\ \ TEE DAILV BEE. | LJT.TV- _ _ . . ! . _ . i"- . " . - trvrT 'rr ' r - COUNCIL BLUFFS , Wednesday Morning , Jan. Id IUTKS : By Carrier -------W crnU p r week By MM - - - - - - - - (10.00 ptr Yer OFFICE : No. 7 Fearl Btroot , Hoar Broadway. MINOB MENTION , Additional local on seventh pogo. Cheap railroad tickoU at Bushnoll's. Services each evening nt Broadway Methodist church. S. Dohen , arrested for breaking aomo furniture in the house of a woman named Crawford , was discharged yesterday. The board of nuporviaora reassembled yesterday and spent most of the time aa 1 committee of the whole , examining bills. Fou fiAiECKiur A good saloon , well stocked , good lixturcs , good location , two pool tables , Charles Liobald , 405 Broadway. The remains of Mrs. Mary Kohotisch , who died Monday night , wore taken yes- toiday morning to Conception , Mo. , for burial there. L. A. Bergman yesterday received from his old homo in Germany a supply of home-made shirta and stockings , the Christmas gift of an aged mother. Permits to wed have boon granted to James G. Duncan and Mary L. Durfoo both of Avoca ; Michael J. Griffin of Irwin , Shelby county and Anna McGinty of Walnut. PotUwattamio county applicants for , plums at DOS Moines sooni to have got under a barren limb , as uono have yet fallen intD their mouths , and thcro seems none to drop in the future. The Congregational and Presbyterian churches arc holding union services this week in the Presbyterian church. This evening , however , is an exception , each church mooting as usual in its own prayer room. Complaint was lodged in Justice Sohurz's court yesterday against Alvon McCallaster for dis turbing the peace at the western house ; alsoono for assaulting a man uamod Clino. The cases are to bo heard on the 10th. A portion of the bank in Turloy's glen was yesterday blasted off by the work men , and so rosklossly that it endangered the lives of the gang of men standing near , the bi/ fall of dirt nearly catching them. As it was , ono of the dirt wagons was buried beneath tbo mass and badly broken. The shaft of the engine which furn ishes the power for the -dynamos of the oiectrlc light , broke yesterday afternoon , but will soon bo repaired. Advices have boon received from the east that several . morn dynamos will "bo shipped in a few days for this point , BO that the number of lights can bo increased. There is the promise of a lively sensa tion at Little Sioux within a few daysas a Council Bluffs detective has unoarjthod a gang of horsothiovos there , has secured throoo horses , twenty head of csttlo and several hogs , and it is expected will got hold of some more stolen stock within are few days , when a number of arrests re expected to bo made. It is ad that some surprise will bo felt in that community when all the facta come to the surface. "Comancho Bill , " or William Lloyd , , is still behind the bars , being arrested on Buupicion. Ho claims that ho has boon in Hamburg over ainco Christmas until to arrived in this city and was arrested. Some Macedonia mon claim ho was there a few days before the safe-blowing , and think ho was perhaps concerned in that. Bill id naturally getting uneasy , and the authorities cannot hold him much longer unless they get aomo proof that amounts to something. Already there begins the .talk about how the vote will bo on building a now court house and jail. The talk thus far is yery favorable , and many 'predict that the enterprise will bo approved by the , people. They begin to realize how in secure the records and public documents are in the present cracked and broken : structure , and how little of a burden lit would bo on the individual to pay his uliaro in the expense of putting pa building which would safely house the records and bo a credit to so prosperous a county. 0. B. West , general agent of the 0. B. & Q. , in this city , has resigned his position. Ho ia to bo succeeded bj Charles Keith , who has been the > cal agent of the cumpany here. Mr. West has only been hero about a year , but has gained a strong hold on the esteon of thoso'with whom ho has como in on- tact both ia social and business circles .and many 'well wishes will go withhin ; into whatever position ho may enter His successor , Mr. Keith , is well ker.wn And well liked. He is runkod as an excellent cellent railway man , thoroughly oxpori .oncod active and ablu. , . Ho will con tiuue to attend to the duties of lane gent as well at thoau of general agoni for the paenent. W. H. Vaughan , though added to the coBunittoo on the sale of opera hous ticket * at a liiu hour , has been doing his usual rustling. lie has a novel way fet canvassing. Ho turned the telephone crank , rung up Superintendent Drake Of the Omaha Exchange , and told him Iti behalf of tha committee that he ought to lake some tioketa. After a brief chai over the wire Superintendent Drake con eluded that the company would take fCC of tickets , thus demonstrating not merely the enterprise and public spirit of the company , but the wonderful advan tage of the telephone as a medium for successfully canvassing a man five miles distant. Mr. , Harkncss frith Mr. Vaughan yesterday in a short time sold ? 175 more of tickets , by A short trip among the citizens. To-morrow the water-works are to bo officially inspected and tasted. It has been arranged for the olllcors of the vrator-works company to-escort the mayor and aldermen to the engine house ant reservoirs , show thorn all the machinery etc. , and after a lunch the tents will bo made , commencing at 1 o'clock p. m It is required that six streams from six hydrants selected by the aldermen in different parts of the city , shall bo thrown at the sarao time fl.00 foot into the air.O Rich alderman is to cheese two or moro citizens , and thus form a committee for each hydrant. Then they will gather and report. Besides this test , it is re quired that two streams bo thrown from a hydrant in the highest part of the city , fifty foot into the air. If the weather should bo bad the test will bo postponed to thu first favorable day. The Homo Laundry makes a specialty of first-class work and guarantees satis faction. Office 107 South Main street. A trial solicited. PK11SONAU , T. IL Yodor , of Mlndon , WAS at the Pacific yesterday. W. A. Kills , of Woaton , woa In the city yesterday. jJJ. A. Hamilton , of Ncola , wiw nt Bech- tola's yesterday , Simon lilsoman hai gene to Sioux Tails for A few days' business trip. T. J. McShano , of Omaha , wn strutting about the liluda yesterday. J. IL Baxter and wife , nee Grace Whittle- soy , arrived at' the Ogden yesterday. V. . II. Odoll , secretary of the board of trade , returned ycntorday from Dei Moinos. II. S. Cole Ilia gene to Chlcngo to attend convention of lightning rod manufacturers and dealers. Mr. P , D. Bacon loft yesterday for Corn ing , thli Btato , tvhoro ho will manage the Windsor hotel. R. H. Woodmancy and Ilenry Thomas , of Macedonia , were In the city yesterday , hunt ing for traces of the Macedonia burglars. Mios Neally Stevens has loft for Now York to join Theodore Thomas' orchestra. Her father accompanied her on her eastern trip. IS. T. Phllbrook , the assistant secretary of the Iowa and Nebraska Insurance company , loft yesterday on a Luslnesa trip through Iowa. Iowa.Mrs. Mrs. Bhnttuck , the oldest daughterEof Col. Koatley , after visiting her friends hero for a week past , returned yesterday to her Omaha homo. Charles B. Jacquomtn has loft for Helena , Montana , where a branch house In established. Tha Council Blulfffs house will romaln lu charge of Mr. L. Jacquomtn and Mr. George Corner. George Cooper , the colored gentleman who solli THK BEB on all the morning dummy trains was giving the fancy skaters some points yesterday on the Ico. George handles himself about as nlco a * any ono possibly could on skates. Mrs. A. Bryan , dressmaker. Cutting a specialty , G04 S. Mam at. , up stairs. THE CALL ACCEPTED , Harry Curtln , of Now York , to Take the BUporlntentlonor of the Couucll Bluff * Y. M. O. A. TUB BEK recently chronicled the fact . that i Harry Curtis , of Now York City , had boon invited to como to Council ctlY. Bluffa as the superintendent of the Y. Y.ry M. 0. A. Yesterday Dr. Montgomery received a letter from Mr. Curtis stating that ho would accept the call , and was making arrangements to como at once to this city. IIo would first visit his folks in PonnsylAania , and expected to reach this city about the "Oth of this month. , . Mr. Curtis has buon assistant secretary of the llarlau Y. M. 0. A. , and has not only experience in the work , but natural . fitness for it. lie ia very highly recom mended , and will doubtless cause the Council Bluffs organization to prosperand grow under hi maimgement. > m Private lessons on china given by 3. D.'Rohso. Studio No. 12 N. Main street. Gathered nt Oakland. OAKLAND , Iowa , January 14. Oakland ikco land school opens to-day of tor'three weeks' vacation. Mr. Burchor has been engaged as principal. ITo is a fine man and well recommended as a teacher. Bankers Freeman and llust made busi ness trips to the Bluffs last week. a Esq. Bilgor has boon on the sick 1st' for a few days. A brother of Merchant DoGraff , from Lincoln , Nob. , has boon visiting in Oak land for a few days. , , Messrs. Toothakor & Roberts are ship ping a largo amount of stock this month. A few days since it was necessary to put on an extra to get their stock to Avoca. George Nash and T. E. Huff , our hardware men , returned from a Chicago trip Wednesday. The Mite society at Mrs. L. F. Potter's . Thursday evening , was a social success. - J. T. , , Real Katuta Transfers. . , The following doocu wore filed for re cord in the ' re7 rocorder'a office , January - 15 , reported for the BEK by P. J. Mo- - Mahon , real estate agent : . Citizens' Saving * bank to Fred. S. Gray , lot W , block ' 13 , Williams' ' first addition $ , J. P. Onulder to Julius Paul , lot 10 | ( , block 10 , Furley's addition 8100. Giwpor Foster to 0au ! Albers. nel , < 10 , 77 , 41 93,000. < J. B. Matthews to Qourco W. BaitrcB. sejsol , 27 , 70 , 41$1,000. E. fi. Dorn toV. . B. White , part of noj sw | , 7. 77,41-810. lurk" Benton to W. S. White , part of J-i 12,77 , 42-81,080. A. B. Kayburn to Elmer E. Smith , part of Jots 5 and 0 , block 17 , Macedonia Jorctniah SmiHt to Daninl Harrington , - part of nwj , 10 , 70 , 40-824. Total ealuB , $0,644. WHITTLING WITNESSES. A General Slash Mafle on Their Fees by the County Board , All Duo to a. Imto Decision of the Bu- jircino Court. Tlmro is usually some now freak taken in the allowance of bills by the county board. The ono this session is in regard to the fees of witnesses for the dofonsp , which have heretofore boon always allow ed the same as the foes of witnesses for the state. A recent decision of the supreme premo court lays down the rule os the amo as in the district court , the fees to bo allowed for witnesses for the dofejuo only when the allowances of those wit nesses was specially ordered by the court itself. j , This decision has led the board to throw out nil claims for witness fees , not thus ordered , and as the justices have made no special orders of ho sort , all such fees in the supreme court and in justices' courts in the county dur ing the past four months are thrown out. This will naturally make a howl among manjr wh.o expected to got foco , and it is estimated that it will bo a saving to the county of over $1,000. After this the justices will probably bo sharp enough to order the attendance and payment of witnesses for the defendant - fondant in criminal cases , so that the foes may bo allowed , but this order can not bo made to cover the fees of the pant few months , an such [ order must bo made before the serving of . the sub- puMiao. It is also claimed under this decision that the officers cannot bo al lowed foes for E serving these papers un less the needed order is first entered up by the justice. There will bo consider able music along the line , and in many canes it seems quito a hardship , as wit nesses are often brought from a dhtanco and have to attend for sovosal days , and because they are for the defense , instead of the prosecution , they got not ono cent for their time and trouble. PEOFESSIONAL JUKOES , A Bin Crop of Thorn Booms Ripening In Ihl County The Iloasons Therefor. It is becoming quito noticeable that certain mon seem to bo either specially adapted for jury mon or specially pro vided by kind providence with a pretty steady job in that lino. At every time of command there are several farces fam iliar to these who attend court , and which are almost always to bo soon beaming from the jury box , either as belonging to the regular panel or some special ono. A little inquiry made by THK BEK re vealed the fact that the judges of election send in with their returns the names of persons in their precinct who are to bo sent as jurors , the number being in ac cordance with | the population as appor tioned by the auditor. Three names are then copied on separate bits of cardboard , placed in a wheel , and then from those the grand and petit juries are drawn. There are from all the county about 275 names thus put into the box for petit juries for the year , and out of these there ore drawn during the year 90 names. For the grand juiy there are about 1GO names from which fifteen are drawn. One trou ble seems to be that the judges of elec tion in nuking their returns are bo- fliogcd by chronic jurymen who want their names sent in , and their importu nities aroyiolded to , and their names sent in. Hence many of the same names are sent in year after year , and the own ers ot the names servo term after term. Then there ore other chances for serv ice. Some who servo on the regular panel are excused , and specials called to sit in their places , and many of these who are anxious to earn a dollar or two thus worm in The jury box is fast get ting to bo an anylum for good honest aort of souls , who have little else to do , or who are able to do little elso. Among . busy men the jury duty is irksome and can only bo performed by a sacrifice , and perhaps this is one reason why they evade it when possible , and lot the im portant duties drop into the hands of professionals. _ _ Jurymen Chosen. The circuit court meets February 11 , Judge Lyman presiding. The following are the jurymen selected : Enos Rood , Center township ; E. G. Sears , W. F. Lyons , 0. S. Hubbnrd , B , F. Mooman , George Fuirman , J. Kost , W. L. Bigg's , J. E. Hill , T. 0. Jackson , Ed. Brit ton , Silas Covalt , Kane town ship ; II. 0. Hartiwoll , Hardin township : W. H. Kuhn , Garner township ; H. B. Jack , Lincoln township ; A. l ! . Perkins , Keg Crook township ; Samuel Borston , Lewis township ; Daniel McKenzie , Sil ver Crook township ; M. B. Frisbee , Layton - ton township ; Joseph Hsiinea , B. S. Har > rinton , Knox township ; J. B. Matthews , Washington township ; John Hart/.o , Keg , Crook township ; 0. Hagedoro , Pleasant township. si.SPECIAL . NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , such u Lost , Found , To Loan , For Bale , To Kent , Wanta , Board. Ing , eta. , will bo Inserted In this column t tbo low r&te ot TEN CENTS PER LINK tot the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each tuteequent In- Mrtlou. Leave advertisement * at our oBloe , No. 7 Pearl Street. near Broadway . WANTB. Ty ANTKD-Boy , with ponj , to d liver Tin U . Wi ANTED Experienced dining roomgl'l 116. per montn , Cgden Home , Council Blufl , ow . W ANTE1J Every bony in Council llluO. to take . TiixIlKX. Delivered by carrier at only twenty cent * a week. TI7ANTED A ( ; lrl to do hoiuo work at 70S , Sixth tVareuuo. Mm. A. B. Walker. TX/ANTED Another man lu .Nebratka to look TT after the builnesi of one ot the best nmtu 1 bencflo'arv life niu accc nompan'ei ' now Incorpor ated. lUfercnrcs renulred. Ul eral ) > y for the - nght man. Adi'reti J , W. llr.a om.o Council Uluff * , Iowa. I jl.l ) I'AI'EUH Kor sale at Ilt ottlce , at SS.ctnU - * hundred. 1O.H HAI.1IIlia uhcle or a Halt Intunst In a gen- -I * eral merchandise itoio dolnu good biuincuj. ( lood and sulllo'tnt ' reSKiii ( or aelilnir , Address J. \V. 8 , Ilm ottlce , Council nlulli , Iowa. ITHlrt KENT Tofinely furnUhcd ronn , ytngle cr . ' en mitt. 30tn. Uth street , cor. Srd. avi nuo. Mrs , H , J , HiltOD , M , D , , PHYSIOIAW & SUEQEON , 383 Middle Broadway , Council Bluffa. R. Rice M , D. or other tumors removed lthoutthi knife or Urawing of blood. CHRONIC DISEASES'1" ' ' ' Otrer thirty year * practical experience. Offloe No. 6'Vearl street , Council lUuO * WOoiuulUUon fro * \ We have the following goods in quantities to suit purchasers : Sheep Skin Slippers , KicUSock Protectors , Magnetic Insoles , Cork and Imitation Cork Soles , Shoe Dressing , "T. M. 70" Blacking , Heaton Button Fastners , Shoe Laces. Shoe Brushes , Shoe Hooks , Etc. , Etc , As we buy nhovc goods o Manufacturers in largo quantities for Spot Cash , wo arc enabled to fiell them low enough to suit competition. Ordeis promptly attended to. Z. T. LI3STDSEY & CO , 412 Broadway. Council Bliiflfc. Towa 'fiASADY ' \JJc&j & , JLt J. 102 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Carpets and Our tains Also many novelties In HOUSE FUHNIIIHINQ GOODS. Call and eco us. CASADY & ORCUTT. MAYNE & PALMER , DKAT.KBB IN Hard and Soft Goal , DTJLK 'AND BARREL LQTK , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND OEUENT , IQCmOAN PLASTER. HAIR AKD SEWER PIPE. Ho , 839 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. SMITH & TOLTjER. LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS , 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - - - IOWA. TnTT"NT W "D A TDT1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAOEU OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- UUH1N VV. JPn IIUJ , TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Office corner Dro&d ft .y ; and Alain street. JOHN BENO & GOM GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 18 Ualn street and 17 Pearl etrooL MAX MOHN CRESTON HOUSE. , Hotel , 217 and 219 Ualn street MT . P J , WHT'PP TYJ3.XJ.J-I , Corner Male and Fifth up-rtalra. OFFICE Reeldenoe , , 600 WUlovr avenne. SGHUEZ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , , , Office over American Express. S. S WAGNER LIVERY AND FEED , . , Win contract fur limcrali at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth street. J. M , ST. JOHN & OO..OASH BUTEES , Draft by return mail. 140 'Broadway. 1 A PfYR TTnnTT MERCHANT TAILOR , J jVjUJj JA-UVjH , fltock CoroMieU. Suits rcado nt reasonable price * No. 806 Main Btl G F. SMITH.CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , , . . Corner 7th and Broadway. Plang and truBdflotlorui furnlahed. MERCHANT TAILOR , JAMES FRAUEY. . Artlntlo Work and reasonable charges. 872 Broadway. & FUTUHTURK STOVES , and noosahoM SuppllM.FUTUHTURK 8o3 Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & HART , Practice In etato and federal court * . CJ A TVTTT1 A TJITTTl/T / Aud batn I"1"8" . < 21 anj 423 Broadway. L. Soverelpi , Prop. P. J. Mont. O A.JN 11 All 1 U IVl Komery. M. O. Phydclan. _ _ TTlWTr\T T JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , JjJJVVliM U. Notary Public and General Conveyancer. 416 Broadway. TTnTTQP SMITH & NORTON , nUUDJIli Broadway opposite New Opera Iloueo. Refitted 81 , fl.M per day A'Large Assortment of Hard and Soft Coal IOTOWr . ! 1 dlOvtd Boin ; luft over , must bo sold at your own prices. I uoed IIXIimiD IR.A.CrS I to fill contracts. S. GOLDSTEIN , 538 Broadway. DR. THOMAS JEPFERIS , No. (23 Sixth avenue , Council Bluffi , Iowa. Homeopathic Physician and Mag netic Healer. TWEl.TT'rrVH TEAR8 * IirtRIRKCE ; TIIIIITT TIUIU1 OF COUNCIL Dlaenoitt ( dlwoted condition described ) without quegilonlnir. There are hundreds of wltnowcs to the Uct that the blind are reitorod , the deaf made to heir , alio paralyuls and rhemnatitm of monlba and JIIUB utanillnjt ( rixjuently cured In 20 mlnutei' time thtouRh iiaychlo mccmrric , iplrlt or BOU ! force , "These thlng > were not done In a corner. " Tbo only rullablapreventatlvo and cure for diph theria known ( keep It on band ) . The best raturrh remedy In UKX Small pox prevcntatlve nipeilor to \arclDBtloD. Everycaw of Indigestion ( ilcip.ril ) cured time required one to tlx weeks. CM ulc tD , commonly called cancen removed without the u o of the knife. In fact all acute and chronU dlieaiKf euoceuifully treated. 1 he reconlu of mortality show that Dr. Jeffe'lea U the iiiont nucce&tful rractlcloner of mo Urine In the wcuUrn country. Ill * greatest HUCCCBS haa been In cu that has baflltd the iklll ot otner doctort , ai ell as causing tleinalr and llnanclal ruin In many cuei. TERMS REASONABLE. , No chart-e for consultation by letter or otherwtco. InclosoiUnip where answers to ltltv.ni ara requlnd , lies' kind of reltrnccs irlten. fif I'ertons free from contagious dls ae will be re veltcd Into bUIubtltuU of Health for ticatnient. JACOB SIMS. K. p. CADWELL. 8IMS& CADWELU , Attorneys-at-Law , n , u.COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA u Offlco , Main Street. Room * I and bhuyart fc Mo- Mahon s Block. WUI pructlc * lu state and ! < " ! W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council-Bluffr. JOSEPH HARD WOOD AND Corner Main street and Eighth avenue , C onn Dludn. tiTLnweat rate and prompt delivery WINTEBBESORT. _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. . Oia.ro oxr IVTo 3F , y. Wo trim anUe the cuio of the following nuued dls- BCJUWS , or no nay : HbeumatUm , Scrofula , Uloen , Catarrh , a 1 Blood and.klndUeaic * , DvipepilaLiter CompUInt , Kidney and Bladder Dlsescoa. Oout , Neil- rnWa and Atthma , Thess SirlnK | < ara the fa\orit resort of the tired anJ debllltatad , and are the FEEBLE LAII > 8 BKSf FRIEND , OcoJ hotel , livery and bathing accomodatlon both winter and uuramer. Locality highly | > lcture que and healthy , Acc t lble by Wabish railway , at EvonaorC.B. & Q. , at Albany. Corruipoudonce ollclteJ , HEV. M. M. THOMPSON. Manager. H Uotm SprluEV , flora , 1' . O.Gentry Co. , Mu. ANALVSIS. Si'ecUlo ' flrarlty , , , 1.0023 llf action Niuttal Cailiunlo Arid ( ia va In. per Rallou Curhonatv Calcium. , . , , , , . . JS.lttl drains Curbonuto Iron 741 SuljihatoMairncula 3H S.ljh | t < J Cklci-im. , , . , . , .1UU Chlurlilo Sodium , . , , . , , , 7s' o Hllllw l.tw Alumina . , . ,0,010 Ufganloand Volltlle inattvr and lew * . . . .1,1(9 Tvtolrclldi jicr gallon 07,174 WIUIIUT& MKRKILL , ClumUtJ. TIUM. orricu * n. u , mar , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Blofit . . Ia. Establishes - - 1856 Poaleri In Foreign nj 1 ID it Ik ) Rictirge and Qome Empkie Hardw are uo 100 and llliS. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALK11S IN 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , LANDS I33oia.s3j.-t JSold. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished * * ' ' M * * * * No. 4 Pearl Street , ? ? COUNCIL BLUFtS. S BECHTBLE'S A The only only hotel run on the European plan "in this city. Now building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BECI3 TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa , STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , IR IE IlVC O "V" IE ID THEIR BUSINESS TO Omaha , Neb. , January 1st , 1884 , HAVING SECURED WEST & FRITCHER'S OLD STAND , JE3Lioa.TD : SLJ.I dSs ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) fEY TO LOU m HEAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lota and Lands in the County. O DEALER IN ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS OF ML PIPER Interior Decorations. 13 S. Pearl Street and 20 N. Main Street , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. HEATING AT COST FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY. 1 lUULi ) Granite and Tinware. Latest Novelties in Fancy Hardware. A large line of extiaordinary Fine Carvers. St U/PIPUT / 504 Broadway , and 10 and & W HI U H 1 , 12 Main Street , WHY DGN'P YOU OETSDME OP FITCH BROTH ! J | Perfect Fitting , Best and Cheapcst-DiFlne Linen Collars and Cuffs. No. 715 Fourth. Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. . GALLAGHER. Now Store , Freeh Goods , Low Priceu ami Polite Attendant ! ! . . { First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } GROSVENOB & GUNM , BrANDPAOTCB-ERS OF 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa. FROM NOW UNTIL FEB. 1 , WE WILL GIVE XTRA BARGAI In all our Boots and Shoes , regardless o Quality. Don't miss this chance. S , A. PIERCE. 100 Main Street. RUBBERS ! Oar speech is short , but to the point. Best Chicago discounts every day in the year on Rubber Boots , , Shoes , AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED aa good ia ANY in the market , They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boota and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. Or second quality Boots we are infroducine are better than many eo-called fiw quality , and wo give a largo EXTRA discount on them. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.