JDAJLLV DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Moraine , Deo. 27 , SUBSCRIPTION JUTES : N . 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION. "See Joseph lloitor's fall goods. Additional local on seventh papo. Cheap Railroad Tickets at BiwhnoH's. Oflicor Bcawick yesterday aftornoo'A Tun in Nols King for being drank. LOAVO to wed was yesterday given * F. B. Fletcher and Emily O. < ? lndwin , "ftoth of Garner township , The Congregational Sunday school has its Christmas exorcises at the chui.-ch this afternoon nt R o'clock. Some of the property owners living about the park are nucious to have the electric light in < ho park itself. ' 'Squira Biggs now has a dislocated ankle , as the result of a slip and fall while walking through his yard. Jack Percgoy , the horse , not the man , has bocn sold t > y Hnctnoy , of Donison , toTem Tom Foley , of Chicago. Consideration , $3,500. The Printers' masquerade was abig success , and < vcry onjoyahle. Over a hundred couples 'in costume were there , and tlio union netted about $100. This evening there will bo a mooting ia Spiritual liall t'or a free discussion of scientific subjects. All liberal-minded ones are invited to attend and take part. Deputy Sheriff Clattonbuck was on Christmas wo'ning presented by his friends with an elegant French clock , the affair taking place at the Crcston house. Santa Glaus almost transformed De puty Marshal White into a dude. Ho brought him & gold-hoadod cano , a gold bowed pair of glasses and a silk hand kerchief. Although Dr. Poulson is absent , his ollico is open as usual , and Dr. O. W. Gordon continues the practice ( hero at the usual o/lioo / hours. At Dorkson'a shaving parlor and bath rooms yesterday water was turned on from the Missouri rivor. The establish ment is soon to bo enlarged and various improvements made to correspond with the bountiful supply of water. It is suggested tb at some absentminded - minded alderman may in council moot ing some night , as ho loans over his now desk , covered with grcon baize , and with the star ornaments , pull a dollar out of his pocket and bet un the star. The Rescue boys , just to try the thing , put a section of hose on the Bryant street hydrant , and , although the fire pressure was not on , a good stream was thrown up to the top of the tower of the engine house. When the whole force is on it will bo just fun lo play on n firo. Of the six now aldermanic desks pro vided for the council chamber , throe are covered with green and throe with car dinal. As three now aldermen are elected _ yearly , the other three holding over , it is probable that the now aldermen mon will bo given the green desks , the color being suggestive. J. A. Spaulding , in extending "Merry Christmas" greetings to those to whoso doors and desks ho brings the mail daily , loft with them his card , a very neat eouv emr. witii his name and holiday greetings together with a very convomanfc time tabo of the various trains running into Council Bluf&u The board of trade has passed resolu tions urging the city council to proceed to pave Main street , Broadway and Oak land avenue. Resolutions are good , Inil actual work is bottor. Knough rcsolu tion * have boon passed already to pave thcgo streets with the pappr on which they huvo boon written. . - * * The christening of CJoorgo Adams , th ? son of Mr. and Mra.M. A. Upton , proved . a very interesting and enjoyable event to the friends who gathered at their homo Christinas ovo. The ceremony was per formed by Rov. T. " J. Mackoy , of St. Paul1 * church , after which the goodly company of invited guests were bounti fully served with refreshments. M. F. Ilohrer , the energetic aient of the Mutual Life , of Now York , yesterday placed upon TIIK BKK table a handful of the load pencils , which are among iho advertising dividends declared by the company. Ho wanted the pencils all , used up in writing tip the merits of the Mutual Life , and calling attention to the special advertisement to bo found in another column. The pencils , like the company , are good ones. The Mutual Life , of now York , takes rank not only ' as the largest company with lowest rates of any , but claims more policy holders in Council BluiTs than any other. A woman named \Vatson , claiming to belong in Now York state , a homeless sort of a wandeier , whom the Homo ol the 'Friendless lias boon sheltering ol ' late , appeared at police headquarter ! yesterday and gave a roost pitiable story of her sufferings in the cold world , and liad n spasm or two. Investigation ol the case convinced the oliicors Unit she was a good deal of a chronic , and that the spasms were only alleged ones , anil in order to got the city relieved of her , transportation was furnished her to get to Boone , whore she claims to have ac- A Cedar Rapids corrcryondcnt of The Inter-Ocean , in a gossipy political or nay * in regard to the next al contest in this district : "Colonel Sapp and John Chapman , editor of The Nou pareil are mentioned in the Ninth. Either would make a good one , but Chap P' man is not in sympathy with the majority of the party , and u too modest to accept of the nomination. " This ironical touch : of Chapnum'i modesty causes that oft - disappointed y earner for office to rise and give editorial comment aa follows : "When the people come to take hold of tha matter themselves t',0 result will probably bo no dlfTcront that the correspondent pendent will hasten to cfcny Iho author ship of such an unrol'/irjlo screed even if it were done f' j | > ny. " Is it lo ba understood by this ( J t "when iho people - plo como to la1o lol < l of matters for themselves , " Ch yijpmn will bo the man despite his "nv jiJotty. " On Christt Ai-a morning Ud. OHison head ceok fJr VT.'T. Braun , thought ho'd awaken h'in vriployor nnd wish him a merry Christmas. Accordingly ho pro. cccdod to 'his room over Iho restaurant at 70 : ? i nn taking n drum with him. Ilo bcgrnto tooattho drum in front of the do'jratii ' Braun , thinking ho , also , would 1) AVO a little fun , arose and withdrew the cartridges from a revolver and substituted jlank ones. Opening the door suddenly to fired several shois. Ed. made for the stairs and with ono bound landed on the leer below all in a hoap. Ilo thinks the oka on the wrong sido. The freight platform , < in course of orec .5en at Iho { Droadway 'dummy station will bo long enough to sot four freight cars to. A hole will bo knocked through ; ho brick wall of the station to shelter 'roight. George W. Henderson , of Noola , has commenced divorce proceedings against E. L. iHondorson. They were married in Uorlan twoiity-throo years ago , and il is claimed she deserted him without cause about three years ago. John 'Roberts has boon arrested on the charge of stealing some hammers from Squires ifc Noble's blacksmith shop on Broadway. Ilo secured John Lindt to defend him , nnd is to have n hearing this afternoon. Six per cent city nnd farm loans. S. F orgusson .tfc'Co. , 39 Pearl St. m\r& District Attorney Connor npont Chrintinixn with liln wlfo in Dunlnp , MltH Clara F.Ink , of Atlantic , spent Christ' ' man lioro on the gtient of MM. Matthews , Mnyor Lyinan , noon to bo .Tutlpco Lymnn spont'Clirlitmwi with relatives lu Illlnoln , his family accompany Ing .him. Mr. Domlnlo l'Y ! noya brother of Jninon Krnlney , tlio juorclmiit tailor , has nrrivci lioro from Kughuul , nnd will innko thin lila Immo. Tlio many frion ls if Jilra. Af. 1 * . Urew r , who makes her Jiomo in Mlnnoajiolle , will bo glad to loam that BheJina recovered from her Into BotioiiH illness. W. S. Amont , who formerly jirnctlcod Inw lioro nnd who Is now located in Nohrnnkn , hero vlnltiiiR frlondn. I fon. ChnrloK .Bullock , of Crnwford county vinltod the lllulfs ycstonlay , H. C. I-UHRO haa Htnrtod on n trip throng ! NobraHkn. S. ( t. Morohond , of MJmouri Vnlloy , WAR In the city yesterday , . H. Murphy , the railway otintrnctar , wh < IIOH just completed a contract for the B. i M. , near Hebron , Neb. , him returned to hi farm near this city. lie oxpocU to return U another contract HOOIU A. B. Knott. formerly of thin city , but now proprietor of the Indlanoln Herald , Hpon Christmas at his old homo hero. Tom McCue , who wax formerly with TlIK I3RK , nnd who has liooli keeping IKK CB for .T II , Murphy , the railway contractor , lion re turned from Nebraska to spend the holiday season with hh frlomliMvml rolatlvcK hero. Mrs. M. Carroll , fashionable dress making , cutting and filling a special tj Apprentices wanted. No. 720 Firs avenue , up stairs. OHEISTMAS AND OUPID , A Well Known Nou-Hpaper Man Make the Bella lllru ; n Doulilo Clilino. II. N. Whittlcaoy , the widc-awako editor itor of The Globo.gtivo Additional proo on Ohriatmoa day of the good sense wit ] which his friondo have always croditui him. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon he led to the altar of St. Paul's Episcopn church Jlisa Anna Allison , n well knowi younc lady of thin city , and the twain wore made ono by the rector , Ilov. Mr Mackoy. John Temploton and Mis Anna Allison served as attendants , am the other witnesses of the happy unioi consisted only of attaches of The Globe ofHoc , and a fW intimate friends. Tin "fl'ftlr was ffiiuCut a"y attempt at ostentation tation , or display hoii&'gSj but there was no _ leas real joy , 1)4 ) II' loss heartiness and honesty in the conuratulations'and exprcHsions of well wishes of which the , young people are the recipients , Some vary beautifu gifts wore bestowed upon thorn by the proprietors of the paper , and also by urn nloyocs , consisting mainly of silverware. Mr. AVhittlesoy ia a young man of more than ordinary newspaper nluiUy , is brim ful of enterprise , and is not only appre ciated by his omplojota , but among the other nowepapcy ? men , and in hia largo circle of fciends and acquaintances ho "is " greatly ostoomod. TIIK UB ' joinB'Jh tlio many congratulations on his having won so worthy an ono for a wife , mid -extends the wish that the ' yonnft 'cduplo may through many years have 'occasion to greet each Christmas 'toy as ono of double joy. Go to Hurlburts fancy steam dyeing and French dry cleaning works at 34 Pearl street. TEIBUTE TO MISS STEVENS , She Ooniottbi to ( Ilvlnga Ruoltal Hero ami FUos the Hate an .Inntiary H. The following JH tlio rcsponte.rocoivod to tlio request made of Bliss Noally Stevens to favor her Council BlufFs friends with nn opportunity of hearing her before her return east : HON. W. F. SAIT Dear Sir : I desire - sire to express to the gentlemen loud ladies whoso gratifying request I re . c&ivod on Doc. 24th , my sincere appro > ciution of the graceful and charming compliment - plimont which a testimonial concert from them implies , and to bog their further favorable recognition in my piano recital to bo given at Dohany's hall , on Tuesday , January 8th , 1881. Tlianking you all for your friendly courtesy , I have the honor to bo yours most respectfully , .NrULLY SrKVKJiH. Ogden House , Doe. 2Jth ( , 188U. Books , toys nnd fancy goods of nil tkinds must bo sold at or below cost to give mo an opportunity to attend to toZ coal interests in this city. If. Z Palmer , New Opera House. TO BAIL OB NOT TO BAIL , Tlmttathn Question In the Dr. Cross Cano. Mosl of yesterday in the district court was akcn uj. with thojirgumcnts in the case of Dr. Cross , charged with the mur der of Dr. McKune. District Attorney Connor , Col. Sapp , Col. Darlcy and Jf. it. Pusoy appeared for the prosecution , while John N. Baldwin stood single- landed for the prisoner. The matter came up on a motion of Mr. Baldwin that the defendant bo admitted to bail. The argument of this motion brought in pretty thorough review of the evidence taken before Uio grand jury. There was in support of the motion nn aflidavit of Dr. Cross narrating in the main the -doUils of the meeting , the scufllo and the fatil shot , liis statement being about the same as that narrated by him to the newspaper men , soon after his first arrest. Accord ing to his statement Dr. McKuno over took him and struck him in the back of the head , aud that it was-not 'Until ' after ho had been felled to the ground , that , blinded by the blow , ho pulled his re volver in solf-defonso , and that when Dr. McKuno came to him again , and grabbed him by the throat and tried to wrest the revolver from him , that the shot wan fired. The theory of self-defense was presented by Mr. Baldwin , who insisted that as there was no probability and scarcely a posibility of Dr. Cross being convicted of murder in the first degree , that ho should bo admitted to bail. In regard to the threats tostilied to as having boon made by Dr. Cross , the latter in his n&idayit denied making thorn , and the intimation was given that when on trial the conversations were drawn out in full with surrounding cir cumstances , the matter would appear in an entirely dillbront light , but oven ad < milting they had boon made , Mr. Bald' ' win argued that the testimony did not show that they were carried out as mado. The threats were alleged to have boon made long ago , and if Dr. Cross had any intention of killing Dr. McKuno ho had many and better opportunities before that fatal night , and that ho did not improve such opportuni ties indicated that ho had no intention of doing so. The arguments of the prosecution against admitting Dr. Cross to bail were full and strong. The testimony was ro- viowcd showing that throat after threat had been nmdp through the course ol years , to the ofi'cct that ho would .shoot Dr. McKuno the firsttimothatho crossed his path , and that by getting Dr. Me Kuno into a quarrel ho would got clear on the ground of solf-dofonso. It was argued that threats thus made , followed by the carrying out of the threats , oven to setting ting up self defense on the trial , could not but show that Dr. Cross Lad been meditating long on the deed , and it was , therefore , murder in the first degree , and therefore , not bailablo. In Dr. Cross * aflidavit it was sot up that the man , Lennox , was a material witness , and that his whereabouts were unknown. The defense expected to provo by him that ho saw Dr. McKuno catch up with Dr. Cross , who was walking ahead of him , and strike Dr. Cross first. Thoattornoys for the prosecution claimed , on the other hand , that oven if the defense could got Lennox , and ho would swear that Dr. McKuno attacked Dr. Cross , it would do the de fense no good , as Lennox right after the shooting told County Attorney Bight , J. W. Pcregoy , and Chief Tomploton. oi the lire department , that ho saw Dr. Cross strike Dr. McKuno first , and that dieted. Judge Rood took the papers in the case to look over , nnd will probably give a decision to-morrow. It is the exception rather than the rule that promises in reference to the delivery of job printing are kept. But at Fryers Bee job ollico , 7 Pearl street , all prom isea will bo fulfilled. WHISKY AND WATEK , A Durkoy OolH Too Much of Ono Vor IllH Hoiul , and Too Much of tlio Other for HK ! Keel. A colored fellow named Dave Brown celebrated his Christmas in u peculiar manner. After on joying liimnclf the first port of the day in getting drunk and fighting , ho spent the other part of the day in the calaboose. Ho had boon there Before , and knowing that generally a way of escape was open by dropping through , ft hole in the iloor down into UiQ cellar and then out the. bftSMnont doCr , ho tried it. U'jtorltumtcly for h > .n , a water pipe * iad burst , oa.ustut * the collar to bo llooded with Ubout two feet of water , which hto know not of , but of which ho soon Wcamo aware as BOOH as ho dropped. Ifa found , too , that the front door for a wonder was locked , nnd ho could neither got out nor got back up stairs. There were no oftlcors about the building , and so ho could do nothing but yell and draw a crowd , who pushed each other about , taking turns in peering through tlio grating at the wading and howling darkoy. Chief Field soon came , but not having a key to the basement door , ho wont above and shoved a polo down through the hole , to help the darkoy out with. Instead of gratefully accepting the proH'ored help , the fellow grabbed the polo and tried to punch the chief , which caused the latter to RO off in dis gust and leave him. Then Mr. Vaughan seeing the crowd , and hearing the cause , had his sympathetic heart touched , and passing around tlio hat ho got enough to buy the follow a suit of clothes , so that when Marshal Jackson appeared with a key to the door nnd let him out , the fel low had now dry clothes to piit on , and was / sent fll _ down il. . _ tu . _ jail _ _ _ , _ pretty . well tatis ! ! m i * fied with the ( innl outcome of the day's celebration. 1 cstcrday morning ho ap peared in court , pleaded guilty , and was asswsod his $7.00. Ladicb' and uent's clothiiiL' * JMVV0 Milt * fjWItl B * < IUbf Ml ' clcnnod , _ . , . _ . . | 1 1 ? iY lt.I ' l.v-h 1 JyoJ nl'J repaired ut Hurlburt e , . ! 4 Pearl street. Call , send or telephone for samples of fine commercial job printing from Pryor's job ollicc , on Pearl street. JACOll 8IM8. E. P. OADWELU 8IM8&OADWELL , Attorneys -at-Law , COUNCIL BLOtTS , IOWA Office , Ualn Street. ltoom I and Bhugart ft Mo- Uahon > Block. Will { tactlct In Utat and cdfnl DOUlU i ' Our speech is short , but to Iho point. Best Chicago discounts every day in the year on r AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good as ANY in the market. They are made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. Wo have a big line of SPECIALS and nn IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. Or second quality Boots wo are introducing are better than ninny no-called firs qualily , and wo give n largo EXTRA discount on them. Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. CASADY & ORCUTT , 1,01 JJHOADWAY , OGUNCU , IlLUtTS , IOWA. Also many | ittlty ROO < U for CHIUST.M AH OIFTS now on i-xlilhltlon. Call and we us , CASADY & ORCUTT. MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Coal , BULK ; AKD DAIUUX LIME , LOUISVILLK AND TORTLAND CEMENT , MICHIOAN PUNSTER , HAIR AND 8EWE11 ril'K. No , 639 Broadway , . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA THE FINEST OHEISTMAS PRESENT of the Season is One of Those Overcoats Made to Order lay HEECHANT TAILOES. No. 7 and 9 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , OOTJOXTOXXJ TKT Q A TUTl ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- VV , JjAlIllTYCOLLECTIONAOENOY. . OfflcooonicrBroadwayanUJlalnstreet. TnTTM TJT'Mn XPH GENERAL MERciiANDtsE. UUHIN JjJDl\U OC UUii 18 Main street and 17 Pearl street TV/T / A V 1\/l ntlHW CRESTON HOUSE. MUJ11M ) Hotel , 217 nd 219 M&ln street. JJltt J . WJlLLJLJj Corner Main nd FlHh up-stalre. Reald'enoe , 609 Wllloti NQ P CTTTR " 7 JUSTICE OP THE PEACE , t OVJ 1U.CV J < Office over American Express. 'WAP TJPP LIVERY AND KEED , SO . O , VVAvJLNJjIl ; W1U contract for funerals at reasonable rates. 82 Fourth rtrett. J , M. ST , JOHN" & OO..OASH BTTTERS , Draft j by return mall. lie Broadway. TrnPTT MERCHANT TAILOR , JLUU L | Stock CompleU. Bulti made at reasonable prlcea. No. 805 Main 8U Q IWTTTTT CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , aP i Xi OIIJ.J.J-Lt Corner 7th and Broadway. Flans and Bpcclficatlons turnlnhcd. TV/rfC / ) TT3 A "KTO'V MERCHANT TAILOR. JA . "I JJJJ X JCvAJM J-l 11 ArtlBtlo Work and reasonable ) charges. 872 Broadway. XT FUUNITURE STOVES , OS and HouteholJ Supplies. _ 8o3 Broadway. & oArCTi James Block. . Practice In state and federal courts. O A "NffP A "RlTTIVr Andbatn house , 421 and _ 423 Broadway. L. Boerelgn , Prop. P. J. Mont Komery , 11. D. 1'lpelclan. EDW1JN J ABBOTTi NoUrv Public and General Com e > ancer. ' 1B Broadway. TJ"DTn'DT ? TTnTTQT ? SMITH & NORTON , JCVJll V IJIv l HU U OJIlj Broadway oppoulte New Opera Houee. ReOtted 1 , Jl.W ) per day IP YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOESOR RUBBERS CAM OH . IPIIEIROIE ] , Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Blufls. He has Them W. R. VAUGHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real e taU > and collection agency , n Odd Fellow'g look , over Saving * Hank. jinHrf TUOB. omcu , o. urum. . OFFICER & PU8EY BANKERS. Council BluSt . . Ia. Established - - 1856 Deklera rl Foreign and Domcttlo Exchange and Ho SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Social advvrtlMnicnti , tucb at Lot , Found , Tu Loan , For 8 > 1 , To Kent , > Vantt , Board * Ing , eta. , will be Inverted In thlt column at the low rate ot TKN CKNTS I'F.K LINE for the Ont Insertion and KH'K CKNT81'Elt LINE tor each eulxcquent In. eortlon. Leave adtertlMmenta at ouroUloe , No. 7 Fear ) Street , near llroadwav WANTS. "IVTANTED-Boy , with | > ouj , todilherTIIK linn. TX7 ANTKIt-A tltuatlon M clerk by Uanlih JUIIIIK man , who tnealii KnirlUh ami German. Aildren Jacob 1' . [ lur.illckton , iM ! Knliltenth a\e. W DUNCAN Oun maker and relrvr | , No. 108 8. Main Hi , Council lll g , lima. WANTED n > cry bodyui Council IllutTi to tale TiixIlKX. Delivered ly carrier at only twenty rtmU a week. /1AUINET I'llOTOd-ti by the Uoren at the cxrel. \J alor Kallery , 100 Main i-reut , Council UluHa. Dinner , aid ilumiuy ftre both J tu Omaha cu * toinert pnorder * of > 10 ami upwarUt. \\7ANTKO-KverjlHHij to buy ( . Clirl < lm juen- M cut worth more tlmn dlamomui a jollcy lu the Mutual Ufa Iniurin rouiiuuiy , of New York , ( the lar ot oumpany lo the crlJ ( rate * lower than any other couiianr. | M , r' . ilohrer , agent for Wu4t- tin lo a.Coutidl lllufft. \\rANTKD-To trule tor city pro | : rty , tock i-t IT lK > oV , blank book * , vtlmluwr curtain * . * ndu general Una nf ttatloner't goodt. A good nrii ofTireil. Call or aildrrM 11 , f. I'alincr , new t > p ra house Mock , Council lllufl * . KENT A good room , so by 16 fctt , over the pMtoffloe , laclni Ftarl rtrvvt. Apt > Iy at But office. R , Eice M. D. or other tumors removed without th knlfo or drawing of Lkxxl. CHRONIC DISEASES ° " " J" - Over thirty yean practical eipcrlcuco. Office No 6 I'carl ctrcct , Council Bluff * tarponaultatlon frco. Make Your Contracts Now for You Winter Supply of Missouri Hard "Wood AND 1IAIID AND SOFT O oal -WITH- P. OVERTON , 505 First Avenue , Council Bluffs , Iowa And tecure the beit article and full meature atth very lo re > t price. Btova ixxl dclhcrvJ to any par of the city JOSEPH GAGHEGAN HARD WOOD AND COAL Corner'Maln itnctand Eighth ateu ut , Cou Ulutli. fjr'Ixweat rate * and promut delivery Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.D. , PEYSIOIAN & SURGEON 223 Middle Broadway , CouncliBluffa. ; WINTERRESORT. _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS Oxxx-o - ox- Wo iruvanti'u the cure ol the follow Inn named ills , or no ! > : UlieuumtUm , Bcrcluh , ITIccn , i.ttl Illockl aiulilvliiill'K.'iuK , DyiiKiiwULiver Ct > uiil | < int , Kidney and llluldtr IUea f . Uout , Nf n ralgia and Anthnm , Tliwa Spring * are the Uiorit retort of thu tlrud and debllliatiul , and arethu FKKBLE LAWIra Bh2JT FUIKNI ) . Ocod hotel , lltery and bathing accouiodatlon tot KlnUtr and tumuur. Locality hlulily ( jlcturewju and healthy. Accoiblblu by Wibiih rallay , a K\onaorC. , B. & 0. , at Albany. Correti nacuc lollclttHl , ItKV. U. M. TIIOill'SON. UaniK r. SUoaw Bi'ringr , Cora , I * . O.,0tutry Co. , Uo. 1 | Empkie Hardware 109 nncl 111 S. Main Street , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. WHOLESALR DEALKUS IN 9 342 and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. T tfWCS ! WTI Y A "KTTfc , LOIS AIMD IB AJNI JJ S olcl. Money Loaned , Abstracts 'Furnished 3 . OT. - /Vo. / 4 / 'carttree / , - COUNCIL BLUFFS. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , DEALER IN .3 ill NOTIONS , JEWELRY , & 0. 337 W. Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA * OI IESHXTIHSIO I BEOHTELE'S uropean Hot The only only hotel run on the European plan Jin this city. Now building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER CE TELE , PROPRIETOR , Nos. 336 and SBfcroadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. Having 1LAKOE CONTRACT to (111 ( I am obliged to offer t eVery Very Highest Market Prices KOIl S. Goldstein. 538 Broadway , Council Bluffs , STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , OF COUNCIL BLUFFS , WILL THEIR BUS NESS TO Omaha , Neb. , January 1st , 1884 , HATING SECURED WEST & FRITCHER'S OLU STAND , St. HAIR GOODS OP KINDS. Sold at the Lowest Prices IN IHK WEST , QUALITY CONSIDERED. At MR . D. A. BENEDICT. . . 337 W. Broadway. Council Blulfs. Iowa. ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) I ! TO LOAN m REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots nnd Lands in the County. r "PT J&J&JJKLJL Ulfl -I3XT- Crayon , Solar Camera Enlargement for the trade nt reasonable rates. Orders oy mail promptly filled. , C. D. LUCUOCIv , 143 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Our line of Stoves is the IIIOB , complete in no city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! Wo have hammercc the prices down as thin as they will stand without breaking , and you are invited to call and BOO how thick the stoves are in comparison. PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at a reduction of $5.00 each. 504 Broaawa-and 10 and 12 Main St. , Council Bluffs. IN GHIA , PLATED f ABE , ' GLASS IAEE , LAMPS , Table Cutlei. , , . Flower Pots , Etc. , call on W. S. HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. WHY DON'T YOU ( ICTSJMKOr FITCH BROTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? I'eifect FlttlnK , ! > < "t ami ClaaiHstQ Fine tinea Collar * and Cufld. No. 715 Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa : M. GALLAGHER. New Store , Freih Good * , Low rri . and Polite Attendant ) . f'rst Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , } GROSVENOR & GUNN , MANUpAOTUREKS OF E.OODVC 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa ,