Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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cnirm * ! .
"I WM Ukwi tick ft jeu kg *
fc With bilious lem.i *
"My doctor pronounced mo cured , but
I got sick Again , with terrible pains in my
back and sides , and I got go bad I
Gould not movol
I shrunk 1
Prom 228 Ibs. to 120 1 had been doctoring -
toring for my liver , but itdid mo no good.
I did not expect to lire moro than three
months. I began _ to uao Hop Bitters.
Directly my appetite returned , my tmns
loft mo , my cntiro system neomeu re
newed M if by magic , nnd after using
several bottles I am not only as Round aa
a sovereign but weight moro than I did
before. To Hop Bitters I ewe my life. "
Dublin , Juno 0 , ' 81. It. Fmt'ATiuoK.
ciurntR 2.
"Maiden. MM * . , Fob. 1. 1820. OenUcmen-
I raftered with ktttcks ot > lck heu'acho. "
Neuralgia , female trouble , for years in
the most terrible and oxcrutiating man
ner.No medicine or doctor could give mo
relief or euro until I used Hop Bitters.
"Tho first bottle-
Nearly cured mo ; "
The second made mo na well and strong
on when a child.
And I hare been so to this day. "
Sly husband was an invalid for twenty
years with n serious
Kidney , liver and urinary complaint ,
"Pronounced by Boston's beat phys
"Incurable ! "
Seven bottles of your bitters cured him
and I know of the
"Lives of eight persons"
In my neighborhood that have been
saved by your bitters ,
And many moro are using them with
great benefit.
"Tho almost
Do myrnolosl" Mrs. E. U. Slack.
HOW TO OKI SICK. Expose yourself
day and night ; oat too much without exercise -
orciso ; work too hard without rest ; doctor
all the time ; take all the vile nostrums
advertised , nnd then you will want k
know how to got well , which Is answered
in three words Toke Hop Bitters ! 3 3Si
Innino 30 jrrnrft. Tacit number tlm tpwlal pr ( -
ncrlptlon of nn eminent phynlclnn. The a\r \
Hlnipln. Hnfnnnd Huro Mwllclnci for the p oplq
ounnt . - , . . rnicx.
A. llrirntarv , Ortplnff. Dllllou" Cell
t ) . < : iiopraMorl | > ii , Vomiting- , .a *
T. 4ouBh ! . Colil. BroncUUlJ 25
N. IVrurnlaln , Toothnchc. hncrnchn 2.1
1 . lloadachei , btelc Iloadachcii. VtnlRo .ten
10. Itynpepiln. Illllloui hlomnch 3.1
11. Hnnnremrd or I'alnfttl 1'itrlod * 2(1 (
12. Wh leu. too Profuiw i'trtwls . . . . . . . . . . ! t5
- - < -onp/Oonr- ! , Dinicult lirrntlilnR 2ft
14. Halt llhriii . KmlpclM , I'.ruiitfoni , .2S
' leumntlr Ithrnmatlo 1'ntn * , . . . .2ft
1 It. P Ver nnd A UP , Chilli Fever , Ague * iH >
17. Pilot. Iillndoriucedlnir. . . . . no
111. Cninrrh. nonto or chronic ) Inflnrnui nit
3 ( > . Whooping UoiiRh , vlolmt oougtu. . . , ni >
31. ttflnrrnl Debility. Physical WeaXnou.MI
37. Kidney IlUenm. . . . . . . . Al >
2H. Nenroui Debility. . . . . t.OO
.10. Urinary Wrakneu. Wlnt ( tha bed .Alt
at. IMiomnoriheHeart , ralplintlon. l.UO
Hold br ( iruicglntn , or sent bjr the Ciuw. or uln-
Io Vial , fren of cnarRO. on receipt or prlco.
Bend rorDr.lnmphreyi'nonkon | Oliemn dec.
- *
IDu uecuMity lor
prom.t nd ort'clent
hoiiaohoM mncd'ca
and o (
these II on tetter's
Stomach Bi'Un h
the chief In mlrlt and
tl'o most popultr.
Irrrgularlty ol the
stomach aud bowels ,
inalarinl fevers , Ilvor
complilnt , debility ,
rheumatism and
minor ailment * , are
thoroughly conquer *
cdbythUtncorapara *
bio family restorative
and medicinal tale ,
iruard , and It Is Ju t-
ly r v ril l n * the
_ _ _ prenonsho remedy
of It * clus. For sale by all DruggUU and Dealers
r > iitiIitue | > rarM < > wI T U
I.I. Dtutbol. r > f nl An. , uvl HI
dlMT rfaM , A frv drflfl lnt n ftd.lMoul OM0 *
t p.f * . . Mai to n lunm. . drtnli. Trr II. * ni
lu. A.k jvi ? nwr .rarunt.iror Ufciuuofl
r aun4 b Do. f. u. tt BIBIUIT k Sosn.
} . w. vnjrrnjMiHiT , OOLB Aanra ,
si unoAttirAY , if. r. _
i A Ton SllO , Ilruni HaK liicluiled.
ThB "Llltlo ColeclTvK.'TU ois.iiif A ) . 13.
ronaus , TOOLS. &o.
r ronuK nux run UUIIT SIOHI , io
III. Aiivllniia KUufTufiU , StO
lirutn ' ! ' " 4 ntir ; ! oJl Join.
Illonxre , AiiTilA. Vlcun * Ulhur Artlcloa
AT ui ii.r 1'Biijra ,
V rt'K a"d MH 5 * rll ! * a
* "S5s S3ipSs& . . _
. < iflpl i
Oxrlnctcr Kill tlogn Ter Dny.
lm , bull111(1 ( do fire n' hent da big rocks ,
Gwlnoter kill hops tor dny :
V' r ycr brigi > n show nn' two pair o' nock * ,
" Owlnctor kill hoes ttr doy.
) o Oulnoa nlffgcr ficrape * do li'ar wfd ho ,
( iwlnotor kill hops ter day !
t mnkci do chunVoy man ttof pnfl and blow ,
( } winetor kill hofrn ter day.
) a wlminln am n bllln' ob ilo fat in do yard ,
Gwlnotnr kill hot ? * tor day ;
\n' do umlloi mighty cunnm' CMC da gwlnetor
1mb lard ,
Gwlnolor kill hogs ter day.
An1 or folch. or Icntf do watar , boyn , and po1 in
do lioi ,
) cn rake nway do burnln' "tick an' Illng in de
Ah , Jiawd n-miuny , it nm imch n fine sight.
' bab ' rlhi an' tender
Tor wo'oo gwlnctor Npar' *
ter night.
Take up de shoto an' hang him on do
polo ,
Gwlnotcr kill hogs tor day ;
Slake n nigger urnllo way down In his Bout )
( iwinotor kill hogs tor day.
) o chtllun cum or roiin' or roastln' o' de melt ,
Owlnotor kill hwpi ter day ;
t am' do host scent what bor wan ainolt ,
( Jwlneter kill hops tor day.
) o ilogs Btnn' aroiin' n snlflm' o' ilo n'r ,
Gwlnctor kill hogs ter day ;
1 hark nt do nigger as ho grabs off do h'ar ,
( Jwlnoter kill hogn tor day.
An' cr oum nr lung tor supper , boys , TTO , ! ! all
out tncnt ,
' * ur do hog's bnckhono It am powerful sweet ;
We'll chaw do co'n cake an' drink do butter
milk ,
Ah , hawd , We gotltdown jos'tw fine as any
[ The Arknnnaw Travoller ,
ilr. llnrcrly has struck oil with his San
/rnnctsco thoatro.
Tony Pastor will take his company to San
faincuco next spring.
A Hoconil 'Tun on the Bristol" company
\ 111 shortly take the road.
It In said that Max Strakoach IK forming
now French oporn company.
Mr. Booth will ennct llumlot and Bnrtuccto
n the Star theatre next week.
At Iho Paris Opera Comirmo "Lnkmo" nnil
"Carmon" continue to ho the hoHt cards.
Cooper , the giant , Mrs. Torn Thumb , the
ulu , nmlMnj. Newell , are the chief attrac
Jens at Coup's Chicago tnusouti.
Maud Ornngor has ordered three noxv tel <
loUfrom Worth , o ( Paris , which uho will wear
In her "Second Love" for the first timo.
The entire orchestra of llonry Abbey's Ital
Ian opera company will remain in this country
during next mmimcr and glvo concerto.
Mr. .John McCullough , the favorite trage
dian , will bo the Christinas , attraction at the
Chestnut street opera house , Philadelphia.
Mr. .Toiofly will glvo four concerts nt Stein-
wny hall , on January 4 , February 8 , March 7 ,
April 4. The fourth concert will consist of a
"request programme. "
The Callondor'H ind Combined Musical
Festival Colored Minstrels will como direct
from the Cincinnati fostlyal to Philadelphia ,
appearing nt the Chestnut Street theatre
January ? . '
Kate Claxton and Mr. C. A. Stevenson
jiavo bought the lease of the Third Avenue
.boater , Now York , from Mr. McKee Itankln
and will manage It for the | > roducton ! of tholr
sped alt ! CD.
The performances of "Parsifal" at Beyrouth
next year are to bo ton In number , and are to
, ako place botwcon the 20th of July nnd the
ith of August
At the recent examination for admission to
the Paris Conservatoire 70 * candidate * for the
violin presented thomsolvoj , of whom 18 were
accented , and -12 male and 210 female pianists ,
of whom only 10 nnd 17 respectively were nd-
Carlotta Pattl. who with her husband , Do-
hlunok , the 'cellist , has boon giving concerts
with considerable /mccesn in London this nu-
umn , will make n tour In this country next
nrlug and summer , under the Hllroctlon of
ilax Strakoscb ,
The present season will bo the lost over hold
itho famous old Lolpiilo Gowandlmuu , nnd
to celebrate the occasion the nine symphonies
f Beethoven , In chronological order , will bo
ntroducod in the course of the series ot con-
prts. for which a larger and moro commodiovu
iTuIJJ/rjb- has boon /or omo tlmo eroctlnjr.
A Vienna paper gives some now details in
regard to Professor Joachim's projected con-
: ort tour in America. The great violinist is
0 bo assisted by a pianist mid vocalist of
note , while in the .larger cities an orchestra
will bo engaeod In addition. Ono hundred
concerts nro to bo given , forwhlch Joachim
/ill receive nbout $00,000. The concerts will
10 under the joint management of Mr. Abbey
nd Herr Polllnl.
The London Globe states that the seat pinna
nd elevation of tha new National opera house
which'.Mr. J. If. Maplcuon hopea to build on
ho Victoria embankment have boon delivered
iy Mr. Fowler. According to those plans
bora will boICO orchestral and 440 balcony
tails , 90 private boxes on three tiers , 600'nm-
mlthoittro ntnlls , nnd SCO amphitheatre Beats ,
iouquet and rmislo counters are provided ou
ho stall level , nnil on the lirst tier there will
> o n spacious foyer , the royal apartments , n
adieu boudoir , nnil n smoking room.
The largo salaries paid to singers nro not ol-
jgethor n product of recent times. Seventy
roars ago Catalan ! received 850,000 for ono
canon In London , nnd 81,000 each tlmo for
ilnglng in private salons ; Mallbran made there
n 183:1 : $2H,000 In ton weeks , nnd Henrietta
5ountag netted nt her benefit performance
$10,000. $ llauhol was the only actress whoso
ncomo approached that of the great singers.
Although she always lived extravagantly , the
loft nt her death ever 1,200,000 francs In the
eighteenth century the pecuniary and toclal
conditions of opera singers were very different
From the present. When the members of the
Berlin Opera company petitioned Frederick
the Great , for nu Increase of Balarloa ho an
swered ; "Lot those good-for-nothingu jro to ;
1 need my money fet cannon , "
The cost nf mounting operas nt the Grand
Opera house in Paris since 1870 has been as
follows ! "Tho Jewess. " ? 10.000 ; "La Fa
vorite" $54,000 ; "William Toll , " $28,000 ;
"Hamlet , " $30,000 ! "Tho Huguenot,11831.700 ;
" . " $30,700 ; "Don Juan , " $30,100 ; * Dc !
Frclschutz , " 821.1001 "Lo Prophoto. " 811.000 ;
"llobert lo Diablo,1' ' 838.000 "L'Afrlcalne , "
eco.000 ; "Tho Queen of Cyprus , " 852,000 ;
"Mosanlollo " 933.000 "Aidn "
, ; , 340,000 ;
"Henry VII. " 535,000. 'This comprises only
the cost of sconorr and contunioa. It Is also
to bo remarked that nt the Grand opera in
Paris no scenery or costumes nro permitted to
bo used in more than ono opera. The mounting
of four operas which proved complete failures
devoured the comfortable sum of 8171,000.
Substantial Employment ,
The merriest kind of a Uhristuiaii
Is to Ret a Christmas tree ,
And till it up with Christina * toys
To fill the chlldmn with glee.
To get a big , fat turkey.
Thou stut ! it , rich and rare ;
Stay at home with your family ,
And you'll find enjoyment there.
-Katie H-m.
Boino 30,000 children are HUug on cana
boats iu Kuglaud.
Young seals have Appeared In the St. Lawrence
renco rlvor this year ,
Thee have a lamb in Kew York that drink
beer Mid cliown tobacco , " .
A child was born In Giand Kapldn , Mich ,
four weeks ago , weighs but three pounds now
A belt juit made In Lowell. Mass. . and son
to a western ( lourlug mill , U ICO feet long. K
InchejLwldo. and fivo-elvhths of an Inch thick
It contains 200 hide * , weighs ouo toil , and t
valued at $2,000.
Near Kaatman. Ga. , Is an oak tree fiftoe
feet and A half In circumference two nnd
half foot above the ground. It has bee
struck by llghtnlup , but Is btlll living. A
tha base of this tree two separata streams o
water spring forth one running directly ess
and the other wost. The tree Is about tor
outj-five or eighty years old.
In the Blnaitlo range of mountains there I
a remarkable cone of sandy rocks called Go
bol-Nakun. When a traveler attempt * I
fine weather to icnle tills miniature peak h
hears a tound Ilka that of distant belli. Who
there U no wind fend the sand U damp Wit
dew the sound Is not heard. This phenomo.
Boa ts attributed to tU IricUo * of the cUltlout
and on the declivities of the cone. Tha at *
moxpherle vibration which Is thus started Is
upposod to bo Intensified by caritles which
erven * sounding boxes or resonators.
During the late g'reat JOT rarthquaka It
WM discovered that It wan utterly Impotslhle
to u o the telephone at Singapore In conxe *
itionco of the effect of the phenomenon on
howltofl , The tnstrumonU produced sounds
> ko these of a distant water fall. On ono
> art of the line , part of which consists of a
jtblo , detonations Ilka what might bo called
) Istol shot * were hoard.
One of the nuocrost curiosities on tha globe
s a man with n silver skull , who Is now visit-
ng Loulivlllo , Ky. Ditrlng'n fiercely contested
attlo In the late war ho was hit In the head
/Ith a piece of shell , which toro away tha on-
Irotojiof hlsukull , leaving the brain moot
lorrlbly exposed. Strange to say , ho surf Ivod
ho terrible wound , and a surgeon succeeded
n fitting a silver plats over the ; opening ,
which shielded the brain equally as well as
ho skull. Tills pinto U nbout the size of a
man's hand and works on hinges and mar bo
raised up and down at will. The rcskulled
nan docs not experience the least pnln and , as
le wears n wig , all evidence of a shattered
kull Is concealed.
AVIiat Mother * * ro Mnilo For.
'Come , Willie , dear , now leave your play
And ilo nn errand for mother. "
'Oh , pshaw ! " said ho , In n petulant way , *
"It n always something or other.
Just when I'm haying such lots of fun !
I'rrands nro < i/c/i n bother ;
V sure when you want nn errand dona
You never call another. "
'Oh , Wllllo , would you refuse to do
Whatever your mother desires ,
iVho Is always doing so much fur you ,
vVhonovor need requires ! "
'What have you done ! " the rogue replies.
"More , " I cry , "than can bu paid for. "
'Oh , my , " ho answers , with wondering eyc %
"Isn't that what mothers are made for !
-By [ Ono of Them.
That iTorftoymim who wna put in jail for
marrying fifteen wives munt feel as if ho wcro
'n paradise.
Mix * Nellie Sloan , the daughter of the Hon.
jeorjro B. Sloan , of Oswego , N. Y. , Is en
gagoil to the gallant Lieutenant Danonhower ,
of Jonnnotto fame. The wedding day Is not
r'ot announced.
The wedding of Mr. Theodore Frollnghuy-
son , son of tha secretary of Htnto , and MU
AHoo Dudley Coats , daughter of Mr. .Tamos
3ont8. will take place in the spring nnd will
irobably bo solemnized in Providence , the
liomo of the brldo.
Jcnnlo Adler , a Dayton Jo wens , returning
From n visit to Now York , mot a Now Orlcaim
ncrchant named Meyer on the train. They
were mutually smitten. Ho popped and she
sold "y-o-s , " and within hair nn hour after
arriving In the Dayton depot they wcro man
id wlfo.
An Ohio youth named Weyant , who has
joen the accepted lever * f Mis * Snapp , tha
reigning belle of Now Paris , since 1870 , aud
vbo has finally boon jlltod after having had
iis wedding day postponed three times , has
ued the girl's father for $13,000 , the value Of
ill bruised affections , blasted hopes and
wasted time.
The latest scheme for getting her name in
bo papers ha/i boon Invented by n "highly re-
poctaulo" youug lady of Baltimore. It was
t simple plan. All she did was to promise two
raon that nho would marry each of thorn and
etthosamo hour lor both weddings. The
me who came first took her , and she relied
in the other to do something that would ad
vertise hor. Ho did. He chased the couple
ibout with n pistol until a policeman caught
dm nnd locked him up.
A Now York bride received among her pros-
.nts sixty-three pairs of gloves. Some were
} f finest Bilk in a lace pattern , and made to
each the shoulder , while the rest were of del-
oatoly tinted kid and of all lengths , from two
mttonH to thirty. They wore sent by a young
nan who had boon caught nn many times by
bo young lady in phllop < cnnnud saved all the
[ loves to present at ono timo.
It Is not customary now at fashionable wed-
lings for oory ono to kids the bride , nor at
argo receptions is she expected to.shako hands
with every guest. To avoid doing this she
; arrleH n large bouquet of roses , and simply
> ows nnd smiles. The groom , however , is ex-
> cctod to shako hands with everybody , nnd n
landsoiaq groom of last week got so in the
mblt of tnittluft out 'Li * ImmliooTcrjrone that
'o found himself shaking hands with on i of
he waiters and the parlor-maid.
Brides who wear veils of lace instead of
ullo have them in scarfs nbout three yards
eng and ono wide , Those nro draped on the
toad , both ends hanging down , but one bolng
onsidorably longer than the other. Many
eiislblo brides have their dresses of white
atiu or silk , made with a train entirely nopa-
nto from the skirt , so that the dress may be
worn afterwards , walking length. They also
mvo extra sleeves made , If the bridal ones are
hort op of lace. It i not much moro oxpen-
Ivo to do this aud the dress will thus do for
wo. A pretty brunette bride married on
iVodnesday carried a muff of white satin and
wansdown , with a cluster of white roses and
> ran o blossoms pinned on the top. In this
muff was bor left hand , ungloved tor the wed
ding ring.
A man Is very Hko n gun ,
That fact please try to find ;
For If ho finds bo's charged too much ,
Why , that's tha tlmo ho kicks.
[ Yonkers Statesman.
Professor Stunner's lectures on political sub-
| octi nro largely attended by the young ladles
of Now Haven.
The public schools' of South Carolina the
past year contained 7-1,157 whlto nnd 08,933
colored pupils , making a total of 173,0'J5.
This is an Increase of 27,127 over the previous
A teacher In ono of Boston's public schools
recently , In a geography examination , called
for the political divlaloim of North America.
Onu of the punils wioto the following : "Tho
political divisions of North America .aro re
publicans , democrats , groonbackonr , and the
independent party. "
Mr. Thomas Hughes is the loader in a
mo\omont to establish nt Itugby , Tenu. ,
n school on the line * of the KnglUh public
school , to bo called thn "Arnold School , " In
memory of Dr. Thomas Arnold. A board 01
trustees will consist of four Americans , four
KntilUhmont and four Kugboiaua of either
At the school for telegraphy nt Ann Arbor ,
Mich. , ono of the students has not the UBO ol
his arum , yet ho sends and receives massages
correctly. On the table In front of him are
pencil and n stick. Taking the pencil between
his tooth , ho can wrltu wall , and with the
stick In his mouth and resting on the key he
can nond messages at the rate of about seven ,
teen words per minute.
Ono oi the public school officials of Chicago
boa been lecturing the young ladles employed
an teachers ou their style of dress and i r.
tonal ornamentation. Ho holds that a school
ma'am should not wear ribbons or furbelow :
or bangs , because these vanities are calculated
to distract the attention of the pupils from
their studies. He would have all tha lady
teachers dross In plain gray garments.
The Washington Star says ; ' 'The wife nnd
daughters of Professor Newoomb , of tha Na
val observatory , will not return from abroad
for the next two years. The prtfeisor' * eldosl
daughter , Miss Anita , has a remarkable talent
for mathematics , and can compute ecllpacs
with almost SB great facility and accuracy
as her father , Mlu Newoomb ii now ntudylu (
musio and the language * . Upon titntgoiut
abroad she passed ono term at Newnham col
Ipgn , Cambridge , and later joined her husbom
lu his travels through Italy , Germany ant
Frnco , the rest of the faintly meanwhile re
malulng at Nuufchatel ,
Few people understand what rapid stride *
the study of modern languages Is making In
our colleges. There will soou assemble at Co
lumbla college a convention of teachers which
will serve at once to show the growing 1m
pottancoof this branch of study , and to de
telopastlll greater Interest In Itt About
twenty-five profutsors from nearly AS many
colleges will meet on December 27 for tha pur
pose of establishing u permanent organltatloa
of teachers of modern languages In this coun
try , and to discuss methods of teaching the
languages aud the moans of elevating the Un
durd of Iiutruction. Preteuon from tha bent
known college * of the country will attend tha
oonvetulon. Yale , Harvard , Amberst , Wll
llami. and FHaestoo amonj oVhem bolwr oa
tfc * ] | it M ocrtals to
JnquMtionably a great deal of good might b
accomplished by an nrganlratlon of this kind.
Marked difference * of opinion now prevail M
o methods In touching the modern languages.
: f uniformity bo wholly an Impossible thing.
M It probably Is , it remains clear that the
> resent multitude of system * could bo ndyan *
.ggooiisly blended and reduced ,
Tlio Church Fair.
Now opens the church fair.
Now doth the youth assemble ,
And mid the maidens fair ,
Feel pocketbooks and trenble.
( lay docked ( s the bazaar ,
And gayer Isla \ tender ;
But gayer ways by far
Her wily task doth lend her.
Now smiles the parson bland ,
Attendance oft enforcing ,
Now clangs tbo shoot-Iron band ,
Primeval trains discoursing.
The slim , nigh quite concealed
By ulster and by collar ,
Doth qnaVo oft ere lie yield ,
The cherished half a dollar.
IK served with sandwich now ,
With Indla-rublKjr lining ,
And much is ate I trow.
For consequent repining.
Calcareous ice cream ,
And nt ak/i to fright a Fijian ,
Quito palatable scorn ,
When seasoned with religion ,
Tlio now velvet polonalso are simply ole-
Pink velvet Iscry much in favor this year
or hall nnd reception dresses ,
The Japanese women Indicate their ngo by
ho fashion of wearing their hair. That would
never do In this country.
Courting n girl is paying her addresses ,
tlarrlngo Is paying for her arcpscs nnd nil the
other fixings , [ Philadelphia Chronicle.
In Mexico women nro not allowed to nttond
unorata. They are , however , magnanimously
accorded the privilege of being present at all
weddings. -
Furn nro nlwnys the handsomest of winter
rlmmings , and the fortunate possessor of good
tirs need not follow the prevailing craze for
A club of fifty young men in Denver pro-
tone to Introduce knee-brooches in that town
> y appearing in those abbreviated pantaloons
on and nfter Christmas.
Sealskin jackets In the jersey style , but
qulto short and untrlmmcd , nro moro popular
with young ladles than the long sealskin
sacquo of former years.
Hound hats , with both square nnd conical
crowns , nnd both rolled nnd straight brims ,
nro used by young nd middlo-agod ladles for
itreot and visiting wear.
"Have you oeen my dear love ? " sings Klla
Wheeler. ' We have indeed , nnd he was eating
eo cream with another girl. There , now !
Don't bother us any more. Graphic
When you wish to appear beautiful and at-
Tactlvo consult ono of your best lady friends ,
ihow her all your dresses , and ask her to select
the ono you should wear , and then cheese nu-
Now York girls are taking lessons in fonc-
ng. In nil probability they broke down so
many gates that their parents told thorn they
must take to the fences or fire their spoony
The "button mania" is raging with extreme
virulence in the town of Seymour , Conn. ,
whore a wealty resident has given 40 young
rlrld Sr > 0 each for very long strings of buttons ,
'no two alike , "
Most of the round hats this seaaon are in
Kngllsh style , with ample crowns broad and
lat on top , Instead of peaked as formerly.
The brims taper short at the back and project
oror the hair in front , or roll close 'to the
crown all around.
Fine cashmere gloves , made long and beau
tifully shaped , take the place of the Lisle
thread nnd silk nnd linen of the autumn.
They are made in all sizes , for children as well
as ladles , and in the best nhados. They are a
i great improvement on the old cloth and
iluod silk , and more pleasant for general and
serviceable wear , as well as moro economical
than kid.
Ajowg lady rpagntly walked dawn .Broad-
ay attired in a costume of crimson cloth
with a deep woven trimming bordering the
idges of the long apron overdress , resembling
iroad Turcoman stripes. The tunic was
drnpod in many deep folds , very high on
either hip. It had no other trimming whatever - ,
ever , ana owed its cachet partly to the graceful
arrangement of the draoery and partly to the
txqulslto figure on which it was displayed.
I'ho Newmarket coat WOH trimmed with silver
'ox fur.
The woman who created n sensation In Wis
consin recently by masquerading as a man
and marrying another young woman has boon
discharged from custody. The relatives of the
rlrl who wan wronged did not press the prose-
iutiou ; in fact , their conduct is as peculiar nx
, ho statement of the vpurious husband that
she was hired by the girl's sister to play the
role which ended in so much sutntlal. She
oven denies that she is the wlfo of the man
who appeared and claimed her as his legal
spouse. It is evident that social matters are
tmdly mixed In the Wisconsin town which
uoars the unouphoulous name of Wnupun.
The jockey can seems to have taken a now
lease ol life , and Is especially popular In the
skating world. Many younp Indies do not sot
the cap on the head after , the manner of the
natty equestrians from whom they originate ,
but wear It rather far back on the head , can-
Jvangtry bang or ilully contusion of wavy hair
to bo soon. A fiat wing is not on one eido , and
the cap Is much leas obtrusive than its iiame
would Imply.
It Is aid that In Paris the days of crino-
letto are over. The edict has goue forth , and
the boulevards and Champs Klvsees BOO it no
moro. The skirts are very full , 4)ut perfectly
plain , hanging in folds from the wnlst , but
with an iminonso amount of drapery round the
hips , arranged in a manner that on any but U
graceful French women would be. ludrlcrous.
Many fashionable American woman are dis
pensing with oven the small crlnolotte usually
worn , and look'as If they had forgotten their
gowns , and stopped out in underskirt and slip
The editor of The Now York Star offers an
apology for uiifallant conduct by his BOX in a
neat way. as follows ; "Wo have Been a horse-
car , In which every seat was occupied by la
dles , many of them robust nnd nctivo , not ono
of whom moved a muscle to make room for a
poor woman entering with a baby on ono arm
and n young child clinging to the other.
When the no-called gentler sex wraps Itself
thus la the mantle of callous Indifference , Is
it any wonder that the tired male wayfarer at
tlmoii affects to bo asleep or profoundly im
mersed in a newspaper while he knows that
the sturdy silk-robed matron who grospa the
strap la 'looking doggeru' at him ? "
Why 8li"iuuHhCH.
Her complexion Is bright as the roses
That bloom In the soft , summer air ,
Aud when in the sunlight she poset ,
Men rapturous gaze on her hair ;
But the hair of that beautiful hugglst
Cost her father a snug pile of "rucks ; "
That complexion aho bought of A druggist
For seventy-five cents a box.
[ Bismarck Tribune.
The "death knell" of Mormonlsm has been
rung so often that we are now waiting with
becoming impatience for the thud of the first
sod on his coifin.
Spaniards have a religious reverence for the
banana , believing It to bo the fruit of which
Adam partook. Thus can we account for poor
Adam's fall.
Mr , Beechor says that his audience has ba >
como a strange one. and that Plymouth
church is rather a spiritual hotel than a church.
People , ho says , come to bo filled and go away
without any thought of housekeeping.
A wee little cherub of Bismarck sat for a
while attentively Hitonlni' to a Scandinavian
minister lait Sunday and then whispered :
"Mamma , if Dod tan understand zat , lie'i a
deed one !
A medical journal devote * au entlia column
telling how tofall | wloep. vrhllo wo can doit In
throa short wonlsi ' 'Go to church. " This
shows the great adraaUfle of tha American
paragraph system over tha old fashioned
Fnaa nad * tk rpol of Dr , TiJjoage'i kacw
The Preacher's Quiet Hablti ;
Sedentary and studious men some ,
times become prostrated before thcj
know it.Those who spend mucli
tinic in close mental work and ncg.
lect to take enough exercise often
find their stomachs unable to do the
work ofdigestion. The liver ba <
comes torpid. „ Thtf bowels act ir
regularly. The 'brain refuses to
serve as it once did. Their preaching
becomes a failure , and there is a state
of general misery. * So many minis
ters have been restored to health by
the use of Brown's Iron Bitters that
the clergy generally arc speaking to
their friends of this medicine as the
very best tonfc and restorer they
know of. It restores thin and watery
blood to its proper condition by ton
ing it upt with the purest and most
invigorating preparation of iron that
science has ever made. It is pleasant -
ant to take , and acts immediately
with the happiest results , not only
on the parsons , but on other folks
33 well. 8
comes the story that his daughter was sitting
at the piano playing "Nearer , My God , to
Thee , " when she turned around and discover-
ad n fearful looking \illalu standing near hor.
This story seems to imply n \ ory blasphemous
compliment to the dreadful villain. Tnlmago
should have it withdrawn from circulation nt
once. *
Mr. Tnlmngo , lost Sunday , preached on the
profound question , "What Would Have Boon
the Itosults if the Itopo that Let St. Paul
Down from the City Wall Had Broken ? " The
results would no doubt have been appalling to
Pnul. There Is every probability that if such
n catastrophe had happened Minneapolis would
liavo had the monopoly on the upper Mississ
ippi. Mr. Talmago should noxv endeavor to
ORCortlon the exact position occupied by Moses
when the light was extinguished. [ Detroit
Free Press.
"Wonder what's become of tho. revised New
Testament ! " said Brown ; " 'pon my word I
linvoii't'seon a copy of It.for a year. "
"Hnvo you soon n copy of the old version
withinnyoari" naked Deacon Textual ,
"By graciousl" exclaimed Brown ; "It's
funny , but come to think of it , I haven't sot
eyes on n Bible of any kind for I can't tell
you how long. Perhaps the now version ain't
any more of n failure than the old one , after
"Don't Hurry , Gentlemen , "
Said a man on his way to bo hanged , "thorell
bo no fun till I got thoro.V o say to the
dyxpeptic , nervous , and debilitated , don't hur
ry thoughtlessly for some remedy of doubtful
merit , uncertain of relief , when you can trot at
the druggists for ono dollar Jluntocl Blood Jlit-
tern almost sura to euro and certain to benefit.
. * " " "
The Mco-You-Tcc-Fal Siimy.
They nay that winter is here , you know ,
But what has become of the beautiful snow ?
Oh , the snow , the bco-you-tco-ful snow !
So tardy to come ! In no hurry to go !
\Vcl Do Moyor.
It is now undisputed that "Wei De Mcy or's
Catarrh Cure is the only treatment that
il absolutely cure Catarrh fresh or chronic.
Very efficacious , Saml. Gould , Weeping
Water , Neb. " Ono box cured mo , Mrs. Mary
Kenyan , Bismarck , Dakota. " "It restored
mo to the pulpit , Ilev. Goo. K. Kels , Coblo-
vllle , N. Y. " "Ono box radically cured mo ,
Uev. C. H. Taylor , 140 Noble street , Brook
lyn. " "A perfect curenfierSOyoaissuffering ,
J. D. McDonald , 710 Broadway , N. Y. , &c. .
&c. Thousands of testimonials are received
from nil ports of the world Delivered , $1.00.
Dr. Wol Do Meyer's Illustrated Trea
tise , " with statements by the cured , mailed
free. D. B. Dewey & Co. , 182 Fulton street ,
N. Y. tues-thur&sat-m&e-Sin
This is the the year when the girl
makes hnebest ung man n pair of slipper
tops , at/ < * Les put of ten she surprises
him i < J , , j-xu big aa a door mat.
[ 1'hllau Ipnla Chronicle.
Satisfactory Evltlcifcc.
J. W. Graham , Wholesale Druggist , of
Austin , Texas , writes : I have been handling
LUNGS for the past year , and have found it
ono of the most salable medicines I have ever
md in my boose for Coughs , Colds and even
Consumption , always giving entire satlsfac-
llou. Please eond me-ono gross by Saturday's
steamer ,
Dr. Green's Oxygenated Bittern
is the oldest and best remedy for Dyspopula ,
Blliousnessneas , Malaria , Indigestion , nil dis
orders of the Stomach , and nil diseases indi
cating an impure condition of the Blood ,
Kidneys and I .Ivor.
tarrh and all affections of the mucuous mom *
Dr. Roger's Vegetable Worm Syrup In
stantly destroys worms and romovw the Se
cretions which causa them.
The fate of O'Donnell recalls the last execu
tion which took place at Newgate in conncc-
nectiou with the invinclbles , and which was
the loot occasion on which the death penalty
was enforced before a trial.
Do Not Move Blindly. .
Go carefully In purchasing medicine. .Many
advertised remedies can work great injury
are worse than none. . Jluniotl. Ulood liitttrt
are purely a vegetable preparation ; the small
est child can take them. They kill disease
and cure the patient In n safe nnd kindly way.
That the bonanza kings want to shako the
wives of their youths and marry others Is thus
explained by The Boston Post : "You see , it
taken one kind of wlfo to hnlp make a fortune ,
another to help spend it , "
How Muuli Will Do It ?
How much of TAomai KtUttrio Oil Is re-
r'rod to cure ! Only a v.iry Jittlo , A few
l will euro any land of L - ache ; and but a *
trillo moro Is needed for opralni. and lamenesses.
Ithoumatlam is not so readily affected ; nn
ounce and sometimes two ounces are required ,
No medicine , however , is so sura to cure with
the same number of applications.
Clotli bonnets and toques are now con
sidered moro elegant than those of felt. There
is really very little difference between the two ,
but just enough to give that touch of chic
which to an ultra-fashionable woman is dearer
than refined.
Horsford'H Acid Phosphate.
Unanimous Approval of Medical Staff.
Dr. T. Q. COMOTOCK , Physician at
Good Samaritan HospitalSt. Louis , Mo. ,
says : "For years we have uaod it in this
hospital , in dyspepsia and nervous dis
eases , and aa a drink during the decline
and in the convalescence of lingering
fevers. It hot the unanimous -approval
of our medical ataff. *
A walling orator says : "Dark Is the night
that settles down upon Ireland. " Well , qulto
llkoly. We wouldn't cross the ocean to see
anything so commonplace as-that. But when
you hear of a bright , sunshiny night settling
down upon Ireland , call us up If Its midnight ,
and we'll ' sit up nil night to look at It ,
Catarrh. ,
The remarkable result * jn a disease BO
universal and with suh a variety of char
acteristics as Catarrah , prove how effectu
ally Hood's Sanaparilfa acting through
the blood , reaches every part of the sys
tem. A medicine like , anything else ,
can be fairly judged only by its resulU.
We point with pride to the glorious rec
ord of Hood's Saraaparilla has entered up
on the hearts of thousands of people it
has cured of catarrh.
Chews has advanced threa conU par ponnd
dorinf tb weak , owing to ( to heavy con.
maptfos at fmduack count * * .
JYT Ili : COMPANION gives more tlmti two hundred stories yearly , by the
H'Vf ' tno = t noted authors. Tlio next volume will bo unequalled In Its variety of
i = = sa entertaining and Instructive matter. The COMPANION Is published every
week , la handsomely Illustrated , and Is a paper for the whole family.
Illustrated Serial-'Stories.
The Foundling of Paris , by AlphouBO Baudot
The Covenanter's Daughter , by Mrs. Olipliant
A Boys' Story , by J. T. Trowbridgo
A Story of English Rustic Life , Thomas Hardy
A Story of Adventure , by C , A. Stephens
Adventure and Travel.
Shark-Hunting , by T. B. Luoo
Among the MoonahinorB , by ' J. Chandler Harris
Outwitted. An Indian Advdnturo , Idout. A. Chapin
Wrecked Upon a Volcanic Island , Biohord Heath
Stories of the Cabins in the West , , E. J. Marston
Adventures in the Mining Districts , H. Fillmore
Breaking in the Boindoor , and Other Sketches of Polar
adventure , by "W. H. Gilder
Stories of Menageries. Incidents connected with Men
agerie Life , and the Capture and Taming of Wild Beasts
for Exhibition , by S. 8. Cairns
Boys Afoot in Italy and Switzerland. The Adven
tures of two English boys travelling abroad at an expense
of one dollar a day , by Nugent Robinson
Original Poems.
The greatest living poets ot ENGLAND , FRANCE and AMERICA will
contribute original poems written expressly for CoMPAXio.V readers.
Alfred Tennyson ,
Victor Hugo ,
\ The Earl of Lytton ,
J. C. Whittfer ,
T. B. Aldrich.
Reminiscences and Anecdotes.
Stage-Driver Stories , by * Boso Terry Cooke
Stories of Saddlo-Bag Preachers , H. Ii. Winokley
The Last Days of Women of Fashion , by James Parton
My First Visit to a Newspaper Office , Murat Halstoad
My Pine-Applo Farm , 'with Incidents
of Florida Life , by C. Hi Patteo
Queen Victoria's Household and Drawing-
Rooms , by H. W. Lucy
Child Friendships of Charles Dickens , by his
Daughter , Mamie Dickens
Student Waiters. Some Humorous Incidents
of a Summer Vacation in the White Moun
tains , by Child McPherson
The Editorials of the COMPANIOX , without having any bins , will give clear views of current
events at home and abroad. The Children's Page will sustain its reputation for
charming pictures , poems , and stories for the little ones.
SPECIAL OFFER. To any ono -who subscribes now , and
scuds us $1.75 , vr'o will send the Companion frco to January
1st , 1884 , and a full year's subscription from tliat date.
Issued Weekly. Subscription Price , $1.70 ; Specimen Coplos Free *
Address , PERRY MASON & CO. ,
Jtease mention icftere you read this. Mttrtlitmtnt. 41 TEMPLE PLACE , BOSTON , MASS.
Furniture !
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_ _ _
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the famous dluto
O. B. & Q. Dicing Can rue dlu/ to and Hivllnctpn. Cedar KapldspniJ Albert Lea to Bt ?
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change of con betnoao Gt. louls and He.
ounc u vooor Moults. Iowa , y pr ln. Nbbjr&flui. ' . * *
made In Union Depot * It Colonulo.
know an tha croai TUUOUOI1 CA& UNB. It u uaivtraoJl/ admit ted to bo the
* * § ln World for