85 ; buck ( .hot , 2 10 : oriental
IHiwilor , kepi , 0 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , I 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; f iwo ,
l > or 100 foot 50c.
IiKAl > Bar , 1 65.
CoAL Cumberland blacksmith. 10 00 : Mor
ris run RliMsburg , 10 00 ; Wliltobroast lump ,
5 00 ; Whltobrawt nut , 5 00 ; lown lump , 5 00 ;
Iowa nut , fi 00 ; Itock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthr.v
cllo , 1125(5)11 ( ) 50 ; Canon Cily , 7 00 , per Ion
ALOOiiorr-183 priH > f , 2 25 per wlnn gallon
oxlrn California spirits , 188 proof , 125 j > or
proof gallon ; triple refined Htilrits , 187 uroof ,
1 23 j > cr proof gallon ; ro-ulstllled whiskiM
1 00@1 50 ; line bloudeil , I 50 < S)2 ) 50 ; Ken.
tucky Imurlious , 200 7 00 ; Kentucky aud
I'ounsylvKuta rj-os , 2 007 00.
BitANDiKS lmiortodGOO@lGOO ; domesllo
140 ® I 00.
(5lN8 Imported , irO@GOO ; domcstlo , l-W
@ 3 00.
RUMS TmHrled | , 4 50(3G ( 00 : NowKnclaml ,
2 00 ® 1 00 ; domeslle , 1 53 ( ) 50.
CHAJIPAONIIH Imiwrtod per case , 28 00 ®
31 00 ; American , iwr c.wn , 12 00@1G 00.
CUUKI > MEATS AND JiAttiv Intlorciw lOc ,
injmlli lie. Hams , lljc ; broaWait bacon ,
13iric ; Hiuokod Hiilos , OjigilOc ; valt sidea ,
UllEKK KllUtT ANI ) J'llODCCi : Potatooft , M@
( Vic per 100 pounds ; onlonn , | ior 100 pounds ,
$1 M ) < Sil ) ! 00 : tunilps , per 100 Hi , CO@SOc ; Col.
orndo cnbbnge , now , per 100 , & ! c@100 ;
Hvo chlckons , old , per dor , SI OOflfi
J 2fi ; f priilrio chtcltoiis per doz , $3 75@100" ;
eggt , frosli , per doz , 31I@i5c : ; butter , fair qual
ity creamery , linoit per Hi , 3S@ I'J ; creamery ,
( TK il , per Ib , 2Sff3lc ( ; KaiiR.ts and Nobraaka
il.dry , per Hi , 37 ( < n l , " > c ; cookliiR , 12lCc ; choopo ,
full cream , per Ib , lG@\\7c \ ; niiples iior bbl ,
aistarii , Sfi 00@G W ) ; frrniios , jor Ib ,
7jllOc ( ; Culiforiiia pours , per Iti , 7@lOc ;
Miwvina lemons , extra , per bo * , $7 00
@S 00 ; ormiRcs , § 12 0013 00 ; Colorado
About , per 100 Ib , SI 30 ( 1 38 ; ( lour , fair
quality , § 10 00ff10 50 per barrel ; Hour.
( irahain , per 100 Ib , Si ! 00@2 50 ; flour ,
rye , pnr 100 Ib , S2 HO@'J 70 ; Hour , buckwheat ,
per 1 bl. $10 0010 W ) ; corn , meal , per
100 Ibs , ? 1 ( ! 5@l 8r > ; corn , per 100 Ibs , SI 30 ®
1 3.1 ; corn choi > , per lOOlbs , $1 30@1 3J1 ; now
oata , jwr 100 Ibi , SI 3T > @ 1 4" > ; oats , Nebraska.
mixed , per 100 Ib , SI 33@1 IV ; wheat , per 100
lbn , SI S5@l 40 ; b.irloy , per 100 HJH , SI DO ®
@l 7f ; mixed chop , per 100 llm , 81 33 ®
1 40 ; brnn , per ton , S17 00@19 00 ; hay ,
per ton. glL' 00@lfl 00 ; baled Bocond bottom ,
SHOOO@1200 ; baloil upland , SU 00@17 00 ;
straw , per tou , S3 00@'J 00.
Railway Time Table.
U. P. It It. , MAIN LINK.
tuvx. ARUVX
I'aclfln Kxproioi. 12:09 : pm Atlantic Kxpn > wi7:26 a tr
VVcBtern Kxxruuo 8:00 : pm .
0. laUndl'iua . . . .4:30)1 : ) m O. Island I'asa. Il : < 0 a m
Lincoln Kx l : COim Lincoln Kx . 12:65 : pm
Ic\\c ; Oiuitlia : 7:10,8:00,0:00,10.00,11:00 : : : a : m.t2 ! in ;
1:00,2:00 : : , U.OO , llix ) , c.oo , O.oo , 10:10 : p. in. On Hun-
dajs : 7:10,0:0 : : lloo : . m ; ' . ' .oo , 4oo : , B.oo , 10:10 : p.
m. Arrli u at traribfur dcixit 20 mlnutcH later ; llroaU-
naydvputL'ouncl ) Hlulli ) , : ; o inliiulcs later.
IxiaMi Cuuncll lllulls , Uroadnay depot , 8:00 : , 0:00 : ,
10:00,11:00 : : luiu ; 12 in.iwo. ; 2:00,3:00.4.00,5:00,0:10 : : : : ,
la-Mi On UuiuUjx : 8:00,10.00 : a. in. ; 12 in ; il.oo ,
0OU : , 0:40,10:10 : : p.m. ArrhuTnuiefcr doi > ot , 1Uuiln.
utcu l.itir.\o Council Ilhiir.1 Tramfor dcrat ! B:2B : , 025 ; ,
10:25,11:25 : : .in.l ; iiil:2B ; : , 2:25UB : : , 4:25 : , f > :2d : , 0:25 : ,
7:0& : , 10:5fi : p. m. Arrlvo Onulia 20 nilnuU a liter.
I'isa No. . . . .7:65 : B.III I'asn. No. a. . . 7:26 a m
" No. jo 0:45 : pui No. 16. . . .11:16 : ft m
" No. 1 B:60pm : No :
No.8 8COam : | " No. 61. .7:15 pin
N .fl 0:10anil : , " No. 1. . . 7S8pm
" No. 60. . .e:60 : m |
O. , H. k fit. P. It. H.-U. I" DKl'OT.
IKk . . AIIIUM- .
MliuitloKx.SMpm : IVadfloKx 9CC : m
Kx 7:60 Bin I Mall A Kx" 7:50 : p m
VAHASII , HT. LOU1H 4. l-AlllflO-U. 1' . DKJ'OT.
Jm li 7Mara : I Omalin ll'ZOam :
" 8:60pra : | " C:20j : > m
O. , U & Q It. H.-U 1' . UKl'OT.
Mill1 7M a in I Kxprun 9(5 : m
Eirc 1 3M : ) p in I Mill' 7:10 : p in
C. , U. I & V. K. It. U. P. DKl'OT.
Kxproes 7fiOttin | Wall 0:45 : ft ni
Hll 8Mpm : | Ixprt.-u 7lUpm :
C. & N. W. U. U. U. P UKl'OT.
Kill * 7Mum : I I'vtiri'ua. . 0:45am :
, aMpmMall' : | 7:10 : pui
K.C.&P. it.p.-u.r.
U ll * 6:10 : 3 ill I KinruM..0.45 ft m
Kipri 9 fl.uOpm ) Mill * . . .7:10p ni
ICiprrw . . .7:00 : a m | Kiprcitfl 0:45pm :
C. , BT. I'AW , , M. & 0 , It. It.-IKl'OT N. 16TH HT
No. 2" 7 : 0 a m I No. i 6:80 : pui
No. ! ' iuopmNo : | u:46 : ui
SIOUX C1T1' * I'AC'iriO-DKI'OT N. 16tli Utrect.
U ) \u OmOm ( or Valentine > Ht. 1'aul Line
( u llUlr , 7:30kin
Ifrh e from Valentino. & :30pu :
JenviT I'.iprc'M..Hlfi : m I Atlantlo. . . . . . 0:80p : m
I'ocJCo Kx'fOca'.0S5piu. | : | DemurKxpraH9"9:44 : ft in
K. 0. , SI JOK ft 0.1 ! . U ll.-II. DEl'OT.
, ) Tttll 8:25 : Ik m I Kxprmu O.OOR in
. Kxprctu 7SU : D in 1 Mall , . .0:00 : pui
SuaJnn cxccpteU ,
; opening ana Cloolnc or Mulla.
.m. p.m. , ILIU.
C AN. W.,0.U. .4I',0. II.
li ( { . , Ht. I'iul & Hlouv city.iloo : 0:00 : 6:40 : 3:16 :
C'il.irt.l'.H. ( Xt I' . In Io u 0.00 6:40 :
Wikliakh Kk'ri.nn | l'J:80 : 8t6 :
Watiath local , . . , 8W : & :40 :
K. O , , Ht. JOB li 0 11.00 B:00 : 640 ! 6:50 :
illawiurl I'ucino 7:30 : 6:40 :
U , Ht. 1' . II. li 0 6:00 : 7 : 0
Union I'aclllo , nmlnrul N:00 :
Unlun I'arinc , Denvir Cx. . . 4:00 : rae
. . 0. Si. Ikpulillcaii Valley. . . 1:80 : 11:85 :
Hi vi. lot I'KtUmioutli , H.
llcn.l , Athlatiil aiulLlnuilH.niOU
UlUcv npen Hun'U ) Iroui 12:00 : m. to 1:00 : p , in.
0. K. f-'OUTANT l'o tniM > "
Nebraska Cornice
( )
Iron Fencing
COH. 0 , AN PB'.t. . WtiiT : : , LI
WU. 0.11SKR , U um i
Thia now ntul beautiful tuUlitiou'is ocatoil jotwoon Davonport'andJCasa'Btroota'
only ton blocks from the High School.
Lots "Will le Sold at $ $650.
Thia is by all cxlds the most doairablo property placed on'tho market this year.
Situated na it is , iu the heart of the city , and at prices HO higher than ia naked for
lota two and three miles distant.
Davenport Street is Now being Graded Through this
The lineal residoiiooa in Omaha are being built within aovou blocka of Una ad
thin addition and thoao lota will double iu value iu leua than aix months.
Lota in Hawthonio will quadruple in price before lota two and three miles dis
tant will doublo.
Call and See Prices and Plat , and Drive with us to
Parties wishing duairablo residence property willlthid it to .their advantage ' „
call , and BOO us. .
Is ornamented with a beautiful | rowth offlforeat trees , couaiating of Oak , Ilicko
Aah nnd Elm. llonco the shacto and orniimonta trees uro a reauy planted and u
grown Wo huvu property in all parts of the city , both for rosidonco'and buaiuoas pu
Wo have nn Highly aero tract and ICO acre tract on line of Bolt Railroad * jj _
213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and Douglas