_ _ tflTTT. i. A TT r Dlri.l t c,1 A ET A l A PTTi)11 A 11G tftTitlldnid U ti : u T1Tr DATTV B1 a1 { 1 , . THE PMI AGAIN ton , Aloxinder ll. swan , John d , , IIIU . n ) ll , 1)1Ul { J1BER 17 r 1883 , c . i'IIE 1)AILY BEE. o UNeIL BLUFFS. Monday Morninlr3 Dool 17 , ! SUBSCRIPTION RATiS : By Carder - 20 cent , per week fly thl - - - - - - 810,00 Iar Yaar tOFriOE : , No. 7 Pearl ltroot , Ncar Broadway , MINOR MENTION. 1loliday goods at Scamau'e , See Joseph lloitor's fall goods. Cheap llailroad Tickets at Iluslmell'a. Christmas cards and toya nt Scanat's. There Iran odyono drunk in the city calabooso yesterday , The Bound Table is to moot tomorrow evening with bliss Bcebe. The bricklayors' union is propariug for a danee next Friday evening , i'hero was something in the wind yce torday. It proved to be snow. Shenandoah is to have a nmsical treat Thursday evening , it being a concert by the Omaha GleG club. U , A , Ilbinson , at the Pacific house , is local ngcnt for the Sloam springs , vvllosc card aIt pear , in another column. In the district court Saturday the time was taken up with the trial of the darn. aIo case of W , C , Barton vs. Elizabeth i1. Lackey. The citycalaboose is getting worse and worse , when a man seventy years old , blind and almost too drunk to move , el capes easily. It is passing strange tint there nro so few fire nlarnls , considering the careless. mess with widehi ashes are dumped and scattered about. The crush which is an every Sunday occurrence at ( lie postofico is a strong showing of the need of the now govern. moot building. Rev , lllr , iitnekay last evening (101w. ored another of his oxcolleut series of lectures or r'Wontln. " This time it was 11 oman in tire home" that ho dealt i with. with.Qno Qno by one the sensational coal fluids in Western Iowa Proves to bu morn son. . I aatacus. The ono at Maan'ug , has dropped out and the little hole abai. s don ed , 1 Col. Chantry's ' little dnughiter Lilly , t who hind tire sensational escape at the 1 railway bridge nenr Malvern , has so far recowdred front her injuries as to bo able to resume her school duties , o There was a largo nud closely attentive I t audience at the Baptist church last even fug , to hear what Ile' . , T , G. Leman had rte r to say on the "Origin of Lifo. " Thudis- eussion of Chia interesting question was made entertaining as wolf as thoughtful , and a synopsis of the lute of thou ; lit fo' ' r lowed wilt be given in to-morrow s 1lli. , Conductor Fred B1183 hasa son Bera tic , ten years old , who is a wonderful adopt on roller akates. Bortio in company - pany with Miss Nellie Fuller , who is I also a wonder on rollers , are giving oxlu- . bitions of fancy skating at various rinks ' in this state. Mr , Fuller , the father of i the girl , accompanying thm , They ox- poet to be in Council Bluffs about the holidays. , - - PEItyONi LA , t f t 11',1) , Crotnlo , of Woodbine , Iowa , was iii the city yesterday , and made his hieadquartors a at the l'aeiac r A , lv. Burbono and 73 , It. Thompson rc1)ro ) seated St. Louis at the Pacific henso yoster C tiny. P G. W. ltopkbls , of San Francisco , Is at the facile. t M r a.t , t Nellie Rotlnion , left last ovoniu for Chicago on a brief visit to relatives and frlouds there , b It is reported that Frnak Shnu ( , of Cur. son , Is to movohQ law office to Clelwoud , J , Morgan , the retired editor of The ( Hobo , n lta 9 returned from Washngter. ( t i IIr. Subway , proprietor of tlto Ogden , ail no of the 1'orthwcstn't at Cedar Rapids , is 1 ham for n brief stay , acconpanlod by his wife s t anti daughter. 41 Col. 0. M.1)rusoof The Nebraska Furmor. Lincoln , l ob „ spout Iu Couudllflulfe , accompanied by his wife and dnugbter. t It. S. ( lair , of Chicago , It at the Ogden. Cltauncsy T. Bowen , of Now York , meal. u l , dent of the Electric Light conItanYr is at the C lnclfo. 3 I 5.31. Drutnawud , of Davenport , was among a yesterday's sojourners at the Ogden , l 1 ; T , L. Slucuin , of Dos Moines , Suinlayed at - the Ogden. a y I 1'rank 0. Armabury , a former resident of a this city , but now in the o0lco of J , II. Arthur , ti the Blua Llne agent , at 13urlingtory has been c spendhtg a tow days with old friends lore , a Dlrs,13 , J , Abbott anti Mrs , hammer have t returned train Chicago and Cleveland , where tlleyhSle1'ron ' v1911hiuR rolatlvoe and friends e for about two moiitlts. V If. 13 , Stephoasof , of Shenandoah , was at t I 13echtelo's yesterday , 1V. 1v , Carllele anti V , P. Carlisle , of Dlla I sourl Malloy , Were at the PAclaC yesterday , i 1 Chas , A. Cronoy , having sold out his litter. n ' oat lu the Clarinda herald to A , A , Thenp. son , for some month. past the local editor of the papsr , new purposes to enter upon a tolo plmno superiutondeluy. Ills oxperlenco in belt found fault with la the new.papur hull. noes , an experlcuco which all nowapaper uncut Imvo In comuupu , fits him Nell for beariug the "hello" ansl its ac0onpanying grumbliuge with patlcnce , i SMAflHED H IO SK-OLL , ' A hall Digger Struck by a 1''nUing ' I j Bucket pF Clay. I I t A fatal accidait occurred on tire fare 3 " of Mr. Bradook , north of Imogene , Mills ' county , last week , two moo. Charles ( IIueton and Alex. Labor , being engaged ( u' In digging a welt there. Iluatou was ht the well digging , and Labor was doing 1 the hoisting , and wirer the bucket , filled a with clay , eras about tar or Gfteon fuot above Iiuston's head , the hook gave way , letting it fall upon him , It was with ( dificulty that the nlan could be got out , and then It was found that his skull was , crushed in , and fragments drivoll into ; , , ' leis brain , and althoul h Ito was still ahro , yet there was so pollblllty for oven the beat surgical ekil savC him , . A MERRY TIME , The Turners Ue(1Icnte Their Now hall ti1'IAt Ilia AId nl 'un - hn Ylallors. A number of the German citizens of Council Bluffs , organized as n Turn. Vcroin , last evening dedicated their now hallat52i South Maui street last evening , Iii response to the cordial invitation issued - sued , about thirty of the ( Inaba society a'mio over to join the doings. They were hospitably roccired aid cared for , nud in turn ndlcd much to the onjoyuiot and success of the entertainment. The evening abe uuled in music , and it was excellent , The Omaha Turner - ner quartette , with II. Ilai- bens as leader tviolding the beautiful little ebony , golf. mounted baton , winch wits lately presented to hitn , furnished rich music indeed , IVm. Stocker , of Omaha , lave ( a very amusing and humor. ens recitation , 'Toro Ivoro gymnastic exercises by some of the Omaha Turners , A happy dance formed the closing of an evening spout in music , muscle and mirth , andthe Omaha visiors were token home t a Into hour by a special train , Such occasions cause the tICS between the two cities to ho pleasanter unit stronger , and this occasion will doubtless lead to other social reunions of similar arrangement , Mrs. A , Bryant linving moved her dressutnking establislnuent to 601 Southl Mann strcot , up stnirs , wishes to call the attention of her old costumers to the fact thus she is now proparcd to give personal attention to the cutting , fitting and ra- 'pauring ' of dresses and cloaks ; also all kinds of children's clothes , LET THERE BE LIGHT , The Electric immps Snarled Up an Broadway. The much talked of electric lights wore started on Broadway Saturday ova- dug , and naturally attracted much attention - tention , not because the citizens hind novar aeon the electric lights before , but becuuse they had hover soot thteui in Council Bluffs , nn(1 it was the opening tight of a local enterprise , which is to be permanent and it is to be hoped prosper. ols. The start Saturday night was a hero. test , to determine how well the wires and machinery had bear ] arranged , wit whether the power was suflictontt foe test , lasting a half hour or so , was n this respect very satisfactory. Now the company , being sure it is right , can afoly go ahead , and in a day or so will tavu everything arranged so as to keep lee lights burtufng every night , Mr. Vaughn is certainly entitled to credit for his enterprise in overcoming obstacles , and getting the light started in Council Blulls , while Prof. Story , the company's lectriciatist , has certainly proved that io has a skillful knowledge of all the do. ails of the apparatus , Chauncy T. Bow t , the president of the company has ar- ived hero , and will give his personal at. eition also to the ettorptise. . - - - - - - ' . M , Carroll , fashionable dress. nuking , cutting and fitting a specialty , tppronticcs wnntcd. No , 720 First venue , up stairs , .a. THE OITY COUNOIL. t l'rovltles Ibr More Street Filling Batt No 14lro Alarnt , A meeting of the city council was held Saturday evening , and nrrangemouit were jade for filling First avenue front cantlr to Elovontlr streets ; Tenth strcot rem Thir1 to. Fifth avenue ; Thirteenth venue from Matti to Sixth strait ; and also a new sidewalk on Benton atreot , The council took no action at all con- erning the fire alarm quostion. The ublic is gutting very impatient at the ilatoruicas of the council in this orator - or , as at present the city is worse off has' if it h.td no alarm , the present sys ant being so unreliable. The council after considering a few ills adjourned uutilTuesday evening. Go to IIurlburt's fancy steam dyeing nit French dry claming works at 31 Pearl street , DRESS BEEF PARADE , L Showing of Petty Splle and hull. vvny Corhiul , The Nonpareil spends over a column n attempting to show dust it is impractl able to dress beef anywhere west of the fisaissippi river , an(1 that therefore-the onclusion is what it soon to idont overtire -tiro note 8lttorpriso In Omalua will prove diamal failure , Thu whole tone of the rtiolo is such that considerable iudigna on has been aroused , not because true itizona of Council lihll's mount greatly t any attack on Omaha , but bpcauso of ho littleness of an editor who , for the aka of making a thrust , is willing to ad. ertise , so far as his crippled circulation Till permit , that his own city is a poor place for the investment of capital in a egitimato enterprise , lie says that if t had tint log ) since boon shown to be mpracticablotodrossbeef in the west , that onterprisu would have beau started in Council lhlufls two years ago , and warns capitalists not to i nvest any monoyin any such enterprise lucre or it Omaha , or in fact anywhere in the west. The motives so apparontas she inspira- tienfortlne article are pronounced byinnny citizens lucre as despicable , Thieve are those lucre whto know whereof they speak , and who declare that it is not only practicable to dress beef in thu west , but that the dine is fast coming when it will be dressed , not only hero , but much farther west. Besides the desire to tluunp Omahb , oven to time injury of Council Bluffs , there is apparently a stron desire to servo the railways , of which it Is an aclnlovl. edged organ. Thu railway's are naturally opposed to having 1)001 dressed in the west for the stockmen claim that several carloads of cattle call , when slaughtered and dressed , be shipped in one car , thus cutting down the coat of transportation i're.ttly , tusk- lug quito a profit to be dfy'lded bttwoon consumer and producer , instead of being given to the railways. ] t fa also claimeby cattle eon bore that the loss by ehrln a60 Ull 11v'D cattle is about twenty per cot , , so that there would be an addttional savlt" o 1 ru dressing boot lucre . In view of those mud other facts It ap pears that it is practicable to have hoof dressed it Council Bluffs and shipped from hero itatea(1 of souding the stork through nilvu , anti having it dressed in Chicago , _ _ _ _ _ _ - Ladies' and gent's alotlyi cleaned ( lyCd and repaired nt Ilurlburt a , 84l'cari street , NEOLA NEWB , 1'utiousItetuu Ca pturedby"ThoItcc" Man There , NEot.t , Iowa , December -IVilliam Sells , forunurly with 31. I1 , llagorty , i. now buying stock for Ii , T , Lovell , Esq , Mr , Lovell is to ho congratulated on so valuable an addition to his business , Mr. Raman , proprietor of the "Blue Front" harness shop , reports trade in his line very brisk at prescut , lie says thu people have not the time to spare to visit other towns to buy goods as lung as the price at houlo is cheaper. John itoane , who wont to Chicago last weak with two cars of cattle , is again visible on thu streets , The festival for the benefit of thol'res byteiau church , on the evening of the 18th ] inst. , was quito a success finmt- cinlly. William G. Clark , former ] of Little Sioux , hiss Como to Noola and taken up his abde. Iii will ho one of us henc. forth , Last Sunday morning Mr. James Fol. lot lost seven head of fat hogs by theft. lie says he is the victim of an open day- li ltt steal , and that ho knows who got hits hogs , but does not desire to give his neighbor notoriety until it is necessary. IIo surmises that the party twill soon feel chilly and pay for titan. Mrs , Ida McGrew has returned to Council Bluffs , after n brief visit witlher parents nud relatives here , bloro anon , VET. Six per eont city nud farm loans. S. IV F orgusson tC Co..i91'oarl St. Drw& MOTi11.1t , U liji . IlirH. ToIiU'H 1)arhi.g . 1 'cnt , Sioux Crrv , Iowa , 1)ceomber10.-Tho .Ipurnal printn an account of al abduc. tion case of inure luau ordinary interest to-day. I t appears that a womnu named Todd , living near this city , Ivont across the river into Dixon county , Nebraska , whore lies' husband , from whom slue hind separated , lives , for the purpose of ob. tau'ung pass058i011 of their child , a girl of eight years. The niothicr repaired to a point near the husband's residence , and watched till alto discovered he would ho ubseut in thin evening. She then secured a town and driving near the house , tied the horses , entered the room through a wiudovv , carried the sleeping child away , without oven stopping to take its clothing , and drove twenty miles to a point opposite this city. There she hired a man to take her and the child across the river in a shift , a most dangerous - ous undertaking , the time being 2 o'clock in the morning. From here silo went to time residence of ltor father , a welihy farmer. Thu husband will try to recover possession of the child by law. Tim dar- tag and successful feat accomplished by Mrs. ' 1'odd has trade her a heroine , and ohu has the sympathy of everyone. Itev. ili'r , St. Clair , of Now Albany , Lid. , has hoer nssigued to the pastorate of the Methodist church at linlvcrn to fill tlno va. cane ) caused by the death of 11ev , 11Ir. 13 i. iuotds. COMMEIWIAIi , COUNCIL aLUIFS MAitKET. Wheat-No , 2 spring , 7Oc ; No. 3 , GOc ; to- jested , 50c ; good dcmaud , Cnrn-Dealers nro paying 30o for old corn t mid 2t o for now. Oats-In good demand at 2Oo1 hay-4 00@0 00 per tun ; GOc par halo , ' Ityo-10c ; light supplg Corn bfcnl-121 par 100 putmds , Hood-Good supply ; prices at ynnla , 5 OO © a oo , Coal-Delivered , luard,11 GO pct tort ; soft , ft 00 per ton Bettor-Plouty and In fair demand at 20c ; creamery 35c. Eggs-itcady pale nt 20e per (11)7.00 Lard-Fairbauk's , wholesaling at lie. Poultry-Firer dealers are paylug for cluiekone 10e ; live , 2 50 par dozen , Yegctablu-Potatoes , SOc ; opens 400cab - bagas , 30G lOo per dozen ; apples , ! 3 00J3 n per barrel Flour-City flour,1 GOQ3.10. liroomd-2 003 00 per doi. Livx sromc , Cattlo-3 OOa a 50 ; calves , O O07 50 , iIogs-Local packers have wmmencod buy. log now nud there is a grand danand for all grades lu carload lots at A t0i 1 85 , SPECIAL NOTIO GIs. NOTICE.-Sleclal adveutleaaeste , sitcl , as Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Iteut , R'anla , hoard. fag , etc „ tali bu Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS i'Elt LINE for Sits Orst Ineerllon and 1'IVE CENTS I'Ett LINE for each eubsoquent in. eortion , Late adrertisuuuonta at our ol0co , No. 7 lbarl Street , near nroatavav WANTS. 11T 1)UNOAN-Oun ) maker situ repairer , No , . 100 S , Nah , SL , Cotutoil DhliTd , lowa , 1 fTAh'TRD-ln.umnro agent. to cnnass Cuuncll Y1 llluTd ( aul county. Addro , , I ) . Cyanlbell , room 2,13.7 ( Fanta itrecl , ( Imnha. DoeO at 'tXTANTED-Every bortyu , Council Ills , . to laka vv Tllelt.6 Dchtrcrcd by carrlcrat ocly twenty come a wool. PII11AItIAIN- Anyonewtmtinga nut of John. eons l uydolnalla , eight volunws , gala by rn ng at fate llrs oISc. _ AIIlN1 T I'IIOTOS-86 by rho doze , at the excel. elorgallery , IW M.hl ereet : , Caancll liluiTs. Dlnneroutdunuu ) faro Loth waytl to Omaha cus totnure on orderi of 81u un.l upwards. } ' ) - a CI"btni. pus- 1 1 cut worth Inoro than dlarnmas-a , i ollel' In nto tnltual tit. htgltauat eutn zany , of Nuw'.ork , ( rho largestcnpany pit the wrrld ( rake tower Ilan alit' outer nnnpanv. Si. l + , politer , ascot for neut. uul 10111 , ( 'uuoJI ' blued. FOIS SALE AND RENT. rno RtNA : gael roaul , a0 by la tart , otcr t o 1 p stalllce , facing l'cal .trees. Apldy at miss otllco , IOU ) --Asnal.umof meeySin , , have hyI.rodnguauw , Apply at mar.olllto. Mrs. II , J , IIiltou1 M. II. , PHYSICIAN & SUROEON , 222 huddle Broadway , Council Bluffs , Make Your Contracts tier for Your Winter Nupply of Missouri 1-Iard Wood 1 AND 11ARD'.NDSOFT ca1 -ll'1T1- P. OVERTON 503 First Avenue , - Council BIuJs , Iowa , Mud secure the best article sad lull mcuure attho vcrylo.c.tPtt ' . Stowworoddclhcrudto.uy'ier of tit. elts' _ JOSEPH GAGXIEGAN' . HLIRD WOOD ANI ) - -COAL-Connor hahu streeta0d Eighth atesue , Couu niulfs. xxrLOwuit rates and prompt deliyeiy RUEH1' ! Our speech is short , hurt tt , the point , Best ChicaIo discounts every day in the . year on Rubber Boots , Shoes , AND ARCTICS , Goods WAIIIG1NTED as good as ANY in the market , Tluoy arc made by the NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO. We have n big line of SPECIALS and an IMMENSE stock of regular and EXTitA WIDE Boots and Shoes in all sizes , ready to ship an receipt of ode's , cc 7 Or second quality Boots we are introducing are better titan many so called firs quality , and w o gfvo n large E\1'1tA1 discount on theu , z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. CASADY & ORCUTT , 602 BIIOADWAY , COUNCIL. IILU1'S , IOtYA. Carpets and Curtains Also many prettyy good , for C11RISTJIAS GIFT3 now on oxitlbltiotl. Call and see us , CASADY & 0 RcUTT 1VIAYNE & PA LFIER 9 DEALERS IN Hard and Soft Coal , llOLEANb IhARItEL LIME , LOUISVILLE ANl ) I'OIITLAND CEMENT , MICHIGAN PLASTER , IrAIR AND SEWER I'll's. ' Ho , 639 Broadway , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , THE FINEST CHRISTMAS PRENT of the Season is One of Those Elegant Ov rco ts Made to Order b mit1i Pc 11r MERCIIA T TAILORS. :1ro. : 7 and 9 Main Street Council Bluffs Iowa. 17xI3 > ; rC/3'OR'3t , C0 rn'r xL T3L4TFI'FJ , x. . JOHN BATDT NTrOItNEY AT LAW MANAGER OF POTTAWATrAMIE COUN , TYCOLLECTION AOENOY , 015cecorner llroadxayandMali , street JOIIN BEND & CO , GENERAL MERCHANDISE. , brain street and IT Pearl street. - lr1.t111 11LOI11V CRES hotel , 217 and 215 btaln elect , DR. J , P. WHITE , Corner Stain and Fifth uP etaioeldenco eo0 Willow avenue. N ciii 1T 7 . JUSTICEOFTIIEPEACE , Oaico over American Express. S S WAGNE LIVERY AND FEED , , , Nlll contract tor funeral. at rcasmtablo rates. 22 Fourth street. J , M. S ( .P , JOHN . & . COdC9SH BUYERS , Wholcsalobuttcr tr'and fish , Ilhi eggs P , taus. poul Draft by return mall. 148Broadwaw. J ACOB gOCH TAILOR , , Stock Complete , Suits made at reasonable prices. No. 806 Stain Stn G F S MITH CONTitA rron AND BUILDER , ' . Comer 7th and Broadway. I'lans and specifications furnished , JAMES FRAME Y MERCHANT TA , Artlstle ] York and rcasouaLlo charges. 872 Ilroadaay , HOWE & SON FURNITURE STOVES , f and hloueehold Supplies , 3o3 Broadway. LINDT & 13.ARTt JbmeBlock. . ATTOIt Practice Tin state and federal courts. ANIT.LTRi UNI And batn Itousa , 421 and 423 Broadway. , L Sovereign , l'rop , P. J. MootS - gomcry , M , B. Phy.Iclan. EDWIN Ji ABBOTT JUSTICE 0 } ' Tll } ; bACE : , - _ , Notary Public and Ocucal Conreynnrer. 416 Broadway. REVERE HDUSE SMiTIr NottToN , , Broadway oppcsllo New opera Ilou.w lkfitted FI , 81.60 per day HAlE OF ALL KINDS. . Sold a e Owes Prices IN THE ] VEST , QUALITY CONSiDEISED. At MRS. D. A , BKNEDICT , - - 337 W , Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. I.imba.1 , ( OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE. ) ( REAL ESTATE ! Complete Abstracts of Title to nil Lots mid Lands m the County , P1flUM PORTRAITS -xZ1T- 1YOll , Jlli TBll ¶ a1o o1ors , Solar Cnnorn Eulm eneltt for the brado at reasonnblo rates , Orders Dy nluil prolnptlTlillet. C. P. LUCI'OCE , 1.13 Broadway. Council Bluish , GROSVENOR & GUNK 3IANIJFAC'FLTElls OF : BEt , 311 Upper Broadway , Council Bluffs ; Iowa , PETER C. MILLER IY110LESALEAND RETAIL W alI-PaPes' ' and YJI ndo w Shadcsaad Painting In all Ifs Bianches t FRESCING IN MODERN STYLE. No.l1a a Jouth Poatirl Eit Clounoil I31ueras' I1 + ' YOU WANT BOOTS , SHOES OR RUBBERS CALL ON w , Corner 1 Iniu anti First Avenues Council Blutle , He has Thom. . . - - v , . i _ Em kze Hardware i. k . , , f „ . + : tlllltli , cl - ' t 1-JiL ; 101) ) and 111 S , Main Street p r x COUNCIL BLUFFS - I011 A 1 tt 1ct ; L1f : rc : . 9 Wh1OLESALE DEALEi1S Iv HATSCAPS t 342 and 3.44 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , , HOUSES , LOTS AND LANDS Ii i I houg1a.t ctiacl T3olc1. . Money Loaned Abstracts Furn 1 shed 1 , . S. MolE2 HON p No , 4 Pearl Street , - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , 1 FIRS. D. A. BENEDICT DEALER IN t Ladies' ' Furiiis1iiii oed I qyV E 1 ' NOTIONS , JEWELIIY , SC. I .J 337 lV. l3rondway , - - COUNT ; BLUFFS , IOWA M. CALLACHER , \ E _ td c c .Ii & to Now Store , Freels Geode , Low Prices nd 1'ollto Attendants , ' ; T 1r { First Door east of MetroPolifan Hotel , } LOWERBnoAD'AY Blulie. , , BECRT t + 'LE'S . 1 -j n-ar It , . I . , ' T.fd ( . t. A 1. The only only hotel run on the European plait in this city. New building , newly furnished and all modern improvements , and is centrally located. PETER BEC.I TEL D7 PROPRIETOR , Nos , 336 and 338 Broadway , - - - Council Bluffs , Iowa. r -IN- i 1i ! I ' Table Cutlery , F1Qwer Pots , Etc , , call on u w. S. HOMER & CO , - 23 Main Sty Council Bluffs. WHY D Cii' YOU CLTSME OF BHUTHERS 1'etlocGFitltng , blest and Cheapest. Fine Linen Collars and Cuffs. j No. 70,5 Fourth Street Council Bluff s , Iowa. PAWNB'ROKER SALE O' Unredeemed Goods , ' GREAT ARCAINS t In diamonds suitable for ladies and gents , also in Iadic ' and gents' solid gold and and silver watches and chains , and a full line of set and plain gold rings , 250 men's and JO boy's overcoats. All tlteso articles must be sold. Money lent on ALL KINDS of personal properly. D : GOLDSTEIN , 228 Middle Broadway , opposite city building. Council Blufia , , x ° STEINHART & E REYHAN l ) Wholesale Liquor Dealers , of COUNCIL iuLFFI'S , WILL REMOVE ThRill BITS NESS TO Omaha , Neb : , lTanuar 1 st , 884 , IIAViNG SECURED ( VEST & FBITCIIIII'S : 01.1 , STAND , Ilatinga L.thtOE CONTISACT to 6111 am obllged to offut the Very Highest Market races FOIL I S. Goldstein , 538 Broad.wa . Council Bluffs Iowa. l i aft Our lute of Stoves is the ntos cohnploto in no city anti hueludes all the moat Desirable Pa + terns and Latest Improvements We have hanunerea. the priass down as thin as tltoy will atand without breaking , aid you are inv'ited'to call and see how thick thu stoves are ht . PECIAL DRIVE ON A LOT OF HARD COAL STOVES , Nickel , slightly tarnished , at a roduetion of $5,00 each , , r ucx , wr xc xs'rI i 504 Broaawa ; and 10 and 12 IAafn Sf , . Council Bluffs. " w. R. VALICWAN , Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Bluffs , Roar estate and collection ageaey , n O'id FeRow' + lock , otcr Sarines Dank , IawNn JACOB SIMS. r 1' . CADIVEL L SIMS do CADWELL , Attorneys -atLaw , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Otllcc , blahs Start , Roout.l and eh % ' st & Ho Mahon' . Block , will Prattucu In Sbld auu cdd . touru. touru.Tuna , oorrrccsa , u. Y. rt'esT. OFFICER & PUSS Y BANKERS , Council Blue. Ia. Establishea - 185 6 Dealer. rl Foreli u aqd Doacatlo Exch/r..u an IlouwSaunr/ - F a / / SIL OA.FI MINERAL SPRNCS. Coax o ozNo I'rvy. 11'uguns autruthecm.cthefellonhtgnameld1 , . .ea.edorou tray' : lltteuinatino , Scrtlids , Ult.rd , Catarrh , aIekedandLbtdketuesUvp , ohl.itcr ( 'nmplaint , kidney and Iti older ILoma. ) Uout , hen. rallauudA.thuua , 11w. Splhtpsarc the farotlto resort of the tired au.l debllltntad , nud art the } 'EK1mLE l.AibH niI SY FRIEND , Oral host ! , livery and Imtbin : ; arcomalatlon ba'h w'hdcr and .nu ( aer , Locality n t hly , p letturtsquu t sat healthy' . Acccd.lblo In II'a sh , anwa ' , at I som a , or C , It & (1. , at Alluuy. Corrupcuu ua0 solicited , LILY , Si 1t. TIIOhiI'nON , Diauagrr , Sllgsla Springs , ( bra , I' . 0 , Otntry Co. , do , R. Rice Fie De CANCElS or other tumors removed wilhoutthe I knife or drawing of blood. CRRONIC D1SEASES okindi / a specialty , Oter thirty year. practical experience , Oteee N0 , 1 6 Pearl stre.t , Council BIutJ , L.fOoruultatiun Irce , ) ' t