A--------u : : : : - : - w ltT r 1DA1LI. 13E 1E. . . I a R1DA ' D.G 1 1 1'i , 1883. LImmense Sale ! CARPETS AND DRY GOODS SI ! HarknEss flros . , coU + cao. BLUFFS , soWA. vS ° R cEZVEID . A OI.OICE ASSORTMENT OF' RUSSIAN CIRCULARS New Markets , 1cMLk Ic,1maii Latest Style for $ ' 5.00 , priced elsewhere $125.00. " " " 50.00 , I' 75.00. " 6.00 , 9.00. 1O Doz ii lacQJ rss r we will offer 2t $2.50 each , sold elsewhere for X4.00. Carpets at 18e , worth 3Oc per yard. ingrain carpets at 45c , worth Oe Tapestry Bxussels at 60e , worth 30c. Best quality body Brussels at $1.15 worth $1.40. 1,000 yardsCanton ; ; Matting , at 2 Oc worth 30c , less thawn can be imported today Ingrain Carpetsat 22c , worth 35c. OUR NEBRASKA CUTOERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INT REST TO EARLY Eg9.MINE THESE GOODS Our Skilled Workmen will Make and , ' Lay Carpate in Omaha 'at the mo Price as in Council B1uff , OIIR STOOK ] S COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF Silks , DressGoodsCloaklugs sVelvets , &c. nxnoFrEnrn ; AT PRICES THAT MILL DEFY COMPETITION , Omaha and Nebraska customers purelinsing bills of $10 and , will receive = . upwnrds bride transportation both ways. Iowa eustomere will save their transportation by enilina at HARKNESS B .BrOSi7.EIW , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. r IOWA ITI M8. There are 381 prisoners ht the FL , hind. isot peiiiloutiary at present , A 22 lon oafc will hold the wealth of the Sioux City National batik , A nlad dog servo at Contorvillo ro aulled in the killing of forty dogs , Orundy Center has contracted for anew now school building to cost $10 , 000 , Marion is to llavo Main street mncnd ntnized front MarkoE to Prnirio streets , Pretty good hay hits boot selling in the Ottumwa hay market as low as $3 a tun. The taxablovnluiattot of itnrahnll Colon ty is $1,445,421 , against $ 1,8111110 , ; ton y'narsago. The steam flouring mill of lllnoro , f 1" enton , at 1Vebstor Oity , vas burned last Saturday i lght. The annual mooting of the Iowa Stnto Millers' association will be heal aL Oes Moines January 16. Twotity eight hundred head of cattle are flow bong fed at the International distillery , Des Moines , An Iowa editor oilers to said his pho tograph to any school ma'am w'ho will scud hint items from her town. Cedar Itapids business amen are again agitating the question of the removal of the county seat front Marion to Cedar Rapids , There are thirty M wyors in Iowa City , a , d one of thou , after careful research , has found that their foes amount mite. ally to $22,000. I ; is stated for a fact that Creston is to lone another nowspa ) er. It is to be democratic in politicsand is to be run by a real , live tnnn. The Cedar ltapids board of trade want the legislatuto to ofl'er a bounty of ono coot per pound ott all sugar mauufac tared , and $1 per tot .oi all sorgintu raised 1n low'a. Rev. J. Bowman , of the Upper Iowa conforemco , has boon forty-three years iii the ministry. Ito lots proaehed between 7,000 mid 8,000 sermons , mud attended over 1,000 funerals , Ho gives promise of a long term of usefulness in the future. The Methodist church at Peterson was dedicated by Rev. I. N. Pardee on the 2d inst. The amount needed to clear time building of debt and furnish it was $923.02 , Mr. Pardco raised $1 , 172.40. The church without furniture cost $2,23 t.35. RAibiOAI ) NOr'TS. The B. & 11t. is putting in new side tracks and switches at Red Cloud , Neb , The first trail crossed the now Cantilever bridge over Niagara Tolls on the 7th. The Northern Pacific atiway will get about 8500,000 a year for the now mail contracts awarded to lt. The Canadian Paci ie track is laid to within five miles of the aumnht of the llockies. 'J'ho length of the road from 1Vimdpeg to Fort Moody will not exceed 1,180 miles. The triple alliance is the topic of the hour. By a strange coincidence the union was effect. e(1 ht the neighbo'liood of Brooklyn anti the Bock lelond stood hr as the mutual friend , The Northern Pacific hired a man named Gilmour to throw out giant powder catrfdgos , with the usual result , lie sued the company and oltafued judgment for $ tGOO for the injuries - juries sustained. The B. & 11 , at Rod Cloud has dote the largest business for the montht of November , in the freight do'mrtmnout ' , that ( vas over done at this station , the remittance in that montim being over $10,000 ti , a The laying of rails on the Fargo Southern has neon suspended for the winter. 1Vork will be resumed iii the spring. Seventeen miles of track have been laid from Fargo south , ten ntOrtonvilloaudtwo at 1Vahmpotun , The Union Pacific and the Chicago , Bur. lington & Quineyhnae made nu agreement fixing uniform rates in Nebraska , which will probably Prevelt their demoralization west of the J1lissouri , whatever effect the disruption of the Omaha pool may have on the rates be. tween the Missouri and Chicago , The Union Pacific has issued how folders , containing time tables under the winter or- rangemont , on all divisions , mad also a through time taldo hotwoon Salt Lake ( 'ity and Points on the Northern ; Pacific between IIelenn and Portland. There is at 'rreseit ' a very heavy travel over the Utah & Northern and Nortli- em Pacific \Vaehingtem territory anti Ore. gen points , this being the only all rail route , The earnings of time Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway system for the last week hi November footed up 733O00ngainst 5020 , . 000 for the corresponding week last year-a gain of 5107.000. The showing for the entire month of November Is as follows ; First week , $502,000 ; seeded , $510,000 , ; third , Stii7 , 000 ; fourth , m733,000 ; total , $2,388,000. Total bu Novenhor,1882 , 52S3,000 ( ) ; hucremso , $315 , . 000. 000.A A telegramil frann Waslihmgton says that last suarner Henry lt. l'oor , cornIdlor of time rail. way Manual , became satislod that the North. ern Pacific Railway company was concealing a large floating hulobtodmicss , mind that the stock must suiTor a heavy decline. I to fanned a syndicate and sold the stoclc secretly to time amount , it is said , of 40,000 Pharos , The stoclc was above 80 and wont below 40. The prolits were in the neighborhood of 52,000,000. , Paper railroads are riccunulathtg In the of. fnco of the secretary of Dakota tarrmtoiy. One of Um latest is caed time St. Buford & South. eastern railroad coupmany. It imposes to rim from Buford to Aberdeen , with Steele as Its business headqunrtors. The capital ttock'of thin company is $3,000,000 , nil taken by the incororators. Another la known as the Ua kota & Dlhnmosota railroad cnnipany with a capital of 51,000,000. A company ] nay been organized to build a cable railroad from Halley , Idaho , the tornin oils of the Wand ] liver branch of the Oregon Short Line , to Iotchum , a distance of tat and a half nnf1es. It is proposed to work the road on the cable systomn , running tin cable at a speed of aboutfivo miles an hour. The power is to be applied at a point about half way be. tweet the tonninl , tend Line machinery fe to ho run by water Iswer , , Woud river being used at a INInt where there is mm conside'ablo fall , St. Paul capitalists are about to build u road through one of the richest a ri' cultural bolts of Ialulta. Time proposed doe starts from a paint on the eastern Dakota hue at the foot of Lake Traverse , and rilas in a slightly whnding route urend time northern base of the eastern contoamx toSanborn , on the line of tlio Northern ] 'arl8c in Barnes county , crossing ] ( ichland , Itansoni amid La Morro conntles ; tlmonee it crosses quite directly ] lames and Stutsuiaa cooties , reaching its present terminal pohmt at Carrington , Foster county , Thooutirehim o Is 175 nmilos In length. ' 'ime now snap of Nebraska has three rod lutes leudlmig to llasnngs , tlmese rod lines Jim. dicatbng prolxsod rallrads. Ono of titan Is ( rota Aurora to Ifastltigs , and thence south. west to Orloamu , etc , Anotheris , ( remit Strum. burg to llastings , pointlnv In a southwesterly direction ; and this third Is fromn ( lardylu Nuckolls comity , to llastings , 'I'hls last would constitute a connecting link between the Union 1'aeIhie roudrunning beta Grand Irlandtolfastbmsand ; time llisunarl Faciflo riuudilgtu Achlmon , Kansas City , etc. (1st rloh Farnming , New' Onr.CANN , La , , Docoumbor 10- [ Special-ThoAnstrian ] bark Josip sir. rived yesterday from Cape Town , South Africa. Site loft Cape lawn Oetuber 15 , and , as part of her fret llt , line twolty throe ostriches , all of which reached here alive. Mr. E. J. Johnson , of Maine , egoist of time American Ostrichc company , a corporation orgnuized under the laws of Muiomadutho voyage from Cape Town , DTr. Johnson traveled into the hntorIor some 400 miles front Cape Tow ( in the hoer country , where the farms exist. J b'ino birds coat fr m 2b0 b' ZWn pr pair. As mnlty n 1r'y ( oath , , are to ho obttt' , I .o eo'hL b . their plumes L u 'm $ , to . . hit this country there hi eonsmunnhl profit in the business , lly importing the the birds oho duty of 20 per cent on time feathers is avoided. The problem is , to rear the young birch m this country. 'I'le Amoricamm Ostrich company have a forum at San Diego , Califonnianud thence the binds in Iltr. Johnson's care will shortly be taken. The 1VIntlow Tax. Chicago Tribune. Time pines industry of the L imiIed States is a good ilhtslratiot of time way iii nlilch time stimulation of time tnritI is apt to overdo itself , her twenty years fhoglass Manufactories have had n tax levied nt their behalf of the competing products of Europe of an average of not less than 76 per emit on window glass , and of about 60 per cent on all kinds of glass. But , as the dispatches front 1'ittsbur tell us ever' day , , the factories are shut down time worken have been drivou to strike by ( ho proposal of reduced wages , amid the country has to import glass front abroad to satisfy its needs. One of the business nmet of 1Vinona , Rhine. , has written to 'J'ho itopubliunn of that place a stateniunt of the actual Comm' dmtiomm of things in the lass interest as helots lots seen it in has business , The company - pany of which ha was at the hmeadordered n few weeks sines a carload of glass from one of the prmmeipal Pittsburg mmnufac turors. lie was informed in reply that 03 there was no Anmoriean glass in time nmrkot it would be necessary to fill his order with French glass , amid thin state. mamt of the situntiot was added ; hoven eghths of all the factories in this country are lying idle and we annot tell ninon there will be a rostunptioi of work. Our men don't ' vammt to work any moro. We predict no work this winter , ( ; hiss will be scarce amid hligil.Thus Thus is time realization after twenty years of very heavy taxation of the proumises made to iudmmeo qs to ammbmit "for protoctiou" to n tax of seventy-six per cent om window glass. The advocates of the tax assured us that it. would bring our workmen high tvagcs , would give the conauumor clmeap glass forever at line coat of a brio ( period of door glass at the beginning , amid would firmly establisho the glass manufaettiro of this cobntry om a basis that would afford ltustimg prosper. ity to time capital engaged in it. And at the eel of twenty years time workingmoo are out of work , aevemi out of eight of the factories are closed , it is impossible to tell triton there will be a resumption of work , and glass is "scarce mid high. " This disaster is more surprising sineo , as time corresIomdemmt of 'limo Republican points out , glass is one of the ma mmfac- tures native to this country. It was mmnu- factored hero seventy years before it had any tarill help-if it can be called help- and Albert Gallatim , in his report as sec. rotary of the treasury , said m 1810 that time industry was firmly established. The statistics for that year slew that the do- nmstie manufacture of window-glass amounted to 41,000,000 , while the im' portations were but $51,000. , Without protection , in other worls , time Anmeriemu could buy their glass at heuo cheaper than abroad ; with protection for twenty years , tlmoy nest buy most of it in Eu- rlipe.Glass Glass is made of sand , limo , and soda , with coal for fuel. If there is any country that has mm inexhaustible supply of time materials it is the United Slates , and yet we ace the industry on time verge of col. lapse. What is time reasons The reason was revealed by time glassumakars tlmenl- selves in a movement which they made last year for the purchase of sore foreign patents. Time foreign nmamfacturers , conmpelled to hrot the competition of time world , have made improvement after provonent in their processes until they are able to make glass much more cheaply that ever before. The American man ufacturers , fenced in from foreign competition - petition by this tax of 76 per cent , have gone on iii the old way. ' 'imey have made no improvements , amd when foreign competition - petition pressed theist harder they have sought to recoup themselves by reducing the tvagca of their men , ® - Co als 1511(1 Sheens. From the 1'hilalclpiia'IImol. ' ) Corals are always moro or less ism task. ion. A certain fossil coral , favorites , is made into sicevo buttots amid studs amid brings high pricca. Another kind is made up into fancy ormminnents of all kinds , but time red and black corals are time most valuable. Time best fisheries are along the coasts of Tumia , Algeria amid Morocco , from 2 to 10 miles from shore , in frmi 30 to 150 fathorus , Good coral is also coma. mot at Naples , near Leghorn and Oonoa , and omit varioae parts of time sca , as Sardi- tin , Corsica , Catalonia , I'rovonce , etc. It ranges hit colorfrom pure wltitotlmrauglm all the shades of pink , red amid oriumson , but the rose pinlc is most valued. For a long tiume Mnrseilhos was the maricet , but now Italy is time great colter of time trade , time grouter number of boats hailing - ing fromn T'orro del Greco , while outside persoos arc forced to pay a Ingavy tax , The vessels are scleotera , lntoen rigged. Conch shall is somewhat similar to coral , and cots of it have boon sold as high as 13300 'limo tint is exquisite , but liable to fade when exInosed to the sun. It is inside from Limo great conch , common in southern Florida nod time West Jim- dies. 'Pie shells are imported into I im rope by thousands and cut up into studs , sleeve butt. ms timid various articles of ormmneut , ' 'imo conch shell is used by the CR1000 cutter , ltomio and Paris sire time principal scats of the trade , mmd jut- mnomea numbers of almull camnons are ported by England and America and mounted in rings , pins , etc. The one showing a pale color upon au orange ground is nmueh used. In I'auis three hmmldrod tlmoussnd halumet shells were used in ono year valued at $10.000 ; of the bull's mouths , 80,000 , nv oraging over a shhlhing apiece , equal to $3t,000 , 'I 'Imo extent to whfclt skulls are used nt decoration is enormous. The strombun , triton , doliutn , fusus and murex we uiount as ornamental vessels , while the maetra is used as a spoon. The gigantic tridacna hi mounted and used as a bap. tismal font , uiid brings 3500 or $600. Among time Jndialstho Pectaland donna liurn are used as ornanemts. ' 1'110 scar lop ( poetemi jaeohmenml ) is used as mm deco- ratelm of honor , while the cliank is a llindoo bangle , What is called shell. hewer jewelry has a great smile in time aoiithn , 'lino sets sire nil in time siiapo of ! lowers , anti Jntido up entirely of limo valves of minute and beautifulllimited mollusks , which are homed timid lixed cute silver wires. - . . _ . AN obscure shelf is not the Ithaca for limo now modicul work , ' 'Time Science of Life ; or , Sulf Prosurvmtjon , " but time faum- fly library. ' 19io state librar will bu removed to mho now f uartere in tire new capitol buuldio6g i i i limo far the ie b gillatu' , :1FU : R NIT UItQ -TDiC- CHEAPEST PLACE IN OMAHA TO BUY Furniture -is ex- DEWEY & STONE'S They always have the largest and best stock. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR TO THE DIFFERENT' FLOORS. of ( Ito continued ow id utcrcuryanil 1utasn for tbo ln'atnto't of lanai mud Skin disea e.-thoy nova cure , nod nearly aless injure em totally ruin the gencrni health , A WELL-KNOWN DRUQOIST , My drug etro wa + tlto 0rst to sell Se lfts Speetaa it ens thou pfd up lu quart hotlles widelt told for 5O.Ooeaelt. 1 hatu scrim n great many camas cured by Its u + e , nod some a ho Intl bled all sorts of tarot. teem. i , tart , I him m peter kunsn it to fall when taken properll. I sell a Inryra qunntityof It , situ for au diseases that arc dopemlunt nu blood { roisoti or eliar laminar. It cures ri 1I'LF .tl Ain ni.nteiIi.9 o's TIIE ea1N , 511(1 makes tom e nnplodnn falr and rosy , .Ls for bloat taint , lharo Is mm mttah wont as fall. It cures rases that haw long wlthotnal other sorts of treat. meat , smut without any of those recurring troubles that g01ntrnlly follow mercurial mid other so-count cures. Tt 1. M.tSSli JhlUIIO , Macau , Oa. DItY TETTER. For } card was nllllctal with Ilry Totter of thin most obethtato qpe , Was treated by mimany of ( Ito bestplesician + ; took ) iunstoad of utorcury , potash and arsenic , which , of enrlng ( Ito tettop crippled tint up wills uJncral polstumemil thunutolism , 77to Tettar eontlnued to grate woron , nod the rtthltig nlni st utmto man Crary. Ia this condilioo I was inv duasltobtkeSwlft'sNpecitic situ lint result was as a + tonisldngas It oat gmtlfying. In a few mnmths limo Tenter tens entirely well , the Mercurial 1'oleoolmig all out of tin ' systtnn tutu i w as a t elm ratan-mid due only ti , lSnft'nNIecllle. ( ; All Ilku suacrersshmdd take It. JAtll:5 1)UNNINU ) , Iuuisville , K. What a Pliyslcian Says. Cvru Lns lhoue , Mo + woe Co. , Aile. , d Juty 23 , 188:1. : , 1 hats n bright III he damIgbler who will be two years old next manlim. She has becti Iranhicd micady ever sincu her btrllt frith 5 milli disease , whlch f tires diagtinstnl clnckcugtos , lint Icter found It la ho , ohm sort of mamma ; nt any rote it resisted r cry stubbormmly all time dlaerent trenhuuuts. 1 procured one bottio olSwift'sHperiaenndgasoItto her in stoall domes three ( Imes a day , and hr a shortwhim land thu antis. faction to eau that she ens entirely a elh I nut so well pleaoeil with Its effect nit Ier , that 1 shalt tint 011131150 it la may practice , but 1 shall ndmlnister it to utyother chlldremu amid into it utyself. W. E , Mitosis , DL D. Our treatise on Illood mud Skin Dlscascs walled free to appllfnnts , Till : Sw1FT HI'ECIF10 CO. , Oster 8 , Atlanta fla. " The tmao of the term ' Nhor U Ri" Lin"m with tbt corporate nano eta greatcoat , convoys au idea et ust what .roqufrcdbytime traveling mb I I N E Ile-n Short Lune , Quick Tin. and the best of accoaunoda thous-ali of wimiclm are ruin ( shod by tire greatest railway to Atimcdea. C HICAGO , MILWAUKEE And St , Paul. It owns and operates over 4,500 mllesof road n Northern Illhmole , Wlacoushl , tihumosota , Iowa and Dakota ; anti anti is main lines , bramehes and eonnoc. ( lone reach all the great business centres of th ( NortlmwostanA Far Wct , It imatmirally answer. Us description of Short thin , aid Best hoots between Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and kil"ncnpolle. Chicago , at lwaukee { , La Crosse and SYinama Chicago , Mllwnukcc , Aberdeen and EllcndMo Chicago , Mllwaukao , Eatt Claire sou Stillwatar' Chicago , tlllwaukco , IVarmu and Merrlil. Chicago , Milwaukee , heaver Ian and Oehkoeh. Chicago , Mllwaukco , wa"koshaand Ocouomowoa Chicago , alllraukoo , Madis01 , aid I'ralrlodu Olden , Chicago , tlilsaukao , Owatonna nod Falrlhault. Ckitagollcloll J5tmesvliloaidMlmmcmlm'oillt. Chicago , Eight , ltoclfonl amid Dubuque , Chicago , Clinton , hock lel01nl anti Cedar Rapids. Chicago , Council DluOs omit Oumha. Chicago , Hloax City , Sloux Falls and Yankton Chicago , Milwaukee , ttitchrll aid Chnmbcrlaln , Itock Island , Dubngwe , at. i'aul and Minneapolis. Davegtort , Calmar , lit. Paul amid Mhumeapolls. Pullman Sicopers end tits Fittest DlningCare In world are run on the ttmbi Mimes of she C H I CACO MILWAUKEE r16 ST PAUL RAILWAY and every attention Is pal to passengers by courts null auploytro of the e01npany. H , d. MEImRiLL , A. V. If , CAILPENTER , ( icn'l tlanagob ( lon'1 t ass. Agent. J. T CLAItIC , IRO 11. iIEAFI'OILD , Qou'l Snp't. Ass't Omr'I I'aee. Ag't Nstero CorD iceINorks ! IRON ANUSLATFBOOFINO. c , . SPEONT7 PROP. Ills Dotmglaa fit. Omaha , Ncb , , UANUFACFUBRit OF Galvanizes Iron Cornices frpormor windows , Flnlaln Tin , iron anti Slate fooling Hpccht'a patoot Metaille Hkylight , Patent adjustai ltatchct liar aril rirsetct t hcivlug , 1 am ho general agent for Limo above line of goods. Iron enclug , Crostings , Balustrades , Verandas , Iron dank slam Whndmv itunds , Cellar Ouards also general ant for l'eorson& 1111 { stoat Inside lillnd. I. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS , An excellent appetidug tonic of lA , if { ' Witch , tm' rld , curry Ayspepela Lc 'F f + rrIra , ever acd 1.gue , and all a _ ! : dlmrdcroottlrolIgestlvoOrgaus , Y -4 low drops IlimImart a delicious , to a glass orcbam sgneaud total summer delnke. Fry It , but s bovarovfcutinterrelts. Ask yout t .1 : gnmcrrorfrmmggistforlhu6g nulue P aT arhtlc urauufactured b VU , J , i (4i r4 0 , Ii , kIBUICIIT .C HU S , mJ. Hr WUPPENMAHN , Solid Ag oG rssaA rriT m4 a'w.icro I. w. iia.cor , to G1 Broadway. N. Y. 1 QRe ' 1 t MYE'sJ microns. AY7aln , 1iTJTlu , voLTAIO mif.T : , tint oilier BLECTam Ina A1'I'Lm4.cea. two will tend on Thirty Day. ' 9'rlal ' , TO NiN , l'OUNII flit Ord ) , who are sutiering froom Nnnvoes IIretrmrr , Io.r 19rmury , and thos , . distut.0 , of a 1'xnsoxst , NATcax trullhmr , Crow . ' . , hienlyrcilefalit con , Into mc.turatlun to IIr./Lru,1'Iuun and ligxuooe lmeuuNTxxu , Hcndutuuelorlltu.tratudl'awphlct free , Addmeas VOLTAIC BELT CO. , 1ARSNALL , P ICIt . . . aae..ocx r . = - ' E / . , i -WITH- , " .ya :1.j : . ; ; ; i ' FALLS : , GRANITER Anti your work is done for till Limo to time to come , ; WE CHALLENGE n The World to prodico a more durable material i'or street PaVOl110nt titan the Sioux Falls Granite. I , I FOR ANY AMOUNT OF Pavi.lla011 _ , . -011-- I filled promptly. Samples sent turd estimates given upon application. , WM.11IoBAIN & CO , , Sioux Palls , Dakota. Nebraska Cornice -AND- O1'lliiiioll1 MANUFAcITI11tERS OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES' S.TfOr2aOr ITiI1C10GS7ra4 ! FINIALS , WINDOW CAPS , TIN , IRON AND SMTEROOFING , PATENT MRTAUC SiCYLIQIIT , h'on Fencing ! Crustln e , Ilaluetrados , Vcraulas , OOicoanti Bank Rallinge , Window and CallarUuarde , Eta N , W. COR. NINTH AND JONES STS. wJ.OAII3EaManager. } , RED STAR LINE s l ti. s BclghmrnJfnyultuurl US.Iu11Rtcluiere SAILING EVERY SATURDAY Dn'rvJEY : , NEW YORK AND ANTWREP 1 7hcJZMie(7rrmanyItulyJloltandunaFratrc , rOntwar11 Steemgo , 820 ; l'repald from Antworp.820 ; . Exeurslon , e1S.t.0 ; 2d Cabin , 855 ; lxmirsion : , 8100 ; ' * Hatoori ( roP. Pee to > fi t ; Eteufslou 850 to 8125. NtY'I'cter 11'right ie Hone , Cot , Agts , t5 Broadway 1 . Y. Ca'dwcll ] faudltonk j o , , Omnaba I' . E. Flodman k Co. , 205 } f. 10th Street , Onto ) . ; B. 1 : lImball , Omaha , Agents. , m&eeoddy 1)ISDAS S OF THE EYE & EAR dl T. ARMSTRONG , M. D. , Q 3u.1iEit mi = ser . . .rn:1mns : 1404 Farnwm Street , opposite Paxton hotel , Ohm its. , Neh. Ours wlLhontmed , A POSITIVE Ilanawltietite. totter 2510. Oaa box No , i will curs aryose In four days or lose No. ' 2 will cure the moat obsthmalu rase co mattered bow long standing , Allan's Soluble Medicatbd Boigies No nau.eoue doaos of , ubabe , copabta , or aU of son. dal wood , that ore iw.tin to produce dyspepsia by } files 81.50 Sold by a druggists , or laallod on receipt of price For furUox I'aartlcular. scud for circular , Lu , C : ALLAN CO 6R'S9. I da Juba street , New lark „ , 4 6/ ' . S. H , ATWOOD , Plattsuloutll - ' ' -Nob l naxAnCROrTIWaeeomisuaa AilD lncn oadud s IDEfORD [ AD h JEflSE LE . ' . AV0 00a0C Oa Jxasar 1150 bWINa , ttrv'oaog stock for sao. : Oorrespemmdencu sulicitM. moxw ly Y r