THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 20 , 1883. -AND IS THE HEAVIEST AS USUAL WIT on IN HIS STORK. NO ESPECIAL OPENING , BUT Open ay and ight. Having sold over $15,000 worth of Toys at wholesale , I still have the largest stock in the city , which I now propose to close out at IFIRXOIE ! Presents from the finest to the cheapest variety without end. You will find everything from a Piano and Music Box down to Hand Organ. And bring your Children with you and make them happy. Are attentive and the handsomest in town , and [ I will see to it , that you get what you want. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. II COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. AT ATLANTIC , I'lio Olnervutloim of "Tlio Hoc" in ( tint lilxoly Cilj. : Jorro | > oiulonco of Tin : Uu : . ATLANTIC' , Iowa , December 10. This 8 n tliriving city of the second cliws , containing about 5,000 inhabitants , anil ituntcd in tlio northwest cot nor of Cass county , of which it is tlmsoiU of govern- uotit. lioing situated on the main line of tlio 'Groat Hock Island Kouto"tho Rhippinj ; 'acilitica are excellent. It is distant jcarly 7i > miles directly east of Council Hull's , nnd lionco ia a little west of the 'divide. " From this point n branch of ho Chicago , Uock Island I'ncillc road runs north to Audubon , S.'i miles distant , nnd ono south to Griawohl , 1C miles dig' .ant. .ant.Tho The city dates its existence from the advent of the railroad , boinij first laid out in 1808. Tlio city is growing rapidly in population nnd wealth. The public en terprises nro of the most subatan- tial , most tasty , nnd meritorious kind. Prominent among them is the now Cass county court houao hns just been completed at n cost of nearly § 100,000 , and is a model of beauty in structure and architecture , equalled by only i\ few of the llawkoyo county buildings. The opera house is also a modul one in its whole interior airangcmont. The city 'ias , at present , a homo troupe , which , : > lays twice each week , and is liberally iupportod. The public schools of At- antic nro fully abreast with the times , iul amply provided for. Wight teachers arc emploped , who nro doing a good work in the education of the young. Besides the public school system , the educational interests are further looked after by n fine business college , in which numbers of the young men and women of this locality receive the business touches of their education. The church icoplp are represented by a number of , ho different organizations , each , I bc- "iovc , having a liberal follow- ng. Tlio fraternal organizations lave strong memberships in a varied number of different societies , rho city is lighted by gaa , and supplied with excellent and abundant water of the .nircst kind. The city is included in the [ owa Telephone company's list , which ; ivea it n largo connection with other places in this part of the state. The lire iompany is composed of a largo member ship , and is ono of the swiftest in the stato. It has nt different tournaments carried nway the bolt of championship. The private interests are various , prominent among which I mention n argo packing establishment , brewery , foundry , distillery , flour mills , soap fac tory , thrco banks , several hotels nnd boarding houses , five newspapers four weekly nnd ono daily and weekly and a laigo number of mercantile establish ments , some of which are metropolitan in the amount of stock carried. FKKD. Mrs. Ijnngtry , And other famous women have won a reputa tion for facial beauty. A fine complexion makes ono handsome , ovou though the face if not of perfect mould. Jtniilok lllood Hitters act directly upon the circulation , mid BO give the skin a clearness and mnootlmosa otherwise mi attainable. A SMALL BLAZE , [ t Serves to Show tlio Nonsense ol on tlio 1'rcaout Fire Alarm. Tin : BKU has tia.o nnd again called at tention to the fact that the present lire alarm is worse than none , nnd that while waiting for a bettor ono , the city had bettor do nway altogether with this one and go back to the old way of depending on the yells on the street for the guidance of the department. Yesterday morning the so-called alarm sounded , at ono house giving box lit , at thu other 28 and ngair No. ( i , nnd in response ono steamer wenl [ lying in ono direction , the othoi in an opposite direction , and the hook nnd ladder truck } oil'on a tnngon. Aftorilying | about fora while it was learned od that the fire wan in a little Hlmntj west of the Milwaukee & St. Paul froigh house , nnd it wna of course burned down before the department could find out ovoi whcio lire was. The loss vraa not grca and perhaps cauld not have buon avert cd anyway , but the same trouble is liabh to occur nnd mislcaad the department while the lire is getting a strong hold 01 more valuable property. Satlhlnolory ICvldcncc. .r. W. < jruliam ! , Wboliwnlo DiiiKKiHt , o Austin , Tcicas , writ/Of : I have been liaiidllni IW. WM , IIALL'fj 1JAL3AM 1'OJl TJII JiUNJS l r tlio paht year , unil luivo found I ono of tlio most Biiliiblo modlcinen I have uvo liud in my liiniHO for Couulix , Coldfl nml nvm Cuuiiuiiiitliiin , nlw.iyn giving eiitlrn H.UIsfnc tlon. 1'toung rend mo one glMH by Hiiturdny' utomnci , Dr. 5rcnn'H O\yKnnUil DiltcrH Is the oWoHt.niKl best toinoily for DyNpoimlo lilllouKut HiioiM , Mnlarln , IiullKaiiUoii , all din nrilcmof 'tho .Stomach , nnd nil dlueaxtii * hull eating nn iiujmic condition uf tlio Jllooil Klilnoyt jinil Ijlvor. CA'J'AlllTuSNUKl' nUUNWfj cure Cu tarrli un < l.i'.ll alfottlonn of the iniiuuoiiH inoiii braue. Dr. H gor'H Vogotablu Worm Hyrujt in Htantly tioutroyx worms and remove * the So crutlor.e wli'idli LUUHO thorn , I tea I I' tale Trunnion * , The fell \ving douuj irero filed for record cord in the recorder's oflico , Dcceiube li ) , reported fur the BKK by P. J , Mo Ifuhoii , real eeijite agent : Willium If. Nogley to J. P. Spangle ; &Co , , part lot 1 , block 23 , Neoln , ? nOO .rames Callatiau tuohn Jnyiio , sol BO ] , 12 , 71'J , 9 00. Pul Ackels t < i Augusta Ackola , pan of block 40 , Allen A ; C'ook'w addition t < Avoc * , § 250. . F. Lyon to Joooph 1'owolnki , e J.V. . Davis ut ul. to H. U. Leach nart 9 , 7- . ' . , Total Court. Ycatoiduy afternoon tliu long-drawn out CJBO of Bxrton vs. Lackey came to i cloao. In this case ( he plaintiff BOU II wat r drained onto his hind hy the opening up of a ditch by the de fendant. T/JO / jury found fortlio defend- ant. ant.The The trial of Loring for awalmg clothes jjlonging to some other tailorswho were warding at the tame place , took place rcstordny afternoon. A stronc nttem | > t was mndo on the part of tin ) defense to ; ot the \nluo of the goods Ukon set so ow as to make the otl'cnso petit larceny , ) tit the jury not only found him guilty , 'nit found tlio value of the clothes stolen oboIO. A bad taste in the mouth moans n bil > ons attack. SuinarHtm Ycri'/nc / is the cure. "For ll ! years 1 had Dyspepsia , " wrote 'olin Albright , of Columbua , 0. ' & ' ilnn jfirvlnr cured . " < tnuu mo. Drug gists nil keep it , COMMKIlCIAtt. COl'KClL , llt.UU-rt JIAHKKT. No. i ! Pprlng , 70cj No. 3 , COcj ro- octvd , oOc ; piwd doinivud , Ooin Uoixloraarop. jliiR 30o for old corn nuil l5c ! for now. OAta In RHd domnnd nt "Oc1 liny 1 OOffiO 0 i > cr ton ; Wo per hnlo. llyo I0c ! llRht Mipply. Ocrn Meal t lfl ! jmr 100 | H > nnd < . Wood Good Biipiily ; iiricw nt yards , C 00 ® JOO. JOO.Goal DolUcrod , linrd , 11 fiO per ton ; Bolt , i 00 per toul llutter 1'lonty mid In friir donmnd nt "Oc ; cronmcry , HJC. I'lfK KoAiIy dnlo nt i ! . " > c jmr do/on. linrdKnlrluxnk'a , > \holomilliiK nt lie. Voiiltry 1'irm ; donlcrs are jmylng for cliiokpm 10u ; H\o , " fiO per ( lo.on. VoBotuhliH 1'otalKOii , Nc ) ; inilonI0o ( cnb- mgc , ! H@IOc ) per dorun ; npplon , re. lyHalo t 2 f > 0ii)3 ( ) 50 fur pituio took. Vlinir City Hour , 1 l > 0t : 10. Drooius a 00 ® IX ) per doz. IMVK HTOCK. H 00@ > H CO ;\OK , 5 00@7 60. iiickora are lm\Iti ( ; now and , here In n good demand for nil -udcs i tu cnr * end loin at 4 C.0@l . ' .15. IOWA NKWS. Carson has n new city hall. Tabor now has telephone service. Calliope is to have n public hnll , ! ! 0 by " 5 feet , ono story. The DCS Jloines general fund is over- Irawn to the amount of § 85,700. Coal piospccting nt Portsmouth is now ; oing ahead in a business-like way. Now steam heating apparatus is being ) ut in the llinggold county court houso. The Hotel Webster , the now house in kluRcntinc , cost between $110,000 nnd § 10,000. The city council of Cedar Rapids ro used to accept Mayor Hutchimon's res- gnntion. Eight hundred nnd seventy men nnd ) oys are employed in the lumber tiadeof \liiscatinc. \ About $200 worth of jewelry wasstolon 'i oni the residence of .1. MuD.iniols , of Atlantic , last week , A new bankto bo called the Citizen's savings bank , has been organized nt Dccornh with n capital of $50,000. Cedar llnpids business men are again agitating the question of the romovnl of ho county seat fiom Marion to Cellar lapids. Capt. Cliaa. Faulkner , of the D.ivon- lort night police , hns been bound over in ? 500 on the charge of brutally beating ono Pat GHIlin. A moan sneak thief entered the house of Mrs. Taylor , n washerwoman , ot .At lantic , nnd stole $19 , which she had saved from her small earnings. The Dos Moincs Register says : "Real estate is not quite so high , and in going to sell a peg Ibwor in 1881 , as it may well do. ItJias been too high for two years. " Certain parties in Lo Mars have sued out n writ of injunction to restrain the mayor and recorder from issuing further city warrants for any purpose prior to March next. An ox-soleli'or of Burlington , who was wounded in the late war , and wasgrantcd a pension of $10 per month , has fully re covered from the odects of the wound , and now declines to draw the money. Ridonhour , of The Page County Dem ocrat , who fciicd the city of Clarinda foi $5,500 elnmngcs on account of breaking n leg by falling on an icy pavement last winter , has boon allowed $ -150 by the court , John Baxter liai reached n depth ol 110 foot in his search for coal on hisfarni in llinggold county , nnd has taken out some good specimens. The county hat oflbrod $1,000 to the poraon finding n paying vein of coal within its boundary , and Mr. Baxter fools tmro of finding it. The thieves who broke into the Taboi postoflico took $100 in money nnd $10 ( atamps. They stole n team nnd drove k Baitfott , where they turned the horoci IOOHO. In older to cover up their trncki inoio eU'ectuully , they cut the tclophom wire. This prevented the oflicers nl Qlenwood from hearing of tlio matter al once. once.List List Thurnday night n prisoner at Mar Hhalltown , named Thompson , hid liimsul : in the jail corridor , cut liiii way thiougl the roof nnd disappeared. Thu next da } three moro escaped. Their names nn McCormick , Tom \Vinwood , alias Cur loll , nnd William Mooney all awaiting trial lor burglary. The escape of tin first man wan not discovered until twen ty-four hours after ho had loft. Wiiuvoct is the man who claimed to know win killed Xora Burns. Itronolilul TroulifH for Couijli and Culila : " 1 do not xco how It In posBiuI for a jiuhllo limn to ho hhimolf hi winter \\Itli out thin admirable idd.lev. . Jt , M. Dtititt 1'utatintt , Mum. _ O KNKUAI ; IjUNUSl'UHK T. No Itcimlillcau I'urty In Georgia 01 Ilio South Unlchs In VlrKliila An Inclilonl In IllH Hpocoli-Mnk- liiK Cm cor. Courkr-Jouriitil Waslilnnton I. it to' , ' Concral Longstroot , United Statei iimrelml nt Atlanta , vrho has been lieu for Bovoral days , will leave to-night foi Now York. lie was asked to-day bj your c'jrrcapomlont what ho thought o ; the prospects and condition of tlio re publican parly in Oeorgin. lie replied "Tho republican party in Georgia' Well , an far na 1 am able to ascertain , there is no republican paitym Georgia ! Itianghndow name without substance behind it. The vote of the > opublicaiu in the state ia net largo enough for them us n body to ho called a party. Tin only time thuio la any evidence of the existence of u republican party in Georgia is when there are ollicoa to give out. Thou you hear something about it. ' "JJow about the icpublican party in the south generally ) " was asked "Looking over the entire field , " 10 , plied Gen. Longstrcet musingly , " 1 am constrained to say that in the other noi'thorn htatcn tlm republican paity in cvtfii wouo oil'than it is in Georgia. The only clinnco of thcio over boinjj uuch u pnifyjefo carry Virginia. Viiginiu wni lost FURNITURE - THE - CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY rniture -IS AT- EWEY & STONE'S tSxM W W dial Jb lUU ftd * rib JSaTl dbl tP They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT FLOORS. ho last time , but there is goingto be nn inpiccedcntcd effortmndo to carry it in the loxt election , and if it is not carried then , ho lasi pin upon which ropAihlic.ui hopes n the south are founded \\ill bo knocked way. " In further conversation with General jongstreotan interesting fact was brought jut. 1 spoke to him about the speech ho undo nt nn Illinois fair last summer. It vill bo vcmemborcd that one of the most iccomplishcd of the emotion manipulators > f the Chicago press wrote an account of hat nlf.iirl Gen. Longstrcot broke down vhilo making an address. Ho had iroviously referred to his being but u > lnnt old soldier , whoso life had been hat of the tent rnthor than the parlor. , 'ho emotion-work or wiote up n most Hooting account of it nil. His account if how the grizzly old warrior brokodown , ml wept , was calculated to fill the eye if the most hardened with salty moisture , mil this account travelled nil over the country I called fSon. Lougatrcct'n at- ontion to it. Ho laughed. "That was , " ho said , "ono of the fun- licst incidents of my whole lifo. You eo , 1 was in the battle of the Wilderness. There I got a bullet right hero , d Incing lis lingers right under his collar button. ) That bullet ruined my voice. It was changed entirely when 1 recovered. I "iMinot make a speech. I break down ifter about three minutes , my voice fail- ng almost entirely. That was the case out in Illinois nt that ladies' fair. It was lot emotion but the bullet that 1 got in ho Wilderness. That young man who vroto mo up is certainly an embryo Sir Walter Scott just entering the field of romance. " Do not bo deconed ; nsk lor run ! lake mil ) n. It > otiliiH | $ anil Bonn1 llapslctim Cointb. Drops [ or Cough , oldK , niul Sere Throaln. I ) . S. anil Trrulo Mark uu \iry Drop. No "Wonder Klic Thought So. Jentuck ) Stnto Journal. "Dostlovomo , Robert ! " "Dost 1. Do you think I'd como hero every night I can possibly got here _ nnd : iss you until my lips give out if I didn't eve yon ? " "Ah , but that's what n former lover once said to mo , nnd where is ho now ? Married to another girll Oh1 yon men nro so faithless. " "No wonder you think ao , ' said Hubert , us ho slowly picked up his hat nnd bogged to bo excused. of Uio continued UBO of mercury nml ) < otnsn ( or tlio treatment ot llluodand Hkln diseases they nmtr euro , anil nearly nlnajg Itijurv or totally ruin thu [ cncrnl health.WEtLKHOWN A -WEtL-KHOWN DRUOOIST. liy ilruirBnrowns the first to fell Hwllt'u Specific. It waHllicn put up In ijniut bottles which nulil ( or tCiOOuach. Ilia\u mfcii n u'rcat many C.IHCH cured liy ltd UHU , nnd HOIIIO who had Irlcil all Eortv of treat- limit. In ( act , I luivo never knimnlt to ( all when taken propcrlj. I mil ft lurijo quantity ol It , mid ( or all diHuaHcu that are ilepumleut uu hloud polaon or uklii humor. It cures I IMI'l.lJ ) AM ) IIMlTCIirS ON TIIK BIIIV , and nmkcH thu coniiiloxlon ( air and rosy. As ( or hlood lalnt , there In nonncli word a ( all. It cures COUCH that ha\oloii | { withxtood other norti o ( treat ment , nnil without nny of tlioeu rocurrliii ? troubluH that Kuneralli follrw mereurlal and othcj BO cnllcd curen. T. U MAHSlINIItJIltl , Macon , ( In. DRY TETTER. For jearn I von nnilctudlth ] ) rv Tetter of the most ulittlnnte tjpc , Wan tunteil lij many o ( tin1 licstplijslclatmj took imantltlin of inorcuri , potnili nd arsenic , , \\lilcli , Instead u [ ciirliiK thu totter , crippled moiip with m'neral poison nnd iheumatlsin. Thu Tetter continued to gruvriiri > o , and thu telilnn iihiiiiBt inailu mo erazy. In this ciiinlltlon I \\RI ln < dncod tu tukoHwltt'nHpcciflo. and the result won in twUmMilnn HH It wiiu KiiUit.vIni ; . In a few in ntlm the rotter was entirely well , tlio.Mcrcmhl 1'oUonliiK all out of my ) tttiiiand I w.vtn well man ami duo only to iHwIIt'H 'Specific1. All lUe snlli rcrs blionlil take It. JAM i:3 : DUNNINII , Louisville , Kj. What c. physician Bays. Ct IRIAN HIIKIK , WOMIOI : Co , AiiK.,1 Jill ) SJ , IhVI. f Illtlo danchter ho will lie twi j earn uM next month , him I im hcun Irouhlud nenrlj vicmlnculior hlrlli ulth atikln dlsratiu , uhlcli I Hut illnumnral Unekcii ) > o\ , hut Uler loiinil It to ho aonu ncirtof tm-nia ; at any uilu It re lil \eryrtnbliornl l ) all the illirereiit treatments. I prncured ono Imttli of HwKt'H Specific and | : a o tl to her In Haiall iloioi threu tlmvit a day , and in n uhortuhllclmd tlio Hall < ( action to feu that ulio UAH entirely veil. I nm M will plca ed with IU clfe'd on her that I thull nni only use It In ni > priiclUe , hut I thall nelihlnlaUr i tu my other chllJrun and tuko It ni.VkeH , W. i : . Iliio\iKM. , U , Our tr < fttUo on lllood nnd Skin Dl aicd ronllei ( reo tu aiiiillcauU. . , JruHtr3 , AtlanUUa. The uio ol the term ' Hho SHORT Lino" In connection ullhth corporate name of n Kreatrood coiuejd an Idea ot list what required liy the traullngpub LINE llu a Hliort Uno , ( { nick linn and the butt of aecotqraodi , lions all of which are turn Uhed by the greatest railway In America. CHICAGO , MIL WAIJKEI And St. Paul. Itowni and operatta o or 4XX ( ) mllraof road i Norlhcni Illinois , Wlacoutln , MlnneioU , Dakota ; and asl ta main llnc , ( tranche ! and oonuec tlona roach all the ( treat hmlnesa control ot thi Northwestern ! Pur Went , It naturally answera til description of Short Line , and llo t Houto between Chicago , MllHttUl > ooht. 1'auland Minneapolis ChlcaKOMllunukc , IA Crosse and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and KltondaU " i , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and 8tllh > ater i , llllwaukeo , Waunauand Merrill. , j , Jlllnaukce , lloavcr laiu and Onlikoeh. ; o , lliluuukoeVaukotlm and Oconomowoo. ; o , Jlllwaukoo , Madliwn and 1'ralrlodu Chlea , ' 0 , Milwaukee , Ouatonna and Falrlkault , ChhnifO , Ilelolt Junenl'le ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , KL-ln , llockford nnd Duliuiiuo. Chicago , Clinton , llock liland and Cedar IlaiilJi Chlui o , Council llluirn and Omaha. Chicago , Uloux City , Sioux KalU and Yanlton ChicuL'u , MlUaiikcu , Mitchell andChtmbtrlaln. llock Inland , Duljwjue , tit , Paul and Minneapolis Liavcnport , t'aluiar , ht. i'uul and Mlnutapolu. rullinan Sleepcra and ths Hncut Dlnlnf Can In Morlilaroruu on Iho umlnlints ofllieCHICAGO MILWAUKEE ft ST. PAUL ftAlL AV uiiil vtury attcntlun [ paid tu iiatutuuuir * by couit * oui .inilo | ) o ( tbu company. S. ri. MKIUllIJ , , A. V. H. CAllPESTEH , . , ' . " ' ! M1" * " ' " " ' ! 1'aw. Agenl J. T. CLARK , UEO II. lIUArFOUD. Utn'l yup't. AM t Uon'l foij , Ag'l .A.-V WITH And your work is done for all time to time to conic. WE CHALLENGE The World o produce n more durable material i'or street pavemenb than the Sioux Fulls Granite. ANY AMOUNT OF OR MACADAM ! filled prompt ! } ' . Samples sent and estimates given upon application. WM.MoBAIN&CO. , Sioux Falls , Dakota. Nebraska Cornice AND MANUPAOTVKEIUI OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES- erA ' / l FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SLATE ROOFING , I'ATENT MI-7TALIO SKYLIGHT , Bron Fencing ! CrcatlnijB , UaluutradoD , Verandas , Oflico and Bank llallluga , Window and Collar Guards , Etc. N. W. COB. NINTH AND JONES STS. WIT. OAISKIl , UansRcr. RED STAR LINE. l ! ( > l } > liui lloynl niul U.S. MnllStcnmerH BAILING EVERY SATURDAY 1IETWEEN NEW YORK IRS , acmtttil/ , Italy , Holland and 1'nince * Oiitnnrd Btccrnjc , $ M ; 1'ropild from Antuorp$20- ; Exourslon. 841.MJ IM Calilii , 855 : Kxcurslon. JlOO- Ha'oon from SOO to J" &j fxturblon $110 to $126. Wrlglit 4 SOUP , Gen. Agtc. 6B IlroaUwny Calcine ! ! , Hamilton i Co. , Oumlio. i > , f. oman & Co. , 203 N. lUth btivet , Oinah > ; It. K Klmball , Omaha , Agents. luieeud-ly DISEASES OP THE EYE & EAR J , T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , * ] Oculist o-xicl 1404 Karuun Street , oppoalta Vaxtou Hotel , Oma ha , Neb. box No. 1 will euro any casoln ( our dayaorleiia No. 2 will euro the uioet oUtluato cose no matter of how Allan's Soluble Medicaitd Bougie * No nauseous doses of lubebj , copabla , or oil of san dal wood , that uttflv. dla to prouuoo dtfpep0i& by dos tr j Ing thu euatlnga of the utomach. 1'rlco Jl.60 Sold by all < JruvIiU | , or mulled on receipt of prloo ither particular * * end for circular. Iloxl S. H , ATWOOD , PJnttsmoutli , - - - - BRiiDRRor TiiououaumiD INP man uxiim HEREFORD UB JERSEY C nLE AND DCROO Oil JtUJCV RXD b. . . . , TYouDj Block for wle MCorrwpondcaod SAlidteJ.