Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1883, Image 1

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JLs Caliii Pirmllss for tile Last Act iii
r Life's ' Great Bi1i11 ,
ho Ooiidcimied Man Makes No
t t Statement from the Scaffold
: as Expected.
. ; Boistoroua Wottther aini a Orowd
f Out to Soc the Black Flag
Raised ,
The Brother's ' Sad. Walk Before
\ the GloomPrison Walls ,
AIliIIiHoIt ( lint II ( 'iig an
1t THE PEAT1TI i'MI ) .
'tO'1)NNELT. ) IIUNO AT 8 rnis
. NEw1.rR PnIsoN , London , Doccinber
17.-O'Donnell was hanged at two miii
utes ; past oiglit. o'clock this inoruhig.
Despite tlio biBtorous and iqua11y
weather , considerable of a crowd aaaon
bled at the prison at 7 o'clock , hundreds
of workmen passing by the jail waiting to
gaze at the black flag. Among them was
O'Donnell's brother , who paced to and
fro opposite thio llag.staff in the most do.
jected. mafinor , exciting the 8yinathy of
all present. The execution occurred
without a hitch. O'Donnell 'ns calm
and collected and made no statement on
' . the
( Lone , December 16.-James O'Don-
iioll sscd a good night , and continues
I cheerful. Ills appetite is fair , but ho
enjoys smokitig inure than eating. He
" was visited this afternoon by Father
. Fleming and another priest , and was
, \ very attcntivo to their exortions. The
strictist reticence is observed by the
prison officials. A spccisl guard of 24
i 111011 iS 011 duty inside the prison day and
night , and several detectives have boon
stationed outside. The streets in the
vicinity of the prison are empty and
quiot. Son.o uneasiness being felt about
Bina's drop , it was thoroughly tested to.
day and the machinery again overhauled.
seemed to work well. The exclusion
of memberB of the press and thodifliculty
of obtaining inforznatkn causes much dis.
aatisfattion. The execution will certainly
take place at 8 o'clock Monday morning.
Victur hugo has written Queen Victoria ,
asking her to pardon O'Donnell.
. I FIRM AS A ItorK.
The police leaving duty at the prison
'this evening report thaL O'Donnell continues -
tinues firm as a rock. Every one is much
, impr3sod with his nerve. O'DonnelL
d fully prepared to moot hin Into. but remarked -
, marked that Ida deathwouldbo avinged
V on England. Victor. Hugo' mhis letter
1 says the queen of England has shown ,
- ( more than once hbrgratness of heart i
. and the queen will grant O'Donnell his
life and accept the unanimous thanks of
. the whole civilized world.
' The police to-night assert that the
, . . , British government i informedfromNow
. York that a strong , well-organized part
. . of American Invincibles loft New Yor
York November 29 aboard the steamer
.ATnsyrian Monarch , for the purpose of attempting -
tempting a rescue of O'Donnell. This
party , says an American dispatch , are
! desperate men , and through allies in
' London have chartered a small and swift
. steamer in London to convoy O'Donnell
to sea. As ridiculous as any such idiotic
scheme must appear to persons who
arc acquainted with the situation
at Nowgate or any other Eng-
halt prison , still the Scotland
yard force are taking official notice of the
dispatch and have posted a strong corps
of special inca at Gravesond for the pur.
P050 of arresting these Americans when
they arrive on the Assyriati Monarch
; to-day The police believe the Amen-
caiis are coming over , not to atompt a rescue
cue , but for revenge against the officers
( L and others engaged in the prosecution of
, . O'Donnell. Every efrort will be made to
arrest the entire party on their landing.
' Special permit has been granted to allow
a close search of all baggage and passon.
gers by the Assyrian Monarch.
I The police boarded the steamer Assy.
. nan Monarch , Sunday , but no arrests
wor made , as there was no passenger
: list on board to furnish names of sus-
t pected persons.
, . It ; is published that O'Donnell yoster
4 day , for the fir3t time since ho killed
I Carey , admitted practically that he was
an invincible. The admission was made
I L ; to his brother , and by him di'ulged in
. - an interview with his brother yesterday
evening. It is reported that O'Donnell
, . said ho never felt any regret for killing
Carey , and feels none now. It is also
said that lie would msko this declaration
upon the acafiold , and that these would
be his dying words.
' /i According to his brother , O'Donnell
intends to make the following statement ,
upon the scaffold :
, "I killed James Carey , the informer.
, , I am not sorry for killing him , and never
have been ; not only th'it , but all ofLon.
don's wealth would not buy or induce rue
to give anyone away. " Thu last clause
about "iiot giving anyone away" is the
only alleged statement of 'O'Donnell's
'which is cousstrued to imply that lie was
an Invincible. His friends argue that
this admission does not necessarily
moan that ho is an Invincible ,
- but rather that ho would give no one
away , even if ho could.
LONnON , December 17.-Masse , will
be said at 8 o'clock this morning in the
various Catholic churches for the repose
- , of O'Donnell's soul. 'rho local news
I 9onoy states that at the farewell visit of
.4 1 0 Donnell's brother to him Saturday the
IflOfl conversed half an hour. O'Donnell
gave Iris brother final instructions in regard
gard to certain msttors. They spoke
in Irhji to prevent the wardens
from understanding threnu. O'Donnell
said he fult comforted because the fund
which was subscribed for his defence
would be divided among his wife arid
I other dependent relations. He died for
Ireland and would die like a bravo luau.
O'Donnell's brother was desirous of
burying the body in consecrated gronuirl
and was horrified to loani that tire ro.
mains must be nrterrrnl in tire Prison
yard. As the brother would riot be nil.
lowed to revisit O'lonnell ire stnitd that
ire would stand outside Nowgato prison
Monday until the black Ilag was hoisted.
C.tiito , December lU.-l'hiere is great
oxcitcineirt between the Musselurren anti
Christians in ripper Egypt , attributed to
tire action of tire American iniMlonraries.
The populace .iro defiant and a lolular
outlrcak is inun'rnent. The governor
irs warned the Eryptiari government of
tire situation. ' 'iro Anuroricanr nrissiona-
rics in Siout are sent by the board of
foreign missions , froni tIre United Pros.
bytenisur church , headquarters at Pirila.
delphnia , arid their names are : Revs.
John Ilogg , .1. A. Alexander arid John
Citron ; Mrs. ( iifThn and Mra M. J. Mc-
Comi and E , E. Nowling. There is a
mission training college at Siout attend-
el by over two hundred studonta , mostly
iytiauis , who are being educated for
Irirearoirary work among the urative tribes.
Also a training school for young Egyp.
thur girls , whruro they arc pr pared to be-
comotac1rors of their own sex in Erzypt.
1\IAIrID \ , ) , December 16.King Alfonrso ,
in ooliilrg tire cortos last night , reforreti.
to Iris recent journey , declaring that his
object was to pay debts of friendship and
all ctiorr arid strengthen tire bonds of
friendship between Spain arid foreign nra-
tiona. Spair's relations wUir foreign
powers , lie said , wore excellent. Tire
5lCeClr ahludos to refornirs which will be
introduced iii the array and navy ; also in
tire adnriniatration of justice which will
secure trial by jury. Referring to the
colonies it says : Suppression .f punish-
Iflerit by stocks and fetters proves the
sincerity by 'which the law abolishing
slavery would be carried out. The speech
concludes : After several reforms are
voted tire government will introduce air
electoral reform bill in which urriversali.
zation of suffrage will give equitable
representation to all social interests , after
mssing which admission tins cortes will
be ended.
Losoox , December 16.-It is rumored
that the khedive has notified England
that he cannot confront tire present sitrr-
ation in Egypt unless his position is s -
cured by thepresence of othorthanEgyp-
tian troops. It is believed , therefore ,
that a strong English force will be dispatched -
patched to Egypt. Several battalions of
nriilitia have been enrolled to replace
troops withdrawn from 1 roland.
The Glasgow dynramitos Irave been
taken to Edinburgh for trial tomorrow ,
acconripanied by a strong police escort , .
A riot has taken plaeo between some
drunken soldiers and a number of Jews ,
at Garmolinzi , in .Podoha- Russia , re
suiting in killing a rabbi and the wound.
ing.of many Jews. Sovirat aoldieri.havo ' ,
been arrested.
PA1UH , December 16.--Reinforcenuenta
arc to bosent , to Tonquini in the shortest
possible time to raise the French force to
16,000 mon.
SIrANOIrAI , December 16.-Everything
is quiet at Pekin. Nothing is known
here about tirereported revolution in tire
imperial palace. -
VIENNA , December 16.-A. cargo of
5,000 tons of American wheat has boon
brought by steanrer from Hamburg to
Laubo iii Bohemia. This is the , first
cargo of American wheat over imported
into Austria.
rumi : (1En1.tN 1'RINCE IN RO\IR.
Rois , December 1G.-TIre mayor of
Rome has issued a proclamation stating
that the German crown prince will ar-
arrive to-morrow as the guest of the soy-
oroign to draw closer the bonds between
( lermarly and Italy , adding : "Rome
will know how to receive hinr. May ho
regard our welcome as the homage of all
Italians. " Tire pontifical secretary of
state and the Gornran representative at
the vatican ireld a conference in refer-
cries to the proposed visit of tire prince
to the pope , which nrreoting is now considered -
sidored assured.
CAIRO , December 15.-Baker Pasira's
departure for Suakim is again poatpono
owing to financial dlfliculty.
\TISNN. , Doconrber 16.-Four persons ,
including an anarchist workman , have
been arrested ira connection with the
prurder of tire commissary of police at
Floridsdorf last night while returning
fronraniroetiuigofworcmen. Tlrepublio re
centiy seized a number of handbills pub.
lisired by Herr Most , warning people to
abstain front general action and recom
mending single acts of violence , especi.
ally agarnst the police , with a view to
creating terrorism.
Schooner anti Crow 1405t.
CuIoAoo , December 16.-Specials pub.
lished to-day dated \S'innipog , announce
the loss of tire schooner Mary Ann
Huriburt , also tire tug ICincardino , with
a dozen souls. The followirrg dispatch
has just been received by tire Associated
Press :
"DIJLUTU , Mmmi. . Ioconrtbor 16.-Ab.
solutoly nothing is known regarding the
little schooner Mary Ann Iluniburt , cx-
cept that on tire 3d inst. sire was at
Nepigeon bay iording with railroad sup.
plies for Michipicotono arid that tire tug
ICincardino was to tow her down as soon
as loaded , weather permitting. 'I'iro
first intelligence of any loss would natur.
ally conro from Prince Arthur's landing ,
but nothing is known of tire matter
there , nltlroug'h sire is over duo at tirat
; mint. It is not believed hero that there
18 any cause for anxiety about either tire
schooner or tug or their crows. "
- -
Clialir o& ' IICkll HI'IIe.
ST. ! alUftI , December 16.-Tire moor-
porators of tire Chain of Rocks Bridge
company , whose purpose is to build a
bridge across tine Massissipui at tire loca.
tron kurown as the "Chaini of Rocks , "
three mules above tire present bridge ,
have elected tire followiirgolliecns : I'resi.
dent1 Thomas howard ; vice president ,
William Glasgow , Jr. ; secretary , A , F.
RoWer ; treasurer , John S. Ferguson.
Two nrihhionr dollars of stock have been
subscribed. An act of inrcorioratkrr wilt
be applied for at circe.
Slate 'I'enulicv& Association ,
Special l)1rurtclr to ' 1'niglIr : .
LINt'OLN , lcb. , locumbcr 10.-Tire
Nebraska State 'l'eachrers' association wit
bout its next session in tins city err tire
25th , 2flthr and 2lthof Mardi.
'r'uir : ixun : ltArrs. :
: NNW- YoRK , loceniber 10.-At I ire
ittlartonly irreetirug of tire IasseIiger tie.
lnrtrrierrt of tire joinrt executive conrrrnit.
too of the trunk hues twerrty.tlrroe roads
were roproserrted , Tire unreeling con-
liriried the actiorr of tire ahnrtiinrg corn-
nrittco mr rctlucinng rates by tire way of
tiroso litres west of Chicago arid St.
Louis which do not pay conrrnrrissionra to
brokers , to moot tine rates rrradc through
brokers by other lures. It. is stated by
ConniurrisMonror Pierson tint the rnneoting
was 'jf a urrost lrarnnonn'rous arid
cllcctivo character. 'l'icket..s mayo boon
ostorod by way of tire Louisville ,
Evansville & St. Louis railroad whr'rclr
wore taken oil' six weeks ago on account
of cuttinn of rates. A. resolution was
1)setl iiroctiing all irrtcrcirarrge of pas.
senrger btrsinrcas to cease with Iirnes.kc.
yond tine territory of tire committee who
iersist in laYmflenrt of conirnirissionis to
brokers iii opposition to tire conninnnittoe's
rrrics. A reporter founrd that scalpers on
llroalway wore selling ticiceis to St. Paul
and Onrralra at rates innrdor tire reductiorns
made by tire committee Friday , arid told ,
Corunniissiouer Pierson.o vill nrreet
theurn , " was tire comnrmissiorner's reply.
. % FrLtIi' ' ci' A WAR.
LeNnoN , Deounrrber 10.TIre Econro-
nmnist says : Anrericanu railway securities
are flat , owing to rumors of a railroad war
of rates in tire west. Lake Siroro &
Michigan Southern arid Ohio & Mississippi -
sippi dropped 1s per cent , Norfolk &
Western preferred , Ponmnsylvania arid
WTabnsh Preferred per cent , CIricigo ,
Milwaukee & St. Paul 2 per cerrt , Cirion
Pacific ( lOO per share ) about 10 per
cent , and Wabash ordinary 1 cent.
- .
- -
Tire Hontinroi's , 4IilieaI.
Dcrnoir , December 10. - In tire sea'
muon's international reunion yesterday
the rej.ort of tire committee was adopted
condemning tire Forty'soventIi congress
for riot passing tire bill introduced in
that body for the better protection of
life and property on tire great lakes , do-
darling that many lives and mu large
amount of property have been sacrificed
since on accounrv of tire culpable niegli-
gence of refusing to take action -
tion on tire subject. 'i'Iro resolutions de.
irand that tire present congress pass such
TinoSkolotonr Ilorsornein.
Duuu uu , Ia. , December 16.-Major
Cranr , of this city , who belonged to the
Sixth iowa cavalry , believes that ire ins
identified the twenty-three skeletons recently -
cently found in Dickey county , Dakota ,
58 being the remains of a scouting part
sent out from tim camp of the Sixt
Iowa cavalry in 1863 , and who were
never hoard from. The cavalry buttons , I
spurs and bones of horses found with
the hunnalr' ? rothains , together with the
locality in which they were discovered ,
make thoprobabilityvury strong.
The Princess Mary Amelia , of WurLanburg ,
Is dead.
Konia , Asiatic Turkey , has been shakeir by
air carthjuake. ,
The factories In Vermnront have shut downi
owing to anchor icc.
Prime MInister Ferry asks for a suppii
mnrorrtnry Toinqulu credit of OOOOOOO francs ,
hililan Spencer , the actress , sues for a
divorce freon her husband , Edward Claybung.
irori & Co.'s oil cake naIl ! at Ipswicin ,
England , was burned yesterday. Loss , 40- ,
The ( orman crown prinCe arrived and was
received witin great onrthusiasirn nit Genoa yes-
Tine Akron , Ohio , straw' hoanil works Were
burned yesterday. 14OS $40,00i ; insurance
Walker's sugar house , Now Orleans , was
burned Saturday. I 'oss , 75,000 ; Insurance ,
D. A. Drtrry , a Spencer , Mass , , Iioo iniamnu.
macturer has falio'i. LIabIlItIeS , ZS0,000 ;
asots , 7O,000.
Tire French deputies will be asked to grant
10,000 francs for a public funreral for henri
Martin , tine historian.
Julia Fox anti Jnmne Greener fought for a
of $2,000 near Allegheny City , Pa. ,
3atinrday. Fo'c was knocked ourtin the fourth
round ,
J3omtonnlau are moving for tire ocforceinont
of the law prohibiting persons under 14 years
of ago arid women belngworked in stores crier
60 hours per week.
Tire Frencir nunbassiador wii vi.ltod Die.
inarck at Fredorichsrinno , Is satisfied witln tine
views obtained from Biemarek regarding the
relations of France and Gernianry.
Speaker Canilsie says ho I. working night
and thy on the formation of tine house corn :
mnlttocs. Itis expected that tire apuoInitnnents
will be announced before tine holiday recess.
Tine Oraiigennren propose to lucid a monster
meeting at Ioiore , county Down , January 1 ,
In oujosltIon to the l'ruuoilites at tire earns
time and place. Lord Rosmnnoro will be
ZoriIlc. , tire Svanisin radlcai , Inn in twelve
colunru manifesto , dated London. . , says : "A
republic is tine only form of government that
will allow Spain to enjoy order , nnorality ,
ju8tlce rind liberty. "
Ieadunig democrats in congress think tire
democratic national eonni'entionr will be meld
in the west. Chicago Is working quietly but
diligently to secure it amid monopolize the
convointlonie next yearn.
Captain Fw't.ler , Edward Mason annul ( bus
Itonarnd , iviro ver6 killed Inn the Now orleans
riot , ware burled Saturday. It in , reported
that subscriptions 'wlil lie raised for tire hone-
fit of tire wife and eirildrenr of Portion.
The Manefloid , Ohio , grand jury JIM no'
tunreul an Indictrireirt for nnrurder in the sea.
turd ilegrea against Itobert Johnson , one of
tire Now \Vaehunrgt.oir brnrglars captured hoar
Slaeliiy , Ohio , Tlxo trial is sot for January ,
'fino ciramred roriralans of a niran nanunod Car.
iiiichaei , were found in tire ruins of his hurried
siranty iii 1Iouton , Texas. ann It Is supposed
that ire was nnrurderod , Us was a republican
politician , and sVrs once asvoaltliy slave owner
in Alabama.
A shnanp contest ii bilrg , waged between
Millionaire Flood and ienrator Siruron fur the
control of the Ophnir mining stuck. Proxies
are tnt a oranniurn of 83 per share , I t ii stated
that Siraronn luau. . sectireil a , nnnrjonitr , 'i'inu
stock icur neon from 80 ti $ ll.7.'u. 'hire alec.
tion connors off urn the 19th.
'l'Iae St. l'aul ale' , stun at 'SVirronrui , Minnie.
seta , iruilt twenty years ago , and veitutal at
83 00O bumurud Satinrday. 'lire lessee , iiI.
O'rIIl , had 135,000 bushels of barley , the
esthnrated value of whicir was 79,0Qo , ila.
stroyod , Ills insurance is 860,000. TIre
"iiarnorrd Joe" dock anti warehouse was also
burnout , Loss $1,000 , ' 1'hr tiler of tire draw
bridge wru damneged 2OO0O , , Two barges
were slightly damaged ,
Th Sickiicss aii Death'of Rciircscnt-
atic llasdBofKaiIsfls
Minister Lowell's ' Insti' otons ill
the O'Donnell ' Oaso--Lod
Gl'OflVillO'S ' 'Reply.
Tire 1 I oniso Oonnnur I I 0 ocs , I teorgaun I
I 1mm 0 I' t 1nt Somnate anti Itot'i , , I'
Talk to liii out ( Irk
. Week. .
NO lTRniFF.1tENCR TO in ; i.utii : ,
\V.SIInNflTON , December 10-Thurs.
day last Secretary Frolirrglruyscn tub-
graphed Minister Lowell , stating that
tIre irouo of representatives lied brought
tine case of O'Donnell to tire president's
notice , with tire hope tlrat tire latter
might secure a roasopablo delay of cxc-
cution of sentence , andascortaru whether
time prouer was air American c'rtizonr ,
amid wiretirer there was an error in tire
trial. lit tins telegram ? ntr. Lowell
instruicteti ire follows :
"As before instructed you vnll con.
aider O'Donnell's c'rtizoniahip etabhls1cd.
'rincre holing iii Great Britain rio judicial
exarn'inmattori for an appeal of proceedings
at a crinninml trial , possible errors can
curly be corrected t.hrrouglu a nqw trial or
executive actiorr unponr tire mnntonrcu ,
therefore lhnis government is auxiouns
sucir a careful exauninatioii be fivonr thre
proceedinrgs irs tins crso as to discover airy
error , sirotnid one have boon committed.
You arc , therefore , dnroat'sd by tire pres'r-
dent to request a debry of tine sononico ,
and tirat a careful oxawinnutionof tirb case
be nniade by her niaosty'a gnvcrnment ,
arid that tire prisoner a caunsel be per-
mnnitted to lrcserut any alleged points in
error , " S.
Secretary Frelinigirnysen is now mt re
ceijit of a tolegranuu from Mr. ljivchi ,
wino states that on tire 12th inst. , ho rcr
ceived tine above telegram awl. imnredi.
mutely donnmnnrnicatcd its substance tiI4ord
Granville , socretaryof forengnma1fa'rrs who
acknowiedged its receipt and. stated that
it would be referred to the proper an-
thorities , also that on Saturday , the 111th
mist. Mr. Lowell received Lord Grain'
yule's ' reply , in which the l utter , after re
forthig to Mr. Lowoil's cOmnmuniciution ,
states that counsel for O'Donnell having
submitted all represontatious thiornghrt
advisable on tire prisoner's behalf , those
representations and a11 other cir-
cumstanrces of tire casolnavo boon carefully -
fully examined and considered in the
mnamrmier usual in cases of' capital convia-
tions , and her majesty's government
found no grounds upon which it would
be justified in advising the crown .to in.
terfere with tire aomrtenco of law or its
execution. .
Representative Dudley C. Iraskoll was
much worse this morning , and died this
On account of the ill health oJudga
Kelley , Mr. Haskell was giroity % rocog-
ni'.edaa leadeiof thd rop'oiicLj hi the
last congress in the discussion , ? of. the
irriff bill. ' Tiroso wino rnow iuim"best
say ire zrnornber of tine mouse was better
acquainted with every detail of the tariff
than ho. He was an ardent protection.
jet , and while the tariff bill was pending ,
devoted to tint subject nearly the whole
of his time , and often hard conferences
with manufacturers and others interested
in it till late ironnra of the might. To iris
indefatigable labors with correction of
t.rifr legislation is largely attributed the
ill health which ended in iris death. Ho
was not well when ho returned to his
home after the adjournmennt of congress
last spring , arid during the summer Ire
visited health resorts in tire northwest and
at all these places lie was treated for
different diseases , tire lirysicians holding
various 01)iflIOliS Ui regard to tine mature
of tire illness. Since his return hero ire
has been comrfmcd to his rooms. He coin-
tmnpiated last week being carried to the
house to take tire oath , in order tirat ire
nnigbt imntroduce measures in the interest
of iris constituentu' , although umrablo to
attend the daily sessions of the house.
The famniiy of tine dead nnnanraccompanied
by a congressional conninittee , will leave
% ra5inmligtoni to-morrow for Lawrence ,
ICansas , wirero they oxpuct to arrive
Wednesday , and whore tire funeral will
take place tine day following. Tire corn-
mitteo appomted by Speaker Carlisle
from the house to attend the funeral con-
siarts of Representatives HUbacii , aind
Ryan of Kansas , Kassoun of Iowa , Burns
if IXiseouri , Browne of Jjmdii.n. , 'iciL ; .
fovro or ( fib. Un1es Senator Ingalls
small return from Massacinusotts tomorrow -
row in tune to proceed with tire funeral
party , Senator Plumb wili go , accompanied -
nied by Senator Cockrcli of Missouri , as
a conmnnrittco oftiro senate ,
'J'Iio friends of tire proposed bill oxtonnil
ing thobondedwhiskyeriodimvoappoint-
ed a comnrmittoo to wart upon Secretary
Folger to ask hum not to force tax col-
lectiona on whisky conning out of bond
until congress takes action. The coin-
nnittoo consists of Rcpn-escrrtativo . Blackburn -
burn , chairman ; Willis and Culbertson ,
of KentuckyJordan ; , Fohiolt and Keifur ,
of Ohio ; Dsvis , Morris and Worthington ,
of Illinois ; Ilelford , of Colorado ; Valcir-
tinre , of Nebraska ; Broadinoad , of Mis.
souri ; Mono , of Masachueotts ; I-lcwitk ,
of New York ; Boynro , O'Neil and Hop.
kins , of Penrmrsylvannia , arid Findiey , of
Maryland. At a irrocting to be held iinr
unediatoly outer adjourinmircnrt of the
houses to-morrow , tire committees ivill
be enlarged by the additionr of members
from Indiana , California , Now York timid
Missouri , As soon as Secretary Folgur
is alho to resume iris dirties , tine committee -
tee viil wait uporn him ,
niousu : coanmz TTEE $ ANn , IIECESS.
Speaker Carlisle now intemrds to nnnako
tire amnnoumicemonnt of comnnmnittues next
Fridays amrd it is expected tinat the holiday -
day recess will begin with tine adjourn-
inneint cm that ( lay amid continue until
Friday , January 3d , or until tire begimn.
mninrg of tire following week , whir tine
probabilities favoring the latter. It is
mint likely that tine house wilt aesunnblu
more than once between Monday arid
Friday , arid then only as a formality ,
'I'hno mnaelrinrory of tine serrate will bt
hut inn working order during tine week.
itesolutiorns to proceed to tire cioctioni ol
officers will be imnirotluoud Monday or
Tuesday. Should tins conie Lo.mnorros ,
it will go ever , under objection from tit
nlunnrocratic , sitk , , unit Tuesday , cnn which
tiary a caucus of ileniroeratie semnators y'viil
ti ) irbtle5' be multi to decide onr tlrcir no-
tioni iii respect to tine orgamnizat'nonn. Tine
lrrc at trrnstwon tiny 0jinionia , eqrrcssed no
tO tine course of tine ileunrocrats are to tire
effect that , they will imot. attomlit to do.
lay action cnn tire caucus nomInees
of tine runrnbliennis beyonni tire t'unre mmcc-
rissary to deliver a few speeciros cnn civil
service relorinn mrs exennniniilicd by a prmo-
sitioir to eject ; dennnocn'ntlc olhiciuuhu. In
reply tine ronubiicnrnns will j mnst'rfy their'
course by ; irccedenrts estabhishioti by their
opmnucnuts. The disctnaaionr nnray coil-
sunnno two or three days. Time ronnminider
of time week until Friday night will 1 o
corrairnued in diecurss'ronr ci tine now code
of runes winch is IfDt. iikel' to ho ills.
Posed of unnrtii afterthe holiday recess.
A nnUr.un , ourriAni : ,
l.uvToN , 0mb , lecernnber 16.-lnrtolli.
gcnco inns roacineti irene that a inorniblo
outrage liars been comrrnnuitteil ott a tinir'
teen-year-old damngiutur of Cinrist'nanr Ebb' ,
sur1wrinntonndemnt of sclrooha of ilmntlor township -
ship , rroar Vamnilatimu. 'l'hmmn little girl mmii
boon sent to drive irome tire cows On
tire way sire , y seized by a voll-dressod
miami , mrobrnbly : k years of ago , minr'.l '
dragged to jhre wootis nrear by , whore a
revolver Was placed at her meant arid
throats mimic to kilt Iner if she ecrenmnreti.
Tine child was nnnrablo to help herself , rurd
tire fellow accomnnpl'relred his Ireilishr , locd.
l'oo1iio niro 'talking of lynrcinimng time rnranr
if found Tire eoarelrors caught a yonnig
luau vlnoru tiroy carrie near iynreirinng , stud
who was ( lilly ea'cd by tire girl declaring
thrust ire was riot tire rrrann ,
A mEsr'nnu.u'rr : Arrnum'r To rso.un'n : : .
l'irrsimu ItO , Decennuber 10.-Five 1nria-
onners iii charge of 1)oputies Brockaw ,
Gernnnani annul Berlin , whnilo beinng turkoni
to tine ponnitomntiutry yesterday , nrmado a
desperate attempt to escape. "mVironr
) as8ir.g down Sixth street , winch is ni-
ways crowded , a prisoner unrunod Patterson -
son kicked ( lorinnair iii tire etounrach , anrul
with murotiror prisonrer started unp Liberty
street. , At tine samnno time Lynneir , onno of
tine otirer prisoners , tinruw roil popper iii
itorlinr'an eyes. Gernmranu amnd Brockaw ,
wino 1usd mnot mcii tins , started after Pat.
torsoni arid iris conmnpannionr arid cornered
them in ann niioy , when Patterson drew a
revolver , bnnt before ire could use it the
ofilcora overpowered lrirrr , Meanwhile
Berlin , altlioungir blindodwitin tire pepper ,
pluckily held tine two prisoners , while
Lynch kept tire crowd back by ilourisir.
ilrg a razor , Ileimenrranr , tire fifth prs-
oner , then canine to tine assistance of
Berlin , arid with tine aid of several oil.
core who mad arrived by tins tinro the
Party was minded aruroly bcliirnd tire bars.
The red pepper , revolver turd rar.or , it
scorns , wore given to thorn during the
trial , secreted in a package of tobacco ,
mmii ui A OJnLtNK.
LiNCoLN , Ill. , Decennrbor 10.-Russell
alias Vance who irma been under arrest
011 suspiciOn of being connected with
tire era Burma murder , baa boemi die-
charged. The iiberated man Is indignant -
nant and declares iris intention to bring
suit against Larison for false imprison.
merit. Tine fooling irero generally is
that the arrest was an outrage and Uncalled -
called fg' . There is but little question
about Russell belonging to the .ord r of
Nnw Yon , December 10.-Georo W.
Rumble , who was arrested at his } ulton
street office yesterday , is wanted inn Clii-
cage , under ann indictmnnent for violating
tire postal lows. Ho is charged whir may.
inrg , under the name of W. T. Soule &
Co. , saint circulmirs tinrougir tue mails by
which ins obtamnred nronroy from iris car-
respondents under false rereaenitatiomrs.
lie was hold inn $3,000 bail. On Rum-
bie's office door in tine city was a sign
reading , "Western Cmiii amid Cattle As-
soc'iation , " which is probably of the same
mature as tire Cinicago business.
NEW OJILEANS , December 10.-I. Th
Houaton , now in tine parish prison ,
makes tire following statomnronit. As cinair-
mann of tire executive cannipaigmi connnnit.
tee of tine MoEnnery fnctiomr of tine donna.
cratie party it was my duty on tine
day of tine recent election to receive all
complaints amid visit tine various pollimng
places througint tine city. In perform-
anrcu of my duty I rode hr a cab to Line
Seventh ivard poll. During roy stay
near tire 1)011 U diaturhamico occnnrred , fol.
lowedbypiatolsirota , irIovimngfronnr tineapot
where tire disturbance was going cmi arid
winile walkinng across tine street I suddenly
found nnryaolf confronted by Captaimn For-
tier , and within a ralnort diatairco of him.
He meld a pistol iii his inamnl , amid inn-
Btairtly , without provocation or warani'ig ,
, fnictl pinzt I)1II1I , it l ° , tire ball striking ,
my breast fully and squarely iti
nine under the impression it mad cmntere
fry body. Believing myself wounnded I
made air oxanrinnationn as soon as possible
and found tire mall ( roar Fortior a pistol
struck a button on inny vest crusinnnmg it ,
emitting tinrouin onro tinickmress of tine vest
and lodging iii tire other amid aiuein a
severe connttisiomn emi riry chest , Learning
later in time dir ) ' tinat urn order mad boon
issued for mnry arrest , I at onrco surron'
derud. "
G.tLviToN , Tux , December 10-A
Waco special says : Thnonnras Locks aird
, J , N. Camnnpboll were arrested this morn
mmI charged with counterfoitinng silver
coors. Campbell is highniy connnooted ,
auid liars maid a number of places of trust
in tine city govornnnnnnrmrt during the paat
two years. Ito confesses that ire liars
been a rnemnrbor of air organized aumg for
several months , but churns to have boomr
actimrg as a detective.
A Ihoninidiiry 1)ispulo Entled.
Ciiiooo , Deconrnber 16.-Tine Daily
Noire' Winnnnipeg special says : A basis of
agroemnenithnas Iauomnarnivedatbotwcemn tine
Ianitoba , Ontario arid tine lonnimnionr
govormrnnont inn regard to the boundary
diepunt.o botweemr Mnnnnitoba and Ontario.
The PrinrdiIal features are as follows :
Mr. Mowatt agrees to relinquish iris
claims to tire territory under tine award
and submnnit tine case to tine immrporiul
privy council , J'onding dec'nsiozn , tinero
'a to be joint authority by Manitoba and
I Ontario in tine disputed territory on tine
basis nrow under comnside.zation.
Legal proceedings cmi hotin sides , already
begun wilt ho auraindonred. Tine Ontario
govermrmmrannt mars discharged its special
Police at Rut lrtage.
lie Blow Omit tine Oars ,
r BALTironts , 1)ocennrber 16. - Ocorgo
Norris , a l'resbytonian mininistur aged 71
r years , was suffocated by blowing out thi
? gas ,
A PcllsyIaI1ia Town iii P1rns aii
thg. ftoplc Ilcipless ,
' . . .
Property to the Amount of $13-
oo Destroyed at Weopiiig
Water ,
Iiosc of tiifn as ' 'eli ntM o'I I'v,1icitv ,
hr ( H iner l'hlmIn'srnnl in Case of
limeftnlti Irin'I'rmni ,
'VIlE l"IltE 1tI'oiD ,
'mmmrr'mNu. ' WArRIi 1OsRS$13,0O0.
Stiocial II.patehn toTino 110sf' . .
W'n'.ium.i . \r.Tjni , Nb. , Ds ; : niber 16.
-'I'lru ( Jomnrnnercinl larnk add Klcaky'a
store were burnnod1.o.mnignt. Tire nilarnu
Was sonmnaleil abount 4111L1 this ovenr'rnng ,
Evon7tirinng was got curt of tine bank cx-
cept tine suite. ! l'ire innauramre tmre1y.
CoVers tine horns winch in , esthnnatid at
abounti3O00'on , the btriidutng amid ioooo ;
on the stock ,
mL' , nets , i'a , , , itus A si'nnn : : ii 'Isn1mATION.
DtJnroms , i'm. , Decennniior 10.-Tins
morning , just as roopieu'ere rotnrnninrg
Irons church , Ilanmnern svuru discovered err
tire aeconrd flmnr of tine Anmnoricani mouse.
'Pine fire departnnemrt was lrnirltly ? ) 011
hnantl : , hunt tine omnginres tnsetl to punnnrp tire
water supply wore idle , annil before stoarnu
couniti be raised the Sire had gamnred such
conntrol tinuit rnothnirrg smart of a mnnlraele ,
it was tirounglut , . eutnid save tIne town fronu
utter elostructionr , tine burildinngs boinrg
nniostly of ; wood lii a alnort tinnie tire l'nre
sPrerurL through Ford's tIring store arid
nuinned headway to tine poatollice bnnihl.
ring. 11y tins tune a hose conrrmnry lurid a
smnlply of wiutor , bunt tIre stroannr was so
. feeble that little exucuntnomn was done.
Tine llannnorn spreaurl rapidly , amid every
persomn for inalf a dozen squares away
inastiiy loaderl goods on trucks amid carted -
ed tinemnr without Lire borough lininits ,
There secured to be ann titter lack of conr-
i'ndenrco in thu tire dopartnniunnt , annul a
reigmr of terror prevailed. Time winnd aoonr
changed , and tine bunildinugs on tine oppo.
site aide of tine street took tim. 'l'ine
brick block of 1) . L. Corbett , stopped tim
prgrcsa of the Ilamnrea cnn tine vest side
of tire street , bu cnn tire opposite aide
frame buildings offorerl nrotinirrg bunt fuel
to the liannres. The fire raged umntul late
Uris aftornioonr , wirenr tire .Annrericanu ox-
lwcsa bu'rld'rnrg was reached , amnnl as there
weronno , atljnucenrt buildinngs , tIre firemen
succeeded inn cinucking tire progress of tire
liamncs , irot1 however , borore $75,000
worth of irroporty was dcstroycd.
Sr. I.OUIS FluEs.
Sr. Lows , Dccennuber 16.-Tire St.
Louis glucose works , situated north of
East St. Louis , were burned to.night.
Loss cnn wrks , $40,000 ; ann stock , $10 , .
000 ; insurance , $30,000.
The Limrcohnn public scirool house , corner -
nor of ugh aflI Eugenia atreots , was
dannnaged $3,000 or $1,000 by fire to-
nniglntand J. F , Barry and A , H. Lain.
harmVwo firemen , were badly injured.
OALVIMTON , December , 10.-A Corsi.
camra special says : Scvcmrbuaimress houses
oil Coliinstreot , were burned this inrorn-
lug , causing an aggregate loss of $09,000 ;
insurance , $49,000. Supposed inroon-
Tsvo.xJvns ANI ) $80,000 i.o.'vr.
HAI.u'Ax , December 16-Thno Queen
building wee burned this morning. It
was occupied for insurance and barristera' '
offices , V. Gibson , clothier , tine Spanish
consulate , and other otlices , The loss is
$80,000 ; innsuramrco , $50,000 , Edward
O'Comrnror , a clerk , aged 116 , wino slept in
tine building , was suffocated. Tine remains
mains , nnninnuns tire ircad , were found in the
debris. Tire famnnily of tine jamritor , with
tine excoptsomn afar nneieeMartlnaGourtiler ,
wino received fatal injuries , escaped by
jurnpinng to tire roof of air adjoinning
Sr. Louis , Deconnrber 16.-Tine St.
Louis Jockey club amimnounces inline stake
Farces for tineir mnreetimng , to comnnrremnco
Wednesday , .Juino 11 , as follows : Co.
n1uetto stakes for twoyear old fillies , five
furlomnga ; St. Jarmias motel stake , for two
year oids , tlnroc.quarters of a nib ; Mer-
cinaints' Excinrnnrge stake , for three year
old fillies , one mule arid a furiomng ; South.
cmi motel stake , for three year oWe , one
mile amnil a Iuartu ; Missouri Derby , for
( 'area CflV Oms , OP ? niilo and a mail ;
Brewers' ' cuj ) . for mull egos , two'mnnrd a
(1mnartor mules ; Tine Turrf onein irarrdutap ,
0110 mile and a furlong ; Citizens' plate ,
for all ages , onto nriio timid a ajniartur ;
cash inamrdicap , steeple cinase , two unniles.
Tire ninces will be run under thur Anreri-
can racing rules adopted at Louisville iabt
month , Emitnios will close .Jamnuary 15.
't'lroro will also bo two or nnoro Iurse
races each duiy.
'LoNDoN , lecemnborlfi.-ln tine billiard
contest Cannier scored ( iCO , 1)aiy 653. .
The latter mnado a .rrnnu of 309. Tine
scores to-might wore , Garnnier 1,200 , Daly
1,157. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
laruiuremice , Ilnns. , inn Itlonnrning ,
LasvmuENci' , Icas. , Ioceznrbor 10.-Tire
news of tine deatir of Dudley C. Ilaskoll ,
mnenrrbor of congress frommr tine district ,
was received in. tins city , winich was mis
home , with tine doopst feeling of grief ,
Tine imntolllgenrcowas in smock to the whrojo
conninmnunrity arid has castthe darkest glounri
ovom. tine city. Ho was born hr Spring.
held , Vt. , mu 1841 , came to Lawrcmrce
whom andy tinirtconr years olnlamnd most , of
iris Ito sinnco thuemi liars heWn hero lie was
one of tine nnroat lronnnimncnrt citizens iii
macian , political anrd. religious circles.
His urntinnicly taking oWjust wincu ire mad
worn a irationral roputantionn amid inn tire
pnimnuol life is a serious blow to } anrsaa ,
his romnairns will bo somnt hero for inter.
mnnonit , but tine date is miot. fixed.
A Vciy Oloso Call.
FAnnie , Dark. , Decummrbor 10.-Tine finn
winch destroyed Nra , ChoyeLte' board
jog house run Mor'ohoadyeaterdayssproac
so rapidly that tine innmmnnutes whir graa
( litilculty escaped inn their might clothes
Most of thnemrr Were Inure or less burnnutl
Robert 1)odgo , hugh Finn , Win. Flotch
I or , Mrs. Choyatte , JannresYard arid ( iu
S Wotinerol varo seriously butued or inn
S jured while junnipirig front un second stor
wimrdow ,
_ _ _ _ _ . _ , . . . . , _
For.:1ou ,
Madam , .
WhOse ComnploxLomi Jietrays
.SOlllC liiiiii hinting hniiei'I'ec-
lou , ivhoso iiilrror tells you
tIiiit , you imm'o Taizimeil , Sallow
anti disilgitreil In couiite-
ilauce , 01' Iia'i'o ' Eriipttoits ,
1eilmiess { , 11o11"hiIlesS or 1111- '
whole.somno 1I1LI'4 of Coimi flex-
lou vo say USO hogan's ing- '
i1olf t 11fl11fl. .
It is a ( leltealo , harmless
niiil dChIglLtfllI article , lro-
( luclilg liLa IIIOSL hifltllrill anil
elltrIthlCIlig tints , tile arttflcI
nllt.y of'hifc1t 110 OJS01'VCr )
can detect , aiiil ivimicli soon
beconies 1)ernlnhlelLt ) it' tue
Mn'noh1a iairn Is jutUcl0us1
A , . an ninvirarrant , S
tOSTETTER' ' Siomimi
iIr liIttcr Iraq mc-
II ' cehot the umnoit
it I . a ; ate ,
frito ( nilluelit thy.
siciauu , , airi hsonu
occillined r tnumirot
! 'ntik anarchy atanil.
' - antilniinirnatar-
- S ; . 2 . . . ' . -r- ! - renicilles. its niron , .
S - -
. - , - Cr ice a , an altera.
S , the ot illsordsnei l '
t - . , , initntIomue of t h ( ,
.m , itommmacli , nirer and
, . , . . lvols , titL
, ventiva of mmualarral j
ilI.oaes are rio less
TOMACII For sale by air
1T'TEBS Inmarghit emit DCAI' It
1T'TEBSminnie whom apply p
nor rmoteute's Al.
minnie for 1851.
1 : - '
Ann execlient nppetinnnmg tomilc on
-f ' -v : tX qulaino niamor , now uned ovcr the
i-in . vtuuro nsinid , carTon 1)yslicpSIC
1)Iirnrha'mn , F'evcr nnui Anirru atom nit n t
' : ' . .tffi : inkoruners eftiac ItctIvu brutn , IA
. ' : i5i . . low dtii fnnurnt a delicious 1,11
. '
, ,
- ' , , , ,
to nil pamnunier tirlmnks. .i'y ti , but '
a . -f' nemvareorcomnnmtirrenns. Ask yomnr 'I
: : .1r gric.'r or druggist fur thu genntno
, . aurtido , mnnmufsctumrcui by Dli. . J , J
! ' ' ( . 1. iIJiURlt'I' .t bOMB.
-a Y1UrERMHII , So'e ' Aaent. .
Gr'irto 3. W , ihi.n , °
algitcIA PrrTs Brontlwa'c' . N. Y.
S ml
'i'IIAT TnLouTR.rs3 1W aunt IrUSINF.5s MEN GO
To TIIEIIt um.-'ricrs IN vim MOIININU urinrAN :
UNRASY 1nniil' , 4)11 ) A 1ATfl 1)INNER , LtmLmNo
lUIt. AN ? ) AT.L OtTi' 01 , ' SiL'n'S. ( 'n1t * IS E.
TmIIRL'v , urNNnccIsSArty : : , l'Oli A SiNfl.LE iSSR
on'i'nruv sr'munr.isti FOAMmNO sPnt.1 nt Tar-
rant's ' Seltzer Aponiont , TAKSN. iib.'oitu
nmnnEAKr'asr. 'l Li. limit FiI.tTELV' : InspFI. , : ALl. ,
'FFJIINIJH ' . ImP hEAVINESS , mrRrnoxm : I1ENT.y
mnu.rsuIiKTx Tlml-UAUSI : : , ANn ) UICRN INTO
IIRALTIIYM7I'ION nvnnnv : Fhnnnuhou'TzmE : SrS ,
TRim. FOil SALE lIT ALL DniUoobsTul.
. . S .
, . Cu res I'IIYSiCAT. LOSS & llehIIIt ,
- ; ' ' . OFafANLyvzaoItspermxtorr-
% Sons , eta. , whei&ll other reme
. ' I. . ; ilics fail. A curs 0uarantoed. .
, a $ j , ( , boSlie , large nottne , bus
times timaquantntv , $5. ISv ' ox- I
. . - I pro , . to any addrees. Boi'4 hr : I
alnirruggist. . mrnrasn anna-
CAL INSTITUTE , Proprietors , 718 OlIve Street , St. .
LouljMo. -
"I have .Oid Sir Mtmoy Cooper' . VitI Betors5nm'
or years. Every cmmstom.r speak. highly of tt. L
mbe.1t..trngiyendoa It area remedy of tills tuoriL
"C. F. 000DitAX , Druggtat. f
Onnab. Feb. 1 ISBi vfti.m&e'.odiy
mmccc. AFTER.
Ft.EcrnmLo vnITAra mnr.r.'r. naIl oiiu-r Erg-ni
. ii Ann tANCE. iV , will , IiIi an Thirty uaye
TrIl , To MEN , 'OUNU cnn om.n' ' , , , , are tuITt rjn ,
train Niivovs lHuniIrmry , Liaar virALmir , liflil tiiI ) ,
, iiftiii'iI ( if a Pu'on. SATURK rvumtnng freer
AiVSKI4 flUli OrirmnCAi'sms. 4n'i'iy remnt'r iuiieoni'
'mete re'tirntiou , ti ii KALTII , i'n.loi , , irn hnAwiooe . - -
1IUAIILNTCIP. : itmndatoureaforllnuatraiedl'ampnaren
r'o. Addrcir.
. , , 1CR
* Sz'4'a
. -
_ _ _ _
. . . , . . . . . . , . .
.ta. A. u..Il.s , , I1. . , , .i n.-1c. , hI.'b. t..anu. . . F. . . , . .4 Ar. . . . ' .0 .an
d.d. , , .1,5. Org..L A V. . 4Oj4 IUfaI I 4.kis , 5. . . '
, . , . . . . *
I U Tn U. '
I I I. 1I
t _ . . , . .t r..inarit. . AU . , , ' '
& .lu.L..I.h'.usb , IIra.1. U if'i'aiai1soaL
: , w. wpzamiuu , coLz L3ZUT.
1IT'11X1WM X'
# 7 Rare Chance for Printing Offices
We trays for sate several barrels of. a flr't
qualit ) ' of imnntner inic. Iiolni iuad fr use
on sinatlor or .iowerpreue. than ne are now usmnrg ,
we will soil tru ) 5.1101 ut 5 cents tier iiund free on
boerd cars at Onraii wnnr guiramitee it to give ooJ
, iim.fitloim our snuntler arid mediumi miresees. ,
TIlE UF.S nuJmrrmsnInNO Ca' )
wazynntea * to irur lonr Iii
IIilIJhhIiPhIi ! ! .ia\ylj,0 form Iia-iatr. ulial Kivu tItCI
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( , , ! . lb. -turni.Mi. ue.arkmt 1)ok'I Tbeiniorbenauiits , or ' erlY iricu oilier iia.h.t Cairilci will Un 'I
" 4.U CZnr.iru ii L.- . $ ,
I ml , ( ' .nel. IrIn' . Hr4 Salt.r * J.i&a , Festa1f
s1nii A.k yura.e'liauttoriS'ifl.
uornIscnuILfl joi.n
MAaU(14't ( .rns , 410 5 ; 3tri
rurLunut. ) '
-4 .5I' 'nsrW oh toe
. human body niriarnietl , thevolopud , itl streniiliieIm5i ,
etc. , Lea , , trtcraistlnic .siautiscUisiit loarir nut , in our
Papa , . hi rviv ( a nniquimle. as wiU say iira ( tissne is
nrc on-Mecu , of humbug about thh On the costnary
. the yortiset are ierv highly sirrioreod. (
neriwis may got , eaalelelrcuinr. giving i. $ iart1
I I . by ariUr' salnir ErI Mo.iio&t Cu. , , OJbO
BuSslo $ Y.-fl'i1ielo EvcutnZ t
' p
' .5 , .