Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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    r i p1 !
The "Wonk nnct iho Impure.
The merry little mountain brook ,
as it lightly dances over the rocks
and sparkles in the sunshine on its
way down to the river , is pure and
( clean. It is active ; therefore , it is
wealthy. It is vigorous ; therefore ,
it resists impurity.
But the sluggish pool , where the
current is noOstnong enough to keep
the water in motion , is stagnant and
foul. Dirt and rubbish arc thrown
Into it , and stay there. Impurities
mid vile odors make it a breeder of
disease nnd an object to be avoided.
When the blood is strong and rich
and red , nnd vigorously courses its
accustomed rounds througu arteries
and veins , the system is liearty and
When the blood is thin and poor
and weak , impurities and defilements
creep into it , and it has no strength
( o cast them out. Then the system
runs down.
Brown's Iron Bitters contains the
only preparation of iron which can
enrich the blood , and make it pure ,
vigorous , and healthy. A dollar a
M VxHtlc. at the nearest druircist's. 0
ln ] ' . 0. WEST'S NnnvK AND HHAIN TnrAT-
KENT , n guaranteed enncitto for Hjntorin , Jizzi-
lifts- ) , Convulsions , Vita , Nervous NotrrnlRin ,
llondaclio , Norvoun Front mtion canned liy llio uno
of alcohol ortobneco , WokcfuInoBB , Mc-ntnl Jo-
proMion , HoftontnR of tlio Drain resulting in in-
unnitjr nnd InmlinR to mincry , iloony nnd death ,
I'roranturo Old Afjo , UnrronncBS , L < WH of power
in ritlior sor. Involuntary Ixissm nnu Biiormnt-
orrlicca cnusou byovcr-oiortlnn ot the drain , noli *
nbuno or nvor-lndalgonca. Unch box contains
ono month's trontmont , $1.00 n box.orpix boxes
for $5.00 , eont by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
IVK UAiiA\Tii : HIX jtoxns
To euro nny caso. With cneh onlor rocolvoil byn
for nix boxes , occompanied with fSXXvo ) will
eond the purchaser our written Riiamnteo to roland -
land tlio money ir the trontmont dooa not ouoct
ucuro. Guarantees issued only by
' C. F. GOODMAN , SoleJAont for Onuha [ Neb.
Th roraedr being Injected dlreotly to the oat
Ihe 'k8o , require ) no change of diet or nauseous ,
mercuti&l or poisonous racdlclnoa to bo taken Intern-
ilyYhen 'ucJ m n provcntlvo by either BOX , It li
Impomiolo to contract any private ultoww ; but In the
cue of these already unfortunately aftllctod wo vuar-
ftntca three boxes to euro , or wo will refund the
monoy. Price by mall , pout&go paid , (2 per box , or
Intel boxes ( or $5.
f u d by all authorliod.agenta. ,
C.P. Goodman , Druggist , | 8olo Agent , for Omaha
Keh _ tn&o wlv
266TH EDITION , PRICE $1:00 : ,
Exhausted Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility ,
Premature Decline in Han , Kiroraof Youth , and the
untold miseries resulting from Indiscretions or ox-
ceases. A book for oiorj man , young , middle aged ,
and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute
nnd chronic diseases each ono of hlch Is Inx aluablo
So found by the Author , wboao oxporlenco for 2
) oars It euch aa probably net or before foil to the lo
of any phjelclan. 800 pages , bound In bcautllu
1'reuch muslin , omboeaoJcxnors , full gilt.guaranteed
/ tabej pnor work , In every sense , mechanical , literary -
orary and professional , than any other work sold In
this country for 12.60 , or the money will be refunded
In every Instance. Price only 81.00 by miill , post
paid. Illustrative sample fi cents. Bond now. Qold
modal awarded the author by tl.o National Modlcal
Association , to the officers ot which lie refers.
This book should be read by the young for Instruc
tion , and by the & ( nctod ( for relief. It will bcneflt
nil. London Lancet.
There Is no member of society to whom this book
will not bo useful , whether youth , parent , guardian ,
lostructoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Address the Peabody Modlcal Institute , or Dr. W.
II. I'arkor , No. i UulQnch Ktrcot , Boston Mass. . who
may bo consulted on all diseases requiring skill nnd
experience. Chronic amlobntlnatoducaiesthat have
baffled the skill of all other I > hlri | | clans
A epccudty , Buoh treated success-ll-Hl. ( fully
without an instance of failure ,
TO mUOM BCilK , IO. STOJ , 110.
,4 Tun HllU , lli-uiii llux Iiirluilcd ,
_ , a40 "AHMER'8 SCALE. 0.
" . ,
Tbe "l.flt : . Riitectlvo , " M or. icils 11. . | 3.
100 OTIiril Bir.KS. lltdorrii FBItK L1HT riUIS ,
4ltlb.An llnuilKit rTouU.aiO
job * .
Ilowir , MmK. Virus A other Artlcloi
' AT UiniL I'Ultlti. WUULL&1LK It UKTAU.
J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. ,
Oou.ll.M-t : vx .cl
1101 Farntm Street , oppoilto Pinion Hotel , Oin
Im , Neb.
curt * Ken outnpM
I.uiulinirn.llliruiniitlKiii , 1'nr
nlv l . hiurulKlo , Hilnllcn
Hilut | < unij l.t\vr
r MI ll
M. | V. iiiiHiiiuj
Uuiull tlfu . ii Vlrll.l-H' . Ollh K liiitillu Kite
trie Hell III A int n-inU the Kit i mi Ily uiul iiinf
iietUm thruutfh tl I < ! ) , and ( an IM > xr < hniyitl In mi In
Hani liythi * i > l ( tu .SimlHtmnp for CJiiulur.
i.ulorlUl Wttbu.ii A > . .Clili mro.
SI OOO Would Mot Buy It.
DR. lloKVK luai anilctod with rheumatUm , aiu
cured b } ualnt a belt. To any one altllctod will
that dlicaie , 1 wou'tl ' lay , buy Honio'n Kkctrto licit
Any one can confer with uie b > writing or culllnt ,
at m > itore , lt0 DoufUu itreot , Omaha , Neb.
MAIN OrT10iOm > o lto iioitollluu , Uoom 4 Fron
* er Illock ,
iff for Bale at 0. F , Q6odiuan' Drug Store , 1110
X Kariiaiint-cct , Omaht.
OrJ r filled O.U. D.
sn , ATWOOD ,
Plnttsmouth ,
> 30 lil'fLOO OK itun KKO DUIITE
f jrTfounit ttoek for lulo. Correipondenixr wlldteJ
I'osillvely mid permanently re
stored In 2 to 10 dayi byuuell <
U n. Sealed Pumvli Krvo Add
VcAtlicr Sl n of tlio KnssUn SIou-
A llussiim ndmiror of Gon. Ilazon , the
weather prophet find author of essays on
ornndoos , Ifon coops , umbrellas , and
togs , wishes to inform the chief ofttho
ignal Rorvico seine of the weather signs
of the Russian moujlks , who have for
,000 years studied the motorological sig
nificance of the actions of mice , cats , lob
sters , fish , dogs , swallows , swans , geese ,
lucksiroostors , sm ko , and acorns :
If sparrows nro busy about their nests
or ily in Hocks , the weather will bo clear
and fair.
If swans fly southward quite Into in the
season , say at the end of .September ; the
all will bo warm and , prolonged.
If swallows Hy near the ground , tharo
vill bo rainy or windy weather.
If chicks seek shelter , the weather will
)0 wot. . ,
If chickens and other fowls pick their
feathers , there will bo cloudy and damp
If , during sovcro frosla , roosters crow
very early , the weather will become
moderate or even warm.
When ducks bathe nnd quack there will
> o rain , and when they are quiet there
will bo a thunder storm.
If goose bathe it will rain.
If a cat searches for a warm place
there will bo cold woathor. If ft cat
crntehcs a door , table or other object
with its claws there will bo windy and
snowy woathor.
If dogs roll in winter there will bo
snow ; if in Hummer there will rain.
If mice make their nests above the
ground in ricks the fall will bo
rainy and prolonged. If-they make their
nests under ricks upon the ground the
spring will bo fair. If. they make their
icsts before the crop is reaped rainy
weather will begin in August nnd the fall
will bo bad ,
Fish appear on the surface of water before
fore rain , and go to the bottom before a
strong wind.
Lobsters crawl upon the banks before
rainy weather.
If oak lands grow plentiful the fol.ow-
ng winter will bo severe nnd the summer
If smoke sinks to the ground whim
, here is no wind , in winter it will enow ,
in summer it will rain. If smoke rises
even during bad weather fair weather
will follow. , ,
If at sunset there nro no cloud the
next day will bo fair ; if the sun sola in
clouds the next day will bo cloudy and
perhaps rainy. If the setting sun is rod ,
Jio next dny there will boa strong
If the horns of the now moon nro long
nnd sharp , then in winter the wh lo
npnth will bo cold , and in summer
'air.If the moon looks pale , it will rain ; if
clear and bright , there will bo fair
If fog lies on the ground there will bo
fair weather ; if it lisos in the ovoning.tho
next day will bo warm.
If the first thunder is hoard from the
south , during the coining summer there
will bo many thunder storms. If it
.huudors in winter there will bo a strong
If there are rod clouds botoro suriso ,
; ho day will bo very windy.
If a person lots the now moon sluno on
lia or her empty pocketbook , ho or she
will not have n single penny during the
whole month.
Nothing Iilko It.
No moJidno has ( u or boon known HO ofToc-
ual in the euro of all these dlsoises arising
rom au Impure condition of the blood as
h HIT for the euro of Scrofula. Whlto , Hwel-
ingti , Hliomnatimn , IMmploj , Blotches , Enip-
Ions , Venereal Karen and Dlseasoa.Cousmnp-
, Ion , Goitro , Holla , Cancers , and all .kindred
dlsoftHOs. It purifies the system , brings color
a the chooka and restores the aulforor to n
normal condition of health and vigor.
It IR assorted that tlio ordinary cosmetics
rood by ladles are productive of great mis-
: lilof. Wo bollota this is BO , and that a bot-
; or menus of securing a beautiful complexion
K to use Homo good blood medicine like SCO-
which cleanses the blood and givo.i permanent
joauty to the nkln.
The Iiow-Ncclc Fancy.
Now York Loiter : The low neck may
> o said to bo on the ramnago. It is doini-
innt. It is universal in ultrn-fashion-
nblo society nnd it is accompanied by the
mallost nnd shortest of sleeves not
straps , but real nloovos only short nnd
iloso to the arms , not pulled or sot into a
) cnd. The Venetian style , as brought
down to us by artists and writers when
Venice wns in its glorynnd as repro
duced on the stage at a recent oporn , was
very splendid. Slooyos were double ,
eng , clasp , and flowing ; bodices were
lointod , richly embroidered with gold or
irecious stones , and finished at the nock
vith the fan-shaped collar of stltT-om-
jroidorcd laco. The robes were gorgeous
u color , of the richcstvplvot and brocade ,
and the olaboratoly-trimmod hair was
often surmounted with small crown-
shaped Iioad-drcsscB of velvet , incrusted
with jowola , Contrast this magnificence
with the dullness and sameness of rows
of nocks and arms to bo soon at operas ,
lot remarkable for beauty , whitened into
liveliness and only alternating in the dif
ferent degrees of plump and scraggy. The
astonishing imbecility of a blind adhor-
01100 to a fixed style is its frequent and
exceeding unbocomiugnoas. The display
of bono is as painful as the display of
flesh is disgusting. Both require the
modifying influences of the soft and gen
tle fabrics which trail their length upon
tlio ground , leaving the tipper part of the
person , almost to the waist pitifully un
Hound or square depends upon the
kind , of shoulders of which a lady is pos
sessed. If she has "good" shouldcis she
may wear n round waist , nnd the more
it loaves thorn exposed the bettor. If she
has not good shoulders she should have
the low Lodico , cut square , so as to bring
a strap over thorn , this being the only
concession fashison makes to the weak-
HUBS to the form divino. But who is to
bo the judge of the different kinds ol
shoulders' ! Not the possessor , and certain
ly not the droasmakor , for she would
risk the loss of a customer The hnppy
correlation or correspondence , therefore ,
which should exist between the shoulder *
and their covering , Or rather uncovering ,
is us uncertain aa homo-mado bread 01
bliss in matrimony ,
I'ulllo Siwlvcri ami Singm flnl II. II , Dnu jlasJ :
Koiu' Cap < icuui IXiu.'li Drops a uro rcuietl ) lei
hoaricaib * .
llorsout Faro ,
Pen er Times.
Ill a purty of pnl or play era here a nighi
or two ago the conversation turned upoi
high stakes at gambling , nnd then upoi
thu queer character of dots made in tin
piojoiicu of the speakers in the pnet.
"Mustang Joe , " eaid ono , " 1 know ii
Texas , Ho made his living by catchinj
iid Bulling mustanys , and ho was a
> lor from 'way back , too , Played to win
or lese , and , where 'short cards' were
soncorncd , generally won , Ho roda a
> oautiful horse ho called 'Dan ; ' had him
apariaoncd as'gorgcously as a lady at the
Vnndorbilt ball , with gold nnd silver trap-
lings , nnd had him trained bolter than
nycircushorsolovorsaw. Joohnd refused
' 5,000 for him , saddle nnd bridlo. Ono
light I wns watching a faro game in Sun
Antonio. The chips wore ftvo dollars ,
nnd there was no limit , Joohnd just
: omo in from Mexico with nearly $11,000
n cash , and ho was playing. The nco
and queen seemed to bo his favorite
ards , nnd 8500 wont on every hot ho
undo. Ho finally got broke. 'Go on
vith the deal I'll ho back in a mmuto , '
10 said to the dealer , Jack Urynnt , and
wont out. The next deal had just com-
noticed when Joe returned , nnd nftor
lim , harnessed in nil his bravorystcppcd
ho horse Dan.
" 'Any aces out ! ' asked Joe coolly ,
while the crowd looked with nmnzomont
at the horse , which _ wns gazing with nl-
most supernatural intelligence at the
nro layout ,
" 'One , ' answered Bryant laconically ,
" 'Jack , will you tivo { mo $100 forDan ? '
naked Joo.
" 'Yos. '
" 'Ho goes for $ -100 , then ! ' Dan , the
lorao , roared himself at n sign from Joe ,
and ono of his four hoofs the gambler
ilaccd on the layout on the aco. Every-
mo watched in breathless silence. The
card won. "Go homo , Dan , ' said Joe ,
md the horse trotted out of the room and
a his stable. Joe sat , plt.yod nil night
and drew out of the game $11,000 ahead. "
Itoniln Bnrflnparilla
[ s designed to inept the wants of those
who need a medicine to build them up ,
; ivo them an appetite , purify their blood
md oil up the machinery of their bodies ,
tfo other article takes hold of the system
md hits exactly the spot like Hood's
Saroaparilla. It works like magic , readi
ng every part of the human body through
ho blood , giving to all renewed life and
energy. § 1 a bottle ; six for $5.
The Way in Which EiucntrlcnneH are
Trained lur Their UuglncHH
ilurd Work mill Ijlttlo
From the New York Nows.
"Tho work of the loading equestrienne
s ono of the most laborious in the whole
range of tlio circus profession. It re
quires physical courage of the highest
order , combined with , great powers of
niduranco and a capacity for adapting
ino's self to a constant change of scene
md surrounding. People who witness
, ho brilliant performances in the ring , in
an atmosphere laden with light and
nusic , little dream of the wearisome toil
and drudgery which precede them. "
The speaker wns a fair-haired English
ady , who came to this country from Lon
don to fill an engagement as leading
equestrienne in a circus.
"Tho training necessary to success in
tquostrian performances , continued slip ,
"is monotonous tn the extreme , nnd in
sonio parts very dangerous. None but
; hose in nigged health over withstand it ,
and no ono without a perfect physical
organization should undertake it. The
> rdinary exorcises of the ridingschool are
.rifles as compared with the tasks of
) rofpssioiial training. No woman , unless
slip is possessed of extraordinary natural
skill , ought to appear in the ring before
an audience until she has graduated from
a riding-school , and then practised in the
ing four or five hours every day for nt
east six months. These six months will
> o a period of torture and weariness to
lor , but she must undergo thorn 9r run
ho risk of almost certain failure and
lumiliation upon her first appearance in
"Tho best equestrian instructor in Eu- ,
opo in fact the only ono of established
'oputationis ' M.Salmonsky of Berlin. Ho
s ono of the greatest horsemen in the
world , and his great circus includes some
of the finest Htook on the Continent. Ho
aw mo first in London , my native place ,
many years ago , when I wife performing
with my brothers and sisters in Henley's
logout Street circus , and offered to take
no with him to Berlin and complete my
raining. I accepted , and entered his
ircun af , the Gorman capital , whore I re-
oivod the most careful instruction ho
could ( 'ivo mo.
"Salmonsky would send mo into the
ing with his most spirited horses every
lay , and stand by to direct my exorcises.
Sometimes I thought I should never sur-
ivo the terrible discipline , and often
hought I should go back to London and
content myself with being a second-rate
idor , but the kindness of my good old
nstrnctor softened the innumerable
mmps and bruises I received , and at last
triumphed. Emperor William and the
crown prince attended the circus the
light I made my debut , and compliment
ed mo formally nnd potsonnlly from their
IX. "
"M. Salmonsky's course of training is
very rigid , and that accounts for its thor
oughness. The pupil must surrender
wholly to the instructor , nnd become very
nuch ns n ball of wax in his hands. At
.ho outset , however , the scholar must ob-
nin complete mastery of her horses.
or give up her ambition and abandon the
irofossion , She will never succeed so
eng as she is afraid cither of herself or
lor horsoi.
"Aa I said before , no ono unacquainted
, yith the dangerous preparatory instruc-
.ion of an cqucstironno has any proper
! stimatn of the toil and weariness which
lor performance represents. One never
knows the boundless capacity of the
liuinnn frame for mins und aches until
ono has gene into training for cir
cus-riding. Wlmt with unruly horses ,
uncomfortable saddles , and the violent
exorcise involved , II vo or six hours of
practice ovi ry day for months is certain
to do one of two things it either kills
the pupil or brings her up to tlio perfec
tion of physical womanhood. The hours
of practice adopted by M. Salmonsky
were in the forenoon generally from rJ
to 12 , with , perhaps , another hour or two
in the evening. To withstand this course
ono must dress loosely and bucomo o
devotee to plain living and the laws ol
hygiene. Any neglect of these princl
plea , or any great loss of sloop , usually
result in broken health and professiona
failure. "
There can | * > Bomothlng liprota in n
cinu us well as in indlvidiialj. ilnnlMk lllou >
Hitter * have elTcctud iminy a gallant retcu <
among the imllorliig Hick , Thousands havi
L'scuiRid th mUurlon of dy peUia ( ! and norvnn
delmity through theta of UiU wonderfn
medicine. It U emphatically the licit * tom
uch and blood tonlo in thu world.
The Hey uiul 11 In Mother's I'lvm-nt
Kruui the JK-tioU l'fui I'jdim.
A boy about ton yours old , witli boot
black's kit on his arm , yesterday wjnke
to a lad nbput three years older
nto the alloy behind the postoflico , and
when ho had him there ho said :
"I want you to give mo a little ad-
"That's mo What is it ! "
"I'm thinking of buying , mother n
Christmas present. " /
"I soo. What kind of a mother is
ho ? "
"Oh , purty fair. "
"Ever lick yo ? "
"Onco in a while ; but I guess 1 needed
"Ever sneak up and go through your
mckcts after yo git to bed ! "
"No. "
"Jaw nround when sh6 has to find your
mt or boots ? "
"Not much. "
"Well , now , you look n-horo. I'm
oldcr'n you ara and have had thrco
mothers to yourono. They ain't nllus to bo
depended oil. I'vo known 'cm to bo ns
slick n grease for thrco or four days , and
lion nil to once they'd snatch yo bald-
loaded. You must kinder consider thoio
in buying a present. "
| 'What shall i git ? I'm thinking of n
> air of shears , or a wash basket , or a sil
ver thimble , or some such n thing , "
"Don't you git nothin' of the sort.
You'd fool purty flat to go and pay ono
lollar for a work basket , and then have
icr cuff you to a peak jist the day bo-
'ore the Christinas , wouldn't you ? That's
; ho trouble , you see , you've got to pur-
.oct yourself and give n present at the
same time. " .
"How do you do ? "
" 1 never buy nothin' , but you go and
Hot _ a pound of candy. Give mo four
sticks and hide the rest under the house.
[ f she keeps good up to Christmas you
iin put it in her stocking and sho'll bo
sure to give you back half of it. If she
; ocs to knocking things around , you'vo
; pt sunthin * that you kin realize on. You
lin't stuck on a basket of hardware or
lunthin' that's no good to a boy. Candy
s all us worth its fnco value , and what you
san't oat you kin always use in hiring the
) ig boys not to lick yo. "
" 1 guess I'll do it. "
"Of course you will. Tell yo , Jim ,
.hero's nuthin" like plannin' a littlp.
Kvory Christmas I give my father six
: iard bilcd eggs , nnd as ho hates o'm like , ho pata mo on the head for my
goodness and hands mo back every blessed -
od ono. "
HourBCiiCRH. The irrita
tion which induces coughing immediately re-
loved by the use of "Hrown's Jlronchial
Trocliti. Sold only in boxo * .
The Tigers ami
Own ,
The advantage is'as yet on the side of
; ho boasts. Taking the returns of seven
/oars , wo find that man has killed about
11-10,000 wild beasts tigurs , bears , leop
ards , wolves , hyenas , and others or
nbout 20,000 annually. During tlio same
icriods the boasts have destroyed 28,000
luman beings , or about 4,000 a year.
Taking the respective rates of the ro-
irpductipn of species human and feral ,
t is obvious that there is very little to
choose between the two lists of casualties ,
and that the boasts will make good the
deficiencies in their numbers as quickly
as , if not sooner than the human beings.
3n the aide of the tigers and their :1-
ics has to bo added the advantage gained
of having killed during the same seven
roars an annual average of 45,000 head
of cattle , or a total of IMO.OOO , and in-
lictod further a monetary expenditure
upon the government of ' 10,000
a year. The balance , therefore ,
oughly stated , stands thus ono human
joingfi'ith eleven head of cattle and
hroo pounds in cash , for every iivo wild
jcasts. In the great fight with the
snakes , the advantage , numerically , is
mmonsoly in favor of humanity , for ,
wlii'o the reptiles killed about eighteen
houaand human beings every year , and
ibout three thousand cattle , they lost of
, heir own numbers nearly two hundred
housand annually. Hero again , however -
over , the question of reproduction ought
o bo considered , and it will bo soon that
ho outcome of the conflict is really very
evenly balanced , for n given number of
snakes will add two hundred thousand
, o their numbers in a far shorter time
naii the same number of human beings
will add oightcon thousand. So that as
, ho question of extermination stands in
ndia to-day , it seems just as probable
.hat . men and their domestic cattle will
10 extinct before the wild boasts nnd
venomous snakes. In alliance these
, wo orders of deadly creatures are
rory formidable , for the multiplication of
luman population makes no difference to
ho snakes , except that the number of
heir victims increases , while the spread
if cultivation gives the boasts of prey a
vidor field for reprisals. Every aero
> rouglit under the plow , is a protest
against the savage aboriginal lifo of the
quadrupeds , but for every aero under the
> low , there must bo brought several
icrcs under pasturage. Hero the man
gives , in each head of cattle which ho
nits upon his fields , a hostage to the old
prda of the manor. They exact their
: ithes , too , these fierce barons of the
woodland , with no considerate hand ; and
: or the sake of a single meal oil a wretch
ed pair of plow oxon a tigpr and his mate
will throw out of cultivation twenty
acres of arableland. . In ono district
gome lifty square miles of estate have
, ! iU3 boon reclaimed by the original land-
ords. They ate up the villager's plow
cattle , and now and then a vilagor also ,
md the result wns that'.tho fields of the
district lapsed to them by default of
other occupancy , and became the
same comfortable , quiet jungle that
: hey had known it to bo in the past. The
further , therefore , the man pushes his
liords and Hocks and the further lip goes
limsolf the more ho sots himself in thu
wrong with the hoioditary lords of the
soil. Ho drives away the wild things ,
* the villains , " upon which , in the feudal
days of the boasts , the nobles used to
focd , and thrusts under the nose of the
starving aristocracy a class of animal , the
domesticated beef , which is more gener
ous eating and not nearly so nimble as
the antelopes that used to graze on the
sauio pastures. What wonder , then ,
that the Rajahs of the jungle should
loungo'out from their leafy palucea and
help themselves to the clumsy , foolish-
mannered , horned things that they find
at their very doors , or that they should
oat the poor , frightened , helpless man 01
woman whom they discover cowering be
hind the bushes or trying to hide umoiif
the grain-crops ) Cattle and human beings
ings alike are thcio ns hostages , und i
num will persist in trusting to the generosity
osity or chivalry of beasts of prey , thoj
must pay the puce ot their misplacci
uontidonco. Such ravages , however , nro
no doubt , to bo mot by force , nnd over ;
year the government of India ontprtaiin
fresh intentions of taking thu iiuld it
earnest against iho carnivora. Kverj
year , however , passes with just the BIHIU
toll upon the lives of men and thei :
animals , nnd the same display of impotence
tonco upon the part of tho. "lords o
creation/ ' For , as a matter of fact , tlio
loss of liurnnn-lifo in nearly every district
in India is larger in the last of the ovcn
yoarswhich wo have had under roTiow
than in the first.
Against the snakes there is an annu
ally increasing bitterness , and if it were
not , that Asiatics are Asiatics , such n
wholesale slaughter of these deadly reptiles -
tiles might bo accomplished ni would
thin their numbers very rapidly and in
cartain districts probably exterminate
them. Yet unfortunately the Hiiulo per
sists jn building huts without windows
and in keeping his firewood nnd domestic
chatties itUho darkest corner of his hut ,
nnd in going with bare foot and hands
and without a light of any kind to fetch
them when ho needs them. The result
is that ho disturbs a snake , and when the
doctor comes to see the corpse ho finds
either nn the fingers or the tees the tiny
loubln punoturo which is the cobra's or
korait's broad arrow of death. To com
bat the snake successfully there is needed
u the first place daylight , and in the
next shoo-loathor. Tlicso reptiles are noc
turnal , and against boots nro power-
ess. The result is that during
ill the time Europeans have been
in India there have been few cases of
snako-bito among them. When a Euro-
[ icnn meets a snake ho kills it ; but when
n snake meats a native , it kills him. The
former lives in a well-lighted house , and
wears clothing all over his body , and
against this double advantage the snake ,
the most easily killed or crippled of all
created creatures , has no chance. The
native , however , goes groping with bare
limbs in the corners of his pitch-dark
rooms , and the result is death , swift ,
painful , and inevitable. Another point
of contrast that illustrates the fortunate
immunity of Europeans is that their
louses are raised above the ground , and
hat the suako though it may make the
complete circuit of the walls , discovers
no moans of ingress except the bath-room
water-pipo , and this it always finds cov
ered by perforated zinc for the Tory pur
pose of preventing snakes from coming
into houses. Tlio native hut , on the
other hand , is on the level of the ground ,
nnd the greater part of the | [ front is a
"doorway , " protected only by hanging
nets and loosely made hurdles of straw
or grasses. The snake , therefore , in
commoded , it may bo , by the rain , which
has inundated its hole , sallies forth to
find dry qunrtors , and has only to travel
along the wall of the first hut to find an
easy passage open for it , and a comforta
ble corner to occupy For snakes do
not go into houses with malignant inten
tion. They nro most anxious to keep
out of sight and of mon's way ; but when
the rcptilo lias made itself at homo under
a niat or behind n handful of firewood ,
and any ono rudely distubs it the terrified
creature strikes in self-defense. Against
the venomous snakes , then , precautions
are easily possible , though they involve a
very serious revolution in Indian manners
and customs and really ought for elliciou
cy , to bo preceded by alterations in arclu-
: octuro and personal apparel , and a more
general use of windows and window-glass.
Called to Prcnclu
Wo feel called upon to preach a few gospel
'acts facts that are worth knowing. We
want o\erybody to enjoy all that is possible
n this world. Wo want ull those \vho are
Buffering from rheumatism , neuralgia , and all
ichos , sprains nnd pains to know that Thomas'
Jfclectric Oil is an unfailing nnd splendid euro.
Dcnth of an Old Swldicr.
[ hiladolphia Record.
General Thomas L. Kane , son of the
ate ox-Judgo John K. Kane , who died
yesterday at his residence , No. 1304 Wal-
lut street , won renown in the war as
ioutenant colonel of the famous Bucktail
[ leginient , raised in the mountains of
Pennsylvania. General Kane was born
n Philadelphia , but was educated mostly
n England. lie studied and practiced
aw , and when his brother , Dr. Elisha
Kent Kane , went to the Arctic regions ,
10 removed to the plains west of Mis
souri. Ho subsequently became a plead
er for the Indian and the slave , and when
; ho Fugitive Slave law was passed he re
signed his position as United States
commissioner in such an emphatic way
-hat he was nearly committed for con-
; empt of court. Ho fought during the
war , and was raised to the position of
najor general commanding the Twelfth
Ugly blotches and stubborn old sores
are cured by &amuri ( < tn JfcrviiiK. § 1.60.
Mrs. P. Rucker , of Davis Mills , Va. ,
says : "Dr. Richmond's Sninuritan Ner-
, 'wc cured my boy of tita. " You can got
it at Druggists.
An IllicoiH l < "arinor' Xlnory.
vtimasCit } Times.
That lightning killed his soil is the be-
icf of a farmer in Newton , 111. Ho
writes : "This summer , when my corn
rrns two foot high , the lightning struck it ,
milling a patch about 100 square foot in
extent. It seemed to have killed the
ground , ns neither wpcd nor spear of
; rass has grown on it since. The ground
looks dead , and I believe it is. Occa-
sionaly these spots are met with all over
the prairies. The people account for
thorn as buffalo tramps , where buffaloes
congregated in fly time , and tramped un
til they killed the soil , but from the
xbovo occurrence 1 account for thorn as
liaving boon struck by lightning. "
PircJ FJi-c ! 1'olluot Police !
Members of the Police and Fire Do-
mrtmonts of Now York , Chicago , San
Francisco , and other loading cities , pro-
nounuo St , Jacobs Oil the greatest pain-
curing and healing jomedy.
An old miapr who resided at Van
Duron county died last week from the ef
fects of lung fever brought on by expos
ure while digging hia winter's supply of
coal in n wet place on his farm. His
numo was Levi Tompkinsand ho was not
only a bachelor , but a most ardent hater
of the female BOX , Ho came to Iowa in
1837 , was a farmer , always did his own
cooking and house-work , and when ho
died , left a property worth 50,000 , n ith
no provision for its disposal so far as any
one knows.
Epileptic J'tti ,
Sjxiint , l-'alllug
Sklkiiusi , Convul
sions , St. VI til 8 Dunce , AUoliolUm ,
Opium Toting , Seminal WiMUiue * , Iin-
tiotcney , ELvplillU , Scrofula , and all
Nervous and Blood Diseases.
GETTo Clcrgjmcn , Ltunrns Literary Men ,
Jk'iUmnts , Jl.inUers , J.aiUcs and ull vhoso
BCiU'iitarrcinriujinciit caut.ct Nenou8lros
trallon , IrrrL'iilnrlttcs ot the Mood. Btoiuadi ,
bowels or Milnea , or who icqutro a ncrvo
tOlllo , UllpCtlZLl (11 btllUlllClUi'lMlriin Y < T-
ilne H iiivaluauie.
prcx'blm it
> \oiiilerfiil I
nnt that i-ver Hist lin
ed u tlllMllg F.\btl'Ml. ( SB )
51.DO , lit Uriip-l ts
MEDICAL CO. , So'e Pro-
ri i < ii" < M. " " 'srh Mfi
t i . "JC'l
Furniture !
Have just received a large quantity of
I7ln Ail W1ftn..a 1206,1208 nd 1210FarnamS ;
* ° * * * * JlOPgB * OMAHA. NEB.
Established in 1851
TTKlf i tfl.
1409 and 1411 Dodge Steet ,
M. HELLMAN & 00 , .
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREE1 COR. 13TH ,
Anheuser-Busch )
sf and Bottled Bee ]
This Excellent Beer speaks fcr itaolf.
Promptly Shipped ]
Solo Agent for Omaha and the Wait.
Cor. 9th Street and Capitol Avenue'
( Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad. )
" L :
TF& *
3'lccant Day Cooobes , Parlor Cars , with ItooKn Solid Trains of Elegant Daj Coaches and I'D
nc Cbalrs ( coats free ) , Smoklne Cars , with lie- man Palace Sleeping Cars nro run daily to *
olvlns Clialrs , Pullman I'alace Sleeping Cars nnd from St Louis , via Hannibal , Qulncy , Keot
ho famous O. B. & Q. Dining Cars run dolly to and llurllngton , Cedar Kaplds anil Albert If a , to
rom Chicago & Kansas City , Chicago < K Council Paul and AllnntapoUs ; Parlor Cars with Heclin !
fluffs , Cliicaso & IXM Moircti. ChlcaBO , St. Jo Chnlrs to and froraSt Louis and 1'eona until
cph , Atchiion & Topeka , Only through line be- and from St Louis ana Ottumwa Only ci
necn Chicago , Lincoln S Denver Through cars cliange of cars between St. Louis and C |
between Indianapolis & Council lllufTs via 1'eorta .Mohies , Iowa , Lincoln , Nebraska , outlDenV
All connections rnadu In Union Depots. It U Colorado.
known as the great THHOUQIICAK LINE. It u universally admitted to bo the
Flnnst Equipped Railroad In the World for all Classes of Travel
T. J.POrrEB.3dVico-Pros'tandnon'lManRaOT. PKltCKVAJ , J lViTIf. ! . Uen.Pws.Ae't.OhicI
Cap iuia ]
) io Thirteenth Street KeD
till Douglai St. Ouulio , Nob.
Galvanized Iron Cornices
CVDormer Wlnuows , Flnlal ] , Tin , Iron and Slate
RooUng , Spccht'a patent UeUllio gli ) light , Patent
adjusted lUtchet Bar and Bracket Shthiuif. 1 am
he general aKcnt for the above line of too.ld. . Iron
enctiiit , CrcuthuB , llalustrades , Vcrandu , Iron Bank
alungs , Window Bllndii , Cellar Guard * ; aUo
ont lor 1'eeraonfc Illll atent InsUlo Wind ,
I in * M1 1 lot HlVilPni
r i rt i u > \itn iy for
< i n iv ni tl < i uiunm nt- *
t I < H ir m'laliut ui jtia.
'I uii l < t tin mlrUlfi * f i hot it
Dm ( on
i f I I.PO
ti t l iUlir
i < t lOtili 'trji
I It | tt < t * 'tt '
ti > ) IM'I it tn r i'l ' 14 *
I i > uli 1 1 KM i ir 11'
t iM JM-I i < n o *
t it * i i r < *
1 litre a rotltUe rearJr tor tha atam dUouet ; > jlit
ni thoaiaudt of cuei ot tb vrorit klDil and ol looi
ktaadlntrhftvo Ixvn cured. IuJ * tl. o trort ( U IDT fUu
la IU cotcuy , tint I will wnd TH o HOTTI.U FUCK ' , I -
pelberwlmuyALt'AllLUlllElTIHKontiilr , ' ' '
or tUIiUur. Ol Kip n4l' . O adilrott.
. . J Wi , 'A A. tLVffty , in fVMI i , fen V t ,
DR HENDERSON A regular gradaJ
, , inodldue. OUT nil
CCein.KWdWjanlottoHt.1 . '
, years' practtoe twef
KANSAS CITY , MO. Chicago. I
Authorized by tb st t tel
; Chronic , Kenom and Priratodul
Asthma , Epilepsy , UheuiaatUnil
ATape Worm , Urinary and Ski
> eaocj , Bcmiual Weaknesidilght 11
. _ _ _ _ _ , * fcexual Debility ( loss nlscxualif
etc. Cures guaranteed or money rcf undid , cl
lew , Thounand.1 of cases cured. No Ifajuilou
Chios lurnUhed uven to patlcnU at a dUUnco
aultatlon Ireo acdconfldentlal callorirrltc : t
cik | ileuca are important. A BOOK lof bcth i ,
llustrated and cfrcuUrd of other things mot |
with Uo 3 osnt nUtips. FllKE MU8KU1I
od i
box * i'o. 1 ulll Cnro any case In ( our days u If
i vt ill cure the' ' most ob tluate case no maiteif
long ttanJln .
Allan's Soluble Medicated 8o\ \
Ho nausoon * ile * o * nbebs , copabla , 01 ol'l '
dal wood , tint are " % -in to produce driT'l
iluv trjliie tlio ( uatlnfiol the stomach , I'rll
bold by nil druroleti , or mailed on receipt
rtlicr iiutlculara send ( or circular.
liox 1.M3.
C. ALLAN CO. , ,
Johubtrcet , New Yoik.
MTJNN * C0.of the BciryrmoAM.
tlnuetofict us Bollcltors lor ratentsci
Marks , Conyrlgbta. for ttio United St ;
KnifUnd , France , Ocrmanr , etc. Haji
1'atents sent free. Thirty-seven rtai
rutentsobtcdned throualiMUNN A (
In the SriENTipio AUKBIUAK. the lun
nioitwldulr circulated ecleatmopaiw
2 < cckl7. gp.endld oncraTlnirs and l |
zorniallon. 8 | > cclmcn copy nf the Mcli
lean vent frre. AcJdrruMU.NN ACn
AiirailCAN Office , 1 Uroadway , Nun ll