- - - - - - - - - - - , ; - _ _ - --'Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - U - - - - - - - ' - i - - - - - - - , - . - _ - . THE DAILY BEE..aOMAH4 MNDAY iEC.UMBER 17 1883. -i - 1 - - - - - . ' TIlE DAILY BEE. i& O1VEAHA. Monday Morning , Dec. 17 Spocini Meeting of the Stne Mllatiee. . - sPecial inoetiiig of tim 1"arinors'Stato AIIianco will bo heM at Kearney , Nob. , \Vct1uost1iy and Tlitirsdny , Jan. 1(1 ( ' 0 811(1 17 , 188 1. All al1iauce WL1CIL ] have at any tnie beoii organized in this state are carnostly requested to soiid ( lelogates to this iuceting , atiti all aiiti.nionopohists of the state are cordnlIy invited to at. tend. Ice vaiIls svill be sparad to make time neotiiig entertaining and instructive. A pIogramnlo of lrOCOCdiIIgs ivihl soon be sent ; to all alliances , giving names of speakers , subjects and all particulars. All otlicoms of alliances are rcIuestcl ( to see that mimeetings are called amid arrange. 4 neiits made to send delegates. ' LSI.ate papers , please copy. p. II. IInVNOLIS ) , Pxes't State Alliance. .1. Piumuto s , Sec. tul interim. TIL Weather. For the upper i\tississippi valley : Increasing - creasing cloutliuets followed by snow ; 'rarmnor and southerly winds and frtlhing barometer. For tin ) [ issouri valley : Increasing cloudiness and snow : southerly winds and falling barometer. - ; i LOOAL BREVITIES. -Itluiebaughi 'ra3'lor , omaha , sihI Ilnilalo ii. S. Staiitku'il scale. Write for pricEs. tf -'Ilie 130St011 Ideal' , lvo four iilghts of opera this week , lieginuiiig to-night with - --The nblic library ihI ho closed f i tijiec or four (1a3 this week , on account of moving on the next floor above the 1reent iooths \\'ihliamns block. -llobei t l'Ing , hit , amretea for ob. u tainiig a Iromi.sory ) mite [ tom 0. F. J3alhnt IpoIt fa1c PretcI1esvas diseliargetl , Balotm ! ha ing withdrawn the coinidaint. -'rho Sullivan combination s1ecI in C.iuciI Bluffs Friday and vere greeted by - a naIl aulience. The Ciuncil Bluffs people ilidnt get very badly sold. -Jnt before noon Saturday two hiackinen were running hiursos on Tenth street toward the depot. They shnihl bo arrested and fined and maybe that % Wfltll teach theni a lesson in regard to the laws if the city. -The lathes of the Christian church will give their annual dinner and supper at the l'axtoii hens parlors \Vodnesday next , De cember 111. All are invited to attend and get a clean meal. - CharleyVithnell fell from a scaffold at lit. .Peabodyb house Thursday. lie vas not seriously injured but dklocated the shoulder of a fellow workman in his haste to reach terra firma. -The trial of the cage of Win. Miller against ( eo. I. . Miller , lit the United States court , a suit on a ( trait for 88bOO and Interest , resulted in a verdict for the defendant. 'I'he counsel were Tlnmr8ton& Hall for time plaiu tiff , and teo. K l'ritcbett for defendant . , -In police court Saturday there were two cases for disturbance of the peace , both of which were fined 55 snd costs , and sent up on the bill to board t out. One suspicious character i hell pendmg the investigation of a number of papers ( mind in his possession. - -Notice was r'el Friday upon \Vil- Ham S. fledman by John M. Thurt'rn , attur. ney for the Belt railway , tu appear before the bard of aPPrafer.afld show just cause why his property n b'hcok eight Hhuuld not be condemned - demned and aiwra1ed. William will g'u and , try and find . ) flt whiy lie and other property K holders hosdd be thus robbed. \ \ -Sergesnt Tiimnons , of lort Steele , ased through the city yesterday afternoon , ha ing in charge thsce deserters whom he was taking to the military prison at Fort Jcavonuvorthi Their namcs nnd'length of sentence are a' follows : JO6ejh1 Bible , three years ; Chas. Ilazieton , rfour year ; Chas. Lovojoy , four years. -At thskating rink Friday night there ws unite an dnterestliig contest between ten yiung skrtoriahidngs for a pair of nicl4e Platal rokr ! skates. At P o'clock the lloov waej cleared flI the bvs wont at it amid thc cheers ofthoonIoo1ers. It was an exdthtg trial and bite Immure were carried off by C. U. ( ratton. 1ore.of these contests n III f.Vaa' from tjeeit..tinic. -At the Stadt t.hioatro last muight thieve vwi - a large acdteout witneus "tufe , au .Ste"- ( Step St p. T1au\lay ) wasgiven with gcat uatifactomut'rthoso piasont , being freiueutJ applattdecl. ' 1rs. Kratlt.Froy , Mr. . l'uls. Ahil ac judtcl Umemselvcs intheir accitoaod , crethitable .mnanner. 'J'he Stadt theatre p'ccrlo ' played .cugagciaoitts last week w ith great + uuo- ce's Ia nohhoi iifl towns. 'J'hoy uere at I : rana ldantl tLuesdayVct J'citVedno , , - - . , lay , CIlnsabIuu4Tiluuslay ( , auth Vreiao&t , & Ye ! . hay. 'ry had crowhol , hmouse evirywiiom.e. In Coliinbushey wore teutleeil a by time ( eruirms.tiLirenM. . - - _ _ _ _ - ' 1W. M. C. A. jd ' Mr. .P. CL iiebaughi , prosidemsLotae - - - : _ , . . Young 11er2's Clwistinn aLsociationV sam ; has takomi &ichian interest in the welfee of time assocL&tiomi , has been obliged tote to Cahifornit for his heakth. At their last meeting lic cohlowimug resolution. tvcre adopted b'dhe committee : J1MJrc(1 : , TLumt wu , the imdcrsigued .ommit4eo of tk.a y r. 0. A. , as aju. iPiZIted , and ivtLructd , hereby tender ttl.L3 mostm'icarty t/.mau.k of the : ssocmation tLo Mr. P. .0. I1inmtbaI ; & for lu gonorou prpo8ala ward tEe purchase ( a suitable - ble Jot , amid. toward the erectioii thereon , Qf g iuhisthrial anil .cos.apleto Lmilding , C - whi.th Limo awcFatiou i to owit and so uiucli needs. h/)1med , 'IIit th goociation hears I , , with much sohieiLue tJas4 Limo 1mcmitIm of V ' Mr. lliinobaughi has h.ecui.ssO much iii , . paired that ho is forced. t' lave his Lmsi. . floss , his home , amid his asaqiations ; 'ut i' while the regret at ( mis s d4oz& departo is univeraal , still all emt4"trin and es.- press the hope that by tln aoblessin Imo will be speedily restored iu health to his friends imoro , and tu' ) . &oc1Ltt1oli trlmich noels him above nieasUre Je'HJi'Cl ! ' , That the above Tealutmoh1s 4 , ho placed upon the records of Jm Y. M. , - 0. and forwarded tJii - - a 031)Y o press of Oiumuhma : timid to Mr. llitnobaugh8. . . . Az.n 0. CHAImLTON , I : omumm ; lE. IJAmK1t.I. ( : , : m hi . o. ! AImz , Comumnittee. - tUIt BE.tUrIIUti ( . % ItIS lu New designs , never before 1ublmshod. s % ) 'iII please any persoim. Sent free eu eci1ut of 2e stamp ° every reader of I he ( ) .uAIIA Btr : : . Address Saumnel Car. j tar , [ fl J'ark placp , Stw York. zmeS.wtf. , 'I L1 _ _ HON. THOMAS MURRAY. Uirn f thu U11imcrso1 th Qate City. 4 (1hltuui , , O1 IIIR l'sts ( , l'rcsctut amid I'itiirc n Looked L'luon luy a hoc Itejuntem- . Way back in the year of 'tm7 there mn- rived iii the themi small city of Onmhma an eccentric characfer who went by the namne of 'l'ommu iTurray , which name has stuck to him ever since. \\'hicn Mr. Murray first landed in Omaha , ho was not blessed with an nbumi- daitt stiply of this world's goods , but like mommy before bite , ho was fIlled with ( totormnhmmatiouI anl energy , and lucre thami that , an enormous streak of luck whichi caused everythuiimic wlmicli he touched to turn into gold. Thomas has been noted during his long residence in this place for hits econonmy , and by talcimig care of the odds and ends , the fickle goddess of for. tumue has smiled , yes fairly hatwhuctl upon huimmu , until lie is now olulo to count any. where from 1OOOO ( ) to $200,000 all his own. own.For years lie carried on abusiness in an old rookery on Fourteenth street , just acrosa the chic ) ' from where the l'axtomt iion stands. lie dealt in secomuL hand goods of every description , and anything vaumtcd , fronu a ship's anchor to a tooth. pick , could be found at 'I'omiu ? iturray's. In fact , when in search of any article not comnumonhy in use , after visiting all other placea of business : a trip to Tom's store never failed to bring forth time object of search. 'rho boys at pmmo titne put up muico lit. tie job on 'l'omum , by going iii , one after nnothtr , and inquiring for old.fasbiomied spinning wheels. lie had one , but it was too large , but as there alpeared to be quAite a ( ldnuanl for them , ho ordered a half dozen of a smaller size , which lihif dozen lie still has. After the building of time Grand Ccii. tral hotel , Tons Murray was constantly importuned to tear down his old shanty upon the alley before it should take fire andact as a tirebrand to destroy the paIn- tial hotel , to which it was next door neighbor. lie turned a ( leaf ear to all entreaties in this direction , and some scalawag even wemit so far one night as to pile up a quantity of combustible material - ial in the centre of the old store and ap. P1Y the imiatchi , but the blaze was oxtin- gUisiiel by the fire department before any damage was done. Fiimally the fire fiend laid its strommg hold upon the beautiful Grand Central and while the flames were leaping high toward heaven , Toni Murray was turning the tables upon those who hiss been so cer- tam that his old rookery would burn down the hotel , for then there was every indicition that the lmtcl would burn out tue old junk shiop , but fate hind decreed otherwise , and for some unforseen raason the grand and majestic structure was burned to the very ground , and Tom Murray's old rookery , not more than thirty feet distant , was unharmed. After long years of pleading , however , Tom gave in and consented to replace - place the old building by one which should be an honor to the street and a credit to its owner , and in accordance with this determimiatmon he obtained the plans for a five story brick structure , sixty-four foot front , with the upper stories to be built in such a manner , that should it be necessary , they could be comi- nected to the I'axton hotel and used for hotel puposes. Something over a year ago lie ausel the collar to be dug , and many au eye had grown dim and many a heart tired and sick while watching for the Iayingof the first brick in the base. ment walls , but at last , oh happy sight , the walls were commenced , and yes the north asshas been laid at least four feet high , . but there , alas , the work ceased , the wall was propped up by timbers from the inside - side to prevent the dirt from the alley lromcrowding it out of place , 'and fifty thousandpeople ask"when will this great woik go onl" While passing the place a few days Iminco , a BEE reporter moticed quite a atlicring of men aroweid thie place , and all seemed to be .eoemsidcrabiy excited. Upon drawing nearetwe ascertained that 'wagers were being made upon the general result , and bets were even that the props would decay and nwlder into dust be. ifore another briok was 'laid ' npon that long-looked for wall. i'p on Farnam utroetimihIis a congro- 'ation of old rookeries nndhalf.destroyed iovols 11110(1 witii.ivorythming conceivable 'in ' the line of general truck , all belonging 'to ' Toni Murri y , mmd one may travel up and down the stveot + u ofOmaha , and upon pomg out an old dilapidated building .tnd : njlliring ( it ownershiij ) iii ninety- nine c.tses out of a possible iiuiidred time answer will lue Tom Murray. iVf3t Mr. Murray is not the worst man ha Onuahia----far from it. lIe is eccentric , and that is his Sway of managing his afihirs LmIC1 will bcsoiong as he lives , amid all attempts to 'in him froumi this path 'will be utterly useless. _ - - - A. Blesslngito.all Mankind. In tbeo timnou. . , hoim ( lilt Nen.aiers , are flded With luateilt. mime.liiio adu emLicinett.u , , It iutgratlfyhmmg to kr.tw what to } .iocuio . that uvIll cermitimily cure itJU. 11 you are ] tlhiois , , blood Out of order , Jiuem'inatie , .rgomierally dehilhitatod , there is uothiiig in time evorhil that will cure you o juiehkly as Electri Bitten' . Whey ale a blessing to all niankim.1 , , wnl comm ho bail icr rJy fifty ccnt. ' a bottle of C. F. ( Jioi. iiazi's SiLrato4a 'CVH. ( l'hc : u Sunday school was avoied l time irenco of Re. A. F. therrihl said 'enat4'i- (1. howard at their scasioll ye8torday aft.ornooim , bu.hi of whom spOk.o very acceptably. The school lieu jut rocoivedezi organ b do. untiot. IL xst 1OO , &s& was uset1or the irat time 5esterday. C0ur2Jt1 Mcienzio , muss beemnmjs- . 1)OiOLOd.t ( ) fill time vaeaucy.m time scbcol board.er.used by the resigactioii amid g. mnoviil of tJ W. Toimslcy. AU wlii are desirous of eorgaui'.in time Yuuiig People'a lyceum ar.e requested to meet at the Sr.ratQga seool imouw ruesday , 1com1)er 18 , 1883. z.t. 7 p. mu , J Signed ) J , 11. Jimi'.rd , A. It. ravis , J. 1 , . Liiideruwm , J. SJ I-howii , V. ( L RustinV J. 1rcgoiizio , Louis Little. lld , J. H. Conrad , W. S. hair. Cozisbiblo I'ago wont Lo Flcnommee Fri. Iky and arrested cue Charles Sarreuson I rot Jarcemly , whiii was found guilty amid [ med. med.ri. : ri. Nellie tIiiIiiii , formiierly of North inmiahia , iis : imiarried i4aturday at % rater _ O ( ' , to 1.Ir. Neal , of tinit vlec. Mayor ( 'base , of your city , will ad. Iress time Young People's lyceum at their irst lUbhiCTheotimig , Friday evemlimig. The regular maccling of the literary nd debating society , Saturday evonimmg , ras quite intertsting. 'l'licm society Was mwored by Mr. Julius Feetnor with a itimer sole , which was much enjoyed. 'lit , apvr by thu Mjv.es I'ajktz , wn I - - - spicy amumi interesting , while the drill of the Saratoga light ( mmnrd ttemi young ladka ) was decidedly nhmmusing. The debate - bate on the Tariff ituestiomi was in mr- gress vhmeii Limo meeting adjourned. Crnoo , . - - THE TALE OF A OOAT. " . Trimdc that. Vmi'.iii a 1'iade-VIio ( ( ) t tIi 1tev aid ? As is alrealy knowiiMatt. Chine's over- coat. was stolemi from time Pnxton hotel Saturday muomnuig , and ha since beemi recovered. Connected withm its recovery is flu incident not generally known. 'I'Iio milan viio took thie coat sohd it. to a pawn- broker. Time dealer in umircdeemii d pledges hmimmig the garniomit nut in front of his pliito. : Iii mm. shmoit time milomig c-millie Officer Turmibuhi , and seeing the overcoat thwuglmt hn might got a bargain. 'I'hmo coat is ii mdcc ( ) fle good eminmigh for anybody. Time oflicer stepped iii mmiiii 5)011 closed a trade. lie gave a coat of his own and f ) for the stolen overcoat. lie mit it ( III , cult Protni of the new additiomi to life wardrobe , veiit up to time city jail to show it to the boys. lIe had hardly got imisitlo the do ir when Deputy Corimmaji shouted , "hello , you look like Matt. Clare ! Where ( lid you got itT' Before time almost dumbfounded oflicer could say anything , lmiight , who was in time miext room , bawled out , ' 4'iVlimit did you say about fatt. Ciare's coat ? i'mmi utter that coat. mysulf" Coining into the room ho pulled out of his pocket a ( lescriptiomi of time lost garmum tmt , to which the coat in qtiesflon exactly corrcspomidcd. Then there was another scene. Two- bull amid Kimighit both rushed out. It is said timid one went to trade back the coat amid get life own , and time other went after Matt. Clara to claim the rowerd for findimig it. lion it all turmmct.l out the re porter is not informed , further than that I'urnbull got his owmi coat and money back. Matt. Clara got time overcoat , but uvimo got the reward hasn't been learned. Time officer who mmmdc the trade now has time annie coat that line stood faithfully by hini formany winters. Excited ITimousande. All over time land are goimmg iimt.o ecstasy over Dr. ICing's New 1)icovery for Consummiption. Their unbaked for recovery by thmo timely 1150 of timis great life Saving romnoly , them to go nearly wild in its praise. it is guarmulthed to .ositively cimmo Severe Cough. , Colds , Asthmum , IfayFever , BroiichmitlilIoarse- ness , LOSS of Voice , or ummy affection of time s hmroat and Luniys. - ANOTHER TELEPhONE COMPAN I Arihoics of the Mitliamid Tclephmommo Commipany Filed SnturIay. The articles of incorporation for the Midland Telephonic company wore filed in the county clerk's office Saturday of- ternoon. The authorized capital stock is $50 , . 000 , and time simaros vill ba $100 each. The incorporators are John J. Dickey , Lewis H. Korty , Herman Drake , Lewis 1I. Rheem and Harvey JVohls. . This is a good management and we are pleased to note the incorporation of this new emmtorlriso , which we trust will soon have their wires up amid be in shape for business. flUCklCfl'8 A1litCft talTe. The greatest medical wonder of the womad. Warranted to Bpeodily cure Burns , Cuts Ui. con' Salt llheum , rever Sores Cancers i'Iles , Chilblains , Corns Totter , dhnpped handa , and all skin eruptons , guaranteed to cure in every Instance , or money refunded. 25 cents or box PERSONAL. John ilarshy , of Fairmommt , Is at time Mu. lard. lard.Chas. Chas. Tinner , of Fairmnont , Is at time IIII- lard. lard.J J Id. , Jnckmnsmi , of Louisville , is staying at time Millard. lirank 0. Pmelps , of Liimcoin , arrived at thmo L'axton yesrtlay. B. IV. 1tomi , of Lincoln , in at time Pox. tom. . . B. .1. Warren , .Iamimes Sweet. , .1 C. W'stson and F. P. 'Ireland ' , Of Nebrnka City , are at the Pa.bcn. \v. P. Connor , of York , as at time Patton. Bishop Slmarpe , of Salt Lake , vice preuident of thio Utah. Central ralraad , imassod thimouigim Omaha yesterday , cmi route to Now Yrk. P. mr.ma.mz1lc , of Salt J..alce , urns among time east.boimn.I massemlgers yesterilay. lie wa on his wy tO Charlotte , Mida. , to visit hsb , fimimi. ily. .1. 'II. ' Bremuimor , , jf I.em1 Hock , ' .Ioiat.ana , jaeedtimrouigii time city yetcrday going to J'Idhiulelphia. , , I. \Vot , of Clmeyoaaie , was aboard the I , iiimi , I'achte yotorday s'fternoon , boumiul for Tito foliowimig Party am rivoil last eveiming frrnmi Weel.imig . Water , z. : wItimoes in a easel , . il.mctJnitcd States commit : uV. U. ihbii , .1. : L. lkJtIdsJoy , I Ii. .woloy , , , kinimueh Vnc- F' . I'mmrkiim , . , I ) . I ) . , Iolmmso , , , , h..nozm SLd1lQiI , II. Hubbard , ( icorre W. itdumns , II. it.Ilmimmbai , I ) . P. IThdiey , ( oorgo Jhclm , Ckioler. . irotimo , B. L. 1105(1 , cml .1. I T.evksleury. ; 'J'lcy , ore atu time \lillnrtJ. ) tr. C. C. litmieLt , I)04)L.koeper ) of time Mu. iuva LI4ftSatumilay tom. .4 drin , mlicimlgan , ito . hot .atiaene ) during the L.didays. .5) ) . hi. Jumca , of time Christinhm cimieh. . , ima rotuirMomi ( allatfv , : rJ. \ViiY [ Whltumoro left fur i'ow York ycetom. tlay , &asii.mmrclaeJ . , at , Interest in the Now York edontli works , No. 01)0 Nrsau str.oot.l \ir. Ybltmr-oro has been ( orseyerai years oon. imocted sstimthe , railway imial ! service , and ie.n young nuumm iltigimly respecte. . ! imere , mvlmere Iimm mnnany 'frieimds wimo will dumIi Imlirm ab.mimdsamt . ' 0i00655 fit Ihita4 Nuv York busIrms vemmtmmre. ] : em . J'hfhlmaTahbamd , of St. . .Joseiim , ? mlo. , : iii tue dtitImo gmiw.t , , fV. f . tV , Jrimydeu , osm I.ward . adts.et. - - urrIag.r LiiOIiScH lmnnie.J flaIng i lie Pmiii Week. .I _ Percy Hildvttli amid ) Nay , PaLULOB 0. I'F'StlOttliml Mjiiiii&j . I'ut- maim : , ( leorgo .1. ( cmnmiaium amid lLekmm M. 'mitteaimm , Erik 4. l'etorsomm au1 Mat. i imild.a Carisoim , 1ics're F. ( ; eiiomil and mdclaideVnllbridgiu , Giorgo Iiliottammil ibm Jltomcu , , Johmm ' . , Ycxmnonid , ( ihmrC&aa . \S'chb , Jammius A. Bandy nut ! Jum.mumings . , IS'illiam Taddinm amid Esther toblimanim , C. P. Laijdiiz amid llsumw. rickhoi1 , IJ imni .rorgvnaem muul htosmimund Iaimsunm , $ oyni.u& ' l Forbes 011(1 Anion jbtmoii , Lea 3 ! . ( reer and hattie Al. lethamim , JOhmailim P. Tlmoiomm and , 'mmsda S. e1somi , . .lOimi& NolsomainlC'Iar.s , ' fsiiirea. 'FIme ) nghiim ; parhIamnnt h : i'r'r.je ' . , ) ihl VIm. 5. A DROWNED MAN. Ills Body Floats Dovii th River ii . DisFers uiior th 1cc. i'robabliimy that ( nomn'iItent n III Iimith It. ' 1i.iliiy. Vestordmiy aItcrmmooim about 8 im'chock lohimm i\Iimlvihmili , a t7nion l'cifl brake. immaim , while emmgaged hi switching a trout below lloyd's Packilig house , saw the body of a man llontiimg down time river. It. vmts about one hundred feet from time river bammk , amid ii fltmaliy disappeared miiidor time ice , thmero beimmm. four or live hundred yards of time river frozen over iii that vicimmity. 1101(1w this timero is opemi rntor again , amid the river at. that point is quito shallow. it. is quite likely that time body vihl be discovered in this tuioii Imlaco this iiiormiiimg , cml if so it can be easily recovered. Coroner Knit riIl probably mimake an clibrt to recover time boily , ] tr. 1'ttmlvminll hint limo ilead mimmuim WAS bald emi time top of his head , but. what hair ho Immi was very bug , and it was mmot gray. lie thought time nmamm was about. lilly years of age. lie wore a black coat , Ills feet vore snbmmmergcd imm time water W9mo time moan was imo one 8001115 to know , nor is ammy cmiii aware of mummy mmmli hmavimmg disappeared. . 1jiithicmiiS In Coiiteit'mu'i , , 'L'hio A mmicr'mcaii Evangelical Lutimerami Emimigrailt Iissiommary society lmold its seconil meetimug iii time Evangelical Lmmthi- cmii church , Boy. I. I. Mellick , lunstor , at Warerhy , Nub. , commuencimmg 0mm 'I'tics. day evening , Decommmbcr 11th , 188:1 : , TIme mnoetimig was Opeilel by a llilie reading , in wiiichm special attoimtioim was given to time emigration of' God's people , both iii time Old amid Now Testament , amid time effect wlmicim their movemnomits produced U1)Omm immamikind. This was fohiowed by ami able address by Rev. 1I. S. Crossmnpm , of Lincoln , Nob. , on the subject , "how immay time Emmgiish Lutheran Church care for liar liommme , and her Neglected Foroigmi Emimi- gramitsi" The speaker laid special stress upomm the fact timat as a cimurchm we immwo our distinctive features , and that these should be kept proinncnt ; that our for. elgu brethren , who have known no other church , must be won by true Lutim- eranisimi. Rev. 0. Ilubor , of Ciear Creek , Nob. , followed with a few re- marks. \VEIyESm.tY , , mEciit , lion 12 , 188'J. TIme meeting was called to order by the president , Rev. J. N. Leiiker , Gm-amid Island , Nob. , at 10 o'clock a. ni. After one imour hind boon spent in devotion , in the absence of time recording secretary , itev. C. Huber was c'mhied upomi to act as secretary prot eimm. Time entire day was devoted to some very inmpontamit busimiess of the society. immasmuch as it is time aim of thus society to care for time cmi- gm-nuts in every way possible , it was Jc.olvcc1 , That we , as a society , support - port Brother Nielsen as our emigrant missionary , at time harbor of Copenhagen for nimie months in Limo year , at $7 per month , beginning witim February , 1884. The dutics of timis missionary shall be to give those people all possible Christian counsel and a4yico ; to circulate among thmomtimelitoratureaprovedof bythe sod- ety ; that lie invite them'to divine services , which are rcguiai-Iy held at time harbor , and that lie inform time society of all matters of imporlance wimicim Bimall be helpful in its work. It ; was also J&wOtt'Cl , That we establish an Amen- can address center in one of our large cities in time west. The matter of issuing a small paper jim time interests of the work of time society received mnucim of the attoimtion of time convoimtiou. it was finally RC8tVC(1 , That we issue a tract of four pages , large 12 mmmo. , on good paper , with good press work , muontimly , in time forum of a periodical , as soon as a aubscriptiomm iist of 4,000 at $3 per hmummdred , be secured , and thmat.tho name of time pauer be , "Momitimly Missiommary TrncL" Evening services at 7 o'clock. 'I'lmo audieimci was large and very atthntive An address was delivered by Rev. C. Huber , Clear Creek , Nob. , omm the qmmea. Lieu ; "Wimat are time best means of imolding our Lutiieramm emnigrant.a jim their chmurchi , amid what is the duty of both time Europeamm aimd Aimmorican clmumrcim iii reference to this workt" At thus nmeotimmg seceral new immenibers were secured , On Thursday morning , after transact. imig some mimore busiimess and adopting a programmmmo for the next mimooting , the society adjourned to maceL mtgaiim at Clear Creek , Nob. , at a tune to be appoimmtcd by time Emmghisim confereimco. 'I'inis e.mded a very profitable meeting of time society. SEYltW1'ALiY. - - lIED. McSlANl Iii this city , Dcemmibor 1C4ii at a o'clock a. in. , . .iuimmm A. , Infant s.mm , el m1 r. mumil Mrs. .Jihimi , . & . MShiaimo , mwoil 3 years mmmiii 3 miioimtls. , iimimeriml will taho . ' place tim-tIny at. 2'o'elock 1' ' . iii. , froimi thom , r. Ihmuco , , , aimil i'nmimamim ti'cet.s. - - Til i PEItI 'II'H 11 IRITAG1 , It. Simmili be l'ieservoI 1roimi ( ( , ) of C4c HiccliIaI oi. $ . LincoIim.JoiirmmaL , Jeceiabor 1 , , Time board of public muds and 4iUil(1. Imigs held a immoeting yesterday , there be. ing presomit Secr.otany of State Itoggemi , 'Land Comnmmmissiomor .lcondaii , mind Attor. Hey General Powers. Time queatiim of time rapid absorpiomm of time school lamids of.time . state by a yndicato , by iimours of leases , was discussed. 'I'lme iiecosdty for.eueim actiomi as vill prd'VOmit time PC. ulo .v'imo desire the mmmd for actual etilti. vation fromim sufEeti.g mit Limo hammds of IjMmcIltaLOra was recog.uizod timid time Ic- ! kiwimg cvimoicsoimmo resQlutioiis were pass. d , 'Jl..m actiomi of time board is timimely , mULi WIJI immut uhmammiweus imppnos'itl amid supjiort. Tile resolutions are : \Vgrtzittt : , I t mmPvears ( room an exauiimm. itfoim of the records of this boar& that , mimauaut to time law Jim such case jnn'lo mmmd provided , iimere are imuwerous Jiur. Ions engaged in leasing in lam-go .jtmauti- . , ie8 time educational mmmdi of time eftite- umd % Vmumuts : , Froiii immfurnmatioim derived , y uioimmbers of thmf board , it is behfui'od lint the samoa are hcimig leased for apocu. I ative PurPoses only , Afll it is furtimor ichfovod tjat it is time Intention of 5.11(1 . J ( UFFQ1IV to e'uto IJwir timid 1emtes , immiti mimako the first payment timooomi oimly , amid neglect other maymno1ih1 .lmmo Limo state until such tinme as said i'aso ' Comm. tracts hmmuhi I.e sohi or assigno(1 , or for. felled by mms loanl ; amid \ VititmoAsVo : sucim actiomm oh time luart of such persons as cmmtrary to time spirit m'umd iimtcmmt of time law provithimig for time leasing of saul muds ; therefore , be it l'CsOltC(7 , That time nttormmoy general l'o ' and imo is imerel.y . requested to lureumaro time imecessary papers to begiim aim mmctiomm agaimmat. any sticim iem-ma w'iio by time ( onus of thick commtract of lease are de. linm1tmomt. % 1mm ' paYmmmeimts titia time atte , tO recover tim aimmmuummt. of reimtnl ilmie mmd that. thu cost of such nctiomm to ut , i'alii ' by time state , if any such there be , shall be l'Id Irommm time nhulmro.irinmtiomm for scimol ( ) mmmd cpemmse or iii such other way as mimay ho directed. And be it ( tim-titer /'t.Oilt'Cl , By tide board , that mummy persmm or lmer3mms rime are ileeimmcd mo. spoimsiblo tl1)umm ) their said lease commtracts , amid WhO have bcmm lcasimmg muds for time tmnpose of aolhimmg , assigimimmg or disposimmg of their coimtracts for specimintivo lmmmr. poses , simahl not be aUowel to surrtnmder timeir aail comitracts to timis state , Vitimflmmt full paymmuomit being mmmnde up to amid iii- chimdummg time somn'i.nmmmmtmmml lmaimmommt dtm at time time of suchm suirentlor , the purpose antI immtommt of time board jim lemming edmmea. tional muds of this state iii gooti faith , anti immake PrmmmPt ayiiiommts of all rcmmtais mmd imiterost ihume mmmiii to bocoimmo tltme - - ti timy OmIemum. Under authority commtaiumcd imm ) am-a- graplm 529 , army regulations , as cc.mrect- cii by gammural orders No. .1 , series 1881 , fm-omit time imead,1tmarters , of time ammmmy , the rntiomm Of bread for issue to commipammy 11 , Fourtim iimfnmitry , is itmcrcascd to t.wommty- two ounces , Leave of absoimcc for ommo mouth , xith PrmmI'msSiOii to apply to tutu adjumtammt.gemi- oral of time nrmmmy for aim exteimsiomi of .1 mEommtims , is gmnmmtcd Secommd Lieumtemmammt ltolmcni. IL Stem-emma , Sixth infantry. First Ijieumtemmammt \fernimuiiVotmrtim immfmumtry , is ( lotailed to imispect mtmmd report upomm time mjuammtity amid .ua1'mLy . of time flour to be delivered wider commtract for time Judiami service at Timatchmer , Nob. , dunimmg time alsemmce of Secomni Lietmtemammt , B , 11. Browmic , Fourtim infantry , omm leave of abseimco , and vhw was detailed for this duty by paragraph (1 ( , special orders No. ( is , dated July 2 , 1883 , frommm timcse head- qumitors. Recruits ( loom-ge Bailey amid , Johmim Jacobs - cobs , enlisted at Fort Douglas , Utah. . , mu-c assigmied to comimpany II , Sixth infammtiy. iccruit Fmnmik S. Quackeimbos , cimlisted at Fort.D. A ItussehiVyomimiim , is assigned - signed to time Nimmtim immfmnmtry. Private George iloimmes , me-emulated at Fomtl ) . A. IttiasuliVyommiimmg , is aasigmmtud to time Sixth immfammtry , amid will be semit to time station of his regimmient at time first oortummity. Leave of absemmco for lifloomm (15) ( ) days is grammted 1st Lieutemmammt ' 1' . II. Caproim , 0th lmmlaimtry. l'rivate l'etor liettimiger , troop 1) , 5th Cayniry , is relieved froimm extra duty at time ( llmeyeimne Ordnance Depot , ' \Vyo. , and vill report to time commmmmmamidimmg oflicer Fort D. A. itussell , Wyo. , who will scud imimmi to time mmtatio3m of imis troop by time first favorable opportunity. AFI'AIItS A.L' i'Ah1t1IEIsI. Itmuilroad Siimu oyorn i'mowhImg 1mm tIme Neigiibomimood-VrosUing With An chmimaha l'rendmcr. Corrospdndemmce of Tint BEE. FATmIEIELn , Neb , December 12 , 1888. -'I'iie weather contimmnes vnrmmm mmd nmammy of our farmers arc still piougimiuig. Many are also immmakiug thom corum wim'mcim mimostly proves soft , and fears are expressed timat seed will be scarce next year. Corim and iatmd buyers are numerous. Mr.Sclmell rosidin Liberty creek , timis county , is eugagimig 10,000 busimels at : io cents , which is considered low consider. ing the prospects for imighor 1)ricem soomi. Tins Nebraska & Colorado railroad surveyors Imavo run several lines thmrougim the soutimern Portioum of timme county , amid about a mile aimd a quarter seemns imbommt as close as they camm get to Fairfield. Time U. P. surVeyors are at work oum Oak crook in time imoigimborimood of Nngamda ammd have passed soutim of tie to time cast , 0mm time couimt.y line.Ve have it fromum good authority they are aimimimmg for Ed. gimr , fm-mn I'Iiimden to Blue II ill timid fremii Bhimolfill to Edgar. Eli i'crkins imohis forth at time M. E. church to.umigimt , and judging fmoimm time number of tickotssold , time Imouso will be veh1 filled. 1)oimmivimm'a 'I'emmmwmsceamis , mmro billed to appear imere Momiday evemmilig , time 81'it inst. 'l'lme ladies here imavo organized a teimm- porance orgammization called time Blue Itibbon Club , of whmicii l11rs. Til. A. Simimill jim president , amid. will give mm .oimiperammco on Lert.zmimmmmieumt Sunday ovenimmg. A quiet weddiumg took place this after- imoomm mit time residence of time ohhicimmtimig immiumistor , Rev. 'l'hos. Pugh , hEr , Frwi 'l'ickor , of Imihamul , amid ItIisn .Joniie , B. Spormcor , of Lemma Tree , being the liithm commtractimmg parties. A hotter from a fnieimd in liiimmois jim. forums us timat time farmers thoru will have to feed Nebraska cormm thus year. Otmr lam-moors suggest that timoy coimmu to Nu braska , wimero timoy comm have good Imaitim , got good mmmd , amid raise plommty of conmm. Madnmmi ltumom bait it that , ur two vim- pore here arc soomi to 000soiilato Dr. Prommtico has cortaimily immlIvovcd time cal- umnims of 'time News , and is mmiakiimg a first. class , mictvsy simeot time town immay m-ull feel proud of. Our imoliday trade is boommming amid oUr mimorcimants corresiomitlingiy happy. Fairfield - field is a spiosmdd ! trading center , amid what we need mmio4 is a large imotol to supply time waimts of time nanny weary mmmd hunters timid others. The emma we imavo is immadoquate amid prices too Imigim. 'l'lmo itoy. I ) . It. Lucas , of Omaha , imoid a series of successful mneotims in limo Congregaeloimnl cimurcim of this city ro couitly , amid. jim one of his inst senummoims Jroacimod Oh tim subject of "Cimurcim or Ciirimmtian Union , " Ime mimontiommed a few of time pnimmeiplea mmomm which Limo loading demmommiumatjommmi of Christians could unite , amid asked if timero were any Presummt mvlmo could mmot omidorse time articles of faith as laid dowim ? A Mr. J0iiii Spoor arose amid asked , ' 'Caim you vrvo time Lord's lay , nmmd time uimst day of time week , arc idommtieal ? " Elder Lucas timon erased time words "Lord's limy" amid vommt omm to uxplaium time roasoim why it was su.cailed. lie aiso UaLLI it was cmi aecoummt of time esurroetmemi of Limo Smmviour occurini omm hmat day , t4) m'1micim ] 'mlr. Sperry took ox. rptiomis. ( ) bjectioummm imeru buimig raised Iy , jmiuimbois , of time cimurii , N. Sperry u-ag sot dowmm upmj , 'i'imo eider said , momsuv.'r , lie would zimL MmSwmry was ho f'il.ving . day , wjsirh ) jo did. t tim - ' - meethig , which was generally umnlcratood by those present , as to discuss time ( timestiftum of dutroremice botuvocim Mr. Sporr amid Euler Lucas' view emi time qumestmomm of precelimmg evdnhmmg. Time elder nflirmmlal that limo tirst day of time nook was time resurrectioim day , mmmii tried to prove It by rendimig thihlcrommt Pam-a. gr.m.im . ( ml tim Scripture , amud time matter va.s droped there , na Tdr. Smerry dmd miot meily at. Limo time , 'i1imat ovenimig In chiumuchm Elder Limeas stated .imat. lie hind met Mr. 4porry ntmd timat. Sperry iimtil ac. kimowledgoti all timat imu hind before takemm eceptmmms to. MmSicrry commirs mnmt. iii a card amid states : ' 'I low ime commid make amidm a statcmmmemmt is mmmomo Luau I can necouitit for , ivimnim otiicvs vero vresemmt vimo imeani hmini. Ve triad to get imimmi to alum-mit wimt un hind tm-fool to prs'o time evoniimg before , lint lie utterly refined , amid said lie would mint. alUm-in nn3'tim'mimg ime did mint believe ; im'ms tactics taa to deny avarytlmimmg amid Mhinmmm mmotimimmg. I I o wrote time fol1owimim prof , . ( ) smt'iOmi , wimichm ho saul lie votihl dommy , and wimicim we are ready to afl'mrmmm at nimy commvemiirnmt tiimmo amid ilnco agreed uihOim ) I 'J.'c > fi'col , That time loom-tim commimunmiol of time ( Iocalmgue 'ma bimuhimig umpoim mull Christians to-day. I' 'I 'rill ' doimy time above proposition , U. l , 140'AS , ' ' ' \Ve nhuirmmm , Now , if iller Lucas or tummy Of his brothmieii will ahhirmu ammytimimig timat is fair imi regard to time tim-st day of time veok , lot thommm comae to time fm-omit mimimi back imp wimat timey preach , amid we vihI simow time vevho where the tm-oHm is 0mm timis subject. " CtTS'i'Elt L'OST. A Itephy I ( I I lie "Smut mmmiii TmIImiimme" in Itelmum lam. I \'amitiervo.nt . , To the mBtor : of Thu lice. Decenibor 15 , 1558. A few dmm3s ago a clippimmg from 'l'imo Natiommal Tr'mbumme , rclatimmg to time ' 'Otis- ten" loat. rosoltitfoims , vns repnimited , witim editorial coimmmmmemmta , imm 'I'imo ilopub. ikami.Ve hail supposed tide mimattur dead amid bum-lcd , but , like ' 'Bammquo'a" ' gimomut it. vill ( lIWII , front imonme to loam-mm time imews , " is fully veritiel jim this immatamice. "l'imo voice is Jacob's voice , but time imamids are' time lmammuls of Beau. " how aimOuil Time Tribune be able to ob. taimi mmmmitter olemneol outS iocal payers ? Siniily because the pam-tv wimo publisimed it kmmcw it would be vci I 1mm our local papers over imie sigimatumme. Tlmereforo ime mmuist mmeeds resort to time little scimomne of roirimitiii frommm a paper of mmmttiommni repu- tatiomm , timmmmkimmj timureby to add weigimt amid respectability to it , amid cover up the ear immrks of time atmtimor. Vammderyoort is it immember of Custer post , but has mmot attended but. omm nmceting irm a year. Time ereimimig the resolutions vcre to ho voted ott he came iii amid spoke at lemigtm ) mind recited time story of his wrongs amid told us lmow ime had met time charges , to Grcsimmumm's sntisfnctiomm , amil timat Greshamn had oftcrcd to reinstate iiimui , etc. Notwithstanding \'antlurvoort's lrcsemlce , time resolutiomma passed without a disseumtimmg 1mm his article 'Van- ( lervoort would imvo it appear that only a cor1iormml's gumard were prescmmt on timat occasmomm. There were over twommty mnem- bars presemmt time evening time resolutions passed ; no one left time roonmm ; imoitimer did Comninamider O'Brien resign. Yonder. voort kmmew thus , but ime purposely die- tom-ted time facts. 'lime intomit amid pur. 1)050 of said resolutiomis wore publicity , so umideratood by their smmpportors. Time evemming they passed , it. being very late , miotiming was said about publishing. At tIme mmext regular meeting ( two .eeks ) a motion was made "That time adjutamit comprise a commimittee of one to furnish time resolutionM to time press for publica. Lion. " Time members wore all 1mm favor of publishing , mit. did not agree as to time limanmier.'amidervoort had failed to immtorcopt time resoimitloums ; life next mmmovo was to hinder publicity. For this purxss lie singled out time mnoro credulous members amid recited to thomn an article iii the coxmstitutiomm treat. imig Oh "secrecy. " Timis forbids making puibhic time proceedings of any post , 0mm penalty of disorganization. O'Briemm thought time only way we could safely publisim was to subunit to time departmneumt. coimmmmiimmder for his approval. OUmere timougimt time article irrelevant , amid only referred to time secret work of time order. Timoso wimo imad labored to commsumnmnate this work did mmimt intend timat it should be pigeomm-imoiod or fluid its way imito any- body's waste basket , and vore in favor of time imiotiomm. ' 1'imc comnmuamider refused to emmtertniim limo motion. Aim appeal was takami frommm time decisiomm of time chair , wimicim was miustaimmod. Wimercupomi Mr. ) 'hlniemm l'ammdcd in his resignation , but after carofuuihy studying time qumestiomi comm. ciuded we wore right , amid has since witimdrawn his rosigumatfoim. Vamidorveort would immuve time 1umblic , believe tide comm. troversy imalpemmel omm time liassago of tin , resoitmtmomie. Time mmmenmbem' who left time. room to attend to other bumsitiess is one of time most carmunt supporters of soul resolutions ( lime little matter Vammder. voort forgot to mneimtiomm imi hmi niticlo , viy.i A seLof reaolutiomms hme imami drawmm UI ) , euiiogixiumg iiimmiseif and his doedi ; , and coumdemmmiiimig 0 emmeral C rctimtun , 'Jl'm ' resolutions vero referred to a conummittee , mm-lie wrote Itim' . Gmeslmammm ammil found time facts wore not in accord whim time rca. olutions commsequomitly reported immifavora. lily. Simico Vnmidorvoort imas hecmm , so active iii this immuttem , facts that. would imavobeomm so covered by time immantlu ci ' 'cimarity ' , " becoimmo public property. Originally there was mm figimt against Vammdervoom t. , oimiy so lammis lie imad to tic with engommdumirmg time mmctiomi at limistimigs. lie said time actiomi uumms m3pmmtlmlmeouo. If so , why did lie cry omit. uiicmi otimor pee. llo's comm-mis trod on ? Yo have leamimud sImmc ( , , timat Vamidorvoort nmadu mimi immdi- vidual cammt'aas of time camp at. hastings , izottiimg ready for spozmtaneous ( I ) actiomm. mime says our resolutlomi nro absurd because time gatimerimig at Jiastiimgs was imot wholly comimposed of (1 , A. It. coin. rades. If lie vihi take time trouble to look UI ) tine amiimoummccxmemmt , on that occa- siomi imo will timid it gottcmm up by time or. gammizatiomm. whmicim is rospommaible for every : mctmomi wimotimer it participated or not. If \'mmmdervoort , is mm. . . ' satjstietl with this at. tenqmt to mislead time Imubiic perhaps we could gratify biimm by lmermmiissioml of ( Jemm. oral ( Jreeiiani to r'ubiiaim ' our corrospomid. ommce witim time hostnmaster ) gwmerai. Oxi : or Tnn Six , - - - Iteilutjtiom ol 'i"iges , I'ftOv1m)1NoI ) ; , December itiIn commee. IUommce of Limo break in time prkes of cot. tomm goods , vages are to be rcdtmced to. nmorrow jim immimny ci time loadiimg mills of Uhmodo Islamul. - - I pm Covmiii'mhiomis , , ( , , , miit ems. thII.'Aoo . , ieeenmbor 10Time'oaturn : llmjomm Tohegraim CoflipImmmy took posses' small of their now oporatimmg macmu yester. uy , ammml to.mmigimt mibout. all the mirea Were immured fronim hit , teiimpornry juanlers. .Pimu Olmienugo chico miow line , - - - - - - I' - _ : j - - - - - - ,1nfants and Children thmmit Mnrpiilnn or Nnrcotlnn. \\lmftt givcq oumi' ChmihIren mv chme1ca , 's hat etmrcs iliUm fevers , immnhcs tI.Onl . nl'ep 'TIq ( ln'ttrI , , . V1mn ilztiuf fret , and err by timrn. \imt cmmrvs their colic , kflla timnir wornmc , hut Ca..tnrla. V.'lmttt qumickhv Cure Coantipatton , I Sour $ tommmach , COitis , I mmdigust frumm mnt ( ineinria. rarewnll turn to Morphine tynip , I Castor Oil nod i'aregorlc , imnil imnilflnflCntnrt , . Centaur LInImoflt.-Ab. . solute euro for R.houm'atiamn , Sprains , Thirns , Galls , anti nu Iumstntmtammoous Pain-rollovor , ute ; oluoratora. 'l'lme imow operatimmf in ommo of time largest 011(1 finest. iii time world. Time floor , about 120 feet square , is arranged to accomimiodato ( 'p00 o merit tore. ( iron 700 wires are mnmimiipmmatcd front immiprovod switch boards. Navnlo Stock TImIevc. Sr. Loupu , 1)ccemnbcr IlL-A dispatch fromim Sammta Fe says Navajo hmidiamma ore nimmimmimig all' time stock of settlers ammd. timat. time latter are highly immcensod and timreatcmi to elmoot time limdmamms. A ( asohlmmo E.liosiitm. l'uovum'mscm ' ; : , It. 1. , Deccmimbur lfl-Ait explosion of gasolimme at time Newport. torpedo statiomm seriously injmmred Watcim. mmmnumm Ummrnimmgtomi , amid daimiagod time library amid 111:1mm : ) ' valuable books. - - - - ievilhtmhm 'V0IIt ( )1' a Fimo hug. Nmw : Yoiii. 1)ecemmmbor l5.-At 11. o'clock Wednesday miigiit. tIme watchmmmmami iii time Casimmo theatre , Broathvay ommil Timirty-miimmetim street , discovered a lOx tilled witlm simavimigs , papers mmd rags smmt- urated witim oil iii time unfimmisimod prosce. niummi box jim time upper tier. A. iigimtctl cammdlo urns burmiimg in time cemmtcr of limo box. Time policenrrestcdEuinard Rough , stage carpenter , who vas discimarged time ( lay before for disobediemmco of orders. lie commfessed'hmis guilt. Ho immade prepa- ratiomms with great care , ligimted time can- (110 just. as time curtain rumig up for time ias act. lie supposed time candle would burn an hioum before it would reach limo comnbuiatibiea. An audience of 1,500 people vere present Wedmmoaday mmigimt. Limo Casimmo is said to be time hammdsomnest. theatre in time coummmtxy. - Mcicamt Train 1ttIeia. ) L.immino ; , Texas , Decemuber 15.-It is reported General Cuohlar refuses to obey orders fronm city of Mexicotoarrost Quin , tone , mayor of New Laredo , charged wiLls coumphic'mty imm time l.Iexicami Nntiommmtl train robbery. It is alleged that several of time robbers arc known to be in Laredo. No one is wiihiimg to assume the respousi- bility of making atlidavits agaimmst them. - - 'l'hme Choctaw Method. Four Snirim , Ark. , Decommmber 15.- Levi James , a Clmoctaw Indian , convicted last Novenmber of time immurder of Janice Fuleom , was eliot yesterday at Scullyvillo Court House , Indian Terrftoryin accord- once with Choctaw law. Jamnes sat upon a blanket , time iherifi Imeld one hand , a. depmtyanother , and anotimer deputytook a position five paces distant with a Colt's revolver , which he deliberately aimed and eliot him through the lmearL He died iii two mimmutes. Janice was educated and of a good family. Ho leaves , a white wife , and live somali clmiidremi. . A Thief in Masque. DONVEJi , December 15.-Alfred B. Howard , recently absconded from ' .Vimm- Imipog , Maiiitoba , with $15,000 belonging to Vood tVohls , of Millbank canal , was arrested Imere to-day. The entire aimiount of money has been recovered. j He was stopping witim his wife and child 4 at one of the principal imoteis tinder the miamne of Stewart. Il ( ovcrnoiHamihtoti's 1101)1' , ClimeAco , December 15.-Govormior j llamiltomm in aim interview says ho hmopca J Gomieral Logan viil receive time republi. calm miominatmomm for President mmoxt Jumie. I' i ecoummmt of time votes for immnyor , aldernicu amid street commimissiommer of Boston is Peti- thuumotl for , ' .4 CATARRH ( I I COMPLETE TREATMENT , $ h A iugIu dose of anford'mm Radical Cure In- - .tamitly riiIvvtimo , mmot uloicot i'mmeezflg , Colits , ckaia thu head a , by 'angle , atop umater or iIe&tt ' ills. clmargcs iron , thu Nia.e ammil Eyes , pro , unts ) NoItis iii tlmt , Imeati , thmrrs ! 'eruommq micadacime Jtimmgicmg anti ubiint's cmIlis slid . Finer. Iii Chronic ' Catayrim it' cIuum.c tim , , nausi tutsaget ot fomml , , . Immtmcm , r.utorumJ Imo , co , 01 sutIf , tastu nfi , , imearInE Wlmem , irrem. time licail , throat aml , brnmcmmial , tube , StTected iii offe , , . , sh c mimatter , b , cctemt and I"Ir1flu time brent ) , , to1ms the nimglm and , srrcts thu . . progress of Cat.arrh warts CoImsuiritIam , , , to. ( Joe bottle ltdnn . C.miu , ' one box ( 'atarimal SoI- u eat and , ' , - SantOmI' limitaler , alt 1mm 0mw i'uckagc , of cli dnimgglata br i , Ak I. a 5Aipom's , I'oiTMm thLVo AIJ CimaicAm. , , Co. , ilObtOli , C OLLI N s' thu Porthoreflaf INSTANT IT mind IS prevention Ai'ILIED , , 1.i of itheuntn , Neuralgia , Sciat- t'\ , $ : /Ica. Coughs , Colds , Wk Back , "Ad' Stonuicim ' cud newel , , Shooting k ) t I'aImm , Numbacas , ilyaterfa , 1. . , ' muiale I'ufima , i'amnmttiozm . Dyepep. I. 1' . ala , Liver Coniplaimit , iilillou , F , , . j ' . et Mn1arI and pidenuI , use , /LCTluk\Tn ' COLLINS' i'LASTXIW ( arm ELEC. \ i o iiA'ITEaY COUmflNEfl PLA + S aPorous1'Iatteraadi&b ) _ , palm. 2ra. everyu.ea & + ' . - - - 'Nesfern ' Coroice-orks , it ' : IRON AD SLATE ItOOFINQ , C. SPECET , PROP. I I. 1311 IJouglas St. . Owai ) : , Nab. MNUFAc7rujtgg op ' Galvanzea Iron Carnicep , J l flormnu 'Wthuow , , Fimital. , n Iron semi siie 8oofln areeLt' , IatI Met.iIi Rlcitght , i'atczit &Ijustet itatclmst liar sod imrec1 bimmivirm - . I Lu geocral immlemmt br time Ibove Itmu , of . am goos. Iu 5cIug , Crttmtltmg ; , iiaiutr&dej , Verandas , liomi hiscie Iltiliga , Wiuduw tilted , Oilier Ousrda aIo ' eat tes'Pcros& iilIi atum4 IiU ! tillapi ; , gLmhraI j t .J