Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1884, Image 1

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    - -
V \
Several Extensive Lanfl Grants , to
bo Declared Forfeited ,
iX And Now "influencing" Con
l Mr , 'Baldwin Flys to Washington
dn a Little Missi6ii ? .
/ *
Year's ' Receptions . and Other
* " * * * J * * !
CAl'lTAIi ,
| sclal Dispatch to THB IRE.
AS1HKOTONDpcoinber JU.JjSqnator
Bin Wyck has roturnocf fro'm Ncoraskn.
f John T. Baldwin is in the city , pro.
" work on the Iowa delegation
Igainst the Missouri river bridge bill.
President Arthur's reception at tin
IhVhitojHiUHo to-morrow will bj a brilliant -
liant Ifl ir , probably surpassing iiuceio
Imony tli t of last year which so trayl
I cally ii erffipted by the doatli ot flu
Hawaii ! t minister. The mombura of tin
cabinet , the justices of the Biiprohu
10 members of the diplomatu
nators , representatives , olltcera
my , navy nnd marino corps nnd
fit' bureaus will bo received in thi
Jf thoi ? Official precedence from 1C
I'clook , and at 1 o'clock the gen.
Iception for citizens will begin , and
Jtil 3 o'clock. Marshal MoMichacl
Bolonol Rockwell will make the pro.
lion , and a party of thirty-four
the wives of higher ollicials and
Inal friends , have been invited
Jist the president on the occasion ,
3 ladies are : Mrs. Frelinghuyseii
Uho Misses Frolinghuyson , Mrs.
lirt T. Lincoln , Mrs. Wm. E Chan-
J Mis. Walter Gresham and Miss
lhain , Mra. Henry M. Teller , Mrs.
Jj. H. Browster , ) Mrs. John G. Car
I , Mrs. Phil Sherldun , Mrs. David D ,
Itor , Mrs. Morris6n R. Waite , Mrs ,
In A. Ijogan , Mrs. Shelby M. Cullom.
Ii. John P. Jones , Mrs. Geo. II. Pen
ton , Mrs. Warner Miller , Mrs. Win ,
| Fryo , Mrs. , Jos. A. Hawley , Mrs. Jas
Blaine , Mra. Kinsley , ' Mrs. Join
/is , Mrs. E. F. Bealo , Mrs. Wm
shoimer , Mrs. J. W. Wadsworth
Is. Chas. R. Skinner , Mrs. Geo. W
Tele , Mrs. Clayton McMichael , Mrs
IF. Rockwell , Mrs. Geo. M. Robesoi
H Miss Stout.
wife of Attorney General Brow
Ir will receive at her residence oii Nev
lar'a day , after the ceremonies at thi
Ihito House , and will bo assisted by he
lughtor ; Mrs. Robert Keens , and Mis
Rions , of Philadelphia , by Mrs. Claytoi
IIcMichael and Miss Victoria Emory.
[ General Press Dispatcho ? . ]
iThc committee on public lands oxpoq
Idi report a number of separate bills whei
| rigress | reconvenes , declaring forfeitci
i granted certain railroad companies
lie companies most interested are thos
| a Uio northwest and south. The amoun
involved , as reported by thi
liairman of the committee , Mr , Cobb
Ii between 50,000,000 and 100,000,001
Irpa. The Texas Pacific land grant , i
| /expocted , will bo reported forfeited
grant alone involves 14,000,001
I.CTCS. In an interview to-night Mr
| } ) bb said there was no question of tin
| ijht of the government to declare for
1 25,000,000 acrea of hoi on variou
; s. "Attorneys of railroads , " In
liid , "will bo given opportunity to bi
lieard , but will not bo given too mucl
Iii3o. The Northern Pacific has no
Loiupltod with Uio tsrms of the grant. I
liiM8,000,000 acres which ought to b
forfeited. In the judiciary committee a
Ih last congress , a vote for its forfeitur
Itood 7 to 8. There are a number of rail
load men hero now trying to oppose an
legislation of the character contemplated
rfypy have been trying to influence mom
lets of the present congress. Some yean
Igo they got the supreme court to declar
| tiu judiciary did not have power to do
land forfeited and now the ;
the legislative power ough
J to take auy action of that 1 ind be
| so the question is not thoroughly un
iitood.These same men controllei
Icoiuinittees from the close of th
1 up to the Forty-fourth congroaa BIN
Iji-ontrollod the last uongress. The ;
wit toes packed in their favor. 1
that every republican congros
18i)5 has favored raihoads. No\
fice will bo done the country and th
{ crhment , and over one hundred mil
acres of land be declared forfeited
ttions of private claimswill of eours
e and will have to bo settled by fu
legislation. The government wil
oppose men who in good faith bough
Is from railroads. "
eprcsentativo McCoid intends to urg
lideration at an oarty date of his bil
grorido for the election of prosiden
' vice-president for an unoxpirod tern
| -ao of the removal by death. resiina
lor inability of both president an <
president , and to declare what oflioe
' , act as acting president ad interim
[ bill was introduced December lOtl
ofijrred to the coininitteo on judici
of which McCoid is a member. Tin
iiiri provides that electors shall b <
in'.ld by each state for the eloctioi
--lint and vice president , shal
( Its as such electors and constituti
[ cgJjof electors , thus ropresentin ;
jatitca for the presidential term o
tire with power to fill vacancies
> ! of removal of the president ant
re dunt from any cause the secro
f Mite eliall perform the ministoria
ofiheulllco of president ad interin
in1'imiiiediatoly ' ) | issue a proclama
i-i'iWing a vacancy to have occurred
| ip Ufting a day , not lean than thirt ;
h.reafter . , upon which the collegi
t jrscf the several states shall jftee
i , tleciion of a president and vici
j.ji ! for the unoxpircd term.
' -,1 further provides for the sami
f'proceedure to bo followei
Ider the constitution , would bi
u an ordinary year for a presi
notion , except that the count
Icctoral vote shall take placi
d Tuesday after the meeting.0
. succeeding regular session o
" " ' " " congress be in eossioi
when such election occurs , and then uch
counting to take place _ on the eighth
Tuesday after such election takes place.
McOoid , in support of his bill , says it
carries out the idea of the framers of the
constitution , and insures for four years a
continuance in power o f the party elect
ing the two high odicials. Ho discussed
the measure- with n number of senators ,
and they express themselves in favor
of it.
WAHIMNUTOX , D. 0. , December 31.-
At the meeting of the house committee
an military affairs this morning Gen.
Slocum waa authorized to report to the
house favorably the Fibs John Porter bill
which passed the senate _ last congress.
The committee also decided to report
favorably _ ho.l .OuB6 resolution , calling
fgr information on war department court
martinis , subsequent rpwmsion of , . ic\\- \
tonco and risUjrjtfnu of rank by concross
of olticors frgm"18tJ7' to ' , 181)1 ) and from
1877 to 18SJ1. --vv
> AUIOU.S MATTpUS. ' " * ' ? .
Tho/funcfaUoMhp'lato Brigadier General -
oral A. A. Humphries will take place
Wednesday. It was originally intended
.to take place to-day , but was postponed
to meet the wishes of the family. *
will bo fifteen pall-bearers.
The supervising architect of the treas
ury has completed plans for government
buildings in Quincy and Pcoria , 111. , and
will soon advertise , forjiroposals for their
-construction. Preparations are . being
miulo for the- erection of a new public
building at TeVra Haute.
.Gortcral MaoKcnzio has been taken to
the Bloomingdulo insane asylum near
Now York for treatment. It was lirst in
tended to' bring him to-Washiugton , but
it was thought to bo too near largo cir
cles of friends and acquaintances in this
The postmaster general is preparing n
b'ill to have introduced in congress to ex.
elude newspapers publishing lottery ad
vertisements from the pound rate.
Xltcllccnril of Vires. '
ST. Louis , Mo. , December 31 A spe
cial to The Post Dispatch from Sedalia ,
Mo. , reports the paint and upholstering
shops of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas
R. 11. burned early this infe-ning. Sovora' '
coaches and sleeping cars in the paint
shop were also consumed. Loss § 100- ,
000. Insurance unknown. Incendiary.
" Tuoy , N. Y. , Decombor.31.-An incen
diary fire at Middleburg , Vt. , yesterday
destroyed the business part of the village.
Loss § 70,000 ; insurance § 11,000.
BOSTON , December 31. Osgood
Darta' iron foundry in the Oharlestown
district was buincd to-night. Loss ,
$35,000 ; partly insured.
ATLANTA , Ga. , December 31. A Cov-
ington special says : A serious fire is
raginu , and the court house is in flames ,
CmcAco , December 31. A fire this
evening in the building occupied by Gan
non it McGrath , furniture , Magus
Bolton , mouldings and frames , and
Frank Winter , bracket work , caused s
loss of $35,000 , insurance $2,000. ! )
NEW OHLEANS , December 31. The
Picayune's Brookhaven ( Miss. ) specia
says : The court house was destroyed bj
un incendiary last night with all the rec
oids except some books and papers oi
the circuit court.
AKIION , O. , December 31. At 5
o'clock this evening fire caught in tin
dust room of the -i-Ktna Hour mills anc
the workmen had to run for their lives
the flames spread so fast. The cntin
structure was destroyed. The mills won
recently enlarged to 300 barrels capacit ;
daily. They will bo rebuilt at once fo"
the roller process. Loss , $84,000 ; insured
LITTLK ROCK , December 31. Merrill
ton special : During the absence at i
neighbor's of Henry James and wife , go
Plumorsville , the house and coutent
wore destroyed by firo. Ono child wa
roasted to death and another fatall ;
NEW YOUK , December 31. Annii
Kelley , Aged 80 , was burned to doatl
this morning while alone in her rooms oi
Kith street.
AVorlc anil
SOUTH FKAMINOHAM , Mass. , December
ber 31. The wages of employes of thi
Lancaster gingham mills in Clinton
numbering several hundred , have bcei
cut down on account of extreme dullness
of the market , In some cases the re
duction reaches 10 per oent. Tomorrow
row the Assabot woolen mills of May
nard , employing .1,000 hands will roduci
wages 10 per cent.
WAIIKUAM , Mass. , December 31.
Several extensive iron firms make a gen.
oral reduction of wages to-morrow. The
largo nail establishment of the Tromxnl
Iron company lias shut down for repairs ,
The Wareham Nail company will make a
cut of 15 per cent below the ticket price ,
The Parker Nail company will cut nail
ors 15 and laborers 10 per cent. The
Trar.conia Iron company has posted no
tice of a 10 per cent reduction.
WiLKESiiAiuiE , Pa. , December 31.
Contrary to general expectations , a ;
order * was received this evening ordtrint
a suspension at all mines for three duyi
in a week , commencing Thursday and
continuing until April 1st. Cars art
very scarce through Wyoming valley ,
The chutes at the breakers areall blocked
with cool.
PiTT.fBUiio , December 31. Delegate :
to the convention of the Fourth pool ol
miners , to-day resolved not to mine anj
coal until the operators agree to pay tin
rate awarded by Umpire Weeks , 3 cent !
a bushel. All but four pits are idle
Two thousand men are interested in tin
Tlio I'ulJllo lol > t.
WAMiiNoro.y , December 31. The esti
mated reduction of the public debt foi
December is about § 12,000,000.
According to this estimate the reduo
tion in the debt for the past year hai
been 3110,000,000. The decrease of na
tional bank notes since January 1st
1883 , amounts to 812,1158 20.
AStr.uuloU Company.
Pinsmnw , Pa. , December 31. Tin
Elmer-Warner Boston Comedy companj
stranded in this city to-day. A. West ,
advance agent , decamped v ith all tin
available funds.
Tlio Sunday Crunku.
NKW YOIIK , December 31 , Summom
has been issued for the arrest of J
Hopkinlon Smith , director of the Bar
tholdi art and loan exhibition , who ii
charged by S H. Provest , secretary o
the Sunday closing league , with violatim
the Sunday law by opening the exhibi
tion during the lost two Sundays.
The 'Bloodshed ; 'nml Wfook at
Harbor Grace ,
A Brawny Priest Lays Out a
' Party of Kiotors ,
> >
The United States ase Best
IMond of Ohinai '
lho ? Insurrootion in Egypt Grow
ing Moro Formidable. - \
* "
Sr. JOHNS , N. F. , IeC6mbo7"31. ) The
excitement of tho. public mind at Con-
ocpiioQbay has somewhat abated. Of
Lho Harbor- Grace Orange * , and Catholic
iffray , the following is the lait'st version.
The Orangemen walked oution the morn
ing of St. . Stephen's day and got as far as
the turn nt Paddy McGrath's house lead
ing down from llarvoy street to Water
street. They 'had just arrived at the
l > ridge and the band was playing "JJoyno
Water , " when they were .mot by/a mpb
iml told 'to come no further but to go
back. The -Roman Catholics were ar
ranged in lino4hpso in the front , rank
having pickets m'ilioir hands and it had
boon determined to use w > other weapons
unless in self-defense. They foughtwith
these until Head Constable Doyle was
shot down , as was also Patii > ik ; Callahan.
Then went up the cry , "All hAhds look
out , " and in an instant off wont a rattling
volley from so\ei-al sealing guns , by
which four men fell dead and fourteen
were badly wounded. The rest of the
Orangemen fled , abandoning their scarfs ,
llags and.banners. Young Pat Dormody
tore the flags into strips and planted
green jlitgs in their place. Ho was fired
at by 'tlio Orangemen and wounded.
\Vhcn the Orangemen , got. down into the
city they began breaking .tlm , windows in
the houses of Catholics aud tear
ing down the shutters o'fr those
whoso houses wore closed. They
broke the shop indows of John Hen
nessey and attacked William Hennessey
on the street. They stopped the hoi-set
of Dr. McDonald , the Roman Catholic
Bishop , later in the day while ho was visit
uig wounucdmcn at Boar's Cove , aud they
attempted to throw him over a precipi
tous cliff near Corages Beach , but wore
prevented by Father Rowe , a herculcari
Irish priest , who inflicted a sevoru blow
on the head of ono of the assailants witl
a leaden-handled whip and c'ispersed the
rest. The bishop and Father llowo won
escorted for the remainderof | the journoj
by mounted police. Old John Schull ]
got a severe beating from Orangemen
LONDON , 'December 31. The Time
has the best authority for stating tlia
Qtiinn wnts peace , and if Franco will re
turn vo-iict original position in Tonquii
and abstain from further hostile actioi
on the Red river , a pacific agreement i
almost certain. China will abate some o
her first pretensions if Franco will show i
conciliatory spirit. The government o
China , seeing the countries well disposot
toward her , is desirous of a soil to men
OL the question and is ready to rocognizi
accomplished facts and negotiate upon i
basis of statu quo , but the cstablismeni
of this position involves cessation of fur
ther naval and military movements be
yond merely defensive ones and above al
an understanding that Bacninh must nebo
bo assailed. So much China is prepared tx
concede. If Franco responds to her wel
meant concessions she will not stop t <
consider how far hur present attitudi
may tally with her original j * > jitionwhei
she insisted upon the t nil Jotter of he :
Since the triumph of the anti
foreign party in Pekin , China's de
sire for peace should be backet
by the powers offering their niediatioi
collectively. If there is any hesitation
in any quarter on this point , the right o ;
the initiative rests in a very high degro <
with the United Status , which government
mont is bound by the terms of the Bur
lingame treaty to offer her good oflicei
whenever China requests them , Sliouh
Prime Minister Ferry , of Franco , re
sj.ond to the wishee of the Chinese em
bassy , the present occasion will .iflbrd ai
opportunity.of giving effect to this stipu
lation , hitherto unenforcod.
The northern bank of the main navi
gable branch of tlio Rod river represents
sents the no plus ultra of the Chinesi
concession. China believes she can secure
cure her rights as effectually with Quoiif
Yon , Bacninh and Las Kai in her pos
session us Franco with Hai Phong. The
question of permanent retention of Son
lay should bo submitted to the arbitra
tion of a third party *
LONDON , December ill A Suakim dis
patch says El Mahdi intends to descend
upon Egypt proper. The insurrection
ary movement is spreading along UK
coast. Baker Pasha is convinced it ii
of the most formidable religio-politica
character. The Abyssinian demonstration
tion on Vassalia road renders the aitua
tion still moro critical. Nothing can bi
done at present as an immcdi
ate advance would moan disas
tjr. British gun-boats IIAVO gem
to Massowah. Ono thousand women ant
children , together with 400 soldiers , an
bravely holding out at Sinaat. Even witl
prompt action on the part of Knglom
there will bo barely time to uavo thosi
people from a terrible fate It ia believed
lioved 20,000 rebels are botweei
SuaVim and Sinaat. Should the llgyp
tians attempt to march on Berber it ii
believed 100,000 rebels would opposi
them A general order will bo issuei
announcing the appointment of Bake
Paslia as governor general of Easton
Major Holroyd , a British officer , hai
boon dismissed from
the Egyptian ser
vice for striking a native officer.
bTONJ.Va A I'ltlEbT ,
VIUJWA , December 31. \ Jesuit mis
sionary named Hamorlo , preaching , yes
torday , in the church of St. John do
dounced the immorality of workingmen
whensomo twenty of the latter arose
denounced the association and stoned tin
pulpit. In the rush of the congregatioi
for the doors a number of people wen
injured. Several arrest have been made
The Congregation numbered eve
2,000. Father Hamt-rleo especially do
iiounced socialism , when suddenly u lom
whisllo was given which was the signal
for Minuting ami hooting from all par to
of tluj church. The demonstration was
evidently pre-arranged. Cries of tire
was alsn raised and a panic onsucil. The
nlnrm wns fearful. Firemen , police nnd
anrRooiH ) soon arrived and the military
imtrollotT the vicinity of the church
throughout Iho night , Four persona
were arrested , charged with being con
cerned in the disturbances.
f ouANdi : IKK.
DuiitdK , December 81. There is great
oxcitcmont to-day in Droinnro , county
PC-WII , The Orangemen pro disappointed
i > o.causo the mooting of the ni'tc""iliats
announced for Now Year's day is not
prohibited by the government , and have
lolorrnincd to prevent its being hold.
Troops arc being called to preserve order.
' 'LONDON , December -Alexander
IV'ogdon , member of parliament for
"Wodncsbury. and an iron mstor , has
failed. Liabilities , 72t,000. ;
John Faust , Kasby , a coal \ \ \ -reliant of
Bradford , has foiled. Liabilities , 100-
'Henry Brogdon , an iron mister , and
formerly n partner with Alexander Brog-
don , whoso failure hna already boon an-
nounccd , has also failed. Liabilities ,
Samuel King Church , a colliery pro
prietor , has failed. Liabilities , i'HT.OOO.
D'UIIUX , Docambor Itt.r-Tho dead
body of an Orangeman won fo id in n
bog hole near Portadown , „ comity Ar-
maugh. The deceased had boon obnox
ious to llomahists of that vicinity.
i-AYi.M ! TUI : vitiign : < .
BEjtm , December 31The Prussian
minister has ordered payment of salaried
dating from October 1 , 1883 , to Catholic
priests of the diocoscs of Kulixr , Ermo-
lund and Heldrstoim , who hitherto have
boon debarred from exercising clerical
WARSAW , Docombcr 31 A nihilist
printing oflico was discovered hero Satur
day in an obacuro street. The compos
itors escaped./
PAuisfDoconibor I ) ! The anniversary
of the death of flambotta was observed
to-day. memorial tablet was erected
at his residence at Villo d'Auray and
wreaths were deposited upon his tomb nt
. .CONDON , December It ! . The circular
fiublishcd Saturday , and said to have
been issued to the grand masters ol
Orange s6cietica , and urging'tho . forma.
tion in Ireland of arnica Orange volun
teers , \vas a forgery. { ( (
DUIII.IK , December 31. Perfect ordoi
prevails at DromOro this evening. . Sulli
van and O'Brien , members of parliament ,
have arrived there. The lovrii wac
illuminated and there was a juitionalists' '
torchlight procession numbjring several
thousand men , in honor(5f tl(3 ( visitors
who spoko. Largo arriv/ils of Oi Angemoii
are expected by special' trains to-morrow ,
The military and pulicomon have boor
'drafted in town. , The Or.mgcm'jn hav <
abandoned their intention to"swA bio ai
Cootohill. '
ST. PKTKU.SHUHO , December 81. Lieu
tenant-Colonel Sudoikon , was killed bj
a nihilist , who gained access into Mi
promises disguised as a detective. Thi
murder is attributed to some rcccn
important arrests of nihilists ordered bj
LONDON , December 31.A Madrid cor
respondent states : General LopeDo. .
minguoz , Spanish minister of war , hav
ing insisted that the reply of the eortoi
to the speech from the throne shoult
bind the majority to approve univorsa
suffrage , revision of the constitution am
dissolution of the cortes and conciliatioi
has broken down , and Sagasta 1ms now
the cortcs and the country with him ,
Dominguez , talking upon the subject ,
stated that ho believed any attempt t <
form a republic would bring about disorder
dor and civil war , and raise the brute forc <
of Carlism. He stated that Ruiz Sorillo , ii
fostering thoBadajos conspiracy , and bj
issuing the recent manifesto has completely
pletoly destroyed all remaining chancoi
for the formation of a Spanish republic
Dominguc/ further said : "So long as ;
am minister of war I will not allow noli
tics to molest the army. I have faith ii
the future of the great monarchy ad
vanced by the liberal party. I f nvor uni
veraal suffrage , always excluding soldier
from the power to vote for reasons o
discipline. "
HANOVKK , December 31. Colono
Rathbono is still unable to make a ra
tional statement concerning the killing o
his wife , and still continues to labor un
der the delusion that ho is a victim o
A Hulcldnl Dentil.
CmoAflo , December 31. Itia now believed
liovod that the death of J. J. Culver
which occurred Sunday night at tli
Gait house in this city , was suicidal
Culver was n prominent and wealth'
citizen of Joliet , Illinois , hi
business being the shipping of live stock
Friends say that for some years luck hi
mind has been somowoat affected , al
though hohasconducted his business witl
great shrewdness. On Saturday hi
wife filed a petition in Joliet , asking fo
a conservator for his estate.
Immediately on learning this fact Culver
vor took the train for Chicago. Ho wa
shown a room at the hotel about 1
o'clock. Shortly after 2 o'clock orn
ployes of the hotel smellcd gas and in
stituted u search. Culver's door wa
broken open ilnd ho was found suffocate
in bed. His estate is estimated at 8100 ,
000. It is thought the suit agitated hi
mind to an unusual degree.
' " '
NKW HAVKK , December 81. llo\
Mr. Stansborry , the now pastor of th
Bethel African Methodist Kpucopt
church , was yesterday forcibly ejocte
from the pulpit by two deacons , wh
have secured a minister moro to thoi
liking. Prosecutions for assault will fol
low ,
ISaltiiiinre Killed Jllm.
BAMiMoiiKMd.Decoinberil. : Jockc
the well known Ourang-Ouiang , die
this morning at the dime musoutn , c
congestion of the lungs. The ariimt
arrived Saturday from Chicago.
An Ill-Used Wife's ' Doatli on n
Mountain Top.
A Mnino Doctor and His Wounded
A Orauk Attempts to Kill His
Wife and Snioidos ,
hinging the Emma Bond Case
to a Oloso.
A OUIt.TV 1'AIll ,
FALLS , N. Y. , December 31.
treat excitement prevails over the myd-
crious death of the wife of Prank Colts
in top of Luzorno mouutnin , whore
Colts occupied a rough structure in the
woods. A woman of bad character has
loon im initiate of the place , and she and
> olts lived together in idleness while the
vifo was compelled to woik to support
horn. The p.xir nro suspected of poison-
ng Mrs. Colts. Deceased frequently ox-
iressed the fear that her Inuland would
; ill lior. The coroner is investigating.
BuniiKroun , M o , , December 111. Sev
eral pools of blood on the snow Sunday
norning led to the belief that a murdei
md been jommittcd the previous night ,
'n this connection Dr. Graton says lit
vas called Saturday nifjlit by two men
rho wanted him to go _ with them. They
refused to .givo their names , and Vrhcii
.hoy readied Franklin street they ban
daged the doctor's eyes. After travors-
ug several streets they entered a house
and the doctor was led to an nncarpotoc ]
room where ho was locked in , the
men leaving him. Hero ho found n
'oung woman with a deep gasli
ixtonding from the right oar down.
3ho was extremely low from losi ol
ilood and she said : "Doctorfor God'i
sake save my life. " Ho feared she would
lie while there and doesn't think she
could have lived five minutes longoi
vithout caro. After bandaging the
round tlu doctor knocked at the door ,
which was opened. Ho was immediate ! )
akon to another room where ho found n
nan with a cut from the nostril to tin
nouth. After treating his patient he
ras taken back to Franklin street blind-
aided , when the men loft him. Thoj
voro out of sight before ho could un-
landago his eyes.
AX nxruEss noiuiKK NAinnni.
Cdi.u.Miurs , O. , December 31. B't
.tolly , one of a notorious gang of express
robbers , was captured on the Boo Lint
oud , eight miles north , this morning ,
Three of the party escaped. Aji ofltcc :
icro had been taken into a combinatioY
o rob the Cleveland express and a nuin
) or of oflicors went out with him witl
lie result stated.
Nuw Youic , Dccumbor31. Charles If
L'rontico , formerly book-keeper for Abru
liam Burlingamo , an iron dealer of War
cestcr1 , Mass. , was arrested horoto-da ;
For embezzling $1,400 from his employe'
in Juno last. Ho confessed his guilt am
will bo taken to Worcester.
CJIJOAOO , December 31. The Jour
nal's Little Rock ( Ark. ) special says
Friday last , at a point fifty miles boyoni
Fort Smith. In the Uhoctaw nation , llov
Samuel Andrews , on his way to fill a re
ligious appointment , was shot and killci
by unknown parties , supposed to bo tit
result of an old grudgo.
SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , December 31.-
Hanry Uano , a well-to-do Gorman , in ;
drunken jealous frenzy last night at
tempted to brain his vriio with an ax
Ho cut two fearful gashes in her chcel
ind arm. After making up and obtain
ing from her a promise never to speak o
the affair , ho went into the kitchen am
blow his own brains out with a pistol.
NEW YOIIK , December 31. Mi
Church , cashier and superintendent u
John JDwigljt , fc Co.'s soda factory , wa
assaulted to-day aa ho was leaving th
depot at the Second avenue elevated sta
tion on lllth street by two masked men
who knocked him down and robbed hii
of a satchel containing SU.'OO in bani
notes which ho had drawn to pay em
ployees. Church was stunned but recovered
ored in time to see tl'o men leap into
wagon and drive off rapidly.
ELKIIAUT , Ind. , December 31. Fou
roughs of Goahon , Saturday night , nftc
being driven from an attack on u hous
of illfumo , met Michael Self , privat
watchman at the chair factory , and nfte
001110 ubuso of the man shot him in th
abdomen. _ Self , after being shot , fire
on his assailants and shot Frank Crip
and Bon Bosso. All will probably die.
Clonlntc up tlio Bond Cnur.
Sr. Louis , December 31. The Pot
Dispatch Hillsboro special says ; Argi
mont in tlio Bond tiial progressed to-duj
J. J. McBride for the defense , continue
his speech from Saturday night and wii
followed by Judge Taylor for the prose
cution , and ho by Judge McCaskill fc
the defense. None of the speeches s
far have been specialty notable.
The argument continued all day and
night session is now in progress , wit
Judge Vandover , of the prosecution , n
speaker. Although to-mirrow is u holi
day there will bo no adjournment , th
court's desire boirig to give tlio case t
the jury an speedily aa possible.
u hlo
TUK.NTOK , N. J. , Docoinber 31. I
the suit of the Midland railway agaim
Anna T , H'tuhcock and others , the coui
of errors and appeal * held that coupe
railroad bonds were non-negotiable ufti
a suit was begun to foreclose' a mortgag
upon which the bonds were issued.
Tlio rallurou oi' tlio Year ,
NKW YOUK , Docoinber 31. The bus
ness failures in the United States durin
J883 , reported by II. G.Dunn t Co
number , 1 HI against 0,738 in 188L' , a
increase of ii-l4i. ( The lidbilitics for 181-
are S171.ObO,000 against SlOl.OOO.OC
for 1882. The failures for 1883 are giea
er than thoeo of any year since 1878 uhe
they reached 10,478 , with liabilities i
sr .
- - -
$23 ,000,000. , A close analysis of the
totals presented in the circulars shows
that out of every Hi persons in'buBinossJin
1883 ono person failed while in 1878 one
person failed out of oven * Gl traders. Jn
Canada thn proportion of failures during
the year was ono failure to every 48 tra
Duncan A. Grant , lace and embroid
ery , has assigned preferences § 23,000.
Now York Notes.
XKW YOUK , December 31. Thirty-
eight gentlemen claiming to bo descend
ants of revolutionary olllcors and soldiers ,
organized themselves into n society for
the preservation of all historical docu
ments relative to the forefathers. John
Austin Stephens was elected chairman ,
Mayor Kdson to-day sent into the
board of aldermen , the nomination of
Hugh Gardner as police justice to sue-
coed himself , The nomination was lost
14 to 0.
Statistics show 33,982 deaths in the
city this year , n docroaHO of y/.Mi'.t ' na
compared with 1882 ; births , 2Sl7i ! !
against 2,732 last year.
CauHool'Our Itetl Bum.ctH. , December III , Professor
Lewis Sivift , director of the Warner ob
servatory discovered Ton's comet , which
had a single tail in 1812 , but bus a
doublu ono now , the longer Buvon , and
the shorter three degrees. It in under
going changes as it approaches ( the sun ,
and cnn bo seen with the n.ikcd eye
early in the availing. Swift asserts the
rod sunsets are duo to oxtraucsua matter
which has come into our atmimphcro and
reflects the rod rays of the sun. What
the matter is it is impossible to say , but
it is not the result of volcanos and
Utah Stntlstlof.
SALT LAKI : , Utah Docombor'31. The
Tribune's annual report of Utah and
adjoining territories shows increased
prosperity and growth. The total bul
lion product of the Pacific coast is placed
at § (15,000,000. ( Utah produced § 8,000-
000 the past year and in the territory
since the opening of the mines by the
Gentiles , $70,000,000. Utah's popula
tion is 170.000 , Salt Lake's population
28,000 , an increase of 7,000 since 1880 ;
now buildings erected in the city the
past year ! > 00 , costing § 1,500,000 ; miles
of railroad constructed , 143 ; Mormon
cmigants for the year , 3,000 ; assessed
valuation of the territory , § 30,000,000.
lirjivc Knto 8hcluy.
CHICAGO , December 31. A Washing
ton special says : Congressman A. . ) .
Holmes , of Iowa , will introduce o bill
next week appropriating n small sum for
the education of "bravo" Ivato Shelby ,
the 15 year old girl who saved a Chicago
& Northwestern passenger train from
destruction at Moingona , July C , 1881.
A medal to bo presented to her by the
'o\va legislature has already boon pro-
tared by Tiffany , of Now York.
Hults'miil Counter Suits.
December 31. The "City ol
? aris , " fancy goods store , a branch of the
L'hiladolphia firm of Froibo'gor X
Strouso , against whom u largo amount ol
judgments were entered to-day , wai
; rar. forrcd to John W OooU > propriotoi
of the glove department in tho' snm'i
store , for an alleged - consideration o :
§ 40,000. The sheriff however , levied oi
; ho stock to satisfy an execution am
lioetn began replevin proceedings. Tin
stock is said to bo worth § 00,000.
1'nUdy llyau IK Mail.
CiiioAdO , December 31. Paddy
wife and mother , arrived hero to-nigh
from Toledo. Ho says ho will pull an ;
one's nose who calls him a coward ; tlia
Sullivan has stigmatized him as a cur
for which , next time they moot in i
saloon , ho proposes to whip Sullivan in i
rough and tumble fight.
Kcuord oltho "Year.
, December 31. The Transcrip
will publish to > morrow its annual roviu ;
of the trade of 1883. It will show tlia
building improvements amounting t
§ 2,00'0,000 have boon completed. Th
receipts of grain were 23,388,1(11 bushels
shipments 18,038.470 bushels , an in
crease of over 2,000,000 in each. Th
bank clearings were § 50,21(1,203 ( , inter
nal revenue collections § 13,40 ! > ,441.
AMIiiHtrol Festival.
CINCINNATI , December 81 A minstrc
festival , originated by Manager R. li
Miles , after a successful dramatic fostiva
last year ind carried , into execution b ;
Frohmans , began to-night in Music hall
Iho weather was bad but the attondanc
was 2,000. The ttago was occupied b ;
300 to 400 people. The loading performers
ors wore from Cullender's and Havcrly *
minstrels. The festival continues througl
the week.
Clearing IlouNo Btatonionr.
BOHTON , December 31. Returns fror
twenty-six loading clearing houses of th
United States gives the total clearance
for the week ending Saturday , the 2'Jtl
inat. , as § 840,741,823 , being a docroas
of tlirco and eight-tenths per cent , a
compared with the same period of hi
RKAIIINO , Pa. , December 31. Th
Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Ire
company' * rail mill closed to-day , probt
lily pernmiiontly , throwing 300 hands oi
of work. The reason is that it costs § 3
a ton to make rails , while in .other parl
of the country they can bo nmdu for $3f
Homo Itiilllou
WAHIIINOI-ON , December III. Total n
ports of internal revenue fc
the six months of fiscal yet
ended to-day , | § 111,120,201 ; n
coipts for December § 0,855,700 ; isau
of silver dollars for wcok ended Dccon
her 2(1 ( , $207,408 , against § 1,041,000 , tli
same time last year.
Died oi KuliteH.
JAIKHOS , Alias. , December : tl.J. . fl
' \Veatherby \ , sheriff of Madison count )
died yesterday , of hydrophobia , llo vrt
bitten by a rabid dog two months ago ,
Hurled A livo.
j MA MIKV , Mass. , December 31. A gan
of Ituliniis digging a tunnel at neit
Saugu , the earth suddenly euvcd ii
burying nine of tnein. They were du
out , five of them very badly injuied , 0
foreman fatally ,
The Solemn Gathering at tlio
Pool in Chicago ,
But the Burlington Does Not Leap
in at Onoo.
Waiting to Know What the Livy
Will Bo.
The Funeral Day of the Iowa
Pool Appointed.
CIIICAIIO , December 81. lloprcsonta-
lives of the Iowa railroad pool mot hero
at 110 : ! ! to-day. The roads represented
wore as follows : Rock Island , General
Manager Cable ; Northwestern , Vice
President Hughittj Milwaukee & St.
Paul , General Manager Merrill ; Wabaah ,
Vice President Hayca ; 0. B. & Q. , Gen
eral Manager Potter. The general
freight agents of all roads were also pres
ent.As a result of an all day consultation
the formal dissolution of the Iowa Rail
way association , bettor known as the
Iowa pool , was decided upon , to take
cll'oct to-day. During the conference ib
was ascertained that what is known oa Tl
the "eight point pool , " covering certain
points in Nebraska and Colorado trafllc ,
the _ association covering Utah business
originating east of the Missouri river ,
and which are both included in tbo Iowa
pool , had not boon mentioned in the no
tices jjivon by the roads of their intention
to withdraw from the pool , and that
thirty days' notice was necessary m the
caao of these also , which was also given
at thos meeting. It was then
decided by all the roads present
to maintain existing rates until Thursday
of the present VT ook , whoii another moot
ing will bo hold in this city at vrhich
the Burlinqton will bo represented and
whou the terms upon which that road
can enter the now western railway alli
ance will bo stated.
Burlington ofllcials are absolutely non-
committed as to the course they will pursue -
sue and simply state that they are wait
ing to know the terms of the tripartite
agreement as affecting their lino. It is
tacitly admitted that on the result of
Thursday's mooting hinges peace or war.
The report telegraphed tlmttho South
western Railway association would bo
abolisned ao well as the Iowa pool , by
reason of the present complications , is
declared to bo untrue. , ' "
PuiLAiinLi'iiiA , December 31. The
stockholders of the Buffalo , Now Yorkv
& Philadelphia railroad company approved -
proved the directors proposition to in- ;
crcaso the funded indebtedness of the
company. The total authorized issued is-
325,000,000. The increase , amounting
to $2.000,000 is to bo dpvotod to addi- ' ;
rional equipment and facilities ,
TUUNK XINK llATES. ( ( , ' ( ,
, ? NBNV YoUK.December 31. At a meet-- *
ng of ropresontatives.of the trunk lines
o-day there was a long discussion on the
mbjcct of further reduction on. through
roight rates , where proof existed that
roads have boon cutting rates. No'final
decision was arrived at and the matter '
was laid over until the joint executive ,
committee could bo called. Commis- - '
Burner Fink announced for the present'
Jiat no further reductions of existing--
rates on through freight ia contemplated.
NEW YOHK , Decomborf31. Villard is
sowowhat bettor , but still Buffering from
nervous prostration. His resignation as
president of the Northern Pacilic railroad
will bo presented at the annual meeting
of the directors , January 4. The pruba-
bio successor of Villard is being freely ' * '
discussed on the street. It is thought/
Frederick Billings , of Boston , will bo
pushed by the Now England stockhold
ers and A. J. Cassottj of Pennsylvania , ,
by other parties in their interest.
Samuel Wilkinson , secretary of the
Northern Pacific Railroad company ,
states that ho knows nothing of therti - '
ported resignation of President Yillard.
Other ollicials state that although no
oflicial papers have yet passed between ,
the parties in interest. Yillard's resigna
tion is considered certain. It is slated
that his resignation will bo made public
Thursday. 1-
TUB u , iv Tusmma ,
NKW YOUK , December 31. . "I
Pacific was lower to-day on the roportf
that the annual statement makes o , poor *
Tlio UlsliopM at Baltimore.
PmflDUiio , December 31. Aproml-A
ncnt gentleman of this city states that' '
everything .published concerniuK the"
object of tho'inooting of Catholic Dish-
ops at Baltimore ia incorrect. Ho .Bay's
the real business of the meeting is to da-
vise a ystcm of church government
which will allow greater liberties , nnd
that it is necessary to prevent a rebel
CiNoi.NNA7i , December 31. ThoWcdi-
roits-Frounds * Rome cable special soya :
Archbishop Gibbons , of Baltimore , will
preside at the council of Catholic bish
ops at Baltimore in November next. '
Moiis DominicuH Manuoy , vicar apostolic
tolic of Brownsville , Texas , has been ap
pointed bishop of Mobile , Ala.
Probably na form of Mo-twi Is to gcncnulr dis
tributed ninouB our \\holu imputation u Scrofula.
Almost ever } Individual lias this latent potaon count-
Intf Iila TeliH , Tliu tcnlUj nuflertngi endured b/
tluMO afflicted with icrofuloui ior i cannot Ui
imilerucwd by otlins , und tlio Intensity of Uielc" :
iTtvllttulo when tlicy find a remedy Out cure *
tlxiu , astonUhe * n well j > mon. Wo refer hyper-
it lulwlon to
S 8arut ! a
O of Warner , N , U. ,
f % 'it wu curej ty
UioMverilyof which conflneil her to the houwfor
tuo years. Blx monttu iiravloiu to taVlns llovd'n
hflrMtparllla the could not ect About ber room \vltliV *
outrrutcbci. Her frlcmt wyil "I did Dot think If
IHMjillc fvrher to llvo many inonthi ) the wiu
ducedtoH incra ( kelcton. Her cure U hardly ) e *
tluut A inlracle. " Moro wonderful cure * thau thin
La\o been effected by thli medicine. Ttiero U no-
lUubtthat In Hood' * ( tareaparllU wahsvg tlnniof.
remarkable medicine tliat liot ever Ixxn produced ,
and A positive cure for BcrofuU In It * numerous
torau. Jtta ) $14Mli for $ S-00. rnrpaml oclj ly
C , 1. 11(0 ) & CO.itotUIAi * . Bold by VnuvUr