THE DAIL2 BEE OMAHA , TUESDAY , DECEMBER 23 , 1883. V THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA. Tuesday Morning , Dee , 26i Bpcolnl Meeting of the State Alliance. A special inccting of the Farmers' Stnto Alliance ) will bo held at Kearney , Nob. , on Wednesday and Thursday , Jan. 1C nnd 17,1834. All alliances which have nt nny time been organized in this state nro oarnoslly requested to send delegates to this mooting , and nil nntUtnononolisU of the state -aro 'cordially invited to nt tond. No pains will bo sparnd to make the meeting entertaining and instructive" . A programme of proceedings will soon bo aont to nil alliances , giving nnmos of speakers , nulrjocU ami nil particulars. All officers of nlliancos nro requested to eco that meetings nro called nnd arrange ments made to send delegates. Stttc papers , please copy. P. 11. HEYNOLDH , Pios't Stnto Alliance. T. Btnuiowrt , Sec. ad interim. LOOAL BREVITIES , Morry'Christmoi ' * . Indian fuimmor nt Christmas tlmo. Kvcry day will bo Christmas by anil by. Thun Joy,4thd27tli | is St. John UioKvnn- The boys mint liavo a holiday , consequently quently there will bo no paper to-morrow. Himobmigh & Tnylor , Omahn , soil Buffalo V. 8. Standard ncalo. Wrlto for prices. tf - -TiiR Br.K.foreo will dlno up n chlckoa ami oysters to-day , thanlw to n Ronoroim maiingo- incnt. - The stores were kept open until n late hour ? lost night to accommodate purchanora of holiday Roods. , The hotel register * were alimwt barren > yo terday. Traveling men prefer to eat turkey 'nt homo'if possible. Yesterday was almost us mild an Rprlng -weather nnd It wad dlflicnlt to roallo that Christmas was hero. /Tho South M. E. church givo.n grand en tertainment this evening nnd ilnvito nil the 'friends of the church to attend , The offering nt Trinity cathedral to-day will bo given to the worthy poor of this city. This announcement should call forth a , veryllheral collection. -Atone o'clock thl * morning there wore Rovon parsons for disturbance of i Uio pcaco , onO'ViHfrunt , ono susplclaiu character and ono woman-charged with larceny. A llttlo ntmptw occurred In Mnuror'H ualnon about 12 o'clock loot night ocr aN ntch which novoral parties was milling for. Knur of the disturbers were ledged in jail. iff you .havo moro of | the dollcacio.f of life than you can use do not ] forgot the sup per to bo given the city mission school nt the y. M. C. A. boll Thursday evening. Klchard Wlldo Invites his many friends to call UIKJII him to-day and itidulgo In a ruodahlo "smile. " Richard will make nil hap py with an elegant champagnelunch. . - George Pnrr , the St. Mary's nvonuo drug- .gist , Is going to throw otf single life Thursday. % SVo always thought George was sonslblo boy , and. now wo nro thoroughly convinced of itho-fact , Ofllcar .Desmond , of Uio police force , has .obtained leave of absence for several days , .nmMoavw this morning for Don Molnoti , to visit his llttlo son , who is with his grand parents at that place , and who In quite Horl- ously.lll. We doubt If there wan over a Christmas ovoln this city whore there win as little drnnkenucHB as there was lut night. Although - though the streets were thronged with men until a very late hour , yet everything wan quiet and nil were orderly. 4 A number of the factory men and clerks of this city were presented with Chrlstmae V turkeys by their employes to-night , nnd OF they sit 'around the family table to-day inud pluktho bones of the foul , thoywlll silently bless the name a ! the giver and vowtc moro faithfully servo a kind and Indulgent master In .tho future. A family of four ! u tilts city , cumprislne husband and wife and two friends , wore chat ting , at their morning meal , Sunday , aboul visiting the state Institutions at Lincoln. "IV rather go to the insane asylum than to tin penitentiary,11 innocently remarked the wife "Yea" , of courbo you would , " chimed the bus band , as ha slyly moved nway from his botto Imlf , "You'd fool more nt homo there , I sup ( xwo , " Jirenkfost rrooeodod in sllonco , J. II , Collins aud wife , of Fremont , are a the Faxtbn. J.7I. Keith , oi Lincoln , Is at the 1'axtou Joe Whlto , of Grind Inland , i a Mlllari cueat. Guy C. Barton returned from the east yea torday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixon Avery , of Fremont re at the Millard. > T. M. D. Harvey , of Momnouth , Is at th MilUriL a IL Vmiard , cashier of the First Na , Uonal Bank of Hebron , Neb. , is In the city. Bishop Sharp , of Utah , was a west bourn passenger on the Union 1'nclfiu yesterday , Sunday. G. M. Hitchcock and ills bridi returned from a European tour of four month duration. They t lilted all the priuclpa points tIn Great Britain and Contlneuta Europe , and their many friends In this cltj are delighted nt their safe return , SEVERELY INJUBED , A Painter TaVes it Uard Fall IVoui < i JLadder Yesterday Afternoon. Yesterday afternoon a Bohemian painter namd Longpowel , fell from ladder to the ground vrbilo engaged in painting a house for Mr. Hoffman on , South Sixteenth street. lie fell a distance of several foot and was picked up by Oflicor Matza , who happened to bo passing at the time , and savers ! others , und was carried into a neighboring house and Dr. Hoffman wna summoned , Upon the arrival of the physician he discerned that a piece of bone had boon broken from the man'a thigh bono and be wu alto injured internally , but to what t nt is not yet known. Ho also n > mpUiBd coniiderably of his back , d Hull a young man 27 years of ago , ( MMUM4 Uw Married a little more than IflERRY CHRISTMAS listen in AmidSwccl Carols an * Happy Greette The Dolnjin nt tlio GlmrcliCH aifi tlio Unncrul 1'csllTltlofl > t the Benson In Thin City. The eighteen hundred nnd eighty-third anniversary of the Bnbo of liothlchotn has como , nnd with it the usunl joy nnd festivity which gathers nround the anniversary of thnt sacred event. Christmas eve is nn hour of rejoicing and merry making wherever the Chris tian religion is known. It has comedown through the ages , and , instead of the in- crest in this occasion diminishing , it is onstantly on the increase nnd probably will botio until the end of timo. With this glad Christmas tide comes the tokens of love given by ono dear ricnd to another , nnd this oxnmplo sot jy the wise men , ns they lavished their lifts of frankincense nnd myrrh upon the Babe in the manger , is likewise closely 'ollowcd , nnd mnny n heart is caused to cap with joy ns the tears of thanksgiving course down the checks' , ns a little mess enger of love is received from dear ones 'ar nwny. Lost night was a Boason of rejoicing n this city , such ns lias never before been equalled. The good citizens of this ilacu have boon abundantly blessed in the year which is past nnd gene nnd never before have they boon no able to bestow gifts upon their loved ones ns now nnd right well they hnvo improved the opportunity , ns is proven by the enormous amount of holiday goods which have been bought nnd sold in this city during the past month. Year by year the quality of Christmas gifts improve nnd instead of light , trashy stuff , winch has boon sold in such largo quantities in former years , moro substantial articles were substituted. To bo sure there are moro or leas of these toys sold each year , nnd always will bo so long ns there nro children , for whnt would Ohristmns bo to the without the little six-year-old jump ing jack or the toy whistle , or tno tin steam-boat or locomotive engine. These things nro just ns essential to complete tlio happiness of the child , ns nro nir nnd water essential to the lifo of man. In hundreds of houses in Omaha last night there was fiuch rejoicing as is only had upon Christmas ovo. There , in ono corner of the parlor , stood the beautiful Christmas tree trimmed with long strings of pop corn nnd tinsel , while myriads of waxen tapers added a dazzling brilliancy to the scone. In addition to these , the tree was londcd with presents for the various members of tlio family , und tlio whole presented n scene which made the children fnirly shout for joy as the doors were thrown open nnd they were per mitted togazo upon the beautiful objects , nnd not nlono the children , but the older ones who had been instrumental in bringing about this statp of things , were carried Lack to their childhood days , and they entered into the merry-making with a zest which they would not have believed they were ca- mblo of. If there is any- hing which truly rejoices the heart of .ho parent , it is to bo able to bring joy and happiness to the hearts of the door little oiios , for whoso existence they nro responsible , nnd mnny a heart was made happy in this way last night. A BEE re porter was permitted to attend ono of these little family gatherings last night and speaks with every assurance of the oy which is derived from such n scene. As wo left the house and wandered up and down the streets , vro passed many homos wherein like festivities were in progress , and before some of the bril liantly lighted windows wo stood lost in thought and our mind wandered from the gay and festive scene to the lowly cot or the hovel were the lavish hand never bestows its gifts , but it was toe sad n contrast and wo shook ourselves from the lethargy and drifted away like a wood before the wind in search of another ether item. An wo wandered along wo came ir front of the FIROT HUWHYTEllIAN CUUUG'U , and from within came the sound of morn voices and the glad notes of song as i inviting us to entor. Wo obeyed tin summons , and walking up the stop ; pushed the largo door upon its hhigcs and stood looking upon n most happ ; scpno. The church was. npproprintul ; trimmed , and in the front part stood ' largo Christmas troo. The children wor nil jubilant and each ono of thorn vra presented with a little pail of candy The services were both interesting am instructive. TRINITY I'ATHKUKAI , At Trinity Cathedral there was th regular carol service and it was attondoi by a largo number of both young nni old. The singing was led by n chorus a twenty-two children , who were nil poi fcctly trained and 'did their part ver uicoly. The house was beautifully docoratoi for the Christinas service with groum pine and holly and presented a vor boauiful appearance. BT. 1IARNA1IAH. At St. Barnabas church , corner o Thirteenth and California streets , th regular vesper service was presented , am a largo crowd was present to participate in the festivities. THIS A. M. K. CHURCH. At the A. M * E. church , corner o Eighteenth and Webster streets , tin colored people held a fair , and as thoj are always given to having a first-clasi time , last night's entertainment was n < exception to the general rulo. THE SKATING KINK. A goodly crowd was present t UK skating rink who could reap moro enjoy rnont out of a glide over the smooth ilooi on rollers tlian in any other way. Tlu hall was beautifully trimmed for tin holidays and looked very pretty. OTUKR MODES or KKJOYMKNT , 'Tho gambling halls and saloons won all well patronized , as they always arc upon holiday occasions , and many a iollj good health was thrown dawn last night , preparatory to the regular "swearing off on No/Tear's day , and yet for all thai very iitdo drunkenness was noticeable upon the streets. In BOIIIO of the salooni elegant lunches were served and all WAI merry , and Christmas day was ushered ir with the tinkling of thick-bottouict glasses. \ " ' Conviction of u Ilaplut The trial of Dr. Richmond PlatU mouth , for attempted outrage o A little girl who WAI Bent to hU place of business on an errand , was "cMVcludcd " Saturday with R verdict -of guilty. The punish- iitmt for the ofTcmfc is from two to ten 'oars in the penitentiary. The people -of I'lattsmouth were so ihockcd by the outrage at the time it was jommittcd and since , that every legili- nato nioano were employed to prevent , ho doctor's escape. At tirst his bail was ixed at ? < * > 00 , nnd when it was found ho : ould obtain this amount , it was raised to 51,000. Then , it is said , the doctor of- orert two persons $200 each to go nn his > end , but without SUCCCM. Tlio bail \yns ignin raised to $5,000 , and the doctor hade o remain in jail. A motion for a now .rial . has been made. nnolclon's Ami on Snlvo. The greatest medical wonder of the wet id. Warranted to speedily euro Burns , Cuts , Ul- : om. Salt Khoum , Fever Sores , Cancers. I'ilos , Chilblains , Cornn. Totter , Chapped hands , iiid all skin eruptions , guaranteed to euro In jvory Instance , or money refunded. 25 cents or box YOlfBET ! The Barter Asphalt Paying Co , Still at the Front , A6unro ( | Denial ( it nil ClmrjjcH Mmlo It. Reports having boon circulated to the njury of Trinidad Sheet Asphnltum nnd .ho integrity of the Barber Asphalt Pav- ng company , having bean assailed by parties interested in the paving of Far- nam street with Sioux Falls granite , and t having boon publicly assorted that as n consideration for their signatures nnd nlluonco , certain property-holders have boon given , or promised n reduction or rebate in the price oi their pavinjjj there fore , the Barber Asphalt Paving com pany hereby oiler a reward of ono thous and dollars ; the same to bo paid to anyone ono who can produce good and sufficient evidence that nny property holder has boon given or promised a rebate or re duction in the price of his paving by the Barber Asphalt Paving company , or their Agents , for nny pavement now laid or to bo laid by that company. It has also boon assorted publicly that the Barber Asphalt Paving company be fore beginning to lay pavement in this city , gave out the impression that such pavement was to bo laid for § 2.75 per square yard , arid that after the property- holders had completed their petition de signating asphalt as the material they desired on Douglas street , the company presented n bid for. § 2.08 per square yard , thus taking undue advantage of the property holders. Wo desire to say in I'oply to this unfounded nccusition , that Mr. Barber based his first estimate of § 2.75 on Washington specifications , but that subsequently the city engineer and board of public works presented specific ations essentially differing from the ashington specifications in the 'ollowing important particulars , to- ivit : The Washington specifications contained a clause requiring the retention jf 10 per cent of the total cost paving for )0 ) days , for the roparing of any radical defects that might dovolopo in such pay * ng during that period. The Omaha ipocificatious require the retention of 20 per cent , for G months for a like purpose. In addition this the Omaha specifications require a greater proportion of cement than the Washington spociiicatons. Furthermore a rate of ? 35 per car load had been secured from St. Louis to Omaha on paving material , but in consequence quence of pooling arrangements between certain lines this rate woa abrogated and a much heavier rate quoted , thus increas ing the cost of paving material , and these are the considerations which prompted Mr. 'Barber to add the sum of 23 cents per yard for such pavinjj. These are Buflicient reasons in the minds of reasonable men. Again , it is assorted that when the Asphalt com pany complete their contracts in Omaha and leave the city , that it will bo impos sible to procure asphalt und skilled labor for the repairing made necessary by plumbers' cuts such as are made for water , gas and ether purposes. In reply to the foregoing assertions , wo invite the attention of the public to the fol lowing clause in the contract with the city.Tho The said party of the second part hereby agrees and guarantees that said pavement shall remain durable and in good and perfect condition for live yoare from the acceptance of said work , and agrees to maintain the same in good cofl. ditiou and repair for said period. Said party of the second part , for the above purpose , shall keep and maintain al Omaha materials , skilled labor , and proper apparatus , and shall also , withoul charge , on the order of said city engineer , or board of public works , promptly make all repairs , and do all work rpndcrec necessary to keep said pavement in good condition : J'rovldcd , that for all worl made necessary , by the opening of the street for laying pipe or otherwise ; said party of the second part shall bo en titled to reasonable compensation not exceeding cooding § 2.08 per square yard. From the above it will bo soon thai certain other parties are working on the croduality and gullibility of certain othoi parties who have the reputation of beinp good business men , and who seen to lend a too willing ear to statements that arc made simply to accomplish private gain. Wo have to say in conclusion that oui pavement does now and will in future speak for itself and will prove a standing contradiction to all slanders on its qunlitj and durability , Yours respectfully , TUB BAIUIKU AfU'UALT PAVINO Co. , ' by 0. E. SguniKS and JOHN QUANT. A Very Iteinarlcultle Itccovery , Mr. Geo. V. Willing , of Manchester. Mich. , writes : "My wtfo lias been almost helpleea for five years , so helplest that iho could not turn over In bed alone , Shu used two liottlea of Klcctrlo Bitters , and Is to much Improved , that she ii now able to do her own work , " Kloctrlo Hitters will do all that la claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest their great curative powers. Only fifty centi abottlo at O. Goodman' * . Packaged , For the past few days , and especially yesterday , it 1ms been a sight to stand at the depot and. watch the express mutton shipped aud received. Packages of every conceivabls sfco and description were there ; meat of all kinds , Christmas trees , and what WIN moro prominent than anything else was the vast number of kegs of lager beer which has boon shipped into the neighboring towns to help en liven the holidays , and as wo stood and gazed upon the array of kegs we tried to compute just how many plain drunks , how many fights , and how many roar ing , thumping old headaches the pile contained , but as all stomachs are not like ours , vro wore obliged to give it'up , GRAND TIME. The City Mission Xraas True , Dinner and Concer , The Grandest Tlmo Yet l < Y > ur Hun dred Children to Set Down to Dinner. Tlio City Mission Christinas festivities will exceed anything of the kind over given in Omaha. The school , which is non-sectarian , and connected with no church , has now four departments , viz. : Two Sabbath school ? , a girl's sewing chool , nnd a relief department , The main Sabbath school has 250 scholars , .ho branch HO scholars , and the girl's ' lowing school 114 girls learning to sow. This school is devoted to children who mvo no church connections , nnd is sup ported by contributions from nny who desire to givo. There is great need of larger nnd bot- or quarters and a largo building has boon secured if nlpann can be raised to biro it. The school , in all departments , in .is n most flourishing condition and is managed by the following ofliccrs : Mrs. S. II. II. Clark , superintendent industrial school ; Mrs. Jardino , superintendent relief de partment ; Warren Switzlor , Esq. , super intendent main Sabbath school , and N. W. Mci rill , superintendent branch Sab bath school. They are aided by an able corps of teaches. Thursday noon next the annual dinner will occur at the Y. 'M. 0. A. hall and about four hundred children will sit down at onco. It will bo n grand sight. Como nnd see them and send your contri bution in the way of provisions as there will bo great quantities of hun- cry children to feed. Come to the help of the teachers , nnd give the children a grand.time. It will require a largo quan tity of food , and itis | hoped the response will bogenerous. The dinner occurs at noon. In the evening 7 o'clock a grand con cert nnd xtrms true will occur at the same place. Tickets nt 25c will bo offered for Bale , and every cent thus realized will go to aid in getting a bettor plnco for the schools and to buy shoos and clothing for many children who are destitute. Buy a ticket or several tickets , nnd coma t the dinner and to the concert. Pro visions may bo tout to the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday , or to the following plnco , and they will bo sent , viz : Mrs. Ross , Twenty-third and Burt ; Mrs. Knight , Twenty-second and Webster ; Mrs. Colpotzer , Twenty-second and Web ster ; Mrs. Switzlor , Twenty-fifth and St. Mary's avonuojMrs. Kennedy , Twen ty-third and Dodge ; Mrs. Charlton , Seventeenth anc' Davenport ; Mr. Mer rill , 101U Hariiey ; Mrs. Jardino , Tenth , between Dodge and Capitol avenue ; Mrs. Elliott , Twenty-second and Pierce ; Mrs. Gilmore , next to St. Barnabas ; Mrs. Dr. Graff , Park Wilde avonuojMrs. S. H. H. Clark , Twentieth nnd Dodge ; \ . M. C. A. hall , Fifteenth and Farnarn. An Editor's Tribute. Theron T. Kcator. Editor of Ft. Wayne , Ind. , "Gazette , " writes : "For the pout five years have always used Dr. King's Kow Dis covery , for coughs of moat severe character , us well as for these of a milder type. It never falls to olfect.a speedy cure. My friends to whom I have recommended it , spenk of It in same high terms. Having been cured by it of every cough I have had for five years , I con sider it the only reliable and sura euro for Coughs , Colds , etc. " ( Jail at C. F. Goodman's Drug Store and get a / > < ; Trial Bottlu. Largo Size $1.00. a Obituary or Frank P. Hoover. Ho had boon suffering for some months past , nnd died December , the if , 1883 , aged 31 years , 2 months and 1C days. Ho leaves a wife and two children , Sarah Ann , his wife , William Glide , and Eliza beth Maud Hoover. Ho was married to Miss Sarah A. Stokes near Syracuse , Neb. , December 23 , 1880. Ho loaves them a fair and reasonable support for their maintainanco. The beloved brother , gave every assurance oi his gaining the portals of eternal bliss bj his warnings to these that witnessed hie dying hour of meeting him in the King dom of his Father , which ho hna gone to inherit. Ever may ho rest free from pain and care , enjoying the associations of that throng that are singing their songs around the throneof God. Ho was a faithful member of the ordoi of Odd Follows. His membership until recently was with the Prairie Lodge , No. 25 , at Weeping Water , Nob. Thoao that have been in his association will know they have lost a friend indeed. The funeral services were conducted bj Father Savidgo , father of the Hon. Judge Savidgo , deceased. Text : Acts lOtl chapter. Tlio funeral was well attendee by his numerous friends to nhuw the Ins respects in this world , felt that this wai an hour that wo will all have to pas : through , and may wo have the same assurance suranco of our acceptance in the homo o the soul. I cannot tell what form Is his , what looks hi wcaroth now , Nor guess how bright a glory crowns his shin Ing seraph brow. The thoughts which fill his sinful soul , th blind which he doth feel , Are numbered with the ( secret things , whlcl God will not reveal. But I know , for Cod doth tell mo this , tha now ho ts at rest , Where otlier blessed Chrlstaina uro on the ! Saviour's breast ; I know his spirit fools no more the wear ] load of nosh , But his sloop Is blessed \\Ith endless dreams o Joy forever fresh. I know the angels fold him close beneatl their glittering wing And sooth him with a song that breathes ol heaven's eternal thlngH ; And I know that wo shall meet again , that dear friend and I When God for aye shall wipe away all tours fiom every eye. When I muse on that world's perfect bliss , and the world's misery ; When I groau beneath this load of sin , and faol this grief und pain. 0 ! I'd rather go to be with himthan have } dm back again. [ James IT. Kdmlster , Snrutojta Nowo. Preparations for the Christmas enter tainment of the Union Sunday school , Tuesday evening , are in progress , and a grand good time is expected. The music committee is D. H. Christie , Miss Alice Austin and Mrs. F. M. Smith. The committee on entertainment is Missoi Littlofiold , McKay and Hays. The good friends of the school have subscribed t liberal amount. Santa Glaus has been invited , which , together vithother attrac tions , will make a remarkably good pro < gramme. Hon. James H. Kynor loft Saturday for the west on a flying .trip. Ho wil return the last of the week. There wai no service ht the Union iiinday school Sunday , Ilov. Copclnnd ot being able to attend. Service next Sunday as usual. The literary program mo nt the lyccutn aturdiy evening was n very goocl ono , ho feature of which was the charade , 'agility , " which was well done. Miss \nnio Craig gave a recitation in good tyle , also a recitation by Miss Edith > learoy was wellexecuted. . The tnrin lucstion was discuiscd at length , includ- ng an eloquent address by K. D. Me- Laughlin. CUCKOO. OUT FOR THE HOLIDAYS , Closing the Public Scliools , 'Ivo Tliotinaiid Child roil and Ono drcd XcnoUcfH Given Jbi IJronthlnn fepcllKcr - olsCB nnd IncldonlH of tlio IJQHL lny of School. The public schools of the city closed Friday nftornoon for the holidays. At 't0 : ! ! one big hurrah wont up from the .hroata of 5,000 children , nnd 100 weary , tided nnd careworn teachers Said nm6n ivith a deep sigh of relief. In nearly all the grammar .and primary schools some attempt was made to vary the routine work nnd celebrate the closing of the erin and the ending of the old year with appropriate exercises. At the high school , which is presided over by efficient teachers , special pro grammes of literary , musical and vocal solectiona were carried out in all the rooms. The little folks in many install cos ripgcd put in their Sunday frocks and clean pinafores , and their admiration and affection for their respective teach ers wore demonstrated by the loads of glucose confections , rosy apples , and little tlo gifts found on all the school room tables. 'NVhilo the Third ward school was evac uating at the rate of 200 children per min ute , a couple of youmr pugilists laid down in the dirt two armsful of books , and two dirty little hands clutched two grimy , skinny little necks , while the remaining pair of hands busied themselves , ono in u thick head of hair , and the ether in well-aimed blows in the region of a big brown eye glaring with malice and anger. .The melee lasted just three minutes and forty-two seconds , according to the tally of a Tenth street officer. When that dignitary brought the issue to a close , ono of the warriors had his loft eye closed for repairs , while his opponent , much moro demolished , had a badly battered nose , and his mouth torn down on the loft side so that the warm blood gushed out in profusion and ran .down his gingham , collarlcss shirt. "Great events hang on little things , " according to the exile of St. Helena , and the cause of this conflict was baaed on a jumping-jack , surrepti tiously won by the weaker youth. Now for a vacation of two weeks , dur ing which time the children of our city will enjoy themselves ns only children can ; and then with happy hearts return again to the school rooms to conquer the thrco"R's. . " CENTENNIAL , George AVnshI niton's Resignation Ono Hundred YenrsAuo Yes terday. Onohundredyearsagoyesterday.Georgo Washington , whose great name is spoken with all due reverence by every true American , resigned his position as com- mander-in-chief of the American army. Through the instrumentality of this great and honored chieftain we are per mitted to-day to sit beneath the shadow of our own vine with none to molest or make us afraid. His farewell address to his noble comrades on the occasion of his retirement is known to almost every school boy in our land , and if over there was a model of rhetoric and oratory , this speech was one. Yesterday morning , in a' cordancowith a proclamation issued by the president of these United States , cannons were fired at the fort this morning in honor of the memory of George Washington. Order Dalzell's Neapolitan Ice Cream for Xmas. 15th and Capitol Avo. 18-eod-lw No Admittance. The Sunday school of the South Omaha M. E. church will give their an nual Christmas tree entertainment this ( Christmas ) night in the church , corner Tenth and Pierce. Presents have been provided by the Sunday school for 250 scholars and as parents and friends will bring in presents for others it is ex pected that the tree will bear upwards of 100 different kinds of fruit. The tree , eighteen foot high , is being brought from Utah , and the church will bo very taste fully decorated. General 0. 0. Howard will make the principal address and Mr. U. W. Tibbaly leads tlio singing. The parents and friends of the children are expected to bo present. Extra seating has been secured , so wo can take care of 000 to 800 people. The exorcises will begin at 7 : 0 prompt , and the doors will bo closed at 7:45 : , so those intending to be present please como before that time. Admittanctefreo. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlipow'lor ncrer v tlei. A inirvcl of l > urliy ttiengh Mid whole omeuus , Hero voonomlctl thin the odlniry kladi , n1 cannot be sold In compctltlou wlththt tuultltudo ol low teit , ihort weight , alum oi phoiphtU powder * . Bold only In no * . Ho ) l Utk us rowd WkUatt tM wYork. I for Infants and Children. Cnsforlaproinotca Digestion nnd overcomes i'lntulency , Constipation - tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , niul Feverishncss. It insures health nnd natural Bleep , without morphine. " CftRtorlft la so rcll ndnptctl to Children that I rtN'ommcml Has superior to nny inscription known lo mo. " II. A. AKCIIKII , JI. D. , BJ fortland Avo. , Brooklyn , N. Y. CENTAUR UMIMEMT nu absolute euro for Rheuma tism , Sprains , Burns , Gulls , &c. The most Powcrftil and Pene trating l alu-reliovlnfr and llculing Itomudy known to man. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN-Monov. TO LOAN Th lowest rates o ! Interest MONEY ' Loon Agency , 15th & Douglna ESl-tl TVyfONEY TO LOAN In sums of | 50 > . and utiward. ilJL O. P. Datis and Co. , Heal Ihtato nnd I.otn Agents , 1505 Hornani St. 3D3-U MONEY TO I/OAN J. T. Bcatty o&na on chattel property , 218 South Uth St. soptlO ' HELP WANTED. W Iflth and 1'lcrco stroeta. 533 28 ] fANTKD Men and worrcn to start a now bubt- ucsi at tlitlr liotncx. No pcdd'hi ' i 10 to HO cts. an hour nmOc. Kond 10 cent * for twilvu p.-unplcsftml instructions. C. K. IIOWKN , llrockton , M si. Do\ 32,1. d24-vodOt , 'KD Four cxrurlcucud operators on the Nn.J Wheeler & Wilson ijcwlni ; macliinu. full 213 south 16th ettcct , WlicvUr & Wilson olllco. 624-U41 WANTED Aflrat cli ncook at Commercial lintel , Coin , lo\\a. Either whlto or colored. Good nagcs. AddrcNi "Commercial Hotel. " M2-tt 'ANTED A good washer and Ironcr at 24QO W Dodge street. 505-tf WWANTED WANTED A Hrst class cook. Best references re quired1815 Dodge Street. Glfl-24 A man to run mtat market. Onu who WANTED la fully competent need applv. Inim'ro at the Southern hotel. UlC'lI. fcLIESON , D14-U4 * WANTED A girl for general housework. A good home , good wages , 2443 Capitol ao. . 480-215 TITANTED Fi\o c\pcricnccd camasscrs , old mm TT prcfercd to Bill ahouao hold article , ne\er be fore introduced in Omaha. Address I'ltlng ace , "X. Y. " Boo olllcc. 407-ait WANTED A peed girl for housework , ( German preferred ) . Wages SI.OO a week. 817 south ISth street. 4th lot south of Lca\em\ortli. 403 21 WANTED Lidy agents to hell the best selling 11 mi of Ladies' and Children's goods e\cr offered , Sales ma Jo madu In o\cry liouso ai fast as agents can show the goods. Agents arc making 3100 u month. Address , with stamp , "L. U. It. Co.0 Scuth May St. , Chicago , 111. 31521 'ANTED A German lady cook at American Wi house , S29 Douglas street. 618il4t WiWANTED WANTED Good actho woman to wait on table and do chamber work , betntcn 11 and 12 o'clock , wages $1.00 per week. Inquire at 012 Douglas St. 44S-tf WANTED A steady , reliable girl for ccncril house work , at 1014 Webster street. O od wages. 4Sl-tf TTTANTED A few agents Immediately , Omaha VV Stove UcpolrWorks , 109 S. 14th fat. 945.1m5 T ADIESORYOUNOMEN In city or country to JLj take nice , light and pleasant work at their on n homes ; $7 to $5 a day easily and quic , ly made ; work Bent by mall ; no canvamiug ; no stamp for leiily. Please address Reliable Mau'l'g C'o.I'hllade1eha ! Pa , drawer TT. 818-tu thur-sat lui TTTANTED First class dining room girls , at Met- IT ropolltan hotel. Apply at om . 870-tf TT/ ANTED A ( till to do general lioune work , 010 W Pieice Btrcct. Dccl8-flt W 'ANTED A girl tor general houscuoik. S. W. , cor. 19th and Farnuin. TT/antcd A good cook , male or lem.i e , also one TT dlnlne room girl , Address Sounder's IIou o , Friend , Nob. 533-31 SITUATIONS WANTED. 'ANTED Fora young girl a place to insist In W the euro uf children. In lulro at 1710 Pougliih. Situation Inilrur store In Nebraska or WANTED Kansas , by a competent Pharmacist , holdlni * a certificate oa Pharmacy In Inwa , dated 1830. Qood recommends furnished. Address "II. " Bee olllce. 491-21J WANTED To trade , flnu pair uf nudsters , top buggy and double Imrnrsa for Omaha property Kor particular ; , luqulro ot U. E : JIajne & Co. , 15UU Farnam street. 405 tf MIBCBLLANEODS WANTS. TUT ANTED Three or four furnished rooniH for Vt light housekeeping. Addrtss "II. M. H. " Hue olllce. C01.2I ! WANTED To rent , barn with room for 15 or 20 horses aud 10 buggies. Apply to G. W. Kings- north Nebraska iu.d Io a Inluranco Co. , 210 16th St. 4 727 ; WANTED-TolouithesumofSlOCO to JiWOJ or to purchase buttincss property of a like amount 410-24 N. J. BU11NIIAM , Attorney. FOR RBNT Bousea ana Lota. OR RENT Furnished room 1010 Farnam street. F 082-2Di UK lif.M rurm heil ruum una tUj hoard ut reasonable rates at 1814 Davenport St. 021-31 fT > 0 RENT A good room , 30 by 15 feet , over the J. pittotllce , facing 1'carl street. Apply * t BXK olllce. TjlOK KENT Saloon and flxtnrea , cor. 12th and JD Douglas etroet. 610-24 J TTUJIl RENT A new utoru room. Also one flat JO with all modern Improvement . Rent reasonable ti good parties. Lori men's Block , cor , 13th and Howard Streit. 612-tf FOR RENT A nloely furnished room , with ga , liath room , etc. , lulUble for two gentlemen , ut 1812 Uodgo stroit. Also tint-data board. Bi'J-'JJ TTVORRENr AlHMi'e of five rooms. lno.ulr of JP Thos. Swift , Uth and Chicago 610U > TT'OR'RUNT Two handsomely furnlthpd room * JD suitable for two or four gentlemen. Bathroom conveniences , 1720 Capitol avenue. 500-V4I T710R RENT House ot six rooms and l rn. In. JP quire at U. 8. Hotel , cor. 10th and Douglas Stg. 602-231 FOR RENT New store , with thing rooms above , corner Oth and Jacluon. Hood location ( or gco * c ry or drug store.- Apply to W , J , Wilihaui it Co. . City Mills. 49428 ITtOR RENT Elegant luruliiied room at "U.U Dodge JL1 street 415-21 * ° T7\Otl HALL Wu n vt > lor uala a 40-acre farm , one JD mile from fair irround * , upeclallv suited for markrt gardening. Will tell all or half ot it at a bargain. II. B IREY & CO. Southwest corner 16th and Farnaui ats. 185-21 FFR UK-NT Two new cottages , near Military Urldire , In Shlnn's Addition. Flvu roruM , brick cellar. Rent (15 per month. 102-2at A. J. 1'OPl'I.ETON , H RENT A furnUhcd room at 1817 Dad e fcticet. 470 a FORHAU2UU RENT-A milk and cream dairy , with all neccasary appliance * ( doing a good bualncw ) . Apply at H 7 South Fourteenth ttrret. 401-26 ? OR RENT-On Cajiltol Hill , cottage six roomi P 443 Capitol avtnue. 432-281 FOlt RENT Two now ttnrej. out a good placa for a giucory oi uiucmni ; More and the otber a > ery neslrableplace for arcttiuraut , ' o roomi to rent. Cunningham's blork > 3th ind Jaokiioo. 320-lra T01l RENT-A nicely ( urnWed room , with or JP without board. Ua ( , but and cold water bath , etc. Finest location In tb city , north * cut corner 16th and rarnuu streets. 114-U WJmt jrlvra our Children rosy chwks , What cured t'.iclr fevers , makes them sleep ; 'Tin Cfntorln. When babies fret nnd cry by turns , What cures their colic , kills their vrormn , ItutCnMorltv , What niileUy cures Constipation , Sour Stomach , Colds , Indigestion , IMit Cnntnrla , Farewell then to Morphine Syrups , Castor OH nnd Paregoric , audllallCnMorlril RENT Furnished room 1010 Farnam. 1 410-SO FOR RUNT 6 room house , barn , fnilt , acre ground. 4 room house , S acres. 14 room house now. AMES , 2f > D-t ( 1C07 Faniam. FOR RENT-Partly f.inn > hcd bucmcnt , hog 3 roomt suitable for light housekeeping. Partita renting same am get 2 regular boarders 1017 Chicago. qU EXCHANGE-City residence * , farms and bus Incss chances. J. W. LOUNSUURY , 216-lm 15th and FarnaTi. iOR REK1 tlomasovrn rooms. F 180-tt J. I'lll ITS ROE , 5th and Sptuco streets. RENT Furnished rooms on the northwest FOR . 13h ( atuldipltolttvemio , formerly Crclghton Home. ISH-tf RENT Itooma In Nobraslin Nation * Bank FOR . Most dcalrahlo ofllrcn in the city. Supplied with hydraulic elevator and heated by steam. Apply at Bunk. _ 620-U Nil furnished room for rent at ? IO. lurgo enongh O for two occupants , 1014 Webster street. 843-tt " | 7UR LEASE Four choice lots on 20th St. , tone JP tlme,217 N IBth St. J. L. Marble B26-t | rot ; BALK. SALE OR RENT A large house , 13 roomi. 1 Su'tahle ' for saloon and boarding houjo. Inquire No. 181 0 Pierce street fi20-31 1 OR SALE A good milch cow. Inquire at the Western 1 1 juse , 10th and Pierce Sts. 627-23K OR SAIiE The best n'ock farm In Nebraska , F about 000 acres , v1th f ull control of a Bide track on Union Pacillo railway , live miles cast of Kremont. 200 acres In cultivation , with a good he-use , Price , $30 per art- , O. F. DAVIS & CO. , 623-31 - H05 Faniam Street. SALE A fresh milch cow. Inquire at 25t > - FOR and California street. 414-21" FREEMAN & PENNY. FOR SALE Three miles from city , S acres , spoV clally eu ted for gardening , uith house , barn , M bearing apple treca , gr.ipo Nines In beating , haf ! aero asparagus , ie. , 81,000. § 08.3 SHRIVER & BELL. OR SM.U Portland and Swell IJWr Cutters I 1 and Sleighs , at No. 14CO and 1411 Dodge street. 600-29 OR SALE Jersey cow , fresh in January , &t a F bargain. Call at 1505 Howard-st. 4S2-24t SALE Only first class hotel In a li\e town of IflOR 1 railroads , Whitney liouso , Urlsnoid , la. 447-1 mot SALE Few lotf on Idle Wilde. Call and FOR abstraction ot title. John U. Willis' 1414 . Dodge S.t 409-lmo U SALE A business mans residence 8 rooms I F blocks north west of Post Ofllo > > , $3.1 0. 23xl3i vacant 8 blocks N. W. of P. O. gl.SCO. McCAGUE , opposite P. O. SALE Three lots in Ilanscom place. ( &or ) FOR , monthly payments. McCAOUH , opnosite P.O. 3.9-tt SALE A wholesale no Ion < r puddlcrs wagon FOR and fancy. 0 .1. LANAN&UO. 379-tf SALE My two story brick residence , 10th FOR St. Mary's avenue. Large bam , out-house , water wor.s , wtll arranged. Lot 60x200. Plica $7.500. Best Bargain In Omaha. Call at M. Toft's People's Bank. 277-t FOR'SALE 12 lota , one' block west of Park av nue cara. Lots 60x150. Will sell the whole tract lor $7,100 , If sold before January 1st , 1S84. Real es tate owners bid this bargain , U you coil at People's Brak , 278-tf ' SALE Choice business property , three Iota FOR cor. Blunders and Charles Stroit. It will pay you to cstlgato this offer. Call at People's Bonk. 270-tt f 'Ti lOR SALE Improved property , which will pay ] JLMlie buyer 20 per cent on the Investment. Rental for $1,020 per ) ear. All occupied by first class ten ants. Will sell lor 810MO , if sold soon. All or ono half cath , balance , one to five years. The above In vestment Is worth Investigation. Call at the FcopKi Bank. 280-tt T50LLED CATTLF. AND OLYDESDALB UOR9E8J JL Tf e subscriber la taking orders for spring Ini portatlon of the above. 1'rlces much below those at auction mica. References to those supplied. Job ) MoCulloch , 111. Trust and Sav. Uank , Cnlcago. 203 2rat SALE 0 good stove ? , some furniture and FOR quantity of excellent wluo very cheap 18d CallkrnU St. 031-lmo1 IOK HALE AjitotclasjBuuuuu hand top UUggj F Call at 1313 ll&rnov etroet. Httj FOR BALE Two portaoio DOLCD , 10 jorse poi Apply at D. FITCl'ATRICK , eeg-tf 213 South 16th Street ! HAlih. Ulu uowupap n m Urge and am ) FOR at thii office. tf MISOELLANEQUB. On Howard bttneVo 16th anl 13th HO LOST 13th between Howard & Farnam , a tat purse , containing $ - - Monday morning. Flml please lei\\ a t this olllcc. 630-281 NOTICE Martin Frcnzenls no longer In my q ploy , and has no nuthorltv to transact ni business In my name. J. II. SI'ETMAN. 483-211 QTRAYED On December 21st , a small red oc O with rope around tlio horn. Information asf. whereabouts will be rewarded at ( Edholm | & Erid lion's. 610-Sfl MArJijUKUAUE BALL , Saturday , January 2t 1884 , at U. Ruaer'8 , one and a half miles we of Ilanscom Park. 483-11) ) EDWARD EUEHL UAOISTER OP PALMY8TKRY AND CONDmOl ALIST. SOS Tontb street , between Farnam and Of ney , will , with the aid of guardian iplrlti , obUinlt an ) one Kl 3C ot tb put and pretent , and tl certain conditions In the future. Boot ) and ihiM male order. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed , ( DISEASES OF THE EYE & EA1 / , T. AtlMSTRONG , M. D. , * ] ] Ooxi.i ± iat 1404 Farnam Street , opposite Va\ton Hotel , On ha , Neb. Nebraska Comic -AND- MANUFAOT'niERS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFI ( PATENT METALIO 8KYIJOUT , Iron Fencin Creating * , Balurtradei , Veranda ) , Office an ] lUlUuj [ , Window andCcUarauardf.Et N. W. COR. NINTIf AND JONES 878. ' . } I V"