Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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Receive the Chairmanship AD-
joiutflienls On All Committees ,
Springer is Snubbed and
Swears Vongoanoo On
Morrison ,
of Different ConRrcsBmcti on.
the Appointments ,
Tlio House OommttlpCB.
WASHINGTON , D , C. , December 24.
TTho committees of the house vrero an-
aiouncod to-day as follows :
Territories Kvans , South Carolina ,
l ryor , Arnot , ffardoman , Ltsnlian , Alox-
under , Carlobon , Foran , 7. P. Taylor ,
Ohio ; 'Kellogg ' , Johnson , Lauroncci
Strubblopost , Wyoming.
Manufacturers Bnglcy J. D. Wise ,
'Virginia ; Mitchell , Caldwell , Crisp ,
Itovris , > lrowor ) , Now Jersey : Mackoy ,
Ellwood , Campbell.
Mines and Mining Warner , _ Ton-
Tieaseo ; Cassidy , Alexander , Skinner ,
North 'Carolina ; Miller , Texas ; Wood ,
Stevens , Broitung , Culbortaon , Kon-
tHcky ; O'Hara , Singisor , Idaho.
. , fLovoes and Improvement * of the Mis-
i wssippi 'River ' King , Dunn , O'Neill ,
i Illinois ; 'Post ' , Campbell , Jonps , Wjs-
E -consin ; Henioy. Thomas J. Swiso , Vir-
| > cinia ; Hovoy , Whito.
I. Militia Miller , Now York ; Covington ,
JKcAUoo , Pool , Boy , Ballontyno , Strait ,
Morley'Valentino , Cutchoon.
< Claims McMillan , Dowd , Till man ,
Warner , Ohio ; Vanalatyno , Dockory ,
WoodILovo , Snydcr , Now Mexico ; Ray ,
3fow Hampshire ; Price , Ochiltroo , Ell-
"wood , Brown , Pennsylvania ; Ray , Now
War Claims Geddos , Jones , Wiscon
Bin ; 'Stono , Tulley , Page , Now York ;
vWollor , Fjrroll , Kellogg , Evcrhurt ,
Jlowcll , Boy.
Weights and Measures Bland , Dowd ,
Hardy , Nieholls , Pusoy , Lanham , Tulley ,
Belford , Lacey , Chase , Evorgart , Luna.
Commerce Reagan , Clardy , Turner
\Ky. ) . Dunn , Seymour , QlasscockWood-
ward , Boyle , Barksdalo , O'Neill ( Pa. ) ,
OJavis ( Ill.Wadsworth ) , ( Long , Stewart
( Vfc. ) , 'otors. '
Rivers and Harbors Willis , Blanch
ard ( Ala. ) , Gibson , Ilankin , Brackin ,
'Uridco , Murphy , Sumner , Ilousolnmn ,
Henderson ( H0i | Payne , Robinson (0. ( ) ,
' Chase , StenO , Burloigh.
Agriculture Hatch ( Mo. ) , A ikon , DI-
"brcll , Williams , Beach , Green , Winans ,
Woller , Potter. Gullen , Wihon ( Iowa ) ,
Vhito ( Minn. ) , Ochiltroo , Hovoy , Stephenson
phonson , Raymond ( Dak. )
Foreign Affairs Curtin , Belmont ,
'Uustor , Clements , Cox ( N. C. ) , G. D.
TViso ( Va. ) , Stewart ( Tox. ) , LambInd. ) ,
Hice. Wait , Kotcham , Phelps , Hitt.
Military Affairs Rosocrans , Slocum ,
Dibrell , Morgan , Wolford , Nieholls ,
Murray , Duncan , Steele , Bayno , Lyman ,
Xiaird , Cutchoon , Maginnis ( Mont. )
Naval Affairs Cox ( N. Y. ) , Morse ,
Talbott , Buchanan , Eaton , Ballontyno ,
McAdoo , Harmer , Thomas , Qoff , Jr. ,
Postoffico and Post Roads Money ,
Hecse , Ward , Cosgrovo , Riggs , Rogers
-Ark. ) , Taylor ( Tonn. ) , Jokes ( Tox. ) ,
Paige , Bingham , Pool , Skinner ( N. Y. ) ,
TVMto ( Ky. ) , Wakefiold , MoCormiclc.
HevSaion laws Oats , Buchanan , Mc
Millan , Hill , Clay , Ward , Hompkill ,
s Brown , ( Pa. ) Bayno , | Spooner , Mc-
Public buildings and grounds Stock-
alagor , Young , Dabble , Reese , Hopkins ,
Pusoy , Wemplo , Worthington , Brainord ,
Holton , Koan , jr , , Broitung , Millikon.
Pacific railroads Caasidy ; Throckmor-
ton , Oaboll , Thompson , jr. , Jordan ,
Crisp , Post , Wilson ( la. ) , Millard , Dun-
ifliam , Ilawback.
Expenditures , war department Thom
son , jr. , Forrell , Taylor ( Tonn. ) , Elliott ,
Mayo , Johnson , Hawbaclc.
Expenditures , navy department
Morse , Hewitt ( N. Y. ) , Shaw , Davidson ,
Houck , Davis ( Mass ) , Lawrence.
Expenditures , department justice
Springer , Homphill , Van Alstino , Fyar ,
Stownrt ( V ) , Bowen , Stophonaon.
Expenditures , public buildings * Bel
anent , Wilkins , Spriugs , Sumner ( Wis. ) ,
JETarmer , Weaver , O'Hara.
Expenditures , poatoflico department
3Iorgan , Talbot , Robinaon ( N. Y )
ISTooco , Poole , Stone , Nutting.
Expenditures , interior department
"Young , Clardy , Cook , Storm , Brumm
.Junhatn , Payne ,
* " Patonta Vaneo , Singleton , Mitchell
tOroonloaf , Halael , Dorgan , Winans
vWis. ) , Hepburn.
Education A ikon , Convprso , Willis
Uudd , , A iot , Duncan , Winans ( Wis. )
Taylor ( Ohio ) , Millikon , Hatch ( Mich. )
On Valid Pensions Matson , Lofovro
" " yar , Winann ( Mich. ) , Budd , Sumner
fifl. ) , Patten , Levering , Bagloy , Ila
t H. ) , Cullen , Hardy , J. 8.WisoVa. ( ) "
olmea , Morrill.
Pensions * Hewitt ( Ala. ) , Tillman
tHobinsou ( NtY. ) , Steele , Laird , Strublo
r tExpondituros , State Department
Hardoraan , Dorgan , WorthingtonCamp
twl ] , Barr , Hondorson ( Iowa ) , Price.
xpondituros , Treasury Department
.Dftvis ( Mo. ) , Hpwitt ( Ala. ) , Potter , Con
uolly , Lacey , Libboy , Haynos.
" Labor Hopkins , Oneill ( Mo. ) , Foran
Levering , Mackoy , Jamea Haynos.
Committee for District of Columbia
XBarbour , Muldrow. Shelly , Eldrodgo
JfWilaatW. Va. ) , Fielder , Spriggs , Barr
idunthor , McComas , JolTorda.
Private Landa Muldrow , Mitchell ,
'Williawe ( Ala. ) , HaUol , Cosgrove , Eld-
e , Lewcry , Payson , Parker , Mayo ,
twvwr. ,
Public 'Jloalth Beach , Graves , Riggs ,
Candler , { Fiedler , Davis ( Mass. ) , Evans
. ( Pa.aibboy ) , Pottibono ,
Ventilation nnd Acoustlca Hardy ,
< Cabell , ' Oroon , Shelley , Jcflbrde , Evuns1
, < P . ) , 'Browor ( N. Y. )
' Enroll blllo Nooco , Weave - ( Tenn. ) ,
dSnydorVo.X ( Yaplo , Potore , Holmoa.
Delect committees on the reform of
.civil servictyMutchlor , Cox , Clements ,
HobliUel , Finorty , Barksdal , Seymour ,
Roberts ( Ky. ) , Bingham , Phelps , Jllil-
J(4 , Lyman , Hitt.
Alcoholic liquor trrfllo Hill , Bland ,
W-lfHW * , Carleton , vanl , Davis (111. ( ) ,
41waiker , Goff , Jr. , Campbell , Phillips ,
mwidfin ship building and ship own *
| ( jg , Olooum , Deiietor , Dibble , Throck-
t4Moa , Hunt. Findloy , Lore. Dingloy ,
ft.t O'Kwl ( Pi. ) , George , Long.
law , r * p&otitig elections , proaidcnt
vicepiMideniEaton , Springer ,
Jor Un , Pryor , Bennett , Kleiner ,
, Pjurker , Wliita ( Ky. ) , Potora ,
Wt. "
foutut ot pension * , bounties or
" "rj rner (0. ( ) , Connolly ,
, Rogers ( Ark. ) , Gr pn-
Y. YorV , WhiUng , A -
< oowmilt * : Printing ,
scales Rogers ( N. Y. ) , Smith ( Pa. )
Library : Sipglof on , Woodward.
Tlioro is ab out the usual diversity of
\io\vs expressed by congressmen to-night
in regard to the composition of the
house committees. Rcproaontativo
Willis , rf Kentucky , whoso relations with
Carlinl o are known to bo intimate , says
inmr .king up committees the speaker
paid the moat regard to character and
experience to men ho placed , nnd there
was no intention or dcsiro to punish any-
'oody for part taken in the spcakership
ontcst. As proof of the latter assertion
Villis refers to the fact that Randall
nd a number of his prominent support-
m were given important chairmanships.
All members of the Now York delegation
cupy committco places of responsibility.
"If anything , " said Willis , "therein
[ anger of Carlisle having been too safe. "
Willis , who was appointed chairman of
ho committco on rivers and harbors ,
ays ho will favor a liberal policy , that
ho members of the ways and means
committco generally declined to express
my opinion as to the policy the commit-
oo would adopt or the work it would
undertake to do. Mr. Morrison , its
chairman , said in reply to questions on
his point , that the make up of this
committco indicated what the policy
vould bo , but declined to go into details
or express himself more definitely upon
ho subject. Calkins , not a mom-
> or of the committee , says the
nako up indicates that "par-
Scular thunder1 will bo raised. "
IL prominent conservative representative
rom Now England said in reply to the
| uostions ho preferred to wait a little bo-
ere talking much about the organisat
ion of ways and moans. Ho Bays ,
lowover , the composition of the com-
nittoo is not in accordance with conserv
ative ideas on the tariff question. Most
of its members are not men of moderate
'iows , and the election of such men was ,
10 thought , at variance with tlio senti
ments expressed by Carlisle in hia speech
accepting the ofllco of speaker. Another
lastorn representative said , in his opin-
on , the committee would bo found
itrongly in favor of ultimate free trade ,
.ho majority of its members being in ac-
iord with its chairman , Morrison , on
that question. Ho thought that in view
of the approaching presidential election ,
policy forbid radical measures. The ma-
ority of the democratic members of the
louse seem contented with the places
assigned them , but a few , among them
springer , express loud dissatisfaction.
Tlio latter , it is said , expected to bo
nado chairman of the committco on dec-
.ions , the position ho occupied in the
'orty-sixth congress , but ho is not even
a member of that committco , or given
my other position ho regarded in koop-
ng with his experience and long service
is a member of the housn. The reason ,
t is said , why Springer was not given a
ilaco on the elections committee , is that
ip was known to bo friendly to Man-
ling , upon whoso case that committee
mvo to pass judgment Springer hitn-
iclf attributes his exclusion , as ho regards
t , from all important committees , to the
lostility of Morrison. Just after the
adjournment of the house , Springer
rent up to Morrison , who was standing
n front of the speaker's stand , and said :
'You have done a d < 1 moan thing tone
no , and nil I'vo got to say is , I'll romom-
> or you. " "Very well , " said Morrison ,
and Springer walked away. S ! S. Cox
a _ an ry at his appointment to naval af-
airs instead of foreign alfaira , nnd tele
graphed a refusal to servo. Horn as
nucli as said ho thought the mako-up of
lie committees all tho'way through was
lorriblo. The committco on commerce ,
with which ho was most familiar , ho said ,
was. made tip in the interest of the Roa-
; an bill.
No Experiment.
With a majority of people it IB no export-
nont tlmt Ir. Bosnuko a Coueh nnd Lung
iyiup is n euro for Coughs. Colda. Pains in
-ho Lungs , Soreness in the Ghost , etc. , but for
ilioso who doubt , ask your neighbors who
mvo used It or got a free Btunpio bottle of
Schrotor & liecht , the druggists.
Hcgulnr t\io T 0 conta and § 1.00. Sold to the
, ra < lo by 0. F. Goodman.
Vatl Verse , of the Supreme
Court Ordor-B 1'orter
, to Account
for $ , 100,001) Rullroail Stook.
NEW YOUK , December 24. Judge Van
Verse , of the supreme court , has given
his decision in the suit of Harvey Ken
nedy against Henry H. Porter , Presi
dent of the Minneapolis & Omaha rail
way , Rosswoll P. Floor , David DowA
and others. The plaintiff alleges that in
January , 73 , the defendants formed a
pool for purchasing , and the sale and
general dealing in common and preferred
stock m the West Wisconsin railway
company. Porter was to act as mana
ger , and at the dissolution of partner
ship each co-partner was to pay or receive -
coivo a reliable proportion. The capital
was $100,000 , which was invested in the
purchase of 10,000 shares of preferred
stock and 30,850 shares of common
stock of the West Wisconsin railway
company. Porter cfcUms to have ac
quired for himself 18,425 shares of com
mon stock , par vnluo $2,400,000 , free
from any claim in favor of the members
of the pool. Plaintiff charges Porter
with accountability for this § 2,400,000
of common stock and with 10,000 shares
preferred stock , The Judge ordered Per
ter to make the accounting sought for.
Judge Truax , of the tuporlor court , Now
York , refused to issue second papers to a
Chinaman , who had obtained already the
ilnt papers. The Judge cltoa the OhluoHO
iunnlKrutien act of May , 1832 , which declares
no etato'a courts , or court of the United
Statoi tlmll admit Ohlnena to citizenship.
Itcllevui anJ rurca
Neuralgia ,
Sciatica , Lumbago ,
QUINSY , b\v
Sorcneil.Culj , Uruleoi ,
And allollierlmdll/bcliea
IH'ali-ra. .UlffClluua la 11
lunjjiiajes ,
Tha Charles A. Vogeler ( r.
S. W , corner ISth Mid Howard , Oinah , Nub. , hkte
lutt opened > , Him * tock of clrugt , medicine * , and
lrui * Hu\o miektfvitlliieoMoila wt . '
"ISM , odor Und , ualr I luilin to. cto.
rrewrljitloai propwed t til hvun.
They Arc Disensscil at Some
ttie bccrctarj of Stale ,
His Claims to Oitkonshii ) Some
what Oomplicatod , But
Nevertheless Valid ,
ccrctnry FicllnKliujscn Directed
Minister liouoll to Ask For a
The president to-day transmitted to
, ho house the report of the secretary of
Into , with n voluminous correspondence
) otweon September 24 to December 15 ,
n response to n resolution passed the
' .Oth , nsking for the papers on file in the
: aso of Patrick O'Donnoll , the slayer of
Jaroy. A number of letters passed bo-
.wcon the secretary of state and the
American legation in Great Britain , the
lubstanco of this is that there is a deut [
nbout O'Donncll's identity ; that under
mlinnry circumstances thera is no need
'or special counsel for American citizens
m trial in Great Britain , where methods
if securing justice is practically the same
us in America ; that to undertake such a
defense for all American citizens abroad
would involve legation in many
matters outside of its ordinarily
nccoptod duticx ; that the _ conclusion
reached was the naturalization papers
Described by O'Donnoll waa either
jrantcd some other person of the same
aamo , or fraudulently obtained , that
lubscquontly ho wan impressed with the
.ipparont truth of O'Donnoll's claim * ,
but the writer could givp no authoritative
itatomont on the subject. This is the
mbstanco of the communication from the
ogation , most of which was written by
llappin , first secretary of the legation ,
in.absonco of Minister Lowell. Secretary
Frolinghuyscn directed Minister Lowell
to ascertain whether ODonnoll was n
citizen of the United States , and if so , to
do whatever necessary to secure the
proper defense. The remainder of the
correspondence relates to counsel from
this country , and resolutions passed at
Chicago to bo transmitted by Eon. John
T. Finorty , calling on the governor to
oo to O'JJonnoll'a defense.
O'Donnoll ' returned to Ireland when
2 years old and came back to the United
States in 1801 , when ho must have boon
between 23 or 2G years old. So between
the extreme dates assigned by himself ,
ho three years next preceding his major-
ty , would appear to have boon spent in
[ roland. The act of naturalization
being , however , a judicial decision , it
can only bo impeached according to the
rule established by the Spanish-Ainer-
can commission , by ohowing want
of jurisdiction on the part ol
granting by the court , or .fraud
practiced by the applicant on the
court , or that naturalization was a viola
tion of the treaty stipulation. Patrick
O'Donnoll has a certificate of naturaliza
tion. Ho may have obtained it by mis
take of the court or by his pwn mistake ,
or there may bo a mistake in the state
ments ho now makes , and yet bo ab
sence of fraud , and as certificates ii
prima facia evidence of citizenship , and
as I do not sco evidence that O'Donnol
practiced fraud upon the court , the
United States legation in London is in
tructed to consider O'Donnoll's citizen'
ship established. The correspondence
closes with the telegram from I'Voling
huyson to Lowell instructing him to ask
a respite for O'Donnoll , and the reply o ;
Granville refusing to interfere in the
sentence of the law or its execution.
The question of O'DonuolFs citizen
ship was summul up in the following
communication from the secretary estate
state to the president : "In response to
your directions I have the honor to in
form you the investigation was madi
right. Patrick O'Donnoll claim citizen
ship of the United States , the result o
which I have the honor to communicate
herewith , statements made , O'Donnoll'
right to citizenship is conflicting. It i
assorted he is a citi/.on , first by the natu
ralization of his father , Michael , while
ho , the son , Patrick , was yet n minor
second by reasons of his service in th
army of the United States late civil war
and third by naturalization as ono win
resides in the United States. Throe year
next prior to his coming ot ago and con
tinuously thereafter , up to the
time of making application foi
citizenship , claims to ciluonshij
through his father's acts rests on his ovri
statements. No proof is found or fur
nishcd , and it is not confirmed by otlie
members of the family that his fatlio
was _ over naturalized. LTad ho boon
Patrick O'Donnoll need not have applici
for naturalization. As to the secom
point , O'Donnoll himself says that .injury
to his aim prevented his enlistment ii
the army , but ho was employed aa i
teamster in 1804 v > ith a government sup
ply train in Colorado. It had not beoi
thought necessary to ; verify this slate
mont , for if true the fact would not giv
him the right of naturalisation as om
who has served in the army , Moreover
a certificate was not granted on th
ground of his having been a soldier.
Jn support of the third allegation h
produces a certificate of naturalizatioi
dated November C , 1878 , by the probat
court of Lawrence county , Ohio. Thi
certificate was issued in conformity wit !
a section of the revised statutes , wliic
provides : "Any alien being under th
ago of 21 years who has resided in th
United States throe years next prococt
ing arriving at that age , and has con
tinuod to reside therein to that time , h
may make application to bo admitted
citizen thereof , and may bo admitted o
making proscribed declaration. " At tha
time , instead of two years before natur
alization , it would appear that this cor
tilicato was irregularly granted , for i
O'DonnoH's statement , made to th
United States charge d'ullairs at Lei
don , was that ho returned to Ire
land after attaining a majority
and remained there between 1807 an
1871 , and consequently had not continue
to reside in the United States from th
time of coming of ago to the time c
making application to bo a citizen , as h
must have done to conform with the requirements
quirements of the statute. It is also in
coitain whether ho in fact resided her
for years before attaining his majority
By his statement to llappin ho is no *
about 48 years old , which puts his birt
about 18U5 , In his declaration it was
hit ) intention , made at the time of natur
aluation , ho declared , ho was born i
1838. Ho must , therefore , have followo
majority some time between 1850 an
1850. By his own statements ho cam
to this , country with his mother ( hi
father being already here ) when abou
four or aix years old.
Dny a If , DougUM & Bom1 Caivlcum Cone
tout lit \oui dill rcu ; they aru baiui | w. i > I euln
otlie fail * anil will cure tbelr colJi. P. 8. am
nJo Varkoi [ t\ny drop ,
PAUIS , Dcoombor 21. DoLcssops , in
lecture , ropoatcdly declared that M
eng as ho nnd his sons lived the Suez
caiml would remain under French con-
CONSTANTINOPLE , December 2i.J ur-
nn , Portugcao consul-gonoral , suicided
y stabbing.
OAIUO , December 24. The Arabic
fliciftl newspaper siys Governor Berber
elcgrnphcd the khedive that Ilicks
"asna and 3,000 Egyptians wore killed
n the fight with El Muhdi. but Aload
) in Pasha , with the remainder of the
Csyptian army was encamped at Molbass.
Thorp the troops were being provisioned
> y friendly tribes. Governor Dpngola ,
olcgraphing accounts of the lighting bo-
woon Ilicka Pasha and El Muhdi , main-
ains that the Egyptians were victorious
ind that the army is intact and now on-
Damped at Molbass. El Aboid was do-
ortcd bv his followers , who roprnachcd
liiu with not being a Muhdi , because ho
ailed to vanquish the Egyptains by di-
ino aid.
GENEVA , December 24. The Intorna-
ional league of pcaco nnd liberty nd-
Iressod a manifesto to Franco , suggost-
ng arbitration in the Tonquiu question
> y a delegate from each European power.
PAHIS , December 2i. In the senate
an animated debate ever the question
rlicthor anadjournmont should bo taken
or the holidays or proceed so discuss the
> udgot forthwith. Finally it waa ro-
olvod , 143 to 114 , to commence debate
General Millet has postponed his do
mrturo to Tonquin to January 8. „
Row Much \V111 Do It ?
How much of Thomai1 Xclcclric OiMsro-
tiirod to euro ? Only a very llttlo. A few
irops will euro any kind of an ncho ; and but a
rillo moro is needed for sprains nnd lamenoasos.
ilioumatlsm Is not BO readily affected ; nn
lunco and eomotlmos two ounces are required.
Vo medicine , however , ts so sura to euro with
ho same number of applications.
Heavy Storms and Floods in Ohio and
PITTSIIUKO , December 24. The storm
103 prostrated wires in all directions ,
nnd greatly delayed trains , but no scri
ms accident is reported. At 2 o'clock
ho river is rising rapidly. Reports
rom the head waters indicate a largo
volume of water coming , and an over
flow is probable. ThoAllegheny river is
CINCINNATI , December 24. All trains
on the Louisville & Kashvillo railroad
are stopped and no passenger trains from
ho south have reached Newport at 1
) . m. to-day. The roof of Harper's roll-
ng mill , Newport , was crushed by snow/ ,
nvolving considerable loss. The Cin
cinnati & Portsmouth narrow gauge rail-
oad bridge and long iron trestle near
California , was torn down by the flood.
At noon -tho Oak street tunnel on the
incinnati Northern railroad caved in
and all trains were stopped. Four hun
dred barrels at the foot of Sycamore
street , consigned to the Little Miami
and the Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton
roads , wore swept away by the rise in
; ho Ohio rivor. The river is rising
loot an hour.
Innumerable small losses are reported
From leaking roofs and from roofs crushed
by accumulated snow , wet with rain.
First Unto Ei Ul'enec.
"Of ton unable to attend buslnf SB , being sub
ject to serious disorder of the kidneys. After
a long seigo of sickness triad liimlock lilooi
Jlittcrs nndiw relieved by half a bottle , " Mr
B. Turner , of Rochester , N. Y. , takes the
point ) to writo.
Cnristmas Greetings.
WASHINGTON , December 24. In accordance
cordanco with the timo-honorcd custom ,
all clerks and employes of the state department
partmont called on the secretary of state
at noon to-day to tender Chriatmaa greet
ing. Afterwards Mr. Frolinghuyson , ac
companicd by Assistant Secretary Davis
and Chief Clerk Brown , followed by the
employes of the department in a body
called on Second Assistant Secretary
Will Hunter to congratulate him on the
fifty-third Christmas day of his diplo
matio service in the United States. Mr
Hunter \rta much affected by the cordia
expression of good will.
Who mat glossy , luxnrinnt
nnd wavy tresses of abundant ,
beautiful H air must nso
elegant , cheap article always
makes tlio llair grow ft-cely
and ihst , keeps it from falling
out , nrrcsts and cares grayness -
ness , removes dandruff and
I'ching ' , , makes the Hair
strong , giving it a curling
h&doncy ana keeping it la
nvvy desired position. Beau
tiful , lioalthyjlnlr is the sure
, result of using KuthalroiL
veil all medicine * advcrtlscdln thti pai > er. Ilav e ala < .
a line line ol perfumery ( racket knives , toilet BOSIW
and cholccllavin * cigtrs.
I'rcacrlptions ccwpoundcd atal hours.
Twenty ) cart practical experience.
i/uai nune uoinimlilrii , I rat'K iiimiudruini
and .Mciiiarrlr * , oitd otucrs ImudOoj etoc
lluiuihreelrrlnnrv | Manual. ( S30 PP,1
* cut rve by null oil nxvlpt of prlc * . rocrnt *
tari amplilcu neiit free un opjillcatiou
iOU Fullou btrtet , Acw Vurtt. *
1 Vital Wcakutai and Pros
tration from orcr work or
U radically
, cured I/It
ful remrUjr known. Price \\r \ T [ .orDvlauM
Cures Rheumatism , Lum
bago , LamoBack , Sprains and
Bruises , Asthma , Cattrrh ,
Coughs , Colds , Son Throat ,
Diphtheria , Bums , Frost
Bites , Tooth , Ear , and Head
ache , and allpaias and aches ,
Tha fecit Intcrnil nj ctternil remedy la the
world. ETCIJT liottto r nnl" J. Sold by medicine
delicti em/where , Direction ! In eight linguages.
Trice ; o centt > nd
FOSTER , MILDURN 4 CO. , Prop'rt ,
BUrrALO , M.V..U.S.A.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
d.Tlckots onjy ? 5. Shares in rroportlonta
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
"We do hcrAy ccrlifii that we iiipm lie the or.
rangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual
of the Lottisana Mate Lottery Corn
any , anil in pa son manage and control the
Drawings thcimcltct , and that the tame are con-
luctalwttk honesty , faimcti , and in good faith
oicaril alljtartict , ami tcotuthorUc the comjxiny
o utc this certificate , with fac-timila of our liy-
nat m-C3 at tachaJ , ints adicitiscmcntt , "
Incorp5rntcd In 188Sfor 29 years by the legislature
or educational anil charltalih purpoees-ultrt a cap-
talof $1,000,000 to which n resmo ( mid ol o > tr
! iM,000 IIM slHte been added.
By an overwhelming popular \oto Ita franchise
was m ua n part cl tha preeciit btati constitution
doptcd DarcmbcrZd , A. D. 1S70.
The only Lottery over voted on and en
dorsed by thocpcoplo of any Stato.
It never sc lc3 or postpones.
Its grand sinulo number drawings take
place monthly.
A splendid opportunity to win a Fortune.
First Grand Drawing Class A , at New Or-
oans , Tuesday , January 15 , 1884 104th
Monthly drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frac
tions , in Fifths in proportion.
10AFITAL PRIZE. . . . . ' 9 75,000
1 do do 25,000
1 do do 10,000
2 PRIZES OP 88000 12,000
5 do 2000 10,000
10 do 1000 10,000
20 do 600 10,000
SOO do 200 20,000
600 do 100 30,000
1000 do 25 25,000
0 Approximation prizes of $750 6,750
D do do 500 4,500
D do - 250 2,250
1607 Prizes , amounting to $265,500
Application forratns to clubs should bo made only
at tha olllco of tlio Cominnj In Now Orleans.
For further information write clearly giving ful
address Hake P. 0. Money Orders pajablo and
address Registered Letters to
Now Orlcins , La.
Postal Notes and ordinary letters by Stall or EJC
press ( all sums o ( § 5 and upwards by Uxjiress at our
oipcnso ) to
M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans , La
007 So\cnth St , Washington , D. C
B. Frank Moore ,
727 La Sails Sfnet , Chicago.
New Manager of Chicago Office. To whom apply fo
Information and tickets , 104th Monthly
Drawing ,
Jan. 15.
Tuesday. . .
First Capital Prize 876,000. Tickets $5 ; BolJ In
Filths nt 81 cah. See full lia-n ) above.
To Whom It May Cono-rn :
The co partnership hcr'to'oro existing bcUcon
Edmund I > . lilgclow , WlllarJ B. UIIUiil and Ed
ward P. Peck hbs been this day dliaolved by mutua
C ° "
Tho"sald WlUrdB. Mllhrd.ind Edward P. Peck
will continue the business t-ko chtrgeof all the el
fccti of the firm of lilgclow , Millard and. Peck and assume
sumo all the obligations and collect all the account
out standing under tha old firm name of Millard and
Peck ,
Omaha DccemUr ! Sth 18S3. dtc8-26ij2
at the old stand , 1117 Farnam street Orders
telegraph solicited and promptly attended o
c llojldenoe , No. 1407 Jones St. Offlos , No. 1101 Fa
rum street. Office hours , 12 m. to 1 p. m. , and
p. m. to 6 p. ra.T lenhona for office. P7
Graduate o ( Mcdlll Onlicrslty , Mont cal , anil o
Hoj al CollCRO ot I'lijilclinii , London , I'.ng. Late o
London and KdIntmrgh.KoncraI hospitals , of Londoi
Throat Hospital and Dublin Hospital lor v , omen.
Otllco opposite P. O 15Hi street. Uesidenco 232
8t.U ry's avenue. Hours 0 to 11 a. in. , 1 to 3 and
to e P. w. OrllceTclcplioiie Its
ImportedBee r
Erlanger , Bavaria
Culinbacher , Bavaria.
Pilsner Bohemian
Kaiser Bremen
Budweiser St. Louis
Anhauser St. Louie.
Best's > . . . . Milwaukee.
Schlitz-Pilsner Milwaukee.
Krug's. _ .0inalia.
Ale , Porter , Domestic and Rhine
Wine. ED. MAURER ,
1214 : Farnam.
MUNN & CO. , of the ScizwTino AirtnicAK , con.
ilnna to ct a Bplldtor for Patentm , CareiuVTrada
St fei SJJliS1 ? ! * or Ul0 V01'881414 Q" " " > 4
Kuclano. France. Uerraanjr , cto. Iliuid llook about
the larse t. txut. ano ]
r ! laajSaV. ?
United States Depository ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts ,
T/io Oldest Banking Establishmeni
in Onwha ,
Organised In 1808.
Organized as a National Bank in
OAPITAI. . 3200,001) )
I UAN Koran * , President.
Jonn A. CAKIOIITOK , Vice President.
A ot'anis Komrrn , 2J Vlco Froildent.
A. 3. Vonum.1.
V. H. DAVIS , Cuhlei.
W H. Mioatnia , AssIsUnt Cashier.
Tnns&cta ( jcncrm banking business. ISTOM tlrat
oertlOcfttca bcartn nterrat. Draws dntU on San
'randsco and principal cities In the United SUtos
Also London. Dublin , Edinburgh and the ptlnclpa
cities of the continent of Euro o.
Authorized Capital , - 1,000,000.
Paid-up Capital , - - , 100,000.
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000.
N. W. Cor , Farnam ana 13th St.
PRAK Mimpnr , President. I SAM I.E. Roaitns , V-Prcs.
Ux.1. B. WOOD , Cashlor. | LUTIIKR DRAKB , A. Cub.
Frank Murphy , Samuel R. Rogers , Bon. B. Wood ,
Cliarlos C. Houscl , Alt. D. Jones , Luther Drake.
Transact a General Banking Business. All who
lia > o any Banking business to transact arc Invited to
ll. No matter bow large or small the transaction ,
It will reecho our careful attention , and wo promise
always courteous treatment.
Paj > particular attention to business ( or parties
residing outside tha city. Kxhango on all the prin
cipal cltlci ol tha United States at cry lowest rates.
Accounts of Banks and Bankers received on favorable -
able terms.
Issues Certiorates ot Deposit bearing 5 per cent
Bin 8 and sells Forclcn Exchange , County , City
and Ooernment securities
LotsiLotsj ! Lots ! !
125 LOTS iv HAWTIIOKNH. Every ono knows this to
bo the newest thlnt ; in the market. AYti \ ir\\
LOTH iv KlitKwooi ) . Thcso are acceded to bo the
cheapest In the market. 200 LOTS i\ OMAHA VIEW.
It will pay joil to go with us and MEW tnem.
Wo would bo pleased to show any property wo have
listed. Prices and value of all this property will
advance In the Spring , consequently it will
pay to
and saxo from $76 to $150.
Below wo give a few bargains In
1 $2,000. House of five rooms on half lot , nine
blocks from -U. P. depot. Terms easy.
4 $2,500. Business corner and building. Terms
to suit.
6 $2,000. House of six rooms on full lot on 20th
et. aoforlt.
0 S4.0CO. Two homfson one lot In a good loco
tlon. North 10th st , near ftreet car , and all In
good repair. A good bargain.
7 91000. A magnificent dnelli g In Rcdlck's
sub division , bran new , with 11 the comforts ot
our modern civ illzitlon. A bargain forjou.
8 Seven room house , between Center and Dorcas
streets , seven blocks from the U. P. depot
$2,100ard term eosy.
10 An excellent Inside residence property , highly
respectable looallty , and evertiling In No. I
shape ; terms , ? 5,760.
63 $2,500 Good house of six rooms , . \erj con
venicnt toU. P. depot. This property is gilt
edge and can be bought for the easiest terms
70 Jl.OOO. Neat cottage on half lot In Parker's ad <
Ultlon. A bargain.
72 House ot seven rooms on Sherman avenue , con-
v cnlcnt to the business part , and v cry desirable
for residence { 3 210.
04 A house of eight rooms In Shlnn's iddition ,
nearly now an < l onlv ono block from street cars ,
a very homelike place , and as a purchase bar-
pain simply immense. Only 2,600.
05 31,000. A neaS little cottage in Shlnn's add I
tlon , cast front , chcip.
07 $1,700. House ol four rooms on 27th am
Douuhs. Terms cosy.
OS House of five rooms , nearly new , Shlnn's addl
tlon. $1,000 , $ 00 in cash and balance in
monthly pav merits.
103 $2,000. A good house In Shlnn's addition , six
rooms and all in seed repair. One holt down
and long time lor the balance.
107 $2,500. A ulcs new house In Hanscom Place
100 81,000. A small cottage and lot In Improve
intnt Acsoclatlon addition. Look at It.
02 53,600. TA o story home , of nine rooJis , on
Nineteenth (10) ( ) street. In Uizabeth place , one
block from street car line. Oo look at it for a
$4,000. On Sherman avenue , a house and lot.
The lot has a 60 foot frontage on two streets
Terms easy.
01 $0,300. Largo two story bouse of 14 rooms
and good barn , having B complete box stalls
and hay lot ! , on corner lot on Sherman avenue
two blocks from car line. Great place for
hotel or business of any kind. Oo and look
at It.
04 $4,000. A two story house of 10 rooms on ful
lot In Shlnn's first addition. Good Improve
62 Sl.EOO. A ono ftory cottoro on fu I lots in Par
Kcr's addition ; food well and Ebado trees
Terms to suit
50 4,700 House of 0 rooms on v cry arge lot In
Capitol hill addition. Tills place Is complete
havingb rn , well , cistern , andouh'ono bock
from car line.
100 $1,000 , House and lot. Monthly payments o
$12 each. A.rnrc bargain.
00 81,000. House ol J rooms , and barn , on
full lot In Haiucom place , one block from ca
OJ 81,100. Story and half house of 5 rooms on
half lot near U. 1' . depot. Cash bargain.
80 81,000. Largo store bti ding en leased lot
lease to run flui } oars. Easy terms and ncai
85 $1,500 , House and lot on Douglas and Twen
t > -seventh streets , good barn , will and cistern
$600 down and balance to suit
82 $300 Two etory frauio etoro building , 22x00
on Sixteenth street. Shelving and counters
curtains , eta. The lease on lot can run flvi
years. U his etoro building It only throe blocki
from postolllce ; will sell lor cash.
84 $1,250. House and lot in Kountz 3 addition
between Tenth and Eleventh on Hickory. Till
U a great birgaln ,
79 $5,000. Nice house and lot on Clark stteet , E.
V. Smith's addition. Convenient to street car
A > auabl9 ) corner ( ? r rcs nfeor bm > iie | s ,
CIinAl'LOTStnall parts of the city. FARMS In
parrs of the Stato. Convojanclng and til kind
of legal papers executed at our olllco ,
Money loaned on Heal Estate ,
43TDon't fall to see other largalns on our lists ,
tfiTNoUry Public lwaj s In our cilice.
* tfirtlouscs to rent ,
Sears & Bosard.
( Williams' Block )
Pluzmlx Assurance Co. , ol
' Jollu tt
Notloo U hcrotj c | en tli t the crndlton of uU
deoeaied , will meet the executrix of ealdoiuto be.
ii ine Bounty ' ' Coiut ! ! 0,0' ' Bo"'a' , In ' aaid " " ! y NehrUk. ,
county , on the
? idy , ° the * 6th ? ) ' ? S3 . > nth. 6th diy or April !
day of June 18W '
, , at 10 o'dock .
in. each day , for the I pn
claim , for . , | , Md
SU it month ; are allowed for creditors to prutent their
wata. from the 6tb diyaf Dtccinbcr i Kt tvii. . .IA
Ice | will boimblWiod li IlirShabl JkSoc" '
adi eek.uoc MUely ( p.lcrto I lie Hh day ol "
Lota just Laid out by
and put upon the market for the first
| time at tlie following pnces :
Omaha View is located in the north
'part of .the city , .
between the.resideuce of L. B. Wil
liams , the dry goods man , and Itt-
neiTBro. , ' . brickyard , and extending
back on to the lull , affording a grand
view of
Fair Grounds , r
Missouri River ,
And t the City.
/ "
No finer or . 'more ' pleasant location
can be i'ouml tn Omaha.
Street Gars
wiUJsoon run to this addition.
Are offered at these low prices -with.
a view of [ selling them all'before.
New ieare. V
If is Yd1 Ti
to secure n'good lot
rmd a cheap onr
nnd et lithographic may of X - * * - * , „ , '
* yf
lien , nowready for deli
BOGGS & HILlf ! '
No. l408.Faruaui Street ,
1i i
"s :