Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1883, Image 1

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\J \ ) l A C / , ( / I . ' ' t 1 ( J A/T , * " f f M
. ' I
pey Receie ? the Chairmanship An-
| pointicnts Oa All Committees ,
[ hilo Springer io Snubbed and
Svrears Vongeanoo On
Mows of Different C < > t KrrgHmct\
the Appointments ,
LThoro is about th.a usual divorssty ol
tviowa expressed by congressmen to-night
ijjn regard to tr.o composition of the
HOUSO commit .tecu. Representative
s , of Kent-joky , whoso relations witli
[ Carlisle are k'.iown to bo intimate , says
| jiV.uiaking u * , > committees the spcakci
i'paid the mrst regard to character nnd
( ( experience to men ho placed , and there
was no inVjniion or dosiio to punish any'
foody for part taken in the Hpcakershif
scoutest. As proof of the latter ns.sertior
_ 511is jrefors to the fact that llnndal
riud a number of his prominent support
Kcrs wvro given important I'hairmnnsliips
KAll members of the New York delegivtioi
( ocuupy connnitteo.placos of responsibility
"If anything , " said Willis , "thoro i ,
5danger of Carlisle having been too safe. '
Willis , who was appointed chairman o
[ the committee on rivers and harbors
fjsays ho will favor a liberal policy , tha
I the members of the ways and moan
if committee generally declined to oxpros
f any opinion as to the policy the commit
j too would adopt or the work it wouli
.undertake to do. Mr. Morrison , it
i chairman , erxid in reply to questions o ;
'this point , that the make up of thi
i committee indicated what the polio
i would bo , tut declined to go into detail
} or express himself more definitely upo
the subject. Calkins , not a mem
' ber of the committee , says th
make up indicates that "pai
ticular thunder will bo .raised.
A prominent conservative roprcsontativ
from Now England said in reply to th
questions ho preferred to wait a little be
fore talking much about the organiz :
tion of ways and means. Ho eayi
however , the composition of the con
inittce is not in accordance with consen
ntiyo ideas on the tariff question. Moi
of its members are not men of
views , and the election of such men wai
ho thought , at variance with the sent
monts expressed by Carlisle in his spcec
accepting the otlico of gpeakor. Anothi
eastern representative said , in his opii
ion , the committee would bo four
strongly in favor of ultimate free trad
the majority of its members being in a
cord with ita > chairman , Morrison , _ c
that.question. Ho thought that in vie
6f the approaching presidential electio :
policy forbid .radical measures. The m
Tority of the democratic members of tl
house seem contented with the plac
assigned them , but a few , among , the
Springer , express loud dissatisfactio
The latter , ft is said , expected to 1
any other position ho regarded in koe
ing with hia experience and long servi
, as a member of the housn. The reese
it is said , why Springer was not given
ce on the elections committee , is th
i was known to be friendly to Ma
. v "P011 whoso cose that committ
'have to pass judgment Springer hir
self attributes his exclusion , as horogar
it , from all important committees , to tl
hostility of Morrison. Just after tl
adjournment of the house , Spring
went up ito Morrison , who was stand * ]
in front of the speaker's stand , and sai
"You have done a d d mean thing
me , and all I've got to say is , I'll romoi
ber you. " "Very well , " said Morriso
and Springer walked away. S. S. Ci
is angry at his appointment to naval i
fairs instead of foreign affairs , and to'
graphed a refusal to serve. Horn
much as said ho thought the make-up
the committees all the way through M
horrible. The committee on common
with which lie was most familiarho sai
was made up in the interest of the K <
gan bill.
'J'ho House Committees.
WASHINGTON , D. Cv December 24.
The committees of the house were t
nounced to-day as follows :
Elections Turpor ( Georgia ) , Da1
( Missouri ) , Converse , Cooke , Benne
Lowry. , Elliot , Robertson , Korty , Adai
iNew ( York ) , Ilanuey , Ppttibono , M
iler ( Pennsylvania ) , Valentino , Hopbui
( Iowa ) , Hart ,
Ways and Means Morrison , Mil
Blount , Blackburn , Herbert , Hui
Jones ( Arkansas ) , Kelley , Kasson ( lowi
McKinley ( Ohio ) , Hiscock ( NowYorl
I llussoll.
Appropriations Randall , Form
Ellia , Holman , Hancock , Townsen i
I Hut chins , Follett. Burnos , Koifor , Ca
' 'ion , E-yan , Calkins , Herr , Washburn.
Judioiary Tucker , Hammond , Ci
ertaon . ( Texas ) , Moulton , Broad hen
'oraheimer , Collins , Sovey , E. B. Ta
i ) , Eeed ( Maine ) , McCoil , Uto\
ndiana ) , Poland.
Banking and Currency Ermontroi
totter , Hunter , Miller ( Texas ) , Chan
Ber , Buckner , Wilkina , Yople , Dingle
Jkumm , Adams (111. ( ) , Henderson ( low ,
Joopor , Davidson , Hoblitzoll , Murpli
Paige , Caldwell , Fume < Ky. ) Wemp
Julbertflon ( Ky. ) , Jame * , Atkinsc
latch ( Mich ) .
Sr Public Lands Cobb , Scales , Oati
thaw , Lewis , Henley , VunEaton , B
T > rd , Straight , Anderson , Bayaon , Brer
ashington Territoiy ) .
1 ; Indian Air.iira Wellborn , Gravi
Covens , Peel , .Scarce , Fincrty , Skim ;
N. C. ) , Smith ( Pa ) , George , Perkii
jTelsoii , Oury ( Arizona. )
Territories Evans , Soutli Carolir
yor , Arnot , Hardeman , Lanlian , Ale
lor , i nrloton , Foran , J. P. Tayh
bio ; Kcllogi ; . Johnson , Laurent
jritbblepost , Wyoming.
"Manufacturers Bagley J , D. Wji
Jrginia ; Mitchell , Caldwell , Grit
wii , Brewer , New Jersey : Mackc
Uwood , Campbell.
itine * and Mining Warner. To
ee ; CaHsidy , Alexander , Skimu
rtJi Carolina ; Miller. Texas ; Woo
vena , Breitung , CulberUon , Ke
ty ; O'Hara , Siugisor , Idaho.
Trees and Improvements of the M
poi River King , Dunn , O'Nm
OH ; 1'ojt , Campbell , Jones , \ \ '
consm : Hcniof Thomas J. Swiso , Vh >
ginm ; IIoroy.t white *
Militia filler , tfow York ; Covington ,
McAdoo , Vwl , Hey , Ballontyno , Strait ,
M rMy' ttdenliuo , Cutchoon.
-McMillan , Dowd , Tillmati ,
Ohio ; Vnnalstyno , Dockcry ,
, .jovo , Snyder , Now Mexico ; Ray ,
' .tw Hampshire ; Price , Ochiltreo , Ell-
tvooi , Brovrn , Pennsylvania ! Hay , Now
War Claims Ocddos , Jones , Wiscon
sin ; Stone , Tulloy , Page , Now York ;
Wollor , Fjrroll , Kellogg , Evorhart ,
llowoll , Boy.
Weights nnd Measures , Dowd ,
Hardy , NicholU , Pusoy , Lanham , Tulloy ,
Belford , Lacey , Chase , Evorgart , Luna.
Commerce Reagan , Claruy , Tumor
( Ky. ) , Dunn , Seymour , GlasscockWood
ward , Boyle , lUrksdalo , O'Neill ( Pa. ) ,
Davis ( Ill.\Vndsworth , [ Lout ; , Stewart
( Vt ) , Potors.
Rivers and Harbors Willis , Blnnch-
nrd ( Ala. ) , , Gibson , Rankin , Braukin ,
Bridge , ' Murphy , Sumner , Ilousolman ,
Henderson (111. ( ) , Payne , Robinson (0. ( ) ,
Ohnsu , Stone , Burloigh.
Agriculture Hatch ( Mo. ) , Aikon , Di-
broil , Williams , Beach , Green , Winans ,
Wollor , Potter , Cullen , Wibon ( Iowa ) ,
White ( Minn. ) , Ochiltroo , Hovoy , Stephenson -
phonson , Raymond ( Dak. )
Foreign Affairs Curtin , Belmont ,
Buster. Clements , Cox ( N. C. ) , G. D.
Wise ( V . ) , Sto wart ( Tex. ) , Lamb ( Ind. ) ,
Rico , Wait , Ketcham , Pliolps , Hitt.
Military All'airs Rosocrnna , Slocuni ,
Dibrell , Morgan , Wqlford , Nicholla ,
Murray , Duncan , Steele , Bayno , Lyman ,
Laird , Cutchoon , Maginnis ( Mont. )
Naval Affaire Cox ( N. Y. ) , Llorao ,
Talbott , Buchanan , Eaton , Bnllentyno ,
McAdoo , Hnrmor , Thomas , Gotr , Jr. ,
PostolHco and Post Roads Money ,
Reese , Ward , Cosgrovo , Riggs , Rogers
( Ark. ) , Taylor ( Tcnn. ) , Jokes ( TexA
Paige , Bingham , Pool , Skinner ( N. Y. ) ,
White ( Ky. ) , Waketiold , McCormick.
Revision laws Oats , Buchanan , Ma
Millan , Hill , Clay , Ward , Hompkill ,
Brown , ( Pa. ) Bayno , LSpoonor , Me-
Public buildings and grounds Stock'
alagor , Young , Dobblo , Reese , Hopkins ,
Pusoy , Wemplo , Worthington , Brainerd
Holton , Kcan , jr , , Broitung , Millikoji.
Pacific railroads Casaidy ; Throckmtr
ton , Caboll , Thompson , jr. , Jordan ,
Crisp , Post , Wilson.Io. ( ) , Millard , Dun
ham , Hawbaek.
Expenditures , war department Thorn
aon , jr. , Ferrell , Taylor ( Tenn. ) , Elliott
Mayo , Johnson , Hawbaek.
to Expenditures , navy department-
Morse , Hewitt ( N. Y. ) , Shaw , Davidson
Houck , Davis ( Mass ) , Lawrence.
: h Expenditures , department justice
Springer , Homphill , Van Alstino , Fyar
Stowait ( Vt. ) , Bowou , Stophenson.
Expenditures , public buildings Bel
mont , Wilkins , Spric a , Sumner ( Wia. )
cn Harmer , Weaver , O'Hara.
> n Expendituroa , postoflico department-
iw Morgan , Talbot , Robinaon ( N. Y ;
n , Noece , Peple , Stone , Nutting.
a- Expenditures , interior department-
iie Young , Clardy , Cook , Storm , Brumir
03m D'unham , Payne.
03n. Patents Vance , Singleton , Mitchel Greonleaf , Halscl , Dorgan , . AVinat
bo ( Wis. ) , Hepburn' .
Ncij.V _ ! . ' "
„ n Aiken , Converse , "WilU
nil _ _
n- _ '
T .
pce On Valid Pensions Mataon , Le'tovn
ce Fyar , Winans ( Mich. ) , Buda , Sumnc
n , ( Wis. ) , Patton , Levering , Bagley , Ra
at a ( N. H. ) , Cullen , Hardy , J. S.WiseVa. ;
Holmes , Morrill. k
n30 Pensions Hewitt ( Ala. ) , Tillmar
30a Bxbinson ( N.Y. ) , Steele , Laird , StrubU
ads York.
Expenditures , Department *
ho Hardeman , Dorgan , 'WorthingtonCami
bell , Barr , Henderson ( Iowa ) , Price.
or Expenditures , Treasury Department-
Davis ( Mo. ) , Hewitt ( Ala. ) , Potter , Coi
nelly , Lacey , Libboy , Haynes.
to Labor Hopkins , Onoill ( Mo. ) , Forat
Levering , Mackey , James Haynes.
Committee for District of Columbia-
ax Barbour , Muldrow , Shelly , Eldredgi
lo- - Wilson ( W. Va. ) , Fielder , Spriggs , Ban
leas Gunther , McComos , Jeffords.
as I'rivato Lands Muldrow , Mitchel
of Williams ( Ala. ) , liaise ! , Cosgrovo , Eh
as rcdgo , Lowery , Payson , Parker , Mayi
, - Weaver.
a > Public Health Beach , Gravoa , Riggi
Candler , Fiedler , Davia ( Nlasa. ) , Evai
( Pa. ) , Libboy , Pettibono.
Ventilation and Acoustics Hard ;
Cabell , Green , Shelley , . Jolfords , Evai
( Pa. ) , Brewer ( N. Y. )
Enroll bills Ncoco , Weave' * ( Tenn.
in- SnyderW. ( Va. ) , Yaplo , Potore , Holme
Heloct committees on the reform <
ns civil service Mutchlor , Cox , Clement
tt , Hoblitzol , Fincrty , Barkedal , Soymou
man Roberta ( Ky. ) , Bingham , Pliolps , JVli
lard , Lyman , Hitt.
n , Alcoholic liquor trrflic Hill , Blaiu
Kleimer , Carlpton , Evans , Davia (111. (
Is , Gunther , God' , Jr. , Campbell , Phillip
American ship building and ship owi
ing Clocum , Denstcr , Dibble , Throcl
irorton , Hunt , Findloy , Lore , Dingle ;
Jr. , O'Neil ( Pa. ) , George , Long.
On law , respecting elections , prcsidci
, and vico-picsident Eaton , tipringo
n- Clay , Jordan , Pryor , Bennett , Kleinc
nnl Findlay , Parker , White ( Ky. ) , Peter
nl- Hart , Wait.
nl.d . , On payment of pensions , bounties <
back pay Warner ( O. ) , Connell ;
rn Pcarco ( Tenn. ) , Rogers ( Ark. ) , Grew
leaf , Brows ( N. Y. ) , York , Whiting , Ai
it , demon.
idle - Jdlnt select committees : Printinj
scales RoKora ( N. Y. ) , Smith ( Pa
Library : Singleton , Woodward.
The speaker laid before the house
le , message from the president , , trans mi
in , ting the report of tlio secretary of stat
and papers relating to tlio trial and coi
33 , viction and execution of the late iatric
ol- O'Donnell. Laid on the la bio for futm
its action.
House Adjourned to January 7ti. !
BS , In the Senate , Cnckroll presented
tor memorial from merchants , nianufactit
IB , era and business mon of St. Louia , oj
posing a repeal of vaporizing law <
ia , 187D , which permits vinegar makers <
produce low wines for the purpose <
making vinegar without payment of I
S. tax. After executive tes'aioti sonal
adjourned to January 7th.
10 ,
P. u Snowdrift.
NKW HANEN Con. December 24.-
* * tf 44 f * fif * * * , V/Ulli , IVlUlll Wl M -
Early this morning the Now York boun
freight train on the New York & liar
d , ford railroad , got stuck in a largo unov
n- drift near Milford , oxtinguiihing the lii
and causing an explosion which blow 01
is. the furnace door. The engineer 'A , lion
was badly scalded , The fireman J
is- Lynch , was badly burned. ConducU
Scales , was assist ing the fireman at ho
time and was blown from tlio engine into
the drift , llo lost a few tooth nnd re
ceived severnl bruises , Liter reports say
the oiiRincor and fireman were killed.
A Suo\vMIli' UiirloH a UonrilliiK HOIIBO
niul Kills Hlv
DKNVKU , Col. , December 21. The Tri
bune's Ouray ( Col. ) special says : By
special messenger to Alontroau , Col. ,
naws has just been received in Ourajr of
a liorriblo accident nt Virginias mine ,
which occurred last Friday. Owing to
the stormy weather , which has boon more
severe than known for years , tlio mess
enger could not reach Ouray sooner ,
though only seven miles. The Virgiuius
mine is owned by the Caroline Mining
company , of Boston , employs 35 men ,
and situated above the timuor line at the
foot of Suclllos range. Friday afternoon
a huge mass of snow started from the top
of the range , turned into an avnlaiicho as
it descended , striking the building used
as a boarding house where eleven men
were resting and swept it completely
away , crushing and burying the men fif
teen and twenty foot under snow , amongst
rocks and timber. Foituimtely tlio aya-
lancho missed the engine house.
After the noise , and confusion ,
other miners were hoisted from
the shaft and started to ncarch for their
comrades , Five were taken out alive ,
but badly crushed and may die. The
other six were found dead. Their names
are Thomas Marvan , James Fitzgerald ,
llobort FrazorV. . II. Carmichael , Chas.
Armstrong and \V. U. Shoidlor. Most
of them leave families , lloporta received
from mountain towns state thcro 'haa
been an unusual snow fall , being throe
to four fcot deep on the level. The
warm weather of the past few days has
caused snow slides , which are common
occurrences late in the spring , but _ not
looked for at this season ot tlo ) year ,
which will make it all tlio nioW disas
trous. Other accounts of equal /oVerity
may bo looked for as soon as meqgenors
can make their 'way ' from the int
stations. ' ' ' ' . ' , ' "
' , * ' < " * -
grmr I
Judge Van Verse , ol' the Supreme
Court , Ortlors Porter to Account
for $ : MOOOOO Railroad Stock.
Nuw YOHK , December 24. Judge Yar
Verse , of the supreme court , has given
his decision in the suit of Harvey Koiv
nedy ngainst Henry H. Porter , Presl
dent of the Minneapolis & Omaha rail
way , Rosswell P. Floor , David Dowi
and others. The plaintill' alleges that h
January , 73 , the defendants formed i
pool for purchasing , and the sale aiu
general dealing in common and preferrcc
stock in the West Wisconsin railwa ;
company. Porter was to act as mana
gcr , and at iho dissolution of partner
ship each co-partner was to pay or receive
ceivo a reliable proportion. The capita
was $109,000 , which Was invested
IS purchase of 10,000 Bhares of prcferrei
stocli' and ' 3
took , of the ,
tiuo Vwv\nn , e
from any claim in favor of the member
of. the pool. Plaintiff charges Porte
with accountability for this $2,400,00
of common stock and with 10,000 share
preferred stock. The Judge ordered Poi
tcr to make the accounting sought for.
A Big Blozo at St.
ST. LOUIH , December 24. The extent
ivo broom factoiy and warehouse o
Samuel Cupples , wooden ware , 314 am
310 Elm street , took fire at ! ) o'clock tc
night , and nt this writing nearly the en
tire building is destroyed. The buildin
200 South Fourth , running east on Elr
to Cupples' building , occupied by Unite
States quartermaster's ntlico and star
rooirw , the Isadora Busch wine coinpan
and various oflicos , are now on fire an
ilames were also extenaed to the roa ,
building abutting on Third street. Th
stock and machinery of Cupplea' bulk'
ing , estimated at $100,000 , is sai
to bo well insured. Value c
other property not yet ascertained
buildings 200 , 202 and .dl Fourt
street , occupied respectively by th
is Bunch Wino company , Murphy Varnis
company , J. M. Hutton's coliin factory
Quartermaster Major Atwood's o Hi cos
and several other tenants , are almor
totally destroyed. Losses cannot bo fu
curatoly stated to-night , but followin
figures approximate values : Cupploi
§ 110,000 , well insured ; Busch Win
company , stock $160,000 , building $70 ,
000 ; insured for $10,050 on building
Murphy Varnish company , stock $10 ,
000 , building § 45,000 ; insured for nbou
half ; J. M. Button , stock $0,000 , builc
inc $17,000 ; well insured.
The total loss is over $400,000. Th
explosion in tlie Busch building ehattoro
the walls which' , 'in falling , covered Con
way and Michael Kohoo in the dobrit
killing them and more or loss in
juring Con Gallagher , Patrick Powen
F. W. Williams , John Harley , all raerr
bors of the Salvage corps , wlio wet
spreading tarpaulins when the wall fol
Other adjpining property on Third strot
is damaged by fire and water , but th
loss cannot bo ascertained to-night.
CurlatmaH Greeting.
WAHIII.VGTOST , December 24. In iu
cordunco with the time-honored custon
all clerks and employes of the etato di
partmoiit called on the secretary of stat
at noon to-day to .tender Chriatmasgreui
ing. Afterwanls Mr. Frolinghuyaon , at
companied by Assistant Seorotary Davi
and Chief Clurk Brown , f61Iowcd by Ui
employes of the department in a bed }
called on Second Assistant Secretar
Will Hunter to congratulate him cm tli
fifty-third Christmas day of his dinlt
matic service in the United States. Mi
Hunter was much allected by tlio cordir
expression of good will.
.0 Appoint inunts.
DKS MOINIW. December 2J. Judg
Laufbournw , of Atlantic , was to-da
transferred by ( Jovornor Hhorman froi
the circuit judgeship , Thirteenth circuit
to the district judgcehipof the Tjiirteont
district , made vacant by the roaignutio ;
of Jud o Hoed , elected to the suprom
bench. Major Lyninti , of Council Bluffr
was appointed to the vacany of circui
Prwldent Arthur' left New York at 3:3
for Wfwhlngton
A St , Lenis Han Mnrto His Step-son
Several Railroad Accidents , in
Which Many Are Killed and
Otherwise Injured.
Other HnpponltiKfl of WHTorout
Sources In AH 1'nrts ol the
The president to-day tmn&mittcd to
the house the report of the secretary of
state , with a voluminous correspondence
between September 24 to December 15 ,
in response to a resolution passed the
1'Jth , nskiiiR for the papora on lllo in the
case of Patrick O'Donnoll , tbo slayer of
Carey. A number of lottorn passed between -
twoon the secretary of stnto ana the
American legation in Great Britain , the
substance of this is that there ia n doubt
' ' that under
about O'Donnoll's identity ;
ordinary circumstances there ia no need
for special counsel for American citizens
on trial in Great Britain , whore methods
of securing justice is practically the same
aa in America ; that to undertake such a
defense for all American citizens abroad
would involve legation in many
matters outside of ita ordinarily
accepted duties ; that the _ conclusion
reached was the naturalization papers
prescribed by O'Donnoll was cither
granted some other person of "the , same
name , or fraudulently obtained , that
subsequently ho wan impressed with the
apparent truth of O'Donnoll'fl claim" ' ,
but the writer could giyp no authoritative
statement on the subject ThU is the
substance ofHhocbimminicatioii'from the
legation , most of which was written by
Happin , first secretary of the legation ,
in absence of Minister Lowell , Secretary
Frolinglmyseu directed Minister Lowell
to ascertain whether O Donnoll was a
citizen of the United States , and { f so , to
do whatever necessary to secure thu
proper defense. The remainder of the
correspondence relates to counsel from
this country , nnd resolutions passed at
Chicago to bo transmitted by Hon. John
T. Finer ty , calling on the governor tc
see to O'DonnoU'a defense. '
O'Donnoll ' returned to Ireland when
12 years old and came back to the United
States in 18G1 , when he must have been
between 23 or 2(5 ( yoara old. So between
the extreme dates assigned by himself ,
the three years next preceding his major
ity , would appear to have boon spent in
Ireland. The act of naturalizatioii
being , however , a judicial decision , il
can only bo impeached according to the
rule established by the Spaniah-Aincr
can commission , by snowing wanl
of jurisdiction on the part o :
granting by the court , or < fraui
practiced by the applicant on tin
court , or that naturalization was a1 viola
tion of the treaty stipulation. Patricl
nnell4ia94i certificate of ,
' *
_ _
, , , , , - , . . , „ . „ , . _ , , , , nonA.r.
sonco of fraud , and as cprtniakcs i
prima facia evidence of citizenship , am
as I do not see evidence that O'Donnel
practiced fraud up n the court , tin
United States legation in London is in
structed to consider O'Donnell's citizen
ship established. The correspondent
closes with the telegram from Froling
huysen to Lowell instructing * him to as
a respite for O'Donnell , and the reply c
Granville refusing to interfere in th
sentence of the law or its execution.
The question of O'DonnoU'a citizen
ship was Bummid up in the folio win
communication from the secretary c
state to the president : "In response t
your directions I have the honor to it
form you the investigation was mad
right. Patrick O'Donnoll claim citizen
ship of the United States , the result c
r which I have the honor to communicat
herewith , statements made , O'Donnoll' '
right to citizenship is conflicting. It i
assorted ho ia a citizen , first by the natt
ralization of his father , Michael , whil
ho , the son , Patrick , was yet a minoi
second by reasons of his service in th
army of the United States late civil war
and third by naturalization as one wh
resides in the United States. Three yont
next prior to his coming ot ago and cor
tinuously thereafter , up to th
time of making application fo
citizenship , claims to citizonnhi
through his father' * ) acts rests on his ow
statements. No proof is found or fui
nishod , and it is not confirmed by othc
members of the family that hia fathc
was over naturalized. Had ho boon
Patrick O'Donnell ' need not have applio
for naturalization. As to the uocon
point , O'Donnoll himself say e that injtir
to his arm prevented his enlistment i
the army , but ho was employed as
teamster in 1804 with a government BU |
ply train in Colorado. It had not boo
thought necessary to verify this statt
mont , for if true the fact would not gi\
him the right of naturalization aa on
who has served in the army. Moroovoi
a certificate was not granted on th
ground of his having been a aoldior.
In support of the third allegation li
produces a certificate of naturalizatioi
dated November 0 , 1878 , by the probat
court of Lawrence county , Ohio. Thi
certificate was issued in conformity wit
a eootion of the revised statutes , whic
provides ; "Any alien being under tli
ago of 21 years who has resided iu th
United States three years next proceoc
iiiK arriving at that age , and lias cot ;
tinned to reside therein to that time , li
may make application to bo admitted
citizen thereof , and may bo admitted o
making prescribed declaration. " At thu
time , instead of two years before natui
alization , it would appear that this coi
tificato was irregularly granted , for ii
O'Donnell'tf statement , made to th
United States charge d'aflairs at Lot
don , was that ho returned to In
land after attaining a majority
and remained .thero between J8U7 mi
1871 , and consequently had not continue
to reside in the United States from tli
time of coming of ago to the time c
making application to bo a citizen , as h
must havu done to conform with the n
quiromonts of the statute , It ip a'.so ur
certain whether ho in fact resided her
for years before attaining his majoiitj
By his utatoment to Happin ho is. 1101
about 48 year * old , which puts his birt
about 18115 , In Ins declaration it ws
hia intention , mode at the time of natui
ali/ation , ho declared , ho was born in
1838. Ho must , therefore , have followed
majority some time between 18oO nnd
18V.l. By his own statements ho camn
to tliis country with his mother ( his
father being already hero ) when about
four or six years old.
PAUIS , Docoinbor 21. DoLesseps , in
a lecture , repeatedly declared that as
long as ho and his eons lived the Sue/
canal would remain under French con
CONSTANTINOVU : , Dccombor 24.Jmir -
dan , Portugese consul-general , suicided
by stabbing.
CAIRO , December 24. The Arabic
olllcial newspaper siys Governor Berber
telegraphed the khedive that Hioks
Pnshn nnd S,000 , Egyptians were killed
in the light with El Muhdi , but Aloud
Din Pasha , with the remainder of the
Ifayptian nrmy was encamped at M lbass ,
where the troops were being provisioned
by friendly tribes. Governor Dongoln ,
telegraphing accounts of the fighting be
tween Hicks Taslm and El Muhdi , main
tains that the Egyptians were victorious
and that the nrmy is intact and now en
camped at Melhass. El Aboid was de
serted by his followers , who reproached
him with not being a Muhdi , because lie
failed to vanquish the Egyptniim by di
vine aid.
GKNKVA , Docoinbor 24. Tlio Interna
tional league of peace nnd liberty nd-
dressed n manifesto to Franco , suggesting -
ing arbitration in the Tonquin question
by n delegate from each European powor.
P.UUN , December 24. In the senate
nn animated debate over the question
whether nn adjournment should bo taken
for the holidays or proceed so discuss the
budget forthwith. Finally it was re
solved , 143 to 114 , to commence debate
( ionoral Millet lias postponed his de
parture to Tonquin to January 8.
Heavy Storma ntul floods In Ohio ntul
IPjfrsiiuuti , Docoinbor 24. The storm
hivfr rtrostratod wires in all directions ,
a $ < l .greatly delayed trains , but no uori-
ou 'nccidcnt is reported. At 2 o'clock
the river is rising r.vpidly. llonortt
from the head waters indicate a large
volume of water coming , and nn over-
How is probable. ThoAlleghcny rivrr it
CINCINNATI , December 24. All trnim
on the Louisville < t Nashville railroad
are stopped and no passenger trains from
the south have reached Newport at ]
p. m. to-day. The roof of Harper's roll
ing mill , Newport , was crushed by snovr ,
involving considerable loss. The Gin
cinnati & Portsmouth narrow gnugo rail
road bridge and long iron trestle ncai
California , was torn down by the flood
At noon tlio Oak street tunnel on thi
Cincinnati Northern railroad caved ii
and all traiim wcru stopped. Four Imn
drod barrels at the foot of 8yauifor
street- consigned to 'the ' Little Miaui
amivtha J3imannatiyHamiUon ; ifc-Daytpi
tlio Ohio rivor. The river , is ;
foot an hour.
Innumerable small losses nro roportc
from leaking roofs nnd from roofs crushei
by accumulated snow , wet with rain.
Katnl Accident Near Ijotiisvlllo.
LOUISVII.LK , Ky. , December 24. Pot
songcr train No. 4 , from Chicago t
Louisville , on the Louisville , Now A )
bany & Chicago railroad , went through
culvert near Halomindiana this mornin
shortly after daylight. The engine an
tender passed safely , but the baggage cat
two coabhcs nnd sleeper wont throu li
and almost immediately took fire fnn :
the overturned stoves and were du
strayed , but all the passengers it i
thought were removed before tlio bodie
were burned. Details received hero ar
of the most meagre description , bu
accounta agree that six , perhaps seven
persons were killed and seven or eigh
injured. The names of the dead received
coived nro Charles Sanford , Now Albany
Mrs. Dora Idinga , Lafayette ; Jacob Hoi
frich , father of the master car-builder u
the road. Engineer John Vaughan am
the fireman were injured. The pnssoii
gors names are not yet reported , j
special relief train , bringing olllcinlu am
surgeoiiH , left this morning for the scene
but has not yet returned.
List of the killed and wounded so fa
as known by the accident : killed Boon
Thompson , fanner , Washington count ;
Ind. ; Charles Sanford , Now Albany
baggage master ; John Helfn'ck , Ciormu
Methodist minister , Now Albany , Ind
two male passengers burned beyond roc
ognition. Injured John Vatiglinn , Noi
Albany , severely wounded ; J. W. Moj
era , fireman , Now Albany , loft leg an
side severely bruised ; Patrick Kan
and John Spear , of Ohicngc
former badly burned , and the lattc
eovoroly injured about the spine , San
uol Collins , Bainbridge , Ind. , injured it
tornally , it is feared fatal ; J. 0 Battgi
Bainbridge , Ind. , slightly injured ; Jai
Quarlos ( colored ] , Chicago , severe !
burned and bruised ; John Coledago ;
severely bruised ; Goo. Davis , America
express messenger , Louisville , fractui
of right shoulder und badly burnoc
The train was entirely destroyed by fin
A llloli Shaver.
NKW HAVK.V , Conn. , December 24.-
Henry Legonzaph , a journeyman bnrboi
was informed that $07,000 was loft hii
by a relative who died recently in Ooi
many. The wife of Henry Ponaaboni
the mother of a barber , received $70
from a mother in Italy , The burbor he
abandoned shaving.
A OroHH CJut ,
POIITLANII , Mo. , December 24. A
Summit station , the Grand Trunk Itj
lias a crossing of freight and poRtungi
trams. Saturday night a freight trui
imased the station and was dashed int
by the Montreal passenger train , Bmnshin
ten loaded of freight cars and injurin
the baggage master , and the engineer un
fireman of the nasaonger train. Loss $38
000 ,
Jliiiif'i-y Irlhli
TOHO.STO , Documbor 24 , The Iris
citizens held a meeting yesterday to brin
before tlio public the present distrcxHo
condition of pauper immigrants in th
city , A substantial sum was subscribed t
alleviate immediate wants. An iniluon
tial committee vrns appointed to canvass
for funds.
A n cclal from Clialtanooza Ray ! Bill
Younf er , nrrwtcd at Wnrren , Alft. , Sntiirdny ,
by SlicrtIT l < "outo , of London county , Tcnn. ,
confessed liU identity to n rcHrtcr. ( Ho
ntntotl ho bad boon rttsoctatcd with .Twso
Jntnoi , but ilonled lie nntl his lirothora bolnp
concerned In tlio Mmelo Shonln rubiwry. A
upoclal front .IcITcrson City roforrln totlio r-
rcwit nnyn the prisoner N not 11111 Younger , but
ClKtott Ware , who deliberately killed J < ot > crt
Cununlngo nt .Mnillson , Monroe co\mty \ , Mo
The CaiiadlAii Rovorinnont In Cin ldcrluj (
oaio of Henry W tion ntul VrAnklyn Swltr.or ,
Cnundlituii , ooliod upon Canada neil n * do < ort-
or * from llio United StntoM nrmy nnd carried
to n Minnesota military ntntlon.
A national Rftbtto was fired nt Fort Colum
Inn , Nnw York , to-day , cominrnioratliiff the
Rtirrondor by AVnnhInKt < m of hU commlxMon
M c < ) inmandor-ln-chlo ( of the nrmy 1UO yonrn
It. U. Andornon , of Dnbumio. for ninny
yoara iirotninout In load inlnlnn , died Miv.ulfty
morning. Ho was stricken with imrrtlysls
novurd wpoln npo. 1'or many years ho WAM
soHsor of the city.
Mm , Oltvi ) ( Inntor , nrcd ; 80 , daughter nnd
fjrmid dmilitor ( , were innrdcrnd nt Ulintham
Church , N. 0. The weapon cd was nn n\o.
All tliroo were xtruck o\cral bJo'v * . ? chin
to the murdororB.
Tlio ntoanior Severn nxplo'lfld It < bailer nt
CnrUiugonln , hilling o\ou nion nnd ilolii ( !
utiimldorabla dnnmgo.
CJoorgo 13. Wllllaius. jn-onlilont nf the
Cbontloal National bank , Now V rk city ,
linn boon nppolntod tcinpornry itdinlnlntrntot
of the estate of Louti O. Hnmiuori > lny. The
will IK being contested , Thu cstato \alnod
ntjn,000,000. !
1'roMdont Arthur , nftor bronkfa t , nt No\\
York , ga\on largo part ot tlio day to Kliop
pitifr. Ho leaven to-night for NViifhlngton.
Two trains on tlio Indianapolis & . St. ] < onli
rnllwny mot on tint bridga near , Avon , liut.
lust night. Koboct M\urlH'VlWVptn'nn ( , WA-
fntnlly injured , nnd artidrtctorVjfj-Wyd \ \
ly hnrt. ' '
In .luilRO Uonckc'B Court
BIoriiliiR The HolidayPicnic
A good crowd filled the police cour
room yesterday morning , and as tbo judgi
called the names of the ollbiidnrs one aj
tortlio othor.thoy "waltzed" to tlio "rack
niul took their "corn fodder" like littl
men.Tho only two notables were Mike Gil
ligon and Jack Quinland. Mike state
that ho had spent every Christmas sine
ho had boon in this city in jail , and i
ho was charged with being drunk , tli
jud o , desiring to keep his record pe
footly clean , sent him up to the count
jail to cat Christmas dinner 'with tl :
From all appearances Jack QuinlaiK
Mike Gilligan , and their gang started01
last night to "do up" thu whole towi
There were four or five bruised and mai
.glud fellows , who looked au though the
had boon through an Indian war , liobbU
into police couit and tiled complain
against .lack Quinland for assault at :
battery. Among the crowd there woi
eyes , decorated for the holidays , fnci
smeared with great patohoo of court-pla
tor , and one.poor fellow talked
talk from'tho.ofYuctfl'of Jiaving lost'thro
* '
Kr'ncod'thofrdni. ( , . . * _ _ „ „ „ ,
The probabilities are that'-it'-will'co
Quinland about $100 to repair all tl
damage ho done lost night.
Ed. Hondorsliot Van ( mod $10 an
costs for gambling , but the tine was r
milled in case ho should shako the du
of Omaha from his feet by to-day i
noon , and ho promised to evacuate.
Ono old gray headed man was charge
with vagrancy , but ho had papers to she
that ho nnd served for forty-one years i
the United States army , and ho was di
' Ono "vng" was discharged and 01
suspicious character was hold , pondii
an investigation.
Army Orders ,
Paragraph 4 , Special Orders No. l.'t
currant series from these headquarter
is amended BO as to assign recruit Goon
Bailey , enlisted at Fort Douglas , Utal
to thu Uth infantry.
Ho will bo tent to the station of h
regiment at the first favorable oppo
In compliance with paragraph i
Special Orders No. 287 , Headquarters >
the Army , Washington , December 1
188. ' ) , Captain Charles 11. Barnett , assis
ant quartermaster , is relieved from dul
in tlio department of the Platte , and wi
report to the commanding general , d
partmcnt of the Columbia , for duty
Portland , * Oregon.
Tlio travel directed is necessary for t )
public service. '
A board of survey to consist of Lie
tenant-Colonel E. C , Mason , Fourth i
fan try ; actingassistant inspector gonero
Major T. H , Stanton , pay donurtinen
and First Lieutenant Dan. C. Kingma
corps of ongincem , will assemble at tl
quartermaster's depot in this city at ti
o'clock u. m. , December 22 , 1883 , or
soon thereafter as practicable , to oxat
ino into , report upon and fix the rospo
sibility for the unserviceable condition
a lot of clothing and quartormastei
stores , and also the shortage on a lot
dark blue cloth , dark blue tlannol ai
sky-blue Jersey , received at that dep
from Second Lieutenant E. H. Brown
Fourth infantry , A. A. Q. M. , Fort Ni
hraru. Nnb. . on his invoices of Novel
bor 10 , 188IJ. _ _
no form oC dlwnna li no generally Ul .
trlbutoct among our wliola imputation AH Kcrofnln ,
.ALnoU evcnr IndU Muni liaa llili Intent imlnoii count
Ing Id * vclui. Tlio tcrrlUii iiilcrlii cnJured by
tluxo afflicted with ( crofuVm * BOTCI cannot l :
undcntood ty oilier * , ami tlia Intciulty ol tlali
Kratltuds when the ? llnJ a rcmtdy Hint cure *
i , aitonUhc * a well lunon. Vfa refer by per
ft it roliiloii to lll i
HOOO S Karali C , Whlttlcr ,
g rt/i/u o
of Warner , N. II.
wan cured Lj
tlieteTcrityof wblcliconflneil lier to tlio lioiuo f 01
two yean , file inonUu jircvloui to toVJntf HooJ'i
ftarujiarUlaiho could not get about lier roomwltli
out rrutchej. Her frlcml ( ayit "I did not think I
| HM lte ! for tier to llvu many monllui tlia vroa re
duced to a mere ikelcton. Her cure U hardly leu
Uun A miracle. " lloro wonderful curn tlau tblt
tave been eUccted by tbli medicine. Tliero li nc
doubt that In Hood's SuraaparlUa we liavo tbo nioul
temarlcablaiaedlcluatlmt tun erer been produced ,
bud a potlUro euro for Scrofula la IU numerotu
o forum. I'riceJl.W.tlr for $5.00. 1'repared only bj
Q , I , UDQ I ) A CO , lAwiU , I'ui. 8 ld by PrucgUtA
They Arc Disenssol at Some Lcnatuliy
. the Secretary of State ,
His Olaiuisto OitizonshiD Some
what Complicated , But
Nevertheless Validi
Soorctnry l''tolli Kliuyncn Directed
JHmlHtcr I/mvoll / to Ante Vor n <
Sr. LOUH , December 24. An exciting -
ing and serious shooting atl'ray took place
this evening at a boarding house on
NYanhington avenue , D. 0. Gibson , con
tractor and builder , being the chief ncor.
Gibson and his wife separated a few
months ago , ainco when Gibson has boon
in Texas. A few days ago telegrams
were received from Fort Worth , stating
that Gibson had died nnd his body was
on the way to St. LOUID. MM. Gibson ,
Buapoctin ; ; the telegrams false , eounuuni-
cnted with tht ) coroner at Foit Worth ,
who entiaftod her she was not
yet n widow. There haa boon
bad blood between Gibson and John ,
BufHngton , the husband of Gibson's stop *
daughter ; also between Gibson and Ar
thur nnd Eugene Mullholland , stop-sons
of Gibson's. To-night , while the family
, were quietly at supper witli the board
ers , Gibson appeared in the Jlcsh , entered
'the dniing room with drawn pistol , and
.opened 'tiro on Bullington. The first
shdfc imasod him and struck Arthur
'Mullholland in the shoulder , the ball
lodging 411 his nock. The second shot
ontcrcikBufHngton's neck , and the third
struck.Buflington's loft arm. Gibson
then turned the weapon upon himself
with good success , putting a ball through
his head. Gibson is dying nnd Bulling
ton will die. Mullholland will recover.
t The shpoting took place in the presence
of a dozen people midst the greatest con
Row Aninnf * Sailors.
New OiiLKANH , December 24. A ditli-
culty arose last night between sailers on
the Spanish otoamor America. One was
killed and two mortally wounded.
to a Tree.
ENVNNVII.U : , Ind. , December 24.
Charles Harry Peterson , who murdered
Henry Austin , Jr. , Friday night , was
taken from jail Sunday morning at 1
o'clock and hung to a tree. No doubts
of Jiio guilt.
Shooting i\ITv'iy ntltlulnnoml.
RICHMOND , Ind. , December 21. This
ovoulng.Hcnry W. Johnson , a promi
nent criminal lawyer , while attempting
to shoot the Baumor brothers , shot Po
liceman Wirtonburg in the thigh , which
may provo serious , and was himself shot
in the back of the head by an unknown
party. The shooting was the result of a
lawsuit between 'the Baumor brothers
and a man , -Based Vauphan. , Johnson
was Attorney , for ; the latter.
* .i * > - HH'iof - ' ' '
ido GmuAflo , December 24. Information
o8t has bcon received from Louisuillo , that a
8t passenger train over the Louisville , Now
at Albany & Chicago road which left hero
last evening for Chicago was ditched near
in Snlom Indiana but further
inw , , particulars
w are not obtainable.
S- SorlouH Railway Accident.
INDIANAVOHH , December 24. The
10g Now Albany , Ind. , bridge , over the BIuo
> g river , on the LN. . & 0. railway , about
a mile nnd a half south of Salem , was
washed away this morning. The south
bound train ran into the washout and
killed Charles Sanford train
3 , baggage-
, master , and a lady named Dora Eddmga ,
of Lafayette , and four passengers whoso
names are not learned , wounded John
Yaughan , engineer , and his fireman ,
and eight passengers , names not known
yet. The train consisted of one baggage
car , two coaches , and one sleeper , with
baggage and express matter. A special
train with ollicors and Assistance loft
Louisville at about 11:110 : a. in. , for the
of wreck
Seriously Injured ,
Four WAYNI : , Locember 24. A north
ill bound accommodation train on the 11 , , &
fl 1. railway was backed into by a switch
flat engine on the Nickel Plato road at
Nickel Plato Junction , iu the suburbs o
10 the city , at 8 o'clock this morning. Tha
rear coach was thrown from the track
u- and seven persons seriously injured.
un - Among the number were Mrs. Thomas
Ellison , wife of Judge Ellison , of this
city , The accident is alleged to bo the
carelessness of the engineer of the switch
lie engine.
as Railway Colllnloii at Minneapolis
n11 - MiNNKAi'oWH , December 24. A freight
11of train was wrecked hero at the west end
' of the railroad bridge , near the St. Paul
mills , The wreck was occasioned by a
Id wild engine running into a regular
freight. Three men in the caboose , all
oto employes , were seriously injured. Men
o , were caught in the shattered caboose in
oii > such shape that they had to bo chopped
ii- out from the burning car. Dr. Murphy
wan summoned from St. Paul , and in the
meantime local physicians were attend
ing the wounded. Two cars were en
tirely consumed , in addition to the daiu-
ngo sustained by tlui engines und other
cms. ,
Through a Trende.
Bin.LAiKE , O. . December 21. The
trt'btlo on the Boilairo , Zanosville & Cin-
oimiafi railway near Woodsvillo gave-
way thin morning with a locomotive on.
it. The /iruman / was badly scalded.
luuiir M j
Down mi Embankment.
ST. PAUI , , December 24. At St.
B.irneaville , Minn. , a misplaced switch
throw the engine and unu puasenger coach
down an embankment twenty feet , Four
or flvo persons wcru injured. None
H Truax , of the guiwrfnr court , New
York , refitted to ia uo heuuul paper * to u
Oliliumuii , who Jmil obtained nlioudy the
flrdt | mp ra , Thu iudgo Ate * . tUa CLiimo
Iminltrutlui ( ) < vct of M y , liiSi , whtuli ilaclarew
no Btuta'n ixiuiU , or omit of tlia United >
Statw ulmll ( lmlt Chlne o to cUUeiuliip.