Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1883, Image 1

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. &
Looking Sharii For Rail
road Land Grant Swindles ,
jTlio Virginia Senators Readjust
the Senate Officers With
the Republicans ,
[ Civil Service and the Presidential
Succession Gome Under
Discussion ,
ltpolntiiicniB and Conllt-iiicil
Other Mutters.
HKNATi : .
\YASIIINOTON , December 18. The fol
lowing bills were reported from commit
tees and placed on the calendar :
By Mr. Harrison Providing for civil
government in Alaska.
By Mr. Hoar Bill in regard to elec
tion of president and vice-president.
Mr. Mr. Van \Vyck A resolution calling -
ing on the secretary of the interior for
copies of mortgages given by the Texas
Pacific railway on lands granted by the
uct of March : ld , 1871 ; also to inform the
senate of railroad corporations claiming
lands not earned during the lifo time of
the grant together with the number of
acres claimed by each ro. d. Agreed to.
Continuing the morning hour Mr.
Sherman asked immediate consideration
of the resolution offered yesterday for
the senate to proceed to the election of
officers : namely secretary of the senate ,
chief clerk , principal executive clerks ,
chaplain , and sergeant-at-arms. Agreed
The division was on strictly party
lines , Messrs. Mahono and lliddleborger
voting with the republicans.
Mr. Sherman moved that Anson fl.
McCook bo chosen secretary of the sen
Mr. Pendloton moved to amend by
substituting the name of L. Q. Washing
ton.Lost , yeas 2' ) , nays I ! ' . ' , and the main
resolution was agreed to. Mr. McCook
was then sworn in. ,
The remaining republican nominees
were elected as follows : Chief clerk ,
Charles W. Johnson , of Minnesota ; ex
ecutive clerk , James R. Young , of Penn
sylvania ; chaplain , Kov. Elias DoWitt
Huntley , District of Columbia ; sergeant-
n'-arms , W. P. Canady , of North Care
lina.Mr. . Saulsbury called attention to the
regard republicans were paying the civil
service act they so highly prajsed and for
which they voted , and have now not only
taken the oIlL-es to which good salaries
are attached , but even the chaplaincy.
Mr. Beck objected to the course of the
' republicans in turning out Bright , a man
conspicuous for his ability , and electing
a man without experience. Ho said i t
was clear that the civil service idea wag
considered by the republicans a mere
humbug interfered with thorn.
Ho asked what special fitness the now
nominee had for the otlicc.
Mr. Sherman replied that ho was doing
just what the gentleman from Kentucky
( Meek ) would under the circumstance !
do with a straight face and withoul
apology , and he ( Sherman ) had no apolo
uy to oli'er. Canady is a man of stand
tug. , of high character , and well fitted foi
thu duties of the ollico.
The senate wont into executive sea
ion , and vrhcn the doors were reopenoc
wont into committee of the whole for thi
purpose of continuing the consHoratioi
of the now rules.
Mr. Cameron ( Wisconsin ) thought ai
several senators were-absent , consideration
tion of the now rules 'had better bo post
polledand moved-ftii'adjournment. Lost
22 to 27.
The question pending was the adpp
tion of the first-of'tho ' new rules relating
to the election of ( president pro torn. , am
his right in case Of absence to name t
substitute vrho should perform tlio duties
of the chair three days.
On motion of Mr. Garland a divisior
of the rule was agreed to , so as to per
mit the firat two-clauses , which were no1
objected to'toibo ' voted upon separately
On the -question of agreeing to ( hi
third clause which gives the vico-preui
dent thu power of substitution , a debut1
arose.Mr. . Bayard stated that ho hud < no
been able'to ' discharge his mind of grnv <
objectionc which existed to this clause
owing to-the complications which icigh
ensue intooso ot the death of the preai
dent anflivieotpresidont. Ho thought ii
placed the ifjuestion of the prcsidenlLn
succession lin a > vpry dangerous poeition
Tliis in.u. mattur in which it will not d
to say that 'tho weight of argument rest
on one-aide-or the other. It should \ >
placed in * mch position that there wii
'absolutely bo-no doubt and ho could nn
see tliat the arguments advanced b
those wiio fai orod the rule wore at al
Mr. Jones ( Florida ) and Mr. Bfai
thought it dangerous to clothe the presi
dent pro tempore with such power
Mr. M'axey remarked tnat thie pro
poaed clause was a.chargo of the rule tha
had been in foraa < iO years , and wia.nrac
tically a departure from the theory whic
\ the rule defended , for it was only icooaii
lo fit a temporary necosclty , while-mile
ttho conatii&ctioaAj now teld , if theiim
-qinUl bo mtdo tliu3o days , it could Itt -ex
danded to , DO days. Ho opposed tlieprt
Frye , who troportal the clanrst
man of the .committee on ruUji
couldAiot BOO how \ > y any jxiwi
y the rule could ( touch the quustw
of ipE&aidenturl auccetiion , tor how i
raiiod ji constLtutionaJ question , thet
beiuy ; ,1.0 vice president of ( Jio Tnite
Stakwi.wid the vica president , pro ten
of the stutjiio beivg necessarily the prc
Biding otiicer for tiso nextiwo years , th
quVstirrn it whotlior , in tjeu of a day
'eickneis ' r n day or two of absence , th
United Btatov sonat can tcansact JJUB
nesj without iioing compelled to oust hit
Jfrom the pi 103 to wljcli it has olectc
tiiin. Under Ute rule , 28 it sknds no * '
it thu president of the flmiato is take ;
tkk , the senate would be obliged , undo
tliti chairmanship of the b rotary of th
seiiiCo , to elect a preAidciit pro tern , , am
that president | ire tout , would bo clothci
with sit the potvera which under thu con
Btitution itiicli to the oltice.
Mr. JJayard stated that the constitu
/ion / provjdpf Jh t the prusiding cilice
of the senate shall bo vice president and
it the vice president is absent and cannot
nominate his locum tononos the senate
must elect ono and if the vice president
comes back the next day , the senator
who temporarily presided goes out of of
fice ipso facto. On one occasion the
president pro tempore was in doubt
whether the fact that Henry Wilson was
in the gallcryand so within the wallsdid
not vacate the presidency pro tempore
made for his absence the day boforo.
Mr. Fryo pointed out that in the house
of representatives thn speaker has power
to appoint a substitute for a period of
ten days and it never 1ms been objected
to. Ho called for a yea and nay vole on
the adoption of the clause objected to.
Mr. Ingalls offered the customary reso
lution that the president and house of
representatives bo notified of the election
of a now secretary of the senate. Agreed
to. Pending a vote on the rule the
senate adjourned.
WASHINGTON , December 18. The sen
ate in executive session to-day confirmed
the following nominations : Lawrence
Weldon of Illinois , judge of the court of
claims ; John R. Tanner of Illinois ,
I nited States marshal , southern district
of Illinois ; Nathaniel P. Barns of Massa
chusetts , I'nited States marshal , Massa
chusetts ; John W. Scott of Kansas , In
dian agent of the Ponca , Pawnee and
Otoo agency ; Colonel Samuel B. Hala-
bird , quartermaster general ; John S.
Tooker of Michigan , secretary , Montana.
The committee appointed by congresH
to investigate the railway mail service
and recommend a more complete system
of guagiiiR rates of payment for carrying
the mail on railroad routes has com
pleted its report , which will bo trans
mitted to congress by the postmaster gen
eral. Postal service was placed on 500
miles of no\v road from July 1 to Decem
ber 15. This increase is mainly in south
and southwestern sections.
The president has appointed John C ,
Wyman of Now York , U. Watkins ol
New York , Frank H. Hubbell of the Dis
trict of Columbia , commissioners to ex
amine the completed portions of the
Northern Pacific railway in Washington
Colonel L. 0. Washington , who re
ceived the democratic vote in the senate
to-day for secretary , is the well-known
correspondent of The Now Orleans
Picayune. His nomination in the caucus ,
although unsolicited , was unanimous.
WASHINGTON , December 18. At n
nooting of the senate committee on
inanco the noinination of Walter Avails
as commissioner of internal revenue was
.akon up. The charges against him and
; ho reply thereto were considered. It
determined to report the nomination
uvorably to the senate. Shornmn , Aid-
rich and Voorhees were not present when
; ho nomination was discussed.
The contract of P. S. Moatlr , of Mem
phis , for improvement of the Mississippi
river Hard Times levee was , annulled.
The work' will bo completed' by Hug !
Carlisle , of Gunturavillo , Alabama.
The committee on rules of the house
met this morning and determined tc
recommendthat two committees bo mad (
out of the old education and labor com
mittco to consider the two subjects scp
arately , one to be called the committee
on education , the other tha committee
on labor. It was also decided to recom
mend the creation of a committee 01
rivers and harbors.
The question of submitting the im
provement of the Mississippi to the rive
and harbor committee was discussed , am
the decision of the matter was left to tin
house. It was determined to recommont
the retention of all the select committee
of the last house , except such as relatoi
to personal subjects.
The census committee was dropped
also the committee on congressional Ii
brary. Mr. Keifer was instructed to re
port a resolution , without recommending
adoption , for the appointment of a com
initteo on woman Biilfrauo. The roquea
of correspondents to bo admitted to th
house lobby was considered and uue/ni /
inously agreed to.
Tlio Louisiana l > < ; iiio < : raR.
BATON UOUIIK , La. , December 18.-
Tlio democratic state convention o
Louisiana mot to-day and was called t
order by the chairman of the state committee
mittoo , and J. M. Howcll was made ton :
porary chairman. Ho expressed bko hop
that the deliberations of the convontio
would bo harmonious and satisfactory
Two secretaries fioin each faction wet
The convention reassembled atT p.
The credentials committee nuked unt
noon to-morrow to report , The > convoi
tion adjourned intil that hour , Undid
tion are that Governor McEnory will'la '
ronominatcd on the first ballot.
at u l-'iro.
ST. LOUIH , December 18. The -Gcc
dental hotel , a large lodgtug house , use
mainly by night workers , ou 'the ' come
of 4th street and Christy avenue , caugl
dire troin a lamp explosion 'between fet
and five o'clock thie evening , innd vri.
damaged 85,000 ; insurwioo § J000. ! | Tli
tames spread so rapidly that three a a
* ant girls had to IKS taken out throuy
windows and down laddUira aim'd gra
Closed Up
GT. PAUL , December 17. Br Jstre <
icnortu that H. A M. Raymond , cvholi
sale grocew of Fargo , hotro closed U |
A diattol mortgage amounting toSTO.OC
haslbcon foreclosed against Uiem by th
First National hank of Pnrgo. Ifobi
are d\o \ in St. Paul , Chicago , Now .Yorl
St LOUJH , Cincinnati and OovolMH
The fit in did a buiiitetc of axoro tLa
SL'OO.WO per
Pirrtiifjuo , December 13 , 'Hit worl
cien of tteall'f liennott ACo.'s C'linto
icill to-ni fit accepted a tun par aout ri
ditction of wages , The firm operate
thuoo mills md the reduction will 0x1(011 (
to aTl. Fifteen hundred uioatfectcd.
* 1'owilor.
TROT , N. Y. , December 18 , TliM
bundrod pounds of giant powder , whic
mfoorg M-are warming around u stove i
Lynn Mountain , Clinton county , o
ploded. Considerable Jamago waa don
the company' * building , ud many minoi
narrowly eicaped death.
Into Tliom Docs Not Sccinto
Heal llio Sick ,
There is Raging Among the
Trunk Lines Over the
Porc3iitagos ,
lie Struggle to Gain Possession
of a Link of the Erie
System ,
.cvcrnl . Meeting * Which l-'nllcil of
CHICAGO , December 18 - An adjourned
looting of the Iowa railway pool , called
, o adjust their dillurcncca nml to deter-
nine whether the existence of the n noci-
lion should bo further prolonged , wns
ield at 11 o'clock this morning , with rep-
CHentativesof the Burlington and North-
vcstcrn only putting in an appearance.
letter wns read from Mr. Cable , of the
lock Island stating his indisposition mid
inability to attend. The prospect seems
mured that adjournment will bo taken
ivithout action.
Mr. Cable of Rock Island , and Mr.
ilerrill of the Milwaukee t St. Paul
wore represented at the session by subor
dinates without power to act beyond that
f acquiescing in an adjournment which
ixs at once taken subject to the call of
, ho pool commissioner , who waa in
truded to ascertain the earliest date all
managers can and will bo present. The
failure to hold the session is abscribod to
n delay on the part of the directors of the
Union Pacific road to confirm the
riparlito contract.
The ofllcial view in given that notwith-
landing the failure of the Iowa pool
managers to como together to-day , mat-
' .crs remain in stntu quo pending the ac-
.ion of the Union Pacific directory. A
mooting of the Colorado pool was hold
his afternoon , immediately following the
adjournment ot the Iowa pool. A com-
nitteo of four was appointed to
Consider certain demands made by
moltera and mine owners in Col-
irado , [ | nnd f it was arranged the com
mittee should meet the committee roprc-
enting the mining interests at Denver.
Adjournment was taken subject to the
l of the commissioner , who will issue a
call for a mooting of the pool after a de
cision has been reached as to the future
if the Iowa pool and upon which the ox-
stcnco of the Colorado pool largely
NEW YOHK , December 18. Charleg
'rancis ' Adams , Jr. , Hugh Kiddle and
John C. OSault , trunk line arbitrators ,
"icard appeals from the awards of the
resent per cents in the London freight
pool , made by Commissioner Fink with
which it is alleged there is great dissatis
faction. A ! ' , the trtmlr lines wore ropre-
sented-nnd submitted arguments for and
against the modification of allotments.
The Pennsylvania road is said to bo the
most dissatisfied with the present Hchpd-
ulo of per cents. Commissioner Fink
denied , however , in emphatic terms the
report that the Pennsylvania road threat
ened to withdraw from the association
and said the association of roads was
never more stable than at , the present
, imo.
nisrosED TO HE UOLV.
WINNIPEG , December 18. When the
west-bound freight train reached Br.-in-
don yesterday the engine was run to the
water trnk , where several men , supposed
to bo strikers , mounted the cab , brutally
pounded the engineer and fireman an es
caped before the police reached the scene.
The Canadian Pacific deadlock in prac
tically ended. Now engineers have ar.
rived , and the workshops will bo ojicnct
to-morrow. The discharged engineer !
and firemen arc disposed to act ugly and
commit depredations , but are restrained
largely by police protection.
CLK ELANI > , 0. , December 18. .Tame :
Mcllonry'a deposition continued to-day.
Cross examined McHonry stated that In
was so iiiorant ; : of the deception practice *
on liim that ho believed the sworn state
incut of the officers of the road until l > ;
this litigation his eyes became opened
The 'earnings of the road ( meaning the At
lantic & Great WcHtom ) for the year 187' '
were $1)20,000. ) Thus Me Henry though
there was gocd management but to hi
surprise the road was claimed to bo in
solvent. The balance of the replies 01
cross examination were very vol
uminousthoansworH tending to show tha
'McHenry was in no way couauliod b
the present management , and tiirougl
many delays and fruitless attcirpU failci
to-reeeivo any recognition from the pri-a
out board , although being in fttct owne
of most all the stock in the road accord
ing to his statements. The euit an
deposition is attracting considerable al
tentioit as it is practically a content < fu
the ownership of a very important Jin
in the great Erie system of rail rondo.
KANHAH GITV , December 18. Th
freight rate to St. Paul and Miuncapoli
waa made 17 cents on wheat and 15o
corn to-day , being a drop of ficenti
This buisiiioHs in not pooled , but lias aj
agreed rate. There is lees than -usus
Chipping at , present , owing to the recoil
( break in the wheat market hero.
CHICAGO , December 18. The dim
tiirs of the Burlington , Cedar lUpids A
Ncrthurn railioad met huro to-day fu
the purpose of hearing reportn ami ocl iiiopoKtJa to extend tlio road froi
Spirit Lake northward , but owing to th
absov.eo of representatives of the Hoc
Islam1 road , which holds a controlling ii
torusl.m the Buriuigton Cedar Ilupiclo
Northern road , uoUiing was done at < h
; ncotinf.
111. , December 1 8.Th
- annual Besi < m of the Slat
Hort/cultuw.1 society IH bom hold in th
opera house liero , .At thu trst session
this morning , 0 members wwo prenoni
from Illinois , Jrjdiana , Iowa and Oliic
( ) . I ) . Gahuha , < ii Peoria , in tha chaii
La t year Oalusha was defeated for aoc
rotary by LetningtoilSmall , of Kaikn
kcc. at a mooting hold there. Oalusha
cl.mncd that ho joined for the purpose of
being elected , and that ho was ( elected by
a packed majority , who also joined merely -
ly to elect him. Oalusha refused lo turn
over the papers to Small , and tn-day the
association sustained that refusal and
Small will not bo re-elected. Reports of
committees show a heavy yield of fruit
in northern Illinois , and that trees are in
good condition.
At the ovoniiur session president Gal-
uslia road his annual address. Ho re
ferred feelingly to Baldwin , of > Jacksonville -
villo , and 'f ice , of St. Louis. The lliomo
of the address wns a 4'MotooroHgtcnl Dilli-
cullies Attendant upon Horticulture. "
Ho argued that congress should establish
meteorological signal stationi. State
Entomologist Forbes road a paper on en
tomology , and Professor Bnrrill , of
Champaign , on vegetable -physiology.
To-morrow the association meets in the
free Congregational church. ' '
TIIK .VT. I.Ot'ls MATCH , *
Sr. Loi'is , Mo. , December 1 $ . " In the
illiard match to-night between "William
I. Cotton and John F. Dbnoum , for
TiOO a side , 801) ) points , 400 to-.night and
00 to-morrow , the score stood , , Cutton
.1-1 , Donavan 400. Betting was in favor
f Cotton at the start. Donovan received
lie odds of a double discount. , , ,
Till : FllKNOH ( IAMK * < )4
LYONS , December 18. In 'the billiard
ontest to-day Daily scored COO points ,
larnior 551. The scores for'four nights
re , Daly 2,400 , Gamier 2 , 40. * '
Ttio Alaska Mission Softool.
NEW YOUK , December IS.-TjTho socro-
ary of the board of homo mUsibns of the
Presbyterian chnrclt nays , regarding the
nission and girls school atFortWrangol ,
Maska , there has boon some djll'oroncoe
is to the method of work and' some mi-
ileasantnoss and oxeitomontin iho school
tnd town , which they doplorpf but tliat
.ho account sent out from Sqn.Frauciscc
illcging there has boon prostitution in
hu school and that olio of the mission
aries claimed to bo the second Christ , is
vholly untrue.
HcmlrU-kN' Pleasure Trl | .
INDIANAPOLIS , December 18. The
trinted statement that Governor Hen-
Iricks has gone abroad for medical advice
or treatment is denied byimombora ellis
lis family hero , and the story is known
to his friends to be untrue. [ Ho will not
isit London and the partytwill not be
n Paris more tlian two or three days.
t is purely a pleasure trip for the party ,
tlr. llendricks is in as robusthealth , now
us ho has been any time within the past
on years.
Holler Explosion.
PiTTHiiuito , December 18. Two boilj
ers of D. P. lleighards oil refinery , on
ho line of the Allegheny Valley railroad ,
ixploded at noon with terrific force , in
uring a number of workmen ; two , named
West and Fisher , are believed to bo fa-
aly hurt. Others are still lying in the
loilcr house , and the extent of their in-
urios are unknown.
Later intelligence from the explosion
, tates that nix men wore injured , two
oriously , the boiler 'house 'il alislicil ,
and a portion of the boiler carried ovei
100 yards.
Kukliix Soiuenecd.
ATLANTA , Ga. , December 18. To-day
'udgo ' McCoy refused a now trial in the
.tanks county kuklux ciso of the five
irisonors , Jasper Yarbrough , James Yor-
jrough , Emory , Lemons and LovicV
Strootman. lie stated in open courl
.hey were guilty but that E H Green
md Dolmiu Yarbrough wore innocent ,
The men pleading guilty were Bontoncet
; o two years imprisonment and to pay t. .
mo of § 500 each Neal Yarbrough ii
sick in jail and was not sentenced.
Another Kchooner.
OIIIUAOO , December 18. The vcsso
supposed to bo ttio schooner North Capo
reported in distress and probably lloun
doring on" Waukcgan ycnt erday , prove
to have been the schooner North Star
She was brought to thin port this ovonil ) ]
in Ixid condition.
S <
ST. LOUIH , December 18. A numbo
of prominent citi/.ens hold a mooting to
night to take preliminary steps to pbtaii
the holding of the next democratic nn
tioiial convention in this city. Th
chairman wns authorized to appoint a
executive committee of thirteen wli
will have charge of matters , and anotbc
meeting is ordered for Friday next.
Tlio K\-Oiiilu\v .Ionics.
KANHAH CITY , Mo. , December 18.-
The criminal court at Gallatin fixed tli
bail at $5,000 in the case of Frank Janu
for the murder of Cashier Sheets in 18 ( > !
The dofoiiHO asked the prisoner bo n
tnanded to his aureitie.s in this coiiutj
The court took it under advisement an
the prisoner returned to jail.
A Hln/.liiK Town.
INIJIANAPOMH , Ind. , Dccumljer 18.-
Ttvo simares of the business portion of U
town of Fortvillo have been burnei
Engines have been sent by special trai
from this city , but as high wind prevai
there are little liopta untorUiincd of HI ;
ing the toivn. Fortvillo has , populatic
of HOO.
IjATKK , 2J)0 : ) p , m. Fire is under coi
Altnll IMaycr Killed.
1'Aiii.s , 111. , December 18.Whi
playing ball' near Paris a bat slippi
from the hand of n hatter , striking a be
aiained Asa Mupes , Hi yoirs old , ar
crushing his eye ball , from the clFect
which he died.
Corn In Illinois ,
KLii , III. , Documbor 18-
Crop roportH show the average yield i
com in thin ntito is ' _ ' . ' ! / . buahela , und tl
total ISD.nHU.OOO. The quality is ( i ! ) j. ,
cent -of the average ,
Ilisrr TjiiNkor'H Tour
NKW YOIIK , December 18. Herr J- ]
ward Lavkor hus iiniahod liis tour in tli
country , and leaves for Germany the la
ttr part of January to resume iim scat i
A Illtd ( y'UVfl-Ill.
WJI.KKHJIAIIHB , Pa. , Dacomhor 18.-
The cuvo-iii at the Pine UiJgo collier ,
Delaware , IIudKon county , will aU
oporalioni many days.
Anollier Great Scare in England and
ExlrcmePrccanlions Taken ,
Frnnoo Makiug Proparatious to
Lot Loose the Dogs of War
iu Touquin ,
, " *
The Crown Prince of Germany
Among the Homnns and
With the Pope ,
CluirRrd Wllli rioitliiKMnwlor AVhllo
Itt 'MllBH.
PAUIS , December 18. In the chamber
of deputies this afternoon the Tonquin
credit was niidor discussion. Prime
Minister Terry said. "Tho government
cannot bo asked to publish its plans , It
is necessary to place confidence in the
ministry and allow it to conduct its
operations with necessary sccresy , other
wise thu house would have to ohooso an
other government. " General Coponon ,
secretary of wnr , assured the chamber
that the cabinet was united in its plans.
Deputies Lockroy and Granot opposed
the credit and made strong speeches
ngainst the government. The president
of the chamber wan compelled to call
Granot to order , and the house closed
the debate. Bishop Forcppel stated
that although ho disapproved of the man
ner in which the expedition may bo con
ceived to bo conducted , ho would vote
for tlio credit which would give confi
dence to the army and authority to the
government. "Wherever , " said the
bishop , "tho flag of Franco is brought to
the front it should bo followed. " This
sentiment received tremendous applause
and the clauses of thu bill vroro adopted
and subsequently the bill was adopted.
This is for 2,000,000 francs for the first
six months of 1884.
General Millet will start for Tonquin
Wednesday to take command of the
French troops. The senate committee
on the Tonquin credit presented a report
unanimously which approves the credit ,
considers it impossible to abandon Ton
quin , declaring a rolrcat would destroy
French prestige in the cast , compromise
Cochin China , and dishonor Francointho
eyes of Eur > pe. It is necessary , thu
committee says , to act with vigor , and
rapidly. The debate on the credit will
'bo hold on Thursday.
Eight thousand ollicors have olfoied
themselves for service in Tonquin.
LONIION , December 18. The police are
closely watching the houses of leading
Irish nationalists. It is reported the
Lord Mayor received anonymous letters
threatening to blow up London bridge
aud Nowgnt ? , Tile detectives withdrawn
rom piiaon tutor O'Dj.aiell's ' death have
oturncd there. Extra police on andabout
ho bridge watch the arches , examine all
crafts passing and scrutinize all poridna
crossing. In consequence of threats to
avenge O'Donnoll armed policeman guard
lawardon castle , the residence of Glad < -
stone. Ono hundred and lifty artillery-
non have gone to Egypt. The queen has
; one to Oaborno , Isle of Wight.
A farmer named Phillip McGavin was
murdered in County Cavan , Ireland.
Hie crime being the result of agrarian
.roubles. Several arrests.
LONDON , December 18. Extensive
precautions have been taken in conse-
pionco of information of the arrival of
b"enian Daley , concerned in the storage
o * anns at Clorkonwol ) , for which offense
Walsh was convicted. A special corps ol
police , many of whom speak thu Iriali
language , have boon placed wherever il
is thought mischief is likely to occur
All persons in pubb'c buildings and dock *
are carefully watched.
A special corps of police have been de
tailed to guard thu parliament buildingt
in Westminster abbey , government elli
core , national gallery , German em
bassy , mansion house , slock oxclmngi
and bunk of England. The luggage > > '
all passengers landing from Atlant'n
steamers is carefully ucruitini/ed.
KOMI : , December 18. After private ) ;
dining at the Quirinal , the Gorman
crown prince , King llnmhurt , Duki
d'Costa and son , Grand Duke Baden
went to thu capital last evening , whor
they wore received by the mayor o
Ilomo. The party then witnessed th
illumination of the monuments in th
forum with Bengal lights and afterward
proceeded to the museum where a
official reception was held. Th
Gorman prince had a Ion
conversation with the Italian minister o
foreign affairs. To-day the prince too
lunch with the German ambassador t
tlio loyal court of Italy and afterward
went to thu Vatican. King Hiimbui
conferred upon Von Kendall , Gonna
ambassador , thu grand cordon of the 01
dor of St. Maurice and St. Lar.uus.
The Gorman crown prince received th
grand dignitaries of Italy , president <
the senate , and president of thu chambc
of deputies and diplomatic body to-day
He frequently expressed himnclf as belli
deeply impressed by the cordiality of hi
welcome , A slalo banquet waa given i
the prince's honor this evening , at whic
wore present 12-1 persons , including men
bora of the royal family. The prim
will depart from Ilomo Thursday pvoi
ing. Thu length of thu prince's into
view with thu pope in much roiimrku
iiAKi'.u < ioix rou Tin ; rnornr.T.
CAIRO , December 18t Baker Paul
started for Suukim. Ho will roach Sui
to-night. Hu will have supreme con
mand of Soudan , The klicdivo instruct !
him to endeavor to conciliate lliu trib
before resorting to force , thu object <
thu expedition being to pacify thu coui
trioH between Simkim and Berber. Tl
khudivu also advised him not to bug
operations until reinforced by black r
cruiU and not engage the enemy mile
under the most favorable conditions.
linker Pasha , on departing for Su
kirn , received an ovation owing to h
popularity and the feeling that hu has
hopeless task ,
Joseph Poole was hanged in Dublin. .
8 o'clock this morping for the murder
Kuiny , on thu night of July 4 , 188:2 : ,
Seville.i , place near Dublin. Poole reseat
at fi:30. : A priest visited him at 0 , and
administered thosncrnmcntat 7lf : > . Both
remained in the prison chapel until
nearly 8. Poole stood the ordeal of
preparations for execution with romnrka-
llo fortitude. ( In the gallows ho fre
quently kissed the crucifix , and with
calm demeanor and in a linn voice re
peated prayers until the drop fell. Death
took place in iseconds. \ . Ho made no
public stitomontT The small crowd gath
ered outside Richmond Bridewell , dis
persed as soon ns the black Hag miulo
known the execution was over. A largo
force of police and military wcro proiont.
Weather raw and damp. The executioner
waa a man from north Ireland called
tones , but it is believed to bo an alias.
Dinns , who hanged _ O'Donnoll , was un-
nblo to roach Dublin in time to hang
The Irish refuges of I'AM * condemn the
execution O'Donnoll and threaten 10-
Prince Victor , son of Prince Napoleon
[ Plon-plon ) has writon his father disavow
ing opposition to him ai head of the Bo
naparte family.
Till ! t'\U. 0 ! ' lltrKH I'ASHA.
KHAUTOITM , December IR - A well
known native with Hicks Pasha's army
has returned from Elobcid , whence ho
was enabled to escape because of his black
color , and because ho wore no uniform ,
says Hicks P.isha fought like a lion
and was the last of the otlicera to fall.
The members of his stall' foil in one
group. After the battle IftO soldiers
wore found wounded and El Mahdi gave
orders that none of the wounded bo ill-
treated , liodics of Egyptian and
English ollicers were decapitated , and the
heads hung over the gate of Eloboid.
The Arabs are determined to erect a mon
ument for Hicks Pasha on account of his
great bravery. El Mahdi has forbidden
that Vi/.itolly , The Graphic artist , bo ill
used. El Mahdi threatened to punish
Xargallas , because he failed to join him.
The sheik sent a defiant answer saying he
has 15,000 warriors and seven years' pro
Eur.Niiuitii , December 18. At the trial
of McDermott and nine others for com
plicity in the dynamite outrages at Glas
gow , the testimony went to show that
Feathoralono was BOOH in company with
the prisoners who purchased a large quan
tity of nitric uciu , sulphuric acid and
CoNSTANTiNOH.i : , December 18. The
great utorm caused much damage tc
houses in the town of Aladiii. Six large
ships and fifteen roasting vessels won
lost and the crows drowned.
A DOCK YAUII run : .
LISIION , December 18. The govern
ment dock yard , several warehouses am
the training brig CamoacuR were burnei
to-day. Damage .t'100,000. No livei
BUINOS : Avnr.s , December 18.Th <
government is trying to stop the intro
dilution of dynamite by imposing n tin
of fifty per cent.
llio JANKIUO , December 18. Tlu
prisoners iu the penitentiary mutinied b ]
breaking the'KaVs of ahe'dcki' ! > , etbi'Troop
easily stopped the rising. Several wort
Yellow fever increases and the heal ii
Com ; , December 18. In the trial o
the Mayo conspirators Andrew Coleman
principal witness for the prosecution , tos
tilled that the prisoners were plottinj
murder while , attending This tea
timony created a sensation.
SUAKIM , December 18. Takais hold
ing out well , although short of ammuni
lion. The town has boon twice attack
cd. Sincat ia short of provisions and ii
a procarioiiH situation An expedition i
preparing to leave the latter town.
PAULS , December 18. A Sargon dis
patch htatea that the French ro&idontrop
rosontativo at Hiio will not recognize th
now A imam government and hus brokoi
off relations with it.
The river .Main in ( icrniaiiy ii lining rapli
ly uiul ulroiuly IIUH overflowed tlio lower tow
of Wur/.burg. Gruat unIoty iixlstn.
DiHimtchisx Indluntuu heavy fall of HIIO'
tliroiiL'liout n irout portion of Iowa , Wlncoi
Mri , Illinois , Indiana , mid Michigan , Moniln
Hattlor IJrox. , clothing merchants of 8
Paul , Imvn gillie nnilar to tliu time of 100,00
Tliu amlKlioo clalinn thu ussots will pay ilolli
for ilollur.
Hln oHtlmatml tlmt 'JH ( ) mlles of foncln
have been destroyed by wire cntturs In tl
r OK I d 11 went of Kan Antonio , TOXUH , ilnrli
the i Hint Ifi days.
Thu British Kovorimiont linn notified Kjryi
that ( great Dritaln Is iniiiblu to Intel fero
Houdtiii , but will try to liuliicii tlio per to
dispatch un expedition thither by way <
Thu prlvntii banking houxunf II , H , Jonu
at Dcpora. WH | , , simpmulud puyiiiunt. LI
bllltluH $ .riO,00l to tliO.DIK ) ; linnets , unknowi
but bulliivud to bu verj' Hiuall.
Kdwunl F. K ( > UKI ! , tliu ntn o cnrpontor wl
nttuniiitud to nut lire to the Cu.sliio tluiatr
Now York ImH boon Inillctoil for arnon in tl
lirat ( K-grco. The trial begliin un Thurmh
Albert J. Jotiivi , of 1'rovMonco , tiropoinH I
dunato to tlio United Klates IIHlonto | Ba
ilreiio rntato of 15 ncrcn In tha Hubuibx i
ItoiiKi. f'.rau iicnilc-injr of line urtH. The pro
erty In vitlnuil nl'IUlH)0. ) .
Tlio authorities of China deny that tilt
wuru Iinpllcatod In tlio murder of tliu klni ;
Ainiain , recently poimined. It In stated th
one of the kind's wlvoi coiiiinlttod thu niurd
at the iiiHtlKathui of niindarlm.
Tim liiiUi | > t over thu body of Chailoa M
LntiKhlin , thi ) Han Fraiidnuo mlllluimlru , tli
on thu Kltli by .Ionium 11. Cox , waa hold MH
ilay , the coroncr'rt jury brlnulnjr In aoril !
that Cox killed him In Holf-dufuiiHo. Tlio v <
dlut cioatoil u trnxutlon at no thing In the o1
i(1 ileni'o wiurautH It ,
(1 (
! (1H Tha mooting of the bar nf tlio Hiipioiuo uii
undtllictrn of that e.iutt to pay tribute to t
inoiiinry of thu Into Joruiiilub'S , liluck , i
poliitud UlLliaul T. Mculuk , Thuiniu
10 llayntd , 1'bllllii I'ldllipK , J. KaiidoliihTiiL-k
10n ConrKoW. lllildlo. K. 11. Vanio. J. llubl
j- Aiihtor , Win A. WulUco , Wiilter A. Sml
jIH u coimnlUeo on rcHolntloim with in tructli
IH to lupnrt next 1'iliUy.
1'rofiMHur IvvangolliiUH Apimtulldu .Suiil
cles , tbo vunorublo iirofoKnorof ( iieuk of III
vurd uidvurnlty , dUd Monday morning
Cainbrid'u. ( Ho wan the numt profound suh
nr and notable liu-uro mi the col lego cinipi
with iluwiut ; wlilto boaitl , und hlhory , n
kcinlit locks. Ha was a nutivoof Ureevub < i
within u few mile * of tbo clivmtii Mount J'lk
In 1807. Ilia whole life wan u mystery ubt
which ha alwuyn refined to talk.
A Woman Who Wanted Her Manfl's '
Life , Money and Brother ,
A Young Villian's ' Thin Exouso
For Murder , Violonco.
and Robbery ,
Convicts Introduced as Witnesses
e in the Emma Bond
Case ,
A I'ostiiinotciHcttlcH His SliorntaRO
liy Hiilolilo.
ST. Lotus , December 18. The Post-
Dispatch's special from Uillsboro , 111. ,
say * : After two or three unimportant
witnesses testified this morning in the
Bond trial , Uurrell , a convict from the
Chester , III. , penitentiary , ncrvingatcrni
for burglary , was put n the stand anil
testified that ho was in jail at Taylorvillo
to the spring , and pot acquainted there
with Montgomery , Pettis and Clement * ,
who wcro nil in n cell together. He heard
conversations between thorn. Clements
said ho had let his too nail grow long and
had lost it shucking corn in Juno. Mont
gomery said : " \ou couldn't lone ic
shucking corn in June. " Some one read.
from n paper that Miss Bond's under
clothes were torn. Clements said it waa
a d d Ho , they were not torn , and Mont
gomery said : ' 'Shut up ; what do you
know about it ! " At this point Judge
Thornton , of the defense , said to the at
torney for the prosecution : "You may
just as well rake hell for witnesses as to
take them from the penitentiary. The
introduction of n witness convicted of
one of the highest crimes , to testify
men of good standing , is infa
mous. Such testimony is wholly incom
petent. "
After an hour and i > half of argument
the court overruled a motion to reject
the evidence of Burroll and ho was cross-
examined without developing anything
now.Oharlcs Meyer , convicted of murder
and an inmate of the same prison , testi
fied that hu was in Taylorvillo jail four
teen months and was there when defen
dants were brought in. After the otlicers
loft them they had n private conversa
tion , a part of which 1 heard. Mont
gomery said , "we must all tell the same
story. Wo all nnders'and one another '
now. " Montgomery laughed over the
fitting of a piece of cow horn to his too
nail. Clements said ho had lost a too
paring. ' "Yes , " said Montgomery , "I
suppose you lost ithusking corn in Juno. "
Clements road from a paper about Mi is
Bond's clothing being torn and Petti
said it was a lie.
DENVKU , December 18. Last Saturday
Slary KofTord called on Dr. Rose , "a
prominent dectiit of Lcndvillo and mfido
tho' startling request that ha furnisHI ) or'
with a poison that could not bo detected
by an autopsy and offered &IOO as com
pensation , reluctantly admitting that she
wished to get rid of her husband , Hans
Koflard , that her husband's brother , of
whom she was enamored , and horseK
might together enjoy the insurance of
$5,500 which the husband carried. After
making an appointment to moot both at
his ollicu last evening , the doctor arrang
ed with the police and several interested
insurance men to bo present but conceal
ed. At the interview the whole diaboli
cal plan was made known and the par
ties immediately arrested and jailed.
They are all .Danish. The youngest
brother is ( iO years of ago and the woman
OUUTV aonnox. .
JKKKK'Y CITY , N. J. . , December 18.
The jury in the case of Captain t'Sordon ,
charged with abducting Addiu Brcssan ,
rendered a verdict of guilty.
ST. LOUIH , December 18. W. J , Pear
son , poatmastor of Batcsvillp , Ark. , was
found dead in his room in the Hotel
Barnum last night , It was supposed ho
had Biiicidod , but an autopsy lo-day de
veloped nothing loading to that conclus
ion. The postotlico authorities hero say
ho was some $4,000 short in bin accounts
as poatmastor ; that his whereabouts have
not been known for a week prior to find
ing him hero.
PAOLA , Kansas , December 17. Oeorgo
Orr , the boy who killed the old blind
man , Monroe Trumblo , near hero , oftorn-
severe struggle with Deputy Sheriff Peter
Fish , waa brought here this afternoon' .
The deputy sheriff was met at the depot
by a largo crowd , but the officers safely
lodged the prisoner in jail. Orr has con
fessed the crime , but says ho shot Trum
blo in self defense , the old man having
raised u heavy cano to strike him. Ho
then beat old MM , Trumblo because she
attempted to shoot him. Robbing the
house was an afterthought to raise money
with which to make his escape. This is
ono of tlio stories the boy tolls , and it ia
not believed ,
LAIIBDO , Texas , December 18. Pablo
Quintaim , mayor of Now Laredo , Mox. ,
has boon arrested by n detachment of the
Fourth Mexican cavalry , on a charge , of
instigating the recent train robbery on
the Mexican National railway.
AVllli n Gun.
lit 0- PAKIM , HI , , December 18. Sanford
II- Norm , with other boys , arranged a prac
IIct tical joke by having his two brothers ,
rI. - . Ted mid Orlando , Winston Griffin , Jr. ,
I. and Ben McLanghlin , steal some applea ,
while San ford Non is and the other boyu
irt wuro to be concealed , and at- the proper
heir tinio lire a un in the air. Insteaif , and
by almost criminal fatality , the gun was
ir pointed directly at the boys , who "wore
iroy close together , Ted Norm was perfor
h , ated Avith lifiy-onu shot , and died soon.
ns after. Orlando Norris , Oritlin and Mc-
I/iughliu wro uerioualy injured. It ia
thought ( irilliii will die ,
NKW OHLKANH , December 18. At a
11rn meeting of the city council the charges
rn " , against Oily Treasurer B. T. Walsh were
lit withdrawn and he waa reinstate 1 ia