JCHE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morninc , Dee , 24 , SUBSCRIPTION IUTKS : Rv n.frl v SO CCllli t > CT VMK By Sal - liaooptrTear ( OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MLNOB MENTION , See Joseph lloltor'a fall goods. Additional local on seventh paRO. Cheap Railroad TickoU at Bushnoll's. Got your husband a Christmas gift at Bosnian's. There will bo no Round Table meeting tins week. Lubs & Lingo have put n now elevator into their largo cigar and tobacco ostab- Itshmont. The electric light allowed up bettor than over Saturday night. IU success scorns assured. A special mooting of tie ] board of trade is called for this oroninp ; to coaidor business of importance. The Congregational Sunday school is to h vo its Christmas entertainment Thurs day evening at 5 o'clock. There will bo a Christmas tree , with n musical and literary o'ntortainmont at the Baptist church this evening. T. W. Carter is booked at police head quarters for disturbing the peace , andN. Johnson for cruelty to animals. Horace Everett has drawn up a peti tion , which ia now being circulated , ask ing the board of education to abolish cor poral punishment in the schools. The police oflicors were changed yes terday , Mullen and Hayes going on day duty , the others on night. Ofliccr Bos- wick has boon added to the night forco. The Shenandoah Normal school has had iU strength increased by swallowing the Normal school at Bloomfield , Davis county , professors , scholars , apparatus and all. Invitations nro out for a gathering of friends this evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Upton , to witness the christening of their little son , George Adams. Miss Kato Wickham has boon pre sented by her pupils in the Bloomer school with a beautiful copy of Color- idgo's Ancient Mariner , besides Rome other gifts. II. E. Romor , the now proprietor of Larson's laundry , was yesterday married to Mrs. Ella Williams , Rev. J. G. Lemon performing the ceremony. The newly wedded ones started east yesterday on a short trip , On Saturday afternoon there was n wedding at the parlors of the Crcston house , Andrew Lawson and Anna II. Armstrong , both of Carson , being the contracting parties , and Rov. J. G. Le mon officiating. The spiritualists , besides their regular circular Tuesday evenings , have arranged for n mooting every Thursday evening at their hall in Shugart's block , for the free discussion of scientific questions. All are cordially invited to attend these discus sions. Prof. Do Jalma , the mysterious firo- eatcr. Booms to bo a very clover perform er of moro tricks than ono. Ono of lib must successful onoa wax that of not showing up Saturday evening , leaving noveral hungry creditors with unpaid bills. bills.A A disgraceful row is reported as having taken place Sunday at the Lo Flour place , back of Slim Jim's aaloou , on Broadway. A young follow named Phil lips is said to have had his head cracked open. The police ought to investigate that place on general principles. N , 0. Taggart , superintendent of con struction of the waterworkswho is about to leave for hia homo in Philadelphia , has boon presented with anologant gold watch -chain , by the employes of the company , who desired to express in norno way their respect for him , and appreciation of his many manly qualities. John Lindt , who has boon honored by bcitig elected for a third tonn aa com mander of the Abe Lincoln post G. A. R. , waa on Saturday evening presented by tlo ) post with an elegant gold-headed Cano , J. E. Motcalfo making the presen tation speech , and the recipient respond ing appropriately. A gentleman who came in at 0:40 : p. m. ( Omaha time ) Saturday evening was heard to remark that there must have been lota moro snow here than in Omaha. Ho was walking on the newly laid brick eidowalks which has two or three inches of aaud on top , with a sprinkling of enow on top the sand. Cuff Johnson , a tinted follow , is wanted to answer to the charge of having thumped his woman unmercifully. 0(11- ( cer Boswiok got hold of him Saturday night , but Johnson got away , leaving the collar of his coat m ono of the officer's banda and the bock of his coat in the other , Johnson runuiiig off with the alcoves. ; H. 0. Atkins , W. S. Koolino and 1 ? . R. Bullard , the enterprising trio of young men who are determined that , Council Blufld shall have a good ice skat ing rink , have secured groundnoar Union avenue and Broadway , flooded it with water Saturday , and are now prepared to get fences , buildings , oto. , ready , so that the rink may bo opened in a few days , A man who lias been at work on Van Brunt's farm , husking corn , was in the city Saturday night and fell in with a colored and two white men , who , after steering him about town , got him down' on Washington avenue , near Beuton street , and relieved him of what money hq had , about $ G in all. Ho was too drunk himself to give any very clear dis- vription of the men. The UnionPociOo Broad way depot is not open on Sundays except on the arrival nd departure of the dummy train , BO tint pauengers who miss ono dummy , I or got to Iho depot nhond of limo , are compelled to wait outside in the cold. There VTM cjuito a crowd thus cnught yesterday , and the Union Pacific oflicials ought to have heard the complaintu passed on thorn. The Koyal Arcnnum has olcctod as it * oflicors : llcgont , M. A. Upton ; vice re gent , I. Jr. Tray nor ; orator , James Pat terson ; past regent , J. II. Arthur ; secre tary , II. .1 , Rifcnborick ; collector , P. R. Dolden ; treasurer , M , L. Jacquo rr.Jn warden Andrew Dalrymplo ; son tt'lll ; I" MM 1 - ' ' If I. * try , F. N. Corbally. For trustees , Marshall Key. T. K. Gavin , James Patterson ; medical examiners , Dr. A. P. Hanchott , Dr. T. E. Lacoy. Prang's celebrated Christmas cards at Uushnoll & Brackott's. Buy your harness , whips , saddles , etc. , of Bookman & Co. , f > 19 south Main street. Go to the carpet house of Casady Orcutt for Christmas goods. WANTS TO GET OUT , An Attempt to Get Vlnla Allen lie- leaned From Ills Ufa Sen tence nt Vort Mntllson. A petition for the release of Finis Al len from the penitentiary at Fort Madi son , whcro ho is serving a lifo sentence for the murder of John Long , in Fremont county , is to bo presented to the legisla ture at the coming session. The grounds urged for hia release are thus given , with other details , by The Shenandoah Re porter : That ho is innocent ; that ho was con victed through the false testimony of an "alleged accomplice who has since con tradicted herself on many of the mate rial points of her testimony ; that undue influences wcro brought to boar on his conviction. Much intcrostju manifested hero in regard to the petition , and it is believed that n remonstrance against the petition will bo circulated , signed and sent to the legislature , praying it not to accede to the petition of the prisoner. This brings the horrible Long murder again before our citi/oiiB. Mrs. Long , who according to her own testimony consented to and was an accomplice in the murder of her husband , liven now , wo understand at Avoca , in this Hlato. Notwithstanding the conviction of Finis Allen for the murder , very many believe that there is still an unrovcaled mystery connected with this truly horrible affair which time alone will dovolopo. Bo this as it may the Long murder will soon again occupy public attention , until it is aot nt rest by an investigation and deci sion of the legislature. . Seaman keeps suitable Christmas Gifts for everyone. _ Toilet seta of various kinds at Bush- neil & Brackott's. Your lady friends wish you to got their Christmas Gifts at Seaman's. POPPINTPIGEONS ( , Council IJlulTV ) nncl KnrlliiK Shooters Mcctnt the Driving I'mk. The promised pigeon shooting match between the club nt Earling and the Council Bluffs team took place at the driving park Saturday afternoon , Earl- ing was represented by Dr. F. S. Mo- Konna , Ed. 0. Brown , Al. Dickey , T. 0. Calison , W. W , Maysont and Ooorgo 0. Brown , while Council BlufFa had on the grounds , LI. F. llohror , N. 8. Hall , Goo. Ferguson , Oscar Keolino , W. D. ITardin and F. B. Evans. ' In the first match the Council Bluffs tcnm scored as follows out of a possible of ten : Ferguson 0 , Hall 4 , llohror 2 , total 12. The Earlingitos scored : Ed. Brown 4 , Dickey 2 , MoKonna 0 , total C. In the second match Council Bluffs took 21 , aa follows : Koolino 9 , Hardin 0 , Evans ( ! , while Earliug had 18 , Goo. 0. Brbwn taking 8 , Calison U and May- sent 4. In the match for a , 850 divided jnto first accond and third money purse , the following was the result : Evans 8 , Keo line 7 , Gcorgo 0. Brawn 0 , Hardin 0 , McMnhon f > , Colson 3. In shooting oil' the tie for third moiioy , Brown won. A free for all was then shot , resulting out of a possible fiVe : Mayront 3 , Browiij llohror , Ouibort 2 each , Ferguson - son , Dickey , Hall 1 each. In shooting ofl'Quibort won second money and Hall third. Another match has boon arranged to taku place at Earling , January 4. As a special match on that day , 0. T , Collison and W. D. Hardin will shoot a timtch of fifty birds a side for $200. Mrs. M. Carroll , fashionable dress making , cutting and fitting n specialty. Apprentices wanted. No. 720 First avenue , up stairs. Gold pena at Bushuoll & Brackott's. Go to Hurlburt's fancy steam dyeing and French dry cleaning works at 111 Pearl street. Diphtheria is prevalent. Use Dr. Jeff ries' ( Council Bluffs ) preventative and euro , 01 buy a coffin. "You pay your your money and take your choice. " i lain | I/list / Clinneo To toll you of the hardware Christmas goodu at OAHVHY & OBOUTT'H. Talk nt the Transfer. Freight business 'at the transfer is al most at a standstill , there being only four or Cvo oars a day whora there were as many hundreds before. Many ship per * nro holding off in the hope of a railway - way war and reduced rates and other oauson are affecting business , It ii sad that Charles Wells , the con ductor who transfers the freight at thoU U , P , freight depot , has notified his men to hunt' for now positions , and some think that the now lailway arrangements are to result ia most of the freight trans- foring being done on the other side of the river instead of hero , in which case \V. H. Burns , the freight agent here , will probably bo given some other posi tion , and if not will look after his ranch interests in Nebraska. Buy your Christmas Gifts for your pis- tori , cousins and your aunts at Seaman's. Opera glasses at Buslmellit Brackott's , If you want n Gift for your wife , you will find it at Seaman's. Bushnoll t Hrackott keep every kind of holiday present you can think of. HOW ABOUT EVOLUTION ? Another I < ccluro In Which the Sub ject Is Viewed I'Yom n Now Standpoint , , * Acothor of the Sunday evening lec tures was given last night at the Baptist church , by Rev. .1. 0. Lemon. These lectures seem to bo not merely drawing largo audiences , but exciting thought and talk , the entertaining manner -in which the subjects , ordinarily uninterest ing to many , serving to excite the inter est and attract the attention of those who have almost ignored those lines of thought before. It appears that communications , some of them anonymous , are now being sent tc the lecturer , and some of these ho handled ( x > his own advantage last evening . ing His main effort in this last lecture was to show the fallacy of so-called Christian evolution. There are some who reject the materialistic idea that all lifo was evolved from mil ter , but while tlioy ploco God as the author of all lifo , they claim that , though the germ was God-given , yet it was only tlbi germ , and that the various forms had booh evolved from this. The speaker , while acknowledging that tin's was a higher theory , yet considered it as being fallacious , llo claimed that nowhere fnhi had there boon found any facts to show that ono species \vas over changed into another species ) and citing from the statements of evolutionists themselves , showed thatthoy acknowledged there were sucli facts in nature. It amounted , then , to a more guess of what mjght bo. tlni hold tmt ] Christian evolutionists wore no forced to hold that God gave a special niat < of lifo as the starter of each species , and if so , then they might as easily be lieve that God nmdo a distinct creation of every species. llo nmdo n strong and original argu ment on the ground that men confounded development or growth with evolution. Development nmdo wonderful changes and improvements , but it Dover made eagles of pigeons , or oaks from wheat Some ono sent him a clipping showing whatDr.McCosh , president of the Prince ton college , hold , ho being the foremost of the Christian evolutionists , and the speaker showed by Dr. McCosh's own Inngungo that ho admitted there was no direct proof of any now species over being - ing produced. In all the illustrations used by Dr. McCosh it was evident ho confounded growth with evolution. A very interesting and instructive ar gument was based on a narration of the habits of the honey-bee , the description of which was full of entertaining scientific facts , clinched with strong arguments against the evolution theory. . Next Sunday night ho proposes to lec ture on "Tho Formation of Man , " which will bo still moro interesting , doubtless , 0,1 it brings the discussion closer homo to everyone. Fruits , candies , oysters , ice cream and cakes at W. T. Brann's , 404 Broadway. Ladies' and gent's clothing cleaned , dyed and repaired ntHurllurt's | , 3-1 Pearl street. Latest styles of ladies handkerchiefs nt Bushnoll & Brackott's. Go to Seaman's and get Gifts for your sons and daughters. JUDGE LYMAN , Ho IH to llo Placed Upon the Circuit Court rJonah. The conjecture as to who is to occupy the district and circuit court benches is at last settled. As has been conceded by all , Judge Loofbovror , of the circuit court , is to take Judge Heed's place in the district court , the latter becoming ono of the supreme court justices on the 1st of January. There have boon sev eral aspirants for the circuit court bench , but Major Joseph Lyman , of the law firm of Sapp it Lyman , though not a known . aspirant , is the ono who is to take the placo. It has boon understood that Governor Sherman desired to appoint him , but Mayor Lyman was not disposed to take it , and on this being known a number of others appeared as aspirants , and their names and chances have been pretty thoroughly discussed. It appears that Mayor Lyniau has concluded to ac cept the proffered honor , and hence the appointment. This will cause a revision of some of the political slates which have boon made up for the coming campaign , and equabblcs for honors. Judge Lyman , as ho is now to bo known , although a comparatively young man , brings the bench the experience gained from a long and busy practice , great legal learning , much dignity and character , and his friends are justified in expecting that ho will do honor to the position in all respects. _ _ gjl ai - - i Six per cent city and farm loans. S. W FcrgUEson & Co. , 31) Pearl St. mvr& SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. ' Special twlTsrtlsementa , sach as I/oat , Found'To Loan , for Sale , To Rent , Wants , Hoard. Ingr , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rmte ot TKN CENTO 1'KIl LINE for the first Inwrtloo and VIVK ClIKTd 1'KIl LINE tor Mcli iubmiuont | In. wrtlon. _ Leave advcrtltemenU at ouroBloe , No , 7 1'earl Htroet , near Broadwar WAHTB. TyANTBD-Boy , with pony , toiltlltsr Tin His. 117 AhTKD-A situation at clerk by Uanlih IT jouugman , who no Xii Knrll | li anil German. AdJrtm Jacob 1 * . Bendlokion , 831 Eighteenth are. W DUNOAN-auo maker anJ repairer , No , 109 a. Malu Bi. , Council Uluffi , Iowa. WANTKD Insurance agents t ranvacn Council DHifli an4 county. .Aililrnt I ) . Campbell , room S. 130H fnruam utrtot , timalia ItooA Si AhTKU Bvery bony m Council Uluft to tak IniOJnn. Uollmod by urrier at only twenty cents a week. 0lAWNETPUOTOSiMbytlioilOMiiaUho excel- \J tier gallery , joe Main street , Council Bluff * . Dinner , ami tluauuy faro both aj to Omaha cm- tomurn on orders of (10 auil Upwards \VANTKD l\crbo ! < 1ytol > uy f. tlirlitniM pr&i. 11 out worth uioro than illsmonui a policy In the Mutual Ufa Imurauco coiuiiany , of New York , ( the largvfct enui ) > auy lnthe dld ( rates lower than anj other company. M , f , Uohrer , moot , tor wtxt- em Jo\\a , Council lilug . Vl/JkNTKO To trad lor city projiert ) , a stock U \ I ) KWk , hlank book * , wlnduw cuitaln * . anil a central line nf ntntlonur's good * . A k'ood barialii ulTcreil. Call or odilrru II , E. 1'aliucr , new oj > r hoanvtlockCouncil UluOs. ) JACOB SIMS. K. 1 > , CADWKLIi. 8IM8&OAOWEL.L , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUJffS , IOWA Offloo , Ualn Btrevt. Rooms 1 and Ubugart & Mo- Vshon's Block. Will ( Wtctloo la Bt ts auii courU - , * IS RUBBERS ! Our speech is short , but to the point. JJcst Chicago discounts every day in the year on July } AND ARCTICS. Goods WARRANTED as good ns ANY in the market. They are niado by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. Wo have n big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTRA WIDE Boota and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship on receipt of orders. TZBCIE ! IBIMIIPIIRIE ! , " Or second quality Boots wo are introducing ate better than many no-called firs quality , and wo give a Idrgo EXTIIA discount on them. Z. T , LINDSEY & CO , , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. CASADY & ORCUTT , 602 BROADWAY , COUNCIL HUNTS , IOWA. Carpets and Curtains Also many pretty jroodl ( or CHRISTMAS GIFTS now on < xliililtlon. Call and KO us , CASADY & ORCUTT. MAYNE & PALMER , DEALERS Df Hard and Soft Coal , BULKAND BAimKIi L1MK , LOUISVILLE AND PORTLAND CKMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , HAIR AND 8KWEK PIPE. No , C39 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. THE FINEST of the Season is One of Those Made to Order by MERCHANT TAILORS. ITo. 7 and 9 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , ooxrnNroirj 3S3L.-cra5 a5 sf TAT 13 A TDTl ATTORNEY AT LAW. MANAGER OF POTTAWATTAMIE COUN- V V i JSM I ttlJ , TY COLLECTION AGENCY. Office comer Broadway and Main utrcot. GENERAL -SIEKCnANDISE. BENO & oo - , , 18 Main street and 17 1'earl street MAX MOHN CRESTON HOUSE. , Hotel , 217 and 210 Main street UK. U , i WH-Hjj ; Corner MMu flncl Flftlmp etaira. Residence. OOP Willow avenue. SOHUEZ JUSTICE OP THE PEACE , . , Offlce oter American Exprcxa. Sn W A P "NTTTJ LIVERY AND FEED , i > JVV JxVJLi JlJ ) | Will coptract for tuncral at reasonable rates. 22 Fourth Btroet J , M , ST. JOHN & CO..OASE BUYEES , Draft by rcturnmall. 148 Broadway. 1 A nnu TTTiniT MERCHANT TAILOR , J .tJUUij Ii.UU.Llj Stock Complete. Sultg made at reasonable prices. No. 805 Main 8tl & F. SMITH. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , . . Corner 7th and Broadway. I'lann and gpedflcatlona furnlahed. MERCHANT TAILOR. JAMES FRANEY. Artistic Work and reasonable chaiyea. 872 Broadway EOW-hl & SQjN * andnouMboldSupplies. FURNITURE STOVES , SpS Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , LINDT & HART. Jame. Block. Practice in state and federal court * . O A WPP A "D f TfA/T And ba'n house , 421 and 42S Broadway. L. Sovereign , Prop. P. J. Mont O AIM II Alt I UJLVJ Komery.M.P.Phy ldan. "DTI WTIVT T A TJUnnm1 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , JjJJVVJLiN UtQ.Jj.DU JL JL Notary PuMlo and Ooneral ConviiYitneer. 418 Broadway. TTITTIII'D"D TTnTTO'C1 SMITH & NORTON , XtJj V JJXliJCl JQ.U U O 'j Uroadway opposite Neft Ojiera House. RcfltUrt 11 , $1.50 per day IF YOU WANT CALL ON S.A. . - Corner Main and First Avenue , Council Bluffn. Ho lias ' Them ' W. R. VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs. Real ettata and collection agency , n Odd Fellow * ! look , over Sarinzs lUntt. JanSjv Dohany's Opera Houso. ONK N1C1IIT ONLY , Tuesday Eveirihg , December 25 , 01UND CHRISTMAS MATINEE. Th KrtatMt attraction of tha icvto * : HARDKM'S GRAND- Parlor Entert TUB Mill\OLK OK hCIKKTIFIO WARVKLS. Tlie creak family Itcsort , nvrltbiz anil rrof Ulnpr the patroiisii * ami | > laidlts of the gooO.the leuiieU and the Intelligent oi > nhere , anj h rnc no more than exhibitions that are but as ilwliual fractions romtMreJ to it. l'rni ntlutr mine but the | > r iul- tient ol the | iroeiitloii. JIADAMK HAUDllN'd double trt Un ) ot ROtAL MARIONETTES 1 Carnlial.najtty'aml Womllrt Brltufullol Hu mor. MulilliiK audlom-e * rncll lounil IntroJuo UK tre ITALIAN KANTOCCIfil. Innccont fun. A Stud ) . AMvsiiry , Jud/o ua only bv liat other | .eo.l , ij nt u . rrtOH. O. W. JOHNSON. Vo lilhuiuln , Punch anil Judy perfounor and 'Wklnic Klijurn , and la t but rot kst. MII.UKJASlT.lt , K1UB ( jUKJCN , Inhir vouilailul ( cstt with ! lie. Admluloii only M ccuti ; children CO cenU. tnos. orricu , u. M. rvair , , OFFICER & PUSEY BANKERS. Council Blufit Ia. Established - - 1856 Posters ri Foreign anil Domestic Exebingt and R. Rice M. D. or other tumora remoycd without tbf Knlfo 01 drawlnu of Wood. CHRONIC DISEASES * * * * > * * , . Over thirty yuara practical experience. Olllco No. S lV tl street , Council EltuTs jBTConiiultatlon free. Make Your Contracts Now for Your Winter Supply of Missouri Hard 'Wood , ! AND HARD AND BOrr O WITH P. OVERTON , 505 First Avenue , - Council Bluffa , Iowa , And secure the best article and full measure at the Tory ! oc t price. Btore wood dclherixl to any liar nf the cltv JOSEPH HARD WOOD AND COAL Corner.Ualn itrectanil Eighth aten cr , Cottn DluQi. nit ratra and nromtt Mrs , HJ , Hilton , M.D. . , PHYSICIAN & 8TTBGEON , 222 Mlddln Broadway. Councllffluffa. WINTERRESORT _ SILOAM MINERAL SPRINGS. OX- We L'ua'autve the cuie ot the following nsiunt dl- Bcaic * . orni ) jmj : Rhcuinatliiiii , Bcrcfula , Ulcers , Catarrh , at lllood and LlndUeairs , lv > ioi la , Liver CompUtnt , Kidney am ) Illaililer DUc > ci. Gout , Ncn- r Uia and Astouia , Them riprlngaare the fatorlte raurt ot the tired anJ ilebllluuu , and are the FKBIILE LAU1CH B Sl' ntlKNU. Orvd hotel , ll\ery and bathing accomodation both winter and summer. Ixxallty highly ilclurcaqu and healthy. Accu > lbt ! > by Wau h railway , uea Kvona , orU , B. fc U. at Albany. Corrwnondeoo solicited , UKV. M. SI. THOMI'SON. Uanager. Silcem ? ( 'iluji , Uoru. I' , 0.Gutry Co. , ilo. Smpkie Hardware 109 and 111 S. Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . - IOWA. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 342 a'nd 3-14 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TUAYTCS'WC ! T A&FSf A * WTTfc T A "KiTT d MU U toJSliO , JUUIS AJN U Jb A aO JJib | 3E3oTislxt vxxd. Sold. Money Loaned , Abstracts Furnished 3E . O" /to. / 4 / 'earStreet , - MRS. D. A , BENEDICT , DEALER IN J NOTIONS , JEWELRY , &C. 337 W. Broadway , - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA BECHTELE'S The only only hotel run on the European plan min this city. Now building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BEC2 - < T" ! TELE , PROPRIETOR , w Nos. 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. n LARQE CONTRACT to nil I am obliged to offer V eVery Very Highest Market Prices FOR S. Goldstein. 538 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. STEINHARDT & FREYHAN , Wholesale Liquor Dealers , OF COUNCIL J1LUFI S , THEM HUS NES3 TO Omaha , Nek , January 1st , HAVING SECURED WEST & HUTCHKR'S OLD STAND , IXTo. H GOO OF ALL KINDS. Sold at the Lowest Prices IN THE WEST , JUALITY CONSIDERED. At MRS. D. A. BKNEDICT , - - 3 7 W. Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iowa. dfc ? ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) TO LOA ! Id ML ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to all Lots and Lands in the County. - Crayon , Solar Camera Enlargement for the trade at reasonable rates. Orders oy mail promptly filled. C. D. LUC COCK , 143 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Our line of Stoves is the mosj complete in no city and includes all the most Desirable Patterns and Latest Improvements ! \Vo have hamnioreu the prices down as thin as they will stand without breaking , and you are invited to call and BOO how thick the stoves are in comparison. i PECIAL DRIVE' ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at a reduction of ยง 5.00 each , 504 Broaawafand W and 12 tfain St. , Council Bluffs. . -IN- OHIM , PLATED IMS , GLASS IARE , LAIPS , Table Cutlei. , , . Flower Pots , Etc. , call on W. S. HOMER & CO. , - 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. WHY DON'T YOU OKTS3MK OP FITCH BOTHER'S ' CUSTOM SHIRTS ? Perfect Pitting , Itat anil Chttajiotl 1'ine LInui CollanianJ Oufla. No. 716 Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , ' Iowa. M. GALLAGHER. o c Now Btoro , Freeh OooJn , Low Prices anil rollto Attendant * . First Door east of Metropolitan Hotel , GROSVENOR < & GUNN , MANUFACTURERS OF OO1VC 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa ,