THE DAILY JBBE-OMAHA , TUESDA.Y. tTANUAKY Ifl , 18$4. ical Cure Prom a Shnpio Cold to Oataurlial Consumption. . .Th"'pnro wect , &fc , anil cfTcctho Anicrlmn ill ) tlllatUn \Mtth.Hftzcl , Amcrltati 1'lno , Qinmla Kir , ilarlcold.aml Clo er-Jloa otn. callcil HIVKHRD'H lUn- tcttUCRM for Cntarrh , wltli or.ohni C'ATUUIIUL gui. . KXTniidonoHASfORi > 'H IMIKOMCD IMUMKR , all In ono | > ar.a/omaynowbo ) > iiul of nlldruggUti lor (1.00 Ask "rstvfnRii' Complete Treatment , $1.O- Comiilctc , Loral , ntid Con tlttitial Treatment lor vfryforiu of CnUrrli , from Simple CoMer Influenza to Losaof bmcll , Tunic , and Hcirlng , Couuh Ilron- clittli , anil Cttixirhal Consumption , la UM.TJ i n.k- SO. ' Vi'a sell moro of Hie lUnirAi , Ct RK than all other eatairh remedies put tpROlhcr , and I ha\o jet to hear of a cano that It has not jtUen the most complete - plete satisfaction. " S. Vf. ( UlTord , 0 kaloo , Iowa. Snooze , 8nco7p , Snuo/o , Until ) our htad atcnu ready tn fly off ; until \ our nr se Ami ejeHilUcharRO nccwhu quantities of thin , Irrl- Utlni ; , watery fluM ; until > our head acliu < , imnuth and throat parchoj , ami MooJ nt la\ct heat. Thl 1 < an Acute Cataarli , nd ImtantH I tilt \ oil by a siDRlo iloso , and Is permanently cured by i no bottle Ot 3NFOHt > 'g ItAmCAb Ct RK. " Tlio onlahiolute spccinc uo know of for snecz- Intr , Biiulllliig , and choklni ; cntarrh , nr held cold ) , Is HtNKuiin'M U.uncAtCUHK. . " lleillcal Tlmt-s. "After a lonj ; rtniiKlo with Cataarli jour lUnlcnt. CCRX conquered. " Her , S. W. lloiiroo. L Pi Cn/\rrial ! ! Couph , BroncMtls , nroriilnRii ] In the TfclHt , Ulc < ratlinoftho Na l ! < ) . , J'cblllty , I.OMol Strength , Hcsh ami Sleep cured In the ma Jorltof ca. < c . 'Tlie euroclTntiil Intnv case bj S\\nii > 'ii UAPICAI. CnmnasHorunurkaMe that It ( fovctl to thco who had rulTcrnl without rtl'cf ' frcm any of the uiuM remedlos tint It could not be true. 1 therefore made Atllji\lt to It before Scth J lluiinM , l' * | , Jtlvtlra of the 1'eace , Jlostrn. " Oou. K. Dlnsmoro , \\orchesttr , Ma t CHOKING , PUTltll ) Aocum'latloin are ilMtilReil , Ihu niial cleansed , illslnfrcted , and hotted , breath smctcninl , oincll , tiHto.and hearing restored , and constitutional tcnilcnoj checked V > y ' ' tlon , t ha > o not found n thkt II did not relieve at once , and In manj Kves nturu Is peifnrmoil hj tlion o of one bottle. " Andru\t Let , Uru lst , Mail- cluster , ilass. i OIiKU(3YMI3N , VOOAIiISTS , And Public Si takers , without luniilKT , owe their pro'cnt U'tfulne d tnd tuciuo tn Svsnuin't lUtiicAL Otitif for Oatarih. ltcDr. . Wlirtdn a > : 'Ono of the best remedial for Catarrh , no ) , thebott renicihuhao foumlln a llfitlmoif uI ( rliiK , ! 8Moiniii KvtilcAiiCiiiK. U cli'xrs the bead and throat othoroughU that , taken each mornliif on rlolng , thtro nteniiiiiiieaitnt | so- crttlonjand no iltuk'rioaUo banking iluriiiK the entire - tire day , but an umirciedintetl ilcunitis ofolco and respiratory organs ' Sold b > all tnuggttta. Price , $1.CU Potter DriiK ntulOlicinlcnlCo. , Boston. COtLlN.S'VOT.TAtO F.tiKCTKlO 1'LASTEU Instantly aftnctn the Nervous 8)item nnd hanUhcs pain. A perfect EIiKOTlUC 1I.VTTEHY COJI111XKI > wltb n POllOUS PLASTHIt for 25 r nt . It annilillalci pain , vitalizes . /rt/\V f T"KTCP > Weak and Worn Out Partn , Strengthen ! ) Tirwl Muscles. ftjLJJjJjAJN O prevents Dlseane , almorbn 1'olsonsi from the lllood , and " " IS THE CUt < loca iroro In lc ? < time than any other plaster In or A the world. Sold by all druzuWi , By mall2S cents. SOFfERIKfl IIERYE Addresj p. D. * C. Co , Ho ton M. HELLMAN & 00 , . 1301 AND 1303 PAtiNAM STREE1 COR. 13TH , O5IAHA , NEB1USE JITOIIARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintendent [ J. p. RAK.WAY . 17THS& 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AMD DEALERS JIN WATER WHEELS , ROLLERDMILLS , : ill and Grain Elevator Machinery MILL FURNISHINGS OP ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS , STEAM WATER AND GAS PIPE. BRASS GOODS AND PIPS FITTINGS , ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. O ' i O I i 'We are prepared to furnish plans nnd estimates , mid will contract for the erection of Flouring Mills and Gnin Elevators , or for changing Flouring Mills , fromStonu to the Kolicr frystem. J T'Especial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur pose , nnd estimates made ior same. General machinery repairs attended to promptly. Addrm RICHARDS & CLARKEOmaha , Neb. THE LEAD I409pd 1411 Dodge St , J OMAHA. NED. & ' 77M - „ . : Mr Cures Rheumatism , Luin- nso.LzmoBack , Sprains and \J3ruisfl-v \ , Asthma , Catarrh , \CouEhs \ , Colds , Son Throat , \Diphthorin \ , Sums , FrostBites \Bitos \ , Tooth , Ear , and Head- I aclio , find all pains andachos. Ttie belt Interntt and citerntt temctljr la the wotll. tiT ] rl'Ottl ini > r > nlreil , Sol J by medicine delicti ttttrhtic. ) DitKlloni In el ht l npljc . Tilce 50 cents And IIAX FOSTER , MILDUnN & CO. , Prap'rt , BUITALO. N.Y..U.S.A. IjETOERS lomilnlng tn the Omaha poatoQlco unclnimov for the week ending Jan , 12,1883) ) LADIES. Gentle Women Who want glossy , luxuriant nnd vary tresses of abundant , beautiful IIair mast use LION'S KAT1IAIHON. This clecant , cheap article always makes the llair arovr freely ana fast , keeps it from fulling out , arrests and cures gray- DCSS , roinovcs dandrulT and l'chlng , , makes the llftir nfroiig , glvlnj ; it a curling taadency and keeping it In any desired position. Beau- Cil'iil , healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathalron. BEECHER IN DANGER , Brooklyn Politicians Making a BeeLine - Line for Pew , Tlict , fl cnt Auction Bftlo in IMj mouth Oliurcli , New York Journal , * > " 8th. To-night the nu. ' al j lo of the and clmtrs of l linotul' ' Oliurch will iako plnco in that witloly-vWii structure , nnd the nnnouncoinont is tf > iulo Hint there will bo "no postponement o.'i account of the vrenlhor. " The w\lo i\\\na \ onuses nioro or lens of n stir in church circles , owing to the jealously of Mr. Boochor'a popularity existing among certain clergy- mun. Tliia year moro interest is felt in the snlo than ocr , because of the report that a number of ambitious politicians propose to purchase pens in the hope thixt connection with Plymouth church will advance their political interests. "Mayor Low could not have been reelected - elected without the aid of Mr. Uoocher ho ran for Mayor , and 1 toll you it's a noble institution to belong to. I'm going to have a pow oven if it costs mo § 500. " "Mr. Boochor is moro popular now than ho over nas , " said Mr. II. S. Weld , the philanthropic clerk of the church in conversation with n reporter. "Quito a handsome sum is realized yearly from the rental of the pows. In 1881 , for inntanco , § 43 , 312 was received for the pows. Wo hope to rcali/o from $35,000 to § 45,000 this year. " n 13. Clallin , the dry-goods prince , 1ms paid as high as $700 for a pow , S. V. White has paid 5075 , Augustus Storrs 1ms paid $500. Numbers of pcwa will bring from § 200 to § 300 to-night. A professional auctioneer conducts the sale and Mr. lioccher is usually present to Htimulato the buyers with hia charac teristic bright sayings and bright witti cisms. "Should there bo any bids from pro fessional politicians to morrow night , several of our wealthy members will bo on hand to bid up into the thousands , " said one of the church doncous to The Journal . "Wo want reporter. pew-own- era to bo men of reputable social stand ing. Wo do not want the company of politicians who nro JgoHing for the in tluonco of our congregation. The members of Plymouth church aio greatly excited over the report concerning the alleged purposes of the politicians and the gentlemen of that class who pu in an appearance Qfj the oalo will merely bo frozen out. The profoSAidnal politiciat will bo permitted to purchrtso A seat i the gallery , but will find his bank nccoun too light to enable him to oecirro a sea on the ground lloor. It waa reporter yesterday that four aldermen and six mporvisors hadformed a pool and propose x ) engage a ticket apeculaior to purchase , ) ows for them. , "Members of the church4 vrill bo on : innd tomorrow night with lists contain- ng the names ot the aldermen and supervisors , " said the deacon referred to > oforo. "As the name of each purchaser and hia residence must bo given , you will see it will bo imposoiblo for the po- iticiaus to pull the wool over our oycs. The ticbofc speculator scheme will not work. " Judge Benjamin F. Tracoy , Lorin ? almor , Assessor Jonathan T. Norton , 3olonol Horatio C. King , ex-Register iVilliam Barre , Jerome B. Wass and jthor prominent politicians occupy pews n Plymouth church , but they are gentlemen - men of standing' and unobjectionable to ho congregation. A reporter asked Alderman McCarty if 10 proposed to secure a pow in Mr. iecchor's chuoch. "G'langl" said the alderman with a ace as red aa a peony. "la it true that Aldermen O'Connoll , Stipling , Kane and yourself have hired a icket speculator to bid for you ? " per- iated the reportor. "Wo'vo got powa in other churches , " aid the alderman evasively aa ho hurried way. Wei do It is now nnilisputod tlmt AVel Do Moyor'H Cnturrli Cure IH the only treatment that nil absolutely euro Cutnrrh fresh or chronic. 'Very oUicnLlotui , Hnnil. Gould , Woonlng Valor , Nob. " Ono box uirod mo , Mra. Mary Coiiyon , liiamarck , Dakota. " "It rentorod no to the i ml i lit , Kov. Goo. J ! . ] teU. Coblo- lllo , N. Y. " "Ono box radically cured 1110 , lov. O. If. Taylor , 110 Noble Btrcot , Hroolc- yn. " "A perfect euro after 30 yoam suffering , . D. McDonald , 710 Hroudway , N. Y. , ftc. . : c. Thousands of testimonials tire received roiu all parts of the world. Delivered , 31.00. ) r. Wei Do Moyor'H JlliiHlratod Trt-u- IBU , " with ntfttomoiitH by the cured , mailed rco % D. 15. Dewey & Co. , 182 Vulton Htreot , . Y. tuos-thuriSwat-in&e-Sm MUSICAL BURGLARS , riiey ICntcr S. II. UutTct'ti and Carry OITu and n Fiddle. The residence of S. H. BulFot , corner rf Park avenue and Mt. Pleasant street , vas entered by burglars Sunday night , and wo overcoats , n fur cap , throe or four carfa , a fiddle and two or throe dollars n money wore taken. There wore ton people sleeping in the touso at the time nnd bit' iv doL' , which , Hr. liuffut says , had to bo hold in order o lot a person come into the house after Inrk. No one hoard a sound and cannot ell what time the burglars wore thoro. The iiddlo which waa taken was upon op of a dresser about eight foot high , ind a chair had to bo used to stand upon n order to reach it. The house waa horoughly rummaged and all the silver TOS taken out and spread upon the table , > ut none of it waa taken. Ono thing , however , the night visitors nissod. Sir. Buffets' gold watch was in lis vest pocket , and the vest hung upon chair , but wag not touched. UNPARALLELED GALL , Hniilaycd by Some People ut the I'ontolllco on Sunday. The gall of some people is simply imuzing , it is fairly paralyzing , and yet Sunday after Sunday , if wo only visit the lostollioo at noon , wo nro permitted , no oiccd , to witness those gigantic displays ) f chook. Our attention has often boon allod to the fact that BOIIIO people con- inually impose upon the good nature of ho masses at the postollieo on Kuuda > a. t is certainly u most \illiauous impost , ion , when mon have been landing in ino for a half hour or more , to have erne one who has but just como in , toml into the very front of the line and lot only nak for his own mail , but for everal friends also , uliilo the patient ones , who have waited for so long ft time can only stand nnd look nt him. At n time like this the cheek of the much-nbused book-agent sinks into utter ItisiRtiillcnnco. Those impostors nro nlwnys woll-drosn- cd personages nnd would bo moi tally of fended should any one intimate that they wore not gentlemen in every souse of the word ; nnd yet they will trample the grand principles of equality nnd freedom underfoot for the purpose of obtaining a few dunning lotion , Wo think wo w ill station ourselves in the poitotlico for n few Sundays ftiul pub lish the names ot those chronic impos tors. Thn I'nldontlllcd Dcrul. ST. LOVH , January 11. ! The funeral > f the unulontilied victims of the convent ire at Uollovillo , 111. , took plnco to-day , uid was very largely attended. WASHINGTON WAIKS. . January 11. Among the persons mentioned aa possible delegates to the imtioiml republican convention in Chicago , nro U. G. Jngoruoll , 1'riHlorick Douglass , A. M.Clnpp , 11. S. L.vwsProf- Gregory and Dr. Par vis. The supreme court of the United Stntcs to-dny denied the motion oC Myrn C. Gaines to compel the city of Now Or leans to increase its BUjiorscdiaa bond. Senor llomero , Mexican minister , paid to-dny the eighth inat llment of the in demnity duo Jnnunry (11 , 1881 , from Mexico to the United States. The bill introduced by Mr. Dookory to-day provides for the abolishment of postage on newspapers and periodicals Juno 30 , next. Postmasters nominated Seth Smith , Manning , lown ; Elitia Skinner , Maiison , lown. Ihowstor Camorom appeared before the house committee on expenditures in the department of justice again to-day nnd gave lista of all persons discharged from the service of the department dur ing the past few yonra on nccount of fraudulent action on their part. Tin ) committee of ngriculturo of the house nnd senate nro now nt work on n bill , the principal feature of which ia n provision for the appointment of n gov ernment inspector of moats intended for shipment to foreign ports in the hope of compelling foreign governments either to receive America mcnts or to stnto the true reason , for prohibiting them. . ' Sl'KCIFIC ' - GKA.y' § JIIjDICIJy'KS- TRADE MAit * Tlikdniiu fcto-rflADB MARK ( Jill Ilr.imir. An unfailing euro for . tTl Hehilnal Woak- Cirf WC * fieri , Sptrnuktorr- * ' ' - ' K , Iimxiloncy , all 1 Ulaouu follow na a Silf , Memory , CnUer .iiAgnltmrsrain AFTER TAKIHO fl Back , Dlnincsj of Vision , rromaturo Olil Ao ; fm&ny other illacasus tint lend to Insanity or Con > : uitlon ) and n 1'roni.itiiro Oravo. UKKARH of ailrcrtlaomcnta to rclunJ mono ] ' , when druggists from w horn the lucdlcino Is bought do not rfuntl , but referon to the mamifactnrOrSyMiil the roiuircnicnU nro eui-h that the ) are ccdforif eVfr. JoinjJioil u 1th. Sco thvlrn rltton fnutanleo A trial } f one ein lo packaga of Oraj'n Specific Mill coJVUlw iho most ekojitlcal of I Li ronl merits On Bocount of countar.'cltcw , o li&e adopted thj fellow \Vraj ] > cr ! the only genuine. XjrFidl inrtlculare In our | < aniihlct | , nhlch wo do * Ire to Bcnu free by mall to o iry one. jCjTTIicSpe. iino Medicine ia eolj by all dniRKlsta at XI per park. > gu , or six | icka os far # 5 , or will bo mint frc by uall on the receipt of the mono } , by nddriEHln. ' TIIK OllAYMEIHCINKCG. . liullalo. N. V. .Sold In Omaha hv C. F , Uoodnian. ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , S-raham Paper Co. , 217 and 219 North Main St. , Bt , Louis. WHOLKSAI.K DKALKKS IN 100K , 1 ITO A O C ? D CS i WRITING * raws , ; ! r > llr'fcKi2 , twiiAi'i'iNo ENVELOPESCAKD BOAKD AND PRINTER'S STOCK paid for ll p > of all Miowi dnbllllv. cxliiiuntlnit ami | > rnmntnru Iccuy aroraubedby cicmjtH.rrroru uf youth.etn . ro ptrfttctly re&torcd ( n r * lMit lirnltli aaa lirormi * mnnhanil liy THE MARCTON IOLUS. * nl lllTn cll dnipulntr. TlilitriMtiiuna f JSvrvonn Delilllty and I'llt H ill llcrnylii nlfonnly nuccoiuiful iMTMino ( jniu-d on ruTU'ct llniriiiitli.nctviiiiil dlri-rt mnlhniliamtab- elute thittMiuirlitirNM. hi > al d 'Irrnllni * fruo lARSTON REMEDYCa.,46W.f4thSt , NlwYorlC. THE MERCHANTS LuthoriKed Capital , - 01,000,000 'aid-up Capital , - - 100,000. Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000. UANKINO OWJCR : / . W. Cor , Farnam ana 13th St. OKKIOKU3 : 'BANK Jluiunr , I'reiMiiiit. I Hu i/H. ItotiRRB , V-I'r . IKX. II. Woou , Ciulilcr. I LuTlifn UIUHH , A.Ca h. DIUKCTOItS : Frank Murphy , Bamuul K Hogers , Ken , I ) Wood , flmrles C. IIuuwI , All. U. Jones , Lutllor Drake. Tranaact a Oeiiurul Hanking lludnitn. All who > avuany lUnklnc bualnru to tranroct are Intitod to all. No matter how larxe or snull the traniactlnn , t will ruoolvo our careful attention , aud we promUe Jwayn courteous treatment. 1'uyi particular attention to builnctu for lurtlci osldlni ; outilile thn ( .Ity. Kxhanto | on all the prim Ipal cltlct of the Uulttd HUtuj at very lowest rates. Account * of lianks aud lUnkura ri.uilvt.-J on favor- > ble terinii. iBuucBCVrtlfloato of Deposit bearing 6 [ wr cent nteruut. lluysand lolls Foreign Kxohange , County , City aid Uovornirjiut 8ecurltln < United States Depository UF OMAliA [ /or. 13th aud Farnam Sts. The Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha , HUCCESSOIIS TO KOUNTZK BHOTIIEItH. organUod in 1808 , Drganlzod as a Kational Bank In SOO,000 mOPITS . $150,000 ornonu PIRIHTTOU UiRUaif Koc rrit , 1'rufllJent. Joiw A. CBIIOIITOS , Vlw > J'rMld A omn'K ' KVUNTU , 2J A. J , Vorrtinov. . , . . F , H. lUvii , Caihtci rY H. llaaauiatt , AuUUnt Cajt.lor , Traneactn a tenora banking bunlncsi Inucttlnu sertlBcatcti bcarln nterut. l > raw dr<n on Bun 'lancltco wi > l principal iltlca In the United hUUs lUo T/imluui bulillu , EJInljJru'h and the : ltle * of the continent of Kuro e. JAMEO MoYJJY , Practical Horse Sheer Mitci iiHiclalty cf foidttotl r.u I tendoifontho li Mmp * Uwl.'WltrectbeUeou llth Bad tltli , cllcvui Uoiuo SKVKNTHIW nOOTOUS Coitliln't Help Him. Whnt UUl HI in. A AVoiiclcrnil Story. For iipwtnlof twenty JC M ! cndiirnl the mr t fill snlTcrlnit from n cnnccroiu nlncena on my t cl < and notnllluUnillnir the iklllful treatment ol.Mrcn- t n of the 1w t Plij ilclnns In Cinadt tnllol to oli- tiln relief , \\licn I Inilcxlumlcil a'l ' the rc < onr i of rcRtihr ino-llcU prictltloncrt , I rciottcd to nearly all the patent mcdlrmci that promNcd to euro iioro- icMdi , hut ulthout any licnetlt Flnill ) In an Mmmt hel | > l s condition , I ttlcil litirdoek liloo , ! IllttcM. I took thc o IJlttori for hout four month * with Hie nioit aitonlshltiff iind Krntlfjlni ; roiulln ; and for the llrnt tlmu In four 3 ens I nu enabled todlijicnie with iirtfln\J aid , which I rtrinl.v l > olle < o I Mmll never Kijulra ci\ln for the * an\e illscvo. Moro thin two ) ri" > httorl'tp < od lnco I hiuohidkn ) Attack of thn , and 1 fed Mcll and Mfo new M If It ) iad net t r nlTo ted inc. \otrrdlUinlook ! Illxxl IllltPM for ono of mj ll'lrpn ' , wlio \ > n nllllctMl viithixn olmllnato humor of the Mnod , mid \\how faoe RI on end ttllh HOren , no perfoctl > Smooth ami clean ; nl o inycor\Ant .roatt-d for clled neck. Mid nviny other ranMlii our ian li , touhom wo time nhon and rci-ommondid hn nmpd ) . Knowlnif tint Itcnrrd mo , nml In lie * In ? that It Med ni.v llto , I most inrnotly utd hmr-IH rocnm- iicnd It to miltcrlnit hununlty.atid ureo allwhoiimy )0 lmllarl > Mlllrtal to irholi a triil. believing It to 10 a trim nH > cllc ] for all rointltntlnnul Kioliilnu * ilooil illnatr * , mil tui nr | nl ni n rare healing vinoiljr of ittoat vli ixnulii ) } and curatho power. Kalth- nlly. nir ; Ho\ . William Stout , \\lartcn , Count ) OriU\intda. llurdook lllood lllttmaromMhr n. FOSTKK , JIIM1UHN ft CO. , I'ron' " . lUKIalo. N. Y HOPP'S Malt Extract. N riiisiina TIIK \ \ KAKHST , STIU. Mil IIKVR TIIK AMI ItUll.DS HP TIIK. u H\HTIM : IIY KSAUg I.I.Vd DKMOATK 1'A. 11 KNTi TO ASSIM11.AT15 t'OUH. Must Input In this < t\leloUlt > , iind iiearon label the name of 00. , 8olo Agents for the Unl' ted Hiitri , 278 llrrcn- nUh Ht. , Now Vork. Kortalo I ) all Price $4 oo per dozen. SOFT ELASTIC SECTION \h \ wamntnl to wear loniror , fit Ijtlio fonn mntur. nml ul o ' ' tliaii the miirkot , or .prlco jieJJ ll _ .nfiindiil. Tliolndommentao * * ant > Clilcnmi i In Bt phnlclnni , nccuni piny rich rowot. Pflre , lint Hilecn Jrun , Pu.tag- oropMit , 81 r > ( \ AUK voiirintnliant furthrm. ICUTUHUIIll.U , .HITI'M A 4'C. . M nufa > lurcw. UiU & ii ! J lUuiduli li bt. , C 111 celt J , Cot ulo by H. F. DUFRENE & MEfWEL&OHtf , Kjrili'jfO\vKD ! 1O OSfAHA NATIONAL 1IANK WITH iiul your work is done for all time to tinio to come. WE CHALLENGE : o iiroduco a moro durnblo ntntorinl for street pivoment thau tm ! Sioux Fulls Gnuiito. OIRIDHSJR'S FOIl ANY A3IOUNT OF OR Filled promptly. Samples sent and estimates given upon application. "WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls , Dakota. S. H. ATWOOD , Plattsmoiilh Neb , - - - - tumouRo * TiioRouaimRtD > SD uiuu UIADI HEREFORD HID JERSEY CATTLE I AND wnaa OH jRiisir mo won CJTYounK atook for Kale JtCorreepondouco solicited. _ _ _ _ _ _ JTo Ihose guffdr ug from the MANHOODi ° ' , " ? ' X'mtbful vrror * . I * T WBV ejuiiui weakniHoari/Uu- cay , lo t m nnoKl. etc. , I will Mini you particular ! of a > lmplo nd cirUIn uidanu < if nlfaur , freaufohirKO. ktomlour > ddruMto t. rottltll , Jloouuu , CONX. DISEASES OP THE J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , 101 IVnnm StrC4 $ , onnotlto Pftxton Itotol , Oiuiha WtoJEtfriKSw WhWiKsrasi tranlrwtfyrJ jh" ' " " ' " ? ih.a 5 ! , V .y MjlAtH AJ 'f" ' n Mrrorn * f KIFo- L _ FOR'IfW' ' .Vi ! ' * . * . > tfi-mentlna Nebraska Cornice AN&- MANUFACTVnEna OP GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES" FINIALS , WINDOW GAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , PATENT MCTALIO SKYWOHT , Iron Fencing ! Cretln < rf , BatnitradM , Verandas , Office and Back Hailing * , Window and Cellar Ouardi , Kto. N. w. con. mtrn AND JONES am _ mr. OAI3KR. Manager. / \ TrnT'VTTni C" without med- POSITIVE'- ' ; MIX No. 1 wilt euro -my CMO In ( our da ) t or IOH No. ! III euro the niMt obstinate CMO no matter ot how . Allan's Soluble Medicatbd Bougies > ! o nameou * doses of inbobs , copabii , or oil of un * dalvtnod , that ar * * .uln to produce dynpepsla by lttrlnir thocoatltifrsot thoatornach. Tries tl.CO SoM Vi ) nil drurcUU , nr nulled on receipt ot price ttlicr particular ! send for circular. 1)0X1,633. ftvmit C. ALUAN CO. CURE. , . John . * * w * XJ No Btreet. y Yolk. Patent Dried Fruit Lifter. AS USEFUL NO DEALER IN GROCERY Groceries STOKE CAJf AFl'OItD TO II It AS A. rim oir ' Without U. COUXTKU SCALES. Ha C. 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