Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1883, Image 5

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. . . ,
15th and Farnam Stfoots. - Omaha , Neb ,
Below will bo found a few of the BEST and most DESIRABLE
No.r211 2 story brick residence , near St. vMary's avenue , at a
No. 221 12 vacant lots , I block from street cars , same distance
from Hansoom Park. Wo oflbr those lots , which arc very desirable
for building purposes , at a low figure for n few days only.
No. 226 3 lots on Saunders street , near Charles. Those lots will
bo sold cheap and are well located for n block of stores.
No. 229 Business property , rents for § 2.000 , pays PO per cent.
Best thing ever offered.
No. 235 Three houses and lots , rcnta for3Jl,200 pur year.
No. 241 3 lots in Bartlott's addition , very cheap. _ ,
No. 253 15 acres in Cunningham's addition. , t
No. 247 3 lots in Banscom place. '
No. 01 4 lota on S. 10th street. Easy terms. Each , 300.
No. 102 House and lot. House , 5 rooms and basement. Lot , GO
xl40 , S. 10th street , near Charles , SSOO down , balance in 2 yours.
? 1,400.
No. 84 9 lots , 00x132 cash , S. 10th st. Must bo sold altogether.
No. 77 3 houses , 2 brick and 1 frame , on lot 00x132 , S. llth st.
84.900 cash , balance long time. § 7,250. p
No. 40 One aero lot and house , 4 rooms , 4 blocks , S. St. Mary
avenue street car line. Very/cheap. § 3,700. Liberal terms.
No. 11 3 houses and lots , 50x140 , S. 10th st. , Nof railroad. This
is the best bargain for an investor over offered in the city. $2,500.
No. 90 A good house of 5 rooms , with basement and other good
improvements. Lot , 50x150. l < 'rnit and evergreen trees G years old.
Nieo residence property. Easy terms. § 3,200.
No. 19 New house and barn. Lot , 132x148. This is a very de
sirable residence property , and is offered at a low price. Will "ox-
change for farm property. § 4,500.
No. 143 2 lots ii Block K , Lowe's 1st addition , 8150 each.
No. 1C3 8 lots m Boyd's addition. § 175 each. Easy terms.
No. 107 2 lots in Lowo's second addition. Each contains 1
aero , with house and barn. Bargain.
No. 109 4 aero lots in Lowo's second addition.
No. 179 1 lot in Kountz' third addition. New ] house of 3
rooms , barns , etc. § 1,800.
No. 181 1 lot in Kountz' third addition , 2 houses , etc. § 1,500.
No. 184 2 lots in Block 3 , Kountz' third addition. Must bo sold
together. § 2,200.
No. 186 3 acres in Okahoma , with gooa G-room house and other
improvements. § 3,500.FARM
No. 261 40 acres near Fort Omaha.
No. 202 2 good farms near Waterloo.
240 aero farm near Oscoolo , Neb , , § 25 per acre. Will exchange
for city property. Easy terms.
No. 12 2,000 aores of improved landin Hitchcock county , Nebraska ,
ranging in price from § 3.50 to § 10 per acre.
No. 17 ( MO acres of good farm land in Dawson county. Will , ex
change for city property. § 3.50 per acre. ,
No. 22 The best farm in Nebraska , 7 miles from Omaha , contains
150 acres , 2 houses , wells , cisterns , barns and all other first class im
provements. Also orchard matured and bearing. Will exchange for
city property.
No. 107 Several valuable and low-priced tracks of landin Madison
16 farms within from o 12 miles of railroad , and 23 pieces of im
proved lands , near Table Rock , Nebraska , all conveniently near
market , and in many instances offered at great bargains.
Among other counties in which wo have special bargains in farms
and unimproved lands , are Jefferson , Knox , Clay , Valley , Webster
Sarpy , Harlon , | Boone , Filmoro , Cass , Seword , Merrick and Nuck-
H. B. IREY & CO. , Real Estate Agents , .
Southwest Corner 15th"and Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Manufactured by the Omaha Dry Hop Yeast Co 3 f
Heating and Baking
In only attained by usinj ;
Stoves and Ranges ,
Ta warranted to wear longer , nt
, the form noaUr.wid ftja Mtci
tl'fa.cllon than our other Ooml
In the jnurktt , or prlen paid will
> e refunded. ThdlfaUorumtiiitif ol
hlu Ku' Unt rtiywtjmn , uxem
rii-ci. Ilrvt Naicea J .aii ,
ILn. JOKK.ri
For tale IJT
* 1T > r % ft't tfl IT TTTH O" ' * without med- .
A TOSTl 1 V EldneIlttfntedQo.
XX Jt vrr JLJL A Jtoberl8f70. One
box No. 1 will en ra nuyca e In four da > sorlw Ko.
t w 111 cure tt * rnort ol tinate CMO uo matUr of bow
long tandln ( ; .
Allan's Soluble Medicaitd Bougies
No nauseous do * a olul < ! ) S , copaUa , or oil of Ban-
ta\uod ! , tbat ManJin to prcnlutv djspepul * by
ties tr jlnir thoCottln iof tlio utornach. Prlca 0U'0
KdJ by all drutrdtti , or nuJiod on ruwlpt of price
_ , _ * ! ) ' ( or
fliftfUIvnl lUT4O2 llMttt4
th * t . . w.
Erlanger , . Bavaria
Oulmbacher , . liavariu
Pilsner . - . Bohemian
Kaiser . . Bremen
Budweiser . St. Louis
Anliauser . St. LOUJP
Best's . . . . . . Milwaukee
Schlitx-PilHuer . Milwaukee
Kru's . Omalin
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Ilhin <
Wine ! ED. MAUIIER ,
lt < ij aland U.
Outward , 20 ; i'npxld Irom Antw rp
Kxcuralon , $ (0 , Intludlnir LolJIng , t-la ; id C'ablr
8S5 : Eusurslon , 100 ; 8 loon frorc ( * J to J33J EJ
curblon tllO to lift ) .
WTPcttr Wright C. Eoni.Oon. AfU
Caldwell , Hamilton Co. , Oio&lia I' . K. .
fcCa , 8K , l th JJ'.reet , Om h J D. E Klmlwli
Omaha , Agent * .
Still Tnlklno ; About It.
OIIIV.AJJS , Dcoombor 27. A no-
lion to dissolve the injunctions obtained
by the Now Orleans national bunk pro
hibiting interference with mail mutter
addressed to the bank for the lottery
company is still being nrgucd in the
United States circuit court. The court
look a recess till to-morrow. Attorney
General Drowsier makes the closing nr-
Tlio DrmmncrH1 Anintnl.
Ciiir.vfio , December 27. Twohuiulrotl
and llfty nunnbora of the JtortlnTostom
Traveling iron's nssociation mot in an <
nual session to-dny. The report of the
treasurer showed a balance of $10,184.
receipts for the year 81:11,21)0.ToUl : )
amount paid out since the nssociation lia <
boon in cxiBtenco100,470. . The election
tion of otlicoiH was hotly contested.
CiitOAiio , December 27. The Amprl
can Fire Insurnnco coiniauy ) of this city ,
whicli was organised in 1855 , has decided
to retire from business January 1st , am'
its outfltmiding risks , to the amount ol
8iii77,000 ; ; , have boon assumed by tlu
Homo Insurance company of New York ,
Knlvntlotv tit Connoutlottt.
ItitUKiKroiir , Conn. , December 27.
Captain Hunter , John Slonnrt and John
layhem , monibcrj of the Salvation
army , worn arrested on a charge of violating
lating n city ordinance by parading the
sheets. Hunter declares the army will
parade every night rogaullcss of the city
December 27. The
British bark Lnlla , which sailed from
Philadelphia Juno Oth for Iliogo , Japan ,
with a cargo of refined petroleum , is
overdue and fears are entertained for her
safety. She carried a crow of nineteen.
A Gilt in I'roftpoot ,
BOSTON , December 27. By Iho will of
George O.ikes Clark his estate , valued
at $ . ' 100,000 , is left in trust for the benefit -
fit of his family and niter their decease
and all relatives , the estate is bequeathed
to Harvard College.
A H till' m thcltoatl.
ST. Louis , December 27. Tlio body of
nn unknown white man was discovered
Monday on the McAllister road , near Me-
Itco Kings , Indian territory , slabbed in
various places , and throat cut.
Arcliblshop I'orcho Ocnil.
NBwOiuuuw , December 27. Arch
bishop Porcho died at 0:20 : to-night. The
[ uneral will take place January 2d. All
archbishops of the province will bo
" A IJOBS or $00,000.
DETHOIT , Mich. , December 27. A fire
at Saranac , Ionia county , early Una
morning destroyed six business buildings.
The estimated loss is § 00,000.
"Woolen 31111s llurnetl.
LOVTKLL , Mass. , Docombei 27. The
Eagle woolen mills at Wesi Cholmsford ,
Mass. , wore burned to-day. The loss is
An Ootosonarlan Gone.
RICHMOND , Va. , December 27. Peter
K. Morgan , aged 1)8 , a veteran of the
war of 1812 , is dead.
A To\i\s Uailroailcr.
Mr. Paul Bramond , the builder of the
Texas Central railroad , was on the train
with mo yesterday and I had a long
lalk with him. Mr. Bremond , thirty-
live years ago , had made and lost a for
tune in merchandising in Now York
City. Ho emigrated to Texas , to go
Into the same line of business. His
small stock of goods was shipwrecked
and ho found himself almost
penniless. Ho persisted in his ef
forts until at the outbreak of
the war ho was wealthy. The vrar swept
liis property uway as clean as the ship
wreck. Then ho wont to railroading ,
and now ho is a millionaire. Ho sold
out of the Texas Central a year or two
ago , and has since built a narrow gaiigo
road from Houston to NacogdocCss ,
which is to be extended to Shreveport
this winter , and tlion sixty miles further
to connect with Parrymoro'ti nar
row gauge _ system out of St.
Liouin. Said Mr. Bremond : "I
am convinced that a narrow
; augo is bettor adapted for our country.
The broad gungo roads cannot bo built
xi run short of fixed charges of . § 1 , COO to
J1.800 per milo. The narrow guago can
ao put up nt 8500 per milo fixed charges.
Why , we could bankrupt a parallel line
of broad guago in eix months' competi
tion. Toxaa has about 7,000 miles of
railroads of all lards , but has need of
much more. The soil is alluvial , and in
winter tiine when most of the trading is
done , traveling by wngons is veiy difli-
cult. I have seen the mud roll up on
wheels until itranado a band of six to
iwclvo inches. ' Business is lurgely re
stricted by lack of railroad facilities. "
"You are having some trouble about
your [ { razing lands ? "
"No end of it , no end of it. The real
owneis are fencing in. their property und
everybody olso's , too , Wo have about
275,000,000 acres of land. It is an enor
mous area. The stock raisers have occu
pied most of it. Very few stock raisere
are owners of the soil. They lease from
the owners as paaturo or state lands ,
Now , the owners put fences about
their property , and general graz.
ing is ut an end. In ono instance c
whole county has boon fenced in without
leaving a road to get to the county scat ,
A good deal of violence lias resulted ,
Fences have b ° un cut and blood sited ,
But I guess in the end they will all sot-
tie down to the inevitable.
" ] s Texas a good state for younti
men ? "
"Yea and no. 1 kuow of no Htato tlml
oflers bettor inducements to n young mat
of pluck , if ho has f rionds there or a lit/
tie cash. But it in not a place for anj
one to go empty handed , , '
Mr. Bremond woa ca route for NUH
York to meet the managers f two othei
southwestern narrow guago railroad ays
terns , with a yiew of forming ono greal
consolidated system. Speaking of thii
trip ho said :
"Thrco .days and a Jtalf brings mi
frOrp Houston to Now York. My firs
trip from Texas to New York occupiei
fourteen days. That vrns thirty year ;
ngo. I took a steamer from Galveston ti
New Orleans , thence up to Memphis
Ihenco to Pittsburg , and NO across tin
mountains. Times have changed sine
then , and will probably chungo as nine !
moro before 1 die , though I mn now 7 ;
years old. "
Uttc.i Herald.
Given the machinery , and the probleti
of match-making is easily solved. Witl
the aid of the nppurtua which tlio Utic
company has two or three men can tun
out from five to six hundred groin o ! an ]
ihur matches per day. After the rrmchi-
lory has boon sot in motion the first stop
s to place a block in the splint machine.
With each movement of the knife twenty-
ivo splints are cut , and at tha same
inio stuck between two slats in the
bolt. They are then carried by the moo -
ment of the bolt through the separator
and thence over heated nipos to dry the
timber sutllciontly to allow tlio dipping
mixture to penetrate. About fifty feet
from the starting point , the bolt passes
under a couple of lollnrs , which pressed
it just enough to bring the ends of the
splints in conlact with the molted sul
phur , which is contained in a pan or vat
and kept in a liquid state by the heal
from a small f urn nco sunk in the Hoot
underneath , A little further on the bolt
is again depressed , and ( ho tips of the
splints are drawn through a black mix
ture , which gives them the finishing coat.
From this point the matches ( they havt
by this time attained that dign ty ) pass
down the hall , still travelling , as hith
erto , at the height of about a foot and n
half from the lloor. At a distance oi
two hundred feet from tlio starting point
the belt taken nn upward turn , and
after ascending four orivo / foot thu
matches begin their return trip. Passing
with the bolt ever the top of the iron
frame-work , at an olovntion of about
seven foot , _ they conn ) back ever the
splint machine , outer the room where the
other machine is located , and are then
knocked out. As they fall they are
caught by a leather belt , which moves
slowly and carries them to a table , whorci
they are taken off by a boy , placed in
trays iniulo for tha purpose , and
: akon to the packing room.
I'ho bolt completes a circuit once
in thirty minutes , and during
Jio interval several thousand matches
are finished. The match produced is
mporior in quality , and will light road-
ly on being drawn across the window
pano. This is claimed to bo a crucial
: cst , and inferior ones cannot bo ignited
n this manner.
Ou arriving at the packing room the
Hatches are first placed in small paper
JOXGS , ono hundred in a box , Tlio small
packages are then packed in pasteboard
jpxoa containing ono-sixtoenth or ono *
eighth gross.
* nvs i
A Mltlo Pnlnuo cm Wheels In AVIiluh
Hhcill Travel
tlio Land ,
New York SUB.
Patti's private palace car , built at an
oxpcnso of $40,000 , was on exhibition at
the Grand Central depot , yesterday.
Patti is in Boston , and the car is to be
taken there this evening. Its name is
"Adolina Patti. " In the center of tlio
car is a saloon about fourteen foot long
and nine broad. The roof is panelled
with embossed leather , colored with two
shades of gold loaf. In tlio sides of the
mloon nro plato-glass windows , sixty
Inches long , and forty inches high. On
either side of the windows nro beveled-
? lass mirrors sot in the side of the car.
Patti's private room is at ono end of the
saloon , and Nicolini's at the other. The
woodwork in the saloon is amaranth
wood , anil the painted paneling are by
thu artist Rosignoli. The apartment
contains an upright piano , two revolving
chairs , a table and a sofa. Patti'a room
is 10 foot long and G\ foot widp. In one
corner is a tiny bath room , just largo
enough for a French , or half-lungthbath-
tub. Hot or cold water is supplied.
Patti has three windows in her room.and
under the middle window n writing-desk ,
three foot high , covered vrith green baize ,
and containing four drawers. Above the
copper , nickel-plated wash basin , in a
corner of the room , a beveled glass mir
ror is set into/lio wall , The coiling is of
old gold ombosspd leather. The bed is
upholstered in silver blue-tinted tapestry
dotted with little roses , and this uphol
stering in carried around the walls und
jotwcon the windows. The wood used
n this room is satinwood.
Nicolini's room is like Patti's , except
; hat the wood is of amaranth and tlio
upholstering is of dark , gold-threaded
apcstry. Nicolini's valet has a room
next to his , and Patti's two maids a r6om
icxt to her room. At Nicolini's end of
he car is a buffet , in which will bo an ice
chest , hot-water boiler , spirit stove , wine
closet , silver , and tablo'linon. There
are no ani.ngemonts for preparing any-
, hing moro substantial than an egg or tea
and coffee.
The manufacturer says the car is a
counterpart of ono made by him'sonio '
imo ago for the of Kussia , to bo
used by tlio Grand Duke Michol.
A Professor of tlio Art Recalls Homo
Practical -Token.
Clc3 | ] o
In a variety entertainment there Is one
lung that if performed well never fails
, o please the audience. No mutter how
dull end uninteresting may bo the pre
ceding "act , " no noonor does the ventril
oquist comp forward with his parapher-
lalia , consisting of trunk , tnblo , automa-
xni3 and dolls , than interest revives , and
BOOH every ono is laughing , aud many
wondering how it is done.
After enjoying such a porfornmnca the
other day , a reporter for The Daily Nowf
souuht out the professor of the art , Mr ,
J. W. Bingham. Ho was found in the
dressing room of the museum , just removing
moving his stage togs and donning hii
"store" clothes. Seated on his trunk lu
talked to his visitor , who had for a real
ing place ono of Mrs. Gon. TomThumb'i
"Do you have many chances to prao
tico ventriloquism in private , whore yoi
can have some fun out of it without beinf
discovered ] " was askod.
"Why"answered the profosfor , laugh
ing , "I have had some ludicrous oxpori
onceB.but such occurrences do not happoi
often , for it is necessary to have tin
proper surroundings to carry out the do
ccptien. "
"Would you mind relating n few o
thorn ? "
"No ; though not having kept any record
ord I do not know that I can bo very exact
act , or give you the most ludicrous
However , I do remember a very f unn ;
incident which occurred while I was on
midnight train going from Philadolphi
to Washington , D. 0. On the earn
train werp a couple of variety acton
who got into the smoking car , ono c
them carrying in his arms what is know
us a 'properly' dog that is , ono made u
of skins otullbd with Btraw. In the hui
ry of flacking it had boon loft out c
their trunks. I noticed the actor stoi
it carefully under a seat in the car , Who
the train got well under way and moot c
the passenger * were fast usloep , I con
menccd .imitating the whining of
pujjpy. First ono person woke , the
another. 'Confound that dogl' sai
ono. 'Confound the man that don
kuow enough to put n dog in the bujj
gage carfeaid another , while aome on
cursed the railroad ooiujxuiy fir nllowin
dog in the car. Finally the conductoi
vas sent for. Koopingup my imitations
to soon located the obnoxioiM cur undoi
a certain , and roach oi for it. 1
nnrlcd and he jerked hit hand back
, nd after tovoral attempts to pull tlu
> east out by hand , ho got the atovi
poker and raked it out. Suffice to gay
when it was hold tip to public view tin
houts of laughter drove Mr. Condttcto
out of the car.
"Another time when in Philadelphia i
servant girl at the hotel came into m ;
room to announce dinner. I rUnppcd ou
of the door ahead of her , and just ns sh
closed it I throw my voice into the room
Let mo out , lot mo out , ' yelled an imag
nary voice , in piercing tones. The tjii
ookctl startled , opened the door again
and Raw no one. She looked bowildorci
and closed the door. _ I tried it againbu
shu caught mo this time. 'Musha , ' sh
aid , 'you have the devil in you , anyway
You kapo away from mo after this , ' am
vith that gave mo a crack on the Imcl
Imt nearly took the breath out of mo.
"Thou I remember being in a hotel ii
lochcstor , N. Y. In the room next tine
no I heard a lady putachlldto sloop am
hen go out of the room. Before she go
nany foot away I imitated the crying o
a baby through Iho transom between tin
rooms. The mother ran back in alarm
ml ) ' to find her child peacefully sleeping
Vguin and again I played the trick , unit
ny heart smote mo nnd 1 lot the ihothoi
lopart in peace.
"Ouco 1 played a trick which la quite
ommonly practiced by good vontrilo'
[ tiists. Going to Mount Desert ono daj
in a steamer 1 noticed a man oiling the
nachinory about the walking-beam. 1
teed quietly near and commenced mul
ling the creaking of machinery. The
nan wai perplexed. Ho looked over il
md poured moro oil on. When ho got n
ittlo bit further the mystcrioui croaking
ommonccd , 'I'ho ' moro oil ho put on the
verse the creaking got. Well , I played
t on him till I got tired , and ho wat
lover any the wiser.
"But probably the queerest of my ox <
icrioncca wcro in the south. The negroo :
are terribly superstitious , and used to cal !
no a/hoodoo man. ' I remember mooting
ono o'f thorn , who Imd boon at our porfor
nancp. afterward. With a uort of awi
10 said to same oponcd-mouthcd com
unions : 'Doro's dat yore man what go
Ip dobbil in his stomach. I doan' g (
ligh him , yor bet yor lifu. Firs' thin ;
yor know ho'll hub rno hangin' up in di
iky. " Why , really , they got to look oi
uo as able to do anything , and I wai
mthcrcd to death with them coining l <
no to select numbers to play policy on
"Moj. Newell and I strayed down t (
ho Ipveo at Mobile ono day. A row o :
larkies sat with their backs against i
lilo of cotton bales , basking in the noon
lay sun. I saw an opportunity for SOUK
un , and thaw my voice into ono of tlu
cotton bales. You should have scon tlu
expressions on the black iaccs of tin
; ang. They stood it for two ur throt
ninutos. but as the sepulchral voict
rolled out louder and louder the whoh
of thorn took to their heels like scarot
rabbits. The major and I waited arouiu
awhile to BOO the after-effects. Prottj
soon out comes the overseer to sot hii
non to work. Did they go ? Well w <
mug around for half an hour , and whet
wo left ho had not succeeded. Each ant
every darkey nworo the voice sounded ai
f it came right from hell up through tin
cotton bales. "
A Largo Collection of Klng-Ill-D , nl
tlio Way Irom
i'ow York Times ,
Persons passing through the Beokmai
troot aide of Fulton market , lost week
wore attracted by a largo display of wlm
at first appeared to bo gold fish , swim
ming restlessly about in n largo tank , op
ipsitc the office of E. G.Blackford. Stop
ling to examine the fish it was fount
hat they differ very materially from thi
ommori gold fish of the aquarium , ant
hat in fact they had very little in com
mon with that species except the color
and oven this waa of a moro brilliani
mo. The body was stunted and thick ,
and the tails spread out behind and float' '
od up toward the head in four apparonl
[ { visions , which were much like the trait
of a lady's court dress , giving to the fisl
a very maiostio appearance as it moved
hrough the water The fishes were ro
civod by Mr. Blackford from Japan , ant
hey are what might properly bo call
ed monstrosities of gold fish. They arc
iroducod in Japan by breeding in ponds
m a method which has hitherto beer
cept secret in that country. They art
mown there as the King-Ili-0 fish , ant
ho lot just secured by Mr. Blackford ii
, lie Bocond that has ever boon brought in
afety to this country. About five year
go a pair of King-Hi-0's were brought
to this city and sold to the Now Yorl
aquarium , Mr , Coup paying $000 fo :
hem. The Brightonaquarium in Knglaiu
out to Japan Homo time ago for a lotbu
uccooded in getting but three to Eng
and alive , at a cost of 7CO. The lo
low n\irrnning in Mr. Clack ford's tanl
iompriscs seventy-five fish , which won
irought from Japan by Capt. Charlc
'owoll Jones , in the steamship Oxford
flhiro. They were brought in six tanks
which were kept in the captain's owi
cabin and required constant attontio ;
lay and night. The captaiii values th
ot at § 7,500 , or 8100 a pioco.
Some of the targor of the fish have
irotubcranco on thp top ol the head lik
ho tufted seal , Eight pair of thorn hav
eyes which protutlo for about a quarter c
an inch beyond the head , like minmtui
telescopes , and these are known as toh
scope lish. Ono pair , which are know
is albinos , are of a beautiful pearly whit
instead of a gold color. The rest are c
a brilliant golden hue. Tlioy are th
King-Hi O'B proper , and there are lift }
seven of them in the collection. The Ua
are of no use except as curiosities I'
aquariums. They live in Japan on
peculiar kind of biscuit , nmtlo of rice Hot
and eggs , and a quantity of this food wf
brought vrith thorn It is hoped , hov
ever , that after they become acclimate
they can bo accustomed to eat the foe
given to tlio Gorman carp in this coui
try , which consists largely of vegotab !
matter. Bitch as water plants. Mr. Iliac ]
ford will try to breed thorn , and , if 1
succeeds , they will probably bocomoqui
common in this country , As it U not
they are the most curious fish known I
the waters of the globo.
Nothing Mko It ,
No modlclnohun over been known HO eflc
ttial In the euro of nil thoeo dUoanc utMi
from an Impure condition of the blood
8VIIU1' for tlio euro of Hcrofula. Whlto Hw <
HngH , lUioumatlitm , 1'lmplen , Jilotclwn , Kru
ttons , Ycnerenl Koret anil DlacoaoK.Conmttn
lion , Goitre , ISoIlH , Cancer * , nnd nil kludr
tUioaxoB. It jmrllmB the Byntcm , brings col
to the cheeks nml restores the sufferer t <
nmjiml condition ut health and Ufjor ,
It in oinertod tbat tha ordinary cosinel !
moil tiy liullei ara produclUu of Kroat in
chief. Wn tullove till * In ho. nnd that n b <
tcr means of tiecuiliut n beautiful complexl
lit to ilka fcoinn teed blood mudlrliia llliu HO
which clcuuntid tha blood and gives
beauty to tj ) rldn.
and WJALARtA. . .
from tin-so sonroeo iiri otInc-ronrtnBol
Iho < Hon p8 of the Iminiu rico. Thcso
tyinp-lomslniUcntoUiolrtT i sTjosoo *
Appetite , Holt/el * CO" .
nclic.fulltios * ) nflor "
e itrtlou of boily f * oi
of food , IrHnl > : * Jtt > w
< plrli ( , A rrr * . - t > I. . , . Ml
omoituv . 'f > i'.icnu , 11 . iifrttlio
Ilrnrt.lW-i lorotlioeyi . , UlKhlycol
orc l tlrt . COKSTJl'.tTlorj , nml do-
uuitul tlio use ofa romuily tlwt ncta illrretlv
on the l.lvur. AaaUvormcillclnoTUTT'S
I'll.i.S imvn no oaur.l. Tholr notion on tlio
ICUlnoyamul Skin lentno prompt | removing
nil Innuirlttoa Uiroiiitli those tlirco' c iv-
ciierru of tlio nyaltm , " produolnff nppo-
lHo,80timl < llRculonroju1nr stools , a clcnr
sklnnmlnvlKorounliodv. TirrT'H 1'DkT.H
rniiQO no iinmeix or ( trlplng nor Intcrfcra
with rtnllr work mid nro n perfect
Bolde.vcrTwh < TPark ! . OlllcM > MurnrHt..N.Y.
onxr lUin on wmsicniw oimiiRca in-
Btnnlly toixutxissr HLACIC byaMiiRlo np.
pllcntlon of tlili Tim. Bold by Dntffslsu ,
orucnt by express on rrcntptof Qi
Olllco , lOltirmvBtniet.Nrvr Yortc.
History. In Brief , of JnincH AV. Htmlcr
AVI ID , Not liOiifi AKO , IMujctl nn
Iniu > rtmt Part In Nil *
itunnl I'olltloH.
t. I'Mil ItcpubltrAii
Last Monday the United Slnles wai
lotillcd by tologrniihio mcaiw tlmt Jnmoi
\V. Boslor of Uurlislo , Pa. , Imd droppoc
lend in his ollico , niiotiloxy lioing tin
inuso assigned. On Tluirsdny wo won
nformotl that Jnmca G. Bltxino Imd nr
rived in Carlisle to nttond Mr. Uoslor'i
unoral. The two uiminmccinmns dovu
M\ \ fittingly ; for Mr. Boslor , for n dcctuli
at least , has boon ono of the atmichca
rionds ho of the knightly plume ovoi
lad. Mr. Boalcr died possessed o
nssutnod millions , and how ho uot thoti
a known to hundreds ou the Miascur
river and in Iowa , Nebraska and Minno
sola. For years ho Imd the contracts fo :
supplying bonf to Indian agencies , am
n thoBo years such contracts wen
Yorth more than the richest niino in al
Dakota. During the halcyon times of thi
second Orant regime , when Orville Gran
md his ehoaon associates dealt in liuliai
.radorships and agency contracts , Mr
joalcr stood in a position to make wha
lomands lie saw fit , sure of ncquiosconci
and equally sure of profit. With Paxtoi
> f Omaha and Maborry ( oral-while cattli
cing of Texas ) of Kansas City aa alljcs
: ho need of capital never arose , and OIK
season's soiling counted its profits in toni
of thousands. Mr. Itoslur had a some
what eventful history , and waa enough o :
n public man to bo the mark for manj
charges of corruption. In the oifihtioi
10 gave up army contracts , content will
, ho money ho liad made , and devotee
limsolf to the unostentatious working
of the wires which move _ personal
proformont. lie gave Dorsoy $500,000
vnd the mortgage stands against the Dor
toy cattle- ranch to-day and added ti
Dorsoy's indebtedness'by refusing to tos
, ify in the star route trials , By the lat
Mr statomout hangs a talc. An Unitot
States marshal was sent from Washing
inton to suppuiim Boslor nt Dorsoy'a firs
trial. Ho was speedily advised of thi
marshal's coming and wont to bed. Hii
wife mob the ofllcor at the door with the
assurnnco that her spouoo was in bed ill
Bo declined to bo satisfied , rudorj
pushed Mrs. Boslor aside , and , being al
ready provided with a plan of the house
obtruded into the sacred prosenc <
of Mr. Boslor himself. About the middle -
dlo of the reading of the warran
subpoena , capias , or whatever it was
Boslor , who had kept himself covorct
with bod-clothos , lost hit grip on hii
tamper and leaping from his couch proceeded
coodod to belabor tlio ofliccr with a sticl
of wood seized from a convenient grate
For this occurrence , for this musculai
resistance of the power of the .Brows to :
regime , Mr. Boslor was never called tc
account. Boslor loft an excellent widow
i number of daughters who will inhori
lis wealth , and two brothers wham hi
success lias raised from dependence t <
A Card.
I dcsiro to return my sincere thanks i
, ho many friends who so kindly gave in
; heir assistance during my rocnnt aillic
tion. 0. H. MuK nnox.
Suitfl have boon instituted in DC
Moinua ngainst the lock lelnnd com
[ iany for $20,000 damages , growing ou
i > f the accident on the 1st of August las
lialf a milo east of that city. Tlio heir
of Harmon Petefish , killed , nak for $15 ,
000 ; Kale Petolish , injurnd , sues fo
§ 0,000 ; and Hannah Coriidon , for til
loss of her husband , wants $5,000. ,
clowinu tlm tk !
Koaljt mul Dluod <
ItchlnL' , folly mill ,
Bcroluloiu , I nlit'riU )
anil coiitayloua Humor
lllouj I'uUnnn , Ulcer
AliHcosHcn , anil Infantl
Kkln Turturcn , UiuCul
rura Uciiicillca ftrc Inti
Illilo. Cutlcum lUtoh
merit , the M\i lx
1'urlfler , Dlurttto m
from tliu bloi
and pcrsplratlnn , ai
thus rcmoi e the cause. Cutlcum , tng great Hk
Cure , liwUiitly alia ) lU-.lilnk'aml In llammatlon.tka
the Hkln and Scalp , heals Ulctrs and Horci , rotor
the Complexion. Cutlcura Uoap , an uMiilidto | Bk
lleautlller and Toilet Itenulaltv , la Indlspcneible
trcatliiL'sklndlscaiics andf < > rroiiKhchapp < xlorrca |
nkln , black head , blotches and baby huiiion ; Cu
cnra Itoinedlcs are thu only Infallible blood purlfli
and iktn bcautlllen.
llouuhtoii , ) " . * | . , UwiT
ton. rqwrts a ta o nl Halt Itliuum under Ills olwi
va'.lunfor tin join , wlilcli ixnercil tlio jmtlun
iKiJy nnd Ilinln , nnd to which all known inutlioda
t'eatinciithadbiMin Rl > l > lled without bonoflt , whl
irrulually cured him , until lion now an fair M *
Mr , ami Urn. KtcaUHtcbUni , Uclcliertown.llai
wrltu : Our IHUoboy wan terribly alnlcto.l with tier
ub , Halt j lllieimi , and t Erynlimlaa v\vr inco
wan liuru , and iiothlni ; M a could R | > lilui hclHjd Ii
until wo tried Cutlciira llcuicdlo , HhlUi
cured lilin , until liu l now aa lair any child.
H , I. . Curpontcr , IlendtMOii , N , Y. , Mired ct l'
l.uinor Ixifroiiy , ol twenty jearn1 itainlliitr , by Ci
turn lltmwlleii. The most wonderful euro on rcco
A Uuitpan lull of icateit ftll from him dully. I'li ;
claim and ) ili frlcinU thought lie limit die. ( /i
( worn to buforaa juntlte ol tuc ptaco and Ifcnd
Km'H inont prciiiliicnt cltlien -
Jlon.H'in. iTujlor , llcaltli C'oiunjlwlontr , lion !
ta > 8 : AfUr tlireu imnitha' uvu of Outltura Ittnui !
anil t i > howiriiol > ncoiiiitaiitiiullcrlii ( ; from Be
uloiu Humor of the face , nocK and ecalp avuai oi
nuhiri'd , I can say that I aiu cured , and prouuu
my pax tha moat remarkable i on rtt'ord.
"Boid by ull UrumcUtii. Cutlcuro. W rtuU ; KIH
out , 4lHuup ; , 26ccnU * 1'orTKR Uxi'O AMI Cue
CAL Co I Ikutoti , llua.
Hend for''HowtoCur8Bliliiniiea e . "
hOAl' . AbaoluUly pure , WK
inudldual , Indoruod b ) phj blclani. i
ferret ! bvthvtllto. BJc during mi std ItSJ ,
ooOjWX ) C IMI ,
Kan lone boon MVnowlcdeed and more no at thin day
than any other. The v fleM of medical sclcnco la
ever IncronMng , tuid Its iiumerout branches are
brought nearer and nearer to perfection , ainl
no nna tmn can Any lanRor ( rraip them 1
Hcnco the nercmlty for dividing the Hlior. And It la
true licyonil all doubt that dluxuo , ufTcctlnjr tha gen *
to-mlhiry organn ncnl ( jieclivl Ktudy more than any *
hini o1 < , If wo would understand and know bow
real them jirorcrlv.
Dll. II. WAUNfelt U fully aTWo that thcro ara
many" , and nonio lonslblo people , who will
condemn Mm for making thliclan of ( lliooBcn n pe
clalty , but hols Imppy to know that with mo t per-
onH nf rcflnomcnt nnd Intclllpcnco r. moro enlighten.
d tlowlnUkcn nf the subject , And that the physio *
nn who devote * himself to relieving the MTIIctcd ami
a\lnu them Ironic or o than detth , Is nolMi a phi-
anthropl t and benefactor to his race than the tar *
KCOH or phynlclan who by clmo application excels in
any other branoli of his profooilon. And fortunately
or humanity , the day la dawning when the false phf *
anthronhy that condemned the victims of folly or
crime , Ilka the lepers under the , Jewl u Inw , to dlo
uncared for has passe Jan ay.
A Few Reasons
Why you nhoutd try the celebrated Dr. U. Wftfncr'a
methods of cure :
1. "Dr. II. Wagner Is a natural phytldan. "
O. 8. Fowtr.n ,
The Grcatmt tJvlnp ; Phrenologist.
"Few con excel you as a doctor. "
DR. 3. SIMMS ,
The World' * Greatest I'hnlognomltt
on are wonderfully proficient In your knowl
dlwnto and tneulduos. "
DR. J.
4. "The alTUctcd find ready relict In 3 our prca *
nee. " DR. J. SINUS.
k. "Dr. H. Wagner Is n refrutar Rnulunto Iroru
Mlertio llnpttal , Now York cltj ; 1ms had very rx-
i-usUo hmpltnl practice- , and Is thoroughly ported on
11 branches uf hla bcJOMxl eclcnco , cjjmclilly On
hroulcdl'CAaes. "
"Dr. H. Wftfjucr has Immortalized himself by
itanonilcrluldlscoMiry of f.iiecllo ( remedies for prt
ale and texual illscascii. " VlrRlnla City Chronicle.
7 , "Tlumvuiilj of Invalids nock to sea him. " Sort
'r.uictnco Chronicle.
& "Tho Doctor's lonf experience as a tpcclaltst
ihould render him > ery successful. " Uocky Mouo-
! n News.
lain Facts Plainly Spoken.
At ono tlrao A dlncuMlon of the Rocrct rice wu cn >
i * rt\oldcd liy Iho lirofcsslon. and nimllcal vrotkf o'
> tew Jearn K would hurtlnr mention It.
To-Oay tlio iilijuldiui la ol a dfOonnt opinion ; ho 18
A'arn that It In hi * duly Jlnafrcenl > lo though It
iaylio to luuidlo thla matter without Rlorcaand
[ > cak | iHlnly nhout It ; and Intelligent parcnU ami )
tianllniiH w 111 thank him ( or ilolng BO.
Tha rcsulU Mtcnillnj ; this ilc tructho vice wcro lot'
icrly not uiulcretood , or not properly estimated ; and
iO Importance hcln attached tonmibjcct which by
Ut nature linen not Invite cloie Investigation , It waa
rllllngly Ignored ,
The habit Is generally contnctcJ by the young
hllo nttendlnK ithool ; older companion ! ! through
heir example , may bircupontlblarorlt , or It may to
octulrod | Uimugh accident. Tlio excitement one * cx
rlenced , the practice will bo repeated again and
fain , until at last the habit becomes flnn and com *
letely euiJa\ the victim. Mental and nervous at
.Icttuna nro uiually the primary results of Bclf-abu o.
linonc the Injurious cOccta may be mentioned Iaail >
ude , dejection or Irraadblllty ol temper and general
leblllty. The boy cck occlusion , and rarely Joins
n Iho aporta of his companions. It he "bo a jounft
an he will bo HtUa found In company with the other
ex. mid In troubled with exceeding and annoying
lathfulncsa In their presence , lascivious dreama ,
mlenlons and crupUoua on the face , etc. , are also *
prominent nymptoma.
If thopractlcolalolcntlypcrilatedlninoreeerlou - ,
i > rurbancea take plica. Great palpitation of the * -
cart , or cplleptla convulsloni , are experienced , and
ho nuffercr may fall Into a complete state ot Idiocy be *
ire , tlnally , death relieves him.
To all those engaged In thla dangerous , practice , !
ouldHiy , first of all , ctop it at once ; make every
osulblo effort to do ao ; but if you fall , If your nervous
yntem U already too much shattered , and conso-
uenUy , your ulll-povicr broken , Uko nome ncnro
ante to aid you in your effort. Having freed > ourselt
rom the habit. I would further counsel you to fo
urouih a regular courao of treatment , tor It U a great
ilstako to auppooe that any one may , for some time ,
.0 t cery so little. glo himself up to this fascinating
ut dangeroua excltemeni without auCferlng from ita
vll coiiBciiucncea at some future time. The number
f joungmenwhoaro incapadated to fill the duties
njolned by wedlock Li alarmingly largo , and In moera
f such casea this unfortunate condition of things can
10 traced to the practice of self-abuao , which liau been
iiandoncdycora ago. Indeed , a few month * ' practice
if this habit la imflldent to Induce stcrnutorrhucoi | ]
ter j earn , md I have many ot Buch caacs under treat ,
en t rit the present day.VU
Young MeR
Who may bo tuffertng from the effects of jronthfnl
'olllin or Indiscretions will do well to avail themselvea
it this , the greatest boon ever laid at the olUr ot nif-
iruig humanity , DR. WAOKEH will guarantee to tor-
ill $ iOO for every coao ot seminal weakness or private
iteaso of any klu/1 and character .which bounder *
tahea to and falls to cure.
Middle Aged Men.
There are 'many at the ago of 80 to 80 who ojo
roublcd with too frequent evacuations ot the blad
der , often accompanied by a ( light smarting or burn
ing dentation , and a weakening ol the system In
tanner the patient cannot account for. On exarnin-
ig the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often bo
und , and soinctlmca small particles of albumen will
Appear , or tha color will lie of thin mllklsh hue , again
itmnging to a dark andtorpld appearance. There are
iuany meny men who dlr ol thin dlfllculty , Ignorant ol
he cause , which Is the second ttage ot nominal-weak-
ivss. Dr. W. will guarantee a perfect cure in all casea
jiil a healthy restoration of the genitourinary or
Consultation free. Thorough examination and o < l
All communications should bo addressed , Dr. Henry
Icnry Wagner , I' , O. 23SD , Denver , Colorado.
The Young Man's Pocket Companion , by Dr. n j
[ Vogncr , la worth Its weight In gold to young men )
? rlca 91,24. Sent by mall
Let Your Light Shine.
Dr. Wagner , he celebrated ( racialist , oi Denver
Zolo. , 313 Larimer street , believes in letting the world
mow what ho can do , and In doing for thousands ot
tilufelluwmcn. Ills treatment for lout manhood U
uro tii win him a name that iweterlty will blcus. Ton
huuaud toktlmonlala from all o > er the United States
mm thoio he hancured , In proal posttho that hudooa
mo the worst cues of these dlecatcs. The afflicted
rom chronic and Hoxual diseases : of every kind will
ud him their best friend. Head his odvertleementiu
ill our city papers , and call on him for ad > lcoaawo
know you will corroborate us in Ki } Ing he Is the let
kicr'4 Uuu friend. Ilocky Mouuralu Ncws. | ,
Belief to the Afflicted.
In medlclnci , M In sclonra , the spacullttg ua tlio
c3 wrnmlwa ) ( inca to tlio front and acconirllsh
; reftt results. TWa remark Is eipecUlly anpUcabla tote
to Dr. U. Wwtner , of thU city , ilo etanda at the top
ot lila profession , and the cures ho performs for the
unlortunaU ) would nocm wonderful 11 not properly
\lewoilln thellKhtof edmtlflo oixiulrcinenta. Ilo f
ciidorxeil by the mo-it eminent ot the medical ( acuity.
Ills oillco it 843 Larnmlr street , where ho will ( peed ) .
ly oilci'.t cure for the guttering ol either lex , no mat-
rx > rupllcatoi ] their complaint. Pomoroyj *
Jlironic Complaints Require
Time for a Cure.
Ferioni at a dliUnce who wlih to be treated by Dr.
VYatroer need not ( eel backward because ol iuablllty
to visit him. It they will w to the doctor he will
send a lUt ot questions w nabloa him to tend
medlclnei ) , oouniel and to thousands he bM
never vxu. He boa p In every city , town and
station In Colorado wellu all over the United
States. Beoklaod Ihlu.adtertiscmeut Den
ver Tribune.
Shall We Reform f
Bpedflo remedies tor all diseases Is the theory , ]
praotlca kt present of educated and cxiwrltnc * .
and in all largo communities they bure
their specialties , to excel in wlilch Uioy direct thai *
studies olid iiractlee. Dr. Wagner is a suocccaful U.
lustration ol this modern school ol spedalUos. and bit )
unprecedented IUCCCM lu the treatment of prlvt
dUeanes Una wonderful u it U flatterUiff. fool. J.
Thote persons who need medical relict lor the uaort
delicate of dlttose * will find all ocoompllthed and uo-
ceasfuIhUctaniu ) tha perwu of Ui. Woener ; No.
843 Ijaruucr ttrtet , who 1s highly reooinmcndcd byte *
uiodlcol profeiulou at home and aboaiit. I'oiueroy'g
Democrat , lllgotrywid Iguoranco must gtv way to >
w Isdoin. and the w Uo phyaiclau belloi en in letting bit
light thlua for the glory nt bU fellow men. Itt
iiiK the torch ho con best use to KuUe the
aud sick one to tha fountain ot health 11 thU
should be uittnuacutal as ft 'TQEClIUUI11"g
on a hill to guldu svutcriui ; bumanlty toStt X riaW-Ai
street , Denver , Colorado , it 111 answer tb purvo 4
or which it WM written , Addrcu , . . _ i
I * . SJ 0 , or cell Bttt3 Larimer SKoirt.
Draytr ,
Ktdtbo'cclUCTn ; beaded