Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1884, Image 1

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Moot and Do Some Caucusing
To-flay ,
No Manifest Opposition to Alli
son's ' Eonouiinationi
Tho. . Struggle for the Minor
Places of Little Moinonti
The Democratic Nominees for
Oouiplimontary Votes ,
Ilatton Arrives ( u Sec that the l'ro <
occelliifr.8 In Duo Form.
Special to the BEE.
DES MOINKH , January IK. The mom.
bora of the legislature aru nbout nil in the
city. The loading hotels nro nil crowded
vrith members and with persons seeking
minor ] ) ositiona. The democrats have
boon talking aomo of attempting te
break the republican organization of tin
IIOUBO by inducing some now man nmoiif
the republicans to enter the race for tin
speakorship and bo elected by the dcm
ocrata , thus -placing him under ohliga
tions. It will not work. lion. Willian
P , Wolf , of Cedar county , will probablj
bo elected speaker on the first ballot
The houuo stands nearly equally divided
but it is thought the republicans can or
gnnizo oven with n loss of two or three.
There is , so far , no opposition to Sana
tor William B. Allison for ro-olectipu
The senator is on the ground , havinj
como in Saturday morning.
The United States senatorship ant
apoakerahip being practically settled
there is very little strife except on minoi
places. Martin , warden of the Anamosi
penitentiary , has no opposition for ro
election. McMillan , of the Fort Madisoi
penitentiary , has some opposition , bu
feels sure of an election. State Printe :
Roberts has no opposition. For bindn :
and all legislative candidates there an
scores of candidates.
The democratic state central committe
tire hero looking on. Other prominen
statesmen of that party are hero , and ;
secret caucus was held yesterday , o
which the result is not known , but it i
not dangerous.
The legislature convenes to-morrow a
2 o'clock p. m. , in the old state house
and will not go into the capitol unti
after the inaugural , which occurs o
Thursday next.
The prohibitionists are hero in force
and it is expected that the -wine and bcc
clause will bo repealed at once.
A great reception , tendered mernbei
of the legislature by the ladies , occui
next Wednesday evening in the Gran
opera house.
General Proas Dispatches.
All the members but four of the logii
laturo are here. The republican cauci
for the senate and house officials will I
held to-morrow afternoon , and the sent
torial caucus not later than Tuesda
night. The democrats held a seen
meeting yesterday afternoon , at whic
all prominent members of the party an
state central committee wore presen
It is understood that they talked ovi
the policy to bo pursued during the con
ing session , etc. The candidates hav
boon very hard at work pressing the
claims all day , and each seems uatisfic
that they are the lucky ones. Senator A
son arrived yesterday and his room wi
thronged all the afternoon There is n
opposition among republican members tithe
itho ro-olection of Senator Allison.
When the legislature convenes tc
morrow noon it will only effect a tempi
.Tary organization and adjourn unt
Tuesday. Monday afternoon the rcpul
lican caucus for senate and house ofl
cials will bo hold. For speaker of tl ;
house there will bo no opposition toWn
P. Wolf of Cedarcountyandho willprol
ably bo nominated by acclamatioli , an
Frank D. Jackson , of Butler county , wi
receive the nomination for secretary i
the senate. The democrats appear to t
at sea , even after their secret session ye
torday , but from a prominent democrat
senator it is learned that they will pro. .
ably unite on either EL 0. Fisher of Lo
L. R. Boiler of Harrison , or N. B. He
brook of Iowa , for speaker , each ono h
friends , and as the party is in the mine
ity they want n complimentary vet
They will undoubtedly caucus for logi
lativp officers at the same time the r
publicans do.
The republican caucus for selecting
candidate for United States senator
appointed for Tuesday evening. 1
member of either house belonging
that party can bo found who will tofu
to vote for the re-election of Senat
Allison , and the nomination will bo mai
by acclamation. When the domocral
caucus will bo hold ia yet unknow
From what can bo gathered , nearly i
favor tendering the empty honor of t !
nomination for senator to N. A. Merri
of Clinton county , a member of tl
present legislature , while others favor t ,
nomination of L. G. Kinno , late dem
cratio nominee for governor. The greo
backers , of whom there nro six momboi
have not yet done anything.
The reporter of the associated prc
saw Hon. John A. Kasson last night , ni
showed him a dispatch from Washingti
to the olfoct that ho had como homo
bo a candidate fort onator against Alliso
Uo stated that he had como simply
deliver the address of dedication of t
now capitol ; Unit he was heartily for /
lison , and that ho bo.ijved Allison wou
got , and should have , every republic
The younger Graus presented t
opera "Heart and Hand" here for t
first time out of Now York and Ohica
to a largo and fashionable audience
the now grand opera house. It met
decided success.
The rumor that Senator James
Wilson was 'to resign to obtain the i
cancy on the bench caused by the res !
nation of Judge McCrary , U unfoundt
and was originated hero by correspond'
cuts. Not n prominent republican lion
had heard of it.
Assistant Postmaster General Uattoi :
arrived hero this mocnitiLj. Lioutounnl
Governor Manning has arrived.
The movement by some democrats tc
give State Senator liall n complimcntarj
vote for United Slates senator will no !
probably bo successful.
A Consul's Explanation.
ST. Louis , January 10. Kmil Karst ,
French consul , in this city , in nn inter'
view regarding the French government
in relation to American pork , made tin
following statement : "An entirely erro
neous impression prevails in the United
States on the French government's
course. It is generally believed here
that the prohibition of American port
importation is the result of unscrupuloiu
lobbying in the French chambers. Tliif
is all wrong. Lobbyists nro unknown in
Franco. The whole truth of the maltei
is that my government was informed that
10,000 pounds of diseased American port
was about to bo shipped abroad.
The French minister atVashing -
ton was notified to inquire into the
rumor and found that although perhaps
not so great nn amount had boon , or waf
to be , exported , still a very largo proportion -
portion of that sent abroad was meat ol
animals which died from , hog cholera ,
The American inspector at Chicago him'
self declared that eight per cent of the
u > gs exported wore diseased. . Thosi
'acts being transmitted to Franco ar
imbargo on American hog vras the result ,
lather than take the chances ot eatinj
.richinsa-affectod . pork in Franco , thoj
lecidod to have none at all. That is the
whole secret of the much ngitatcc
, nd much less understood Amer
can hog question In Franco
A War for Ireland.
AUSTIN , Texas , January 13. Sonntoi
Pfeull'er , acting in the interest of Cover
tor Ireland , will introduce in the logisla
ure to-morrow a fence-cutting bill
.vhich antagonizes t lib principle ad voca tec
by Senator Terrell. The latter is an ad
ministration man. It is said that tin
; ovornor's friends fear , if the Terrell bil
iGcomcs a law , that the fence war wil bi
, t an end and the administration plncnc
n an awkward position , and Ireland wil
ave no chance to succeed himself.
Rather JliKli Water ,
TUCSON , A. T. , January 13. The rusl
; o the Guyotoa mines is unabated. Wa
, er is scarce and selling at a dollar a bar
ol. Many now discoveries are reported
ind the excitement is so great that th
reports arc not considered reliable.
The Late Hcrr liaskcr.
NEW YOUK , January 13. The remain
f the Gorman statesman , Hcrr Laskoi
were taken to Europe yesterday on th
learner Neckar. Moritz Lasker , brothc
of the deceased , accompanied the bed }
which will bo taken to Berlin for into :
The Chilian chamber of deputies has . ]
proved the treaty of peace with Peru ,
The hop < of the Tennessee penitential
were damaged $10,000 by fire Saturday nigh
Severe shocks of earthquake wore felt Fi
day in the towns of Llngnaglossa and Catag
'lono , Sicily.
The Tagoblatt publishes the decree of tl
emperor of China , urging energetic resistam
to the aggressions of the French.
A sudden change is noted ia the relations i
the khedi o and the sultan , tbe latter man
tin a mure friendly feeling towards tl
The wholesale cracker and confectioner
house of Hirsh & Griswold , 1'oorin , 111.v :
burned Saturday. Loss , 515,000 ; insnranc
The French government , U Is reported , hi
been assured that Kngland hna urged China I
accept the accomplished facts and nrraiij
terras of peace with China.
There will bo a grand mass at "Tho Mail
eline" ' the of tl
on January 2l t , anniversary
birth of Louis XIV. , which will bo made tl
occasion of a royalist'demonstrillion.
The Willowdale mills , Ipswich. Most
were burned Saturday , and an immen
stock of blankets and valuable ) machine :
were destroj ed. Loss , $250,000.
IQTha foreign exhibition which hai been opi
In Boston since September 5th , closed Satu
lay night. It has boon a failure financial !
and the deficit i estimated at $5,000.
Hike Cloary h s issued a challenge for m
man in America to fight him with hard glove
Marquin of Quoenubirvy rules , for $1,000
side. His bacVer haslpostod $250 forfeit wi
Jlichard 1C. Foe.
The largest Iron ship over built In tl
country was launched Saturday by the Ami
ican Ship Building company ( Command
GorrinKo'ti. ) The ship wfts.ckristonecl "Ch
once S. Bennett. "
Tbe Irish Times ilntlmate * that the tour
Henry George and Michael Davitt throui
Kngland and Scotland ha been abandono
owiug to tbo hoHlillly of ono section of t !
Irish party to George.
THe Chlnoso fear that the 1'ronch nro c
tortaining doslgng upon Canton , and t
jwoople are \ery uneasy. Hai 1'Iiong ropoi
tmy that Admiral Courbet would advan
upon Bacniiih without awaiting reinfon
menta ,
It is stated that the Egyptian governmc
< han given orders to evacuate Khartoum , T
guns will be spiked and the powder deatroyc
ilt is believed that all efforts will now bo co
< contratcd iu the defense of Massawah a
Figaro assorts that dlroct negotiations 1
jtwexm China and .Franco will bo resinned 01
basis on the new frontier of Tomuiii | and t
aainesty of tbo Black.Klags. China will al
guarantee the free navigation of the Song It
river to Lao Kay.
Brisson , on assuming tbo presidency of t
French chamber of deputies , pointed out tl
it WAS tbe duty of the chambers to preset
the present generation from thetevcro expc
encos of the past , and load the country fi
through whatever difllcultio.1 may beset
path ?
Owing to a fire In tho' central oflico of I
Now England telephone company yesterdi
Beaten wan entirely without telephones
vice , nnd will remain no fur a week or t
days. Every conuectlua with3,000 last
tiienls wat destroyed.
The Loulavlllu whiskey won have sent i
a circular asking couatitUButa to impress th
repreientativeH iu congreug of tbe necessity
pressing the Mil which pnnlden for the i
tension of the bonded period-of two years
the present stock of whiskies.
The Catholics of Kngland have complot
arrangement * to begin tbe erection of
cathedral \Veitmluster , to ciwl over 850
000 , and to ho erected within a/itone'rf tbn
of the Victoria station. TU design i
proved ia similar to tbo "Votlv Klrcbe"
In a letter to tbe editor of tbe Deutsc
Itevue , Marquta TIMOR states that if (
French threat to exact war Indemnity in
China is nerioualy meant , it U at presi
Haewbat premature , for despite tie fall
Bontay , China in far from thinking that i
ia on tbe road'to a Sedan , l'ehap they v
find out their miutako when tbe inland tax
foreign commerce , Initoad of being abollabi
i Intended , come * to be doubled.
The Mailers Congress will Take
This Week' .
Views.on a Keoiprooity Troatj
With Mexico ,
War's ' Rattling Skeleton to be
' Paraded ,
And tbo Free Trade Ghost to
Appear ,
The Appropriation Bills to bo lie ,
poitvelnnel Other Matters.
\VAHHINOTON , January 13. It is now
expected that a considerable portion ol
the present week will bo devoted by the
senate to consideration of the Mexican
reciprocity treaty. A proposition has
boon made in executive- session that the
discussion toke place with open doors.
Many senators expressed themselves in
favor , but the precedents , with ono ex.
coption , are against such course , and il
is uncertain what decision will be
reached. It ia believed the treaty wil !
bo ratified , but serious objections will be
made during the progress of the diacua-
sion. There * are senators who apprehend
hend war , nnd prospective annexation nf
'ie result of the complications thoythinl
uro to grow out of attempts of Amcri
: ans to establish themselves in Mexico ,
thors hold the opinion that if the prcsi-
out and sonata may establish
rco trade relations with ono nntion the ;
nay with all , nnd thus exclude the popu
ar branch of congress from any partici
ipatipn in the exercise of ono of the
most important functions of government ,
'hat of raising revenue. It will also b <
.rgued that reciprocity treaties exist bo
, weou Mexico and other powers confer
ing upon them all the advantages grant
id the most favored nation , and n ratifl
ation of the present treaty would not
ihoroforo , confer upon the United Statei
lonspicous advantages since the otho
reaty nations must bo admitted to shari
! io benefits. By the provisions of tin
roaty ratification mush take place tin
resent week or the matter fails.
It is possible that Senator Sherman' ,
ill authorizing the secretary of th
rcasury to issue to national banks ai
amount of circulation equal to 00 po
ont of the market value of the bonds
ill bo reported by the finance commit
; oo by Tuesday , in which caao it ia likel ;
, o receive the attention of the sonat
during the week.
The pension , fortifications and mililnr
academy appropriation bills , will bo con
ploted and reported to the house earl
in the week , ono or moro of them prob :
bly to-morrow. They will bo brough
before the house for action in quick BUI
cession and an attempt will bo made tc
morrow by the chairman of the IIOUE
committee on improvements of the Mil
sissippi to call up for immediate actio
the senate bill appropriating § 1,000,00
for the continuance of the improvement
on that river. A single objectio
will bo sufiiciont to defeat this an
offered the committee on Misaissipi
river improvements will report a aimih
bill on Tuesday and ask its considoratiot
A caucus of republican senators will I
hold to-morrovr morning.
WASHINGTON , January 13. The Ki
tional Academy of Science , through i
president , O. C. Marsh , made a roport-c
glucose yesterday to the commissioner i
internal revenue. After stating win
starch sugar is , how manufactured , ar
how clrioily used , the report sayo that tl
starch sugar industry of the Unite
States gives employment to 20 factorio
with a capital of § 5,000,000consumit
40(000 , ( bushels of corn daily , nnd produ
ing grain , sugar and ghicoso of the a
nual value of nearly $10,000000. ' The
ough investigation of the who
subject was made by members 'Of tl
academy. As a result the following fnc
appear : That the nuvuufncluro of oug
from starch is a long < ttstablishod ind us t
scientifically valuable and commercial
important ; that the processes -omployi
at the present time are of unobjectio
able character nnd leave the product u
contaminated ; that -fltarch sugar th
made and sent into commerce IB of u
ceptionnl purity tnd 'Uniformity of coi
position nnd contains no injurious su
stances ; that having ut ihu best nbo
only two-thirdaof thoBwceenting'powor '
cane sugar , yet otarclris in no way i
forior to cane sugar in healthfulnei
there being no evidence before the coi
inittoo that maize starch sugar either
its normal condition or fermented Ii
any deleterious .effect upon the syate
oven when taken in largo quantities.
The senate committee on foreign TO
tions yesterday .considered the bill pi
pared by Pacific ooast delegations a
introduced in theaonato by Senator Bl
lor , of California , amending thoiChinc
immigration act of the last congra
The discussion w&aiong and the bill v.
finally referred to a Bub-coinmittoo , co
aiating of Miller , Wilson and Morga
The tone of the debate gave warrant I
the opinion that a measure having I
itn purpose the correcting of defects
the present law and the prohibition
importation of Chinese laborer * will
reported by the committee.
The sub committee of cattle men t
pointed to prepare a bill for the suppr
uion and uxtirpation of plouro pnoumoi
and other contugeous diBeases among e
meatio animals , have completed the p :
posed iiioasuro , which was submitted
the entire committee of cattloinen i
pointed at Uio recent Chicago convent !
to propose legislation on the subject , a
accepted , Tbo bill will bo given to i
house committee on agriculture to-m
row ,
Roprceentative Wilscn.of lowa.oihil
ed at the capital yesterday the luuga
three head of cattle intended for Wa
ington raorkeU , and J&ughtered Sat
day. Ono Bhowod early etages of pi on
pneumonia , the eccond had just beco
affected , and the third was absolutely r
texn. The cattle were bouqht nnd killed
by order of Commissioner Loriug.
The treasury department haa rcdoomcel
$20,482,350 three and one-half percents ,
iticludiui ! the 1'Jlst call , which lonvct
only $911,000 outstanding. There are
p225,000,000 of three per cents uncalled ,
in addition to the bonds embraced iu n
cell issued yesterday for § 10,000,000 , tc
bo paid March 15 , 1881.
The war department is informed that
the condition of Oonoral McKenzie it
considerably improved. It is guuornlly
boliovcd the present improvement ia only
temporary nml that a reaction will follow.
His restoration to command is regarded
ns nu impossibility.
A yncancy will soon occur iu the grade
of brigadier general. Wesley Nerrit , BU-
pcrintondont of the West Point Military
ncadfliny , nnd Colonel D. S. Stanley , of
the Twenty-second infantry , are promi
nently mentioned ns likely to receive
The house committees on expenditures
of the department of justice mot with
closcel eloors ynatorday , and commenced
the examination of Browstor Cameron.
Au inlluentiiil committee of local law
yers waited on the president yesterday to
urge tlip rcappoiutmont of District Attor
ney Corkhill.
A lUX'KIVr.ll
ST. Louis , January 13. On applica
tion of the Central Trust company , oi
Now York , Judge McCrary of the
United States circuit court at Kookuk ,
yesterday afternoon appointed W. U.
Woodard receiver of the Texas & St.
Louis Narrow Gauge railroad. Full in
formation loading to this action cannot
bo obtained but it seems to have grown
out of the partial failure of what it
known as the readjustment plan to pro
vide tncana to clear off the floating in
debtedness of the road.
SniiNOKiKLii , 111. , January Hi. Arti
cles of incorporation were filed ycstordaj
in the secretary of state's oflico for a now
railroad , viz : the Now York , Rock
Taland & Omaha railway , with a capital
f § 3,000,000. The principal office will
o in Chicago. Tlio incorporators rrc
osoph S , Reynolds , Edward L. iloldcn
id Josiah Brown , of Chicago ; Josopli
I. Davis , of Now York , and George W ,
agloy , of Coldwator , Michigan. The
oad vrill commence at the east line ol
linois , within five miles of the north
nst corner of Cook county , and thence
mining to a point on the Mississipp
vor , in Rock Inland county oppositi
[ uscatine , Iowa.
CHICAGO , January 13. The UtahTraf
c association , organized yesterday sub
ect torfttification by general manager
f roads interested , ia not likely to b
nally consummated. General Manage
3lark , of the Union Pacific , has tele
raphed that ho is not satisfied with th
) ercontago allowed his lino. Anotho
onferonco will be hold in an endeavor t
econcilo matters , but no result is antici
filed pending settlement of other mai
' "
, prs now in dispute " '
TcxiiH Fences anil JJand.
GALVKHTON , January 13. In the stat
onato yesterday a bill was passed provio
ng that all th public domain oxocf
liomcstoads to actual settlers , bo donate
to the public schools. The judiciar
pommitteo favorably reported bills mail
ing fence cutting a felony punishable b
from , two to five years in the poiutentir
ry , and the killing of a fence cutter i
, ho act of applying the nippers , justit
, blo homicide.
The house Hpocial committee on fonc
cutting heard evidence as to lawlessnef
in Coleman and Ilunnclls counties. I
the former every fonoo except on
is down , and that is guarded da
and night by armcfi men. A nun
her of houses and many enclose
[ matures have been burned. It w (
mown that a great deal of land fencnd i
, vas not owned by owners of fences. Oi
of 1,400 mon giving in 50 head and ovt
of cattle each for their land , 27 owne
land enough for grazing their cattle , or
owned no land , and fi9 owned enl
pnough to livocn. Ono man ownir
2,000 horses did -not own a single acr
and ono man owning 12,000 horses hi
only 2j acres. Forty-two thousand her
of cattle are grazing in the count
Ownora of paatmrea are organizingini
companion , as they are in doapair of pr
toction from ( .lie state.
ST. LOUIK , January 13. The coronoi
jury completed ita inquiry into the cuu
of the Belleville lire and returned a vc
diet that the fire department did ull th
could bo doite under the circuinatance
that the use of dormitories alovo t
second story in such buildings ahould1'
condemned , and that there should' '
legislative enactment on the subject ; th
the blame > rauat rest upon the > iaaun
mont of the institution for not taki :
precautions which the size and akaraot
of the building and number of itimal
required. Sister Elonthina iiaa > bo
appointed Xlotlier Superior of the ord
in Belleville , to fill the vacancy occi
ionod by the death of Mother Mary J
roino. _
California's Grain Crop ,
SAN Fjuxfliseo , January 13 , I'lio i
timatod amount of wheat in Culifon
January 1st was 08,000 centals , bark
500,000 centals.
The Alta will say to-morrow that frc
the stock of wheat on hand at this date
is evident thtt California cannot oxpi
to ISuropo over 2,000,000 bushdo , oxc !
sivo of the .quantity now loading
ships , Should rain fail , it is probable tl
none will bo orported , except todisput
, the loading ( loot.
CJIICAOO , January 13 , The Cathei
Total Abstiimncs union of the arch d
ceco of Chicago , hold ita annual mwiti
to-day and passed resolutions strong
ondoraing the Harper high license 1
in Illinois ns tlio moat salutary moaw
and denouncing a govcrnniont by and i
A Htrlko uiui Salvation.
PATKIWW , N. J. , January 13. A
cret meeting of aillc weavora wua In
this nftenioon. They decline to me
any ttatomeut except that a etriko
postponed till Wudneaday.
Four mcmbora of the Salvation An
were arrested tv-d y for
itrt'cU ,
China Tucks up her Qtienc lo Pnl
Hair vim France ,
El Malidi Offers Priests and Nimi
for Gold ,
The Number of Gay Parisians
who Blow out Life's ' Oaudlo ,
Franco Don't ' Exactly Waul
TJnolo Saui to Eotaliato ,
UrlllHli Coliimbta'H Proponed Anil.
nu.Ni : > iii : noris : or KSCAVK.
LONDON , January 13. When the
Egyptians evacuate Khartoum ami the
adjacent cities , it ia estimated that 11,00 (
Cliriatians and Europeans will full vie'
tiin a toMoslon _ > fanaticism , unless thoj
can bo inunecliately transported to uppoi
Egypt , It is thought that the govonv
mont will send a ilotilla up the Kilo tc
assist thorn to escape , the hopes of whicl
nro very slender.
PAUIS , January l.'l. The Figaro com
ments on the extraordinary increase ii
suicide in the gay capital , which it i\Uri
bules to the "tremendous pace in whicli
wo livo. " It estimates that during tlu
past year over 4,000 persons luxvo do'
stroyod themselves in Paris alono.
1'Aiiia , January 13. Loon Chnttoai
sails for America , via England , or
Wednesday next. Ilia mission is to endeavor
doavor to prevent the United States gov
eminent from adopting rotallatiorj
measures on account of the refusal o
Franco to permit the importation ol
American meats.
VIF.NNA , January 13. The man nr
rested on suspicion of being conccrnuc
in the robbery and murders at the housi
of Herr Eisert has been identified.
LONDON , January 13. A Canton dis
patch says the authorities of the prov
co are vigorously preparing for war
hey are building a telegraph line bo
vcon Canton and the Tonqum frontier
ho viceroy of Canton has issued i
reclamation summoning the people ti
roparo to repel the French invaders , a
10 same time expressing friendship to
ard other nations.
Six thousand Chine so trOOpa have bcci
out to Ilaimn. The greatest activlt
rovaila in Canton. Barges have booi
unk in the Canton river to block tb
The Chinese troops sent to Harm
assessed o , good physique , and are fairl
rmed but inditl'orontly drilled. Th
hiuveo atatci that * some oxtraordinar
tops are imminent.
PAULS , January 13. Admiral Moye
dographod Admiral Poyaon ycstorda
liat the state of public fooling in lion
[ eng is very satisfactory , the pirate
oing vigorously pursued and graduall
orsaking the Delta. Europeans in th
* r east are very confident concprnin
ha success of the French enterprise.
The Temps says that since the ai
ivnl of the French expedition in Tot
uin the Catholic missionaries have bea
ubjoctcd to renewed persecutions in tli
outhorn provinces of China.
PAUIH , January 13. A mooting i
,000 unemployed porsonH , includii
overal women , was hold in Sallo Lev
.o-day. Violent speeches were d livore
nvortng an armed revolution as die on ]
noanH of ending the stagnation of trad
Delegations proaont from workingmei :
associations , however , adopted a moi
moderate tone.
LiViiurooi , January 13. The steam'
Pnroirm froni Now York , which spolco tl
steamer Celtic Thursday night , met Fi
day afternoon the tug Challenger , HO
out to search for the Celtic , and indical
to her the Celtic's position Thurodn
"atitudo Q" , longitude 22' , 2G" . T
Paroma reports the Celtic apparent
doing well and the weather favorable.
B. C. , January 13. 1
< | uiot. A stringent anti-ChincHO law in
bo introduced into the houeo declaring
unlawful for'Chineso ' to entur British C
lumbiu.aud imposes an annual tax to
fixed by the -house , on Ghincno over
van , THOUJLK.
January 13. The garris
at Enniskillon is ordered to make nro
urations to accoinmodato 1000 ; additioi
troojis , wMoli will be sent there in vi
f the nationalists' meetings announc
for the coming week , ono at Cavan
the ICth and another at Doyle on t
OAIHO , January 13. The govornme
hoe received advices from Siiakim tl
an agreement has botm afflicted wi
sovural hitherto hostile chiefs on t
Sualdin and l.'orbor route to Khartoui
by which it is hoped the evacuation
Soudan will bo facilitated , It is i
tended to despatch Abdel Xaedir , mi
inter of war , to Kliartoum to super !
tend UIQ ovQCUttion.
ItKl'OJil'H FJtOt ! t'AJllO ,
GAUM , January 13. 151 Mnhdi t
mnnds 2,000 ransom for fiva mum a
four priests whom ho holds in cuptivi
The Austrian consul is asking murcliai
to subscribe the umount. It has be
decided to retain riuukim in Egyjit. T
rubols made a night attack on Taki
but were repulsed. They looted t
houuo of ono of the principal morchai
of the town , carrying oil his vrifo a
daughter. The garrison lost five kill
and uuvon wounded. Tlw rebels are e
tronohod O'OO yards from the town gat
son , and are short of ammunition , L
tarn from Kuakirn ntuto that the towntu
not hold out beyond the 30th iiist. T
garrison ia gulForing severely from co
PANAUA , January 13. Men contin
to arrive by every vessel for the car
company , The uuuibor now emploj
exceeds 14,000. The dry SOASOII has sot
in and it is hoped much progress will be
undo this season.
VIKSJKA , January 13. It isatntcd that
China has definitely decided not to re
call her troops from IJacninh , where n
decisive battle- oxpoctcd shortly.
KIIAIITOUM , January 13 It is report-
cd tlmt the rebels have burned and sacked
Llolonan. They nro now marching in
great force ngainst ttollaz , on the east
bank of the Blue Mile , nud Musnlonno ,
on the west bank. There are smnll gar
risons nt those places
VAGINA , January 13. It statoel that
the tribes of Tripoli are moving toward
El Mnhdi.
VAKNA , January 13. It is stated that
the Porto has finally decided not to in
terfere in Soudan.
III.ACK DART'H i'\ui .
BAITIMOHE , January 13. George B.
Saylor , nrrostcd hero , charged with hav
ing , with "Black Bart" and another ,
robbed the Wells , Fargo & Co.'n express
stage near Sacramento City , has boon
delivered to n special olllcer of Welli ,
Fargo & Co. , who will take him to Cali
BOSTON , January 13. A plot to burn
the Forstcr grammar school , nt Somcr-
villo , was prevented by the janitor ex
tinguishing the Unities. Sovural hun
dred children were in the building at the
time. The miscreant is unknown.
TUCSON , A. T. , Jnnunry 13. Detective -
ivo Lorn linrris has received intelligence
of the capture of Frank Tnggert , ono of
the party wh wrecked the Southern Pn-
'tic train near Gage last November.
oorgo Olovolaud , onothor of the party ,
jailed at Silver City. The other two
ro in Now Mexico , and a posse is close
m their trail. The whereabouts of Do-
anoy , the only ono of the Bisbeo mur-
"orors at largo , has boon discovered in
onora , ana throe officers have gone
ftur hrm. Ilia capture is certain.
Tlio YclloxvHtono 1'ark.
FAIUIO , Dak. , January 13. Suporin
ndont P. II. Conger , of the Yellow-
tone National park interviewed by ni
irgus reporter said some portions of tlu
ispatchca published about the troublt
lotwoen him and the Park Iniprovomon
ompany nro true , and says the compan ;
ssuincd as much authority as if the con
met asked hail boon ratified by congros
nil consulted only their own desires ii
10 management of the Park , Uo want
oiigtoss to provide senna judicial au
"lority that trosspass may bo guardci
Texas Free Grium 1'rolltH.
AUSTIN , Tex. , Janunry 13. A mom
) or of the Into convention of clock moi
istimatea that 2,000,000 head of catll
, nd horses are supported on free gr.ia
, nd that half this grass is public prop
> rty. The not profit is 25 per ctnt
? wo million head of stock ia worth $40 ,
00,000' Owners of stock therefore ge
ut of free grass n profit of $10,090,00
a year , half of which comes from ichpi
nd state land. There is no cxpoctatio
hat any legislation to compel profits t
bo divided with the state will bo adoptee ]
Two SenjjcH Robl > oel.
Aitn.ENE , January 13. Near Colorad
iver Friday night the San Angeles stagi
louth bound , was halted by four mouutc
mon , who robbed the mail sacks an
passongoro and then delayed the cone
until the arrival of the north bour
stage , which waa also plundered.
largoquantity of registered matter waa c
HID aouth bound stage , and it ia bolievi
the coatl agents made n heavy haul.
A SutlftfHctory lie-lease.
XMUF.DO , Texas , January 13. The n
tion of Collector Plato in releasing
considerable amount of live stock b
longing to citizens of Mexico , whi
was stolen in that country and seized
Toxau as smuggled property , has bo
approved by the HOC rotary of the trui
ury. It ia believed heiro that tbo rolon
and its approval will do more to oata
lish friendly relations with Moxica
than any influence uxurciscd in u lo
I > orHey Siioil
DENVEU , Jtnuary 13. Moses Levy
Co. , bankers , London , have commonc
suit in the Unituo States court ncaii ;
ox-Senator Stcphein W. Doreey for o\
$03,000 and interest , foe eleven yea
In an interview Doreoy saya the suit 1 :
grown out of a transaction iu 1871
Arkansas state ami Arkansas Cent :
railway bonds , of which company ho n
then prctklont. . Ho denies any cuuso
A llroak Iu Coal.
PnTHi 7ua , January 13. Thirty-sev
flatn , containing 3,000 bushels of c <
each , were out from their moorings
Point Bridge by heavy ioa , at 1:30 tl
morning , and drifted down the 01
river. Ninotova were recovered tl
afternoon. Ono Hunk and the balar
have not yet boon hoard from. It 1
boon thawing all day , and * high river
Prra/lleii niifl JloliJicd ,
DAVCKJ'OUT. Ia. , January 13. A b :
gaga car on the Hock Island road \ \
derailed near Orionwu yesterday , niu
baggageman badly injured. The oxpn
safe was. broken open and robbed of fi
money packages , but thuy contained 01
small amounts. '
A Had 1''alllire.
WAIMBONETA , 0. , January 13. .T
failure of Mr. Bitlcr on Friday , result !
in the collapse of the Farmers' bank ,
boliovcd moro serious than at first i
ported. Bltlor'a liabilities exceed $01
( ,00 , Several town&hip truosuroru h
fiduciary funds in the Farmers' bink.
AVrcukuil l y Ie-c.
NKW YOUK , January 13. A largonu
of ice floating down the East river Ii
wroukod pier 27 , and destroyed a lar
quantity of Hour stored tlieruon. T
bark Juboz Howoi , from San Fnuicitc
was badly damaged ,
An ITiiknown AVroak.
PiriLADKLPlUA , January 13.Aaohoo
er has arrived huro which ruporU tlmt i
the 10th , nuur Capo Huttora , shopasn
a wreck roioaibling a largo itoamihip.
A Train Located in a Five-Mile Drift
for Seven Hours ,
The Thaw and Kiso of Eivors in
Ohio ,
Favorable to Small Losses of
Property ,
Saving the Trees by Keeping
Fires Among Them ,
. , January 13. A gentle
thaw ami onow continued all day. Tlio
situation could not bo mcro favorable to
boating interests. The river hero is de
clining slowly , and is now fifteen feet in
the channel. A Point Pleasant special ,
mouth of the Kanawha river , reports the
Elk river ice running out , and tow-boata
picking up logs and lumber. Specials
from other points on tlio Ohio river and
tributaries report the thaw steady and
gradual , which ia favorable in ovnry way
to the least loss of property by Hood.
Heavy ice ia reported in the Ohio river
nt Ironton nnd Portamouth , but rotting
and breaking.
CuiCAeio , January 13. Advicea from
Mobile say that the late cold snap caused
immense damage in that , section. The
loss to orange grovoa is estimated at
nearly $1,000,000 nnd the value of vege
tables killed in Mobile county alone will
roach the same sum. Great damage was
also done the orange groves of Florida.
But many onvngo growers profited by the
signal service warning , built firoa in their
grovca aud thus aavod their troea.
PirrsDUUei , January 13. The Buffalo ,
Now York & Phiadolphia train , which
loft Buffalo nt 8 o'clock tin's morning , en
countered n fearful storm and struck a
anew drift five inilea from Dunkirk , the
aiiow covering the entire train and loco-
notivo. The passengers , who included
ilinnio llauk and company , remained in-
cccssibly snowed up in the cars seven
ours , and provisions were sent them
ram Dunkirk. Snow-plows and work
men arrived this afternoon , nnd after
' ard work the train proceeded to Pitta-
iurg , nine hours late.
The Sunday fast express , on tbo
lochcator & Plttsburg railroad , was de-
aiicd near Warsaw this morning and tlio
.rain badly wrecked. A number of pas- ' fl'
engora wore slightly hurt and , the con-
'uctor seriously injured. The accident
waa caused by spreading rails ,
Carlisle Declines.
Ky. , January 13. In a
rivato letter Speaker Carlisle declines
o allow his name to go before the cau-
us for senator.
WcHtcrn Horse auel Cattle Insurance
The annual election of officers of the
Western Horse and Cattle Insurance
company , ef Omaha , Nob. , was hold Jan
uary llth , and. resulted as follows :
President Henry Pundt.
Vice-president Edmund Poycko.
Treasurer Max Moyor.
Secretary and manager Rudolf Dorn.
Assistant aocrotary Charles E. Bur-
Attorney Ohas Ogden.
Directors Henry Pundt , Max Meyer ,
Edmund Poycko , Ernest Poycko , Ru
dolf Dorn.
Army Orders.
Recruit Frank P. Turner , enlisted at
Fort Douglaa , Utah , is assigned to com
pany G , Sixth infantry.
The quartermaster's department will
furnish transportationfromOmahn , Nob. ,
to Fort Laramie , Wyo. , for Private Jos.
Mnuror , band , Seventh infantry , n fur-
laughed soldier without moans to return
to hifl station. Tlio regimental adjutant
Seventh infantry will bo notified by the
quartermaster furnishing the transporta
tion , that the cost of the uamo may bo
properly charged against the aoldior.
A Protest ,
OMAHA , January 11,1884 ,
To the Editor of TUB BEL- .
DEAU Siu : You will pardou the intrusion -
trusion , but I desire to call attention to
the inhumanity of ono of Omaha's po--
To-night , nbout half-past 0 o'clock , an'
intoxicated soldier wad boinc ; taken to1
the prison by a certain tall member of
the police forco. When crossing at the
corner of Fifteenth and Douglvs atrcote ,
the drunken fellow slipped on the ice
and foil heavily. Instead of asking as
aistanco of those patting by , the brute of
an officer kicked the prostrate man and
abused him shamefully.
one *
Autliorizeel Cumin ] , - gl.OOO.OOO.
L'aiil-up Capital , - - 100,000.
durpliiH Fund , - - - 70,000.
UANKI.NQ orricu :
H. W. Cor , farnam ana 13th St.
KUASK Mcui-ur.rrciIJeut. I HULEnoaBii , V-Fro .
UK * . I ) , noon , Cashier. | Uiiitx IIIUM , A.CM& .
Frank Murphy , Samuel B lloscn , Daii. M.Wood ,
Charlun 0. lloiuul , Alt. U. Juuci , Lutlior Drake.
Trunuact a Ouiml * uUi > ir IliuUieu. All who
have any Jlnnklnjf builntu to traueaot we united to
will. 1.0 putui how larifa or small the ttauiactloo.
It will rvotno uur carclul Mttntlon , aud MO promlto
ahvayn cuutivoui trmliuait.
l'ny | rtlcular atlctillon to tusluwa for uartlu *
tlUluy puutu the city. Ejcrhango 011 all the prin
cipal iltlvi ! the I'rlUd bUtcn at > cry lownt talon.
A ( wuuu ol ( Uiika anil UuiL ni rtotavcd on favor.
atle tiiruia.
IwucvCvrtlfl'atg i > ( Pcposlt licorbiK B Vt oeut
Uuyiand . CouotYi ' C1t3
itln *
> . . .