Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1884, Image 1

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Preparatlott of the
Bills Bosnn ,
Prospects for a Difference of Cam
ion Among Membersi
Tostniastors Must Exorcise Theii
Physical Powers ,
Mr , Eland Looking After thi
Trade Dollnr ,
The "TrotCUB Voynjro ami Gcncrn
Hn/cn'B Statement.
WASUINOTON , January 3. The nationn
Aboard of health has information , commu
micatcd by the atato dupartment , of th
continuance of cholera in Moxandria
Judge Farman , of thu intornatiom
tribumto at Cairo , says : 'There ar
from one to three caaes each cLiyresultiiij
in death , and ninny moro in which thus
attacked recover. " Ho estimates th
number of deaths during thu siimino
from cholera as double that given ii
the official reports. The United State :
consul general nt Cairo reports tin
oQicial estimate ns 48,009 to 50,000
Owing to the wantof propororgani ation
however , the returns are not truat
worthy. For example , on July 24 , th
sanitary bulletin fixed the douths ii
Cairo at 465. From police statistic
they exceeded 1,200. The consul genera
reports that in well-informed oflicial eir
cles the number of victims is estimated a
(55,000 to 70,000. In many villages o
the interior , ho Bays , the majority of th
laboring population died , and , in som
instances , 'nearly entire communities die
appeared , and not sufficient effective
hands remain to cultivate and harvest th
The committee on appropriations me
to-d&y. Chairman Randall announce
the following sub-committees to I )
charged with the preparation of the bill
naitted :
Legislative , executive and judicir
appropriation bill Holman , Hancock
Sundry civil Randall , Forney , Ryar
Army -appropriation Forney , Towm
liond , llvcifer.
Navy Hutching , Randall , Calkins.
Pofltofiico Townshend , Holman
Indian Ellis , Holman , Ryan. _
Consular and diplomatic Burne ;
Townshend , Washburn.
Pensions Hancock , Follett an
Military academy Keifor , Forney an
fortifications Herr , Ellis and Hai
District of Columbia Follett , Hutcl
ins and Cannon.
Oifliciencies Randall , Hitrnoa an
St'indall-aays an effort will be . .mado
report all appropriation bills to the .how
April JJoth or the first of May. 'ITh
otiior members of the comniitteo an
however , of opinion that the work car
na ibo completed within the prriodiprc
posed. Trouble is anticipated by > som
in consideration of the legislative , oxepi
ti 'o rand judicial , and sundry civ
bills. A republican member of the committee
mitteo saidi to-day that already ho > coul
see there would be a diversion of opinioi
Commissioner Dudley wao given
hearing before the committee to-day ate
to the Jiftcdi of the pension bureau ant
asked an appropriation of $40,000 whic
haslboon estimated for that dopartmcnl
There v/ill bo in addition to this apprt
priation , if granted , $05,000,000 whic
have not bton used , money previous !
appropriated ,
The military academy bill prepared b
Towns'hsndjWim to-day turned over to 'th
siibommittco having charge of tliaUsul ;
jcct. 'ITho bill as propaied by Townshen
appropriates an aggregate of 82Q,00 ! )
which fs. 1525,000 less than last year an
$1)1,000 ) ilesa than the estimate.
' .Tun iTl'.ADK DOLLAU.
Rp rosontativo Dland had itn inter
view to-day _ with Burclmrd , director o
the taint , in regard to the number o
trade dollars now in circulation. Thi
latter expressed the opinion that botweoi
five and six millions worn out aijd in thi
hands of tradesman and the people generally
orally , instead of in the possession o
speculator * ; . fTho , remainder of the thirty
five milliouG'originally coined ho though
had hoc a exported or roinolted. Blani
says it is .questionable whether the gov
eminent , having iiasued the trade dollar
vrith the etawp of government upon it
could not bo required to take it for gov
ernnient dues at the nominal value , OIL
JTh attorney general decides that i
.postmaster iaorder that ho may be cnti
died to receive Uio cumponsation providci
iby the revised statutes for isaiiing am
[ paying money .orders must personal ! ;
perform the services required in tin
money order bueineza .in his office , in tin
aenso that if the woclc is not physical ! ;
eiocutod under liU hand it must bo cid
cutcd under his inxmodiate suporvisioi
by a lork employed b/Jiitn for that pur
'poeq ' , and who is in no way employed b ;
the ncfitoflico department proper or paii
from the postal funds an diatinguiahei
from money funds.
TI1K riOT2l7S 1 Oi'AdK.
Ca.taia" [ Pike , of the Protons waa before
fore tljo Hectic board to-day and'gavo hi
views c < uxcoriiing the Uest plan to b
adopted to secure success in the next expedition
podition forCJreoloy * srelief ,
Linderkou Lieut. Oarlingtoa's coaa
nulniaae an argument before the Proteu
court in defence of his client. Ho as
tcrted that a. wrong wan doao Gar
lington by the authorized publication o
the .supplimentary instructions as a par
of hta ordotK from the signal office ana it ;
failure to promptly correct such an erroi
through ' the public press when it wai
disco > ered that they were not a part o
hit inatructions. flerujra ! Hazen , chio ;
f ijtnal officer , then read a. long statemnl
defending t | > o signal service and himiell
against the charges of jgnoranca and In
cpoipetcncy brought out in the evidone <
Moro the court of J"fiu"7. Lieut. Caz
inrio when before Iho Protons court testi
fied that ho gAXtj the so-called "supple
mentary instructions" to Captain Powell ,
who was then in the absence of General
Hnzon acting chief signal pflicor on
Mondny , ) uno 4th. Gen. Ilazen stated
to the court to-day that ho was not ab
sent on Juno 4th and thinks ho never
saw the paper until Lieutenant Garling-
ton brought it to him on the Gth of Juno.
Cas'.iarie testified that General llnroii
told him that ho ( Hazen ) had handed the
Powell copy to the secretary of the navy.
Secretary Chandler aaysiho never naw
the paper. The conclusions of the Pro
teus court respecting the matter are difli <
cult to anticipate.
I'iKitsds's I'norosKD root. .
NKYotsK , January y. At the wcoklj
mooting of the trunk line pasaongoi
agents to-day , Assisstant Commissionoi
Piorson made a report in regard to the
conference which ho hold with roprO'
nuntatives of western roads in Chicago
December 28. Four of the six roadt
rej > rcsented viz : Chicago & Northwest ,
urn , Wiibash , Chicago , Milwaukee A
St. Paul nnd Missouri Pacific agreed in
formally to the proposals made by Pier
son as leprpaontativca of the hnca in
joint executive committee and it is prob.
Able tlmt the remaining two , Chicago iS
Rock Island and Chicago \ ; Alton wil !
also consent to sign the agreement. It
is thought that the establishment of thii
agreement between \vestorn and eastern
roads will make a railroad war impossi
The stock holders of the Missouri Pa
cifie railroad have been furnished with i
preliminary statement for 1883 , of the
business of the company. It shows tin
osH earnings of the Missouri Pacific anc
Iron Mountain rail waysjtoba 810,107,400
not earnings § 702UOO ' ; total not profi
after payment of all fixed charges , $4 ,
231,800 , or moro than 14 per cent 01
§ 30,000,000 capital stock , reprosontini
181)5 ) miles of railroad *
The Denver A ; Rio Grande railway
earnings for 1883 showed an increas
over 1882 of $1,038,301.
CHICARO , January S. The committd
of the Missouri river lines appointed yea
tcrday , for the purpose of drafting ai
agreement covering the payment of com
missions on through business from th
seaboard , reported at the meeting to-day
recommending that commissions bo limited
itod to $3 for first class tickets and $2.51
for seconn class , and that these commis
sions must not bo used to cut rates undo
a penalty that tickets of the oliendiiij
line bo taken off tale. All lines signet
the agreement , except the Northwest
ern , which demanded certain local con
cessions which the others declined to ac
cedp to. Commissioner Piorson will b
notified of the result. Another ineetin
willboiheld Wednesday.
A rumor was in general circulation tc
day < that Commissioner Fink would ordc
a reduction in rates on east bound freigh
next Monday on the ground that rate
are being cut. The Chicago agent
yesterday agreed to maintain the ratet
-It is understood that the chief troubl
exists with thn Peoria & St. Louia.
The Burlington road has a warrant ou
for the arrest of a man who has bee
iforging tickets by purchaaing those t
inoar stations , taking out the name wit !
chemicals and substituting the name of
distant station.
. -ST. PAUL , Minn. , January 3. The St
uaul , Minnesota & Northern railroad to
night obtained n grant of the right o
way from the city council to fifty foe
along the levee west of St. Paul. Thi
railroad pledge themselves that th
whole toad will bo built within n porioi
of two ycara. This move ia in connectioi
with the Winona , Alma it Noi thorn
now being constructed from La Crosao t <
St. Paul , and La Crease will bo connect
ed with Ditbuquo , thus giving the Illi
nois Central a thiough line from St.Pau
to the gulf. The Illinois Central i
known toibo backing small roads whic ]
form links in its grand chain ,
CIIIOAOO , January 3. The confcTonc <
between the managers of the lines in thi
now western railway alliance and oflicon
of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincj
with a view to inducing tlmt company ti
form a part of the now combination , i
now in progress in this city. .The Unioi
Pacific , Hock Island , Milwaukee & St
Paul and Northwestern are roproientec
by "tho general managers of thcs <
roads , the oiily absentee being the representative
sontative of the \Yabaah , which ha
no significance. The -afllcors o
the Burlington have had in tlioir posses
aipn cince Monday the last copy of tin
tripartite agreement , the terms of whicl
were under discussion this /oronoon ,
( The statement-is made in an fiuthori/.ec
way to the Associated Press , tiia-t what
ever conclusions are reached by the Bur
lington company , the matter wall .neces
earily be laid Uoforo the board -of .diroc
tore of that company for fi na\ action
The mooting adjourned at 2 o'clock , anc
Uioro is little prospect that a decision ol
at > 3'character will bo reached to-day ,
The meeting adjourned again * t f
o'clock till 10 to-morrow to await 'tin
irriral of President Hayes , of the Wa
jaali. No decision of any character hai
t ecn reached.
Tlio Uiiuxt itamlly.
Br. OUJH ) , January ' . } . A dispsutcl
from Tayloravillo. 111. , 6ho home of tli <
Bond family , says tluvt when the verdfo
of the jurj- became fully &iown there thii
morning the fooling and expression 01
people was that justice cau no longer bi
ibtainod from the courts. Friends o !
Montgomery and the ether defenduntt ,
and they hare some fiiende , endorse UK
verdict , of course , and talk more frooh
khan fora long time. The Baud familj
arrived hero yeitordiy to attend the f u
neral of their reL-itivo who suicided Tucs
day , and grief orer thi.i loss dcadenet
them to the cffoct of the verdict. Colonel
onol Bond said this morning that the 1
hi was too strong for the jury mid hi
lad not counted on conviction auice thai
estimony was I'ivcu. The funeral o !
Abuor D. Bond took place this aftar
i.-I'KO'H Oeatli.
BALTIMOKI : , January 3 , Nelson Pee ,
dte chief judge of the orphans court ,
died to-day , after an illness of sovera
months , aged 73. * He was a cousin o !
Kdgar Allen Pou.
Son Gallagher's ' Love for O'Domiell '
and Truth
Preferred to Lot Her Lover Die
Bather Than Toll a Lie ,
Twenty-six Killed in the Toronto
The St ( Lawrence Giving Mon
treal a Gold Bath ,
Various Mnttors of Interest nml Note
Prom Abroad.
DUHUN , January 3. The Weekly No wi
publishes a letter from A. M. Sullivan ,
jno of Patrick O'Donnoll's counsel , ontl
Lied , "Susan ( Jallngher , the Irish Jeanie
\io Deans ; an Episode of the O'Donnoll
Trial. " Sullivan describes the connec
tion of Susan Gallagher with the killing :
of Carey , and arguoa that the facts re
dound to the credit of the Iriah pensan
try. In this case , ho saya , u simple
Donegal girl outrivaled the Midlothoan
heroine in her anguish , sacrifice , devotion
tion and truth. Mr. Russell's nine-
terly and irresistible argumon !
proved a hundred circumstances
and considerations in favor o :
Carey having handled n pistol during
the tragedy. YUM * ugo O'Donnell separated
aratod from his wife in America. While
revisiting Donegal O'Donnoll ' met Susat
who consented under the appearance ol
his sister to accompany him to the Capo ,
where they intended to marry. When ,
after their return to England , she was
interviewed by Pryor and Sullivan ,
Susan stated that after leaving Capi
Town she sat listless , seasick and dazcci
in the steamer's saloon on n bench , ant
when Sullivan approached the critica
point concerning Carey's pistol , Susan
realizing the tremendous importance ol
the question , suffered intense mental an
guishand trembled like a leaf. Sobbing ! }
she replied , ' 'My back was turned towarc
them air. Oh , sir , if I had only turnec
round before. Oh , sir , I was not look
ing the right way. I hoard some noise
on the floor. It might have been tlu
shuflling of feet. It vraa a small matter. '
Sullivan adds , "Who could contradic
her if she testified she behold Carey witl
a pistol in his hand , or wffat could bi
easier than for her to declare she he an
the pistol fall. " In conclusion ho says
"Tho people of Tyrconnell may clain
with pride the humble heroine , unswerving
ing in her religion and truth , Susan Gal
higher , the Irish Jcannio Deans. "
TOKOMO , January 3. Patrick Nor
ton , aged 17 , the twenty-sixth victim o
yeaterday's disaster , died at midnight
Engineer Jeffrey , of the freight tiaii
that collided with the suburban , lici
dangerously ill at his lodgings. It wa
previously stated that ho jumped fron
his engine bofoie the collision , but thii
ho denies , and says he remembered noth
ing till ho found himself lying in thi
snow with blood flowing from a torribli
scalp wound. Ho states that not having
been over the road before , ho asked for i
pilot , and got Barber , who is under ar
rest. All went well until Hamilton wai
reached. There he was informed tha
No. L express would be the first trait
mot , but no mention was made of UK
suburban , nnd Barber never told him o
it A special meeting of the city coun
oil decided to appropriate $2,000 to aic
the bereaved families , nnd iilso docidec
to cive decent burial to the dead. 1
public meeting will bo held in the coun
cil chamber to-morrow to discuss furtho
steps for the relief of the widows am
orphans. A inootinp of employes of tin
bolt works was hold to-nighc to maki
arrangements for the funeral of the dead
Thopo piobably will bo a public funorn
Saturday aftoinoon.
Patrick Cavanagh , aged 16 , the twenty
sovctrth'-victim , has just died at the hoa
aim : roi'K THHKATINKI : > .
LOK DON , January 3. The Post's Rom
correspoeaont telegraphs that the pope' ;
fieciotary , Monsignor Bocoali , opened 4
letter .from America , addressed to Lei
Xllt , containing u throat that shouli
the pope continue supporting Englam
against the national cause of Ireland
the protection which the Italian govern
ment gives the pope , who is now the on ] ,
sovereign nafo from the dynamiters , \ \ ii
bo of uo avail. The pope is warned tha
there are priests ho is bound to receive
who will obtain access to his presence t <
sustain the cause of the Irish agains
HULK 'JiAiuioit ' niiAci : uior.
HAimoit GjtM'E , N. F , , January 3.-
John Bray and iltichard Bradbury
wounded in the irecent encounter bo
tvroon Orangemen and Catholics , dioi
to-day. Both wore > 0rango sympathizers
Bradbury wan wounded by the burstin ;
of his own rifle. Twenty-one person
are under arrest for participating in tin
riot. Deposition ! ! of witnoaaes wer
taken to-day. Catholic witncssess swca
the fust shot , which killed Callahan , wa
fired by Head Constable Doyle , who 1m
been temporarily suspended from duty
CAIIIO , January 3. The khedive ha
written a loiter to the minister of finano
lirging retrenchment of Koverninont expenses
penses , and stating that ho had dccidec
upon a 10 per cent reduction in the civi
liata for himself and horociitary ptv'ncos
The .expenses of thu coutt must bo re
ducod. Baker Pasha loft Sauakim tc
treat with the Abygsinian chiefs , and so
euro e retreat from Khartoum , of tin
1-arrinoa , via Kasaali. Kl Mulidi is gain
ing ground , and the revolt i.s preadiii |
, January 3. The St. Lawrence
renco rose tkreo feet to-day and now i
causing great inconvenience in lowu
parts of the city. All manufactories am
mills have propped work , the shops beinj
flooded. Six hmudrod mechanics are ou
of employment uutil the fator subsides
The press rooms cC The Post are fillei
with water and tha forms will have to g <
PAKIH , January 3 It i * said the gov
eminent propoao to sell the atato rail
. It is believed the Kothchilda , in
bch'ilf of certain great railway corpora'
tions.ollered the Bovcrnmont 420,000,000
francs for the lines. If the sale ia effected
the government will bo enabled to dis.
ponso with the contemplated loan ol
100,000,000 francs.
ST. Pr.TnuMiiOuo , January 3. Beside
Sabborski , who took part in the murdoi
of LieutenantColonel Sudoikim and
nephew , two men , the actual murderers ,
have boon arrested. Important papers
relating to the nihilists-wore found nt the
Into residence of Sudoikim. ' *
PAUI , January 3. Ctirrion , the
young Alantian who forced his way ink
the reception room of the senate with the
avowed intention to shoot Prime Minister
tor Ferry , has bson sentenced to three
months' imprisonment.
C.UKO , January 3. It is reported thai
El Mahdi's brother-in-law , after occupy'
ing Kawa and Duom has arrived witiui
thirty miles of Khartoum. The govornoi
of Khartoum telegraphs ho is prepared tt
receive the enemy.
CAIRO , January 3. It is stated tlmt
Barroru , French consul general , has in
formed ( he khedive that if England it
unwilling or nimble to defend Egypl
againt El Mahdi , Franco is willing and
able to defend hor.
am ; KMI-EUOR'S ciiuucn.
BKULIN , January 3. Emperor Villialr
to-day attended consecration services al
the Thanksgiving church , erected tt
commemorate his escape from the two at'
tempts to assassinate him in 1878.
SmrriN , January 3. The govornmonl
of China has ordered the construction ol
two moro torpedo bouts at this place.
AVlniry AVotUhur WroBtlotl With.
MINNHAVOUS , January 3. The Trib
nno reports unusually cold weather al
through Minnesota and Dakota. Al
Bismarck the thermometer was hovering
around . (0 ( below zero , while in this city
it ranged from 10 to 25 below , with i
brisk wind , making it very disagreeable
to travelers. To-night proves to bo the
coldest of the season.
POUT Auuiuit , Man. , January 3. Tlu
thermometer was 45 below , this morning ,
CiiioAim , January 2. The Daily News
Rockford , 111. , special says : Theodore
Thomas' orchestra has been snowed ir
on a train , two miles from the city , al
TOKOMO , January 3. Reports fron
all over Ontario say the storm is stil
raging , roads uro badly drifted , and
trains all delayed.
BUVKALO , January 3. The storm that
set in yesterday continued to rage witl
increased fury , accompanied by a blinding -
ing snow and a wind of 40 to CO milospoi
hour. A largo trestle on the Niagarr
Falls branch of the Central railway became
came coated with ice last night , and wai
blown down to-day , forcing all trains on
that line and the Canada Southern to enter
tor the city by the old belt lino. No serious
rious accidenth are reported in this ini'
mediate vicinity , but a wreck is roportoc
on the Lakp Shore at Dunkirk , and <
wrecking train has been sent there.
Joined the Majority.
NEWAUK , N. J. , January 3. Mrotoi
was hanged at ll:2i. : ( Morton was con
derailed to death for the murder sf hu
wife and child. Ho was 53 years of age
and born in England. Morton was cul
down at 11:51 : ! .
James U. Graves was hanged at 11:04 :
Ho was carried to the scaffold. Gravoi
was recluse and < i5 years of ago. In thi
house wherein ho live ! was a familj
named Soden which included a boy
nanitd Eddie. Graves was annoyed bi
the boys , among them Eddie , Sodon , auei
on the night December 20th , 1881 , crop
up behind Kddio while the latter vra
lighting u lamp and shot him dead.
A Vlro Iaiii | Rxplosion.
SCIUMON , Pa. , January 3. Ail explosion
plosion of lire damp at Oxford colliery
owned by the Delaware , Lackawanna A
Western company , this afternoon tor
out the lining of the hoisting and npv
air shafts and cut communication witl
foui Icon men. Within an hour men do
soeiidcd in a bucket and found all alive
John HopkiiiB , John Jones and Willian
Morgan \rerosoriouHly hui t. The other
were slightly injured and hurt.
Dciully OrlnkH.
ITHACA , N. Y. , January 3. John Kil
strain drank lager beer in Pat Sheohay'
ealoo.-i this morning , and died two hour
later. Fred Hoffman drank beer at th
eamo place this afternoon and now lies ii
a comatose condition without hope < :
DanHiuklos' Gax 1MII ,
NEW YO.UK , January 3. The Man
hattan Gas company threatened to cut o
the gas from the residence of Gonero
Dan Sickles unless ho paid a bill prc
sentcd for a period during which ho wa
abroad. The supreme court enjoins th
gas company requiring it to prove it
claims in an action at law.
A. KoUellloit CollupHCB.
NKW YORK , January 3. Uaytion coi
sul has authentic information that Jat
inel. following the example of Juromic
has surrendered. This virtually ends th
Anot her KuocoHNor Named ,
DRNVKK , Uol , , January 3. It is ru
inorod hero that Judge Moses Hullotl
of the United States district court e
this city , will succeed MeCrary as Judy
of the eighth judicial circuit.
WiuitH It.
CHIOACIO , January 3. The Troquoi
nnd Cook county democratic clubs te
night appointed committees to go t
Washington to try and secure the holt
ing of thu national democratic convct
tion in this city.
AHpcclal Klccllou ,
TOI-KKA , Kas. , January 3.Govornt
Glick his ordered a special election ft
March 1st , to elect a successor to the lal
Congressman Ilaskoll from the Socon
coogrouional district.
in thu
ALLIANCE , 0 , January 3. The dwell
ing house of Milton Highland , noa
M chivnicstown , was burned luat niglu
and his two daughters , aged /ourto
and eight , perilled in thu flames.
The Defendants hi NIB Emma BoiiilCasi
That fin Indignant Public is Tired
of Thorn ,
A Gay and Festive Exchange
Work's ' Oaroor ,
A Body Snatohor and a Dootoi
Own Up ,
Tlio Bunk Fnllcil ; Hn Hpcoulntcd
Kxcunt Cashier ;
ST. Louis , January ! ) . A dispatcl
'rom Ulllaboro' says : Matters mo verj
quiet there so far to-day. There is SOUK
litter talk againat the jurors , but m
violent fooling is manifested. Leo Pot
.us loft for the woat this morning , ant
dementi started for Irving , a small towi
six miles away , where he has frionda. .A
lispatch from there saya when it bocanu
mown that ho was in the place ho wai
; iven live minutes to leave , and ho wonl
vt onco. Montgomery's whereabouts 01
ilatis are not definitely known at thii
ST. Louis , January ! ( . A dispatcl
'rom llillsboro to the Associated Pros ;
iays : There is still great excitement hero
To-night a mooting , with Mr. Green , i
prominent miller , as loader , was hold
vnd a resolution was adopted that if atij
of the defendants are in town to-moirov
norning a public mooting will bo calloc
and they notified to leave immediately
A movement was made to hang the jurj
n efligy in front of the court Tiousp to
night , but the idea was filially aban
donod. The sheriff is very nervous it :
regard to the situation.
raoi.1 ! $100,000.
CnicAno , January 3 , A belated ston
of forgery to a very large amount , with t
light and arrest , is made public thii
evening by the Pinkerton dotcctivi
agency. About Christmas time the
igoncy received a telegram from Sporrj
it Barnes , of Now York and New Haven ,
American agents of the largo Liverpool
commission house of Bauiford Biothers ,
; hat their exchange clerk , E. U , Kobbo
liad absconded after forging and convert
ing to his own use $100,000 in exchange
Iho agency at once went to work upoi :
, ho case , and soon discovered Kobbi
lora in company with a man nantoi
John U. Vanaradalo and thai
; hey wore spending money von
'icoly.Vhilo the case was being worked
up Vanaradalo returned to Now York
where ho was arrested. Last Fridaj
ivobbo was arrested secretly , in a housi
of ill repute with one of the inmates ol
which he had bocoino enamored and wa'
jn'tho point of starting for Mexico
Pour hundred dollars in money was foum
in his possession , and ? 1,200 worth o
furs and silks , which ho had lavished 01
the woman , were also taken posacssioi
of. It wan found that Kobbo had spon
$2,500 here , and Vanaradalo $2,000. 1
appears that ho forged bills of oxchang
on Bamford Brothers , which word rcadil ;
lisposcd of to Jcssup , Patten & Co. , h
being recognized as the oxchang
clerk of the firm , and hai
Lho checks made payable t <
Ilia own personal order instead of tha
of the firm. Ha opened an account witl
another bank , collected the amount o
lesaup , Patten & Co.'a chocks , invoatoi
the money in govorn.nont bonds and ab
scondcd. The Pinkcrtons say ho con
FoBsod his gains -were fully $100,00(1 (
Ho was taken to Now York the same du ;
ho was arrested , and last Sunday tool
the detectives to the upper part of Not
York , where they iccovered from a dr ;
cistern , encased in a hermetically aealoi
drain pipe wrapped in oil silk , govern
in en t bonds to the amount of $20OOC
Going thence to Brooklyn another piec
of drain pipe yielded $25,000. It is no
known hero whether any moro of thi
money ban been recovered. Kobbo i
well connected and once occupied a re
sponsiolo position with the Inman lin
and his brother ia now chief clerk of thn
GiiHubo , January U. Thomas Collet
ono of the men charged with with rol
bing graves at Sycamore , this otivto , an
colling the bodies to a medical collcgi
has inadb a confession that ho and hi
companions were icgularly engaged i
the trallic , and that the body of the lad
resuirectcd at Sycamore was sold to th
College of Physicians and Surgeons , an
implicates Dr. lloadloyof that college , i
the transaction. Dr. Hoadloy wan sor.
for by the detective , and admitted tlu
the lady's body was in the dead-house <
the college ; that it was thi custom of th
college , since no longer allowed to u.i
bodies of paupers and unclaimed dead , t
purchase corpses , asking no ( mentioni
that the rule was to keep the bodies si
weeks before dissection ; that the Syci
more lady's body lay untouched in th
dead house , at least ho supposed it wt
there , and if the relatives would idontif
the remains the college would bear a
the expenses of ro-intormcnt. No fu :
thor arrests wore made.
HI :
CIIIDAOO , January ! t. The Daily Now
Decatur , III. , special Bays : The Covini
ton banlr , managed by / , T. Banks , f (
8. II. Morrell , has failed. Liabilitioi
$42,000 The manager 'speculate *
Morroll is worth $50,000 , and has a
signed for the benefit of his creditor ,
Banks hau disappeared.
LKAVKNWOKTII , January U , A nm
named John Brers appeared before tl
United ( States commissioner to-day , un
entered complaint against himself f <
collusion in defrauding the govorninei
out of $100 while a member of the Nint
infantry , United SUtes army , in 1801
In his final account there was $82 <
clothing money due him , and ho and tl ;
company clerk raised it to $182 , .
weighed on his conscience ) , and now 1 ,
wanU to confess and procure a pardoi
The case will probable go to Proildei
SALKM , 0 , Jauuaiy U. Stanley ( jri
Hit , captured and lodged in jail , con
'oases that ho murdered his father.
Isiirmtixo , Mich January 3. T.
Woods , Wndsworth & Co. , bankers , have
assigned. Liabilities , $180,000. The
lopositors will got barely 20 per cent.
The failure is the result of mining spccu-
ntion ,
Hoi'KiNsvit.LK , Ky. , January 3. Jns.
A. Wallace , cashier of the National bank
> f llopkinsvillo , disappeared on Tuesday ,
caving no trace of his whereabouts. An
examination proved that ho had stolen
jotwoon 54,000 and $5.000. It is not
mown whether ho took the money with
iim or whether the peculations wore
long continued in small amounts. It it
supposed that ho will bo making his way
.o Texas or Mexico. Ho has long boon n
.rusted employe of thobankandisofgood
"amily. The crime causes a great sensa
tion. Before leaving the bank Monday
night ho adjusted the time lock to upon
just prior to the hour the train left ,
Wallace was n deacon in the Cumberland
Presbyterian church , of simple habiti
and widely esteemed , lie left nifc
and four daughters , two married , ant'
mo son. The bank in partially securer
jy hin bondsmen and its credit is un
A .STAUl ; UOIUIlili.
GALVKSTON , January , ' ! The Nowa
Lumpasas special says : The Hatmabi
nail coach was nibbed this evening nea
Sonterfeit by three unmaakid men. Tin
amount secured is unknown.
Governor Kol > lnnon'n Advloc.
BOSTON' , January 3. Governor Butloi
and stall' were in the executive ehatnbc
during this morninu. Ho sent two of hi ,
staff to accompany Governor-elect Robin
son to the state house , where ho wni
warmly welcomed by Governor Butler
after which Prosidonco Bruce , of tlu
senate , administered the oath o ! rilico tc
Mr. Robinson and Lieutenant ( Jovornoi
Ames , and the governor-elect at once bean
; an his address.
The governor aaks for n moro particu
ur enforcement of the registration lawi
md biennial elections of state oflicors ,
EIo saya on the labor _ question that ad
venturers and visionaries may try to sol
abor and capital in bitter hostility , atii
up bad blood among citizens , and divide
all the people into envious antagonist ! )
classed , but they are only instigators ol
nischiof and the greatest enemies t <
those whom they profess to aid. All the
statutes relating to hours of labor , tin
employment and schooling of children
ntimidating laborers and kindred sub
eels , should bo strictly enforced. I
hey are not expressive of the judgment
> f the people , lot their repeal come rcgu
arly. The board of charities got a kiiu
word , and greater facilities in obtainiii )
a dissolution of the marriage bond nn
censured. Enforcement is urged of tin
aws existing relating to trallic in intoxi
eating liquors.
BOSTON , January 3. Rev. Lawronc
Wulah , formerly .treasurer of the American
can land league , died ut thu Common
wealth hotel 'this morning , of apoploxj
aged 43.
SAN FiiANCisco , January 3. J. I
Redmond , member of parliament , an
Wm. Redmond , his brother , who hav
boon working for the Irish nationt
league in Australia , arrived hero to-day
The former stated to an Associated Pros
representative , that prior to his visi
there was no organised movement i
Australia , but that during his stay ho ad
dressed 142 meetings , established 30
permanent branches , and collocto
575,000. The federal convention wi
hold yearly meetings , comprised of doh
gations from all the colonies. Th
bishops supported thu movement , wrot
approving the principles of the league
nnd , with the exception of Archbisho
Vaughaii , subscribed funds. Rodmon
further said the colonies subscribed uboi
' 4,000 to the Parnell fund to bo sent <
1'urnell as a special donation. Six Iris
members were elected under the auapici
of the league. Redmond lectures lion
at Denver , Leadvillo and Omaha. H
Drothar goes south and lectures nt Toml
stone , Pe.s MoincsDubu < iuo , and hol (
two meetings at Chicago.
Democratic ) Doctrine DIsHcmtnntor
iNDJANAi'oi.ib' , January 'f. The Stai
Democratic Editorial association hold i
annual session here to-day , nearly all tl ,
democratic papers of the state being re ]
refltmtcd. Resolutions were adoptc
looking to a moro extensive circtilatio
of democratic ; newspapers among tl :
masses , that the purponcs of the deini
cratic party may be moro fully brongl
to the understanding of the people got
orally , in order that the democratic prof
may bo made an ellicient medium for th
dissemination of "uound and correi
political doctrines. " A letter was rea
from ex-Senator Hondricks , dated i
London , stating that ho had enjoyed
plcaeant trip across the ocean. Fift
electrotypes of Senator McDonald woi
distributed to the editors free , for use i
their papers , being the gift of Colon
Williams. A public mass mooting wi
held this afternoon and was addressed t
Senator McDonald on the tariff an
other political qucationa. A banqui
was partaken of to-night.
SAN FiiANUihco , January , ' ! . A moo
ing hold in the Grand hotel this ovonin ,
to make arrangements for holding
world' * fair in this city in 1887 , was tl
nibst influential ever hold on the Paoll
coast. Governor Stonomnn presided , at :
read letters from the Pacific coastdulog
tion in congress promising their uuppoi
It was resolved to provide a guaranti
fund of $1,000,000 , and when obtaine <
tc petition congress and thn state login !
turo for appropriations. 'Iho feeling wi
strongly unanimous to carry the projo
through. The meeting roprosenu
Clura l > inilub It.
KANHAH Cn-v , January 3.1 local i
terview appears to-day in a mornii
paper in which Mr . Harriott ( Ola
Morris ) is made to give utteianno to tl
severest strictures on the personal cha
actor of Mre. Liugtry. Air. F. 0. HB
riott , speaking for his wife , donioi ei
iihaticiilly , the utterances uttiibuted
her by the reporter.
Koll From u Train ,
N , Neb , , January 3. A mi
supposed to bo Torn O'ltnen , fell from
train near here to-day and was instant
killed , It ia not known where ho
from ,
ping of the Great Senatorial Fkht
in ( Mo ,
tontloman George's Prospect of
Being Paynedi
) urbin Ward's ' Forlorn Here
Nursed by Thurman ,
Iho War Horses on the Ground
Snorting for the Fray ,
A WiRHllilllty Tlmt Tlmrman Mny bo
the Man.
COI.UMIIIIS , O. , January 3. A demo-
ratio caucus to nominate a senator to
ucccod Pondloton will probably bo hold
> arly next week. The contest has nar-
> wud down between Hon. Henry B.
'ayno of Cleveland and Senator Pondlo-
.011. Only a few votes can bo counted
or Goncral Durbin Ward or other candi-
iatcs. Members of the legislature are
rriving and largo delegations of fricndn
if the loading senatorial candidates are
in the ground and are well organ-
zed for battle. Payno'n frionda
laim that ho will easily bo
lominatod on the first ballot , while
'endleton's forces still have confidence
nd think if Pondloton is not nominated
hey will bo able to nominate another
nan. It is believed that if Pendloton's
upporters discover that the senator has
10 possible chancp they will at the last
lenient cast their votes for ox-Senator
'hurinau in hopes of breaking the Payne
ilmlanx. Thurman , however , is in no
onso n candidate , being a warm sup-
ortor of General Ward's candidacy ,
senator Pondloton is on the ground m
crson , directing his campaign , also Gon-
ral Ward. Colonel Oliver H. Puyno
nd ox-Mayor Cleveland , representing
lia father are on the field.
MOINEH , January 3. Several an-
ual elections of railroad companies were ,
told here to-day of Iowa lines in tho'
Vabash system. In the DCS Moines &
} t. Louis road , Jay Gould , A. L. Hop.
tins , R. S. Hayes , J. F. Howe , H. M.
Hoxio , J. S. Runnels , J. S. Clarksou
and J. S. Polk were elected directors ,
, nd J. S. Clarkson , president ; 0. F.
Blocks , secretary , and D. S. H. Smith ,
roasurer , In the St. Louis , DCS Iloines
Northern , G. M. Dodge , J. S. Clark-
ion , 0. F. Meek , J. G. Granger , and F.
. Hubbell , were elected directois. anil
. M. Dodge , president , and J. T. Gran
tor , secretary and treasurer.
It is reported to-night on good author-
ty that Peck & Hubbell , a firm of bro
kers in this city , have offered $330,000-
in cash for what is loft of the wreck of
, ho estate of B. F. Allen , a bankrupt ,
who failed eleven years ago. '
The Itacoril of Fires.
NEW YOUK , January 3. The Commer
cial Bulletin to-morrow will publish a
luminary of the fire record during 1883.
Die aggregate fire loss for the year was
$103,000,000. There were 100 fires
where the loss exceeded $100,000. The
December fire records shows an aggre
gate loss of $11,000,000. Thn Crolr.BS
: tf 1883 is the heaviest since 1871 and
1872 , the years of the Chicago and Beaten -
ton fires.
AmiusTA , Ga. , January 3. Phinay t
Go's cotton warehouse took fire this
morning which got under way before it
could bo reached. There were 3iOO (
bales of cotton in the warehouse and this
had been burning ton hours. The entire
fire department are still at work. Lessen -
on cotton , $160,000 ; the Ions on ware
house $2000 ; insured for § 145,000. At 7
o'clock the warehouse of Wholor & Co. ,
containing 800 bales , ignited by sparks
from Phinxy's warehouse. The fire is-
under control but the cotton is still
burning. LOBS on cotton $20,00. Loan
on warehouse 5,000 ; insured. The
weather is so cold that the water froze
almost ns fast as it left the engines.
WKATUHitronn , Tex. , January 3. A
destructive fire at an early hour this
morning burned four stores and. damaged ,
adjoining blocks. .Loss not estimated ,
but heavy.
DALTO.V , Ga. , January 3. Four bu
siness houses were bured to-day. Loss
$ 0,000 ; partially insured ; incendiary ,
Prohibitory I'ollUcs ,
CLKVELAND , December 3. The Wo-
man's Christian temperance union is >
about to initiate another political move
ment , planned by Mrs. Frances Willardr
vice-president of the national union , who
recently left here for Chicago , from
which point aho will superintend sim
ilar work through the ntato and local
unions throughout the United States.
The project is to get one million signa-
tuies to a document to bo presented to
the next national convention of each
paity , asking the insertion of a prohibi
tion plank in the platform. The Cleveland -
land union has given Gen. E. S. Myers a
splendid and contly souvenir , specially
procured in Now York by Mr. and Mrs.
John Rnskofollei , in recognition of
his efleotivo and gratuitous service as
counselor and director of the second
amendment campaign in Ohio last fall.
Mr , Miuni'ti Munlleot.
CHICAGO , January 3In a Washing
ton special , published hnro this morning
< ! ov. N. G. Ordwny , of Dakota , is ropro
sentcd us saying that ho offered General
O , L. Mann , cx-sheirifl'of Cook county ,
the appointment na one of the commis
sioners for thu organization of Potter
county , Dikotu , concerning which organ
ization recent clmi-yeB have uriscn in.
Dakota , ( iiineriil Mann in an interview
tomorrowl ldeny \ \ the statement as
absolutely false. He says on the 10th of
last November , ho told Ordway personally -
ally that ho Mould serve os such commla-
Moner "If It was to bo a fair deal' To
that Ordvmy said to him then that ho
had not appointed commissioner * for
Potter county. General Mann aiaerts
this ttaltiiH'jit viis n mistnkr , as the
commitsiuna hear elute four days prior to
tin's conversation ,