Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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We may moralize ns much as we
please about pain ; but the fact is ,
that we don't like it while it lasts ,
nnd that we want to get rid of it .is
soon as we can. Whether caused by
rheumatism , out , disordered liver ,
weak nerves , irregular kidneys , bad
blood , or anything else that is just
the reverse of what it should be , the
sooner it is out of the system the
happier we arc. Whether pain is
the result of imprudence or of acci
dent , or is sent aa a punishment for
our sins , may be a nice question for
the philosophers to argue ; but people
ple who are suffering want first to be
rid of the pain , after which those
who arc fond of argument may argue
the matter to their hearts' content
Above all theory , argument , and
philosophy , comes the delightful fact
pain away. Sufferers run no risk in
trying this medicine , the only com
pound containing iron which carries
I no mischief with'it. Those who have
used it will tell you so ; and you can
try for yourself by buying a bottle
of the nearest druggist. 7
DurhAmlililetorlc. IIWMneutralimrand
durlnx Uie annlntlco botn ren Hhcrmsn tnil
Johnson. Boldlon of bath urmlen filled
tbdr pouchon wlUi the tobacco ntomlUicro.
and , alter the surrender , marched homo-
ward. Boon orders raina from Ea t , Wont.
North nd Boutli.for "nioroof thntclwnt
tobacco. " Then , ton men ran an unknown
factory. Now It employ BOO mcn.UMjntliB
pink and pick of Uio Ooldcn Dolt , and the
Durham Dull In the trailo-marlc of till * , the
Ix-st tobacco In the orld. Ulackwcll'a Bull
Durham Smoking Tobacco ha/i the tam * t
dale of any Rmnklnif tobacco In Uie world.
Whyr Bltnply bccauno It la the but. All
dealer * ha\o It. Trado-mark of the Hull
Durham Hmoklnir T (
bocce , M bo wan told , h
wouldn't .havo IKWI
cornered by the 1ML
K.KHT , n. Bunmntood epooilio for Hjbtcrin , Dizzi-
ii03a. Convulsions , Tita , Norvoun NonrulRin ,
Hoauncho.NorrnuB ProBtrntloncnuscii by tlio IIBO
of alcohol or tobacco , WiikpfulnoBH , Jlrntnl lo-
proeslun , Bottoning of the Jlrnin nwultum in in-
eanity nnd loading to misery , dccny and death.
I'romaturo Old Ac" , HnrrennoBO , IX > HB < > f
in either BOX , Involuntary lo os nnil Bpormnt-
orrhcca caused byovor-oxortion of tlio brain , nol -
nbuBoor ovor-indutaonco. Kuch box contains
ono month's trcatmnnt. $1.00 n box , or BIX lioxce
for $5.00 , sent by mail propaidon receipt of jiricu.
To euro uoy caoo. With cnoh onlor received by us
for Bix boxoa. acoompiiniwl with. $5.00 , wo will
eond the purchaser onr written Runmntoo to re
fund the money It tlio treatment doou not ofloct
ocuro. Ouorontooa issued only by
O. F. OOODMAK , Agent Omaha Neb.
Th remedy bolog tujected directly to tha acat
- oas , rooulrw no change of diet or nauaoom ,
mercurial or poisonous moJiolnoa tobotikon Intern *
f yvhen 'tsod M n preventive by cither BOX , It It
IronOMiDlo to oontraot any prlvito JISOMO ; but In the
c oi thoae already unlorlunitely aflllotodwo guar
antee tureo boxoa to euro , or no will refund the
money. IV'-o by null , poeUga P U. t3 P < " box , or
tbr biv-oa for | J. . .VH . . _
liafft by all authorized agonic.
a F. Ooodmui , DrugRiat , [ Solo Agent , for Oman *
h mto wly
ncroai. xrrxa.
AITUtNCEi. We will rnil on Thirty lyi'
Trlal.TO MKN , YOUNO OKOLIi. wlmnre eufT.Tlnif
from Nrnvou DuniLlir , IXWT VmUTr. nU tlioio
dluur * of n 1'iMOHii. tUrcnn r < * ultlnir from
JLtllna and OTIIUI Vtum. Hncwly rrlli t and com
plclo notoratlon to llKALTn.A moil anil Mitmoou
DonuaTxxu. Bead at ouco ( orllliutmted ranipuiel
free. Addreoa
UT0.1 WAt.01 Wll.K , ! . XlllX.tiu.
* " ' " " fr i'.o , til-inn JIIIK iiitliiilrd ,
. .
o40 , n nmrn's 80ALB,8o.
TKu I.rti. . IinUttlv , " H " tn- siT ) M
rORCrBS , TOOLS. &o ,
lh. Ai > vUuuilulorToul . lO
.t tr * i i' WJI ni * < nl i Jd Joht.
Illowcrs , .n il Vlce & Ollivr Arllclea
AT Ii > o , , I'UUJtS. MIlULKilLU It UJtTUk
Stove Repair Works ,
100 South 14th St.
lUke ipochltt-of furnishing c tlnt ( and rc | > nlr-
lutr ( tore * ol iJl dejcrlptlou , woail ttovci clunewl to
burn coal , stilt * , llrebiok , dkiuperi , 4c. , ooiutnitly
unhand , try one of lour itotu plpo ihchu niid
clothe * dryer coiohlutd 81.60.
jit-ab KHKIIY tt KATOK , Prop.
I bftY * a poiUlTrmM { tot tud abort dU u t tlu
DMtboaMud * of CUM or tb wet it fcUd and of ( ona
bUnJItift bara t > * en cured , lodeed , o ttrvoR U IDT r ltu
in lit ctflf * < T thfct I will cond TH O UOTTLBd Kli l . to *
' * 6,000 riurei o ( the Union Ufuiolldtted Siltcr
tf < > Unlnu Oomimny , ol Ccuncll IJluHj , law * . Tor lur-
( her iart'culir , nuply to
' , VUh ,
Select Assortment of Nebraska's '
Progressive Strides in 1883 ,
Choice Oullings from the Annual
Reviews of the State
An IlltiHtrfttlvo Array of r ct anil
Figures With Glimpse * of
tlio Future ,
The growth of Nebraska in material
wealth and population during the past
oar has been n most gratifying one
iVhllo the larger cities on the river , nnd
n the interior have boon spreading over
, ow territory nnd ndding to their indua
rial institutions , the lessor towns and
Hinges , and the farming communities
ave advanced with steady , firm stops.
Srow towns have sprung into life , vast
reas of now land has been brought un <
or cultivation , nnd the railroads have
'ollowod the prairie schooners to their re
lotcat haunts. The largo and compara
ively neglected country north of the
'lalto ' was the Mecca of emigration last
oar , and will doubtless continue such for
ovcral years to como. The progress of
10 Sioux Oily & Pacific railroad was
iko the march of a conqueror dcmol-
thing n mythical desert and subduing n
ildorncss that soon blossomed and
ioldodto thrifty husbandman and ranch
man alike n bountiful harvest. The
iranchos of the Union Pacific up the Co
.ar nnd Loup valley a and Shell crook ,
, ddcd largely to the population of these
istricts. The unorganized territory
( ill further northwest attracted censid
irablo attention during the year , and n
urea number of ranches wore secured
ml Bites for colonies mapped out. in
.ho older settled counties n largo amount
f the land hold by speculators wan
irought under cultivation and largo farms
larcclled out and either Raid or leased ,
Nowhere has the growth of the country
icon greater and inoro rapid than in the
lepublican valley , in the southwestern
, > art of the state , in the heart of the
South Flatto country. Six years ago it
was considered fit for nothing but uraz-
'ng purposes , but ns the milroad Los ex-
ended year by year , nnd the herder boon
Irivcn further west by the farmer , this
doa no longer prevails , nnd during the
last few years splendid crops of corn nnd
wheat have proclaimed the llopulican
valley ono of the garden spots of the
itato. A remarkable feature connected
with the settlement of Nebraska has
> eon the spreading out of the rain area
duch has followed the footsteps of the
armor westward , slowly but surely ns
statistics show. The present population
of the state exceeds 000,000 , nnd its
capacity lor supporting population is un
limited as yet.
The fallowing facts are taken from the
innual reviews of the press in different
larta of the stato. No town or district
reviewed by the local press has been in
tentionally overlooked.
Flllmoro County.
The FairmontBullotin furnishes a grati
fying exhibit of the year's growth of Fillmore
more county and give facts and figures
showing the substantial prosperity of the
chief towns. The county is located about
24 miles north of the southern boundary
of the state , and ninety miles west from
the Missouri river. It is in extent 24
miles square , and lies between York and
Thayer , Saline and Olay counties.
The natural water courses of the coun
ty are but few. The West Blue river
flows along its northern boundary for
about half its breadth , from the north
west corner , and affords an excellent wa
ter power. Turkey crook rises in Olay
county nnd flows across Fillmore from
west to cast , a little north of the center
of the county. In the eastern part of the
county the flow of water is sufficient to
afford n fair water power. Indian crook
flows across the northeastern part ; Sandy
crook across the southwestern nnd Wal
nut creek across the southeastern. The
four last named streams are hut small
onca.Thoro never was much timber of n na
tural growth in the county. There ia in
the county , however , a largo acreage ol '
cultivated timber. From almost nny
point on the prairie largo graves of trees
inny bo BOOH on every aide.
The I ) . & M. railroad orospos thocoutv
ty from east oo west. The company sold
5,000 acres of its laud during the year
amounting in cash to $51,500.
The principal town is Fairmount. will
n population of 1,000. The busincssand
professional interests of the town arc
represented by two grain elevators one
with a capacity of 30,000 bushels , anc
the other 20,000 ; two lumber yards , foui
grocery stores , four general atores , twe
dry goods stores , two hard ware stores
three drug stores , ono boot and shoo , tw <
furniture , ono jewelry , one millinery ant
furnishing store , n number of dress
makers , two harness shops , two meal
markets , two agricultural implumonl
warehouses , two newspapers , two banks
three hotels , and others. There are foui
churches the Methodist , Catholic , Enis
copal , and Congrogotional. The build
ing improvements during the year fool
§ 25,200.
Geneva is the county scat , located in
in the center of the county , eight mile :
from the railroad. It has n populutioi
of 400 , and the building improvement !
of the year amounted to $37,800.
Grafton is located in the northwester :
part of the county , on the railroad , nnc
claims a population of 400. A total ol
$29,300 was spent iu improvements dur
ing the year.
HExotor laid out $27.403 nnd Stautoii
$24,000 in now buildings nnd other im
provonionts ,
The remaining town ) , Momonco , Choi
sea and West Blue show n total expend ! '
turo of $53,000. Ilnturns from ail pro
ducts show a total of $450,085 expended
in improvements in the county during
the year. With a crop fully up to the
average , a largo increase in population ,
and freedom from destructive storms , the
past year was ono of the most prosperous
in the history of the county.
TJio Town of lAilIcrton.
Fullerton , Nancn county , has oujoyoi
an unusually prosperous year. The nd
vent of the railroad in the fall helped the
town wonderfully. The Journal claimi
that , considering ita population , tin
record will boat that of any town in the
state. The number and coot of improve
menU give ft total of $80,000 expended.
Continuing , The Journal says :
"There teems to bo no reason why 1' ul-
lorton should not continue to put on
no * ness' of life. The urroundtag country -
try is unsurpassed in fort lily. There are
competing towns within fifteen miles ;
wo have a flouring mill that > first-class
railroad furnishing an
in every respect ,
eastern outlet for the numerous products
of the county , and a market ns good ns
the beat. And it is not misrepresenting
things to say that the town Bite is not
surpassed in beauty by any in the state ,
"Tho Nebraska Woiloyan university is
fast becoming ono of the solid institutions
of the town , and is nn inducement to the
better class of settlers to locate hero ,
where they can educate their children
under the shadow of their own homes.
"Tho country 'round about' is fast set
tling up with well-to-do farmers , who
seem to know how to obtain the best re-
suits from western fanning Under the
stimulus of immigration , the toarn must
continue to grow , until it becomes ono of
the loading cities of the stato. There IB
every reason why it should thus prosper ,
and no good reason why it shouldn t.
The town of Wayne in Dixon county ,
though still in her teens , has made hugo
strides toward maturity , the past year ,
Notwithstanding the stampede to now
towns in the neighborhood , the building
improvements for this year foot up § 48 ,
000. The Ilorald proposes to do its par
in keeping the town on its onward
march. The excellent water power in
the vicinity will noon bo utilized for
manufacturing purposes.
Ilarlau County.
The growth of Harlan county and her
chief towns has been most substantial
during the year. Lauds in the northern
portion of the county is rapidly increas
ing in value on account of the building of
the railroad. The now seminary at Or
leans nnd the opera house nt Alma ndds
two important institutions to these already
ready in the county , while the press is
keeping pace with the increase in popu
lation. *
The thriving metropolis of Johnson
county has made substantial progress
during the past year. It could acarsolj
bo otherwise. The thrco ncwspajorso
the city nro a sure evidence of its bus
ness prosperity. It is safe to say tha
there is not another town in the utat
which turns out their equal in type
graphy , make up nnd printing , while th
news and editorial doprrtmenta are nee :
oasarily of a high standard. Wo sn
this with no desireto disparage the prei
of nny other section.
The coming year will witness mar
substantial additions to the busine
buildings of the city. Among the ir
provonionts talked of , says The Journti
"is the erection a largo three story brii
hotel on the site occupied by the She
man House. The intention is to orga
izo n stock comprny to erect and f urn
the building. Wo have plenty of hoti
and they are conducted ns well ns nny
the land , but our hotel buildings nro
forior to these of neighboring cities i
the same size. If $12,000 or $15,0
wore invested in a hotel on the corner :
Olay and Third streets it would at
greatly to the value of surrounding pro
- "There is n movement nn foot amoi
the citizens ta erect a college buildin
Ono gentleman proposes donating thri
or moro acres of ground conveniently I
catod , for the building and grounds ,
stock company with $10,000 is to
formed to put up the building. Who
the building is complotedono gontlomai
not a resident of Tecumseh , offers to pi
in $5,000 in fitting it up. A mooting
the citizens will soon bo hold to considc
this and other outorpriE09and it is likolj
considering the temper of the monoye
men , that it will lead to substantial n
suits. "
Ashland , Saunders county , is n tow
of slow but steady growth. Located o
the B. & M. road and surrounded by
rich agricultural country , her people ha
nn abiding fnith in her ultimate succoi
and have lived to see their oxpoctatior
realized. To these , says the Gazotti
who have watched its progress from i
earliest origin , while Saunders count
was a wilderness , until the present timi
the accomplishments of by-gono yeai
oooras like n herculean task , but are
reality the sure and legitimate rosul
of an advancing state of civilizatioi
Endowed with many natural advantage
, the surroundings of Ashland have a
Bumod a position ns ono of the moi
wealthy nnd thickly populated scctioi
of the state of Nebraska , and tl
town has kept pace with the improv
monta and advancement of ita tributni
The increase in Ashland's populatio
during the past year was BO great that
was with difficulty that now como
could got houses. The property owno
aaw the necessity of erecting more buili
ings , and thus the merry sound of tl ;
saw and hammer was hoard throughot
the spring , summer and fall , and whc
the cold weather sot in there were doni
oiled in the town a population various
estimated at from twelve to fifteen hum
rod boula.
Ono of Ashland'a principal features i
her school house , ono of the handsome
and most commodious school buildiiij
in the state. There nro four church
with largo congregations. A largo ar
commodious opera house , and n Inrj
mill on Salt crook are among the impor
ant improvements. Strong shipping an
banking companies were organized nn
the superior advantages of the town as
market for the products of ndjoinin
counties were materially atrongthene <
With a largo list of substantial liuildii
improvements , nn unexcelled busine
harvest this year him boon a bountit
0110 to Ashland.
The young metropolis of the Lot
Valley , scarcely out of ita awaddlir
clothes , comes up with a building recoi
that knocks many inoro pretentious towi
completely in the shade. Loup City
the center of Sherman
near county , c
the Widdlo Loup rivor. It is the coun
seat. The Timca produces figures i
show that the amount of improvemon
the past year foot up $15,708. This is i
splendid nhowin" for a small village ai
presents n strong foundation for futui
great nes i ,
Knox County ,
At no time einco Knox county's iir
I ! "b _
Bottlomont , says the Croighton Pioneer ,
has Ihoro
prosperous n year as
1883 , in all parts of the county , nnd ca-
pocially is this true of Croighton and the
surrounding country.
The cropa have been good and the
farmers have vied with
each ether to BOO
who would make the most and best 5m-
provomonts on the farms The god
houses nnd dugouts have given place to
ncatfrnmo dwellings ; the straw and sod
stables to frame barns and good sheds ;
the barren prairie to the fine cultivated
fields , which shows that our county is
improving , nnd in a prosperous condi
The year of 1883 has seen about 00,000
acres of Knox county lands sold , nnd
much of it will soon Vie occupied by net-
ual nottlorn , who will como hero to make
homes for themselves in our prosperous
nnd thriving county.
The principal business is stock-raising ,
which is the most successful kind of farm ,
ing , as the failure of crops does not ma
torially effect business ns grain raising.
A Swedish colony has purchased n largo
tract in township 29 , range 2 west , about
eighteen miles east of Croighton , who
will settle their land
on the coming sea
son and make great improvements
Polk County.
The Farmers' Advocate , ono of the
beat papora in the county , published at
Oscooln , reviews in detail the year's progress -
gross of the county nnd its towns and
villages. Tlio growth of the county , nl-
though steady and of n natural nnd sub
stantial kind , has boon remarkable , and
the constant tide of immigration has
boon from n class of well-to-do clear
headed farmers , who have carefully ex
amined the various localities of the
west , and soon the successful farming in
this county. Everywhere , now build
ings have boon erected , and the straw
stable is changing to good barns , with
grain houses , and cattle sheds , while the
old soddy will Boon bo n thing of the past
- in this locality. Wind mills are soon on
almost every farm , herds of cattle , hoga
nnd sheep are now fenced in on well
stocked native grass or timothy and
clover ; trroves of strong timber now dot
the fields and line the highways , chang-
ng the former dry atmosphere and
monotony of the new prairie , to the soft
ness nnd agreeable humidity of the
talian low lands , and breaking
ho bleak zephyrs of this great
! slopo. While the farms and gunoral im-
irovemcnts have been so noticeable , the
'armors have kept pace with the rismj.
; ido. Villages have sprung up all ovoi
the county , church spires are constant !
being erected. School houses of the bettor
luc tor class now supply the first adjunct foi
c good schools ; public highways are bom
ay graded nnd bridged , while few roadway
jn remain "across the sections. " The popu
lation ia estimated at 8,000 , polling eve
1,500 votes. Osceola , the county seat ,
n ; a young city of unusual growth. Th
eam steady advance from the location of th
m ' town to a thrifty , enorgotio city , with
ia' railroad , graded streets , great traiin
ick houses , extensive sidewalks , largo elevators
oran - tors and warehouses , a $10.000 coui
an- house , magnificent brick high echoc
ish building , numerous churches , brick trad
iols ing houses and residences , and the con
in stantly growing trtdo , make it one of th :
in- i boat young cities of the west , and ono
of the pleasantest locations for n homo ,
00 careful survey of the town shows CO
of 100 now buildings , including so von fin
idd brick trading houses and residences , tw
great otoam elevators , with monster ware '
houses , erected during the year ,
ng / _ _
rod No" h-
lo- Noligh , the county aoat of Antolop
lobo county , claims to have discounted in 188
bo any previous two years' record. The Ic
on cation of the county seat there rocontl
in ,
mt will prove a great stimulant to buildin
of in the spring and summer. During tin
lor past year there was expended in improve
iy.ed monta of all kinds $52,000. The Adva
ed cato says Noligh has entered upon an on
re- of great prosperity , and all that is need
cd to secure its continuance is to stoj
quarreling , heal up all old sores , nnd unit
edly go ahead to work for the building u
vn of the village.
The third city of the state , the activ
rival of Lincoln , and the metropolis o
the southwest , has made phenomena
progress during the past year. Next tins
its Omaha , it presents probably the best rcc
ity ord in material wealth and population
JO , The pink-tinted holiday number of Th
Adams County Democrat fortifies thos
in i claims by indisputable facts and figures
Its Strangers , and oven our own people , say
m. The Democrat , marvel at the onormou
ea , growth of Hastings during the past yoai
asst but unless some unforeseen calamit
ma overtakes us , our future ia oven mor
ho marvelous than our past. There is ii
contemplation at this time more businos
iry buildings to bo erected next year thai
were erected this season ; mammotl
on brick blocks will go up , until the bus
it ness portion of Second street will bo on
nrs continuous row of brick buildings. Th
ors college will bo n twenty thousand della
Idho building. The creamery will bo completed
ho pletod by spring. The Masonic Tempi
lUt craft will erect a largo brick building ii
ion the early spring. An opera house tha
ni- will eclipse anything of the kind in tin
niiy ] state west of Oinalm , will surely go up
id- A sugar factory with n capacity of Jiv
hundred pores of cano , will go up bofor
IS the cano ia ready to cut. A wuod am
oat combination bridge works will be oroctt
igs hero as early in the spring as the weather
lea or will permit It is oxppctod to furnisl
nd all the bridges needed in the wester
go part of the state from these works , and
rtnd to top elF these plowing prospects , tw
nd inoro railroads will reach the city bofor
nd the close of the year.
The queen city of North Nebraak
" comes up with a cool $100,000 , not n do !
tul lar moro or less , expended in buildin
improvements the past year. The Joui
nal says the building improvements c
the year exceed these of any proviou
up season in number and in the genorall
ing excellent character of the structure
erected. They are not the result of
nn boom , and indicate that citizens of Noi
folk are willing to pledge their faith i
her future by investing their money ia
on substantial and permanent way.
tents liul
nts Tha metropolis of C Tar county ia m
nd export at figures when 113 neco33iry t
ire striKe a balance at the 030 of the yeai
The Sun rises with u t : ulatcd record fo
1883 , showing n tot of § 124,09iJ
among the most import it imjirovoinont
of the year the sugar and syrup work
rank first. Thcro wns $8,000 invested
in thii factory , end 1,300 tons of cano
were consumed. From this has been
manufactured 15,000 gallons of syrup
and 8,000 gallons of vinegar. It is pro
posed this year to work up the product
of 200 acres and increase the capacity of
the works accordingly. There nro four
fmo elevators in the town , thrco of them
built during the year. The total storage
capacity is 155,00ft bushels. The ro-
coipta of thcao elevators for 1883 was as
follows : Wheat , 120,085 bushels , equal
to GC3 cars ; corn , 525,512 bushels , equal
to 1.471 cars ; oata , 1G8.750 bushels ,
oqunl to 270 cars ; rye , 22,075 bushels ,
equal to 03 cars ; barley , 5,000 bushels ,
equal to 12 cars ; llax , 20,283 bushels ,
equal to 5G cars ; indicating a total of
908,005 bushels , equal to 2,540 cars.
The PloHo Valley roller mill , costing
SIOO.OOU , . , iJ to bo the best mill in the
sUUo , did a business last year npnroxi
mating 553 car loads of flour. There
are five firms engaged in the businessof _
baling and shipping hay. The total shipments
monts was Uf > 5 car loads or 3,550 tons.
Frnnlclin County.
The Republican Valley Echo claims for
Franklin the title of "Tho Oardon of
Eden" of the stale. Although history
does not show that Eva over skirmished
in the Republican Valley for fig loafs
with which to fan Adam wlion ho plucked
the apple of her eye , it is certain that a
modern Eve with leap year intentions
oin pluck a homestead in good shape in
mighty short order , ani there is no
part of the atato to which a husky girl
could turn her footsteps with moro suc
cess. Agriculturally , Franklin county
has a record of which she has good reason
to bo proud , n record that no county in
the southwestern part of the state 1ms
over won. For three years in succession
she received the silver medal at the stuto
fair for the "largesl and best" display of
her products , as offered by the state
board of agriculture. With such
, record , she needs no other recommenda
tion to thoao who wish to locate within
her boundaries ,
There are five fine flouring mills in the
county , the first woolen factory in tlio
and two creameries that utili/o the
product of 400 cows. There are
- thriving towns well proviacd with school
facilities. The town of Franklin is the
largest in wealth and population , closely
followed by 131ooinington , Riverdalo and
- Nnrtli Hciul.
O'Ncil City foots up the voar's improve-
. monta at SAGOO ; North IJond , S70.020
nud Schuyjor nt 8123,000. In the North
} Band allowing ia included a mill cjating
§ 50,000.
Mr. John Crouch , a subscriber of TIJK
; OMAHA BKK , referred us to the above in
state news in its issue of January 7th
which , as relates to North Bond , ia false
in every particular. Wo cannot compre
hend how TIIK BEE , usually correct
made such an error. The Flail gave
facts and figures showing the improve'
monts in North Bond to amount it
'S round numbers to 880,000 , nud , oven ai
'Sa that , it was § 10,00 too low. No mil
art was built in North Bend during tin
rtol year. This seems , on the face of it , t
old be purposely misrepresented , if not Tin
dn - BKK will cheerfully correct. [ Nortl
nio Bond Flail.
ofA THE BEE cheerfully makes the corrcc
A tion and also corrects an evident orro
of the Flail in making the estimat
fO " 810,00 too low , " instead of $10,000
0- This shows that oven a well rcgulatoi
country office , with seven days in whicl
to "perfect and round its periods , "
liable to err.
lUIscell aneous Notes.
Howard county has a population o
; 8,000nnd St. Paul , the principal town
claims 12,000. St. Paul recently commenced
; moncod the erection of a largo handsomi
eight room school house , which whei
completed -will cost about $15,000
There are some 2,000 school children between
twoon the ages of 5 nnd 21 , and some 5
school districts in the county.
Auburn located in the exact center o
Nomaha county , with two railroads am
the third contemplated , has a populatioi
of 1,000 , and ia talking of capturing thi
county seat from Brownvillo
Nuckolls county claims a populaton o
roof > 0,000. Superior , the largest town in tin
of county , has a population of 1,000 , an
al put $00,000 into improvements the pas
to year.
" West Point's improvements the pasl
year totals § 174,002"
10 Humor In tlio Stomach.
30S. Much of the distress and sickness at
S. tributcd to dyspepsia , chronic diarrhoei
and other causes is occasioned by liuino
in the stomach. Sovoial cases , with al
the characteristics of these complaints
have been cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla
Other cures effected by this medicine ar
so wonderful that the simplest state-men
of them affords the best proof that it com
bines rare curative agents and when one
used secures the confidence of the people
Bhall Oobbafjo bo Free.
Now York Journal.
The attontipn of the statesmen a
Washington should bo called to the fac
that our beautiful native American cab
bagca are boint ; crowded out by the choa
"paupor-producod" cabbages of th
European continent. The latter are sell
ing for 25 cents per head in all our markets
kots , while the heads which have nprout
ed and bloomed in the free air tha
swoops over Long Island and New Jorao
bring only a paltry 10 cents. Has tli
American cabbage no friends in con
cress ? Shall wo bo overrun by the cab
bages of the Old World despotisms ) Ilo\
can republican institutions be presorvei
with cabbage on the free list ?
IMhllo Speaker * and Sullen dud II II , Pou.ta S
Bom' Cauicum | COUKI ) Urojiu n eure reined } fo [
sJWi Epilepsy ,
i * fjCUCD tuilc" . - SiMitns , Convul
slons , Falling
of Dance , Alcohol
us ism , Opium Eat
OSa Scrofula , King :
a \ 1 | | E D U R I - "i B'y ' Blood
' I H E II P C | Diseases , .
ina ita , Nervousness ,
a tC0HQ0EB0Rfe. | | | . | | | | | ± ; 1 ±
Wealmtu , Brain Worry , Mood .Son ,
pBS , CtatlitiiKt , Nervous rrostratlon ,
Troulltt awl Jrrtnularitles , $1.K > .
Huniplu Tt-Miniioiiitil * .
. "Samaritan Ncnlnu U dolnir wonders. "
° Jr. ) J. O. Mole m Jin , Alewmlcr City , Ala.
"I feel H myduty to rtcommend It. "
> lr. V. V. Laughlln. Clido , Kansas ,
'It cured TthcroiihyflclauiifalldV'
i / > -i A riu ( , Ilcaycr , P& ,
-1 j\ti * voinrxjuvMvw i * . \ - j nBb Tcrt-ii - -
. i r tcillruoalili and circular * tcail tump.
Thfl ilr. S.A. i IllchtnonJ . v . _ ll Mod. > k. . . _ Co. _ ! . , , * fit Joseph , fl\ Mo ,
Has the Largest Stook in Omaha and Makes the
Lowest Prices. j
Furniture ! I
Purchasers should nvixil themselves o the opportunity now offered to
buy nt Low Prices hy taking mlrimtngo of the great inducements set oub
nd 1210 FarnamSt
To All Floors. OMAHA. NEB.
My Repository oosUntly nilod with * BoIeotJatoct Bc tWorkm oslilpKtiiirtnteeJ.
Office and Factory S , W. Corner 16th anri Capitol Avonue. Omaha.
. .
1310 and 13iO Harniy Street and 403 S. 18th Street. 1 niVTATTA TT'R'S ?
Illustrated Catalogue furuUhed Ireo upou application. / VAUXJJXt ii J3J/ .
Heating and Baking
| IP only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges ,
Foi sale by
OMAHA- * ! !
and Bottled Beer
This Excellent Beer speaks fcr itaelf.
] - < SU M ? > f Promptly Shipped.
, . ,
rent Sole Agent for Omaha and the 'West.
nt Cor. Oth Street and Capitol Avenue'
coo. "
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad. )
ip ;
ay ;
Elpgnnt Pay Coaches , Parlor Cars , with H Solid Trains of Kleg/uit Da ? Coaches oud Pn
np Cliairs ( ijats f rvo ) , Smoklnir Cars , with lla- man I'ulaco Bleeping C-irs ore rnniUUy to on
olvinir Cliftlrs , 1'ulimaii I'aaco ! blecplni ; Cars and from Be Louis , \ia. Huncihnl , Qulncy , KuoknV ,
or IB famous C. l > , ft Q. Dining ( . 'are run daily to and DiTllngton. C'xlar Itapalaand Albert lA'a to 8t
rom Chicago ibKansaj City , Chicago Council I'aul and Mlnnt-uiioUs : 1'arlorCnra with liccllnlf
JlufTs , Chlc-tgo & Ita * Molrra , Chlcnso , 6t. Jo- C.'nilm to and from Si Louis and rcoriaaudC
fph , Atchb.on&Tonfll.'x. Only through line be- and I rom t Ixul3 and Ottuniwa Only o ? ,
ween Chicago , Uncoln i ; Denver. Throuan cars chaiiRu of cars between St. Loult nnd D : '
etwcen Indlannixills & Council IllufTs via 1'i-orio jMoini-s , Iowa , UatxAo , Nebraska , and Denver
Ml connection : ! ino/lu In Union Donots. 11 u Colorado.
known aj the cnmt THnoUQH CAH IJNK. It u universally admitted to be the
Flnnnt equipped Railroad In thn World for all Clikssos of Travel. ,
' . J. VOrfKlt ad Vlco-m 'itia dpn'l Mer m WHUKV U , WWBM. Otn. P- " ' " - " " '
J. 0. PRESCOTT & CO. ,
3Tlot .ll
Music , Musical Instruments of all Descriptions.
Xza.Clxo XiJttvto. j
WO , Fnrnam atroot . . . . OMAHA.