* , ! * . TT U.U.JLVJ. s > J * . 1409 and 1411 DodgoSt , ( S1"1 } OMAHA. NEB , ' V MANOTAOT0KKR OF OF BTRIOTt. ? AND TWO WHEEL CARTS , 1310 and 1X10 llarnay Utrcot and 403 S. ISth Street , ) HH/TATTA . ailustrited Catalogue furulshod free upon application. f V l-XAAia. Uy Hoposltory onsUntly filled with * BolootJstock. Best Workmanship guaranteed. Office and Factory S , W. Corner 16th and Capitol Avenue , Qtiahc. RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintendent U. P. RAILWAY 17TH2& 18TH STREETS i ! MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS | IN WATER WHEELS , EOLLERQMILLS , ; MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPE FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. 1 § We nro prepared to i'urnisli plans nnd estimates , and will contract for e erection o Flouring Mills nnd Grain Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , fromStono to the Rol'tT ' System ; BSiPEspecifil attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , nnd estimates made tor same. General machinery repairs attended to promptly Address RICHARDS & CLAEKE , Omaha , Nob. PERFECT ION ; IN Heating and Baking TH only attained by using Foi sale by MILTONROGI3RS { & SONS THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , [ C'O.NTINUKI ) mOM FIRST 1'AOK. ] Mr , Stcolc , ( rop. Ind. ) , from tlio snnio committee , submitted the virws of the minority on the Fitz John I'orlor bill , Ordered printed. Mr. Kin } , ' ( dom. , Li. ) chairman of the committco of the Mississippi lovecs , re ported n bill to close the gnps in the lovcoa of the Mississippi river , and for the improvement of its navigation. It nppronrintoa 8100,000 , to bo expended in nccoranituo witli the recommendation of the Mississippi River commission. Ho- furred to the committee of the whole. Mr. Lymnn ( ind. , Mass. ) from the committco on military ntFuirs , reported a resolution calling on the secretary of war for the name , rank , and regiment or corps of ovcry olllcor of the army berne on the sick report as unabloto perform full duty , from July 1. 1870 , to December 81 , 1883 , or recommended for rutiromoni during the same period. Adopted. Mr. Mills ( dom , , Tox. ) offered a resolu tion directing the committco on judiciary io report whether the president , by and with the consent of the sonnto can no- otiato treaties with foreign governments jy which duties levied by congrcsa can jo changed or abrogated , Adopted. Mr. Green , ( dom. N. C. ) , oiVcrcd a usolution that the committee on public icalth nwlto an investigation of the quoa- ,1011 of adulteration of food and suggest egialation if any is nocdod. Referred. Mr. Mills ( dom. Tex. ) , from the com- inittoo on ways and moans , reported as a substitute for Messrs. Ilowitt ( dom. N. Y. ) , and Boltnont's ( dom. N. Y. ) , rosolti- ions , resolutions asking the president "or information as to irregular practices n the importation of foreign goods and requesting suggestions for legislation in .hat connection. Adopted. Air. Townsend ( dom. 111. ) , introduced \ bill outhorizing the president during the recess of congress to prohibit any imports injurious to the public health from countries which , on the aamo ground , prohibit the importation of American goods. lloforrcd. Mr. Cox ( dom. N. Y. ) , chairman of : ho committee on naval nllairs , reported jack n resolution calling on the aocrotnry of the navy for information as to wheth er any oflicor of the navy had received u ; ift from n foreign power without the jonsent of congress and whether any ono n the naval servicn rendered aid to the British navy at the Dombaidmcnt of Alexandria. Adopted. Mr. Cox said ho had found a basis for , ho resolutions. Mr. Springer ( dom. 111. ) ollorcd a resolution elution callim. ' on the postmaster general 'or copies of correspondence with the do- lartmontof justice in regard to the star outo prosecution and an itemized state mentofthooxponditurcsofthodopartnicnt "n investigating those frauds. Keforrod. Mr. Shelly ( dem. Ala. ) ollored a reso- ution directing the committee on rivers and harbors to inquire as to the necessity of an immediate appropriation for con- inuing the work on important river and larbor improvements where work has jeeii or is about to bo suspended for want of appropriation. Referred. Mr. Hatch ( dom. , Mo. ) presented a memorial from the committco of the National Live Stock convention. Ordered printed. Mr. Willis ( dem. , Ky. ) , chairman of the committco on livers and harbors , re ported a bill appropriating § 1,000,000 for continuing the improvement of the Mississippi river. Referred to the committee mittoo of the whole. The house went into committee of the whole ( Mr. Cox , of Now York , in the chair ) for its consideration. 'Mr. Willis stated the appiopriation was necessary to prevent injury to valua ble plants , and to enable the commission to proceed to werk. Sir. Belford ( rep. , Col. ) , referring to the question as to which committee the bill should go to , debated some days ago , said ho wished to call the attention of the country to the fact that while the republican party was willing to make a liberal appropriation for the improve ment of the Mississippi , gentlemen on the democratic side were higgling about the committco jurisdiction. Mr. King ( dom. , La. ) denied that there was any conflict between the Mississippi levee committee and the rivet and har bor committee. Mr. Belford wont on to point out to the house its line of duty , which ho de clared would unlock the vaults of the national treasury. [ Laughter. ] There are , ho said , § 100,000,000 in the treas ury kept out of business channels and trado. Business iirms were failing all over the country because the money IT as kept out of employment. Suppose § 20,000- 000 were appropriated for the Mississipp river whore would it go ? Not to Franco or England , but to the horny-hando toilers of this country. It was the duty of the majority of the house to compel , execute and enforce n broad and liberal policy in regard to the great water courses in order that they might over come the men who control the railroad corportions of the country. Mr. Blanchard ( dom. , La. ) critiziasd the remarks of Mr. Belford as having , under guise of support of the measure , injected a noxious dose of politics. Ho misstated the democratic side when ho stated it was not harmonious in support of thin Improvement. The speaker would guarantee for every vote cast for the measure by the republicans that two would bo cast by democrats. Mr. Henderson ( [ rep , , la ) spoke in favor of appropriating $20,000 to con tinue the improvement of the ice harbor at Duburiuo. Mr Gibson ( dom. , W. Va. ) said the committee on rivers and harbors did not depreciate the importance of other improvements by asking iinmo- diato consideration ot the pending mea sure. It was brought forward out of re spect to the message of the president and the pressing recommendation of the commission. Mr. Hunt ( dom , La. ) argued that im provement was both necessary and ccon omical. Mr. Bayno ( rep , , Pa. ) would not vote against the measure , but disliked to hoar it advocated to the detriment of all other streams of the country. Improvomnn of the Mississippi was yet an undomou strated experiment. Mr. Miller ( rep. , Pa. ) ventured to ay there had not boon an appropriation fo" river improvement from which there hat been so much filching as those for the Mississippi and mutterings had como uj that private corporations and individua were being wonderfully benefited by them , Mr. Hepburn , ( rep. la , ) , was in favoi of the improvement of the navigation o the river , but not the banks and planta tioiiH on each eido of the stream , and bo lioved it was the purpono of certaii gentlemen of the house to secure the iui luovemcnt of their own properly am property of their constituents by securing ing plantations on the lower Mismaaipp from oyorilow rothor than to protuc nrvi ation. The clerical and inunia iho Koiiimmhion ho said line oaten nearly half of the $ -.000,000 ap- proprlatcd. Ho believed tnO commis sion contemplated 5,000 miles o.f .loveos and for this an appropriation ol $30 , 000.000 would bo only a beginning. Mr. llorr , ( rep. Mich. ) , ixnd'Mr. Hen * duraon , ( rep. 111. ) , favored the bill. Without action , the committco arose and the house adjourned. Further debate - bate on the subject in committee will bo limited to thirty nannies , WASHINGTON WA1KS WASHINGTON , January 15. The HvO stock dealers , through Representative Hatch , have submitted to the house n petition asking for legislation to stamp nit the pi euro pneumonia by slaughter ing all infected cattle , and the govern ment inspection of all export meats at the expense of the importer. Mr. Springer made an argument to-day in favor of purchasing additional granitu for a public building at Springfield , 111. The commlttro on ways and moans iavo decided not to act for the present m Townshcnd's bill for restriction of the mportation of goods from countries rhich prohibit imports of American ; oods. It is thought the more introduc- ion of such measures might have the desired oiled. _ Representative Springer says moro han 82,000,000 , overcharges are duo the government , and a majority of the Star 'onto contractors who tnado those over charges are still in the employ of the government. Ho proposes to go into ho matter. GolrK Tor tlio Ijinul Orantn , WASHINGTON , January 15. At' the noeting of the house committee on pub ic Innds this morning , consideration was ; ivcn the argument 1'ryor made ycstor- lay in favor of the Texas Pacific land grant to the Southern Pacific. The sub- : ommittoo in charge of the forfeiture of and grants to railroads was directed to oport a bill declaring the land grant orfcitcd. The report will bo made to ho full committee to-morrow. It s based on the grounds that the L'oxas Pacific company did not comply with any of the requirements of ho act granting the land and the South ern Pacific had defeated the building of ho Texas Pacific fortho purpose of pro outing a competition with the Central 'acific. The object of congress in mak- ng the grant the committee says , was to ecure a rival line from San Diego to east , 'ho house committee received a request rom the attorney of thoOntonagon state ino road through Michigan , asking a do- ay of two weeks bo granted , at which imo ho might bo hoard. It was refused. ? o-morrow the attorneys of the Oregon Jentral will bo hoard. Not moro than wo attorneys are allowed to speak , each laving an hour. KOP Banks aml.Uankorfl. WASHINGTON , January 15. At _ the neeting of the senate finance committee o-day , Sherman proposed an important amoiulmont to his hank billdosigned ; to neot the objection to the measure which would base the amount of circulation upon a fluctuatingstandard. Hoproposed , o authorize the secretary to issue lational bank notes up to ninety per cent of the full value of three tor cent bonds deposited as security for simulation. Were a higher rate of jonda deposited , lie proposed to compute , ho interest above three per cent and al ow a circulation to the amount of 90 > cr cent of the aggregate interest over , hreo per cent for the whole time such bonds have to run. Thus four per cent bonds having twenty-throo fears to run being deposited is security for circulation would entitle : ho hank depositing it to rccoivo currency at the rate of § 110 70 for each § 100 bond deposited , that being 1)0 ) per cent of the face value and ! 10 per cent additional for all excess of interest over 3 per cent. A I'YiiltlesB Uallot , LOUIHVILLK , Ky. , January 15. The senatorial contest is still undecided. Another ballot was taken to-day with no result. Adjourned till Wednesday. Barnum'H "White Elephant. LiVEiirooL , January 15. Tlio steamer 'rom Siam with Barnum'a white elephant ms arrived. TORPID 1DSSORDERED LIVER , and r ALARIA. . . I'rom tliuso uoAtcua Dilao1Siico-ioart.Ui ox Ibo illsoasos of tlio human nfoTlioso _ s/inptomsiuiUcatotllolrxv ( ' "tiJoaoof Api > ctlto , JJowcIn oi - ' ' H. > " " r.iluv fiilltiCNZ Hflor * " " . riertlou nt haily v. -'an at food , lrrlf.il-.t\ > . . . w lililt , A frr' : 7 . ' lev - - > * U. fl iuuo tliitv Att\j-.ics , i iJ.i-i. . lutf fit tlio HeartIt. . Jjl.ivmrn tlio crei.IHulvJy col ored UrCr- , CONSTIPATION , ami do- manil the iiso of in oinody thnr , acts cl I rootly on tbo Liver. AaaLlvorincilIoIiioTU'i'T'i ! i > ! f > ri ! Jmvu no oqunl. Tliolr aotlonontho Kldnuyiniiil fiUIn la also prompt ; romovlns nil impatltlcs tlirough tli080tliroo" cav cnasiM ot tlio Byatcin , " iirtxluclng uppo- titu.aoiina rtlKCfitlon , rPttuliirBtoolB.n. clear BltlnauaavlfjorousliodjTUTT'H VlfifM CIUMO no nuusua or gilplng nor Interfere with Oiillr vork nucl ai o ft porfoot A 3TI OTIS TO WlALARIAr Bold every whfrp.JjrSo. OlIlco. < lMurriiy8t.N.lf. "fi Gnr Hum on WHIBKKIW clmnjroa In- Dlnntly to u Uixissv JJLACIC byaslnnlo ixp. jllcitlon or thla Urn. Bo hi by Drub'clsto , orsunt liy nxnrcos on rooolpt of 81. Offloo. i VMurriiy Btroct , New York. HAHUAI. OF USEfUL RECEIPTS FREi. OMFHREY ron Tnn ctrnn op AU < nisBABEs 01 ? roil TWESTV YEAIlfl IIiimnhrrv ' llnmoo. pnllilo Vf H-rlnnry Hpf ; clllc i Iiavoljwn "fed uy I'nrmerii. Hlork llrei/dpri , Mvr 'I'urlinnn , llnrne ItnllriindH , MniiiifarliiriTH , Cnnl Minn t.'omimiilrn , 'I'rov'u Illiiiiodriiinri nnd .Mi'iinnrrlri. and otiicrii luiuafluu itock , "ii'iiniilJrfV ! ' "VHerlnofv Manual. { 830 pp , ' font free by mnll on receipt of price. Ml cents fif rumiihlrl * noiil fri-o ou oppllcattou HIJMI'IIIIHYHIIOMBOI'ATIIHIMKD.CO , lOil Pultun blrcct , ftew York. " NERVOUS-DEBILITY. Vital WnaLnesi anil Trot- tir.lton from overwork or EnDATUlO U radical/ ! llfAI.mljcureai.ylC lloeri In inn V ) yrari , QpPPClP | NH 9S/ / ' fulrrmedyknown , Irlcof lic > rTlalorlvfaUft3 laritovlal of powder for t M-nt I > o t frcoonre < vlutofrrlre. llinnulirryN1 lliiinro.nli-iltin , Uliut , Caulosuulvitj iU'J i' ulluu OU. fi , Yv DISEASES OF THE f > * m A ' ' & EA. J , r ARMSTRONG , M , D. . OotaXieat Vv/acl a. % 10 * F tr ta SUM4. , opjmlto I'attoa Hotel , Otn h CAPITAL PRIZE , $76 , iaTickotii only $5. Shares In Proportion1 Loiiteiana & Loilcrsf ( Jompany , " < : do Mtli'tl ttrtlfy lhai tri AyrrnVf tt , nr- ranpcmenti for < ? fM MontMyaml Sfmilnniial Drwcings ( if the / ViMtm Afe lottery C'om- ) > any , am ! in jvriaif managt anil control Hit Vramngi tlittmehtt , aftf that the tame are con * ducM tctth Itontttyiiinu' ' / ' , ' ami in pvoil faith totMnl all jtirtiu , aiul ire ( tiiiWisc tht fomKiny ta iue thin certificate. Kith Jiic-itfM's of our sty. natitrciattachtol , initi mtifrtitttntrtlt. " Inrorp > ratcd In ISO3 ( or 2.1) can by the lee ilaturo ( or educational and rharltalila purpoxi ) with n cap ital o ( J 1,000.000 to which nreacrte fund ol over t3CO,000 halt IIHCC been added. Ily an incrnlictmtti ; potulir tote It * franchise wanmuio a part ( I the prr nt stall constitution adopted December 2d , A. I ) . 1870. The only Lottery over voted on nnd on- doracd by the people of nny SUto. It iioi er BCJ.ICS or postpones , Its grnnd silicic nuinbor drawings take place monthly. A uplomlld opportunity to win n Fortune , Socotul nrnwl brawhiR ClftM 11 , nt Now Or- loan * , IhiosJfty , Fobninrj' l"i 188105th MouUily drnwinp. CAPITAL PRIZE , $70,000. 100,000 TlckoU nt Viva Dollar * Knch. Krnc- tliniH , in Fifths in proportion. LMT OK I'HIZKS. 1 CAPITAL 1MIIZK I I 75,000 1 do do E1.0CO 1 do do 10,000 ! ! rni2K.sot'aooo 12,0(10 E do SOOO 10,000 10 do 1000 10.000 so do MW. . , 10,000 100 do ! 0 M.WO see do 100 so.ooo 600 ilo M 23.000 1000 do 25 25,000 0 Approximation prlioj of C7KO 8,760 9 do do COO 4,600 0 do do EM 1007 Prlios , amounting to , ? : o5r.oo Application for rnto to clulM nhtmld boinadoonly at tlio olllco ol the Compui } In New Orleans. For further Inlormatum wrlto cUvxrly gltlng full aiJdroM. Jlako P. O. Money Order * pajablo and address KcgUtcred Litters to KKVf OHLEAN3 NATIONAL HANK , New Orleaim , La. rfwtAl Notes and ordinary letters by Mall or Express - press ( all turns ot $3 and upwaids by Kxprc s at our eipenso ) to II. A. DAUPHIN. or Jf. A. DAUPHIN , New Orlfani , I.-4. 007 Seventh St. , Washington , D. 0 LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO B. Frank 5V ! o ore. 127 La Sa/le Street. Chicago , Now Manager of Chicago Ollloo. To when apply fm Information and tickets. 165th Monthly . * , V | ! Drawing. Feb. 12 Tuesday , . , Flrut Capital Prlzo 875 OCO. Tickets. $3 ; sold In Fifths at 81 each. See full echcihe abin o. The necenslty fo prompt and ofllclout hoimohold remedlea ladallyKronltiKlnoro ImparatlvL , and ol tlioeo Ilontottcr'n Htomaeh IJiltera la the chief In mlrlt nn > 4 the niottt iinpul&r. Irregularity ol the stomach and liowils , malarial f overs , liver complaint , debility , rhcumatlam and minor ailment ) , are thoruiiKhly conquer ed by thltlncouipara- bio ( amlly restorative and medicinal Bale- KTianl.anillt In Just ly regarded aa the purcgtanilmo toom- prohoiuU o remedy f Itj clam. Kor eolo b > all Dru UU and Uoalun enerally. An riMlUnl BpprUilDclMil * sfciquljll'lltvflr ttU world , nnt I'ttnrpll * . IM&rrW * . f rtr I T . dliurdrrl bftht ItlcMtl * * Otiuf A f * r divp4 luwt d.ll < Hu i lUTur * | lu f chftin | > . M. > „ ! 14 til lumm.r drlnki Trr II , I vtr * rf vuuuurf'lu. Aik ymir rnfr .r A nintat fo UI ( WAII ; . w. wurpESUAini , Cl JillOAUH'jtY , If. Y. S. H , ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , - - - - Neb BUiUDRROK TllOBOCOIItnilO AMD IIIOIl OUADH HEREFORD UD JERSEY CATTLE AKD DUBOO OK JURHRT BUD RWIiTO fJTVoung itoolc tor Bale.QOorroiponilcnro collcltod. EED STAR LINE , Itoynl unil.U.SS. JVfnll Steiiuicru SA1LING1EVEUY SATURDAY IIHTWKKN NEW YORK AND ANTWERP Ttie llhine\Germany \ , Italy , Holland and France Htecra-.ro Outward , (20 ; l'rt > | nld from Antwerp , * * ) Kxouralon , ? IO , IncIuJInit hoddlnff , etc ; 2d Cabin $56 ; Kicunlon , 4100 ; Haloon Iron : $00 to (90 ( ; Kx curelon (110 to $160. tfJTJ'ctcr Wright & Sons , Ocu. Agta. 65 Broadway Caldwell , Hamllloii k Co. , Omaha P , K Fl.odma JtOo.JMN , lOtii Htrcet , Omaha ; V. K Klmhall Omaha ARenU. mteeod-ly Western Cofnice-Wofks IBON AND BLATB HOOKINO. C. SPECHT , PROP , 1111 Omihi , Neb. IIANUFAOTIIKKIV Of Galvanized Iron Cornices rnorni ( > t Wlndom , nntab. Tin. Iron and HlaU aooHtig , Hitcchfa patent lUtolllo Hkllaht , FaUnt KlliuUxi lUtchct lUr and llracket hhvlrinif. 1 am h K i raU iUor thu above Iliw ol uooda. Ir n tnciuir , L'rutliu * , llaluntiadw , Yomudcii , Irun BttiiS lniiii , UluJow Ililndt , ColUr Oiuiiln : aUo Ke t for IVrrfinb Illll atnnt'ncM ' ; Illlnit. IDR.HORNE'S ELEGTRIO BELT IWtnn Acui' , rrolniKiis VIMl , > ! < % Onlr wlrntinoK inrlirltln Amrrionllisldi'niKthoKlrcfrlcltr nml n 21 OOO Would Not Buy It. Uox.it I wa ainirtrd with rheumatism , anc TtmHt , v u l"B n ' " 'I'To ftnr OIIB afflicted trlh ! thVt , ! ! . „ . . . , ' would ay , buy Ilorno'n Klectrto Ilelt. Anj oiiorAnro 'crw'thlnoll ' ' > 'WTUIl'K ' or calling at m.l * , MM IM , . MAIN OKKICn-OM-osltoHT'toniwl | Uootn * -\t wile at 0.1' . Ooodman' DtUg 6 on/1110 ? Fnrnam rt'eet , Omaha , OrdninilcdC.O. I ) . DUFRENE & MEMELSOH/i , lITUKVtOVKD ) OMAHA NATIONAL DANK \\honi ilrlinilcxlniuiilliiii ami | m < mature lcri varnranwdbji > icfMr . rrromof joiilh.ete , Are pfrfectlrontoml to roliutt lirntlti unit \lir rnii muiilinoil liy THE MAR8TON nOLUS * 4 n t4 > mftrh dnipelnR. TiutitrrAtment of Nrr % iiuii llrMlltr ami 1'lnnlciil llvrnyl * uniforml > uec < iful 1 > cr ii lia oil on perfect illiiEiin | * , itFtvnnil dlrrrt iui-lhiul nt 1 > - Mlmo Ihorouulinr" . ho led 'lrri > tUn freo. MARS10N REMEDYCO.,40W.14thSL , Now York. Imported Beer IN BOTTLES. Erlitngor , Bnvarin. Culmbiiclipr , Bnvarin. Pilsner Bohemian. Kaiser Bromou. DOMESTIC. Bmhvoisor St. Louia Anlmuser St. Louie. Bust's Milwaukee. Schlitz-Pilsuer Milwaukoo. Krug's Oiualm. Alo. Porter. Dooiostic n\\A Rhine Whio. ED.MAURER , 1214-Fnmnm. $ 2O.OOO for- K t M ( Ilegnlar Monthly Draw * will take plaoe .Bill " > the Masonic llft'l , Muonlo Temple uull- U II Idlng , In LiuU\Ille , Ky. Thursday January 31st , 1884. A Lawful Lottery A. Fair Drawings , chartered by tlio legislature of Ky. , and twloo dcTlar- cdlrgalhytho hlgliudt court In tna State Hand gl\en to Henry County In the sura of 3100UOOfor the jirompt payment of all prizes sold. A INVOLUTION IN H1NQLE NUM1JKU DIUWINQB f.fR\en ticket holder hUown supervisor , can oal ) out the number on his ticket and KOO tha oorroipond- Ing number on the tng placed In the heel In hli preBcnd ) . Those drawings ulll occur on the last Thursday ot o\vry month. Head tbo niagnlfloent January Boboino. 1 Prlio t. 9 3C.OOO 1 Prize 10,000 1 IMzo 6,000 2 Prizes , J',2,500 each B.OOO 5 1'rlios , lOOOeORh 6,000 20 Prizes , WOcach 10,000 100 Prizes , lOOeach 10,000 200 Prizes , M cadi 10,000 600 Prizes , 20 each 10,000 1000 Prizes , 10 each 10,000 0 Prizes , SOU vaeb Approximation Prizes , 2,700 9 Prizes , 200 " " 1,800 0 Prizes , 100 each " " 000 1,876 PiUos. J110.JOO Wliolo Tlclcota , $3. Half Tlofeoto , SI 127 Tickets , $00. DO Tlcnuti , $100. Remit money or Dank Draft In Letter , or send hi express. DON'T HKNU 1JY RKQ1STKUKD LETTE1I Oil POST OFK1CKOIIDKII , until further notice. Or ders of H and upward by expreni , can bu > cut at 0111 expense. Address all order * tn J. J. DOUIILAS , Loulmlllo , Kv. uod & Hl ftwl t 3w om Within 1J mtlos of PoBtofltoo , on ftH < 3 uoiir atruot car lines , at A 7D UPWARD , IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS ! $10.00 to 525.00. TN SUBURBS , $1OO EACH IN MONTHLY PAYMENTS , § 10. THOUSANDS of neroi of Improved and unimproved FARM LAND Throughout the Stnto at $3 Vo S&O per aero , Long time ; low interest. Houses , Lots and Land * UOU011T AND SOLD , r. . 3DOAITB & GO. ( s. W. Oor. and Douulas SU , Lots ! Lots ! ! Lots ! ! LOTS oFxiIEM m torn in IIAWTIIOR.IB. Every one knows this to boths ncc t thin * In the market. A V * T Fin ? torn n KmRvoon. These iiro acceded to be the chc pct In the market. 200 IX.T. . n OMAHA VIKT ? It will pay j on to go with u and \mw them. \V wtm ! d bn pleaiod to stow any property w huro listed. trice. and value of nil thl < property will aduncoln the Spring , consequently It will toNe . anil sue from f76 ta $150. , In - IMPROVED PIIOPEUTY. No- 1 ( J.CM. Itotw ol flie rooms on half lot , nlnu Mock * frt m U. I' , depot. 1 crm e y. 4 12,600. Buslnete corner and btilUIng. Term * to milt , fr 12,000 , Ilortrcofilx rooms on full lotonMlh tt. no for It. 0 ttOCO. Tire hotnts on ono lot In a ( food IOTA- lion. North IDth § 1 , nearntrtct car , and all ID Rood rcr lr. A peed bAtpiln. 7 StOOO. A magnificent tUelll e in Retllck'a milnlhlVnn , l > ri M new , nltliull lha eoralorti of our minloin dvlllutlon. A bargain for yen , 8 Bc\en room houi ( > , bet" con Center and Iorca.i otrrcti , set en blockg from the U , I' , depot. K.1CO , aril tenns cany. 10 An exotllent Inside mMcnco property , highly rr p cUliU l.xiallty , and t\crjtlilti | , ' In Ho , I hap ; terinn , fJ,7tO. 13 $ ! , r > 00. Uo d houio of tlx tootnn , May con * rcnlcnt to U. 1' . depot. Thin | ire | > erty M ( fill inUe and can bo I might for the eulcil tcrm.1 1UI II0- | "a M.COO. Neat cotUifo on half lot In Parker's ad dition. A bargain. 73 Homo nlcoten roomi on Hhcrman a\cnno. con- M'tilcnt to tlio biidlneat part , and very dcslrabla for mldrnce. (3 Son. > ! A houpo of elRht rooms In Hhlnn'i ) fddltlon , in arly now ani only ono block from itreet can , a\ery homelike place , and IMA purchase bar- Haiti dimply Imincnto. Only $2.0uO. 05-JI.OCO. A near , little cotUga In Shlnn'slaildl- Uon , cant front , cheap , 07 81,700. House of four rooms on 27th and IHMiuhn. Tumi ttty. 88 Houneof niorooin * , ncvly new , Shlnn's addl. tlon. $1,000 ; f.W > In each acil balauco In inontlity luyincntn. 03 $2XW ( , A Rood house In Bhlnn'a addition , six rooms and all In Hood repair. One half down and long time tor the bulanco. 07 J2.500. A n lea new house In llnnscora Place , cheap , 00 Sl.OOO. A nnuvll cottnpo and lot In Improve ment AeHOclatlon addition . Look at It. fcS.MX ) . Tc ttory hou e , of nice rooms , on Nineteenth (10) ) ttrcct. In Elizabeth place , ono Mock from street car line. Go look at It for a bargain. $4UOO. On Shmimn nrcnuo , a houio and lot. Tlia lot has a CO toot frontage on two strtots. Terms caa\ , 01 tfl.SW. IAFRO two-ttory houno ot 14 rooms Mid good barn , harlnK 0 complete box and liar lot ! , on corner lot on Snerman avcnua two blocks from car line. Great place for hotel or builncws of any kind , Oo and look at It. 01 ? 4,000. A two-etnry houno of 10 rooms on full lot In Shlnn's Crst addition. Good Imprcvo- inonU. 52 < lSOt ) . A ono- tory cottai'o on fit 1 lotn In Tar- ker's addition ; food ell and shade trcca. Tcnns to Bull purchasers. CO f4,700. Houio of 6 rooms on very arRO lot In Capitol hill addition. This place Is complete , haIng barn , ell , cistern , ondonl < * ono block from car lino. 00 41,000 , House and lot Monthly payments of SIS each. A rare bargain. 00 $1.800. IToueo of 3 rooms , and bam , on full lot In Hauscom place , one block from cor track. 80-81,100. Story and half houna of E rooms on half lot near U. 1' . depot Cosh bargain. SO 81,000. Ln > ifO ntoro bu ding on leased lot , leave to run lira } can. Easy terms and near depot 83 41,500. House and lot on Douglas and Twen * tj-FCM-'nth iitrcoU , K ° od barn , well and cistern ; gt-00 do n and balance to mi.t. BU fOOO 'IVontory frame store butldlnjr , 22x66 , on Sixteenth street Shchlog and counters , curtains , etc. The lease on lot can run flvo \ uxm. ThU Btoro bulldlnj ; It only three blocks f rom posUilllco ; wlllsdl forrauh. 84 Sl.'ifiO. Houio and lot In Kountz 3 addition , bctncen Tenth and Eletonth on.Hlcliory. Thte IH a Kreat birgaln. 70 ? S,000. Mco house and lot on Clark Httect , E. V. Smith's addition. Convenient to street CM ; a valuable corner fcr residence or business. C1IUAP LOTS In parts ot tlio city AIUIS S n pamot the Slate. Conveyancing and all kind of legal papers executed at our olllco. ilouey loaned on Ucal Estate. : TDon't fill to sea other largalns on our lists. .ttfNoUrv rublloalnajs In our offico. Sears & Bosard , COIl. 16TU AND DODQK STS , ( WUllanu' Block ) DREXEL & MAUL , SUCCESSORS TO JOHN 0. JACOBS ) UNDERTAKERS , * , t the old stand , 1417 Farnam street Orders telegraph solicited an promptly attended DR. EMILY PAGELSEN , SOf 1013 DODGE STREET. Office hom-810 to 4:6 : JO to 7:30. : RKPHESENT3 ! t'htnclx Aurur&noo Co. , ot i/ondon , Cash Assotn e Wcstclicster , N , Y. , Capital 000,000.0 llioMorvhanU , of Newark , N. J. , Capital 1,276,000.00 Olrard Fire , Philadelphia , Capital 1 , 00OCO.O Firemen's Kund , Capital lZ3J,9I5.0a OFKlCKi-llonm 10 , Crroba National Dank Build g. Ti liphone No. S75 NEBRASK/1 LAND AGENCY. 0 , F. DAVIS & G0 , ( SUCOESSOI13 TO DAVIS & 3NYDER.J Qwioral Coilorn la BT , OlfAHA Have lor B&lo 200,000 acie carolully eoloctod landt a Ka tcrn Nebranka , at low prloo nnd on euy terms. Impruvod liana tot Bale In Douaiaa. Dodge , CoUax , Pintle , Hurt , Uumln , Sanijr , WauhlDiftoD , Utricle , unilciH , and Itutlur Counties. Taxoj { Aid In all parti ol tbo Rtet * . Uoney loaned on Improved farina. NntArv IMhllaAlwav ID offloo. OorrMpondeao * tolleltcxl TAKEN UP Taken up November 2Ut , ono mile south ol county - ty fann , three etraxxl hcKcrn. n'l mofa or less red and white. JAMES HCIINIUEUWIND , 410tlew Oniilia.Ncli. I , N. WAITE , H. D. ( Purinerly ol Mercy Hospital , Chicago ) _ For the treatment of Kervoui Dlsoucs , L'hroulo an Hurlcal | DUeasea , and Dlttanu ol the Eye and tut. Consultation and examination tioo. OKFIUB Odd Follow i Block , N , W , cor. 14th and Dodife KU. Omaha , Nob. Odlcehoun o to 12 a. in. 1 to 4 and 7 to tt p. in , Buui'ayn 10 to W a. m. only. Steam Due-Works ! 00 IHh btreet , lt. I'arnam uid Doujlas. D. B. WAtyaK SG CO. . ' Mid GenU' Clothlusr rluanftd , dyed and re. palrut rhiuica audtli | iltanwl. Ujcd and otuled l aiod HUlta , In Bilk , Sitlii luid Vclr t < dwuieU by tlio Frfiieh dry cJnanluir procuM. { VA Urtt-cui * lor | hn | > In < > III > M tlnii