Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1883, Image 1

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    L . . . THE OMAHA DAILY' BEE. , y
TIII1tTEENTI3 YEAR. lr ] 3 Latribor'C - OMAHA , NEB. FRTDAY MORNING , llECllBL 'Ii , ( d , 1883. NO. ] 52 :
Thc Beath Scutellce of the Iowa Pool
Practically Pronouuccd ,
stork's ' Ehplauatiou of the Terms
of the Now York Treaty ,
The Northwestern , Burlington
and Wabash Preparing to
Defend Themselves ,
The Ctinin es Aar Open Wtw COnsill-
ered Cool Desplto 11i r. O's Grace.
Ad Ecplanatlon.
CIIwAoo , December 13. - General
Manager llughitt , of the Northwestern
and Clark of the Union Pacific , nrrivol
hero from New York this morning. Mr.
llughitt stated to a repreaontativo of the
1 Associated Prose that the Northwestern
company had been informally notified of
the existence of the triple alliance between -
twoon the Union Pacific ; Rock Island
and St , l'aul roads but the terms of the
compact , which has been signed , had not
boon outlined. Informal notice lead also
bootn given the Northwestern road that
it could enter the now association , but
Ott what terms was also not stated. Thn
policy of the Northwestern was , as it if ad
) Cott from the outset , for peaceful adjustment -
justment of any differences on the Union
Pacific l/nanCSS and any action which
innght bo pursued by the Northwestern in
certain alternatives would eer-
tauitly not be outlined until the
exact position of Clio three roads
in the new association had been dis-
closed. His deliberate view was that
the Union Pacific could not afford to
outer upon any serious discrimination I
against any of its feeders , but in any
event the Northwestern expected to b 0
able to protect its interests , and coul d
certainly do so. Ho could not say the t
the now agreement would be disclosed n t
the adjourned mooting of the Iowa pool
'hoxt Tuesday , as it did not properly
form part of the business of the old mao '
ciation. If at the session the old associ
ation was renewed , lie did not under
stand it came in conflict in any ashy wit h
I I ' the 1icw agreement , and that in tin
event of a renewal of the old pool tlI e
t now agreement would remain in aboyanc °
l so long as taro , roads now touching a
Omaha could work together under th
old plan.
Mr. Clark of the Union Pacific , an
' Mr. Potter , of the Burlington , had
eonfercnco this morning , but the no
' ngrcement was not touched upon. Th
Burlington has not been given notic
m , that it can join the new aliance. Th
r fact has been disclosed that the Roc
Island and St. Paul made the move fo
- the adjournment of the meeting of th
Iowa purl to December 13th , but thi
was opposed by the Burlington on th
ground that the St. I aul's notice to qui
' the old pool ran out December 16t hI
. ! " r . which , svauld allow only three days i
which to prcparo for au upon > ZgItL Tit
St. Paul then agreed to extend its notic
i t to January 1st.
The position of the Wabash with-re
gard to the negotiations now being car
ried forward has not been made public
but an eflicial statement is made that
opposed the tripartite agreementand it i
expected to join with the roads left o ut
of the preliminary negotiations. 1Vhil
nothing definite has taken place withp
view of forming a rival alliance , the oil
ckal view hero is that the Burlingto
Northwestern , and possibly the 1Vabas
will jour with the Rio Grande for Det
ver and through business to the coast i
event of no agreement being reached b
fore January 1st.
OLAltir EXPLAINS Tim COatl'.tCT.
General Manager Clark , of the Unio
Pacific railroad , stated to a represent
tine of the Associated Press this afte
110011 the details of the compact entcrc
into at New York between the Unio
Pacific , St , Paul and Rock Island rend
That the text of the agreement woul
prevent its publication owing to ii
length , but that the Union Pacific Ira
no desire to preserve secrecy as to the cha a
acter of the docmumrL Thu announc
jj mont that the agreement is to run two
tyfrvo years is correct , as also the slat
s + moat that the three roads are bound b
i ; , the agrcement for the full period , an
s can only be released on giving five year
notice. The published statement tin
the agreement contemplates tape pooliu
of business is incorrect and does n
necessarily disturb the status of the of
Iowa 1)001 , or any other compact , wine
the five Iowa lines may enter into. "
is , " said Mr , Clark , "a defoneivo and o
fensivo alliance , tine terms of which , h
brief , are that it will nmaku a terminus
the Union Pacific at Chicago instead
Omaha for competitive busincs
'Tito compact is not discrinninati
1 in any sense. It does net speak of t ]
local business of tine Union Pacific roa
and it is open for any of the five Ios
lines to sign IL" In further explanuti o
of tine scope of tine alliance , Mr. Cla
said it was the necessary uutconno
roads building into the territory of ti
Union Pacific lines , which had aimp
heron feeders of the Union Pacific , b
were now its
ltlt'AI4.tT t'AIt1OUS POINTS
along the line of that road as'far as Do i
ver. These rivals , svhuch formerly h
' 1 their terminus at Chicago and Omah
.4' i now had their wostertt terminus at porn
a , beyond Onrahu , while tine Union lama
f , on tire other hand , had its eastern to
, minua at Onraba until tire signing of ti
1 present agreement. It was placed
ra even tortes with its competitors , a
. ( had , to all iutunts and purposes , a dire
II line to ( 'lnicago. 'I'hocompact provid
that in tire event of a break in esta
haired freight rates at any competiti
point on the Union Pacific , coinmenein
at Salt Lsko and Ogden , ni caat bour
liiainess , Its confederates will bo
their pro rata of
- T1lE ( UT i'It031 OM.tlfA
east. Thu present cut between t i
Union I'acilio and Rio Grande on Ut
butliless , which is now carried on by ti
Union Pacitc alone , , will bo sinated
its two connecting Imes , "Tire cite
'sion of tire Burlington or any other Io
k line west of Omaha caueos it to appear
: a dual role , " said Mr , Clark , "for win'
afie Union Pacific 's t carrying on a co
i test with tine Burlington' . extensions w
of the Missouri river , llurlington is re-
calving tine full pool division of through
rates on business iaiddown by otnr road at
Omaha , avl by that method is enable d
to carry on tine contest indetinitoly. The
alliance moored into is simply to allow
Ins a fair fighting chance for competitive
business , and should tend to maintain
rates instead of disturbing tlnom , Mr.
Clark further stated that the compact
only spoke of pmsonger business in an
incndontal way and to tine effect that the
three roads in interest should work in
imarnouy in tire event of a cut in rates.
Mr. Clark contended that if a break in
rates occurred it would bo forced as tire
situation was nut outwardly changed
from the period prior to
T1mE rISAnntunHi :
in tine Iowa pool , If the Iowa poO1 roads
could settle tire question of division the
business status would be unchanged.
Mr. Clark said no formal invitations have
been made to tine other throe roads to
join the alliance , bttttheir officials were
well aware that they could alter it whoa
requested. Ho could state the , specific
teams under which they could join but
thought it irepolitic at tine prosentito dose
so , .IIo finally said in his view tlraro
wits every reasn win all tine lines should
form a part of the alliance arid desired to
clear away tire idea that by tire compact
the Union Pacific contemplated turning
overall ita business totho two conneoting
All local business of the Union Pacific
would hereafter , as formerly , be delis'-
ored to the roads at Omaha , to whioln it
was consigned as formerly , Unassiguod
business would be delivered to tire Iowa
pool if it remained in oxistenco. If not ,
then it would ko to such roads as may ho
named by the Union Pacific. Wlten the
chatacter of tine agreement was made
known , it did not appear among officials
conversed with1 to lesson
For roads east of the Missouri river to
bear a portion of the cut in rates caused
by tire hot war now waging west of that
river meant a complete change in the
complexion of the existing condition of
affairs. The absolute agreement of two
of the Iowa pool roads to accept such a
proviso' neant necessarily a Complot a
change in tine relations of tine-Iowa pool
roads towards each other , and rnado
moro uncertain than over tire cmitinu
anco of tire Iowa pool. One intereste d
official , in summing up the matter , sai d
tire question resolved itself into whether
' nil tire Iowa roads would join with the
Union Pacific and abandon the Ri o
Crando , or whether a portion of then or
0 would ally their fortuncs with the latte r
1v.UTINO AND wAr01IiNu.
e CIIrcAno , December 13.-There worn
private consultations to-day between
d officials oftireNortlrwosternandHurling
a ton road , and tire belief is expressed i
w railroad circles tirat a general plan ha
e been mapped out foractron in case of tin
a dissolution of tire Iowa pool at the meat
a ing next 't'uesday , when tine text of tar
k tripartite agreement between tire Union
kr Pacific , ] tuck Island and St. Pau
e roads will be preccnted and member
5 of the pool will booomo ofiiciall
a cognizant of its torms. The propose
t plan , it is understood , contemplates u
, , alliamcobetweonthoNorthweetorn ; , ,
I lingtoir II pljash. Denvdr tS IttoCirand
U ann Atchison , , op lt-aspa , ] o , 'anr
0 perhaps the Missouri Pacific , on term
similar to those of the triple alliance
Perding otlicial promulgation of tire tax
. of the late agreement , officials of oth
, roads decline to forecast this policy
i President Perkins , of the Burlingto
S left for New York this morning.
° 1VINNn'Eo , December 13 , 'Piero ax
a no now developments regarding tine rai
I- way dead lock. A train went south tin
I 'morning. Now engineers are oxpecte
today , when all the express trains wi
Ibe equipped and sent out. Tine origin
n cots do nothing but tahr. Superinten
° - ant Egar refuses to recognize tire pros
daft of tire brothorlnood in tire matte
r - .
rd Tt'e1r operations On the Trabi ,
ii tlmo Capital.
d Special Dispatch to Tins Brie.
s LINC011 , December 13-As tire no
d train on tire B , t1. M. pulled unto Lineo
, today a gang of pickpocketa-frro '
1 nunnber-boarded tire train. Tine pa
osengors wino were standing up won
crowded back into'their seats by then
, and urn old man whose pan , iy J. I
n 1 urnor , en route to Friundvilhn v
at robbed of his wallet containid $2fi. ' 1'1
gut pickpockets evidently expected a nu c
d larger haul , as Mr. Varnor claims that 1
ii recognized one of thorn on tire tra
It when r it left Ornalma , and mark °
f his peculiar action. Mr. Varnor w
n quite fortunate iii getting off with
of annul a loss , fro having but a abort tin
of lOfOTO reaching Lincoln turned over ti
s greater part of his money to his sari
law. However , it was a cool and car
mg fully worked up game , Mr. Varno r
vest Having been opened by the robber
va amid daylight and in tine presence of t ]
rest of the passengers. It is said that
ork similar robbery occurred yesterday
of which they secured $200. They we
followed today , but succeeded in o
ly capiug. F. B , IV.
ut 8ettlingVJrgtnla'd1)obl.
ItIClnmoxu , Ye. , December 13-
botlr houses of tire legislature joint rca
n lutiona ) rave been introduced by dom
ad craticmombera , declaring that the poop
n , of Vhrbhnia accepted the act of Fobruar
is 1882 , known as the Riddlobergor bi ]
c , as all ultimate settlement of tine debt
r this stnto ; that their unalterable purpo
no ha that the settlement be final , and a
on ux ectatiou of any settlement of tin
id debt upon airy basis over to be made
ct tolerated b tie people of Virginia
Os absolutely illusory anid Imo oboas' tin
b tire interst of pulic creditors ere sr 011
1'o tine safety and welfare of tlo state r
i g r uires tit the settlement bu accept o
id b' creditors as well as by the stat
ar therefore tire general nason bl ' in b
half of all tore ieo ) le of the sttato a
vises and calls u of holders of nil boric
and clainna a ains tire conrinonweulthl
no cunno forward with roan tlless mud fur
air the eaume under tire rovisiorra of ea
ieact. . The ovornor will bin requested
by connnitunicatto these resolutiorre to lot
va era of bonds and claims against the eta
in by proclamation , I'
° -
IIo Capt Robert Dickinson , tape Irish polltl
n refugee and a brother In-law of Parnell , t
eat found tiead is bad , inn Brussels.
Is Our Grcal Scnatc at Present Nothio
Put a blob ?
And the Senator from Kansas ,
Presiding , a Nondosoript ?
Points Brought Out in a Discussion
sion of the Proposed Now
' Sonata Rules ,
Senator Vain Itesohnnt 111119 are
Botli Adop I(1 1Vlthout TaIIc ,
WAsmiNoroN , Doceurbor 13-In tine
senate today Mr. Dolphs introduced a
bill for time admtissior of 1Vaslnington
territory and a part of Idaho as a state ,
Mr. Merrill introduced a bill to pro.
vide for a conrniission on the liquor
traffic. It is tine same bill that passed
tire senate last aussior but failed in tine
On motion of Air. Frye tire senate
took up considoratiomr of tire reportof the
couunitteo at rules and proceodcd to
consider tire maw rules sereatinl.
Tine first rule read is as follows :
First- ] tine absence of the vice president -
dent tine senate shall choose a president
pro temporc.
Socoud-hr tine nbsenrco of the vice
presidatt mid pomding tine election of a
president pro temnporo , tire secretary of
tire serrate , or in his absence the chief
cleric , shall perform the ditties of tire
Third-The president pro tonnporo
shall have tire right to name in open semite -
to , or if absent in writing , a senator to
perform the duties of tire chair , and the
serrater designated ni ty discharge such
duties for a period not exceeding three
days , unless the senate otherwise order.
liar , Bayard asked tire senators to cone
template tire effect of the proposed rule ,
which gave tire vice president tlro right
to designate a person who by possibility
may become acting presidatt of tine
United States. Suppose tine sons-
tor front Vermont ( Mr , Edmunds )
should be absent tlnreo days and
r 'during that time tire president of the
United States , whether by act of God or
public onemy.slrould be removed from
life , sonic sonatormay be dcsigratedand
would alder this rule become acting
president. He inquired if tire senate
proposed to add to the dilifeultiesclusler
- lug around tire law in regard to presi-
n doutial succession by lodging in tin 0
sa president pro tempera of tire senate tire
unchecked and uncontrolled designatio n n
- of a man wino shall possess nine enormou s
° and incalculable powers for good or ovi 1
which may attend the temporary func
lions of tine chief magistrate of tire re-
5 public. Tine course memed to lumen
y tiroly in opposition to.tlnh theory of , , ou r
d govornm0ntr ana" fraliglrt wnth.possibrli
m .ties Vary bravo and dangerous. Thin
- phould notj beagovernmcut ; ofla' , , but a
a govotnmont of/publio opifiioii ; , find : a
clause lodgitigeifvast possiblo'poWot II
the hands of one person might defeat
the well considered feeling and sonii
t merit of tine country. In ins opinion tin
er provision proposed admitted of tire possi
' bility of the senator designated by tin
president protenr to temporarily occup
the chair of tire serrate , going bac
to tam presidential office perhaps t
0 veto a measure ire was unable to dotes
Iin the senate. 'Piero rover had bee
is shown in tine senate any disposition t
d take a petty advantage of the absence o
11 a monuber on either side of tire clnaurbe
n and Ire ] toped senators would pause be
d fora agreeing that a person who ma
i ] rappen to be for three days preside
r , pro tempore of tire body , may , in cas
of the prosident'a death , resignation ,
disability „ succeed to the presidao
without any control of congress and ups
tine uaninatioi of a single individu
at Ho knew tire contested clause did mu
admit of tire construction ho put upo
it , but he had given it serious consit
oration amid believed it open to the objet
er tiou advanced and the only safe coura
him n a matter of so aerious importance we
tine course that loft nothing open t
1D doubt ,
s Mr. Garland moved to mnond tine nc
0 rule by striking out the three days' lira
i itation , and inserting instead "But sue
i substitution slmall not extend beyond a
adjournment , " v4hieh is tire provision
to present in force. He opposed allowin
a longer time than the actual sitting c
hi the senate for such delegation of power
10 Mr. Edmunds thought it quite obvio °
m fn the present hondition of tine sonat °
d tiroro being nit , vice president , that '
is would be a great convenience to adopt tin
10 rule if it can be lawfully and properl
0 done ; but'wlretjner it can ho done Im
re . fullydepom ds upon whether tine presider
I. pro tempore is Ito wino occupies tine cims
' - under the rule or is tine person elec
ed by the senate. It , is clear that mmdc
ro a taro constitution and lw the poremr win
Is president pro tonoro is tine oflico i
a 'Pine canstitntimr describes mum as suc
ofileer , aid by the constitution and I n
r o made in pursuance of it ho is'required '
a- take the oath as such oflicor to purfor
tire duties of tine office fuititfully. M
Edmunds thought all must agree that
hr person called to tire chair by tine prose
dent pro tonrpore , or by the vice-pros
o dent jf lm is providing , is not preside
o to pro tempore ° of tine sonata In point
constitutional law tire president pm
' tempore onto elected and qualified , con
of tiuucs to bd president pro tmuporo unit
of n attccosanr Is elected ley taw seiato a ri
qualified by taking tine oath , lie coo
is not see that time provisions of time ire
rule would invoke tine dkllicultius
os dangera apprelnondcd by tire seuato
cot who opPOC it , and ho was of tire opiui u
that tlnia would ho 50011 eepocially trr
as when borne fu nnimd that tire wnnlo ) coq
ud ter is eory minute of time within ti
olnnnnodiato control of tire serrate , wink
e , can elect a now president , pro temper
Ud airy moment it 1)loasea ) ,
lilt. Bayard inquired , if ti
tS position of time gorrtlenar front 1ormo
d to correct , it would not follow , that tare
kit might be sin oficer presiding over ti
deliberations of tine sonata unknown
to d the constitution , not time president pr
totumporu whom the senator from ti crmo
to doaerihes lire othieer tine
as nanedby c °
atitutlon , but uric trio would be a no
cal deacript. This would be a delegation
Yet delegated power , a function general
furbrdden by law , If the senator fro
. .
. - - - -
Vorutnrt be absent three days and tie.
sigusto the position of presiding nllicer
to tire senator from hnnsas , ( Senator
lugalls who during discussion
occupied thcchair , ) how shouid
he describe him and iii case
tine senator front 1 , ermont should die ,
who could fill tine placol
AIr. Edmunds tuplnod , if what ] w
( Edmunds ) stated be true , tire , ' , the sun.
ate was in that couditiom at time rrosmtt
moment , aid tire senator ( corn hnnsas is
a nondescript , [ Iaughto'.1 There is uo
torn known to tire constitutrolr or law of
tine United States by winch to address
the aerator fron Knnsr while In the
chair , and his presence there , certainly
by delegation of delegated power , is tine
practice fouudod oft tine necessities of
tire case and canntolr sarso. 1t mriay be
as tine senator from Delaware ( Bayard )
says , a delegation of power that. cannot
be delegated. In that case tire senate at
tire present nnonreut is nothing but a
11101) .
Tine discuasiolr was continued by
Messrs. Morgan and Hoar.
The ammndutemit offered by Mr. Gar.
land was lost , yeas 24 , nays 89 , all dorn
ocrats voting for and all repuinlicans
against it.
Air , Sherman did not like to see tine
nmttor become a party quesUou. ilo did
not wart airy rule that would meat tine
united oppoaitial of any side of tine chair
bar , If it should appear that any ono of
tire rules was open to hnmeat nod fair
party objection ho would be against it.
IIo would hold himself ready , if lo ; saw
cony valid , legal or constitutional objec-
tron to tine special clause under consider-
short , to vote against it ,
Mr. Edmunds offered a resolution that
tine serrate proceed to tine election of a
presidatt pre tan. , and nskeU drat tine
resolution lie an the table.
Mr. Van Wyck's resolution calling on
tlnoseeretnry of the interior for iuformn
lion relative to the tranafor of'tlte 'T'exas
Pacific land grunts to tine Southern Pa-
cub road was adopted.
Tire resolution by tire saline senator
calling for information about cdrtuin ox.
pondituros of tam department of justice
in connection with tine star route trials
was passed ,
After cot executive session the serrate
adjourned until Monday.
A 1"orry Boat Ablaze ,
NEw Yotnrc , December 13.-The ferry
boat Gardou City , of ttto East River
Ferry company , caught faro amid burned
at noon today at the foot , of Janres
stroot. Several horses were also burned
but all passengora and enpiloyo camped
so far as known. Tire boat was valued
at $100,000 , partly insumcd. ' Tine boat
lead just loft its slip do its ray to Long
Island City , and had got barelyifts own
lengths heading up stream ydion tire
llamas worn scorn burettngfrorh tine deck
above the boilor. The cu gmea were re-
versed and tire boat back diuto tlno slip ,
but so rapid was the a toad of tire fire
that before it readied the bride the
cabiua were wrapped in flumes fn
'um imi for tine bulklr ° tid of tam slip
Pilot Nelson had his shoulder dislocated ,
but fell out of roach of tlrerlames. En-
'grinner Samuel Tracy man throughtlr °
dairies and reached.tho dock , his i rtrfin g
all ablaze. James Ilhol fironran , flndiu
I cscapo to tire dock out' t'lI..Wasps ' 1
thrggghkp prtttq odand , , ' ' ' ' t oJ , .1
rivdr.'IIO'yms Faved , r ,
i 'gors 'anti lorry hands o tbont-'save
t themselves by'jumpiug to tiroforry ; al t p
or by leaping through tire flailios to' tin °
0 bridge. Two Lrucka4 belomrgliig to have
- meyor's sugar lrousotruck from the a
0 standard Oil conrpary'Lworks and a
horse and wagon belonging to J , N
Now , grocer , of Long Island Cif wor
0 on ard nd it is said several team ;
t jumped into tine river. At 1 o'clock tin
tr tire was still burning amid the firemen a
0 work.
f .
- - - -
r Strilce our tine New a orlc Trlbuue.
Nlav YonrR , December 13. Tine artir
y force of compositors of the Now Yor k
rat Tribmro , eighty-six coon , left work at si
0 o'clock last might. Subsequently tire
or rnorr weft back , until eleven more won
y procured front tine outside. Tire calls
in of tire strike is said to be athroatened at
a1 to rpt on taw part of tire foreman to go
) t urenr front out of town to talie tire place
n of time union morn. It is reported a la'g
I- party of coinpoamtors will be brought fror
Baltimore toaniglrt , and toanorrow tine
o union men will be disclrar"ed , 'J'inn' ' mu
ra minor is said to be comrnrmoa and the Unio
o consequently ordered the moan out : Cumin
rnittees were appointed t ° intercept tin
Iv expected party front llaltimoro and in
r- deco thorn to john tire uniorm. It is sai
in an unfliatdly foaling has existed butwe °
u tire compositors mud forunrnn , sluice tit
at success of two nrontlna ego , wlman tire
g obtained their d01naids and the oflic
passed to tine control of the ty ) Ogmplmic
, mlion.
S Of the pritrter ° ' strike iii Tire ' 1'ribun
' last eight , it scams tine foreman had di s
't charged aeno men , and the chairmmn r
r5 the chapel instantly ordered astriku , cunt
y all but about fifteom loft thocases. Asoo
r- as they had gone the office was roatorc
to the anti-union barns en the aamo torur
it as before tire strike a mouth ago , an
t' now rarer were brought in , bringing tin
r force up , before the paper wunt to presto s
° to about forty men at time cases. 'linear
together with tire typo'aetting maciiinu a
pulled through all right ' , Tire 'J'ribun '
wn ocnriug out as usual aid our time.
m Belted t" 1)ettlr.
r ,
a Cnwano , Dcconlwr 13.-A fright (
I accident occurred at noon to day in tin
i etginu room of lire Fuller electric ingl
rt company , Arcade court. Taro oorploy
of wore lust washing tineirlrandsfor dinnu
u in a lmtcket of orator placed iii front
i. tire big argimio within threu feet of in 11
il mein bolt tlratcnnnoctod tlnollywheel wit
d tine other machinery , 'l'wo of the r
riId brad washed and started to the ( rent
w tire ougino room leaving Julnt Burk
err firensn , standing by the bucket props
ma 1mng to wash. Half a minute later tire
hoard a anultlrercd groan. ' 1'he nr
re ntoppod the engine and it was fennd Lie
I- Burke had been carried by line great be
no between the llywhcul and atone wall , p
n i body passing thorough a apace of fur
U , inches. Bvcry limb was town astprd
nod scattered over thu floor by tire term
le 1)10 belt. it inn aupposed that ire a cep
rat down to warm Iris Lards and t ) Jo be
ru caught his back , The ranaimt wu
ru gatlrerod iii by tine policernan. Jiu wra s
to ainmglo unan
nt h'onr 01 a iInd ,
n FurDEnrrsroN , N. B. , Docortbe 13 ,
n 'F'ire vvifo of Jomu house , of Bonn rvill
of gave birth to four boys tins cot nun
l Omne died two Incurs afterwarde ' 1'I
otingrs are doiir6 well , ° "
The Ilorrible Story Told in Court by
Emma Boll. .
"Doe" Middlotoll's '
Gaug Getting
Its Just Deserts at Last.
Seventeen Years of Fruitless Lt- [
igation Ends in a Deliberate -
orate Murder ,
AJcu Isla Synagogue \Varntriply 1Vrcuk
eta-Frunk'Jaues let' Out of
Jnllonly to ( let , In Agntl ,
1tltmnA IIONI ) ON Till : WITNEbV STANII , i ,
Sr , Louts , Decenibor 13 , The Hills.
bore , Ill , , special of tire Post-Dispatch ,
nays : At tire openinrg of tire court tits
nnornung all the witnesses in the Enmta
florid case ware called , sworn mid in-
slructod by Judge Phillips that they
unmet Mania inn the room prepared for
tlroru or an the street and that they will
not be porr tted to remain in thu court
roonr. Tine dofalso iravo auaay moro
witnesses than tine prosecution. The
court room was densely thronged and
Miss Bond was tine first witness called ,
aid was exunrinod by Judge Edwards for
the prosoeutiomi. She recited tire oir +
cumstancos of tire outrage as given at
the time , tolling iron' , of tine afternoon
of Juno 29th , 1882 , after diamissing
school nod awoepiug time school house sire
was seized front behind by atnan wino
dropped thin-origin time scuttle hole fron
tine atte of tire building choked her till
sine was blind cord lair shawl being
being tied around her waist she was
tinier ruiled tip to time loft above. As sine
was drawn till silo saw tine face of ciao of
tire men in taw loft , and there (1 ( ) ointimr J ,
to Jolut 0 , Alcnt onrery ) is tire very men ,
I will swear that is the fneo I saw , She
also noticed that the other Wren in the
loft had om low cut shoes nod red stock.
imiq. Wmorn sire was taken rap sine was
laid err the platform in tine loft prepared
former. She told the mien sire world
other Joao her life then nor virtue and
begged therm r to kill her. Ono of tine
nett remarked that that was easy
enough to do , and taking out his knife
made cuts or her throat amid face , vine
in all. Upon this she lost consciounoss
and on rocovuring , about au hour afterwards -
wards , she load been ravished , and euo
mat was just getting up. She was rav
ished repeatedly and thought she had
been chloroformed. When she recovered -
ed consciousnesa about our o'clock in tire
morning sine found herself lying in a
irorp on tine school house floor under.
heath tire smnttle hole. She dragged
herself ever to tine house of widow l'ot
tis , tthore tine two defondantsLeo Pettis
aid Clements livediand , t. + ld Mrs. Pottia
drat sine had boar raviamed by two largo
nnen wire wore white shirts and dark
pants , whom also did notknow. Clements
: arid Pottis Inesitated to take her home ,
feariq" her fatlror'lufglntsuspebttlnom but
! tpansjY'otEi rreeiag.tu"gam nfJ
d'dioy hitchedup tr teiin dnd'ttci' r
home. Alro told 'her ( ether' the
two iron wearing white shirts and dark ;
pants had outraged hor. Sine stated
that her back was very much bruised ,
and lner knees , arms and shoulders bored
tire marks where for assailants grasped
her , also that her wrist had a cut winch
i still remained , and , taking off her glove ,
slue showed tire scar to the jury.
0 On cross Oxmnination by .dudge Thorn
t ton Miss Bond stated that sire had nave
scorn John Moutgoinory but anco befor
the night of tam outrage , and then dk
not lmnow loin. She had never acou inn
° since tire outrage until yesterday inn tin
court room , and then immediately recog
x razed hint as tine ratan wlnoso face sine sat
e above her while being down up into tine
e loft. She stated it was true she toM ( lit
e ferent parties , after the dufondanls avert
arrested that dray wore not tine neon wins o
t outraged liner , llnouglr it ens true sin
s had told Airs , loafs and her father tam
C only two head outraged Inver , she now any
ri there were three. Several times durinr g
° tine examination Miss liond was taker :
n very eiek , and was compollud to rest
Marry times she was affected to tear s
while recounting her wrongs. She ins sd
to be assisted out of time court roan
S Ileriduntifreatio of Jolut 0. Montgom
cry is full and complete. Time other defend ,
p fend rnta cue could not nwenr to , but tam o
° roaecutiuit claim they will convct them
Y b circumstantial evidence , of cohmiection
0 with tire crime.
0 SAN FItAN01SCO , December 13-Chas
Mcbaugldin was shot mod killed to da y
pf by Jerome B. Cox , Tine tragedy wa s
d tire result of soventcon years litigation
n AfeLaughlin was tire ) iouoor resident o f
d tire Central ( lns I tglnt company , a Isr g °
a capitalist and land owner aid ranked
d among tine millionairos. lie was tin °
0 pronnuter of tine old overland mail rout °
, m which ho rnado considerable money '
, In 1862 he contructetl to build tine ( Vest
, 0rn Pacific railroad from San , Ipso t
0 Sacrmnontu for $6,400,000 , , and sub lc t
tine gradinr g and unasory work to .Toronn
B. Cox and diners for $ t100,000. Afto
twenty miles of tire road was built Mo
ul Laughlin failed to maker payment , amr d
0 ( , ox , who mud prat in . 60,000 of In
it osrn money , had to stop work
ere McLaughlin cunt'leted ' ) tine rodd and sob
it to tire ( 'entr ° 1 I'acific , realizing n log
) f sin , ( 'ox brought stilt agahoat tire corn
I pony amid AieLanglnlin for a huadred nun d
lifty odd thousand , and obtained judg
minent , which our toclmiealfltos the nu
of promo court reversed , Ccx amirendcdmf
U , cenplaiutand ° gann recovered , butagain
i. , judgment waa reversed. A third , fourt
amid hfth trial resulted similarly. Tin
y adverse decisions sir woiglucd on tin
it nnun's mind that lust aring { Inc attemptc
to shoot Juatico Mcliinlny of tire . [ u
no rcnro court , wino in' f0ncied was chief l
n in deciding ndversel . B
cr went this rntortring to Aiclauginli11 s oflic
1 , and dennandeti $16,000 , in nuttlmnent
ed accounts , and being refused Inc shot Mc
It Laughlin throe tinrcn , 'I'lno niau live
ru tinny Ininndea , Thu promnineneo of tin
a parties created intense uxcitmumnt in tl
streets , Cux was formerly captain of ti :
Tenth lndiana battery , and aun ed du
fug tine war uudor Itosocranra.
OAIuINO rein UArrLm. TI"Ea'ES ,
C , YtNKTON , D1' . , Decontbor 13-1'u s
g , tire inforuratier was received to-d
me front the Niobrnra valley to tine otto
that a vigilaucu couunittee hod niu
isny with tire hnrso and' cattle thieves
within tine past tan Jaya , IVado , Mint.
'piny ' nm111onthornrax. worn hung , while
llo mid tine old ratan Woathermacwero :
shot. Culbertson Stewart A Tarris arid
Clrno are fn custody and murder indict.
count , If tire court fails to punish them ,
tine vimmnte ; trill give thetnconsitlornto
attention , McFarland , svho was captured -
tured and lndiotedl escaped. The cause
of thins aunnma ryry work is long continued
dop4rodatlntta nby tire Niobrara band
of cattle tlnlov'es , For ' Y ears
past they operated with the
tire boldest fm unit anroum fiords of tire
rich pmtro lands , yTitis Mama band of
thieves wore fonnorlq famous highwa g
Iron with "D0o" Mkddlotou na loader.
When ho was killed it was supposed tire
gang would break up rind scatter but in-
staid it gaimad ln\ strength , became more
foru.idablo than in t e dos of its
notorioua chief. The band final reached
such proportions that Uo law was ab-
solutulY sot at dofaneo. TiroY ruled the
valley with inntunity. , Last winter a
mooliti of atockmai sad farnwra was
hold for tire ntrtpeso of oryaniziniS a
% iglanco comtnrttoo to rid tire valley of
tine terrible acourago , This eomnnttee
gave the desperados final warning a few
nrolltlns ago to leave tine country. They
dfarogartled the warning 511(1 thin residt to
thai tent of thorn are mew under tine soil.
FRANKJAx1Ea' urrnAan ,
KANS.ts CiTv , Dcconrbor 13.-Frank
Jarnnea was released on $8,000 bail at 3
o'clock this nftoruoar mid was inunedi
ately re-arrested em a ohargo of killing
Cashier Shcots at Gallatin in 1868. The
bondsmreu number eiglrtoerr cord represent -
sent $200,000 in property. Japros will
iii ) taken to Gallatin to-morrow and it is
considered doubtful whotlor he will be
admitted to bail there , as tare charge is
murder , aflieora were present today
waiting to arrest Jaures for atoppiug the
UilitCd States mail also for the robbery
of the United Slates paynnaster at Mus-
aol Shoals Alabama and for the North.
field Murk robbery iii Minmiesota.
TIIE ClloUoI stUnIIEit.
DnTImoIT , December L--Julia { it ° ese
George Belles mud a colored boy ware
arrested this morning charged with cour-
) iicity in tire nrurtler of Jacob Crouch
and family , who were nrurtlered Novom-
her 22d. Tire prisouors wore remanded
for oxanrinatiom Jmnuvry 8th. They wore
servmits in tire Crouch lnomtestoad ,
CmiluAOo , 1)ocemnber 13 , Unknown
parties entered tire Jewish synagogue , err
Clinton cord Judd streets , last nglrt , do-
stroyctl tire interior ornanientatiers ,
wrenched off tine gas fixtures , taro taw
gowns and curtains , and utterly wrecked
the'furnniture. , 'fre ] eauso of tine vaudal
ism is unknown , but is ascribed to irre
sponsibie parsons.
GENEItAIj 1 + 'O1tI.'lGN NB VS ,
CAin e , December 13-Col. Herring
ton , who visited tire scare of tine lat
battle near Suakin , counted ' 100 robe
corpses nnd.rolativos had previously removed
moved tunny bodies , El Mahdi is re
ported as now alriost without follower
and several tribes have roturnedhome
El Mahdi found great sliafcdltyy in dr
ganizing his ( arose for Darfour.ando 0 cgs'
ti lI 'T ' t.
L NDON Deconhor 13r littheo
Lowell states that if any of the jury i
tine O'Donnoll ease say lie
influenced tinen ire ill seek a mftiga
tion of tire sentence. Six members o
tine jury have boomi found. Three sun
L the verdict was intiuoncedby tine Judge'
dictmun. One otl'cred the use of hi
arouse for a mooting of tine juev to re
r view tire mnratter. The gova'nmm t r a
iuseo to give tire addresses of tire jury
1 tncn of tire throats of time now s
paper , 'I'Im United Irismnten , ngaun
i them. If a meeting of the jury ma puss
° biro , tire crown nnigmt be forced to nut
- gate the sentence , but there is no imp
of tracing the rcmaininig' nnornbora '
° timru to prevent tire execution. It
u umideratood tine jury stood seven for mu
tie rand live for ntmuslauglrte' before ti
dictum of the judge was delivered.
t , iIii IUGJITS Ob" TCIIij110G.
'I'nto 1'resklont Authoetzed to ltctnl
ate on ( lernuuny ,
} V.rsmnxuruN , 1)ocemnbor 13.-Folio w
lug is tine text of the joint resolutio
paased by tine mouse concm'ning Amicricn
hog products , prohibited by Gemmnany :
1VIt1iu Atc , tine governmant of tine ( io
I umn utupiro hiss scut lit to prohibit tin
importation of Amoricnm host product
upon tine uuprovmn aspmuption that tire
are deleterious to tine public Jro ltln , err dU
11'nanue : u , avid gaverunrout of tin
Cermiutir mmipire docirned an imivltatnoa t
send its owe exports to thins conmrtry fu
tine purpose of uxnunining the quality ant
nmaunor of niarkoting log mouucts , and
Iyiisii.rY , it , . appears from tire pro
uuednrgs of sand goyernunert the sam
inns , or claims to have , full auhurrtyt
prohibit tine iurpurtatiar of any forag
gouda by it believed to be injurious .
. health without tine assort of tine heist r
stag ; therefore be It
Jk8Ofoc(1 , By the senate and house 0
° represuntativoa , that tine } resident bean
r is hereby authorized during tire recess
con rosy to prabibit iurportution of an
woos which , u roe the nlvico of export
a le shall hold to be ' to moult
from these countries wlniclr upon tin
d enmo ground prohibit the innIor ntlerr
° Anrericmr products ,
A Crept Grit I to Huh' .
1)ESvnnr , Col , , Ducomlwr 13.-Ono
tire largest cattle sales on record was co
I sumatod Inure : to day. D , H , m
J't , Snyder tk Co. , of Deuva
it bought of SnydurBros. , of George
e town , Texas , over 20,000 head of outt
e amid .j ( ) ( ) morass , tine couaidurnrtion heir
rl , $600,000 crib , 7'ho fornnur frrn nr
aim nearly G4oo0 catt'o mid 1,0' '
y berates , During too presort year untie
a 1,000 { calves warn mrauded ram be
0 Inertia.
. . ,
- - - - - - -
' Reducing ( tin [ 'coded.
ti LssnNtrTONKyDecoabor1.k-Sur .
e tytiv0 leading distillery r en of the ate
nret 'yesterday and formed cot nissociati
u for tine ) u less of radueirg the prod
r' tion of wlwkp u wn the basis tf a pi
forurod in Novenrbor,1882. Snxt' fm
or cent of tire rebiatured eun rucnt ' of t
i atate laa already ai6 ucd Liu + agreaium
ray Au executive cantnittoo wits appOUr
at with power to nut , and tire reduction
do r oxpoctCd to btl gemwral.
Thc. . 8opublicau Souatorial Caucus
Gently Scis oil Gorham , ,
Although the Little Virginian Pa-
thetidally Talks far Hiul , .i
Did Sarony Invent and Has Ho
Oopyright for Suoh a Thing
. .1
as Osoar Wilde ?
Tire Only hhminy Thing the } ngllsh
. tbote inn Itcsponstbla.1or.
' r
1tAlloan AT A CAUCUS. $4 $
11.tsurNOroN , Dccenbor 10.--Thd to.
publlcau senators were hr caucus frutn 10
until 12 discussing rcerannia ion. Semi- l
ator Malmono was presort rat tine begin.
ping. A rrotion was carried t0 proceed
to nomination of a caucus cantiblato for t
secretary of tine sonata , Senator Junes , ,
of Nevada , noniunted George C , Gor l
ham , of California ; Senator Miller , of
Now York , Gonernl Amen G. McCook ,
of Now York ; Senator Harrison , Major
D. M. liamadell , of Intduana. Eloquent
speeches were made in support of each
candidate and a running ; debate followed ,
in which a majority of the senators pros-
emit. took part. 1
The opponents of Gorham took tire
rouinnl that Iris attitttdo as a journalist
ur tire Garfield-Conkling diffuroncos and t
taro star route trial was such as to create
bitter enmm ios towards inimseif and his
inumminatiou for tire nocretaryship of the
serrate , mid would , have a tendency to 1 '
revive tine party ditibrmices whichn wore y I ;
mow in process o6 henling.
Senator Mahone mode a spoeclr in do-
( nurse of Gorham , mid said the defeat of i i
Gorhram would ho misinterpreted so as rt
in some senrso to Ire a disapproval of the
liberal uovoment. IIo Mahone know
such interpretation of tire aetfan of the
catmus would be erroneous. l e auto
gized Gorham'a work in correction with
Limo liberal ntoveaornt , but stated that ho
would , au port tire nominees of tire cau-
Aialwno dud not vote alee tire nauina
tint for clerk. Riddiober or was not .
! PM
Upon an informal ballot the
vole stood : McCook 19 , Gorham'1U ,
Ranradell 3. Tine formal ballot followed
immediately and reaulted : General Me-
Cook 19 , ( lorlnanrn 13 , Ramsdell 3. No-
Cook was duclared tine uominc ° . Tire ,
ominous adjourned 1o reassemble after adjournment - R
journment of tam connate.
Tine cnumus reassomlbled after tire ad- E.
journment of tire senate and nonnhnatod c
Charles M , Julurseni , of Minminaota , for
- chief cleric , cord Jannes It. Yonrg , of ' l
o Pennsylvania , to be executive clerk of
1 tire sonata ; 11ev , h. E. Uartley , of tire "
Metropolitan M. LL church of Washing.
ton , former ] of Wisconsin , ferclrapla'n ' , , . . . fi
B and Colonel IV. P. ; uatlaY , of' .NorLhi v , s
r Coroliirn for a wgoanlt at ams t1 ratio- ' . ,
lutfoga tvdts'p oct'silnnunopsly to ro4' ' . ,
' , t'n'omded tstatituryoniho pfi ls.
t Elie soda } , , ut + blr , osi '
, yP t.x t
' , rm v
r r n'haoaso oUcoBurrow Giles Litt e. 'T '
n graphic company against Napoleon . J
Saronnwas argued in tire United States '
- nugrowo court this afternoon. It relates , r
fto a lroto ra llr of Oscar 1Vildo , tire - i
apostle of nestliotic culture , and involves
tine question wlrotlmor copyright acts in so
5 far as they grant protection to pltoto-
graplrs are constitutional. Caunsel for l-
. Sarony argued that tire latter had "in- Gvf
, - vomited" Line picture in controversy ; that t 4
. is , had posed Oscar 1Vilde before the F
sat camera , selected his coatuuno as well ins
Idrdp& fes std other accessories , arranged
i- raid Oaear 1Vildo in a graceful position ,
and suggested and evoked a desired N
e '
In amid pleasing oxpression. 'T'his , the i ' ,
is couuaul tnaiuiaiucd , rnado Sarony tine
author and inventor of riot of the sub. '
re jeet of tire f ncLume , it was true , but the w
picture itself. The eouusel for tire lithographic -
graphic company , however , contended
that Sarony had not produced or iu-
vmrted.Oacmr Wilde , but merely nrranfed )
hnam ; drat is , newly arranged sornothing j
I already extant. If tints was the intent
thou , Sarany had nlfatakon hie ronnedy.
Ho should mare taken out a patortt iu , p
stead of a copyright. 'I'o obtain a copy.
nu right tire person claiming protection , d
mmst to tire author of the visible
n article em which tine copyright is grant-
ed. Sarony was not tire creator of Os-
rcar 1Vilde , aid tire photograph was riot
o suck air original as could be copyrighted. 1
s All tam pliotogrrrphur did was to put
y Wilrle uu m particular suit of clothes ,
, bravo liiin CrOia Iris l05 in u paticular ;
U ( anhnou , amd put his hind on his hip.
I ) 'float worlc was riot tine work of 'nn' I i
r author , and Snrony wins not eutitlod ,
d counsel nnuiutainel , , to eopyriglrt prbteu 1'a
, tiun.
. - - . . ,
e r raft A A tTrt'I4r } ; . , ' x ;
1'htr Ines in , ; "winit ) 1114 1lprnlQnri. 11
) ,
fray fur. x ,
F SALT LAKE U1Tr , December 13.-Tiro' f
0d DoterotNuws , (6iprrgoncomumepdumg ( )
Of Delegate Caine s bill fortlno admissions of '
y Utah , says : "Tire bill introduced b our
s dole ate if con gross is in proper fmnniu
h ' ) f mi urd tto consider it justly , would bee
o one of tine wisest metrurothat 'could
of be adopted. It would take fran tine issues -
sues of thq timesonuof tire most troublesome - '
some national dilliculties , urada so by tine
fully of agitator's and weak legislators ,
of mire adipieaiont'of Utah would relioyo'thu
Ii. government of the aupposed necessity of
nd grapplung with the perplexing problem
r that belongs to tine dounealic ahiurs of 1
0' ' state , raElrer than to the goucrul supnr'-
U , vision of federal artlority. The questom
g of polygamy would cut m e figure in
an' tire aduneanon of Utalr as it is not roe-
0 ognixetl inn tlno oeustitution , Jt would
nit fora no p + irt of state politics \Vo have
tin Ira idea that either of the bills referred
to will pass , but tire unentmn of thorn
show what prro tire hearings they bare
upon local attain , lie ubhcn ra will eat
un - du anything _ that could be construed nuto
to a betuut for tirat , because tire hostility
err to MOrntous is one of the ohief articles
no. of their political stook , line democrats
ol tiara not tor fear of being twitted with
ye the terrible but absurd accusation of afire -
ire filiation with tire biormuus anii Ipander-
nL jog to pulygnury. !
tad Jd1un 1V ; llarrettali n Lou mnaahauualy
is elected Frosbdeut of that Biilthmore and Ohio
ntlirogdfor thetweeyy sxtllWusaSlfl , , EP1 } b
. . .
, - ' - - J
c rat