OF , NEB. tip Capital 9 Surplus Fund , Nov. 1,1883 .Ji H.W. YATK3 , rresidcnt , for m n retr C th Flnt Xatlon&l Bank of On. U. A. E. TOUZAUN , VlM President , o Boston. T. V. MOUSE , ol W. V. Mom ft Co UN8. C01.UN3 , . 0. It b 3. 8. Coillni. M. WOOLWOtlTH.Oo .nselorand Attorney U a UKKD , ol Byr on ed & Oo This B nk opened lot hiwincos Apill 87 , 188 ! be directors and stockholders uro among 11 gbwtncKs 01 OmMvi , wvl IU business Ucoi with copooinl reference to the best and lncre tcrrats o ( Its merefuilUs pMront. Collections reoelta prompt attention and i lowott obtainable here ot cltcwhcro. lnt ro t Mlowed on lima depoglU upon Unr nd ujxjn account * ol Unki and banker Pcrelun Kichanfrfl , OoTornincnt D nds , and I and City Hof'irltlf * hfmrht nd unl.l _ Council Bluffs Loan i Trust Company. First Mortgage koant negotiated. Comt riper and nil ( > < K > d Securities dealt In. 89 meet , and EOfl First arcane , Council mutts. FINANCE AND CQMMERl FINANCIAL Nrw Tonic , January Money Easy at 2@2J per conl ; closli ferod at 2 per cont. Prime Paper 5@6 per cont. Exchange B < U Strong at 4.84J ; dell 4.87g. Governments Fair. The stock market opohod 1 regular , It tbo main lower. St. P.iul was conspicu weak , selling down to 83. Before the fire a rally of i@J per cent occurred A go doslino ensued , which was succeeded liy j tor feeling , and n rally of J@j per cent n rod. Another general decline ensued , \ was succeeded by a bettor feeling and a of 1@1J per cent , in n report from the that a prospect of a aottlomout of the oil' trouble between the roads there was i promising. Later the Improvement was and tin market closed weak. As comj with last night's cl so St. Paul is 2 per ( Omaha & Denver J percent , nnd K & N. Kansas & Toxaq i per cent lower. COUPONS S1. 4 'g Coupons , . ! . . . ! ! ! ] plcMcfcioY .v.v.v : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : STOCKS AND BONDS , American Kxpresg , . , ' ' ' ' Burl , Cedar Jtaplda & Northern ! . . . . Central Pacific. . . . . . . . . ' . N ' * Chicago & Alton ! . . ! ! ! ! ! ! . . ! do do pfd. . ' " ' ChL , Burl. & Qnincy . . . . do pfd . Fort Wayuo & Ch'oaij o . . . . . . Hannibal & St. Joseph do do do pfd Illinois Central . . lad. , Bloom. & V'oatorn. . . K nsas& Texas \ Lake Shore & Michigan So Michigan Central Minneapolis & St. Louis . do do do pfd Missouri Pacific . ' Northern Pacific . . ' . > do pfd N > rthweslnni , , , XT r Naw York Central Ooio & Mississippi do do pfd. Pcoria , Decatur t ivans villa. llock Island . ' " ' ' ' ' Bt. Paul & Milwaukee . . . . . . do do do pfd. . . . St. Paul Minn. & Manitoba St. Panlt Omaha . do do pfd. . . " Texas Pacific . . Union Pacific . \V nbiwh , St. lu & Pacifio . do 'do do pfd. . Western Union Telegraph. . . . GRAIN ANU fltOVIHIONB. CHICAGO PBODUCE. o , January 15. Flour Market < i and unchanged ; medium to choice up wheat flours , 4 00@4 75 ; fair to hne wii wheat flours , 4 50@5 25 ; Minnesota bak good to choice , 4 76@5 50. Wheat Hegular wheat , largo business trade of a lialf million bushels among day's transaction * ; feeling somewhat unset prices variable ; fluctuations confined to a ir erate rungo , not exceeding j $ cents ; ck J@Sc batter than yesterday ; January cloa at 91c ; tebrunry , 91gc ; March , 920 ; M IWjc ; winter wheat quiet , 944@98c ; spi firmer at flO'91Jc. Com Feeling unsettled , but rat Htronger ; foreign advices unfavorable ; pr fluctuated J m'c , closed fie higher for .Tanut v , Jebniary , and seller May ; cash , 536@5I 1I 1 > 1'obruary , 54jc ; May , 69@59J. I i Oats Stronger , but no important char / car lot offering of No. 2 wercj@4o big r than yesterday ; ca h , 32g@32ic ; Febriu 32lc ; April , 33J@331c | ; May , 374@37gc. Jlyo Market ( julot at C8c. Uarley Market steady at 59c. Timothy Prlmo to high gradoj , 130@1 common to fair , 1 y5 < a < l as. Flaxseed Firm at 1 4Q@1 4fiJ. Moss Pork Steady ; opened 6@10c higl : with a further improvement of 5@lOo recon later , receded and closed quiet , cash closet 14 7C @ 14 80 ; February. 14 77414 80 : An 15 10(0115 ( laj ; Kav. 15 27J@15 30. Lard Showed but little change , nnd clo uteady ; cash , 8 HO 'a& 824 ; February , 88 8 87J ; April , 3 07i@10 00 ; May , 9 20@922) ) Bulk Mmrts Jlnrket steady and changed ; shoulders , ( j 35 ; long clear , 7 ihort ribs , 7 75 ; short clear , 8 00. JJuttor ( Jooil demuud for high prat choice c.'oamerleH SS aSc alrtogoodlCotS fancy dairies , 25@i7c ; good to choice , 13Sl ( common rolls , l'2yGo. ) Cheeno Good inquiry for skims nnd p skims , at 3@5o for the former and G(2)7c ) the latter ; supply ample fortho present , m ket steady ; choice full cream chedd : 12J@13c ; choice full cream flats , 13@13 < 7Oofl nark nkim chndHarH nnd flnfa K ? ) U . salt cured bull and damaged , Oc ; green i ' cured , light and heavy , Be ; green dry f I calf , lie. Tallow No. 1 country , 7c ; cake , 74c. Whisky-llo. UALL BOAIID. Wheat Hegular , Jo hig for February ; o lower for May ; others ' changed ; May clewed _ t 08ic ; sales , 1,4 ! Corn Jchlgher for January ; Jo lower May ; ethers unchanged ; May closed at M sales , 505.000 bu. . Oats lo higher for Marcli ; flc higher g May ; sales 850,000bu. J Pork Unchanged ; May closed at 15 2 1 sales , 2,750 bbls. Lard Unchanged ; May closed at 9 sales 2,000 tlorcod. TOLEDO. TOUSDO , January 15. Wheat M r qnlotund steady ; No , 2 red , cash , OScfrll Com Dull ; No. 'i cash , 5.'j3. OaU ilarket dull but firm ; No. 2 cash a January , 3Sc. MILWAUKEE. MldWADKEX , January 15. Wheat Mar dull but steady No. 2 , UOtfc ; January , IHJ February. * OOjJc ; May , 08o. Corn-Firmer ; No. 2 , 6 Jo bid. OaU-Kanler ; No. 2 , 32i@3.'Jc. Uye-Qulet and lower ; No. 2 , Me. Barley Market quiet and firmer ; No. 69Jc. OIKOrKKATl. CINCINNATI. January lb. Wheat-Mar dull nt I f > 2@l 03. Com In good demand : No. 2 mixed , I OaU-Mrmer at 37S8o. Kye Quiet atCfc. Pork Firmer t 1C " 5 , I ird-Dull at 8 80. Hulk Me4U-Oul6t and firm. \VhUky-Steady t 114. A PsOntA , January 15. Corn How inliodn 4GJ(5)47c ( ) : now jreloctod 44lfia45lc. Oats-Firm ; No. 2 whlto , 35@35lc. Whlnky-Stoady at 1 1C. BT , IXJU1B rVmUCa. ST. Loma , January 15.-Flour Uncl Wheat Kaslcr nnd Mow ; No. 2 rod , (381 02 } for cash : SI 01J bid for Ji SI 023cl 02J for February ; $1 04 for 51 07i@l 07g for May ; No. 3 rod , OOJo Corn Shade bolter ; 47-18Jo for 47flo for January : 48ail88c for Fol 49go for March ; fVjKftfttgc for May. Oati Firmer ) 33Jf i3le for cn h : 31 January ; 33Jo tot February ; 33c 1 March ; 8flio | bid for May. Hyo Nominal , Barley Dull at 60@80c. Flaxseed Quiet ; small Halt * nt $1 30 , Butter Steady ; dnlry 20@27c ; crc 3035e. Kggs-24@2r.c. Hay Unchanged. Corn MealDull$2 ) 30@2 M. Whisky Steady at 1 15. Provisions Finn and active. Pork-SlG 00 for new ; 814 60@14 65 f UAIA BoAltD Wheat Lower ; 1 01 1 Tnimary ; 1 02 } for February ; 1 OIWl 0 \tay. \ Corn Lower ; 48c for February ; 49 ; March ; f > 2c for May. Oats Nothing done. NBW OULKAKB. Na\t | ORLEANS , January 15. Corn 1 mt ncarce ; mixed 02cj white 63c. Corn Meal "Master at 2 552 CO , Pork Higher and light ( supply ; now 1 Lard Steady ; tlerco , refined , 8 75 ; < * Jt Bulk Moato Steady and In fair domn Whieky-Stoady ; wostoin rectified , ] NEW TORI : , NKW VOIIK , January 10. Wheat- ions declined J@l o at ononlng ; advt @lRc. closing firm ; cash lots i@Jc hi ugraded rod , S9c l 13 ; No. 4 rod , 85c red , 98 = © 1 ( H ) : No. 2 red , 1 05@110 pt To. 2 red , 1 f OJ@1 03. Corn Cash barely steady ; options o [ ® Jo lower , but lost moat of the tloi ti-Mng firm ; ungraded. f > 0@G3icj No. I JO-lJo Btoamcr ; mixed , Olc. OaU-i@ic higher ; mixed western , ! LBJ whlto , 41@45c. Kggs Western fresh , dull and lower i Lard Market steady ; prime steam , Butter Demand steady and market fn KANSAS ntiT. KANSAS CITT , January 15. Wheat- it steady and nominal ; 81Jo bid for Ic bid for February ; 88Jo bid for Mav. Corn Stronger ; 40@403c for cash ; 41i ebruary : 45ic bid for May. Data Dull and nominal ; 12Sc bid. UVKBPOOL. LlVKBroot , January 15. Wheat Mi iry dull ; winter , 8s4d@9s ; spring , Corn Easier ; now , 5a 3d ; old , 5a 7d. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO UVK STOCK. CHICAGO , January 15. The Drovers' i 1 reports this afternoon as follows : Hogs-Strom ? : packing , 5 lfi@5 50 ; pac 1 shipping , 5 Cu@0 25 ; light , 5 ( hj © ips , 3 i5a5 ! 00. Cattle Market dull , except for cho adcd ; exports , C 00@G CO ; good to cl inping , 5 30@5 00 ; common to mod J0@515j infeiior to fair cows , 250 ® adium to good , 4 00@4 Go ; stockers. 3 i ; feeders , 400&4CO. Sheep Market slow ; common. 25c lo Feriorto fair , 300@375por cwt ; met good , 425 ® 175 ; choice to extra , 4 HT. LOOI8 LIVE STOCK. ST. Louis , Ja'nuary 15. Cattle Sc d slow ; shipping demand light ; exr ! 0@G 50 ; good to choice , -10@G 00 ; i m to fair , 450@525 ; mixed butchers 2o@4 25. Sheep Best grades firm ; common i od to choice , 4 00@5 00 ; common to 0@350. KANSAS CITT LIVB STOCK. KANSAS CITV , January 15. The Dailj : ator reports : Cattle Good ste.otly , common weak ; es. 5 OOigG 30 ; stockers aud feeders , 3 ' 0 ; cows , 3 25@4 25. Hogs Firm and lOc higher ; bulk B ; Kgi5 ( G3. Sheen Market quiet ; natives , 3 50. TRAJfl"PJC , ITXDDB AND GRAIN. CHICAGO , January 15. llocelpta and intu of flour and grain for the paat 24 h ro been as follows : Receipts. Shi ; > ur , bbla . 26,000 30 aeat , bushels . 07,000 22 ra , bushels . 230,000 176 ts , bushels . 145,000 53 e , bushels . 8,000 4 rloy.i bushels . 37,000 20 JEW YOUK , January 15. Receipts pmentsof flour and grain for the past 24 h < re boon as follows : KeceipU Sh ! . . , , _ , | ieat , bushels . 31,000 ' 119 , rn , bushels . 41,0(0' 36 ta , bushela. . 47,000 1 , nvn BTOCR. IniOAOO , January 15. Recclpte and si at& of live stock lor the past 24 hours b u an follows ! Keooipta. Shij ; tla . 10,000 gs . 34,000 OP . 5,500 TANSAS CITT , January 16. Racolpts , > ments of II vo stock for the paat 24 hi 'a ' been as follows : Receipts. Shir. tie . l/oo B . 4,000 : ep . 500 r. Louis , January 15. Roceiptti and si its of live stock for the putt 24 hours h n oa follows ! Receipts. Bhlj tlo . 900 G50 WF.Y GOODS JUAKKKT. few YOUK , January 15. The dry go rket is much more active In inquiry i OBIAUA MAHKKT8. Wholesale I'rtoes. OVFIOB OF Tim OH AH A Bui. Tuesday Evening , January 15 , ; 'he ' following prlcos we charged retail lobbera , wholasaldra aud commission m nts , with the exception of ( ( rain , wlilch ted at the prices furnished by tha elevat , other local buyent : Grain. . 2. 72icj No. 8 , 62c. ; ABUSY Cash No , 2,47o. ; YB Cosh No. 3 , 44c. OIIK No. 2 , 41c. 'Aia ' No , 2. Siic , Wve Stoofc. 'AT ' STXKRB Quiet ut 4 00@5 00. 'AT ' Cows-3 00@3 1.0 , lees 4 755 2b. HKKP 3 IKKSB 7J. IALVKO Fulr quality 4 50I&5.00 ; good.but itock , G60. Flour aml2Mll)8tu ) i. WiiEAT Best qnallty , patent , ix Ki ) QDALITT 2 . . raiNO WHEAT Bent quality , paU EOOND QPAUTV 2 CWg3 35. iUAH 55o jiar cwt HOPPisn FESI > Per 100 Ibs. 860. OKH MEAI1 00@1 10 per owt j inuumjwo 5@75c per cw Qeriernl Produce. UTTKK Fancy creamery. S3 < E36e ; o age creamery. 25@27ci choice dairy , Ic ; best country , solid packed , " " * * good.Eaos Market stt > ckod ; - ales to-daj i. ttn r @ 22cj demand light. MEAIH Hamt , 13Jc ; bronkfust bacc clo&r dido bacon , short , PJc ; clear side long , OJc ; dry gait > hort , 8Jc ; dry n 8jcj shoulder * , 7cVdricd ; beef , ISJc ; I fined , lljo. ArrtKS Fancy Jonithftn , $1 M fnncy Ben Davis , S3 GO ® I 00 ; fancy S3 00@3 GO ) fancy Wlllowlwlg , ? 3 2 Demand good , CHEKSK New York State full crc Soiitombor tnnl < o , 14c | Now York SI cream , 10 hoop lot * , IJlJc ; do full ci liooplots , 13ic ; Wisconsin , full cream , He ; Young Americas , strictly full cron full rronm , 12c ; full cream 10 hoop lot full cream flats , 12ic ; full trcnm flat rn icy brick clicooo , 300 IbcMtii , 15J Jtlrwer 13Jc ; Konulno old Swiss , I'.lc. POTATOKS Rpcoipls small and food. Consignments of strictly argo sired , straight potatoes nrn rom 40 to 45c ; mired cars 35 to 88 < Ight demand ; ponchblows , Mc. SWKFT VOTATOKS Choice yellow , toi OHIONB No demand ; market overs ! JBEAXs Hand picked natlvra , $2 2C land picked moaluins , ? 1 7C@2 00. olpts largo. QAMK Prnlilo chickens , per dot. , ? . ' 25 ; qunll. 51 25 to 1 50 ; snlpo , 81 50 1 ucks , Mnllwd , per doz , 2 00@2 50 ; : 1 60 to 2 00. Bo cnroful that nine comes to market in nlco onndltior FBKSH OfSTKrui-Solects , 40cj stat 5c ; mediums , 25c. CKLSHT 46o. Ponwur Live chickens , per doz , 00 ; full dressed chickens , per lb , 8(3)10 ) pys , per lb. , 1517c ; ducks , 10@12 ; l@13c. LEMONS Extra fancy bar lemons , ncy Messina lemons , per box , S7 25 ; its , Messina lemons , 87 00 ; 10 box lot G 76 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , 55 00 ; do ts , $4 50. OUAMQEa Mosslnn , 4 25 ; lotnonn , C 2 ! BANANAS Nono. a Boll and bugles ; $1 2 00 ; bell nnd cherry , 59 60@10 50. i notations for choice , DATKS Black Arnblnn , per lb. , I unrtor crates , lOe. Flos-25 lb , kegs , per lb. , 12Jc ; 10 lb , > yor , per lb. , IGc ; mnnllVvals per lb. , II COCOANDTS Extra line , per 100 , 8 00. Cirmu Pure sweet cider , 22 gal keg , i t. & P. clarified , 16 gal keg , 54 75 ; li. arified , 32 gal keg , § 8 00. Pwa VKVT , rinpK , ETC. Pigs foot , ts. 31 15 : p gs 40 lb qr bbl , S2 25 : pigs lb half bbl , § 4 00 ; tripe , lr lb iclts , ! Jl > e , 40 lb qr bbl , 82 25 ; tripe , 80 lb hnl 1 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 lb kits , ? 2 W : pguos , 40 lb qr bbl. 50 00. Lnmlw' ton . lb kits , S2 G5 ; 40 lb qr bbl , 56 25. MIHCE MEAT Atmoro's , 181b bu uckets 25c ) 9c ; S71b buckets ( bucket i. ; lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barrels , Sic. ASSORTED JKLLT 2-lb stone jars ; 12 Jn ir dor , 52 25 ; tumbler , per doz , 5 hoonor , per dozen , $3 10 ; 1-lb tin a . in CMBO , 81 402-lb ; Un cans , 2 doz in BotK JKLUKS Currant , SO-lb wood i ir lb , 8Jc ; strawberry , 30-lb wood pnil , 8Jc ; raspberry , SO-lb wood paila p < c ; blackborry. 30-lb wed pnils iwr lb ab npplo , SO-lb wood p nils pnr lb. Sic. APPLK BOTTEU STi-lb wondan u Is , pi ; 5-lb wooden palls , G in ctoo per i 50 PEACH BDTTKH 2.lb wooden pails pi 1 00 ; 5-lb wooden poll * , 6 In case , per a ( In 20-lb wooden pails ) I rry , 15c ; atrawberry , quince , 14c ; pi c ; cherry , 14c ; tomatoes , 1-lc : plum , sorted , 5-lb wooden buckets , G in case , ne , $4 76 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 d BB. per case , SG 50 NKDiUHKACoMiiHoNKY 2-lb frnmos , ses , per lb , ISc , HAT Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; in 1 K@G ) 50 per ton. Grocers OAUNKn Goons Oysters ( Staudardpor ) fO@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case. 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 H > , per case , 2 90 ; Bai ars , per case , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per 10 ; egg pluns , 2 lb , per case , 2 90 ; i gos , 2 lb , per cane , 2 90 ; pine apples r case. 4 80@5 50. UOPK Sisal ( inch and larger , lOc , B Jc ; J inch , lie. DANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15c ; 8s , xos 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . Gs , 15c. ( HATCHES Per caddie , 35c ; round , { )5 ; 8uaro cases , 1 70. 3DOAR8 Powdered , 9ic ; cut loaf , ululated , 8Jo : confectioners' A , S c ; Si 1 extra O , 73c ; extra C , 7ic ; medium v , 7c ; dark yellow , 6Jc. DOKFEKa Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo ; It I3lc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15ic ; cli ® l7c ; fancy green and yoHowlG@lGJi vemmont Java , 20@2Gc ; I overing's ron : ; Arbuckle's roabted , 18Jc ; McLaugl SXX roasted , 18Je ; mitation Java , I8o RICE Louisiana pnme toclioioe , 7o ; : ; Patma , GJc. FIBK No. 1 mackerel , half brls. , 8 00 ; oackorel , .tits , 1 16 ; family mackerel , s. , 6 00 ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; Ji ito fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No , 1 kite. 1 0 ! Jritnp Standard Com. , S2c , boln ; Stan , 4J gallon kega 1 85 ; Staudnrd do , 4 gi rs 150 JODA - In lb papers , 3 JO per case ; keg pe 'IOKLSH Medium , iu barrels , 7 00 half barrels , 4 00 ; small , in bnrrals , 8 OC half barrels , 4 50 ; gherkins ! In barrels , ! in half barrels. 5 00. FKAH Gunpowder , good , 46@55c ; chol < 6c ; good Imperial , 40@4Sc ; choice , G0(3 ( ung Hyson , good , 3fi@60c ; oh VOOUKNWAUE Two hoop pails , . eo hoop nails , 2 10. Tube , No. 1 , 9 00 ; r washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown ! illbuckots , 3 85. iOAl-s Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; K 'not , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; K : [ to UuRsian , 525 ; Kirk's cutoca. ! k's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; K nolia. doz. 'OTASII Pennuylvnnla cans , 4 case , In t ' ; Babbltt.a ball 2 doz. In owe , 1 90 ; An 1 , 2 doz. in CMC , 1 50. IANDV Ficnch mixed , In SO lb. palls , leiican mixed. ' in SO lb tiails , lie ; Brill ; od , in 30 lb palls , 13c ; Nobby mixed , i pails , 13c ; Competition mixed , In S la , 15 > Jc ; Kxcoldior ntlck , 8011) ) palls , iblo refined , SO lb pails , 13c ; Crystal mi : lb palls , 15c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 lb p ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 lb pallu , 13o ; F e < l. 0 lb pails , lljc ; Flirt , itick SI Is , lljc ; Tip Top , stick , SO lb pails , 12c riHBOAB Now Vork ripple IGo ; Ohio i loC. d8' ° r bt)1 l M' Aahton , ALTrPrarIo } ' P > ' Its , 3 50 ; bbU dairy CO , 5s , 8 SO. TABCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glosa , 9cj ( rch , 9o ; Excolrfor Gloss , 7io ; Corn , 80. PlOEa-Pepper , 17oj allaplca , 15c ; clc cassia IRc. iYB American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 3 etern , 2 75 ; North SUr , 2 00 ; LowK i ; Jowoll lye , 2 75. I > rr Goods. IEOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 80 ; Ar X-x , 7o ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot FF , : ' 7 Cabot W 7c Cii keyA8 W-1' A'4' ? : , ; B ° A , Glc : Great Falls K. 84c ; Hoosler , noht Width 8cj Indian Head A , 8c ; In. . ndard A 8c ; Indian Orchai-d , d. w. , 'INK ' 'BKOWN CorroNH Allondalo 4-4 , Igntor 8-1 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4. 7Jc ; Atfn ' .Frf , Kr 5ta 8 4'4' ° ic5 Bo"/ ! / 4 'ifo : Buckeye 8 4-4. GJc ; Indian Orel . U-8 ; , 84c ; I-aconta O 39 , 84oj Lehleh K ! Pepporell N 0 , 7o ; do 0 32 , 7ic ; d A iched 4-4. Ocj Calx > t 4-4 , 8Jo Fidelity ; Fruit of Urn Loom , 9Jc ; do cambric .lo Water Twist , lOJc ; Great Falls Q l , ' , , iaJcNew } York Mills , 11 l A.lOcil'epporol.N G Twills , 1 ahoiita * 4-4 , tljc : Pocasset 6-1 , 8J ; Ul ' ! Wainbutta O X X , 12io IUOKB ( ColorodJ-Albany K. brown , 8ci ; ? . ancy. iy i ruMV wn , 8 l-2c ; Chariot fanny , 12 1.2c : do heavy , 20c ; Full lHverS extra he , ' yf ° in * L * * r * rtit M * , . * fc- I Hftmllton 1) , H1.2c ! Lowlstoh A30 , II nonMiA 4-4 , 20o ; Omcfln , upor oxtrft 4 t vero W Pt tnam X tripe , 12c : Shotnckot S , 10 1.2cj do YoomanV blue 29 , Oo. DRNUIS Amoskeaff , blno r nd brown AndovorDD blue , Ifi 1.2c ; Atllngton Scotch , 18 1.2o : Concord OOO , bl browti , 12 1.2c ; doAA , do dn 13 XX tododo , 14 l > 2c ; Haymaker's bl brown , ! 1 | .2cj Mystic UlvorDD stripe , Pearl Hlur , blue nud brown , IGc ; Uut blue IUH | brown. 14 l-2c. . -mMiuiru I6C , J'rftltiyfltnnQ 21 Inch doulilo face , SicjUarnor A glitf. . Manhattan plovo fmUh , 5Jo ; Newport ( do KJAzftd , fijcj Poquot do , PC : I/ockwi finish , Gc , Consw JEANS Amory , Andre , sattoon , 8jc : Clarendon fifes Conostof teens , 7c ; Hallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orchai Nnrrafran.rtt ! , improved , SJc ! Poppori teen , 9ic ; llockimrt , Cc. PuiNTs Aliens , Go ; Amoncan , 6Jc ; ; VJ ° ; Ii0.rv > cK1 Jo ; Cochooo , GJ jConoatof Dauklrk , Cc ; Dnnnoll , G5@7c ; KddysUn Gloxicestcr , OJc : Harmony , 5 c ; Knlckorl OJci : Mcrrimao I ) , 7c ; MTynUc , r > ic ; Spi Go ; Southhrldgo , Cc ; do Girujhams , 7c ) bore , BJc ) Oriental , 81c , OiNOHAWS Amoskoag , PJo : Arcyl Atlantic , 8c ; CumlKirlnn.i. 74c ; Hlgldan Konllworth , < tje ; Plunkitt , 9Jc ; Sussex , CorroNAtiKs Abborvlllo , 13Jc ; Agnt American , lie ; Arttslan , 20c : Cairo D i l $ cj Clarion D and T , l7ic ; Doca itriiiOB D and T , IGc ; Keystone 1 % ; .uckot. IPc ; Nonpareil , IGc ; Ocean D r loc ; Uoyal , IGJc ; SURSOX , 12c ; lloga. \ \ ott shirting chocks , lUJc ; do Nankin STork , plnln Nankin , 12 c ; do chocks , i md fancy , 12jc ; do 8 oz , 20o. SllKHi.vos Androscofrgin 10-4. 27J , . > ? * * } ' ' " 3' * > 32o ! ContliiPiilal 04 ! f > 't ' of the Loom 10-1 ; 27JcNow York ' 83 ; > c ; do 78 , SOc ; do M , 22Jc ; Pom 0-4 , 25c ; Ponuot 10-4 , 28Jc ; do 74,19c ; i Gc : Pcpiionoll 90 , 29c ; do 07 , 21c ; do . Jtica M , BCc ; do 58 , 22ic ; do 48,17c , Immrjer. WI10LK8ALB. Wo quote lumber , lath and Hhlngloajoi t OmaDa at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLTNQ 10 ft , and i 2 00 ; IS ft , 23 50. TIUIIKIIS 1C foot and nndor , 22 00. TIUIIKR AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , ' . 2ft , 2050 ; 2 J ft , 20 60. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 24 00 ; I pSiKKTiNa | No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 5 LlUE-Por barrel , 125bulk ; per bushel impnt , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; M bu. 50e ; Tarred felt , 100 Ibs , 3 60 ; t jard , 350. Fnlntfl.Olla nnd Varnishes. jffr.carsn' i * * Moa' 13 ° ; sadllght , per gallon , 14c ; 175 ° hoadl jr gallou , 18c ; 150 ° water whlto , 17c " ) Kallon,55c Unseed belled ' 'J Jr ; , , ulon , CScLard , printer str'd , per frallon , 0 > 1' I 'S0Z > 60 ° ! CMtor. XX , per " X ° ° 3' 1 BWOot' Hon. ' ? i , ? ' ' 30t ' Per B > orm W.B. , i > or gallon , 100 ; fish. W irgallon , G5c : neatafoot extra , per gallon , 0. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , lero , per gallon , immor , 15c ; goldeh machine , No. 1 , per n , 8.JCJ o. 2 , 25c ; gporm , signal , per ga te ; titrpentine , per gallon , 48c ; nnpthn ' sr gallon , ICc. PAINTS IN OirWhlto lead. Omaha F : ; \vhito lead , St. Louis , pure , Olc ; Marsi tson 1 to 5 lb cans , 20o ; French zinc , f al , 12c : French zinc , rod seal , lie ; Fr no , in varnish aait , 20c : French zinc , ii at , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , w and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vandyke hn ic ; relined lampblack , 12c ; coach black. ory black , ICe ; drop black , 10c ; PTOI ue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo gi . M. & D. , IGc ; blind and shutter greor . . & D. , ICc ; Paris grean , 18c ; Indian * ; Venetian rod , 9c ; Tuccan rod , 22c ; Ai n Vonnllbon. I. & P. , 18c ; chrome yel . M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochrt ilUen ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8c ; grai ilorB. light oak , dark oak , walnut , cho- id ash 15c. l > rr Paints. Whlto load , 8c ; French zinc , 10c ; ] biting , 2Jc ; wliiting gildore , IJc : vhi > m I lie ; lampblack , Germantown , mpblack , ordiimry , lOc ; Prussian blue , tramarino , 18c ; vaudyko , bro vn , 8c ; un irnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt anna , ru-v , 4c ; rarts green , genuine , arls green , common , 20c ; chrome green , N ic ; chromo green. K. , 12c ; vermillion , Ii te ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian to ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian red , Cokui 'c ' ; Venetian rod , American. Ijc ; rod 1 c ; chromo yeUow , genuine , 20c ; chromo w , K. , 12c : ochre , rochello.Sc ; ochre , Fro c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mini c ; lehigh brown , 2&c ; Spanish brown , rince's mineral , Sc. VAnNlHHEs Barrels , per gallon : Ft re , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , ? 1 : co tra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Dai tra , $1 75 j Japan , 70caanhnltnm ; , extra , ellac , S3 60 ; hard oil finish , $1 50. Tobaccos Ptua TOBACCOClimax , 60c ; Bullion oreoahoo , 60c ; Star. 50c ; Ruddy , 45o ; ] e , 48c ; Blacic , 38 < § 40c. FINK CDT Common , 20@30c ; good , c ; KOBO Leaf , 70c ; Premium , CGc ; Diaa own , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. BUORIKO O. S.,21cMeerhchaum , 28cl m , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57c ; Durl > z. , 55c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , al of North Carolina , 4 or. , B7c ; Sea > rth Carolina , 2 oz. , OOc ; O. KflDurhai „ 28c ; O. K DmV SOc ; U 3d , } 's 25c ; To" ' [ ? Xc , I < eatlirr. .rale. 880 to 42c ; hemlock . > .c 8o to n o kip , 80c to 1 00 ; runner G5o to m o calf , 85o to 1 20 ; hemlock upper , 20c ; oak upper , 2lc ; alligator , 4 00 to f f kid , S2@STn GriiiBon kid , 2 BO to 2 75 ; 1 , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Frc ) , 1 10 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; , B , 5 W to 7 50 ; llnlngH , 6 00 to 10 50 ; ic , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. , . Morocco , S8c to lblo O. D. Morocco , S5c ; Bimon , 2 KO to : HAIIKKSS No. 1 star oak ; 42c ; No 2 : ; No. 1 OJiio oak , 38c ; No. 2 do , 5c ; klilwaukeo 87c : No 2 do 84o Hides. ill , and weak ; green butchers. n@Ce ; gi ted 7J ® 7Jc ; dry nint , 12@13c ; dry s 2)llc ; damaged hides , two-think pries , TAttow C < gGlc. 3HKKP PJCLTO Cc@l 00. Wool. ' Merino unwashed , light , 14@lftc ; hoi SlBc ; medium unwashed , light , 18Jg ( flhed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; tub and wasl : ; burry , black and co'ted wool , 2@6o Hearv Hnrdwnro List. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; rilow uteol sjxiclal cast iciblo , 8c ; special or German , Co ; cast , 16@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25 3 00 ; 1 r net , 1 25 ; felloes eawed dry , 1 40 ; long sh , 70@85o ; azlea each , 7Cc : square nute 7@llc ; washers er lb , 8@luc ; rivets. lie ; cell chair , per lb , 0@12c ; malleable n wedges , Oc ; crowborB , Cc ; harrow t i spring tool , 7@8c ; Burden's honohoos , irden s muleshoos C 00. IJAKimn WIIIK In | cor lota , 4Jo perl NAILH Kates , 10 toGO , 8 00. 3llOT-Shot , 1 88 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; erie wder , kegs , 0 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; art" kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 8 85 ; I r 100 feet i > 0c. r < EAl > Bar , 1 C5. 30AlCumberland blacksmith. 10 00 ; J n n plwNl'urg , 1000 ; WMtebreast lu > 0 ; Wliltebreast nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , f iva nut , 5 00 ; llock Spring , 7 00 ; Ant e , 11 26@ll 60 ; Canon Cfty , 7 CJO , ror Vuxilor/-188 proof , 2 25 per wine ga : ra Culifornlu spirits , 188 proof , 1 25 > of gallou ; triple refined spirits , 187 or 3 per proof gallon ; ro-dUtllled wilful 0160s fine blended , 160@250 : t : ky Imurbons , 200700 ; Keiitucky nnsylvanla ryes , 2 00(5)7 ( ) 00. 1 mix > rtod > "GOO160 ° 5 domei JiNtt Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; domeatlo , n5 Il5IKrte ? ' 4 @ 0 ° ° ! NewEngU 0@4 00 ; domestic , 1 60@3 60 'KAOII AND Ari'u : HuANur 1 75@4 00. jHAiirAONBtt-Imported tMir COHO , 28 ( BO ; AmoHcan , \ > ur caae , 12 ro@li ( 00. DENVEK MAltKKT. AND i WIn tlercos Huina , 14Jo ; breakfast ba. . , , _ , _ % onlon , ix-r 100 $1 W2 00 ; turnips , pnr 100 lb , ttiK orado cabbage , new , jwr 100 , 8S "X ? cWckons , old , per doz , 4 25 } fpralno chickens per dot , $3 7 JW , limb , tx\r doz , SaffAlc ; butter , f Ity croamnry , finest jxsr lb , 38@42 ; cr ( peed , per Hi , 2831c ; Kan as nml Ni ilnlry , j r Hi , 37(5)45cs ( ) cooking , VJffilBci full cream , per lli , 10 17c ; npiSoi p i HM. , i ( < f > 10o ; Cnllfornla pcm , per It. , Messina lemons , extra , per box , © 800 ; oiangpfl , $12 OOfoylS 00 ; Ct * 'lo.t > | )0lo . lb' * 1N > @ 1 885 flon quality , IO 00fri)10 ) f,0 i or barrel ; Uraham , t > cr 100 lb , $2 00@2 M ; rye , twr 100 lb , S2 50@2 70 ; Hour , buck . } ML * lf > 00@10 W ) ; corn meal 00 Ibi , 91 O.@l 85 ; torn , per 100 lb . < I 35 ; corn cliop , per 100 HM , SI 301 33 > nU , per 100 lb * * 1 35(311 ( 45 ; oats , Nol ii " 7 W 10 ° lb 51 5S1 M * whcftt. 1 Ibi , 81 S5@l 4r. ; barley , per 100 Ibs , S @ 175 ; mlxoil chop , jxir 100 llw , 8 1 40 ; bran , per ton , 817 00@10 00 ; , ' - ° ° ® 10 ° ° ! I'alod ' second b 1200j baled upland , $14 00@ straw , per ton , 88 00@9 00. Railway Time Table LOCAL TnAlNS-DlUDOK DIVISION U. P. U n. , HAW LINK. LKAV * . ARRIV * . 'jclflo Kxv > rrM.lo& : P m AtlantloARRIV Voitera Kxnmii 8:00 : mn . > .ItUndl'M. . .4Miim : (1 , ItUnd IM , Jnooln Kx . l:30 : p . Lincoln Ex . U ; DUMMY T1UJNB-11HIDOB PIVISION. /rove Omahn : 7lO ! , 8:00,0:00 : : , 10.OO. 11:00 : a : m , :00 , S:00 , S 00 , 4100 , B:00 , fl.OO , 10:10 p. m. 0 ys : 7io : , 8:0 : nioo : . m ; 2.00 , 4ou : , BPO : , u 11. Anhoattr ni < rerilC.ot20miiutfnl ! lor : 1 i y depot , Cnutirll niiiIn ( , SO inlnutrs Inter. l * \o Council Illuffii , ! lro d y depot , 8:00 , o.-oo , 11:00 : . m. ; n m.ioo ; : , Sco : , s.oo.4oo.6w : DM0 ii. m On Bundajs : 8.00 , 10.00 ft. m. ; IS n\ \ ) | ' 10:4 : ° ' " ' "u Arrl * ° Transfer Ot > i > ot , 1 i Uavo Council Ilhills Trunufcr dci > ot : 8:26 : , ? ' ? -ln-:12 : m:1:2s. : : 2:25 : , SUB , 4ss : , MJS 06 , 10:66 p. in. Arrh o Omnha SO minutes l t < MAN X OMAHA. tKAVK OOURCK , nil H No. S. . . ,7:65 am l' M. No. 0. . . 7S : 1 No.10 D46pm ! " No. 16..11:4 : 1 No. 4 BlMprn " No S..MK . " No. 8 8SOam : " No. Bt..7l : ! " N . 8. . . .8:16 m 5 " No. 1. . . . J8 " No. . . . . : | o.M.8t.p.nn u.p . „ . , _ LyAVK- AHItlVK. Kx'.8Mpm IPoclfloKx 0S uc iX 7:60 : R m iMall&Kx * J5i ; , . ( 'Sundajn RxcM'iitod. ) ABASH. , BT. LOUlh & PACIFIC U. P. DK Bftha , . . . . , . . .7:60am : I Omaha HJ " 8:60 : pm | " jjji O. . U * Q U. R.-U P. DEPOT. nil * 7:60 a m I Ktrircw . . .gt : 'press 8:60 : p m I Mall1 7u 0. , H. t & P. B H. U. P. DIU'OT. 'prow 7:60 in I M ll o:4 " 1 8:60 : pm | Express ,7K ; O. & N. W. H. It. U. h , TJKPOT. * H * 7:60am : Kinr * P:4 : iprc S:60 p m | Mull" 7ji 8. 0. & P. U , H. D , P. DKI O1. MI" 8:16 ru I Ktprom 0.4J ipross 0:00 : p m | Mall' 7:11 : MISSOURI PACIFIC U. P. DEPOT [ jirMii . . .7:00 m | Kxprctn. . . 0:41 : , ST. PAUL , M. 4 ; 0. H. H.-UKPOT N. 16T1 > .2 * .7:8o : mNo. | l . .t * > .4" . , . . .l KjimNo | n:4l oux crrv & PACIFIC-DEPOT N. uth ai \o Oumh lor Valentino via St. Paul Line to Blair ' 7.5 , rive from Valentine. \.bM \ U. H M. IN NKBIU8KA. nvcr nii > roM..8:15ttin I Atlantic 8:8 , clue Kpro8a'.C:85 : p m. | Domor Kxprosa'OXl K. 0. , UT JOE & C. B. H 11 B. DKPO1 'H 8:26 : m I Kxnrous CM presa 7:20 u m I Hull ( jM : Sundttvs oxocptod. Opening ana Closing of Mallu , wtiTs. or H. mo AN. W.,0.,11. .61 * . ,0.11. Si Q. , Bt Paul t. Sioux City.llxw 0:00 : 6'40 , M. &S.P. B. a & P. In Iowa 0.00 6:40 khtioh Kxprcna 12:30 : jliouhlocal o.oo 6'40 C. , StJoo&C. 0:00 : 0:00 : 6:40 : saourl Paclflo 7:80 : 6'40 Bt P. M. liO BOO : 7W : ) ilon raclflo , ( norland 8:00 : 11:36 : ilon Paclilc , Denver fix. . . . 4:00 & Hepulillcan Valley. . . 1:8011:86 : : & M. Exprec'H . , , . . . 7QQ j4Q & M , ( or PlatUwnntli , S. itouil , Ashland ar.d Uncolii.ll 0 ) moo open Bunrlaya trom li:00 : m. to 1:00 p. o O. K. COUTANT PoutnW Positively nnd pcrmnncnU' n . stored in 2 to 10 ilayi by a I 1ANHOOD clous Confection. Sealed Pamph Free. J SanMatooUoa Co.r.O.Boz31BlSt.Louli lebraska Comic AND \LVANIZED \ IRON CORNICI FINIALS , \YINDOW GAPS , IN , IRON AND SLATE ROD FU PATENT METAUO SKYLIGHT , ron Fencing lrcstlnL-8 , Balustrodoa , Verandas , 0 ID en and I llalllnga , Window ami Collar Gunrda , Etc. N. W. COIl. NIN K AND JONE8 BT8. WM. OAIREIl , L POSITIVE : No. 1 will cnro any cano In ( our days or lens rill cure tlie meet obitlnato case DO matter of g B landing. fan's Soluble Medicattd Doug nauseous clones of nibcbB , oopabla , or oil of wood , that ain * .uln to produce dynpeiidl : trying the co&tlngsof thostomacli. P/Ire t tl by all druKKlsta , or mnlled on receipt ot I rther parttoulars send for circular , Boxl,6 3. C. ALLAN CO. , Joha Htruot , Now Voik. Patent Dried Fruit Liftei NO DEALEI IN Grocoric CAN AITOIII ] TO JIB AS A FAin 0V Without It 3UNTEU SCALES , C. CLARK , SOLE PROPRIETOI OMAHA , MUIi. A. riful i _ _ I , HENDERSON medicine. Over llxl and 008 W yandotte BL1 , y &n' pikctloe Iwelr .ANBAH crry , MO , ChlcKo. Authorized by the iUt < to t Cbronlo , Nervouiand PrlrttedUei Asthma , EpUepgy , lUieunittlem. r Tape Worm , urinary and Skin ( uusi , BomlnM WeakD Unlgbt ( Ion rBexu&l Debility ( low nfMiualpoH 'M guaruiUed or money retuodod. Ctuu ' . Thouuudi ol OMei cured. No Injurious a tt lurnlsbed even to rtlcnta k OliUnoo. ( tatlon Iree and ooufldtotUl cll or wilU ; ag * tltuoe are Important. 'A BOOK lor both MX itrated aud ciroulari ol otlior Uiliig * aent tv b two I coot rtAtLta. IfKKK UUSlUU 4 od-w I M * . HAWTH NE , This now and beautiful addition ily ton blocks from the High Scheol. Lots Will be Sold at $350to $650. SAW THORITE ! This is by all odds the moat desirable property placed on"tho _ market this year , tuatod as it is , in the heart of the city , and at pricea HO higher than is asked for bo two and throe miles distant. avenport Street is Now being Graded Through this Addition. EAWTHORN The fiuoat residences in Omaha are being built within seven blocks of this ad ia addition and those lota will double in value in leaa than six months. Lots in Hawthorne will quadruple in price before lota two and three miles dia- it will double. all and See Prices and Plat , and Drive with us to Hawthorne. Partiea wishing desirable residence property willTfind it to their advantage w 1 and BOO us. ornamented with n beautiful | rowth ofjforost trees , consisting of Oak , Bioko h and Elm. Hence the shade and ornamonta trees are a roatiy planted and u Wo have property in nil parts of the city , both for rosidenco"and business uu rposos. Wo liavo an Eighty iicro tract and ICO acre tract on line of Bolt Railroad SOUEE. L3 South 14th Street , between Farnam and Douglas 1 * * ' J ' ' * * un ' ( f *