- TI Efif OMAHA ! . DAILY BEE. . I THIRTEENTH . . , . . , , . . , iL < u. U11tt1IIi1 NEB. Se1CII.ItDA\IOItNING : llECE11iBElt iG 1883. gyp + Jg3 ; Till LI ADUO mN e , I ) TIl1 : , t { " { nest Assortment Ob' 1'1IE WEST. 1V1mST U1 NlIV 1CIih , Qtce more we desho to call the attention of the cite ens of Olnnltn ( lute we still claim the title of being the . West. IIavitg bad eighteen years of experience in our line in ( his'ity , yenrs in which tvo 1tlve niAdo it the allc told unl , , of jcct ( o . SUIT EVERY TASTE. .w tV re ne h eel' 1UOrP 1ire1cored to say that if you think of btty'in nnylhiub in t lt'welry't be it a cheap Silvcr or n fine Quid Wretch. , D ] L&M 0 ] StJ SQ-U I O1Th WJT IMP C TATIOJ T Set in slur ewlt ll + orltshop , Nec1t1n0es , Silverware , Bisque Figures , fine Imported Clocks , or luly'thiag in ( our line , our I ) use i5 the one 1 to satisfy you. Co to any other place lirst and look nt goods praised up to you , and thole , contoto us , and n.fiaw nnnutes sliOppjng will convince you that you can save money by buying front un. We are constantly receiving large Importation ; bought at the to west res for Cash and we give our customers , the bFenofit . . . of our own bargains : WATOH REPAIRING BY THE BEST WORKMEN } n'r ' ' r r u r r r r ORDER. In connection with our stock of Jewelry we have a very I go 1ltocl { of Muhioal 1nstrnments , being agonls for the celebrated P I A N 0 S ST , l f KNABE , 1IICKflING & OTHE R I A N 0 S. 1 And able to store a large number of these instruments in our own Building thereby saving rent , we can sell them n1uch lower Ihanother dealers , We give Plinio , Organs , etc , , on as easy tornis ns you wish , knowing wolf enough that many people will make an iiivestment for the cmbellislunent of their hottes and edncntjot of their children , if , time will be given to tllont forpayment. 1 EIGHTEEN YEARS' EXPEIUENCE , TO SUIT BVEItI' TASTE. PIANO8 AN ORGANS TUNEi ) ANI ) HEPAiItED. WE BUY AND SELL AT INSIDN P1tICES. RIOTS AND THE ROPE. II I I , A Bloody Political Riots la a Now Orleans ward , The Chain of Evidence Around' ' 1 Montgomery , Charged with Outraging Emma Bond , t { TI1 ( ILtngman's Busy Day-1'ennsyl- vaoia Laborora Spill Some Blood in a Fight. CIt1MINAL ItICO1tU , A 1'1UM.tnV TfrAOEDY. NEw Om rat s , Deconibor 14.-Tho primarys election for delegates to the democratic state nominating convention r wore hold in this city to-day , and the contest in the Seventh ward was so close that much illfeeing was shown which culminated this afternoon in a terrible tragedy at the polls , corner of 'Monroe and St. Bernard streets. It appears a man , name unknown , cause up to vote and was challenged by Capt. Fostior and his brother. It is stated they tried to get the mean from.in front the pall , but the man was "finally knocked down or fell down. A shot was then fired which seemedl t. ) be a signal , as firing immediately diately became general. The greatest excituument provailcd , the police being ' f powerless against the combattants. When the shooting ceased it was found that Captain Michel J. Fostior , prominent Ogden chanpion , was mortally wounded . He was removed to , his residence where \ ) ( lie expired in a few rninutee. Ho ( leaves a wife and three children. Gus Itonand [ superintendent of streets of the ( l ; / Seventh ward , was picked up in an un 4t conscious condition and taken to the 1. fifth precinct station , where ho died in a little while. Tour wounds wire found ' on his body. Ho leaves a wife and one child. Edward Mason , deputy constable , received three balls in the leg which severed an artery. Ho survived a short time. Ho leaves a wife ar.d tw ) chil- ron. Following are the nartoa o' the wounded : Sheriff Robert Brewster , bullet in the leg ; John Brewster , shot in the side , dangerous wound ; Gus Peardon , Mike Early and Peter Brannon , wounds , made by blunt instruments ; John Donn- onick , wounded in the leg ; Charles Fazio , David Irackerman , George Tirade , John Astredo and Charles Flacho are &so reported wounded. After the shooting of Sheriff' Robert Brewster and deputies , John Domonick , Dan Douglas and Mike Early , who had pistols in their hands , surrendered to the pulico and were lacked up. They refuse to make any statement. It is stated that forty or fifty shots wore fired , 't'here was a largo crowd about the 110115 at the time. rims EMMA fOND OUTnAGE. Sr , Lours , Iecombor 14-The Post. Dispatch's special from Hillsboro says : The first witness in the Mend case this morning was Lawrence Heinstein , uncle of John C. Montgomery , who testified that a5 Mrs. Pottis , her son Leo Pettis and Clemonta returned from time house of Colonel Bond after they took Emma Bond home on the morning after the outrage , they stopped at his house. Mrs. Pettis told him about the affair. Ho wished her son ( Pettis ) to answer same questions , but ho refused to do so then. Ho wanted Pettis and Clements to alarmn the neighbors , but they woulln't. ' Wit. ness wort to the school house at day. light and examined time loft where he found a hat , parasol , piece of newspaper and ascarf pin. The latter was idonti fled as belonging to Miss Bond. A hole ton holies lomig and two inches wide was found freshly cut in time wcathorboasd. ingijust above the small platform at time west end of time loft. Witness then do. tailed a conversation hold with Montgomery gomory the day after the outrage. Mont. gonory nskel witness if Oleneita had made a confession implicating him and to the laughing reply that Clemnemts lead done so Montgomery said he didn't see how that could be. At a see. end conversation Swick and witness met Montgomery apd George Pottia near time city. Montgomery again asked if Olem- omits had imnplicated hint and said he didn't see how lie could. Swick said there wore several cuts on Miss Bond's neck and that Clonieuta' finger had been r ' .sitton , at which Montgonery exclaimed : "My ( led , what shall we dot" Swick told mini if ho know anything ho ought to give it away , so lie and Pottis could put it on Clennenta. Montgomery asked if ho would be protected if lie would give it away. Just then Montgomery was arrested by a constable and taken to Taylorville , and witnoms didlr't ace lmimii again till sotto days after in jail , ivlmen ho and Cleuents was all right and Clomouts said that lie hadn't give ) anything - thing away. A long argument was lad as to fho inadmissihfllity of these cot vorsationa as testimony , but the judge ruled , as lie did in a similar case yester s I I . . . day , that they might go in for what they worm worth. Adjourned , " OONE TO OALLATIN. " 1CAtSA $ Ctvv , December 14.-Drank : James was hkeii to Gallatin this evening to answer to the charge of murdering Cashier Sheets in the Gallatin bank robbery - bery in 1860. 1860.A A TEnllrnLx xtOT. NEwnuno , Pa. , December 13-A serious - rious riot took placolast night. At Blue Mountaintunnel near hero between Ithl- , lien and negro laborers. During .tho night two of time latter broke into' a shan tycontaining provisions , wore discovered' ' in the act , an alarm given and about 100 Italians attacked the negroes with shot guns and pistols. The negroes being un- f armed returned to the assault with clubs and stones but were finally forced to seek shelter after four of their number wore wounded , one fatally and time other three quite seriously , but they will probably - ably recover. although their bodies are tilled with shot. 't'his morning the rioting was renewed and limo miegroes drives away. Everything is now quiet and no further trouble is anticipated. TIIE 1)EAT1I PENALTY. SIIELIIY. N. C. , December 14-Burt Ellis , a negro , was hanged to-day for thol murder of Mrs. W. Logsn on October 1'J. HALIFAX , N. SDocomber 14.-Enoch Brown , a negro , was hung this morning for the murder of his wife August 17. Vimsuuai , December 14-Pleasant Hull , colored , was hanged this afternoon at Rolling Fork for the murder of an old negro man last November. ' THE BONANGA LINE-rK : ' parwltlP1a > st3 " ) ) ' ' Cable Car1i11anphP. " ; d - NEW Yonx , Decombar 14.-Tiro for- aid gives time articles of incorporation of "the Conunercial Cable Company" liere- toforo referred to as "Macke 's Cable Company. " The lines arc to run from Now York by one or imiore routes to a point on time sea at or near Cape Ann , Mass. , thence through the Now England states , Canada and Now Brunswick , or through such of said countries as may be found convenient for the use of said lines , to a point or near Dover Bay. N. S. , and also a direct lice from Now York to Canada , thence to Dover Bay and in both cases there to connect with one or more sub-marine cables to connect with places hereinafter mentioned , also from some convouient point on time Atlantic coast near Cape Ann by sub. marine cable , one or more as may be feed necessary , to Ireland , England , Franco , Belgium and Spain , or to any one or more of said countries , and also a land line runs from a point on the coast Hue of Franco , at or near Ifavro to the city of Paris , and also a line or lines frog Now York through time seaboard , Atlantic and Gulf states of time United States , and from any one or more of said states by submarine cable or cables , to all or any \\rest India or other islands in time Atlantic amid to the mainland - land of South m America ; also a line or lines from Now York throughm time United States timid territories thereof with one or more points of the republic of Mexico ; by another line or lines to one or more points or places in California , Oregon , or ether of them ; also front ammo or more points on the Pacific coast of the United States to Japan and Clrina and Austra- lia. Tim capital stock , $1,000 , 000 , is divided into 40,000 shares of a par value of $100 , which may bo increased - creased from time to limn , Time stock. Holders are John W. Mackoy , Virginia City , Nov , , 20,000 shares ; Inane Bell , jr. , Now YaTlr , 10,000 snures ; hector Do Castro , New York , 5,000 shales , and Pa. vid Davidson , Brooklyn , 5,000. 'The stockholders aro'not liable for time debt m110C t1411 } the amount of their stook. The number of directors is limited to thirtoou , ' 'imo principal ofGco of the comm pany wi'l be in New York. al ( ; ; outl Chanuo nor a Iyuiohing. PAoLt , 1Cm , December 1.4-Geo. Orr , a young mar of 17 years , wont to tire house of Monroe Trumbull. an oh 1 hind man , living half a mile from lucre , yester day afternoon , and after a short casual ennvursatioul shot and killed lrimbrutally beat old Mrs. Trumbull in the head and face , rubbed mho house of $ SO and fled. A posse of twortyGvo are searching for time murderer. A ImunkenIloosler's lVork. 1torxvlura : , Ind. , Decmnbor 14.-A drunken mmii named John Itonnorliving in this vicinity , locked his wife out of doors because she refused t ) give him money. She veuit to time woods with her children and while building a fire her clothing took fire and she was hurried to death. 1lturder and Outrage. RtalaioNDMe. , December L1.-Louis B. IIopuins , ' 'Shut Jibm and Iles' . Turner ner while on spree Thursday eight , killed "old J00" , , ( Indian ) and Ilion assaults d } Ina wife , ,1ho assailants wore arrested. FROM FOR IGN LANDS , c Last Hope of Sariog 0IPoaacll { Now Swept Away , He To11s Hi's Brother How Ho Oame to 'gill the Informer , . James Oaroy + English Preparatlom + for Serlous Trouble in Chum. GENEItAL fORLIGN NEWS. PIIE1'AItINO To 11ANO , LONIION , December 14-The hangman has arrived to make preparations fdr the execution of O'Donnell. Time American nminister.ia not free to discuss the stops takou to obtain a respite , lie is hemp- ored in approaching time British govern- nment by the result of the Lawson case. It is'reported the jurymen have hoomi seen amid efforts were unavailing to got them to join in a memorial far a respite. O'Do mcll took final leave of his friends yosterday. His brother was with hint half aim hour. O'Donnoll told him that just previous to' the shoot- in Carey asked him to go below and order some gin , stating that ho would go himself only lie did not care to have lima wife see him. O'Donnoll wont below amid Carey followed. While drinking Carey exclaimed with an oath : "I believe you know mel" O'Donnell replied ; "Yqa , you arc Carey , the informer , " Carey , then 'i'rpwapiatol f i O'poingll ltnoa fired' ) ; , flea fim'at person whoo carne towards them. Ho ied tip his father's istol. Beyond this O'Donell ' refused to talk on time subject. Ho is in goods P irits and ho P eful. NO IIOPE F01t h iM. The Daily Telegraph understands that the home secretary has decided that on no grounds will ha interfere with time execution of O'Donnell. Jim reply to the request of the American government to postlpono time execution pending imm quirles with reference to O'Doinell'a ' citizenship , answer has been sent that the "governmment has carefully considered the whole matter and is convinced that no reasonable ground has been assigned to warrant a stay of execution. " Motu : of O'IONNEIL. ' LeNnoN , December l4-Mcetingavoro hold iii various parts of London last night in support of time movomeuit to procure a respite for O'Donnell. At a conference of St. Bridget's club , Holburlm , time following lowing resolution passed : "We , having heard 0 Donnell a late statonrelt to lima brother , made Thursday , urgently urge time home secretary to get a respite for O'Donnell ' on account of what we firmly believe to be a nmiscarriago of justice for daring to defend himself agaimtet the murderous attack by mete who has been fitly described time nostinfamoua criminal of modern Jays. " A copy of the rosolu fioi was sent to Gladstone. O'Donnell's statement to his brother is substantially that JUOtod byltuseoll attho trial. O'Dom- ncllsatd : "lnaversaid toCubittwitnes for time prosecution , what ho swore about nay iiavmg thnreatenodtotake Carey's life. I do riot intend to make any further atate nienta. " 1VIIECK Om. ThuUK. Loxnov , Ducenber 14Thu steamer Auk , from Liverpool for Itottordam was v'recked in time gala of Tuesday amid time crew , numbering twontyono , were drowned. Thu ship Albertino , from Quebec beiiv' tolvcd Into Gre oclr ] arbor - bor was caught in Limo gale , Limo tow line parted timid time ship was drivom out of sight. No trace of her has since been foumd , UNEAS ) ' ItlOira TimE 11EAI , , ETO. I'A1um , December 14fhme goveru mont is without information relative to time reported revolution at hue and time poisoning of the Anantte king , It is well knowmi , however , that the king's position has been a very difiloult one since signing the treaty with time French , Eight hundred French troops occupy time forts at Hue and on time river and seven gem boats are in the atremm. 'I'ha govurumiment therefore has no fear for the safety of ita forces there. A NIh IldST NAnnEb. $ r , I'wrlnsuuna , Dacumbur 14.-i'ho ' nihilist Jtutcitkufl'was escaped front prism at Clrarkow and returned to sea life eom pinions , was acized by the guards , mud shatngonsi'arnwaud thunlinmsulf fatally , 'J'hlo socialists eu trial at Loobou were acquitted of high treason , 'rum : room ; , INIt I'Iumsln : , I10mmr. , December 1 I-Tiio Gernuum minister to time vatiean and Cardinal Jacebiui bad a oonforoneu upon time ques lion of the cardinal's visit of behalf of the pope Lo the crown prineu of Ocrinany in return for the prineo's visit to the 1)01)0. The question was diflicult as the pruloo will stop at time Palace Quirfual , the residence of hoe king. The pope is consulting the eatdiltms mi the , mines- tion , ON TO pumN.t , Time British war o ] ice is daily issuing orders in reference. . to time shipmomit of supplies amid war material to llritislt stn. tmons ] n China. Tlmeatcaumr llamleow is 6ud'or orders to'sail r ext \Vednesday with loavy gnus gild howitzer. DUNN ONI'l. A Love-Sick lints' Climbs the Golden States , Nnw Yonic , December 14-Miss. It , E. ieisor , nged80 , of Utica , N , Y. , cow- mitted suicide last Ini ht at the Windsor hotel , Previous to'time discover of the suicide , at six o'clock last eveiin + lima hotel detective heard loud voices of per. sons , unrreliimmg in Limo romm of Gcot1V. Duuu broker72Broadwa , , staying at the Windsor hotel with his wife ew minutes after the rort'of a , ran through the corridor. Time tective at tealmtod to o 1 ) ontlne , door , but found it obstructed by 1tlmo body of lima S onng wo- miLtin , while liir.and , Mrs. Dunn ware too much overwhelmed to make any state. meet except to say thatMiss Kaiser shot herself. They refusid afterward to say anything about time alhiur. Time uiottvo of the suicide is said to be disappointment in love. On time body oG time suicide was foetid a totter addressed to her mother , in which she curses the love she could not quench amid adds that she has boon more wronged than aho chould acknowledge , and God only knows how.shb wets deceived. It is said Miss KQtsertvh ; was vglt d oral ° t yieli druid vYOpmtin = bo rn boat' ! autt : lice of' , > f7 i t. ' omen"nL'ofltttho old ' Dommr 'ontMtnipg obnf k' u' ny-riad a pronlhmuat membem of time minmg ox. change. According to the story of time coroner , Dunn has been lately rnarriod ; uuu hadust returned to the city front his wedding trip. Mile 119i49r n1lQt herself in time right temple anti death was immstantaneous. n Theater Destroyed. NEw YORK , Decenbor 14.-At 7 o'clock this evening lira was discovered in time Standard theater , Sixth avenue and THirtysecoud street , one of the most popular uptown places of amuse. wont. Three alarms were sett out amid time tire department responded promptly. Time fire spread rapidly , and by time time the fireunen got to work the llamas were bursting through the roof. Tlw upper part of the city was illuntinmtcd , attract. lug air immemao thong. When the lira broke , out there was no one lu Limo theater but a few stage hands amid throe yommg actresses rehearsimtg putrta with the prompter. They lutd No dilliculty fn es- caping. Time whole atumueture was a total wreck within mmi hour. Loss on building , $50,000 ; scenery , etc , , $25,000. A portion - tion of time rear wall fell , Lrushing in the wall of au ndjoimiiumy dwelling lmomiso , causing a loss of $3,000 to time building and $2,00 to time oceupanta , A Steanmer I lurucd , Diiau'nlm : , Decutnheu 14 , Time steamer Josie and harry , eii route from Wlmite river to this port , was burned this afterr noon at ltuovos Landfug , 15 miles below more. tier cargo consisted of 600 bales of cotton and a quattiLy of cotton sued whfclm , together witl'tlio atemunor , was totally destroyed , TIm firu had its origin on Limo starboard aide r preaat the boilers among some cotton b ua. Capt. Harry at once rnarslmallcd tim entire force and fought time fire witluou ell'ect , amid seeing the danger which thrc toned time pmsaomi ors and crow , lto o ored the ateantor lauded , which was dt mo , All escaped. The boat burned dolu to time water's edge. She was vale i at $10,000 and owned exclusively b Captain 11 ! . It. Hurry , The insuramic is unknown , 'J'ho momoy it the dealt wma saved but the safe was lust , hmol- Ill 5 Chicano , Docenber hA Sprimgfmuld special says : Froum rep rta of crop corro- spondoits to time Ilium a agricultural do. partmemt is comnpfled a able showing the area amid condition of a rye crop fn this state on the 1st of Dc mubur. In round numbers the hrcn so n is 80,000 acres less than that of 1882. The falling oll'of six of time greatest rye oumlics is 10,000 acres , or ono tlmird of to whole nunount , in nifty tluee eonrti time condition is equal or Letter thou a average , nod time condition of time emir crop throughout the state is 1)0 par c mt of mmi average , On Docoluber 1,1882 its condition was 00. In time six cow ins reporting time largest acreage time a ragu condition is ( i8 per cent , hum ti so sums , cowrtius the comditiomi Iucoum 'r 1 , 1882 , aver' aged 02 per coot , An Iowa I'oslnuIorArresled. LRil'OLN , Neb , , De mbar 14.-Frank Lfddie , assistant pas nester at Ames , lowa , was arrested memo to nigitt by I oato/lice / Inspector , B. Adist , 'I Ire charge is that Imiddlo meeltly stole 13500 from registered letter 1 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , The Usc all Ahasc of the Amoricaa jjo is Gcrmanyi The. Pacifio Coast Dalogation Looking the ( late Against , 'Y , n.tho Chinamen [ The tangs of Egypt , mind the Bath They Nocil Betbro Simlpntott to Anterlen. CAPITAL NOTES. TIium mien TIiPY NERD. WASiiINImTON , December 14.-Tho state department has received from Wolfgang SchoonloUnited States consul at Barmen , Gormauy , a , report containing - ing time synopsis of the letter recently sent Bismarck by time chamber of conu morco of Barmen proteating against time prohibition of time importation of American - can pork , Time protest sets forth First-Americam pork on account of its wholeeomonoss mid cheapness enters largely into the diet of the working classes and iias become almost an indispensable - pensable article of food. In spite of the lar a and steady growing consumption not a simn to case of triclminosis has boemn brought to the mioticu of the authorities. Second-Prolmibition of time hnporta Lion of American hog produots is very ljjinlyte atg _ Best to the United States ' oyornmeut a } c of reprisal. If that holid tivr7 nmllfit's ; + ol t a rohibtto du C n G } arnnnu - s 0 'iil s mu i 111 cods oit would inflict upon German .mm . a lose of tearsY 5r000r000 par annum and reduce whole communities - ties to destitution. It view of those comaidorations the 1 chanihor aubntits the following petition to time imperial cimaumcollor : " \Vo roost respectfully petition your aereumo bigness to intercede nn our imitor eat yourself , that the importation of American pork products be set free again , " Consul Schoelo says that protests amid petitions siniiluar to thus will be sent to ismarck free a number of other eimanm- bera of corumorco in various parts of time onipiro , . ' ' ' ' ' , AN .tl'I'CAL i'Olt tl'lllmll' 'J'he representatives of the whisky manufacturing districts of the country hold u meeting iii time \Vaya mud llfeaus couunittee room this nfturnoou amid do. cided to potitiou time secretary of time treasury to exercise mill possible leniency nllOWed by law iii collecting taxes ou spirits at time present time , 'l'hcy will nmeot at time resldeumce of Congressman dordam , of Ohio , to-morrow , to prepare a petitioi recitimig time linancial distress under whiclm time manufacturers of bour bon whisky are now laboring by reasomm of time largo anmoumt of whisky coming out of bond. The potitiou will also set forth the fact that congress will probably extend the bonded period , amid uia ufae tnrers desire that wlialry soon to come out'rnay receive time betelt } of such ox- tmmsion , rims cmIINIiss smear STAY OUT. 'l'imo monibora of time I'acffio coast comm. gressioual delegation lmold a emoting today - day for time purpose of ngruuimig upon a series of anondnments to be offered to time Cmincso ) rostrictiem bill , ' 1'ho aniond memta decided upon , wlmich will ho embodied - bodied in time bill , will ho introduced fn time itemise by Jlonley on Monday , 'J'hoy provide for u pnasport system aubstut- tislly identical with that contained iii time vetoed twenty year bill ; also for a special cordon of ollicars to guard the frontier of British Columbia in order to prevent time unlawful immigration of Chiueao from that country , amid every constable , justice of time peace , simerffl' mud de alty aherill'alonn tire border to have time power amid authority of ii hulled States nmrahal to maku arests for violations of time restriction law , Thu appellatittul morcimamt under which so maiy Chinese recently omtarod Limo i'Iliteul States will be clearly defined. In view of time recent docisioa of a 11as ton judge to time ofl'met that time present law does not apply to Chiueso who are llritish subjects , It is proposed to awed that law by provldiug that no uativo Ohinese sled ! enter the United Status , except umtdur logimi reatrictiots. A uum- bur of regulations of nminor importance relating to time emfbrconont of time prim. posed now provisions were also unani- ulously agreed a pam , 'l'imo Pntiru series of uumemmlmnouta will go before time house as the work of time wlmolo l'aoifio coast con- greasioual delegation , 1IsEASE 1ImOrNmAToltm , ( 'pow rcconuiendatiou of time aurgeet guuoral of time rnainu hospital , time sec. rotary of time treasurys , lies requested time state de artmett to mstruet time United States consul general in I : g pt to direct his subordiuatos to inspect yall rags ath. eed lot' export to this country , It is pro. I posed that they be boiled under pres. sure , or thoroughly fumigated remth suml ] humus acid as before stnPmoot Clio coumaul or his deputy to certify to eueli disinfection. The inm ortaucof this mutter is shown by Limo fact that there is now 'stored in Alexandria six thousand tolls of rags , belonging to one Now York firm awaiting shipment to the United Sato direct or by way of Liverpool , TtU HOUSE CLERKS , The clerk of the house of ropresonta Lives has auuounced Limo followumg imp- pointulelts : John A. Pnlmor , of Virginia - ginia , index clerk ; F. H. RichauThon , of Georgia , assistant clerk ; James ' \V , lllaokbmirn , of Koutucky , a uophow of Colonel James S , Blackburn , furomau of time folding room , IN JLElroalAr , A mooting of ntcmbors of the bar of time United States Supreme court will be held Monday next to bike appropriate action Stn tlmo dcatlm of Judge Black , TIIE FOICTY.EIOIITJL CONGitESS. mRN.tTi : . WASh/INOTON , December 14-Time senate - ate was ilet ill session today hmvhig mid- jouruod yesterday till Monday , mouse 1'ltOCiRiINOS. I W.SIIINOTON , December 14-Mr. I1obhittzell introduced ajoint resolution requesting time presidiut to issue his pro' damnation urging time various religious ho- nominations of time country to conmmenmo- rate December 23d ; 1883 , the one hun- dredtlm amnriversary of the surromidor by George 'mVnshington of his connnissioi as commander-fn-chief of time arumy , and ro- qoast that business be suspemdcd ] lion day , December 2 h time aanie to be treated as a put lie holiday , Referred to 11JpocuLcQm tcm j fr , i orr'aikod leave to'o for a rsolu tion that the Ilouao brfng'to time ietice of the Preaidout the case of time recon t mur- , , der of several persons alleu' cmtlzens of the United States , amid Lime alleged injury of several gther poisons , also alleged cit. izeuma of Limo Umttod Stnles , at Damivllle , Ye , , iii the jmo1io Lliimt Limo presfdent may asceitidi ) ' Cs'hotiie ' flea persons murdered or injured wore citizens td time United Slates ; if so , whether time hllllug and injuring of said citizens , if it'were'such , were in colmtraveltiouof time provisions Qf time nmunieipal law of time stain of Vir ginia and time law of the United StatvB. Mr , irrorrisnn objected , saying the prcamdott kamow as macli about time nmat- tor as congress did , Mr. Cabull said , as a roprescutativu of the people assailed by time resolutlomi , Ito' ' ) vas sorry objection hind buom nutde. Ile was willing to have time fullest iuvestiga- tidn of time matter. lilr. Cox ( N , V. ) asked leave to iutro- duce for irnmediato conaideration , a joint resolution to repeal time test oath , Mr. IIorr objected. 11Ir. Robimmem ( brass. ) was granted in- defimiftu leave of abSUncu , Adjourned witil Monday , Inpu'ed bireuumon , Lowna , Mnss „ Docomnbet' 11-Time llarris mill bu'nud. Loss about $50- 000 , The following firemen wore injur- cd : David honey , lorennn ; Ea. Flulelt- or , assistant forouunn ; Johu .1. Joyce , , John'Villiaimm , Jnhu Firtim , , lolum .J , Quinlan , Ohm. Morse , John Boyle and Leroy .i , lCinmliall , Time cause of the mjs- hap was am uxploaf"mi in Limo Merriuiank croquet turning wurkandjoiaiul ; time mill , wluieh throw Limo wall over upon time lire- uiom I'osling a 1 "alsohood , Nnw Polo { , Dccenmbe 14-F. B , Howell ( C Co „ large brokers of , time produce - duce and stock exchange , are posted amiable - able to meat their engagements. Ltrsa-A mete just received by the President of time produce exehaugo from 1.11.llowellS. GostatesonopartnorGoo. Bullard , acted inmproperly amid caused time posting of lime failure at. time pnducc ox- chango. Revell ( G Co , , dory the failure mnsl say dt are ready to pay all liabilities ties IrotlY of Iresoutation , 9'ho Ai'my } Inst. Onoy , New 11AVxN , Conn. , Dueoumbor 14- 'rime nmomnbora of the Salvation Army ar- r usted yesterday were discharged from arrest today , Time judge said to time ca stain of limo arimr timat ! me did not be. Bove the would bo interfered whim in sib ginB + YrnYimm ; , + + etc , + exlmorti6 from t1me stn is of time old state lmouse but theY must lmot pwade time streets boati drums eta , ' 1'ho chief of lice sa s tl e many will have to obeY time orders of time mayor. A Gruel 11'Iro Company. CnluAao , December 14-Springftold , Ill , , special : , \ummng tlo corpuratioums licemaod by the secretary of state to-day are the following ; 'l'imo National Ba'bed \Viro company nt Chicago , capital stock , $2,000,000 , Time imieorpOratora are A. B , Stone , Edward M Crandall and Ebou J , Marsh , Comnatoek Castle Stove coma- pany , Quiumcy , Ill. ; capital , $100,000 , Thu governor of I'eunaylvanialiesbogunaim Investigatlon of the espouses of the late legis' laturo , SCALPING THE SCALPERS , ' A Cat in tic Faros from Now York to Important Points west , - - - - tM Trilllo Allianoee Still the Theme of the Railroad Official's Earnest Thoughts [ . The Engines of limo n Plcllto ] tun by the Illgh Olliofals 1Yhllo fho Engineers arc Idle , RAIIItOAD 'M ' tTTEitS , imR1UCINO , l'.tSSENOInt 1LtTES , Nsw Your { , Docontbor 14.-'l'imo pas. songor agents of the trunk lines passed a resolution that military rates , which are tweetq per cent lowor' than tariff rates , shall Henceforth onlY be allowed on a govermmet order for traimaportation , and not for independent companies and officers traveling for p'easure , Tile com mittec , appointed to take into considora- tian time means to bo employed for protecting - tecting lines , iu joint executive committee - tee , ngaiust the cutting of rates by outside - side roads , and Limo sale of tickets at reduced duced rates in scalpers' ooices , made a report which was adopted. There .will be a roduc tier of $2.50 in through rates to SL Louis and Chicago in connection with time Wabash , St , Louie ( C Pacific , and time Missouri Pacific , to Kansas City and oints west $3 00 , Council Bluffs , and Omaha b , time stung ro tcs ap 1 , time NorLhwc tern.and Missouri hie - & : . - tPifio ; nnd'2i fstt to bt.'Pauhand Mfu ' x' ' noa elig by way of the Chicago & North. western , this ach19d814Flfl "go jnta effect to-morrow. If lower rapea than those are offered by scalpers they will bo root b still futtlior reductions hY the rends iii J'oint eommittco , 711E CANADA 1'ACIFIe f nikif , WINNI'cn , I iamiitoba , December 14.- 'l'hrouglm time indomitable will of Sm l perin- to1td ant Lgau the Canadian Pacifno road is enablud to overcono the effects of time otrike , amid time wheels are beginuing to luovo regularly , Three express trains loft thisnrorning west , east and south , with limo higher ollicars of time company at time lever mid ahovel. The incon venience to the public lias been compare- Lively insigrmifineamit , comside'imig time dram and defiant stated of Lho engineers , who will not be taker back at all unless they sign the agreenemit with the company , 1no local press expresses the belief that time strikers will be frozen out , as time coolpany expect twenty men from the soumth iu a few da s , Time schedule of wages Ipublished to-dimY shows that 134 uuginoers earnrd an averngo of over $11i0 each dmir 'tmig November , while sonmo earned over $ i00 that month , Superhm. tetdent Egan says time workshops will bo reopened soon , 'l'imo business of time read is ummoving. NOT Dui'OSSIDLE IIUT--- DRNYRI : , Cul , , 1)oeonbur 14-Colonel Dodge , general manager of thr' Denver ( L Rio Grande , apenkimg of time reported possible alliauco between the Chicago , Burlimmgton . C- U uiucY Northwnatern , , " + + and Demvnr & lfm Graudo roads in uppo sition to the Union Pacific tripartite pool said that while no overturm a looking - ing to such a cenbinutiou lied as yet been made to life road , vet , in view. of the recent action of the f. uion Pacific , such an nlliauce is mint iii together inipos siblo but lie was iuelined to be of tllo ' o piirloim thlat nil difrororlees would yet be s n J 'nuted + us lime Union Pacilio could hardly afford to discriminate against the Burlington and Northwestern , especial ] so while these roads wore dointi consist erably ever 50 er cent of the west bound corP etitive business of the white pool , i Mnrpds Taming - says an settlement of the nonblo botwuml Franc , and Cldua la stilt possible. THE 1.111 f T IiI ; , mnane1olu results or Iloo.l's 9arsalfntahs upon nuimnorvandlowcon.lttlonsof thoblaol provu It the hest lltoon .lEUICINE. Such has teentlmgsue e8 of lhU 5Wlo ut barn , that nearmr crcry tanrlly in utopia nelbnborhou.ls imvo hncn v tanlug It at Ina soma time , It rrniQ. . rtrs , vinilms and enriches the blaa.t , . Q ram , rri , ; 1ablllnusnys , nndall Q do n uueub c ! vieamrachcai.ibr S tmmern tiaa.r or n.iewaatci colamm- lion at life nrnou smtem oe u1opal f Q 1U' Cmcvvu mlaal orpayslcdCate taboror.UsiiAnn.u II cr me + SCror , c , utaaad all fnai hnmon , oar store's OQ and rrnrntca ems wt ie syrirm. A Q i'ecahr rvlnt hi hoot s nusapnmtl la tt tWnt ht rxatos an a- tallteaud blrnds up and smn. thens arm s lerand rsve.Iuvain blens a iwt cttna Irons e sea thug tmauata tfm chaabna of tbu sw + uua , c eumats and u ( ulr. SleusLU.lllood s Co.i Oennemtn-it altonti n wu ( h pr'awru lutnrwnnenl IIM.IYSurwl + mtia have eerU , n011 atria toniovl Ngfml 11,11,1i uiilfa eprtnmr , amdiWre ucwr ouu , uaymhtne Imt ldt rnr I eanm.ayou yrurarilla ( .p . crypydenr , urill mr bloat , ifarlonm mnr arxlh4' xtl.enrna i YoN , nun ( t. lunlK'cnull1 ro , f r"nIOmW e11 , Inss „ trA'Ialrr tl ee. + , DtlIA si xUo , tl 1. , ru t mss. 1' [ i1 bu lnor or j5 , U. , } i o qAMt ievar aa ( ewcllllam..l. . a 1 1j j f 'r "t