t * M " ' ' Wf \ jf2W * $ fffi * < | THE DAIL ! BEE-TUESDAY , JANUARY 15,188 . FURNITU THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY They always have , the largest and best stock , NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGEB ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. H. B. IR f I6tli and Farnam Streets. - - Omaha , No"b , Below will bo found a few of the BEST and most DESIRABLE BARGAINS : OMAHA CITY PROPERTY. No. " 211 2 story brick residence , near St. JVIary'a avenue , at a bargain. No. 221 12 vacant lots , t block from street cars , eamo distance from Hanscom Park. We offer those lots , which are very desirable for building purposes , at a low figure for a few days only. No. 226 3 lots on Saunders street , near Charles. These lots will be sold cheap and are well located for a block of stores. No. 229 Business property , ronta for $2.000 , pays 20 per cent. Best thing over offered. No. 235 Three houses and lots , rents for Sl.200 per year. No. 241 3 lots in Bartlott's addition , very cheap. w No. 253 15 acres in Cunningham's addition. , - - No. 247 3 lots iii Banscom place , No. 94 4 lots on S. 10th street. Easy terms. Each , 5300. No. 102 House and lot. House , 5 rooms and basement. Lot , CO x40 , S. 10th street , near Charles , $500 down , balance in 2 years. 51,400. No. 84 9 lota , 66x132 each , S. 10th st. Must be sold altogether. 94,500. No. 77 3 houses , 2 brick and 1 frame , on lot 60x132 , S. llth at. $4,900 cash , balance long time. $7,250. fl No. 40 One acre lot and house , 4 rooms , 4 blocks , S. St. Mary avenue street car line. Very cheap. $3,700. Liberal terms. No. 11 3 houses and lots , 50x140 , S. ICth st. , N of railroad. This ia the best bargain for an investor over offered in the city. $2,500. No. 90 A good house of 5 rooms , with basement and other good Improvements. Lot , 60x150. .fruit and evergreen trees 6 years old. Nice residence property. Easy terms. $3,200. No. 19 New house and barn. Lot , 132x148. This is a very de sirable residence property , and is offered at a low price. Will Hex- change for farm property. $4,500. No. 143 2 lots ia Block K , Lowe's 1st addition , $150 each. No. 163 8 lots in Boyd'a addition. $175 each. Easy terms. No. 167 2 lots in Lowe's second addition. Each contains 1 acre , with house and barn. Bargain. No. 169 4 acre lota in Lowe's second addition. No. 179 1 lot in Kounta' third addition. Now ] house of 3 rooms , barns , etc. $1,800. No. 181 1 lot in Kountz' third addition , 2 houses , etc. $1,500. No. 184 2 lots in Block 3 , Kouivtz' third addition. Must bo sold together. $2,200. No. 186 3 acres in Okahoma , with good 5-room house and other improvements. $3,500.FARM FARM LANDS. No. 261 40 acres near Fort Omaha. No. 262 2 good farms near Waterloo. 240 acre farm near Osceola , Neb , $25 per acre. Will exchange for city property. Easy terms. No. 12 2,000 acres of improved landin Hitchcock county , Nebraska , ranging in price from $3.50 to $10 per acre. No. 17 640 acres of good farm land in Dawaon county. Will exchange - change for city property. $3.50 per acre. No. 22 The best farm in Nebraska , 7 miles from Omaha , contains cisterns barns and all other first class im 150 acres , 2 houses , wells , , provements. Also orchard matured and bearing. Will exchange for No. 107 Several valuable and low-priced tracks of laud in Madison county. 16 farms within from o 12 miles of railroad , and 23 pieces of im proved lands , near Table Rock , Nebraska , all conveniently near market , and in many instances offered at great bargains. Among other counties in which we have special bargains in farms and unimproved lands , are Jefferson , Knox , Clay , Valley , Webster Sarpy , Harlan , | Boone , Filmore , Cass , Seward , Morrick and Nuck- olbu CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. H. B. IEEY & CO. , Real Estate Agents , Southwest Comer 15th and Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. ETC. ; LOW PRICES AND GOOD GRADES. Call aud Get ray Prices before buying elsewhere. Yards , corner 9th and Douplas. Also 7th and Douglas. o > COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Sonsixiloti In Muslenl Clrolcn. PiTTsntmo , Pa. , Tan. 7 , 1881. J. Mueller , Ksq. , Council BlulTa , lown , Dour Sir : Wo mail you aomo of out list of ciistomora and Htilo book of Uardmim Pianos , If you got up any thing of tlio sort plcnso mail us copicp. Wo arc handling thp llardnian as our 'jest ' Pianos and put it equaroly in com- jictition with the Stoinvyay , Chickoring , knabo , Pianos , and with the greatest success. Within n month wo have traded llardman Pianos for three Stoinwnya. 0110 Chickoring and two Knnbcs , and our Hardman grand is now used by nearly all our resident players at their concerts. It has taken a good deal of work to overcome the prejudice in favor of the old standards , but wo hvro done it hero , and if a number of Hardman agents in the larger cities would handle iho piano on the sanio basis it would soon occupy a first position then they would sell easier and wo would get prices nearer their value. Hope you are having a good sale for them. Yours , AlELLOIt , HoUNK & llKIWICKR. IOWA ITKS18. DCS Moinoa has five national banks. Oskaloosa is sending out 250 carloads of co.il n day. Oakaloosa expended nearly $100,000 n improvements in 1883. The now Cramer house at Albia , just opened for business , cost § 25,000. There are fifty-four railway postal clerks on lines running into Burlington. The First National bank of Waverly lins been organized. Capital , $100,000. The now building put up in Burling ton for the use of the poatolllco cost ! 0 , ( > 00. There uro twonty-two life prisoners in the Fort Madison penitentiary , all for murder. Col. Olmatoad , aged 52 , was the youngest Mexican veteran at the DCS Moines reunion. Information is wanted of David E. Nicoll , 17 ji-ars of age , at his home in Clarence , Cedar county. Address An drew Nicoll. Philip Mathes fell through .1 hatchway in Aulman & Schuster's brewery , in Dea Monies and received injuries from which ho died a few hours later. The distillery in DCS Moincs ic now converting 3,000 bushels of corn hito whisky each day , and on the refuse it ia fattening 3,500 head of cattle. A woman is now visiting in Daven port who has walked from Ashland , Wis consin , 500 miles , to visit her sister. All the way she carried a child 14 months old. A Marshaltown man proposes that a joint stock company bo formed for the purpose of building an opera house , to bo used jointly as such and for Sabbath en tertainments. John Q. Wing and John E. Finke , Da venport lawyers , wore disbarred in the circuit court of Scott county on tno 'Jth inst. , the case having boon taken to that court on change of venue. The receipts of the Cedar Rapids post- oflico for the year 1883 were § 38,707.53 , and the expenses § 7M > 7.-IO , leaving a not profit to the department of § 31,100.13 , only a trifle less than in 1882 , before the establishment of the free delivery system and the reduction in postage. Mrs. McCormick , of Cedar Rapids , is the wife of a worthless fellow who spends his earnings for drink. She lives ih an old coal oflice , 8 by 10 , with ceiling six feet high. This room is used for cooking and sleeping. There is only one bed , vrith two quilts , for the husband and wife and five children. Thunder it Dimn the AKCB , That for lameness , for rheumatism , for nchoa , for pains , and for epelaaJJr. 2/iomas' l-clectric Oil is a positive and reliable remedy. Zh- . Thoma ? Jiclcctric Oil can be purchased of any drugget. A fcUOKY SCHWAB. CASH County Farmer Secures a Small I'linic from Swit/crland. Woiping Water Republican John Schwab , a prosperous farmer and old resident of Cass county , near Weep ing Water , loft his native country in Switzerland in 1841 ! and came to the United States. Over twenty years ago lie leanied that his father had died in Switzerland , and as Mr. Schwab believed had loft him a portion of the estate as provided by the laws of that country , but under certain circumstances did not think lie could over get it from the authorities. Last August ho consulted with J. II. Haldoman , an attorney of this place , n regard to the matter , and mot with enough encouragement to try , and ascer tain the true amount and value coming to him. Depositions and affidavits to prove identity and other fncts wore pre pared in two dilloront languages and forwarded - warded to the authorities in Korzes , Swit zerland , and in about two months there after an official letter was received , stating the amount was over 0,000 franco and that the payment was , for the present - sent , suspended and referred to the mi nister of war , for the reason that John Schwab appeared in the record as a deserter - sorter from the army in Switzerland , Hero was a point of international law to ovorsomo , and the amount of the claiin made things a little intorosting. Certi fied copies of Schwab's naturalization papers and an absolute power of attorney were prepared , and all papers and com munications were sent to Michael J , Cramer , United States minister rcsidonl at Borne , Switzerland , constituting and making him attorney in fact , with powei to procure assistance to further prosecute the claim. Nothing more was heard from the au thoritiosj but last week , through thi deputy and U. S. vice consul at Borne Switzerland , Haldeman received a statement mont of the account , with a draft 01 Knauth , Nachod < fc Kuhno , of Nev Yoik city , for § 487.70 in full of the ao count. A Quick Ilecovery. It elves us great pleasure to state that th merchant who was reported being at the jioin of ( loath from an attack of 1'noumoulu , IIOH on tlrely recovered by the use of 1)15. ) WM HALL'S 1IALSAM 1'OJl TUK LUNOS Naturally ho feels grateful for the benefits dc rived from using this icmedy , for the lung and throat ; nnd In giving publicity to thi titatcmont uo are actuated by motives of pub Ho benefaction , trusting that ottiern may b banefltted In a nlmllar manner. On xalo b ; all Druggists. Mott'HljIvor Pills Aronmoi/ vegetable , act effectually on th Liver , cleanse the stomach , aid Dlgoutlun JUlllouHntm Klck-ho.ulndii' cute , Dyspuiulu , - and all disorders of the Stomach. They ur the best Stomach and Liver Pills made. DIIIDO'H Catarrh Smilf rurcH Catarrh and nl iUfeetloim of the mucous mcnbrane. STYLES IN STOCKINGS , What They Cost the Wearers-Hosiery for Brides anil Dead Women , Solt "Woolen Goods to ho Worn by Children How to 1'rcscrvo tlio Foot-Gcnr. In these days of high colors there in ibsolutoly no call for white stockings , and iko handling postage-stamps , there is no nonuy in thorn. Dealers who pretend o carry a complete stock ha\o to keep hem merely to sustain their reputation , and if the inmiaculato hose are not di iposod of in n clearing aalo the lot is sold .o sotno jobber or country dealer at cost irico. White stockings are certainly \ory lice , where they come in unbleached , nil regular brands , but the fact of tlio u\ttoiM3 : , they are not fashionble , and it does not pay to buy them because of the readiness with which they soil. Society girls have learned from actress- cs that n pet stocking is not to bo laun- hied. Onu washing is worse than four reeks' wear , for , in the run from the mils to thu line via boiler , blueing , and ivringor , the colors nro auro to run , if ; hey are not rubbed out altogether ; if isle-thread , they stretch until one has } \o elasticity of a monkey-jacket ; if wool , .hey shrink and the silk is never the same afterward. Ladies who give their feet iropor care bathe them daily , and whon- svor the toilet ia amended the rosy tooa ire laycd in bay rum , Florentine , or avondcr water , and whenever it is con venient perfume ia preferred. There ia a charming old lady residing near the Calumet club-houso , quito a leader in society , too , who perfumes her feet and 'oot-wear instead of her eyebrows , lips , and handkerchief , as the other ladies do whenever they go into society. Her stockings are never washed , and she wears them past repair , when they fall to the second girl , who rofoots them , and chuckles over her good luck. A ludy who boards at the Leland hotel in this way : " 1 have § liO a year to keep mo in stock ings , " said the lady. "This year I bought iiftuon pair for the monoy.'First 1 selected two pair ut $3 each for full dross ; thruu > .ur at § 2 for second best ; six pair at § il ipioco for street , and four pair that cost mo § 20 for the house. Silk ? Every pair : don't wear anything olso. "Well , this is the way 1 manage. I < eop them in a camphor bos. When 1 iiu goini ; out I put on a pair of dark street hose , and change them an soon as [ got homo. They are good , strong ones , because I think walking-boots help to wear out stockings. 1 never wear ono pair two consecutive days go the rounds ind wear the whole fifteen pair evenly. But they got good care. 1 toll my hus band ho would have some trouble to find wife as considerate about her stock ac count as 1 am , for I always brush them off and give thorn an airing before put ting them away. Freeze ? Why , silk stockings are vastly warmer than woolen ones and not half so clumsy or trouble some. " White silk stockings are what they call special goods in stock , and arc rarely sold except for bridal or burial uses. These goods are superb and cost often as much as $ i0 ! apair , which is paid uncom plainingly , for immediately after the wod- iing they are treasured as heir-looms , and , unless the family stock runs out , the stocking will appear at the nuptials of every generation. In the way of decora tions , hand-painting , embroidery , tinsel , bead , and crystal work may bo used , but , as n , rule , the reference is given to white silk embroidery , or simply a heavy iwistod silk , slightly clocked if not per- 'cctly plain. As it is customory for each Drido to work the initials of her maiden name , with the year of her marriage , ono of the stookings at least is apt to bo prot- ; y well lettered if the family is at all urge. It is becoming fashionable , tooof .ate for debutants to wear pearl- white hosiery on making their first bow , o society. In spite of the effort to match all toilets with stockings , black still prevails for gen oral uso. Fat women like them bemuse - muse of the diminishing oil'ect the color lias on the ovorplump limb , and , when over-sensitive about having a pair of shoes Itted , by a friend , ono has only to don a pair , of plain black silk hose to apparent ly ferp-shortcn a big foot. Solid colors are chosen for handsome stockings , and , unless the embroidery is thick and raised , it is merely skeleton in outline. In balbriggan , lisle-thread and spun silk the decoration begins at a point nidway between the top and foot , and widens till the instep is reached. This work should bo made of eilk similar in shade and not contrasting. All the deco ration should bo confined below the boot p for street wear. A woman who runs inos , sprays of flowers , snakes , or scrolls above her shoo must suffer the credit of i vulgar taste. With slippers or sandals t is different but for general out-door use the style savors too much of a variety dansouso. For street , black , brown , ; ray , bronza , olive , citron , marroon , male - lo any , mouse , navy blue , and cardinal are recognized , but scarlet never. Pink , salmon , llosh , lavender , violet , Nile jroon , and pale blue comprise the opera jr evening tints , and moro than two- thirds are without decoration or needle work. Everybody who can afford the luxury find silk goods cool in summer and sufficiently warm for the coldest weather , the reason being that silk parts witli its heat so slowly. Ribbed silk is the best for general use , and some of the MW-ailk goods are lined with tlopco. A very admirable counterfeit of silk is found in tho-isjand cotton , which takes the dye readily , and scon in jot , navy , seal , amber , and dove , ribbed lengthwise and finished with white soles , are especially salable. In woolen goods merino and cashmere are standards , but the latter is preferred because it docs not shrink. It is a waste of money to buy a cheap woolen stocking , because it is porly made , poorly dyedand will not only bo shapeless after a washing but uiibightly in color. One of the hosiery siory novelties is the camel-hair hose which is a mixture of that material witl raw silk. They come only in the dul gray and drab shades , and are intcndoc for street , and cost $3. Children's stockings should match tin dresi , unless black is selected , and al have white heels and toes of doubh thread. White is never selected , am society is spared the unsightlinegs o grimy foot-gear. Hoys wear black , seal navy , earthen gray , or popper and eal mixtures , and , for old folks , stocking are woven with double heel , too uni kneo. Oust Thoreson , a hardy Norwegian started from Kathorvillo in u sUto o beastly intoxication , about dnik , on th night of the lid inst. , to go homo , abou tun miles distant , with his team < > horses , In the u veiling his horses , \ut ; ( i the sleigh tongue uttuchud to them brought up at n Norwegian's named Gun- demon. Next morning search wag made and on the 9th the body of Thoreson was found dead and frozen stiff about four miles from his homo , lie loaves a wife and family of children. VoHttnnRtor Hnimtcl A. Hewitt , Of Monterey , Mich , , delivers hliinolf In tlili wlso ) "Knrcoldi , burn * , nnra throat , and rhoti * mutism , Tltumiu' Iflccti-ic Oil cnniuit bo bent * n. 1 aiy keep It up to the standard , and It vlll fl.itlMy the people. 1 shall send for nnow iipply soon.1 WITH PKN AND SWOU1) . Count lc nlnn'H Duel ulth tlio Clironlueur | ofl/o pccial Cable to the Cincinnati Commercial * Uiwotte. PAULS , January 10. The duel between . Aniolion Scholl , the witty chroniquotir f The Evcnomont , and Count Albert do ) iona prominent ornament of the gayest oterio of Parisian society , took place at eon yesterday. To-day it exclusively bsorbs the attention of Paris. The cause of the duel originated four oars ago , and is too complicated to bo nravolod in n telegraphic summary. Headers of The Commercial Onzotto ill doubtless recall the scone at the amous restaurant Bignon in 1880 , when lie Count do Dion throw a bottle of hampagno at M. Scholl's head , and thorwiso roughly handled him. The 3ount do Dion was for this assault ocked up in jail for two months. When ho Count do Dion came out M. Scholl's wo seconds waited upon him. The aunt was most eager to Unlit , but in telgium , not in Franco , as the cinnula. ivo punishment for n duel on top of an assault and battery would bo too serious , it. Sclioll , on the other hand , refused o go to Belgium. Hence , the "status no" was maintained until last week , vhon the count fought n duel with M. ) oBryas. This duel fanned into activity lie latent ire of M. Scholl concorninu lie imbroglio with the Count Do Dion , ml on Tuesday M. Schwll published in 'Evotiomont" a sarcastic approcia- ion of the Count Do Dion eadod "A .Surprise. " The count icvor roads The "Evonomunt , " but ho ne.\b dayyi'strrday ( ) his friend , I. Sohego , Hhowid him 1,1. SdioH's pro- eking sarcasm. The Count do Dion did ot allow the grass to giovr under his out , and ten minutus after reading the rticlo ho Dent the General Prince Do tauiffromont and Commandant Kranchol VEaporot as seconds to demand ropara- ion of M. Scholl , who referred those 'ontlomon to IUH own sucends , MM lobort Mitchell and Adolpho Tavornier. The following u the nairativoof the .etails of the duel as related to your cor espondent by one of the four seconds vho officiated on the occasion : The duel took place at noon , near the rand stand in the raco-courae of Long- ihamps. Wo wanted it to take place in ho "Passage , " but when wo arrived vitn cur principals the keepers said that ho proprietors of the race-course would ot allow any dueling to take place on heir property. So wo wore obliged to ; o further. Wo halted finally in ono of ho retired and picturesque proa.onados f the hois. M. _ Tavornier tossed up a ouis for the choice of position. Prince leauffroniont cried "Heads , " and won. \l. \ Tavornier then tossed up again a ouis for the choice of weapons. Prince Joauffromont cried "Heads , " and again won. won.Tho Count do Dion then selected his loaition , and chose his own weapons , a magnificent pair of swords , with stool ; uards ornamented with his initials , and to coronet of the count embossed in olid gold. M. Tavornior , to whom wo ologatod the direction of the cabinet , nit the adversaries in position , and en gaged their swords. At the command 'Allcz , Messieurs , " the two combatants ook ground on rampant. Then M. clmll attacked furiously with right points nd thrusts. The count all the time railed most ironically , and parried tf. Scholl's attacks with highly finished ) ut rather fantastic play , frequently tan- alizing his adversary by raising his word quite out of position of guard , for in instant completely exposing himself , tl. Scholl made play at the chest , the ount at the stomach. At the expiration f four minutes M. Tavornier believing tat the count was wounded in the wrist , topped the combat , but it was merely 10 Count Do Dion's shirt-sleeve which lad boon torn. At the second engagement the advor- aries ceased to "rompre , " and the play as moro earnest. M. Scholl continued o attack vigorously , and nearly succocd- d in wounding the count , but the latter cry adroitly sprang back , missing the ) oint by a hair's breadth. The combat lontinuod in the most spirited manner maginablo. M. Scholl kept advancing nd making play at the count's chest , bllowedby a well executed "degagomont ana la ligno basso. " The count always usponded hy the "roposto on seconds" f tor each parade. Finally , by a beautiful "roposto du tac u tac , " the count wounded M , Scholl in lie side , his sword entering between the ight and ninth ribs. The sword bond- ng , broke at 20 centimetres from its oint , the broken piece remaining in the round. M. Scholl stopped back saying : 'Jo luiisc ! " The seconds all approached , nxious to see if the wound was danger- us. M. Scholl smiled and said , "I have md worse wounds than this , " referring o a severe wound in the chest received rom M , Paul Do Cossagnao. "That is whatcomou of being so near-sigh ted , " lontinuod M. Scholl , Your correspondent hero asked , "what vaa the real fooling of the adversaries > efore and after the combat 1" The second answered : "Thoy both did their best to kill each other. " Was there a reconciliation ? " "No , sir ; but before the combat we seconds insisted that our respective prin cipals should formally agree that this duel would finally settle the quarrel. " "Is M. Scholl's wound serious ? " "No ; ho wont at 5 o'clock to Tortoni's , as usual , and then wont to his editorial chair in The Evenomont. " DRY TETTER. For j oar a I was tillllLlcd ltli Drt Tetter ot tin most nhetlnato tpu , W H trtatvd by many of tin boutphjulclam ; took tiuantltlun of mercury , poUnl and arnunic , uhlch , hmtiail df cuilnp thu titttr crippled muirji with m'nuul ) > uUuiiaiid ihuuniatlmu Tlio TUUr cimtlntiid to ( ( row worn ) , anil thultUilin alinontumdoinurrao- thU tMidltlou I \\iwln dutod totiikuH llt' pullln , and thu result V.OH u aatonlohliii.'aalt im uru.Mnf. [ Ill a fuw month the luUr uifiitlri'lj ' ut.ll , UioMvrrurlal 1'oUmdn ; all out ol my ttniaiid I uaiia well man and ilui ( inly to H fltV hpiclfln. AH IKu bullvn'rbhoul take It , JAMIIS IIL'.N.MXU ' , l.oiileUllf , Ky , Ourtrcatlto on liluoil and bkln DUcaecs ix-ullu ( KO to applliant * . .a II J. A. J JL V JJJU & . I TUB LKAHNKD ta LA11IMBU STREET. WTiy jomhouU try th celebratoil Dr. II. Wagner'l ivthoiU of cum : 1. "Ur. H. Wanner U a natural phynlclan. " O. M. Ko 1 R , The ClrcatCTt I.MIIR rhrcnologlst. "Few ran o co jou as a doctor. " DR. J. SIUMH , The World's Greatest I'litsloKnomht. . "Von are wonderfully proficient In jour know ! edge of illnoaKe anil uiculduo * . " DR. J. MATTIIItWA. 4. "Theafnlctctl find icaily rvllcf In Jour prot nee. " DR. J. HIHMV A. "Dr. It. Wagner Is a regular graduate from Icllcxuo UcwpltAl , Now York dtM ; \ \ hail very ox- nnho bosiillftl practice , and Is thoroughly | x > teil on I bronchos < > ( his iHlotnl sclonro , oapoclally on ironlo dlncAdvs. " Dnx. IItimr\Jit.t ! , & KWIKO. B. "Dr. II. WniniorM \ Inunortalliwl hlmiolf Li h wonderfulilhconry f ni > ix.lla ( mmoilles for prl ate and sovnal illnowov" Virginia City Clironlclo. 7 , "TlioiiMiiiU of Invalids Mock to BOO him. " San "rAticlwixi Uhronlclo. 8. "Tlio Doctor' * long oxpcrlnnco as a upccKHst louM render him > cr > nuccetwlul. " Uock ) llouu Un Now-s. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At ono tlmo a tlLicuwloii o ( Ihonccrotico w on- rely nvoldiicl liy lliu | irofpmloii , MM ! innllcat orkd nit n few j oara ago u ouKl liiuillv mention It. To-day tlio plijdchii In ot n dldou'iit opinion ; ho Ic warn that It la bin duty .HuARrccililo though II inybo to handle this nmtUr without Rim pi Mid icAk plainly about It : anil lnt llluit | | uirunl9 and uarillatiii Will thtviik hint ( or doln HO. TlinrwrnlUaltumlliiK this uYntmcttMMlcc" or- icrlj not mult rstooil , or not l > rnwrly | rjtlmMcil ; and 10 Iiniort4tnea | bclnj ; attached ton milijcct which b ) Uiimtiire iloeinot Invlto cloio Im estimation , It wan llllnly | Igmiriil 'Iho hnlill U Kciiornllj cmitrnqtoJ by the jounx hllo attending uobool ; older conipixmonrt through iclr ciiunplo , may In tcipoimlhla for It , or It may Tic ciun.tl | ! through acrlilcut , The oxeltonionl onca ex- torii'moil , the prartlro will IKJ rtpuvtctl axnl'i and 'iiln , until al liv.it tlio habit lurunica tlrm ami com li'tely cnMturn the \ktlm. Mental and ticnoua aj IctliiMH nru imuUly thu primary result * of twlf-nbu n inoni ; the Injurious elltets ma ) bo miiitlonod laiil- udo , ilejocUnn or linwdblllly of temper and Kcmr.il cbllit ) . The boy fooki ncdnclon , anil rarUy Joins u the pporU ol Inn cotnpunlong. It ho lui a young man ho will bo lltllu fuuiul In romuiny with thoolhtit los.aiul U troulilcil wltli oxrocdluk' and tinnojlni ; ia hfulneiis In their proni'iicc. IjwcUlous tlroams , mlimluns and eruption ! on the faou , eto.nroaldo If the practice \lolentlyporel9tctl lnmoro erlum Ibturlianccfl Uko place. Urmt palpltAllon of the ionrt , or cplli'ptle cmmils'.oiiH , are experienced , and 10 Budcrermay fall Into ncomploto state of Idiocy bo- ore , dually , death relieves him. To all thorn ) encased In this iliuigcrous , practice , I would say , flrat of all , Btop It at ( inccnmko ; o\orj lonsItU effort to do BO ; but If you fall , If your norvoui rstcni Is already too much shuttered , and Congo- ucntly , jour Hill-power broken , take omo nerve onlc to aid you In } our effort HavliiK freed yoursoll rom the hault , 1 would further counsel jou to go HoiiK'h a regular courxo of treatment , far It Is a Krent ilstakc to Biipj > O8i that any ono way , for eomo time , 10 t every Bolltl'e Khehlinsolf up to this fanclnatlni ; ut iluiKorouH cvJtement without euOerhiK from IU vll consequences at HOIIIO tuturu tlmo. The number f youni ; men who are Incapacitated to fill the ilutlei tijohifdby wedlock la alannlnuly JarRO , and In most f micli enact this unfortunate condition of thlnirn tan bo tracud to the practice of elf abueo , which hail boon ban don ix 1 ) ears ago. Indeed , a few montha' practice f thin habit lnBulllclont to Induce epcrmatorrhuni 3 a tor } earn , and I hat o many of such cases under trcul mcnUt the preacut Say. , , ' * ( ] Young Men rho tnaf be nlTcrlng from the eRccts of youthful ollloa or Indiscretions will do v , oil to avail themndvot f thin , tlio greatuBt boon e\ur lalil at the altar of But crlnu humanity. 1)B. WAONKR wlllpmrantoe to for- oil (500 for orcry cogo of nominal wcahnowi or prlvatt Isoane of any kind and character which bounder' takca to an J ( alia to euro. Middle Aged Men. There are many at the ago of SO to BO who art roublod with too frequent evacuations of the Mud er , often accompanied by a ll lit Bmarthig or hum UK sensation , and a weakening of the nyntem In a nanner the patient cannot account for. On examln * nR the urinary ilcponlu a rojiy pediment will often hi ound , and nomctlincnnmallparticles nf albumen will .ipcar.or the color will ho of thin mllklah Imo , again unglni ; to a dark and torpid appearance. Tlicro are nany , many men who illf of this dllllcultyjznorant o' 10 cauBo , which Is thouooondatae | of Bonilnal-wcr.K. OKU. lr W. will Kuarautoo a perfect cure In all CMtni nd a healthy routoratlon ot the Kcnlto-urlnorj' or gans. Consultation frco. Thorough examination tJ ad Ice , 5. All communications should bo addrcivmd.Dr. Henri Icnry Wagner , 1 * . 0. 2.1t > 0 , Denver , Colorado. The Ynunjf lion's I'ockot Companion , by Dr. H Vofrnor , Is worth Ita u eight In gold toyounff inon rloo } 15. Bout by mall to any address A FRIEND TO ALL. One Who is Needed and Nobly Fills hia Place. Denver In m re fnrtuiuto than > ho knows In the > oMf s on of Iho tuIcn'A.imlviiiTrfleKOf a man > vho mt glrMi Ills tlmo and thought not mcruly to ( ho ivrfutlon of liln nklll a * a practitioner of Idi pro- cimlun ut imdlclno , but to thu study of thoto pro- uund tiling * olnc'inro ' anil naturu which turn ! tntho lOreciimpletuiiiidtirttiiulliiK&f the problem cf lito ndol the law * of nvuru and thu mtans of ifalnlni ; ID KriM'cst practical ( , 'ondn to mankind from Iho In oru atlon ilius ariUlreil | In thu abstract. Hucli a nan li Dr. H. Wagner , wliu In louitud at 843 Larimer trett Dr. Wanner dovotud m ny yoaru to the ac- unltlonot the knowltdjo nerronnary to II'H ' profus ion In a nuinbor of tint Icadlnn inudlral oliool of he inimt inilnent nnd profouml toichurH , mieh amiH uo Dr. drum and Dr. I'ancoist ajipoarinx 11101,1 ; hln pruqrorH Nor ill i hlsHtuilM end hvru. licv oontlnuud In the flild of the practicing faintly hUlclan aud In theuiiicrloncts of a man ( f extin. Ivo travel. IIehai\l > IUd every > tctlonof Ihu Unl- ed Statia pajliiKxtuillouii intention to thu dlHcrent liBracttrlHtlcu of tlmvatluu. i rtlonn of the countr ) , > artlcul tj ) lthrn.'ard totholf tflict , climatic and theiwluo upon ncalth and IIo ill ( To cut furmnof ilh * a o . With the combined POWOM of close study , fx cnslvoobttrvatlon and almckt unlln.lti.d practice , r Wanner rarnii to Dcmvr three > caiu a o cijulp. ail a few ) m\o tlio right to claim tu battle tl.u loc if minklnd , thu dcu.dtd unemy , dlora > v , In order to tndur thocreatext oed tu xoikty , Dr. Aa ner duel led to lay aside the Kcnernl br nchci ) of practice and nlnirallliw r'pokn iw WKO and pnivcr to brarup. on Iho foe which among the army of InuliilouH death BKHitnU the ( irtalnt. lll < wide oxpoilenco mdtau-'ht him what eapon to use and which to lUcard , and after umlppluK hlui8t.lf a * his trained uiUincnt w wmell utile to advlnu him ho coin- nencoJ boldly and conlliluitl ) hi * attack. In estl- natlnc the ruulta and HUCCC-H ahlo\ed , It U only mrumary toknuw the ilottor'ii pillion and Btanillii tonlay , \ \ hllo located In thl Uty , | IB ! pructl < o U by no uicans connned to UK llmltl nor thi * nutlon of countty , IlliicorrcHpondtnco and cxprtm hooka tea- : lly InbUck and white tii Ids IMMKCHD on of a Held of Diactlco bounJed only hy the linn whlih bouna the liiiKth and hitauth of the lOiintry , and which has laftd him whcro a man of hid skill and Intellectual ttalmnintiiiloairtestuiu.nndirhoulit to bo onabhi lilm to rcaili Iho hlirhcst sphere of iibcruhiuw to tut firliu' humanltv-lho planu ol llimrtial Indcpcii. il nco. I'f. ' Wur ) < * r has contributed f his pronjiorlt tytothOB > ib.taiitiaIlmpro\emtnt of Dtnterlutho eruttlonof ullno hlotlc on Urlmer trtit , opposlto liU prOKtnt oinc. , No. 3U. It will hi ) ready for pocu nancy In a icw wick * , and Ii an cvldentu that the doctor IB to bo imuthcrnl moiif | Hie pcrmanont and Kolldtl'lieniof the mttrojiollii of thu pUina. I vcr'Irlbuno. DE. H. WAGNER & CO , , : iit : Larimer St. Address Box 2380 , DKIWSR , COL. , CHEAPEST Lots IN THE CITY OF 3E3C j L ( Very hnndy to U. P. Shops'Post- oflico , etc. ) FOR SALE IN COLLEGE PUCE ( Now addition of 234 lots. RT PlflfiF lr. BLnUL ( Only 68 Lots remniuing unsold. ) FIRST * SECOND ADDITIONS Nearly nil sold in these 2 additions. ) AND t1 tH ' s Third Addition , (8 ( Beautiful Lots left. ) On the following Streets : CALIFORNIA , HURT , CUMING , IZARD , NICHOLAS , CALDWELL , PAUL -HAMILTON , CHARLES , SEWARD , -FRANKLIN , DECATUR , PARKER ] BLONDO AND ON 20th , 80th 31st , 32d , 33d , 31th. 35th end 3Gth Streets. ALL INSIDE CITY LIMITS-BEAUTIFULLY LO- STREET CURS Will run out Cuming Street , Early Next Spring TO- LOWE AVENUE AHO THE RESERVOIR , -AND THE- BELT RAIL ROAD ! I Will be running next year within a block or two o tboso lots. All located within five minutes walk of MIL1TARYBRIDGE AND THE TUKN TABLK OK Till : Red Street Oar Line , On Saundcrs Street , and all within lira minutes walk o ! the 20,000 SCHOOL HOUSE On Delaware anil King streets , In Parker's addi tion. ISO UPWARDS. Ouly 5 per cent down and 5 poe cent per mouth. Houses , Lett and all other kinds of Heal Estate foi bale In any and orcry location In and about Omaha. Omaha.OF I - $10 EACH , CALL AND GET Flats and Full Particulars AT FIFTEENTH 5t DOUGLAS S