Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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Proprietors. Superintendent
Omaha Iron Works
/i\ \ u. P. 17TH ; & 18TII STREETS
ft. a nt HI
Mill and Grain Elevator Hachinery
Celebrated "Anchor " Brand Dufour Bolting loth'
O i
We are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , and will contract for
the erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for changing
Flouring Mills , from Stone to the Solles System.
BaOTVEspecial attention given to furnishing Power Plants for any pur
pose , and estimates made for same. General machinery repiirs attended
to promptly. Address
RICHARDS & CLARKE , Omaha , Neb.
M , f Sums f
uMy Repository Is ooMtantly filled with a eUctlstock. Beet Workmtnahlp guaranteed.
Qffice and Factory S. W. Corner 16th and Capital Avenue ,
1319 and 1320 Harnoy Street and < CC S. IBthlBtreet , >
Illmtnted Catalogue furuUhed free upon application , f
Heating and Baking
IR only attained byuDf \
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fo . - 'a by
0 LLJ a „
ri a8. !
U z rn
H OH 3
b LL
HOW TO usi : IT.
Tlicrcare tnowajsof u lnf ( mJlclnc lh wroni
} RtiiltherlRhtv * ) . A medicine , II kppllrtl , o
enl ) partlall ) tried , or If u ? d too frequently or to
cldom , cannot accompllllt h t It would when deal
lib properly. Kr ) bwly Vno s IhK Dr. Thoinw
Iclcctrlc Oil Is a try xahmMo preparation , and wll
o all that I , chimed for It If directions are followcxl
For Catarrh.
Pour a little ol tbo Oil Into a spoon and muff gcntl ;
irougli the no o tno or three tnlinitcs at A time sni
e\crallliutind > } . Tlio mucous membrane of th
asal organs may IKS ft Illtlo tcnsUno b ) reason o
ho dl cn o , and the practice w o licro tco nnncnil mi ;
o a little dliactccablo at flrstj jet , tturituc | > ! | i
cntly , It will cure Catarrh , loatlng no 111 effect
For a Cold or Cough.
8 llo a half toi-poonf"101 the Oil , also K tKlo II
10 throat , ami K tlio i-old Issourc , or netlltd In tin
units , apply external ! ) , In frequent nnd liberal dow
will tno throat n'd chest The abaorblnz qualltlei
f thUmetllc'nearonniidctfuI , and tteo patient ll
10 astonished to Dud lion iUlcU | ) his cold lei\es hin
-Its dl nppearnnconr te\lncln | ; Iticlf In the altinci
t the tloM.choklnj ; ncnuatlnn about the bronthla
then ami the speed ) loosening nnd cxpul'lon n
hU-Rin an I other dflcterlous mattir. Dr. Ihomis
lecttlo Oil fill cure n cold nine times out of tin
ordlphthciU. Antlnna , nml bronchitis It Is < * iuill )
IK Thoiins' IWcctrlcOll Isguaranlced o\cr ) bet
c , Hcmember tbl < . 11) DrupRUU o > crywlurc.
OSTKH , MII.UUIIN t. CO. , I'ropV , nurtalo , N. Y
i : , It. C'lnrk. of Ulnir , U nt the Paxtou.
II. licoil , of Lincoln , U nt the Mlllnnl.
Jr. 1) . Wokh , of Lincoln , is nt the
, T. C. lllackiunu , of rrcmont , in n Mlllnrc :
Uov. U.V. . WainJOTight , of ] l ir , is nt UK
N. A. Kuhn liM returned from n visit Ii
Vtnntc 11. Wilson , of rinttmnouth , ia at the
'ax ton.
1' . S. Itood , ( if Lincoln , is rofjlstoroii nt the
IMwanlOlnor , of Shelton , is rosistoroil nt
10 I'nxton.
John T. Uoll returned from nn eastern trlr
aturJny ovouini : . '
Thot. C. Patterson nnd 'NV. 12. Bench , ol
North Watte , are nt the 1'nxton ,
Mrs. Tom 1'iorronot nnd sun hno roturnoil
roiu their visit to Illinois fiiomK
O.JH. Cone , of Wnyno , Xob.nud A. LogR ,
rein Schu } ler , nro stopping nt the Millard.
Senator Uon Harrinon , wife nnd party , ol
Indiauniwlis , Indiana , arrived In the city yes.
erday , and are quartered nt the 1'axton. .
Mr. / . Thomnson , of the Ogallala I and ani !
Cattle company , is in the city , quartered nl
ho Millard. Mr. Tliomason's hoadquartori.
are at Ogallala.
C. X. Whitney , late with Messrs. Perogoj
& M'ooro , of Council Bluffs , hixs gone on the
ro\d for Chinn & . Now , wholesale cifrar dealorf
oftliis city.
P. .T. Nichols private car loft for the vest
Sunday on the Grand Island train. It was
fitted out for a four days trip , llight here
wo might mid that P. .T. Nichols occupied
he car.
A. II. Swan , of Cheyenne , was at the Mil'
ard Sunday. Iln left for Iowa Sunday night ,
mt will return to this city Thursday morn.
ug and will remain herro until Monday morn.
ng , w lion bo will leave for Now York city ,
Vf tor n week's stay in New York ho will again
eturn to this city and will remain a few days.
Ho will leave for Kuropo the 1st of February ,
Hon. Ben Harrison and party , consisting ol
Messrs. S. C. Marti mile , H. P. Walker , .T. 11 ,
MclCeo , W. J. Bradshaw , H. L. Gamble , C ,
S. Withergpooii , Mrs. George C. Hitt , Mist
fewcomb , and Miss Harrison , arrived at the
Paxton yesterday afternoon. The partj
reached here in the palace car "Vandalia , " ti
attend the marriage ceremony of Senator liar
rison's son and Miss Saunders , which vvil !
ako place to-morrow.
John H. Donnelly , secretary of the Ogal
ala Land and Cattle company , returned jes
.orday from a two weokH1 trip to Chicago. .
lo will at once secure olfico room for tin
ransaction of business. For the present hii
ieadiiiaitcrs | are at the Millard.
Can't Say
"I cannot epoak too highly of Jlunlock lllooi
Jiiltcrt ; they have been a great blessing to mo
3ured me of Ullioufnoss aud djspepxin frou
which 1 had suffered for years. " Mr. J. Marsh
5ank ot Toronto , Out.
Judge Chadwick issued the followiii {
marriage liconBOs during the past week
Liwcn G. Johnson nud Ilattio C. Nel
Hugh R. Morgan and Kato C. Voiora
James C. Mahoney and Kcllio Mo
) onahl.
Lira IlnnBan nud Anna M. Erikaon.
John Minnick and Margarol Ryun.
Carl J. 1'nlniquist and Ida C. Nikon
Win. L. Nichols and Kato Branson.
Charles F , Lnndquist and Eminik M
lUndborg ,
Tlio Crouch Murder.
DKTT.OIT , Mich. , January 7. The in
juest into the terrible Crouch inurde :
ioar Jackson , wus resumed to-dny , air
uttractud a reat crowd. It lasted ill
day , and resulted in a finding by tliojur ;
hat the victim was strangled to deatli b
.ho . handa'of persons not known.
A Rinkcn Shall ,
LivnurooL , January 7. The atean
ship Bothnia , whicli arrived to-day ri
iorts having passed thu steamer Colti
under full sail the 20th inst. The Colti
oft Now York the 15th of December. ]
will bo several dayo before she reachc
Liverpool. Her main shaft is broken.
Who iraat glossy , luxuriant
nnd Travy tresses of nbundantr
beautiim 11 air must use
decant , cheap article always
makes tbo Hair grow freely
and fast , keeps it from fulling
out , arrests and cures gray-
DC83 , removes dandruff and
i'cuing ' , makes the llair
fitrong , giving it a curliuR
Uradcucy and keeping it in
aviy desired position. Beau
tiful , lieallby llalr i tlio sure
realt of using HatuoiroiL
A. Comrmtty HOIIIK Formed to I'nsl
the Brtcrry Electric IiiKht m This
Socllnn n ( Cnutilry.
Sovonxl weeks since Mr. Elmer Sporr ;
was in this city and hnd in operation ii
the Millnrd liotol billiard hall two of lii
electric lamps. The now light nttractix
largo numbers of people nmlvns univcr
sally admired , both for its cretu brillinnt
cy nnil steadiness. A number of Omnhi
capitalists became considerably intoicsto <
in it and after holding two or throe preliminary
liminary meetings , they oll'ectcd n torn
porary organi/.ation on Saturday night.
At this meeting Hon. J. K. Boyd MAI
chosen temporary chnirmnn nud A. .1
Simpson temporary treasurer. A com
mittco was then appointed to propim
the constitution and bye-laws of the pro
posed company and to investigate tin
title of the patentee and the feasibility ol
introducing it in Omnha nnd olaowliorc
in the west nndother , similar matters and
to niako their ronort at the next mooting
which > v ill be held on Tueadny evening ,
This committee consists of lion , J. K ,
lloyd , Gco. Armstrong , .1. A. McShano ,
A , J. Simpson. S. 11. Johnson , Kir.
Pratt , nud 11. S. Hall , of the firm ol
Thurston and Hall.
The now organization will bo known at
the Sperry Electric Light and Motoi
company of Nebraska , nnd in addition tc
furnishing lights they will furnish power
for running street cars and everything of
that kind by steam. The capital stock
is ? : toO,000 , of which $155,000 is to be
cash clou n at the time of perfecting
the organization , and 5 per cunt of the
entire stock , § 17f > 00 , has nheady been
paid down. Thin promises to bo one of
the most important enterprises yet in
augurated in the city , and judging from
the well known character and business
tact of thu gentlemen who will compose
the company , it will prove nn immense
Some Iilttle Steals Under Clio Co\ei
< > r Sliotihlnr StrajiH , ns AVcll
as liitUilo/lii .
To the Kditor of Tin : BKK.
Four FIIED SIT.KI.B , Wyo. , January G ,
1881. Seeing so much of Into in youi
paper concerning desertions from tin
army and laying the blame mostly tt
whisky and overwork , J beg leave to sij :
that it is not work and whisky mono thai
cause desertions. Take , for instance , thii
post and look over the records of the
company , and you will Hnd very fen
cases of drunkenness ; still there are more
desertions from this post than any othoi
in the department. Wo will tnko Com.
pany E , Seventh infantry , for an exam
ple , as it loads the west in tlu
number of men who have do
seitod. The captain of this corn-
any ia a well-known bull-dozer ,
ho has been suspended from rank and
ay for the period of two years , while hi
as first lieutenant of this company , and
: ow that ho is captain ho takes out hie
[ ) ito on the old company hands who have
icon unfortunate enough to remain ii :
10 company. Some of thu very men
: tat ho will ubueo have saved him from
cath , by carrying him into the kitchen
hen ho was so drunk ns to bo holplcm
ith the temperature I8' ! below zero , on
Vhito rh or in 1879. On Chiistmnsdaj
i company got some fresh pork for din-
. When the noble captain came ovei
n the morning ho saw the aide of pprfc
nd wanted a roast cut off f r him-
elf. The cook out him n
ice roast , but ho wanted more , nnc
nally took the shoulder , the ham and 2
ounda of rib roast. Ho then had the
at cut off and left for the company. The
esult was that when the man came tc
inner there was not pork enough loft
ut of 114 pounds to give each man hit
haro. It is the same way with the beef
L1ho company had saved some moat bj
.illing gamo. The captain became awan
f the fact and had the savings sent t <
is Ifouso and put in barrel to corn , am
.hat was the hut the men know of thesi
00 pounds of meat. The lira
luty sergeant of the company
poke to the captain about tin
ork and beef , and the result is tha
, ftor being ninuteon years a non-com
nissioned oflicor ho is to-day a private ii
.ho roar rank. If a man goes to spcal
o the captain ho will fly into a rage am
iwoarat the man , and will not allow hin
to open his mouth. Ho also insists on i
nan from the company dog robbing fo
iin but will never think of paying hin
or his work , and if the man object
* jed help him , tor in the guard lions
10 goes. A privatein the company
mined Dcvino , the other oven
ng refused to go to the captain'n housi
nil black his boots. The captain wa
u the orderly room and the first scrgoan
jld him that Dovino rofuicu t
; o over , The captain ruahpd i
o the squad room , grabbed Dovino b
the nock and shook linn , and called hit
God damn scoundrel , and piiohcd hii
out of thu room , and dragged , pusho
and hit htm all the way over to hi
IOUBO , a distance of about ono hundro
yards. Another instance of his bill
doeing is that of private , Henry Norrii
who is very nervous while at gallot
practice. On the the 3d of this montl
while Norria was laying down sliootin
at the mark , ho happened to mins U
target , and the captain said , "Goddam
you , what are you shooting at1' ? Kerr
did not nils w or right away. The
the captain kicked him and nail
"God dmnn you answer mo
The poor follow was BO badly frightom
that no could not speak , and ran up
the target and placed IUH hand on tl
target , and said , "I am shooting hoi
captain. " Then ho asked permission
BOO the post commander. The capta
fuid , "Go , and bo G d dyd to you
Now , if such usage as this ia not onou |
to drive a manout _ of a company , will n
readers plcusa inform mo what is. Note
to my knowledge , several men havoina
requests to bo transforrcd'to eomo oth
company in the regiment , but the CD
tain will not approve of the
because it vroutd give hi
away to the regimental command !
which would cause an investigate
Ono man in the company , a corpon
John H. Dlxon by name , lias been mi
ried lately , and it is plain to bo BOOH
every man in the post that the capta
Iiui no earthly usa for him because 1
wife will not leave her own work us h <
pital matron and run to his house a
work for him. This corporal has ma
application to bo transferred to Ii co :
pany of this regiment Have been tc
by the commander of company I ) that
would take him in hi * compati
and it ia almost certain that
this corporal can not got 1
transfer , he will pull out for more co
gonlnl climos. K company in very small
now but after this pay day , 1 think we
will hare to disband the company altogether -
gothor , or hire some now sr Idiom and gel
a now ctptAin , There has been homo ao-
Bortimis within the pant four months , and
in the coming four it will be safe to say
that this will bo discounted , llopuuj
you will publish thii letter , I hixvo the
honor to remain ono of the sull'orcrs ol
Company E , 1 lonmin very lospectf ally
your humble servant.
A 1'im VTK ,
Company 1C , 7th Infy.
WASIIIMITDN , January 7 Sovornl
bills and resolutions were introduced in
the oimto from south'
! > to-day by noimtors '
urn st.ttcs calling for appropriations fet
the improvement of rivets and harbors.
Mi. Gibson submitted a joint resolution
for the immediate appropriation of
$1,000,000 to bo expended for the pros-
oryation. repair and construction of cer
tain works of improvement on the Missis
sippi under direction nf the secretary of
wnr and in accordance with recommenda
tions of the Mississippi river commission.
The committee on improvement of the
Mississippi tivor held a short meeting to.
day and thoj members decided to work in
harmony with members of committees on
commerce and rivers and harbors. The
ropoitof the Mississippi river commis
sion , recently nont to the secretary of
wnr , is expected to bo given the commit
tee this week.
Twenty presidential poilolllcos , the
ajority in the west , wore through recent
i.idjiistmnnt , thrown out of the ptpsi-
entinl class , hccnuse tlio annual locoiptn
ill below $1,000. As there is no law
nniding for u reduction of postmastorn ,
lie salary department linds a dilllculty
i deciding lion- the required change is to
o miilo. It is nrobibio that twenty of-
ccaill bo iibolished and imniodiatoly
o-egtablishcd as fourth class otliceH. VijJ
Uopreaontativo Toivnshond's joint roan-
.ition , introduced by him to-day , re-
uoat the president to invite the govern-
tent of all American nations to establish
n American custonm union. He says :
'ho object of thu union is to develop the
itornal resourced of American countries ,
nd furnish more extensive markets for
10 products of each. The commerce of
outh America , Central America and
ilexico , Mr. Tow mend says , amounts to
bout § 700,000,000 annually. The im-
to , nminly manufactured articlcn , are
vor SHOO , 000,000. Of those Franco and
rent ISriUin furnish a much larger
mount than the United States. The
irigumtor of the resolution is of the
pinion that the United States ought to
ontrol almost this entire commerce.
The AVontlier at Chicago.
CIIIUAOO , January Jl. The weather
as moderated very materially in the
ast twelve hours , And at 11 o'clock in
lie forenoon it was four degrees above
ere , with signs of snow.
Dlfmppcnrimco ol'Dolntonlco.
NKW YOUK , January 7. Nothing has
eon learned by friends or police , of
lnules Dulmonico , who disappeared Sat-
rday. A vigorous search is being made ,
"riends do not believe ho has met with
The Ohi'j IiOKiHlatui-o.
COI.UMIIUS , January 7. The legislature
onvenod to-day , organized both branches
nd listnnod to the reading of the govor-
or's message.
Tlio PenuhcH Killed.
MAHSIIALL , Mich. , January 7. The
each crop in this section is seriously
amagod by the recent cold weather.
V'hent was protected by eight inches of
io\v. The weather is moderating.
Holler Kxploslon.
MKHHILL , Mich. , January 7. The
ioilors in Hood it Barnes' mill exploded
! iis morning , wrecking the mill , killing
10 engineer and another man.
unlallliiR euro for
Hemlnal Weak.
liiua , Inipotcncy ,
and all DlscoHca
that follow M t >
eiUcnco of Sell.
Almae ; nslosao
fi Hack , DlmncBK ol Vlclon , I'roinnturu Old AK e
* i amny othrr dlscaaus that lead to Insanity or Ou n
Irnptlon and a rrcmatnro Ora\c ,
UrwAiiK ol adTcrtboinenta to refund money , wl'cn
UKRiitfl from wliom the medicine In bought Jo not
elmil , but refer jou to Uio manufacturer , and tin
cqulrcmcnta are eucli that they are ftldornf ever.
oniillod | with. Kco thclrurlttoiiKUarantuo A trial
I ono Blnulu package of Gmj'rt Hpeoino will convince
ho moat ukeptlcai of Ibi real uicrllo.
On aoaiunt o ( conntoifolterH , o have adopted UK
fellow Wrapper ; the only Konulno.
jCjrTull particulars In our r niihlet | , whlfh wo do
lro to Bond f no by mail to ot try one. urThu Bie |
clflfl HuJIo Ino n sold by aJ I drun'cl t at * 1 per pact !
&KO , or li packngen for * 6 , or will bo Bout Irco bj
mall on the receipt of thu money , by wMrcmlnK
Sold In Omaba by C. F. ( ioodman.
latter of Application of John I'rank fur Uquoi
Notice In hcrchv given that John Krank did upni
ho 27th day uf Hoc. lvS3 ( , file hlx apillcntl | < > iito tin
najor and city council of Omaha for llccnsu to ml
nalt.Hplrltuotm and vinous liquor * ut 1021 Doug
as Ktrcct , Third ward. Omaha , Ncbrnuka , friin
ho llth day of Jan , 1881 , to the llth dav ofAprl
, H83 , If tlicro lie no objection , miiunstmnro o
irutoit filed within two weeks from llio liitli , A. 1) )
SM , thu iiald HMJIHU will lie granted.
JOHN KUANK , Applicant
Tlio Oinalm Ilicnowijuper will publluli tu u ahoi
notice X ) uacliwetlc for two WCIKH at the USIH.IIH
tu tlra applicant. 'lliuclty of Omaha la not to Ii
charuod therewith.
OJ5-2t-le k J. J. I * O. JKWKTT City Clerk
Matter of Application of Clioi. llauer forUquur t.
rcimc ,
Kotlm It herein git en that Chariot llauer did upn
the VTthtlayof Kcemhir , A U ,18S3fllo hUapjil
itlo to the ilajur and city council ot Omaha , Ii
llrinie to nrll malt , nplrltuous and vlmmi llijuom i
No. 611 H. 10th utrutt , Ut ward , Omaha , Nib. , fro ;
tho'IHIi'Uyol J u1H14 , to the llth daj of Api
It thuro bo no objection , mnonntmnco or prote
niod within twottHukH from IHc. 27th , A. I > . IKS
rhu oald llcn e ulll bo granted.
CI1AH. IIAlIKIt , Applicant
Tlio Omatia ll o neuipapor will publUh the aboi
notice once earhwttk lor t o wuekaat the cxpen
uf the applicant * Tlie rlty ol Onialia U not to 1
chauwl thureuitli.
BU Zt-lewk MJ. J. I. 0. JKWJ'.rr , City Clerk.
Matter ol Appliutiuu uf KIU HU\cn fur l.HUor | 1
cen > e.
Notice U hen 1 < J l cn that Felix Wavcn did urw
the S7th day of Ice , 1B33 , Ulu hU atipllcatlon In II
mater and city nmiirll of the rity ol Oiuaha , for
ccnuoto kill , nplrltouH and vlnou llquorn ,
.nhkcn llouw , luih trvet , 1st ward. Omaha , Ki
from thu 11th du ) of ; u. Ibbl , tu tlio 11th day Api
vat ,
If thiro be no oblation , rtmomtranco or jirut *
ftWd within two wcvkx from Dec. 27tli , A. I ) . 188
tlu , ald ll ( n u will be granted.
TKUI hul iif , Applicant
Tlie Omaba Ike nt.wii ! > apcr will iniblinb tlio ube
notice enc tarh wtck for two ueikiiatthe uxpcn
ol the applicant. The rlty of Omaha la not to 1
charie.l tberowltli. J. J I0. . JKWKTT ,
o 5 tt Uw , | City flcrk.
' [ tie annual mwtlnx uf the Stockholder * of Omal
Oil Ko. , for tin Uuclloii uf dlroctnni for the uniuli
, Janua
It wkit to Jan , ? ;
Cures Scrofula , Eryslpolns ,
Pimp las and Face Grubs ,
Blotches , Boils , Tumors , Totter -
tor , Humors , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Sores , Mercurial
Diseases , Fcmalo Weakness
and Irregularities , Dizziness ,
Loss of Appetite , Juandico ,
Affections ot the Liver , Indi
gestion , Biliousness , Dyspep
sia and General Dobility.
Aeouttcef Iiunli .lc Bloo.1 nititn will tl fr Ike
niott tVfHli | l lli It U the r.t l l llltMvl I'uilfitr on
eitlh. boul by meitklnr il Alrtl evrf rr
Dltntlonl In clcttn lincuik-t . 1 HICK , | i m.
FOSTER , MILBURN & CO. , Prop'i , Buffalo , N.Y ,
Seltzer Aperient
y s p e p s i a ,
IjJQO.OOO foi-
Illrpilar Monthly Drawlii ) ; lll take i < lac
In the Miuonla lla I , Maeonlo Temple llull-
dliiK , In LouU > lllr , K ) .
Thursday January 31st , 1884.
A Lawful Lottery & Fair Drawings '
charieretl by the U-Klslaturo ol Ky. . and tulra douar .
cd leial by the hlKhc t court tu t"o Stito Hum il !
Khenlo Ilcnrj County In thuanmul (100UOOIor the
prompt paj mcnt cl all vrlicn sold.
jtiTK\erv ticket holder nupcrvlsor , can oall
out tlio number on big tltkct and cu the corrtupond'
\ng \ number nn the tag placed In the H heel In hll
prosince. Thogo drawln a will occur on the lint
Thursday of c\ cry month. Head the magnificent
January Solionio.
1 I'rlro . 9 3 ,000
1 1'rltc . 10,000
1 IMto . 5,000
2 I'rlios , t2,600 each . 6,000
6 Prltos , 1,000 each . . . . 6,00(1 (
20 Prlici" , BOOcacl . 10,000
100 I'rlten , lOOcach . 10,000
200 Prlici60 lacll . 10,000
BCD 1'rtzo , 20 each . 10,000
1000 I'rltM , 10 each . 10,000
0 I'rlicn , 800 o--u.hApiiroxlinatloii I'rlc3 , ' . ' ,700
9 I'rltcs , 00 " " 1,800
0 1'iltun , lt each " " 000
ltJ76 I'llice. tllO , < 00
Wtolo Tickets , $2. Half Tickets , 91
27 TICkOta , $00. CD TlOXOtS. $100.
Itomlt money ur Uank Draft In Letter , or eend bj
OR POHT OKKICEOItUKll , until further notice. Or.
dera of S5 and upward by express , can bo cnt at out
oxpcnBO. Adoreu all orders to J. J. DOUULAS ,
L uln Illo. K v. d'Mt tu th &wlnt 8w em
'ft warranted to wear longer. 111
Jio form neater , and Klve lieltel
than nny other Corn
tlio market , ur rrleo paid wll
refunded. The Indorsements 01
. Chicago's bent pliyglclani , accolil
pany onch Comet I'rtro , Rent Hmtrn Jean , I'usUfi
BTCpud , 81 MlAI > K your mi rc-Iiant for them.
ioriHGiin.n , JOMI.IMI Asvc. ,
ftlonutiu , S4U & - * J lUuidolpu Ut.Cmcaeg.
For ( ale by
Imported Beei
Erhuigor , Bavaria
Ciilmbuchor , Bavaria
Pilsner Bohemian
Ivaiser Dromon
Budweiser St. Louis
iVnhauser St. Louis
Best's t . . . .Mihvuukeo
chlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee
xrug's Omaha
Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rliim
Winu. ED. MAURER ,
1214 Farnam.
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Dcblllt
Premature Docllnu In Man , Kiroraof Youth , and th
untold miseries n suiting from mdlsiriittonti or e :
COBVCS. A book tor over ) man , joumr , middle agei
and old. H contain * IM prescriptions far all aui !
and chronic diseases each ono ot which Is Imaluubl
So founil by thu Author , whoso experience for '
\eari U such an probably never before fell to thu Ic
of any pu > flcUn. SOU pages , bound In boautlf
( "rcndiiiiuolln , cmboss dcoven , full giltguarantee ,
to be a finer work , In every sense , mtcnanlcal , 11
erary and professional , than any otlior work fold I
this country for 92.00 , or the money will bo refund *
In every Instance. I'rlce only 11.00 by mall , po
paid , llluitratlve sample 6 cents. Bend DOW. Oo
modal awarded the Author by the National Medic
Association , to the ottlcers ot which ho rotor * .
Thii book should be read by the young tor Initru
lion , and by the aftllcUd lor rcllsf. It will beuel
alt IxJDdon Lancet.
There Is no member ot society to whom this bo <
will not bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardla
Instructor or clergyman. Argonaut.
Addresa the 1'iabody Institute , or Dr. V
H. 1'arker , No. t JlulUnch Street , Jloitoii Mass. . wl
insy be consulted on all diseases requiring skill ai
oxjxirienco , C'tironlooodobstlnatedlseasesthat hv
baltl .d tha skill of all other pliyalJCAl c' '
a vpccUdty , HucU treated sucneiw ( IkHL ( ul
without an instance of failure , TUVCCI C
. . . .
w i. * ff ff * * mm r Hi WHiVMHHihdr
A victim of earljr Iniprudenco , cAutlnpervom d bl
Itr , picraatura tloc > r.ot . , ktvlair trlod In Tain sv
known rrmtdy nsi disonvirril & simple motnn of s l ,
be will Mod PllFE tohls ( ellow uffgrors
I. JI. UU-SVl-S. 43 ChithimUU I w Yor !
Plattsmoutli , - - - - Ne
tffoUDf itock tor skl < . ,0or > ( pondu > c soUdt <
Why jmmhould try the oelcbrntci ) Dr. H. Wagner's
inethoiU of curn :
1. "Ur. It. Wagner Is a natural physician. "
O. 8. FowisB ,
The Greatest TJ\lng I'tircnologlsK
" 1'cw can cxco jou ban doctor. "
Drt. J. SIMMS ,
The World's Greatest rhy lognomlst.
"Von are vtondcrfnlly proflclcnt Injour knov < I
ol illKMo and medicines. "
Da. J. MAnttnwii.
4. "Tho afflicted find ready relief In jour proa-
cnco. " Tin. J. SIMMH.
t > . "Dr. U. Wngner Ii a rcpilar Rrailmto Irora
Ilellovuu Ho'iiltAl , New York dtlmsluulcry ; ex *
tehnho hropltnl practice , and Is Oiormighly po tcd on
all bmncheK ot his bclo\od science , especially on
ch route itlsoasof. "
0. "Dr. II , Wapicr nas Immortnllzcd himself by
\\onclcrfiilillKco\ery of upccino remedln * for prl-
\at and FOXIIO ! illcosc . " Vlrniiila City Chronicle.
7. "Thouianda of Invalids flock to SCO liliu. " San
Pnnclxco Chronicle.
5. "llio Doctor's long oxpcricnca u n upoclMlit
thould render him \cry Bucccesful. " llocky Moun
tain e \ s.
Plain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At one tlmo a illacusslon ot the nccrct Tlco was en
tirely avoided by the jirotoMlou , Mid mcillcal vvorka
but a few j car ago \ \ oulj hardly mention It.
1V > tUy the plij stclan In ol i illflcrcnt opinion ; bo Ii
are that It Is hte ilutj JlKiRrccublo though It
may bo to Immllo thla matter without glovc > ami
lH k plainly about , It ; Mid Intelligent parents anil
guanUiuin will tlmnk liiin for doingso.
The result * nUditllng this destructive vice were or.
morly not understood , or not l > ro ] > crly estimated : anil
nil Impuruuiro lichiirattAChcd ton subject-which by
Itn nature iloes not Invite Uoso Investigation , It was
willingly Ignored ,
The habit It generally contracted by the younp
whllo attending ucliool ; older companions through
their example , may In rc i > oniilblo for It , or It may DO
acquired through accident , The excitement ouco ex
perienced , the practice will bo repeated again and
npxlii , until at la t the habit becomes firm and com *
liKtcly CIIBIU00 tlio victim. Mental and nervous at
lllctlons are uimolly the primary results ol solt-ftbiHO.
Among the Injurious effects may bo mentioned la&d-
tudo , itejcctlon or Irnwclblllty ol temper and general
doblllt } . The boy seeks seclusion , and rarely Jolna
In thu sports of his companions. If ho bo a young
man ho Kill bo llttlo found In company with the other
sex , and Is troubled w Ith exceeding and annoying
lisuhfulncas In their presence. Lascivious dreams ,
emissions and eruptions on the face , eta , wo also
prominent symptoms.
II the practice U v latently persisted In , more eorlotu
disturbances take place. Great palpitation of the
heart , or epileptic ) convulsions , are experienced , and
the sufferer may fall Into a complete state of Idiocy be-
lure , llnally , death relieves him.
To all the o engaged In this dangerous , practice , I
oulil say , first of all , stop It at once ; moke every
possible effort to do so ; but If J ou fall , If j our ncrvoua
sjstein Is already too much shattered , and consequently
quently , jour will power broken , take some nerve
tonlo to aid v ou In J our effort. Having f rood yourself
from the habit , \\oulj further counsel you to go
through a regular course of treatment , tor It to o great
mistake tu minrxxn that any one may , for Bomo time ,
* ) o t every aolttl'r glvohlmsoll up to this fascinating
lUt dangerous ovdtcment without aullerliig from Itaj
% II consequence * at some future tlmo. The number
if vounff men vvhoaro Incapaclated to fill the duties
njolncd by wedlock 1s alarmiiiKly large , and In incsU
> t BUth cases this unfortunate condition of thlngn can
MI traced to the practice of self alm'o , which had boon
.bandoncd j ears ago. Indeed , a few months' pnvctlco
if this habit Is sufllclcut to Indiico spermatorrlicoal ' 3
later J can , and I hao many ol such cases under treat.
rent at the present da > . , . „ n
Young MetA
Who mo ) ' 1 > o nuHerlng from the effects of youthful
'ollloa or Indlncrctlona w 111 do n ell to at all themselves
if this , the greatest boon over laid at the altar of rot-
cruiK humanity. Da. WJLONKR will guarantee to for
feit $500 for every COM ) nf seminal woakncsa or private
Ilauuo of any kind and character .which bounder-
akcn to and falluto euro.
Middle Aged Men.
There are many at the age of SO to 00 who axe
-iroublcd with too frequent evacuation ! of the blad
der , of ton accompanied by a slight smarting or burn
ing eengatlun , and a weakening of the Birtcm Id a
manner the patient cannot account for. On examln-
iig the urinary deposits a ropy gcdiment will often bo
found , and somctlnu.8 Bmall particles of albumen will
ipear , or the color w III be of thin inllklsh hue , agalu
anglng to a il irk and torpid appearance. There are
many , many men v , ho die of this difficulty , linoran tot
the CUURC , which 11 tha second tlapo ol seminal-weak-
Jie 8. lr W. u 111 pwrantco a perfect cure In all casoa
and a healthy restoration ot the genUo-urlnary or-
Conaultatlon free. Thorough examination and &d >
AM communications ehould bo oddresaed , Dr. Ilenry
Henry Wagner , P. O. 389 , Domer , Colorado.
The Young Man'a rocket Companion , by Dr. HI
Wagner , In worth Its wcliiht In gold to young mecj
Prlco 1,26. Hent by mall to any address.
One Who is Needed and Nobly Fills hia
Denur Is m re fortuntto than eho knows In the
sEtsj on of the tAlen'nandcnorglciiof ' a man who
Iiao glun blstluie and thought not merely to thu
pcrfirtlon of liIttHklll an a practitioner of hU pro- > if midlrlne , but to thd ntudy ot there pro
found Ihlriga of cc'cnco and naturowhlih tend to the
mToiiinipUto underttondlng ol the problem ot llfo
and of I ho law * nf nature and the moans of gaming
thu tMialivt practical gooda to inanMnd fioiu the In-
tin nation thun acqulrru In the abttract. Such a.
man l > Dr. II. Wagnir , who la located at 843 Larimer
itr , ( t. Itr. Wau'iier dc > otc < lin < iiy jcars to thoac-
iini-itlonof the knowlidgo iiorcmtary to hla profei-
Mciii In n iiumlwr of the lead In it medical H.-hooln ot
Iliu motit eminent and profound tuaihcrs , such
namm ni Dr. Uruut and Dr. 1'anooant appeirlng
among his preceptor ! NordU liiastudlts end bore.
Ihev continued In the flild of tbo practicing family
phlkirlan and In the experience * of a man nf exton-
> Ho tra\eL IlohaixhlUd every ticllonof the Uni
ted ht Un | iajli tu.Uoiis attention to the uIRcrunt
( .luractirlstloa ot thtviuleui | ortloni of the countiv- ,
partlnil.rlj w Ith regard to their cllut , cllmatla and
oiheiwlee upon Dtalth and tl o dlffeicnt forms of dla-
Larvi , With thu combined powers of close ntudy , ot
tini < Iroobmatli > n and almtbt unllnJiud practice-
Dr Wagner mine to Uem or three } ears ago equip-
| H.d four liute the light to claim to liattlu the foe
nf mankind , the drc.Utd enemy , dltcare. In order to
render the greatest good to society , Dr. Wagner deci
ded to la ) a ldu the general branches ot practice and
bring all hs * r im knowledge and pi'Aer to bear up
on I lie too which among the army of lu lulou
death agents U the ireatdtt. Hit Vildo expeileiuxi
had taught him what weapons to uio and which to
dlncnrd , and if tur eimiptilng himself ai hi * trained
judgment w > s 10 well ; vue to advl < o him ho com-
uienced boldly and confultztly his attack. In esti
mating the ruiults on 1 sucoiu achieved , It Ii only
nniciuary to know the i-xtc/s ! pillion and standing
to-day. While located In this city , hU practice Is \ > y
no means confined to Us limit i nor thU lectlea of
country , lllrtcorre < | ionder > oe and ciprcssboolgU-
tlfy In buck and wblloto his iiostess on of a Seld ol
Mftctlco bounded only by Uie llnei which bound thu
length and bteaath of the country , and which has
placed huii where a man ol his skill and Intellectual
attainments iluserves to ro , and should to bo euabK )
him to reach the hlgheit sphere of usefulness to suf
ferlnif humanity the plane of financial Indepen
dence. Dr. Wngner has contributed of his prosperi
ty to the substantial Improvement ot Denver In the
ere.tlon ot a fine block on Larimer struit , oppodUi
his present ottlcj , No , 3ii. It u 111 be ready for oocu.
l ncy In a lew weeks , and Is an evidence that tbo
doctor U to bo uumbere-d among I he permanent and
solid dllieiu of tha metropolis of the rUlixi ( D o-
> er Tribune ,
343 Larimer St. Address Box 2380 ,