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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1884)
TQE DAILY BE12---CMAIIA , TUESDAY , JANUARY 8 , 1884. The Nebraska National Bank OF OMAHA , NEB. laid up capital - ' e2 nooo eurplm Fund , TOT. 1 , 1883 f 16.600 DUIECTOIUJ. U7 W. YATES , President , for many years CMhler of hi Fltit National Bank ot Omaha. A , K. TOUZAkIN , Vlo President , of Boston. vr. v. MOUSE , of w v. uonsK A Co. JOHN 8. COLLINS , of Q. H COLLINS. U. WOOUVOHTtf , Counsellor & Attorney at Law X. S. nr.KD , of B ) ron need b Co. This Bank opened for business April S7,188J THE DinECTOHS AND STOCKHOLDERS arc cnonK the leading business men ot Omaha , and It business li conducted with especial reference to the best nj Increasing Interests of Its mcrc ntto ! patrons COLLECTIONS rcoclvo prompt attention and charges lowest obtainable hero or elsewhere. INTEREST allowed on time deposits upon favor , .bin . terms andiupon accounts of tanks and b&nLori FOUEIUN EXCHANGE , Government Bends nc < Oountv ami Citv Securities liouiht and Hold Council Bluffs Loan and Trust Company. First Mortgage Loans Negotiated. Commercial Taper and all ( Inod Securities dealt In. 39 Pearl street , nml GOO First avenue , Council niutls. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANOIAIj NEW YORK , January 7. Money Easy at li@2J per cent ; closed of fered at 2 per cent. Prime Paper % 1i per cont. Exchange THUs Firm nt 1.82 J ; demand , 4.85V. Governments Finn , except 4 J's. Stocks Mfcrket opened linn , but prices noon declined J@g cash , latter Lake Shore. Before 10:30 : a bettor fooling pre\ ailed , nnd prices wore on the advance. The market continued strong until near 2 < when it was announced from Washington that abill was introduced in the house reducing freight rates on the Union Pacific and Contial Pacific 30 Iior cent , below the lowest rates iu December last. Union Pacific Was \ igorously attacked , and declined from 70J to 73J. The general list declined In sympathy. Just previous to l the close the market turned upward once more , closing at a buoyant nnd sharp advance. Compared with Saturday's closing Western Union is ( | , Louisvlllo it Nashville J , nnd Lnckawanua S per cont. higher ; Union Paci fic , Reading and Texas I'.icilic unchanged ; remainder 4 to 1 wor cont. lower. Officers of the Northern Pacific said to-day the company bad no idea of making T. F. Oakes president of the company. COUPONS 3't 100 4 'a Coupons 111 123. ' " Paci fie G''S of" ' 128 STOCKS AND BONDS , American Express 1JI2 HJurl. , Cedar Kapida & Northern 80 Cantral Pacific C5 § Chicago & Alton 134 do do pfd 14. > Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 1213 Urie 27\ \ do pfd 72" Fort Wayne & OWoiRo 133 Hannibal & St. Joseph 38A do do do pfd * S8j Illinois Central 133J Ind. , Bloom. & Western 110 Kansas & Texas 1223 T.ako Shore Michigan So UiU Michigan Central i > 9 'Allano.ipolia & , St. Louis 17 } " do do do pfd 35 Missouri Pacific 003 Northern Pacific 2Gj do do pfd , 'Northweitorn 1 do pfd 145 New York Contr.d 113J Onlo & Mississippi 24 $ do do pfd 90 Peoria , Decatur i 13vanavlllo 14 Bock Island 110 St. Paul k Milwaukee do do do pfd 115 , ' St. Paid Minn , < t Manitoba 07 St. Paul t Omaha 34 do do pfd 044 Texas Pacific 103 Union Pacific 74' , \Vabish , St. L. & Pacific 119 | do do do pfd 30 | Western Union Telegraph 76) ) * Asked. GRAIN AND 1'ttOVlSIONS. CH10AQO 1'BOlSUCE. Cilic-Atio , January 7. Flour M irket nom inally unchanged ; medium to choice spring wheat Hours , 4 00 ® 1 70 ; fair to nno winter wheat flours , 4 .r > 0 © " > 2'i ; Minnesota bakers' good to choice , 4 70@5 00. Wheat Regular , weak ; opened firmer , de clined gcralliod and closed ic lower than Sat urday ; January , 941@91jc | ; March 90i@9Gc ; May , 1 OJJ@102J ; winter wheat , nominal at UOfe'JSo cash ; spring wheat , quiet at 9Jjc. Corn Market Unsettled and easy ; opened a shade stronger , 4@Sc ; closed weak ; iclower for January ; jj'c lower for February ; go lower for May ; cash , 071@57jc ; February , OGgc ; May , 5 ! > ic. Oat ) Market dull and closed slightly easier for futures ; cash , 33Jc ; February , 33 [ c ; May , a-37c. , ? Rye Market steady at OSJc. Barley Market dull at GL'c. Timothy Good to prime , 1 23@1 2u ; common - mon , 115@1 20. Floxseod Steady at 1 38. Pork Mess , otoady : ononod stronger nnd ruled easy ; declined 10@10c ; closed steady ; cash , 14 35@14 40 ; February , 14 42i@14 45 ; May , 14 92f@14 95. Lard Market steady ; cash , 8 80@8 82J ; February. 8 82J8 85 ; May , 9 15@9 17J. Bulk Meats Shoulders , G 20 ; long clear , 7 50 ; short ribs , 7 C5 ; short clear , 7 90. Butter Small trade ; cholco creameries , 33 < a35c ; fancy dairies , 25@27c ; good to choice , 1318o ; common rolls , 1317c. ChoeHO Firm ; cholco full cream Cheddars , 1213 ; choice full cream flats , 13@13Jcj.good part skim Cheddars and flats , 8@9c. Eggs-Steady ; fresh , 25@2Gc Hides Market steady ; green salt cured bull and damaged , Gc ; green salt cured , light and heavy , 8e ; green Halt calf , lie. Tallow No. 1 country , 7Jo { No. 2 , country , GJc ; cake , 7c. CAM. BoAiii ) . Wheat Regular , Ic lower for February ; go lower for May. Sales , 1,050 , . 1)00 ) bu. , , Corn Jc lower for January-Jo ; lower foi February ; ic lower for May. Sales , 328,000 Oats Jo lower for January and February other options unchanged. Sales , 270,000 bu , Pork 5o higher for February ; lOo hfohei for May. Sales , 15,000 bbls. Lard-5o higher for January , February and May. Sales , 0,000 tierces. NEW TOBK. NEW YOKK , January 7. Wheat Casl Com Cash , ijulet but firm ; options openoi steadier and declined i@c ? , closing dull ; tin graded , 55@G7 ; No. 2 , Gtl@i72c. ! ( Oats | 5\o hlshorj mixed western , 40@ 421c ; whito42@45o. j gs Weatern fresh , higher and firm at 2 ! Pork Market steady ; new mesa , 14 C2J. Lard Market lower ; western Bteam , cash 017l@'J2"- Butter Market quiet , and firmly held. LIVERPOOL. LIVCBFOOL , January 7. Breadstuffs Mai "wheat Winter , 8 5d@ s Id ; eprlng.SsgS Cd. Cd.Corn 5s 3d. BALTI1IOIVE. BALTIUORE , January 7. Wheat Wester steady and nuiet ; No. 2 winter red , cash an January , 1 Ou'j@l 07. Corn-Western , itteaJy nd quiet ; inlxe a h , and January , 591c@GOJc. Oats Higher and scarce ; weaterm wblU 42@43c ; mixed , 39@40o. llyo Qulot at73@7 Batter Dulls western paokod , 10@22oj creamery , 25@35c. KeK ( Jnint ; froOi , 27d)2Sc. ( ) Whlsky-Xomlnally steady at 1 1S1 18i. rKoniA rnonucR. PKOIUA , January 7. Corn Market finnj low mlxod , I'GjU'Jc ; now roioctod , 4 1 © IGc. Ota Firms rfo. 2 white , 3.V. Whisky Firm nt SI 1C. HT. tOUIS I'llonUCK. ST. Louis , January 7. Wheat Otxmed n hade bettor and closed n fraction Imlow Sat' mlay for options ; en h higher : No. 2 red , SI oai 03ji cash ; -51 OJj ( l . > j for Januarys 0'J ) for Aliiyj No. S rod l > 51c@fel 06 bid. Corn- Higher j 48JnOe for cash ; 4Ua for 'anuarys Klijo for May. Oatslliplicrat 3 ( .Vie for cash ; 33J@ We for Fobninryj 370' 37i lor May. Jtyo Higher at rM@i"Jc. Uarloy-fiull G0@80c. Duller Unchanged. KRBS Higher at 23c. Hay Stoailys prairo , 8l ! 50 ® 10 50. Timothy- 001IOO. Bran Illphor at 72Jc. Corn Moal-82 ' . ' 5. KlaxRocd-81 38 , Vnnlsions Dull and unchanged. Whisky-Si 15. CumiNd BoAlU ) . Wheat Market lowerj 1 02 asked for January ! SI 035 bid for Fob nary ; 1 05J bid for March ; 1 OtfJ for May. Corn Lower ; ISJo bid for January ; 40Jo or February : 53o for May. Oats Nothing dotlo. tliLWATJKXB. MII.WAUKKK , January 7. Wheat Market voakor ; No. 2 033 ; January 933c ; February IJc ; MavSlOll. Corn Dull ; No. 2 r > "ic. Oats Quirt ; No. 2 3t.33lc. : } llyo Lower at G2c. Uarloy Stronger ; No. 2 G2Jc. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , January 7. Wheat Market uiot at 1 Ol@l 03. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 51@52c. Oats Stiong and higher at 3li@35c. llyo Firm at ( Vic. Lard In fair demand nt 8 7o@8 00. Hulk Moats In fair demand ; Whisky Steady at 1 14. TOLEDO. TOLEDO , Januiuy 7. Wheat Market xsy ; No. 2 rod , cash , 1011. ® ! OIJ. Corn Market steady ; No. 2 cash and anuary , 5.r > c. Oats Market dull and llrin ; No. 2 , cash id Juntury , JWc. JWc.NEW NEW OIILKANS , NEW ORLKANS , January 7. Corn Market ighor and scarce ; mixed 50c ; white , 07 ® 5Sc. 5Sc.Oats Oats Higher at Me. Corn Moai Scarce and firm at 2 : i"i@2 40. 1'ork Soiree and lirm nt 10 00. Lard Ken , 'J 25. Bulk Moats In fair demand. Whisky Stoedy and unchanged. LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO LIVE HTOCK. ClHCAno , January 7. The Droers'Journal oports this afternoon as follows : Hogs Steady ; packing , fi 15@5 05 ; packing id shipping , 570@G2j ; light , 510@5 70 ; kini , 3 00@5 00. Market closed \ \ oak. Cattle Steady and strong early but closed oak ; exports grade ? . 010@G 70 ; good to lolco shipping , 5 50@i ( 00 ; common to mo- ium , 4 00@0 33 ; inferior to fair co\\s , 2 40@ 70 ; medium to good , 4 00 ® 1 75 ; stockers , 25 ® 1 00 ; feeders , 3 00 ® J GO. Sheep Market steady : stronger for good ; nferior to fair , 2 S0@3 73 per cwt ; medium o good , 4 25 ® 1 75choico ; to extra , 4 00@5 25. Special cable reports to The Droors" Jour- lal fhou ic advance on cattle and no change n sheep at Luorpool ; best ateera luo per > omul ; dressed sheep 18c. ST. LOUIS LIVE STOCK , ST. Louis , January 7. Cattle Very scaico iing to delayed trains ; prices firm ; exports , 00@G 00 ; good to choice , 5 OOfeG 00 ; com- non , 4 50@fi 25 ; co\\a and heifers , 3 504 50 ; " oxans , 3 .r > 0@5 00. Sheep Firm for good grades , dull for com- ion ; good to extra , 4 25@ . " > 00 ; common to air , 2 50@3 00. Hogs Kasy and slow ; light , I 50@4 ( > 0 : aoking , 0 40@5 75 ; butchers' to extra , 5 75 "GOO. KANSAS OITV I.IVK STOCK. IVANSAB Cm , January 7. The Daily In- icator reports : Cattle Acti\o and firm ; natUes , 010 ® CO ; stockers and feeders , 3 GO ® 1 50 ; con s , 25 ® I 00. Hogs Steady at 0 00@0 70. Sheep Market steady and unchanged ; oed nati \ es , 3 20. TRAFFIC. FLOUn AND OBAIN. CHIOAQO , January G. Receipts and ship ments of flour and grain for the past 24 hours lave boon as follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. 'lour ' , bbls 0,000 14,000 Vheat , bushels 22,000 13,000 3orn , bushels 83,000 08,000 Oats , bushels 25,000 il.OOO lyobushols 300 GflO Barley , bushels 13,000 13,000 EW YOBK , January ( ! . Receipts and ilpmontsof flour and groin for the past 21 hours ave boon as follows : Reioipta Ship'ts. Vhoat , bushels 18,000 1B.OOO 2orn , bushels 27.0CO 18,000 Oats , bushels 18,000 115 LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , January G. Receipts and ship ments of live stock for the past 24 hours have oonaa follows : Ilocolpta. Ship'ts. Cattle 7,000 Jogs 10,000 hoop 2,200 KANSAS CITY , January 0. Receipts and ilpmonts of II vo stock for the past 21 hours lave boon oa follows : Receipts. Ship'ts. Cattle G80 . . . . Hogs 2,700 , . . . . ST. Louis , January G. Receipts and ship- nonts of 11 vo stock' for the past 24 hours lmo 'leeuas follows : Receipts , Bhip'ts. Cattle 700 300 logs 4,800 2,000 Sheep dOO 400 THE 1JU1TI8II CHAIN MARKET. LONDON , January 7. The Mark Lane Kx * trees , in Its weekly reuow of the Jirillsli tiraln trade , says : The leather has boon lamp , foggy and mild , and growing crops itand unnsually well , values have been tend- ng downward , and It Is evident that the low est point has not yet been reached for Kngliah wheat. Flour Is weaker , barley is improving , orclgu wheat is more lifeless than over ; stocks heavy ; Hour dull nnd rather weaker ; malro cheaper. Linseed is n shilling dearer , and other articles favor buyers. Cargoes of ivhoat oil the coast are in small supply , and niuiry | for them 1ms almost ceased. There itno boon four arrivals , two cargoes being gold , one withdrawn and three remain. Car- { 003 on passage for shipment remain unim proved. Quotations nominal , Sales of T.I g- llsh wheat for the week , 35,13G ( juartors , at S'Ji per quarter , against 24,1G8 at 40s 7d per imarter for thi corresponding week of last year. OMAHA MA11KKT8 , WlioloBnlo i'ricoa , Oirrioc or THE OMAHA DEB. I Monday Kvenlng , January 7. I The following prices are charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesalers and coinmlnston mor. chants , with the exception of grain , which If quoted at the prices furnUhod by the elovatori and other local buyers : UrniH , WHEAT Cash No. 2. 7l e ; No. 8 , C5o. ItAHur Cash No. 2,6lc. llTE-Oash No. 3,4Go. , COBN No. 2 , 48c. OITB No. 2. 35c. Ijlvo Btnolc. JTAT STEERS Quiet at 4 00@D 00 , FAT COWB 3 00@3 to. Hoas-4 7C@5 25. BHEKp-iS ( X3 75. CALVES Fair quality 4 50@0.00j good.butch en1 ttock , 6 59. Flour niutMUl8tnflii. WIKTKB WIIKAT Host quality , patent ! ill 3 Syv@3 05. SKCOSII QrALiTt 2 7M3 25. SmiNO WHKAT Best quality , i > fttont S 253 GO. SEOONII QUAHTT 2 C0@3 35. BnAN 55o per cwt. Cnorrrn FEED Per 100 Ibs. 85c , ConN MEAL 100@110 jwr owt SCREENING C5@70o tier ow Goncrnl Produce. llomtn Fancy croamory. 33@3' c ; cold tontgo creamery , 25@27c ; cholco dairy , 20 @ 2lc ; Ixist country , solid packed , 12@15c | best country , mil , lC > © 18c ; inferior grades , 10@14c. RocolpU nro small , and the demand good. ICnas Market otookod ; BAOS to-day at 22 ® ® 2tc ; demand light. MKAIS Hamn , ISJc ; breakfast bacon , lOjc ; clear i > ido bacon , short , 1'lc ' ; clear sldn bacon , long , O c ; dry aalt short , 8Jc ; dry salt long , 8c ; shoulderH , 7c ; dried beef , 12Jc ; lard , refined - fined , lujc. Ari'LKs Fancy Jonathans , $4 M@5 00 ; fancy Don Davis , 93 00il4 00 ; fancy Jouot , S3 00@3 60 ; fancy Wlllowtwlg , 93 25@3 75. Demand good. CHKKSE Now York State full cream , late September mnko , 14c ; Now York State full cream , 10 hoop lots , 13Jc ; do full cream , 50 hoop lots , 13ic ; AVidconsin , full cream , Inbox , 14c ; Young AmericA , strictly full oroam , 14c ; full cream , 12c ; full creAin 10 hoop lots , Hie- full cream ilats , 1'Jjc ; full cream Hats , llc ; fancy brick cheese , 100 Ib cases , 15Jo ; Limburger - burger 13&c & ; genuine old Swiss , It'o ' , POTATOES Receipts small nnd prices good. Consignments of strictly choice , largo sized , straight ) > otatoos are selling from 40 to 15o ; mixed cars 35 to SSo ana light demand ; ! > eacliblow > , OOc. SWKJ.T VOTATOKS Cholco yellow , nono. ONIONS No demand ; market overstocked. fgBEANB Hand picked natlvoi , 92 25@2 50 ; hand picked mediums , $1 75@2 00. Re ceipts largo. GAME 1'rairlo chickens , per doz. , ? 3 00 to 3 25 ; quail. SI 23 to 1 00 ; snipe , SI 60 to 1 75 ; ducks , Mallard , per iliu , 2 002 00 ; mixed , 51 50 to 2 00. JJo careful that your game conies to market in nice condition. FHKSII O\8TEi Selects , 40c ; standarda , 35c ; tnodiums , 25c. CKLKUY J5c. POULTIIT Llvo chickens , per doz , 175 ® 200 ; full dressed chicken * , porlb,8(5)10c ( ) ; tur keys , per Ib. , 15@17c ; ducks , 10@12 ; goose , Il@l3c. LKMONH Kxtra fancy bar lemons , $8 00 ; fancy Mes Ina lemons , per box , 87 25 ; 5 box lots , Messina lemons , 87 00 ; 10 box lots do. , SO 75 ; Malaga lemons , fancy , 85 00 ; do 5 box lots , $1 CO. OnANQKS Loulsianas per bbl. $9 00 : do. , box , S5 00 ; stem cut Jan.alcas , per bbl , § 10 00 ; per box , SG 00 : Florida , per box , 85 23 U ANANAS Choice , per bunch , $3 00 ® 100. CltANliKimiKS Boll and bugles ; 81000 ® 12 00 ; tboll and cherry , S3 50@10 50. Above quotations for choice. DATKS Black Arabian , per Ib. , 8@0c ; quarter crates , lOc. Fias 25 Ib. koga , per Ib. , 12Jc ; 10 Ib. box , ayer , per Ib. , IGc ; small nvals per Ib. , 18c. COCOANUTS Extra line , per 100 , 8 00. CIDKB 1'uro sweet cider , 22 gal keg , 80 00 ; M. & T. clarified , 1C gal keg , 84 75 ; M. & P. clarified. 32 gal keg , § 8 00. Pins II'EFT , ImrK , ETC. Pigs foot , 15 Ib kits , SI 15 ; pigs 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 25 ; pigs foot , 50 Ib half bbl , 84 00 ; tripe , 15 Ib kits" SI 15 tripe , 40 Ib qr bbl , 82 25 ; tripe , 80 Ib half bbl , 84 00 ; pigs tongues , 15 Ib kits , § 2 00 ; pigs tongues , 40 Ib qr bbl , SO 00. Lambs' tongues , 15 Ib kits , 82 G5 ; 40 Ib qr bbl , 80 25. MINCE MEAT Atmoro's , 181b buckets ( buckets 25c ) 9c ; 371b buckets ( bucket 40c ) , 9c. ; lOOlb kegs , 9c ; half barrels , 8Jc. AssortTEO JKLLY 2-lb stonojars : 12 In case , per doz , 82 20 ; tumbler , per dor , 81 95 ; schooner , per doren , 83 10 ; 1-lb tin cans , 4 doz. in cuso , 81 40 ; 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in case , 51 00. BULK JELLIES Currant , 30-lb wood palls , nor Ib , 8Jc ; strawberry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , 8ic ; raspberry , 30-lb wood pails iior Ib , 8Jc ; blackberry , 30-lb wood pails per Ib , Sic ; crab apple , 30-lb wood rMn per 11) . 8Jc. APPLE BUTTER 35-lb wonilan i Is , per Ib , 8c ; 0-lb wooden pails , G in cu n per case , 9350 PEACH Bui-ran 2o-lb wooden pails per Ib , 81100 ; 5-lb wooden pailj , G in case , per case , 8425. PnKSKnvES ( In 20-lb wooden pails ) R sp. berry , 15c ; strawberry , quince , 14c ; peach , 14c ; cherry , lie ; tomatoes , 14c ; plum , 14c ; assorted , 0-lb wooden buckets , G in case , per cose , 84 75 ; assorted , 2-lb tin cans , 2 doz in cose , per case , 8G 00 NEBRASKA COMB HONEY 2-lb frames , 24-lb cases , per Ib , 18c. HAT Baled , 8 00@10 00 per ton ; In bulk , 6 00@G 00 per ton , Grocers List. CANNED Goons Oysters ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70@3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; Bartlett pears , per cose , 2 40 ; whortleberries , per cose , 3 10 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green gages , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 Ib per case. 4 80@5 00. ROPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , 10o , 9 inch , 10\c \ ; $ inch , lie. OANDLFS Boxes , 40 ll > s , IBs , 15c ; 8s , lOcj boxes 40 Ibs , 1G oz. . Gs , lOc. MATCHES Per caddie , S5c ; round , cases , 2 65 ; square cases , 1 70. SUGARS Powdered , 9Jc ; cut loaf , 9.Jc ; granulated. Sic ; confectioners' A , 8c ; Stand ard extra 0 , 7jjc ; extra C , 7jc ; medium yel low , 7c ; daik yellow , GJc. COKFEES Ordinary grades , 12@125c ; fair 13 @ 13Jc ; good , 14c ; prime , 15@15Ac ; cholco. ll17c ! ; fancy green andyollowlfi@lGlcolu ; government Java , 20@2Gc ; Levorlng's roosted. 18c ; Arbucklo's roasted , 18c ; McLaugldin'c XXXX roasted , 18ie ; mitation Java , 16 } HICE Louisiana pnruo to choice , 7c ; fair GJc ; Patina , OJc. FIBII Nr. 1 mackerel , half brla. , 8 00 ; No. 1 mackerel , Kits , 115 ; family mackerel , half brls. , GOO ; family mackerel , kits , 95c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kita. 1 05. STOUT Standard Com. , 32c , bols ; Standard do , 4 } gallon koga 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon keira 150 SODA In Hi papers , 3 SO per case ; keg per Ib , 2Jc. PIOKLKS Medium , in barrela , 7 00 ; do in half barrels , 4 00 ; email , in barrels , 8 00 ; do in half barrels , 4 50 ; gherkin in barrels , 9 00 ; do in half barrels , 5 00. TF.AH Gunpowder , good , 45@55o ; choice CO @ 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; cholco , CO@G5c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , G0@76c ; Oolong , good , 85@40c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@JOc ; choice , 35@45c. WOODENWAKE Two hoop palls , 185 ; throe hoop nails. 210. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer - noor washboards , 185 ; Double Crown 2 90 : Wellbuckots , 3 85. BoAi-a Klrk'H Savon Imperial , 8 45j Klrk'a satinet , 3 GO ; Klrk'a standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's white RuKaian , 525 ; Kirk'a euloca , 215 ; Klrk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40c ; Klrk'a magnolia , doz. POTAHH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 85 ; Babbitta ball 2doz. Incase , 1 90 ; Anchor jail , 2 doz. in case , 150. CANDY French mixed , In 30 Ib. palls , 18cj American mixed , in 30 Ib pails , 14c ; Brilliant mixed , in 30 Ib imlls , 13c ; Nobby mixed , In 30 b palls , 13c : Competition mixed , in 80 11 palls. 12Jc ; Kxcelelor stick , SO Ib palls. 12c ; double refined , 30 Ib palls. 13c ; Crystal mixed 30 Ibpails , I5c ; Old Time , mixed , 30 Ib palls , 14c ; Tip Top , mixed , 30 Ib mils , 13o ; Flirt mixed , 30 Ib palls , llic ; Flirt , stick 30 It palla , HJc ; Tip Ton , stick , 80 Ib palla , 12o. VINKOAU Now York apple 16o } OWe ap pie , ISc. SALT Pray loads , per bbl , 180 ; Ashton , li tacks , it CO ; bills dairy GO , 5 , 3 30. STAIIOH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Glow , Oo ; Con Starth , Oc ; Kxcelslor Gloss. 7lc ; Corn , 80. HPIOES Popper , 17c ; allspice , 15c ; clovw So ; cassia 15a. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 8 4 ( Western , 2 75 ; North Htur , 2 00 ; Lowls'.lyi 4 C5 ; Jewell lye , 2 75. * Dry Goods. BBOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , io ; Apnl ton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; Boot FF. Si Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Galoot W , 7Jc ; cliltt nango A. Glc : Great Falls K.SJc ; Hooslor , GJ Honest Width 8c ; Indian Head A , 80 ; India Standard A 8cj Indian Orclmrd , d. w. , 7 { Lawrence LL , Die ; Mystlo lllvor , 74o ; Penui A , 8o ; Utlca d , n cj Wachifaett B , 7jc | ; C A , 8jo do K 48,12Jo. FINE BIIOWN OOTTONB Allomlalo 4-4 , 7i Alligator 8-1 , 3c : Argyle 4-4 , 7Jc : AUant LL , OJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , GJcj Bonningtc O 4-4 , Gjc ; Buckeye 8 4.4 , CJc ; Indian Orchai AA 0-8 , 8Jc ; Laoonift O 39 , SJoj Leh'.gh K 4- OJo ; Peprorcll N JO , 7c ; do 0 S3 , 71o ; do R Sfl. 7Jo ; do K 3 ! , 8ic ; Pocas O 4-4 , 7J ! Wanwuttn 4-4. ISc. BLKAOHED COTTONS Andronoopgln I * 4-4. OJc ; Blackstone A V Imj rlal 8Jc ; do do half bleached 4-4. JV ; Cabot -W , 8o Fidelity 4-1 OJc : Fruit of tha IAHIIII , 1'ic ; do cambrio 4-1 12h do Water Twist , lOJc ; Oroat FalN Q , f > o Indian Iloid ( ilirnnk 4-4. I2c : Ixmndale , lOc o cambric 37,12Jc ; Now Ynrk Mills , I2\o Poquot A , lOc : Pojniprol , N O Twills , I2jo PocahontM 4-1 , OJc : 1'ocossot 5.4 , 8J ; Utlca lie ; WaniMittaOXX.12Jc do : . m , 12 l2c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brun.iulck brown , 8 l-2c ; Chariot fancy , 12 l-'Jc ; do ox. tra heavy , 20c ; Fall llher brown , cwtrahnavy , 11 l > 2c ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Noiwngot A brown , 15e TlCKlNdS Amoskoag AC A 82,19s ; do XX blue 32. 18 l-2c ; Arrowanna , 9 l-2e ; Clare mont BB , 1 2o ; Conostrgn , extra , 17 l 2o Hamilton 1) , lll-2c ! Lowlstmj A30,15e ; VUi ; nohaha 44 , 20c ; Omega , super extra 4-1 , 2 * . $ Pearl lllvor 32 , 10 f-4c ; Puinam XX blue stripe , 12c : Shotuckot S , 10 l-2c ; do S3 , 12c Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o. DENIMS Aiuo koag , blue andLrnvrnlftl-2c. Andover DD blue , 15 l-2c ; Arlington X blue Scotch , 18 l-2c : Concord OOO , blue nnd jrown , 12 l-2c ; do AAA , do do 13 1-2 ; do XX to do do , 14 l > 2o ; Haymaker' * blue mill irown. 9 l-2c ; Mj-stlo Hlvor 1)1) stripe , 161-2c ; L'oarl lllvor , blue and brown , IGc ; Unciwrfflo , line and brown , 14 l > 2c. GA inmcs Barnard file } Kddystono lining , Mluch double face , 8Scj Garner A glared , Me ; Manhattan glove finlalt , 5Jc ; Newport do.,5jc ! lo glazed , 6jo ; Poquot do , 5c ; Lockwood kl' Inish , Gc. COR.IET JEANS Amory , AndroBccggin lattoou , 8jc ; Clarendon GJc : Conewtogga nut- cons , 7jc ; Hallowoll , 8c ; Indian Orchard , 7Jc ; tfarracansott , improved , SJc ; Pepporill sat- teen , 90 ; llockpiirt , I5o. PniNTS Aliens , Go : American , GJc ; Araldo , c ; Bonviok , 4Jc ; Cocnooo , GJ ; Conestofr , 6Jc ; Jauklrk , Gc ; Dunnoll , OJ@7c ; Eddyatoue , fijc ; iloueostor , GJc ; Harmony , 5\c \ ; Knickerbocker , Jo ; Morriiuac I ) , 7c ; Mystic , 5&c ; Spnwraw , > cj Southhridgo , Gc ; do Ginghams , 7cj fllarl- bore , CJc ; Oriental , 8Jo , GINGHAMS Auioskoag , 9Jc ; Argyle , 8c ; Atlantic , 8c ; Cumberland , 7ic ; Highland , 7Jc ; Konllworth , 9Jc ; Pluukatt , 9jcj Sussex , 8c. COTTONADES Abbonlllo , 13 jc ; Agate , 20c ; American , He ; ArtUIan , 20c ; Cairo 1) and T ISJc ; Clarion D and T , 17Jc ; Decan Co. stripes 1) and T , IGc : Keystone ISJo ; Nan * tucket , 19c : Nonpareil , 16c ; Ocean D and T , 13Jc ; lloyai , IGJc ; SUSHOX , 12c ; Tioga , Wachu- sett shirting chocks , 12Sc ; do Naukm 12jcs York , plain Nankin , 12Jc ; do chocks , strii > oa vnd fancy , 12Jc ; do 8 oz , "Oo. SHKKTI.VQS Androscoggin 10-4 , 27 > c ; do 9-4 , 23c ; do 3-1 , 32c : Continental C 42. lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4 ; 274cNow ; York m 11s 98. 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58 , 221c ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Poquot 10-4 , 28ic ; do 74,19c : do 49 , IGc ; Poppoaoll 96 , 29c ; do G7 , 21c ; do 7 , 18c ; Utlca 90 , SGc ; do 58 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17c. Inun Dor. n WHOLESALE. Wo quote lumber , lath and shlnglesjon aara at Omalm at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLINQ 1G ft. and under 22 00 ; 18 ft , 23 50. TIMBERS 10 foot and under , 22 00. TIMBEK AND JOIST 18 ft , 23 50 ; 20 ft , 23 50 ; 22 ft , 20 50 ; 24 ft , 20 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2200. SHEETINO No. l(2d ( common boards ) , 20 00 ; No. 2,18 , 00. LIME Per barrel , 125 ; bulk per bunhol' 35c ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; lena pluator , bbl , 2 50 ; hair per bu. 50c ; Tarred felt , 100 its , 3 50 ; straw board , 3 50. Paints.Oils and VnrnlBlics. OILS 110 ° carbon , per gallon , 13c ; 150 ° headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 ° headlight , per gallon , IBc ; 150 ° water white , 17c ; lin seed , raw , ; pr galloii,5.'jc ; linseed , boiled , per gallon , 5ScLard , winter str'd , per gallon , 80c : No. 1 , 70cNo. ; 2 , GOc ; castor , XXX , per gal lon , 1 CO ; No. 3,1 SO ; sweet , per gallon , 1 00 sperm W.B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fiah , W. B. , porgallon , C5c ; noatafoot extra , Dcr gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 7Cc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal lon , 35c ; No. 2 , 25c ; sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; , i > er gallon , 48c ; naptha 74 ° , per gallon , IGc. PAIJ.TH IN OIL Whlto load. Omaha P. P. Gc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Gjc ; Maraoilloa green 1 to 5 Ib cana , 20c ; Frencn zinc , green aoal , 12c ; French rinc. red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish asat , 20c : Fionch zinc , in oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; Vandyke broun. I3c ; rohnod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , and ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; tdtramarino blue , 18o ; cliromo green L. M. & L ) . . IGc ; blind and shutter green , L M. & D. , IGc ; Paris proem , 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan rod , 22c ; Ameri can Vermlllion , I. & P. , 18c ; cliromo yellow L. M. , O. & D. O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , Be ; graining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , ch > taut and ash 15c. lrv Paints. Wliito load , 8c ; French zinc , lOc ; Paris whiting , 2&c ; whiting gilder ? , lc ; whiting com'l lc ; lampblack , Gormantovm , 14c ; " lack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , 55c ; tramariuo , 18c ; vandyke , bro vn , 8c ; umber , unit , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; onna , raw , ic ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ; .irla green , common , 20c ; chrome preonN.Y. , to ; cliromopreon , K. , 12c ; vornullinn , 1'ng. , ic ; vcrmilhon , American , 18c ; Indian red , ic ; rosu pink , 14c ; red , Cokunosa , c ; Venetian rod , American , IJc ; rod load , c ; chromn yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yol- w , K. , 12c : ochre , rochollo,3cocliro ; , French , 'c ' ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter's mineral , c ; lohltjh brown , -ic ; Spanish brown , 2c ; rinco's mineral , 3c. VAUNISHES Barrels , per gallon : Fund- ire , extra , $110 ; furniture , No. 1 , $1 : coach , xtra , SI 40 ; coach , No. 1 , § 1 20Damar ; , xtra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70cnsphaltum , extra , 85o ; lollac , $3 50 ; haid oil finlah , $150. XolmncoR Ptua TOBACCO -Climax , 50o ; Bullion KOc ; orsoslioo , fiOo : Star. 50o ; lluddy , 45c ; Her- y'a , 48c ; Black , 38 ® lOc. FINE ODT Common , 20@30c ; good , 45 ® Ic ; lloao Loaf , 70c ; Promlum , GCo ; Diamond rown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen , 47c. SMOKINQ O. S.,21cMoor ; chaum , 28cDur- ; am , 8 oz. , 55c ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57o ; Durharr oz. , f < 5c : Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55c enl of North Carolina , 4 oz. , 57c ; Seal of forth Carolina , 2 oz. , OOc ; O. K,1 Durham , 4 z. , 28c ; O. K DwV SOc ; Uncle Jni 4' 25c ; To" ' 'f 9J5n. dole. 38o to 42c ; hemlock v i 8o to 35o ; oni o kip , KOo to 1 00 ; ninner C5o to SOc ; cm o calf , 8.xi to 120 ; hemlock upper , 23c vo 2Gc ; oak upper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 5 50 ; alf kid , 32@35 : Groison kid , 2 60 to 2 75 ; oak ip , SOc to 1 00 : oak calf , 1 20 to 130 ; French ip , 110 to 1 55 ; French calf , 125 to 2 00 ; rus- ots , 5 50 to 7 50 ; linlnga , G 00 to 10 DO ; top. ings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , 30o to 35c ebblo O , D , Morocco , 35c ; simon , i 50 to 3 00 HAHNE8H No. 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2 do , 9c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , U8c ; No. 2 do , U5u ; No. Milwaukee 37c : No 2 do 34o HIllOH. ) ull , aud'vteak ; green butchers , fie ; ! proo iltodt74 ® 7Jc ; dry illnt , 12@13c ; dry salt , ) ( % llc ; damaged hldoa , two-thirds price , TALLOW c. SHIIEP PaLTa-25c@l 00 , Wool. 28c ; bu'rry , blank and cottod wool , 2@6o 'em ' Heavy Hardware IjlBt. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; iilow stool apoclul cant , 7o. crucible , Be ; Bjioclul or Gonnan , Cc : cant too ; do , 15(2)20 ( ) ; wagon Bp-jkos , sot , 2 25@3 OOj hubs per eet , 125 ; fcllocn enwoil dry , 110 ; tongueu , uach , 70@85cj ailea oacli , 7fJc ; uqunro niita poi tb , 7@llo ; washora or Jb , 8@18o ; rivets , poi Ib , He ; coil chain , per tb , G@12o ; inalleablo , 8 ( iron wodgoa , Co : crowban , Gc ; harrow toetl Ic ; Biirliig tool , 7@8cj liurden'n liorsolioos , C 0 ( liurdon's inuloahoou G 00 , UAKDKII WIUE In | car lots , 4lo porJIOO NAILB Itatofl , 10 to GO , 3 00 , HllOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck ( hot , 210 ; orionta powder , kofs , G 40 ; do. , liulf koga , 3 48 ; do. quarter koga , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , S 85 ; iuiio I > or 100 foot 60o. LEAU liar , 165 , COAL Cumberland blackamlth , 10 00 ; Moi rlii run Dlotmburg , 1000 ; Wbltebroaat lumi | 5 00 ; WhltebroaHt nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 OC Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Hock HprUig , 7 00 ; Antliri clto , 1125@1160 ; Canon City , 7 00 , per ton tiUluoru , ALDOUOL IBS proof , 2 25 per wins gallo otri Chf > rnlft uplrit * , 1R8 | roof , 1 25 tiroof fMoUf triple roflnoc ! nrfrlfji , 1S7 nroof , 1 23 ixsr liroof rixllon ; ro-ilixUilfd whlnkio.1 100@1 ) ; fme blended , 15f * | 2r.O : Ken- lucky iMiiirlxin * , 200 < a700j Kentucky anil rormnyhmiln rj-ns 2 00@7 00. ] lnANiiKa-ImrrtodGOO@1000 > domwrtlcl 1 40 ® I 00. Oi.vs Imiwtod , 4fO@000 ; dome o , 140 @ 3 00. HUMS Tmiwrtod , 4 NXSiflOO ; NowKnalnml , 2 00@4 00 ; ilommtlc , 1 fiU@3 M. 1'ltAOIl CHAMPAGNES Imported iwr case , 2300 ® SI CO ; American , per conn , 12 fO@10 00 , DENVKU MAKKI5T. Ccnin Mi ATS AND jiAim In tierce * VSb , Inimlls lie. Hams. Itjc ; bacon , it@151oj : smoked Hides , 9&f@10c & ; gait sldo.'h 819o. UniCKX Fnon AND PIIODUCE Potatoon , C > 5@ 05o per 100 pounds } onions , per 100 pounds , $1 50@2 00 ; turnli * , per 100 Hi. C0 ( < ? 80c ; Col- ere < lo cabling * , now , per 100 , 85c100 ; ll\o chickens , old , per do , $4 00(3) ( ) 4 25 ; fpralrio chlcVctn * per doz , $8 75@100 ; cggc , froth , per den , HSIfiWc ! buttnr , fair qunU ity croninory , finest per Ib , 38@ I2h creamery , ( rood , per Ib , 28@Mc ! ; Kntidiui and Nobrruika dairy , per Ib , 37-Joc : cooking , 12 ® Ifie ; cluiwo full croani , ) > or Ib , Ir ( l7c ; npploa per bbl , eastern , SS 006 M ) ; grapOR , per Ib , 7 ( llOc ; California ( Man , per Ib , "fillOc Maininn lemons , ntra , per box , ? 700 @ 8 00 ; oranges , 912 00n)13 ( ) 00 ; Colorado * licat , per 100 Ib , 81 30@1 38 ; fluur , fair quality , $10 OOCcOlO 60 per barrel ; flour. Urnl win , per 100 Ib , $ L' 00@2 50 ; flour , rye , pnr 100 Ib , $2 50@2 70 ; flonr , buckwheat , per bbl , ? 10 OO llO 50 ; corn meal , 100 Ibs , 81 G5@l 8fi ; eom , per 100 Iba , 51 3 _ 1 35 ; com chop , per 100 Ihs , 81 80@1 33 ; now oats , per 100 UIA. $1 3 , " ( )1 ) 4C ; eaU , Nobraskn , mixed , per 100 Ib , 81 3.5 ® 1 35 ; uhoat , ) Hir 100 ll , St 35@1 45 ; barley , per 101 Ibs , 81 fiOfji ) @ 1 75 ; mixed chop , per 100 llw , 81 33 © 1 40 ; bran , per ton , 817 00@19 00 ; hay , per ton. 812 00@1G 00 ; bale < l nicond bottom , $1000@1200 ; baled tiplnud , $14 C0@17 00 ; straw , per ton , 88 00@0 00. Railway Time Table. LOOAl , TllAlNS-mUOaR DI7IS8ON U. P. II U. , MAIN UNK. UAVX. ( RRU1. Rsprc8s.l2TJ5 p m Atlntitlo Kspn < m7:25 : a ir Western R > i < ra89 8 W pm WiHternKuproao. S0i : > m a. IslanJl'aVs . . . .4:80) : ) ) m O. Inland ram. 11:40 : a m Lincoln Ex 12.30pin Lincoln Ex 12:65pin : DrjMMYTUAlNS-imilXJK DIVISION. Lmo Oinahi : 7:10 : , 8 00,0.00,101)0,11:00 : a : m.,12m ; i.oo , 2 oo , s oo , Jioo , n oo , c.oo. 10:10 : p. m. on Hun- lUjs : 7:10,00 : lloo : a. m ; 2 oo , 4 oo , 0 oo , 10:10 : n. m. Anho nt transfer Uepot20 minutcalntar ; Broad * ay depotCouncil llhillH , SO minutes later. Leaf o Council IlluITi ) , llrotiluty Ocpot , 800 , 0.00 , 10.00,11.00a.m. ; 12 m ; 1:00,2 : CO , 300,4 00,6.00,0.40 , 10:40p.m : On Siimlan.8.00,1000a. : iu.l ! in3.00 ; , 5.00 , 0.40,10.40 p. m. ArrUo Trnnsfor depot , 10 min utes later. Iouo : Council lllufls Trniutcr depot : 8.25 , 9,2(1 ( , 10.25,11:25 : a. 1H.JI2 ml:25 ; : , 2.26,3o. : 4:25 : , 6:28 : , B.2J , ' : C6,10.65 p. 111. Arrive Omaha 20 minutes later. _ . LIIXVK OMAHA. Puns' No. 2. . . .7:65 : o m Pass. No. B. . . 7S : a tn " No. 10 6:46 : pin " No. 16. . . . 11:45 : am " No. 4 3:60pm : 11 No 8..u0am : I" No. 8 8:50 : nm " No.'Bl . .7:1B : pin " No. 0 0:16am : " i. " No. 1. . . . 785pui " No. 60 . . .B.50am | C. , M. & St. P. U. It U. P DEPOT. UM& Ex 7:60am : I Taclflo Kx * 0:45 : are atlantloKx ' .3.60pm | Mall&Kx 7:10pin rVADASII , ST. LOUI3 & PAOIFIO-lt. P. DEPOT. 3maha 7:60nm : I Omaha 11:20 : a m " 860pm | " 6:20 : pm 0. , B & Q U. U. U. P. DEPOT. Hull' 7:60 : am I Exprcts 5:45 : am xproBS -8.60 pui | Mall * 7:10 : p m 0. , U. I" & P. U. II U. P. DEPOT. Express 7:60 : am I Hall 0:45am : Hall 8.60pm | Kiprcss 7:10 : pm 0. & N. W. U. U.U. f T3KPOT. trail * 7:60am : I Kiprcta 5 : 5am Cxprors B:50pm : | Mall * . .7:10 : pin B. 0. & P. U. H.-U. P. DEP01. kTall * 0.16 am I Kinrotu 0.46am Express 0.00pm I Mall * 7:10 pin UISSOUUI PACIFIC U. P. DEPOT Sxprota . . .7:00 : a in I Express 046pm 3.Sr. PAUL.M. & 0. U. U.-DUPOT N. 16TH BT < o.2 * 7:50 : a m I No. 1 * 6.30pm Ko.l * . _ . . . .lOOpmNo : | 8 * 11:43am : 5IOUX CITY b PACinO DEPOT N. 15th Stroot. Cioaro Omaha ( or Valentino via St. Paul Line ( o lllalr 7:30am : Lrrlve from Valentino I.JO p m 11. & M. IN NEllllASKA. JcmcrExprc u..8:16am : I AtUntlo 0:80pm : [ 'aclflo Express.8 6 p m , [ Denver Kxprcss'9.10 a m K. C. , T. JOK k 0. B. K. U. B. 4" DEPOT. ttall 8:26 : a m I Express B'OOam Express 7:20pm 1 Mall u .0.50pm Sundays oxccptcd. Opening and Closing of Hallo. BOUTI. OrHI. CLOBI. a.m. p m. a.m. p.m. 3 &N.W.,0.n. . &P..O. II. & Q. , St Paul & Hloux City.11:00 : 0.00 6:40 : 8:15 : D. , M.&S.P.S. C. & P. In Iowa 0.00 6:40 : Wabasli Express 12.30 8:16 : Waliosh local 0.00 6:40 : K. C. , St. Joe & 0 0.00 0.00 6:40 : 0.50 Missouri Pacific 7:30 : 6:40 : C.SLP. M. & 0 6.00 7:20 : Onion 1'aclflo , ( norland 8:00 : 11:36 : Union Paciflo , Denier Kx. . . . 4:00 : 7:50 : 0. & Ilcpubllum Valloj . . . 1:30 : 11:36 II. & M. Express 7:00 : 7:40 : U. & M. lor Phttsmcmtl ) , S. Bend , Ashland ami Lincoln.11:00 Office open Uuncla\s Irom 12.00 ro. to 1:00 : p. m. O. K. COUTANT Poitmajr" ST , LOUIS PAPER WAREHOUSE , Graham Paper Co. , 217 anil 21D North Main St. , fit. I.oult. WIIOLKSALK URALKltS IN BOOK , ) EIAraEraO J WHITING ! NEWS , fPAPEROjiwUAI'l'INO ENVKLOI'E8OAnD BOARD AND PRINTER'S STOCK fljTOili [ ifilil tor lltt | { nl all klnila. A regular graduata li DR , HENDERSON modiclno. Over elitcci BOO and 808 Wyandotte Bt. , ' years' practtca twelra Ir KANSAS CITY , MO. AuthorUed by the ttate to tiea . ChronloNorvou RndPrl\atedlaeaaei Anthrna , Epilepsy. lUiouuiatlsrn. Pilot. , Tape Worm , Urinary and Bkln Dll ! ! in " ' Debility ( lo a nfsexual power ) , etc. cures Kdarauteed or money refunded. Chargei low. Thounands of caws cured. No Injurious modi clntsfurnlthodevcntopatlonUat a distance. Con. BUltatloa free and conQdeutlal call or write : age anil exixjilence are Important. A HOOK for both lexes llustrated and circulars of oilier things sent icaled with two 3 cent itampn. VUEEUUBKUU 1 od od-w WeakNervousMen direct nipfhoiUendab- rollMn tlmriillu1ilil' . hi ulril'1 re nll < Ir < . MARSTONnEMEDYCO. , < IOW.14thSI. , New York. THE MERCHANTS OX * Authorised Capital , - $1,000,000 , Paid-up Capital , - - 1 MHR' Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000 , , UANKINO OFFICE : N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13th St. OFFIOFUS : FKA K Munrnr , Preildent. I SAM bR. Iloaii , V-Prei X. U. WOOD , Cashier. | Lunii ! * DHABI , AOuih DIllEOTOllS : Vrank Murphy , BamuU K. llouen , Ben. B. oed Cliarlci 0. llou .l , AH. I > . Jone , Luther Drake. Trariuct a Ocntral Banking Iluilne&a. All whi hao any ItanUiiu bualnew to trausact are Invited ti call. No mattir now lart'e or umall the tratuaUlon It will rtcelvo our careful attention , and wo prouiU alwajioourUiomtrcatinent. Paitiartlcular attention to btulnesa for part e reildlni ? outnldo the city. Kxhange on all the prln clualcltlw of the United Btate ut very lowe t rate ( AooouuUof Uauki and Banker * receded oo fatoi able term' ' Iwme Certificate * ol Dq-oalt beartoz B pot ceu Iluyi.nJ nlli Korolin ExcliaDgo , CountClt and Oo > ernmeot eecurltln * HAWT E , This now niul beautiful addition is locntod"botwoon' > DavonportJandCasaatroota1' | ' only ton blocks from the Iligh.ScliBol. Lots "Will be Sold at $350. to $650. HAWTHORNE ! This'ia by all odds the most desirable property placed on the market this year. Situated ns it is , in the heart of the city , and at priceo no higher than is asked for lots two and throe miles distant. Davenport Street is Now being Graded Through this Addition. HAWTHORNE The finest residences in Omaha are being built within seven blocks of this ad this addition and these lots will double in value in loss than six months. Lots in Hawthorne will quadruple in price before lots two and three miles dis tant will double. Call and See Prices and Platjand | with | us to Hawthorne. ties wishing 'desirable residence property will find "it to their advantage call and see ua. Is ornamented with a beautiful | rowth of forest trees. , consisting of Oak , Hickory Ash and Elm. Hence the shade and onnmonta trees are a ready planted and full grown. grown.Wo have property in all parts of the city , both for residence and business pur- . - purpoaoe. - Wo have an Eighty aero tract and ICO acre tract on line of Bolt Railroad at a BEDFORD & SOUER , 213 South 14th Street , between Farnam and Do iglas 3. * ' S r < v