- - - - - - - I ---i TIlE DAILY J3EE---OMAIJA , FRIL'A ' DECEMBER , ii. 188J TllE :1LY : BEEI OIVIAHA. Friday Morning , Dec. 14. Special iIcctIng of thoStato Aillanco. A poeinl inceUng of the Fnrrnor8'SI.ato Alilanco will bo held at ICoarnoy , Neb , , on WOdno3dtIy and Thumdfty , Jan , 16 zincl 17 , 188 1. All al1iuicos which bavo at any tinio boon organized in thi8 Late are earnestly requested to scud ( lologatos to this znoot.ing , and all anti.monopolists of the sthto are corItahly invhod to at. tend , No pains vi11 bo sparnd to make the mooting ontortiiiing and instructive. A programme of proceedings will soon be sent to nit alliances , giving names of speakers , subjects and alt particulars. All offleors of alliances are roquosfoci to 500 that meetings are called and arrange mont.a made to sand delegates. State papers , p1otso copy. - . 1. B. 1tEYN0LI's , S Pos'L State Alliance. , J. Buintows , oo. ad intorirn. I'Iio 'Weather. For the upper Mississippi and Mis. souri valleys , colder and fir weather ; preceded in the touthorn by portion light ' ' rtn , northwoatorly'sv'indsrisingbuoinotor ; following. For the Missouri valley , much colder , fair weather , northwestory winds , rising baroinoter , LOOAL BREVITIES. -Illinobaugli & Taylor , Omaha , . .oll Buffalo 11. 8. Standard scale. Write for vrIco. tf The Danish a.ss6iatlon , general meeting to.morroW ( Friday ) night. -The sale ofacats for the Bo.ton Ideals he. gi mi at tlio opera hou.o this , nornIn. -Mt. Calvory Commandery meats this C Ir1day ) evening for work in the orlcr of the Rod Crns. -The Injunction ca.4o against the Omaha brick manufacturers has boon continurd to the 20th inst. -An the holidays alproach ) the crowd upon the streets Increao every evening , and every. body is looking for pretty things for Christ. inas. -The fire liytlrants ware tried yesterday to sos that they are in good condition for the winter. -In polfco'couri yesterday there wore two cases for disturbance of the peace. They vere each assessed $ t and costs , In ( lofatilt of which they vcro taken up on the hill for a ( ow days. -A Northwestern switch oiigino collided with the onrino os the incoming Milwaukee train in the yards at the transfer yesterday , occasioning some little delay. No one was Inirt but the Milwaukee engine was considerably - ably used up. -Mr. 0. 1' . Groonburg , a mechanic In the ' (5. ( 1' . shops , I the happy father of a twelve 1'oiiud boywlio arrived the 11th inMt. It is hIs first son and ho fools proud of him. Both mother and son are doIng well , -A ministcr of thiS city was at police Iioad quarteN a day or two since inquir1ng for a wayward son who land failed to put In an appearance - pearanco as he was billed to do. By tliI. tlrno 'I he has doubtless got over liii "tear , " and , like the prodigal aonroturned to his father's house. -The meetings at the Baptist church con. tinue with great Interest manifested nightly. Wedncsiay there voro a number of convor. sbus , and several mon were deeply convicted , There wilibe meetings tonlght anti to.morrow night at 7.30. All are Invited to attend. -Tulle Henry yesterday inado coin. plaint againt 3. Keofer , one of her boarders , for assault with stool knuckles. Some dif- liculty arose In regard to a board bill , and 1Ceofr drew the knuckles and attoiiipted to strike the complainant. Keefer was also held to answer to th charge of carrying concealed WCIOI1& -"Con" ( ranoy , a newsboy , who has been scIIinp TilE Bra on the etroet for two years past , loft his homo last Monday inoriiing and li not been hoard of since , Ills mother. who is a widow lady , is very much worried over 1it prolonged absence , and if "Con" should see thIs , he would lilt a heavy load from his poor oki mother's heart , if ho would coin. niunlcato with her. Other palers , ploasocapy. -Thero will ho a joint niocting of branche4 1 and 2 A. 0. IL , on Friday evening , the 14th 1nt , . , at 7:10 o'clock , In their ball on Douglas street , between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. An business of the utmost itnportai.ce . vill ho transacted it I. urgently requested that all members ho ) rosont. Jim , J , Oavaungli , coun. ty delegate , -Tlio funeral iif .Josopli Buckstalo , who MPA5 killed at the Nail Works Wednesday , was laely attended yestorday. The entire force at th works ottoiidvd In i body , and thi machinery was all stoipod for th day , 'rho ' oinployos of the work , , that their unfortu' z.ato . fellow : , was properly burled and each one 'natod his idiDSo toward the oxpoiiss .of U"Mr -Mr 0. B. Watson , of the Grand Union Tea Company , returned Wednesday from his annual mint in tIm Elkhorn valley. ills suc. ecu was somewhat pheuoiiional , the grand to. tal auwniing up as follows : 1.31 PraIrie chick. ens , 132 ducka and 123 geese. Charleydid not bring the game all to town with him , Ito my. , and when asked to divide with srnno of bi friends , declared that be only bagged ono tame chicken. An invcstigatin cpmmitteo has been appointed and the matter will bo thor. oughly stitod. -Mr. 11sher , a wealthy and lrominont farmero ! Sarpy county , died on Tuesday morning last front grief at the loss of h's three aons by diplitlierhi within sir wooks. The father's heart was so bound UI IIIIiII Sons that ho could iiot boar to see them iit away from his sight. Ito leaves a wife and tlauLter , thirteen yeas of Age. lii. funeral took place yesterilay it 1 o'clock , from his late real. tience , Len miles below thu city. -The Worklngmon'a liportainan club hold arevival inootiiig of thu assoclition at the U. P. baud room Vcdiieaday. The nicetin was largely attuzideti , aziti a splendid supper vita servdd , after which officers were elected for the coining year , After a lively suit in' terestlngdlscurslon on th nsttor of liro. graunno for coming sportethio audience % vai regaled * Rb songs , music , &c. At aiboul 11:30 the meeting adjourned , when all went home feeling highly elatRd and well ; 1eao with the veWiig'6 entertainment. -There a.s ii very charming though quiet weddtiig Oit Iinthi troet lVetluesdsy , tht happy islr wise were to be united being Mr , ( oorgo Gelkuibock , a well known efl2plo3o o the Untox ftgflo , jud Micis Addle \Valbridge , an accomplished and P0IUla' young lady wh Is well known In this city. Only about thirt ) guests were present , Including the moit Intl mate fi-leudi qf the JflrttOS , The ceremony was ItforuiOd by liar , \V. J. ifartha , an was fulloved by cougrtulaUonm , a dellcioui ' bu'per ; , good music , ute. KNOCKED OUT. Jolni b. u1Iiyaii an His Party at the Ollera ll use , IiI'R Cro'ded ( ) Its ttniost Cnpn- city IjaSt , Night aIIII All % 'ere All\InhiFI it ) SOC ( lie I"ttti. John L. Sullivan , the acknowiodged champion pugilist of the world , has boon in Om.lia atid the curiosity of nearly iOOO of our citizens is satisfied. Long bolero the doors were open Inst night at the opera house Llio street in front that place was crowded wiLls men and boys , alt impatiently waiting the hour when they would ho admitted and nllowod to gizo UpOn Sullivan. The space around tIm door and upon first atairwn was thickly sprinkled with ajeculnthrs who had obtainud a number of tickets and wore endeavoring to dis. p050 of thorn to those who had not been fortunate enough to obtain seats in ad vance , and many of tlioso speculators made good inonoy out of their opera- tions. Upon entering the house it was a sight to behold. There was probably ifovor a larger audience assembled in the opera house than Wan present last night. There w.s almost every conceivable condition of man in that vast multitude. There was the gentleman , who baska in luxury , and there was the bootblack , who was obliged - ligod to sleep iii the street because nf has'- ing ' 'put ' u" his last cent to ace the "knockers. " The sporting fraternity were out in full force. There wore two or three ladies presetit who really looked lonesome among the 2,000 mon. 'rim Itan reporter walked back of the aconos , and upon inquiring for Sullivan svns informed thna lie was in his dress. ing room , and having determined to "board the lion in his don , " we op. preached and tapped upon the door , which upon being oponeil revealed Sul- hivan seated upon a chair smoking a cigar. Ho was surrounded by lila cabinet not , who all greeted us pleasantly. Sullivan - livan was stripped for business , and upon being asked , stood up and allowed us to oxainino 1dm , fool of his biceps , etc. ho is fearfully and wonderfully inado , and if we are any judges , he line a perfect right to travel upon his shape. In his iroselit condition ho strips at 215 pounds , but when in lighting condition lie is reduced to 180 pounds. After "sizing up" the world.beator the reporter began with : "Mr. Sullivan , how about these east- cm parties who are olliring to wage $1,000 that you can knock down an ox with a blow of your fistand do you think that you can do iti" "Oh , " said Sullivan , "there is a go3d deal of 'kidology' about that. . 1 might knock down an ox with my list if I hit him right but it would be doubt. ful. I have knocked down a horse by striking him behind the car , but ho iiii. inodiatoly got up again. " "It has Leon reported that you would flavor again light baro-haneled. ilow is it ? " "No , I will never fight baro.handcd again , for the law is so stricf on that point that a man is liable to got sent Uj ) for a term of years. It is always the man who wins and walks away with tl'io 'bcodlo' that the officers go for. In fighting with loves OflO does not run any risk of being arrested. " "How are your oxhibithoiis received throughout the country ? " "Very well , indeed. We show to full houses ovryvhioro we go. In Now York I have the support of leading men in all lily exhibitions. " "If it is not a leading question , how much money have you made since your fight with Ryan 7" ' ' \Vehl , " said Sullivan , "that is rather a hard one to answer , but probably be. tiveen $40,000 and $50,000. I have had this party on the road about ton weeks , and have takoii 840,000 at the door , " Sullivan deiiied that lie was arrested in St. Louis : Slado , who was standing near , was thou "tackled , " and ILskod if ho would again go back to Australia ? "No , sir , I have 110 further use for Australia ; thus country is good enough for iiio. " "Where will you niako your hioadquar. tore ? ' "l'hero , ' ' ho said , nodding hue head toward Sulhivaii , "lie and Al. Sniitli are the only men whohiavo used Inc white. 'I hey say that Sullivan is a pretty clever iiiaii with his lists , but he Is just as clever ovoy other way , especially so'in all his business transactions. " jUg titoti the boll rang and up went the curtain. Frank Moran , Sullivau'H trainer , atepped upoii the stage and announced Stove 'l'aylor , of Now York , ox-heavy weight champion of Aiioricn , and Mike Gillespie , of Boston , who fought one of tim hardest battles tipois rocordwith Phil. O'lCaly , which it required forty.iive rounds to ottlo. The inca lied four lively bouts , tap. ping each other upon the face frequently , when time was called and they loft the the etago. The bouts wore each of two minutes , duration with ono.hialf minute's rest be. tiveon. McCoy , of New York , th middle weight champion , and Slado , thio Austra. han giant , then appeared and gave a very pretty exhibition of four bouts and wore loudly applauded. A OoUllO of local boxers were thou in' troduced , John Oaynoro and lami Mur. ray , who hammered away at each other in genuine pugihietlo style for four rounds , Sullivan was thou Introduced , and u.s lie stepped upon the stage tIme applause W1LS ahiiiost doafcnliig. 'I'aylor , the New York mann walked out to moot hilmim , iimid , after ehakliig hands they went at it. Sul- llvan , iltiiough a large inmin , is as epriis a hilton , amid was mimany tImnce with both . foot an the air , while he was slapping his opponent uoummtl the cars. Only three bouts Wore boxed , after which they ro' I tired. tired.McCoy and ailcepio thou appeared , am ! in reality gvo the best oxlmibitlou of I the ovemiig. 'rhmey svoro well nuitchmod , and are oachiinclimud , to be nhttle jealous of the other , They got in somnu good I hot blows , amid in the seconi1 round Gil- lesplu gro wrntliy , amid was loth to atop vhien I hue was called , In thus third round both mcmi wore cvi. ' dently "riledtm' and both wovkod more ) cautiously , and each was working for the , beet end of the bargain. After a few . passes they closed amid began some hioavy r pummoliimg , Whims tune was called. I \'hiou they walked up to the scratch : I for time fourth amid last bout , each hia blood lii life eye , and the fun begar - - - - ' - - - pin ' - in earnest. . After a few hot ones had been given and received by each , they agaimi closed and were by this time mad. 'l'ho stage manager stepped out upon the stage and was obliged to take hold of time combatants before they would cotso their "funny business. " After retiring fromthme stage each vowed - od that lie would will1) the other before many days should pass , amid whiemi they do got. to that point vo want to be mu- vited to the picnic. Sullivan and Slado than fimmishied the evening's sport , with a very pretty four pout round. Taken all imi all there is nothing spa. cial to recommend the Sullivan show to the public OXCCt the presence of Sullivami himntelf , Timero is no heavy hitting done and if ho would walk out upomi the stage turn around so that the amidionco oo 1dm and thou turn and walk air , they would all ho fully as vell satmalied. Mummy who nttohlhOd last night wore wofimlly disappointed as they expected to ace Sullivan knock some man so far that lie would not get back in time for breakfast - fast , while lie did miot , oven with a soft glove , strike oven anordinary blow. Look at the advertised largo stocks of Clocks , Jewelry , Silverware amid Dia. mends , and then go so the lending Jew. dora , Max Meyer d Bro. , whore you will find a still larger and fimmor assortment at much lower prices. Store open until 9 p. THE OTHER SIDE. Fllrthcr 11110r11181Oll ! Rcrthii That M1eI 11Gattlc te1" A I'csv ' .Vor4ls of ExplniaIoit Iii lIe- half of % 'IIhcr l. lIimgii. Some days ago it was amiiioummced that Wilbur F. Hugus of Fort Steele , hind boon arrested with ammothior jarty for stealing cattle belonging to the Indians I oii the White river reservation. The Cheyenne Loadci' says : As Mr. lingua was formerly a resident of Cheyeimnoand was knowit to all to bonn hmomiestuprighit citizen while hero , it was a great surprise to ninny of his old friends and acquaintances - ances to bans of this , as they could not ho made to bohiovo it mind do not now believe - liovo that AIr. Ilugus could be guilty of this charge. We hmavo taken some paiuis to ascertain somewhat in regard to.tho matter , and nra warranted in aaying what we supposed to be tim facts all the Lime , that it is origiuiatod as a piece of spite svork on time part of certain Iarties who , having got humto hot water themselves - solves , have trumped this chiargo up in the hope that it might in mine way benefit - ofit them. This cattle theft is alleged tahavo taken place somno four years ago , amid prior to that tiino or about that timno a certain party at ltawliiie , who has constantly ligurod in imolitics there and held office iii Carbon county , at one timmie , aspiring to tIm position of territorial auditor , went lown to White river , amid , iii partmiorshmip with Judge Ilugus , got the post trader. ship and wont into btmsinosa. The politician alluded to did the business while .Tudgo llugus ' 'put UI ) " themmionoy. In due jimmie Judge lingua claimed that lie found his partner was a trifle crooked amid they dissolved partmiorshiip. It transpired that the ox.pohitician amid trader could imot account for some three thousand dollars that hind come into his hiandim as partnership funds , and in the coUrse of time the judge instituted pro. coedinga for emnbozzleniont against his fcrnicr partner , which 'aro still pending. Now this party , in order to induce the juhlO to withdraw these proceedings against him , has trunipcd up this charge against \Vilbur , being himself tim ninimi witness in procurimig thu imidictniunt agaiuiat him , andsinco then line intimated that if the judge vilt withdraw his proceedings - coedings against him , he will rcciprocato the favor in this cattle theft charge. To show that but little credence is placed by the authorities in tIme assertions against Wilburwo immight imiention that. the bomids origimmally fixed at five thousand dollars , have been reduced to three thiousamid dol. hats. It will be a long time before time people of Cheyenne will belivo that.Vil. . buur F. ilugum is guilty of this crime. Ilucklon's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of tlmo womid. Warranted to speedIly cure Burns , Cuts Ui. cors Salt lthoumn , Fever Sores Cancers i'llos , Chlblainm , Corns Totter , dhapped mauids , and all skin eruptons ( , guaranteed to cure In every Inatanco , or money refunded. 25 cents ( r box - Boiler skates from $1.00 to1.OO per hair at Max Meyer & Co.'s , OITY COUNOIL. Stmct I liijmO'IiuOmit .nmid ( lii itii mu- vrlatiomm Orillumaimee. 'l'hmo city council held a short adjourned _ acesiou last ovonimmg. A report was received against comiilmmmm. iugtho contraqt with Moumit & ( iriflimi for street cloanimmg , and recommemithumg that imiateat streets be cleaned under the direction of the street comniissiommor until Jimmie iiext. Adopted. 'l'lmo petitIon of 1roporty owner on Farnaam street to nave with Sioux Falls granite instead. of with L5IlmLilt , us at Iirst naked , was roforrcd , q'he appropriatiomi ordinance to pay for the street radiiig , curbing , guttering , sewer building , etc. , done the present your , was passed , tim Items lomumg as fol. lows : \VmmmIitchm & Cu..S 1,011 01 Bemizomi & liounol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,023 71 . mli. & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 80 J . 0 , Corhy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f3 17 , T. 0. Corly. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1I0 00 .1. 0 Corby , , _ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 80 .1. B. itiley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H25 00 hugh Murphy & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,2iI ( 80 I high Mumr.liy . & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,212 80 Mon-Is 1\Iorrion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,38i 20 I.lormls . .lorrisomm . , , . , . , , . . , . , . . . . . 1,533 , 08 Patrick \\'olslm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0$1 $ 16 Patrick \'oisi. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 . 11 l'mitrick ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ii l'atrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . titi I'ati lekoish , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P30 J. 0. Corby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . , 4U 70 .Ienkinao k rdebald , . , . . . . . . . . . 2,839 10 I1onIsMorrIsoiu , , . , . , . , , , . . . , . , , . 1,28U55 1tiiiard&Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 76003 Aniendmnemita to the orlgiuimsl statommient : ( eorgoDennls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4021 ( Jorge 1)onmils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 181 J.O. Corby , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 Time council timomi adjourned. A Blessing to all tmiiikIiud. Iii those tlmmws whoa our Nssvmpmipers are Bootloti with patent immedielimo ailvortisemonts , it ii. gratifying to know what to procure that will ceratlmmly cure ) ' ( ) U , If you pro BilIous , , blood outuf order Liver Inactive , or generally debilitated , thorn L nothing In tIme world that. vlli cure you so quickly as } 8ectrie BItters , I They are a blessing to all mnamikimul , amid cami ho L had fcr only fifty cents a bottle of 0. F. Good. 1 mean , , - _ _ . . = - - - - - - $ - _ _ _ _ _ THE CHU.D'S HOSPITAL. The Dedication of the Ne IllStiluhiOfl . 01' Chri1y. Ita Itistory mmii I'rcsent Coinilinn- ( Coimifirnljlo , litIiuii foe Sicic or Needy iiliiltIrcn. 'i'Iio Child's hospital , just conmploted , was formally dedicated last oveumimmg with a religious service cozmductod by Ilishiop Clarkson. l'hio service was brmef and simple. Short addresses were made by some of Omaha's citizens. Maimy friends of thuo institution wore presont. 'l'hoy expressed themselves well pleased with the homno.liko aipearaflCO ) of the place 'l'ho occasion was a pleasamit one , and macice the inauguratiomi of what will be 0110 of the best institutiomis in the west. There is no doubt that the Child's lies. pit.al will do a great work of clmarity. Its successful establishment is duo to the work of those who have it in charge , tb- gethor with tim liberality of our people amiI some ample coiitributions from the east. The work that it does in the lime to conmo will speak for itself. Tim Time Child's hospital is on time north side of Dodge atreot botweemi Sovontcontii and Eighteenth , It is not a very large building , but has an attractive exterior appearance. It is situated in a compact block of residences , and is not so prominent - nont as it would be if it wore on a more comnmammding site. But with tIm object for which thin imistitution was built this wilt make no difFerence. The building has three stories above ground ana a commodious basemnemit. Iii this iaso. , momit are the dispemmeary , hauumidry , boiler room , with the kitchen amid children's dimming roommi in the rear. Two separate stairways lead U3) to the mmmiii floor. 0mm tIme main floor , iii front , arc time in- firmnary and sisters' room. Thio imifirmn- ary has a bath roomu and closet attached , To time rear of the infirmary is the chill- dren's day room , a nursery. In front of time children's day room and to tIme right of the entrance are thio reception rooms , or double parlors. The socomid floor is used for bedrooms. Tlio hospital anu iiurscs'roomns are onthiis floor. in the hospital rooms arc some of time neatest , cosiest little cots ever aeon. Everything that can be domio will be dommo to make tIme little suiflirers comfortable vhio may seek a hommio at this institution. Bathi rooms are ndjoimiing. Thmo himian room , comitaimming new and cleami clothing with which time mmecdy children will be furnished , are also on this lloor There in now emi hand a very good supply of cloth- leg , which has been donated by the god imeople of Omaha and other cities. The attic is not yet finished , but probably will be next year. Wiiomi the attic rooms arc fimiiahed the accommodations of the iumatitution will be considerably imicreasod. ITS omm.nor. ; Time institution is intended as a hmospi. tal amid homo for sick and needy chilt t dremm. Those 'who are sick will , of course , have the preference in beimig ro- ceivod. Everything that could be done hias bcemi done to make the place a model home. It is nicely lighted. It has windows - dews on every side , which give ventilation - tion amid sumilighit. It has five handsomely - somely finished fire-places to give warmth and throw around a cheerful I glow. It is also heated by steam from basement to attic. Largo chamideliors , handsome but Hot showy , are iii limo main rooms , the entire building being lighted by gas. The rooms arc neat and bright. iii a short time , asthe work of furnislmimig the rooms goes 0mm , the walls will be hung with pictures , and all apart- meats will be mnoro attractive than they now are , if possible. The Child's hospital now has accommo- datioims for twenty or twonty.fivo children - dren In addition to giving a home at the building , assistamico will be rendered to time umifortunato who are not patients. Dr. Seville , who is in charge of tim die. pensary , will give advice and medicine free to time needy children for whom up- plication is made. As stated above , the capacity of the imistitution for tnkimmg care of time little umifortunates syihl be greatly increased whiemi the upper flour is liii. ished. A look tlmroughm the immalitution w1l give the veritor a bettor idea of its nimii amid. work than could mm column of iescrip. tion. It is iii charge of Sister Str.tli , who caine here fromn Now York about. two years ngowlmemi tiiolmmspmtal was founded. Sue is pleased at nil times to receive vim. tore and show them the cheerful homno she hmusin charge. Sm 1iIiTOIiY. The Child's hospital was started from a smallcommtributiomi. Two years ago last spriiig a lady living iii Iittsburg , Pa. , sent to 1rs. Ciarkeon , of Omaha , wife of the bishop , $25 , to be used for some charitable puroeo. It had hong beemi the wish of Mrs. Charkeomm to found a chiildromi's hospital. Time bishop aug. gested that title contribution was liar op. portumiity , Accordingly , Docomnher , ti , 1881 , a IiOelital was opened iii a little frame buildimmg aim time situ of thmo present institution. Sister Sarah caine from Now York amid took charge , The hoe- Imital remained iii time small frammmo build- mug for a year amid a half. it became imm ndciiuatu for time accomnimmodatiomi of time flPIIlcamits. One your ago it was deter. mnimmed to build uiiiow amid larger. A friend of Mrs. Clarkeon , iii Now York , gave $5,000 to be used for time erectiomi of a suitable building. Sister Sarah enorget- icaily began tlmo work of aollcitimmg , amid line secured $3,000 iii Omaha. Othmer states amid other towns in the state have also commtiibuted. Recemithy a bazaar for time asIa of fancy articles amid holiday gifts was hold in this city , and the re- ccipts given to time Oimiid's Hospital. The zmrtmclca sold at thio bazaar Imad boon con- tribimtod for timat In this way $2.100 was added to time imoalital fund. 'I'ho present bumiidiimg was comiimmiummced last May. It is imow nearly timilsimed , but ma not entirely furimishmod. It svihl cost wimemi completed about $10,000. It is umoarhy vaid for , there bcimmg about $1,000 yet to raise. 'l'ho mud viil 1)0 kept upomm , amid. miii opimortummity to contribute wilt jm giveli to those who hmmivo miot yet been called upon. Wimeim the present buiidiniz was begumi time hospital sviis closed. There are miow no patiemits , but in about two weeks the iuiatitutiomm will be 01)0mm to all. It is uum- dor time charge of time l'rotoetaumt Episco- 1)al church of the diocese of Nebraska , AIme , Clarkeomi , from time first , has boon a very emmorgotic worker , amid it is greatly duo to imer that time immetitutiomi is mmow ems- tablisimed. Time faiteful svork amid care of Sister Sarah have done mmmcii toward tmmakiumg the place a real lmoiiio , bright amid elmeorful. 'those who have so gemmarously givoui time funds tiuat have made osaible the establtshmneumt of time imistitutmon arc - deaervin of time gratitude of overyono. They cami ho assured that their gifts have been put. to good imie , and where they will bo time moamis of great comfort amid lmappiimeas. - Exoltel ITlioumsanIls. All aver time land are going iimto ecstasy over lr. 1Cing' . New lIscovery fur Consumption. Their unlookeil for recovery by tim timely Imso of timi great hifo Sasimmg m-emumody , czsmuso.s them to go nearly sIid in It. . . iraIso. It is gmiaraumteed t ) iItieiy cure i3overo Congims , Colds , Athmmna , J lay Fever , Bronchitis , I loarse. imess , of Voice , or any affoctioiu of time a iiroat amid l.ummrs. - SUDDEN DEATH. Jierimimmim ( rccimblaeh 1)icms III. Ills Iloumme IiflMt Evcnliig. ilorimiami ( hrconblaclm , a 1.eddler , died very suddenly at about .11:30 : o'clock last imigimt , at his home omm Loavonworthi street , between 'l'hmirtoemmth and Four- teenthi. Time circumstances of hits death are time followimmg : lie had boon sick for somno time , and was attended by Dr. Ilolflnan. The doctor mnado iiis last visit about 10:10 : in the ovening. lie loft a pro. scription , which was filled and the mcdi. cilia brought imm. Time patient took a dose of time medicine , and immediately foil back and died. Soon as this happened , a young maui named Itccse wont after Dr. Hoirmnan. The doctor refused refused to go , and thrust time young zuman down stairs. Reese thou got Oflicor logan , and togotimer they returned for time doctor. Timms time , it ; 18 said , the doctor appeared with a ro- volrcr. lie said ime hind put time young man dowmm stairs , amid if he returned , lie ( the doctor ) would do worse. During this time time coronorwnsmmotificd and canto iii. He nmado several inquiries commcorniimg the man's death , In view of what imo learned , hio tiiougimt it unmmecos- envy to hold an inquest. The man had been very sick and was likely to die at ammy time. Tue coroner believes time tak- immg of time mmmeditino had miotlming I o do with Greenblaclm'a deatim. In regard to the action of time doctor in not returning when ho was called , it is said that hits own child Is very sick and that omm that account ho had refused to make one or two otimer calls during tim evening. It may also be further said that as time maim was already dead , lie was boyommd time reaclm of medical aid. iloimiman Groenbiach was a Polnish Jaw and by occupation a Ieddlcr. Ho leaves Fm wife and five small children. Mrs. Dr. ( rossmnan hia returned from Cell. Fomla. The larty ) of "sluiors , " including ulI1van intl Shade , arc registered at time Millard. H. T. Loavltt , coimmity clerk-elect , vommt to irand Island yestordayon busincss Another Invoice of flue Diamonds at die leadimig Jewelers , Max Meyer & Bro. Prices 10 per cent lower than you can Luy elsewhere. -About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon a eam ran away from the hay-scales om , Elov. tmUm street , between Harnoy and Farnamn. rhoy started up Ilarnoy street , and at tim orner of Fourteontli one of the horses fell lowmi. lie slipped across the strootnndstrik- , ar his foot upon the sidowaik , broke his leg. rhis was not the only casualty connected witim biio affair , for Just after the accident to the horse time driver and another man quarreled and fought. One of thmomim was badly pun. ishied. -The city council held aim adjomiructi imiect. Lug last ovonimig , but It was a very brief one. The principal business ihone was time passage of a 5IeCiil ordinance , appropriatlnr money for the payment of street improvement con- tractors. This atreet imnprovenmcnt appropria. Lion is intended to cover e'cpemmso for curbing , guttering and sewerage. -Mrs. Myrick , of Wichita , Kansas , well- knovn as the most successful clairvoyant now traveling , is now at the European hotel , where she romnaimis for one week. Sue guarantees satisfaction oh all seerot wishes of any kind , descrlliimg lost friends , whether ( loal or living. She comes well recommended by the press 'n ( all jarts of Ka saim nail Missouri. The finest assortnmtintofBisqiio fig- mires sold at lowest prices by Max Meyer & Iro. 'Sl'mmiited Blmmm 'l'wieu. A Nebraska Skerlif who was oii a train coimmimig east frommu ( . ) niaimmm time other day , says Time \Vall Stm 'met News , fell into con- vereatiomm with a Now Yorker , and fimmal- ly admitted that ho was mu pursuit of a broker. "A broker-for wimzith" "Ohm , aim of our smart towns was getting - ting almond so fast that it 2nust imeeds scud to Cimicago for a broker. It wanted him bad and lie came. lie opened an office , put in a ticker , displayed qmmta- tions , atiti imiade about 20,000 in six weeks , " ' 'How ? " ii\roil , that's what they want him time eocommd timmia for-timy want to ask how. " "lEns it afFected time towmml" \ "Well , a little. I think if a vhap should commie timm-ougim timero ororimmg\ sell tickets to hieavemi.at $2 for time trip lie could not got a maim to put down a miickel iii advance. They d expect to be sidetracked somewhere about imnil- , , way. AKIfI POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thtapowdnr never Tarics. A macid ot rurOy .trcxmgh and hoireornoncu. More economical than the odlnary kiUlid , and canit be sold In conirotIlor withthomauttitudo 05 low teM , iliort iht , amuni em i'Imoaphst4 pOwders. Sokt only to calls. Itoyal Us "IC Powder Qu.Q WiU htrsst Now Ycc. - - - - I Infants and Children Without Morphine or Nat-online. What gives our Children rosm- cheeks , t What. cures Ilmeir fevers , makes theni steep ; f3 . 'TI. ( nstorIa. When Ilabios fret , and cry by turns. What cures their colic , kills thou' worms nlt Czuutorla. What quickly cures Constipation , Sour 8t.omach , Colds , Indigestion : t. mit Cnstnrhsi. Farewell then to Norphine Syrups , Castor Oil and Paregoric , ccii Itnli Camtorl Contnur Llnlmont.-.ib. . solute euro for R hen in nt I am , Sprains , Bnsis , Gall. , &o. , nnii nn Lttstanthnoons Paln.rdliovor , SPECIAL NOTICES. Spoc1a1s wtU Postttvoly not be Inserteul unless Dalct in advance. TO LOAN-Money. 1fONEY TO LOAN-S. 1' . Beatty osims on chattel .INI property , 213 South 14th St. sept15 F.i1ONEYTOLOAN-Tliolowcst rates of interest .1YI. bails' Loan Agency , 15th & Douglas. 234.tl mILl' WANTIII ) . 1TANTE0-A competelit cosic ad encrl hiimio. V scr ant to o to Fort Laraiiihi onmitig m I Ii so cmflccri ? .tmlly. , ilmgictt ) watol Paul. Alilily t 108 south 25th bt. ; ) : : ; ; tliCIgar 113' Factory. 'tXTANT1D-A roulig lady to assist lii houscoork V V in private Ianmily , two children , lumsiand assay visit of tiiotlme. A good home for ulelr.ibln marty. Inquire north cast corner 21st ansi Cass St. ili-13 W Al'TE1s-A second tiMid atnimfing 0111cc dest. Address "Dsk" lice office. 8ZO-14t iXTANT5D- good boy to work iii .mug store , 1 ! niusthaso gocil mcconnenlation. , , inquire at SIIROEDE1L& UEcImr. 355-li 7ANTED-AglrI for hiouo work in famuly of to 1l 1003 Farnam , 353.tf 7ANT1D-Woman cook and kItchc , , yin New. V V Engmaiiil itcataurani 1118 Douglas St. . % ATANTF.D-1mmcdiateh .s good iiri for general V V house work. AmpIv at 1i13 Joiios Si , 381.14 'UrANTnD-Twogooit broom makers , al.o a good V Y second PianO tread liorsepawer at tlio Omaha flroom Works 15th and i'acitlc Streets. 352.14 'X7'ANTED-A go d plain woman cock smart and 1' cleat , , also a first class dinhtig roomi girl at Stad loman's Ilouma m'lattsmouth Nebrakia. Immimnedlately. 333.17 Ai'1Ei-Agsflo girutoco k atul do general I S house work. Apply at 1004 Idilto St. Sirs. H. 13. Iluenham. Two In . family flood wages gisen. 517.13 rXTANTED-cmooti cook at S. 55' . corner Ilarnev & fl 15th' 345.131 1TANTED-A iaundrts enS chambermaId at tue V ! Occidentai 11otcl 335.tf tTAN'E0-A few agents inimediatcly , Omaha 1' 1 Stos 0 RopairWorks , 109 8. 14th St. 945-lieS - \ TANTED-A girl to do general lioiiesvOtk. Apply - ply at 2119 L'aulfornia street. 3I 1 $ . ' 7ANTED-GIri for cool. antI gelierni iiosme ssork. V Apply 1113 llaraoy St. ADIES oil YOUNG lIEN i city or coulitry to L take nice , l'ght. ' and nlea.41it , work at their oss it homes ; $ f to 5a day easily antiquli : ly mna'lc ; work sent by maim : no c'iauiiir II ( ' stanmi ) fir , uily , i'Icamc address Iteilabie lian'fg ( o.,1'hiiuiciihiia. m'a drawer TT. 3184u thur.sat 3m TANTED-1'tlY agents to sell tue , .eiiin' linuof 1ll& anti Chihlron'sguoti , user oflorcif. Sales mntdo nusdo In cm cry house as ( ast a. . agents cart showtliogoo.1. tgcriti arc malJiiv . tiam a month. Aldrcs , , isitit btasnp , 'L. U. M. Co.'O Sutii May St. , Chicago , iii. :1521 : NTANTED-Flrstc1as4 dliiirig rooni glxhi , at lUt- ' , ropomitan hoteL Appiy at orrn , . 370-f ; 8ITUATIONS WANTED. . } ) - gin umsitig in iirivate famiks. .S \TANT1)-llYa lsthSt. 451.141 . % 7'ANTEI-Silumtion ii , azrlculturai Implement \ V hors , mis agent by a warm s1m3 sreaks Engi sh. ( iomian , and mscazidmnaIam , , rst c1isi cIty mcfsremirs and securIty. Acdrors"N , D."iJLe ctlIcu i82.m4f 1aTANTEi-tOs1tion as book keep'r or elirrespon. , I V runt with urn , needing miriri ii.iy . part of tire day. Address 'A. ' lIce ouiicm. , MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTliD-iiooni and ironril for gciiJemiatrin : ; lid' V V s atofanmliy. iiefc'rcmrce. Addressstatr. terms 'ill. . 1) . SV. " this olilce. IXTANTEI-Sonis one to adopt a boy bitho 3 moSs V old , good reference re1uired. . Call on or ad. dress 1. N. Pierce , Poor lIoe'.s. 37.3.155 UTANTED-A good gin for gonerai hours. is V S 1720 Cass St. it ( icriiiari irliyslcian wanting a drug. store nun It. ,1euutlmd iocatloni for iiractkacauI lcarir n.oreot.lnlng of Interest byaddrosslng "Vmu.is" care of Onraha lIce - - tangivu a mininum lisluig.lu Omaha or \ \TANTEU-I \ vicinity light , steady , arid rcnrurrrratlso urn. ploym nt 1n1De Ia your answer to this wls ni ii. leent an ems , 0101)0 iearirug ycur corruc ailtirecs , a' ii put on it a two.ceut siamup : tini still then in. ' do. turned to ou with fuii partIculars. Aniriress W. F. ml. lOsers , 1,031 , 'Ibird ascnue Now Yock City.2.3l.lt 2.3l.lt 1'Olt RENT--Rouses anus Loto. . . - - - - - w---- - - Oil. IIENT-Furnthed roomat 1r..Spteglcd fund F ture st4e bCii Douglaa 131. , opposite Mlilnnd hotel. IIENT-Iloume smitlu 6 rooms lund lirr. In- Foil at t : . mi. hotel cci nor lOmh erod Couclas. 378.111 E'Oil ItKir-A macgo fumrnislunmd bed room , also a J maer tuufurnhiionl. Jn.uIro at No. 1219 8. 11 coouer ititi and 1aeIi1o St. 350.174 . .r011 Jti'NT-A vulco banient of three moms on _ U furnI.hed for luoniu kee1u1n to a roi'cctalilc faunily 1615 Iodgo St. 319-151 1OititENt'- ) trout rota uItaln1 ( or .1 two guintlemnsu , coneeniout locatIon. Anlnirnrar " 11.- lieu 0111cc. mlENT-Nio. S room voltage uruar biijries Foil . . C.I5MAYNn&U0.,1OO Farnam , ; oit IIEN1'-'i'sus new , toro. one a good lace ( a _ L. a grocery or cIotirIn4 st9r5 nmnC the other a cr3 cestratnioplacu So : a restiunairt , a'so m'OOnhi to rent Cunuslngham'o hlick 18th antI Jackson. 35.im 1'oIi Iur.ucv-3Iegamtly : furnistrunl rooms fIr tic .L grutlomniru isltliout board , 322 5. 151) ) , strect cor , Itsrritry. :1513 : 011 itiNl'-.WIth board , Iaur Jront room with I.is F window , gas and lath room , at 1715 Podgo Ut. elms 174 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'IOil ( IIENT-Umnfimrolihcth 2 iarguu , stair. rouni L isILl. . closets , omit anon out tfrct. Iloor i82 Slieruriar , Aso. 347-151 I1ENI-Vurmulalrei room uitI day boon ! a Foil atrsourab1u , nates , at 1814 Davenport trect. 02i.17 ! IIEHI'-Furuuiiiienl noons 1013 I'runiuSni strict Foit . . Foil ItE-0ne futrrrlshtnuI roonu , id , ultiaru , uisotlrrtru tunfurg1sbrirl at 519. Ai'Ily at fli t 19th. 519171 Foil 1tKNT-'rhrvmewlv littail houses , all in firs class condItIon , corner Intl. . art. ! Ilassani street. One adtii Liinu roman , .me isitli cnihit rooters aurd on s.lthi u'ouemm rooumna Ami lthcciiari , cad house. . an closets cotuu1uiote , lsr gas , seocra4ie rumS wa5cr. i'om macout. tenant , 1ireferrod , aunt whure 1.artitrs are no knowmm reference. required. Inquire at 11.1511 CO.'t3tli2liarmrey stn.ct. ' 33114 Foil 1tiNT-A nicely furmrhed r0m , l Ii C isithuotmi beard. ( las , bet amid cell ssaor bat ) etc. Finest I . ( i.tlI , Ii tour city , urorilissest crnc lIthanci Farum.m stree' . iii4tf Oil RRNT-5 room boume baja , fruit , acm ground. 4 room hosms. S acre. . ii room lutt usw , AtIKS , 33.tf 1507 Fsrua'9 , . - ' - - - - I OR I1ENT-I'artly I luulhe.l basement , has ' 1 room. sumItbio for ltcilt ) nuusmekecjIn.r. i'.irtt 4 ietrtlni' same can get 2 recurlir bosrde 6i7 Chicag. , . olett - ' -oa .4 utisv : - Finite , omit' - OosI lcnitl'ti. Lamys front main on tceormri tior. , .pply 1l1i Farnans itreet. 1(1311) ( ) ITt residences , far. . , . nnI lu. Ice' . ' cluatree , J w. LOt'NSIuUIIV , _ 5jm _ iith anti tarnn'i , /1 : F'0li ' niNr-nasmnient : room 2l0 , N.V. . con , ; ; Tenth soil J'tlC , , Uts. 1uqulro of Mts T. lIen. ably S H cornir lOuh and Jackson , 224 tI _ _ _ 1 HliT1ouo ! soirn radius. , , u'mmli'pe muon , stir sari Spiuce atrrtr' . 1 I flENT.--A ruin mew h1l ) it. In. ( mujr , , on Irxrlres. 134 'If I 'Oit IIUNT-Furolslied rooms on the iiorthwej cod. 13h and Oaptolavciuo , formerly Creightou house. 13att c : : NE furnishent tooie for rent at $ iO. largo cirorugh for two occltpauuts , lOiS SVobstorstroe . $43.tf 1 'OiL 1IENT-Itoomna In Nobrala } atlona Slack IlulidIn' . Stoit deirable offices In the city. Supplied isitim hydraimlia elevator and hostel by stOifli. Anpmy ) itt Ikouk. 020tf I Stong tlnus,217 N , 16th St. .1. 1. . Marble 825.it rule IIKNT-ttesmuouoc , and storobutldmnge. flea , . FORD & SOUE1 , heal Estate A-onoy , Otlice eftt side 14th street , bctw.on Farnam anuS Doutii. itreets. 192. roit SALE. I I Olt SAIE-An luiterest In a nrrsittclng Shier Mmmi ISroports Iii Co'orado. Object of male to ralso is ockluug captalj for larger dci cioprurunt , Airy information on ahtracI o1 tItle cheerfully giscu , . Addreu. "A , 11. 8. " IlInir 2lo u. , bo tSS. ZOO 201 F ° 11 SALE-Awholesaio no'Ion or.peddicrs wagon 'mew aunt fanciv. C .1. CANAN & CO. 370.tf F BALE-liIllIsd , tabe , .1. Si. linmeansick Ilalko Co's. make , earluun , auusr.i . ,1re , islth cures &c , , cost 350. , merit soil for hoC cash or 1123 ruinS glie time , table Is In good condition and Is soul for scant of use. hg bargain Address 1. 0. box 59 , FaItIe'd NebrAska , 3S4.mt ) 'oitXm.uTo eac mlii linen-Tn a clrcuianuu ou ° II one-fiftIeth , and inure ouo'lontietlr Inch VU. for , b t' , and 2O. for one'flftieth. Aduiress "T. 11. ' Tur. ncr Onralra Net , . :05.14 : ! 01t SALE-Force mmmii nearly mcmi , Addro . I "U. S. ' iueo 0111cc. 357.131 - SAI.11-A iltht bimlIt Iniack moan , I I haunts -I high , 4 cars eld of good vediente stud a gorilla dlpostton , clii tracl iii slrgio or uloubis hartioje. 'limo luorm livery imeall , uncarii lnomu size , and t.o 1iut ) built for the ownersjuurmro'ur , , Can be , zttu at stable Conner I ith anI Oh cage Street. Esccpt hot. the hours of 10 a. am. anuS 4 p. in. 3iG.15 SALU-fleslrabin rchienrco cornuoriot 8.3uO ; Foil three Iota on 10th stroetat us barglnis : half lot on Cass street Chieali 2)00 acres land. NaneoCotmumtv. 341.17 SliitiViilt & 11E1L. Foil SALU-Lots , quarter mile , outhof U , i\iIu. pot , merand slew some of tine nIcest lots hum the city , $175 to 1300. on monthls'muaymenrts , C. E. MAYNE&C0. , 1509 Farnamur. 294.tI 01t SAIU-62-Fumil lot 5 runan cottage , cistern ; wo'l , fruit &o. , cormnerlot , on 111th St. near thu dcpot,2OOO. Sunall nncymuenutS ilown and balance out easy terusne. , C. E. 3JAY4E & CO. , 1509 Fannnam , 205-If SALE-A new Vone upright mnlauno ton sale J0u1 ' , ossiii exchange for entluer I.rOiivdt5' . , i , . Pil'at 11115 Doio St 255.13 Oil StLE-M3' two story brIck residence , iNlu F and St. Mary'savenue. Large barn , , out.hosms o , seater war. , , weiI arranged. Lot 50x200. l'slee 57.500. Best llargnlnm , In Omaha. Cal ! at 31. Toft's People's Bank. 277- uon SAIdi-12 iots , nine block west of i'ark are- I nun cars , hots 50x150.V0l sell the whole trnwt for 7,10O , If sob ! lcfom Janunu' ' let , ISSI , Real es' tto osemners bId thIn bargainu , If you eal at People's Ilenik. ! TStf SAI.U-Clnolce buIunc property , three lots Foil . Saununders antI Charicru Stroat. it ssiii pay sou to inveitlgato this offer. Call at m'copie's Brnk. 279tf 1011 SALC-'lmlnrove.I unroperty , chich wIll I 4 the bnior 20 per count out tire Inscstnncnt. heats for h,92u ) iser year. Au occupieni by first c1as ton' ants. S'hi tell for $ ietOO , if sold soon , . till or one' half cazh , balance , one to misc years. Tine aluoso iii. vestunmenit Is worth Ins ostigatuonu. Call at the l'eopio's flank. _ - - OLLEI ) CA'VrLEANb hLYPESDALE hlOitSES. P 'r sub'clbor ii taking ordci's for auring Inst. portation of the above , l'rice , nniuchibelow tho.no at auctlciu s.ics. flofercuncea to tlu3 supplied. Johrs ) IeCiuiiocii , Ill. Truitand Say. ilsuik , Celcago. 203 2usit sAtE-49-'rwo frill iota , ' r ann hounebarru , F cistern , well , shrubbery , etc. C3,600 ; one tiniol cash. or will tratlo for lanai v , Ithln to dye cribs of Onnalma. C' . li. MAYNE & CO , 1S7.tf 15th'aruummn , O1t SAL&-.t nearly new bonnie of 5 moors ant } half tot , out Charles streotneanlilng. $ t,0OO5OO' doscru . , balance monthly lunynients. A.ldre's , 158.'t.r ( lEO. it. uiA'VIIUUN , City. Oil S..LE-O good toversouno furnthnro nail a F hare .1uanrutity of cCvIiont vdnuo sery ehsals 351)5 CalIkru'ti St. OS1.hmro' 011 SALli-40-Largo 7.room house , two full lots , F barn , well , cIstern , into. A spsnudid home ; 42,850 ; good thnnuo On i3lureuut5. 180-tf (1. 1. MAYNE & COn , 1505 I'arrnuni. Oil SALSi1iMu.tes . . anti l.us sad farms mi. IS. F mmmcv. Co. , s. w. 'orner ISto and } 'arnnanc. 050 OiiSALE-M1'st , .11cc . lobs hi'houutz & Ituth's F addition , Chrap. 1'itv torsos 18m.tf C. E. 5i/uVNi .Sz ( .O , , 1519 1'arnrem. -roIi HAI.I1-A. fe's' the acre Pbs near tln Fatr ground , ser' cheap. on huurg tiniw. SisS'tf C F. IAYNI1 Ii CO' , 1109 Farnzim , SALE-lOIn to 159 cort1 otr hard mood , now beIng clnuppeal'on "Lire's FarmiP on Cinnilnug UI. . half niliowest of Miiitar bcide. 15111 onniy be amId to one m.urther. msus , Agcr.t.lbtin ann Potuglss street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SALmt-'Farni : I.muulmes ' 3.V ef city. hniqunmre IF of .slrs. Me'ur 025 N , 16th St. 8l1.1nur SALI'-A fens' elnnku lotus In Lowe's nIdtt1nt I 'I and Pwspn'te place , $175. to 250 , Inomrtiui3 Iuu. uitaliunmnts. C : E. ltt\Nl1 & CO. , 1S2.tf laiD I'arnannu , SALE-A Urat chrw .eVDU baud top buggy F01t sit 1319 Iin.rrney tiroeL 07t1 ' nrE-itrsldence earl brsinunn.s property Lu. IF'zr of Omaha , rind Fame Lanids n all parts' of tire to flflL'Ott1) & ROUEII , 703-ti 213 8. 14th St. . bet. l4nuranm and Dougina. Olt sLsc-Two portao.unzl.crs , 10 , iorso ion'Gt F Spisis' at 53. FITZI'ATIIICSI. & 8-tf 215 South 15th Street. : SALE-At abamyaiu.arnalI Statler , Baficrene FOR Ce's thu proof uiafu. InquIre at thb cUlts. 011 SALE-VIa inn large zd. am.tii F quauntitics at newarperd U ZtSISOELLANZOUa. . 01T-On 14th strocti , a broan leather unmumona o I contnimr.Iiig uneasy ruuu1 otter sauuls)4e , alarm. A blioral ruansid mu' Ii. be gmyeuulny retuurun'.ng to Wmmn , ' Ilunt , head cook , t4. Charles Hotel. 455.13) ) 't (101) table lwrrX at 117 north l4thkwt'seen Cap. : ( - ' itol utveuuue anuS floilgi' . % 3.7C pee eouc. 371 191 lIlLUitlN'S eollu ) tirade cml 1uYbr.oe lung ding , C tatiafaitions .piaranti'cil , at lOll webttrr St. 3391 ; r ltlWAhti-l'inu saln'o Cels.'r she wars , ) j ( ) Imneil a isatch la't $ amurulay rue security ; for drInks , & 'an obtain tneaiuoe ) zsard by scunuiIrri. . , this otUco. 139.145 hItS uu.mnl to _ _ _ _ _ ) mail bulging 44.CO pet occk at tIne hIsrny 1)0tD . ' _ , St. itestaurzs , , _ , _ , , , , _ 842.010' ) ' - guild horse Si sto)1 etarunu. Birder ssE 1OS'f-A rsvnirded ii retnrnc'uI tus 189.tf 4) . II. ilAE & CO. , ioo : Farina I. EDWARD KUEJL , . srAaZ3TEft OF i'ALdYSTEISY AND CONDmON. S .SLIST 303 Tenths strict , between Fanuat * a.1 . lIar. S 00) ' , wIll , with tine &Id of guardIan spIrits ohtalmlng as ) one a glsaco of lb past and resnm , and the certain conditions in the future. rids amid shoed t ma to order , Perfect satlufaction niusraruteet' , - - ri. R FZSDO1L Oli1IIIll11llCO AII1 ItEPIlF.SE"N : Ud ( 'knelt Auuraucs Co. , 01 L.undoa , Cash . . Asset . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . t. Wcatehctor , N 5' . . Capital. . . . . . . . . . . . . k Thg31urcIiauts , of Newarto N.J. , Caldt.Si 1,275,0051.00 Umraat Fire Vluiis4el .bta , tpltsh ; . , , - ) 'tremen' . irund , Capital , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r Ob'FIriE-ltoom : 13 , Omaha National flank null 1 h br. 'Erlihou , No 876 C AMES.oV ! , : Practical Horse Sheer , Makea specIalty of J'oad.te. au,1 tenriamfuath ) 84 * She . , lody. stg ct2eim Ittlu .snI , ttttls ' UsIlerue Ieuae ; E . .i