THE DAILY BEJE-GMAIIA. FRIDAY DECEMBER 28 , 1883. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA , Friday Morning ) Bed 26 , Special Meeting of the SUite Alliance. A special meeting of the Farmers' SUto Alliance will bo hold nt Kearney , Nob. , on Wednesday nnd Thursday , Jan. 10 and 17,1884. All alliances which hnvo nt any time boon organi/od in this state are earnestly requested to send delegates to this mooting , nnd all anti-monopolists of the sUto nro cordially invited to at tend. No pains will bo spnrnd to make the mooting entertaining nnd instructive. A programme of proceedings will soon bo nont to nil alliances , giving names of npoakora , subjects nnd nil particulars. All oflicors.ofAlliances are requested to BOO that meetings are called and arrange ments rondo to send delegates. State papers , plooso copy. P. B. IlBYNOLlH , Ptos't State Alliance. J. Buiutows , Soc. ad interim. The " \Vcnthcr. For the upper Mississippi valley : Partly cloudy weather ; local snows ; warmer southerly winds ; falling followed by rising barometer ; winds shifting to colder southerly. For tlio upper Missouri valley : Partly cloudy weather ; local snows and rains ; warmer southerly winds shifting to cold er northerly ; risinc'prccododinthosouth- cm portions by falling barometer. LOOALBEEVITIEB , Hlmobaugh & Taylor , Omaha , soil Buffalo U. 8. Standard scale. Write for prices. tf Ladles' nt the rink to-night , A jxjloclub ling boon formed at the nkattnp rink , and the first game will take pjaco noxl week. The next mooting of the Oleo Club will bs hold Friday evening , December 28th , nl St. The Women's Christian AM Association will moot January 2 at 10 n. in. , and not Fri day , December 123 , The cxpcctod mooting of the city council wan not held lost ovoning. A special meeting will probably soon bo call oil. Several of tbo members ot Itov. C. W , Savidfto'a congregation made that gentleman very appropriate gifts on Christmas day. Mr. Fleming , the ffrocor , had ono of his homos seriously hurt on Monday night by ( vtoppin ? into ngni-plpo hole on Sixteenth and Dodge street * . A larger not of scales are being placed ih the baggage room nt the Union Pacific depot , to take tbo place of the smaller ones , which have boon removed. The Union Pacific company lias justhlilp I > ed 100 carloads oi old castings to Chicago. The old material accumulates inoro rapidly than they cnn consume It and Is Rhlppod to Chicago to got it out ot the way , During the pant ten days 100 carloads ol lead have been shipped by tbo Smelting works to Chicago. This is an avorngo of 10 carloads or about 120 tons par day. The metal is nu iu bars tbe same ulzo and shape of bullion. There Is n xry bad hole In tbo sldewall on the east sldo-of Sixteenth street , botwooi Farnam and Douglas streets. A lady was Domowhnt hurt by stepping through the wall at that place Wednesday evening , -.Tho Ilibcrnlvn Hlflos will give a ball in Crounso's liall , Monday evening , Decombc Slut A large number of tickets hat o already been sold. The company will give nn oxhlbl ' tton drill in tlio ball room on that occasion , A Uohemlan who liven on South Thlrtoent ! street was shot in tbo neck on Christmas day , by a-companion , who was carolessl ; handling a gun. The man was seriously wounded , but It In though that ho will recover Two how letter carriers for this city hav boon appointed , and are Messrs. Clapp an Molo. They will enter upon their duties th first of tbo year. This will make thlrteo letter carriers in the city , and the routes wli all ba laid out a now , Notlco Is hereby given that there will b a mooting of the State Bar association Nebraska on the Oth day of January , 1884 , a Lincoln , Iu the United States courtroom , A members are requested to bo present. Im portant butjlnosa to bo transacted , llvo carloads of baled bay wuro west yesterday over tbo Union Pacific. Mr Gllmoro Informed us that between 3,000 an 4,000 carloads of bay bad been moved eve that road during the post year. The bay ! loaded at and between Roger * and Glarks. Corn. Is scarce in sorno parts of Iowa an alfo In Wtaconnln. 'Ilia Union Elevator con jmuy , of this city , Is shipping largo quantltl of corn to local points In Iowa and Wlacon HII , for feeding purposes. Nebraska ca abundantly supply tbo Iowa trada with frral of all kind * . The children of the English Ltithertyi K tin Jay hcboolbavo prepared a very Cno on tertalninont for tioxt Sunday evening , and will be given in the opera bouse. A , Cantata Doane's "Kmanuel , " will bo rendered , togotl or with other appropriate service * . No ad mission will bo changed. Tim trustee * of liellevuo college bav elected tbo Kov. F. 8. Clancy , of this city president of tbe faculty. Tbo next term o this institution will open January 2. Th building now under way Will coat $16,000 and will ba completed next year. The start ' ing of this educational Institute IM duo to th effort * of lion. John T , Clark , of this city , Tui : BKK , as baa been customary , wil publlfth tbs Ikt of tboae who propose to koo ] open hoima on New Yearn. Ladloa wil therefore , pleaae send lit at as early a day c IwMiblo their announcements , with the ! namoi and residences plainly written , W vhall publbh A Hut on Saturday evening , an alao ou Monday , Thac-meof Jaiuui Wilson - , orrevtod o Tuwday night and cliarged with being u eus idciotu character , came before Judge lieuuk s' 0 yeeterdamornlDgy. Wlbvon claimed to bo oral road wau. A number of plated riiigs an conductors' check * were found ujxm bis per to * , , Ifo also bad a lot of confederate money lie atatod that be bad Ixieu In tbo city abou three weeks , The JudgetbotiKbt him a bar one and fined him $20 and coals Mid nentenuot lilm tu thirty days in tbo county Jail It i report/od tbat a few evonlugq nine / cm a of our prominent attorneys purchased < un of oytw and carried it to ItU bouie , AH bad a pot of voupmado , of which he and h : ' prteok.Vlieu they bad nearly fiulah ' - " -il , u human finger wwfhhedou ThBeatlajftauied. Wbora that Kujftf MR.B from 1 * the ( mention. It was ' " "up in tbo oysters fur naf 'If'tirtt fNully ever eat auy.tuoro Is- ystcrs they will fro through the can thorough- before they nro cooked. The board of education moots next Mon- ay evening. The San * Ccremonto club gav.o a pleasant op nt tbo Mtllard last ovoning. liy midnight last night the weather , Which bad boon bitterly cold for thlrty-slx ours previous , moderated considerably. At > at hour there were good proipocU for n mild * y The employes of WoMians & McIIwan made them n Christmas present of n largo alomlar time regulator , which now orna- monte their olfico nnd Is very much appro bated. " Klsowhoro It Ii mentioned that the 1J. & f. railroad will adopt central standard time , ! io change taking cUcct January C , next. It thought that the U. F. will make a similar liango before long. The telegraphers of Omaha have ralsml 255 for their ball nnd supper to bo given Jan- ary 28th. The dance will bo hold In Crounso's ball , and the supper will bo giv en at laconic ball. A pair of horaos on tbo Sattndors itroet ar line got away from their driver yesterday .ftcrnoon . nnd made qulto a lively chato down ovoral BtreoU. Further than breaking of lamms , etc , , wo do not think nny damage won dona , -Hough Atlilor lodge No. 75 , A , V' It A. . M. ( colored ) , bold n feittval of St. John's ay nt tbo Masonic hall , at Sixteenth ttreol , nd Capitol nvonuo , lait evening. 'flioro were the customary oxorclios appropriate to uch nn occasion. An oration was delivered > y Hov.V. . A. flroon , of this city. I.ntor In ho evening a social dance was given. The skating rink won filled again last ivcnlng with a largo crowd of spectators nnd ikntors. There was a contest by couplon for t prlro for the best lady skater. There wore our contestants , MlMui Van Aernam , Dun mm , Shlpman and House. The prize , a pair if nlcklo-platod skates , was awarded by note oto of the audience to Ml s House. -T. 0 , Jones , n colored man who lives nt fourteenth street and Capitol nvonuo , was arreatod about half past 11 o'clock loot night 'or getting drunk and abusing hla family. Ifo ivas n a high spreo. IFo broke the steve , iiKwhed eonio fumituro , and tnro tip things [ onorally. Ho cloned the performance by ticking bis wlfo out of doors and chasing her down ntrcot. Ifo was placed In the city Jail. Tlio special commission appointed to ns ICBS dnmngoH to property condemned for right if way for the Bolt railway , mrulo yontcrday morning the following axsoBsmunts : Snuth 22 oot/of lot 4 , blocks , $1,000 ; south 08 foot of ot 8. blocks , 81,850 } the middle 22 foot of outii half of lot ! , block 8 , $1,100 ; nortli ( > G oot of lot 4 , block 8 , S.V12.BO ; two-story louao and barn on lot 4 , block 8 , $500 ; south 2 foot of lot -1 , block 8 , $1,350. A Very Koinarkublo Itccovcry. Mr. Goo. V.Willing , of Manchester. Mich. , raltoa : "My wlfo has been almost helpless or five years , no hclplost that slio could not urn over in bed nlono. She used two Uottleu > f Kloctrio Blttom , and is so much imnrovod , hat she is now abln to do her own work. " Kloctrio Bitters will do nil that In claimed or them. Hundreds of testimonials attest heir great curative powcra. Only fifty cents nbottlo nt 0 , F. Goodman's. CLOAKS If low prices will do it , wo propose to close out every cloak and wrap , both Ladies aud Missoaby Januiry 1st. News : s yojir time to secure a bargain. L. B. WILLIAMS & SON , m&o27-3t Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts , THE DOUBTS , BuBlnosH Done BolDro the Tliroo Jit In the United States court yesterday the well-known case of Matt. Patrick vs Krwin Davis , occupied the day. In the district court , before Judge Neville villo , the forenoon was occupied by ai argument on a motion by plaintiir for now trial in the case of Fostnor vs. The Omaha & Southwestern railroad coin pany. A suit was commenced by Glare mont 0. Smith against J. Phillip Boo tc recover the value of 110 barrels of dricc apples alleged to have boon delivered b ; plaintiff to defendant in 1878 to bo soli on commission. Oharloa Vomplow instituted tutod suit against Caroline Chambers t < sot aside n mortgage foreclosure nnd n master's deed to lot 7 , in block 41 , in tin city.Ulcason Ulcason , who was recently convicted o robbery , was sentenced yesterday of tornoon by Judge Neville , to tlio pen ! tontiary for nine yours. In the police court yesterday afternoon the examination of Georgia St. Claire charged with enticing two young girls ti become inmates of a house of prostitu tion , was begun. The witnesses for th prosecution , the girls themselves , wor examined. The case was continued unti ono o'clock to-morrow afternoon. An Editor's Tribute , Tbcron T. Kofttor. HJltorof Vt. Wayne Ind. , "Gazetto , " writes : 'Tor the past flv years bnve always used Dr. King' * Now DU covory , for coughs of mont severe character , ai well as for those of a milder tyjra. It nevo falls to effect n upoocly euro. My friends t < whom I have recommended U , speak of It i name high terms , Having been cured by it o every cough I have had for five years , I con alder It the only reliable aud sura euro fo Couiihs. Colds , oto. " ( Jail at 0. F. Goodman' Druu SUiro aud got u t'rte Trial liottlo , T.urg 8Uo $1.00. OONGUEGATIONAIj The Young MlBBlonnrlcH Give Au Un t'orlulninont. Lost evening , at tlio First Congregational tional church , the Prairie Lights nnd th Willing Workers societies of the mission nry association gave nn entertainment fo the benefit of tbo church building fund The Prairie Lights society ! a composer of boys nnd the Willing Workers an girls. Tlio entertainment was a com pluto IUMOV and draw a largo nudlonco In ull , about forty children took par in the entertainment. The princijm feature of the evening was the fan dril exhibition by the little girls. This was especially well received by the audience Eighteen boys , with u variety of limtru inoiiti , furnished the orchestra music Solos , duels and choruses were given b ; the children , All the children took par in n plvnsing mUturoof song called "Th Baby's Opera. " The entertainment closer with the aingicg of a Christinas carol b ; th > children. Then there was n auppor and a sock gond time for everybody. Much of the euccoss of the entertainment mont is duo to the onorgqtio work o Mrs. Kuatiu and the ladies who asiUtoc hur. The entertainment will ba ropoato at the cliurch this afternoon at : 'M. MAGNATES IN COUNCIL. .Meelimtof aNnmlieror High Rail road Officials Yesterday , 'ho ' Mooting I * In Relation to cho Trlpnrtllo Afrrccinent , The associated proas report announced lug morning that there was to bo a .moot- ig of several railroad olllcials nt Council Jlufls yesterday. A Bun reporter at the depot yesterday morning noticed several special aira , bo- onging to dilforont roads , and concluded liat tlio associated press correspondent musthavoboonn little "olT'inrogard to the' , lace of mooting. The railway magnates were all in this city this morning and on- ored into council in the parlors of the lillard hotel at 11 o'clock. A cssion of ono hour was hold and then n adjournment was had for dinner. Everybody is decidedly mum as to what is being done or what is going to bo ,0110 , , and nobody outside of the ring nowa anything about it. It is certain , lowovcr , that this meeting is in regard to the tripartite agreement. The eve of the dissolution of the Iowa iool is at hand , and it is necessary forte to bo done within the next our or five days. S. H. H. Clark , of the Union Pacific , joimontcd to toll a reporter yesterday that 10 did not think the consultation would ) o finished until to-night. There are present attho mooting , Marin - in llugbitt and n. 0. Wicker , of the Chicago & Northwestern ; P. E. Hall , of lie Sioux City & PaciDo ; II. 11. Cable , V. M. Sago , 11. Oowor , II. Hoffman and Thomas F. Withrow , of the Chicago & Hock Inland ; S. S. Merrill , J. T. Clark and A. 0. Bird , of the Chicago , Milwau coo & St. Paul ; Capt. II. S. Hayes , of ; ho Missouri Pacific ; Ooorgo Olds , of the Wabosh. At tho' conclusion of the mooting , if everything is satisfactory , the proceed- ngs will probably bo given to the public. WHA OUT DOWN TO J1USINE.SS TO-BAY. The representatives of the railroads in- .orostcd in the tripartite agreement spent yesterday discussing the situation in an nformal nmnuor and preliminary skir mishing. Nothing definite was done , owing mainly to the lateness of the ar- ival of Captain Uaya , Mr. Olds and Mr. Jlodgott , representing the Wabosh and Missouri Pacific roads. To-day , however , .hoy will got down to business and preb- ibly como to a general understanding. ! t is ( possible , however , that they will lot got through bofoio to-morrow after noon. The Chicago , Burlington & Quincy oad is not represented , and the nbsonco of its representatives is regarded as rathpi n significant fact. It moans that it wil ! not accept the terms of the tripartite agreement , but will act indopondontly. TUB HT. JOB AND WKSTKIIN KKCEIVKll. The loading ofllcials of the St. Joe & Western railway mot yesterday at the Paxton hotol. The object of the moot ing was to take some notion in regard to the appointment of a receiver. The mooting was attended by Messrs. Qoo B. Smytho , L. D. Tuthill , W. II. Ros sington , Gov. Silos Woodson , D. D Burnos and Winslow Judson. The rpat was formerly leased by the Union Pacific but 'did not pay , and application woe made aomo time ago for a receiver , Mr Smytho being appointed. Ho will take charge January 1st. The other busincs of the mooting is not known. Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo. The greatest medical wonder of the woiic Warranted to speedily euro Burns , Outs , IT con. Salt Rheum , ITovor Sores. Cancers. Plica Chilblains , Coma. Totter , Chapped hands and all ikln eruptions , guaranteed to cure I every Instance , or money refunded. 25 conta or box OHIEF CLERKSHIP , niunors Thnt Mr. Btnuy Is to Uo Suj planted. It has boon rumored that Air. Stacy chief clerk of the railway mail sorvic is to bo supplanted , and that John IV ] Butler , of Pawnee county , had boon recommended commended for appointment in place o Mr. Staoy. If such a move is contemplated thor is , apparently , no ouo but the promulga tors of the schema that know anything o it. No word lias boon received nt th ollico of Air. SUicy , in this city , tha would indicate any change. If there is any change , however , Mr Staoy will probably move n Atop higho up the government ladder. Mr , Butler , the man. spoken of , IH n present head clerk in the railway ma service ou the Omaha & Hastings rai road , and is looked upon as an oxcollon man , and ono fully competent to till Mr Stacy's chair. Central Time on the B , & BL Sunday , January 0 , 1883 , the B. & III will adopt'tho central division standar timo. This time will bo used on th main line and brannhos as far west a McCook. From MeOook to Denver th mountain division time will bo uset The central division time is 24 minute faster than Omaha timo. The aotua hours of arrival and departure of train will not bo changed. The rnilroa clocks will bo moved ahead , nnd the fig urea in the time-table changed to cor respond. 1'uHnotl ThrouKhtho Heavenly Gate JJoocmber21 , 1KH.'I. Mrs , Lucy. A. MoIIorron was bor September Oth , 1821 , in Dryden , Tompkins kins county , N. Y. , died December 24th 1883. She was consequently D9 year and nearly 4 mouths of ago. She was born of religious parents , both of when have preceded her , She had early religious ligious training , which has all throng' her lifo boon plainly manifest in ho daily talk and conduct. Her lifo has boon ono continued round of good niv noble deeds , olways having n kind greet ing for friends , and over ready to eon a helping hand to the needy and eve ready to assist tlio fallen to reform. 8h married the writer of this article , JuK Oth , 1850 , and 1ms over since boon a kind true nnd faithful wife. During the thir ty-threo yonrs of our married lifo I car truly say I have never known her to to ! u falsehood or do what she thought to t wrong , but was always careful un > conscientious , and would rather sutle wrong than do wrong. For nearly sevo oars she has been a great sufferer , being filleted with trouble with the stomach nd liver. So great was her suffering lint her death would not hnvo como un- xpocted nt nny time during the past six cars. Amid ft all she never murmured or complained , but bore it all with irislinn patience nnd resignation. When kind friends would sympathize nd s y your suffering is very severe , she rould say , not morp so than is nocpasary , or my good Qed will not cause his chil- ' ren to suffer unnecessarily. With all my ulToring His grace is sufHciont for mo. On the morning of December 2tth her anctificd spirit was roloisod from its uttering , and carried by nngol bands to 10 paradise of God. I donot know which no of the twelve gates of heaven she on- red , but if their is ono gate with larger cnrl than another , nnd with hinges of old more ponderous than another , nnd with arch more triumphal than another nd wifjj wniting chnriot of swifter wheel nd snowy courses than another , I think lat was the ono through which my wife ntorod heaven. For surely it may bo laid of her : Karth bad none bolter , And heaven bos none purer. od grant tbat when I hnvo run tny earthly race I may have all my sins forgiven , io purified by grace , Anil moot my angel wife In heaven. O. II. McHr.imoN. AHAPPJFEAST , Dinner Given totlicMlsslon BchoolH Ycsl crdny Noon Olillclrcn Fed. At twelve thirty p. m. yostotday , three hundred little ono seated themselves at dinner in the Y. t 0. A. hall. Supt. Svvit/lor said grace , and thrcu hundred tniling faces "bobbed up aoronoly" and ix hundred little fists in all conditions if cleanliness were thrust forth , what they could devour. " With dainties unlimited and appetites unparalleled , the enjoyment of the hour ras depicted in each face. Fingers dis- aifccd knives and forks , and the ladies vroro kept very busy supplying the de mand inado upon the larder. The latter , hanks to the good people of the city , irovcd equal to the occasion , and no ono was sent away hungry. This evening a concert and Christmas rco festival-will bo hold in the same place md each ono will receive a present , tlcssra. 8 wit/.lor and Miller and Airs. S. I. II. Clark and the superintendents 01 of the schools , with the ladies ant ontlomon connected with the enterprise , losorvo great credit for the happiness -hoy have conferred in this charitable work. i -OLOAKS - If low prices will do it , vro propose to close out every cloak and wrap , both La dies and Missus , by January 1st. Now 'a your time to secure a bargain. L. B. WILLIAMS & SON , imto27-3t Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. PEHSONiVL , . Chief Clerk Stacy , of the railway mall ser vice is in Chicago. Senator Van Wyck , who returned from Washington on Tuesday , is in the city. S. S. Merrill , J. T. Clark and A. C. Bird of the Milwaukee road , are at the Faxton. F. B. Woodrow special agent for Brat street's commercial agency , left for the wes to-day. , ' M. Hugliitt , II. C. Wicker and P. E. Hal of the Northwestern railway , are at the Ml lard. lard.O O , N. Davenport , of the Millard hotel , lef for Now York state Tuesday afternoon , to visit his father who is seriously ill. Hon. William Any an , United States lam officer at Grand Island , and Postmaster How ard , of the same place , are in the city. 11. R. Cable , Thomas F. Withrow , W. M. S.vo > H > Gower and H. Hoffman , all of th Hock Island railway , are at the Millard. Goo. B. Smyth , L. D. Tuthill , W. H. Ho nuttoii ! , Gov. Silos Woodson , D. D. Bun and Winulow Judson , of the K. C. , St. J , i C. B. railway , are at the Paxton. .Tohn Boattygcnoral western man for lleei Jones & Co. , left fur hln licadquurtcrH at Oj. , don to-day. Ho ivill remain In the west unt next Juno. C. W. Klstluo , of Denver , and lii prlvat secretary , passed through this city Uils men ing on route to Chicago. They occupied th directors car of the Central Pacific. The ca will bo taken through to Now York , and wi bo occupied upon the return trip by Mrs Mark Hopkins. Mrs. S. H. Kennedy leaves to-day for Lor uinlo , Wyoming , her future residence. A. H. Spun , of Crouton , Iowa , was a guos of H , K. Burkot jeatonlay. Capt. It. S Hayes , ot the Missouri Pacific and George Olds , of the Wabash , are at til Millard. Gen. Isaac Coo , of Nebraska City , is ainon the arrivalu nt the Paxton. K. D , Walxh , of Fremont , Is at the Mt lard. lard.Jixiiiea Jixiiiea Marah. of Blue Spring , is staying u the MillarO. Chan , lllgg , of Beatrice , arrived nt the Ml lord yesterday. W. W. Wiuaon , of Beatrice. t at the Mil Inrcl. , W. A. Wells , of David City , is register * at the Millard. J.W.W bsterof Lincoln , Is at the Paxton W. S. Hey anil wife , of Fremont , ' ara a the Paxton , N , 8. Hurwood , of Lincoln , iu attouilln court aud stopping at the Paxton. ] : . L. Trlckoy , of Uncoln , Is in the city aui , at the Paxton. OrlauJu Tclft , of Aurora , is registered a the Pftxtou. OlirlstimtH Festivities nt Saratoga Tlio B. IV. A. B. Lyceum hall was crowded to its ut most capacity Christmas evening , on the occasion of the Christmas festival of th Union Sunday school. The hall was tastefully decorated by llorist Craig , to whom the school is indebted , nnd to numerous morous other friends , as well aa to the ofllcioncy of the committees for the auo coas of the entertainment. The decora tioiiB included the motto , "Wo have sect Ilia star iu the east , " which was workot in moss and placed on the north wall o the hull , There were also several beau tlful bouquets. The literary programme consisted of singing and the ropruseuta tion of tlio twelve mouths by difl'eren individuals in costume , which wna miiti interesting , The opening piece , "llai the Day of Jubilee , ' by Misses Uuatii aud Smith aud Moaan , Christie and Kus- n , was very acceptable , Santa Claus as present , being ably personified by f. H. Lawton , much to the mciri- mont of the small boys. The tree was oavily loaded with the useful as well as 10 ornamental. At the clone , refresh- lents were served in abundance , _ after hicli all took their departure with a nanimoun verdict of a grand good timo. ThoS. W. A. S. society will give their cond annual entertainment on Now oars night , at Lyceum hall , for the ben- it of our Sunday school. They have 10 drama , "Undo Tom's Cabin , " in , ndy , nnd are rehearsing nightly , intend- ig it as the main feature. Judging from loir eminent success of a year ago wo aye no doubt of the success of the enter- riso. Other attractions are promised Inch will be mentioned in a day or two Mrs. Edwin Patrick and daughter , Miss onnio , are at Blair , spending the holi ays. There will bo no mooting of the literary nd debating society this week aa the sttal mooting would como midway bo- ween the holidays when there are so rmny other festivities. The next regular looting occurs on Saturday evening , January 5 , 1884. CUCKOO. A NAUGHTY Jcrtlo Dolun ElopCH From Hoarding School "With a Young Man , In Opposition to All Com- nmiulH. Gortio Dolun , n young girl well knowi n this city , whore she resides , was son o Baltimore by her mother , a few months iinco , to attend boarding school. Prior to her leaving this city she hac nado the acquaintance of a young man > y the name of John D. Reynolds , and \a Gortio was of young and tender years lor mother objected to the attention > aid her by Reynolds. Gortio was son away to school to keep her from Hey lolds , society , but the young man was evidently , as badly ' 'stuck" oii'Gortio ' n she was on him , and followed her to Bal imoro. The latter part of last week Mrs. De an was greatly surprised at receiving olcgram from the principal of the board ng school that Gertio had eloped. Th mother immediately telegraphed th mncipal to look up the young couple an < utvo thorn married. The principal hunted up the younj oiks and compelled the young Ilomoo t vcd Gortio , and the probability is tlui .hoy will soon make mamma a visit ii , lna city , and as is usual in such cases receive the paternal blessing. Wo glean the following from an cosi em paper in regard to the marriage ja " 5 or tie Dolan : BALTICOISK , Md. , Doc. 24. Ther was a romantic wpdding her this Christmas eve at Miss Christian * Young Ladies' seminary. The bride was Miss Gortio Dolan , of Omaha , Nob. , and the groom John D. Reynolds , of Jefler- son county , Ponn. She is 17 , pretty , and the daughter of a wealthy widow. Ho is 25 and well oft * . They mot several months ago in Omaha. Gertio's mother thought her too young to marry and objected to her being engaged or keeping company with Mr. Rey nolds , She continued , however , to meat him clandestinely , and finally the mother made her daughter prepare to como to Baltimore , and put her in the Young Ladies' seminary. The same train that Miss Gertio loft Omaha in also car ried Mr. Reynolds. Ono of her relatives accompanied Miss Dolan , and prevented any lovers' meetings on routo. As soon as she was safely ensconced in the board ing school , notwithstanding that strict orders had been given not to lot her cor respond with gentlemen or meet thorn , she continued to write to John , and the other evening they planned an elope- mont. She went to the Carrollton to moot him , but Miss Chris tian outwitted the young lover , got _ there before him , and carried Miss Gortio back to the seminary. Then the lovers telegraphed to Mrs. Dolan tolling her that they were deter mined to marry , and bogging her consent. To-night the mother telegraphed her con sent and m the parlor of the seminary to ' night the couple were married by the Ilov. W. M. Dome , of .tho Episcopal church , the teachers and fioino of the students being present. Mr. Reynolds carried his pretty Christmas gift oil' to night to his homo in Pennsylvania. DIED. WITTMACK Mrs. Mi.Iv'ne WUtmacfc , wife ot ( ! 'urgo Wlttnmck , 23 yearn of age. li'uuernl .from the residence , over Bolln & Oo.'g store , Sixteenth and California utreotu , Friday , nt 2 p. m. Friends of the family are invited , ANDKRSON In this city , December 25 , 1883 , Augusta Anderson , need 1 ! ) years. Immoral took place December 27th , at 2 p. HI. , from KlghtoaJHh and Cong streets. NEUMANN-In this city , December 20 , 1883 , Johanu Neumann , daughter of H. Nouman , aped G years. Funeral will take place December 30 , at 2 p. in. , from Thirteenth ami Jackson streets. ilOLINS Tha oldest child of Joseph and , JCmina Holing , nged 2 yean and 0 month * , vnt 1021 Farnam rtreet. Funeral will tttke place from the family residence at 1 o'clock this afternoon. OOHSKNBKIN The eleven months uld son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ochsenboin tiled night before la t of dlptherin. Funeral to-morrow at the Illume , 1721 North Eighteenth street. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Til ) * powder never ru-lei. A murel of purity rensh aud vthoIeeomeiieM. More eoonoWc l thin the oJluiry kiudt , and euinol bo told Iu eompctltlou wlththu multitude of luw te t , short i > l ht , alum ot pl > 08 | < batapvvirdcn.Sold oul/In calm , lloval Hit rowdirOix.101 Will BUc l New York. CASTORIAF ; Infants and Children Wlthont Morphiao or TTnrootlnQ. What RlTW our Children twy checks , AVint cures their fevers , mn.KM them sloop ; t. 'TU OnKtnrliu When Babies fret , rind cry * > y turns , What cures their colic , kills their worms , t Hut Cimlorla. What quickly ctirti Constipation , Bour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion : Hut Cnfttorln. Pnroirell Uicn to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil and mrcRorfc , onil lIMlCnutnrln. Contour Llnlmont. Annt- olnto euro for Rhonmjxtisjn , Sprains , Burns , Galls , &o. , nnd an inatiintauoons Pnln-rollovcr. SPECIAL NOTICES. ; urspeclals will Posltlvelynot bo Inserted unless paid m advance. TO LOAH-Moaov. TO LOAN The lowest rat ot Interest MONEY ' Loan Agency , 16th & Doughs 234-tf TO MJAtf In sums ( 1600. and upward. MONKY Davis iml Co. , llcal Krtata mid Io.n Agents , 1605 Famam St. 393-tt _ TO LOAN J. T. Bcatty cans on chixtto | MONEY , 213 South 14th St. dcclfl HBLP WANTBU. WANTED Bo stone masonri , ase' S3. Iloanl J3.60. Apply at once. II. MANNWFILKK , lltli nt. , near Karnam. 657-281 WANTED 100 men f,0 mllc bclim VlrkMiuru , Jlav * . II. MANNWEILEU. BM.2SJ WANTKD A German illnln. room kitchen | { lr ) . He 80ami Hoppc , 418 S. 13th SI , between Harner anil Howard. 605 tf TTfANTHD A cookand onowluninJerstaiiiliiiicit andpistry work. Aipl\ ] t Ncwpaper Union , comer 12th and Hounrdht. BCO-S8 TX7 ANTED Chambermaid and laundrcM VY Uttly at Occidental Hotel. iW-tf A Rlrl for general hou < o ctk In a small family 2 5 Da cnpurt St. tCOtf Kxpcrlcnccd hands to imko .loans WANTED pants. Steady work. Canllcld's factory 1107 Hamcy SL 670 20 TXTANTKD Hey 14 to 10 jew jeara old that tan VT vncak Cicrnmn to attend otllcv. Dr. Watte , N. W. corner 14th and Doili ; ? . E04 27t WANTKD Ahoy to clean npnndattcndpool room to 1m ird at home , 314 8. luth St. 602 29 } TX7ANTED Clrl at 1308 Davenport St. W 577-2 / \NEexperienced dlnln ; room girl wanted liumed- \J lately at St. Charlci Hotel. 555-S9 WANTED Three persons to learn book-keeping. ] Situations Match 1st. Call 7 to 0 , livening * , over 1518 Douglas Btrcit. 641-291 \ } \T7ANTKD ( llrl todogeiunl lionsewmk , t 1110 'J Vl Kernini street. 613-27 WANTED A girl to do general house-work tit 2119 California St. 3.13-20 } WANTKll A good K"l r"t thu Western house , 18th and Picrco streets. 633 L'Bl WANTHD Men ami women to ntatt a new busi ness at their homes. No peddling ; 10 to GO ctd. an hour made. Send 101 ents for twtHo rxnipleeund Instructions C. K. ItOWKN , Brockton , iiaes , Box 32,1. d24-cod6t WANTKD A tlrst cla- cook at Commercial Hotel , Coin , Ion a. Klthcr whlta or colored. Good 'W. Addrc "L'ouiincrclal Hotel. " 622-tf WANTKD A good washer and Ironer at 2108 Dodge street. . 6US-tf WANTKD A ( iurman lady cook at American house , 925 Douglas street. MSil4t WANTED Oood active woman to wait on table and do chamber work , between 11 and 12 o'clock , wages $1.00 per week. Inq < ilro at 012 Douglas St. -HStf T ADIE3 Oil YOUNO MEN Ir. tlty or country to I J take nice , light and pleasant work at their on n homes ; ( fl to $5 a day easily and qulchly made ; work sent by mall ; no Qinvassinn ; no ulamp for reply. I'lease address Keliable ilan'f'g Ca , PtilladelDhlaPa , draw or TF. 318-tu thur-sat lin WANTED Flrat class dlnlm ? room girls , at Met ropolitan hotol. Apply at once. 370-tt V\7anted A good cook , male nr fcma'c , ulno one T illnlns room girl , Address Uaunder'ri Hume , Friend , nti . 533 31 SITUATIONS WANTED. - ? , ry , * - * * i < 3CTfM ) 1,1- - , , n 11 l ) Situation as Becomf/Klrl In private . fanJly , can do plain sewlnp , good reference. Inquire 2018 California St. f.Ol-2't " \T7ANTEa Dy a 3 oung lady ftw ing by tboiUy iu V ) private families 704 N. 10th Bt. , up stairs. 631-23 * WANTED Fora young girl a place ti > assist In the earn of children , Inquire ut 1719 Douglas. 5S3f WANTED To trade , line pair of roadsters , top bujriry anil double hatn > s < < for Omaha property For partlculaiH , iuqulro of C. K : Mayne & Co. , 11'm Karnam street. 405 tl MI80ELLANEOU3' WANTS. " 1X7ANTED Ten (10) ( ) L'cntlemmlj jmine men to Tl board witli or without room utfilO.H 14th bt. 603-18 * \\7ANTED-Wcll lurnlshcd bed nd elttluK room T ? for two gentlemen. Want loo.tlon nouth ol Dimxlas aniliiiitbejond 1Mb ttreet. Prleu not so much an object ai comfort. Addref s-'U. It II. " Bee oltlce. 613 tf WANTED To runt , barn with room for 15 or 20 horsen and 10 biiKi'los. Apply too. W. Kings north Nebraska aid lovva InlurancgCo.,210 l&tliHt. 4877 ; ! ! FOB EENT nouoes ana Lota. FOH HKNT B new C room houses for rent. In- iiulre on 10th St. next door to Pacific Hotel ot at 1811 Cans .Street. P.J. Creedjn. 678-tf FOH 11ENT Dwelling No. BIT south 15th St. Alt. I ) , .lones. 671-3 FOIl IlENT House of clrflit rooma , No. 1803 Call- fortla atreet , IJ per moiuli. Imjulro of Z. 1) ) . hnlgbt , Hertld olficu. coo WJ A furnlilied room Ith lioard at 2112 Cullfornla St. 6(0-10 ga with four rooms cellar , bard , and soft water t $14 , per month. Inquire at No. 824 south 18th bt. 654-Joj TTlOll UENT-Two house , 10 roomn pach. All mul. J.1 irn ImproicmciiU Cor. 17th and UurU In. < | ulreat Iluo ollico. FOIl UENT An 8 room dwelling near depot. A 4 room cottage near lltli and Capitol ave. Aiplendld room miiUblu tor carpenter shop , 638-ti ; J.N'0. r. EDWAItDS , llllVannin bt. 1JIOR KENT KuinUhod loom 1B1 I'aruam street ! JL Uii2.MI FOIl RKNT FurnUhtxl room mid day board at r < aton U > ) tes at 1814 Davcnjiort at. O.'l-31 | TTWIt HENT A new store room. Alio ono flat X' with all modern Improvement ; . Hutt reasonable to good portion. Loruuen'd Illeck , cor , 13th and Howard Ktro-t. 812-tl FOlt KENT Houko ot MX rooms and b rn. la. Qi'lroat U. h. Uotd , cor. 10th uid Douglas fats. & 02-23I -OU nENT-On Ctpliol IIUJ , oot'ago nix roomi ' . 1442 Capitol avenue. 412-29) ) FOB KENT Tuouewutoien. one a good rUco for K k'utory ct cluiiing ctore nnj the other a very net lr ble pUcr lor irebUunnt , l o roomi to reut. Cunningham's block 13th and Jtckton , { FOH IlKNT-6 . room huuw , tarn , fruit , cro 4 room boiuw , S ocroi. 14 room IIOUM > now. Ay HS . 1607 raniam. FOB KXLIIANaB-Clty nwldeJicai , Uro an < lbui IIICM chance * . J. w. LOUNSBUUY , - nth and rtrnvn. " 17011 ItKSl UouMMvea rooiui. J ? IV ) J. Vlllffi UOK , Stb an 1 3pruc vtrteti. TJ on UKNT-Fnfnlrticd room * on th * n ° rtfiwM rcoM8thnndCapltol Tenu , formerly CrjIjrMon House. ? ? ? . - HoF BKJrr-Boom * In NebrwU Nation * Bjnk FOR . llont dc lr ble offlces In th city. Supplied with hvdraullo elevator and heated M s . Apply at _ Hank. _ < L"- turnKhnl romu tor rent t 10..Kme . enointi O < for two occupants , 1914 Welxterstreet. 843-tl TTIOIltEASK-Four cholc * lot * onSOth St. , long E tlme.aiT N IBtb tit. J. t. Marble. " ! FUU SALE. _ T OIl 3AI.K A. corner store room , laora ami conJ - J ; venlcnt. with 6 j car lc * e. The tninltnie of an client double residence. Umi o tulloffrstclaMtcnanl pajlryJOplHrmonth. ; J. K. UPWARDS , 1111 Famam St. UiI I.-Oll jjALBOMIlBNT-Alarwhou'O , IS rooms J ? Su table for saloon and boarding bouso. ingulra No. 1816 rierca street. t > W3U NiI SAtB-A good milch covf. Inquire t the NiI Western lloiite , 10th and I'lcreo Sts. J27-23I I BALE The l * t stock farm fn Nebraska , about 000 acres , with full control of a sue track 01 Union I'aclllo railway , five miles cast of Vremont. 011C acre * In cultivation , with a Rood noiiw , 1 llco , KMroracre. 0. r. DAMS * to. , IliElSst H05 Famam Street. t ORHAMJ-Threemllcdfromcltj , 3 anos , spp. 1 ? daily su ted for Karclenlnu , Ith house , b rn , M .earing . apple trees , Rrai i vines In beatlnif , h f acre HlilUVItRllKI.U OU SM.r1'ortlami and S < 11 llvly Cutters I 1 and 8lel bs , at No. 14 0 nd 1411 UoJtfo street. & 00-29 iriOH SAUOnly llrst claw hotel In a lite town o f J ? two railroad * , Yliltnov House , Oils * old , to. 447-1 moj 8AIE Few lotf on Wle Wilde. Call and FOIl abstraction of title. John U. WIluV lll Dodge St. 409-1 mo riOll 8AIE-A fatxIncM mans residence8 rooms i blocks north we tof Post OIHce.W ! 250. 83x132 vacant 8 blocks N. W. of I' . O. $1.800. 397-tf McCAOUK , oppo lt V. 0. F"bll SAtiK-Thrc lots In Haincom placo. JOO each , tntntbly iiamcnta. McCAOUl : , opposite i O. 3.0-tf I OR SALK-A'uholesalo np'lonor ' ped Jlers vnwon F new nml f ney. OJ.tANAN&CO. 379-tl TTIOIlSALi : ily two story brick residence , 16th J ? and St. Mary'flavenue. Urge b rn , out-house , water vvorAii , will arranged. Ut 60x200. Pi w 17.500. Best Bargain In Omaha. Call at M. Toft ' ' " ' ' ' * . 'eople's B nlt. TTIORSAIiE 12 lots , ono block west of Park av Jjmiocars. Lots 60x150. Will sell the whole trort or S7.100 , If sold before January 1st , 18S1. Heal on- late owners bid tills bargain , 30U cell at People B Bunk. 88-tt SALV Clioleo buslnc property , three lola FOIl . Saundan and diaries Stroit. It will pay ycu to Investigate this offer. Call at People's Bank. , V27B-tf TTIOII SALK-Improved property , which will pay JL' tlio buyer 20 per cent on tbe Im ostmcnt. Rents for 81,020 per vear. All occupied by lint class ten. anta. Will sell for $10,500 , If nold BOOH. All or one- half coth , balincc , ono to live } ears. The above Investment - vestment Is north In\i8tlgatlon. Call at the Pcoplp a Bank. ® &u CATTLK AND OLVDE3DALK HOUSES. POLLKD Is taklnR orders for spring Im portation ot the above. Prices muchbclow thoee at auction Bilen. References to those supplied. John McCulloch , 11L Trust and Say. Bank , Chicago. 203 2mt FOH SALE 0 Rood stovessome furniture and a Urge iiiiantlty of excellent wine very cheap 1608 California t. 83Mmo OH SALC A nrst class Becond hand top B Call at 1319 Uamoy street 97tf F 'OR ' SALE Two portaoie , 10 jorao power Apply at D. FITZPATKICK , " 218 South 16th Street. SALB Ola newBpapen in largo and email quantities at thin office. tf MISCELLANEOUS. On How ard between 13th ard 14th fctt , or LOST un 14th Between Howard and Kamama e-nall pii'flo containing S-2. Monday mornlni ; . Kiudur iileose leave at tills ollico and be rewarded. 635-23) ) STIIAYIJD Adark brown'pony about Ojears oM , bcnvv inane. Howard will bo plven for thoro- tuni to Li 11. Wlsbv S. E. corner 13tb and CnsVellar ' St. 6BJ-295 MASQUERADE BALL , Saturday , January 5th , 1&3J , at H. Ruser's , one and a half uiileswett of Han&coui Park. 463-11) ) EDWARD KUEHL , UAGISTER OP PALSTYBTEKT AND CONDITION. ALIST , 303 Tenth street , between Farnam and Bar ney , will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtaining JJJ one gluco ot tb past and present , and tbo certain conditions In the future. Boots and shoes mije order. Perfect satisfaction iruarautced. Matter of Api'llratlon of Peter Goof tor Liquor for cen c. NOTlcr. Notlre la herobvxhcn that l'ctcrUoo < idlliiionthe | 28th ilay ot l > < .c. , A. 1) . , 1833 , tile bin application to tbe mavur antl city council of Unuha , for license to M.II JIait , SplrltouH and Vinous Uaunn , at No.1508 12 Furnain strict , 4th uanlmaba , Nob. , from tbe lltli il.iy of January , ISiSI , to the lltli day ot April , 1W1. ( II tlieru be no objection , remoiiitrnnco or | > rotett filed ultbin tnnvu-ekM from Dec. Sfltli , A. U. 1MJ.I , tbe bald licuntu vUll be gianteil. I'CTKIl OOOS , Applicant. Tbe Onuba Die new-iajitr IlllpublUh tlio notlcu OIKX carlieek for two weekn at tbe e jiLiisu ot tbu nplieant. | 'lliu city of Uuialm Is not to } : cli.lrL'L'il tberuvv 1th. 670 2vv-lun J. J. I , . C. JKWKTT , City Clerk. .Mutkr ul Application of E < 1. O'Connor for IJquor License. KOTICK. Notti-o U bcrcbr jtlv in tbat KJ O'Connor dU upon tbu 'JOth il ly of Dec. , A. U. 1SS3. tile hti uppllci- tln to the in.i ) nr anil cltj cjnncil of Oinaliafor llrcn-u ) to n.11 malt , uiiirltnoiH and vinous liquors at .No. 80.2 N. Hth strut. Fifth vvmil. Oiiuiha , Neb. from the lltli day of Jan. 1SSJ , to tbu lltli duv nt April , 1SS4. If there bo no ulijtction. mnonvtninco orjirotcst filed within two wtcks from Dec. 'Mb , A. 1) . 1SSJ , tbe mtid license will be granted. 111) . O't'ON.NOIt. Applicant. Ilio Onmlm Jcu ! neujvii ] > cr will imMinh the above nntlou once each \vculv for tvio Mceks nt the cNpense of tbo amilitnnt. Tbu clt ) of Omalu U not to l.o cbarncd therevi Itli. 674 ' 't-lo-vk J. J. L. (7. JEWirrr , Ulty Clerk. Matter of Application of IVlnnrd Maurur for Liquor Licence. NOT1CF- Notlco is hereby ihcn ihat 1'xluard JIaurtrdlil upon on the 2 > Jtli day of Dec. A.l > . 18S.I. lilo his amilicatloii to the nmv or and city council of Omaha for licence to sell malt , ( spirituous ami vinous liquors at No. 12U Famam ttrcct , llilrdv\ardOmahj , Neb. , frnm the llth iUy ol Jan.1834 , to the lltli dny of Ajinl ISijl. II there lie no objection , remomttrance or protest filed within tvto weeks from Dec. 28th , A. 1) . 1S3J , the bald licuiibo 111 lie granted. KUW.JIAUllEH , Applicant. ThoOin > haBconov\b | > a | > ervtlll publish thu aliovu notleu once tucli tteek for t o vtceks at the uvixni e of the apiillcant. The city of Omaha is notti l charged therewith. J. J L. a JKWKTT. C72-2v .lew LltyChrk liatkr of Application ot O. Kalinbach or Liquor License. NOT1CK. Notice U hereb } jdu'nthat Kalmbach ! did uiiorj thuSOtli da ) ol Dec. , A. 1) . 18SJ , file lilt application to the nujorand city council of Omaha , for jlceiiMj to hell malt , xplrltoua and vinous liquors at No. 41" 8. mil btrtc't , 'lliltd v\unl , Omalu , Neb. , from tbe llth day of January , IbJI. o thu lltli day of April IfWl. If ilfisto IK : no objcctron , rvmoiibtrance or protest - test Illod within tvto wicl , from Dec. 20th , A. 1) . 1MJ , the llcuiiMi w 111 1 ) granted. ( J. Kil.MiiACil , Applicant. Tlio Omaha co nowiiruiwr will publlnh the nbuva notlco once tuch wtok fortwo wuoKnat the expeiiKi of thu applicant. The. lit ) ol Omaha Is not to IHJ m'Ked therewith < 7e lit-uwk j. j. L. a JKWirrr , citvciurk. Matter of Application ol Ocorge A Hill for Ltmtor Llocnto. NOTICI1 Notice U bcrub } ( 'l\cu that OeortuA.IIIllilldiiix > ii the Mllulny uf Du-i inlicr. A. I ) , lbi.1 , tile liU UIH plication to the major and city council of Omaha , tor license to net ) limit , spirituous and vinous liquors at cor. | 2W and Cumliirfht. , fith ward , Omalu. Kob. , from the llth day of January , ISM , to thu .llth day of April , 18S1. II ( hero be no objection , remonstrance or protest filed within two wn.ks from J > ec. 20tb , A.I ) . ISSJi. tbu nald llcen 10 w 111 bv granted. ULOKUBA. HILL , Applicant. The Omaha llco newujmpur will publUh thu above notlco once uacn week fui tuo'wcukl at the cipuibu of tlit ) applicant Thu city ot Ouaha Ii not to Ui 6..3 : t-I v > kt J. J. L.O. JKWBTT , City Cliirk , Matter ol Application of Kmnk J. Ktujor for Liquor Notice U hcrebv glvun that rVank J. inwn tbu 2Uli day of l > tc.A. LI. IWJ , tlio liU up. iillcatii'ii ' to thu major und ilty council nf ( luuh i fur llcuiiK ) to Hll malt , splrltom and liniiw llqiiim < t liohtmUn Hall , 13ili bt. , flrtt wurtl , Ouialu , Nub. , frum the lltli day o | Jan. JbSI , tu the lltluUv bl April , 1M4 , It thvrv I * no obiirtlon , umoiiktrancu or pro. tcstlllud wit 111 n two weeks from IX c. 24th , A. D. 1533 , tbu ulU llctnco will IH ) iinuittxl , KtAMt J , KAHIMM , ApiJli'int. "Hie Onuha Vvo newiquiiwr vril ) publteh the ttbmn notleu ones euch wwsk for two u outsat tbeHIII ( | ol tbe applicant 'I'lio Uty of Omalu U not tu Lw chanted tl ru lth. lth.j. j. j. i. c. 1 , at ; c : ; .