THE DAILX" BEE OMAHA , H.B.IREY&CO. . . . , Real- Estate Agents , 15th and Farnam Stfcots. - - Omaha , Nol ) . Below will bo found a few of the BEST nnd most DESIRABLE BARGAINS : OMAHA CITY PROPERTY. No.r211 2 story brick residence , near St. tMary'B nvenuo , at n bargain. No. 221 12 vacant lot , 1 block from atrcot cars , anmo diatanco from Hnnseom Park. Wo olTer these lota , which are very desirable for building purposca , at a low figure for a few days only. No. 220 3 lota on Saundora street , near Charlca. Those lotawill bo sold cheap and are well located for n block of stores. No. 229 Buainosa property , rents for § 2.000 , pays PO per cent. Best thing over offered. No. 235 Three houses and lots , rente forl,200 per year. No. 241 3 lota in Bartlett'a addition , very cheap. No. 253 15 ncros in Cunmngham'a addition. , { % No. 247 3 lota in Ennscom place. ' No. 94 4 lota on S. 10th Btrcot. Easy torma. Each , $300. No. 102 House nnd lot. House , 5 rooms and basement. Lot , GO x40 , S. 10th street , nenr Charlea , § 800 down , balance in 2 yoara. 51,400. No. 84 9 lots , 00x132 cash , S. 10th st. Muat bo aold altogether. $4,500. No. 77 3 housea , 2 brick and 1 frame , on lot 0(5x132 ( , 3. llth at $4.900 cash , balance long timo. $7,250. p No. 40 One aero lot and house , 4 rooms , 4 blocks , S. St. Mary avenue street car line. Very/cheap. $3,700. Liberal terms. No. 11 3 housea nnd lots , COxUO , S. 10th at. , N of railroad. Thia ia the best bargain for an investor over offered in the city. $2,500. No. 90 A good house of B rooms , with basement and other good improvements. Lot , 50x150. b'mit and evergreen treea C years old. Nieo residence property. Easy terms. § 3,200. No. 19 New house and barn. Lot , 132x148. This ia a very do * airablo reaidenco property , and is offered at a low price. Will "ex change for f rm property. $4,500. No. 143 2 lota iit Block K , Lowe's 1st nddition , § 150 each. No. 1C3 8 lota m Boyd'a addition. $175 each. Eisy terms. No. 107 2 lota in Lowe's accond addition. Each contains 1 aero , with house and barn. Bargain. No. 1C9 4 aero lots in Lowe's second addition. No. 179 1 lot in Kountz' third addition. New ] houao of 3 rooms , barns , etc. $1,800. No. 181 1 lot in Kountz' third nddition , 2 houses , etc. $1,500. No. 184 2 lota in Block 3 , Kountz' third nddition. Must bo sold together. $2,200. No. 186 3 acres in Okahoma , with good 5-room house and other improvements. § 3,500. FARM LANDS. No. 201 40 acres near Fort Omaha. No. 202 2 good farms near Waterloo. 240 aero farm near Oscoola , Neb , , $25 per acre. Will exchange for city property. Easy torma. No. 12 2,000 acres of improved landin Hitchcock county , Nebraska , ranging in price from $3.50 to $10 per acre. No. 17 040 acres of good farm land in Dawaon county. Will ex change for city property. $3.50 per acre. , No. 22 The beat farm in Nebraska , 7 miles from Omaha , containa 150 acres , 2 housea , wells , cisterns , barns and all other first class im provements. Also orchard matured and bearing. Will exchange for No. 107 Several valuable and low-priced tracka of land in Madison county. 1C farms within from o 12 miles of railroad , and 23 pieces of im proved lands , near/ Table Rock , Nebraska , all conveniently near market , and m many instances offered at great bargains. Among other counties in which wo have special bargains in farms and unimproved lands , are Jefferson , Knox , Clay , Valley , Webster Sarpy , Harlan , JBoone , Filmoro , COBS , Sewnrd , Merrick and Nuck- olla. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. H. B. IREY & CO. , Real Estate Agents , Southwest Corner 15th and Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. O > = = IA8K TOUR GHOCEn3 FOR TUB . ' ± OMAHIA DRY HOP YEAST g WABRANTED NEVER TO FAIL. Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co S 713. B17UT STREET. OMAHA. KEU IN Heating and Baking In only attained by usinjj R.TER OAK. : Stoves and Ranges , ITH HUE fiJOIE OVER OOORS For r.'a by MELTON ROGERS & SONS ' * ' / vi. > > . ( TMATTA. IMPROVED SOFT ELASTIC SECTION CORSET h warranted to war longer , nt Hho f rm ncjo.ttr.iuid Khro trttii ; * tlr.ctl'm than nny other Cor * . ! In the jnnrkct , or prlco V ld will bo rffiin'lcd. TnuwJprf4-nJuniijci Chlt F U lit pbywJinn , _ u im .1NO. H. F. LEHMA.NN. _ . - . ftr ra IT * TTTT-t C" ' * without med. A POSITIVE Jong standing. , Allan's Soluble Mod/cahJ Bougies Non UiWOUuo Ji olulJS , copaUo.oroll of Ban- SSWood , thitoranUito i-rodutw < lsppsU I'rlCJ 1-0 by ol e Ju 1 > l/ir.lTor n/rinr . tr > r li * MCII'I ' * ' vi > < iiy tut Ilicjuivuf li > iaa < niinti Ilin Uiliviniiit , IU con. flniai Mmim rf M EC- V l IIIIC UJIK tl * l irt * ii i. ' I/nportedBeer ; IN BOTTLES. Erlanger. Bavnriu Culmbacher , Davariii Pilsner Bohemian Kaiser Bremen DOMESTIC. Budweiser St. Louis AnhauBcr St. Louis Best's Milwaukee Schlity.-Piltmer Milwaukee Knit's Omalia Ale , Porter , Domestic and Bhim Wine ! ED. MAUKER , 1214 Furnnni. RED STAR LINE lt > al and IT. 8. Mail Btrnnicr SAILING EVERY SATURDAY NEW YORK AND ANTWERP Httcraj * Outward , 20 ; l'rep\l > l from Ant erpe KxcunSon , W , Intludlnjf b-aJInp , etc ; id Cabli USE urslonl tlnO ; Saloon frore 1 to 33j K > curtlon ( JlOto II W. MTPcter Wright & Boni , Oun , Agts. N. V. C Idwell. IIaroUtontCo.proalai P. E. noimi. t > Oo.S08K. l th Bireol , 0 ha ; V. E Klrnt * ) Oroaba , Agent * . Btewd-ly Stilt TftlklnR About It. OIUV.ANS , December 27.A mo- Lion to dissolve the injunctions obtained by the Now Orleans national bank pro hibiting intcrtoroiico with mail mattoi addressed to the bank for the lottery company is still being argued in the United States circuit court. The courl took a rcccsi till to-morrow , Attornoj General Drowsier makes the closing nr guincnt. Tlio If utninorA' Aniuml. Oniovno , D comber 27. Two hundroc and llfty mnmbcrn of the Northwcaton Travclinpj Men's nssocialion mot in nn nual session to-day. Tlio report of tin treasurer showed a balance of $ l t,181 receipts for the year $ l.fM,2flp. _ Totn amount paid out since the association litv boon in existence , $100,170. The election tion of oflicotB was hotly contested. Olltll'UllHtllCRf ) . Cmijvoo , December 27. The Ampri can Fire Insurance company of this city which was organized in 1855 , has docidet to retire from business January 1st , niu its outstanding risks , to the amount o 8iyi77,0H : ( ) , have boon assumed by tin llumo lusuranco company of New York Knlvntloii In Coimcutleut. ItitiiKiFi'ouT , Conn. , December 27. Captain Hunter , John atonart nnd Johr IMayhum , members of tlio Salvatipr army , worn arrested on a charge of vio' lating a city ordinance by parading the sheets. Iluntor doclnrea the army will pnrndo every night regaulless of the city ordinauco , O\or < luo. l > iuiAtui.i'HiA : , December 27. The British bark Lalla , which sailed from Philadelphia Juno Oth for Iliogo , Japan , with a cargo of refined petroleum , is overdue and fears arc entertained for hot safety. She uarriud a crow of nineteen. A Gilt in I'rosyoot , Bo'-Tox , December 27. By the will of George O..kes Clark his estate , valued at § 300000 ? , ia left in trust for the bene fit of his family and alter their decease nnd all relatives , the estate ia bequeathed to Harvard College. A SUIT in the Jttoml. ST. Lotns , December 27. The body ol nn unknown white man vras discovered Monday on the McAllister road , ncarMc < Keo Kings , Indian territory , slabbed in various places , and throat cut. Archbishop i'orcho Ocnd. NEW OULUAXB , December 27. Arch- biahop Porcho died at 0:20 : to-night. The funeral trill take place January 2d. All archbishops of the province will be present. * A JJOBS of $00,000. DETROIT , Mich. , December 27. A fire at Saranac , Ionia county , early this morning destroyed six business buildings. The estimated loss is $00,000. Woolen Mills Burned. LovrKU , Mass. , Decomboj 27. The Eagle woolen mills at West Cholmsford , Mass. , wore burned to-day. The loss IB dcavy. An OctoRennrlan Gone. RICHMOND , Va. , December 27. Peter K. Morgan , aged 1)8 ) , a veteran of the war of 1812 , is dead. A Texas Railroader. Mr. Paul Brcmond , the builder of the Texas Central railroad , was on the train with mo yesterday and I had a long talk with him. Mr. Bremond , thirty- live years ago , had made and lost a for tune in merchandising in- Now York City. Ho emigrated to Texas , to go into the saino line of business. Hia small stock of goods was shipwrecked and ho found himself almost penniless. Ho persisted in his ef forts until at the outbreak ni tlio war he was wealthy. The war swept liis property away as clean as the ship wreck. Then ho wont to railroading , and now ho is a millionaire. Ho sold out of the Texas Central a year or two ago , and has since built a narrow gauge road from Houston to Nacogdoc&s , which is to be extended to Shreveport ; his winter , and then sixty miles further xi connect with Parrymore's narrow - row gauge system out of St. [ jouin. Said Mr. Brcmond : "I am convinced that n narrow jnugo ia better adapted for our country. The broad gungo roada cannot bo built xt run short of fixed charges oflCOOto _ ? 1,800 per milo. The narrow guago can 30 put up fit § 500 per mile fixed charges. Why , we could binknipfc a parallel line of broad guago in eix months' compoti- Aon. Texas has about 7,000 miles of railroads of all lards , but has need of much more. The soil ia alluvial , and in winter time , whan most of the trading is done , traveling by wagons is very cfifli- cult. I hnyo scon the mud roll up on wheels until it made n band of six to twelve inches. ' ' Business is largely re stricted by lack of railroad facilities. " "You are having some trouble about your ( jrazing landsl" "No cud of it , no end of it. The real owneis arc fencing iu , their property and everybody olao's , too. We have about 275,000,000 acres of land. It is an enor mous area. The stock raisers have occu pied most of it. Very few stock rnisert are owners of the soil. They loa&o from tlio owners us pasture or utato lande , Now , the owners put fences about their property , and general graZ' ing is at an end. In ono instance t whole- county has been fenced in without leaving n road to get to the county seat , A good deal of violence has i caul ted Foncea have bsun cut and blood elicd But I guess in the end they will all Bet tie down to the inevitable , "Is Texas n good state for vomit men ? " "Yes and no. I know of no Htato thai oflers bettor inducements to a young mai of pluck , if ho has friends there or a lit tie cash. But it is not a place for an ) one to go empty liandod , , ' Mr. Bremond was on route for NCR York to meet the managers vf two othei aouthwcatora narrow guago railroad ays terns , with a yipw of forming ono greal consolidated system. Speaking of thii trip ho said : ; "Thrco .days and a half brings mi frflrp Houston to Now York. My fire trip from Texas to New York occupiec fiiurtcen days. That vrns thirty yean ago. 1 took a steamer from Galvoaton ti New Orleans , thence up to Memphis ihcnco to Pittaburg , nnd HO across tin mountains. Times have changed nine then , and will probably change as mud moro before 1 die , though I nm trow 71 years old. " Matcli-AInklni ; . UticJfurald. . ftiven the machinery , and the problmi of match-making is easily solved , Witl the aid of the nppartua which the Utic company has two or three men can turi out from five ifi six hundred grosa of aul phur matches per day. After the machi < uory haa boon sot in motion the first atop is to place a block in the splint mnchino , With each movement of the knife twenty , live splints are cut , and at the game time stuck between two slata in the bolt. They are then carried by the mo\ . mont of the bolt through the soparatoi and thence over heated pipes to dry the timber sulllciontly to allow the dippinc mixture to penetrate. About fifty fool from the atarting point , the bolt passes under n couple of roUnra , which pressed it just enough to bring the ends of the splints in contact wilh tlio moiled sul phur , which is contained in a pan or vai and kept in n liquid atato by the hca from n small furnace sunk in thu llooi underneath. A little further on the bol is again depressed , and ( ) | 0 tips of UK splinU nro drawn through a black mixture turo , which gives them the finishing coat From this point the matches ( they havi by this time attained that dign ty ) past down the hall , still travelling , as hilh orto , at the height of about a fool and i half from the lloor. At n tliatanco o ; two hundred foot from tlio starting poinl the belt lake * an upward turn , am' after ascending four or livp foot tin matches begin their return trip. I'nasinc with the bolt ever the lop of the iror frame-work , at nn elevation of about aovon foot they como b.xok over the splint machine , enter the room where UK other machine is located , mid nro then knocked out. As they fall they arc caught by a leather bell , which move ; alowly and carries them to n table , whorci they nro taken oT ( by a boy , placed in trays made for the purpose , and taken to the packing room , Tlio bolt completes a circuit once in thirty minutes , and during the interval several thousand matches are finished. The mntch produced is superior in quality , and will light readily - ily on being drawn across the window pano. This is claimed to bo a crucial test , and inferior ones cannot bo ignited in this manner. On arriving at the jtacking room the matches nro first placed in amnll papot boxes , ono hundred in n box. Tlio small packages nro then packed in pasteboard boxes containing olio-sixteenth or one- eighth gross. PATH'S MUVATE CA1U A Little Palnuo ou Wheels In Whiuli Hhc will Travel Through the Land , New York Sun. Patti'a private palace car , built at an expense of $40,000 , was on exhibition al thu Grand Central depot , yesterday , Patti ia in Boston , and the car is to be taken there this evening. Its name if "Adolina PattL" In the center of tlie car is a saloon about fourteen foot lonu and nine broad. The roof is panollcu with ombosaod leather , colored with twc shades of gold loaf. In tlio aides of the saloon are plato-glasa windows , sixty inches long , and forty inches high. On either side of the windows are beveled' mirrors sot in the side of the car , 'atti's private room is at ono end of the saloon , and Nicolini's at the other. The woodwork in the saloon ia amaranti wood , and the painted paneling nro by the artist Rosignoli. The apartment contains nn upright piano , two rovolvinp chairs , a table and a sofa. Patti'a room is 10 feet long and ( U foot wide. In one corner ia a tiny bath room , just large enough for a French , or half-lengthbath- tub. Hot or cold water ia supplied. Patti haa three windows in her room.and under the middle window n writing-desk , throe foot high , covered vritli green bai/e , and containing four drawers. Above the copper , nickel-plated wash basin , in a corner of the room , a beveled glass mir ror is sot into Uio wall , The ceiling is of old gold embossed leather. The bed ie upholstered in silver blue-tinted tapestry dotted with little roses , and this uphol stering i carried around the walla und between the windows. The wood uaed in this room is satinwood. Nicolini'a room is like Patti'a , except that the wood ia of amaranth and the upholstering is of dark , gold-threaded tapestry. Nicolini'a valet haa a room next to his , nnd Patti'a two maids u room next to her room. At Nicolini'a ' end oi the car ia a buffet , in which will bo an ice chest , hot-water boiler , spirit stove , wine closet , silver , and table'lincn. _ There nro no nriungemonls for preparing any- hing moro substantial than an egg or tea nnd coffee. The manufacturer aaya the car is a counterpart of one made by him some imo ngo for the czar of Kussia , to be used by tlio Grand Duke Michel. THICKS 0V A VI3NXKILOQUI8T. A Professor ol tlio Art Ilccalla Some I "radical Chicago Ken * . In a variety entertainment tlioro ia one .hing that \f \ performed well never fails a please the audience. No mutter how dull nnd uninteresting may bo the pro. ceding ' 'act , " no sooner does the ventril oquist como forward with his parapher nalia , consisting of trunk , table , automa tons and dolls , than interest revives , and BOOH every one in laughing , and many wondering hey it ia done. After enjoying auch a performance ) thi other day , a reporter for The Daily Now ( soutflit out the professor of the art , Mr , J. W. Binghnm. Ho was found in tin dressing room of the museum , junt removing moving his stage togs and donning hii "store" clolhcs. Seated ou his trunk lu talked to hit ) visitor , who had for a rest ing place ono of Mrs. Gon. Tom Thumb'i traveling-boxes. "Do you have many chances to practice tico ventriloquism in private , whore yoi can have some fun out of it without beiii ] discovered ] " wna oakod. "Why"anawored the profcsfor , laugh ing , "I have had some ludicrous experi onccH.but such occurrences do not happoi often , for it is necessary to have th proper surroundings to carry out the dc ccptien. " "Would you mind relating a few c tlioin ? " "No ; though not having kept any record ord I do not know that I can uo very < ii act , or give you the most ludicrous However , I do remember & very f unn incident which occurred while I was on midnight train going from I'hiladelphi to Washington. D. C. On the tarn train worp a couple of variety acton who got into the smoking car , ono c them carrying in hia arms whnt ia know as a 'property' dog that is , ono made u of skins stullbd with dtraw. In the hui ry of packing it had boon loft out t their trunks. I noticed the actor sto it carefully under a seat in the car , Whe the train got well under way nnd moot t the passengers were fast usloup , I con noticed imitating the whining of pujjpy. Firnt one person woke , the another. 'Confound that dogl * aai ono. 'Confound the man that don Uuow enough to put a dog hi the brj gage car"said ! another , while some on cursed the railroad company fir ullowin . dog iu the car. Finally the conductoi vaa sent for. Keeping up my imitations , to aoon located the obnoxious cur undoi a certain neat , and reached for it. I snarled and he jerked hia hand back , ind after eovornl attempts to pull the ) east out by hand , ho got the stove > okor and raked it out. Sumco to say. . when it was hold up to public \ iow tin shouts of laughter drove Mr. Conductoi out of the car. "Another time when in Philadelphia i servant girl at the Jiolel came into in } room to announce dinner. I stopped ou of the door ahead of her , nnd just as alii : loscd it I throw my oico into the room 'Let mo out , lot mo out , ' yelled an imag inary voice , in piercing tones. The ijir .ookcd . startled , opened the door again and nan * no ono. She looked bowildcrct and closed the door. _ 1 tried it acam , bu shu caught mo this time. 'Musha , ' shi said , 'you have the devil in you , anyway You knpo away from mo after this , ' ntu with that gave mo n crack on the had that nearly took the breath out of mo. "Then I remember being in n hotel ii [ lochostor , N. Y. In the room next t ( no I hoard a lady put a child to sloop nut -hen go out of the room. Before she go nnny foot nwny I imitated the crying o a baby through the transom between tin rooms. The mother ran back in alarm , only to find her child peacefully sleeping , Vgnin and ngatn I played the trick , until ny heart smote mo and 1 lot the mother lepart in peace. "Ouco 1 played a trick which Is quite commonly practiced by good vontrilo- niista. Going to Mount Desert ono day on n steamer 1 noticed n man oiling thu unchinory about tlio walking-beam. I teed quietly near and commenced imit ating the creaking of machinery. The nan waa porploxud. IIo looked over it ind poured moro oil on , When ho got n ittlu bit further the myalcrious creaking commenced. The moro oil ho put on the verse the creaking got. Well , I played t on him till I got tired , and ho was lover any the wiser. "But probably the queerest of my ox- K-ricnccs wcro in the south. The negroes are terribly superstitious , and used to call uo n.'hoodoo man. ' I remember meeting one of thorn , who had boon at our porfor- nancp. afterward. With n uort of awe 10 said to some oponod-mouthod com pauions : 'Doro's dat yore man what got dp dobbil in his atomacli. I doan' gc ugh him , yor bet yor lifo. Firs' thing : ror know ho'll hnb tiiu hangin * up in di sky. ' Why , really , they got to look erne no as able to do anything , and I wai jothcrcd to death with them coining te no to select numbers to play policy on , "Mnj. Newell and I strayed down tt ho levee at Mobile ono day. A row ol darkies sat with their backs againat r n'lo of cotton bales , basking in the noon < lay sun. I aaw an opportunity for some un , and thow my voice into ono of the cotton bales. You should have seen the expressions on the black laces of the ; ang. They stood it for two or throe ninutos. but as the sepulchral voice rolled out louder nnd louder the whole of them took to their heels like scared rabbits. The major and I waited around awhile to see the aftor-ollects. Pretty aoon out cornea the overseer to not hii non to work. Did they go ? Well we lung around for half nn hour , and whor wo left ho had not succeeded. Each am' ivory darkey swore the voice Bounded a : f it came right from hell up through tin cotton bales. " SOME : X'EUY cuiuous PISH. A Largo Collection of Klng-Hl-O , nl the Wny from dnpnn. Now York Timeo. Persona passing through the Bookmar street side of Fulton market , last week , were attracted by a largo display of what at first appeared to bo gold fish , awinv ming restlessly about in a largo tank , op posite the oilico of E. O.Blackford. Stop. > ing to examine the fish it was found hat they differ very materially from the common gold fish of tlio aquarium , and hat in fact they had very little in com. mon with that species except the color , and oven thia was of a moro brilliant luo. The body waa stunted and thick , and the tails spread out behind and float ed up toward the head in four apparent divisions , which were much like the train of a lady'a court dross , giving to the fisli a very majestic appearances aa it moved hrough the water The fishes were re ceived by Mr. Blackfonl from Japan , and hey are what might properly bo call ed monstrosities of gold fmh. They are iroduced in Japan by breeding in ponda , m a method which hou hitherto been cept secret in that country. They arc there the fish and mown ai King-Hi-0 , ho lot just secured by Mr. Blackford ie ho Bocond that has over boon brought in afo'ty to thia country. About five years ago n pair of King-Hi-O'a were brought o thia city and Bold to the Now York aquarium , Mr. Coup paying $000 foi hem. The Brightonoquarium in England cnt to Japan nomu time ngo for a lot.bul luccocded in getting but throe to Eng. nnd alive , at a cost of 7fiO. The lol iow mumming in Mr , Clockford's tan ! lompriscs seventy-five fish , which were irought from Japan by Capt. Clmrlci Powell Jones , in the steamship Oxford nhiro. They were brought in six tanks which were kept iu the captain's owi cabin and required constant nttontioi lay and night. The captain vnluca tin lot at $7,500 , or 8100 a piece. Some of the larger of the tlsh have i irotubcranco on the top ol the head liki the tufted seal. Eight pair of them havi oycs which protudo for about a quarter o nn inch beyond the head , like miniatur telescopes , and those nro known as tele ecopo fish. Ono pair , which are knowi as albinos , are of a beautiful pearly whit instead of a gold color. The rest are o a brilliant golden hue. They are tin King-Ill O'B proper , nnd there are fifty seven of them in the collection. The lie ! are of no use except as curioaitica f" aquariums , Theliyo in Japan on peculiar kind of biscuit , made of rico flou and cgga , and a quantity of this food wn brought vrith them It is hoped , hovi over , that after they become acclimate they can bo accustomed to oat the fee given to tlio Gorman carp in this com try , which consists largely of vugotabl matter , such aa water plantn. Mr. UlacV ford will try to breed them , nnd , if h succeeds , they will probably becomoquit common in this country. Aa it is nov they are the most curious fish known t the wntora of the globe. NnthliifLlko It , No modlcliiohiu ( ncr been known HO effe timl In tlio euro of nil these dUonicg nrinlt from an Impure condition of the blood i BCOVIU.'H BAHHAI'AmM.A OIC Ill.OODANll J.IVI Ryiiur lor the care of Hcrofulo. Wlilto Hwe HngH , IthoumatlBin , I'lmpleti , JilotclioH , Kru ; tlons , Venereal Horcm nnd DlnciiJiofl.Contmtn tion , Goitre , liollH. Cuticcn , und all kimlrt tMtosuuxi. It purllios tlio vyntcm , brnB ! col < tu the chcoku mul rcatorca tlio eulforcr to iioiinal condition ul health nnd tlffor. It In nmortod that the ordinary cotmiet ! 1180 < I by ludk'i are proJnctho of Kraut ml chief , Wn bullox a tliU In * o. nnd that a be tcr means uf Hecurliitf 11 tieaiitlfnl complexli I * to i i9 hoinn aimd liloml inoiliMiio lilto SC ( VJl.L'H JH.OOD AN1J UVJ5H 8YJIU which cleanup the blood nnd given pennr.noi beauty to tliukin , iLILfi TORPID BOWELS , and SVJALARtA. . Ilio Olscnsca of the hum-in J-ico. These lymptomslmllcntoUiolrtT < : IVoisol /Ymietlto , llourlr cc- . . Mlir.fiillttot * nflor cicrtloit of J > o tj' P- - m of food , I rrlnl ( > : * , * * 1 | ilrl ( * . , A Trf'.jnT * t' U rtl nmodvtvIff.tcnv , ! 1 . I'fnttho Ilrnrt.lN.t. ) ' ( firn tlio eye .highly cot orcrt Vri . t'OSTIl .LTlOW , nm. tlo muml tlio 8aofarpin 'ily that nets rtlrretljf on the Uvur , AaaUvormciUcluoTUTT'S I'll.l.Slmvonoo.iur.t. 0'liolr notion on tlio Klttncyfl nml Skin la ntio prompt ! roniovltiR nil Impiultlos throiiuli tlicpotlircouiicj\v ri > Krrs of the nt-EiUm , " producing nnpo. tlto,8oiiml < ll ( lttlonrpipi1nr toolaaoirnr aklnntulnvlgoroualiodv. TUTT'f * 1'IJ.J.S riwjo no nnuicix or ( rrlptnit nor intcrfcia With dnlli * M ork utul ivro n porfcct ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA- Bolitevrrrwlii'n'.anc. . _ 011lfg. IMinTnyHt.NiY. Onxv ! Um on WiiSKr.iw cliniiRCil in. Bluntly toiUlUHgv IH.ACK tnruMitRto np * plication of tmi nn : . BoM by Dnigguu , or sent hyoTprcMon fpccilptcif 8I Otllcn , HJInrrnvSlrnot.NpwYorlc. tarr's MANUM. OF USEFUL nccEiPTs FREE * A rONTUACTOK KbtMINATKl ) . Ilstory. In Urlcf. of JnntcHlV. Hunter "Who , Not \MI\K AKO , I'lnjcd uti Important 1'iu-t In Na tional 1'olltlOH. t , I'Mil HcpulllrAii I'rvt * . Last Monday the United States wn lotillcd by tolographio incaiiH that .Tame V. Bonier of Carlisle , Pa. , liad droppuc lead in his ollico , apoplexy being tin iftuao a.inigned. On Thuraday"wo wor < iiformcd that James G. ttlnino Imd ar ivcd in Carlisle to attend Mr. Busier' unoral. The two announcoinonta dove 4\il fittingly ; for Mr. Boslor , for a dccadi t least , hns boon onii of the stanches rionds ho of the knightly plume eve md , Mr. Boslor died possessed o tBsumod millions , and how ho got then a known to hundreds ou the Miascur _ Ivor and in Iowa , Nebraska and Minno ata. For years ho had the contracts fo iiipplying bonf to Indian agencies , am n these years such contracts wer rorlh more than the richest mine in al ) akota. During the hnloyon tiinoa of th ccond Grant regime , when Orville Qran ind his chosen associates dealt in liulini radorahips and agency contracts , Mr loalor stood in a position to make wha lomands lie saw fit , euro of acquioaconci and equally sure of profit. With Pnxtoi of Onmhn and Mnborry ( oral-while cattli cing of Texas ) of Kansas City aa alljos .ho need of capital never arose , and oni ooson's aolling counted ita proiita in ten of thousands. Mr. Dealer had a aomo rhat ovontf ul hiatory , and was enough o a public man to bo the mark for man ; " iharges of corruption. In the oightio" to gave up army contracts , content witl ho money ho had made , and devotee limsolf to the unostentatious workinj of the wires which move _ persona ! ircformont. lie gave Dorsoy $500,000 ind the mortgage stands againat the Dor oy cattle ranch to-day and added ti ioraoy'a indebtedness by refusing to tea ify in the alar route triala , By the later or statement Imnga a tale. An Unitoi JUitoa marshal was scat from Washing uton to auppiuna Boslor at Dorsoy'a firs rial. IIo was speedily advised of tin narshal'a coming and wont to bed. Hi vifo mot the officer at the door with thi assurance that her spouse was in bed ill lo declined to bo satisfied , rudoh lushed Mrs. Boslor oaido , and , being al endy provided with a plan of the house obtruded into the sacred prosonci f Mr. Boslor himself. About the mid lo of the reading of the warran ubpcena , capias , or whatever it was ioslor , who had kept himself covorci rith bod-clothes , lost his grip on hii ompor and leaping from his couch preceded coded to belabor the oflicor with a slid f wood seized from n convenient grata ' 'or this occurrence , for this muscula osistance of the power of thoBrowsto , : ogimo , Mr. Boslor was never called t < ccount. Boslor loft an excellent widow i number of daughters who will inhori lis wealth , and two brothers whom hi UCCOBB has raised from dependence t < uxury. A Card. I dcairo to return my sincere thanks the ho many frionda who BO kindly gave m heir nasistanco during my recent alllic ion. 0. H. MoHuimo.v. Suitfl have been instituted in DC tloinos ngainat the lock ( lelniul com ) any for § 20,000 damages , growing ou if the accident on the 1st of Auj/mit lot mlf a milo east of that city. The heir of Harmon Potofish , killed , ask for 815 , 100 ; Knto Pctolish , injured , sues fo 0,000 ; and Uanniih Oorridon , for th oss of her husband , wants $5,000. clconsu tliu TO Hcalp > and Dlood Itching , Bculy ' mtil bcrofmuui , I nhiillu and cuuta 'loiiH llumif lllood I'lilsnns , Ulcer AbivetHcs , and Infantl hkln TorturtK , the Oul c tire Ucnirdlos are Infi llhlu. Outlcura llinolv inent , thu law l'lo < 1'iiriflcr , Dlurctln ni gtrins fruin tltu Llo < and pcriiplratlon , ai thus remote the cnuee. Cutlcuru , the great Bk Cure , InsUiillv alia ) ultchlne and lnllaininatlondji the Hkln and Scalp , lieals t'lcirs and Hurci , rcitoi the Uomplexlon. Cutlcura Heap , an uxiul | > lto Kk lleautlllur and Toilet Requisite , Is IndutpcntlUo treatlngsklndlseaws andforronihciappedorgrca nkln , blackheads , blotches and haby humors ; Cu euro lloniedlos are thu only Infallible blood purlfli and skin biautlller * . Chu * . tluughton , Kv ; . , laviyir,2tiHtato Htreut , lii ton , reports a canu uf Halt Itnuum under hU ol si vatlun for ten ) uar > . width covered thu patlun l > odj nml limbs , and to which all known methods treatment had beori ajiplle * ! ulthout benefit , Vi hi gradually cured him , until bun now * * fair ana child llr. and lr . lUvrctt Htvbblni , UihJierUmu.Mai write : Our llttloboy was terribly altlliUd with Her ula , HaltJ JtlKUin , end ( Krjslnulas e > ir since was liorn , and nothing v > o could gUe him hcl | > e < l li until wo tried Cutlcura ItcmeJIeii , width gruJun cured him , until liu U now ai fulrany child. H , II. Carpenter , Henderson , K. Y. , Lined ol l' liulsor I | rosy , of twenty ) tars' utaiidlni * , by Ci cura lltmcdlos. The nuwt wundertul uireon rtco A duitpan lull of scales full from him dally. J'lij clans and lilt frltmU thought ho mutt die. Ui sworn to bufora H justice ol the ptaco and Ifcnd xm'n most proinliunt cltliens- Hun. Wm. iTujlor. Ikalth CoiuulMluntr. Iloul Kajs : Alkr thret < months' im > ot Outlcura Jicnuil and tuohojcaniot us constant suffering trouiUc ulous Humor uf thu face , noik and < .ali | antas ti endured , I can taj that I uui cured , nnd pronuu my case th" ni ( t renmrkablo on bold by nil driiggitU. Cutleuro. ( u ( tutu ; 1 < ? c t , HiKoap , liceiiU * I'OITKR DKIU 4i > u Cut tiLC'o I Huston , MOM. _ Hend tor "How to Cure BHnDI eait . " jflTTrjITCUItA HOAI' , AUolutely purit , iilg V * * * * inwlltlnal , Indorsed b ) | ihi > lciMis. i forrod liv the lilt * , bolts ilnrlng Ittil and U 2 , uxiXKca.f . hold inef-v.litru. THE NECESSITY FOR THE SPECIALIST , DR , H. WANNER , l Ion ? l > ecn acknowledged Mil more no U thin day ban my other. The vast Held ol mnlleal nclcnoo la ITOT IncToaMnij , wid Hi numerous branches ro itoiiRht nearer and newer to perfection , anil in nno rnAn can any longer frrixip them M tnnco tlie noectnilty for UlrMlnir the labor. And It Id tnio licynnil all ilonlit that dl-ioMO , aflcctlni the gen * to-urlnto'oiriuin ncoil tpcclal iitudy more than any * hlnjr oHlt no would untlenUnil and know how real them iTOncrlv. Dll. H. WAONfeU It fully aware tht there mo tninj jihy tcliii , and name scnulblo iwoplc , who will eonilomn him for making this dam of dlscancn n po- cIMty , hut hell haiiy | | to know that with moot t < t < on * of refinement nml Intelligence a more enlighten. d \ lew In taken of the subject , und that the physio * an uho ile > otc hln cl ( to rcliovlni ; the Mulcted ami axing them from worse tlmn deith , tannlni * phi * anthropl't and Iwncfixctor to lil ram than the ur > RCOII or phjslclan whoby clo-o application excels In any other brunch of hi * ( irofcwlon. And fortunately or Immunity , the day Udannlngwhcn tliofal-o phi * anthroiihy lhat condemned the victims of folly or crime , like the leper * under the , Jew 1th law , to dlo uncared fortiai iiawcdanar. A Few Reasons Why you nhould try the oeol ! > rat d Dr. 11. Wfttnct' * methods of cure : 1. "Dr. H. Wagner Is a natural phynlekn. " O. 8. FowLen , The Greatest U\lng Phrenologist. "F w can coccol you M doctor. " Da. 3. SIMMS , The World' * Oroateit rhyHlojnoni".t. . " \ on nro wonderully ! proficient in your kuowl edge ot dlgcnto and medicine * . " DR. J. Jrjmimws. 4. "TheaflllcUJ find tcndy rollef In jouf pre . nice. " DR. J. SIMMR. A. "Dr. H. W&gner I * n regular gnuluMo from llrllerue Hofplul , Now York city ; lias had \ery rx * ci ) lo htwpltnl practlec , and la thoroughly po.tod on all brnnrlni vt hla bcJotod tclenro , especially On chrouladl'c&Ks. * DR * . DKOWNRU , b Kwma. 0. "Dr. It. Wagner hta Immortallicd himself by tilsv ontlcrtul dlmxn cry of spccinu remodlca for prl * \alo and tcxual dlMMe * " Virginia City Chronicle. 7. "rhotiwndj ot Invalids flock to ice him. " Bon Frxnclnoo Chronicle. 8 , "Hie Doctor' * long experience aa a tprclalltt ihnuU render bltn > cry suoccesful. " Hocky Moun tain News. Plain Facts Plainly Spoken. At ono llrao a dtixnmlon ol thn noeret tlco wvi on * Llrcly avoided by tlio profession , anil medical works o * but A row j cam Ago oul J hardly mention It , To day tlio phjulclan In of A dUTcrint opinion ; bo la awarn that It la lit * , duty disagreeable though It may bo to hiuullo thin uiattcr without gloves and sponk plainly about It : and Intelligent parents and guardians' will thank him fur doing no. Iliarc.ulU attending this ilcstructho rice were for merly not understood , or not properly estimated ; ( inii no Importance hcliur attached to a subject which by Ita nature docs not imlto cloio Investigation , 11 wia willingly Unorcd. Tlio habit I ) generally contracted by the young \vhllo attending school ; oliler oomixMlons throuuli their example , may b * . responsible forlt , or It may to acquired through accident. Tliu excitement onee ex * pcrlcneed , the practice will bo repeated again anil again , until at last the habit becomes flrm and com- nlctcly euJa > ei the \lctlm. Mental and nervau * at Illclluns are usually the primary results of sclf-abuto. Amonij the Injurious edccts may bo mentioned lassi tude , dejection or IrranclliUlty ot temper and general ilclilllty. The bar iccki seclusion , and rarely Joins In the upoitd of his companion * . It ho 1 > o > oun | * 111.111 he u 111 bo lltUo found In company w Ith the other wr. nnd It troubled with exceeding and aiinojinf * baanfulneiia In their practice , I/ucl loug droxms , emlHloi and oruptloat on the tux , etc. , arc also prominent p. ) iiiptomn. If the practice la > lolently pcnlstcd In , moro eerlous dlatlirbanctta take plica Croft t palpitation of the licart , or epllepllo convul > ! oni , are experienced , anil Lha euffcrcr may fall In t a complete state of Idiocy bo * 'ore , llnally , iloath relieves him. To all thane eiiaRc | < l In this duigcroua , practice , I would na ) , llrBt of all , eton It at once ; make every pOHMMo cOort to do BO ; but If ) ou fall , If > our nervous ystom U already too much fhatttreil , anil conso- fluently , your will-power brokan , toke eomo ncrra tonic to aid jouln joureRcrt. Ha > lnp ; freed yourBelt tram the habit. I would further counsel you to go through a regular rounra o ! treatment , for It U a tTi t mistake to eummiia that any ono may , for Borne time , bo t c\ cry 10 little. Rive himself up to this f asclnatlnc but diuigeroua excitement without nufferlng from Its evil coiific'iueiicea at fomo future time. The number of joumrmcn n ho are Incapaclatcd to till the duties en joined by ucdlockl * , alarmingly large , and In mon of ouch cases thia unfortunate condition of thlnps can bo traced to the practice of self abuse , which had been abandoned years ago. Indeed , a tow months' practice of thin habit Is Bunident to Induce spcnuatorrhirat ] later ) cant , uid I have many ot micb caaca under trooi , mental tbopresent day.VII \ Young Men. Whoirjjy bo lufferini ; from the effects ot youthful f olllus or Indiscretions will do well to avail themselves ) ot this , the greatest boon ever laid at the altar ot uf N taring humanity. DR. WAOXRH will guarantee to lor * felt fiOO for every can of seminal weakness or private dli'coso of any klud and character .which bounder * talios to and falls to cure. Middle Aged Men. There are 'many at the ago of 30 to flO who u * troubled with too frequent evacuations of the blad der , often acooiiimjilcd | by a slight emirtlne or burn * Ing sensation , and a weakening ot the in item Id manner the patient cannot account for. On eitunln- ItiK the urinary deposit * a ropy sediment will often be found , and tomctlmca small particles of albumen will appear , or the color will be of thin mllklth hue , again onanirtiiK to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many mony men w ho die of thia ullllculty , Ignorant al the CHUM , which la the second Btage of somlual-wcak- nusa. lr. W. will Kuarantco a perfect euro in all caeca and a healthy restoration of the Kctilto-urluary or * gana. Consultation free. Thorough examination and ad. All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Henry Henry Wanner , 1" . O. 23SD , Denver , Colorado. Thu Youni ; Man'a I'ockct Companion , by Dr. II ! Wagner , I * worth IU wcliiht In gold toyouug men ) Trice Sl , ' - . Bent by mall to any addiost. Let Your Light Shine. Dr. Wagner , he celebrated specialist , ol Denver Colo. , 313 Larimer street , believes In letting the world know wliat he can do , and H doing for thousands ol his lellowmcn. Ills treatment tor lost manhood Ia u re tii win him a name that iiosterlty will bless. Ton tiuuraijt ! lustlnionlals from all o\cr tlio United States rom those ho lion cured , Is proof positive that hedooa uro the woret cues of theao dlceoncs. The oflllcttid rom chronlo and xexuol dlnoaecs of every kind will ud him their hint friend. Head his advertlMimentui all our city papers , and call on him for advice , aa wo know you will corrohoratu us In naming he la the tut krci'l Uuu friend. Rocky Mounrolu News. ) t Relief to the Afflicted. In medicines , M In tclenro , the spocullsU ua the onrt hual aj ( iomc to the front and accomplish great re-mlti. ThU remark H especially appllcablo tote to Dr , II. Wagner , of thin city. Ho iitanda at the lop of hlsprofes loiiund theiunsho performs for the unfcrtunatv would seem wondtrful If not properly luwedln thollghtnf H-tintlllo oinulrcments. uo w by the moit eminent ot the mcdlctJ faculty. IIs ollico al 343 Larainlr btroct , where ho will speed. . ly eilccla cure for thu guttering of either lex , no mat * * r how norupllcatod their complaint. Fonxiroyjt democrat. Chronic Complaints Require Time for a Cure. r Fertoni at a dlsUnee who wtih to be treated by Dr. , Wagner need not fuel boekviard because ol Inability to visit Um. II they will w to the doctor ha will Si tend a lilt ol quMtlons w nallen him to send medicines , counsel and to thousands he bM never tofu. } Ie has p In every city , town and station lu Colorado well as all over the United BUtos. Hee his ad Ibb advertlMineiit. Den * vtr Tribune. ShaU We Reform f SptdUo remedies tor all diseases li the theory , \ practice at present of educated nod exiwrltnc * ) . iihjsldans , and in all largo oommunltle * they h vo their specialties , to excel In which Uiuy Ulraut Uwl * studies and practice. Dr. Wagner Is a successful U * lustration of this modem echool of epeclaltlos , and bit uupreocdented success lu tlie truatniout of privata dltuaseiiUaa wonderful as It is flatteiiug' . Prof. J. Bimios. Ttioce persons who need medical relict tor the mod delicate of diseases will And an accomplished and cue * cessfulihildaiiln | the perM > u ol Dr. Wagner , No. 813 tarmier ttreet , who Is highly recoiumcndtd bytb * medical profeiulou at homo and Aboard. 1'omeroy * * ) Democrat , lllgotry md Iguoraiicuiuust give wayta u iwlom. and thu wuo ph ) blclan b lloves tu letting hi * light thluo for the glory ol bU fellow men. lrlnltr' ' Ink i thu torch ha can lest use to guide the weary' tiuJ sick one to.thu fountain of health It this artloU b lustruuental "TOKC'IIUUIIT" should as a Btl up * on A hill to guldo suffering humanity to3l3 LarliaiHt street , Denver , Oolorado ( It will answer Uta pun > or wblcb It u written. Addrcesj .1 DB. HBNRY WAQNER , I' . 0. box 2SeO , or call at 813 Larimer SUtut. Denver. OJlO.